| Ordering number: EN 572D No.572D C ( )$2SA1016,1016K Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ts=25c Collector to Base Voltage Collector to Emitter Voltage Emitter to Base Voltage Collector Current Collector Current(Pulse) Collector Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Electrical Characteristics at Ta=25C Collector Cutoff Current Emitter Cutoff Current DC Current Gain Gain-Bandwidth Product Output Capacitance C-E Saturation Voltage C-B Breakdown Voltage C-E Breakdown Voltage E-B Breakdown Voltage Noise Level Noise Peak Level 28A1016,1016K/2SC 2362, 2362K PNP/ NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors High-Voltage Low-Noise Amp Applications 2SA1016 ,2SC2362 2S5A1016K,2SC2362K unit * The 2SA1016,K/ 2SC2362,K are classified by 1mA hpe as follows : 160 F 320 | 280 G 560 | 480 H 960] VcBO (-)120 (-) 150 Vv - VCEO (-) 100 {-)120 Vv VEBO (+)5 Vv Ic (+) 50 mA lop (-) 100 mA Po 400 mw Ti 125 oc Tstq -55 to +125 C min typ max wunit Tego VcB= (-) 80V,Ip=0 (-)1.0 pA TEBO Vep= (-) 4V,Ic=0 (-)1.0 wA- her Vog=(-)6V,Ic=(-)1lmA 160% - 960* fy Vcr=(-)6V,Ic=(-) mA (120) Miz Cob Vop=(-)10V,f=1MHz (223) 1.8 PF VcE (sat) Ic=(-) 10mA,Ip=(-) 1maA (-)0.5 Vv VBRCBO Ic=(-)10zA,Ip=0 (-) 120 Vv [A1016 ,C2362] Ic=(-) 1QA, Ip=0 (-)150 Vv [A1016K,C2362K] VWpRceo Ic=(-)1mA,RBE=00 = (~) 100 Vv [A1016 ,C2362] : Ic=(-)1mA,Rgp=o = (-) 120 Vv {ALO16K ,C2362K] ViBRIEBO Ip=(-) 104A, Ic=0 (-)5 V WoO(ave) Vec=30V,Ic=1mA,Rg=56kD. 1 35. mv VG=774B/1kHz VNopeak) " " " 200 mv Case Outline 2003A (unit:mm) 0.44 fl a8 . eo eal JEDEC: TO-92 B. Base EIAJ : sc~43 Cc. Collector SANYO: NP E. Emitter Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 3187AT/3075KI/1313KI No.572-1/4 SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Business Headquarters TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Blidg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110 JAPAN Me 7997076 0015601 837 1332SA1016, 1016K/ 2SC2362,2362K 2 Ig - Vee 28A10146, LO1EK 8 19 4 SR 5 be : | ag Toop het | La eee 9 La) 7209 n-6} Loy 8 a sot feneert M |_| | 8h 700 fs % | a Wa 5O KA ol -2 8 7 0 Ip=0 0 -10 -20 -N -40 -50 Collector to Emitter Voltage,VcE - V Ip - VBE 28A1016, 1016K cE SV < x t a n H S o Huo 6 o 8 a Base toEmitter Voltage,Vgr - V -1 $ 798A 1016, [016K Von = 6 w Gain-Bandwidth Product,fr - MHz - 3 10 Collector Current,Ic - MA 7 -I 1000 1016, 016K =ivV DC Current Gain,npr 3 10 1.0 100 Collector Current,[ mA Me 7997076 0015602 773 > n ~ 3 8 Collector Current,I - mA Nn =0 o Collector to Emitter Voltage,Vck - V Ip - VBE m 362, =5V a 3. 80 1 aq we L0 i=] o M oT 6a v uw) o mo Base to Emitter Voltage,Vgp - V fr - I Vop=ov - 8 Gain-Bandwidth Product,fp - MHz 1.0 Collector Current,I - mA Hre - Ic pe Current Gain hpp 5 10 OT 1.0 10 Collector Current,I mA 102SA1016 ,1016K/2SC2362,2362K 10 Cob - VCB fs 2SA 1016, 1OL6K & |} f= MHz , 7 3 sp e iL a = i) ate vO oS) 5 $1.0 6 7 9 -1.0 5 3 -10 Collector to Base Voltage,Vcp - V Contour of NF 1016, 1016K . 2 f=10Hz Af = |Hz Von = Wk Signal Source Resistance,Rg - * -0.01 -0,1 -1.0 -10 Collector Current,I, - mA ~ 0.001 F g 1Q16, 101 f= 100Hz = 1Hz Von = 6V b S * r Signal Source Resistance,Rg - 0 o , ~-0.01 -0.1 -1.0 -0 Collector Current,I - mA Contour of NF 1016, 101 f= kHz = 1H2 Vop == 6V 2 8 3 = Signal Source Resistance,Rg - o = -0.1 9 10 0.01 Collector Current,I, - mA d 3 Me 7997076 0015603 0 Cob - Ver Fa A, 2802362 5 2362K + | f= 1 MHz 3 oO 4 + 3 8 p~_| a = oo " re $ P~ 2 i 81.0 4 to? 3 10 2 5 7 10 Collector to Base Voltage,Vog - V Pc - Ta i 4 v Or m g 2 5 SY, gm B45 6 Rp ts ay G5 a 2 G, 4 5 Ge a a w g 1 100 uv 4 9 o 9 { 0 a D B 10 1B 150 Ambiemt Temperature ,Ta - C 100 Contour of NF 2 Von = 6Vv f= 10HzZ = oa = e 10 100 100 : wm Collector. Current,I - wA Signal Source Resistance,Rg - kN Contour of NF + 2362K f= kHz By =6y B S 7, 8 = o e Signal Source Resistance,Rg - kN 100 1000 roan Collector Current,I ~#A oc Oo -j | 1352SA1016 , 1016K/2SA2362 ,2362K 2 3 1016, 1016K = j0kHz = HZ Von = 3 - Signal Source Resistance,Rg - * 0.tk -0.001 -0.01 -0.1 -1.0 -10 Collector Current,Ic - mA mm 7997076 OO15604 Sob ml 136CASE OUTLINES OF LEAD FORMED SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS typical values. @ No marking is indicated. @ All of Sanyo lead formed small signal transistor case outlines are illustrated below. @ All dimensions are in mm, and dimensions which are not followed by min. or max. are represented by 2.0 Case Outline 2003A/2003B (unit : mm) Case Outline 2019A/2019B (unit : mm) 2.0 0.44 2.0 0.46 tt pom 29 SE 29 3 Li) ~ 4 0.65 5. * 4.0 5.0 14.0 +] 40 JEDEC :TO-92 1: Source JEDEC 2702 1: Bmitter BIAS: SC-43 2: Gate EIAJ :SC-43 2: Collector SANYO :NP 3. Drain SANYO : NP 3: Base 74h . Case Outline 2004A (unit : mm) Case Outline 2033 (unit : mm) 0.44 2.2 + 3 >} 15.0 | Reds 2 rs 2p aq ., |-pe te m 492 wy FF =+4 ai j4 FE = [a | | 4 14.0 leo 1:Emitter * JEDEC :TO-92 1: Base 2: Collector BIAJ :SC-43 2: Emitter 3: Base SANYO : NP 3: Collector SANYO: SPA Case Outline 2005A (unit : mm) Case Outline 2034/2034A (unit : mm) 2.0 0.66 22 1.3 1.3 5.0 14.0 | 0.4 . 1: Source JEDEC :TO-92 1: Drain 2: Gate . EIAJ :SC-43 ; : Source 3: Drain . : : Gate SANYO : NP SANYO: SPA Case Outline 2006A (unit : mm) Case Outline 2040 (unit : mm) 22 3.0 0.5 pop wn Set | 2 it. b=2--f ( - {a we 4 a 42 1: Drain EIAJ :$C-61 1: Emitter 2: Source SANYO ; MP 2: Collector 3: Gate 3: Base SANYO: SPA Me 7997076 0015489 525 a 16Case Outline 2061 (unit : mm) 2.0 0.44 45 = _ bag = a 0.45 lho oa JEDEC :TO-92 : 1: Emitter EIAJ =: SC-43 2: Base SANYO : NP 3: Collector Case Outline 2064 (unit : mm) us 1 69 : ~ hd toe a qt} jos |S r2 3 hos. Ton Vou} 1: Emitter LOL Paty 2: CoHector | 3: Bose 2.94 254 SANYO: NMP Case Outline 2084A (unit:mm) __,, pre 10.5 LB I . 4 Lite tT }_afla.2 le 9.5. s i + | U tL to2 49 1: Emitter 2: Collector 3: Base 2.3 15) SANYO: FLP mm 7997076 0015490 240 17