High Voltage Drum Core Inductors
Units are inches [mm].
Lead start and finish positions may vary, but are conformable to the reference values.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Parameter Conditions DHV1420 DHV1820 DHV2420 DHV3525 DHV3535 DHV3555 Units
Energy Storage Continuous DC; T
A = 25°C 0.95 1.44 3.3 9.2 19.6 55 mH°A2
Power Dissipation TA = 25°C 1.01 1.39 1.85 3.3 4.3 5.9 W
Thermal Derating Above 25°C 9.6 13.2 17.6 31 41 56 mW / °C
Working Isolation Voltage Continuous winding-to-core 600 / 400 VDC / VAC
Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +130 °C
Storage Temperature Range -40 ~ +130 °C
OD (MAX) 0.610 [15.49] 0.800 [20.32] 1.010 [25.65] 1.450 [36.83] 1.450 [36.83] 1.450 [36.83]
ID (MIN) 0.115 [2.92] 0.115 [2.92] 0.115 [2.92] 0.260 [6.60] 0.260 [6.60] 0.260 [6.60]
HEIGHT (MAX) 0.935 [23.75] 0.935 [23.75] 0.935 [23.75] 1.130 [28.70] 1.540 [39.12] 2.200 [55.88]
START (REF) 0.214 [5.44] 0.256 [6.50] 0.296 [7.52] 0.459 [11.66] 0.459 [11.66] 0.459 [11.66]
FINISH (REF) 0.300 [7.62] 0.396 [10.06] 0.500 [12.70] 0.705 [17.91] 0.705 [17.91] 0.705 [17.91]
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Code DHV1420 DHV1820 DHV2420 DHV3525 DHV3535 DHV3555
10U 0.037 [0.95] 0.059 [1.49] 0.075 [1.90]
15U 0.037 [0.95] 0.066 [1.67] 0.066 [1.67] 0.094 [2.39]
22U 0.037 [0.95] 0.052 [1.33] 0.052 [1.33] 0.084 [2.13] 0.094 [2.39]
33U 0.037 [0.95] 0.042 [1.06] 0.047 [1.19] 0.066 [1.67] 0.094 [2.39]
47U 0.033 [0.85] 0.037 [0.95] 0.047 [1.19] 0.059 [1.49] 0.094 [2.39]
68U 0.027 [0.68] 0.033 [0.85] 0.047 [1.19] 0.059 [1.49] 0.084 [2.13] 0.094 [2.39]
100 0.024 [0.61] 0.033 [0.85] 0.047 [1.19] 0.059 [1.49] 0.066 [1.67] 0.094 [2.39]
150 0.019 [0.48] 0.033 [0.85] 0.042 [1.06] 0.059 [1.49] 0.059 [1.49] 0.084 [2.13]
220 0.019 [0.48] 0.033 [0.85] 0.037 [0.95] 0.052 [1.33] 0.059 [1.49] 0.075 [1.90]
330 0.019 [0.48] 0.030 [0.76] 0.033 [0.85] 0.047 [1.19] 0.059 [1.49] 0.059 [1.49]
470 0.019 [0.48] 0.024 [0.61] 0.033 [0.85] 0.037 [0.95] 0.059 [1.49] 0.059 [1.49]
680 0.019 [0.48] 0.021 [0.54] 0.030 [0.76] 0.037 [0.95] 0.052 [1.33] 0.059 [1.49]
1K0 0.021 [0.54] 0.027 [0.68] 0.037 [0.95] 0.042 [1.06] 0.059 [1.49]
1K5 0.021 [0.54] 0.024 [0.61] 0.033 [0.85] 0.037 [0.95] 0.052 [1.33]
2K2 0.024 [0.61] 0.030 [0.76] 0.037 [0.95] 0.047 [1.19]
3K3 0.021 [0.54] 0.030 [0.76] 0.037 [0.95] 0.037 [0.95]
4K7 0.019 [0.48] 0.027 [0.68] 0.030 [0.76] 0.037 [0.95]
6K8 0.024 [0.61] 0.030 [0.76] 0.037 [0.95]
10K 0.021 [0.54] 0.027 [0.68] 0.033 [0.85]
15K 0.019 [0.48] 0.024 [0.61] 0.030 [0.76]
22K 0.021 [0.54] 0.030 [0.76]
33K 0.021 [0.54] 0.024 [0.61]
Date code 0229
www.hirelsystems.com sales@hirelsystems.com engineering@hirelsystems.com
Hi-Rel Systems, Inc.
11100 Wayzata Boulevard
Suite 501
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Phone: 507-532-4200
Fax: 507-532-4229
Phone: 952-544-1344
Fax: 952-544-1345