The AT43USB380 is a straightforward upgrade of the AT43USB370 Host/Function
Processor to suppor t the USB 2.0 On-The-Go (OTG) s pecification. It ca n operate
either as a single-chip Host/Function Processor or if used in conjunction with an exter-
nal Atmel Charge Pump, as a full OTG solution.
The AT43USB3 80 is functionall y equivalent to the AT4 3USB370 as a Host/F unction
Process or and can be used in pl ace of the AT43US B370 i n the existing AT43USB 370
design with minor hardware modifications. The pinout differences between the
AT43USB370 and the AT43USB380 are due to the inclusion of the on-chip OTG inter-
face in the AT43USB380.
To support OTG functionality, an exter nal Charge Pump has to be conn ected to th e
OTG interface of the AT43USB380, as shown in Figure 1 on page 7. The exter nal
Charge Pump serves i n the following two capacities:
1. As a power source to the downstream USB devices.
2. As a signaling interface during the OTG session negotiation upon connection.
From the hardware standpoint, the AT43USB380 is equivalent to the AT43USB370
with the following exceptions:
•On-chip OTG Interface. This hardware block is added to the AT43USB380 to
support the OTG functionality. Signals in the OTG interface include ID,
and SESS _LOW. This interfa ce is used duri ng an OTG sess ion to deter mine the
roles o f the AT 43USB380 an d the con nected OTG-enabled USB devic e either as
a host or a function.
•8/16/32 Bit Generic Host Processor Interface. The AT43USB380 has a variable
width, generic host processor interface whereas the AT43USB370 supports only
32-bit host interface. The width of the host interface on the AT43USB380 is
determined by firmware configuration.
•Simplified System Interface. The GPIOs required in AT43USB370 for
hand shaking are no longer r equired in AT 43USB38 0. The system processo r can
write directly to the AT43USB380 registers thus eliminates the need for PROG,
SEL, READY, DONE, MORE, INTR_IN signals. The W A IT_N signal is not needed
either. It is only there for precaution for SYS_CLK synchronization.
•Up to 16 GPIO Pins. GPIO pins are multiplexed with the host processor interface.
When the interface to the host processor is 8 or 16 bits, up to 16 of the unused
pins i n the host proc essor interface can be used as GPIO pi ns. Hig h level APIs
are provided to access these GPIO pins.
From the standpoint of the firmware development environment, the AT43USB380
shares the same high level APIs and low level firmware libraries with the
AT43USB370. Additions to the AT43USB380 firmware suite include:
• High level APIs specific to the OTG support. The number of additional APIs is
less than 10.
• Low level OTG firmware embedded in the AT43USB380 hardware that support
Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) and Session Request Protocol (SRP).
The AT43USB380 shar e the same debugging tools with the AT43USB370 as well.
During development, the AT43USB380 should be treated as a blac k box in terms of
Upgrade of the
USB 2.0
Upgrade Map
Note: This is a sum mary document. A complete document
is not available at this time. For more information, please
contact your local Atmel sales office.