This series of high efficiency, wide input range, encapsu- lated regulators come in 85 different models. These units feature a 500 VOLT DC input to output isolation in both single and dual output models. The SIA series will oper- ate over a temperature range of -25C to + 70C with no heat sink or electrical derating. These units are excellent for applications where input voltage varies dramatically, yet a high efficiency and output voltage regulation must be maintained. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS: S E R ff E Ss S I R Test conditions: 25C ambient Operating temperature: - 25C to 70C ambient Output voltage tolerance: +1% at typical input voltage Quiput voltage temperature coefficient: 0.02%C Storage temperature: -55C to + 125C Operating frequency: 40 Khtz, typical. SURFACE SERIES SIR - DUAL OUTPUT M OU N T *Measurements taken with input voltage set at mid value. Ordering Instructions: No minimum. Net 30 days F.0.B. Pelham, New York SOTTOM VIEW Typicel Weight: 96 Grama USE_50 K OHM TRIM POT RATED 1/4 WATT BETWEEN TRIM PIN AND NEGATIVE INPUT. TRIM DOWN TO AGE TO A MAXIMUM OF 5%. FURTHER REDUCING THE RESISTANCE VALUE COULD DAMAGE THE MODNLE, Delivery - stock to one week RAISE GO BEYOND 5%, MAX. | MAX. PUT | OUTPUT toap | ourpur | EFFe | CURRENT | RIPPLE UNE current | POWER FULL FULL @ FULL VLD eG REGU prco wrur_ | ourpur | PER PEA LOAD LOAD | yt pate [OUTVOLT | 25% - 100% | LATION PART vounae | WOLINGE | ovTPyT [ ourpur | TYPICAL | TYPICAL Bw |TOL#RANCE| = Loan PRICE numpen =| RANGE pe (ma) | qwarrs) | (%) (ma) | nvpp | (2%)}* | (x%)* (x%)* | 1-24 SIRESD 5-15 5 500 2.5 78 640 150 0.75 1.50 2.00 | 155.15 SIRE9D 5-15 9 333 3 78 770 125 0.50 1.25 1.50 | 155.15 SIRE12D | 5-15 12 250 3 78 770 125 0.50 1.25 1.25 | 155.15 SIRE1IS5D } 5-15 15 200 3 78 770 125 0.50 1.25 1.25 | 155.15 SIRE24D | 5-15 24 125 3 80 750 125 0.50 1.00 1.25 | 185.15 SIRE28D | 5-15 28 107 3 a1 740 125 0.50 1.00 1.00 | 156.15 SIRE48D | 5-15 48 63 3 81 740 150 0.50 1.00 1.00 | 155.15 SIRFSD 3-24 5 800 4 79 635, T50 | 0.75 7.50 2.00 | 155.15 | SIRF9D 8-24 9 444 4 79 635 125 0.50 1.25 1.50 | 155.15 SIRFI2D | 8-24 12 333 4 79 635 125 0.50 1.25 1.25 | 195.15 SIRFISD | 8-24 15 267 4 79 635 125 6.50 1.25 1.25 | 165.15 SIRF24D | 8-24 24 167 4 80 625 125 0.50 1.00 1.25 | 185.15 SIRF28D | 8-24 28 143 4 a1 615 125 0.50 1.00 4.00 | 155.15 sInFasp | 8-24 48 83 4 82 610 150 0.50 1.00 1.00} 155,15 SIRASD 18-36 5 B00 4 mc) 380 125 0.75 | 2.00 0.75 | 155.15 SIRAQD 18-36 9 444 4 78 380 100 0.50 2.00 0.50 | 155.15 SIRAI2D | 18-36 12 333 4 78 380 100 0.50 2.00 0.50 | 155.15 AVAILABLE siratsD | 1836 | 15 267 4 78 380 100 050 | 1.50 | 050 | 155.15 OPTIONS MIL-STD-883 SIRA2MD | 18-36 | 24 167 4 79 375 100 | 050 | 150 | 025 | 15515 | Selected ating temp. siRA28D | 18-36 28 143 4 80 370 100 0.50 1.50 0.25 | 165.15 * Expanded ec) SIRA48D | 18-36 48 83 4 80 370 125 0.50 1.00 0.25 | 155.15 Cee ization Bake SIRBSD | 36-60 5 B00 4 80 210 100 0.75 1.25 0.50 | 155.15 . ( 25C ambient) SIRB9D 36-60 9 444 4 81 205 100 0.50 1.00 0.25 | 155.15 Temperature Gycle SIRB12D | 36-60 | 12 333 4 81 205 100 0.50 1.00 0.25 | 155.15 (-55C to +4 25C) burn SIRBISD | 36-60 | 15 267 4 81 205 100 0.50 1.00 0.25 | 155.15 oHi els ewer, sins24p | 36-60 | 24 167 4 B2 200 100 0.50 0.75 0.25 | 155.15 nC case temp) SIRB28D | 36-60 28 143 4 a2 200 100 0.50 0.75 0.25 | 155.15 SIRB48D | 36-60 48 83 4 82 200 125 0.50 0.75 0.25 | 155.15 SIRCED | 18: 5 B00 4 73 es) 125 0.75 2.00 1.25 | 155.15 | SIRCSD 18-60 9 444 4 80 255 100 0.50 1.00 0.75 | 155.15 SIRC12D | 18-60 12 333 4 80 255 100 0.50 1.00 0.75 | 155.15 = SIRCi5D | 18-60 ] 15 267 4 81 256 100 0.50 1.00 0.75 | 155.15 Lo W Profi le SIRC24D | 18-60 24 167 4 82 250 100 0.50 0.75 0.50 | 155.15 sinc2sp | 18-60 28 143 4 82 250 100 0.50 0.75 0.50 | 155.15 O 5 yg H z h sincasp | 18-60 48 a3 4 82 250 125 0.50 0.75 0.50 | 155.15 elg t. Electronics, Inc. FAX 914-738-8225 E-Mail: For Land Pattern Dimensions See Pg. 104 Fig. 9 7 Series SIR - Dual Output PINN | DUAL 100 143 Sparks Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803-1837 * 1 - INP 2 NYC 3 NC 4 TRIM 5 | CONTROL . . + & + INP For immediate 300 engineering x 7 + OU 1 assistance 8 - Ot) or to place noun 9 NIC an order - 300 10 NC 00 + OUT 2 Call Toll Free : 12 | -owa2 800-431-1064 Ff Typical Weight: 95 Grams 91 ** 10% minimum load required.