A AC/DC C Con nverte er Non-IIsolattion B Buck Conv verter PWM me ethod d 6W 15 5V 2.6 BM2P15 59T1F F Refe erenc ce Board Noticce High Voltage Saffety Prec cautions Read all a safety prrecautions before use e Please note thatt this doccument co overs only the BM2 2P159T1F evaluation n board 159T1F-EV VK-001) and its functio ons. For ad dditional information, please reffer to the (BM2P1 datashe eet. To ensu ure safe operatio on, please carefu ully read all precautions before handling g the eva aluation b board Depe ending on tthe configu uration of the board a and voltage es used, Pote entially lethal volltages may be ge enerated.. There efore, please make sure to read and o observe all sa afety precautions describe ed in the re ed box below w. Before Use U [1] Verify tthat the parts/componen nts are not damaged or missing m (i.e. due to the d drops). [2] Check that there are no condu uctive foreign n objects on the board. [3] Be care eful when pe erforming so oldering on the module and/or a evaluation board to ensure th hat solder splash does not occcur. [4] Check that there iss no condenssation or wa ater droplets on the circu uit board. During U Use [5] Be care eful to not allow conductive objects to come into o contact witth the board. [6] Brief a accidental c contact or even e bringin ng your han nd close to the t board m may result in n discha arge and lea ad to severe e injury or d death. Therefore, DO NOT to ouch the boa ard with your bare han nds or bring g them too c close to the e board. In addition, as mentione ed above ple ease exercisse extreme ccaution when n using cond ductive toolss such as tweezers an nd screwdrivvers. [7] If used under cond ditions beyon nd its rated vvoltage, it ma ay cause de efects such as a short-circuit or, depend ding on the ccircumstances, explosio on or other permanent da amages. [8] Be sure e to wear inssulated glovves when handling is req quired during g operation. After Use e [9] The RO OHM Evaluattion Board ccontains the circuits whicch store the high voltage e. Since it sto ores the chargess even after the connectted power circuits are cu ut, please disscharge the electricity affter using it, and p please deal w with it after cconfirming such electric discharge. [10] Protectt against ele ectric shockss by wearing g insulated gloves when handling. This evalu uation boarrd is intend ded for use e only in re esearch an nd develop pment facilities and should by handled o only by qu ualified pe ersonnel fa amiliar with all safe ety and op perating es. procedure We recom mmend carrrying out operation in n a safe environment that includ des the use e of high voltage sig gnage at all entrance es, safety in nterlocks, a and protecttive glasse es. ww ww.rohm.com m (c)2 2018 ROHM M Co., Ltd. All rights rese erved. HVB B01E Us ser's G Guide AC C/DC Conv verter No on-Isolattion Buck k Converrter PWM M method d Outputt 2.6 W 15 5V B BM2P159T1F Re eference B Board d BM M2P159T1F-EVK-001 The e BM2P159T1F-EVK-001 evvaluation boarrd outputs 15 V voltage from m the input of 90 9 Vac to 264 V Vac. The output current supplies up to 0.175 A. BM M2P159T1F which w is PWM method m DC/DC C converter IC C built-in 650 V MOSFET is used. The e BM2P159T1F contributes to low power consumption b by built-in a 65 50 V starting ccircuit. Built-in current detecttion resistor realizes com mpact power supply s design. Currrent mode control imposes current limitattion on every ccycle, providing g superior perrformance in bandwidth and transient resp ponse. The e switching fre equency is 100 0 kHz in fixed m mode. At light load, frequenccy is reduced and high efficiiency is realize ed. Built-in freq quency hoppin ng function con ntributes to low w EMI. Low on n-resistance 9.5 650 V MO OSFET built-in n contributes to o low power con nsumption and d easy design. Figure 1. BM2P159T1F-EVK-001 Ele ectronics Characterristics Not guara antee the chara acteristics, is rrepresentative e value. Unless oth herwise noted d :VIN = 230 Va ac, IOUT = 175 mA, m Ta:25 C Parameter Min Typ Max U Units Input Volta age Range 90 230 264 V Vac Input Freq quency 47 50/60 63 Hz 13.5 15.0 16.5 V - - 2 2.625 W 2 175 175 m mA Stand-by Power P - 40 - m mW Efficiency - 81.0 - % - 31 - m mVpp -10 +25 +65 C Output Vo oltage Maximum Output Powerr Output Cu urrent Range (NOTE1) Output Rip pple Voltage (NOTE2) Operating Temperature Range Conditio ons IOUT = 175 mA IOUT = 0 A (NOTE1) Please adjust operating time e, within any p parts surface temperature un nder 105 C pike noise (NOTE2) Not include sp (c)2 2018 ROHM C Co., Ltd. No. 60UG G074E Rev.003 3 2018.3 3 %037 7)(9. Use er's Guide e peration P Procedure Op 1. O Operation Equ uipment (1) AC Powerr supply 90 Vac264 Vac, o over 10W (2) Electronicc Load capacityy 0.175 A (3) Multi mete er 2. C Connect metho od (1) AC powerr supply presettting range 90~ ~264 Vac, Outtput switch is off. o (2) Load setting under 0.17 75 A. Load swittch is off. minal connect tto the board AC A (N) of CN1, and L termina al connect to AC(L). A (3) AC powerr supply N term ND terminal co onnect to GND D terminal (4) Load + terrminal connecct to VOUT, GN (5) AC powerr meter connecct between AC C power supplyy and board. utput terminal (6) Output tesst equipment cconnects to ou (7) AC powerr supply switch h ON. (8) Check tha at output voltag ge is 15 V. (9) Electronicc load switch O ON (10) Check ou utput voltage d drop by load cconnect wire re esistance + $& 3RZHU 6XSSO\ (OHFWURQ QLF V i 3RZHU /RDG 0HWHU '&0X XOWL0HWHU CN1 : from the to op 1: AC (L), 2:: AC (N) Figure e 2. Connectio on Circuit De eleting Maximum O Output Power Po P of this reference board iss 2.625 W. The e derating curvve is shown on n the right. Please adju ust load continuous time by over o 105 C off any parts surrface temperatture. 2XWSXW3RZHU3R>:@ SDUDWXUH7D>@ $PELHQW7HPS Figure 3 3. Temperature e Deleting curvve (c)2 2018 ROHM C Co., Ltd. No. 60UG G074E Rev.003 3 2018.3 3 %037)(9. User's Guide Application Circuit VIN = 90 ~ 264 Vac, VOUT = 15 V ' 1 VCC N.C. 2 GND_IC N.C 3 N.C. N.C. 4 DRAIN N.C. / $&9 ,& 9287 8 7 6 5 ' 1 *1' Figure 4. BM2P159T1F-EVK-001 Application Circuit The BM2P159T1F is non-insulation method without opto-coupler and feeds back the VCC voltage to 15.0 V typ. This VCC voltage is the voltage between the VCC pin and the GND_IC pin. The output voltage VOUT is defined by the following equation. VCNT: VCC Control Voltage VFD1: Forward Voltage of diode D1 VFD2: Forward Voltage of diode D2 5 4 VCC FB 3 GND 6 2 DRAIN 7 1 DRAIN SOURCE 9287 / $&9 1 B B *1' Figure 5. General Buck converter application circuit Compared to the general Buck converter as shown above, the number of parts is reduced because the feedback circuit is not required. However, the output voltage may rise at light load because the VCC voltage and the output voltage that are fed back are different. In that case, please put a resistance on the output terminal and lower the output voltage. (c) 2018 ROHM Co., Ltd. No. 60UG074E Rev.003 2018.3 %037 7)(9. Use er's Guide e M2P159T1F Overvie ew BM F Feature Ke ey specificattions PWM Fre equency =100 0kHz Power Supp ply Voltage Op peration Range: VCC: 10.6 60 V to 16.21 V PWM current mode me ethod Frequenccy hopping fun nction DRAIN: to 650 V Burst ope eration at lightt load Normal Ope eration Curren nt: 0.85 mA(Typ p) Built-in 6 650 start circuitt Burst Opera ation Current: 0.45 mA(Typ p) Built-in 6 650V switching g MOSFET Oscillation Frequency: VCC pin under voltage e protection Temperature R Range: Operation T VCC pin over voltage p protection MOSFET R Ron: 100 kHz(Typ p) -40 0 C ~ +105 C C 9.5 e (Typ..) nction per cycle Over currrent limiter fun Soft startt function Ap pplication LED lights, air co onditioners, an nd cleaners, (e etc.). \S [+ 7\S : 7\S [' 7\ SOP-J8 6.20 mm x 1.7 71 mm 5.00 mm x 6 Pitch 1.2 27 mm OP8 Package Figure 6. SO (*) Product structtureSilicon m monolithic integrated circuit This product has no design ned protection against radioa active rays bsolute maxim mum ratings may damage the IC. The dam mage can eithe er be a short circuit between n pins (*) Operating the IC over the ab an open circuitt between pinss and the interrnal circuitry. T Therefore, it is important to cconsider circuiit protection m measures, such h as or a add ding a fuse, in case the IC iss operated ove er the absolute e maximum rattings. Table 1. BM M2P159T1F Pin P description No. Name I/O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VCC DRAIN -. GND_IC -. I I/O I/O - (c)2 2018 ROHM C Co., Ltd. Function P Power Supply iinput pin M MOSFET DRA AIN pin G GND pin - ESD Diode e VCC GN ND No. 60UG G074E Rev.003 3 2018.3 3 %037 7)(9. Use er's Guide e esign Overview De 1 Important Parrameter VIN : Input Vo oltage Range A AC 90 V ~ 264 4 Vac (DC 100 0 V ~ 380 V) VOUT : Output V Voltage DC 15 5V IOUT(Typ p) : Constan nt Output Current 0.175 A IOUT(Maxx) : Max Output Current 0 0.175 A fSW ng Frequency Min:94 kHz, T Typ:100 kHz, M Max:106 kHz : Switchin Ipeak(M Min) : Over Cu urrent Limit Min:0.395 A, Typ p:0.450 A, Maxx:0.505A 2 Coil Selection n 2..1 Determinin ng coil inductance The switch hing operation mode determines the L valu ue so that it be ecomes as disscontinuous mo ode (DCM) ass possible. In th he continuouss mode (CCM)), reverse currrent in trr of the e diode flows, which leads to o an increase in power loss of diode. Furthermo ore, this reverse current beco omes the peakk current when the MOSFET T is ON, and the of the MOSFET T also e power loss o increases. The constant load current IOUT (Typ): 0.17 75 A, the peakk current IL flow wing through the inductor is:: [A] It tends to be in continuo ous mode (CC CM) when the input voltage put voltage minimum voltage e 100 Vdc. drops. Callculate with inp From the output o voltage e VOUT: 15 V an nd the diode VF: 1 V, Calculate the maximum value of Dutyy: Duty (Max). Figu ure 7. Coil currrent waveform m in BCM From the m minimum switcching frequenccy fSW (Min) = 9 94 kHz, Calculate on o time ton (M Max) [sec] Calculate L value to ope erate in disconttinuous mode.. [H] Then, the L value is provvisionally seleccted to be 330 0 H in conside eration of gene erality. (c)2 2018 ROHM C Co., Ltd. No. 60UG G074E Rev.003 3 2018.3 3 %037 7)(9. Use er's Guide e 2..1 Determinin ng coil inductance - Continue ed Also, calcu ulate L value sso that the ove ercurrent detecction becomes maximum loa ad current IOUTT: 175 mA or m more. Overcurrrent detection is calculated by the current fflowing through the MOSFET T when operatting in continu uous mode at tthe minimum switching ffrequency fSW (Min) = 94 kHz. When the ccurrent flowing through the M MOSFET ( the e coil current a at switching ON) exceeds th he minimum va alue Ipeak (Miin): 0.395 A of the overcurrent detection cu urrent, the MO OSFET is turne ed OFF. Since a delay of ap pproximately td dly = 0.1 secc occurs, in rea ality, the peak current exceeds the Ipeak vvalue and the peak p current becomes Ip. The peak ccurrent Ip is ob btained by setting the currentt slope at switching ON to I L, Fig gure 8. Coil wa aveform at ove ercurrent detecction (DCM) The peak current c IP at th he time of overr current detecction is [mA] Assuming the discontinu uous mode (DC CM), Switching g ON time: ton n, OFF time: to off are [sec] [sec] [ssec] t of ON tim me and OFF tim me is less than n 10.64 sec in n switching cyycle, it become es discontinuou us mode (DCM M) Since the total when detecting over current. The curre ent at the time e of overcurren nt detection in discontinuouss mode (DCM)): IOUT (LIM) is i [mA] med that the m minimum over current detecttion current is 2 204 mA and th he maximum lo oad current is 175 mA or mo ore. It is confirm (c)2 2018 ROHM C Co., Ltd. No. 60UG G074E Rev.003 3 2018.3 3 %037)(9. 2 User's Guide Coil Selection - Continued 2.2 Inductor Current Calculation Calculate the maximum peak current of the inductor. The condition where the peak current is maximized is when the input voltage is the maximum voltage VIN (Max): 380 V, the maximum load current Io (Max): 0.175 A, and the switching frequency is 106 kHz at the minimum. The peak current IP of the coil is given by the following formula. [mA] Select a coil with an rated current of 0.37 A or more. In this EVK, we use inductance value: 150 H, rated: 0.65A product Radial inductor (closed magnetic circuit type) Core Size 7.8mm x 7.5mm Product: 744 731 331 Manufacture: Wurth Electronix 3 Diode Selection 3.1 Flywheel Diode: D1 Flywheel diode uses fast diode (fast recovery diode).The reverse voltage of the diode is VIN (Max): 380 V when the output voltage at startup is 0 V. Consider the derating and select 600 V diode. The condition where the effective current of the diode is maximized is when the input voltage is the maximum voltage VIN (Max): 380 V, the maximum load current Io (Max): 0.175 A, and the switching frequency is 94 kHz at the minimum. [%] The average current ID of the diode is calculated from the peak current IP: 0.368 A by the following formula [A] Select the rated current of 0.208 A or more. In fact, we used RFN1LAM6S of 0.8 A / 600 V product as a result of mounting the board and considering the parts temperature. 3.2 VCC Rectifier Diode: D2 Rectifier diodes are used for diodes to supply VCC. The reverse voltage applied to the diode is VIN (Max): 380 V. Consider the derating and select 600 V diodeSince the current flowing to the IC is small enough, we use the 0.2 A / 600 V RRE02VSM6S. (c) 2018 ROHM Co., Ltd. No. 60UG074E Rev.003 2018.3 %037)(9. User's Guide Design Overview - Continued 4 Capacitor Selection 4.1 Input Capacitor: C1 The input capacitor is determined by input voltage VI and output power POUT. As a guide, for an input voltage of 90 to 264 Vac, 2 x POUT [W] F. For 176 to 264 Vac, set 1 x POUT [W] F. Since the output power POUT = 2.63 W, 4.7 F / 400 V is selected with a guidline of 5.38 F. 4.2 VCC Capacitor: C3 The VCC capacitor C3 is required for stable operation of the device and stable feedback of the output voltage. A withstand voltage of 25 V or more is required, and 1.0 F to 4.7 F is recommended. 1 F / 50 V is selected. 4.3 Output Capacitor: C2, C4 For the output capacitor, select output voltage VO of 25 V or more in consideration of derating. For C2 electrolytic capacitors, capacitance, impedance and rated ripple current must be taken into consideration. The output ripple voltage is a composite waveform generated by electrostatic capacity: COUT, impedance: ESR when the ripple component of inductor current: IL flows into the output capacitor and is expressed by the following formula. The inductor ripple current is [A] For this EVK, we use electrostatic capacity: 220 F, ESR: 0.075 , and the design value of output ripple voltage is less than 100 mV. [mV] Next, check whether the ripple current of the capacitor satisfies the rated ripple current. Inductor ripple current RMS conversion, [A] The ripple current of the capacitor is (c) 2018 ROHM Co., Ltd. [A] No. 60UG074E Rev.003 2018.3 %037)(9. User's Guide 4.3 Output Capacitor C2, C4 - Continued Select a rated current of 0.138 A or more. The output capacitor C2 used a rated ripple current of 0.75 A at 220 F / 25 V. C8 has added a 0.1 F ceramic capacitor to reduce switching noise. 5. Resistor Selection 5.1 Bleeder Resister: R1 Because it is indirectly fed back to the output voltage, the output voltage increases at light load. This board uses bleeder resistance for its improvement. Reducing the resistance value improves the rise in the output voltage of the light load, but increases the power loss. 10 k / 0.1 W is used. (c) 2018 ROHM Co., Ltd. No. 60UG074E Rev.003 2018.3 %037)(9. User's Guide Performance Data Constant Load Regulation 16.5 90 - VIN=230 Vac 16.0 80 Efficiency [%] Output Voltage [V] 100 - VIN= 100 Vac 15.5 15.0 70 - VIN=100 Vac 60 - VIN=230 Vac 50 40 14.5 30 20 14.0 10 13.5 0 0 100 200 300 Output Current [mA] 0 400 25 50 75 100 125 Output Current [mA] 150 175 Figure 9. Load Regulation (IOUT vs VOUT) Figure 10. Load Regulation (IOUT vs Efficiency) Table 2. Load Regulation (VIN=100 Vac) Table 3. Load Regulation (VIN=230 Vac) IOUT VOUT 44 mA 88 mA 132 mA 175 mA 14.791 14.671 14.630 14.604 Efficiency V V V V 78.32 81.99 83.14 83.24 IOUT % % % % 44 mA 88 mA 132 mA 175 mA VOUT 14.792 14.671 14.630 14.604 Efficiency V V V V 72.08 77.17 79.87 81.03 % % % % 0.8 0.5 - VIN= 100 Vac - VIN= 230 Vac 0.7 0.4 Power Loss [W] Power Loss [W] 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 - VIN=100 Vac - VIN=230 Vac 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 25 50 75 100 125 Output Current [mA] 150 175 1 10 Output Current [mA] 100 Figure 11. Load Regulation (IOUT vs PLOSS) (c) 2018 ROHM Co., Ltd. Figure 12. Load Regulation (IOUT vs PLOSS) No. 60UG074E Rev.003 2018.3 %037)(9. User's Guide 3HUIRUPDQFH'DWD&RQWLQXHG Table 4. Load Regulation : VIN=100 Vac 9,1 >9DF@ 3,1 >:@ 9287 >9@ ,287 >P$@ 3287 >:@ 3/266 >:@ Table 5. Load Regulation: VIN=230 Vac 9,1 >9DF@ (IILFLHQF\ >@ 3,1 >:@ 9287 >9@ ,287 >P$@ 3287 >:@ 3/266 >:@ (IILFLHQF\ >@ (c) 2018 ROHM Co., Ltd. No. 60UG074E Rev.003 2018.3 %037)(9. User's Guide Performance Data - Continued Line Regulation 16.5 90 80 - IOUT= 10 mA - IOUT= 50 mA - IOUT=100 mA - IOUT=175 mA 15.5 15.0 70 Efficiency [%] Output Voltage [V] 16.0 60 - IOUT= 10 mA - IOUT= 50 mA - IOUT=100 mA - IOUT=175 mA 50 40 30 14.5 20 14.0 10 13.5 0 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Input Voltage [Vac] 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Input Voltage [Vac] Figure 13. Line Regulation (VIN vs VOUT) Figure 14. Line Regulation (VIN vs Efficiency) Switching Frequency Coil Peak Current 120 0.40 0.35 100 80 - VIN=115 Vac VIN=230 9DF 60 40 20 Coil Peak Current [A] Switching Frequency [kHz] 0.30 0.25 - VIN=115 Vac - VIN=230 Vac 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.00 0 25 50 75 100 125 Output Current [mA] 150 175 0 25 50 75 100 125 Output Current [mA] 150 175 Figure 15. Switching Frequency (IOUT vs fSW ) (c) 2018 ROHM Co., Ltd. Figure 16. Coil Peak Current (IOUT vs IP) No. 60UG074E Rev.003 2018.3 %037 7)(9. Use er's Guide e 3H HUIRUPDQFH'DWD&RQWLQX XHG O Output Ripple V Voltage VO OUT VOUT Vo: 20m mV/div Ripple Volta age: 26 mVpp Ripple Voltag ge: 18 mVpp Figure 1 17. VIN = 115 V Vac, IOUT = 10 m mA gure 18. VIN = 2 230 Vac, IOUT = 10 mA Fig VOUT Vo: 20m mV/div VOUT Ripple Volttage: 29 mVpp p Ripple Voltag ge: 22 mVpp Figure 1 19. VIN = 115 V Vac, IOUT = 0.15 50 A gure 20. VIN = 2 230 Vac, IOUT = 0.150 A Fig VOUT VO OUT Vo: 20m mV/div Ripple V Voltage: 33 mV Vpp Ripple Volta age: 27 mVpp Figure 2 21. VIN = 115 V Vac, IOUT = 0.17 75 A (c)2 2018 ROHM C Co., Ltd. gure 22. VIN = 2 230 Vac, IOUT = 0.175 A Fig No. 60UG G074E Rev.003 3 2018.3 3 %037)(9. User's Guide 3HUIRUPDQFH'DWDt&RQWLQXHG Parts surface temperature Table 6. Parts surface temperature Part IC1 D1 L1 (c) 2018 ROHM Co., Ltd. Ta = 25 C, measured 30 minutes after setup Condition VIN = 90 Vac, VIN = 264 Vac, IOUT = 0.175 A IOUT = 0.175 A 54.0 C 64.3 C 56.3 C 61.3 C 54.3 C 64.9 C No. 60UG074E Rev.003 2018.3 %037)(9. User's Guide 6FKHPDWLFV VIN = 90 ~ 264 Vac, VOUT = 15 V ' $9 55(96 06 & &1B / ) 9 ) $$&9 '% 1 8 VCC N.C. 2 7 N.C GND_IC 3 6 N.C. N.C. 4 5 N.C. DRAIN $&9 & &1B ,& %037) ) 9 1 / 9287 + $ ' )5'$9 5)1/$06 & ) 9 & ) 9 5 . 0&5 9$ *1' Figure 23. BM2P159T1F-EVK-001 Schematics %LOORI0DWHULDOV Table 7. BoM of BM2P159T1F-EVK-001 3DUW 5HIHUHQFH & & & & &1 ' ' '% ) ,& / 5 4W\ 7\SH 9DOXH (OHFWURO\WLF (OHFWURO\WLF &HUDPLF &HUDPLF &RQQHFWRU )5' 'LRGH %ULGJH )XVH $&'&&RQYHUWHU &RLO 5HVLVWRU (c) 2018 ROHM Co., Ltd. ) ) ) ) $ $ $ $ + Ne 'HVFULSWLRQ 9 9 9;5 9;5 SLQ 9 9 9 9 $ : 3DUW1XPEHU 70.%0$7 +0.%0$7 %39+ 5)1/$0675 55(9606 '8%$ %037) 0&5(=3- 0DQXIDFWXUH :XUWK :XUWK 7DL\R