DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 1 SNAP ANALOG OUTPUT MODULES Features > > > > > > > > Resolution = 0.004% of nominal range Rugged packaging Convenient pluggable wiring Powered by a single 5-volt supply Factory calibrated; no user adjustment necessary Out-of-range indication Operating temperature -20 C to 70 C Accepts up to 22 to 14 AWG wire DESCRIPTION SNAP I/O analog output modules are part of Opto 22's SNAP PAC System. They mount on SNAP PAC racks along with other I/O modules and a SNAP PAC brain or R-series controller. These software-configurable output modules handle a wide variety of signal levels. Most provide dual-channel packaging. All SNAP analog modules are factory calibrated. Part numbers ending in -FM are Factory Mutual approved. SNAP analog output modules have an on-board microprocessor to provide module-level intelligence, which makes them an ideal choice for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). For additional information about the stand-alone operation of SNAP analog modules, please refer to the SNAP I/O Module Integration Guide (form 0876). SNAP Analog Output Modules readings. Ground loop currents are caused when two grounded field devices share a connection, and the ground potential at each device is different. Isolation also provides protection for sensitive control electronics from industrial field signals. IMPORTANT: Since most SNAP dual-channel analog output modules provide two single-ended output channels with a common reference, these dual channels are transformer and optically isolated from other modules, but not from each other. However, SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC, SNAP-AOD-29, and SNAP-AOD-29-HFi do have channel-to-channel isolation. Part Numbers Part SNAP-AOA-23 Description Dual-channel analog output, current loop, 4-20mA Isolated dual-channel analog SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC output, current loop, 4-20 mA, SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC-FM* with loop sourcing SNAP racks have a retention rail locking system. Use two 4-40 by 1/2-inch standard machine screws to hold each module securely in position on the SNAP rack. Specifications and wiring diagrams are in module descriptions starting on page 2. Dimensional drawings begin on page 15. See pg 4 pg 5 SNAP-AOA-28 Dual-channel analog output, current loop, 0-20 mA pg 9 SNAP-AOA-3 Single-channel current output, 4-20mA pg 2 pg 10 Notes for legacy hardware: Most SNAP analog output modules can also be used with legacy SNAP Simple, SNAP Ethernet, and SNAP Ultimate brains and with serial SNAP brains such as the B3000. These modules can be mounted on SNAP B-series or M-series racks. Exceptions are noted in individual module descriptions. SNAP-AOD-29 Isolated dual-channel analog time-proportional digital output, 5 to 60 VDC SNAP-AOD-29-HFi Isolated dual-channel analog TPO or PWM digital output, 2.5 to 24 pg 10 VDC Isolation SNAP-AOV-25 Dual-channel analog voltage output, 0 to 10 VDC pg 6 SNAP-AOV-27 Dual-channel analog voltage output, -10 to +10 VDC pg 8 SNAP-AOV-5 Single-channel analog voltage output, 0 to 10 VDC pg 3 SNAP-AOVA-8 8-channel analog multifunction output, voltage or current pg 12 All SNAP analog output modules are isolated from all other modules and from the I/O processor (SNAP PAC brain or on-the-rack controller). On most dual-channel modules, the two channels are not isolated from each other. Exceptions: SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC, SNAP-AOD-29, and SNAP-AOD-29-HFi have two isolated channels. Transformer isolation prevents ground loop currents from flowing between field devices and causing noise that produces erroneous * Factory Mutual approved OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 2 SINGLE-CHANNEL CURRENT OUTPUT 4-20 mA Description The SNAP-AOA-3 module provides a single channel of transformer and optically-isolated digital to analog conversion. The module has a true differential (floating) output that eliminates ground loops and has a nominal output range of 4 mA to 20 mA. Part Number SNAP-AOA-3 Description Single-channel analog output 4-20 mA Specifications: Input 12-bit serial data Output 4 to 20 mA (floating) Span 16 mA Resolution 3.9 microamps Response Time (% of span/delta I/ delta time) 99.9%/15.98 mA/3 mS DC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB AC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB @ 60 Hz Maximum Operating Common Mode Voltage 250 V Common Mode Resistance >1000 M W Accuracy 0.1% of span Gain Temperature Coefficient 50 PPM/ C Offset Temperature Coefficient 20 PPM/ C Module Power Requirements 5 Volts DC (0.15 ) @ 140 mA Loop Power Requirements 10 Volts DC (min) to 32 Volts DC (max) Max. Loop Resistance (Ohms) @ Loop Supply 250 10V Max. Loop Resistance formula (Loop Voltage - 5) 0.02 Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 C to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing 350 12V 950 24V Torque, hold-down screws 4 in-lb (0.45 N-m) Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Agency Approvals UL, CE, RoHS, DFARS Warranty Lifetime 1350 32V IMPORTANT: The mounting rack connector has 24 pins; the module connector has 20 pins. The extra pins on the mounting rack connector prevent misalignment of the module during installation. OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 3 SINGLE-CHANNEL VOLTAGE OUTPUT 0-10 VDC Part Number SNAP-AOV-5 Description Single-channel analog output voltage 0 to 10 VDC Description The SNAP-AOV-5 module provides a single channel of transformer and optically-isolated digital to analog conversion. The module has a true differential (floating) output that eliminates ground loops and has a nominal output range of 0 VDC to +10 VDC. Specifications: Input 12-bit serial data Output 0 to +10 Volts DC (floating) Span 10 Volt span Resolution 2.44 mV Response Time (% of span/delta V/delta time) 99.9%/19.98 V/3 mS DC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB AC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB @ 60 Hz Maximum Operating Common Mode Voltage 250 V Common Mode Resistance >1000 Megohms Load Current 10 mA (floating) Short Circuit Current Continuous 125 mA (typical) IMPORTANT: The mounting rack connector has 24 pins; the module connector has 20 pins. The extra pins on the mounting rack connector prevent misalignment of the module during installation. Accuracy 0.1% of span Gain Temperature Coefficient 50 PPM/C Offset Temperature Coefficient 20 PPM/C Power Requirements 5 Volts DC @ 150 mA Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 C to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing Torque, hold-down screws 4 in-lb (0.45 N-m) Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Agency Approvals UL, CE, RoHS, DFARS Warranty Lifetime OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 4 DUAL-CHANNEL CURRENT OUTPUT 4-20 mA Part Number SNAP-AOA-23 Description The SNAP-AOA-23 module provides a nominal output range of 4 mA to 20 mA. An external loop power source is required for the current loops. Note that the two channels share common reference terminals. Common reference terminals are 3, 4, 7, and 8. Description Dual-channel analog output current loop 4-20 mA Specifications: Input 12-bit serial data (each channel) Outputs 4 to 20 mA (each channel) Span 16 mA Resolution 3.9 microamps Response Time (% of span/delta I/ delta time) 99.9%/15.98 mA/3 mS DC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB AC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB @ 60 Hz Maximum Operating Common Mode Voltage 250 V Common Mode Resistance >1000 Megohms Accuracy 0.1% of Span Gain Temperature Coefficient 50 PPM/C Offset Temperature Coefficient 20 PPM/C Module Power Requirements 5 Volts DC (0.15) @ 150 mA Loop Power Requirements 8 VDC (min) to 32 Volts DC (max) Max. Loop Resistance (Ohms) @ Loop Supply 250 8V 450 12V Max. Loop Resistance formula 650 15V 1050 24V 1450 32V (Loop Voltage - 3) 0.02 Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 C to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Agency Approvals UL, CE, FM, RoHS, DFARS Warranty Lifetime IMPORTANT: The mounting rack connector has 24 pins; the module connector has 20 pins. The extra pins on the mounting rack connector prevent misalignment of the module during installation. OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 5 ISOLATED DUAL-CHANNEL CURRENT OUTPUT 4-20 MA Part Number SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC-FM Description Isolated dual-channel analog 4-20 mA output with loop sourcing Specifications: Input 12-bit serial data (each channel) Outputs 4 to 20 mA (each channel) Span 16 mA Resolution 3.9 microamps Response Time 99.9%/15.98 mA/3 mS (% of span/delta I/ delta time) DC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB AC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB @ 60 Hz Maximum Operating Common Mode Voltage 250 V Common Mode Resistance >1000 Megohms Accuracy 0.1% of Span Gain Temperature Coefficient 50 PPM/C Offset Temperature Coefficient 20 PPM/C Max. Loop Resistance @ Loop Supply 950 Ohms Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 C to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing Isolation: Optical 4000 V Isolation: Transformer 1500 V Isolation: Channel to Channel 250 V continuous (1500 V transient) IMPORTANT: The mounting rack connector has 24 pins; the module connector has 20 pins. The extra pins on the mounting rack connector prevent misalignment of the module during installation. Description The SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC and SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC-FM modules provide a nominal output range of 4 mA to 20 mA. These modules include built-in loop sourcing capability. The SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC-FM is Factory Mutual approved. With the connection of a single 24 V power supply, these modules source two 24 V loops. The loop sources are internally connected to the individual outputs. The two channels and their loop sources are isolated from each other; they do not share any field connection. In addition, each loop source is current limited so that an external fault on one loop will not affect the other. Power Requirements 5 Volts DC (0.15) @ 200 mA Power Requirements Loop Power (Input) From separate field connector; 24 VDC nominal (70 mA max) @ 24 V input, both loops @ 20 mA), 30 VDC maximum Loop Power (Output) 24 VDC (1.5 V) @ 20 mA Open loop: 30 V maximum Shorted loop: 24 mA nominal LED on top of module Indicates that there is power to the 24v source supply 2-pin connector Agency Approvals CE, RoHS, DFARS SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC-FM: FM, ATEX Torque, hold-down screws 4 in-lb (0.45 N-m) Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Warranty Lifetime OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 6 DUAL-CHANNEL VOLTAGE OUTPUT 0-10 VDC Part Number SNAP-AOV-25 Description Dual-channel analog output voltage 0 to 10 VDC Description The SNAP-AOV-25 module provides a nominal output range of 0 to +10 volts. Each channel can supply +5 mA of load current. NOTE: Both channels share a common reference terminal. Specifications: Input 12-bit serial data (each channel) Outputs 0 to +10 Volts DC Span 10 Volts Resolution 2.44 mV Response Time (% of span/delta V/delta time) 99.9%/19.98 V/3 mS DC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB AC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB @ 60 Hz Maximum Operating Common Mode 250 V Voltage IMPORTANT: The mounting rack connector has 24 pins; the module connector has 20 pins. The extra pins on the mounting rack connector prevent misalignment of the module during installation. Common Mode Resistance >1,000 Megohms Load Current (nominal) 5 mA (each channel) Short Circuit Output Current Continuous 40 mA per channel Accuracy 0.1% of Span Gain Temperature Coefficient 50 PPM/C Offset Temperature Coefficient 20 PPM/C Isolation 1500 V Power Requirements 5 Volts DC (0.15) @ 150 mA Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 C to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing Torque, hold-down screws 4 in-lb (0.45 N-m) Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Agency Approvals UL, CE, FM, RoHS, DFARS Warranty Lifetime OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 7 DUAL-CHANNEL VOLTAGE OUTPUT -10 TO +10 VDC Part Number SNAP-AOV-27 Description Dual-channel analog voltage output -10 VDC to +10 VDC Description The SNAP-AOV-27 module provides a nominal output range of -10 to +10 volts. Each channel can supply 5 mA of load current. NOTE: Both channels share a common reference terminal. Specifications: IMPORTANT: The mounting rack connector has 24 pins; the module connector has 20 pins. The extra pins on the mounting rack connector prevent misalignment of the module during installation. Input 12-bit serial data (each channel) Outputs -10 to +10 Volts DC Span 20 Volts Resolution 4.88 mV Response Time (% of span/delta V/delta time) 99.9%/19.98 V/3 mS DC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB AC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB @ 60 Hz Maximum Operating Common Mode Voltage 250 V Common Mode Resistance >1,000 Megohms Load Current (nominal) 5 mA (each channel) Short Circuit Output Current Continuous 40 mA per channel Accuracy 0.1% of Span Gain Temperature Coefficient 50 PPM/C Offset Temperature Coefficient 20 PPM/C Power Requirements 5 Volts DC (0.15) @ 150 mA Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 C to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing Torque, hold-down screws 4 in-lb (0.45 N-m) Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Agency Approvals UL, CE, FM, RoHS, DFARS Warranty Lifetime OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 8 DUAL-CHANNEL CURRENT OUTPUT 0-20 mA Part Number SNAP-AOA-28 Description Dual-channel analog output current loop 0-20 mA Description The SNAP-AOA-28 module provides a nominal output range of 0 mA to 20 mA. An external loop power source is required for the current loops. NOTE: The two channels share a common reference terminal. Specifications: Input 12-bit serial data (each channel) Outputs 0 to 20 mA (each channel) Span 20 mA Resolution 4.9 microamps Response Time (% of span/delta I/ delta time) 99.9%/15.98 mA/3 mS DC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB AC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB @ 60 Hz Maximum Operating Common Mode Voltage 250 V Common Mode Resistance >1000 Megohms Accuracy 0.1% of Span Gain Temperature Coefficient 50 PPM/C Offset Temperature Coefficient 20 PPM/C Module Power Requirements 5 Volts DC (0.15 ) @ 150 mA Loop Power Requirements 8 Volts DC (min) to 32 Volts DC (max) Max. Loop Resistance (Ohms) @ Loop Supply 250 8V 450 8V 1050 24V 1450 32V (Loop Voltage - 5) 0.02 Max. Loop Resistance formula IMPORTANT: The mounting rack connector has 24 pins; the module connector has 20 pins. The extra pins on the mounting rack connector prevent misalignment of the module during installation. 650 12V Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 C to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Agency Approvals UL, CE, ATEX, FM, RoHS, DFARS Warranty Lifetime OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 9 DUAL-CHANNEL TIME-PROPORTIONAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE 5-60 VDC Part Number SNAP-AOD-29 Description Isolated dual-channel analog Time-proportional digital output 5 to 60 VDC Both TPO channels also have individual "inhibit" inputs dedicated to turning off the output, a useful feature in temperature and interlock control applications. The channels are optically isolated from each other. NOTE: The SNAP-AOD-29 module cannot be used in a SNAP PAC IO4AB system. Instead, use the built-in TPO functionality available on all SNAP-PAC brains that support IO4AB. Specifications: Input 12-bit serial data (each channel) Switched Output at 45 C Ambient at 70 C Ambient 5 to 60 Volts DC 0.5 A 0.2 A TPO Resolution 12-bit. Each bit = Period/4095 1 millisecond/bit default Period Range 0.251 sec. to 64.25 sec. (0.251 sec for Ethernet-based I/O units) 0.251 seconds module default Period Accuracy 0.5% Period Resolution .251 second Inhibit Inputs On Off IMPORTANT: The mounting rack connector has 24 pins; the module connector has 20 pins. The extra pins on the mounting rack connector prevent misalignment of the module during installation. Description The SNAP-AOD-29 module provides two channels of time-proportional output (TPO). The outputs are used to switch or control DC loads such as lamps or indicators, solenoids, relay coils, and PLC logic. Each TPO channel can switch 0.5 A of load current ranging from 5 VDC to 60 VDC, over a period range of .25 seconds to 64.25 seconds. 4.0 Volts DC at 1.0 mA (32 Volts DC max.) 1.0 Volt DC Maximum Operating Common Mode Voltage 250 V Common Mode Resistance >1,000 Megohms Timebase Temperature Coef50 PPM/C ficient Power Requirements 5 Volts DC (0.15) @ 150 mA Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 C to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing Torque, hold-down screws 4 in-lb (0.45 N-m) Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Agency Approvals UL, FM, CE, RoHS, DFARS Warranty Lifetime OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 10 DUAL-CHANNEL TIME-PROPORTIONAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE 2.5-24 VDC, 0 TO 100 KHZ Part Number SNAP-AOD-29-HFi Description Isolated dual-channel analog time-proportional or pulse-width modulation digital output, 2.5 to 24 VDC Specifications: Description The SNAP-AOD-29-HFi is a TPO (time-proportional output) or PWM (pulse-width modulation) module that converts an analog value to a digital on/off output. The outputs are used to switch or control DC loads such as lamps or indicators, solenoids, relay coils, and PLC logic. Each channel can switch 100 mA of load current ranging from 2.5 VDC to 24 VDC supplied externally, over a period range of 0.00001 seconds to 64.25 seconds. The two channels are optically isolated from each other. Five volts through a 200 Ohm pull-up resistor are provided internally for each channel for use with TTL loads. This feature means you don't have to provide the pull-up voltage supply required for each output. This module requires a SNAP PAC controller or brain with SNAP PAC firmware version 9.3c or higher. It cannot be used with legacy controllers or brains. Switched Output 2.5 to 24 VDC at 100 mA supplied externally Maximum Survivable Switch Voltage 60 VDC Peak Current 1.0 A (t < 10 milliseconds) Period Range 0.00001 sec to 64.25 sec Percent Range 0-100% Period Resolution 20.8 nanoseconds Percent Resolution 0.024% (12-bit) Period Accuracy +- 0.005% of period Pull-up Voltage 4.5 to 5.0 VDC Pull-up Resistor 200 Ohm Minimum Output Pulse Width 1 microsecond Maximum Operating Common 250 V Continuous Mode Voltage Isolation: Channel to Channel 250V Continuous 1500V Transient Power Consumption 1.5 W (300 mA @ 5 V) Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 C to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing Torque, hold-down screws 4 in-lb (0.45 N-m) Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Agency Approvals CE, RoHS, DFARS Warranty Lifetime NOTE: The SNAP-AOD-29-HFi module cannot be used in a SNAP PAC IO4AB system. Instead, use the built-in TPO functionality available on all SNAP-PAC brains that support IO4AB. OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 11 8-CHANNEL MULTIFUNCTION VOLTAGE/CURRENT OUTPUT Part Number SNAP-AOVA-8 The SNAP-AOVA-8 is an analog output module with 8 channels, individually configurable for any one of six voltage or current output ranges: Voltage Self-sourcing Current 0 to 5 VDC 0 to 10 VDC -5 to +5 VDC -10 to +10 VDC 4 to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA Each range has 4096 counts (12 bits) of resolution. The SNAP-AOVA-8 requires a 24 VDC excitation voltage brought in through the field connector on the top of the module. This voltage is internally isolated with transformer and digital data isolators, and then used to source all channels. Because all current is sourced from within the module using the 24 VDC excitation, current outputs are self-sourcing and cannot be used with an external loop supply or in loops that are loop-powered or have a self-sourcing device in the loop. Each channel is individually current or voltage limited and not affected by opens or shorts on adjacent channels. Connect both wires Specifications: SNAP-HD-20F6 Description 8-channel analog multifunction output, voltage or current 6 ft. (1.8 m) wiring cable for SNAP-AOVA-8 module, with flying leads (required) from the module, so that a change in output on one channel will not affect another channel. All negative output terminals on the module are tied together internally. To prevent ground loops, use loads with isolated signal inputs or use devices with the same power source, so they have a common ground. To wire the module, a 6-foot-long SNAP-HD-20F6 cable is required. The cable has a 20-pin connector at the module end and flying leads for wiring to field devices. See wiring information on page 14. You can also use a SNAP-TEX-32 breakout board for wiring convenience. See the SNAP TEX Cables & Breakout Boards Data Sheet (form 1756) for more information. The SNAP-AOVA-8 requires a SNAP PAC brain or rack-mounted controller with firmware version R9.4b or higher. It cannot be used with legacy controllers or brains. Specifications (continued) Excitation Range 18 TO 32 VDC Excitation Current Required 200mA @ 32VDC, 250mA @ 24VDC, 350mA @ 18VDC 24V Excitation Fault Recovery Time 15 mS nominal Power Requirement (from the rack) Voltage Outputs Output Range (Resolution) 0 to 5 VDC (1.22 mV) 0 to 10 VDC (2.44 mV) -5 to +5 VDC (2.44 mV) -10 to +10 VDC (4.88 mV) 5 VDC (0.15) @ 150 mA Load Current +/-10 mA min. each voltage output channel) Maximum Operating Common Mode Voltage 250 volts Short Circuit Current 16 mA Typ. Accuracy 0.1% of span Isolation 1500 V (transient) Drift: Gain Temperature Coefficient Offset Temperature Coefficient 30 PPM / C 15 PPM / C DC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB AC Common Mode Rejection >-120 dB @ 60 Hz Data Refresh Time 9 mS nom (update 1 ch/ms) Ambient Temperature: Operating Storage -20 to 70 C -40 C to 85 C Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing Torque, hold-down screws 4 in-lb (0.45 N-m) Torque, connector screws 5.26 in-lb (0.6 N-m) Wire size range 22 to 14 AWG Agency Approvals UL, CE, RoHS, DFARS Warranty Lifetime Current Outputs Output Range (Resolution) 4 to 20 mA (4 microamps) 0 to 20 mA (5 microamps) Maximum Loop Resistance 750 Ohms (each current output channel ) Open Circuit Volts 27 VDC max. (24 VDC typical) Accuracy 0.1% of span Drift: Gain Temperature Coefficient Offset Temperature Coefficient 30 PPM / C 15 PPM / C OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 12 8-CHANNEL MULTIFUNCTION VOLTAGE/CURRENT OUTPUT (CONTINUED) Wiring SNAP-AOVA-8 Module (from top) LED - indicates excitation - + 24 VDC excitation Not used Ch 0 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Outputs Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 SNAP-HD-20F6 Cable Wire colors - Excitation 24 VDC 24 VDC Power Supply is required for proper operation. This supply is isolated from the module outputs. - + Current output - + Voltage output Color - Black + White with Black Wire colors - Output points All negative output terminals are tied together internally. All current from any output is sourced from the module. No external excitation supplies allowed. - + Ch 0 1 2 3 4 5 For more information on the SNAP-HD-20F6 cable, see the SNAP TEX Cables & Breakout Boards Data Sheet (form 1756). 6 7 -/+ Color - Blue + White with Blue - Pink + White with Pink - Gray + White with Gray - Green + White with Green - Orange + White with Orange - Red + White with Red - Purple + White with Purple - Yellow + White with Yellow NOTE: Yellow with purple and purple with yellow wires are not used. OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 13 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS All Modules except SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC, SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC-FM, and SNAP-AOVA-8 Note: The SNAP-AOD-29 time-proportional output (TPO) module has integral LEDs for monitoring and troubleshooting the module's outputs and inhibit inputs. - OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 14 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC and SNAP-AOA-23-iSRC-FM only - OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 15 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS SNAP-AOVA-8 only TOP VIEW OF MODULE OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 16 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS All Modules IMPORTANT: The mounting rack connector has 24 pins; the module connector has 20 pins. The extra pins on the mounting rack connector prevent misalignment of the module during installation. OPTO 22 * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 * * (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. DATA SHEET Form 1066-180808 PAGE 17 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS All Modules SNAP Analog Module Mounted on a SNAP Rack OPTO 22 * 43044 Business Park Dr. Temecula, CA 92590-3614 SALES * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 SUPPORT * 800-835-6786 * 1-951-695-3080 (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. More about Opto 22 PRODUCTS * Opto 22 develops and manufactures reliable, easy-to-use, open standards-based hardware and software products. Industrial automation, process control, building automation, industrial refrigeration, remote monitoring, data acquisition, and industrial internet of things (IIoT) applications worldwide all rely on Opto 22. groov EPIC(R) System Opto 22's groov Edge Programmable Industrial Controller (EPIC) system is the culmination of over 40 years of experience in designing products for the automation industry. groov EPIC gives you an industrially hardened system with guaranteed-for-life I/O, a flexible Linux(R)-based controller with gateway functions, and software for your IIoT application or any application. groov EPIC I/O Ignition Edge(R) from Inductive Automation(R), with OPC-UA drivers to Allen-Bradley(R), Siemens(R), and other control systems, and MQTT/Sparkplug communications for efficient IIoT data transfer groov Edge Appliance Visualization, data handling, and connectivity in a compact, industrial box: that's the groov Edge Appliance. Included are: * groov View for building and viewing operator interfaces on PCs and mobile * Node-RED for building simple logic flows * Ignition Edge(R) from Inductive Automation(R), for OPC-UA drivers and MQTT/Sparkplug IIoT communications Older products From solid state relays (our first products) to world-famous G4 and SNAP I/O, to SNAP PAC controllers, Opto 22 products last a long time. You can count on us to give you the reliability and service you expect. I/O provides the local connection to sensors and equipment. groov I/O offers up to 24 channels on each I/O module, with a spring-clamp terminal strip, integrated wireway, and swingaway cover. QUALITY Founded in 1974, Opto 22 has established a worldwide reputation for high-quality products. All are made in the U.S.A. at our manufacturing facility in Temecula, California. Opto 22 I/O is so reliable, we can afford to guarantee it for life. groov I/O is hot swappable, UL Hazardous Locations approved, and ATEX compliant. Because we test each product twice before it leaves our factory rather than testing a sample of each batch, we can guarantee most solid-state relays and optically isolated I/O modules for life. groov EPIC Controller The heart of the system is the groov EPIC controller. It handles a wide range of digital, analog, and serial functions for data collection, remote monitoring, process control, and discrete and hybrid manufacturing. In addition, the EPIC provides secure data communications among physical assets, control systems, software applications, online services, and more, both on premises and in the cloud. Configuring and troubleshooting I/O and networking is easier with the EPIC's integrated high-resolution touchscreen. Authorized users can see your groov View HMI locally on the touchscreen or on a monitor connected via the HDMI or USB ports. groov EPIC Software Software includes: * Flowchart-based PAC Control for control programming, or build your own custom application with optional secure shell access * groov View for building and viewing your own deviceindependent HMI * Node-RED for creating simple logic flows from pre-built nodes OPTO 22 * 43044 Business Park Dr. Temecula, CA 92590-3614 FREE PRODUCT SUPPORT Opto 22's California-based Product Support Group offers free, comprehensive technical support for Opto 22 products from engineers with decades of training and experience. Support is available in English and Spanish by phone or email, Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST. Support is always available on our website, including how-to videos, user's guides, the Opto 22 KnowledgeBase, troubleshooting tips, and OptoForums. In addition, free hands-on training is available at our Temecula, California headquarters, and you can register online. PURCHASING OPTO 22 PRODUCTS Opto 22 products are sold directly and through a worldwide network of distributors, partners, and system integrators. For more information, contact Opto 22 headquarters at 800-321-6786 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada) or +1-951-695-3000, or visit our website at SALES * 800-321-6786 * 1-951-695-3000 SUPPORT * 800-835-6786 * 1-951-695-3080 (c) 2006-2018 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. Form 1335-180323