NB3M8T3910GEVB NB3M8T3910G Evaluation Board User's Manual Introduction The NB3M8T3910GEVB is a custom evaluation board developed by ON Semiconductor for the NB3M8T3910G. This evaluation board was designed to provide a flexible and convenient platform to quickly evaluate, characterize and verify the operation of the NB3M8T3910G. This evaluation board manual contains: * Information on the NB3M8T3910G Evaluation Board * Assembly Instructions * Test and Measurement Setup Procedures * Bill of Materials http://onsemi.com EVAL BOARD USER'S MANUAL This manual should be used in conjunction with the device datasheet NB3M8T3910/D which contains full technical details on the device specifications and operation. Top View Bottom View Figure 1. NB3M8T3910GEVB Top and Bottom View READ FIRST - INTRODUCTION The Single-Ended LVCMOS Output, REFOUT, is controlled by the Synchronous OE_SE pin. For Clock frequencies above 250 MHz, the REFOUT line should be disabled. Each dedicated output pair on the board is configured per Table 1 below: The NB3M8T3910G has two banks of 5 differential outputs. Each output bank can be independently selected as LVPECL, LVDS or HCSL outputs by the SMODEAx/Bx select pins. This evaluation board, NB3M8T3910GEVB, has been configured to evaluate each output type. Of the ten possible differential outputs, three are dedicated as LVPECL, three are dedicated as LVDS and four are dedicated as HCSL (labeled on board). (c) Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2014 September, 2014 - Rev. 0 1 Publication Order Number: EVBUM2238/D NB3M8T3910GEVB Table 1. OUTPUT DEDICATION OF THE NB3M8T3910GEVB Output Pin Name Output Type (Dedicated) SMODEA [1:0] SMODEB [1:0] QA0/QA0b LVPECL 00 xx Use 50-W Scope Head; there is no load on the board QA1/QA1b LVPECL 00 xx Use 50-W Scope Head; there is no load on the board QA2/QA2b LVDS 01 xx Measure with Single or Differential Hi-Z Probes; Outputs have 100-W termination resistor across at SMA connectors QA3/QA3b HCSL 10 xx Use 50-W Scope Head; there is no 50-W to GND on the board; or install 50-W SMA terminators and use a Hi-Z probe QA4/QA4b HCSL 10 xx Use 50-W Scope Head; there is no 50-W to GND on the board; or install 50-W SMA terminators and use a Hi-Z probe QB0/QB0b LVPECL xx 00 Measure with Single or Differential Hi-Z Probes; these LVPECL outputs have a Thevenin termination resistor network. QB1/QB1b LVDS xx 01 Measure with Single or Differential Hi-Z Probes; Outputs have 100-W termination resistor across at SMA connectors QB2/QB2b LVDS xx 01 Measure with Single or Differential Hi-Z Probes; Outputs have 100-W termination resistor across at SMA connectors QB3/QB3b HCSL xx 10 Measure with Single or Differential Hi-Z Probes; there is 50-W to GND on the board QB4/QB4b HCSL xx 10 Use 50-W Scope Head; there is no 50-W to GND on the board; or install 50-W SMA terminators and use a Hi-Z probe Output Measurement Method NOTE: x = don't care LVDS OUTPUT CONFIGURATION Two 0-W Resistors 100-W Resistor Figure 2. LVDS Output Configuration LVDS outputs. Two 0- resistors connect the metal traces and a 100- resistor connects between the traces. Use a single-ended or differential high-impedance probe across the 100- resistor. LVDS outputs are typically terminated with 100- across the Q & Qb output pair. On QA2/QA2b, QB1/QB1b, QB2/QB2b, there are on-board 100-ohm output termination resistors across the http://onsemi.com 2 NB3M8T3910GEVB HCSL OUTPUT CONFIGURATION Rseries = 33-W for HCSL Outputs CL = 2 pF Capacitor to GND for HCSL Outputs Figure 3. HCSL Output Configuration HCSL outputs are typically loaded and terminated with a Rseries = 33-W and 50-W to ground. This can be easily accomplished by connecting the HCSL outputs to the 50-W internal impedance in the oscilloscope. On QA3/QA3b, QA4/QA4b, QB3/QB3b, QB4/QB4b, there are on-board Rseries = 33-W series termination resistors installed for each HCSL output. Also, there is a CL = 2 pF installed to GND. For QA3/QA3b, QA4/QA4b, QB4/QB4b use 50-W to GND of oscilloscope sampling head to satisfy the HCSL output loading. QB3/QB3b has a 50-W output load, thus use a Hi-Z probe for measurements. LVPECL OUTPUT CONFIGURATION RThevenin = 130-W to VCC (H) and 80-W to GND (L) for LVPECL Outputs Figure 4. LVPECL Output Configuration Figure 5. LVPECL Output Configuration, Thevenin Termination Resistors On QA0/QA0b or QA1/QA1b, there is no on-board LVPECL output loading or termination. Use the 50-W to GND of the oscilloscope sampling head to satisfy the LVPECL output loading and termination. This single supply scheme will simplify the LVPECL output testing versus a split power supply. However, this method will actually draw more output current with a single power supply versus a dual/split power supply. Nevertheless, this extra output current will be within the Maximum Ratings limit. On QB0/QB0b, there is an on-board Thevenin output loading and termination resistor network; 130-W from LVPECL output to VDDO and 80-W from output to GND. This arrangement will satisfy the LVPECL DC output loading and AC termination. Use single-ended or differential high-impedance probes. See AND8020/D, section 3, for more information. http://onsemi.com 3 NB3M8T3910GEVB "Split" or Dual Power Supply Connections QUICK START LAB SET-UP USER'S GUIDE Dual Power Supply 1. Connect the VDD and VDDOx banana jacks with power supply cables to +3.3 V, and DUTGND and SMAGND to 0 V. 2. Select Crystal input and monitor 25 MHz on each Qn output. 3. Connect a signal generator to the SMA connectors for CLK0/CLK0b or CLK1/CLK1b inputs. 50-ohm termination resistors are installed for a signal generator on the board. Set appropriate input signal levels and frequency. 4. Observe the Qn outputs with a high-Z probe oscilloscope. +1.3 V +2.0 V + Power-Up, Input and Output Connections + - VCC - SMAGND DUTGND +3.3 V Figure 6. LVPECL - "Split" or Dual Power Supply Configuration Most ECL outputs are open emitter and need to be DC loaded and AC terminated to VCC - 2.0 V via a 50 W resistor. For standard ECL lab setup and test, a split (dual) power supply is recommended enabling the 50-W internal impedance in the oscilloscope, or other measuring instrument, to be used as an ECL output load/termination. By offsetting VCC = +2.0 V, SMAGND = VCC - 2.0 V = 0 V, SMAGND is the system ground, 0 V, and DUTGND is -1.3 V or -0.5 V. More information on ECL termination is provided in AND8020/D. Table 2. POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS Device Pin Power Supply Connector Power Supply VDD +3.3 V VDDOx +3.3 V SMAGND 0V DUTGND 0V Power Supply Connector "Spilt" Power Supply Single Power Supply Connections VDD/VDDOx VCC = +2.0 V Single Power Supply SMAGND VTT = 0 V DUTGND DUTGND = -1.3 V for 3.3 V p/s or -0.5 V for 2.5 V p/s +3.3 V + LVCMOS OUTPUT CONFIGURATION On REFOUT use a Hi-Z probe or the following set up to use a 50 W to GND sampling head Oscilloscope. 0V - VDD/VDDOx SMAGND/DUTGND "Split" or Dual Power Supply Connections +3.3 V Dual Power Supply Figure 8. Single Power Supply Configuration +1.65 V + - VCC + +1.65 V - SMAGND DUTGND +3.3 V Figure 7. LVCMOS - "Split" or Dual Power Supply Configuration http://onsemi.com 4 NB3M8T3910GEVB VDDOC VDD VDDOB Signal Generator Oscilloscope OUT Q OUTb Qb Trigger In Trigger Out SMAGND VDDOA DUTGND Figure 9. Typical Lab Test Set-Up Board Layout second layer is the 0.5 oz copper ground plane and is dedicated for the SMA connector ground plane. FR4 dielectric material is placed between the second and third layers and between third and fourth layers. The third layer is also 0.5 oz copper plane. A portion of this layer is designated for the device VDD and DUTGND power planes. The fourth layer is the VDDOx layer. The custom QFN-48 Evaluation Board provides a high bandwidth, 50-W controlled impedance environment and is implemented in four layers. The first layer or primary "high-speed" trace layer is FR4 material, and is designed to have equal electrical length on all signal traces from the device under test (DUT) pins to the SMA connectors. The Layer Stack L1 (top) High Speed Signal (FR4) L2 SMAGND - SMA Ground (FR4) L3 VDD and DUTGND (FR4) L4 (bottom) VDDOx and DUTGND (FR4) Figure 10. QFN-48 Evaluation Board Layout, 4-Layer Stack DUTGND (Device Under Test Ground) is the negative power supply for the device. Banana jack is labeled DUTGND. Exposed Pad (EP). The exposed pad footprint on the board is mechanically connected (soldered) to the exposed pad of the QFN-48 package, and is electrically connected to DUTGND power supply. Table 2 and Figure 8 describes the board configuration for the power supplies, Figure 3 shows typical input and output connections. VDD is the positive power supply. VDDOA, VDDOB, VDDOC are the positive power supplies for the outputs. http://onsemi.com 5 NB3M8T3910GEVB Power Supply Configuration SMAGND is the ground for the SMA connectors, is always 0 V and is not to be confused with the device ground, DUTGND. SMAGND and DUTGND can be connected in single-supply applications. Install the power supply banana jacks on the bottom side; install the appropriate bypass capacitors on top and bottom sides. The positive power supply banana jack connector for the core and inputs is labeled VDD. The positive power supply banana jack connector for the outputs is labeled VDDOA/B/C. The device negative power supply banana jack connector is labeled DUTGND. The SMA Ground plane/supply banana jack connector is labeled SMAGND. XTAL_IN Crystal A 25 MHz crystal is installed. Set the SELx pins in Table 3 of datasheet to select crystal. 27 pF load capacitors are installed. If a single-ended Clock input is needed to drive XTAL_IN, then remove the crystal and load capacitor, and install a 0-ohm resistor on RX1 and a 50-ohm resistor on RT1 on bottom side. This 50-ohm to GND will terminate the signal generator. Use the XTAL_IN SMA connector. The power supply banana jacks and typical capacitor by-pass connections of the evaluation board are shown in Figure 11. It is recommended to add power supply bypass capacitors at the device pins to reduce unwanted noise. 10 mF capacitors are connected from VDD and VDDOx and DUTGND, to SMAGND at the banana jacks. A 0.1 mF capacitor is installed from each VDD and VDDOx pin to SMAGND. Evaluation Board Assembly Instructions The NB3M8T3910GEVB evaluation board was designed for characterizing devices in a 50-W laboratory environment using high bandwidth equipment and accommodates a custom QFN-48 socket. Table 3 contains the Bill of Materials for this evaluation board. Solder the Device on the Evaluation Board The soldering of a QFN-48 package to the evaluation board can be accomplished by hand soldering or solder reflow techniques using solder paste and a hot air source. Make sure pin 1 of the device is located properly and all the pins are aligned to the footprint pads. Solder the device to the evaluation board. NOTE: Exposed Pad = DUTGND VCC VDDO 10 mF, 0.1 mF Installing the SMA Connectors Each high-speed input and output has an SMA connector installed on the board. Install all the required SMA connectors onto the board and solder the center signal conductor pin to the board. Please note that the alignment of the center signal connector pin of the SMA connector to the metal trace on the board can influence lab results. The launch and reflection of the signals are largely influenced by imperfect alignment and soldering of the SMA connector. SMAGND 10 mF, 0.1 mF DUTGND Figure 11. Typical Power Supply By-Pass Capacitor Arrangement http://onsemi.com 6 NB3M8T3910GEVB LVPECL QA1/QA1b 50-W TO GND OF OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 12. 50 MHz Figure 13. 100 MHz Figure 14. 250 MHz Figure 15. 500 MHz Figure 16. 1000 MHz Figure 17. 1250 MHz http://onsemi.com 7 NB3M8T3910GEVB LVPECL QA1/QA1b 50-W TO GND OF OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 18. 1500 MHz http://onsemi.com 8 NB3M8T3910GEVB LVPECL QB0/QB0b HI-Z PROBE OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 19. 50 MHz Figure 20. 100 MHz Figure 21. 250 MHz Figure 22. 500 MHz Figure 23. 1000 MHz Figure 24. 1250 MHz http://onsemi.com 9 NB3M8T3910GEVB LVPECL QB0/QB0b HI-Z PROBE OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 25. 1500 MHz http://onsemi.com 10 NB3M8T3910GEVB LVDS QB1/QB1b SINGLE-ENDED HI-Z PROBE OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 26. 50 MHz Figure 27. 100 MHz Figure 28. 250 MHz Figure 29. 500 MHz Figure 30. 1000 MHz Figure 31. 1250 MHz http://onsemi.com 11 NB3M8T3910GEVB LVDS QB1/QB1b SINGLE-ENDED HI-Z PROBE OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 32. 1500 MHz http://onsemi.com 12 NB3M8T3910GEVB LVDS QB1/QB1b DIFFERENTIAL HI-Z PROBE OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 33. 50 MHz Figure 34. 100 MHz Figure 35. 250 MHz Figure 36. 500 MHz Figure 37. 1000 MHz Figure 38. 1250 MHz http://onsemi.com 13 NB3M8T3910GEVB LVDS QB1/QB1b DIFFERENTIAL HI-Z PROBE OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 39. 1500 MHz http://onsemi.com 14 NB3M8T3910GEVB HCSL QA3/QA3b 50-W TO GND OF OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 40. 50 MHz Figure 41. 100 MHz Figure 42. 250 MHz http://onsemi.com 15 NB3M8T3910GEVB HCSL QB3/QB3b HI-Z PROBE OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 43. 50 MHz Figure 44. 100 MHz Figure 45. 250 MHz http://onsemi.com 16 NB3M8T3910GEVB LVCMOS REFOUT Figure 46. 50 MHz Figure 47. 100 MHz Figure 48. 200 MHz http://onsemi.com 17 NB3M8T3910GEVB BILL OF MATERIALS Table 3. NB3M8T3910GEVB BILL OF MATERIALS Component Qty. Description Manufacturer Part Number SMA Connector 32 Edge Mount Johnson 142-0711-821 Web Site Banana Jack Connector 4 Red - Side Launch Deltron 571-0500 Mouser #164-6219 Banana Jack Connector 2 Black - Side Launch Deltron 571-0100 Mouser #164-6218 Chip Resistor R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, R7, R30, R31, R33-R36, R44 13 + 6 0-W 0402 Vishay CRCW04020000Z0ED Digi-Key 541-0.0JCT-ND Chip Resistor R9-R12, R25-R28 8 33-W 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF33R0X Digi-Key ERJ-2RKF33R0X Chip Resistor R20, R21, R40, R41 4 50-W 1%, 0402 Vishay FC0402E50R0FST1 Digi-Key FC0402E50R0FST1-ND Chip Resistor 3 100-W 0402 Vishay FC0402E1000FST1 Digi-Key FC0402E1000FST1-ND Chip Resistor R38 1 475-W 0402 Vishay MCS04020C4750FE000 Digi-Key 2312 275 14751-ND 2 27 pF Crystal Load Capacitor 5 10 mF 10%, Case "C" 25 V or 16 V KEMET T491C106K025AT T491C106K016AS Chip Capacitor C6, C57, C58, C59, C64, C72, C80, C81, C91-C96 14 0.1 mF 10%, 0603 0.1 mF 10%, 0402 AVX 0603C104KAT2A 0402ZD104KAT2A www.avx.com Digi-Key 478-1129-1-ND Chip Capacitor 6 2 pF TDK C1005C0G1H020C Digi-Key 445-4863-1-ND Header J14, J19, J22, J23, J39, J46, J47 7 3-Pin3 Header, thru-hole 0.1 3M Shunt 7 QPC02SXGN-RC Digi-Key S9337-ND or A26229-ND Crystal 1 25 MHz Crystal Abracon Crystal Receptacles 2 Pin Receptacle, Amp, .140 lg, Max pin .021 Tin, Gold Mill-Max 0462-0-15-01-11-02-04-0 Digi-Key 0462-015011102040-ND Stand-off 4 Standoff, 4-40 1/4 x 5/8 Keystone 1808 Digi-Key 1808K-ND Screw 4 Screw, 4-40 x 0.25, PHP Building Fasteners PMS 440 0025 PH Digi-Key H342-ND Evaluation Board 1 NB3M8T3910GEVB QFN-48 Evaluation Board ON Semiconductor NB3M8T3910GEVB Device Under Test 1 DUT ON Semiconductor NB3M8T3910G Sullins NOTE: Components are available through most distributors, i.e. www.newark.com, www.Digikey.com http://onsemi.com 18 www.onsemi.com NB3M8T3910GEVB ON Semiconductor and the are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC) or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. SCILLC owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of SCILLC's product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent-Marking.pdf. SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303-675-2175 or 800-344-3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303-675-2176 or 800-344-3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: orderlit@onsemi.com N. American Technical Support: 800-282-9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81-3-5817-1050 http://onsemi.com 19 ON Semiconductor Website: www.onsemi.com Order Literature: http://www.onsemi.com/orderlit For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative EVBUM2238/D Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: ON Semiconductor: NB3M8T3910GEVB