HIGH FREQUENCY TABLE7 NPN SILICON PLANAR HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSISTORS The transistors shown in this table are designed for high frequency operation Amplifier and Oscillator applications. This table should be referred to in conjunction with the RF Diodes and Transistors Product Guide which contains details of the available range of Ferranti high frequency transistors. hee fT Min Noise Figure Cobo Max RF, Poor Max at at at at 1 MHz RF, Pg at Type |Vcp|VcEo| !c Package Min| Max |l le N le f Vep} mw f Vv Vv mA mA! MHz] mA dB mA Hz pF Vv ordB | MHz BFY90 30 | 15 | 50 | 25 | 150 | 2 | 1300) 25 | <5 2 500M / 1-5 | 10 {175mW} 500 | TO72 2N918 30] 15 |--|20/ }3|] |] <6 1 60M| 1-7 | 10 | 15dB j 200 | TO72 2N2708 35 | 20 | - | 30 | 200 | 2 | 700 2|<8-5/ 2 200M| 1-5 | 15 | 15dB | 200 |} TO18 2N3570 | 30] 15 | 50 | 20} 150|5]/ | ] <7 2 |1000M| 0-75) 6 | 6OmW | 1000) TO18 2N3571 25 15 | 50120; 200;5|] | ] <4 2 450M} 0-85} 6 _ _ TO18 2N3572 25 | 13 | 60} 20] 300; 5] | | <6 2 450M]| 0-85) 6 _ _ TO18 HIGH VOLTAGE TABLE8 NPN SILICON PLANAR HIGH VOLTAGE (LOW CURRENT) TRANSISTORS The transistors shown in this table are designed for general applications where device voltages in excess of 100 volts are required. Max VcE(sat) he IcBo Max at at at Prot Type |VesBlYcEo] Ic at Tamh| Package | Comple- le Ip | Min{Max] te Ves |=25C ment v v mA v mA | mA mA| vA] V mw 2791 120/100 | 1000; 1-2} 200 | 20 | 40 |120/ 200] 14 | 100] 1000 TO39 _ Z2T92 120/100 | 1000] 1-2 | 200 | 20 | 65 | 200/200] 1 [100] 1000 TO39 _ 2793 120} 80 | 1000] 0-5 | 150 | 15 | 40 |120; 150] 0-1/ 80] 1000 TO39 _ 2N2102 1120] 65 |1000/ 0-5 | 150] 15 | 40 | 120) 150/0-1]120; 1000 | TO39 2N4036 16