DSP Family Emulator Development Tools
4 DS007100-DSP0299
1. GUI software versions prior to 3.00 are incompatible
with hardware containing BOOTROM 3.00. The GUI
software may still boot; however, the software could
fail at some later point.
2. When simultaneously running two different GUI ver-
sions on two different Communication Ports, the
former executed version is used for both emulators.
These are typical Windows O/S bugs.
3. The emulator cannot be operated while performing
ESD/EMI testing on the target board.
4. The GUI occasionally indicates
after a
HALT instruction. Pushing the GO button also indi-
. (
displays at the caption
bar of the Debug window.)
5. Ensure that the target cable is correctly aligned (pin-1
to pin-1) before inserting into the target system. Incor-
rect alignment may damage the emulator and/or the
target system.
6. Do not start the emulator with an OTP device in the
programming socket. This action may cause the emu-
lator to not start up correctly.
7. A shorted PLCC or DIP OTP can crash the emulator
when inserted into the OTP programming socket. If a
PLCC part is inserted in such a way as to cause a tem-
porary short, then functionality is lost. An attempt to
perform BLANK CHECK on such a part causes the
“hourglass” to run incessantly. The Windows applica-
tion must be reset and restarted.
8. The status color bar in the OTP dialog box clears when
a new window opens on top of it.
9. Do not press the emulator MASTER RESET when the
emulator is in the OTP dialog for programming. If
MASTER RESET is pressed while the GUI is doing
OTP programming, close the OTP dialog box and re-
open it to reload the information back to the hardware.
The emulator is really sitting idle, although the Com-
mand Status shows “Processing” after the GUI reestab-
lishes the communication link when “Retry” was
selected in the “Out of Synchronization with the Emula-
tor” dialog box.
10. When device serialization is enabled in the OTP dia-
log, the GUI copies the current serial number to code
memory immediately before performing a VERIFY
operation. If this behavior is undesirable, then device
serialization should be disabled prior to invoking the
VERIFY operation.
11. Do not use the OTP operation while in the Debug’s
trace and/or animation mode.
12. Option selections for the OTP are not cleared after
changing a Device selection (applies to DSPICE
13. The
Decimal radix option will not
accept entry of more than 9,999 for the Fill Value.
Please use the Hexadecimal radix option when using a
fill value of more than 9,999 decimal.