BR1100/D REV 22 Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group Reliability and Quality Report Third Quarter 1996 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT QUARTER 3, 1996 MOTOROLA INC., 1996 To Our Valued Customers: Thank You! Thank you for selecting Motorola as your supplier of Microprocessor and Memory Products. We in Motorola's Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group (MMTG) are dedicated to delivering the products you, our customers, need to be successful -- since we cannot hope to succeed unless you succeed. A key to our combined success is for us to deliver to you products that are as high in quality as they are in performance. To help you understand the quality and reliability of our products I am glad to present to you MMTG's Quarterly Reliability and Quality Report. At Motorola we have one overriding goal -- Total Customer Satisfaction. We want to deliver the products you need, when you need them, made with the most appropriate technology available. To serve your needs MMTG's technology portfolio is extremely broad -- we have products built with technologies ranging from 5.0 m NMOS to 0.5 m BiCMOS. Over the past several years our rate of new product and technology introductions has increased substantially, and we have no intention of slowing down now. Even though our technology and products become more complex with each new generation, our expectations for their performance, quality, and reliability continue to increase. We are very proud of the quality and reliability of our products, but we are not satisfied with it. The goal for our products, the only appropriate goal, is zero defects! I hope that you find this report useful and will remain our partner as we progress into a future filled with products of ever increasing performance, quality, and reliability. Sincerely, Barry Waite Senior Vice President and General Manager Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group Austin, Texas, USA Semiconductor Products Sector Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group 6501 William Cannon Drive West, Austin, Texas 78735-8598 (512) 891-2000 To Our Valued Customers: A total commitment to quality is an integral part of Motorola's culture. That commitment has been highlighted publicly in many different ways from our receiving the first annual Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1988 to our industry leading 6-Sigma Quality Program. However, it is the unseen constant efforts of individual Motorolans striving to make incremental improvements that drive the continuous improvement of our products' quality and reliability. We know that your requirements for the quality and reliability of our products are constantly increasing because the requirements of your customers for the reliability and quality of your products are also increasing. We, therefore, engage in a never ending cycle of measuring our performance, determining the root cause of any failures that occur, correcting those root causes, and then beginning again to measure our performance. Each quarter we share the results of these continuous improvement efforts in this publication. We report to you the trends and current levels of reliability and quality for our broad portfolio of Microprocessor and Memory products. We also include an overview of our reliability and quality philosophy, as well as short sections on reliability data analysis and process control techniques. This report is for you, and we welcome your comments and suggestions to help us improve it. We have attached a postage paid Customer Response Form to the inside cover of this report to solicit your feedback. Thank you for choosing Motorola. Sincerely, Janet Brown Group Director of Reliability and Quality Assurance Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group Austin, Texas, USA Semiconductor Products Sector Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group 6501 William Cannon Drive West, Austin, Texas 78735-8598 (512) 891-2000 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP WORLD WIDE -- WORLD CLASS RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT TECHNICAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . 1-1 WORLD-WIDE CUSTOMER SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 FAST STATIC RAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 DYNAMIC RAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 MICROPROCESSOR PRODUCTS . . . . 5-1 QUALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Section 1 TECHNICAL INFORMATION WORLD WIDE -- WORLD CLASS RELIABILITY AND QUALITY PHILOSOPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 RELIABILITY DATA ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 RELIABILITY STRESS TESTS . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 1-1 MOTOROLA 1-2 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA'S RELIABILITY AND QUALITY PHILOSOPHY In order to guarantee that the high standards of reliability and quality required by Motorola, an ongoing Reliability Audit Program has been established. Individual product and package monitors are generally developed by identifying a process driver device (in most cases the same device used to qualify a process / product / package family). Once the process driver device is identified, the appropriate stress test programs are put in place to adequately monitor the ongoing process average of the specific family. This process average measurement is made by understanding the reliability and quality results of individual samples from production material. These samples are pulled at the outgoing QA gate portion of the production flow, then randomly sourced into specified reliability tests. These tests include Early Fail Studies, Dynamic and Static Long Term Lifetest (which includes Read and Record Parametric Characterization Samples), Temperature Humidity Bias, Pressure Temperature Humidity Bias, Autoclave, and Temperature Cycle, as well as preconditioning stress testing on plastic surface mount packaging technology. Monitor testing is completed on an ongoing four week cycle. Test results are subsequently made available in quarterly cycles. This report details all test results received for the previous quarter, outlining the reliability data associated with all process / package family types. With all of this data, an effective ongoing monitoring method is established which is capable of identifying reliability trends associated with all process / product / package families. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 1-3 RELIABILITY DATA ANALYSIS Reliability is the probability that a semiconductor device will perform its specified function in a given environment for a specified period. In other words, reliability is quality over time and environmental conditions. The most frequently used reliabiity measure for semiconductor devices is the failure rate ( ). The failure rate is obtained by dividing the number of failures observed by the product of the number of devices on test and the interval in hours, usually expressed as percent per thousand hours or failures per billion device hours (FITS). This is called a point estimate because it is obtained from observations on a portion (sample) of the population of devices. To project from the sample to the population in general, one must establish confidence intervals. The application of confidence intervals is a statement of how ``confident'' one is that the sample failure rate approximates that for the population. To obtain failure rates at different confidence levels, it is necessary to make use of specific probability distributions. The chi-square (2) distribution that relates observed and expected frequencies of an event is frequently used to establish confidence intervals. The relationship between failure rate and the chi-square distribution is as follows: = 2 (, d. f.) 2t where: = failure rate 2 = chi-square function = (100 - confidence level) / 100 d.f. = degrees of freedom = 2r + 2 r = number of failures t = device hours Chi-square values for 60% and 90% confidence intervals for up to 12 failures are shown in Table 1-1. accelerated tests, elevated stresses are used to produce, in a short period, the same failure mechanisms as would be observed under normal use conditions. The objective of this testing is to identify these failure mechanisms and eliminate them as a cause of failure during the useful life of the product. Temperature, relative humidity, and voltage are the most frequently used stresses during accelerated testing. Their relationship to failure rates has been shown to follow an Eyring type of equation of the form: = A exp(kT) * exp(B/RH) * exp(CE) Where A, B, C, , and k are constants, more specifically B, C, and are numbers representing the apparent energy at which various failure mechanisms occur. These are called activation energies. ``T'' is the temperature, ``RH'' is the relative humidity, and ``E'' is the electric field. The most familiar form of this equation (shown on following page) deals with the first exponential term that shows an Arrhenius type relationship of the failure rate versus the junction temperature of semiconductors. The junction temperature is related to the ambient temperature through the thermal resistance and power dissipation. Thus, we can test devices near their maximum junction temperatures, analyze the failures to assure that they are the types that are accelerated by temperature and then by applying known acceleration factors, estimate the failure rates for lower junction. Figure 1-1 shows a curve that gives estimates of typical failure rates versus temperature for semiconductors. 90% CONFIDENCE LEVEL Table 1-1 - Chi-Square Table 1 % FAILURE 1000 HOURS Chi-Square Distribution Function 60% Confidence Level 90% Confidence Level No. Fails 2 Quantity No. Fails 2 Quantity 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.833 4.045 6.211 8.351 10.473 12.584 14.685 16.780 18.868 20.951 23.031 25.106 27.179 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4.605 7.779 10.645 13.362 15.987 18.549 21.064 23.542 25.989 28.412 30.813 33.196 35.563 The failure rate of semiconductor devices is inherently low. As a result, the industry uses a technique called accelerated testing to assess the reliability of semiconductors. During MOTOROLA 1-4 0.1 0.01 0.7 eV 0.001 1.0 eV 0.0001 500 (1.5) 450 350 400 (2.0) 250 200 (2.5) 150 (3.0) 100 65 (3.5) 25 0 Figure 1-1 - Typical Failure Rate versus Junction Temperature MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Arrhenius type of equation: = A exp where: A k T = = = = = kT failure rate constant activation energy Boltzman's constant, 8.62 x 10-5 e/V/K temperature in degrees Kelvin (TJC + 273.15) Temperature acceleration factors for a particular failure mechanism can be expressed as the ratio of the failure rates at two different levels of stress: Circuit performance and long-term circuit reliabiity are affected by die temperature. Normally, both are improved by keeping the junction temperatures low. Electrical power dissipated in any semiconductor device is a source of heat. This heat source increases the temperature of the die about some reference point, normally the ambient temperature of 25C in still air. The temperature increase, then, depends on the amount of power dissipated in the circuit and on the net thermal resistance between the heat source and the reference point. The temperature at the junction depends on the packaging and mounting system's ability to remove heat generated in the circuit from the junction region to the ambient environment. The basic formula for converting power dissipation to estimated junction temperature is: Fa = exp( /k) * 1 - 1 Tr Tt where: Fa k Tr TJ = TA + PD (JC + CA) (1) TJ = TA + PD (JA) (2) or = = = = acceleration factor activation energy Boltzman's constant, 8.62 x 10-5 eV/K junction temperature, K at the rated ambient temperature Since device junction temperature and activation energy for observed failure mechanisms are ``critical'' parameters in estimating failure rate, the following additional information on these two parameters is presented below. Tt = junction temperature, K at the life test ambient temperature See Figure 1-2 as an example. where: TJ = maximum junction temperature TA = maximum ambient temperature PD = calculated maximum power dissipation, including effects of external loads when applicable JC = average thermal resistance, junction to case CA = average thermal resistance, case to ambient JA = average thermal resistance, junction to ambient This Motorola recommended formula has been approved by RADC and DESC for calculating a ``practical'' maximum operating junction temperature for MIL-M-38510 devices. 70 FR (FIT) 60 50 40 30 70 20 60 10 50 0 8.6 17 40 FR (FIT) 30 2 6 30 20 ACCELERATION FACTOR 10 0 400 800 1200 1400 TESTING TIME (HRS) @ 167.5C (TJ) Figure 1-2 - Example of Temperature Acceleration Factor (0.7 eV Activation Energy) MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 1-5 Only two terms on the right side of equation (1) can be varied by the user, the ambient temperature and the device case- to-ambient thermal resistance, CA. (To some extent the device power dissipation can also be controlled, but under recommended use the supply voltage and loading dictate a fixed power dissipation.) Both system air flow and the package mounting technique affect the CA thermal resistance term. JC is essentially independent of air flow and external mounting method, but is sensitive to package material, die bonding method, and die area. For applications where the case is held at essentially a fixed temperature by mounting on a large or temperature controlled heat sink, the estimated junction temperature is calculated by: TJ = TC + PD (JC) (3) where TC = maximum case temperature and the other parameters are as previously defined. AIR FLOW Air flow over the packages (due to a decrease in JC) reduces the thermal resistance of the package, therefore MOTOROLA 1-6 permitting a corresponding increase in power dissipation without exceeding the maximum permissible operating junction temperature. For thermal resistance values for specific packages, see the Motorola Data Book or Design Manual for the appropriate device family or contact your local Motorola sales office. ACTIVATION ENERGY Determination of activation energies is accomplished by testing randomly selected samples from the same population at various stress levels and comparing failure rates due to the same failure mechanism. The activation energy is represented by the slope of the curve relating to the natural logarithm of the failure rate to the various stress levels. In calculating failure rates, the comprehensive method is to use the specific activation energy for each failure mechanism applicable to the technology and circuit under consideration. A common alternative method is to use a single activation energy value for the ``expected'' failure mechanism(s) with the lowest activation energy. Table 1-2, on the following page, shows observed activation energies with reference. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Table 1-2 - Time Dependent Failure Mechanisms in Semiconductor Devices (Applicable to Discrete and Integrated Circuits) Device Association Silicon Oxide Silicon-Silicon Oxide Interface Metallization Relevant Factors Process Accelerating Factors Typical Activation Energy in eV Model Reference Surface Charges Inversion, Accumulation Mobile Ions E/V, T T, V 1.0 Fitch, et al. Peck 1A 2 Oxide Pinholes E/V, T E, T 0.7-1.0 (Bipolar) 1.0 (Bipolar) 1984 WRS Hokari, et al. 18 5 Dielectric Breakdown (TDDB) E/V, T E, T 0.3-0.4 (MOS) 0.3 (MOS) Domangue, et al. Crook, D.L. 3 4 Charge Loss E, T E, T 0.8 (MOS) EPROM Gear, G. 11 Electromigration T, J J, T 1.0 Large grain Al (glassivated) Nanda, et al. 6 Grain Size 0.5 Small grain Al Black, J.R. 7 Doping 0.7 Cu-Al/Cu-Si- Al (sputtered) Black, J.R. 12 Lycoudes, N.E. 8 Fitch, W.T 9 Howes, et al. 10 MMPD 13 Corrosion Chemical Galvanic Electrolytic Contamination Bond and Other Mechanical Interfaces Intermetallic Growth T, Impurities Bond Strength T Various Water Fab, Assembly, and Silicon Defects Metal Scratches Mask Defects, etc. Silicon Defects T, V T, V H, E/V, T 0.6-0.7 (for electrolysis) E/V may have thresholds 1.0 (Au/Al) 0.5-0.7 eV 0.5 eV V = voltage; E = electric field; T = temperature; J = current density; H = humidity NO. REFERENCE 1A Fitch, W.T.; Greer, P.; Lycoudes, N.; ``Data to Support 0.001%/1000 Hours for Plastic I/C's.'' Case study on linear product shows 0.914 eV activation energy which is within experimental error of 0.9 to 1.3 eV activation energies for reversible leakage (inversion) failures reported in the literature. 1B 2 Hokari, Y.; et al.; IEDM Technical Digest, 1982. 1.0 eV activation for leakage type failures. 0.7 To 1.0 eV for oxide defect failures for bipolar structures. This is under investigation subsequent to information obtained from 1984 Wafer Reliability Symposium, especially for bipolar capacitors with silicon nitride as dielectric. 6 Nanda, Vangard, Gj-P; Black, J.R.; ``Electromigration of Al-Si Alloy Films'', 1978 Reliability Physics Symposium. 7 8 9 4 5 0.65 eV for corrosion mechanism. Lycoudes, N.E.; ``The Reliability of Plastic Microcircuits in Moist Environments'', 1978 Solid State Technology. 1.0 eV activation for leakage type failures. 1.0 eV for open wires or high resistance bonds at the pad bond due to Au-Al intermetallics. Fitch, W.T.; ``Operating Life vs Junction Temperatures for Plastic Encapsulated I/C (1.5 mil Au wire)'', unpublished report. 0.36 eV for dielectric breakdown for MOS gate structures. Domangue, E.; Rivera, R.; Shedard, C.; ``Reliability Prediction Using Large MOS Capacitors'', 1984 Reliability Physics Symposium. 0.5 eV Al, 0.7 eV Cu-Al small grain (compared to line width). Black, J.R.; ``Current Limitation of Thin Film Conductor'' 1982 Reliability Physics Symposium. Peck, D.S.; ``New Concerns About Integrated Circuit Reliability'' 1978 Reliability Physics Symposium. 3 1.0 eV for large grain Al-Si (compared to line width). 10 0.7 eV for assembly related defects. Howes, M.G.; Morgan, D.V.; ``Reliability and Degradation, Semiconductor Devices and CIrcuits'' John Wiley and Sons, 1981. 0.3 eV for dielectric breakdown. Crook, D.L.; ``Method of Determining Reliability Screens for Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown'', 1979 Reliability Physics Symposium. 11 Gear, G.; ``FAMOUS PROM Reliability Studies'', 1976 Reliability Physics Symposium. 12 Black, J.R.: unpublished report. 1.0 eV for dielectric breakdown. 13 Motorola Memory Products Division; unpublished report. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 1-7 RELIABILITY STRESS TESTS The following summary briefly describes the various reliability tests included in the Motorola reliability monitor program. DYNAMIC EARLY FAIL STUDY This stress is performed to accelerate infant mortality failure mechanisms, which are defects that occur within the first year of normal device operation. Typical stress is a temperature of 125C, nominal voltage (6 V), and a duration of 168 hours. All devices used in this test are sampled directly after the standard production final test flow with no prior burn-in or other prescreening, unless called out in the normal production flow. DYNAMIC AND STATIC LONG TERM LIFETEST Both Dynamic and Static Long Term Lifetests are performed to accelerate failure mechanisms and access parametric shifts, which are voltage and thermally activated. This is done through the application of extreme temperatures and the use of biased operating conditions. Typical stress temperature is 125C with the bias applied being equal to or greater than the data sheet nominal value. All memory devices used in the long term lifetest are sampled from the Dynamic Early Fail Study. Testing is either performed with dynamic signals applied to the devices or in a static bias configuration for a test duration of 1008 hours. typically performed to minimum and maximum temperatures of - 65C to + 150C for a duration of 500 or 1000 cycles. Devices are placed in a fluorocarbon bath and cooled to minimum specified temperature. After being held in the cold chamber for five minutes, the devices are transferred to an adjacent chamber filled with fluorocarbon at the maximum specified temperature for an equivalent time. Two five-minute dwells plus two ten-second transitions constitute one cycle. TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY BIAS (THB) This is an environmental test performed at a temperature of 85C and a relative humidity of 85%. The test is designed to measure the moisture resistance of plastic encapsulated circuits. A nominal static bias is applied to the device to create the electrolytic cells necessary to accelerate corrosion of the metalization. Typical stress duration is 1008 hours. PRESSURE TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY BIAS (PTHB) This Test is performed to accelerate the effects of moisture penetration with the dominant effect being corrosion. This test detects similar failure mechanisms as THB but at a greatly accelerated rate. Conditions employed during this test are a temperature of 148C, humidity of 90%, 44 psig, and a nominal static bias voltage. Typical stress duration is 72 hours. SMT PRECONDITIONING STRESS TEMPERATURE CYCLE This test accelerates the effects of thermal expansion mismatch among the different components within a specific die and packaging system. This test is typically performed to minimum and maximum temperatures of - 65C to + 150C for a duration of 500 or 1000 cycles. During temperature cycle testing, devices are inserted into a cycling system and held at cold dwell temperature for at least ten minutes. Following this cold dwell, the devices are heated to the hot dwell where they remain for another ten minutes. The system employs a circulating air environment to assure rapid stabilization at the specified temperature. The purpose of this test is to simulate the shipping, storage, and solder attach steps involved in mounting and reworking a surface mount device. The preconditioning flow begins with ten temperature cycles (- 65C/150C) and is followed by a moisture soak. The soak may involve simulating a worst case "no Dry Pack" condition in an 85C/85% RH environment, a worst case Dry Pack condition of 85C/60% RH, or a typical manufacturing environment condition of 30C/60% RH. The duration of the moisture condition will vary depending on the moisture level tested. Moisture exposure is followed by multiple passes of vapor phase reflow (215C) for 120 seconds per pass. This test method meets all requirements of Jedec A113. THERMAL SHOCK AUTOCLAVE The objective of this test is the same as that for Temperature Cycle testing: to emphasize differences in expansion coefficients for components of the packaging system. However, thermal shock provides additional stress because the device is exposed to a sudden change in temperature due to the transfer time of ten seconds maximum as well as the increased thermal conductivity of a liquid ambient. This test is Autoclave is an environmental test that measures devices resistance to moisture penetration and the resultant effects of galvanic corrosion. Conditions employed during the test include 121C, 100% relative humidity, and 15 psig. Corrosion of the die is the expected failure mechanism. Autoclave is a highly accelerated and destructive test. Typical test duration is 96 hours. MOTOROLA 1-8 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL Motorola's Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group is continually pursuing new ways to improve product quality. Initial design improvement is one method that can be used to produce a superior product. Equally important to outgoing product quality is the ability to produce product that consistently conforms to specification. Process variability is the basic enemy of semiconductor manufacturing since it leads to product variability. Used in all phases of Motorola's product manufacturing, STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL (SPC) replaces variability with predictability. The traditional philosophy in the semiconductor industry has been adherence to the data sheet specification. Using SPC methods ensures that the product will meet specific process requirements throughout the manufacturing cycle. The emphasis is on defect prevention, not detection. Predictability through SPC methods requires the manufacturing culture to focus on constant and permanent improvements. Usually, these improvements cannot be bought with state-of-the-art equipment or automated factories. With quality in design, process, and material selection, coupled with manufacturing predictability, Motorola produces world class products. The immediate effect of SPC manufacturing is predictability through process controls. Product centered and distributed well within the product specification benefits Motorola with fewer rejects, improved yields, and lower cost. The direct benefit to Motorola's customers includes better incoming quality levels, less inspection time, and ship-to-stock capability. Circuit performance is often dependent on the cumulative effect of component variability. Tightly controlled component distributions give the customer greater circuit predictability. Many customers are also converting to just-in-time (JIT) delivery programs. These programs require improvements in cycle time and yield predictability achievable only through SPC techniques. The benefit derived from SPC helps the manufacturer meet the customer's expectations of higher quality and lower cost product. Ultimately, Motorola will have Six Sigma capability on all products. This means parametric distributions will be centered within the specification limits, with a product distribution of plus or minus Six Sigma about mean. Six Sigma capability, shown graphically in Figure 1-3, details the benefit in terms of yield and outgoing quality levels. This compares a centered distribution versus a 1.5 sigma worst case distribution shift. New product development at Motorola requires more robust design features that make them less sensitive to minor variations in processing. These features make the implementation of SPC much easier. A complete commitment to SPC is present throughout Motorola. All managers, engineers, production operators, supervisors, and maintenance personnel have received multiple training courses on SPC techniques. Manufacturing has identified 22 wafer processing and 8 assembly steps considered critical to the processing of semiconductor products. Processes controlled by SPC methods that have shown significant improvement are in the diffusion, photolithography, and metallization areas. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT To better understand SPC principles, brief explanations have been provided. These cover process capability, implementation, and use. PROCESS CAPABILITY -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Standard Deviations From Mean Distribution Centered At 3 2700 ppm defective 99.73% yield At 4 63 ppm defective 99.9937% yield Distribution Shifted 1.5 66810 ppm defective 93.32% yield 6210 ppm defective 99.379% yield At 5 0.57 ppm defective 99.999943% yield 233 ppm defective 99.9767% yield At 6 0.002 ppm defective 99.9999998% yield 3.4 ppm defective 99.99966% yield Figure 1-3 - AOQL and Yield from a Normal Distribution of Product With 6 Capability One goal of SPC is to ensure a process is CAPABLE. Process capability is the measurement of a process to produce products consistently to specification requirements. The purpose of a process capability study is to separate the inherent RANDOM VARIABILITY from ASSIGNABLE CAUSES. Once completed, steps are taken to identify and eliminate the most significant assignable causes. Random variability is generally present in the system and does not fluctuate. Sometimes, the random variability is due to basic limitations associated with the machinery, materials, personnel skills, or manufacturing methods. Assignable cause inconsistencies relate to time variations in yield, performance, or reliability. Traditionally, assignable causes appear to be random due to the lack of close examination or analysis. Figure 1-4 shows the impact on predictability that assignable cause can have. Figure 1-5 shows the difference between process control and process capability. A process capability study involves taking periodic samples from the process under controlled conditions. The performance characteristics of these samples are charted against time. In time, assignable causes can be identified and engineered out. Careful documentation of the process is the key to accurate diagnosis and successful removal of the assignable causes. Sometimes, the assignable causes will remain unclear, requiring prolonged experimentation. Elements which measure process variation control and capability are Cp and Cpk, respectively. Cp is the specification width divided by the process width or Cp = (specification width) / 6. Cpk is the absolute value of the closest specification value to the mean, minus the mean, divided by half the process width or Cpk = closest specification - X/3. MOTOROLA 1-9 PREDICTION In control assignable causes eliminated TIME TIME Out of control (assignable causes present) SIZE Process "under control" - all assignable causes are removed and future distribution is predictable. SIZE ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? PREDICTION Lower Specification Limit Upper Specification Limit TIME TIME SIZE Figure 1-4 - Impact of Assignable Causes on Process Predictable At Motorola, for critical parameters, the process capability is acceptable with a Cpk = 1.33. The desired process capability is a Cpk = 2 and the ideal is a Cpk = 5. Cpk, by definition, shows where the current production process fits with relationship to the specification limits. Off center distributions or excessive process variability will result in less than optimum conditions. SPC IMPLEMENTATION AND USE MMTG uses many parameters that show conformance to specification. Some parameters are sensitive to process variations while others remain constant for a given product line. Often, specific parameters are influenced when changes to other parameters occur. It is both impractical and unnecessary to monitor all parameters using SPC methods. Only critical parameters that are sensitive to process variability are chosen for SPC monitoring. The process steps affecting these critical parameters must be identified as well. It is equally important to find a measurement in these process steps that correlates with product performance. This measurement is called a critical process parameter. Once the critical process parameters are selected, a sample plan must be determined. The samples used for measurement are organized into RATIONAL SUBGROUPS of approximately two to five pieces. The subgroup size should be such that variation among the samples within the subgroup remain small. All samples must come from the same source e.g., the same mold press operator, etc. Subgroup data should be MOTOROLA 1-10 SIZE In control and capable (variation from random variability reduced) In control but not capable (variation from random variability excessive) Figure 1-5 - Difference Between Process Control and Process Capability collected at appropriate time intervals to detect variations in the process. As the process begins to show improved stability, the interval may be increased. The data collected must be carefully documented and maintained for later correlation. Examples of common documentation entries are operator, machine, time, settings, product type, etc. Once the plan is established, data collection may begin. The data collected with generate X and R values that are plotted with respect to time. X refers to the mean of the values within a given subgroup, while R is the range or greatest value minus least value. When approximately 20 or more X and R values have been generated, the average of these values is computed as follows: X = (X + X2 + X3 + . . .)/K R = (R1 + R2 + R2 + . . .)/K where K = the number of subgroups measured. The values of X and R are used to create the process control chart. Control charts are the primary SPC tool used to signal a problem. Shown in Figure 1-6, process control charts show X and R values with respect to time and concerning reference to upper and lower control limit values. Control limits are computed as follows: R upper control limit = UCLR = D4 R R lower control limit = LCLR = D3 R X upper control limit = UCLX = X + A2 R X lower control limit = LCL X = X - A2 R MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 154 153 UCL = 152.8 152 151 X = 150.4 150 149 148 LCL = 148.0 147 UCL = 7.3 7 6 5 4 R = 3.2 3 2 1 LCL = 0 0 Figure 1-6 - Example of Process Control Chart Showing Oven Temperature Data Where D4, D3, and A2 are constants varying by sample size, with values for sample sizes from 2 to 10 shown in the following partial table: n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D4 3.27 2.57 2.28 2.11 2.00 1.92 1.86 1.82 1.78 D3 * * * * * 0.08 0.14 0.18 0.22 A2 1.88 1.02 0.73 0.58 0.48 0.42 0.37 0.34 0.31 *For sample sizes below 7, the LCLR would technically be a negative number; in those cases there is no lower control limit; this means that for a subgroup size 6, six ``identical'' measurements would not be unreasonable. Control charts are used to monitor the variability of critical process parameters. The R chart shows basic problems with piece to piece variability related to the process. The X chart can often identify changes in people, machines, methods, etc. The source of the variability can be difficult to find and may require experimental design techniques to identify assignable causes. Some general rules have been established to help determine when a process is OUT-OF-CONTROL. Figure 1-7 shows a control chart subdivided into zones A, B, and C corresponding to 3 sigma, 2 sigma, and 1 sigma limits respectively. In Figures 1-8 through 1-11 four of the tests that can be used to identify excessive variability and the presence of assignable causes are shown. As familiarity with a given process increases, more subtle tests may be employed successfully. Once the variability is identified, the cause of the variability must be determined. Normally, only a few factors have a significant impact on the total variability of the process. The importance of correctly identifying these factors is stressed in the following example. Suppose a process variability depends on MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT the variance of five factors A, B, C, D, and E. Each has a variance of 5, 3, 2, 1, and 0.4, respectively. SInce: tot = A2 + B2 + C2 + D2 + E2 tot = 52 + 32 + 22 + 12 +(0.4)2 = 6.3 If only D is identified and eliminated, then: tot = 52 + 32 + 22 + (0.4)2 = 6.2 This results in less than 2% total variability improvement. If B, C, and D were eliminated, then: tot = 52 + (0.4)2 = 5.02 This gives a considerably better improvement of 23%. If only A is identified and reduced from 5 to 2, then: tot = 22 + 32 + 22 + 12 + (0.4)2 = 4.3 Identifying and improving the variability from 5 to 2 yields a total variability improvement of nearly 40%. Most techniques may be employed to identify the primary assignable cause(s). Out-of-control conditions may be correlated to documented process changes. The product may be analyzed in detail using best versus worst part comparisons or Product Analysis Lab equipment. Multi-variance analysis can be used to determine the family of variation (positional, critical, or temporal). Lastly, experiments may be run to test theoretical or factorial analysis. Whatever method is used, assignable causes must be identified and eliminated in the most expeditious manner possible. MOTOROLA 1-11 UCL UCL A ZONE A (+ 3 SIGMA) B ZONE B (+ 2 SIGMA) C ZONE C (+ 1 SIGMA) CENTERLINE ZONE C (- 1 SIGMA) C ZONE B (- 2 SIGMA) B ZONE A (- 3 SIGMA) A LCL Figure 1-7 - Control Chart Zones Figure 1-8 - One Point Outside Control Limit Indicating Excessive Variability UCL UCL A A B B C C C C B B A LCL A LCL Figure 1-9 - Two Out of Three Points in Zone A or Beyond Indicating Excessive Variability LCL Figure 1-10 - Four Out of Five Points in Zone B or Beyond Indicating Excessive Variability UCL A B C C B A LCL Figure 1-11 - Seven Out of Eight Points in Zone C or Beyond Indicating Excessive Variability After assignable causes have been eliminated, new control limits are calculated to provide a more challenging variability criteria for the process. As yields and variability improve, it may become more difficult to detect improvements because they become much smaller. When all assignable causes have been eliminated and the points remain within control limits for 25 groups, the process is said to be in a state of control. MOTOROLA 1-12 SUMMARY Motorola is committed to the use of STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROLS. These principles, used throughout manufacturing have already resulted in many significant improvements to the processes. Continued dedication to the SPC culture will allow Motorola to reach the Six Sigma and zero defect capability goals. SPC will further enhance the commitment to TOTAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Section 2 WORLD WIDE CUSTOMER SUPPORT WORLD WIDE -- WORLD CLASS WORLD WIDE SERVICE CENTERS . . . . . 2-2 CAPABILITIES CHART BY REGION . . . . . 2-3 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 2-1 CUSTOMER FAILURE ANALYSIS SUPPORT WORLD WIDE The following map and chart show the location of our worldwide MMTG support facilities and outline the customer return failure analysis support status of each of these facilities. While each facility supports the customers located in the immediate region, all facilities work together to produce detailed and accurate analyses. As can be seen in the chart, all offshore locations have some level of test and physical failure analysis capabiities. These capabilities are continually increasing. The North American support site in Austin, Texas, is fully resourced for comprehensive, detailed electrical and physical analysis of all Memory products and most High Performance and RISC MPUs. In addition to local customer return analysis, the Austin facility provides expert analysis assistance to all offshore regions through technical information and data communications as well as electrical and physical analysis on the most difficult of the offshore returns. EUROPE East Kilbride NORTH AMERICA Austin HONG KONG JAPAN Sendai ASIA PACIFIC Kuala Lumpur WORLD WIDE SERVICE CENTERS NORTH AMERICA Semiconductor Sales Office 11120 Metric Blvd. Austin, TX 78758 All Memories Most MPUs ASIA PACIFIC Motorola Malaysia SDU. BHD. No. 2 Jalan SS 8/2 47300 Petaling Jaya Selangor, Malaysia All Memories JAPAN Nippon Motorola LTD. (NML) 3-2-1, Akedori, Izumi-Ku, Sendai-Shi 981-31, Japan All Memories Some MPUs MOTOROLA 2-2 EUROPE Motorola LTD Colvilles Road Kelvin Industrial Estate UK-East Kilbride Glasgow, G75 OTG All Memories Some MPUs HONG KONG Motorola Semiconductors Hong Kong Ltd. 2 Dai King Street Tai PC Industrial Estate, Tai PD, NT. Hong Kong Some MPUs MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT FAILURE ANALYSIS CAPABILITIES BY REGION Customer Electrical Test and Analysis Physical Test and Analysis North America Austin, Texas Japan Sendai, Japan Europe East Kilbride, Scotland Asia/Pacific Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia * Dedicated QA Teradyne Testers for Electrical Verification and Characterization of Memories * Dedicated DRAM and FSRAM QA Engineers and MPU Failure Analysis Engineers Perform Electrical Device Investigation * Production Testers Available for Correlation Activities of all Memories and Most MPUs * Additional Design Engineering Analysis if Required * Dedicated QA Teradyne Testers for Electrical Verification and Characterization of Some Memories * Failure Analysis Engineers Perform Electrical Test Verification * Dedicated QA Teradyne Testers for Electrical Verification and Characterization of Some Memories * Failure Analysis Engineers Perform Electrical Test Verification * Dedicated QA Teradyne Testers for Electrical Verification and Characterization of Memories * Failure Analysis Engineers Perform Electrical Test Verification * Chip and Package Areas * Dedicated DRAM and FSRAM Failure Analysis Engineers * Complete Electrical Verification Bench Equipment * Full Wet Lab for Deprocessing * E-Beam Testing * Emission Microscopy * SEM/EDS * TEM, Auger, SIMS, ESCA * Acoustic Microscopies * FIB * Additional R&D Diagnostic Analysis if Required * Chip and Package Areas * Shared Failure Analysis Engineers * Production Testers Available for Correlation Activities of Most MPUs Hong Kong * Failure Analysis Engineers Perform Electrical Test Verification * Production Testers Available for Correlation Activities of all Memories and Most MPUs * Production Testers Available for Correlation Activities of Some MPUs * Chip and Package Areas * Dedicated QA Failure Analysis Engineers * Electrical Verification Bench Equipment * Package Area * Package Area * Dedicated QA Failure Analysis Engineers * Electrical Verification Bench Equipment * Dedicated QA Failure Analysis Engineers * Electrical Verification Bench Equipment * Wet Lab for Deprocessing * E-Beam Testing * Emission Microscopy * SEM/EDS * Wet Lab for Deprocessing * Wet Lab for Deprocessing * Wet Lab for Deprocessing * Emission Microscopy * SEM/EDS * Emission Microscopy * SEM/EDS * Emission Microscopy * SEM/EDS * Acoustic Microscopies * FIB * Acoustic Microscopies * Acoustic Microscopies * Acoustic Microscopies * FIB * Electrical Verification Bench Equipment NOTE: All World Wide Failure Analysis Labs are linked together with Motorola's Peer-to-Peer Network for instantaneous data transmission. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 2-3 MOTOROLA 2-4 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Section 3 FAST STATIC RAMs WORLD WIDE -- WORLD CLASS BiCMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.8 Double Level Metal BiCMOS Process 5 V 256K Density Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 0.8 Double Level Metal BiCMOS Process 5 V 1 Meg Density Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 0.5 Double Level Metal BiCMOS Process 3.3 V 1 Meg Density Process . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 5 V 1 Meg Density Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 CMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.8 Double Level Metal CMOS Process 5 V 1 Meg Density Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 0.65 Double Level Metal CMOS Process 5 V 256K Density Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 0.5 Double Level Metal CMOS Process 5 V 256K Density Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 5 V 1 Meg Density Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 5 V 4 Meg Density Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24 PACKAGE MONITORS 300 mil, 24, 28, 32 pin Plastic SOJ Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 400 mil, 28, 32 pin Plastic SOJ Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 44, 52 pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier Package . . . . . . . 3-33 64 - 160 pin Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 TECHNOLOGY DRAWINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-1 Case 710 Case 710A Case 724A Case 736A Case 810 Case 810A Case 710B Case 738 Case 810B Case 777 Case 853 Case 724 Case 778 Case 857 East Kilbride Anam Tokyo Mesa Kuala Lumpur Austin Penang Anam, Korea Austin, Texas East Kilbride, Scotland MOTOROLA 3-2 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Mesa, Arizona Penang, Malaysia Tokyo, Japan MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT BiCMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.8 Double Level Metal, BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 256K Density Process Applicable Devices: Part Number Organization Speed MCM6706A 32K x 8 10, 12 ns MCM6708A 64K x 4 10, 12 ns MCM6709A 64K x 4 10, 12 ns MCM6705 32K x 9 10, 12 ns MCM6706R 32K x 8 6, 7, 8 ns MCM6709R 64K x 4 6, 7, 8 ns MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-3 0.8 Double Level Metal, BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 256K Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/883 0/883 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 4Q95 MOTOROLA 3-4 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.8 Double Level Metal, BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 256K Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/130 0/127 0/257 Total Device Hours EA (eV) Reject Information EA (eV) Reject Information 131040 128016 259056 Static Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/128 0/126 0/254 Total Device Hours 129024 127008 256032 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-5 BiCMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.8 Double Level Metal, BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 1 Meg Density Process Applicable Devices: Part Number Organization Speed MCM6726 128K x 8 10, 12, 15 ns MCM6727 1M x 1 10, 12, 15 ns MCM6728 256K x 4 10, 12, 15 ns MCM6729 256K x 4 10, 12, 15 ns MCM6726A 128K x 8 8, 10, 12, 15 ns MCM6728A 256K x 4 8, 10, 12, 15 ns MCM6729A 256K x 4 8, 10, 12, 15 ns MCM67B618 64K x 18 9, 10, 12 ns MCM67C618 64K x 18 6, 7, 9 ns MCM67H618 64K x 18 9, 10, 12 ns MCM67J618 64K x 18 6, 7, 9 ns MCM67M618 64K x 18 9, 11, 14 ns MCM67A618 64K x 18 10, 12, 15 ns MCM67D709 128K x 9 6, 7.5 ns MOTOROLA 3-6 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.8 Double Level Metal, BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 1 Meg Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.0 volts, 168 Hours/125C, 6.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Cumulative PPM Fail 0/205 0/767 0/1488 0/2460 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 4Q95 1Q96 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 2Q96 MOTOROLA 3-7 BiCMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.5 Double Level Metal, Double Level Poly BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 3.3 V 1 Meg Density Process Applicable Devices: Part Number Organization Speed MCM6926 128K x 8 8, 10, 12, 15 ns MCM6929 256K x 4 8, 10, 12, 15 ns MCM69P531 32K x 32 4.5, 7, 8, 9 ns MCM69F536A 32K x 32 8.5, 9, 10, 12 ns MCM69F536B 32K x 32 8.5, 9, 10, 12 ns MCM69P536A 32K x 32 4.5, 5, 6, 7 ns MCM69P536B 32K x 32 4.5, 5, 6, 7 ns MCM69F618A 64K x 18 8.5, 9, 10, 12 ns MCM69P618A 64K x 18 8.5, 9, 10, 12 ns MOTOROLA 3-8 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.5 Double Level Metal, Double Level Poly BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 3.3 V 1 Meg Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 4.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters 1/2291 1/2291 Cumulative PPM Fail 436 436 Reject Information 1 - In Analysis Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 3Q96 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-9 BiCMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.5 Double Level Metal, Double Level Poly BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 1 Meg Density Process Applicable Devices: Part Number Organization Speed MCM6726B 128K x 8 8, 10, 12 ns MCM6726C 128K x 8 6, 7 ns MCM6728B 256K x 4 8, 10, 12 ns MCM6729B 256K x 4 8, 10, 12 ns MCM6729C 256K x 4 6, 7 ns MCM67A618A 64K x 18 9, 10, 12 ns MCM67B618A 64K x 18 9, 10, 12 ns MCM67C618A 64K x 18 5, 7 ns MCM67M618A 64K x 18 9, 10, 12 ns MOTOROLA 3-10 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.5 Double Level Metal, Double Level Poly BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 1 Meg Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 1/9927 0/1898 1/2227 2/1777 4/15829 Cumulative PPM Fail 101 0 449 1125 253 Reject Information 1 - In Analysis 1 - Foreign Matter 1 - Foreign Matter 1 - No Defect Found Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 4Q95 1Q96 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 2Q96 3Q96 MOTOROLA 3-11 0.5m Double Level Metal, Double Level Poly BiCMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 1 Meg Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period Results: Rejects/Devices 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Total Device Hours 0/623 0/75 0/186 0/64 0/948 EA (eV) Reject Information EA (eV) Reject Information 313992 @ 504 Hrs 75600 187488 64512 641592 Static Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period Results: Rejects/Devices 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Total Device Hours 0/75 0/261 0/64 0/400 75600 263088 64512 403200 FIT Rate Derating Graph to Users Voltage / Temperature for Most Recent Quarter Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 100 90 80 FITS @ 60% C.L. 70 60 4.50 V 50 5.00 V 40 5.50 V 30 20 10 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 USERS TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) MOTOROLA 3-12 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT CMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.8 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 1 Meg Density Process Applicable Devices: Part Number Organization Speed MCM6226 128K x 8 25, 30 ns MCM6226A 128K x 8 20, 25, 30, 35, 45 ns MCM6227A 1M x 1 25, 30 ns MCM6229 256K x 4 20, 25, 30, 35, 45 ns MCM6229A 256K x 4 20, 25, 30, 35, 45 ns MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-13 0.8 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 1 Meg Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.0 volts, 168 Hours/125C, 6.5 volts, 168 Hours/125C, 6.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/575 0/45 0/620 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 4Q95 MOTOROLA 3-14 1Q96 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT CMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.65 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 256K Density Process Applicable Devices: Part Number Organization Speed MCM6205D 32K x 9 15, 17, 20, 25 ns MCM6206D 32K x 8 15, 17, 20, 25 ns MCM62486B 32K x 9 11, 12, 14, 19, 24 ns MCM62940B 32K x 9 11, 12, 14, 19, 24 ns MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-15 0.65 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 256K Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.0 volts, 168 Hours/125C, 6.5 volts, 168 Hours/125C, 6.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/390 0/208 0/2600 0/156 0/3354 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 4Q95 MOTOROLA 3-16 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.65 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 256K Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/91 0/78 0/169 Total Device Hours EA (eV) Reject Information EA (eV) Reject Information 91728 78624 170352 Static Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/91 0/78 0/169 Total Device Hours 91728 78624 170352 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-17 CMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.5 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 256K Density Process Applicable Devices: Part Number MCM6206BA MOTOROLA 3-18 Organization 32K x 8 Speed 12, 15, 17, 20, 25, 35 ns MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.5 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 256K Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Cumulative PPM Fail 0/235 0/235 Reject Information 0 0 Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 4Q95 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-19 0.5 Double Level Metal, Double Level Poly CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 256K Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/247 0/247 Total Device Hours EA (eV) Reject Information EA (eV) Reject Information 248976 248976 Static Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters MOTOROLA 3-20 Results: Rejects/Devices 0/252 0/252 Total Device Hours 254016 254016 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT CMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.5 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 1 Meg Density Process Applicable Devices: Part Number Organization Speed MCM6226B 128K x 8 15, 20, 25 ns MCM6227B 1M x 1 15, 20, 25, 35 ns MCM6229B 256K x 4 15, 20, 25 ns MCM6226BB 128K x 8 15, 17, 20, 25 ns MCM6229BB 256K x 4 15, 17, 20, 25 ns MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-21 0.5 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 1 Meg Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 4/2433 0/161 5/2877 9/5521 Cumulative PPM Fail 1644 0 1738 1630 Reject Information 4 - In Analysis 5 - No Defect Found Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 6000 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 MOTOROLA 3-22 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.5 Double Level Metal, Double Level Poly CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 1M Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/213 0/288 0/501 Total Device Hours EA (eV) Reject Information EA (eV) Reject Information 214703 290304 505008 Static Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Time Period 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/115 0/265 0/380 Total Device Hours 115920 267120 383040 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-23 CMOS PROCESS MONITORS 0.5 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 4 Meg Density Process Applicable Devices: Part Number Organization Speed MCM6246 512K x 8 20, 25, 35 ns MCM6249 1M x 4 20, 25, 35 ns MOTOROLA 3-24 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.5 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 4 Meg Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/50 1/1412 0/176 0/211 1/1849 Cumulative PPM Fail 0 708 0 0 540 Reject Information 1 - No Defect Found Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 4Q95 1Q96 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 2Q96 3Q96 MOTOROLA 3-25 0.5 Double Level Metal CMOS FSRAM Process / 5 V 4 Meg Density Process (cont.) Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Total Device Hours 0/148 0/60 0/60 0/70 0/338 EA (eV) Reject Information EA (eV) Reject Information 149184 60480 60480 70560 340704 Static Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Total Device Hours 0/148 0/60 0/60 0/70 0/338 149184 60480 60480 70560 340704 FIT Rate Derating Graph to Users Voltage / Temperature for Most Recent Quarter Static Long Term Lifetest 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 FITS @ 60% C.L. FITS @ 60% C.L. Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 USERS TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) 65 70 4.50 V 5.00 V 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 USERS TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) 5.50 V MOTOROLA 3-26 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PACKAGE MONITORS 300 mil, 24, 28, 32 pin Plastic SOJ Package Applicable Devices: Part Number Package Width / Pin Count MCM4180 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6205 300 mil / 32 pin MCM6206 300 mil / 28 pin MCM6207 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6208 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6209 300 mil / 28 pin MCM62350 300 mil / 24 pin MCM62351 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6264 300 mil / 28 pin MCM6268 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6269 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6270 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6287 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6288 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6290 300 mil / 24 pin MCM6705A 300 mil / 32 pin MCM6706A 300 mil / 28 pin MCM6708A 300 mil / 28 pin MCM6709A 300 mil / 28 pin MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-27 300 mil, 24, 28, 32 pin Plastic SOJ Package Preconditioning Stress Temperature Cycle (-65 to +150C, 10 Cycles) + Bake (125C, 24 Hrs) + Temperature Humidity Soak (85C, 60% RH, 168 Hrs) + Vapor Phase (215C, 60 seconds, 3 Passes) Time Period 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/845 0/300 0/1145 Reject Information 0 0 0 Pressure Temperature Humidity Bias 148C, 90% RH, 44 psig, 5 V, 72 Hrs Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/60 0/60 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5V, 1008 Hours Time Period 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/150 0/60 0/210 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 NOTE: The above SOJ package stresses are sourced from preconditioning stress samples. MOTOROLA 3-28 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 300 mil, 24, 28, 32 pin Plastic SOJ Package (cont.) Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 500 Cycles Time Period 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/144 0/60 0/204 0 0 0 Reject Information Thermal Shock - 65 to + 150C, Liquid to Liquid, 500 Cycles Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/45 0/45 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 Autoclave 121C, 15 psig, 100% RH, 96 Hrs Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/60 0/60 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 NOTE: The above SOJ package stresses are sourced from preconditioning stress samples. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-29 PACKAGE MONITORS 400 mil, 28, 32 pin Plastic SOJ Package Applicable Devices: Part Number Package Width / Pin Count MCM6226 400 mil / 32 pin MCM6229 400 mil / 28 pin MCM6206 400 mil / 28 pin MCM6264 400 mil / 28 pin MCM6293 400 mil / 28 pin MCM6294 400 mil / 28 pin MCM6295 400 mil / 28 pin MCM6726 400 mil / 32 pin MCM6727 400 mil / 28 pin MCM6728 400 mil / 28 pin MCM6729 400 mil / 32 pin MOTOROLA 3-30 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 400 mil, 28, 32 pin Plastic SOJ Package Preconditioning Stress Temperature Cycle (-65 to +150C, 10 Cycles) + Bake (125C, 24 Hrs) + Temperature Humidity Soak (85C, 60% RH, 168 Hrs) + Vapor Phase (215C, 60 seconds, 3 Passes) Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/395 0/30 0/137 0/731 0/1293 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Pressure Temperature Humidity Bias 148C, 90% RH, 44 psig, 5 V, 72 Hrs Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/56 0/30 0/15 0/101 0 0 0 0 Reject Information Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5V, 1008 Hours Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/148 0/45 0/27 0/220 0 0 0 0 Reject Information NOTE: The above SOJ package stresses are sourced from preconditioning stress samples. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-31 400 mil, 28, 32 pin Plastic SOJ Package (cont.) Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 500 Cycles Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/56 0/72 0/135 0/263 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 Thermal Shock - 65 to + 150C, Liquid to Liquid, 500 Cycles Time Period 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/56 0/60 0/132 0/248 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 0 Autoclave 121C, 15 psig, 100% RH, 96 Hrs Time Period 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/101 0/117 0/218 0 0 0 Reject Information NOTE: The above SOJ package stresses are sourced from preconditioning stress samples. MOTOROLA 3-32 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PACKAGE MONITORS 44, 52 pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier Package Applicable Devices: Part Number Package Width / Pin Count MCM56824A 52 pin MCM62110 52 pin MCM62486A 44 pin MCM62820A 52 pin MCM62940A 44 pin MCM62950A 44 pin MCM62963A 44 pin MCM62973A 44 pin MCM62974A 44 pin MCM62975A 44 pin MCM62990A 52 pin MCM62995A 52 pin MCM67B618 52 pin MCM67C618 52 pin MCM67H618 52 pin MCM67J618 52 pin MCM67M618 52 pin MCM67A618 52 pin MCM67D709 52 pin MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-33 44, 52 pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier Package Preconditioning Stress 30C, 60% RH, 192 Hrs, Vapor Phase (215C) 4 Passes Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/230 0/210 0/207 0/180 0/827 0 0 0 0 0 Reject Information Pressure Temperature Humidity Bias 148C, 90% RH, 44 psig, 5 V, 72 Hrs Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/46 0/60 0/106 0 0 0 Reject Information Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 500 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/46 0/45 0/60 0/151 0 0 0 0 Reject Information Thermal Shock - 65 to + 150C, Liquid to Liquid, 500 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/105 0/45 0/60 0/210 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 0 Autoclave 121C, 15 psig, 100% RH, 96 Hrs Time Period 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/45 0/45 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 NOTE: The above PLCC package stresses are sourced from preconditioning stress samples. MOTOROLA 3-34 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PACKAGE MONITORS 64 - 160 pin Modules Applicable Devices: Part Number Package Width / Pin Count MCM72MS32 DIMM / 136 pin MCM72MS64 DIMM / 136 pin MCM4464 SIMM / 80 pin MCM44256 SIMM / 80 pin MCM32257 ZIP / 64 pin MCM32128 SIMM, ZIP / 64 pin MCM3264A ZIP / 64 pin MCM32A32 DIMM / 128 pin MCM32A64 DIMM / 128 pin MCM32Ax32 Card Edge Connector / 112 pin MCM32Ax64 Card Edge Connector / 112 pin MCM32Ax128 Card Edge Connector / 112 pin MCM64AA32 DIMM / 136 pin MCM72BA32 DIMM / 136 pin MCM72BA64 DIMM / 136 pin MCM64BA32 Card Edge Connector / 160 pin MCM72BB32 Card Edge Connector / 160 pin MCM72BB64 Card Edge Connector / 160 pin MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-35 64 - 160 pin Modules Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5.0 V, 504 Hrs Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/49 0/22 0/71 0/94 0/236 0 0 0 0 0 Reject Information Thermal Shock - 25 to + 125C, Liquid to Liquid, 500 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/22 0/22 0/66 0/22 0/132 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Flex Test 5 mm Flexes Per Side, 5 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/5 0/5 0/15 0/5 0/30 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Temperature Cycle 0C to + 100C, Air to Air, 500 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters MOTOROLA 3-36 Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/22 0/22 0/66 0/22 0/132 0 0 0 0 0 Reject Information MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT TECHNOLOGY DRAWINGS Double Level Metal Double Level Poly 0.8 and 1.0 CMOS FSRAM Technology Double Level Metal, Double Level Poly 0.8 BiCMOS FSRAM Technology MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 3-37 MOTOROLA 3-38 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Section 4 DYNAMIC RAMs WORLD WIDE -- WORLD CLASS PROCESS MONITORS 4 MEGABIT DRAM 0.7 Single Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 16 MEGABIT DRAM 0.5 Double Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 PACKAGE MONITORS 4 MEGABIT DRAM 300 mil 20/26 pin Plastic SOJ Package . . . . . . 4-9 4 MEGABIT DRAM 400 mil 28 pin Plastic SOJ Package . . . . . . . . . 4-11 16 MEGABIT DRAM 400 mil 24/28 pin Plastic SOJ Package . . . . . . 4-13 DRAM MODULE 30 - 168 pin Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 TECHNOLOGY DRAWING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 4-1 Case 822 Case 810 Case 810C East Kilbride Sendai Aizu Oita Mesa Kuala Lumpur Austin Aizu, Japan Austin, Texas East Kilbride, Scotland Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MOTOROLA 4-2 Mesa, Arizona Oita, Japan Sendai, Japan MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PROCESS MONITORS 4 MEGABIT DRAM 0.7 Single Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process Part Number Organization Speed MCM54100A 4M x 1 Page Mode 70, 80, 100 ns MCM54400A 1M x 4 Page Mode 70, 80, 100 ns MCM54800A 512K x 8 Page Mode 70, 80, 100 ns MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 4-3 0.7 Single Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.5 volts, 72 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/9766 0/12382 0/4339 0/14551 0/41038 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 MOTOROLA 4-4 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.7 Single Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process (cont.) Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Total Device Hours 0/650 0/750 0/600 0/924 0/2924 EA (eV) Reject Information EA (eV) Reject Information 655200 756000 604800 931392 2947392 Static Long Term Lifetest 125C, 6.5 volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Total Device Hours 0/650 0/750 0/600 0/1025 0/3025 655200 756000 604800 1033200 3049200 FIT Rate Derating Graph to Users Voltage / Temperature for Most Recent Quarter Static Long Term Lifetest 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 FITS @ 60% C.L. FITS @ 60% C.L. Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 100 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 USERS TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) 4.50 V 5.00 V 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 USERS TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) 5.50 V MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 4-5 PROCESS MONITORS 16 MEGABIT DRAM 0.5 Double Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process Part Number Organization Speed MCM517400B 4M x 4 Page Mode Extended Data Out 60 ns MOTOROLA 4-6 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.5 Double Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process (cont.) Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 7.0 volts, 72 Hours Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 3/2952 0/2958 3/7459 0/1534 6/14903 1016 0 402 0 403 3 - In Analysis 3 - No Defect Found Dynamic Early Fail Study Results by Quarter 5000 4000 PPM FAIL 3000 2000 1000 0 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 NOTE: All data for 1995 was .6 16M product. The monitor has been converted to the next generation .5 16M starting first quarter 1996. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 4-7 0.5 Double Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process (cont.) Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 125C, 7.0 volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Total Device Hours 0/150 0/150 EA (eV) Reject Information EA (eV) Reject Information 151200 151200 Static Long Term Lifetest 125C, 7.0 volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Total Device Hours 0/150 0/150 151200 151200 FIT Rate Derating Graph to Users Voltage / Temperature for Most Recent Quarter Static Long Term Lifetest 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 FITS @ 60% C.L. FITS @ 60% C.L. Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 USERS TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) 65 70 4.50 V 5.00 V 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 USERS TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) 5.50 V MOTOROLA 4-8 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PACKAGE MONITORS 4 MEGABIT DRAM 300 mil, 20/26 pin Plastic SOJ Package Applicable Devices: Part Number Package Width / Pin Count MCM54100A 300 mil / 20/26 pin MCM54400A 300 mil / 20/26 pin MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 4-9 4 MEGABIT DRAM 300 mil, 20/26 pin Plastic SOJ Package Preconditioning Stress 30C, 60% RH, 192 Hrs, Vapor Phase (215C) 4 Passes Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/924 0/925 0/350 0/2020 0/4219 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Pressure Temperature Humidity Bias 148C, 90% RH, 44 psig, 5 V, 72 Hrs Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/200 0/71 0/100 0/350 0/721 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 500 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/200 0/75 0/100 0/300 0/675 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Thermal Shock (Moist PC) - 65 to + 150C, Liquid to Liquid, 500 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/100 0/40 0/50 0/223 0/413 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE: All SOJ package stresses are sourced from 30/60 preconditioned material. MOTOROLA 4-10 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PACKAGE MONITORS 4 MEGABIT DRAM 400 mil, 28 pin Plastic SOJ Package Applicable Devices: Part Number MCM54800A Package Width / Pin Count 400 mil / 28 pin * Product is end of life, monitor will be ceased after third quarter 1996. MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 4-11 4 MEGABIT DRAM 400 mil, 28 pin Plastic SOJ Package Preconditioning Stress 30C, 60% RH, 192 Hrs, Vapor Phase (215C) 4 Passes Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/1006 0/700 0/1400 0/3106 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 Pressure Temperature Humidity Bias 148C, 90% RH, 44 psig, 5 V, 72 Hrs Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/50 0/150 0/100 0/150 0/450 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 500 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/50 0/125 0/50 0/200 0/425 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Thermal Shock (Moist PC) - 65 to + 150C, Liquid to Liquid, 500 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/6 0/50 0/25 0/75 0/156 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE: All SOJ package stresses are sourced from 30/60 preconditioned material. MOTOROLA 4-12 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PACKAGE MONITORS 16 MEGABIT DRAM 400 mil, 24/28 pin Plastic SOJ Package Applicable Devices: Part Number MCM517400 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Package Width / Pin Count 400 mil / 24/28 pin MOTOROLA 4-13 16 MEGABIT DRAM 400 mil, 24/28 pin Plastic SOJ Package Preconditioning Stress 85C, 60% RH, 168 Hrs, Vapor Phase (215C) 4 Passes Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/400 0/400 Reject Information 0 0 Pressure Temperature Humidity Bias 148C, 90% RH, 44 psig, 5 V, 72 Hrs Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/75 0/75 Reject Information 0 0 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 500 Cycles Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/50 0/50 Reject Information 0 0 Thermal Shock (Moist PC) - 65 to + 150C, Liquid to Liquid, 500 Cycles Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices 0/75 0/75 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 NOTE: All SOJ package stresses are sourced from 85/60 preconditioned material. MOTOROLA 4-14 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PACKAGE MONITORS DRAM MODULES The following monitor results are determined by stressing modules representative of all possible product families (30 pad SIMM to 168 pin DIMM). MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 4-15 DRAM MODULE MONITOR Temperature Cycle 0 to + 125C, Air to Air, 500 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/44 0/44 0/44 0/132 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5 V, 504 Hrs Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 1/44 0/44 0/44 1/132 22727 0 0 7576 Reject Information 1 - Defective Capacitor Flex Test 7.88" Flexes per Side, 5 Cycles Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 0/10 0/20 0/20 0/50 Reject Information 0 0 0 0 Variable Frequency Vibration 20g, 20 - 2000 Hz, 4 Cycles per Axis Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters MOTOROLA 4-16 Results: Rejects/Devices 0/10 0/20 0/20 0/50 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 0 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT TECHNOLOGY DRAWINGS Al (WL) 1ST POLY (CAP.) 2ND POLY (WL) POLYCIDE (BL) n- p-WELL p-SUBSTRATE 0.7 Single Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process 0.5 Double Level Metal, Triple Level Poly CMOS DRAM Process MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 4-17 MOTOROLA 4-18 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Section 5 MICROPROCESSOR PRODUCTS WORLD WIDE -- WORLD CLASS PROCESS MONITORS 1.0 - 1.5 m PROCESS FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 0.7 - 0.8 m PROCESS FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 0.65 m PROCESS FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 0.5 m PROCESS FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15 0.35 m PROCESS FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19 PACKAGES CBGA (RS, RX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22 CQFP (FE, FX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 CPGA (R/RC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30 PBGA (ZP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32 PQFP (FC/FG/FT/PB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34 TQFP (PV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37 PLCC (FN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39 PDIP (P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42 PPGA (RP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-1 FC = Plastic Quad (Gull Wing) FE = Ceramic Quad (Gull Wing) FG = Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) FN = Plastic Quad Pack (PLCC) FT = Plastic Flat Pack (28 x 28 mm) FU = Plastic Quad Flat Pack (14 x 14 mm) KB = Ceramic PGA with Ceramic Lid PU = Thin Quad Flat Pack P = Plastic DIP PB = QFP (10 x 10 mm) PV = TQFP (20 x 20 mm) R = Pin Grid Array, Solder Lead Finish RC = Pin Grid Array, Gold Lead Finish RP = Plastic Pin Grid Array ZP = Ball Grid Array, 357 Lead MOTOROLA 5-2 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 1.0 - 1.5 m HCMOS PROCESS MONITORS Applicable Devices: Part Number Fab Technology MC68020 TSC 1 MC68030 TSC 1 MC68605 MOS8 1.5 MC68606 MOS8 1.5 MC68824 MOS8 1.5 MC68882 MOS8 1 MC68EC000 TSC 1.2 MC68EC020 TSC 1 MC68HC000/1 TSC 1.2 MC88100 MOS8 1 MC88200 MOS8 1 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-3 Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.0 volts, 168 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/221 0/668 0/101 0/475 0/1465 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Rolling Year Dynamic Early Life Fail Study Results 500 450 400 PPM for Past Year 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 Quarter Ending MOTOROLA 5-4 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT High Temperature Dynamic Operating Life Test 125C, 6.0 Volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period Reject Information 0/125 0/97 0/101 0/75 0/398 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Failure Rate Calculation Information Device Hours Number of Failures 594000 0 FIT Rate Derating Graph to Users Temperature for Last Four Quarters Activation Energy = 0.7 eV Dynamic Long Term Life Test 550 500 450 400 FITS @ 60% C.L. FITS @ 90% C.L. 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 60 65 70 MOTOROLA 5-5 1996: 1.0 - 1.5 m HCMOS Life Test Data AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Leff Fab Site Assy Pkg Typ Date Code Read Points: Fails/SS 24 Hrs 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs 115292-1 68882 1.0 MOS8 KLM FN 9529 0/154 0/29 0/29 0/29 111336-1 68HC000 1.2 TSC KLM FN 9527 0/180 0/30 0/30 0/30 113065-1 68HC001 1.2 TSC KLM FN 9528 0/217 0/42 0/42 0/42 117239-1 68606 1.5 MOS8 BUCH FN 9539 0/143 0/143 0/23 0/23 113460-1 68605 1.5 MOS8 ATX RC 9531 0/175 0/175 0/24 0/24 106866-1 68605 1.5 MOS8 KLM RC 9507 0/175 0/175 0/25 0/25 119401-1 68605 1.5 MOS8 KLM RC 9543 0/175 0/175 0/25 0/25 110542-1 68606 1.5 MOS8 BUCH FN 9515 0/131 0/30 0/30 0/30 K39609 68HC000 1.2 TSC KLM FN 9605 0/96 0/96 0/48 0/48 K39617 68HC000 1.2 TSC KLM FN 9616 0/95 0/95 0/48 0/47 0/1541 0/990 0/324 0/323 1996 TOTALS MOTOROLA 5-6 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.7 - 0.8 m HCMOS PROCESS MONITORS Applicable Devices: Part Number Fab Technology MC68030 MOS8 0.8 MC68302 MOS8 0.8 MC68340/9 MOS8 0.8 MC68837 MOS8 0.8 MC68840 MOS8 0.71 MC68EC000 MOS8 0.71/0.8 MC68HC000/1 MOS8 0.8 MC88410 MOS8 0.8 XC68306/7 MOS8 0.8 XC68322 MOS8 0.8 XC68341 MOS8 0.8 MC68SEC000 MOS10 0.8 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-7 Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.0 volts, 168 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/135 0/150 0/29 0/170 0/484 Cumulative PPM Fail Reject Information 0 0 0 0 0 Rolling Year Dynamic Early Life Fail Study Results 500 450 400 PPM for Past Year 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 Quarter Ending MOTOROLA 5-8 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT High Temperature Dynamic Operating Life Test 125C, 6.0 Volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period Reject Information 0/129 0/150 0/29 0/70 0/378 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Failure Rate Calculation Information Device Hours Number of Failures 413760 0 FIT Rate Derating Graph to Users Temperature for Last Four Quarters Activation Energy = 0.7 eV Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 550 500 450 400 FITS @ 60% C.L. FITS @ 90% C.L. 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 60 65 70 MOTOROLA 5-9 1996: 0.7 - 0.8 m HCMOS Life Test Data AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Leff Fab Site Assy Pkg Typ Date Code Read Points: Fails/SS 24 Hrs 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs 124134-1 68HC000 0.8 MOS8 KLM FN 9545 0/216 117398-1 68HC001 0.8 MOS8 KLM FN 9544 0/154 0/29 0/29 0/29 119609-1 68SEC000 0.8 MS10 KLM FN 9548 0/75 0/75 0/75 0/75 119609-17 68SEC000 0.8 MS10 KLM FN 9548 0/75 0/75 0/75 0/75 119609-9 65SEC000 0.8 MS10 KLM FN 9548 0/65 0/65 0/65 0/65 125752-1 68030 0.8 MOS8 SHC PV 9615 0/70 0/70 0/69 0/64 0/655 0/314 0/313 0/308 1996 TOTALS MOTOROLA 5-10 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.65 m HCMOS PROCESS MONITORS Applicable Devices: Part Number Fab Technology MC68302 MOS11 0.65 MC68302 MOS12 0.65 XC68328 MOS8 0.65 MC68340 MOS8 0.65 MC68340 MOS11 0.65 MC68356 MOS11 0.65 MC68356 MOS12 0.65 MC68360 MOS11 0.65 MC68360 TSC 0.65 MC68SEC000 MOS8 0.65 MC88110 MOS8 0.65 XC68040/EC040/LC040 MOS11 0.65 SC414310 TSC 0.65 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-11 Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 6.0 volts, 168 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period Cumulative PPM Fail 3rd Quarter 1996 4/3125 1280 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/252 0/321 2/727 6/4425 0 0 2751 1356 Reject Information 2 - Function, 1 - Passes After Depot, 1 - Gate Rupture Tristate Leak Rolling Year Dynamic Early Life Fail Study Results 2000 1800 1600 PPM for Past Year 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 Quarter Ending MOTOROLA 5-12 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT High Temperature Dynamic Operating Life Test 125C, 6.0 Volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period Reject Information 1 - Marginal Idd, 1 - Functional 2/897 0/97 0/229 0/464 2/1687 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Failure Rate Calculation Information Device Hours Number of Failures 2171352 8 FIT Rate Derating Graph to Users Temperature for Last Four Quarters Activation Energy = 0.7 eV Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 500 450 400 FITS @ 60% C.L. FITS @ 90% C.L. 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 60 65 70 MOTOROLA 5-13 1995: 0.65 m HCMOS LIFE TEST DATA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAA Lot # Device Type Leff Fab Site Assy Pkg Typ Date Code Read Points: Fails/SS 24 Hrs 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs 109693-19 68SEC000 0.65 MOS8 KLM FN 9526 0/77 0/77 0/77 0/77 120886-3 68PM302 0.65 MS11 SHC PV 9601 0/77 0/77 0/77 0/77 120798-1 68302 0.65 MS12 ATX RC 9602 0/84 0/84 109285-1 68340 0.65 MS11 OHT RC 9520 0/83 0/83 0/82 0/75 111205-1 68356 0.65 MS11 CITI ZP 9527 0/175 0/175 0/25 0/25 118466-10 68356 0.65 MS12 CITI ZP 9546 0/77 0/77 0/77 0/72 126353-1 68360 0.65 TSC KLM RC 9618 0/77 0/77 0/77 0/77 126353-2 68360 0.65 TSC KLM RC 9618 0/77 0/77 0/77 0/77 126353-3 68360 0.65 TSC KLM RC 9618 0/76 0/76 0/76 0/76 110117-1 68356 0.65 MS11 CITI ZP 9508 0/176 1/27 0/25 0/25 109693-1 68SEC000 0.65 MOS8 KLM FN 9518 0/76 0/76 0/76 0/76 109693-11 68SEC000 0.65 MOS8 KLM FN 9522 0/75 0/75 0/75 0/75 S39601-1 68328 0.65 MOS8 SHC PV 9540 0/557 1/557 0/80 1/80 S39601-2 68328 0.65 MOS8 SHC PV 9615 0/480 0/480 0/80 0/80 S39601-3 68328 0.65 MOS8 SHC PV 9615 0/478 1/477 0/79 0/79 S39601-4 68328 0.65 MOS8 SHC PV 9626 0/474 0/473 S39601-5 68328 0.65 MOS8 SHC PV 9626 0/477 0/477 118814-1 414310 0.65 TSC SHC PV 9548 0/93 0/93 0/93 1/93 S39602-1 414310 0.65 TSC SHC PV 9625 0/80 0/80 0/80 0/80 S39602-2 414310 0.65 TSC SHC PV 9625 0/80 1/80 0/79 0/79 0/3849 4/3698 0/1235 2/1223 1996 TOTALS Failure Summary AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA Job # Device Package Qty Rdpt Failure Mode/Mechanism 110117-1 68356 ZP 1 168H RECOVERED AFTER DEPOTTING S39601-1 68328 PV 1 168H LOW VDD FUNCTIONAL FAILURE S39601-2 68328 PV 1 1008H MARGINAL IDD (1.21MA,SPEC IS 1.2) S39601-3 68328 PV 1 168H LOW VOH FUNCTIONAL FAILURE 118814-1 414310 PV 1 1008H GATE OXIDE RUPTURE S39602-2 414310 PV 1 168H FUNCTIONAL FAILURE MOTOROLA 5-14 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.5 m HCMOS PROCESS MONITORS Applicable Devices: Part Number Fab Technology PC105 MOS11 0.5 PC106 MOS11 0.5 PC603 MOS11 0.5 PC603 MOS13 0.5 PC603E MOS11 0.5 PC603E MOS13 0.5 MCM602A MOS11 0.5 PC604 MOS11 0.5 XCF5102 MOS11 0.5 Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 4.1 - 4.5 Volts, 168 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters Cumulative PPM Fail 3/3379 2/931 2/2290 3/1632 10/8232 Reject Information 888 2148 873 1838 1215 ABIST, DCACHE, Function 1 - Function, 1 - Gate Defect 1 - Poly Defect, 1 - Leak 2 - EZF, 1 - Function Rolling Year Dynamic Early Life Fail Study Results 5000 4500 4000 PPM per Quarter 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 Quarter Ending MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-15 High Temperature Dynamic Operating Life Test 125C, 6.0 Volts, 1008 Hours Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period Reject Information 2 - Function, 1 - Leak 3/839 0/0 1/654 2/689 6/2182 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 1 - Functional 1 - EZF, 1 - ABIST Failure Rate Calculation Information Device Hours Number of Failures 3709104 16 FIT Rate Derating Graph to Users Temperature for Last Four Quarters Activation Energy = 0.7 eV Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 1000 900 800 FITS @ 60% C.L. FITS @ 90% C.L. 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 MOTOROLA 5-16 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) 60 65 70 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 1996: 0.5 m HCMOS LIFE TEST DATA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA Lot # Device Type Leff Fab Site Assy Pkg Typ Date Code Read Points: Fails/SS 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs 106917-1 603 0.5 MS11 ATX FE 9506 0/48 122659-1 603 0.5 MS11 ATX FE 9602 0/76 122659-6 603 0.5 MS11 ATX FE 9602 0/76 122659-11 603 0.5 MS11 ATX FE 9602 0/76 122659-16 603 0.5 MS11 ATX FE 9602 0/76 120140-1 603E 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9552 1/311 0/77 0/75 120140-2 603E 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9552 0/5 0/5 0/5 120140-8 603E 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9552 0/336 0/77 0/72 120140-9 603E 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9552 0/4 0/4 0/4 120140-15 603E 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9601 0/335 0/73 0/71 120140-16 603E 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9601 0/5 0/5 0/5 118468-4 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9548 0/5 0/5 0/5 118468-5 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9548 0/5 118468-6 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9548 0/5 0/5 0/5 118468-7 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9548 0/110 0/110 0/77 118468-8 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9548 1/93 0/92 0/92 118468-9 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9548 0/271 0/271 1/76 118468-11 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9548 0/5 0/5 0/4 118468-12 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9548 0/88 0/81 0/78 118468-13 603E 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9550 0/355 0/80 0/80 118468-14 603E 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9550 0/5 0/5 0/5 125734-1 604 0.5 MS11 ATX RX 9615 1/150 125734-4 604 0.5 MS11 ATX RX 9614 1/79 125734-6 604 0.5 MS11 ATX RX 9613 0/221 126189-1 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9617 0/77 126189-2 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9617 0/77 126189-3 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9617 0/77 126190-1 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9616 0/77 126190-2 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9616 0/77 122979-1 106 0.5 MS11 ATX RX 9606 0/96 115648-1 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9539 0/299 0/80 0/80 115648-2 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9539 0/5 0/5 115648-8 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9542 1/287 0/80 115648-9 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9542 0/5 0/5 115648-15 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9542 1/320 0/302 115648-16 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9542 0/5 0/5 111263-4 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9534 0/72 0/71 0/70 111263-6 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9534 0/72 1/47 0/46 111263-16 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9534 0/72 0/72 0/71 111263-22 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9534 0/72 0/72 0/72 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0/24 0/80 0/79 MOTOROLA 5-17 Lot # Device Type Leff Fab Site Assy Pkg Typ Date Code Read Points: Fails/SS AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs 111263-29 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9536 0/72 0/72 0/71 111263-35 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9536 0/45 0/45 0/44 111263-39 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9536 0/48 0/48 0/48 111263-45 603 0.5 MS13 KLM FE 9536 0/23 0/22 0/22 124607-1 MCM603A 0.5 MS11 IBM RX 9608 0/45 124607-2 MCM603A 0.5 MS11 IBM RX 9608 0/45 124607-3 MCM603A 0.5 MS11 IBM RX 9608 0/45 127509-1 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9625 0/77 0/77 127509-2 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9625 0/77 0/77 127509-3 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9625 0/77 0/77 127509-4 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9625 0/77 1/77 127509-5 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9625 0/77 0/77 127509-6 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9625 0/77 0/77 127509-7 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9625 0/77 1/77 127509-8 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9625 0/77 0/77 127509-9 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9625 0/77 0/77 128038-1 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9626 0/77 128038-2 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9626 0/77 R39601 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9626 0/539 127050-1 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9620 0/77 0/67 127050-2 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9619 1/77 0/65 127050-3 603E 0.5 MS11 KLM FE 9619 0/77 0/67 126588-1 602 0.5 MS11 ANAM FC 9615 0/77 0/76 0/76 126588-2 602 0.5 MS11 ANAM FC 9615 0/77 0/77 0/77 126588-3 602 0.5 MS11 ANAM FC 9626 0/76 0/76 7/6600 3/2966 1996 TOTALS 1/1490 Failure Summary Job # Device Package Qty Rdpt Failure Mode/Mechanism 120140-1 603E FE 1 168H DEFECT AT POLY/SPACER 118468-8 603E FE 1 168H LEAKAGE 118468-9 603E FE 1 1008H FUNCTIONAL 125734-1 604 RX 1 168H FUNCTIONAL 125734-4 604 RX 1 168H GATE DEFECT 115648-8 603 FE 1 168H ABIST: NO DEFECT FOUND 115648-15 603 FE 1 168H DCACHE: NO DEFECT FOUND 111263-6 603 FE 1 504H MARGINAL LEAKAGE 127509-4 603E FE 1 504H FUNCTIONAL 127509-7 603E FE 1 504H FUNCTIONAL 127050-2 603E FE 1 168H MARGINAL FUNCTIONAL MOTOROLA 5-18 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0.35 m HCMOS PROCESS MONITORS Applicable Devices: Part Number Fab Technology PC603P MOS13 0.35 PC604E MOS13 0.35 Dynamic Early Fail Study 125C, 4.1 - 4.5 Volts, 168 Hours Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Cumulative PPM Fail 1/1928 2/2778 3/4706 519 720 637 Reject Information 1 - Functional 1 - ICACHE, 1 - Blocked Trench Etch High Temperature Dynamic Operating Life Test 125C, 6.0 Volts, 1008 Hours Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters Results: Rejects/Devices Reject Information 0/185 0/894 0/1079 Failure Rate Calculation Information Device Hours Number of Failures 1697640 3 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-19 FIT Rate Derating Graph to Users Temperature for Last Four Quarters Activation Energy = 0.7 eV Dynamic Long Term Lifetest 1000 900 800 FITS @ 60% C.L. FITS @ 90% C.L. 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 MOTOROLA 5-20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) 60 65 70 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 1996: 0.35 m HCMOS LIFE TEST DATA Lot # Device Type Leff Fab Site Assy Pkg Typ Date Code Read Points: Fails/SS AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA 168 Hrs 126495-1 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9618 0/133 126495-2 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9618 0/149 125703-1 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9615 0/104 125703-2 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9615 1/90 125703-3 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9615 0/91 125703-4 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9615 0/146 125703-5 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9615 0/83 125703-6 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9615 0/105 125558-1 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9614 125558-2 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 125558-3 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM 125558-4 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM 125558-5 603P 0.35 MS13 125558-6 603P 0.35 125836-1 603P 0.35 125836-2 603P 128777-1 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs 0/102 0/100 0/86 0/86 0/114 0/114 0/114 9614 0/291 0/72 0/72 FE 9614 0/331 0/72 0/72 FE 9614 0/109 0/100 0/100 KLM FE 9614 1/274 0/72 0/72 MS13 KLM FE 9614 0/93 0/93 0/93 MS13 KLM FE 9616 0/330 0/90 0/90 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9616 0/335 0/95 0/95 604E 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9630 0/77 128777-2 604E 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9630 0/77 128777-3 604E 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9630 0/45 R39602-1 604E 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 1/283 R39602-2 604E 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 0/94 R39602-3 604E 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 0/39 R39602-4 604E 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 0/72 129815-1 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9633 0/44 129815-2 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9633 0/96 129815-3 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9633 0/70 129815-4 603P 0.35 MS13 KLM FE 9633 0/83 129560-1 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9632 0/96 129560-2 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9632 0/96 129560-3 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9633 0/96 129560-5 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9632 0/91 129560-6 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9633 0/96 129560-7 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9634 0/96 129560-8 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9637 0/96 129560-9 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9637 0/96 126495-11 603P 0.35 MS13 ATX RX 9618 0/185 0/185 0/185 3/4706 0/1081 0/1079 1996 TOTALS Failure Summary Job # Device Package Qty Rdpt Failure Mode/Mechanism 125703-2 603P FE 1 168H ICACHE FAILURE 118468-8 603P FE 1 168H BLOCKED TRENCH ETCH R39602-1 604E FE 1 168H FUNCTIONAL MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-21 CBGA (RS, RX) PACKAGE NUMBER OF PINS: 361, 303, 255, 360 Applicable Devices: Part Number Assembly Pin Count MC88110 ATX 361 MC88410 ATX 361 XPC105 ATX 303 XPC603 ATX 255 XPC604 ATX 255 XPC603E ATX 255 XPC603P ATX 255 XPC604E ATX 255 XPC106 ATX 303 MCM603A PNY 360 BALL GRID ARRAY PACKAGE (RS, RX) Assembly Site: ATX Number of Pins: 361, 303, 255, 360 Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5 V, 1008 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/75 0/30 0/59 0/89 0/253 0/74 0/30 0/59 0/88 0/251 0/30 0/59 0/88 0/177 0 0 0 0 0 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 168 HRS 504 HRS 1008 HRS 111573-2 PC105 ATX MS11 RX 9525 HCMS 0/29 0/29 0/29 113596-2 PC105 ATX MS11 RX 9533 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/30 116753-2 PC105 ATX MS11 RX 9538 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/30 124893-3 PC105 ATX MS11 RX 9611 HCMS 0/75 0/74 0/164 0/163 AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA TOTALS MOTOROLA 5-22 0/89 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Autoclave 121C, 100% RH, 15 PSIG, 144 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 144 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/44 0/44 0/44 0/95 0/44 0 0 0/135 0/223 0/32 0/171 0/44 0 1996 Summary AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA A AAA AAAA AA AAAAAA AAAA AAAA AA AAAAA AAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 48 HRS 96 HRS 144 HRS 126653-3 PC603P ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/22 0/22 126653-7 PC603P ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/22 0/22 128777-4 604E ATX MS13 RX 9630 HCMS 0/9 128777-5 604E ATX MS13 RX 9630 HCMS 0/39 128777-6 604E ATX MS13 RX 9630 HCMS 0/35 128777-7 604E ATX MS13 RX 9630 HCMS 0/12 126653-3 PC603EV ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/22 0/22 126653-7 PC603EV ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/22 0/22 0/88 0/44 TOTALS 0/139 High Temperature Storage Bake 150C, 1008 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 0/135 0/135 0/135 0 0/201 0/336 0/201 0/336 0/201 0/336 0 0 1996 Summary AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 168 HRS 504 HRS 1008 HRS 109839-1 88410 ATX MOS8 RS 9523 HCMS 0/45 0/45 0/45 109839-9 88410 ATX MOS8 RS 9523 HCMS 0/45 0/45 0/45 109839-14 88410 ATX MOS8 RS 9523 HCMS 0/45 0/45 0/45 0/135 0/135 0/135 TOTALS MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-23 Temperature Cycle -55 to + 125C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles 3rd Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters 0/66 0/66 0/66 0/66 0/66 0/66 Cumulative PPM Failure 0 0 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 100 CYC 500 CYC 1000 CYC AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA 126653-2 603P ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/22 0/22 0/22 126653-6 603P ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/22 0/22 0/22 126653-10 603P ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/22 0/22 0/22 0/66 0/66 0/66 TOTALS Temperature Cycle 0 to + 100C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles Cumulative PPM Failure 0/135 0/69 1/69 7,407 0/668 0/803 0/547 0/616 1/332 2/401 1,497 2,491 1996 Summary AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 100 CYC 500 CYC 1000 CYC 124607-4 MCM603A IBM MS11 RX 9608 HCMS 0/45 0/23 0/23 124607-5 MCM603A IBM MS11 RX 9608 HCMS 0/45 0/23 1/23 124607-3 MCM603A IBM MS11 RX 9608 HCMS 0/45 0/23 0/23 0/135 0/69 1/69 TOTALS Failure Summary AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA Lot # 124607-5 MOTOROLA 5-24 Device MCM603A Package RX Qty 1 Rdpt 1000CYC Failure Mode/Mechanism FUNCTIONAL FAIL MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Thermal Shock - 55 to + 125C, Liquid to Liquid, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 100 Cycles 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters 0/60 0/60 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles 0/60 0/60 Cumulative PPM Failure 0 0 1996 Summary AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 100 CYC 500 CYC 1000 CYC 126653-4 PC603P ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/16 0/16 126653-8 PC603P ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/22 0/22 126653-12 PC603P ATX MS13 RX 9620 HCMS 0/22 0/22 0/60 0/60 TOTALS MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-25 CQFP (FE, FX) PACKAGE NUMBER OF PINS: 132, 144, 184, 240, 304 Applicable Devices: Part Number Assembly Pin Count MC68020 KLM 132 MC68030 KLM 132 MC68EC030 KLM 132 MC68EC/LC040 KLM 184 MC68302 KLM 132 MC68340 KLM 144 MC68839 KLM 184 XC68840 KLM 184 XC68360 KLM 240 MPC603 KLM 240 XPC604 ATX 304 XPC603E ATX 240 XPC603P ATX 240 MOTOROLA 5-26 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT CQFP PACKAGE (FE, FX) Assembly Site: KLM Number of Pins: 132, 144, 184, 240, 304 Autoclave 121C, 100% RH, 15 PSIG, 144 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 144 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 1/150 6,667 1/58 0/20 2/228 17,241 0 8,772 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 48 HRS 96 HRS 144 HRS AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA A AAA AAAA AA AAAAAA AAAA AAAA AA AAAAA AAA AAAAA AAAAA AAA AAAA 116459-2 604A ATX MS11 FX 9536 HCMS 1/58 116459-1 604A ATX MS11 FX 9536 HCMS 1/73 116459-6 604A ATX MS11 FX 9536 HCMS 0/77 TOTALS 2/208 Failure Summary Job# Device Package Qty Rdpt Failure Mode/Mechanism AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA 116459-2 604A FX 1 48HRS TRISTATE LEAKAGE 116459-1 604A FX 1 48HRS INPUT LEAKAGE MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-27 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/126 0/30 0/646 0/347 0/1149 0/45 0/30 0/640 0/347 0/1062 0/30 0/635 0/347 0/1012 Cumulative PPM Failure 0 0 0 0 0 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 100 CYC 500 CYC 1000 CYC 108854-1 68EC030 KLM TSC FE 9515 HCMS 0/22 0/22 0/22 106463-1 68EC040 KLM MS11 FE 9452 HCMS 0/15 0/15 0/15 108296-1 68LC040 KLM MS11 FE 9507 HCMS 0/95 0/94 0/94 115291-1 68340 KLM MS11 FE 9537 HCMS 0/15 0/15 0/15 118468-15 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9550 HCMS 0/77 0/72 0/71 118468-21 PC603 OHT MS13 FE 9548 HCMS 0/96 0/96 0/95 120140-22 PC603E KLM MS13 FE 9601 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/74 111263-49 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9534 HCMS 0/70 0/70 0/70 111263-50 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9534 HCMS 0/46 0/46 0/46 AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA 111263-51 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9536 HCMS 0/62 0/62 0/62 111263-52 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9534 HCMS 0/71 0/71 0/71 123885-3 68060 KLM MS11 FE 9540 HCMS 0/10 0/10 0/10 123885-1 68060 KLM MS11 FE 9604 HCMS 0/10 0/10 0/10 123885-2 68060 KLM MS11 FE 9604 HCMS 0/10 0/10 0/10 K39612 68EC040 KLM MS11 FE 9622 HCMS 0/15 0/15 K39615 68EC040 KLM MS11 FE 9625 HCMS 0/15 0/15 K39616 68EC040 KLM MS11 FE 9627 HCMS 0/15 0/15 116459-3 604A ATX MS11 FX 9536 HCMS 0/34 116459-4 604A ATX MS11 FX 9536 HCMS 0/25 116459-7 604A ATX MS11 FX 9536 HCMS 0/22 TOTALS MOTOROLA 5-28 0/802 0/715 0/665 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT High Temperature Storage Bake 175C, 1008 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/1128 0/881 0/2009 0/1356 0/879 0/2235 0/1349 0/879 0/2228 0 0 0 1996 Summary AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 168 HRS 504 HRS 1008 HRS 125558-7 PC603P KLM M13 FE 9614 HCMS 0/77 0/77 125558-8 PC603P KLM M13 FE 9614 HCMS 0/77 0/76 125558-9 PC603P KLM M13 FE 9614 HCMS 0/77 0/77 120140-3 PC603E KLM MS13 FE 9552 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 120140-10 PC603E KLM MS13 FE 9552 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 120140-17 PC603E KLM MS13 FE 9601 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 118468-1 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9548 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 118468-2 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9548 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 118468-3 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9548 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 118468-10 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9548 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 118468-16 PC603E KLM MS13 FE 9550 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 115648-3 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9539 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 115648-10 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9542 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 115648-16 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9542 HCMS 0/75 0/75 0/75 111263-5 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9534 HCMS 0/31 0/31 0/27 111263-7 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9534 HCMS 0/31 0/29 0/29 111263-17 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9534 HCMS 0/50 0/50 0/50 111263-23 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9534 HCMS 0/57 0/56 0/54 111263-30 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9536 HCMS 0/62 0/62 0/62 111263-40 PC603 KLM MS13 FE 9536 HCMS 0/52 0/52 0/52 0/1128 0/1356 0/1349 TOTALS Failure Summary Job# 125558-8 Device PC603P Package FE MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Qty 1 Rdpt 500CYC Failure Mode/Mechanism LEAKAGE AT HIGH VDD MOTOROLA 5-29 CPGA (R/RC) PACKAGE NUMBER OF PINS: 68, 84, 114, 128, 132, 179, 180, 184, 241, 279, 299 Applicable Devices: Part Number Assembly Pin Count MC68000 KLM 68 MC68HC000 KLM 68 MC68010 KLM 68 MC68020 KLM 114 MC68030 KLM 128 XC68040 KLM 179 XC68EC/LC040 KLM, ATX 179 MC68302 KLM 132 MC68360 KLM 241 MC68440 KLM 68 MC68450 KLM 68 MC68605 KLM 84 MC68606 KLM 84 MC68824 KLM 84 MC68839 KLM, ATX 184 MC68882 KLM 68 MC88100 KLM 180 MC88200 KLM 180 MC88410 ATX 279 MC88110 ATX 299 MOTOROLA 5-30 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT CPGA PACKAGE (R/RC) Assembly Site: KLM, ATX Number of Pins: 68, 84, 114, 128, 132, 179, 180, 184, 241, 279, 299 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/249 1/249 0/37 0/66 0/56 0/371 0/31 0/56 1/336 0/56 0/93 Cumulative PPM Failure 4,016 0 0 0 2,695 1996 Summary Lot # 113459-1 Device Type 68010 Assy Site Fab Site KLM MOS5 Pkg Typ Date Code R 9521 Tech Typ HMOS 100 CYC 0/31 500 CYC 1000 CYC 0/31 AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA 111008-2 68020 KLM TSC RC 9523 HCMS 0/35 120798-12 68302 ATX MS12 RC 9602 HCMS 0/25 0/25 0/24 120798-13 68302 ATX MS12 RC 9602 HCMS 0/14 1/14 0/13 K39603 68020 KLM TSC RC 9547 HCMS 0/30 0/30 K39604 68020 KLM TSC RC 9623 HCMS 0/30 0/30 K39605 68040 KLM MS11 RC 9633 HCMS 0/30 0/30 K39610 68040 KLM MS11 RC 9624 HCMS 0/30 0/30 K39611 68EC040 KLM MS11 RC 9625 HCMS 0/30 0/30 K39613 68302 KLM MS11 RC 9622 HCMS 0/30 0/30 K39614 68302 KLM MS11 RC 9624 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/315 1/280 TOTALS 0/37 Failure Summary Job# 120798-13 Device 68302 Package RC MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Qty 1 Rdpt 500CYC Failure Mode/Mechanism FINE LEAK, HERM FAIL MOTOROLA 5-31 PBGA (ZP) PACKAGE NUMBER OF PINS: 357 Applicable Devices: Part Number Assembly Pin Count XC68360 Citizen 357 XC68356 Citizen 357 MPC821 Citizen 357 MPC860 Citizen 357 PLASTIC BALL GRID ARRAY PACKAGE (ZP) Assembly Site: CITIZEN Number of Pins: 357 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/894 0/894 0/890 0 0/142 0/1036 0/142 0/1036 0/140 0/1030 0 0 1996 Summary AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 100 CYC 500 CYC 1000 CYC 103507-26 68356 CITI MS11 ZP 9510 HCMS 0/66 0/66 0/65 103507-28 68356 CITI MS11 ZP 9512 HCMS 0/76 0/76 0/75 125406-7 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9611 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 125406-10 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9611 HCMS 0/6 0/6 0/6 125638-7 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9611 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 125638-10 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9611 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 127715-2 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9616 HCMS 0/68 0/68 0/68 127715-5 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9619 HCMS 0/66 0/66 0/66 127715-8 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9620 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 124622-9 MPC860 CITI MS11 ZP 9609 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/75 125732-7 MPC860 CITI MS11 ZP 9613 HCMS 0/73 0/73 0/73 125732-9 MPC860 CITI MS11 ZP 9613 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 125732-11 MPC860 CITI MS11 ZP 9613 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 0/894 0/894 0/890 TOTALS MOTOROLA 5-32 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Autoclave 121C, 100% RH, 15 PSIG, 144 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 48 Hrs 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/295 0/461 0/226 0/982 96 Hrs 144 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 0/295 0/461 1/224 1/980 0 0 4,425 1,018 1996 Summary AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 48 HRS 96 HRS 144 HRS 124622-2 MPC821 CITI MS11 ZP 9606 HCMS 0/77 0/77 124622-6 MPC821 CITI MS11 ZP 9609 HCMS 0/77 0/77 124622-10 MPC860 CITI MS11 ZP 9609 HCMS 0/77 0/77 125732-8 MPC860 CITI MS11 ZP 9613 HCMS 0/77 0/76 125732-10 MPC860 CITI MS11 ZP 9613 HCMS 0/77 0/77 125732-12 MPC860 CITI MS11 ZP 9613 HCMS 0/77 0/77 125638-9 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9611 HCMS 0/77 0/77 125638-12 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9611 HCMS 0/77 0/77 127715-6 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9619 HCMS 0/64 0/64 127715-9 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9620 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/756 0/756 TOTALS Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5 V, 1008 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/231 0/228 0/228 0 0/153 0/384 0/153 0/381 0/153 0/381 0 0 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 168 HRS 504 HRS 1008 HRS AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA 125638-8 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9611 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 125638-11 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9611 HCMS 0/77 0/76 0/76 125638-14 68360 CITI MS11 ZP 9611 HCMS 0/77 0/75 0/75 0/231 0/228 0/228 TOTALS MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-33 PQFP (EM/FC/FG/FT/PB) PACKAGE NUMBER OF PINS: 44, 68, 100, 120, 132, 144, 160, 208, 240 Applicable Devices: Part Number Assembly Pin Count MC68HC000/1 KLM 68 MC68020 KLM 132 MC68EC020 ANAM 100 MC68302 KLM 132 XC68834 ASAT 44 XC68349 ANAM 160 XC68307 ANAM 100 MC68837 ANAM 120 XC68322 SHC 160 MC68847 SHC 208 MC68340 ANAM 144 XC68360 ANAM 240 MOTOROLA 5-34 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PQFP PACKAGE (EM, FC, FG, FT, PB) Assembly Site: KLM, ANAM Number of Pins: 44, 68, 100, 120, 132, 144, 160, 208, 240 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/545 0/25 0/99 0/261 0/930 0/540 0/24 1/97 0/261 1/922 1/480 0/24 0/58 0/260 1/822 1,835 0 10,309 0 2,151 1996 Summary Lot # 118707-1 Device Type 68341 Assy Site SHC Fab Site MOS8 Pkg Typ FT Date Code 9541 Tech Typ HCMS 100 CYC 0/39 500 CYC 1000 CYC 1/39 AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA 108438-1 68847 SHC MOS8 FC 9512 HCMS 0/30 0/29 0/29 108732-2 68847 SHC MOS8 FC 9515 HCMS 0/30 0/29 0/29 109241-2 68302 KLM MS11 FC 9519 HCMS 0/25 0/24 0/24 126116-7 68360 ANAM MS11 EM 9606 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 126116-12 68360 ANAM MS11 EM 9606 HCMS 0/75 0/75 0/75 126116-17 68360 ANAM MS11 EM 9606 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 126310-2 68847 ANAM MOS8 FC 9613 HCMS 0/77 0/75 1/75 126310-6 68847 ANAM MOS8 FC 9613 HCMS 0/76 0/75 0/75 126310-10 68847 ANAM MOS8 FC 9613 HCMS 0/73 0/71 0/71 110486-2 68847 SHC MOS8 FC 9526 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/30 K39601 68302 KLM MS11 FC 9623 HCMS 0/30 0/30 K39608-1 68302 KLM MS11 FC 9624 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/669 1/661 TOTALS 1/562 Failure Summary Lot# Device Package Qty Rdpt Failure Mode/Mechanism AAAAAAA AAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA 118707-1 68341 FT 1 1000CYC GROSS FUNC EZF 126310-2 68847 FC 1 1000CYC GROSS FUNC EZF MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-35 Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5 V, 1008 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/411 0/30 0/406 0/30 0/400 0/30 0 0 0/441 0/436 0/430 0 0 1996 Summary AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 100 CYC 500 CYC 1000 CYC 109685-3 68847 SHC MOS8 FC 9518 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/30 126116-8 68360 ANAM MS11 EM 9606 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/76 126116-13 68360 ANAM MS11 EM 9606 HCMS 0/74 0/74 0/73 126310-3 68847 ANAM MOS8 FC 9613 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/77 126310-7 68847 ANAM MOS8 FC 9613 HCMS 0/76 0/75 0/71 126310-11 68847 ANAM MOS8 FC 9613 HCMS 0/77 0/75 0/75 108732-4 68847 SHC MOS8 FC 9515 HCMS 0/30 0/28 0/28 0/441 0/436 0/430 TOTALS Autoclave 121C, 100% RH, 15 PSIG, 144 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 144 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/470 0/75 0/77 0/88 1/403 0/74 0/622 0/88 2,128 0 0 0 1,608 0/77 1/554 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 144 Hrs AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA 118707-2 68341 SHC MOS8 FT 9541 HCMS 0/38 118707-5 68341 SHC MOS8 FT 9541 HCMS 0/39 126310-8 68847 ANAM MOS8 FC 9613 HCMS 0/75 0/74 126116-9 68360 ANAM MS11 EM 9606 HCMS 0/76 0/76 126116-14 68360 ANAM MS11 EM 9606 HCMS 0/76 0/76 126116-19 68360 ANAM MS11 EM 9606 HCMS 0/77 1/77 126310-4 68847 ANAM MOS8 FC 9613 HCMS 0/76 0/70 126310-12 68847 ANAM MOS8 FC 9613 HCMS 0/77 109685-2 68847 SHC MOS8 FC 9518 HCMS 0/28 0/28 K39602 68302 KLM MS11 FC 9625 HCMS 0/30 0/30 K39608-2 68302 KLM MS11 FC 9624 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/622 0/88 TOTALS 0/76 0/28 1/477 Failure Summary Job# 126116-19 MOTOROLA 5-36 Device 68360 Package EM Qty 1 Rdpt 144HRS Failure Mode/Mechanism ELEC OPEN PIN(S) MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT TQFP (PV) PACKAGE NUMBER OF PINS: 144 Applicable Devices: Part Number Assembly Pin Count MC68302 ANAM, MITSUI 144 MC68340 ANAM 144 XCF5102 ANAM 144 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-37 TQFP PACKAGE (PV) Assembly Site: ANAM Number of Pins: 144 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles Cumulative PPM Failure 0/304 0/304 0/297 0 0/30 0/334 0/30 0/334 0/27 0/324 0 0 1996 Summary AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 100 CYC 500 CYC 1000 CYC 118815-1 68PM302 SHC MS11 PV 9544 HCMS 0/76 0/76 0/76 118815-9 68PM302 SHC MS11 PV 9544 HCMS 0/76 0/76 0/74 118815-11 68PM302 SHC MS11 PV 9544 HCMS 0/75 0/75 0/72 118815-13 68PM302 SHC MS11 PV 9544 HCMS 0/77 0/77 0/75 0/304 0/304 0/297 TOTALS Autoclave 121C, 100% RH, 15 PSIG, 144 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 144 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/213 0/60 0/195 0/57 0 0 0/213 0/60 0/252 0 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 108856-3 68EC030 ANAM TSC PV 9516 HCMS 0/30 118815-2 68PM302 SHC MS11 PV 9544 HCMS 0/77 118815-6 68PM302 SHC MS11 PV 9544 HCMS 0/76 107547-3 68340 ANAM MOS8 PV 9502 HCMS 0/30 118815-8 68PM302 SHC MS11 PV 9544 HCMS 0/42 118815-10 68PM302 SHC MS11 PV 9544 HCMS 0/76 118815-14 68PM302 SHC MS11 PV 9544 HCMS 0/77 0/30 144 Hrs 0/30 AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA TOTALS MOTOROLA 5-38 0/213 0/30 0/60 0/27 0/252 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PLCC (FN) PACKAGE NUMBER OF PINS: 44, 52, 68, 84 Applicable Devices: Part Number Assembly Pin Count MC68000 KLM, ANAM 68 MC68HC000 KLM, ANAM, ASTRA 68 MC68008 KLM 52 MC68010 KLM 68 MC68230 KLM 52 MC68440 KLM 68 MC68605 ANAM 84 MC68606 ANAM 84 MC68681/2681 KLM 44 MC68824 ANAM 84 MC68882 KLM 68 MC68901 BUCH 52 MC68EC000 KLM 68 XC68SEC000 KLM 68 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-39 PLCC PACKAGE (FN) Assembly Site: KLM, ANAM, ASTRA Number of Pins: 44, 52, 68, 84 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/75 0/215 0/105 0/303 0/698 0/75 0/215 0/101 0/302 0/693 0/45 0/215 0/101 0/302 0/663 Cumulative PPM Failure 0 0 0 0 0 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 100 CYC 500 CYC 1000 CYC 117400-1 68HC000 KLM TSC FN 9521 HCMS 0/43 0/43 0/43 119466-1 68HC001 KLM MOS8 FN 9548 HCMS 0/32 0/32 0/32 111593-1 68605 BUCH MOS8 FN 9525 HCMS 0/30 0/26 0/26 119609-2 68SEC000 KLM MS10 FN 9548 HCMS 0/75 0/75 0/75 119609-10 68SEC000 KLM MS10 FN 9548 HCMS 0/65 0/65 0/65 119609-18 68SEC000 KLM MS10 FN 9548 HCMS 0/75 0/75 0/75 123228-1 68605 BUCH MOS8 FN 9547 HCMS 0/45 0/45 0/45 K39607 68HC000 KLM MS10 FN 9624 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/395 0/391 AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA TOTALS 0/361 Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5 V, 1008 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/275 0/82 0/244 0/601 0/263 0/82 0/244 0/589 0/262 0/82 0/244 0/588 0 0 0 0 1996 Summary Lot # 117400-3 Device Type 68HC000 Assy Site KLM Fab Site TSC Pkg Typ FN Date Code 9521 Tech Typ HCMS 168 Hrs 0/30 504 Hrs 0/30 1008 Hrs 0/30 AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA 115197-3 68HC000 KLM MOS2 FN 9534 HCMS 0/25 0/25 0/25 113123-3 68HC001 KLM TSC FN 9530 HCMS 0/27 0/27 0/27 111593-3 68605 BUCH MOS8 FN 9525 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/30 113121-3 68605 BUCH MOS8 FN 9526 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/30 119609-3 68SEC000 KLM MS10 FN 9548 HCMS 0/75 0/66 0/66 119609-11 68SEC000 KLM MS10 FN 9548 HCMS 0/65 0/65 0/65 119609-19 68SEC000 KLM MS10 FN 9548 HCMS 0/75 0/72 0/71 0/357 0/345 0/344 TOTALS MOTOROLA 5-40 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Autoclave 121C, 100% RH, 15 PSIG, 144 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/60 0/40 0/306 0/220 0/626 0/30 0/306 0/220 0/556 144 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 0/40 0/42 0/215 0/297 0 0 0 0 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 117400-2 68HC000 KLM TSC FN 9521 HCMS 0/42 0/42 120872-3 68HC000 KLM TSC FN 9550 HCMS 0/20 0/20 119466-2 68HC001 KLM MOS8 FN 9548 HCMS 0/30 0/30 119609-4 68SEC000 KLM MS10 FN 9548 HCMS 0/74 0/74 119609-12 68SEC000 KLM MS10 FN 9548 HCMS 0/65 0/65 144 Hrs 0/42 AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAAA AAA AAAAA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAA 119609-20 68SEC000 KLM MS10 FN 9548 HCMS 0/75 123228-2 68605 BUCH MOS8 FN 9547 HCMS 0/40 K39606 68HC000 KLM MS10 FN 9620 HCMS 0/30 K39618 68HC000 KLM MS10 FN 9633 HCMS 0/30 TOTALS MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 0/406 0/75 0/40 0/30 0/336 0/82 MOTOROLA 5-41 PDIP (P) PACKAGE NUMBER OF PINS: 40, 48, 64 Applicable Devices: Part Number Assembly Pin Count MC68HC000/1 KLM, ANAM 64 MC68000 KLM, ANAM 64 MC68008 ANAM 48 MC68010 KLM 64 MC68440 KLM 64 MC68230 ANAM 48 MC68681/2681 KLM 40 MC68901 ANAM 48 PDIP PACKAGE (P) Assembly Site: KLM, ANAM Number of Pins: 40, 48, 64 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/60 0/60 0/60 0/60 2/60 2/60 33,333 33,333 MOTOROLA 5-42 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5 V, 1008 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/30 0/30 0/30 0 0/30 0/30 0/30 0 1996 Summary Lot # 116150-4 Device Type 68010 Assy Site Fab Site CARS MOS5 Pkg Typ P Date Code 9526 Tech Typ HMOS TOTALS 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 Autoclave 121C, 100% RH, 15 PSIG, 144 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 144 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/29 0/29 0 0 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 5-43 PPGA (RP) PACKAGE NUMBER OF PINS: 100, 114, 124, 145 Applicable Devices: Part Number Assembly Pin Count MC68020 CITIZEN 114 MC68EC020 CITIZEN 100 MC68030 CITIZEN 124 MC68EC030 CITIZEN 124 MC68340 CITIZEN 145 MOTOROLA 5-44 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PPGA PACKAGE (RP) Assembly Site: CITIZEN Number of Pins: 100, 114, 124, 145 Autoclave 121C, 100% RH, 15 PSIG, 144 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 144 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/30 0/30 0/60 0/30 0/30 0/60 0/30 0/29 0/59 0 0 0 1996 Summary Lot # 106738-3 Device Type 68EC030 Assy Site CITI Fab Site TSC Pkg Typ RP Date Code 9444 Tech Typ HCMS TOTALS 48 Hrs 96 Hrs 144 Hrs 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 Temperature Humidity Bias 85C, 85% RH, 5 V, 1008 Hrs Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 Last 4 Quarters 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0 0 1996 Summary Lot # 107725-3 Device Type 68340 Assy Site CITT Fab Site MOS8 TOTALS MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Pkg Typ RP Date Code 9507 Tech Typ HCMS 168 Hrs 504 Hrs 1008 Hrs 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 MOTOROLA 5-45 Temperature Cycle - 65 to + 150C, Air to Air, 1000 Cycles Results: Rejects/Devices Time Period 100 Cycles 500 Cycles 1000 Cycles Cumulative PPM Failure 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Last 4 Quarters 0/120 0/120 0/118 0 0/120 0/120 0/118 0 1996 Summary Lot # Device Type Assy Site Fab Site Pkg Typ Date Code Tech Typ 100 CYC 500 CYC 1000 CYC 106738-2 68EC030 CITI TSC RP 9444 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/29 108170-1 68030 CITI MOS8 RP 9512 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/29 108170-3 68030 CITI MOS8 RP 9512 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/30 107725-1 68340 CITT MOS8 RP 9507 HCMS 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/120 0/120 0/118 TOTALS MOTOROLA 5-46 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Section 6 QUALITY ASSURANCE WORLD WIDE -- WORLD CLASS QUALITY ASSURANCE Dynamic RAMs / Fast Static RAMs . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Microprocessor Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY (AOQ) AOQ Calculation Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 Fast Static RAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Dynamic/General Static RAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 Microprocessors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 World Wide MMTG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 6-1 MOTOROLA 6-2 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT QUALITY ASSURANCE DYNAMIC RAMs/FAST STATIC RAMs SOLDERABILITY per MIL-STD-883C Method 2003 with 8 Hours Steam Age Time Period Results: Rejects/Devices Results: Cumulative % 3rd Quarter 1996 0/105 0.00% 2nd Quarter 1996 0/360 0.00% 1st Quarter 1996 0/405 0.00% 4th Quarter 1995 0/475 0.00% Last 4 Quarters 0/1345 0.00% MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 6-3 QUALITY ASSURANCE MICROPROCESSOR PRODUCTS SOLDERABILITY per 12MRE21502W (with 8 Hours Steam Age) CQFP (FE) Time Period 4th Quarter 1995 Results: Rejects/Devices Results: Cumulative % 0/15 0.00% 3rd Quarter 1995 0/110 0.00% 2nd Quarter 1995 0/100 0.00% 1st Quarter 1995 0/380 0.00% Last 4 Quarters 0/605 0.00% CDIP (L/LC) Time Period Results: Rejects/Devices Results: Cumulative % 4th Quarter 1995 -- -- 1st Quarter 1995 0/10 0.00% Last 4 Quarters 0/10 0.00% PDIP (P) Time Period Results: Rejects/Devices Results: Cumulative % 4th Quarter 1995 0/5 0.00% 3rd Quarter 1995 0/5 0.00% 2nd Quarter 1995 0/10 0.00% 1st Quarter 1995 0/20 0.00% Last 4 Quarters 0/40 0.00% CPGA (R/RC) Time Period Results: Rejects/Devices Results: Cumulative % 4th Quarter 1995 -- -- 3rd Quarter 1995 0/5 0.00% 2nd Quarter 1995 0/10 0.00% 1st Quarter 1995 0/15 0.00% Last 4 Quarters 0/30 0.00% MOTOROLA 6-4 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT SOLDERABILITY (Continued) per 12MRE21502W (with 8 Hours Steam Age) PPGA (RP) Time Period Results: Rejects/Devices Results: Cumulative % 4th Quarter 1995 -- -- 2nd Quarter 1995 0/10 0.00% 1st Quarter 1995 0/5 0.00% Last 4 Quarters 0/15 0.00% MARKING DURABILITY per 12MRH00154A (Alpha 2110 Solvent Detergent) PLASTIC PACKAGES Time Period Results: Rejects/Devices Results: Cumulative % 4th Quarter 1995 -- -- 3rd Quarter 1995 0/50 0.00% 2nd Quarter 1995 0/10 0.00% 1st Quarter 1995 0/110 0.00% Last 4 Quarters 0/170 0.00% CERAMIC PACKAGES Time Period Results: Rejects/Devices Results: Cumulative % 4th Quarter 1995 -- -- 3rd Quarter 1995 0/85 0.00% 2nd Quarter 1995 0/90 0.00% 1st Quarter 1995 0/329 0.00% Last 4 Quarters 0/504 0.00% MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 6-5 AOQ CALCULATION METHOD Average Outgoing Quality (AOQ) refers to the number of devices per million that are outside specification limits at the time of shipment. Motorola has continually improved its outgoing quality, and has established a goal of outgoing quality to be zero PPM (parts per million). AOQs are calculated for both electrical and visual/mechanical performances. Motorola's AOQ is a volume-weighted AOQ, calculated by the following method: Average Outgoing Quality (AOQ) Calculation: AOQ = (Process Average) x (Probability of Acceptance) x (106)* * Process Average = * Projected Reject Devices = * Total Number of Devices = Sum of all the units in each submitted lot. * Probability of Acceptance = 1 - Total Projected Number of Reject Devices Total Number of Devices Number of Defectives x Lot Size Sample Size Number of Lots Rejected Number of Lots Tested * 106 - Conversion to parts per million (PPM) MOTOROLA 6-6 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY In Parts per Million FSRAM Device Type Category 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Total Year 1995 4 MB LATEWRITE Electrical Vis/Mech 241 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 672XB 0.5U Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 11 256K 670X .5 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 20 0 19 672XC 0.5U Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 256K EVOL Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 32K x 9 EVOL Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 -- -- 0 0 -- -- 0 0 256K REVOL Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 10 692X 0.5U 3 V Electrical Vis/Mech 0 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 672XA 0.8U Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- 0 0 0 0 0 30 11 32 4 MEG PIPELN Electrical Vis/Mech 99 0 284 0 453 0 0 0 0 0 1 MEG ECL Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 398 0 0 64 42 74 64 6297X 4 x 10/2 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 78 0 0 0 35 0 28 0 11 62990 16K x 16 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67804 256K x 4 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62110 32K x 9 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65824 8K x 24 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 62980 64K x 4 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62416 16K x 16 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 106 416 387 0 1201 0 1116 58 7D709 128K x 9 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7Q709 128K x 9 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 66 0 62308 8K x 8 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 0 1497 69T618 3.3 V Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 557 0 0 -- -- -- -- 2604GA GLANC Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 67T416 16 x 16 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 67618 5 V 0.8 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 413 0 0 0 70 0 18 12 6264 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67618 5 V 0.5 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 11 6205/6A, B, C Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- -- -- 0 0 0 0 0 127 6205/06D Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 38 81 0 6 0 32 1 33 6226A Electrical Vis/Mech 89 0 0 0 0 20 35 60 11 26 6229A Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 6-7 AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY In Parts per Million FSRAM (continued) Device Type Category 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Total Year 1995 6226B Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 9 83 6229B Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 52 6227B Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 755 4MB 6249 .5 C Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 1141 0 0 0 0 0 4MB 6246 .5 C Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 412 0 123 22 67518 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 65 0 0 0 38 0 0 4 21 69618 3.3 V Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69536 32x36 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 118 0 0 0 233 0 229 32K x 32 CMOS Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 64K x 16 ASYNC Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 32K x 8 BS WIN Electrical Vis/Mech 19 20 0 0 9 149 0 41 8 33 128K x 8 WB Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- 256K x 4 WB Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- 0 0 0 89 0 267 0 267 63P532BA 32 x Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- 1756 8430 0 1011 0 0 0 0 128K x 8 WB Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 256K x 4 WB Electrical Vis/Mech 0 59 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 256 CMOS STD Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 3875 1777 1365 1648 1117 787 256 CMOS CST Electrical Vis/Mech 911 242 119 0 358 0 833 0 1006 242 1M CMOS STD Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- -- 0 0 4M CMOS STD Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 1497 0 -- -- 3517 0 256K BRAM STD Electrical Vis/Mech 2037 509 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 256K BRAM CS Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- 2531 0 1589 0 909 0 950 213 1M BRAM STD Electrical Vis/Mech 1603 0 609 790 493 546 1726 280 1416 847 1M BRAM CSTM Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 256 BCMS STD Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 256 BCMOS CST Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- -- -- 0 0 0 0 405 0 1M BCMOS STD Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1M BCMOS CST Electrical Vis/Mech 5794 0 849 6960 215 3317 720 1295 316 634 4M BCMOS CSTM Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- MOTOROLA 6-8 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT FSRAM (continued) Device Type Category 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Total Year 1995 1M ASM CSTM Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- -- -- 2631 0 746 0 1438 643 Total FSRAM Electrical Vis/Mech 26 13 13 29 17 36 44 38 39 41 AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY In Parts per Million FSRAM 150 140 130 120 110 100 KPPB 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 OCT = Electrical = Visual NOV DEC JAN FEB 1995 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1996 MOTOROLA 6-9 AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY In Parts per Million DRAM/GSRAM Device Type Category 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 Total Year 1995 1 MEG DRAM MCM511000/514256 Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- -- -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 MEG DRAM MCM54100A/54400A Electrical Vis/Mech 0 18 0 10 0 3 1 7 2 12 16 MEG DRAM MCM517400 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 9 0 10 19 0 9 29 26 25 DRAM Modules* MCM32100/36100/ 82000/94000 Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 90 0 126 0 148 31 94 Total DRAM Electrical Vis/Mech 0 17 0 14 4 8 1 18 4 16 * Module AOQ data reflects board level assembly defects only. For component defect rates, see the appropriate component listing. 150 140 130 120 110 100 KPPB 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 OCT = Electrical = Visual MOTOROLA 6-10 NOV 1995 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1996 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY In Parts per Million MICROPROCESSORS Device Type Category 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 MC68000 16/32-Bit MPU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 369.2 0 52 0 56.5 MC68008 8-Bit Version of 68000 Electrical Vis/Mech -- -- 0 0 0 0 MC68010 Virtual 16/32-Bit MPU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 262.2 0 1146.5 256.8 411.9 128.4 580.4 MC68HC000 Low Power HCMOS 68000 Electrical Vis/Mech 88.7 86.9 21.5 22.2 0 38.2 0 11.4 MC68EC000 8/16 Bit Embedded Ctrl MPU Electrical Vis/Mech 154.9 13.6 0 0 0 0 0 3 MC68230 Parallel Interface and Timer Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 153 0 235.2 0 0 MC68440 Dual Channel DMA Electrical Vis/Mech 0 242.0 0 669.3 0 272.9 0 1858.2 MC68450 DMA Controller Electrical Vis/Mech 1026.1 377.4 899 387.8 0 322 0 479.5 MC68681, MC2681 DUART Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 32.8 89.6 0 MC68901 Multifunctional Peripheral Electrical Vis/Mech 0 1012.9 195.3 452.2 506.4 153.8 1199.8 125.3 MC68EC020 32-Bit Embedded Control MPU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MC68020 Full 32-Bit MPU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 55.3 MC68030 Enhanced 32-Bit MPU w/MMU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 576.7 44.5 431.9 11.7 272.3 12.4 369.5 XC68040 3rd Gen. 32-Bit MPU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 133.2 0 0 0 0 XC68341 32-Bit CPU/RTC/QSM/DMA Electrical Vis/Mech 0 1812.2 0 1592.8 0 0 0 170.5 MC68349 Integrated Processor DMA & Mem Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XC68060 Superscalar 32-Bit Processor Electrical Vis/Mech 0 570.5 0 383.5 0 1434.9 0 734.2 MC68882 EFPCP Enchanced FP Coprocessor Electrical Vis/Mech 0 91.7 0 804.4 0 138.7 0 553.6 XCF5102 Low Power 3rd Gen. 32-Bit MPU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 115 0 578.2 10.6 421.8 MC68340 Integrated Processor w/DMA Electrical Vis/Mech 47.3 216.7 18.9 148.3 0 165.7 52.4 276.7 XC68330 Integrated CPU32 Processor Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 1331.8 0 0 0 426.4 393.7 XC68EC/LC040 Embedded 32-Bit High Perf MPU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 13.8 0 121.6 0 0 0 0 MC68605 X.25 Protocol Controller Electrical Vis/Mech 0 155.8 0 852 0 282.6 0 460 MC68606 Multi-Link LAPD Protocol Controller Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 886.8 0 1224.4 0 958.7 MC68302 Integrated Multiprotocol Processor Electrical Vis/Mech 263.9 14 0 751.4 0 4 30 23.7 MC68824 Token Bus Controller Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 312.4 0 424 0 210.2 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 6-11 MICROPROCESSORS (continued) Device Type Category 3rd Quarter 1996 2nd Quarter 1996 1st Quarter 1996 4th Quarter 1995 MC68836 FDDI Clock Generator Electrical Vis/Mech 1022.9 0 0 208.1 0 220.8 0 682.5 MC68837 Elasticity Buffer and Link Manager Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 380 MC68839FSI FDDI System Interface Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 84.6 0 0 XC68834 Stream Cipher Chip Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 390.6 0 0 0 253.4 XC68840 Integrated FDDI Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 149.2 0 119.0 2120.5 0 MC68847 Quad ELM Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 0 0 650.9 0 518 MC68848 CAMEL Integrated FDDI Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 122.9 0 112.8 0 216.8 XC68356 Signal Processing Communications Engine Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 201.9 11.2 152.6 40.7 358 XC68360 Int Communication Controller Electrical Vis/Mech 0 19 46.3 96.5 9.2 158.5 92.9 69.2 XPC603 32-Bit Microprocessor Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 280.6 0 549.8 38.5 380.1 XPC604 32-Bit Microprocessor Electrical Vis/Mech 0 1161.9 324.7 1963.4 XPC105 PCI Bus Electrical Vis/Mech 0 347 0 0 0 696.4 154.4 351.1 MC88100 32-Bit RISC Microprocessor Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 1089.1 0 0 0 0 MC88110 2nd Gen. 32-Bit RISC MPU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 285.2 0 2195.1 0 0 0 0 MC88200 16K-Byte Cache MMU Electrical Vis/Mech 0 0 0 134 222 422.8 0 0 MC88410 Secondary Cache Controller Electrical Vis/Mech 0 1622.4 0 0 0 0 Total Microprocessors Electrical Vis/Mech 47 101 15.2 54.4 31.3 68.1 MOTOROLA 6-12 20.6 70 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY In Parts per Million MICROPROCESSORS 250 225 200 175 KPPB 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 4Q93 1Q94 2Q94 3Q94 4Q94 1Q95 2Q95 3Q95 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 QUARTER = Electrical = Visual MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 6-13 AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY In Parts per Million WORLD WIDE MMTG 150 140 130 120 110 100 KPPB 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 4Q93 1Q94 2Q94 3Q94 4Q94 1Q95 2Q95 3Q95 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 QUARTER = Visual = Electrical MOTOROLA 6-14 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Section 7 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO WORLD WIDE -- WORLD CLASS FAST STATIC RAM PORTFOLIO . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 DYNAMIC RAM PORTFOLIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 HIGH PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO . . . . . 7-10 RISC PORTFOLIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 7-1 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO FAST STATIC RAMs SYNCHRONOUS 3.3 V Supply Description Organi- zation BurstRAMs 32Kx32 32Kx36 64Kx18 256Kx18 128Kx36 NetRAMs 32Kx36 64Kx18 Motorola Part Number Pin Count Packaging Access Time (ns Max) Pro- duction MCM63P531 100 (TQ) TQFP 7/8/9 Now Pipelined BurstRAM for Pentium CPUs. MCM63P533 100 (TQ) TQFP 3.5/4/4.5/5 4Q96 133 MHz pipelined BurstRAM. MCM69F536A 100 (TQ) TQFP 8.5/9/10/12 Now Flow-through BurstRAM, 3.3 V only. MCM69F536B 100 (TQ) TQFP 8.5/9/10/12 Now Flow-through BurstRAM, 5 V tolerant I/Os. MCM69P536A 100 (TQ) TQFP 4.5/5/6/7 Now Pipelined BurstRAM, 3.3 V only. MCM69P536B 100 (TQ) TQFP 4.5/5/6/7 Now Pipelined BurstRAM, 5 V tolerant I/Os. MCM69F618A 100 (TQ) TQFP 8.5/9/10/12 Now Flow-through BurstRAM, 3.3 V only. MCM69P618A 100 (TQ) TQFP 4.5/5/6/7 Now Pipelined BurstRAM, 3.3 V only. MCM69F818 119 100 (ZP) PBGA (TQ) TQFP 7.5/8/8.5 1Q97 For servers, switches, and workstations. Samples. January 1997. MCM69P818 119 100 (ZP) PBGA (TQ) TQFP 3.5/3.8/4 1Q97 For servers, switches, and workstations. Samples. January 1997. MCM69F736 100 (TQ) TQFP 7.5/8/8.5 1Q97 For servers, switches, and workstations. Samples. January 1997. MCM69P736 119 100 (ZP) PBGA (TQ) TQFP 3.5/3.8/4 1Q97 For servers, switches, and workstations. Samples. January 1997. MCM69Q536 176 (TQ) TQFP 8/10 1Q97 Dual address, separate I/O. Samples 1Q97. MCM69D536 176 (TQ) TQFP 8/10 1Q97 Dual address, dual I/O. Samples 1Q97. MCM69Q537 176 (TQ) TQFP 5 2Q97 Single address, separate I/O. MCM69Q618 176 (TQ) TQFP 8/10 1Q97 Dual address, separate I/O. Samples 1Q97. MCM69D618 176 (TQ) TQFP 8/10 1Q97 Dual address, dual I/O. Samples 1Q97. MCM69Q619 176 (TQ) TQFP 5 2Q97 Single address, separate I/O. Comments Tag RAM 64Kx18 MCM69T618 119 100 (ZP) PBGA (TQ) TQFP 5/6/7 Now Now 100 MHz Tag RAM. For MIPS R5000, Pentium Pro and Graphics Accelerators Applications 4M Late Write 256Kx18 MCM69R818 119 (ZP) PBGA 6/7/8 4Q96 Late write interface. HSTL I/Os. Samples 3Q96. MCM69R819 119 (ZP) PBGA 7/8/9 4Q96 Late write interface. LVTTL I/Os. Samples 3Q96. MCM69R820 119 (ZP) PBGA 7/8/9 4Q96 Late write interface. 2.5 V I/Os. Samples 3Q96. MCM69L819 119 (ZP) PBGA 7/8/9 4Q96 Late write interface. Register/Latch LVTTL I/Os. Samples 3Q96. MCM69L820 119 (ZP) PBGA 7/8/9 4Q96 Late write interface. Register/Latch 2.5 V I/Os. Samples 3Q96. MCM69R736 119 (ZP) PBGA 6/7/8 4Q96 Late write interface. HSTL I/Os. Samples 3Q96. MCM69R737 119 (ZP) PBGA 7/8/9 4Q96 Late write interface. LVTTL I/Os. Samples 3Q96. MCM69R738 119 (ZP) PBGA 7/8/9 4Q96 Late write interface. 2.5 V I/Os. Samples 3Q96. MCM69L737 119 (ZP) PBGA 7/8/9 4Q96 Late write interface. Register/Latch LVTTL I/Os. Samples 3Q96. MCM69L738 119 (ZP) PBGA 7/8/9 4Q96 Late write interface. Register/Latch 2.5 V I/Os. Samples 3Q96. 64Kx18 MCM69R618 119 (ZP) PBGA 6/7/8 1Q97 Late write interface. HSTL I/Os. Samples 4Q96. 32Kx36 MCM69R536 119 (ZP) PBGA 6/7/8 1Q97 Late write interface. HSTL I/Os. Samples 4Q96. 4Kx64 MCM69C232 100 (TQ) TQFP 160 ns 1Q97 Content addressable memory for communication applications. 4K connections. 16Kx64 MCM69C432 100 (TQ) TQFP 160 ns 2Q97 Content addressable memory for communication applications. 16K connections. Pin Count Packaging Access Time (ns Max) Pro- duction 128Kx36 1M Late Write CAMs 5 V Supply Description Organi- zation Motorola Part Number Comments Integrated Cache Solutions 32Kx36 MPC2604GA 357 (ZP) PBGA 66 MHz Now Integrated L2 cache for PowerPC processors.Two components for 256KB solution, and four for 512KB. 32Kx72 MPC2605 357 (ZP) PBGA 66/75 MHz 1Q97 Integrated L2 cache for PowerPC processors.One component for 256KB, two for 512KB, and four for 1MB L2 cache solutions. BurstRAMs 64Kx18 MCM67B618A 52 (FN) PLCC 8.5/9/10/12 Now Flow-through BurstRAM for Pentium, MIPS. MCM67C618A 52 (FN) PLCC 5/7 Now Pipelined BurstRAM for Pentium. MCM67M618A 52 (FN) PLCC 9/10/12 Now Flow-through BurstRAM for PowerPC. DSPRAM 8Kx24 MCM56824A 52 (FN) PLCC 20/25/35 Now Designed for DSP56001 applications, replaces 3 8Kx8's. Tag RAMs 16Kx15 MPC27T415 80 (TQ) TQFP 9/10/12 Now Cache tag RAM for PowerPC. 12 tag bits, 3 status bits. Drop in replacement for IDT71216. Sampling now. 16Kx16 MPC27T416 80 (TQ) TQFP 9/10/12 Now Cache tag RAM for PowerPC. 14 tag bits, 2 status bits. Sampling now. MOTOROLA INC., 1996 MOTOROLA 7-2 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PRODUCT PORTFOLIO FAST STATIC RAMs Organi- zation Description General Synchronous Pin Count Packaging Access Time (ns Max) Pro- duction MCM67Q709 86 (ZP) PBGA 5/6 Now General synchronous separate I/O with write pass through. 3.3 V output levels. MCM67Q709A 86 100 (ZP) PBGA (TQ) TQFP 5/6 4Q96 4Q96 General synchronous separate I/O with write pass through. 3.3 V output levels. 256Kx4 MCM67Q804 36 400 (WJ) SOJ 5 Now Graphics; general RISC. Register to register. Revolutionary pinout. 3.3 V output levels. Write pass through. Separate I/O. 16Kx16 MCM62990A 52 (FN) PLCC 15/20/25 Now Late write RAM for telecom switches and buffers. 8Kx8 MCM62X308 28 300 (J) SOJ 15/17 Now Line buffer for processing digital data. 4Kx12 MCM62973A 44 (FN) PLCC 18/20 Now Pipelined SRAM with chip select. MCM62974A 44 (FN) PLCC 18/20 Now Pipelined SRAM with output enable. MCM62975A 44 (FN) PLCC 25/30 Now Output enable. 128Kx9 Motorola Part Number Comments ASYNCHRONOUS 3.3 V Supply Density Organi- zation 1M 64Kx16 128Kx8 256K Motorola Part Number Pin Count Packaging Package width in mils Access TIme (ns Max) Pro- duction MCM6323 44 400 (YJ) SOJ 12/15 Now Revolutionary pinout. MCM6326 32 400 (YJ) SOJ 12/15 4Q96 Revolutionary pinout. Samples 3Q96. MCM6926 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 8/10/12/15 Now Revolutionary pinout. 256Kx4 MCM6929 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 8/10/12/15 Now Revolutionary pinout. 32Kx8 MCM6306D 28 300 (J) SOJ 15/20/25 Now 3.3 V Fast SRAM Pin Count Packaging Package width in mils Access TIme (ns Max) Pro- duction Now Output enable. Revolutionary pinout. Comments 5 V Supply Density Organi- zation 4M 512Kx8 MCM6246 36 400 (WJ) SOJ 20/25/35 1Mx4 MCM6249 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 20/25/35 Now Output enable. Revolutionary pinout. 1M 64Kx16 MCM6223 44 400 (YJ) SOJ 12/15 4Q96 Revolutionary pinout. Samples 3Q96. 64Kx18 MCM67A618A 52 (FN) PLCC 10/12/15 Now General asynchronous, latched address and data. 128Kx8 MCM6226B 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 15/17/20/25 Now Evolutionary pinout. MCM6226BA 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 17/20/25 Now Not for new designs. MCM6226BB 32 300 (EJ), 400 (XJ) SOJ 15/17/20/25 Now Evolutionary pinout. MCM6726B 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 8/10/12 Now Revolutionary pinout. MCM6726C 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 6/7 Now Revolutionary pinout. MCM6726D 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 7.5/8/10/12 4Q96 Revolutionary pinout. Samples 3Q96. Will replace MCM6726B. MCM6229B 28 400 (WJ) SOJ 15/17/20/25 Now Not for new designs. Suggest MCM6229BB. MCM6229BA 28 400 (WJ) SOJ 17/20/25 Now Not for new designs. Suggest MCM6229BB. MCM6229BB 28 300 (J), 400 (WJ) SOJ 15/17/20/25 Now Evolutionary pinout. MCM6729B 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 8/10/12 Now Output enable. Revolutionary pinout. MCM6729C 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 6/7 Now Revolutionary pinout. MCM6729D 32 400 (WJ) SOJ 7.5/8/10/12 4Q96 Revolutionary pinout. Samples 3Q96. Will replace MCM6729B. 1Mx1 MCM6227B 28 300 (J), 400 (WJ) SOJ 15/17/20/25 Now For Telecom and IC Tester applications. 16Kx16 MCM62996 52 (FN) PLCC 15/20/25 Now Choice of 5 V or 3.3 V power supplies for output buffers. For wide bus applications. MCM62995A 52 (FN) PLCC 15/20/25 Now DSP96000 and RISC applications. Latched address inputs. MCM6206BA 28 300 (EJ) SOJ 12/15/20/25 Now Replaces MCM6206D. MCM6706B 28 300 (J) SOJ 8/10 Now Evolutionary pinout. MCM6706BR 32 300 (J) SOJ 6/7/8 Now Revolutionary pinout. MCM6205D 32 300 (J) SOJ 15/20/25 Now Not for new designs. 256Kx4 256K 32Kx8 32Kx9 Motorola Part Number MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Comments MOTOROLA 7-3 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO FAST STATIC RAMs DEVICE/PART NUMBER DESIGNATORS ASYNCHRONOUS DEVICE MC Motorola Component MC = Qualified SC = Special M 67 0 6 B R J SYNCHRONOUS DEVICE 8 MC M 67 B 6 18 A FN 12 Motorola Component (Qualified) Speed (ns) Package* (WJ = Wide SOJ, J = SOJ, FN = PLCC, TB = TAB) Memory Density: 0 = 256K 2 = 1M 4 = 4M 6 = 16K 8 = 64K Package (WJ = Wide SOJ, FN = PLCC, J = SOJ, ZP = PBGA, TQ = TQFP) Memory Revolutionary Pinout* Die Revision* Blank = First qualified Motorola device A = First die size change/spec change B = Second die size change/spec change BA = First qualified foundry device 62 = 5 V CMOS 63 = 3.3 V CMOS 67 = 5 V BiCMOS 69 = 3.3 V BiCMOS Speed (ns) Width: 5=x9 6=x8 7=x1 8=x4 9 = x 4 with OE 62 = 5 V CMOS 63 = 3.3 V CMOS 67 = 5 V BiCMOS 69 = 3.3 V BiCMOS A B C D F H J NOTE: There are some exceptions to these device numbering schemes, i.e., MCM62990A is a CMOS 16K x 16 and NOT a 512K x 90 device. MPC designates devices designed to work with PowerPC microprocessors and support chips. L M P Q R T X * These designators apply to current products - future products will not necessarily follow this scheme. Die Revision Width: 04 = x 4 08 = x 8 09 = x 9 16 = x 16 18 = x 18 24 = x 24 32 = x 32 36 = x 36 = Async w/Address and Data Latch = x86 Burst Count = x86 Burst Count and Output Register = Dual I/O = Flow-Through BurstRAM = x86 Burst Count with Address Disable = x86 Burst Count with Address Disable and Output Register = Register/Latch = Motorola (PowerPC) Burst Count = Pipelined BurstRAM = Sep. I/O = Register/Register = Cache Tag = Line Buffer Depth: 3 = 8K Address Depth 4 = 16K Address Depth 5 = 32K Address Depth 6 = 64K Address Depth 7 = 128K Address Depth 8 = 256K Address Depth FAST STATIC RAM MODULES (Contact Fast Static RAM Marketing for Custom Fast SRAM Modules) PowerPC Processor Applications Description Chip Set Functionality Cache Size Access Time (Max) Pro- duction Packaging PowerPC Cache Modules with 16K x 15 CacheTag Motorola MPC105, Motorola MPC106 Flow-Through Burst 512KB Cache 66 MHz Now 178 Pin Card Edge (SG) Flow-Through Burst 1MB 66 MHz Now Motorola Part Number MPC2105A MPC2106A Pentium and other x86 Processor Applications Description Chip Set Functionality Cache Size Access Time (Max) Pro- duction Packaging Pentium L2 Cache M d l Modules Triton II chip set Piped Burst 8 Bi Bit TAG 512KB Cache 75 MHz Now 160 Pin Card Edge (SG) 256KB Cache 66 MHz Now Piped Burst 11 Bit Bi TAG 512KB Cache 75 MHz Now 256KB Cache 66 MHz Now Triton II chip set Motorola Part Number MCM64PC64 MCM64PC32 160 Pin Card Edge (SG) MCM64PD64 MCM64PD32 Networking and Buffer Applications Description Organization Access Time (Max) Production Packaging Standard FSRAM Modules 1M x 32 20/25 ns Now 72 Pin SIMM (SG) Uses eight 4M SRAMs MCM321024 512K x 32 20/25 ns Now 72 Pin SIMM (SG) Uses four 4M SRAMs MCM32515 128K x 32 20/25 ns Now 64 Pin SIMM (SG) Uses four 1M SRAMs MCM32128A Comments Motorola Part Number BurstRAM and DSPRAM are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. NetRAM is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. PowerPC is a trademark of IBM Corporation. MOTOROLA 7-4 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Byte Density Organization 1MB 4MB 1Mx8 4Mx8 4Mx9 1Mx32 2Mx32 16MB 4Mx32 Pins MCM81430 MCM84000 MCM84C430 MCM84CT430 MCM94000 MCM94C430 MCM94CT430 MCM32100 MA321BT08T MB321BT08T Operating Current (mA Max) (B)uffered or (U)nbuffered Parity, Non-Parity, ECC or ECC pin for Parity Refresh Comp. Pkg. FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM EDO U U U U U U U U U U Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Parity Parity Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity 1K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 1K 1K 1K SOJ SOJ SOJ TSOP SOJ SOJ TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP 3.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 EDO FPM EDO FPM FPM FPM FPM EDO EDO FPM EDO FPM FPM FPM FPM U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 2K TSOP SOJ SOJ TSOP SOJ TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP SOJ SOJ TSOP SOJ TSOP SOJ 880/760 880/760 5 5 EDO FPM U U Non-Parity Non-Parity 2K 2K SOJ TSOP 880/760 880/760 600/520 880/760 5 5 3.3 3.3 FPM EDO FPM EDO U U U U Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity 2K 2K 2K 2K TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP Package Options Access Time Production 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 72 72 72 (S) (AS) (S) (S) (AS) (S) (S) (DG), (D) (ADG),(AD) (ADG),(AD),( ASN) 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW 240/200 960/800 220/190 220/190 1080/900 340/290 340/290 960/800 370/310 370/310 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 MB321BT18T MCM32B116 MB321BJ08T MCM32BT116 MCM32130 MCM32T100 MA322BT08T MB322BT08T MB322BT18T MCM32B216 MB322BJ08T MCM32BT216 MCM32230 MCM32T200 MCM32C400 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (ADG),(ADN) (S),(SG) (ASN) (SH) (SH),(SHG) (SH),(SHG) (ADG) (ADG), (ASN) (ADG) (S),(SG) (ASN) (SH) (SH),(SHG) (S), (SG) (ASH),(ASH G) 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 NOW TBD TBD NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW TBD TBD NOW NOW NOW 4Q96 350/290 370/310 360/300 370/310 960/800 960/800 374/314 374/314 352/292 374/314 374/314 374/314 976/816 976/816 880/760 MB324CJ00T MCM32CT400 72 72 (BSN) (ASH),(ASH G) 60/70 60/70 4Q96 4Q96 MCM32CT420 MB324CT00T MCM32CT423 MB324CT10T 72 72 72 72 (ADG) (BDG),(BSN) (ADG) (BDG) 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 Volt FPM or EDO PHASE OUT PHASE OUT PHASE OUT PHASE OUT DYNAMIC RAMs 8MB Motorola Part Number PRODUCT PORTFOLIO MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT DRAM MODULES (Contact DRAM Marketing for Custom DRAM Modules) (See Notes 1 and 2) MOTOROLA 7-5 MOTOROLA 7-6 Byte Density 32MB 4MB 8MB 16MB 4Q96 (BSN) (ASH),(ASH G) 60/70 60/70 72 72 72 72 (BSN) (S),(SG) (S),(SG) (AS),(ASG),( ASH), (ASHG) MCM36C404 72 (ASH),(ASH G) MCM36C800 MCM36C804 72 72 MCM40100 MCM40200 MCM40C400 MCM40C800 MA641AJ40T MCM64BT116 MB641BT48T MA641BT08T MB641BT08T MB641BT18T MCM64BT216 MB642BT48T MA642BT08T MB642BT08T MB642BT18T MA644CT00T MB644CT00T MA644CT10T MB644CT10T MA721BT08T MA722BT08T MA724CT00T MB724CT00T MA724CT10T 72 72 72 72 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 Pins 8Mx32 MCM32C800 1Mx36 2Mx36 4Mx36 8Mx36 4MB 8MB 16MB 32MB 8MB 1Mx40 2Mx40 4Mx40 8Mx40 1Mx64 16MB 2MX64 32MB 4Mx64 1MX72 2MX72 4MX72 Volt (B)uffered or (U)nbuffered Parity, Non-Parity, ECC or ECC pin for Parity Refresh Comp. Pkg. 896/776 5 FPM U Non-Parity 2K SOJ 4Q96 4Q96 896/776 896/776 5 5 EDO FPM U U Non-Parity Non-Parity 2K 2K SOJ TSOP 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 4Q96 NOW NOW NOW 896/776 1080/900 1098/918 1360/1160 5 5 5 5 EDO FPM FPM FPM U U U U Non-Parity ECC for Parity ECC for Parity Parity 2K 1K 1K 2K TSOP SOJ SOJ SOJ 60/70 4Q96 990/855 5 FPM U ECC for Parity 2K SOJ (AS),(ASG) (ASH),(ASH G) 60/70 NOW NOW 1384/1184 1008/873 5 5 FPM FPM U U Parity ECC for Parity 2K 2K SOJ SOJ (AS),(ASG) (AS),(ASG) (SH),(SHG) (SH),(SHG) (ADG) (DG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (DG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 NOW NOW 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 U U U U B B B U U U B B U U U U U U U U U U U U ECC ECC ECC ECC Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity Non-Parity ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC 1K 1K 2K 2K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 2K 2K 2K 2K 1K 1K 2K 2K 2K SOJ SOJ SOJ SOJ SOJ TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP TSOP Access Time 72 (ASH),(ASH G) MB328CJ00T MCM32CT800 72 72 MB328CT00T MCM36104 MCM36204 MCM36C400 PHASE OUT PHASE OUT 1200/1000 5 1220/1020 5 1100/950 5 1120/970 5 2050/1715 PHASE OUT5 828/700 5 828/700 5 740/620 5 740/620 5 700/580 3.3 836/704 5 836/704 5 748/628 5 748/628 5 708/588 3.3 1760/1520 5 1760/1520 5 1200/1040 3.3 1200/1040 3.3 980/820 5 990/835 5 1980/1710 5 1980/1710 5 1350/1170 3.3 FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM EDO FPM EDO EDO FPM EDO FPM EDO EDO FPM EDO FPM EDO FPM FPM FPM EDO FPM DYNAMIC RAMs MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT 60/70 Organization FPM or EDO Package Options PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 32MB Production Operating Current (mA Max) Motorola Part Number Organization Motorola Part Number MB724CT10T MA724CJ40T MB724CJ40T Pins Package Options Access Time 168 168 168 (ADG) (ADG) (ADG) 60/70 60/70 60/70 Production Operating Current (mA Max) 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 1350/1170 2060/1770 2060/1770 NOTES: 1. Package suffixes are enclosed by () in package column AD/ADG=DIMM/Gold Pad DIMM (Board Revision) AS and ASN/ASG=Tin Pad SIMM (Board Revision)/Gold Pad SIMM (Board Revision) ASH/ASHG= Low Profile SIMM/Low Profile Gold Pad SIMM BDG=Board Rev. DIMM Gold Lead Volt FPM or EDO (B)uffered or (U)nbuffered Parity, Non-Parity, ECC or ECC pin for Parity Refresh Comp. Pkg. 3.3 5 5 EDO FPM EDO U B B ECC ECC ECC 2K 2K 2K TSOP SOJ SOJ BSN/BSG=Board Rev. SIMM Tin Lead/Board Rev. SIMM Gold Lead D/DG=Dual Inline Memory Module(DIMM)/Dual Inline Gold Pad Module S/SG=Single Inline Memeory Module/Gold Pad SIMM SH/SHG=Short Height SIMM/Short Height Gold Pad SIMM 2. Please consult factory before ordering a gold module package type. DYNAMIC RAMs ORDERING INFORMATION COMPONENT AND FIRST GENERATION MODULE PART NOMENCLATURE MCM Motorola Memory Prefix X XXXXX X X XX X Shipping Method (Blank = Tray or Rails, 16M: R = Tape and Reel, 1M & 4M: R2 = Tape and Reel) Speed (60 = 60 ns, 70 = 70 ns, 80 = 80 ns, 10 = 100 ns) Fab Indicator 2 = Available for sale worldwide 3 = Available for sale worldwide (16M only) 4 = Not available for sale in USA 5 = Available for sale worldwide MOTOROLA 7-7 Motorola, Inc. 1996 Temperature Range (Blank = 0 to 70C, C = - 40 to + 85C) Package Part Number PRODUCT PORTFOLIO MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Byte Density MOTOROLA 7-8 ZZ = Data Width 32 = 32 bits 36 = 36 bits 64 = 64 bits 72 = 72 bits Z A T = Package J = SOJ T = TSOP Z D D1 0 = Commercial, Unbuff, 5 V module 1 = Commercial, Unbuff, 3.3 V module 4 = Commercial, Buff, 5 V module 5 = Commercial, Buff, 3.3 V module D = Die Revision A = First Rev B = B Rev Y = Memory Product Type A = FPM DRAM B = EDO DRAM A = Address Density 1, 2, 4, 8 = 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M 5 = 16M 3 = 32M X = Device Status M = Motorola Qualified Device E = ESCP Product S = SCM Product C = Single Customer Product (SCP) X Y D1 D2 F DD = Data Characters T Pl Spd F = Fab Indicator G = LGS U = Tohoku T = TSB/TSC V = VIS S Pl = Plating N = Tin/Lead G = Gold Spd = Speed (ns) 60 70 S = Edge Connector S = SIMM D = DIMM/SO-DIMM P = PWB Type/Revision A = No Rev B = Rev B D2 0 = x4 DRAM-based, Square refresh 8 = x16 DRAM-based, Square refresh P NEXT GENERATION MODULE PART NOMENCLATURE PRODUCT PORTFOLIO DYNAMIC RAMs MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT Organization Motorola Part Number Pins 4MB 4MX1 MCM44100C MCM4L4100C MCM54100A MCM5L4100A MCM54100A-C MCM54100A-V MCM5L4100A-V MCM44400C MCM4L4400C MCM54400A MCM5L4400A MCM54400A-C MCM5L400A-C MCM54400A-V MCM5L4400A-V MCM317400C MCM417400 MCM417400B MCM417405B MCM516400B MCM517400B MCM517400C MCM517400CV MCM517405C MCM517405CV MCM218160B MCM218160B MCM218165B MCM218165B MCM518160B MCM518160B MCM518165B MCM518165B MCM518165BV MCM518165BV 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 20/26 24/26 24/26 24/26 24/26 24/26 24/26 24/26 24/26 24/26 24/26 42 44/50 42 44/50 42 44/50 42 44/50 42 44/50 1MX4 16MB 4MX4 1MX16 Package Options MOTOROLA 7-9 300 SOJ(N) 300 SOJ(N) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(N) 300 SOJ(N) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(N) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(N), 300TSOP (T) 300 SOJ(J),300 TSOP(T) 300 SOJ(J) 300 SOJ(J),300 TSOP(T) 300 SOJ(J),300 TSOP(T) 300 SOJ(J),300 TSOP(T) 300 SOJ(J),300 TSOP(T) PHASE 300 SOJ(J),300 TSOP(T) 300 SOJ(J),300 TSOP(T) 300 SOJ(J),300 TSOP(T) 300 SOJ(J),300 TSOP(T) 400 SOJ(J) 400 TSOP (T) 400 SOJ(J) 400 TSOP (T) 400 SOJ(J) 400 TSOP (T) 400 SOJ(J) 400 TSOP (T) 400 SOJ(J) 400 TSOP (T) Operating Current (mA Max) Production Volt FPM or EDO Refresh 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 70/80 70/80 70/80 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 70/80 70 70/80 70/80 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 50/60/70 50/60/70 OUT 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 60/70 110/100 110/100 120/100 120/100 100/85 70/60 70/60 110/100 110/100 120/100 120/100 100/85 100 70/60 70/60 120/105 110/100 110/100 110/100 100/80/70 130/110/95 110/95 75/65 110/95 75/65 180/170 180/170 170/160 170/160 185/155 185/155 185/155 185/155 175/145 175/145 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW 4Q96 4Q96 Call Mktg NOW 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 4Q96 1Q97 1Q97 1Q97 1Q97 TBD NOW TBD NOW TBD NOW 5 5 5 5 5 3.3 3.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.3 3.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.3 5 3.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.3 3.3 FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM FPM EDO FPM FPM FPM FPM EDO EDO FPM FPM EDO EDO FPM FPM EDO EDO EDO EDO 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 2K 2K 2K 2K 4K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K PHASE OUT PHASE OUT DYNAMIC RAMs Byte Density Access Time (ns Max) PRODUCT PORTFOLIO MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT DYNAMIC RAMS (HCMOS) (Contact DRAM Marketing) PRODUCT PORTFOLIO HIGH PERFORMANCE HIGH-PERFORMANCE 68K SOLUTIONS Device No. Device Name Temp** (-40 to +85C) B B B Enhanced 32-Bit MPU CRC16,20,25,33 CRP16,20,25,33 25, 40 25, 40 25 B B Embedded MPU CRP25 25, 33, 40 25, 33 M M 32-Bit MPU MMU FPU Package Speeds Rev MC68030 128-Lead RC 124-Lead RP 132-Lead FE 16,20,25,33,40,50 16,20,25,33 16,20,25,33 MC68EC030 124-Lead RP 132-Lead FE 144-Lead PV XC68040 179-Lead RC 184-Lead FE SOQ MPQ POQ 1 1 0 1 1 36 14 13 144 BRICK Description Complete 32-bit MPU with on-chip instruction and data caches, internal parallel buses, enhanced bus controller, and on-chip MMU. For FE sample order--SPAK030FEXXB 1 0 1 36 13 144 32-bit MPU for embedded applications. On-chip instruction and data cache provide high speed access for control routines and data. Utilizes low cost DRAM bus interface. For FE sample order--SPAKEC030FEXXB 1 0 1 21 10 84 Complete 32-bit MPU with on-chip instruction/data caches (4k bytes each), on-chip MMU, full IEEE floating point, multiprocessing support with full M68000 family compatibility. For FE sample order--SPAK040FEXXM XC68EC040 179-Lead RC 184-Lead FE 20, 25, 33, 40 20, 25, 33 B B Embedded 32-Bit High Processor 1 0 1 21 10 84 XC68LC040 179-Lead RC 184-Lead FE 20, 25, 33 20, 25, 33 B B High Performance 32-Bit Processor XC68060 206-Lead RC 50 Superscalar 32-Bit Processor 0 1 10 RISC hybrid superscalar MPU with full M68000 family compatibility. Includes dual integer units, on-chip instruction/ data caches (8K bytes each), on-chip MMU, and full IEEE complient FPU. XC68LC060 206-Lead RC 50 Superscalar 32-Bit Processor 0 1 10 RISC hybrid superscalar MPU with full M68000 family compatibility. Includes dual integer units, on-chip instruction/ data caches (8K bytes each) and on-chip MMU. XC68EC060 206-Lead RC 50 Superscalar 32-Bit Processor 0 1 10 RISC hybrid superscalar MPU with full M68000 family compatibility. Includes dual integer units, on-chip instruction/ data caches (8K bytes each). Ideal for high performance embedded control applications. XC68330 XC68330V 144-Lead PV 144-Lead PV 16, 25 16 @ 3.3V A A Integrated CPU32 Processor 0 0 60 60 240 240 CPU32 core processor with integrated glue logic, clock chip select, and wait state. Power of 32-bit processor with inexpensive 16-bit data bus. MC68340 144-Lead FE 144-Lead PV 144-Lead FE 144-Lead PV 16, 25 16, 25 16 @ 3.3V 16 @ 3.3V C C C C Integrated Processor with DMA 105 High performance 32-bit MPU with on-chip instruction and data cache provides high speed access for control routines and data. Utilizes low cost DRAM bus interface. For FE sample order--SPAKEC040FEXXB 1 0 1 21 10 84 105 68040-compatible integer unit and MMU. Ideal solution for cost-sensitive computer or sophisticated embedded applications For FE sample order--SPAKLC040FEXXB For PV sample order--SPAK330PVXXA, SPAK330PVXXVA MC68340V CFE16 0 0 0 0 24 60 24 60 96 60 96 60 120 120 CPU32 core processor for data movement applications. Two channel DMA, two serial channels, two timers, chip selects, wait-state generation, and glue logic. MC68340V is the 3.3 volt version of the MC68340. For FE, ZP sample order--SPAK340FEXXC, SPAK340FEXXVC, SPAK340PVXXVC XC68341 XC68341V 160-Lead FT 160-Lead FT 16, 25 16 @ 3.3 V Integrated CD-1 Engine MC68349 MC68349V 160-Lead FT 160-Lead FT 16, 25 16 @ 3.3V A A Dragon 1 High Performance Integrated Processor MC68882 68-Lead RC 68-Lead FN 16,20,25,33,40,50 16,20,25,33,40 A A Enhanced Floating-Point Coprocessor (EFPCP) CFT16 0 0 24 24 96 96 CPU32 with 2 channel DMA, real time clock, timer chip selects, MC68000 bus interface, queued serial peripheral interface and two channels. For FT sample order--SPAK341FTXXA,SPAK341FTXXVA 0 0 24 24 240 240 High performance CPU30 processor (CPU32 ) 32-bit execution unit, 32-bit data bus, instruction cache, quad data memory module, 32-bit dual DMA controllers and two serial channels. For FT sample order-- SPAK349FTXXA, SPAK349FTXXVA CRC16,20,25,33 CFN16,20,25,33 1 1 1 1 21 19 Pin-to-pin timing and software compatible with MC68881. Dual ported registers and increased pipelining allows 2-4 x performance of MC68881. Note: All package/speed combinations may not be valid--consult factory to verify. *Not recommended for new designs. **Extended temperature devices with minimum order requirements. MOTOROLA 7-10 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PRODUCT PORTFOLIO HIGH PERFORMANCE HIGH-PERFORMANCE 68K COMMODITY SOLUTIONS Device No. MC68EC000 Package Speeds Rev Device Name 68-Lead FN 64-Lead FU 8, 10, 12, 16, 20 8, 10, 12, 16, 20 8-/16-/32-Bit HCMOS E b dd d MPU Embedded 64-Lead P 68-Lead FN, 68-Lead FC*, 68-Lead R*, RC* 8, 10, 12, 16 8, 10, 12, 16, 20 8, 10, 12, 16 8, 10, 12, 16 HCMOS 16-/32-Bit MPU Temp** (-40 to +88C) SOQ MPQ POQ BRICK 0 0 18 84 1008 252 504 Description Low cost embedded control MPU with 8-/16-bit selectable data bus. For FN, FU sample order--SPAKEC000FNXX, SPAKEC000FUXX MC68HC000 CFN8, 10, 12, 16 CFN8, 10, 16 CRC8, 10, 12, 16 6 0 0 0 6 18 78 21 192 1008 780 210 390 Completely pin and timing compatible with MC68000, with 1/10 of the power dissipation For FC, FN, P, RC sample order--SPAKHC000FCXX, SPAKEC000FNXX, SPAKHC000PXX, SPAKH000RCXX* MC68HC001* 68-Lead FN, 68-Lead FC 68-Lead RC 8, 10, 12, 16 8, 10, 12, 16 8, 10, 12, 16 Statically Switchable 8-/16-Bit Data Bus B CFN8, 10 CFC10 CRC8 0 0 0 18 78 21 1008 780 210 Functionally compatible to MC68000 and MC68008 For FN, FC, RC sample order--SPAKHC001FNXX, SPAKHC001FCXX, SPAKH001RCXX* MC68020 114-Lead RC 132-Lead FE* 114-Lead RP 132-Lead FC 12, 16, 20, 25, 33 16, 20, 25, 33 16, 20, 25 16, 20, 25, 33 E E E E 32-Bit MPU CRC16, 20, 25 MC68EC020 100-Lead FG 100-Lead RP 16, 25 16, 25 32-Bit Embedded MPU CFG16 CRP16, 25 MC68306 132-Lead FC 144-Lead PV 16, 20 16, 20 Integrated EC000 Processor CFC16 XC68307 100-Lead FG 100-Lead PU 100-Lead FG 100-Lead PU 16 16 8, 16 @ 3.3 V 8, 16 @ 3.3 V Integrated Multiple Bus Processor CFG16 CRP16 CFC16, 20, 25 1 0 1 0 1 36 1 36 14 180 13 144 180 Complete 32-bit MPU. 5-Gbyte linear address space. Coprocessor interface. Instruction cache. Dynamic bus sizing. Excellent MPU for graphics control. On-chip cache speeds drawing algorithms. Bit field support for pixel manipulation. For FC, FE sample order--SPAK020FCXXE, SPAK020FEXXE 0 1 66 1 264 13 330 32-bit data bus MPU with 24-bit address bus. Instruction cache. Dynamic bus sizing. Coprocessor interface. Low cost packaging. For FG sample order--SPAKEC020FGXX 0 0 36 60 144 600 68000 CPU, 68681 DUART, DRAM control all in one chip. For FC, PV sample order--SPAK306FCXX, SPAK306PVXX XC68307V 0 0 0 0 66 84 66 84 264 420 264 420 Static EC000 Core Processor, UART, M-Bus Dual Timers, 8051 interface, dynamic 68000 bus For FG, PU sample order--SPAK307FGXX, SPAK307FGXXV, SPAK307PUXX, SPAK307PUXXV XC68322 160-Lead FT 16, 20 Bandit-Integrated Printer Processor 0 24 240 Static EC000 Core Processor, RISC Graphics Processor, Print Engine Video Controller. DRAM Controller, 1284 Parallel Port. For FT sample order--SPAK322FTXX MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT MOTOROLA 7-11 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO HIGH PERFORMANCE HIGH-PERFORMANCE 68K DATA COMMUNICATIONS SOLUTIONS Device No. Speeds SOQ MPQ POQ 44-Lead FN 68-Lead RC Twisted Pair Modem (TPM) 1 1 1 1 16 24 Used with MC68824 TBC and RS485 transceiver to make a low cost twisted pair LAN node. DC to 2 Mb/s. MC68195 44-Lead FN LocalTalk Adaptor 1 1 16 Two channel device containing all the digital logic necessary to gluelessly interface the 68302 to LocalTalk networks. MC68302 132-Lead RC 132-Lead FC 144-Lead PV 144-Lead PV 1 0 0 0 1 36 60 60 14 144 300 300 16, 20, 25 16, 20, 25 16, 20 16 @ 3.3V Rev C C C C Device Name Temp* (-40 to +85C) MC68185 MC68302V Package Integrated Multiprotocol Processor (IMP) CRC16, 20 CFC16, 20 BRICK 180 300 300 Description 68000 core with three high-performance multiprotocol serial channels also on-chip DMA, RAM, timers, I/O, chip select, and wait state interrupt controller. For FC, PV sample order--SPAK302FCXXC, SPAK302PVXXC XC68356 357-Lead ZP 25 XC68360 241-Lead RC 240-Lead FE 241-Lead RC 240-Lead FE 357-Lead ZP 25 25 25 25 25 Signal Processing Communications Engine 0 44 220 Static 68302 with PCMCIA Slave interface, full 56002 with expanded memory. For ZP sample order--SPAK356ZPXX XC68EN360 B B B B B QUICC QUad Integrated Communications Controller 1 0 1 0 0 1 21 1 21 44 10 105 10 105 220 CPU32 + core with System Integration Module (SIM) and four high-performance SCCs support numerous protocols. Two SCCs supports Ethernet on "EN" version. For FE sample order--SPAK360FEXX, SPAKEN360FEXX For ZP sample order--SPAKEN360ZP25B MC68605 84-Lead R,RC 84-Lead FN 10, 12, 16 10, 12, 16 MC68606 84-Lead RC 84-Lead FN 12, 16 12, 16 B B 84-Lead R,RC 84-Lead FN 10, 12, 16 10, 12, 16 H MC68824 X.25 Protocol Controller (XPC) Token Bus Controller (TBC) CRC10,12 CFN16 1 1 1 1 21 15 Implements 1984 CCITT X.25 LAPB. Independently generates link level commands and responses using two 22 byte FIFOs and on-chip DMA. Intelligent HDLC. CFN12, 16 1 1 1 1 21 15 Implements CCITT Q.920/Q.921 link access procedure (LAPB) specified at ISO level 2 for both signaling and data applications in an ISDN. 1 1 1 1 21 15 Implements IEEE 802.4 Token Bus Media Access Control which GM MAP specifies in layer 2. Manages access to media, fault recovery, and frame formatting. Runs at speeds down to 10 Kb/s. 0 96 480 Implements the stream cipher portion of g the FDDI TP-PMD standard including transmiti data stream ciphering, receive d i h i i stream deciphering, signal detect filtering, and loopback. CRC10, 12, 16 MOTOROLA FDDI CHIP SET XC68834 44-Lead PB Stream Cipher Chip For PB sample order-- SPAK834PB XC68836 52-Lead FN B FDDI Clock Generator (FCG) 1 1 23 Implements the lower portion of the Physical Layer (PHY) functions of the FDDI standard. MC68837 120-Lead KB 120-Lead FC B E Elasticity Buffer and Link Manager (ELM) 1 0 1 24 10 120 Implements the remaining portion of the Physical Layer (PHY) functions of the FDDI standard. MC68838 120-Lead KB 120-Lead FC C C Media Access Controller (MAC) MC68839 185-Lead RC 184-Lead FE XC68840 184-Lead FE For FC sample order--SPAK837FCE 1 0 1 24 24 96 Implements theMedia Access Control (MAC) protocol of the FDDI standard. For FC sample order--SPAK838FCC FDDI System Interface (FSI) 1 0 1 12 10 48 Provides a high-performance, flexible interface to any system bus. On-chip DMA and 8K bytes of internal memory are just a few of the many features of this chip. For FE sample order--SPAK839FE 25, 33 B Integrated Fiber Distributed Data Interface (IFDDI) 0 12 48 Connects the FDDI media into the user's system. The IFDDI implements a system interface, MAC and ELM functionality and a 64-entry CAM on-chip. For FE sample order--SPAK840FE MOTOROLA 7-12 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT PRODUCT PORTFOLIO HIGH PERFORMANCE HIGH-PERFORMANCE 68K DATA COMMUNICATIONS SOLUTIONS (cont.) Device No. Package Speeds Rev Device Name MC68847 208-Lead FC Quad ELM MC68848 144-Lead FE 144-Lead PV CAMEL Chip CAMEL w/ciphering Temp* (-40 to +85C) SOQ MPQ POQ 0 24 96 BRICK Description Implements four MC68837 ELM devices on a single chip, providing a low-cost solution for FDDI concentrator applications. For FC sample order--SPAK847FC 0 0 24 60 96 300 Implements a MAC, ELM and a 64-entry CAM on-chip. For FE, PV sample order--SPAK848FE, SPAK848PV *Extended temperature devices with minimum order requirements. Note: All package/speed combinations may not be valid - consult factory to verify. HIGH-PERFORMANCE 68K SUPPORT DEVICES Device No. Package MC68150 68-Lead FN MC68184 MC68194 Speeds Rev 33, 40 Device Name Description Dynamic Bus Sizer Processor Allows 32-Bit 040, LC040 and EC040 bus to communicate bidirectionally with 32, 16, or 8-bit peripherals and memories. Contact IC Logic Division, Mesa, AZ (602) 962-3005. 40-Lead P,L Broadband I/F Controller (BIC) Macrocell implementation of the digital portion of the IEEE 802.4 Broadband Physical layer. 1, 5, 10 Mb/s serial speed. Contact ASIC Division, Chandler, AZ (602) 821-4597. 52-Lead FJ Carrierband Modem (CBM) A bipolar implementation of the IEEE 802.4 Carrierband Physical layer. 1, 5, 10 Mb/s serial speed. Contact IC Logic Division, Mesa AZ (602) 962-3005. CLOCK DRIVERS/CLOCK DISTRIBUTION CHIPS: A variety of timing solutions are available from the Logic IC Division. They include low skew nout buffers, PLL clock drivers, and low-voltage PLL clock drivers that are designed for the Motorola microprocessor. Contact IC Logic Division, Mesa AZ (602) 962-3005. XC68331 132-Lead FC 16 Microcontroller with General Purpose Timer CPU32 Core Processor with QSM and GPT, 12 CS's. Contact AMCU Marketing (512) 891-2758 XC68332 132-Lead FC 16 Microcontroller with Timer Processor Unit CPU32 Core Processor with QSM and GPT, 12 CS's. Contact AMCU Marketing (512) 891-2758 END-OF-LIFE DEVICES Device Last Buy Date Last Ship Date Replacement Part MC68000 12/1/95 5/28/96 MC68HC000 (pin compatible, check electrical specifications) MC68008 12/1/95 5/28/96 MC68EC000 (not pin compatible) MC68010 12/1/95 5/28/96 No known alternate source MC68230 12/1/95 5/28/96 SGS-Thomson is an alternate source. MC68440 12/1/95 5/28/96 SGS-Thomson is an alternate source. MC68450 12/1/95 5/28/96 Hitachi is an alternate source. MC68681 12/1/95 5/28/96 We are currently developing a CMOS version of the 68681/2681. MC2681 12/1/95 5/28/96 The new versions will be available 4Q95. MC68901 12/1/95 5/28/96 We are currently developing a CMOS version of the MC68901. The new version will be available 4Q95. MC68881 1/24/95 7/23/95 MC68882 (pin compatible, minor S/W change required.) MC68302FE 6/1/95 11/28/95 Only the FE package will be discontinued. MC68340RP 11/10/95 5/8/96 Only the RP package will be discontinued. XC68330FC 11/14/95 5/12/96 Only the FC package will be discontinued. PACKAGING: EM=QFP (32 x 32 mm) FC=Plastic Quad (Gull Wing) FE=Ceramic Quad (Gull Wing) FG=Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) FN=Plastic Quad Pack (PLCC) FT=Plastic Flat Pack (28 x 28 mm) FU=Plastic Quad Flat Pack (14 x 14 mm) MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT KB=Ceramic PGA w/Ceramic Lid L=Ceramic DIP LC=Ceramic DIP, Gold Lead Finish P=Plastic DIP PV=TQFP (20 x 20 mm) R=Pin Grid Array, Solder Lead Finish RC=Pin Grid Array, Gold Lead Finish RP=Plastic Pin Grid Array MOTOROLA 7-13 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO RISC MICROPROCESSORS 88K PRODUCT Device No. Package Speeds Rev Device Name Temp* (-40 to +85C) Description MC88100 180-Lead RC 20, 25, 33 32-Bit RISC Microprocessor RISC MPU with IEEE-754 floating point support. Four independent execution units. MC88110 299-Lead RC 40, 50 Second Generation RISC Microprocessor RISC MPU with IEEE-754 floating point support. Superscalar issue and speculative execution. 8K instruction and 8K data caches on chip. MC88200 180-Lead RC 20, 25, 33 16K Byte Cache/Memory Management Unit For MC88100. Implements 16K byte cache and memory management functions. Supports cache coherency. MC88410 279-Lead RC 50 Secondary Cache Controlled For MC88110. Implements second level cache controller with cache coherency. PowerPC PRODUCT Package (w/# of Pins) Speeds Bus Divider Rev 105 PPC105A XPC105A 304 RX 304 RX 66 66 C C D = 2.4 D = 2.4 106 PPC106A 304 RX 66 C A = 1.0 601 MPC601 304 CQ 50, 66, 80, 100, 120 A -- 602 PPC602A XPC602A 144 FC 144 LC 66 66 A A A = 1.1, B = 2.0 B = 2.0 603 XPC603A XPC603A 240 FE 256 RX 66, 80 66, 80 A,C A, C B = 3.2 B = 3.2 603e XPC603E XPC603E 240 FE 256 RX 80, 90, 100 80, 90, 100 B, C, D B, C, D D - 1.4, E = 2.2 D - 1.4, E = 2.2 F = 3.0 604 XPC604A XPC604A 304 FX 256 RX 90, 100, 120 90, 100, 120 B, C B, C B = 3.3, D = 3.5 B = 3.3, D = 3.5 Device No. General Description SOQ MPQ POQ PCI Bridge PCI Bridge 1 1 1 1 1 1 PCI Bridge 1 1 1 32-bit processor. Three instructions per clock. Unified 32-Kbyte cache, 3.6 V, 64-bit data bus 0 72 72 32-bit processor. One instruction per clock. 4 Kbyte Icache, 4 Kbyte Dcache, 3.3 V, 64 bit data bus. 1 0 1 24 1 24 32 bit processor. Three instructions per clock. 8 Kbyte Icache, 8 Kbyte Dcache, 3.3 V, 32/64 bit data bus. 0 1 24 1 24 1 32 bit processor. Three instrucitons per clock. 16 Kbyte Icache, 16 Kbyte Dcache, 32/64 bit data bus. 1 1 24 1 24 1 32 bit processor. Four instructions per clock. 16 Kbyte Icache, 16 Kbyte Dcache, 3.3 V, 64 bit data bus. 1 1 1 12 1 12 Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Mfax is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. MOTOROLA 7-14 MICROPROCESSOR AND MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 2565 PHOENIX, AZ POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE ATTN MDL4 JACKIE SCHULTZE MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS SECTOR PO BOX 20912 PHOENIX AZ 85036-9938 CUSTOMER RESPONSE FORM The purpose of this RELIABILITY AND QUALITY REPORT is to better serve you by informing you of Motorola's culture, methodology, and results to ensure reliability and quality of our semiconductor products. Please help us to continue to improve the quality and usefulness of this report by filling out the attached form. 1) Do you find this handbook of value to you? 2) Please rate this report: Excellent Format Information included Usability 3) What would you like to see included in future reports? 4) Comments: Name: Title: Company: Position: no yes Good Unsatisfactory NOTES NOTES NOTES How to reach us: USA / EUROPE / Locations Not Listed: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 5405; Denver, Colorado 80217. 303-675-2140 or 1-800-441-2447 JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.; Tatsumi-SPD-JLDC, 6F Seibu-Butsuryu-Center, 3-14-2 Tatsumi Koto-Ku, Tokyo 135, Japan. 81-3-3521-8315 Mfax: - TOUCHTONE 602-244-6609 INTERNET: ASIA/PACIFIC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; 8B Tai Ping Industrial Park, 51 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. 852-26629298 BR1100/D