Distortion and spurious response
Second harmonic distortion
fc ≥ 50 MHz,Preamp off, signal input -30 dBm, 0 dB RF attenuation, 20 ℃ to 30 ℃
Third-order intermodulation
fc ≥ 50 MHz, 0 dB RF attenuation,Preamp off , 20 ℃ to 30 ℃
-30 dBm signal at input mixer,20 ℃ to 30 ℃
Sweep time and triggering
100Hz≤SPAN≤3.6 GHz 10ms to 3000s
zero sweep width 1ms to 3000s
Tracking generator(apply to TG model)
Output power level resolution
Maximum safe reverse level
Average total power:30 dBm,DC : ±50 VDC
Front panel RF input connector
Front panel track generator output
USB HOST, USB DEVICE, LAN, earphone port, VGA
General techincal specification
TFT LCD,10.4 inches ,resolution 600*480
Frequency response (20℃ ~30℃,30%~70% relative humidity, 20 dB input attenuation, reference 50 MHz)
input signal range 0dbm~-50dbm
input 10 dB RF attenuation,1 MHz~1.5GHz
Specifications subject to change without prior notice.
XSA1036 Spectrum Analyzer
USA Branch Office -
Lilliput Electronics (USA) Inc.
16039 Kaplan Ave.
City of Industry, CA 91744 USA
product line - Created by
Contact : John Xu, or Joanna Chen
Toll Free :1-888-608-3088
F : +1.626.369.3077
E : sales@lilliputweb.net
W : www.owonna.com & www.lilliputweb.net