Evaluates: MAX2027
MAX2027 Evaluation Kit
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Testing the Power Gain
1) Connect the RF signal generator to the RF_IN SMA
connector. Do not turn on the generator’s output. Set
the generator to an output frequency of 50MHz, and
set the generator power level to -10dBm.
2) Connect the spectrum analyzer to the RF_OUT SMA
connector. Set the spectrum analyzer to a center
frequency of 50MHz and a total span of 1MHz.
3) With the DC supply disabled, set it to +5.0V (through
a low internal-resistance ammeter if desired) and
connect to the +5V and GND terminals on the EV kit.
If available, set the current limit to 100mA.
4) Connect B4–B0 to GND for 0dB attenuation.
5) Enable the DC supply, and then activate the RF gener-
ator’s output. A 50MHz signal shown on the spectrum
analyzer display should indicate a magnitude of
approximately 5dBm. Be sure to account for external
cable losses.
6) (Optional) Gain can be determined with a network
analyzer. This has the advantage of displaying gain
over a swept frequency band, in addition to display-
ing input and output return loss. Refer to the network
analyzer manufacturer’s user manual for setup
Detailed Description
Figure 1 is the schematic for the EV kit as shipped. This
circuit is internally matched for operation up to 250MHz.
Component pads for external matching components, L3,
L4, C8, and C9, are included to allow modification for
higher frequency operation (see Table 1 for suggested
components for additional frequencies). C1, C3, and C4
are DC-blocking capacitors for the RF_IN, ATTNOUT, and
RF_OUT ports. To reduce the possibility of noise pickup,
C2, C5, C6, and C7 form the VCC decoupling network.
Note the location of each component.
Modifying the MAX2027 EV Kit
The EV kit can be configured for use at any frequency
between 50MHz and 400MHz. See Table 1 for the cor-
rect matching component values for the desired oper-
ating frequency.
Layout Considerations
The MAX2027 evaluation board can be a guide for your
board layout. Pay close attention to thermal design and
close placement of parts to the IC. The MAX2027 pack-
age exposed paddle (EP) conducts heat from the part
and provides a low-impedance electrical connection.
The EP must be attached to the PC board ground plane
with a low thermal and electrical impedance contact.
Ideally, this can be achieved by soldering the backside
package contact directly to a top metal ground plane
on the PC board. Alternatively, the EP can be connect-
ed to a ground plane using an array of plated vias
directly below the EP. The MAX2027 EV kit uses eight
evenly spaced, 0.016in-diameter, plated through holes
to connect EP to the lower ground planes.
Depending on the RF ground-plane spacing, large sur-
face-mount pads in the RF path may need the ground
plane relieved under them to reduce shunt capacitance.