Auto-Scan Mode Fixed-Channel Mode
The ADS1158 provides 16 analog inputs that can be In this mode, any of the 16 analog input channels
configured in combinations of eight differential inputs (AIN0–AIN15) can be selected for the positive ADC
or 16 single-ended inputs. The device also provides input and any analog input channels can be selected
an additional five internal system measurements. for the negative ADC input. New channel
Taken together, the device allows a total of 29 configurations must be selected by the MUXSCH
possible channel measurements. The converter register before converting a different channel. Note
automatically scans and measures the selected that the AINCOM input and the internal system
channels, either in a continuous loop or pulse-step registers cannot be referenced in this mode.
fashion, under the control of the START pin or Start
command software. The channels are selected for Idle Modes
measurement in registers MUXDIF, MUXSG0,
MUXSG1, and SYSRED. When any of these registers When the START pin is taken low, the device
are written, the internal channel pointer is set to the completes the conversion of the current channel and
channel address with the highest priority (see then enters one of the Idle modes, Standby or Sleep.
Table 10). In the Standby mode, the internal biasing of the
converter is reduced. This state provides the fastest
DRDY asserts low when the channel data are ready; wake-up response when re-entering the run state. In
see Figure 41 and Figure 40. At the same time, the Sleep mode, the internal biasing is reduced further to
converter indexes to the next selected channel and, if provide lower power consumption than the Standby
the START pin is high, starts a new channel mode. This mode has a slower wake-up response
conversion. Otherwise, if pulse converting, the device when re-entering the Converting mode (see Table 8).
enters the Idle mode. Selection of these modes is set under bit IDLMOD of
For example, if channels 3, 4, 7, and 8 are selected register CONFIG1.
for measurement in the list, the ADS1158 converts
the channels in that order, skipping all other POWER-DOWN MODE
channels. After channel 8 is converted, the device In power-down mode, both the analog and digital
starts over, beginning at the top of the channel list, circuitry are completely disabled.
channel 3.
The following guidelines can be used when selecting SERIAL INTERFACE
input channels for Auto-Scan measurement: The ADS1158 is operated via an SPI-compatible
1. For differential measurements, adjacent input serial interface by writing data to the configuration
pins (AIN0/AIN1, AIN2/AIN3, AIN4/AIN5, etc.) are registers, using commands to control the converter
pre-set as differential pairs. Even number and finally reading back the channel data. The
channels from each pair represent the positive interface consists of four signals: CS, SCLK, DIN,
input to the ADC and odd number channels within and DOUT.
a pair represent the negative input (for example,
AIN0/AIN1: AIN0 is the positive channel, AIN1 is Chip Select (CS)
the negative channel.) CS is an input that selects the device for serial
2. For single-ended measurements, use AIN0 communication. CS is active low. When CS is high,
through AIN15 as single-ended inputs; AINCOM read or write commands in progress are aborted and
is the shared common input among them. Note: the serial interface is reset. Additionally, DOUT goes
AINCOM does not need to be at ground potential. to a 3-state condition and inputs on DIN are ignored.
For example, AINCOM can be tied to VREFP or DRDY indicates when data are ready, independent of
VREFN; or any potential between (AVSS –CS.
100mV) and (AVDD + 100mV).
3. Combinations of differential, single-ended inputs, The converter may be operated using CS to actively
and internal system registers can be used in a select and deselect the device, or with CS tied low
scan. (always selected). CS must stay low for the entire
read or write operation. When operating with CS tied
low, the number of SCLK pulses must be carefully
controlled to avoid false command transmission.
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Product Folder Link(s): ADS1158