Jan 2011
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65
nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
32, 64, and 128 Mbit
Product Feature s
Symme trical 128-KB blocks
128 Mbit ( 128 bloc ks)
64 Mbit (64 blocks)
32 Mbit (32 blocks)
Blank Check to verify an erased block
Initial Access Speed: 75ns
25 ns 8-w ord Asynchronous page-mode
256-Word write buffer for x16 mode, 256-
Byte write buffer for x8 mode;
1.41 µs per Byt e Effectiv e programming
System V oltage
CC = 2.7 V to 3.6 V
CCQ = 2.7 V to 3.6 V
56-Lead TSOP
64-Ball Easy BGA package
Enhanced security options for code
Absolute protection with VPEN = Vss
Individual block locking
Block erase/program lockout during power
Password Access feature
One-Time Programmable Register:
64 O TP bits, pr ogra mmed with unique
informati on by Numonyx
64 OTP bits, a vailabl e for customer
Program and erase suspend support
® Flash D a ta Integrator ( F DI)
Common Flash Interface (CFI) Compatible
Sca lable Command Set
Quality and Re liability
Operating temperature:
-40 °C to +85 °C
100K Minimu m erase cycles per block
65 nm Flash Technology
JESD47E Compliant
Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.
©2010 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Datasheet Jan 2011
Legal Lines and Disclaime rs8000 S. Federal Way, P.O. Box 6, Boise, ID 83707-0006, Tel: 208-368-3900
www.micron.com/productsupport Customer Comment Line: 800-932-4992
Micron and the Micron logo are trademarks of Micron Technology, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This data sheet contains minimum and maximum limits specified over the power supply and temperature range set
forth herein.
Although considered final, these specifications are subject to change, as further product development and data
characterization sometimes occur.
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 3
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................6
1.1 Nomenclature.....................................................................................................6
1.2 Acronyms...........................................................................................................7
1.3 Conventions .......................................................................................................7
2.0 Functional Overview..................................................................................................9
2.1 Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Memory Map........ .................................. .... ....................................................... 12
3.0 P ackage Inf ormation............................................................................................... 13
3.1 56-Lead TSOP Package for 32-, 64-, 128-M bit........ ... ............................................ 13
3.2 64-Ball Easy BGA Package for 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit ..................................................14
4.0 Ballouts/Pinouts and Signal Descriptio ns ................................................................ 16
4.1 Easy BGA Ballout for 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit...............................................................16
4.2 56-Lead TSOP Package Pinout for 32-, 64-,128-Mbit .............................................. 17
4.3 Signal Descriptions.............. .... .............................................. ... ......................... 18
5.0 Maximum Ratings and Operating Cond itions............................................................ 19
5.1 Absolut e Maximum Ratings... ..................................................................... ... ......19
5.2 Operating Con diti on s ......................................................................................... 19
5.3 Power-Up/Down................................................................................................ 19
5.3.1 Power-Up/Down Sequence.......................................................................19
5.3.2 Power Supp ly Decoupling ...... ... ....................... .... ....................... .... ......... 20
5.4 Reset............................................................................................................... 20
6.0 Electrical Characteristics ......................................................................................... 21
6.1 DC Current Specifications...................................................................................21
6.2 DC Voltage specifications....................................................................................22
6.3 Capacitance...................................................................................................... 22
7.0 AC Characteris ti c s ................................................................................................... 23
7.1 Read Specifications ................................. .... .............................................. ... ...... 24
7.2 Program, Erase, Block-L ock Speci fi cations ..... ....................................................... 28
7.3 Reset Specifications........................................................................................... 28
7.4 AC Test Condition s ............................................................................................ 29
8.0 Bu s I nterfac e........................................................................................................... 30
8.1 Bus Reads........................................................................................................ 31
8.1.1 Asynchronous Page Mode Read ................................................................ 31
8.1.2 Output Disab le........................................................... ... ......................... 32
8.2 Bus Writes........................................................................................................32
8.3 Standby........................................................................................................... 33
8.3.1 Reset/Power-Down................................................................................. 33
8.4 Device Commands.............................................................................................33
9.0 Flash Operations ..................................................................................................... 34
9.1 Status Registe r .................................................. ... ............................................ 34
9.1.1 Clearing the Status Register ....................................................................35
9.2 Read Operation s ............................. ... ............................................................... 35
9.2.1 Read Array.......................... ... ............................................................... 35
9.2.2 Read Status Regis ter ............... .... ........................................................... 36
9.2.3 Read Device Info rmation..................................... .... ................................ 36
9.2.4 CFI Query ............................................................................................. 36
9.3 Programming Operat io ns.................................................................................... 36
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
9.3.1 Single-Wo rd/Byt e Prog ramming................................................................36
9.3.2 Buffered Programming ............................................................................37
9.4 Block Erase Operations.......................................................................................38
9.5 Blank Check......................................................................................................39
9.6 Suspend and Resume.........................................................................................39
9.7 Status Signal ....................................................................................................41
9.8 Security and Protection.......................................................................................42
9.8.1 Normal Block Locking..............................................................................42
9.8.2 Configurable Block Locking.......................................................................43
9.8.3 Password Access.....................................................................................43
9.8.4 128-bit OTP Protecti on Register .......................... .... ..................................4 3
9.8.5 Reading the 128-bit OTP Protection Register...............................................43
9.8.6 Programming the 128-bit OTP Protection Register .......................................43
9.8.7 Lockin g the 128-b i t OTP Prote cti on Reg ister ............................ .... ...............44
9.8.8 VPEN Protection......................................................................................45
10.0 ID Codes..................................................................................................................46
11.0 Device Command Codes ...........................................................................................47
12.0 Flow Charts..............................................................................................................48
13.0 Common Flash Interface ..........................................................................................57
13.1 Query Structu r e Outpu t ...... ............ .... ......................................................... ... ....57
13.2 Query Structu r e Overvi ew.................................................................... .... ...........5 8
13.3 Block Status Register .........................................................................................59
13.4 CFI Query Identification String ............................................................................59
13.5 System Interface Information..............................................................................60
13.6 Device Geometry Definition.................................................................................60
13.7 Primary-Vend or Sp eci fi c Exte nd e d Query Ta ble............................ ... .......................61
A Additional Informa t io n.............................................................................................64
B Ordering Information...............................................................................................65
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 5
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Revision History
Date Revision Description
May 2009 01 Initial release
March 2010 02
Add Blank Check function and command.
Add Blank Check specification tBC/MB, update Clear Block Lock-Bits Max Time and Program
time in Table 13, “Configuration Performance” on page 28.
Update ICCR in Table 7, “DC Current Characteristics” on page 21.
Order information with device features digit.
Update part number information in Valid Combination table.
Add a note to clarify the SR output after E8 command in Figure 16, “Write to Buffer Flowchart” on
page 48.
State JESD47E Compliant at front page.
Update ECR.13 description in Table 18, “Enhanced Configuration Register” on page 32.
Jan 2011 03
Correct the typo of comment for offset 24h at CFI from 2048µs to 1024µs.
Correct the typo of tAVQV and tELQV to Max Specifications.
Emphasize the valid and legal command usage at Section 11.0, “Device Command Codes” on
page 47.
Put a link for part numbers after Table 46, “Valid Combinations” on page 65.
Add Buffer Program Time for 128 Words (256 Bytes) at Table 13, “Configuration Performance” on
page 28.
Add JEDEC standard lead width for TSOP56 package at Table 1, “56-Lead TSOP Dim ension Table” on
page 13.
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
1.0 Introduction
This do cument conta ins information pe r taini ng to the N umonyx ® Embed ded Flas h
Memory (J3 65 nm) Sing le Bit per Cell (SBC) device features, operation, and
Unless otherwise indicated throughout the rest of this document, the Numonyx®
Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC) device is referred to as
J3 65 nm SBC.
The J3 65 nm SBC device pro vides impro ved mains tream perform anc e with enh a nc ed
security features, t aking advantage o f t he h ig h qu ality and rel iabil ity o f the NOR-based
65 nm technology. Offered in 128-Mbit, 64-Mbit, and 32-Mbit densities, the J3 65 nm
SBC de vi c e br ing s r el ia b le , low-volt age capab ility (3 V read, program, and erase) with
high sp eed, low -po we r oper at io n. The J3 65 nm S BC de vic e tak es advantage of pro ven
manufacturing experience and is ideal for code and data applications where high
densit y and low cost are required, such a s in networking, telecommunicat ions, digital
set top bo xes, audio recording, and digi tal imaging. Numonyx Flash Memory
components also deliver a new generation of forward-compatible software support. By
using the Common Flash Interface (CFI) and Scalable Command Set (SCS), customers
can take advantage of density upgrades and optimized write capabilities of fut ure
Numonyx Flash Memory devices.
1.1 Nomenclature
J3 65 nm SBC Numonyx® Embedded Flash Me mo r y (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC )
AMIN All Densities AMIN = A0 for x8
All Densities AMIN = A1 for x16
32 Mbit AMAX = A21
64 Mbit AMAX = A22
128 Mbit AMAX = A23
Block A group of flash cells that share common erase circuitry and erase simultaneously.
Clear Indi cat e s a lo gic ze r o (0 )
Program Writes data to the flash array
Set Indi cat e s a logic on e (1 )
VPEN Refers to a signal or package connection name
VPEN Refers to timing or voltage levels
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 7
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
1.2 Acronyms
1.3 Conventions
hHexadecimal Suffix
K(noun) 1,000
M (noun) 1,000,000
Nibble 4 bits
Byte 8 bits
Word 16 bits
Kb 1,024 bits
KB 1,024 by tes
KW 1,024 words
Mb 1,048, 576 bits
MB 1,048, 576 byte s
MW 1,048, 576 words
Kbit 1,02 4 bits
Mbit 1,048,576 bits
SBC Single Bit per Cell
FDI Flash Data Integrator
CFI Common Flash Interface
SCS Scalable Command Set
CUI Command User Interface
OTP One Time Programmable
PLR Prot e cti on Lock Register
PR Protection Registe r
PRD Prote cti on Register Data
RFU Reserv ed for Future Use
SR Status Register
SRD Status Register Data
WSM Write State Machine
ECR Enhanced Conf iguration Reg ister
ECD Enhanced Conf iguration Regi s ter Data
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
Brackets Square brackets ([]) will be used to designate group membership or to
define a group of signals with similar function (i.e. A[21:1], SR[4,1]
and D[15:0]).
00FFh Denotes 16-bi t he xa d ec i m a l num b ers
00FF 00FFh Deno tes 32-bi t he xa d ec i m a l num b e r s
DQ[15:0] Data I/O signals
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 9
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
2.0 Functional Overview
The J3 65 nm SBC family contains high-density memory organized in any of the
following configurations:
16-MB or 8-M W ( 128-Mbit) , organize d as one - hundred- twenty-eight 128-KB erase
8-MB or 4-M W (64-Mbit) , organized as s ix ty- four 128-KB erase blocks.
4-MB or 2- M W (3 2- Mbit), organized as thirty-two 128-KB erase bl oc ks.
These devices can be accessed as 8- or 16-bit words. See F igure 1, “Memory Block
Diagr am for 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit” on page 11 for further details.
A 128-bit Pro tectio n Re gist er ha s mult iple uses, inc ludin g unique flash d evice
The J3 65 nm SBC device includes new security features that were not av ailable on the
(previ ous) 0.13µm v ersions of the J3 fami ly. Thes e new security features prevent
altering of code through different protection schemes that can be implemented, based
on user requirements.
The J3 65 nm SBC optimized architecture and interface dramat ically increases read
performance by supporting page-mode reads. This rea d mode is ideal for non-clock
memory systems.
Its Common Flash Interface (CFI) permits software al gorithms to be used for entire
famil ies of devi c es . This allows devi c e - indepen dent, JE DEC ID-indepen dent, and
forward- and back ward-compa tible software support for the specified flash device
families. Flash vendors can standardize their existing interfaces for long-term
The Scalable Command Set (SCS) allows a single, simple software driver in all host
systems to work with all SCS-compliant flash memory devices, independent of system-
level packaging (e.g. , memory card, SIMM, or direct -to-board pl acement). Addition ally,
SCS prov ides the highest sys tem/devi c e data transfer rat es and minimizes device and
system-level implementation cos ts .
A Command User Interface (CUI) serves as the interface between the system processor
and internal operation of the device. A valid command sequence written to the CUI
initia tes de vice aut oma tion. An inter na l Writ e State Mac hine (WSM) automatically
executes the algorithms and timings necessary for block erase, program, and lock-bit
configuration operations.
A block erase operat ion erases one of the devic es 128- K B blocks typically within one
second, independent of other blocks. Each block c a n be independen tly erased 100,00 0
times. Block erase suspend mode allows system software to suspend block erase to
read or program data from any other blo c k. Simi la rly, program s us pend allows s ys tem
software t o suspend progr ammin g (byte/w ord progr am and writ e-to-buffe r operat ions)
to read data or execut e code from an y oth er block that is not being suspended.
Each device incorpo rates a Write Buffer of 256-Byte (x8 mode) or 256 -Word (x16
mode) to allow opt imu m programming perform a nc e. By using the Writ e Buffer data is
prog ra mm e d more eff i cientl y in buffer increme n t s .
Memory Blo c ks are selective ly and individually lockable in-system. Individual block
locking uses block lock-bi ts to lock and unlock blocks. Block lock-bits gate block erase
and program oper ations. Lock-b it configuration operations set and clear lock -bits (using
the Set Block Lock-Bit and Clear Block Lock-Bits commands).
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
10 208032-03
The Status Register ind ic a tes when the WSM’s block erase, pr ogram, or lock-bit
configuration operat ion completes.
The STS (status) output gives an additional indicator of WSM activi ty by prov iding bo th
a hardware signal of status (versus software polling) and status masking (interrupt
masking for background block erase, for example). Status indication using STS
minimizes both CPU overhead and system power consumption. When configured in
level mode (default mode), it acts as a RY/BY# signal. When low , STS indicates that the
WSM is performing a block erase, progr am, or lock -bit config uration. STS-high indicate s
that the WSM is ready for a new command, block erase is suspended (and
progra mming is inact ive), program is suspended, or the device is in reset / power-down
mode. Additionally, the configuration command allows the STS signal to be configured
to pulse on completion of programming and/or block er ases.
Three CE signals are used to enable and disable the device. A unique CE logic design
(see Table 17, “Chip Enable Truth Table for 32-, 64- , 128-Mb” on page 30) reduces
decoder logic typically required for multi-chip designs. External logic is not required
when designing a single chip, a dual chip, or a 4-chip miniature card or SIMM module.
The BYTE# signal all ow s either x8 or x16 read/writes to th e device:
BYTE#-low enables 8-bi t mode; address A0 selects between the low by te and high
BYTE#-high enables16-bit operation; address A1 becomes the lowest order
address and address A0 is not used (don’t care).
Figure 1, “Memory Block Diagram for 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit” on page 11 shows a device
block diagram.
When the device is disabled (see Table 17, “Chi p Enable Truth Table for 32-, 64- , 128-
Mb ” on p age 30), with CEx at VIH an d RP# at VIH, the standby mode is enabled. When
RP# i s at VIL, a further power-down mode is enabled which minimizes power
consumpti on and provides w r ite protectio n du ring reset. A reset time (tPHQV) is
required from RP# going high un til data out puts are v alid. Likewise, the device has a
wake time (tPHWL) from RP#-high until writes to the CUI are recognized. With RP# at
VIL, the WSM is reset and the Status Register is cleared.
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 11
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
2.1 Block Diagram
Figur e 1: Memory Block Di agram for 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
12 208032-03
2.2 Memory Map
Figure 2: J3 65 nm SBC Memory Map
Byte-Wide (x 8 ) Mode
128 KB Block
128 KB Block
128 KB Block
128 KB Block
128 KB Block
32- Mbit
64- Mbit
128- Mbit
A [23:0]:128 Mbi t
A [22:0]: 64Mbi t
A [21:0]: 32Mbi t
Word-Wide (x16) Mode
64 KW Block
64 KW Block
64 KW Block
64 KW Block
64 KW Block
32- Mbit
64- Mbit
128- Mbit
A [23:1]:128 Mbit
A [22:1]: 64Mbit
A [21:1]: 32Mbit
00F7 FF7h
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 13
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
3.0 Package Information
3.1 56-Lead TSOP Package for 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit
1. One dimple on package deno tes Pi n 1.
2. If two dimples, then the larger dimple denotes Pin 1.
3. Pin 1 will always be in the upper left corner of the package, in reference to the product mark.
Figure 3: 56-Lead TSOP Package Mechanical
Detail A
Pin 1
Detail B
See Detail A
See Detail B
See Note 2
See Notes 1 and 3
Tabl e 1: 56-Lead TSOP Dimension Table
Parameter Symbol Millimeters Inches
Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
Package Height A 1.200 0.047
Standoff A10.050 0.002
Package Body Th i c k ness A20.965 0.995 1.025 0.038 0.039 0.040
Lead Width1b 0.170 0.220 0.270 0.0067 0.0087 0.0106
Lead Thickness c 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.004 0.006 0.008
Packag e Body Len gth D118.200 18.400 18.600 0.717 0.724 0.732
Package Body Width E 13.800 14.000 14.200 0.543 0.551 0.559
Lead Pitch e 0.500 0.0197
Term inal Dimension D 19.800 20.00 20.200 0.780 0.787 0.795
Lead Tip Length L 0.500 0. 600 0.700 0.020 0.024 0.028
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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14 208032-03
3.2 6 4-Ball Easy BGA Package for 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit
Lead Count N 56 56
Lead T ip An gl e θ
Seating Plane Coplanarity Y 0.100 0.004
Lead to Package Offset Z 0.150 0.250 0.350 0.006 0.010 0.014
1. For legacy lead width, 0.15mm (Typ), 0.10mm (Min), 0.20mm (Max).
Table 1: 56-Lead TSOP Dimension Table
Parameter Symbol Millimeters Inches
Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
Figure 4: 64-Ball Easy BGA Mechanical Specifications
Ball A1
Top View - Plastic Backside
Complete Ink Mark Not Shown Bottom View - Ball Side Up
Ball A1
Table 2: Easy BGA Package Dimensions Table (Sheet 1 of 2)
Parameter Symbol Millimeters Inches
Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
Package Height A 1.200 0.0472
Ball Height A1 0.250 0.0098
Package Body Thickness A2 0.780 0.0307
Ball (Lead) Width b 0.310 0.410 0.510 0.012 0.016 0.020
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 15
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Package Body Width D 9.900 10.000 10.100 0.3898 0.3937 0.397 6
Package Body Length E 12.900 13.000 13.100 0.5079 0.5118 0.5157
Pitch e 1.000 0.0394
Ball (Lead) Count N 64 64
Seating Plane Coplanarity Y 0.100 0.0039
Corner to Ball A1 Distance Along D S1 1.400 1.500 1.600 0.0551 0.0591 0.0630
Corner to Ball A1 Distance Along E S2 2.900 3.000 3.100 0.1142 0.1181 0.1220
Tabl e 2: Easy BGA Package Dimens ions Table (Sheet 2 of 2)
Parameter Symbol Millimeters Inches
Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
16 208032-03
4.0 Ballouts/Pinouts and Signal Descriptions
J3 65 nm SBC is available in two package types. All densities of the J3 65 nm SBC
devices are supported on both 64-ball Easy BGA and 56-lead Thin Sm all Outline
Package (TSOP) packages. The figures below show the ballouts/Pinouts.
4.1 Easy BGA Ballout for 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit
1. A0 is the least significant address bit.
2. A22 is v alid for 64-Mbit density and above. On 32-Mbit, it is a no-connect (NC).
3. A23 is valid for 128-Mbit density. On 32- and 64-Mbit, it is a no-connect (NC).
4. A24 is a no connect (NC) on 128-, 64-, 32- Mbit, reserved for 256-Mbit.
Figure 5: Easy BGA Ballout (32/64/128 Mbit)
A1 A6 A8 VPEN A13 VCC A18 A22
A2 VSS A9 CE0 A14 RFU A19 CE1
A3 A7 A10 A12 A15 RFU A20 A21
A4 A5 A11 RP# RFU RFU A16 A17
A23 A0 DQ2 VCCQ DQ5 DQ6 DQ14 WE#
Easy BGA
Top View – Ball Si de Down
Easy BGA
Bo tt om View – Ball Sid e Up
(2) (2 )
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 17
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
56-Lead TSO P P ack age
14 mm x 2 0 m m
Top V i ew
(3) (5)
Em be dd ed Flas h Memor y J 3
4.2 56-Lead TSOP Package Pinout for 32-, 64-,128-Mbit
1. N o intern al con n e ction for pin 9; it may be driven or floated. For legacy designs, the pin can be tied to VCC.
2. A0 is the least significant address bit.
3. A22 is valid for 64-Mbit density and above. On 32-Mbit, it is a no-connect (NC).
4. A23 is valid for 128-Mbit density. On 32- and 64-Mbit, it is a no-connect (NC).
5. A24 is a no connect (NC) on 128-, 64-, 32- Mbit, reserved for 256-Mbit.
Figur e 6: 56-Lead TSOP Package Pinou t (32 /6 4/1 28 Mbit)
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
18 208032-03
4.3 S ignal Descriptions
Table 3 lists the active signals used on J3 65 nm SBC and provides a description of
Table 3: Signal De scriptions for J3 65 nm SBC
Symbol Type Name and Function
A0 Input BYTE-SELECT ADDRESS: Selects between high and low byte when the device is in x8 mode. This
address is latche d during a x8 program cycle. Not used in x16 mode (i.e., the A0 input buffe r is
turned off when BYTE# is high).
A[MAX:1] Input
ADDRESS INPUTS: Inputs for addresses during read and program operations. Addresses are
internally latched during a program cycle:
32-Mbit — A[21:1]
64-Mbit— A[22:1]
128-Mbit — A[23:1]
DQ[7:0] Input/
LOW-B YTE DATA BUS : Inputs data during buffer writes and programming, and inputs commands
during CUI writes. Outputs array, CFI, identifier, or status data in the appropriate read mode. Data
is internally latched during write operations.
DQ[15:8] Input/
HIGH-BYTE DATA BUS: In pu ts data dur in g x16 buff er write s and pro grammin g ope rations.
Outputs array, CFI, or identifier data in the appropriate read mode; not used for Status Register
reads. Data is internally latched during write operations in x16 mode. D[15:8] float in x8 mode.
CE[2:0] Input
CHIP ENABLE: Activates the 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit devices’ control logic, input buffers, decoders, and
sense ampl i fiers. When t he device is de-selected (see Table 17, “Chip Enable Truth Table
for 32-, 64-, 128-M b” on page 30), power reduces to standby levels.
All timing specifications are the same for these three signals. Device selection occurs with the first
edge of CE0, CE1, or CE2 that enables the device. Device deselection occurs with the first edge of
CE0, CE1 , o r CE 2 that d i sables the device (see Table 17, “Chip Enable Truth Table for
32-, 64-, 128-Mb” on page 30).
RP# Input RESET: R P#-low resets internal automation and puts the device in power-down mode. RP#-high
enables normal operatio n. Exit from reset sets the device to read array mode. When driven low,
RP# inhibits write operations which provides data protection during power transitions.
OE# Input OUTPUT ENABLE: Activates the device’s outputs through the data buffers during a read cycle.
OE# is active low.
WE# Input WRITE ENABLE: Controls writes to the CUI, the Write Buffer, and array blocks. WE# is active low.
Addresses a nd da ta are latch ed on the risin g ed ge of WE#.
STS Open Drain
STATUS: Indicates the status of the internal state machine. When configured in level mode
(default), it acts as a RY/BY# signal. When configured in one of its pulse modes, it can pulse to
indicate progr am and/or er ase completion. For alternate configuration s of the Status signal, see the
Configur atio ns command and Sec tio n 9.7, “St atu s Si gnal” on page 41. STS is to be tied
to VCCQ with a pull-up resistor.
BYTE# Input
BYTE EN ABLE: BYTE#-lo w plac es the devic e in x8 mode; data is input or output on D[7:0], while
D[1 5:8 ] is pl ac ed in H igh - Z . A ddress A0 sel e ct s b et we en th e hig h and l ow by te. BY T E# -h ig h pl ac es
the device in x16 mode, and turns off the A0 input buff er, the ad dress A 1 become s the lowe st- order
address bit.
VPEN Input ERA SE / P ROGRAM / BLOCK LOCK ENABLE: For erasing array blocks, pro gramm ing da ta, or
configuring lock - b its.
With V PEN VPENLK, memory contents cannot be altered.
VCC Power CORE Power Supply: Core ( logic ) source voltag e. W rit es to the f lash arr ay are inhib ited wh en VCC
Caution: Device operation at invalid Vcc voltages should not be attempted.
VCCQ Power I/O Power Supply: Pow e r suppl y for Input /O u t put b u ffers.Thi s ball can be tie d directly to VCC.
VSS Supply GROUND: Ground reference for device logic voltages. Connect to system ground.
NC No Connect: Lead is not internally connected; it may be driven or floated.
RFU Reserved for Future Use: Balls designated as RFU are reserved by Numonyx for future device
functionality and enhancement.
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
5.0 Maximum Ratings and Operating Conditions
5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Warning: Stressing the dev ic e beyon d the “Absolute Maximu m Rati ngs” may ca u s e permanent
damage. These are stress ratings only.
5.2 Operating Conditions
Warning: Operatio ns be yond the “Op e rating Condit io ns ” is no t re c o mmended an d ext ended
expos ur e beyo nd the “Oper a ting C onditio ns” ma y affect device re liabil ity.
5.3 Power-Up/Down
This section provides an overview of system level considerations with regards to the
flash device. It includes a brief description of power-up/down sequence and decoupling
design con s iderat ions.
5.3.1 Power-Up/Down Sequence
To prevent conditions that could result in spurious program or erase operations, the
power-up/power-down sequence shown in Table 6 is recommended . For DC voltage
characteristics refer to Table 8. Note that each power supply must reach its minimum
voltage range before applying/removing the next supply voltage.
NOTICE: This document contains information available at the time of its release. The specifications ar e subject to change without
notice. V e rify with your local Numonyx sales office that you have the latest datasheet before finalizing a design.
Table 4: Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Min Max Unit Notes
Temperature under Bias Expanded (TA, Ambient) –40 +85 °C
Storage Temperature –65 +125 °C
VCC Voltage –2.0 +5.6 V 2
VCCQ Voltage –2.0 +5.6 V 2
Voltage on any input/output signal (except VCC, VCC Q) –2.0 VCCQ (max) + 2. 0 V 1
ISH Output Short Circuit Current 100 mA 3
1. Voltage is referenced to VSS. During infrequent non-periodic transitions, the voltage potential between VSS and input/
output pin s ma y u nd ershoot to –2.0 V for pe r iods < 20 ns or overshoo t to VCCQ (max) + 2.0 V for periods < 20 ns.
2. During infrequent non-periodic transitions, the voltage potential between VCC and the supplies may undershoot to –2.0
V for periods < 20 ns or VSUPPLY (max) + 2.0 V for periods < 20 ns.
3. Output shorted for less than one second. No more than one output pin/ball can be shorted at a time.
Table 5: Temperature and VCC Operatin g C on dition
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Test Condition
TAOperating Temperature -40.0 +85 °C Ambient Temperature
VCC VCC Supply V oltage 2.70 3.6 V
VCCQ VCCQ Supply Voltage 2.70 3.6 V
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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20 208032-03
1. Power su ppl ie s connected or se qu enced togethe r.
Device inputs must not be driven until all supply voltages reach their minimum range.
RP# should be low during power transitio ns.
5.3.2 Power Supply Decoupling
When the dev ice is enabled, man y internal condition s change. Circ uits are energ ized,
charge pumps are switched on, and internal voltage nodes are ramped. All of this
internal activities produce transient signals. The magnit ude of the tr an sie nt signals
depends on the device and system loading. To minimize the effect of these transient
signals, a 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor is required across each VCC/VSS and VCCQ signal.
Capacitors should be placed as close as possible to device connections.
Additionally, for every eight flash devices, a 4.7 µF electrolytic capacitor should be
placed between VCC and VSS at the power supply connection. This 4.7 µF capacitor
should help overcome voltage slumps caused by PCB trace inductance.
5.4 Reset
By holding the flash device in reset during power-up and power-down transitions,
inv alid bus conditions may be masked. The flash device enters reset mode when RP# is
driven low. In reset, internal flash circuitry is disable d and outputs are placed i n a high-
impedance state. After return from reset, a certain amount of time is required before
the flash device is able to perform normal operations. After return from reset, the flash
device defaults to asynchronous page mode. If RP# is driven low during a program or
erase operation, the program or erase operation will be aborted and the memo ry
contents at the aborted block or address are no longer valid . See Figure 12, “AC
Waveform for Reset Operation” on page 2 8 for detailed information regarding reset
Table 6: Power-Up/Dow n Se qu en ce
Power Supply
Voltage Power-Up Sequence Power-Down Sequence
VCC(min) 1st 1st 1st(1) Sequencing not
3rd 2nd 2nd(1) Sequencing not
VCCQ(min) 2nd 2nd(1) 2nd 1st(1)
VPEN(min) 3rd 2nd 1st 1st
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
6.0 Electrical Characteristics
6.1 DC Current Specifications
Table 7: DC Current Charac teristics
VCCQ 2.7 - 3.6V
Test Conditions NotesVCC 2.7 - 3.6V
Symbol Parameter Typ Max Unit
ILI Input and VPEN Load Curre n t ±1μAVCC = VCC Max; VCCQ = VCCQ Max
ILO Output Leakage Current ±10 μAVCC= VCC Max; VCCQ = VCCQ Max
ICCS VCC Standby Current
50 120 μA
CMOS Inputs , VCC = VCC Max; Vccq =
Device is disabled (see Table 17, “Chip
Enable Truth Table for 32-, 64-,
128-Mb” on page 30),
RP# = VCCQ ± 0.2 V 1,2,3
0.71 2 mA
TTL Inputs, V CC = VCC Max,
Vccq = VccqMax
Device is disabled (see Table 17, “Chip
Enable Truth Table for 32-, 64-,
128-Mb” on page 30), RP# = VIH
ICCD VCC Power-Do wn Cu rr ent 50 120 μARP# = V
SS ± 0.2 V, IOUT (STS) = 0 mA
ICCR 8-Word Page
15 20 mA
CMOS Input s, VCC = VCC Max, VCCQ = VCCQ
Max using s tandard 8 wor d page mode
Device is enabled (see Table 17,Chip
Enable Truth Table for 32-, 64-,
128-Mb” on page 30)
f = 5 MHz, IOUT = 0 mA 1,3
30 54 mA
Max using s tandard 8 wor d page mode
Device is enabled (see Table 17,Chip
Enable Truth Table for 32-, 64-,
128-Mb” on page 30)
f = 33 MHz, IOUT = 0 mA
ICCW VCC Program or Set Lock-Bit Current 35 60 mA CMOS Inputs, VPEN = VCC 1,4
40 70 mA TTL Inputs, VPEN = VCC
VCC Bl ock Er a se or V CC Blank Check or
Clear Block Lock-Bits Current 35 70 mA CMOS Inputs, VPEN = VCC 1,4
40 80 mA TTL Inputs, VPEN = VCC
ICCES VCC Program Suspend or B lock Erase
Suspend Current —10mA
Device is enabled (see Table 17,Chip
Enable Truth Table for 32-, 64-,
128-Mb” on page 30)1,5
1. All currents are in RMS unless otherwise noted. These c urrents are valid fo r all product versions (packages and speeds).
Contact Numonyx or your local sales office for information about typical specifications.
2. Includes STS.
3. CMOS inputs are either VCC ± 0.2 V or VSS ± 0.2 V. TTL inputs are either VIL or VIH.
4. Sampled, not 100% tested.
5. ICCWS and ICCES are specified with the device selected. If the device is read or written while in erase suspend mode, the
device’s current draw is ICCR and ICCWS.
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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22 208032-03
6.2 DC Voltage specifications
6.3 Capacitance
1. Sampled, not 100% tested.
2. TA = -40 °C to +85 °C, VCC= VCCQ= 0 to 3.6 V.
Table 8: DC Voltage Characteristics
VCCQ 2.7 - 3.6 V
Test Conditions NotesVCC 2.7 - 3.6 V
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit
VIL Input Low Voltage –0.5 0.8 V 2, 5, 6
VIH Input Hi gh Voltage 2.0 VCCQ + 0.5 V 2, 5, 6
VOL Output Lo w Volta g e
IOL = 2 mA 1, 2
IOL = 100 µA
VOH Output H i g h Volta ge
0.85 × VCCQ —V
IOH = –2.5 mA 1, 2
IOH = –100 µA
VPENLK VPEN Lockout during Program,
Erase and Lock-Bit Operations —2.2V2, 3
VPENH VPEN during Block Erase, Program,
or Lock-Bit Operations 2.7 3.6 V 3
VLKO VCC Lockout Voltage 2.0 V 4
1. Inc l udes STS.
2. Sampled, not 100% tested.
3. Block erases, programming, and lock - bit configurations are inhibited when VPEN VPENLK, and not guaranteed in the
range be t ween VPENLK ( max) and VPENH (min), and above VPENH (max).
4. Block erases, programming, and lock-bit configurations are inhibited when VCC VLKO, and not guaranteed in the range
between VLKO and VCC (m i n), a n d a bove VCC (max).
5. In cludes all operational modes of the device.
6. Input/Output signals can unde rshoot to -1.0V refere nced to VSS and can overshoot to VCCQ + 1.0V for duration of 2ns or
less, the VCCQ valid range is referenced to VSS.
Table 9: Capacitance
Symbol Parameter1Type Max Unit Condition2
CIN Input Capacitance 67pF
VIN = 0.0 V
COUT Output Capacitance 45pF
VOUT = 0.0 V
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
7.0 AC Characteristics
Timing symbols used in the timing diagrams within this document conform t o the
following convention.
Note: Exceptions to this convention include t ACC and tAPA. tACC is a generic timing symbol that
refers to the aggregate initial-access delay as determined by tAVQV, tELQV, and tGLQV
(whichever is satisfied last) of the flash device. tAPA is specified in the flash device’ s
data sheet, and is t he address-to-data delay for subsequent page-mode reads.
Figure 7: Timin g Signal Naming Convention
Tabl e 10: Timing Signal Name Decoder
Signal Code State Code
Address A High H
Data - Read Q Low L
Data - Write D High-Z Z
Chip Enable (CE) E Low-Z X
Output Enable (OE#) G V alid V
Write Enable (WE#) W Invalid I
Status (STS) R
Reset (RP#) P
Byte Enable (BYTE#) F
Erase /Program/ Block L ock
Enable (VPEN)V
our ce Signal Target St at e
Source St at e Target Sign
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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24 208032-03
7.1 Read Specifications
1. CEX low is defined as the combination of pins CE0, CE1 and CE2 that enable the device. CEX high is defined as the
combin ati on of pins CE0, CE1, and CE2 that dis able the device (see Table 17, “Chip Enable Truth Table for 32-
, 64-, 128-Mb” on pag e 30).
2. See AC Input/Output Reference Waveforms for the maximum allowable input slew rate.
3. OE# may be dela yed up to tELQV-tGLQV after the falling edge of CEX (see note 1 and Table 17,Chip Enable Truth
Table for 32-, 64-, 128-Mb” on pag e 30) without impact on tELQV.
4. See Figure 13,AC Input/Output Reference Waveform” on page 29 and Figure 14, “Transient
Equivalen t Testing Load Circuit” on page 29 for testing characteristics.
5. Sampled, not 100% tested.
6. For devices configured to standard word/byte read mode, R15 (tAPA) will equal R2 (tAVQV).
Table 11: Read Operation s
Asynchronous Specifications VCC = 2.7 V–3.6 V (3) and VCCQ = 2.7 V–3.6 V(3)
# Sym Parameter Density Min Max Unit Notes
R1 tAVAV Read/Write Cycle Time
75 ns 1,2
R2 tAVQV Address to Output Delay 75 ns 1,2
R3 tELQV CEX to Output Delay 75 ns 1,2
R4 tGLQV OE# to Non-Arr ay Output Delay 25 ns 1,2,4
R5 tPHQV RP# High to Output Delay
32 Mbit 150
64 Mbit 180 1,2
128 Mbit 210 1,2
R6 tELQX CEX to Output in Low Z
0 ns 1,2,5
R7 tGLQX OE# to Output in Low Z 0 ns 1,2,5
R8 tEHQZ CEX High to Output in High Z 25 ns 1,2,5
R9 tGHQZ OE# High to Output in High Z 15 ns 1,2,5
R10 tOH Output Hold from Address, CEX, or OE#
Change, Whichever Occurs First 0 ns 1,2,5
R11 tELFL/tELFH CEX Low to BYTE# High or Low 10 ns 1,2,5
R12 tFLQV/tFHQV BYTE# to Output Delay 1 µs 1,2
R13 tFLQZ BYTE# to Output in High Z 1 µs 1,2,5
R14 tEHEL CEx High to CEx Low 0 ns 1,2,5
R15 tAPA Page Address Access Time 25 ns 5, 6
R16 tGLQV OE# to Arra y Output Delay 25 ns 1,2,4
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
1. CEX low is defined as the combination of pins CE0, CE1, and CE2 that enable the device. CEX high is defined as the
combination of pins CE0, CE1, and CE2 that disable the device (see Table 17, “Chip E nable Truth Tab le for 32-
, 64-, 128- M b” on pa ge 30).
2. When reading the flash array a faster t GLQV (R16) applies. F or non- array reads, R4 applies (i.e., Status Register reads,
query r eads, o r device iden tifi er r ea ds).
1. CEX low is defined as the combination of pins CE0, CE1, and CE2 that enable the device. CEX high is defined as the
combination of pins CE0, CE1, and CE2 that disable the device (see Table 17, “Chip E nable Truth Tab le for 32-
, 64-, 128- M b” on pa ge 30).
2. In this diag ram, BY T E # i s asserted high.
Figure 8: Single-Word Asynchronous Read Waveform
Addres s [ A]
CE x [E]
OE# [G]
WE# [W]
DQ[15:0] [Q]
BYT E# [F ]
RP# [P ]
R11 R12
Figure 9: 8-Word Asynchronous Page Mode Re ad
A[M AX:4] [A]
000 111
1 2 87
R10R15 R10 R9
A[3:1] [A]
CE x [E ]
OE# [G]
WE# [W]
DQ[15:0] [Q]
RP# [P]
001 110
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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26 208032-03
Table 12: Write Operatio ns
# Symbol Parameter Density
Valid for All
Speeds Unit Notes
Min Max
W1 tPHWL (tPHEL) RP# High Recovery to WE# (CEX) Going Low
32 Mbit 150
1,2,3,464 Mbit 180
128 Mbit 210
X (WE#) Lo w t o WE# (CEX) Going Low
0 1,2,3,5
W3 tWP Write Pulse Width 60 1,2,3,5
W4 tDVWH (tDVEH) Data Setup to WE# (CEX) Going High 50 1,2,3,6
W5 tAVWH (tAVEH) Address Setup to WE# (CEX) Going High 55 1,2,3,6
X (WE#) Ho l d from WE# (CEX) High 0 1,2,3
W7 tWHDX (tEHDX) Data Hold from WE# (CEX) High 0 1,2,3
W8 tWHAX (tEHAX) A ddr e ss Hold fr o m WE # (CEX) High 0 1,2,3
W9 tWPH Write Pulse Width High 30 1,2,3,7
PEN Setup to WE# (CEX) Going High 0 1,2,3,4
W12 tWHGL (tEHGL) Write Recovery before Read 35 1,2,3,8
X) High to STS Going Low 500 1,2,3,9
W15 tQVVL VPEN Hold from Valid SRD, STS Going High 0 1,2,3,4,
1. CEX low is defined as the combination of pins CE0, CE1, and CE2 that enable the device. CEX high is defined as the
combin ation of pins CE0, CE1, an d CE2 that disab l e the devic e (s ee Table 17, “Chip Enable Truth Table for
32-, 64 - , 128-Mb” on page 30).
2. Read timing characteristics during block erase, program, and lock-b it configuration operations are the same as during
read-only operations. Refer to AC Characte risti cs–Re ad-Only Oper ations.
3. A write operation can be initiated and terminated with either CEX or WE#.
4. Sampled, not 100% tested.
5. Write pulse width (tWP) is defined from CEX or WE# going low (whichever goes low last) to CEX or WE # goin g hig h
(whichever goes high first). Hence, tWP = tWLWH = tELEH = tWLEH = tELWH.
6. Refer to Table 18, “Enhanced Configuration Register” on page 32 for valid AIN and DIN for blo ck erase,
program, or lock-bit configur ation.
7. Write pulse width high (tWPH) is define d from CE X or WE# going high (whichever goes high first) to CEX or WE# going
low (whichever goes low first). Hence, tWPH = tWHWL = tEHEL = tWHEL = tEHWL.
8. For array acces s , t AVQV is required in addition to tWHGL for any accesses after a write.
9. STS timings are based on STS configured in its RY/BY# default mode.
10. VPEN should be held at VPENH until determination of block erase, program, or lock-bit configuration success (SR[5:3,1]
= 0).
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Figure 10: Asynchronous Write Waveform
Address [ A]
CEx (WE#) [ E (W)]
OE# [ G]
RP# [P]
W E# (C Ex ) [W (E)]
STS [R] W1
W4 W7
Figure 11: Asynchronous Write to Read Waveform
Address [A]
CEx [E]
OE# [G]
DA TA [D/Q ]
RP # [P ]
WE# [W]
W4 W7
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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28 208032-03
7.2 Program, Erase, Block-Lock Specifications
7.3 Reset Specifications
Note: STS is shown in its default mode (RY/BY#).
Table 1 3: Configur a t ion P er forman c e
# Symbol Parameter Typ Max Unit Notes
W200 tPROG/W Program Time Single word 40 175 µs 1,2,3,4,6
W250 tPROG Buffer Program Time
Aligned 16 Words BP Time (32 Bytes) 128 654 µs 1,2,3,4,5,6
Aligned 128 Words BP Time (256 Bytes) 400 2000 µs 1,2,3,4,5,6
Aligned 256 Words BP Time 720 3600 µs 1,2,3,4,5,6
W501 tERS/AB Block Erase Time 1.0 4.0 sec 1,2,3,4,6
W650 tlks Set Lock- Bit Time 50 60 µs 1,2,3,4,6
W651 tlkc Clear Block Lock-Bits Time 0.5 1 sec 1,2, 3,4,6
W600 tSUSP/P Program Suspend Latency Time to Read 15 20 µ s 1,2,3,6
W601 tSUSP/E Erase Suspend Latency Time to Read 15 20 µs 1,2,3,6
W602 tERS/SUSP Erase to Suspend 500 µ s 1,7
W652 tSTS STS Pulse Width Low Time 500 ns 1
W702 tBC/MB blank che ck A rray Blo ck 3.2 ms
1. Typical values measured at TA = +25 °C and nominal volt age s. Assume s corresponding lock-bits are not set. Subject to
change base d on de vice ch aracteriz ation .
2. These performance numbers are valid for all speed versions.
3. Sampled but not 100% tested.
4. Excludes system-level overhead.
5. These values are valid when the buffer is full, and the start address is aligned.
6. Max values are measured at worst case temperature, data pattern and VCC corner within 100K cycles. But for W650, W651,
W600 and W601, the Max value are expressed at +25 °C or -40 °C.
7. W602 is the typical time between an initial block erase or erase resume command and then a subsequent erase suspend
command. Violating the specification repeatedly during any particular block erase may cause erase failures.
Figure 12: AC Waveform for Reset Operation
P1 P2P1
TS (R)
RP# (P)
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
7.4 AC Test Conditions
Note: AC test inputs are driven at VCCQ for a Logic "1" and 0.0 V for a Logic "0." Input timing begins, and output tim ing en ds, at
VCCQ/2 V (50% of VCCQ). Input rise and fall times (10% to 90%) < 5 ns.
Note: CL Includes Ji g Capacitan ce
Ta ble 14: Reset Specificati ons
# Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes
RP# Pulse Low Time
(If RP# is tied to VCC, this
specification is not
RP# is asserted during block erase,
program or lock-bit configuration
operation 25 µs 1
RP# is asserted during read 100 ns 1
P2 tPHRH RP# High to Reset during Block Erase, Program, or Lock- Bit
Configuration 100 ns 1,2
P3 tVCCPH Vcc Power Valid to RP# de-assertion (high) 60 µs
1. These specifications are valid for all product versions (packages and speeds).
2. A reset time, tPHQV, is required from the latter of STS (in RY/BY# mode) or RP# going high until outputs are valid.
Figure 13: AC In put/Output Reference Wave form
Figure 14: Transient Equivalent Testing Load Circuit
Table 15: Test Configuration
Test Configuration CL (pF)
OutputTest PointsInput VCCQ/2
Under Test
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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30 208032-03
8.0 Bus Interface
This sect ion pro vides an overview of Bus operatio ns . The on - c hip Write Stat e M a c hine
(WSM) manages all er ase and progr am algorithms. The system CPU p rovides control of
all in-system read, write, and erase operations through the system bus. All bus cycles
to or from the flash memory conform to standard microprocessor bus cycles. Table 16
summarizes the necessary states of each control signal for different modes of
1. See Table 17 for valid CEx configurations.
2. OE# and WE# should never be asserted simultaneously. If done so, OE# overrides WE#.
3. DQ refers to DQ[7:0] when BYTE# is low an d DQ[ 1 5:0 ] if BYTE# is high.
4. Refer to DC characteristic s. When VPEN VPENLK, memory contents can be read but not altered.
5. X should be VIL or VIH for the control pins and VPENLK or VPENH for VPEN. For outputs , X shou ld be VOL or VOH.
6. In default mode, STS is VOL when the WSM is executing internal block erase, program, or a lock-bit configuration
algo r ithm. It i s V OH (pulled up by an exter n al pull up resis ta nce10k) wh en the WSM i s not bus y, in block erase s u s pend
mode (with programming inactive), program suspend mode, or reset power-down mode.
7. See Section 11.0, “Device Command Codes” on page 47 for valid DIN (user commands) during a Write
8. Array writes are either program or erase operations.
Table 16: Bus Operations
Mode RP# CE x(1) OE#(2) WE#(2) VPEN DQ15:0(3) STS
Mode) Notes
Async., Status, Query and
Identifier Reads VIH Enabled VIL VIH XD
OUT High Z 4,6
Output Disable VIH Enabled VIH VIH X High Z High Z
Standby VIH DisabledXXXHigh ZHigh Z
Reset/Power-down VIL XXXXHigh ZHigh Z
Comman d Writ es VIH Enabled VIH VIL XD
IN High Z 6,7
Arra y Writes VIH Enabled VIH VIL VPENH XV
IL 5,8
Table 17: Chip Enable Truth Table for 32-, 64-, 128-Mb
VIL VIL VIH Disabled
VIL VIH VIL Disabled
VIL VIH VIH Disabled
VIH VIH VIH Disabled
Note: For single-chip applications, CE2 and CE1 can be connecte d to VSS .
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
8.1 Bus Reads
R eading from flash memory outputs stored information to the processor or chipset, and
does not ch ange any contents. Readin g can be performed an unlimited number of
times. Besides array data, other types of data such as device information and device
status are available from the flash.
To perform a bus read operation, CEx (refer to Table 17 on page 30) and OE # must be
asserted. CEx is the device-s elect control; when active, it enables the flash memory
device. OE# i s t he data-o utpu t contro l; wh en activ e, the addressed f lash me mory d ata
is driven onto the I/O bus. F or all read st ates, WE# and RP# must be de-asserted . See
Section 9.2, “Read Operatio ns on page 35.
8.1.1 Asynchronous Page Mode Read
Unlike J3 130nm devices, J3 65 nm SBC device provides Eight-Word Asynchronous
Page mode only. Array data can be sensed up to eight words (16 Bytes) at a time. This
is the default mode on power-up or reset.
On J3 130nm devices, the S et Enhanced Configu ratio n Register command is us ed to
enable Eight-Word Page mode upon power-up or reset, however this has no effect on J3
65 nm SBC devi ce anym ore .
After the initial access delay, the first word out of the page buffer corresponds to the
initial address. Address bits A[3:1] determine which word is output from the page
buffer for a x16 bus width, and A[3:0] determine which byte is output from the page
buffer for a x8 bus width. S ubsequent reads f rom the device come from th e page
buffer. These reads are outp ut on DQ[15:0] f or a x16 bus width and DQ[7 : 0] for a x8
bus width aft er a min imu m delay by changin g A [3:1] or A[3:0].
Data can be read from the page buffer multiple times, and in any order.If address bits
A[MAX:4] change at any time, or if CEx# is toggled, the device will sense and load new
data into th e page bu ffer. A synchro no us Pag e mode is t he def au lt read mod e on p ower -
up or reset.
To perform a P age mode read after an y other operation, the R ead Arr ay command must
be issued to read from the flash array. Asynchronous Page mode read s are permitted in
all blocks and are used to access register information. During register access, only one
word is loaded into the page buffer. Enh an ced Configuration Register
The Enhanced Configuration Register (ECR) is a volatile storage register that when
addressed by the Set ECR command can select between Four- Word Page mode and
Eight-Word Page mode on J3 130nm devices, however this has no effect on J3 65 nm
SBC device.
The EC R is volatile; all bi ts will be r eset to de fault valu es when RP# is deasserted or
power is remo ved fro m the device. To modify ECR settin gs, use the Set ECR command.
The Set EC R co m m and is written al on g with the con figuration re g ister value, wh ich is
placed o n th e lower 16 bits of the addre s s bus A[16:1] . This is fo llowed by a second
write th at conf irms t he operation and again presen ts t he EC R data on the add ress bus .
After exec ut ing this com m a nd , the device r et ur ns to Read Array mode.
The ECR is s ho wn in Table 18. 8-word page mode Command Bus-Cycle is captured in
Table 19 for backward compatibility reasons.
Note: If the 8-word Asynchronous Page mode is used on J3 65 nm SBC, a Clear Status
R egister command must be executed after issuing the Set ECR command.
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8.1.2 Output Disable
With CEx asserted, and OE# at a logic-high level (VIH), the device outputs are disabled.
Output signals DQ[15:0] are placed in a high-impedance state.
8.2 Bus Writes
W ritin g or Prog ra mming to the d evice, i s wher e the ho st writ es info rmation o r data in to
the flash device fo r non-volatile sto rage. When the fla s h devic e is pr ogramme d, ‘ones
are changed to ‘z eros’. ‘Zeros’ ca nn ot be pro gramed back to ‘ones’. To do so, an erase
operatio n must be pe rformed. Writing commands to the Command Use r Interface (CUI)
enables various modes of operat ion, including the following:
Readin g of array data
Common Flash Interface (CFI) data
Identifier codes, inspection, and clearing of the Status Re gister
Block Erasure, Program, and Lock-bit Configuration (when VPEN = VPENH)
Erasing i s performed on a block basis – all flash cells within a block are erase d together.
Any information or data previously stored in the block will be lost. Erasing is typically
done prior t o programming. Th e Block Erase command requires appropriate command
data and an address within the block t o be erased. The Byte/Word Program comman d
requires the command and address of the location to be written. Set Block Lock-Bit
commands require the command and block within the device to be locked. The Clear
Block Lock-Bits command requires the command and address within the device to be
The CUI does not occupy an addressable memory location. It is written when the device
is enabled and WE# is active. The address and data needed to execut e a command are
latched on the rising edge of WE# or CEX (CEX low is de fined as the comb ination of pin s
CE0, CE 1, and CE2 that enable the devic e. CEX high is defined as the combination of
pins CE0, CE1, and CE2 that disable the device. See Table 17 on page 30). Standard
microprocessor write timings are used.
Table 18: Enhanced Configuration Register
Reserved Page
Length Reserved
15 ECR
14 ECR
13 ECR
12 ECR
11 ECR
10 ECR
ECR[15:14] RFU All bits should be set to 0.
ECR.13 “1” = 8-Word Page mode
“0” = 8-Word Page mode (Default) Either “1” or “0” is for 8-word sense in p age
ECR[12:0] RFU All bits should be set to 0.
Table 19: Asynchronous 8-Word Page Mode Command Bus-Cycle Definition
Command Bus
First Bus Cycle Second Bus Cycle
Oper Addr(1) Data Oper Addr(1) Data
Set Enhanced Configuration
Regis te r (Set ECR) 2 Write ECD 0060h Write ECD 0004h
1. ECD = Enhanced Configuration Register Data
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8.3 Standby
CE0, CE1, and CE2 ca n disable the device (see Table 17 on page 30) and place it in
standby mo de. This manipul a tion of CEx substantiall y reduces device pow er
consumption. DQ[15:0] outputs are placed in a high-impedance state independent of
OE#. If deselected during block erase, program, or lock-bit configuration, the WSM
cont inues functioning, and con s um in g a c ti ve power unti l the operation completes.
8.3.1 Reset/Power-Down
RP# at VIL initiates the rese t/ power-dow n mode.
In read modes, RP#-low deselects the memory, places output drivers in a high-
impedance state, and turns off numerous internal circuits. RP# must be held low for a
minimum of tPLPH. Time tPHQV is required after return from reset mode until initial
memory access outputs are valid. After this wake-up interval, normal operation is
restored. The CUI is reset to read array mode and Statu s Register is set to 0080 h.
Durin g Block Erase, Program, or Lock-Bit Config uration modes, RP#-low w ill abo rt the
operation. In default mode, STS tran sitions low and remains low for a maximum time
of tPLPH + tPHRH unt il the res e t operation is complete. Memory contents being altered
are no longer va lid; the dat a ma y be partially corrupted after a program or partially
altered after an erase or lock -bit configuration. Time tPHWL is required after RP# goes to
logic - high (VIH) before another command can be written.
As with any automated device, it is important to assert RP# during system reset. When
the system comes out of reset, it expects to read from the flash memory. Automated
flash memories provide status information when accessed during Block Erase, Program,
or Lock-Bit Configuration modes. If a CPU reset occurs with no flash memory reset,
proper initialization may not occur because the flash memory may be providing status
inform a tion in s tead of ar ra y da ta. Nu monyx F la s h memories a llow pro per initializati on
following a syst em reset thr ou gh the use of th e RP # inp ut. In this app lication, RP# is
controlled by the same RESET# signal that resets the system CPU.
8.4 Device Commands
When VPEN VPENLK, only read operations from the Status Register, CFI, identifier
codes, or blocks are enabled. Placing VPENH on VPEN addi tionall y enabl es block erase,
program, and lock-bit configuration operations. Device operations are selected b y
writing specific commands to the Command User Interface (CUI). The CUI does not
occupy an addressable memory location. It is the mechanism through which the flash
device is controlled.
A command sequence is issued in two consecutive write cycles - a Setup command
followed by a Confirm command. However, some commands are single-cycle
commands consisting of a setup command only. Generally, commands that alter the
contents of the flash device, such as Progr am or Er ase, require at least two write cy cles
to guard against inadverten t changes to the flash device. Flash commands fall into two
categories: Basic Commands and Extended Commands. Basic commands are
recognized by all Numonyx Flash devices, and are used to perform common flash
operatio ns such as select ing the read mode, progr am ming the arra y, or er asing b locks.
Extended commands are product-dependant; they are used to perform additional
features such as software block locking. Section 11.0, “Device Command Codes” on
page 47 describes all applicable commands on J3 65 nm SBC device.
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9.0 Flash Operations
This section describes the operat io nal features of flash memory. Operations are
command-based, wherein command codes are first issued to the device, then the
device performs the desired operation. All command codes are issued to the device
using bus-write cycles (see Chapter 8.0, “Bus Interface”). A complete list of available
command codes can be found in Sect ion 11.0, “Device Command Codes” on page 47 .
9.1 Status Register
The Status R egister (SR) is an 8-bit, read-onl y register that indicates de vice status and
operation errors. To read the Status Register, issue the Re ad Status R egister command.
Subsequent reads output Status Re gister information on DQ[7:0 ], and 00h on
SR status bits are set and cleared by the device. SR error bits are se t by th e device, b ut
must be cleared using the Clear Status R egister command. Up on power-up or exit from
reset, the Status R egister defaults to 80h. Page-mode reads are not supported in this
read mode. Status R egister cont ents are latc hed on the f alling edge of OE# or CE X (CEX
low is defined as the combination of pins CE0, CE1, and CE2 that enable the device.
CEX high is defi ne d as the combi nat ion of pins CE0, CE1 , and CE2 that disable th e
device). OE# must toggle to V IH o r the de vi ce must be di sabled bef ore fu rther re ads to
update the Status R egister latch. The Read Status Register command functions
independently of VPEN voltage.
Table 20 shows Status Register bit definitions.
Table 20: Status Register Bit Definitions
Statu s Register (SR) Default Value = 80h
Error Program
Error Reserved
76 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Name Description
7Ready Status 0 = Device is busy. SR[6:0] are invalid (Not driven);
1 = Device is ready. SR[6:0] are valid.
6Erase Suspend Status 0 = Erase suspend not in effect.
1 = Erase suspend in effect.
5Eras e E rror Command
SR.5 SR.4
0 0 = Program or er ase oper at ion s uccessful.
0 1 = Program error - ope ration ab ort e d.
1 0 = Erase error - operation aborted.
1 1 = Command sequence error - command aborted.
3 Program/Erase Voltage Error 0 = Within acceptable limits during program or erase operation.
1 = Not within acceptable limits during program or erase operation - Operation
2 Program Suspend Status 0 = Prog ram suspe n d n ot in effe ct .
1 = Program suspend in effect .
1Block-Locked Error 0 = Block NOT locked during program or erase - operation successful.
1 = Bloc k locke d du ri ng pro gram or eras e - ope ration ab or te d.
0 Reserved Reserved
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9.1.1 Clearing the Status Register
The Status Register (SR) contain Status and error bits which are set by the device. SR
status bits are cleared b y the devic e, however SR e rror bits are cleared b y issuing the
Clear SR command (see Table 21). Resetting the device also clears the SR.
Issuing the Clear SR command places the device in Read SR mode.
Note: Care should be taken to avoid SR ambiguity. If a command sequence error occurs while
in an Erase Suspend condition, the SR will indica te a Command Sequenc e er r or by
setting SR.4 and SR.5. When the erase operation is resumed (and finishes), any errors
that may hav e oc c urred during t he erase operation will be masked by the Command
Sequence error. To avoid this situation, clear the Status Register prior to resuming a
suspen ded eras e operation. Th e Clear SR command functions independent of the
voltage level on VPEN.
9.2 Read Operations
Four types of data can be read from the device: array data, device information, CFI
data, and device statu s . Upon power-up or return fro m reset, the device def aults to
R ead Arr ay mode. To change the device’ s read mode, the appropri ate command must
be issued to the device. Table 22 shows the command codes used to configure the
device for the desired read mode. The followin g sections de scribe each read mode .
9.2.1 Read Array
Upon power-up or return from reset, the devi ce defaults to Read Array mode. Issuin g
the Read Array command places the device in Read A r ray mode. Subse quent r e a d s
output array data on DQ[15:0]. The device remains in Read Array mode until a
different read command is issued, or a program or erase operation is performed, in
which case, the read mode is automatically changed to R ead Status.
To change the dev ice to R e ad Arr ay mo de while it is progra mming or er asing, f irst issue
the Suspend command. After the oper at ion has been suspended, issue the Re ad Array
command. When the program or erase operation is subsequently resumed, the device
will automatically revert back to Read Status mode.
Note: Issuing the Read Array command to the device while it is actively programming or
er as ing causes s ubsequent reads fro m the dev ice to output invalid da ta. Valid array
data is output only after the program or erase operation has finished.
Tabl e 21: Clear Status Register Comm and Bus-Cycles
Command Setup Write Cycle Confirm Write Cycle
Address Bus Data Bus Address Bus Data Bus
Clear Status Register De vice Address 0050h
Tabl e 22: Read Mo de Command Bus-Cy cle s
Command Setup Write C ycle Confirm Write Cycle
Address Bu s Data Bus Address Bus Data Bus
Read Array Device Address 00FF h
Read Status Register Device Address 0070h
Read Device Information Device Address 0090h
CFI Query Device Address 0098h
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The Read Array command functions independent of the voltage level on VPEN.
9.2.2 Read Status Register
Issuing the Read Status Regi ster command places the device in Read Status Re gister
mode. Subsequent reads output Status Register information on DQ[7:0], and 00h on
DQ[15:8]. T h e device remains in Read Status Register mode un til a different read-
mode command is issued. Performing a program, er ase, or block-lock op eration also
changes the device’s read mode to R ead Status Register mode.
The Status Register is update d on the falling edge of OE# or CEx , wh ichever occurs
last. Statu s R e gist er co nten ts are v ali d onl y when SR.7 = 1. Wh en WSM is acti ve, S R.7
indicates the WSM’s state and SR[6:0] are in high-Z state.
The Read Status Register comman d functions indepe ndent of the voltag e level on
9.2.3 Read Device Information
Issuing the Read Device Information command places the device in Read Device
Information mode. Subsequent reads output device information on DQ[15:0].
The device remains in Read Device Information mode until a different read command is
issued. Also, performing a program, erase , or block-lock operation changes the device
to Read Status Register mode.
The Read De vice Informat ion command functions independent of the voltage level on
9.2.4 CFI Query
The CFI query table contains an assortment of flash product information such as block
size, density, allowable command sets, electrical specifications, and other product
inf orm a tion. The data c on ta ined in this table conforms to the CF I pr ot oc ol.
Issuin g the CFI Query c ommand places the device in CFI Query mode. Subsequent
reads output CFI information on DQ[15:0 ]. The device remains in CFI Query mod e until
a different read command is issued, or a program or erase operation is performed,
which changes the read mode to R ead Status Register mode.
The CFI Query command functions independent of the voltage level on VPEN.
9.3 Programming Operations
All programming oper ations req uire the addr essed block to be unlocked, and a v a lid
VPEN v oltage applied throughout the progr amming operation. Otherwise, the
programming operation will abort, setting the appropri ate Status Register error bit(s).
The following sections describe each programming method.
9.3.1 Single-Word/Byte Programming
Arra y programming is performed by first issuing the Single-Word/Byte P r ogram
command. This is followed by writing the desired data at the desired array address. The
read mode of the devi ce is automat ically change d to R ead Statu s Re gister mode , which
remains in effect until another read-mode command is issued.
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During pro gramming, STS and the St atus Register indicate a busy statu s (SR. 7 = 0).
Upon completion, STS and the Status Register indicate a ready status (SR.7 = 1). The
Status Register should be checked for any errors (SR.4), then cleared.
Note: Issuing the Read Arr a y command to the device while it is actively programmi ng causes
subsequent reads from the device to output invalid data. V alid array data is output only
after the program operation has finished.
Standby p ower lev els are not be real ized u ntil t he progr ammin g oper ation h as finishe d.
Also, asserting RP# aborts the progr amming o peration, and array contents at the
addressed location are indeterminate . The addressed block should be erased, and the
data re-programmed. If a Single-Word/Byte program is attempted when the
corresponding block lock-bit is set, SR.1 and SR.4 will be set.
9.3.2 Buffered Programming
Buffered programming operation s simultan eously program multiple words/bytes into
the flash memory array, significantly reducing effective w ord-write/byte- write times .
User- data is first written to a write buffer, the n pr ogrammed into the f lash memor y
array in buffer-size increments. For additional details, see the flow chart of the
buffere d-progr amming operation.
Optimal performan c e an d power consumpt ion is realized by alignin g the start address
on 256-Word boun daries (i.e., A[8:1] = 00000000b). Cros s ing a 256-Wo rd boundary
during a buffered programming operation can cause programming time to double.
To perform a buffered programming operation, first issue the Buffered Program setup
command at the desired starting address. The read mode of the device/addressed
partition is a utomatically c ha nged to Read Statu s Reg is ter mode.
Polling SR.7 d etermi nes writ e- buffe r a vailabili ty (0 = no t a vailable , 1 = ava ilable). If
the write buffer is not available, re-issu e the setup command and check SR.7; repeat
until SR.7 = 1.
Note: The devi ce de fault s to ou tput S R data a fter the Bu ffere d Prog ram ming Setup c omma nd
(E8h) is issued. CE# and OE# must be toggled to update Status Register. Don’t issue
the R ead SR comman d (70h), whic h would be interpreted b y the internal state machine
as Buffer Word Count.
Next, issue the word count at the desired starting address. The word count represents
the tot al numbe r of words to be wr itten in to the w rite bu ffer, min us one. T his v alue c an
range from 00 h (one) to a m a ximum of FF h (256). Exceeding the allowa ble ra nge
causes an abort.
Note: The maximum number of bytes in write buffer on CFI region (offset 2Ah, refer Table 41,
“Device Geom etry Defi nition ” on pa g e 6 0) is set to 05h (32 bytes) for backward
compatible reasons. No software change is required on existing applications for both x8
and x16 mode. Applicat ions can optimize the syst em performance us ing the maximum
of 256 buffer size. Please contact your sales representatives for questions.
Followin g the word count, the write buffer is fil led with user - data. Subs eq uent bus-
write cycles prov ide addresses and dat a, up to the word count. All user-data addresse s
must lie between <starting address> and <starting address + word count>, otherwise
the WS M continues to r un as no rmal but, user may advertently c hange the content in
unexpected address locations.
Note: User-data is programmed into the flash array at the address issued when filling the
writ e buffer.
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After all user-data is written into the write buffer, issue the confirm command. If a
command other than the confirm command is issued to the device, a command
sequence error occurs and the operation aborts.
Note: After iss ui ng the confi r m c omman d, write-buffer contents are prog ramme d in to the
flash memory array. The Status Register indicates a busy status (SR.7 = 0) during
array programming.Issuing th e Read Array command to the device whi le it is actively
programming or erasing causes subsequent reads from the device to output invalid
data. Valid arra y data is output only after the progra m or er ase operation has finished.
Upon completion of array programming, the Status Register indicates ready (SR.7 = 1).
A full Status R egister ch eck should be performed to check for an y progr amming errors,
then cleared by using the Clear Status Register command.
Additional buffered progr a mming ope ratio ns can be initiated by issuing another setup
command, and repeating the buf fered progr ammin g bus-cy cle se quence. Howeve r, any
errors in the Status Register must first be cleared before another buffered
programming operation can be initiated.
9.4 Block Erase Operations
Erasing a block change s ‘zeros’ to ‘ones’. To change ones to zeros, a progr am oper ation
must be performed (See Section 9.3, “Programming O p era tions). Erasing is pe r f ormed
on a block basis - an entire block is erased each time an erase command sequence is
issued. Once a block is fully erased, all addressable locations within that block read as
logical ones (FFFFh for x16 mode, FFh for x8 mode). Only one block -er ase operation
can occur at a time, and is not pe rmitted during a program suspend.
To perform a block-erase operation, issue the Block Erase command sequence at the
desired block address. Table 23 shows the two-cycle Block Erase command sequence.
Note: A block-erase ope ration requ ires the addressed block to be unlocked, and a valid
voltag e applied to VPEN thro ughout the block-er as e operation. Otherwise, the
operation will abort, setting the appropriate Status Register error bit(s).
The Eras e Confirm command latches the address of the bl oc k to be erased. The
addressed blo ck is preconditio ned (programme d to all zeros), erased, and then verified.
The read mode of the device is automatically changed to Read Status Register mode,
and remains in effect until another read-mode command is issued.
During a block-erase operation, ST S and the Status Register indi cate s a busy status
(SR.7 = 0). Upon completion, STS and the Status Register indicates a ready status
(SR.7 = 1). Th e St atus Register sho uld be checked for any errors , then cleared. If any
errors did occur, subsequent erase commands to the device are ignored unless the
Status Register is cleared.
The only valid commands during a block erase operation are Read Array, Read Device
Information, CFI Query, and Erase Suspend. After the block-erase operati on has
completed, any valid command can be issued.
Table 23: Block-Erase Command Bus-Cycles
Command Setup Write Cycle Confirm Write Cycle
Address Bus Data Bus Address Bus Data Bus
Block Erase Block Address 0020h Block Address 00D0h
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Note: Issuing the Read Array command to the device while it is actively erasi ng causes
subsequent reads from the device to output invalid data. V alid array data is output only
after the block-erase operati o n has finished.
Standb y power levels are not b e realized un til the bloc k-erase operation has finished.
Also, asserting RP# aborts the block-erase operation, and array contents at the
addressed locat ion are indete rmin ate. The addressed block should be erased before
program m ing with in the block is attempted.
9.5 Blank Check
The Bla nk Che c k op e ration determ in es whe ther a spec if ied array block is bla nk (i.e.
completely era sed). W ithou t Blank Check, Block Erase would be the onl y other way to
ensure a block is comple tely erased. Blan k Check is especia lly useful in the case of
erase ope ration interrupted by a power loss event.
Blank Check can apply to only one b lock at a time, and no oper ations other than Status
Register Reads are allowed during Blank Check (e.g. reading array data, program,
er ase etc.). Sus pend and resume op eratio ns are not sup ported durin g Blank Check , nor
is Blank Che c k suppo r ted duri ng any s uspended operat ions.
Blank C heck operations are initia ted by wr iting the Bloc k Blank C heck co mmand to the
block address. Next, the Blank Check Confirm command is issued along with the same
block address. When a successful command sequence is entered, the device
automatically enters the Re ad Status State. The WSM then reads the entire specified
block, and determines wh ether an y bit in the blo c k is programmed or over-era sed.
The status register can be examined for Blank Check progress and errors by reading
any address within the block being accessed. During a blank check operation, the
Status Register indicates a busy status (SR.7 = 0). Upon completion, the Status
Regi ster indicates a ready status (SR.7 = 1). The Status Register should be checked for
any errors, and then cleared. If the Blank Check operation fails, which means the block
is not completely erased, the Status Re gister bit SR.5 will be set (“1”). CE# or OE#
toggle (during polling) up dates the Status Register.
The device remains in Status Register Mode until another command is written to the
device. After examinin g the Status Regi ster, it should be cleared by the Clear Status
Register command before issuing a new command. Any command can follow once the
Blank Check command is complete.
9.6 Suspend and Resume
An er ase or programmin g operation can be suspen ded to perform othe r oper ations, and
then subsequently resumed. Table 24 shows the Suspend and Resume command bus-
Note: All erase and programming oper ati ons require the addresse d bl ock to remain u nlocked
with a val id vo ltage applied to VPEN t hroughout t he su spend operation. Otherwise, the
block-erase or programming operation will abort, setting the appropriate Status
R egiste r error bit(s). Also, asserting RP# aborts suspended block-erase and
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programming operations, rendering array contents at the addressed location(s)
To suspend an on-going erase or program operation, issue the Suspend command to
any device address. The program or erase oper ation suspends at pre-det ermined point s
during the operation after a delay of tSUSP. Sus pend is achie ved whenS TS (in RY / BY#
mode) goes high, SR[7,6] = 1 (erase-suspend) or SR[7,2] = 1 (program-suspend).
Note: Issuing the Suspend command does not change the read mode of the device. The
device will be in Read Status Register mode from when the erase or program command
was first issued, unless the read mode was changed prior to issuing the Suspend
Not all commands are allowed when the device is suspended. Table 25 shows whi ch
device commands are allowed during Program Suspend or Erase Suspend.
During Suspend, array-read operations are not allowed in blocks being erased or
A block-erase under program-suspend is not allowed. However, word-program under
erase-suspend is allowed, and can be suspended. This results in a simultaneous erase-
suspend/ program-suspend condition, indicated by SR[7,6,2] = 1.
Table 24: Suspend and Resume Command Bus-Cycles
Command Setup Write Cycle Confirm Write Cycle
Address Bu s Data Bus Ad dress Bus Data Bus
Suspend Device Address 00B0h
Resume Device Address 00D0h
Table 25: Valid Co mm a nds During Sus pend
Device Command Program Suspend Erase Suspend
STS Configuration Allowed Allowed
Read Array Allowed Allowed
Read Status Register Allowed Allowed
Clear Status Register Allowed Allowed
Read Device Information Allowed Allowed
CFI Query Allowed Allowed
W o rd/Byte Program Not Allowed Allowed
Buffered Program Not Allowed Allowed
Block Erase Not Allowed Not Allowed
Program Suspend Not Allowed Allowed
Erase Suspe nd Not Allowed Not Allowed
Program/Erase Resume Allowed Allowed
Lock Block Not Allowed Not Allowed
Unlock Block Not Allowed Not Allowed
Program OTP Register Not Allowed Not Allowed
Blank Check Not Allowed Not Allowed
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To resume a suspended program or erase operation, issue the Resume command to
any device address. The read mode of the device is automatically changed to Read
Status Register. The operation contin ues where it left off, STS (in RY/ BY# mode) goes
low, and t he respective Statu s Register bits are cleared.
When the Resume command is issued during a simultaneous erase-suspend/ program-
suspend condition, the progr amming operation is resumed first. Upon completion of the
program ming operation, the Status Register should be checked for any errors, and
cleared. The resume command must be issued again to complete the erase operation.
Upon completion of the erase operation, the Status Register should be checked for any
errors, and cleared.
9.7 Status Signal
The STATUS (STS) signal can be configured to different states using the STS
Configuration command (Table 26). Once the STS signal has been configured, it
remains in that configuration until another Configuration command is issued or RP# is
asserted low. Initially, the STS s ignal defaults to RY/BY# operat ion wher e RY/BY # low
indicates that the WSM is busy. RY/BY# high indicates that the state machine is ready
for a new operation or suspended. Table 27 displays possible STS configurations.
To reconfigure the ST ATUS (STS) signal to other modes, the Configuration command is
given followed by the desired configur ation code. The three alternate configur ations are
all pulse mode for use as a system interrupt as described in the following paragraphs.
For these configu ratio ns , b it 0 controls Eras e Com p lete inte r r up t pulse, a nd bit 1
contro ls Program Comp lete int er r upt pulse. Suppl ying the 00h confi guration code with
the Configuration command resets the STS signal to the default RY/BY# level mode.
The Configuration command may only be given when the device is not busy or
suspended. Check SR.7 for device status. An inv alid configur at ion code will result in
SR.4 and SR.5 being set.
Note: STS Pulse m od e is no t su p po r te d in the Clear L oc k Bi ts a nd Set Lo c k Bit command s .
Tabl e 26: STS Configuration Register Command Bus-Cycles
Command Setup Write Cycle Confirm Write Cycle
Address Bus Data Bus Address Bus Data Bus
STS Configuration Device Address 00B8h Device Address Register Data
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9.8 Security and Protection
J3 65 nm SBC device offers both hardware and software security features. Block lock
operati ons, PRs and V PEN allow users to implemen t variou s leve ls of data prote c ti on.
9.8.1 Normal Block Locking
J3 65 nm SBC has the capability of Flexible Block Locking (locked blocks remain locked
upon reset or power cycle): All blocks within the device are in unlocked state when ship
from Numonyx. Blocks can be locked individually by issuing the Set Block Lock Bit
command sequence to any address within a block. Once locked, blocks remain locked
whe n po wer is removed, or when the de vice is rese t .
All locked blocks are unlocked simultaneously by issuing the Clear Block Lock Bits
command sequence to any device address. Locked blocks cannot be er ased or
programmed. Table 28 summarizes the command bus-cycles.
After issuing the Set Block Lock Bit setup command or Clear Block Lock Bits setup
command, the device’s read mode is automatically changed to Read Status Register
mode . After issu ing the con fir m c om m a nd , c om p le tion of the o pe rati on is indica te d by
STS (i n RY/ BY # m ode) goin g high and SR .7 = 1.
Blocks can n ot be l ock ed or unl ock ed w hile p rogrammi ng o r e r asin g, or wh ile the de vi ce
is suspended. Reliable block lock and unlock operations occur only when VCC and VPEN
are valid. When VPEN VPENLK, block lock-bits cannot be changed.
Table 27: STS Configuration Register and Coding Definitions
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Reserved3Pulse on
Pulse on
D[1:0] = STS Configuration Codes2Notes
00 = default, level mo de;
device rea dy indication Controls HOLD to a memory controller to prevent accessing a flash memory
subsystem while any flash device's WSM is busy.
01 = pulse on Erase Complete Generates a system interrupt pulse when any flash device in an array has
completed a block erase. Helpful for reformatting blocks after file system free
space reclamation or “cleanup.
10 = pulse on Program Complete Not supported on this device.
11 = pulse on Erase or Program Comple t e Gener ates system interru pts to trigger servicing of flash arrays when either
erase or program operations are complete d, when a common interrupt serv ice
routine is desired.
1. When configured in one of the pulse modes, STS pulses low with a typical pulse width of 500 ns.
2. An invalid configuration code will result in both SR.4 and SR.5 being set.
3. Reserved bits are invalid should be ignored.
Table 28: Block Locking Command Bus-Cycles
Command Setup Wr ite Cycle Confirm Write Cycle
Address Bu s Data Bus Address Bus Data Bus
Set Block Lock Bit Block Address 0060h Block Address 0001h
Clear Block Lock Bits Device Address 0060h Device Address 00D0h
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
When the set lock-bi t operation is complete, SR.4 should be checked for any error.
When the clear lock-bit operation is complete, SR.5 should be checked for any error.
Errors bits must be cleared using the Clear Status Register command.
Block lock-bit status can be determined by first issuing the Read Device Information
command, and then reading from <block base address> + 02h. DQ0 indicates the lock
status of the addressed block (0 = unlocked, 1 = locked).
9.8.2 Configurable Block Locking
J3 65 nm SBC devices feature u s er-con figurable bl ock locking. Th is feature c a n be
implemented to protect and/or secure the user’s system. The user can individually set
each block as N on-Volatile Temporar y, No n-V olatile Semi - Permanent or Non- Volatile
P ermanent. For addition al information and collateral, please contact the sales
9.8.3 Password Access
P assword Access is a security enhancement offered on the J3 65 nm SBC device. This
feature protects information sto red in main-arra y memory blocks by prev enting conte nt
alteration or reads, until a valid 64-bit password is received. Password Access may be
combined with Non-Volatile Protection and/or Volatile Protection to create a multi-
tiere d s olution.
Please contact your Numonyx Sales for further details concerning Password Access.
9.8.4 128-bit OTP Protection Register
J3 65 nm SBC includes a 128-bit Protection Register (PR) that can be used to increase
the security of a system design. For example, the number contained in the PR can be
used to “match” the flash component with other system components such as the CPU
or ASIC, hence preventing device substitution.
The 128-bits of the PR are divided into two 64-bit segments:
One segment is programmed at the Numonyx factory with a unique unalterable 64-
bit number.
The other segment is left blank for customer designers to program as desired. Once
the customer segment is programmed, it can be locked to prevent further
9.8.5 Reading the 128-bit OTP Protection Register
The Protection Register is read in Identification Read mode. The device is switched to
this mode by issuing the Read Id entifier c ommand (0 090h). Once in this mo de, read
cycles from addresses shown in Table 31, “Word-Wide Protection Register Addressing”
or Table 32, “Byt e-Wide Prot ec tion Register Add r es s ing” retrieve the specified
information. To return to Read Array mode, write the R ead Array command (00FFh).
9.8.6 Programming the 128-bit OTP Protection Register
PR bits are pr ogrammed using the t wo - c ycle Program OTP Register command . The 64-
bit numb er is progr a mmed 16 bits at a time for word- wide confi gurat ion and eigh t bits
at a time for by te-wide configurat ion. First write the Prot ec tion Program S etup
command , 00C0h. The next write to the device will latch in address and data and
program the specified location. The allowable addresses are shown in Table 31, “Word-
Wide Protection Register Addressing” on page 45 or Table 32, “Byte-Wide Protection
Register Addressing” on page 45. See Figure 24, “Protec tion Register P rogra mming
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
44 208032-03
Flowchart” on pa ge 56. Any attempt to address Program OTP Register command
outside the defined PR address space will result in a Status Register error (SR.4 will be
set). Attempting to program a locked PR segment will result in a Status Register error
(SR.4 and SR.1 will be set ).
9.8.7 Locking the 128-bit OTP Protection Register
The user-programmable segment of the PR is lo c kable by program m ing Bit 1 of the
Protection Lock Register (PLR) to 0. Bit 0 of this location is programmed to 0 at the
Numonyx factory to protect the unique device number. Bit 1 is set using the Protection
Program command to program “0xFFFD” to the PLR. After these bits have been
progr a mmed, no further changes can be made to the values s tored in the P r otectio n
Register. Protection Program commands to a locked section will result in a Status
Re gis ter error (SR.4 and SR.1 will be s et). The PR lockout state is not reversible.
Note: A0 is not used in x16 mode when accessing the protection register map. See Table 31 for x16 addressin g. In x8 mod e
A0 is used, see Table 32 for x8 addressing.
Table 29: Programming the 128-bit Protection Regist er Co mmand Bus-Cycles
Command First Bus Cycle Second Bus Cycle
Address Bu s Data Bus Address Bus Data Bus
Program OTP Register Device Address 00C0h Register Offset Register Data
Table 30: Programming Prot ectio n Lock Reg ist er Comman d Bus- Cycles
Command First Bus Cycle Second Bus Cycle
Address Bu s Data Bus Address Bus Data Bus
Program OTP Register Device Address 00C0h 80h FFFDh
Figure 15: 128-bit Protection Register Memory Map
64- bit Segment
( User- Programmable)
P rot ec t i on Loc k Regist er
64- bit Segment
(Factory- Programmed)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9876543210
128-Bi t P rot ec ti on Regi s ter
Word Address 1 28-Mbit: A[23:1]
64-Mbit: A[22:1]
32-Mbit: A[21:1]
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
9.8.8 VPEN Protection
When it’s necessary to protect the entire arr ay, global pro tecti on can be achi eved u sing
a hardware mechanism using VPEN. Whenever a valid voltage is present on VPEN,
block s within the main fla s h array c an be erased or programmed. By grounding V PEN,
bloc ks wit hin the main a r ray cannot be alte r e d – a tt em pts to prog ram or eras e blocks
will fa il resu lting in the setting of the a p propri a te error bit in th e Status Register. By
hold ing VPEN low, ab s olute w r ite protec tion of a ll blocks in the a r ray can b e achiev ed.
Table 31: Word-W ide Pro t ection Regist er Addressing
Word Use A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1
LOCK Both 10000000
0 Factory 10000001
1 Factory 10000010
2 Factory 10000011
3 Factory 10000100
4 User 10000101
5 User 10000110
6 User 10000111
7 User 10001000
Note: All addre ss l i nes not specified i n the above tab l e must be 0 when ac c essing the P rotectio n Regis t er (i.e., A[MAX:9] = 0.)
Table 32: Byte-Wide Protection Register Addressing
Note: All address li nes not specified in the abov e table must be 0 when acce ss i ng the Prot ection R eg i s t er, i.e., A[MAX:9] = 0.
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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46 208032-03
10.0 ID Codes
Table 33: Read Identifier Codes
Code Address Data
Device Code
32-Mbit 00001h 0016h
64-Mbit 00001h 0017h
128-Mbit 00001h 0018h
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
11.0 Device Command Codes
For a complete definition on device oper ations refer to Section 8.4, “Devi ce Commands”
on page 33. The list of all applicable commands are included here one more time for
the conven ience.
Note: Some customer applications use illegal or invalid commands (like 0x00) accidentally or
intent ional ly wi th t he devi ce. A n ille gal or in v alid co mmand c aused the device o utpu t to
change to Array R e ad mode on 130nm. On the 65nm device, the output will change to
R ead Status Register mode.
After an ill eg a l or invali d c om m and , s oftware may attem p t to read the de vi c e. If the
illegal command was intentional, software will expect to read array data on 130nm
device, such as 0xFFFF in an unprogrammed location. On the 65nm device, software
may not get the expected array dat a and in stead the stat us register is read.
Please refer to the legal and v alid commands/spec defined in the Datasheet, such as
forr e a d mode, issue 0xFF to Read Ar ray mo d e, 0x90 to Read Sig nature , 0x98 to Read
CFI/OTP array mode.
Table 34: Command Bus Cycles and Command Codes
Command Setup Write Cycle Confirm Write Cy cle
Address Bus Data Bu s Address Bus Data Bus
Program Enhanced Configuration Register Register Data 0060h Register Data 0004h
Program OTP Register Device Address 00C0h Register Offset Register Data
Clear Status Register Device Address 0050h
Progr am STS Configur ation Register Device Address 00B8h Dev ice Addres s Reg is ter Data
Read Modes
Read Array Device Addre ss 00FF h
Read Status Regis ter Device Address 0070h
Read Identifier Codes (Read Device Information) Device Address 0090h
CFI Query Device Address 0098h
Program and Erase
Word/B yt e P rogra m Device Addr ess 0040h/
0010h Device Address Array Data
Buffered Program Block Address 00E8h Block Address 00D0h
Block Erase Block Address 0020h Block Address 00D0h
Program/Er ase Suspend Device Address 00B0h
Program/Erase Resu me Device Address 00D0h
Set Block Lock Bit Block Address 0060h Block Address 0001h
Clear Block Lock Bits Devic e Address 0060h Device Address 00D0h
Blank Check
Blank Check Block Address 00BCh Block Address 00D0h
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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48 208032-03
12.0 Flow Charts
1. The device defaults to output SR data after the Buffered Programming Setup comm an d (E 8h ) is issu e d. CE# and OE #
must be toggled to update Statu s Register. Don’t issue the Read SR command (70h), which would be interpreted by th e
internal state machine as Buffer Word Count.
Figure 16: Write to Buffer Flowchart
-Write 0xE8
- Bl ock A ddress
Check Buffer Status
- Perform Read Operati on
- Read Ready Status on s ignal SR.7
(Note 1)
SR.7 = 1 ?
Word Count
- Address = block address
-Data = word count m inus 1
(Valid range = 0x00 to 0xFF)
Load Buffer
- Fill write buffer up to word count
- Address = within buffer range
- Data = User data
-Write 0xD0
- Bl ock address
Read Status Register (SR)
SR.7 = 1 ?
Full Status Register Check(if
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Figur e 17 : Status Register Flowchart
SR 7 = '1'
SR 2 = '1'
SR 4 = '1'
SR 3 = '1'
SR 1 = '1'
SR 6 = '1' Yes
SR 5 = '1'
C om m and Sequence
Eras e Failure
Program Failure
- Set b y W SM
- R eset b y u ser
- See C l ear Statu s
R eg i ster
- Set/ R eset
by WSM
SR 4 = '1' Yes
Command Cycle
- I s s ue Stat us Regis t er C om m and
- Addres s = any devic e addres s
- D at a = 0x70
Erase Susp en d
See Suspend/ R es um e F lowchart
Pr o g r am Su sp en d
See Suspend/ R es um e F lowchart
< V
Block Locked
D ata C ycl e
- Read Status R egis t er SR [ 7: 0]
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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50 208032-03
Figure 18: Byte/Word Program Flow chart
Write 40H,
Write Data and
Read Status
SR.7 =
Full Status
Check if Desired
Program Complete
Read Status
Register Data
(See Above)
Voltage Range Error
Device Protect Error
Programming Error
SR.3 =
SR.1 =
SR.4 =
1. Toggling OE# (low to high to low) updates the status register. T his
can be done in place of issuing the Read Status Register command.
Repeat for s ubsequent programming operations.
SR full status check can be done after each program operation, or
after a s equence of programming operations.
Writ e F F H after the last program operat ion t o plac e device in read
array mode.
Toggling OE# (low to high to low) updates the status register. This can
be done in place of issuing t he Read Status Register command.
Repeat for s ubsequent programming operations.
SR.4, SR.3 and SR.1 are only cleared by the Clear Status Regis ter
command in cases where multiple locations are programmed before
full stat us is checked.
If an error is detected, clear the stat us register before at tempting retry
or other error recov ery.
Setup Byte/
Word P rogram
Data = 40H
Addr = Location to Be Programmed
Data = Data to Be Programmed
Addr = Location to Be Programmed
Check SR. 7
1 = WSM Ready
0 = WSM Busy
Command Comments
Check SR. 3
1 = Programming to Voltage Error
Check SR. 4
1 = Programming Error
(Note 1) S tatus Register Data
Check SR. 1
1 = Device Protect Detect
RP# = V
, Block Lock-Bit Is Set
Only required for systems
implemeting lock-bit conf iguration.
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Figure 19: Program Suspend/Resume Flowchart
Write B0H
Read Status Register
SR.7 =
SR.2 = Programmi ng Completed
Write D0H
Programming Resumed
Write FFH
Read Array Data
Operation Command Comments
Write Program
Suspend Data = B0H
Addr = X
Read Status Register Data
Addr = X
Standby Check SR.7
1 - WSM Ready
0 = WSM Busy
Standby Check SR.6
1 = Programming Suspended
0 = Programming Completed
Read Read array locations other
than that being programmed.
Write FFH
Read Data Array
Done Reading
Write Read Array Data = FFH
Addr = X
Write Program
Resume Data = D0H
Addr = X
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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52 208032-03
Figure 20: Block Erase Flowchart
Status Register
SR.7 =
Erase Flash
Block(s) Complete
Fu ll Status
Check if Desired
Suspend Erase
Issue Single Block Erase
Command 20H, Block
Erase Loop
Write Confirm D0H
Bl oc k Address
Operation Command Comments
Write Erase Bl ock Data = 20H
Addr = Block Address
Write (Note 1) Erase
Confirm Data = D0H
Addr = Block Address
Status regis ter data
With the dev ic e enabled,
OE# low updates SR
Addr = X
Standby Check SR.7
1 = WSM Ready
0 = WSM Bu sy
1. The Erase Confirm byte must follow Erase Setup.
This device does not support erase queuing. Please see
Application note AP-646 For software erase queuing
Full status check can be done after all erase and write
sequenc es compl ete. Write FFH after the last operation to
reset the de vice to read arr ay mode.
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Figure 21: Block Erase Suspend/Resume Flowchar t
Wr ite B0H
Read Status Reg i ster
SR.7 =
SR.6 = Bl ock Erase Com pleted
Read or Program?
Wr ite D0H
Block Erase Resu m ed
Write FFH
Read Array Data
Read Array
Operation Command Comments
Write Erase Susp end Data = B0H
Addr = X
Read Status Register Data
Addr = X
Standby Check SR.7
1 - WSM Ready
0 = WSM Busy
Standby Check SR.6
1 = Block Erase Suspen ded
0 = Block Erase Com pleted
Write Erase Resum e Data = D0H
Addr = X
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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54 208032-03
Figure 22: Set Block Lock-Bit Flowchart
Write 60H,
Block Address
Write 01H,
Block Address
Read Status Register
SR. 7 =
Full Status
Check if Desired
Set Lock-Bit Complete
Set Block Lock-Bit
Data = 60H
Addr =Block Address
Read Status Register
Data (See Above)
Voltage Range ErrorSR. 3 = 1
Command Sequence
SR .4 ,5 = 1
Set Lock-Bit ErrorSR. 4 = 1
Set Lock-Bit
Command Comments
Check SR.3
1 = Programming Voltage Error
SR.5, S R.4 and SR.3 are only cleared by the Clear Status Register
command, in cases where multiple lock-bits are set before full status is
If an error is detected, clear the status register before attempting retry
or other error recovery.
Standby Check SR.4, 5
Both 1 = Command Se quenc e
Standby Check SR.4
1 = Set Lock-Bit Error
Write Set Block Lock-Bit
Confirm Data = 01H
Addr = Block Address
Repeat for subsequent lock-bit operations.
Full status check can be done after each lock-bit set operation or after
a sequence of lock-bit set operations.
Write FFH after the last lock-bit set operation to place device in read
array mode.
Check SR.7
1 = WSM Ready
0 = WSM Busy
Read Status Register Data
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Figure 23: Clear Lock-Bit Flowchart
Write 60H
Write D0H
Read Status Register
SR.7 =
Full Status
Check if Desired
Clear Block Lock-Bits
Write FFH af te r the clear lock-bit s opera tion to place dev ice in read
array mode.
SR.5, SR.4, and SR.3 are only cleared by the Clear Status Register
If an error is detected, clear the status register before attempting retry
or other error recover y.
Clear Block
Lock -B its Set up
Clear Bl ock or
Lock-Bits Confirm
Data = 60H
Addr = X
Data = D0H
Addr = X
Check SR.7
1 = WSM Ready
0 = WSM Busy
Command Comments
Check SR. 3
1 = Programm in g Vol tag e Error
Read Status Register
Data (See Above)
Voltage Range ErrorSR.3 = 1
Command Sequence
SR.4,5 = 1
Clear Block Lock-Bi ts
SR.5 = 1
Read Status Register Data
Standby Check SR.4, 5
Both 1 = Com m and Se quen ce
Standby Check SR.5
1 = Clear Block Lock-Bi ts Error
Clear Block Lock-Bits
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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56 208032-03
Figure 24: Protection Register Programming Flowchart
Write C0H
(Protection Reg.
Program Setup)
Write Protect. Register
Read Status Register
SR.7 = 1?
Full Status
Check if Desired
Program Complete
Read Status Register
Data (See Above)
Range Error
Protection Register
Programming Er ror
Attempted Program to
Locked Register -
Program Successful
SR.3, SR.4 =
SR.1, SR.4 =
SR.1, SR.4 =
Bus Operation
Protection Program operations can only be addressed within the protection
register address space. Addresses outside the defined space will return an
Repeat for subsequent programming operations.
SR Full Status Check can be done after each program or after a sequence of
program operations.
Write FFH after the last program operation to reset device to read array mode
Bus Operation
SR.3 MUST be cleared, if set during a program attempt, before further
attempts are allowed by the Write State Machine.
SR.1, SR.3 and SR.4 are only cleared by the Clear Staus Register Command
in cases of multiple protection register program operations before full status is
If an error is detected, clear the status register before attempting retry or othe
error recovery.
1, 1
Protection Program
Protection Program
Data = C0H
Data = Data to Program
Addr = Location to Program
Check SR.7
1 = WSM Ready
0 = WSM Busy
Command Comments
SR.1 SR.3 SR.4
0 1 1 V
0 0 1 Prot. Reg.
Prog. Error
1 0 1 Register
Read Status Register Data Toggle
CE# or OE# to Update Status
Register Data
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
13.0 Common Flash Interface
The CFI specification outlines device and host system software interrogation handshake
which allows specific vendor-specified software algorithms to be used for entire families
of device s. Th is allows device ind ependent, JEDEC ID-independen t, and forward- and
backward-compatible software support for the specified flash device families. It allows
flash vendors to stan da r dize th eir existing in ter faces f or long-term compatibil ity.
This section defines the data structure or “database” returned by the (CFI) Query
command. System software should parse this structure to gain critical information such
as block size, density, x8/x16, and electrical specifications. Once this information has
been obtained, the software will know w hich comm and s ets to use to enable flash
writes , block erases, and otherwis e c ontrol the flash component. Th e Query is part of
an overall specification for multiple command set and control interface descriptions
called CFI.
13.1 Query Structure Output
The Query “database” allows system software to gain information for controlling the
flash component. This section describes the device’ s CFI-compliant interface that allows
the host system to access Query data.
Query data are always pr es ented on th e lowest-ord er data outputs ( D[ 7: 0]) only. The
numerical offset value is the address relative to the maximum bus width supported by
the device. On this family of devices, the Query table device starting address is a 10h,
which is a word address for x16 devices.
F or a word-w ide (x16) devic e, the first two b ytes of th e Query stru cture, “Q” and “R ” i n
ASCII, appear on the low byte at word addresses 10h and 11h. This CFI-compliant
device outputs 00h data on upper bytes. Thus, the device outputs ASCII “Q” in the low
byte (D[7:0]) and 00h in the high byte (D[15:8]).
At Query addresses containing two or more bytes of information, the least significant
data byte is presente d at the lower address, and the most significant data byte is
presented at the higher address.
In all of the following tables, addresses and data are represented in hexadecimal
notation, so the “h” suffix has been dropped. In additio n, since the u pper by te of word-
wide dev ic es is always “00h,” the leading “00” has been dropp ed from the t a ble
notation an d only th e lower b yte va lue is sh own. Any x1 6 device outputs c a n be
assumed to have 00 h on the upper byt e in this mode.
Table 35: Summary of Query Structure Outp ut as a Function of Device and Mode
Query start location in
maximum device bus
width addresses
Query data with maximum devic e
bus width addressing Query data with byte addressing
Offset Hex Code ASCII
Value Hex
Offset Hex C ode ASCII
x16 device 10h 10: 0051 “Q” 20: 51 “Q”
x16 mode 11: 0052 “R” 21: 00 “Null”
12: 0059 “Y” 22: 52 “R”
x16 device 20: 51 “Q”
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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58 208032-03
13.2 Query Structure Overview
The Query comman d c a us es the flash component to dis play th e Common Flash
Interface (CFI) Query structure or “database.The structure sub-sections and address
locations are summarized below. See AP-646 Common Flash Interface (CFI) and
Command Sets (order number 292204) for a fu ll description of CFI.
The following sections describe the Query structure sub-sections in detail.
x8 mod e N/A (1) N/A(1) 21: 51 “Q”
22: 52 “R”
1. The system must driv e the lo west order ad dres ses to access a ll the devic e's ar ray data when the devic e is configured in
x8 mode. Therefore, word addressing, wher e th ese lower addresse s are no t tog gled by the system, is "No t Appl i c able"
for x8-configured devi ce s.
Table 36: Exam ple of Query Str ucture Output of a x16- and x8-Capable Device
Word Addressing Byte Addressing
Offset Hex Code Value Offset Hex Code Value
A15–A0 D15–D0A7–A0 D7–D0
0010h 0051 “Q” 20h 51 “Q”
0011h 0052 “R 21h 51 “Q”
0012h 0059 “Y” 22h 52 “R”
0013h P_IDLO PrVendor 23h 52 “R
0014h P_IDHI ID # 24h 59 “Y”
0015h PLO PrVendor 25h 59 “Y”
0016h PHI TblAdr 26h P_IDLO PrVendor
0017h A_IDLO AltVendor 27h P_IDLO PrVendor
0018h A_IDHI ID # 2 8 h P_IDHI ID #
... ... ... ... ... ...
Table 35: Summary of Query Structure Output as a Function of Device and Mode
Query start location in
maximum device bus
width addresses
Query data with maximum device
bus width addressing Query data w ith byte addressing
Offset Hex Code ASCII
Value Hex
Offset Hex Code ASCII
Table 37: Query Structure
Offset Sub-Section Name Description Notes
00h Identification Code Manufacturer Code 1
01h Identification Code Device Code 1
(BA+2)h(2) Block Status Register Block-Specific Information 1,2
04-0Fh Reserv ed Res erved for Vend or-Speci f i c Inf ormation 1
10h CFI Query Identification String Reserved for Vendor-Specific Information 1
1Bh System Interface Information Command Set ID and Vendor Data Offset 1
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
13.3 Block Status Register
The Block Status Register indicates whether an erase operation completed successfully
or whether a giv en block is locked or can be accessed for flash progr am/erase
13.4 CFI Query Identificati on String
The CFI Que ry Identification String prov ides verifi c a ti on that the c omponent su p ports
the Common Flash Interface specification. It also indicates the specification version and
supported vendor-specified command set(s).
27h Device Geometry Definition Flash Device Layout 1
P(3) Primary Numonyx-Specific Extended
Query Table Vendor-Defined Additional Information Specific to
the Primary Vendor Algorithm 1,3
1. Refer to the Query Structure Output section and offset 28h for the detailed definition of offset address as a
fun ction of device bus wid th and mode.
2. BA = Block Address beginning location (i.e., 02000h is block 2’s beginning location when the block size is
128 KB).
3. Offset 15 defines “P” which points to the Primar y Numonyx-Specific Extended Query Table.
Table 37: Query Structu re
Offset Sub-Section Name Description Notes
Table 38: Block Status Register
Offset Length Description Address Value
(BA+2)h(1) 1
Block Lock Sta t u s Regi ster BA+2 : --00 or --01
BSR.0 Block Lock Status
0 = Unlocked
1 = Locked BA+2: (bit 0): 0 or 1
BSR 1–15: Reserved for Future Use BA+2: (bit 1–15): 0
1. BA = The beginning location of a Block Address (i.e., 010000h is block 1’s (64-KW block) beginning location in word
Table 39: CFI Identification
Offset Length Description Add. Hex
Code Value
10h 3 Query-unique ASCII string “QRY”
10 --51 “Q”
11: --52 “R
12: --59 “Y”
13h 2 Primary vendor command set and control interface ID code. 13: --01
16-bit ID code for vendor-specified algorithms 14: --00
15h 2 Extended Query Table primary algorithm address 15: --31
16: --00
17h 2 Alternate vendor command set and control interface ID code. 17: --00
0000h means no second vendor- specified algorithm exists 18: --00
19h 2 Secondary algorithm Extended Query Table address. 19: --00
0000h means none exists 1A: --00
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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60 208032-03
13.5 Sys tem Interface Information
The foll owing device info r mat ion can opti m ize system inte r fa c e so ft ware.
13.6 Device Geometry Definition
This f ield provides c r itical details of the flas h device geometry.
Table 4 0: System In terf a ce Infor m ation
Offset Length Description Add. Hex
Code Value
1Bh 1 VCC logic supply minimum program/erase voltage
bits 0–3 BCD 100 mV
bits 4–7 BCD volts 1B: --27 2.7 V
1Ch 1 VCC logic supply maximum program/erase voltage
bits 0–3 BCD 100 mV
bits 4–7 BCD volts 1C: --36 3.6 V
1Dh 1 VPP [programmi ng] suppl y mi ni mum program/era se vol t a ge
bits 0–3 BCD 100 mV
bits 4–7 HEX volts 1D: --00 0.0 V
1Eh 1 VPP [programmin g] su pply ma xim u m program/erase voltage
bits 0–3 BCD 100 mV
bits 4–7 HEX volts 1E: --00 0.0 V
1Fh 1 n” such that typical single word program time-out = 2n µs 1F: --06 64 µs
20h 1 “n” such tha t ty pi ca l ma x. buffer wr i t e tim e -ou t = 2n µs 20: --07 1 128 µs 1
21h 1 “n” such tha t typi cal bl oc k erase t ime-out = 2n ms 21: --0A 1 s
22h 1 n” such that typical full chip erase time-out = 2n ms 22: - -00 NA
23h 1 “n” such that maximum word program time-out = 2n times typical 23: --02 256 µs
24h 1 “n” such that ma ximum buffer wr i te time -out = 2 n times typical 24: --03 1024µs
25h 1 “n” such that maximum block erase time-out = 2n times typical 25: --02 4 s
26h 1 “n” such that maximum chip erase time-out = 2n times typical 26: --00 NA
1. The value is 32 Bytes buffer write typical time out
Table 41: Device Geometry Definition (Sheet 1 of 2)
Offset Length Description Code See Table Below
27h 1 “n” such tha t device size = 2 n in number of bytes 27:
28h 2 Flash devi ce inte r f a ce: x8 asyn c x16 async x8/x16 async 28: --02 x8/
28:00,29:00 28:01,29:00 28:02,29:00 29: --00
2Ah 2 “n” such that maximum number of bytes in write buffer = 2n2A: --05 132 1
2B: --00
2Ch 1
Numb e r o f era se bloc k r egions wi t h i n device:
1. x = 0 means no erase blocking; the device erases in “bulk”
2. x specifies the number of device or partition regions with one or more
contiguous same-size erase blocks
3. Symmetrica lly block ed partitions have one blocking regi on
4. Partition size = (total blocks) x (individual block size)
2C: --01 1
1. The value is 32 Bytes buffer write typical time out
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 61
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
13.7 Primary-Vendor Specific Extended Query Table
Certain flash features and commands are optional. The Primary Vendor-Specific
Extended Query ta ble spe c ifies this and other simi lar info r m a tion.
2Dh 4
Erase Block Region 1 Information 2D:
bits 0–15 = y, y+1 = number of identical-size erase blocks 2E:
bits 16–31 = z, region erase block(s) size are z x 256 bytes 2F:
1. Compatible with J3 130nm device (32 bytes). J3 65 nm SBC device supports up to maximum 256 words (x16 mode)/
256 bytes (x8 mode) buffer write.
Table 42: Device Geometry: Address Codes
Address 32 Mbit 64 Mbit 128 Mbit
27: --16 --17 --18
28: --02 --02 --02
29: --00 --00 --00
2D: --1F --3F --7F
30: --02 --02 --02
Tabl e 41: Device Geometry Defini tion (Sheet 2 of 2)
Offset Length Descriptio n C ode See Tabl e Below
Table 43: Primary Vendor-Specific Extended Query (Sheet 1 of 2)
P = 31h Length Description
(Optional Flash Features and Commands) Add. Hex
Code Value
(P+0)h 3 Primary extended query ta ble 31: --5 0 “P”
(P+1)h Uniq ue ASCII string “PRI” 32: --52 “R”
(P+2)h 33: --49 “I”
(P+3)h 1 Major version number, ASCII 34: --31 “1”
(P+4)h 1 Minor version number, ASCII 35: --31 “1”
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
62 208032-03
4Optional feature and command support (1=yes, 0=no)
Undefined bits are “0.” If bit 31 is
“1” then another 31 bit field of optional features follows at
the end of the bit-30 field.
36: --CE
37: --00
38: --00
39: --00
bit 0 Chip erase supported bit 0 = 0 N o
bit 1 Suspend er as e supported bit 1 = 1 Yes
bit 2 Suspend program supported bit 2 = 1 Yes
bit 3 Legacy lock/unlock supported bit 3 = 1 Yes
bit 4 Queued erase supported bit 4 = 0 No
bit 5 Instant Individual block locking supported bit 5 = 0 No
bit 6 Protection bits supported bit 6 = 1 Yes
bit 7 Page-mode read supported bit 7 = 1 Yes
bit 8 Synchronous read supported bit 8 = 0 No
bit9 Simultaneous Ope ration Supported bit 9 = 0 No
bit 30 CFI Link(s) to follow (32, 64, 128 Mb) bit 30 = 0 No
bit 31 Another “Optional Feature” field to follow bit 31 = 0 No
(P+9)h 1
Supported functions after suspend: read Array, Status, Query
Other supported operations are:
bits 1–7 reserved; undefined bits are “0” 3A: --01
bit 0 Program suppor ted after eras e suspend bit 0 = 1 Yes
(P+B)h 2
Block Status Register mask 3B: --01
bits 2–15 are Reserved; undefined bits are “0” 3C: --00
bit 0 Block Lock-Bit Status register active bit 0 = 1 Yes
bit 1 Block Lock-Down Bit Status active bit 1 = 0 No
(P+C)h 1 VCC logic supply high es t perfo rma nce program/erase voltage
bits 0–3 BCD value in 100 mV
bits 4–7 BCD value in volts 3D: --33 3.3 V
(P+D)h 1 VPP optimum program/erase supply voltage
bits 0–3 BCD value in 100 mV
bits 4–7 HEX value in volts 3E: --00 0.0 V
1. Setting this bit, will lead to the extension of the CFI table.
Table 43: Primary Vendor-Specific Extend ed Query (Sheet 2 of 2)
P = 31h Length Description
(Optional Flash Features and Commands) Add. Hex
Code Value
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Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Table 44: P r otecti on Regist er Infor matio n
P = 31 h Length Description
(Optional Flash Features and Commands) Add. Hex
Code Value
(P+E)h 1 Number of Protection r egister fi elds in JEDEC ID space.
“00h, indicates that 256 protection bytes are available 3F: --01 01
Protecti on Field 1: Prot e ction Desc ript ion
This field des cribes user-availab l e One Ti me P rogra mmab l e (OTP)
protection regis ter byte s. S om e are pre-p r ogramme d with de vic e-
unique serial numbers. Others are us er-programmab l e. Bits 0-15 point
to the protection register lock byte, the section’s first byte. The
following byte s a re factory pre-pro gramm e d a nd us er-programmable.
bits 0-7 = Lock/bytes JEDEC-plane physical low address
bits 8-15 = Lock/bytes JEDEC-plane physical high address
bits 16-23 = “n” such that 2n = factory pre -programmed byte s
bits 24-31 = “n” such that 2n = user-programmable bytes
1. The variable P is a pointer which is defined at CFI offset 15h.
Table 45: Burst Read Information
P = 31h Length Description
(Optional Flash Features and Commands) Add. Hex
Code Value
(P+13)h 1
Page Mode Read capability
bits 0–7 = “n” such that 2n HEX v al ue rep r es ents the number of read-
page bytes. See offset 28h for device word width to determine page-
mode data outpu t width . 00h indicate s no r ead page buff e r.
44: --04 16 byte
(P+14)h 1 Nu mber of synchronous mode read configuration fields that follow. 00h
indicates no burst capab ility. 45: --00 0
(P+15)h 1
Synchronous Mode Read Cap ability Configuration 1
Bits 3-7 = Reserved
bits 0-2 = “n” such that 2n+1 HEX v a l ue represents t he maxi mum
number of continuous synchronous burst reads when the device is
configured for its maximum word width. A value of 07h indicates that
the device is capable of continuous linear bursts until that will output
data until the internal burst counter reaches the end of the device’s
burstable address space. Thi s fiel d’s 3-bit value can be writt e n dire ctly
to the Read Configuration R egister Bits 0-2 if the device is configured for
its maximum word width. See offset 1Fh for word width to determine
the burst data output width.
46: --00 n/a
(P+16h)h 1 Synchronous Mode Read Cap abili ty Conf iguration 2 47: --00 n/a
(P+45h)h 1 J3C mark for VIL fix for customers 76: --01 01
1. The variable P is a pointer which is defined at CFI offset 15h.
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
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64 208032-03
Appendix A Additional Information
Orde r Number Docume nt/Tool
316577 Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 v D); 28F256J3D , 28F128J3D, 28F640J3D ,
28F320J3D Specification Update
298136 Numonyx® P ers is tent Sto rage Manager (PSM) User’s Guide Software Manual
292204 AP-646 Common Flash Interface (CFI) and Command Sets
319942 Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3-65nm_256-Mbit_MLC Datasheet)
Note: Contact your local Numonyx or distribution sales office or visit the Numonyx home page http://www.numonyx.com for
technical documentation, tools, or the most current information on Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm)
Single Bit per Cell (SBC) .
Jan 2011 Datasheet
208032-03 65
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Appendix B Ordering Information
Note: The last digit is randomly assigned to cover packing media and/or features or other
spec ific con figuration.
Note: For further information on ordering produ cts or for product part numbe rs, go to:http://
Figur e 25: Decod er f or 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit
Table 46: Valid Combinat ions
32-Mbit 64-Mbit 128-Mbit
JS28F320J3F75* JS28F640J3F75* JS28F128J3F75*
RC28F320J3F75* RC28F640J3F75* RC28F128J3F75*
PC28F320J3F75* PC28F640J3F75* PC28F128J3F75*
JS = Pb -Free 56-TSOP
RC = 64-Ball Easy B GA
PC = 6 4-Ba ll Pb -Free Ea sy BGA
P ro duct Line Design ator
Numonyx® Fla sh Memory
Device Density
128 = 128-Mbit
640 = 64 -Mbit
320 = 32 -Mbit
Access S peed
F = 65nm
Voltage (VCC/VPEN)
3 = 3 V /3 V
Product Family
J = Numo n yx®
Em bedded
Flash Memory
Device Features *
Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
66 208032
Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.
©2010 Micron Technolo
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Micron and the Micron logo are trademarks of Micron Technology, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This data sheet contains minimum and maximum limits specified over the power supply and temperature range set
forth herein.
Although considered final, these specifications are subject to change, as further product development and data
characterization sometimes occur.