Numonyx® Embedded Flash Memory (J3 65 nm) Single Bit per Cell (SBC)
Datasheet Jan 2011
18 208032-03
4.3 S ignal Descriptions
Table 3 lists the active signals used on J3 65 nm SBC and provides a description of
Table 3: Signal De scriptions for J3 65 nm SBC
Symbol Type Name and Function
A0 Input BYTE-SELECT ADDRESS: Selects between high and low byte when the device is in x8 mode. This
address is latche d during a x8 program cycle. Not used in x16 mode (i.e., the A0 input buffe r is
turned off when BYTE# is high).
A[MAX:1] Input
ADDRESS INPUTS: Inputs for addresses during read and program operations. Addresses are
internally latched during a program cycle:
32-Mbit — A[21:1]
64-Mbit— A[22:1]
128-Mbit — A[23:1]
DQ[7:0] Input/
LOW-B YTE DATA BUS : Inputs data during buffer writes and programming, and inputs commands
during CUI writes. Outputs array, CFI, identifier, or status data in the appropriate read mode. Data
is internally latched during write operations.
DQ[15:8] Input/
HIGH-BYTE DATA BUS: In pu ts data dur in g x16 buff er write s and pro grammin g ope rations.
Outputs array, CFI, or identifier data in the appropriate read mode; not used for Status Register
reads. Data is internally latched during write operations in x16 mode. D[15:8] float in x8 mode.
CE[2:0] Input
CHIP ENABLE: Activates the 32-, 64-, 128-Mbit devices’ control logic, input buffers, decoders, and
sense ampl i fiers. When t he device is de-selected (see Table 17, “Chip Enable Truth Table
for 32-, 64-, 128-M b” on page 30), power reduces to standby levels.
All timing specifications are the same for these three signals. Device selection occurs with the first
edge of CE0, CE1, or CE2 that enables the device. Device deselection occurs with the first edge of
CE0, CE1 , o r CE 2 that d i sables the device (see Table 17, “Chip Enable Truth Table for
32-, 64-, 128-Mb” on page 30).
RP# Input RESET: R P#-low resets internal automation and puts the device in power-down mode. RP#-high
enables normal operatio n. Exit from reset sets the device to read array mode. When driven low,
RP# inhibits write operations which provides data protection during power transitions.
OE# Input OUTPUT ENABLE: Activates the device’s outputs through the data buffers during a read cycle.
OE# is active low.
WE# Input WRITE ENABLE: Controls writes to the CUI, the Write Buffer, and array blocks. WE# is active low.
Addresses a nd da ta are latch ed on the risin g ed ge of WE#.
STS Open Drain
STATUS: Indicates the status of the internal state machine. When configured in level mode
(default), it acts as a RY/BY# signal. When configured in one of its pulse modes, it can pulse to
indicate progr am and/or er ase completion. For alternate configuration s of the Status signal, see the
Configur atio ns command and Sec tio n 9.7, “St atu s Si gnal” on page 41. STS is to be tied
to VCCQ with a pull-up resistor.
BYTE# Input
BYTE EN ABLE: BYTE#-lo w plac es the devic e in x8 mode; data is input or output on D[7:0], while
D[1 5:8 ] is pl ac ed in H igh - Z . A ddress A0 sel e ct s b et we en th e hig h and l ow by te. BY T E# -h ig h pl ac es
the device in x16 mode, and turns off the A0 input buff er, the ad dress A 1 become s the lowe st- order
address bit.
VPEN Input ERA SE / P ROGRAM / BLOCK LOCK ENABLE: For erasing array blocks, pro gramm ing da ta, or
configuring lock - b its.
With V PEN ≤ VPENLK, memory contents cannot be altered.
VCC Power CORE Power Supply: Core ( logic ) source voltag e. W rit es to the f lash arr ay are inhib ited wh en VCC
≤ VLko.
Caution: Device operation at invalid Vcc voltages should not be attempted.
VCCQ Power I/O Power Supply: Pow e r suppl y for Input /O u t put b u ffers.Thi s ball can be tie d directly to VCC.
VSS Supply GROUND: Ground reference for device logic voltages. Connect to system ground.
NC — No Connect: Lead is not internally connected; it may be driven or floated.
RFU — Reserved for Future Use: Balls designated as RFU are reserved by Numonyx for future device
functionality and enhancement.