low profile TL COMPATIBLE Mini DIP YED PULSE ie ATOR MODULE pulse of the specified width and at the specified time for each positive e T7L FAST input and outputs input step. Itis necessary only that the input step be held positive for atleast 10ns in order to obtain the desired output pulse. The duration @ Pulse widths stable and precise of the positive input pulse, after this time, has no effect on the output @ 8-pin DIP package pulse width. No output pulse will occur on the negative input pulse transition, Time between trigger inputs must be a minimum of twice @ Leads - Thru-hole, J, Gull Wing or Tucked the sum of the delay time and output pulse width specified, Both pulse width and delay time tolerance are maintained as shown in the accompanying Part Number Table, when tested under the Test @ 10 T2L fan-out capacity Conditions" shown. Pulse widthis measured atthe +1.5V level on both leading and trailing edges. Rise and fall times are less than 3ns, when measured from 8 to 2.0V. These modules are capable of driving 10 T#Lloads. Temperature coefficient of delay is approximately +800ppm a d as { Nn Nn otes C and of pulse width is approximately -600ppm/C over the operating temperature range of Ota +70C. The "Mini Dip Series" Delayed Pulse Generator Modules devel- These Mini DIP Series" modules are packaged in an &-pin DIP oped by Engineered Components Company have been designed housing, molded of flame-proof Diallyl Phthalate per MIL-M-14, Type to provide precise output pulse widths at specified delay times after S0G-F, and are fully encapsulated in epoxy resin. Thru-hole, J, Gull input trigger when triggered by variable width inputs. Allrequired = Wing or Tucked Lead configurations are available on these modules @ Available in pulse widths from 5 to 90ns driving and output circuitry, as well as timing components, are (see Part Number Table note to specify). Leads meet the solderability contained in an &-pin DIP package. These pulse generator requirements of MIL-STD-202, Method 208. Corner standoffs on the modules are of hybrid construction utilizing the proven technolo- housing of the thru-hole lead version and lead design of the surface gies of active integrated circuitry and of passive networks utilizing mount versions provide pasitive standoff from the printed circuit board capacitive, inductive and resistive elements. The MTBF on these to permit solder-fillet formation and flush cleaning of solder-flux modules, when calculated per MIL-HDBK-217 for a 50C ground residues for improved reliability. fixed environment, isin excess of 3 millian hours. These modules are compatible with T*L FAST circuits and require no external Marking consists of manufacturer's logo (EC), Federal Supply components in order to obtain the specified output pulse. Code, part number, pin one (1) identification and date code of manufacture. All marking is applied by silk screen process using white The MOFOPGM-TTLis available in 19 pulse widthsand 1Stime epoxy paint in accordance with MIL-STD-130, to meet the perma- delays from 5 to 90ns. These modules provide a stable TAL output nency of identification required by MIL-STO-202, Method 215. 2 a = ff engineered components company 3580 SACRAMENTO DRIVE @ P.O. BOX 6121, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93403-8121 (805) 544-3800 @ OUTSIDE CALIFORNIA (800) 235-4144 @ FAX (805) 544-8091BLOCK DIAGRAM IS SHOWN BELOW Vec INPUT 8 5 1 x x x I l l | DELAY PULSE | I LINE [7] GENERATOR 1 | \ | 4 GROUND MECHANICAL DETAIL IS SHOWN BELOW .50 +| Pin No, 8 5 = WV IM MDFDPGM- TTL-__-_. e OUT c Pin No. 1 4 fe oad teas MADE IN SLO USA | ia x *| .260 130 .010 O60 5 ae TYP. 20 DIA. TYP. be 150 TYP. f Se aaa 2B a, eee 020-14. orale TYP. T i: | | oo a 150) Thru-hole Lead 'Y O3OTYP_| fe +80 aaa ol.tfel TYP. Gull Wing Lead + 285 | aoe a peer: 0d | TYP. AZ5 + 445 REF. og0TYP.| |< zi 285 ol t50 J Lead | c oe [+ 150 TYP. Hl oO "1 i bis te 285 H[<.010 | \: | TYP.|| s _+ oaoTyPe| [+ Tucked Lead TEST CONDITIONS 1. All measurements are made at 25C. 2. Voc supply voltage is maintained at 5.0 BC. 3. All units are tested using a FAST toggle-type positive input pulse and one FAST TL load at the output. 4. Input pulse width used is 10nsfor all modules; repetition rate is approximately 200kHz. OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS Vee supply voltage: 2... ee ee 4.75 to 5.25V DC Vee supply current: CornstantsGt lite ate eke bo eee 30mA typical Constantin eee ee ee 30mA typical Logic 1 Input: Voltage eee ee ee ee 2V min.; Vee max. Current .+.+. cee eee ee ee ee APY = 20UA maN, 5.5 = 1mA max. Logic 0 Input: Voltage . ee ee AV max. Current 2 ea a eee eee ee ee = BMA MAX. Logic 1 Voltage ouk + 6 ee ee ee ee BP min. Logic 0 Voltage oul. ee ee ee eee OV Max, Operating temperature range: + +++: Oto 70C, Storage temperatura: eee ee ee BG to 4 125C. Delay increases or decreases approximately 2% for a respective increase or decrease of 5% in supply voltage. Pulse width increases or decreases approximately 2% for a respective decrease or increase of 5% in supply voltage. PART NUMBER TABLE Suffix Part Number with G (for Gull Wing Lead), J (for J Lead), F (for Thru-hole Lead) or T (for Tucked Lead). Examples: MDFDOPGM-TTL-10G (Gull Wing), MOFDPGM- TTL-25J (J Lead), MDFDPGM-TTL-70F (Thru-hole Lead) or MDFDPGM-TTL-100T (Tucked Lead). Part Number Pulse Width (in ns} MBFOPGM-TTL- _ _ -5 5 +1 MBFDOPGM-TTL- _ _ -6 6 +1 MBFOPGM-TTL-_ _ -? vo 1 MDFOPGM-TTL-__ -8 8 +1 MBFOPGM-TTL-__ -9 S +1 MOFOPGN-TTL- _ _ -10 10 #1 MBFOPGM-TTL-_ _ -15 15 +1 MDFDOPGM-TTL- __ -20 20 +1 MDFDOPGM-TTL- __ -25 25 +1 MDFDOPGM-TTL- __ -30 30 +1 MDFDOPGM-TTL- __ -35 a5 27.5 MDOFOPGM-TTL- __ -40 40 41.5 MDOFOPGM-TTL-_ _ -45 45 21.5 MDOFOPGM-TTL-_ _ -50 50 41.5 MDFOPGM-TTL-__ -60 60 41.5 MDFDPGM-TTL-__ -70 7O +2 MDFDPGM-TTL-__ -75 75 +2 MDOFDPGM-TTL- _ _ -60 80 +2 MDOFDPGM-TTL-_ _ -90 90 +3 Complete part number includes desired delay time (in ns) from input Wigger to beginning of output pulse followed by a dash, the desired pulse width and then the lead style (F,G,J,orT), Delay times are available in the same delays as shown above for pulse widihs (from 6 to 90s), 6.g., part number MDFOPGM- TTL-25-10F has a delay of 2506 with a 10ns pulse and MDFPGM-TTL-6-30J has a delay of Bns with a 30ns pulse width, Special modules can be readily manufactured to improve accuracies and/or provide customer specified pulse widths for specific applications, Catalog No. C/102594