Product Brief
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG
85579 Neubiberg, Germany
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Order Number: B132-H9781-G1-X-7600
Date: 08 / 2013
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Benefits of BGT60
Packaged solution, easy to use and standard SMT flow for mounting
on customer system
Highly integrated RF transceiver requiring no external
RF discretes, thereby simplifying the customer design and
Architecture of Direct Conversion Zero IF eases interface to
latest modem/BB designs (no external filter)
A transceiver approach with implemented BIST (Built-In Self-Test)
on the chip to enable RF testing at Infineon production
Family concept (common architecture, package, pinning)
simplifies customer designs due to modular approach
Transceiver Chip Solution
BGT60 for ISM band (license free), 57–64GHz
BGT60 has identical pinning and same footprint as
BGT70 or BGT80
Channel, Tx or Rx, selection via SPI
V-Band TDD
Base Station A Base Station B
I/F I/Q Downconversion
I/F I/Q Upconversion
I/F I/Q Downconversion
I/F I/Q Upconversion
Tx or Rx
Rx or Tx
Half Duplex System in TDD
Infineon rounds o the Backhaul Family with
a packaged RF Solution for V-band Radio
Backhaul Transceiver Chip – BGT60
However, if we compare the 60GHz V-band with the 80GHz E-band, the
former is always seen as a less favorable frequency band, due to the
sharp oxygen absorption. This means that in addition to the Free Space
Loss (FSL), oxygen absorption loss must be taken into account and a
margin allowed for rain fade. As a result, a maximum link distance of up
to 1000 meters is possible.
This could be considered a disadvantage in traditional network design,
where a microwave link would mostly be used for distances beyond
1000 meters. Particularly in the case of Picocell deployment, high
oxygen absorption and the associated reduced range becomes a real
benefit compared to traditional microwave or other wireless backhaul-
ing solutions:
Benefits of V-band Radio
Hundreds of links can be installed in a dense area
Very low interference between the PTP links or other 60GHz devices
in the field
High bandwidth for up to 1Gbit/s (full duplex) per link
The Infineon business approach enables such a Gbit service with the
latest technology. Thanks to Infineon’s advanced SiGe (Silicon Germa-
nium) technology with a transit frequency of 200GHz, we can integrate
all RF (Radio Frequency) building blocks – such as Power Amplifier (PA),
Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), Mixer, Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA),
Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) – into a single chip.
This technology is already proven and fully qualified for Infineon
Millimeter and Microwave chipsets (e.g. 77GHz automotive radar).
Furthermore, Infineon houses this single-chip in a plastic package
which makes a major dierence to the market. Up to now, solutions
have been bare die and require expensive tools and equipment to build
up a radio system. With the Infineon packaged chipset, customers can
save money and reduce the time-to-market significantly.
The chip is a transceiver for 57–64GHz (BGT60), housed in an
eWLB(6 × 6mm²) package.