Meets or Exceeds Requirements of ANSI EIA/TIA-422-B and ITU Recommendation V.11 3-State, TTL-Compatible Outputs Fast Transition Times High-impedance Inputs Single 5-V Supply Power-Up and Power-Down Protectlon Designed to Be Interchangeable With Motorola MC3487 description MC3487 QUADRUPLE DIFFERENTIAL LINE DRIVER SLLSOG8A ~ MAY 1980 - REVISED MAY 1995 D OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 1A Y 160} Voc 1Qj2 151) 4A 123 14f} 4v 1,2EN(J4 139} 42 2z{I5 12]] 3,4EN 2y [6 119] 32 2Af7 10} 3Y GND (js of] 3A The MC3487 offers four independent differential line drivers designed to meet the specifications of ANSI EIA/TIA-422-B and ITU Recommendation V.11. Each driver has a TTL-compatible input buffered to reduce current and minimize loading. The driver outputs utilize 3-state circuitry to provide high-impedance states at any pair of differential outputs when the appropriate output enable is at a low logic level. Internal circuitry is provided to ensure a high-impedance state at the differential outputs during power-up and power-down transition times provided the output enable is low. The outputs are capable of source or sink currents of 48 mA. The MC3487 is designed for optimum performance when used with the MC3486 quadruple line receiver. It is supplied in a 16-pin dual-in-line package and operates from a single 5-V supply. The MC3487 is characterized for operation from 0C to 70C. logic symbolt 1,2EN 2 1 1 1A 3 1Z 6 7 2Y 2A 5 2z 12 3,4EN 10 9 ay 3A 1 az 14 15 4aY 4A 13 4z t This symbol is in accordance with ANSWIEEE Std 91-1984 and 1EC Publication 617-12. logic diagram (positive logic) 1,2EN 6 7 2Y 2A 5 2z 2+ 3,4EN P 40 Q + 3 3A "1 | az 14 15 ay 4A 13 az PROOUCTION DATA Information is current as of publication date, Products conta: 1m to specifications per the terme of Texes Instruments ih standard warranty. Production processing dose not necessarily Include Sligo eter TEXAS Copyright 1995, Texas instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 @ DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-75MC3487 QUADRUPLE DIFFERENTIAL LINE DRIVER SLLSO98A MAY 1980 ~ REVISED MAY 1995 FUNCTION TABLE {each driver} OUTPUT OUTPUTS INPUT | ENABLE Y Z H H H L L H L H x L Z Zz H=TTL high level, L=TTLlowlevel, X= irrelevant, Z = High impedance schematics of inputs and outputs EQUIVALENT OF EACH INPUT TYPICAL OF ALL OUTPUTS a a en ~ Voc Input 90NOM Output > {77 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage, Voc (See Note 1) 2 ttn etter beens BV Input voltage, Vj cee b ener n teen eee nes 5.5 V Output voltage, VQ... eee ete ete cnet teed 7V Continuous total power dissipation ....0..0... 0.02. c eee See Dissipation Rating Table Operating free-air temperature range, Ta 6... eee 0C to 70C Storage temperature range, Tsiqg ..-- 66. eee eee ees -66C to 150C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: Dor N package ................ 260C T Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values, except differential output voltage, VQp, are with respect to the network ground terminal. DISSIPATION RATING TABLE Ta < 25C DERATING FACTOR Ta = 70C PACKAGE POWER RATING = ABOVE Ta = 25C POWER RATING D 950 mW 7.6 mWEC 608 mw N 1150 mW 9.2 MWC 736 mW 4B TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2-76 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265recommended operating conditions MC3487 QUADRUPLE DIFFERENTIAL LINE DRIVER SLLSO9BA MAY 1980 REVISED MAY 1995 MIN NOM MAX | UNIT Supply voltage, Voc 4.75 6 5.25 Vv High-level input voltage, Vi} 2 v Low-level input voltage, Vi, 08 v Operating free-air temperature, Ta 0 70 C electrical characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX] UNIT ViIK Input clamp voltage I= -18 MA ~1.6 Vv VOH High-level output voltage VIL = 0.8 V, VIH = 2V, loH =-20 mA 2.5 Vv VoL Low-leval output voitage ViL = 0.8V, VIH =2YV, lo, = 48 mA 05 v Von! _ Differential output voltage RL = 1009, See Figure 1 2 AlVop! change in Cutbut vottaget R, = 100 9, See Figure 1 +0.4 Vv Voc Common-mode output voltage RL = 100 9, See Figure 1 3 V AlVoc! CE ee ct otaget RL = 1002, See Figure 1 +04] V lo Output current with power off Voc =0 Von 6V 100 HA Vo =-0.25V ~100 loz High-impedance-state output current Output enables at 0.8 V Vor27 0 HA Vo =05V ~100 ly Input current at maximum input voltage | V| = 5.5 V 100 pA NH High-level input current Vp=27V 50 HA lit Low-level input current Vj =O.5V -400 pA los Short-circuit output current$ Via2Vv *-40 -140] mA loc Supply current (all drivers) Outputs disabled 108 mA Outputs enabled, No load 85 tT AIVgpl and 4 Vgc! are the changes in magnitude of Vop and Voc. respectively, that occur when the input is changed from a high level to a low level. + In ANSI Standard ELA/TIA-422-B, Voc, which is the average of the two output voltages with respect to ground, is called output offset voltage, Vos. Only one output at a time should be shorted, and duration of the short circuit should not exceed one second. switching characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range , Voc = 5 V PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX] UNIT PLH Propagation delay time, low- to high-level output 20 ns tPHL Propagation delay time, high- to low-level output Cl = 15 pF, See Figure 2 20 ns Skew time 6 ns t(OD) Differential-output transition time Cy = 15 pF, See Figure 3 20 ns tp7H Output enable time to high level 30 ns t le time to low level PZL Output enable ime 0 low eve Cy = 50 pF, See Figure 4 30 ns tpHZ Output disable time from high level 25 ns tpiz Output disable time from low level 30 ns INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 @ DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-77MC3487 QUADRUPLE DIFFERENTIAL LINE DRIVER SLLSO98A MAY 1980 - REVISED MAY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Vop [ Voc 50 2 1 (see Note A) CL = 15 pF: = | | (see Note B) 3vt4 See NoteC = | | Vou Z Output 15V 1.5V Vor TEST CIRCUIT VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS 5V ; [ 1 tPLH +++ 7 PHL V sW1 200 (2 t OH ! T @ Youtpur | 15V | 415V Generator tg q VoL y q we 5 = Figure 2. Test Circuit and Voltage Waveforms HA - 3 RL = 100 ov Generator Output tyop) 1 + h e top) (sea Note A) ! I Output 90% CL = 15 pF 10% - ee | L (see Note B) TEST CIRCUIT VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS Figure 3. Test Circuit and Voltage Waveforms NOTES: A. The input pulse is suppiied by a generator having the following characteristics: t, < 5 ns, tt< 5 ns, PRR < 1 MHz, duty cycle = 50%, ZO = 50 22. B. Cl includes probe and stray capacitance. C. Alidiodes are 1N916 or 1N3064. wy TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2-78 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 @ DALLAS, TEXAS 75265MC3487 QUADRUPLE DIFFERENTIAL LINE DRIVER SLLSO98A - MAY 1980 REVISED MAY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION OVoraVv 5V NOTES: D. E. | _ y See Note C Generator L J tea New 5) y (see Note A) 50 0 oo 5 = swe TEST CIRCUIT Output ~4Vv Output 3V Enable Input 18 vy Enable Input 1.5V tpHz \- Vou tp2u je SW1 Closed 0.5V SWi Closed I\a5y SW2 Open Output \ a Swz Glosed Output | : VoL teLz he 15V PZH m1 Vou Output 05V Sw gioses Output 1.5V SW1 Open VoL SW? Closed VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS Figure 4. Driver Test Circult and Voltage Waveforms The input pulse is supplied by a generator having the following characteristics: ty < 5 ns, t;< 5 ns, PRA < 1 MHz, duty cycle = 50%, Zo 509. CL includes probe and stray capacitance. . All diodes are 1N916 or 1N3064. wy TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-79