Maxim Integrated
Energy Meter ICs
Digital I/O and LCD Segment Drivers
The 71M6543FT/HT/GT/GHT combines most DIO pins
with LCD segment drivers. Each SEG/DIO pin can be
configured as a DIO pin or as a segment (SEG) driver pin.
On reset or power-up, all DIO pins are DIO inputs until
they are configured as desired under MPU control. The
pin function can be configured by the I/O RAM registers
LCD_MAPn. Setting the bit corresponding to the pin
in LCD_MAPn to 1 configures the pin for LCD, setting
LCD_MAPn to 0 configures it for DIO.
Once a pin is configured as DIO, it can be configured
independently as an input or output. The PB pin is a dedi-
cated digital input and is not part of the SEGDIO system.
Some pins (SEGDIO2 through SEGDIO11 and PB) can
be routed to internal logic such as the interrupt control-
ler or a timer channel. This routing is independent of the
direction of the pin, so that outputs can be configured to
cause an interrupt or start a timer.
A total of 32 combined SEG/DIO pins plus 5 SEG outputs
are available for the 71M6543FT/HT/GT/GHT. These pins
can be categorized as follows:
17 combined SEG/DIO segment pins:
• SEGDIO4…SEGDIO5 (2 pins)
• SEGDIO9…SEGDIO14 (6 pins)
• SEGDIO19…SEGDIO25 (7 pins)
• SEGDIO44…SEGDIO45 (2 pins)
15 combined SEG/DIO segment pins shared with other
• SEGDIO8/DI (1 pin)
• SEGDIO26/COM5, SEGDIO27/COM4 (2 pins)
5 dedicated SEG segment pins are available:
• ICE Inteface pins: SEG48/E_RXTX, SEG49/E_TCLK,
SEG50/E_RST (3 pins)
• Test Port pins: SEG46/TMUX2OUT, SEG47/TMUXOUT
(2 pins)
There are four dedicated common segment outputs
(COM0…COM3) plus the two additional shared common
segment outputs that are listed under combined SEG/DIO
shared pins (SEGDIO26/COM5, SEGDIO27/COM4).
Thus, in a configuration where none of these pins are
used as DIOs, there can be up to 37 LCD segment pins
with 4 commons, or 35 LCD segment pins with 6 com-
mons. And in a configuration where LCD segment pins
are not used, there can be up to 32 DIO pins.
LCD Drivers
The LCD drivers are grouped into up to six commons
(COM0 – COM5) and up to 56 segment drivers. The
LCD interface is flexible and can drive 7-segment digits,
14-segments digits or annunciator symbols.
LCD voltage can be taken from the VLCD pin or the
VV3P3SYS pin. A contrast DAC regulates VLCD from
either VBAT or VV3P3SYS.
The LCD system has the ability to drive up to six seg-
ments per SEG driver. If the display is configured with six
back planes, the 6-way multiplexing minimizes the num-
ber of SEG pins required to drive a display. This maxi-
mizes the number of DIO pins available to the application.
If 5-state multiplexing is selected, SEGDIO27 is converted
to COM4. If 6-state multiplexing is selected, SEGDIO26 is
converted to COM5.
The LCD_ON and LCD_BLANK bits are an easy way to
either blank the LCD display or to turn all segments on.
Neither bit affects the contents of the LCD data stored in
the LCDSEG_DIO[ ] registers. In comparison, LCD_RST
(I/O RAM 0x240C[2]) clears all LCD data to zero. LCD_
RST affects only pins that are configured as LCD.
The LCD can be driven in static, ½ bias, and ⅓ bias
modes. Note that COM pins that are not required in a
specific mode maintain a ‘segment off’ state rather than
GND, VCC, or high impedance.
The segment drivers SEGDIO22 and SEGDIO23 can be
configured to blink at either 0.5 Hz or 1 Hz. The blink rate
is controlled by LCD_Y. There can be up to six segments
connected to each of these driver pins. The I/O RAM fields
LCD_BLKMAP22[5:0] and LCD_BLKMAP23[5:0] identify
which pixels, if any, are to blink. LCD_BLKMAP22[5:0]
and LCD_BLKMAP23[5:0] are nonvolatile.
The LCD bias may be compensated for temperature
using the LCD_DAC[4:0] field. The bias may be adjusted
from 1.4 V below the 3.3 V supply (VV3P3SYS in MSN
mode and VBAT in BRN and LCD modes). When the
LCD_DAC[4:0] field is set to 000, the DAC is bypassed
and powered down. This can be used to reduce current
in LCD mode.
The 71M6543FT/HT/GT/GHT has 56 LCD driver pins
available, and can drive up to 336 segments.