Rating Value Units
Power Supply Input -0.5 to +6.5 V
All Input/Output Pins -0.5 to +3.3 V
Input Power to RFIO Port 0 dBm
Non-Operating Ambient Temperature Range -40 to +85 oC
DNT90 Absolute Maximum Ratings
DNT90 Electrical Characteristics
Characteristic Sym Notes Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Operating Frequency Range 902.76 927.24 MHz
Hop Duration 1 8 100 ms
Number of RF Channels 1 25, 26 or 52
Modulation FSK
RF Data Transmission Rate 100 kbps
Receiver Sensitivity @ 10-5 BER -100 dBm
Transmitter RF Output Power 1 40 or 158 mW mW
Optimum Antenna Impedance 50 Ω
RF Connection U.FL Coaxial Connector
System Topologies Point-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint,
Peer-to-Peer and Store & Forward
Access Scheme Ad Hoc TDMA
Low Cost
900 MHz FHSS
Module with
The DNT90 FHSS transceiver module provides a low-cost, versatile solution for wireless data com-
munications in the 900 MHz ISM band. The DNT90 RF output power can be set at 40 or 158 mW.
The DNT90 receiver input is protected by low-loss SAW filter, providing an excellent combination of
receiver sensitivity and out-of-band interference rejection. The DNT90 module includes analog, digi-
tal and serial I/O, providing the flexibility to serve applications ranging from cable replacements to
sensor networks. The DNT90 transceiver module is easy to integrate and provides reliable wireless
communications up to 5 miles in line-of-sight installations.
- 900 MHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Transceiver
- Point-to-point, Point-to-multipoint, Peer-to-peer and
Store & Forward Capabilities
- Transmitter Power Configurable to 40 or 158 mW
- 100 kbps RF Data Rate
- Serial Port Data Rate up to 250 kbps, SPI Port Data Rate up to 500 kbps
- 128-Bit AES Encryption
- Separate Serial Port for Diagnostics
- Analog and Digital I/O for Sensor Applications
- FCC and Canadian IC Certified for Unlicensed Operation
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1. The DNT90 achieves regulatory certification under FHSS rules.
2. Maximum sleep current occurs at +85 oC.
Characteristic Sym Notes Minimum Typical Maximum Units
ADC Input Range 0 2.7 V
ADC Input Resolution 12 bits
ADC Sample Rate 100 Hz
Signal Source Impedance for ADC Reading 10 KΩ
ADC External Reference Voltage Range 1.0 2.7 V
DAC Output Range 0 3.3 V
DAC Output Resolution 12 bits
Primary and Diagnostic Serial Port Baud Rates 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 28.8,
38.4, 57.6, 115.2, 230.4, 250.0 kbps
Serial Peripheral Interface Data Rate 125 500 kbps
Digital I/O:
Logic Low Input Level -0.5 0.8 V
Logic High Input Level 2.45 3.3 V
Logic Input Internal Pull-up Resistor 20 KΩ
Power Supply Voltage Range VCC +3.3 +5.5 Vdc
Power Supply Voltage Ripple 10 mVP-P
Peak Transmit Mode Current, 158 mW Output 170 mA
Average Operating Receive Current:
Base, Continuous Data Stream 110 mA
Remote, Linked, No Data Transmission 15 mA
Remote, Continuous Data Stream 25 mA
Sleep Current 2 3 6 µA
DNT90C Mounting Reflow Soldering
DNT90P Mounting Socket
Operating Temperature Range -40 85 oC
Operating Relative Humidity Range, Non-condensing 10 90 %
DNT90 Electrical Characteristics
CAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions when handling.
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DNT90 Hardware
The major components of the DNT90 include a Murata
TRC103 900 MHz FHSS transceiver, and a low current 8-
bit microcontroller. The DNT90 operates in the 902 to 928
MHz ISM band. There are three selectable hopping
patterns providing compatibility with frequency allocations
in North America, South America and Australia. The
DNT90 also has two selectable RF output power levels:
+16 dBm (40 mW) and +22 dBm (158 mW).
The DNT90 receiver is protected by a low-loss SAW filter,
providing an excellent blend of receiver sensitivity and
out-of-band interference rejection that is especially impor-
tant in outdoor applications.
The DNT90 provides a variety of hardware interfaces.
There are two serial ports plus one SPI port. Either the pri-
mary serial port or the SPI port can be selected for data
communications. The second serial port is dedicated to di-
agnostics. The primary and diagnostic serial ports support
most standard baud rates up to 250 kbps. The SPI port
supports data rates up to 500 kbps. The DNT90 also in-
cludes three ADC inputs, two DAC outputs, and six gen-
eral-purpose digital I/O ports. Four of the digital I/O ports
support an optional interrupt-from-sleep mode when con-
figured as inputs. The radio is available in two mounting
configurations. The DNT90C is designed for solder reflow
mounting. The DNT90P is designed for plug-in
connector mounting.
DNT90 Firmware
DNT90 firmware operates using hybrid Ad Hoc TDMA
channel access optimized for periodic burst transmissions.
DNT90 firmware operates “out of the box” using point-to-
point transparent serial mode, with point-to-multipoint,
peer-to-peer and store & forward system topologies also
DNT90 firmware provides the user with a rich set of config-
uration options including a choice of hopping patterns,
hopping dwell times, serial and/or SPI data port operation,
serial and SPI data rate selection, RF output power selec-
tion, plus configurable analog and digital I/O lines. Data
integrity is protected by 24-bit error detection, with optional
ACK and automatic transmission retries or redundant
transmissions. 128-bit AES encryption provides a high
level of data security for sensitive applications. Sensor net-
works can take advantage of timer or event-based data
reporting and remote node sleep cycling for extended bat-
tery life.
1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 311 2 4 2 5 2
1 5
1 4
1 3
1 2
1 1
1 0
N T 9 0 B l o c k i a g r a m
M i c r o c o n t r o l l e r
R e g
A C T ( I A G _ T X )
/ C ( I A G _ R X )
G P I O 0
R A I O _ T X
R A I O _ R X
G P I O 4 ( / H O S T _ C T S )
G P I O 5 ( / H O S T _ R T S )
A C 0
G P I O 2
G P I O 1
G P I O 3 ( A V )
A C 1
/ R E S E T
A C 1
/ S S
3 . 3 V _ O U T
A C _ E X T _ R E
A C 0
+ 3 . 3 V
2 8 2 9 3 0
T R C 1 0 3
I R Q 0
I R Q 1 / C L K
P L L _ L O C K
n S S _ A T A
n S S _ C O N F I G
S A W F i l t e r
a n d
P o w e r A m p
Figure 1
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Copyright © Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2010
Pin Name I/O Description
1GND - Power supply and signal ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
This pin’s default configuration is data activity output. On a base, this signal blinks when a valid packet is
received. On a remote, this signal blinks when a packet is transmitted. On a router, this signal blinks when
a valid upstream packet is received or a downstream packet is transmitted. Alternate pin function is the di-
agnostic serial port output.
This pin’s default configuration is data carrier detect output. On a base, this signal is asserted when any
valid packet is received, and is cleared if no packets are heard for the configured router/remote registra-
tion time-out interval. On a router or remote, this signal is asserted when the radio obtains hopping pattern
synchronization, and remains asserted until no beacons are heard for 50 hops. Alternate pin function is
the diagnostic serial port input.
Configurable digital I/O port 0. When configured as an input, an internal pull-up resistor can be selected
and direct interrupt from sleep can be invoked. When configured as an output, the power-on state is
configurable. In sleep mode the pin direction, input pull-up selection or output state are also separately
5 RADIO_TXD O Serial data output from the radio.
6RADIO_RXD I Serial data input to the radio.
Default pin function is GPIO4 with the same configuration options as GPIO2. Alternate pin function is
UART/SPI flow control output. The module sets this line low when it is ready to accept data from the host
on the RADIO_RXD or MOSI input. When the line goes high, the host must stop sending data.
Default pin function is GPIO5 with the same configuration options as GPIO2. Alternate pin function is
UART/SPI flow control input. The host sets this line low to allow data to flow from the module on
the RADIO_TXD pin. When the host sets this line high, the module will stop sending data to the host.
9DAC0 O 12-bit DAC 0 output. Full scale output can be referenced to the voltage at pin 25 or the 3.3 V regulated
module bus voltage.
10 GPIO2 I/O Configurable digital I/O port 2. Same configuration options as GPIO0.
11 GPIO1 I/O Configurable digital I/O port 1. Same configuration options as GPIO0.
12 GPIO3
Default pin function is GPIO3 with the same configuration options as GPIO0. When SPI slave mode oper-
ation is enabled, a logic high on this pin indicates when data is available to be clocked out by the SPI
13 DAC1 O 12-bit DAC 1 output. Same specifications and configuration options as DAC0.
14 VCC I Power supply input, +3.3 to +5.5 Vdc.
15 GND -Power supply and signal ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
16 GND -Power supply and signal ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
17 /RESET I Active low module hardware reset.
18 ADC0 I
ADC input 0. This pin is a direct ADC input when the ADC is operating in single-ended mode, or the differ-
ential negative input for positive inputs applied to ADC1 or ADC2 when the ADC is operating in differential
mode. Full-scale reading can be referenced to Pin 25 for ratiometric measurements. For absolute mea-
surements, the ADC can use the regulated supply voltage divided by 1.6 (about 2.06 V), or an external
voltage applied to Pin 25. In single-ended mode, ADC measurements are 11-bit unsigned values with full
scale nominally 2.7 V when referenced to a 2.7 V input on Pin 27. In differential mode, ADC measure-
ments are 12-bit signed values.
19 ADC1 IADC input 1. Direct input when the ADC is operating in single-ended mode, positive differential input rela-
tive to ADC0 when the ADC is operating in differential mode.
20 MISO I/O This pin is the SPI master mode input or slave mode output.
21 MOSI I/O This pin is the SPI master mode output or slave mode input.
22 /SS I/O SPI active low slave select. This pin is an output when the module is operating as a master, and an input
when it is operating as a slave.
DNT90 I/O Descriptions
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Pin Name I/O Description
23 SCLK I/O SPI clock signal. This pin is an output when operating as a master, and an input when operating as
a slave.
24 ADC2 IADC input 2. Direct input when the ADC is operating in single-ended mode, positive differential input rela-
tive to ADC0 when the ADC is operating in differential mode.
ADC external reference voltage pin. The voltage at this pin can be used by the ADCs as a reference for
ratiometric measurements. With no external voltage or load applied, this pin presents a nominal 2.7 V out-
put through a 2.126 K source resistance. A low impedance external reference voltage in the range of 1 to
2.7 V may be applied to this pin as an option.
26 RSVD -Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
27 RSVD -Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
28 GND -Connect to the host circuit board ground plane.
29 RSVD -Reserved pin. Leave unconnected.
30 GND - Connect to the host circuit board ground plane.
DNT90 Antenna Connector
A U.FL miniature coaxial connector is provided on both DNT90 configurations for connection to the RFIO port. A
short U.FL coaxial cable can be used to connect the RFIO port directly to an antenna. In this case the antenna
should be mounted firmly to avoid stressing the U.FL coaxial cable due to antenna mounting flexure. Alternately,
a U.FL coaxial jumper cable can be used to connect the DNT90 module to a U.FL connector on the host circuit
board. The connection between the host circuit board U.FL connector and the antenna or antenna connector on
the host circuit board should be implemented as a 50 ohm stripline. Referring to Figure 2, the width of this stripline
depends on the thickness of the circuit board between the stripline and the groundplane. For FR-4 type circuit
board materials (dielectric constant of 4.7), the width of the stripline is equal to 1.75 times the thickness of the cir-
cuit board. Note that other circuit board traces should be spaced away from the stripline to prevent signal cou-
pling, as shown in Figure 3. The stripline trace should be kept short to minimize its insertion loss.
C o p p e r
G r o u n d
P l a n e
C o p p e r
S t r i p l i n e
T r a c e
F R - 4 P C B
M a t e r i a l
C i r c u i t B o a r d S t r i p l i n e T r a c e e t a i l
F o r 5 0 o h m i m p e d a n c e W = 1 . 5 * H
Figure 2
Trace Separation from
50 ohm Microstrip
Length of Trace Run
Parallel to Microstrip
100 mil 125 mil
150 mil 200 mil
200 mil 290 mil
250 mil 450 mil
300 mil 650 mil
Figure 3
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Copyright © Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2010
1 . 4 5 0
( 3 . 8 )
0 . 9 8 0
( 2 . 9 )
N T 9 0 C O u t l i n e a n d M o u n t i n g i m e n s i o n s
0 . 0 5 0 ( 1 . 2 )
T o p V i e w
0 . 1 2 5
( 3 . 1 8 )
1 5
13 0
i m e n s i o n s i n i n c h e s ( m m )
0 . 0 9 0
0 . 4 5 0 ( 1 1 . 4 ) 0 . 3 0 0 ( . 2 )
Figure 4
0 . 0 0 ( 1 . 5 2 )
1 . 4 5 0 ( 3 . 8 )
0 . 9 8 0
( 2 4 . 9 )
N T 9 0 C S o l d e r P a d i m e n s i o n s
0 . 0 5 0 ( 1 . 2 )
T o p V i e w
1 5
1 3 0
i m e n s i o n s i n i n c h e s ( m m )
0 . 0 3 5 ( 0 . 8 9 )
1 . 0 4 0
( 2 . 4 )
Figure 5
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Copyright © Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2010
( 2 4 . 9 )
( 1 . 2 )
0 . 0 0
( 1 . 8 )
( 2 . 5 4 )
( 2 0 . 3 )
N T 9 0 P I n t e r f a c e C o n n e c t o r
P C B L a y o u t e t a i l
C o n n e c t o r s a r e S A M T E C
S L M - 1 1 5 - 0 1 - G - S
o r E q u i v a l e n t
i m e n s i o n s a r e i n i n c h e s ( m m )
Figure 7
Note: Specifications subject to change without notice.
0 . 0 0
( 1 . 5 2 )
1 . 4 5 0
( 3 . 8 )
1 . 1 0 0
( 2 . 9 )
N T 9 0 P O u t l i n e a n d M o u n t i n g i m e n s i o n s
0 . 0 5 0 ( 1 . 2 )
T o p V i e w
0 . 1 2 5
( 3 . 1 8 )
1 5
1 3 0
i m e n s i o n s i n i n c h e s ( m m )
0 . 4 5 0 ( 1 1 . 4 )
0 . 0 9 0
( 2 . 2 9 )
0 . 2 2 5
( 5 . 2 )
0 . 9 8 0
( 2 4 . 9 )
0 . 3 0 0 ( . 2 )
Figure 6
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