LatticeXP Family Data Sheet DS1001 Version 05.1, November 2007 LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Introduction July 2007 Data Sheet DS1001 Flexible I/O Buffer Features * Programmable sysIOTM buffer supports wide range of interfaces: LVCMOS 3.3/2.5/1.8/1.5/1.2 LVTTL - SSTL 18 Class I SSTL 3/2 Class I, II - HSTL15 Class I, III HSTL 18 Class I, II, III PCI LVDS, Bus-LVDS, LVPECL, RSDS Non-volatile, Infinitely Reconfigurable * Instant-on - powers up in microseconds * No external configuration memory * Excellent design security, no bit stream to intercept * Reconfigure SRAM based logic in milliseconds * SRAM and non-volatile memory programmable through system configuration and JTAG ports Sleep Mode * Allows up to 1000x static current reduction Dedicated DDR Memory Support TransFRTM Reconfiguration (TFR) * Implements interface up to DDR333 (166MHz) * In-field logic update while system operates sysCLOCKTM PLLs Extensive Density and Package Options * Up to 4 analog PLLs per device * Clock multiply, divide and phase shifting * 3.1K to 19.7K LUT4s * 62 to 340 I/Os * Density migration supported System Level Support * IEEE Standard 1149.1 Boundary Scan, plus ispTRACYTM internal logic analyzer capability * Onboard oscillator for configuration * Devices operate with 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V or 1.2V power supply Embedded and Distributed Memory * 54 Kbits to 396 Kbits sysMEMTM Embedded Block RAM * Up to 79 Kbits distributed RAM * Flexible memory resources: Distributed and block memory Table 1-1. LatticeXP Family Selection Guide Device LFXP3 LFXP6 LFXP10 LFXP15 LFXP20 PFU/PFF Rows 16 24 32 40 44 PFU/PFF Columns 24 30 38 48 56 PFU/PFF (Total) 384 720 1216 1932 2464 3 6 10 15 20 LUTs (K) Distributed RAM (KBits) 12 23 39 61 79 EBR SRAM (KBits) 54 72 216 324 396 EBR SRAM Blocks VCC Voltage 6 8 24 36 44 1.2/1.8/2.5/3.3V 1.2/1.8/2.5/3.3V 1.2/1.8/2.5/3.3V 1.2/1.8/2.5/3.3V 1.2/1.8/2.5/3.3V PLLs Max. I/O 2 2 4 4 4 136 188 244 300 340 Packages and I/O Combinations: 100-pin TQFP (14 x 14 mm) 62 144-pin TQFP (20 x 20 mm) 100 100 208-pin PQFP (28 x 28 mm) 136 142 256-ball fpBGA (17 x 17 mm) 188 388-ball fpBGA (23 x 23 mm) 484-ball fpBGA (23 x 23 mm) 188 188 188 244 268 268 300 340 (c) 2007 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 1-1 DS1001 Introduction_01.5 Introduction LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Introduction The LatticeXP family of FPGA devices combine logic gates, embedded memory and high performance I/Os in a single architecture that is both non-volatile and infinitely reconfigurable to support cost-effective system designs. The re-programmable non-volatile technology used in the LatticeXP family is the next generation ispXPTM technology. With this technology, expensive external configuration memories are not required and designs are secured from unauthorized read-back. In addition, instant-on capability allows for easy interfacing in many applications. The ispLEVER(R) design tool from Lattice allows large complex designs to be efficiently implemented using the LatticeXP family of FPGA devices. Synthesis library support for LatticeXP is available for popular logic synthesis tools. The ispLEVER tool uses the synthesis tool output along with the constraints from its floor planning tools to place and route the design in the LatticeXP device. The ispLEVER tool extracts the timing from the routing and backannotates it into the design for timing verification. Lattice provides many pre-designed IP (Intellectual Property) ispLeverCORETM modules for the LatticeXP family. By using these IPs as standardized blocks, designers are free to concentrate on the unique aspects of their design, increasing their productivity. 1-2 LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Architecture July 2007 Data Sheet DS1001 Architecture Overview The LatticeXP architecture contains an array of logic blocks surrounded by Programmable I/O Cells (PIC). Interspersed between the rows of logic blocks are rows of sysMEM Embedded Block RAM (EBR) as shown in Figure 21. On the left and right sides of the PFU array, there are Non-volatile Memory Blocks. In configuration mode this nonvolatile memory is programmed via the IEEE 1149.1 TAP port or the sysCONFIGTM peripheral port. On power up, the configuration data is transferred from the Non-volatile Memory Blocks to the configuration SRAM. With this technology, expensive external configuration memories are not required and designs are secured from unauthorized read-back. This transfer of data from non-volatile memory to configuration SRAM via wide busses happens in microseconds, providing an "instant-on" capability that allows easy interfacing in many applications. There are two kinds of logic blocks, the Programmable Functional Unit (PFU) and Programmable Functional unit without RAM/ROM (PFF). The PFU contains the building blocks for logic, arithmetic, RAM, ROM and register functions. The PFF block contains building blocks for logic, arithmetic and ROM functions. Both PFU and PFF blocks are optimized for flexibility, allowing complex designs to be implemented quickly and efficiently. Logic Blocks are arranged in a two-dimensional array. Only one type of block is used per row. The PFU blocks are used on the outside rows. The rest of the core consists of rows of PFF blocks interspersed with rows of PFU blocks. For every three rows of PFF blocks there is a row of PFU blocks. Each PIC block encompasses two PIOs (PIO pairs) with their respective sysIO interfaces. PIO pairs on the left and right edges of the device can be configured as LVDS transmit/receive pairs. sysMEM EBRs are large dedicated fast memory blocks. They can be configured as RAM or ROM. The PFU, PFF, PIC and EBR Blocks are arranged in a two-dimensional grid with rows and columns as shown in Figure 2-1. The blocks are connected with many vertical and horizontal routing channel resources. The place and route software tool automatically allocates these routing resources. At the end of the rows containing the sysMEM Blocks are the sysCLOCK Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Blocks. These PLLs have multiply, divide and phase shifting capability; they are used to manage the phase relationship of the clocks. The LatticeXP architecture provides up to four PLLs per device. Every device in the family has a JTAG Port with internal Logic Analyzer (ispTRACY) capability. The sysCONFIG port which allows for serial or parallel device configuration. The LatticeXP devices are available for operation from 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V and 1.2V power supplies, providing easy integration into the overall system. (c) 2007 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 2-1 DS1001 Architecture_02.0 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-1. LatticeXP Top Level Block Diagram Programmable I/O Cell (PIC) includes sysIO Interface sysMEM Embedded Block RAM (EBR) Non-volatile Memory JTAG Port sysCONFIG Programming Port (includes dedicated and dual use pins) PFF (PFU without RAM) sysCLOCK PLL Programmable Functional Unit (PFU) PFU and PFF Blocks The core of the LatticeXP devices consists of PFU and PFF blocks. The PFUs can be programmed to perform Logic, Arithmetic, Distributed RAM and Distributed ROM functions. PFF blocks can be programmed to perform Logic, Arithmetic and ROM functions. Except where necessary, the remainder of the data sheet will use the term PFU to refer to both PFU and PFF blocks. Each PFU block consists of four interconnected slices, numbered 0-3 as shown in Figure 2-2. All the interconnections to and from PFU blocks are from routing. There are 53 inputs and 25 outputs associated with each PFU block. Figure 2-2. PFU Diagram From Routing LUT4 & CARRY LUT4 & CARRY LUT4 & CARRY Slice 0 D FF/ Latch D FF/ Latch LUT4 & CARRY LUT4 & CARRY Slice 1 D FF/ Latch LUT4 & CARRY LUT4 & CARRY Slice 3 Slice 2 D FF/ Latch D FF/ Latch To Routing 2-2 LUT4 & CARRY D FF/ Latch D FF/ Latch D FF/ Latch Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Slice Each slice contains two LUT4 lookup tables feeding two registers (programmed to be in FF or Latch mode), and some associated logic that allows the LUTs to be combined to perform functions such as LUT5, LUT6, LUT7 and LUT8. There is control logic to perform set/reset functions (programmable as synchronous/asynchronous), clock select, chip-select and wider RAM/ROM functions. Figure 2-3 shows an overview of the internal logic of the slice. The registers in the slice can be configured for positive/negative and edge/level clocks. There are 14 input signals: 13 signals from routing and one from the carry-chain (from adjacent slice or PFU). There are 7 outputs: 6 to routing and one to carry-chain (to adjacent PFU). Table 2-1 lists the signals associated with each slice. Figure 2-3. Slice Diagram To / From Different slice / PFU Fast Carry In (FCI) Slice OFX1 A1 B1 C1 D1 CO LUT4 & CARRY F1 F D SUM FF/ Latch Q1 CI From Routing To Routing M1 M0 A0 OFX0 LUT Expansion Mux CO B0 C0 D0 LUT4 & CARRY F0 F SUM OFX0 CI Control Signals selected and inverted per slice in routing CE CLK LSR Note: Some interslice signals are not shown. To / From Different slice / PFU Fast Carry Out (FCO) 2-3 D FF/ Latch Q0 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Table 2-1. Slice Signal Descriptions Function Type Input Data signal A0, B0, C0, D0 Inputs to LUT4 Signal Names Input Data signal A1, B1, C1, D1 Inputs to LUT4 Input Multi-purpose M0 Description Multipurpose Input Input Multi-purpose M1 Multipurpose Input Input Control signal CE Clock Enable Input Control signal LSR Local Set/Reset Input Control signal CLK System Clock Input Inter-PFU signal FCIN Fast Carry In1 Output Data signals F0, F1 LUT4 output register bypass signals Output Data signals Q0, Q1 Output Data signals OFX0 Output of a LUT5 MUX Output Data signals OFX1 Output of a LUT6, LUT7, LUT82 MUX depending on the slice Output Inter-PFU signal FCO For the right most PFU the fast carry chain output1 Register Outputs 1. See Figure 2-2 for connection details. 2. Requires two PFUs. Modes of Operation Each Slice is capable of four modes of operation: Logic, Ripple, RAM and ROM. The Slice in the PFF is capable of all modes except RAM. Table 2-2 lists the modes and the capability of the Slice blocks. Table 2-2. Slice Modes Logic Ripple RAM ROM PFU Slice LUT 4x2 or LUT 5x1 2-bit Arithmetic Unit SP 16x2 ROM 16x1 x 2 PFF Slice LUT 4x2 or LUT 5x1 2-bit Arithmetic Unit N/A ROM 16x1 x 2 Logic Mode: In this mode, the LUTs in each Slice are configured as 4-input combinatorial lookup tables. A LUT4 can have 16 possible input combinations. Any logic function with four inputs can be generated by programming this lookup table. Since there are two LUT4s per Slice, a LUT5 can be constructed within one Slice. Larger lookup tables such as LUT6, LUT7 and LUT8 can be constructed by concatenating other Slices. Ripple Mode: Ripple mode allows the efficient implementation of small arithmetic functions. In ripple mode, the following functions can be implemented by each Slice: * * * * * * * Addition 2-bit Subtraction 2-bit Add/Subtract 2-bit using dynamic control Up counter 2-bit Down counter 2-bit Ripple mode multiplier building block Comparator functions of A and B inputs - A greater-than-or-equal-to B - A not-equal-to B - A less-than-or-equal-to B Two additional signals: Carry Generate and Carry Propagate are generated per Slice in this mode, allowing fast arithmetic functions to be constructed by concatenating Slices. RAM Mode: In this mode, distributed RAM can be constructed using each LUT block as a 16x1-bit memory. Through the combination of LUTs and Slices, a variety of different memories can be constructed. 2-4 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor The Lattice design tools support the creation of a variety of different size memories. Where appropriate, the software will construct these using distributed memory primitives that represent the capabilities of the PFU. Table 2-3 shows the number of Slices required to implement different distributed RAM primitives. Figure 2-4 shows the distributed memory primitive block diagrams. Dual port memories involve the pairing of two Slices, one Slice functions as the read-write port. The other companion Slice supports the read-only port. For more information on RAM mode in LatticeXP devices, please see details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Table 2-3. Number of Slices Required for Implementing Distributed RAM SPR16x2 DPR16x2 1 2 Number of Slices Note: SPR = Single Port RAM, DPR = Dual Port RAM Figure 2-4. Distributed Memory Primitives SPR16x2 AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 DPR16x2 DO0 DI0 DI1 WRE CK DO1 WAD0 WAD1 WAD2 WAD3 RAD0 RAD1 RAD2 RAD3 DI0 DI1 WCK WRE RDO0 RDO1 WDO0 WDO1 ROM16x1 AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 DO0 ROM Mode: The ROM mode uses the same principal as the RAM modes, but without the Write port. Pre-loading is accomplished through the programming interface during configuration. PFU Modes of Operation Slices can be combined within a PFU to form larger functions. Table 2-4 tabulates these modes and documents the functionality possible at the PFU level. 2-5 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Table 2-4. PFU Modes of Operation Ripple RAM1 ROM LUT 4x8 or MUX 2x1 x 8 2-bit Add x 4 SPR16x2 x 4 DPR16x2 x 2 ROM16x1 x 8 LUT 5x4 or MUX 4x1 x 4 2-bit Sub x 4 SPR16x4 x 2 DPR16x4 x 1 ROM16x2 x 4 LUT 6x 2 or MUX 8x1 x 2 2-bit Counter x 4 SPR16x8 x 1 ROM16x4 x 2 LUT 7x1 or MUX 16x1 x 1 2-bit Comp x 4 Logic ROM16x8 x 1 1. These modes are not available in PFF blocks Routing There are many resources provided in the LatticeXP devices to route signals individually or as buses with related control signals. The routing resources consist of switching circuitry, buffers and metal interconnect (routing) segments. The inter-PFU connections are made with x1 (spans two PFU), x2 (spans three PFU) and x6 (spans seven PFU). The x1 and x2 connections provide fast and efficient connections in horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions. The x2 and x6 resources are buffered allowing both short and long connections routing between PFUs. The ispLEVER design tool takes the output of the synthesis tool and places and routes the design. Generally, the place and route tool is completely automatic, although an interactive routing editor is available to optimize the design. Clock Distribution Network The clock inputs are selected from external I/O, the sysCLOCKTM PLLs or routing. These clock inputs are fed through the chip via a clock distribution system. Primary Clock Sources LatticeXP devices derive clocks from three primary sources: PLL outputs, dedicated clock inputs and routing. LatticeXP devices have two to four sysCLOCK PLLs, located on the left and right sides of the device. There are four dedicated clock inputs, one on each side of the device. Figure 2-5 shows the 20 primary clock sources. 2-6 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-5. Primary Clock Sources From Routing PLL Input From Routing PLL PLL 20 Primary Clock Sources To Quadrant Clock Selection Clock Input PLL Input Clock Input PLL Clock Input PLL From Routing Clock Input PLL Input PLL Input From Routing Note: Smaller devices have two PLLs. Secondary Clock Sources LatticeXP devices have four secondary clock resources per quadrant. The secondary clock branches are tapped at every PFU. These secondary clock networks can also be used for controls and high fanout data. These secondary clocks are derived from four clock input pads and 16 routing signals as shown in Figure 2-6. 2-7 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-6. Secondary Clock Sources From Routing From Routing Clock Input From Routing From Routing From Routing From Routing From Routing From Routing 20 Secondary Clock Sources To Quadrant Clock Selection Clock Input Clock Input From Routing From Routing From Routing From Routing From Routing From Routing Clock Input From Routing From Routing Clock Routing The clock routing structure in LatticeXP devices consists of four Primary Clock lines and a Secondary Clock network per quadrant. The primary clocks are generated from MUXs located in each quadrant. Figure 2-7 shows this clock routing. The four secondary clocks are generated from MUXs located in each quadrant as shown in Figure 28. Each slice derives its clock from the primary clock lines, secondary clock lines and routing as shown in Figure 29. Figure 2-7. Per Quadrant Primary Clock Selection 20 Primary Clock Sources: 12 PLLs + 4 PIOs + 4 Routing1 DCS2 DCS2 4 Primary Clocks (CLK0, CLK1, CLK2, CLK3) per Quadrant 1. Smaller devices have fewer PLL related lines. 2. Dynamic clock select. 2-8 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-8. Per Quadrant Secondary Clock Selection 20 Secondary Clock Feedlines : 4 Clock Input Pads + 16 Routing Signals 4 Secondary Clocks per Quadrant Figure 2-9. Slice Clock Selection Primary Clock Secondary Clock Clock to Each Slice Routing GND sysCLOCK Phase Locked Loops (PLLs) The PLL clock input, from pin or routing, feeds into an input clock divider. There are three sources of feedback signals to the feedback divider: from CLKOP (PLL internal), from clock net (CLKOP or CLKOS) or from a user clock (PIN or logic). There is a PLL_LOCK signal to indicate that VCO has locked on to the input clock signal. Figure 210 shows the sysCLOCK PLL diagram. The setup and hold times of the device can be improved by programming a delay in the feedback or input path of the PLL which will advance or delay the output clock with reference to the input clock. This delay can be either programmed during configuration or can be adjusted dynamically. In dynamic mode, the PLL may lose lock after adjustment and not relock until the tLOCK parameter has been satisfied. Additionally, the phase and duty cycle block allows the user to adjust the phase and duty cycle of the CLKOS output. The sysCLOCK PLLs provide the ability to synthesize clock frequencies. Each PLL has four dividers associated with it: input clock divider, feedback divider, post scalar divider and secondary clock divider. The input clock divider is used to divide the input clock signal, while the feedback divider is used to multiply the input clock signal. The post scalar divider allows the VCO to operate at higher frequencies than the clock output, thereby increasing the frequency range. The secondary divider is used to derive lower frequency outputs. 2-9 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-10. PLL Diagram Dynamic Delay Adjustment LOCK RST Input Clock Divider (CLKI) CLKI (from routing or external pin) Delay Adjust Voltage Controlled VCO Oscillator Post Scalar Divider (CLKOP) Phase/Duty Select CLKOS CLKOP Secondary Clock Divider (CLKOK) Feedback Divider (CLKFB) CLKFB from CLKOP (PLL internal), from clock net (CLKOP) or from a user clock (PIN or logic) CLKOK Figure 2-11 shows the available macros for the PLL. Table 2-11 provides signal description of the PLL Block. Figure 2-11. PLL Primitive CLKI EPLLB CLKFB RST CLKOP CLKI CLKOS CLKFB CLKOK CLKOP LOCK DDA MODE EHXPLLB DDAIZR LOCK DDAOZR DDAILAG DDAOLAG DDAODEL[2:0] DDAIDEL[2:0] Table 2-5. PLL Signal Descriptions Signal CLKI I/O Description I Clock input from external pin or routing I PLL feedback input from CLKOP (PLL internal), from clock net (CLKOP) or from a user clock (PIN or logic) RST I "1" to reset input clock divider CLKOS O PLL output clock to clock tree (phase shifted/duty cycle changed) CLKFB CLKOP O PLL output clock to clock tree (No phase shift) CLKOK O PLL output to clock tree through secondary clock divider LOCK O "1" indicates PLL LOCK to CLKI DDAMODE I Dynamic Delay Enable. "1" Pin control (dynamic), "0": Fuse Control (static) DDAIZR I Dynamic Delay Zero. "1": delay = 0, "0": delay = on DDAILAG I Dynamic Delay Lag/Lead. "1": Lag, "0": Lead DDAIDEL[2:0] I Dynamic Delay Input DDAOZR O Dynamic Delay Zero Output DDAOLAG O Dynamic Delay Lag/Lead Output DDAODEL[2:0] O Dynamic Delay Output 2-10 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor For more information on the PLL, please see details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Dynamic Clock Select (DCS) The DCS is a global clock buffer with smart multiplexer functions. It takes two independent input clock sources and outputs a clock signal without any glitches or runt pulses. This is achieved irrespective of where the select signal is toggled. There are eight DCS blocks per device, located in pairs at the center of each side. Figure 2-12 illustrates the DCS Block Macro. Figure 2-12. DCS Block Primitive CLK0 CLK1 DCS DCSOUT SEL Figure 2-13 shows timing waveforms of the default DCS operating mode. The DCS block can be programmed to other modes. For more information on the DCS, please see details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Figure 2-13. DCS Waveforms CLK0 CLK1 SEL DCSOUT sysMEM Memory The LatticeXP family of devices contain a number of sysMEM Embedded Block RAM (EBR). The EBR consists of a 9-Kbit RAM, with dedicated input and output registers. sysMEM Memory Block The sysMEM block can implement single port, dual port or pseudo dual port memories. Each block can be used in a variety of depths and widths as shown in Table 2-6. 2-11 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Table 2-6. sysMEM Block Configurations Memory Mode Configurations Single Port 8,192 x 1 4,096 x 2 2,048 x 4 1,024 x 9 512 x 18 256 x 36 True Dual Port 8,192 x 1 4,096 x 2 2,048 x 4 1,024 x 9 512 x 18 Pseudo Dual Port 8,192 x 1 4,096 x 2 2,048 x 4 1,024 x 9 512 x 18 256 x 36 Bus Size Matching All of the multi-port memory modes support different widths on each of the ports. The RAM bits are mapped LSB word 0 to MSB word 0, LSB word 1 to MSB word 1 and so on. Although the word size and number of words for each port varies, this mapping scheme applies to each port. RAM Initialization and ROM Operation If desired, the contents of the RAM can be pre-loaded during device configuration. By preloading the RAM block during the chip configuration cycle and disabling the write controls, the sysMEM block can also be utilized as a ROM. Memory Cascading Larger and deeper blocks of RAMs can be created using EBR sysMEM Blocks. Typically, the Lattice design tools cascade memory transparently, based on specific design inputs. Single, Dual and Pseudo-Dual Port Modes Figure 2-14 shows the four basic memory configurations and their input/output names. In all the sysMEM RAM modes the input data and address for the ports are registered at the input of the memory array. The output data of the memory is optionally registered at the output. 2-12 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-14. sysMEM Memory Primitives AD[12:0] DI[35:0] CLK CE RST WE CS[2:0] EBR ADA[12:0] DIA[17:0] CLKA CEA DO[35:0] RSTA WEA CSA[2:0] DOA[17:0] True Dual Port RAM Single Port RAM AD[12:0] CLK CE RST CS[2:0] EBR EBR ADB[12:0] DIB[17:0] CEB CLKB RSTB WEB CSB[2:0] DOB[17:0] ADW[12:0] DI[35:0] CLKW CEW DO[35:0] WE RST CS[2:0] ROM ADR[12:0] EBR DO[35:0] CER CLKR Pseudo-Dual Port RAM The EBR memory supports three forms of write behavior for single port or dual port operation: 1. Normal - data on the output appears only during read cycle. During a write cycle, the data (at the current address) does not appear on the output. This mode is supported for all data widths. 2. Write Through -a copy of the input data appears at the output of the same port during a write cycle.This mode is supported for all data widths. 3. Read-Before-Write - when new data is being written, the old content of the address appears at the output. This mode is supported for x9, x18 and x36 data widths. Memory Core Reset The memory array in the EBR utilizes latches at the A and B output ports. These latches can be reset asynchronously. RSTA and RSTB are local signals, which reset the output latches associated with Port A and Port B respectively. The Global Reset (GSRN) signal resets both ports. The output data latches and associated resets for both ports are as shown in Figure 2-15. 2-13 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-15. Memory Core Reset Memory Core D SET Q Port A[17:0] LCLR Output Data Latches D SET Q Port B[17:0] LCLR RSTA RSTB GSRN Programmable Disable For further information on sysMEM EBR block, see the details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. EBR Asynchronous Reset EBR asynchronous reset or GSR (if used) can only be applied if all clock enables are low for a clock cycle before the reset is applied and released a clock cycle after the reset is released, as shown in Figure 2-16. The GSR input to the EBR is always asynchronous. Figure 2-16. EBR Asynchronous Reset (Including GSR) Timing Diagram Reset Clock Clock Enable If all clock enables remain enabled, the EBR asynchronous reset or GSR may only be applied and released after the EBR read and write clock inputs are in a steady state condition for a minimum of 1/fMAX (EBR clock). The reset release must adhere to the EBR synchronous reset setup time before the next active read or write clock edge. If an EBR is pre-loaded during configuration, the GSR input must be disabled or the release of the GSR during device Wake Up must occur before the release of the device I/Os becoming active. These instructions apply to all EBR RAM and ROM implementations. Note that there are no reset restrictions if the EBR synchronous reset is used and the EBR GSR input is disabled. Programmable I/O Cells (PICs) Each PIC contains two PIOs connected to their respective sysIO Buffers which are then connected to the PADs as shown in Figure 2-17. The PIO Block supplies the output data (DO) and the Tri-state control signal (TO) to sysIO buffer, and receives input from the buffer. 2-14 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-17. PIC Diagram PIO A TD OPOS1 ONEG1 TD D0 D1 DDRCLK IOLT0 Tristate DO Register Block (2 Flip Flops) OPOS0 ONEG0 PADA "T" D0 D1 DDRCLK IOLD0 Output Register Block (2 Flip Flops) INCK INDD INFF IPOS0 IPOS1 INCK INDD INFF IPOS0 IPOS1 Control Muxes CLK CE LSR GSRN DQS DDRCLKPOL sysIO Buffer CLKO CEO LSR DI Input Register Block (5 Flip Flops) GSR CLKI CEI PADB "C" PIO B In the LatticeXP family, seven PIOs or four (3.5) PICs are grouped together to provide two LVDS differential pairs, one PIC pair and one single I/O, as shown in Figure 2-18. Two adjacent PIOs can be joined to provide a differential I/O pair (labeled as "T" and "C"). The PAD Labels "T" and "C" distinguish the two PIOs. Only the PIO pairs on the left and right edges of the device can be configured as LVDS transmit/receive pairs. One of every 14 PIOs (a group of 8 PICs) contains a delay element to facilitate the generation of DQS signals as shown in Figure 2-19. The DQS signal feeds the DQS bus which spans the set of 13 PIOs (8 PICs). The DQS signal from the bus is used to strobe the DDR data from the memory into input register blocks. This interface is designed for memories that support one DQS strobe per eight bits of data. The exact DQS pins are shown in a dual function in the Logic Signal Connections table in this data sheet. Additional detail is provided in the Signal Descriptions table in this data sheet. 2-15 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-18. Group of Seven PIOs PIO A PADA "T" PIO B PADB "C" PIO A PADA "T" PIO B PADB "C" PIO A PADA "T" PIO B PADB "C" PIO A PADA "T" LVDS Pair Four PICs One PIO Pair LVDS Pair Figure 2-19. DQS Routing PIO A PADA "T" PIO B PADB "C" PIO A PADA "T" PIO B PADB "C" PIO A PADA "T" PIO B PADB "C" PIO A PADA "T" PIO B PADB "C" LVDS Pair LVDS Pair DQS PIO A sysIO Buffer Delay Assigned DQS Pin PADA "T" LVDS Pair PIO B PADB "C" PIO A PADA "T" PIO B PADB "C" PIO A PADA "T" PIO B PADB "C" LVDS Pair PIO The PIO contains four blocks: an input register block, output register block, tristate register block and a control logic block. These blocks contain registers for both single data rate (SDR) and double data rate (DDR) operation along with the necessary clock and selection logic. Programmable delay lines used to shift incoming clock and data signals are also included in these blocks. Input Register Block The input register block contains delay elements and registers that can be used to condition signals before they are passed to the device core. Figure 2-20 shows the diagram of the input register block. Input signals are fed from the sysIO buffer to the input register block (as signal DI). If desired the input signal can bypass the register and delay elements and be used directly as a combinatorial signal (INDD), a clock (INCK) and 2-16 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor in selected blocks the input to the DQS delay block. If one of the bypass options is not chosen, the signal first passes through an optional delay block. This delay, if selected, ensures no positive input-register hold-time requirement when using a global clock. The input block allows two modes of operation. In the single data rate (SDR) the data is registered, by one of the registers in the single data rate sync register block, with the system clock. In the DDR Mode two registers are used to sample the data on the positive and negative edges of the DQS signal creating two data streams, D0 and D2. These two data streams are synchronized with the system clock before entering the core. Further discussion on this topic is in the DDR Memory section of this data sheet. Figure 2-21 shows the input register waveforms for DDR operation and Figure 2-22 shows the design tool primitives. The SDR/SYNC registers have reset and clock enable available. The signal DDRCLKPOL controls the polarity of the clock used in the synchronization registers. It ensures adequate timing when data is transferred from the DQS to the system clock domain. For further discussion of this topic, see the DDR memory section of this data sheet. Figure 2-20. Input Register Diagram DI (From sysIO Buffer) INCK INDD Delay Block Fixed Delay SDR & Sync Registers DDR Registers D0 D Q D D-Type /LATCH Q D-Type D Q D1 D-Type DQS Delayed (From DQS Bus) CLK0 (From Routing) DDRCLKPOL (From DDR Polarity Control Bus) 2-17 D2 D Q D-Type D Q D-Type /LATCH To Routing IPOS0 IPOS1 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-21. Input Register DDR Waveforms DI (In DDR Mode) A B C D F E DQS DQS Delayed D0 B D D2 A C Figure 2-22. INDDRXB Primitive D ECLK LSR SCLK QA IDDRXB QB CE DDRCLKPOL Output Register Block The output register block provides the ability to register signals from the core of the device before they are passed to the sysIO buffers. The block contains a register for SDR operation that is combined with an additional latch for DDR operation. Figure 2-23 shows the diagram of the Output Register Block. In SDR mode, ONEG0 feeds one of the flip-flops that then feeds the output. The flip-flop can be configured as a Dtype or as a latch. In DDR mode, ONEG0 is fed into one register on the positive edge of the clock and OPOS0 is latched. A multiplexer running off the same clock selects the correct register for feeding to the output (D0). Figure 2-24 shows the design tool DDR primitives. The SDR output register has reset and clock enable available. The additional register for DDR operation does not have reset or clock enable available. 2-18 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-23. Output Register Block OUTDDN Q D D-Type /LATCH ONEG0 0 0 DO 1 From Routing To sysIO Buffer 1 OPOS0 D Q LATCH LE* CLK1 Programmed Control *Latch is transparent when input is low. Figure 2-24. ODDRXB Primitive DA DB CLK ODDRXB Q LSR Tristate Register Block The tristate register block provides the ability to register tri-state control signals from the core of the device before they are passed to the sysIO buffers. The block contains a register for SDR operation and an additional latch for DDR operation. Figure 2-25 shows the diagram of the Tristate Register Block. In SDR mode, ONEG1 feeds one of the flip-flops that then feeds the output. The flip-flop can be configured a Dtype or latch. In DDR mode, ONEG1 is fed into one register on the positive edge of the clock and OPOS1 is latched. A multiplexer running off the same clock selects the correct register for feeding to the output (D0). 2-19 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-25. Tristate Register Block TD OUTDDN Q D D-Type /LATCH ONEG1 0 0 From Routing TO 1 To sysIO Buffer 1 OPOS1 D Q LATCH LE* CLK1 Programmed Control *Latch is transparent when input is low. Control Logic Block The control logic block allows the selection and modification of control signals for use in the PIO block. A clock is selected from one of the clock signals provided from the general purpose routing and a DQS signal provided from the programmable DQS pin. The clock can optionally be inverted. The clock enable and local reset signals are selected from the routing and optionally inverted. The global tristate signal is passed through this block. DDR Memory Support Implementing high performance DDR memory interfaces requires dedicated DDR register structures in the input (for read operations) and in the output (for write operations). As indicated in the PIO Logic section, the LatticeXP devices provide this capability. In addition to these registers, the LatticeXP devices contain two elements to simplify the design of input structures for read operations: the DQS delay block and polarity control logic. DLL Calibrated DQS Delay Block Source Synchronous interfaces generally require the input clock to be adjusted in order to correctly capture data at the input register. For most interfaces a PLL is used for this adjustment, however in DDR memories the clock (referred to as DQS) is not free running so this approach cannot be used. The DQS Delay block provides the required clock alignment for DDR memory interfaces. The DQS signal (selected PIOs only) feeds from the PAD through a DQS delay element to a dedicated DQS routing resource. The DQS signal also feeds the polarity control logic which controls the polarity of the clock to the sync registers in the input register blocks. Figures 2-26 and 2-27 show how the polarity control logic are routed to the PIOs. The temperature, voltage and process variations of the DQS delay block are compensated by a set of calibration (6-bit bus) signals from two DLLs on opposite sides of the device. Each DLL compensates DQS Delays in its half of the device as shown in Figure 2-27. The DLL loop is compensated for temperature, voltage and process variations by the system clock and feedback loop. 2-20 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-26. DQS Local Bus Delay Control Bus PIO Polarity Control Bus DQS Bus DQS To Sync. Reg. GSR CLKI CEI DQS DDR Datain PAD sysIO Buffer Input Register Block ( 5 Flip Flops) DI To DDR Reg. PIO DQS Strobe PAD sysIO Buffer Polarity Control Logic DI DQS DQSDEL Calibration Bus from DLL Figure 2-27. DLL Calibration Bus and DQS/DQS Transition Distribution Delay Control Bus Polarity Control Signal Bus DQS Signal Bus DLL DLL 2-21 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Polarity Control Logic In a typical DDR Memory interface design, the phase relation between the incoming delayed DQS strobe and the internal system Clock (during the READ cycle) is unknown. The LatticeXP family contains dedicated circuits to transfer data between these domains. To prevent setup and hold violations at the domain transfer between DQS (delayed) and the system Clock a clock polarity selector is used. This changes the edge on which the data is registered in the synchronizing registers in the input register block. This requires evaluation at the start of the each READ cycle for the correct clock polarity. Prior to the READ operation in DDR memories DQS is in tristate (pulled by termination). The DDR memory device drives DQS low at the start of the preamble state. A dedicated circuit detects this transition. This signal is used to control the polarity of the clock to the synchronizing registers. sysIO Buffer Each I/O is associated with a flexible buffer referred to as a sysIO buffer. These buffers are arranged around the periphery of the device in eight groups referred to as Banks. The sysIO buffers allow users to implement the wide variety of standards that are found in today's systems including LVCMOS, SSTL, HSTL, LVDS and LVPECL. sysIO Buffer Banks LatticeXP devices have eight sysIO buffer banks; each is capable of supporting multiple I/O standards. Each sysIO bank has its own I/O supply voltage (VCCIO), and two voltage references VREF1 and VREF2 resources allowing each bank to be completely independent from each other. Figure 2-28 shows the eight banks and their associated supplies. In the LatticeXP devices, single-ended output buffers and ratioed input buffers (LVTTL, LVCMOS, PCI and PCI-X) are powered using VCCIO. LVTTL, LVCMOS33, LVCMOS25 and LVCMOS12 can also be set as a fixed threshold input independent of VCCIO. In addition to the bank VCCIO supplies, the LatticeXP devices have a VCC core logic power supply, and a VCCAUX supply that power all differential and referenced buffers. Each bank can support up to two separate VREF voltages, VREF1 and VREF2 that set the threshold for the referenced input buffers. In the LatticeXP devices, a dedicated pin in a bank can be configured to be a reference voltage supply pin. Each I/O is individually configurable based on the bank's supply and reference voltages. 2-22 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-28. LatticeXP Banks Bank 1 N 1 Bank 2 Bank 7 1 GND VREF2(1) N VREF1(1) Bank 0 VCCIO1 GND VREF2(0) VREF1(7) VREF2(7) 1 1 VREF1(0) VCCIO0 VCCIO7 VCCIO2 VREF1(2) VREF2(2) GND M M GND VCCIO6 1 1 VCCIO3 Bank 6 VREF1(3) VREF2(3) GND N GND VREF2(4) Bank 4 VREF1(4) 1 VCCIO4 N GND VCCIO5 1 M Bank 5 VREF1(5) M VREF2(5) GND Bank 3 V REF1(6) V REF2(6) Note: N and M are the maximum number of I/Os per bank. LatticeXP devices contain two types of sysIO buffer pairs. 1. Top and Bottom sysIO Buffer Pair (Single-Ended Outputs Only) The sysIO buffer pairs in the top and bottom banks of the device consist of two single-ended output drivers and two sets of single-ended input buffers (both ratioed and referenced). The referenced input buffer can also be configured as a differential input. The two pads in the pair are described as "true" and "comp", where the true pad is associated with the positive side of the differential input buffer and the comp (complementary) pad is associated with the negative side of the differential input buffer. Only the I/Os on the top and bottom banks have PCI clamps. Note that the PCI clamp is enabled after VCC, VCCAUX and VCCIO are at valid operating levels and the device has been configured. 2. Left and Right sysIO Buffer Pair (Differential and Single-Ended Outputs) The sysIO buffer pairs in the left and right banks of the device consist of two single-ended output drivers, two sets of single-ended input buffers (both ratioed and referenced) and one differential output driver. The referenced input buffer can also be configured as a differential input. In these banks the two pads in the pair are described as "true" and "comp", where the true pad is associated with the positive side of the differential I/O, and the comp (complementary) pad is associated with the negative side of the differential I/O. Select I/Os in the left and right banks have LVDS differential output drivers. Refer to the Logic Signal Connections tables for more information. 2-23 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Typical I/O Behavior During Power-up The internal power-on-reset (POR) signal is deactivated when VCC and VCCAUX have reached satisfactory levels. After the POR signal is deactivated, the FPGA core logic becomes active. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that all other VCCIO banks are active with valid input logic levels to properly control the output logic states of all the I/O banks that are critical to the application. The default configuration of the I/O pins in a blank device is tri-state with a weak pull-up to VCCIO. The I/O pins will not take on the user configuration until VCC, VCCAUX and VCCIO have reached satisfactory levels at which time the I/Os will take on the user-configured settings. The VCC and VCCAUX supply the power to the FPGA core fabric, whereas the VCCIO supplies power to the I/O buffers. In order to simplify system design while providing consistent and predictable I/O behavior, it is recommended that the I/O buffers be powered-up prior to the FPGA core fabric. VCCIO supplies should be powered up before or together with the VCC and VCCAUX supplies. Supported Standards The LatticeXP sysIO buffer supports both single-ended and differential standards. Single-ended standards can be further subdivided into LVCMOS, LVTTL and other standards. The buffers support the LVTTL, LVCMOS 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.5 and 3.3V standards. In the LVCMOS and LVTTL modes, the buffer has individually configurable options for drive strength, bus maintenance (weak pull-up, weak pull-down, or a bus-keeper latch) and open drain. Other single-ended standards supported include SSTL and HSTL. Differential standards supported include LVDS, BLVDS, LVPECL, differential SSTL and differential HSTL. Tables 2-7 and 2-8 show the I/O standards (together with their supply and reference voltages) supported by the LatticeXP devices. For further information on utilizing the sysIO buffer to support a variety of standards please see the details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Table 2-7. Supported Input Standards VREF (Nom.) VCCIO1 (Nom.) LVTTL -- -- LVCMOS332 -- -- LVCMOS252 -- -- LVCMOS18 -- 1.8 LVCMOS15 -- 1.5 -- -- PCI -- 3.3 HSTL18 Class I, II 0.9 -- HSTL18 Class III 1.08 -- HSTL15 Class I 0.75 -- HSTL15 Class III 0.9 -- SSTL3 Class I, II 1.5 -- SSTL2 Class I, II 1.25 -- SSTL18 Class I 0.9 -- Differential SSTL18 Class I -- -- Differential SSTL2 Class I, II -- -- Differential SSTL3 Class I, II -- -- Differential HSTL15 Class I, III -- -- Differential HSTL18 Class I, II, III -- -- Input Standard Single Ended Interfaces 2 LVCMOS12 Differential Interfaces LVDS, LVPECL -- -- BLVDS -- -- 1. When not specified VCCIO can be set anywhere in the valid operating range. 2. JTAG inputs do not have a fixed threshold option and always follow VCCJ. 2-24 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Table 2-8. Supported Output Standards Output Standard Drive VCCIO (Nom.) Single-ended Interfaces LVTTL 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA, 20mA 3.3 LVCMOS33 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA, 20mA 3.3 LVCMOS25 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA, 20mA 2.5 LVCMOS18 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA 1.8 LVCMOS15 4mA, 8mA 1.5 LVCMOS12 2mA, 6mA 1.2 LVCMOS33, Open Drain 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA, 20mA -- LVCMOS25, Open Drain 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA, 20mA -- LVCMOS18, Open Drain 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA -- LVCMOS15, Open Drain 4mA, 8mA -- LVCMOS12, Open Drain 2mA. 6mA -- N/A 3.3 PCI33 HSTL18 Class I, II, III N/A 1.8 HSTL15 Class I, III N/A 1.5 SSTL3 Class I, II N/A 3.3 SSTL2 Class I, II N/A 2.5 SSTL18 Class I N/A 1.8 Differential SSTL3, Class I, II N/A 3.3 Differential SSTL2, Class I, II N/A 2.5 Differential SSTL18, Class I N/A 1.8 Differential HSTL18, Class I, II, III N/A 1.8 Differential HSTL15, Class I, III N/A 1.5 LVDS N/A 2.5 BLVDS1 N/A 2.5 LVPECL1 N/A 3.3 Differential Interfaces 1. Emulated with external resistors. Hot Socketing The LatticeXP devices have been carefully designed to ensure predictable behavior during power-up and powerdown. Power supplies can be sequenced in any order. During power up and power-down sequences, the I/Os remain in tristate until the power supply voltage is high enough to ensure reliable operation. In addition, leakage into I/O pins is controlled to within specified limits, which allows easy integration with the rest of the system. These capabilities make the LatticeXP ideal for many multiple power supply and hot-swap applications. Sleep Mode The LatticeXP "C" devices (VCC = 1.8/2.5/3.3V) have a sleep mode that allows standby current to be reduced by up to three orders of magnitude during periods of system inactivity. Entry and exit to Sleep Mode is controlled by the SLEEPN pin. During Sleep Mode, the FPGA logic is non-operational, registers and EBR contents are not maintained and I/Os are tri-stated. Do not enter Sleep Mode during device programming or configuration operation. In Sleep Mode, power supplies can be maintained in their normal operating range, eliminating the need for external switching of power supplies. Table 2-9 compares the characteristics of Normal, Off and Sleep Modes. 2-25 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Table 2-9. Characteristics of Normal, Off and Sleep Modes Characteristic SLEEPN Pin Static Icc I/O Leakage Normal Off Sleep High -- Low Typical <100mA 0 Typical <100uA <10A <1mA <10A Normal Range Off Normal Range Logic Operation User Defined Non Operational Non operational I/O Operation User Defined Tri-state Tri-state JTAG and Programming circuitry Operational Non-operational Non-operational EBR Contents and Registers Maintained Non-maintained Non-maintained Power Supplies VCC/VCCIO/VCCAUX SLEEPN Pin Characteristics The SLEEPN pin behaves as an LVCMOS input with the voltage standard appropriate to the VCC supply for the device. This pin also has a weak pull-up typically in the order of 10A along with a Schmidt trigger and glitch filter to prevent false triggering. An external pull-up to VCC is recommended when Sleep Mode is not used to ensure the device stays in normal operation mode. Typically the device enters Sleep Mode several hundred ns after SLEEPN is held at a valid low and restarts normal operation as specified in the Sleep Mode Timing table. The AC and DC specifications portion of this data sheet show a detailed timing diagram. Configuration and Testing The following section describes the configuration and testing features of the LatticeXP family of devices. IEEE 1149.1-Compliant Boundary Scan Testability All LatticeXP devices have boundary scan cells that are accessed through an IEEE 1149.1 compliant test access port (TAP). This allows functional testing of the circuit board, on which the device is mounted, through a serial scan path that can access all critical logic nodes. Internal registers are linked internally, allowing test data to be shifted in and loaded directly onto test nodes, or test data to be captured and shifted out for verification. The test access port consists of dedicated I/Os: TDI, TDO, TCK and TMS. The test access port has its own supply voltage VCCJ and can operate with LVCMOS3.3, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5 and 1.2 standards. For more details on boundary scan test, please see information regarding additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Device Configuration All LatticeXP devices contain two possible ports that can be used for device configuration and programming. The test access port (TAP), which supports serial configuration, and the sysCONFIG port that supports both byte-wide and serial configuration. The non-volatile memory in the LatticeXP can be configured in three different modes: * In sysCONFIG mode via the sysCONFIG port. Note this can also be done in background mode. * In 1532 mode via the 1149.1 port. * In background mode via the 1149.1 port. This allows the device to be operated while reprogramming takes place. The SRAM configuration memory can be configured in three different ways: * At power-up via the on-chip non-volatile memory. * In 1532 mode via the 1149.1 port SRAM direct configuration. * In sysCONFIG mode via the sysCONFIG port SRAM direct configuration. 2-26 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 2-29 provides a pictorial representation of the different programming ports and modes available in the LatticeXP devices. On power-up, the FPGA SRAM is ready to be configured with the sysCONFIG port active. The IEEE 1149.1 serial mode can be activated any time after power-up by sending the appropriate command through the TAP port. Leave Alone I/O When using 1532 mode for non-volatile memory programming, users may specify I/Os as high, low, tristated or held at current value. This provides excellent flexibility for implementing systems where reprogramming occurs onthe-fly. TransFR (Transparent Field Reconfiguration) TransFR (TFR) is a unique Lattice technology that allows users to update their logic in the field without interrupting system operation using a single ispVM command. See Lattice technical note #TN1087, Minimizing System Interruption During Configuration Using TransFR Technology, for details. Security The LatticeXP devices contain security bits that, when set, prevent the readback of the SRAM configuration and non-volatile memory spaces. Once set, the only way to clear security bits is to erase the memory space. For more information on device configuration, please see details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Figure 2-29. ispXP Block Diagram ISP 1149.1 TAP Port sysCONFIG Peripherial Port Port BACKGND sysCONFIG 1532 Mode Configure in milliseconds Program in seconds Power-up Memory Space Refresh SRAM Memory Space Download in microseconds Memory Space Internal Logic Analyzer Capability (ispTRACY) All LatticeXP devices support an internal logic analyzer diagnostic feature. The diagnostic features provide capabilities similar to an external logic analyzer, such as programmable event and trigger condition and deep trace memory. This feature is enabled by Lattice's ispTRACY. The ispTRACY utility is added into the user design at compile time. For more information on ispTRACY, please see information regarding additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Oscillator Every LatticeXP device has an internal CMOS oscillator which is used to derive a master serial clock for configuration. The oscillator and the master serial clock run continuously in the configuration mode. The default value of the 2-27 Architecture LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor master serial clock is 2.5MHz. Table 2-10 lists all the available Master Serial Clock frequencies. When a different Master Serial Clock is selected during the design process, the following sequence takes place: 1. User selects a different Master Serial Clock frequency for configuration. 2. During configuration the device starts with the default (2.5MHz) Master Serial Clock frequency. 3. The clock configuration settings are contained in the early configuration bit stream. 4. The Master Serial Clock frequency changes to the selected frequency once the clock configuration bits are received. For further information on the use of this oscillator for configuration, please see details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Table 2-10. Selectable Master Serial Clock (CCLK) Frequencies During Configuration CCLK (MHz) CCLK (MHz) CCLK (MHz) 1 2.5 13 45 4.3 15 51 5.4 20 55 6.9 26 60 8.1 30 130 9.2 34 -- 10.0 41 -- 1. Default Density Shifting The LatticeXP family has been designed to ensure that different density devices in the same package have the same pin-out. Furthermore, the architecture ensures a high success rate when performing design migration from lower density parts to higher density parts. In many cases, it is also possible to shift a lower utilization design targeted for a high-density device to a lower density device. However, the exact details of the final resource utilization will impact the likely success in each case. 2-28 LatticeXP Family Data Sheet DC and Switching Characteristics November 2007 Data Sheet DS1001 Absolute Maximum Ratings1, 2, 3, 4 XPE (1.2V) XPC (1.8V/2.5V/3.3V) Supply Voltage VCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 1.32V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V Supply Voltage VCCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 1.32V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V Supply Voltage VCCAUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V Supply Voltage VCCJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V Output Supply Voltage VCCIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V I/O Tristate Voltage Applied5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V Dedicated Input Voltage Applied 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 4.25V Storage Temperature (Ambient) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65 to 150C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65 to 150C Junction Temp. (Tj) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +125C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +125C 1. Stress above those listed under the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions outside of those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. 2. Compliance with the Lattice Thermal Management document is required. 3. All voltages referenced to GND. 4. All chip grounds are connected together to a common package GND plane. 5. Overshoot and undershoot of -2V to (VIHMAX + 2) volts is permitted for a duration of <20ns. Recommended Operating Conditions3 Symbol VCC VCCP Min. Max. Units Core Supply Voltage for 1.2V Devices Parameter 1.14 1.26 V Core Supply Voltage for 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V Devices 1.71 3.465 V Supply Voltage for PLL for 1.2V Devices 1.14 1.26 V Supply Voltage for PLL for 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V Devices 1.71 3.465 V VCCAUX4 Auxiliary Supply Voltage 3.135 3.465 V VCCIO1, 2 I/O Driver Supply Voltage 1.14 3.465 V VCCJ1 Supply Voltage for IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port 1.14 3.465 V tJCOM Junction Temperature, Commercial Operation tJIND Junction Temperature, Industrial Operation tJFLASHCOM tJFLASHIND 0 85 C -40 100 C Junction Temperature, Flash Programming, Commercial 0 85 C Junction Temperature, Flash Programming, Industrial 0 85 C 1. If VCCIO or VCCJ is set to 3.3V, they must be connected to the same power supply as VCCAUX. For the XPE devices (1.2V VCC), if VCCIO or VCCJ is set to 1.2V, they must be connected to the same power supply as VCC. 2. See recommended voltages by I/O standard in subsequent table. 3. The system designer must ensure that the FPGA design stays within the specified junction temperature and package thermal capabilities of the device based on the expected operating frequency, activity factor and environment conditions of the system. 4. VCCAUX ramp rate must not exceed 30mV/s during power up when transitioning between 0V and 3.3V. (c) 2007 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 3-1 DS1001 DC and Switching_02.7 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Hot Socketing Specifications1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Symbol IDK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Parameter Input or I/O Leakage Current Condition 0 VIN VIH (MAX.) Min. Typ. Max. Units -- -- +/-1000 A Insensitive to sequence of VCC, VCCAUX and VCCIO. However, assumes monotonic rise/fall rates for VCC, VCCAUX and VCCIO. 0 VCC VCC (MAX) or 0 VCCAUX VCCAUX (MAX). 0 VCCIO VCCIO (MAX) for top and bottom I/O banks. 0.2 VCCIO VCCIO (MAX) for left and right I/O banks. IDK is additive to IPU, IPW or IBH. LVCMOS and LVTTL only. 3-2 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor DC Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Condition IIL, IIH1, 2, 4 Input or I/O Leakage Min. Typ. Max. Units 0 VIN (VCCIO - 0.2V) -- -- 10 A (VCCIO - 0.2V) < VIN 3.6V -- -- 40 A IPU I/O Active Pull-up Current 0 VIN 0.7 VCCIO -30 -- -150 A IPD I/O Active Pull-down Current VIL (MAX) VIN VIH (MAX) 30 -- 150 A IBHLS Bus Hold Low sustaining current VIN = VIL (MAX) 30 -- -- A IBHHS -30 -- -- A IBHLO Bus Hold High sustaining current VIN = 0.7VCCIO Bus Hold Low Overdrive current 0 VIN VIH (MAX) -- -- 150 A IBHHO Bus Hold High Overdrive current 0 VIN VIH (MAX) -- -- -150 A VBHT Bus Hold trip Points 0 VIN VIH (MAX) C1 I/O Capacitance VCCIO = 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V, 1.5V, 1.2V, VCC = 1.2V, VIO = 0 to VIH (MAX) C2 Dedicated Input Capacitance3 VCCIO = 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V, 1.5V, 1.2V, VCC = 1.2V, VIO = 0 to VIH (MAX) 3 VIL (MAX) -- VIH (MIN) V -- 8 -- pf -- 8 -- pf 1. Input or I/O leakage current is measured with the pin configured as an input or as an I/O with the output driver tri-stated. It is not measured with the output driver active. Bus maintenance circuits are disabled. 2. Not applicable to SLEEPN/TOE pin. 3. TA 25C, f = 1.0MHz 4. When VIH is higher than VCCIO, a transient current typically of 30ns in duration or less with a peak current of 6mA can be expected on the high-to-low transition. Supply Current (Sleep Mode)1, 2, 3 Symbol Parameter Typ.4 Max Units 12 65 A LFXP6C 14 75 A LFXP10C 16 85 A LFXP15C 18 95 A Device LFXP3C ICC ICCP ICCAUX ICCIO ICCJ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Core Power Supply PLL Power Supply (per PLL) Auxiliary Power Supply 5 Bank Power Supply VCCJ Power Supply LFXP20C 20 105 A All LFXP `C' Devices 1 5 A LFXP3C 2 90 A LFXP6C 2 100 A LFXP10C 2 110 A LFXP15C 3 120 A LFXP20C 4 130 A LFXP3C 2 20 A LFXP6C 2 22 A LFXP10C 2 24 A LFXP15C 3 27 A LFXP20C 4 30 A All LFXP `C' Devices 1 5 A Assumes all inputs are configured as LVCMOS and held at the VCCIO or GND. Frequency 0MHz. User pattern: blank. TA=25C, power supplies at nominal voltage. Per bank. 3-3 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Supply Current (Standby)1, 2, 3, 4 Over Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol ICC ICCP ICCAUX Parameter Core Power Supply PLL Power Supply (per PLL) Auxiliary Power Supply VCCAUX = 3.3V ICCIO Bank Power Supply ICCJ VCCJ Power Supply 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6 Device Typ.5 Units LFXP3E 15 mA LFXP6E 20 mA LFXP10E 35 mA LFXP15E 45 mA LFXP20E 55 mA LFXP3C 35 mA LFXP6C 40 mA LFXP10C 70 mA LFXP15C 80 mA LFXP20C 90 mA All 8 mA LFXP3E/C 22 mA LFXP6E/C 22 mA LFXP10E/C 30 mA LFXP15E/C 30 mA LFXP20E/C 30 mA All 2 mA All 1 mA For further information on supply current, please see details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Assumes all outputs are tristated, all inputs are configured as LVCMOS and held at the VCCIO or GND. Frequency 0MHz. User pattern: blank. TA=25C, power supplies at nominal voltage. Per bank. 3-4 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Initialization Supply Current1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Over Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol ICC ICCAUX ICCJ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Parameter Core Power Supply Auxiliary Power Supply VCCAUX = 3.3V VCCJ Power Supply Device Typ.7 Units LFXP3E 40 mA LFXP6E 50 mA LFXP10E 110 mA LFXP15E 140 mA LFXP20E 250 mA LFXP3C 60 mA LFXP6C 70 mA LFXP10C 150 mA LFXP15C 180 mA LFXP20C 290 mA LFXP3E/C 50 mA LFXP6E/C 60 mA LFXP10E/C 90 mA LFXP15 /C 110 mA LFXP20E/C 130 mA All 2 mA Until DONE signal is active. For further information on supply current, please see details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Assumes all outputs are tristated, all inputs are configured as LVCMOS and held at the VCCIO or GND. Frequency 0MHz. Typical user pattern. Assume normal bypass capacitor/decoupling capacitor across the supply. TA=25C, power supplies at nominal voltage. 3-5 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Programming and Erase Flash Supply Current1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Symbol ICC ICCAUX ICCJ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Parameter Core Power Supply Auxiliary Power Supply VCCAUX = 3.3V 7 VCCJ Power Supply Device Typ.6 Units LFXP3E 30 mA LFXP6E 40 mA LFXP10E 50 mA LFXP15E 60 mA LFXP20E 70 mA LFXP3C 50 mA mA LFXP6C 60 LFXP10C 90 mA LFXP15C 100 mA LFXP20C 110 mA LFXP3E/C 50 mA LFXP6E/C 60 mA LFXP10E/C 90 mA LFXP15E/C 110 mA LFXP20E/C 130 mA All 2 mA For further information on supply current, please see details of additional technical documentation at the end of this data sheet. Assumes all outputs are tristated, all inputs are configured as LVCMOS and held at the VCCIO or GND. Blank user pattern; typical Flash pattern. Bypass or decoupling capacitor across the supply. JTAG programming is at 1MHz. TA=25C, power supplies at nominal voltage. When programming via JTAG. 3-6 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor sysIO Recommended Operating Conditions VCCIO Standard VREF (V) Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. LVCMOS 3.3 3.135 3.3 3.465 -- -- -- LVCMOS 2.5 2.375 2.5 2.625 -- -- -- LVCMOS 1.8 1.71 1.8 1.89 -- -- -- LVCMOS 1.5 1.425 1.5 1.575 -- -- -- LVCMOS 1.2 1.14 1.2 1.26 -- -- -- LVTTL 3.135 3.3 3.465 -- -- -- PCI33 3.135 3.3 3.465 -- -- -- SSTL18 Class I 1.71 1.8 1.89 0.833 0.9 0.969 SSTL2 Class I, II 2.375 2.5 2.625 1.15 1.25 1.35 SSTL3 Class I, II 3.135 3.3 3.465 1.3 1.5 1.7 HSTL15 Class I 1.425 1.5 1.575 0.68 0.75 0.9 HSTL15 Class III 1.425 1.5 1.575 -- 0.9 -- HSTL 18 Class I, II 1.71 1.8 1.89 -- 0.9 -- HSTL 18 Class III 1.71 1.8 1.89 -- 1.08 -- LVDS 2.375 2.5 2.625 -- -- -- LVPECL1 3.135 3.3 3.465 -- -- -- 2.375 2.5 2.625 -- -- -- 1 BLVDS 1. Inputs on chip. Outputs are implemented with the addition of external resistors. 3-7 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor sysIO Single-Ended DC Electrical Characteristics Input/Output Standard LVCMOS 3.3 LVTTL LVCMOS 2.5 VIH VIL Min. (V) Max. (V) Min. (V) Max. (V) -0.3 0.8 2.0 3.6 -0.3 -0.3 0.8 0.7 2.0 1.7 3.6 3.6 LVCMOS 1.8 -0.3 0.35VCCIO 0.65VCCIO 3.6 LVCMOS 1.5 -0.3 0.35VCCIO 0.65VCCIO 3.6 VOL Max. (V) VOH Min. (V) IOL (mA) IOH (mA) 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 -20, -16, -12, -8, -4 0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 -20, -16, -12, -8, -4 0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 -20, -16, -12, -8, -4 0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 16, 12, 8, 4 -16, -12, -8, -4 0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 8, 4 -8, -4 0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 6, 2 -6, -2 0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 6, 2 -6, -2 0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1 -0.5 LVCMOS 1.2 ("C" Version) -0.3 0.42 0.78 3.6 LVCMOS 1.2 ("E" Version) -0.3 0.35VCC 0.65VCC 3.6 PCI -0.3 0.3VCCIO 0.5VCCIO 3.6 0.1VCCIO 0.9VCCIO 1.5 SSTL3 class I -0.3 VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 3.6 0.7 VCCIO - 1.1 8 -8 SSTL3 class II -0.3 VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 3.6 0.5 VCCIO - 0.9 16 -16 SSTL2 class I -0.3 VREF - 0.18 VREF + 0.18 3.6 0.54 VCCIO - 0.62 7.6 -7.6 SSTL2 class II -0.3 VREF - 0.18 VREF + 0.18 3.6 0.35 VCCIO - 0.43 15.2 -15.2 SSTL18 class I -0.3 VREF - 0.125 VREF + 0.125 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 6.7 -6.7 HSTL15 class I -0.3 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 8 -8 HSTL15 class III -0.3 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 24 -8 HSTL18 class I -0.3 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 9.6 -9.6 HSTL18 class II -0.3 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 16 -16 HSTL18 class III -0.3 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 24 -8 1. The average DC current drawn by I/Os between GND connections, or between the last GND in an I/O bank and the end of an I/O bank, as shown in the logic signal connections table shall not exceed n * 8mA. Where n is the number of I/Os between bank GND connections or between the last GND in a bank and the end of a bank. 3-8 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor sysIO Differential Electrical Characteristics LVDS Over Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Parameter Description Test Conditions VINP, VINM Input Voltage VTHD Differential Input Threshold VCM Input Common Mode Voltage IIN Input current Power on or power off Min. Typ. Max. Units 0 -- 2.4 V +/-100 -- -- mV 100mV VTHD VTHD/2 1.2 1.8 V 200mV VTHD VTHD/2 1.2 1.9 V 350mV VTHD VTHD/2 1.2 2.0 V -- -- +/-10 A VOH Output high voltage for VOP or VOM RT = 100 ohms -- 1.38 1.60 V VOL Output low voltage for VOP or VOM RT = 100 ohms 0.9V 1.03 -- V VOD Output voltage differential (VOP - VOM), RT = 100 ohms 250 350 450 mV VOD Change in VOD between high and low -- -- 50 mV VOS Output voltage offset 1.125 1.25 1.375 V VOS Change in VOS between H and L -- -- 50 mV -- -- 6 mA IOSD Output short circuit current (VOP - VOM)/2, RT = 100 ohms VOD = 0V Driver outputs shorted 3-9 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Differential HSTL and SSTL Differential HSTL and SSTL outputs are implemented as a pair of complementary single-ended outputs. All allowable single-ended output classes (class I and class II) are supported in this mode. LVDS25E The top and bottom side of LatticeXP devices support LVDS outputs via emulated complementary LVCMOS outputs in conjunction with a parallel resistor across the driver outputs. The scheme shown in Figure 3-1 is one possible solution for point-to-point signals. Figure 3-1. LVDS25E Output Termination Example Bourns CAT16-LV4F12 VCCIO = 2.5V (5%) RS=165 ohms (1%) VCCIO = 2.5V (5%) RS=165 ohms (1%) RD = 140 ohms (1%) RD = 100 ohms (1%) + - Transmission line, Zo = 100 ohm differential ON-chip OFF-chip OFF-chip ON-chip Table 3-1. LVDS25E DC Conditions Over Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Description Typical Units VOH Output high voltage 1.43 V VOL Output low voltage 1.07 V VOD Output differential voltage 0.35 V VCM Output common mode voltage 1.25 V ZBACK Back impedance 100 ohms IDC DC output current 3.66 mA BLVDS The LatticeXP devices support BLVDS standard. This standard is emulated using complementary LVCMOS outputs in conjunction with a parallel external resistor across the driver outputs. BLVDS is intended for use when multidrop and bi-directional multi-point differential signaling is required. The scheme shown in Figure 3-2 is one possible solution for bi-directional multi-point differential signals. 3-10 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 3-2. BLVDS Multi-point Output Example Heavily loaded backplane, effective Zo ~ 45 to 90 ohms differential 2.5V 2.5V 100 45-90 ohms, +/- 1% % 45-90 - ohms, +/- 1% 100 2.5V 2.5V 100 100 ... 2.5V + - + - + - + - 2.5V 2.5V 100 100 2.5V 100 100 Table 3-2. BLVDS DC Conditions1 Over Recommended Operating Conditions Typical Symbol Description Zo = 45 Zo = 90 Units ZOUT Output impedance 100 100 ohms RTLEFT Left end termination 45 90 ohms RTRIGHT Right end termination 45 90 ohms VOH Output high voltage 1.375 1.48 V VOL Output low voltage 1.125 1.02 V VOD Output differential voltage 0.25 0.46 V VCM Output common mode voltage 1.25 1.25 V IDC DC output current 11.2 10.2 mA 1. For input buffer, see LVDS table. 3-11 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LVPECL The LatticeXP devices support differential LVPECL standard. This standard is emulated using complementary LVCMOS outputs in conjunction with a parallel resistor across the driver outputs. The LVPECL input standard is supported by the LVDS differential input buffer. The scheme shown in Figure 3-3 is one possible solution for pointto-point signals. Figure 3-3. Differential LVPECL 3.3V RS = 100 ohms RP = 187 ohms 3.3V + RT = 100 ohms - RS = 100 ohms Transmission line, Zo = 100 ohm differential Off-chip Table 3-3. LVPECL DC Conditions1 Over Recommended Operating Conditions Typical Units ZOUT Symbol Output impedance Description 100 ohms RP Driver parallel resistor 187 ohms RS Driver series resistor 100 ohms RT Receiver termination 100 ohms VOH Output high voltage 2.03 V VOL Output low voltage 1.27 V VOD Output differential voltage 0.76 V VCM Output common mode voltage 1.65 V ZBACK Back impedance 85.7 ohms IDC DC output current 12.7 mA 1. For input buffer, see LVDS table. For further information on LVPECL, BLVDS and other differential interfaces please see details of additional technical documentation at the end of the data sheet. RSDS The LatticeXP devices support differential RSDS standard. This standard is emulated using complementary LVCMOS outputs in conjunction with a parallel resistor across the driver outputs. The RSDS input standard is supported by the LVDS differential input buffer. The scheme shown in Figure 3-4 is one possible solution for RSDS standard implementation. Use LVDS25E mode with suggested resistors for RSDS operation. Resistor values in Figure 3-4 are industry standard values for 1% resistors. 3-12 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 3-4. RSDS (Reduced Swing Differential Standard) VCCIO = 2.5V RS Zo = 100 + VCCIO = 2.5V RP RT RS On-chip Off-chip Emulated RSDS Buffer Table 3-4. RSDS DC Conditions Typical Units ZOUT Parameter Output impedance Description 20 ohms RS Driver series resistor 300 ohms RP Driver parallel resistor 121 ohms RT Receiver termination 100 ohms VOH Output high voltage 1.35 V VOL Output low voltage 1.15 V VOD Output differential voltage 0.20 V VCM Output common mode voltage 1.25 V ZBACK Back impedance 101.5 ohms IDC DC output current 3.66 mA 3-13 - DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Typical Building Block Function Performance1 Pin-to-Pin Performance (LVCMOS25 12 mA Drive) Function -5 Timing Units 16-bit decoder 6.1 ns 32-bit decoder 7.3 ns 64-bit decoder 8.2 ns 4:1 MUX 4.9 ns 8:1 MUX 5.3 ns 16:1 MUX 5.7 ns 32:1 MUX 6.3 ns -5 Timing Units 16-bit decoder 351 MHz 32-bit decoder 248 MHz 64-bit decoder 237 MHz 4:1 MUX 590 MHz 8:1 MUX 523 MHz 16:1 MUX 434 MHz 32:1 MUX 355 MHz 8-bit adder 343 MHz 16-bit adder 292 MHz 64-bit adder 130 MHz 16-bit counter 388 MHz 32-bit counter 295 MHz 64-bit counter 200 MHz 64-bit accumulator 164 MHz Single Port RAM 256x36 bits 254 MHz True-Dual Port RAM 512x18 bits 254 MHz 16x2 SP RAM 434 MHz 64x2 SP RAM 332 MHz 128x4 SP RAM 235 MHz 32x2 PDP RAM 322 MHz 64x4 PDP RAM 291 MHz Basic Functions Register to Register Performance Function Basic Functions Embedded Memory Functions Distributed Memory Functions 1. These timing numbers were generated using the ispLEVER design tool. Exact performance may vary with design and tool version. The tool uses internal parameters that have been characterized but are not tested on every device. Timing v.F0.11 3-14 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Derating Logic Timing Logic timing provided in the following sections of this data sheet and in the ispLEVER design tools are worst case numbers in the operating range. Actual delays at nominal temperature and voltage for best-case process can be much better than the values given in the tables. The ispLEVER design tool from Lattice can provide logic timing numbers at a particular temperature and voltage. 3-15 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LatticeXP External Switching Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions -5 Parameter Description Device -4 -3 Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units LFXP3 -- 5.12 -- 6.12 -- 7.43 ns LFXP6 -- 5.30 -- 6.34 -- 7.69 ns LFXP10 -- 5.52 -- 6.60 -- 8.00 ns LFXP15 -- 5.72 -- 6.84 -- 8.29 ns LFXP20 -- 5.97 -- 7.14 -- 8.65 ns LFXP3 -0.40 -- -0.28 -- -0.16 -- ns LFXP6 -0.33 -- -0.32 -- -0.30 -- ns LFXP10 -0.61 -- -0.71 -- -0.81 -- ns LFXP15 -0.71 -- -0.77 -- -0.87 -- ns LFXP20 -0.95 -- -1.14 -- -1.35 -- ns LFXP3 2.10 -- 2.50 -- 2.98 -- ns LFXP6 2.28 -- 2.72 -- 3.24 -- ns LFXP10 3.02 -- 3.51 -- 3.71 -- ns LFXP15 2.70 -- 3.22 -- 3.85 -- ns LFXP20 2.95 -- 3.52 -- 4.21 -- ns LFXP3 2.38 -- 2.49 -- 2.66 -- ns LFXP6 2.92 -- 3.18 -- 3.42 -- ns LFXP10 2.72 -- 2.75 -- 2.84 -- ns LFXP15 2.99 -- 3.13 -- 3.18 -- ns LFXP20 4.47 -- 4.56 -- 4.80 -- ns LFXP3 -0.70 -- -0.80 -- -0.92 -- ns LFXP6 -0.47 -- -0.38 -- -0.31 -- ns -0.60 -- -0.47 -- -0.32 -- ns -1.05 -- -0.98 -- -1.01 -- ns -0.80 -- -0.58 -- -0.31 -- ns -- 400 -- 360 -- 320 MHz 1 General I/O Pin Parameters (Using Primary Clock without PLL) tCO tSU tH tSU_DEL tH_DEL Clock to Output - PIO Output Register Clock to Data Setup - PIO Input Register Clock to Data Hold - PIO Input Register Clock to Data Setup - PIO Input Register with Input Data Delay Clock to Data Hold - PIO Input Register with LFXP10 Input Data Delay LFXP15 LFXP20 fMAX_IO Clock Frequency of I/O and PFU Register All 2 DDR I/O Pin Parameters tDVADQ Data Valid After DQS (DDR Read) All -- 0.19 -- 0.19 -- 0.19 UI tDVEDQ Data Hold After DQS (DDR Read) All 0.67 -- 0.67 -- 0.67 -- UI tDQVBS Data Valid Before DQS All 0.20 -- 0.20 -- 0.20 -- UI tDQVAS Data Valid After DQS All 0.20 -- 0.20 -- 0.20 -- UI fMAX_DDR DDR Clock Frequency All 95 166 95 133 95 100 MHz Primary and Secondary Clocks fMAX_PRI Frequency for Primary Clock Tree All -- 450 -- 412 -- 375 MHz tW_PRI Clock Pulse Width for Primary Clock All 1.19 -- 1.19 -- 1.19 -- ns LFXP3/6/10/15 -- 250 -- 300 -- 350 ps LFXP20 -- 300 -- 350 -- 400 ps tSKEW_PRI Primary Clock Skew within an I/O Bank 1. General timing numbers based on LVCMOS 2.5, 12mA. 2. DDR timing numbers based on SSTL I/O. Timing v.F0.11 3-16 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 3-5. DDR Timings DQ and DQS Read Timings DQS DQ tDVADQ tDVEDQ DQ and DQS Write Timings DQS DQ tDQVBS tDQVAS 3-17 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LatticeXP Internal Timing Parameters1 Over Recommended Operating Conditions -5 Parameter Description -4 -3 Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units PFU/PFF Logic Mode Timing tLUT4_PFU LUT4 Delay (A to D Inputs to F Output) -- 0.28 -- 0.34 -- 0.40 ns tLUT6_PFU LUT6 Delay (A to D Inputs to OFX Output) -- 0.44 -- 0.53 -- 0.63 ns tLSR_PFU Set/Reset to Output of PFU -- 0.90 -- 1.08 -- 1.29 ns tSUM_PFU Clock to Mux (M0,M1) Input Setup Time 0.13 -- 0.15 -- 0.19 -- ns tHM_PFU Clock to Mux (M0,M1) Input Hold Time -0.04 -- -0.03 -- -0.03 -- ns tSUD_PFU Clock to D Input Setup Time 0.13 -- 0.16 -- 0.19 -- ns tHD_PFU Clock to D Input Hold Time -0.03 -- -0.02 -- -0.02 -- ns tCK2Q_PFU Clock to Q Delay, D-type Register Configuration -- 0.40 -- 0.48 -- 0.58 ns tLE2Q_PFU Clock to Q Delay Latch Configuration -- 0.53 -- 0.64 -- 0.76 ns tLD2Q_PFU D to Q Throughput Delay when Latch is Enabled -- 0.55 -- 0.66 -- 0.79 ns -- 0.40 -- 0.48 -- 0.58 ns PFU Dual Port Memory Mode Timing tCORAM_PFU Clock to Output tSUDATA_PFU Data Setup Time -0.18 -- -0.14 -- -0.11 -- ns tHDATA_PFU Data Hold Time 0.28 -- 0.34 -- 0.40 -- ns tSUADDR_PFU Address Setup Time -0.46 -- -0.37 -- -0.30 -- ns tHADDR_PFU Address Hold Time 0.71 -- 0.85 -- 1.02 -- ns tSUWREN_PFU Write/Read Enable Setup Time -0.22 -- -0.17 -- -0.14 -- ns tHWREN_PFU Write/Read Enable Hold Time 0.33 -- 0.40 -- 0.48 -- ns PIC Timing PIO Input/Output Buffer Timing tIN_PIO Input Buffer Delay -- 0.62 -- 0.72 -- 0.85 ns tOUT_PIO Output Buffer Delay -- 2.12 -- 2.54 -- 3.05 ns -- 1.83 -- 2.37 -- ns IOLOGIC Input/Output Timing tSUI_PIO Input Register Setup Time (Data Before Clock) 1.35 tHI_PIO Input Register Hold Time (Data After Clock) 0.05 -- 0.05 -- 0.05 -- ns tCOO_PIO Output Register Clock to Output Delay -- 0.36 -- 0.44 -- 0.52 ns tSUCE_PIO Input Register Clock Enable Setup Time -0.09 -- -0.07 -- -0.06 -- ns tHCE_PIO Input Register Clock Enable Hold Time 0.13 -- 0.16 -- 0.19 -- ns tSULSR_PIO Set/Reset Setup Time 0.19 -- 0.23 -- 0.28 -- ns tHLSR_PIO Set/Reset Hold Time -0.14 -- -0.11 -- -0.09 -- ns -- 4.01 -- 4.81 -- 5.78 ns -- 0.81 -- 0.97 -- 1.17 ns -0.26 -- -0.21 -- -0.17 -- ns EBR Timing tCO_EBR Clock to Output from Address or Data tCOO_EBR Clock to Output from EBR Output Register tSUDATA_EBR Setup Data to EBR Memory tHDATA_EBR Hold Data to EBR Memory 0.41 -- 0.49 -- 0.59 -- ns tSUADDR_EBR Setup Address to EBR Memory -0.26 -- -0.21 -- -0.17 -- ns tHADDR_EBR Hold Address to EBR Memory 0.41 -- 0.49 -- 0.59 -- ns tSUWREN_EBR Setup Write/Read Enable to EBR Memory -0.17 -- -0.13 -- -0.11 -- ns tHWREN_EBR Hold Write/Read Enable to EBR Memory 0.26 -- 0.31 -- 0.37 -- ns tSUCE_EBR Clock Enable Setup Time to EBR Output Register 0.19 -- 0.23 -- 0.28 -- ns tHCE_EBR Clock Enable Hold Time to EBR Output Register -0.13 -- -0.10 -- -0.08 -- ns 3-18 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LatticeXP Internal Timing Parameters1 (Continued) Over Recommended Operating Conditions -5 Parameter tRSTO_EBR Description Reset To Output Delay Time from EBR Output Register -4 -3 Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units -- 1.61 -- 1.94 -- 2.32 ns PLL Parameters tRSTREC Reset Recovery to Rising Clock 1.00 -- 1.00 -- 1.00 -- ns tRSTSU Reset Signal Setup Time 1.00 -- 1.00 -- 1.00 -- ns 1. Internal parameters are characterized but not tested on every device. Timing v.F0.11 3-19 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Timing Diagrams PFU Timing Diagrams Figure 3-6. Slice Single/Dual Port Write Cycle Timing CK WRE AD[3:0] AD DI[1:0] D DO[1:0] Old Data D Figure 3-7. Slice Single /Dual Port Read Cycle Timing WRE AD[3:0] AD DO[1:0] Old Data D 3-20 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor EBR Memory Timing Diagrams Figure 3-8. Read Mode (Normal) CLKA CSA WEA A0 ADA A1 A0 A1 A0 tSU tH DIA D1 D0 tACCESS D0 DOA tACCESS D1 D0 Note: Input data and address are registered at the positive edge of the clock and output data appears after the positive of the clock. Figure 3-9. Read Mode with Input and Output Registers CLKA CSA WEA ADA A0 tSU DIA DOA A1 A0 A0 tH D0 D1 D1 D0 Mem(n) data from previous read DOA DOA (Registered) A1 tACCESS Mem(n) data from previous read output is only updated during a read cycle 3-21 D0 tACCESS D0 D1 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Figure 3-10. Read Before Write (SP Read/Write on Port A, Input Registers Only) CLKA CSA WEA ADA A0 tSU DIA A1 A0 A1 A0 D3 D1 tH D2 D1 D0 tACCESS old A0 Data DOA tACCESS tACCESS old A1 Data tACCESS tACCESS D0 D1 D2 Note: Input data and address are registered at the positive edge of the clock and output data appears after the positive of the clock. Figure 3-11. Write Through (SP Read/Write On Port A, Input Registers Only) CLKA CSA WEA Three consecutive writes to A0 ADA A0 tSU DIA A1 tH D0 D2 D1 tACCESS DOA A0 Data from Prev Read or Write tACCESS D0 D3 D4 tACCESS D1 tACCESS D2 D3 D4 Note: Input data and address are registered at the positive edge of the clock and output data appears after the positive of the clock. 3-22 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LatticeXP Family Timing Adders1 Over Recommended Operating Conditions Buffer Type Description -5 -4 -3 Units 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns Input Adjusters LVDS25E LVDS 2.5 Emulated LVDS25 LVDS 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns BLVDS25 BLVDS 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns LVPECL33 LVPECL 0.6 0.6 0.6 ns HSTL18_I HSTL_18 class I 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns HSTL18_II HSTL_18 class II 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns HSTL18_III HSTL_18 class III 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns HSTL18D_I Differential HSTL 18 class I 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns HSTL18D_II Differential HSTL 18 class II 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns HSTL18D_III Differential HSTL 18 class III 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns HSTL15_I HSTL_15 class I 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns HSTL15_III HSTL_15 class III 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns HSTL15D_I Differential HSTL 15 class I 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns HSTL15D_III Differential HSTL 15 class III 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns SSTL33_I SSTL_3 class I 0.6 0.6 0.6 ns SSTL33_II SSTL_3 class II 0.6 0.6 0.6 ns SSTL33D_I Differential SSTL_3 class I 0.6 0.6 0.6 ns SSTL33D_II Differential SSTL_3 class II 0.6 0.6 0.6 ns SSTL25_I SSTL_2 class I 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns SSTL25_II SSTL_2 class II 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns SSTL25D_I Differential SSTL_2 class I 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns SSTL25D_II Differential SSTL_2 class II 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns SSTL18_I SSTL_18 class I 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns SSTL18D_I Differential SSTL_18 class I 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns LVTTL33 LVTTL 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns LVCMOS33 LVCMOS 3.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns LVCMOS25 LVCMOS 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 ns LVCMOS18 LVCMOS 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns LVCMOS15 LVCMOS 1.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns LVCMOS12 LVCMOS 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns PCI33 PCI 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns LVDS25E LVDS 2.5 Emulated 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns LVDS25 LVDS 2.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns BLVDS25 BLVDS 2.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns LVPECL33 LVPECL 3.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns HSTL18_I HSTL_18 class I 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns Output Adjusters HSTL18_II HSTL_18 class II 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns HSTL18_III HSTL_18 class III 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns HSTL18D_I Differential HSTL 18 class I 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns HSTL18D_II Differential HSTL 18 class II -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 ns HSTL18D_III Differential HSTL 18 class III 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns 3-23 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LatticeXP Family Timing Adders1 (Continued) Over Recommended Operating Conditions -5 -4 -3 Units HSTL15_I Buffer Type HSTL_15 class I Description 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns HSTL15_III HSTL_15 class III 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns HSTL15D_I Differential HSTL 15 class I 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns HSTL15D_III Differential HSTL 15 class III 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns SSTL33_I SSTL_3 class I 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns SSTL33_II SSTL_3 class II 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns SSTL33D_I Differential SSTL_3 class I 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns SSTL33D_II Differential SSTL_3 class II 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns SSTL25_I SSTL_2 class I -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 ns SSTL25_II SSTL_2 class II 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns SSTL25D_I Differential SSTL_2 class I -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 ns SSTL25D_II Differential SSTL_2 class II 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns SSTL18_I SSTL_1.8 class I 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns SSTL18D_I Differential SSTL_1.8 class I 0.1 0.1 0.1 ns LVTTL33_4mA LVTTL 4mA drive 0.8 0.8 0.8 ns LVTTL33_8mA LVTTL 8mA drive 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns LVTTL33_12mA LVTTL 12mA drive 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns LVTTL33_16mA LVTTL 16mA drive 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns LVTTL33_20mA LVTTL 20mA drive 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns LVCMOS33_2mA LVCMOS 3.3 2mA drive 0.8 0.8 0.8 ns LVCMOS33_4mA LVCMOS 3.3 4mA drive 0.8 0.8 0.8 ns LVCMOS33_8mA LVCMOS 3.3 8mA drive 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns LVCMOS33_12mA LVCMOS 3.3 12mA drive 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns LVCMOS33_16mA LVCMOS 3.3 16mA drive 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns LVCMOS33_20mA LVCMOS 3.3 20mA drive 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns LVCMOS25_2mA LVCMOS 2.5 2mA drive 0.7 0.7 0.7 ns LVCMOS25_4mA LVCMOS 2.5 4mA drive 0.7 0.7 0.7 ns LVCMOS25_8mA LVCMOS 2.5 8mA drive 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns LVCMOS25_12mA LVCMOS 2.5 12mA drive 0.0 0.0 0.0 ns LVCMOS25_16mA LVCMOS 2.5 16mA drive 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns LVCMOS25_20mA LVCMOS 2.5 20mA drive 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns LVCMOS18_2mA LVCMOS 1.8 2mA drive 0.6 0.6 0.6 ns LVCMOS18_4mA LVCMOS 1.8 4mA drive 0.6 0.6 0.6 ns LVCMOS18_8mA LVCMOS 1.8 8mA drive 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns LVCMOS18_12mA LVCMOS 1.8 12mA drive 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns LVCMOS18_16mA LVCMOS 1.8 16mA drive 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns LVCMOS15_2mA LVCMOS 1.5 2mA drive 0.6 0.6 0.6 ns LVCMOS15_4mA LVCMOS 1.5 4mA drive 0.6 0.6 0.6 ns LVCMOS15_8mA LVCMOS 1.5 8mA drive 0.2 0.2 0.2 ns LVCMOS12_2mA LVCMOS 1.2 2mA drive 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns LVCMOS12_6mA LVCMOS 1.2 6mA drive 0.4 0.4 0.4 ns PCI33 PCI33 0.3 0.3 0.3 ns 1. General timing numbers based on LVCMOS 2.5, 12mA. Timing v.F0.11 3-24 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor sysCLOCK PLL Timing Over Recommended Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units fIN Parameter Input Clock Frequency (CLKI, CLKFB) Descriptions Conditions 25 -- 375 MHz fOUT Output Clock Frequency (CLKOP, CLKOS) 25 -- 375 MHz fOUT2 K-Divider Output Frequency (CLKOK) 0.195 -- 187.5 MHz fVCO PLL VCO Frequency 375 -- 750 MHz fPFD Phase Detector Input Frequency 25 -- -- MHz 45 50 55 % -- -- 0.05 UI AC Characteristics tDT Default duty cycle elected3 Output Clock Duty Cycle 4 tPH Output Phase Accuracy tOPJIT1 Output Clock Period Jitter tSK tW tLOCK2 PLL Lock-in Time tPA Programmable Delay Unit tIPJIT Input Clock Period Jitter tFBKDLY External Feedback Delay tHI Input Clock High Time 90% to 90% 0.5 -- -- ns tLO Input Clock Low Time 10% to 10% 0.5 -- -- ns tRST RST Pulse Width 10 -- -- ns fOUT S 100MHz -- -- +/- 125 ps fOUT < 100MHz -- -- 0.02 UIPP Input Clock to Output Clock Skew Divider ratio = integer -- -- +/- 200 ps Output Clock Pulse Width At 90% or 10%3 1 -- -- ns -- -- 150 us 100 250 400 ps -- -- +/- 200 ps -- -- 10 ns 1. Jitter sample is taken over 10,000 samples of the primary PLL output with clean reference clock. 2. Output clock is valid after tLOCK for PLL reset and dynamic delay adjustment. 3. Using LVDS output buffers. 4. As compared to CLKOP output. Timing v.F0.11 LatticeXP "C" Sleep Mode Timing Parameter tPWRDN Descriptions Min. SLEEPN Low to I/O Tristate LFXP3 tPWRUP SLEEPN High to Power Up Typ. Max. Units -- 20 32 ns -- 1.4 2.1 ms LFXP6 -- 1.7 2.4 ms LFXP10 -- 1.1 1.8 ms LFXP15 -- 1.4 2.1 ms LFXP20 -- 1.7 2.4 ms tWSLEEPN SLEEPN Pulse Width to Initiate Sleep Mode tWAWAKE SLEEPN Pulse Rejection 400 -- -- ns -- -- 120 ns Sleep Mode I/O tPWRUP tPWRDN SLEEPN 3-25 DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LatticeXP sysCONFIG Port Timing Specifications Over Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Description Min. Max. Units 7 -- ns sysCONFIG Byte Data Flow tSUCBDI Byte D[0:7] Setup Time to CCLK tHCBDI Byte D[0:7] Hold Time to CCLK 3 -- ns tCODO Clock to Dout in Flowthrough Mode -- 12 ns tSUCS CS[0:1] Setup Time to CCLK 7 -- ns tHCS CS[0:1] Hold Time to CCLK 2 -- ns tSUWD Write Signal Setup Time to CCLK 7 -- ns tHWD Write Signal Hold Time to CCLK 2 -- ns tDCB CCLK to BUSY Delay Time -- 12 ns tCORD Clock to Out for Read Data -- 12 ns sysCONFIG Byte Slave Clocking tBSCH Byte Slave Clock Minimum High Pulse 6 -- ns tBSCL Byte Slave Clock Minimum Low Pulse 8 -- ns tBSCYC Byte Slave Clock Cycle Time 15 -- ns 7 -- ns sysCONFIG Serial (Bit) Data Flow tSUSCDI DI (Data In) Setup Time to CCLK tHSCDI DI (Data In) Hold Time to CCLK 2 -- ns tCODO Clock to Dout in Flowthrough Mode -- 12 ns sysCONFIG Serial Slave Clocking tSSCH Serial Slave Clock Minimum High Pulse 6 -- ns tSSCL Serial Slave Clock Minimum Low Pulse 6 -- ns sysCONFIG POR, Initialization and Wake Up tICFG Minimum Vcc to INIT High -- 50 ms tVMC Time from tICFG to Valid Master Clock -- 2 us tPRGMRJ Program Pin Pulse Rejection -- 7 ns tPRGM 2 PROGRAMN Low Time to Start Configuration 25 -- ns tDINIT INIT Low Time -- 1 ms tDPPINIT Delay Time from PROGRAMN Low to INIT Low -- 37 ns tDINITD Delay Time from PROGRAMN Low to DONE Low -- 37 ns tIODISS User I/O Disable from PROGRAMN Low -- 25 ns tIOENSS User I/O Enabled Time from CCLK Edge During Wake-up Sequence -- 25 ns tMWC Additional Wake Master Clock Signals after Done Pin High 120 -- cycles Configuration Master Clock (CCLK) Selected Selected Value + Value 30% 30% Frequency1 Duty Cycle 40 60 1. See Table 2-10 for available CCLK frequencies. 2. The threshold level for PROGRAMN, as well as for CFG[1] and CFG[0], is determined by VCC, such that the threshold = VCC/2. Timing v.F0.11 3-26 MHz % DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Flash Download Time Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units -- 1.1 1.7 ms LFXP6 PROGRAMN Low-toHigh. Transition to Done LFXP10 High. LFXP15 -- 1.4 2.0 ms -- 0.9 1.5 ms -- 1.1 1.7 ms LFXP20 -- 1.3 1.9 ms LFXP3 tREFRESH JTAG Port Timing Specifications Over Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter fMAX Min. Max. Units -- 25 MHz tBTCP TCK [BSCAN] clock pulse width 40 -- ns tBTCPH TCK [BSCAN] clock pulse width high 20 -- ns tBTCPL TCK [BSCAN] clock pulse width low 20 -- ns tBTS TCK [BSCAN] setup time 10 -- ns tBTH TCK [BSCAN] hold time 8 -- ns tBTRF TCK [BSCAN] rise/fall time 50 -- ns tBTCO TAP controller falling edge of clock to valid output -- 10 ns tBTCODIS TAP controller falling edge of clock to valid disable -- 10 ns tBTCOEN TAP controller falling edge of clock to valid enable -- 10 ns tBTCRS BSCAN test capture register setup time 8 -- ns tBTCRH BSCAN test capture register hold time 25 -- ns tBUTCO BSCAN test update register, falling edge of clock to valid output -- 25 ns tBTUODIS BSCAN test update register, falling edge of clock to valid disable -- 25 ns tBTUPOEN BSCAN test update register, falling edge of clock to valid enable -- 25 ns Timing v.F0.11 Figure 3-12. JTAG Port Timing Waveforms TMS TDI tBTS tBTCPH tBTH tBTCP tBTCPL TCK tBTCO tBTCOEN TDO Valid Data tBTCRS Data to be captured from I/O tBTCODIS Valid Data tBTCRH Data Captured tBTUPOEN tBUTCO Data to be driven out to I/O Valid Data 3-27 tBTUODIS Valid Data DC and Switching Characteristics LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Switching Test Conditions Figure 3-13 shows the output test load that is used for AC testing. The specific values for resistance, capacitance, voltage, and other test conditions are shown in Figure 3-5. Figure 3-13. Output Test Load, LVTTL and LVCMOS Standards VT R1 DUT Test Poi nt CL Table 3-5. Test Fixture Required Components, Non-Terminated Interfaces Test Condition LVTTL and other LVCMOS settings (L -> H, H -> L) R1 CL 0pF Timing Ref. VT LVCMOS 3.3 = 1.5V -- LVCMOS 2.5 = VCCIO/2 -- LVCMOS 1.8 = VCCIO/2 -- LVCMOS 1.5 = VCCIO/2 -- LVCMOS 1.2 = VCCIO/2 -- LVCMOS 2.5 I/O (Z -> H) VCCIO/2 VOL LVCMOS 2.5 I/O (Z -> L) VCCIO/2 VOH LVCMOS 2.5 I/O (H -> Z) 188 LVCMOS 2.5 I/O (L -> Z) 0pF VOH - 0.15 VOL VOL + 0.15 VOH Note: Output test conditions for all other interfaces are determined by the respective standards. 3-28 LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Pinout Information November 2007 Data Sheet DS1001 Signal Descriptions Signal Name I/O Descriptions General Purpose [Edge] indicates the edge of the device on which the pad is located. Valid edge designations are L (Left), B (Bottom), R (Right), T (Top). [Row/Column Number] indicates the PFU row or the column of the device on which the PIC exists. When Edge is T (Top) or (Bottom), only need to specify Row Number. When Edge is L (Left) or R (Right), only need to specify Column Number. P[Edge] [Row/Column Number*]_[A/B] I/O [A/B] indicates the PIO within the PIC to which the pad is connected. Some of these user programmable pins are shared with special function pins. These pin when not used as special purpose pins can be programmed as I/ Os for user logic. During configuration, the user-programmable I/Os are tri-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled. If any pin is not used (or not bonded to a package pin), it is also tri-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled after configuration. GSRN I Global RESET signal. (Active low). Any I/O pin can be configured to be GSRN. NC -- No connect. GND -- GND - Ground. Dedicated Pins. VCC -- VCC - The power supply pins for core logic. Dedicated Pins. VCCAUX -- VCCAUX - The Auxiliary power supply pin. It powers all the differential and referenced input buffers. Dedicated Pins. VCCP0 -- Voltage supply pins for ULM0PLL (and LLM1PLL1). VCCP1 -- Voltage supply pins for URM0PLL (and LRM1PLL1). GNDP0 -- Ground pins for ULM0PLL (and LLM1PLL1). GNDP1 -- Ground pins for URM0PLL (and LRM1PLL1). VCCIOx -- VCCIO - The power supply pins for I/O bank x. Dedicated Pins. VREF1(x), VREF2(x) -- Reference supply pins for I/O bank x. Pre-determined pins in each bank are assigned as VREF inputs. When not used, they may be used as I/O pins. PLL and Clock Functions (Used as user programmable I/O pins when not in use for PLL or clock pins) [LOC][num]_PLL[T, C]_IN_A -- Reference clock (PLL) input Pads: ULM, LLM, URM, LRM, num = row from center, T = true and C = complement, index A, B, each side. [LOC][num]_PLL[T, C]_FB_A -- Optional feedback (PLL) input Pads: ULM, LLM, URM, LRM, num = row from center, T = true and C = complement, index A, B, each side. PCLK[T, C]_[n:0]_[3:0] -- Primary Clock Pads, T = true and C = complement, n per side, indexed by bank and 0,1, 2, 3 within bank. [LOC]DQS[num] -- DQS input Pads: T (Top), R (Right), B (Bottom), L (Left), DQS, num = Ball function number. Any pad can be configured to be DQS output. (c) 2007 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 4-1 DS1001 Pinouts_02.5 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Signal Descriptions (Cont.) Signal Name I/O Descriptions Test and Programming (Dedicated pins. Pull-up is enabled on input pins during configuration.) TMS I Test Mode Select input, used to control the 1149.1 state machine. TCK I Test Clock input pin, used to clock the 1149.1 state machine. TDI I Test Data in pin, used to load data into device using 1149.1 state machine. After power-up, this TAP port can be activated for configuration by sending appropriate command. (Note: once a configuration port is selected it is locked. Another configuration port cannot be selected until the power-up sequence). TDO O Output pin -Test Data out pin used to shift data out of device using 1149.1. VCCJ -- VCCJ - The power supply pin for JTAG Test Access Port. Configuration Pads (used during sysCONFIG) CFG[1:0] I Mode pins used to specify configuration modes values latched on rising edge of INITN. During configuration, a pull-up is enabled. Open Drain pin - Indicates the FPGA is ready to be configured. During conI/O figuration, a pull-up is enabled. If CFG1 and CFG0 are high (SDM) then this pin is pulled low. INITN I Initiates configuration sequence when asserted low. This pin always has an active pull-up. I/O Open Drain pin - Indicates that the configuration sequence is complete, and the startup sequence is in progress. PROGRAMN DONE CCLK I/O Configuration Clock for configuring an FPGA in sysCONFIG mode. BUSY I/O Generally not used. After configuration it is a user-programmable I/O pin. CSN I sysCONFIG chip select (Active low). During configuration, a pull-up is enabled. After configuration it is user a programmable I/O pin. CS1N I sysCONFIG chip select (Active Low). During configuration, a pull-up is enabled. After configuration it is user programmable I/O pin WRITEN I Write Data on Parallel port (Active low). After configuration it is a user programmable I/O pin D[7:0] I/O sysCONFIG Port Data I/O. After configuration these are user programmable I/O pins. DOUT, CSON O Output for serial configuration data (rising edge of CCLK) when using sysCONFIG port. After configuration, it is a user-programmable I/O pin. DI I Input for serial configuration data (clocked with CCLK) when using sysCONFIG port. During configuration, a pull-up is enabled. After configuration it is a user-programmable I/O pin. SLEEPN I Sleep Mode pin - Active low sleep pin. When this pin is held high, the device operates normally. When driven low, the device moves into Sleep Mode after a specified time.This pin has a weak internal pull-up, but when not used an external pull-up to VCC is recommended. TOE3 I Test Output Enable tri-states all I/O pins when driven low. This pin has a weak internal pull-up, but when not used an external pull-up to VCC is recommended. 2 1. Applies to LFXP10, LFXP15 and LFXP20 only. 2. Applies to LFXP "C" devices only. 3. Applies to LFXP "E" devices only. 4-2 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor PICs and DDR Data (DQ) Pins Associated with the DDR Strobe (DQS) Pin PICs Associated with DQS Strobe P[Edge] [n-4] P[Edge] [n-3] P[Edge] [n-2] P[Edge] [n-1] P[Edge] [n] P[Edge] [n+1] P[Edge] [n+2] P[Edge] [n+3] PIO within PIC Polarity DDR Strobe (DQS) and Data (DQ) Pins A True DQ B Complement DQ A True DQ B Complement DQ A True DQ B Complement DQ A True DQ B Complement DQ A True [Edge]DQSn B Complement DQ A True DQ B Complement DQ A True DQ B Complement DQ Notes: 1. "n" is a row/column PIC number. 2. The DDR interface is designed for memories that support one DQS strobe per eight bits of data. In some packages, all the potential DDR data (DQ) pins may not be available. 3. The definition of the PIC numbering is provided in the Signal Names column of the Signal Descriptions table in this data sheet. 4-3 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Pin Information Summary1 XP3 Pin Type XP6 100 TQFP 144 TQFP 208 PQFP 144 TQFP 208 PQFP 256 fpBGA Single Ended User I/O 62 100 136 100 142 188 Differential Pair User I/O2 19 35 56 35 58 80 Dedicated 11 11 11 11 11 11 Muxed 14 14 14 14 14 14 TAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 Dedicated (total without supplies) 6 6 6 6 6 6 VCC 2 4 8 4 8 8 VCCAUX 2 2 2 2 2 4 VCCPLL 2 2 2 2 2 2 Bank0 1 1 2 1 2 2 Bank1 1 1 2 1 2 2 Bank2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Bank3 1 1 2 1 2 2 Bank4 1 2 2 2 2 2 Bank5 1 1 2 1 2 2 Bank6 1 1 2 1 2 2 Bank7 1 1 2 1 2 2 GND 10 13 24 13 24 24 GNDPLL 2 2 2 2 2 2 NC 0 0 6 0 0 0 Bank0 8/2 12/3 20/8 12/3 20/8 26/11 Bank1 9/0 12/2 18/6 12/2 18/6 26/11 Bank2 8/3 12/5 14/6 12/5 17/7 21/9 Single Ended/Differential Bank3 I/O per Bank2 Bank4 6/2 13/5 14/6 13/5 14/6 21/9 5/2 14/6 21/9 14/6 21/9 26/11 Bank5 12/4 12/4 21/9 12/4 21/9 26/11 Configuration VCCIO VCCJ Bank6 4/2 13/5 14/6 13/5 17/7 21/9 Bank7 10/4 12/5 14/6 12/5 14/6 21/9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. During configuration the user-programmable I/Os are tri-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled. If any pin is not used (or not bonded to a package pin), it is also tri-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled after configuration. 2. The differential I/O per bank includes both dedicated LVDS and emulated LVDS pin pairs. Please see the Logic Signal Connections table for more information. 4-4 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Pin Information Summary1 (Cont.) XP10 Pin Type Configuration XP20 256 fpBGA 388 fpBGA 256 fpBGA 388 fpBGA 484 fpBGA 256 fpBGA 388 fpBGA 484 fpBGA Single Ended User I/O Differential Pair User I/O XP15 2 188 244 188 268 300 188 268 340 76 104 76 112 128 76 112 144 Dedicated 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Muxed 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 TAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Dedicated (total without supplies) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 VCC 8 14 8 14 28 8 14 28 VCCAUX 4 4 4 4 12 4 4 12 VCCPLL VCCIO 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Bank0 2 5 2 5 4 2 5 4 Bank1 2 5 2 5 4 2 5 4 Bank2 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 Bank3 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 Bank4 2 5 2 5 4 2 5 4 Bank5 2 5 2 5 4 2 5 4 Bank6 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 GND Bank7 24 50 24 50 56 24 50 56 GNDPLL 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NC 0 24 0 0 40 0 0 0 Bank0 26/11 33/14 26/11 39/16 40/17 26/11 39/16 47/20 Bank1 26/11 33/14 26/11 39/16 40/17 26/11 39/16 47/20 Bank2 Single Ended/ Bank3 Differential I/O Bank4 per Bank2 Bank5 21/8 28/12 21/8 28/12 35/15 21/8 28/12 38/16 21/8 28/12 21/8 28/12 35/15 21/8 28/12 38/16 26/11 33/14 26/11 39/16 40/17 26/11 39/16 47/20 26/11 33/14 26/11 39/16 40/17 26/11 39/16 47/20 Bank6 21/8 28/12 21/8 28/12 35/15 21/8 28/12 38/16 Bank7 21/8 28/12 21/8 28/12 35/15 21/8 28/12 38/16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VCCJ 1. During configuration the user-programmable I/Os are tri-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled. If any pin is not used (or not bonded to a package pin), it is also tri-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled after configuration. 2. The differential I/O per bank includes both dedicated LVDS and emulated LVDS pin pairs. Please see the Logic Signal Connections table for more information. 4-5 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Power Supply and NC Connections 388 fpBGA 484 fpBGA VCC Signals 28, 77 100 TQFP 14, 39, 73, 112 144 TQFP 19, 35, 53, 80, 107, D4, D13, E5, E12, 151, 158, 182 M5, M12, N4, N13 208 PQFP 256 fpBGA H9, J8, J15, K8, K15, L8, L15, M8, M15, N8, N15, P8, P15, R9 F10, F13, G9, G10, G13, G14, H8, H15, J7, J16, K6, K7, K16, K17, N6, N7, N16, N17, P7, P16, R8, R15, T9, T10, T13, T14, U10, U13 VCCIO0 94 133 189, 199 F7, F8 G8, G9, G10, G11, F11, G11, H10, H8 H11 VCCIO1 82 119 167, 177 F9, F10 G12, G13, G14, G15, H15 F12, G12, H12, H13 VCCIO2 65 98 140, 149 G11, H11 H16, J16, K16, L16 K15, L15, L16, L17 VCCIO3 58 88 115, 125 J11, K11 M16, N16, P16, R16 M15, M16, M17, N15 VCCIO4 47 61, 68 87, 97 L9, L10 R15, T12, T13, T14, T15 R12, R13, T12, U12 VCCIO5 38 49 64, 74 L7, L8 R8, T8, T9, T10, T11 R10, R11, T11, U11 VCCIO6 22 21 28, 41 J6, K6 M7, N7, P7, R7 M6, M7, M8, N8 VCCIO7 7 8 13, 23 G6, H6 H7, J7, K7, L7 K8, L6, L7, L8 VCCJ 73 108 154 D16 E20 E20 VCCP0 17 19 25 H4 M2 L5 VCCP1 60 91 128 J12 M21 L18 VCCAUX 25, 71 36, 106 50, 152 E4, E13, M4, M13 G7, G16, T7, T16 G7, G8, G15, G16, H7, H16, R7, R16, T7, T8, T15, T16 GND1 10, 18, 21, 33, 43, 44, 52, 59, 68, 84, 90, 99 3, 11, 20, 28, 44, 54, 56, 64, 75, 85, 90, 101, 121, 127, 136 5, 7, 16, 26, 38, 47, 49, 59, 69, 79, 82, 92, 106, 109, 118, 121, 127, 130, 135, 143, 163, 172, 181, 184, 194, 207 A1, A16, F6, F11, G7, G8, G9, G10, H5, H7, H8, H9, H10, J7, J8, J9, J10, J13, K7, K8, K9, K10, L6, L11, T1, T16 A1, A22, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, J9, J10, J11, J12, J13, J14, K9, K10, K11, K12, K13, K14, L9, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, N1, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14, N22, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, AB1, AB22 A1, A2, A21, A22, B1, B22, H9, H14, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, J13, J14, J15, K9, K10, K11, K12, K13, K14, L9, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M20, N2, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, R9, R14, AA1, AA22, AB1, AB2, AB21, AB22 NC2 -- -- XP3: 27, 33, 34, 129, 133, 134 -- XP10: C2, C15, C16, C17, D4, D5, D6, D7, D16, D17, E4, E19, W3, W4, W7, W17, W18, W19, W20, Y3, Y15, Y16, AA1, AA2 XP15: B21, C4, C5, C6, C18, C19, C20, C21, D6, D18, E4, E6, E18, F6, L1, L19, L20, M1, M2, M19, M21, N1, N21, N22, P1, P2, U5, U6, U17, U18, V5, V6, V17, V18, W17, W18, W19, Y3, Y4, Y5 1. All grounds must be electrically connected at the board level. 2. NC pins should not be connected to any active signals, VCC or GND. 4-6 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 Logic Signal Connections: 100 TQFP Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function 1 CFG1 0 - - 2 DONE 0 - - 3 PROGRAMN 7 - - 4 CCLK 7 - - 5 PL3A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A 6 PL3B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A 7 VCCIO7 7 - - 8 PL5A 7 - VREF1_7 9 PL6B 7 - VREF2_7 10 GNDIO7 7 - - 11 PL7A 7 T3 DQS 12 PL7B 7 C3 - 13 PL8A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A 14 PL8B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A 15 PL9A 7 T3 - 3 16 PL9B 7 C - 17 VCCP0 - - - 18 GNDP0 - - - 19 PL12A 6 T PCLKT6_0 20 PL12B 6 C PCLKC6_0 21 GNDIO6 6 - - 22 VCCIO6 6 - - 23 PL18A 6 T3 - 24 PL18B 6 C3 - 25 VCCAUX - - - 26 SLEEPN1/TOE2 - - - 27 INITN 5 - - 28 VCC - - - 29 PB2B 5 - VREF1_5 30 PB5B 5 - VREF2_5 31 PB8A 5 T - 32 PB8B 5 C - 33 GNDIO5 5 - - 34 PB9A 5 - - 35 PB10B 5 - - 36 PB11A 5 T DQS 37 PB11B 5 C - 38 VCCIO5 5 - - 39 PB12A 5 T - 40 PB12B 5 C - 41 PB13A 5 T - 42 PB13B 5 C - 43 GND - - - 4-7 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 Logic Signal Connections: 100 TQFP (Cont.) Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential 44 GNDIO4 4 - Dual Function - 45 PB15A 4 T PCLKT4_0 46 PB15B 4 C PCLKC4_0 47 VCCIO4 4 - - 48 PB19A 4 T DQS 49 PB19B 4 C VREF1_4 50 PB24A 4 - VREF2_4 3 - 51 PR18B 3 C 52 GNDIO3 3 - - 53 PR18A 3 T3 - 54 PR15B 3 - VREF1_3 55 PR14A 3 - VREF2_3 56 PR13B 3 C - 57 PR13A 3 T - 58 VCCIO3 3 - - 59 GNDP1 - - - 60 VCCP1 - - - 61 PR9B 2 C PCLKC2_0 62 PR9A 2 T PCLKT2_0 63 PR8B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A 64 PR8A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A 65 VCCIO2 2 - - 66 PR6B 2 - VREF1_2 67 PR5A 2 - VREF2_2 68 GNDIO2 2 - - 69 PR3B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A 70 PR3A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A 71 VCCAUX - - - 72 TDO - - - 73 VCCJ - - - 74 TDI - - - 75 TMS - - - 76 TCK - - - 77 VCC - - - 78 PT24A 1 - - 79 PT23A 1 - D0 80 PT22B 1 - D1 81 PT21A 1 - D2 82 VCCIO1 1 - - 83 PT20B 1 - D3 84 GNDIO1 1 - - 85 PT17A 1 - D4 86 PT16A 1 - D5 87 PT15B 1 - D6 4-8 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 Logic Signal Connections: 100 TQFP (Cont.) Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential 88 PT14B 1 - D7 89 PT13B 0 C BUSY 90 GNDIO0 0 - - 91 PT13A 0 T CS1N 92 PT12B 0 C PCLKC0_0 93 PT12A 0 T PCLKT0_0 94 VCCIO0 0 - - 95 PT9A 0 - DOUT 96 PT8A 0 - WRITEN 97 PT6A 0 - DI 98 PT5A 0 - CSN 99 GND - - - 100 CFG0 0 - - 1. Applies to LFXP "C" only. 2. Applies to LFXP "E" only. 3. Supports dedicated LVDS outputs. 4-9 Dual Function Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 & LFXP6 Logic Signal Connections: 144 TQFP LFXP3 LFXP6 Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function 1 PROGRAMN 7 - - PROGRAMN 7 - - 2 CCLK 7 - - CCLK 7 - - 3 GND - - - GND - - - 4 PL2A 7 T3 - PL2A 7 T3 - 5 PL2B 7 C3 - PL2B 7 C3 - 6 PL3A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A PL3A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A 7 PL3B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A PL3B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A 8 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - 9 PL5A 7 - VREF1_7 PL5A 7 - VREF1_7 10 PL6B 7 - VREF2_7 PL6B 7 - VREF2_7 11 GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - 12 PL7A 7 T3 DQS PL7A 7 T3 DQS 13 PL7B 7 C3 - PL7B 7 C3 - 14 VCC - - - VCC - - - 15 PL8A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A PL8A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A 16 PL8B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A PL8B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A 17 PL9A 7 T3 - PL9A 7 T3 - 3 3 18 PL9B 7 C - PL9B 7 C - 19 VCCP0 - - - VCCP0 - - - 20 GNDP0 - - - GNDP0 - - - 21 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - 22 PL11A 6 T3 - PL16A 6 T3 - 3 - PL16B 6 C3 - 23 PL11B 6 C 24 PL12A 6 T PCLKT6_0 PL17A 6 T PCLKT6_0 25 PL12B 6 C PCLKC6_0 PL17B 6 C PCLKC6_0 3 3 26 PL13A 6 T - PL18A 6 T - 27 PL13B 6 C3 - PL18B 6 C3 - 28 GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - 29 PL14A 6 - VREF1_6 PL22A 6 - VREF1_6 30 PL15B 6 - VREF2_6 PL23B 6 - VREF2_6 31 PL16A 6 T3 DQS PL24A 6 T3 DQS 32 PL16B 6 C3 - PL24B 6 C3 - 33 PL17A 6 - - PL25A 6 - - 34 PL18A 6 T3 - PL26A 6 T3 - 3 - PL26B 6 C3 - - - - 35 PL18B 6 C 36 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX 37 SLEEPN1/TOE2 - - - SLEEPN1/TOE2 - - 38 INITN 5 - - INITN 5 - - 39 VCC - - - VCC - - - 40 PB2B 5 - VREF1_5 PB5B 5 - VREF1_5 VREF2_5 41 PB5B 5 - VREF2_5 PB8B 5 - 42 PB7A 5 T - PB10A 5 T - 43 PB7B 5 C - PB10B 5 C - 44 GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - 45 PB9A 5 - - PB12A 5 - - 46 PB10B 5 - - PB13B 5 - - 4-10 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 & LFXP6 Logic Signal Connections: 144 TQFP (Cont.) LFXP3 LFXP6 Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function 47 PB11A 5 T DQS PB14A 5 T DQS 48 PB11B 5 C - PB14B 5 C - 49 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - 50 PB12A 5 T - PB15A 5 T - 51 PB12B 5 C - PB15B 5 C - 52 PB13A 5 T - PB16A 5 T - 53 PB13B 5 C - PB16B 5 C - 54 GND - - - GND - - - 55 PB14A 4 T - PB17A 4 T - 56 GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - 57 PB14B 4 C - PB17B 4 C - 58 PB15A 4 T PCLKT4_0 PB18A 4 T PCLKT4_0 59 PB15B 4 C PCLKC4_0 PB18B 4 C PCLKC4_0 60 PB16A 4 T - PB19A 4 T - 61 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - 62 PB16B 4 C - PB19B 4 C - 63 PB19A 4 T DQS PB22A 4 T DQS 64 GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - 65 PB19B 4 C VREF1_4 PB22B 4 C VREF1_4 66 PB20A 4 T - PB23A 4 T - 67 PB20B 4 C - PB23B 4 C - 68 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - 69 PB22A 4 - - PB25A 4 - - 70 PB24A 4 T VREF2_4 PB27A 4 T VREF2_4 71 PB24B 4 C - PB27B 4 C - 72 PB25A 4 - - PB28A 4 - - 73 VCC - - - VCC - - - 74 PR18B 3 C3 - PR26B 3 C3 - 75 GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - 76 PR18A 3 T3 - PR26A 3 T3 - 77 PR17B 3 C - PR25B 3 C - 78 PR17A 3 T - PR25A 3 T - 79 PR16B 3 C3 - PR24B 3 C3 - 80 PR16A 3 T3 DQS PR24A 3 T3 DQS 81 PR15B 3 - VREF1_3 PR23B 3 - VREF1_3 82 PR14A 3 - VREF2_3 PR22A 3 - VREF2_3 83 PR13B 3 C - PR21B 3 C3 - 84 PR13A 3 T - PR21A 3 T3 - 85 GND - - - GND - - 86 PR12A 3 - - PR20A 3 - - 87 PR11B 3 C - PR19B 3 C3 - 88 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - 89 PR11A 3 T - PR19A 3 T3 - 90 GNDP1 - - - GNDP1 - - - 91 VCCP1 - - - VCCP1 - - - 92 PR9B 2 C PCLKC2_0 PR12B 2 C PCLKC2_0 4-11 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 & LFXP6 Logic Signal Connections: 144 TQFP (Cont.) LFXP3 LFXP6 Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function Pin Function Bank Differential 93 PR9A 2 T PCLKT2_0 PR12A 2 T PCLKT2_0 94 PR8B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A PR8B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A 95 PR8A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A PR8A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A 3 3 Dual Function - PR7B 2 C - DQS PR7A 2 T3 DQS - - VCCIO2 2 - - - VREF1_2 PR6B 2 - VREF1_2 VREF2_2 PR5A 2 - VREF2_2 - GNDIO2 2 - - C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A PR3B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A PR3A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A 96 PR7B 2 C 97 PR7A 2 T3 98 VCCIO2 2 99 PR6B 2 100 PR5A 2 - 101 GNDIO2 2 - 102 PR3B 2 103 PR3A 2 3 3 104 PR2B 2 C - PR2B 2 C 105 PR2A 2 T3 - PR2A 2 T3 - 106 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - 107 TDO - - - TDO - - - 108 VCCJ - - VCCJ - - 109 TDI - - TDI - - 110 TMS - - TMS - - 111 TCK - - TCK - - 112 VCC - - - VCC - - - 113 PT25A 1 - VREF1_1 PT28A 1 - VREF1_1 114 PT24A 1 - - PT27A 1 - - 115 PT23A 1 - D0 PT26A 1 - D0 116 PT22B 1 C D1 PT25B 1 C D1 117 PT22A 1 T VREF2_1 PT25A 1 T VREF2_1 118 PT21A 1 - D2 PT24A 1 - D2 119 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - 120 PT20B 1 - D3 PT23B 1 - D3 121 GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - 122 PT17A 1 - D4 PT20A 1 - D4 123 PT16A 1 - D5 PT19A 1 - D5 124 PT15B 1 C D6 PT18B 1 C D6 125 PT15A 1 T - PT18A 1 T - 126 PT14B 1 - D7 PT17B 1 - D7 127 GND - - - GND - - - 128 PT13B 0 C BUSY PT16B 0 C BUSY 129 PT13A 0 T CS1N PT16A 0 T CS1N 130 PT12B 0 C PCLKC0_0 PT15B 0 C PCLKC0_0 PCLKT0_0 131 PT12A 0 T PCLKT0_0 PT15A 0 T 132 PT11B 0 C - PT14B 0 C - 133 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - 134 PT11A 0 T DQS PT14A 0 T DQS 135 PT9A 0 - DOUT PT12A 0 - DOUT 136 GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - 137 PT8A 0 - WRITEN PT11A 0 - WRITEN 138 PT7A 0 - VREF1_0 PT10A 0 - VREF1_0 4-12 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 & LFXP6 Logic Signal Connections: 144 TQFP (Cont.) LFXP3 LFXP6 Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function Pin Function Bank Differential 139 PT6A 0 - DI PT9A 0 - DI 140 PT5A 0 - CSN PT8A 0 - CSN 141 PT3B 0 - VREF2_0 PT6B 0 - VREF2_0 142 CFG0 0 - - CFG0 0 - - 143 CFG1 0 - - CFG1 0 - - 144 DONE 0 - - DONE 0 - - 1. Applies to LFXP "C" only. 2. Applies to LFXP "E" only. 3. Supports dedicated LVDS outputs. 4-13 Dual Function Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 & LFXP6 Logic Signal Connections: 208 PQFP LFXP3 LFXP6 Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function 1 CFG1 0 - - CFG1 0 - - 2 DONE 0 - - DONE 0 - - 3 PROGRAMN 7 - - PROGRAMN 7 - - 4 CCLK 7 - - CCLK 7 - - 5 GND - - - GND - - - 3 3 6 PL2A 7 T - PL2A 7 T 7 GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - 8 PL2B 7 C3 - PL2B 7 C3 - 9 PL3A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A PL3A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A 10 PL3B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A PL3B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A 11 PL4A 7 T3 - PL4A 7 T3 - 12 PL4B 7 C3 - PL4B 7 C3 - 13 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - 14 PL5A 7 - VREF1_7 PL5A 7 - VREF1_7 15 PL6B 7 - VREF2_7 PL6B 7 - VREF2_7 16 GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - 17 PL7A 7 T3 DQS PL7A 7 T3 DQS 18 PL7B 7 C3 - PL7B 7 C3 - 19 VCC - - - VCC - - - 20 PL8A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A PL8A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A 21 PL8B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A PL8B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A 22 PL9A 7 T3 - PL9A 7 T3 - 23 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - 24 PL9B 7 C3 - PL9B 7 C3 - 25 VCCP0 - - - VCCP0 - - - 26 GNDP0 - - - GNDP0 - - - 27 NC - - - PL15B 6 - - 28 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - 29 PL11A 6 T3 - PL16A 6 T3 - 30 PL11B 6 C3 - PL16B 6 C3 - 31 PL12A 6 T PCLKT6_0 PL17A 6 T PCLKT6_0 32 PL12B 6 C PCLKC6_0 PL17B 6 C PCLKC6_0 33 NC - - - PL18A 6 T3 - 3 34 NC - - - PL18B 6 C - 35 VCC - - - VCC - - - 36 PL13A 6 T3 - PL21A 6 T3 - 37 PL13B 6 C3 - PL21B 6 C3 - 38 GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - 39 PL14A 6 - VREF1_6 PL22A 6 - VREF1_6 40 PL15B 6 - VREF2_6 PL23B 6 - VREF2_6 41 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - 3 3 42 PL16A 6 T DQS PL24A 6 T 43 PL16B 6 C3 - PL24B 6 C3 44 PL17A 6 T - PL25A 6 T - 45 PL17B 6 C - PL25B 6 C - 46 PL18A 6 T3 - PL26A 6 T3 - 4-14 DQS - Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 & LFXP6 Logic Signal Connections: 208 PQFP (Cont.) LFXP3 LFXP6 Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function 47 GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - 48 PL18B 6 C3 - PL26B 6 C3 - 49 GND - - GND - - - - - - 50 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - 51 SLEEPN1/TOE2 - - - SLEEPN1/TOE2 - 52 INITN 5 - - INITN 5 - - 53 VCC - - - VCC - - - 54 PB2B 5 - VREF1_5 PB5B 5 - VREF1_5 55 PB3A 5 T - PB6A 5 T DQS 56 PB3B 5 C - PB6B 5 C - 57 PB4A 5 T - PB7A 5 T - 58 PB4B 5 C - PB7B 5 C - 59 GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - 60 PB5A 5 T - PB8A 5 T - 61 PB5B 5 C VREF2_5 PB8B 5 C VREF2_5 62 PB6A 5 T - PB9A 5 T - 63 PB6B 5 C - PB9B 5 C - 64 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - 65 PB7A 5 T - PB10A 5 T - 66 PB7B 5 C - PB10B 5 C - 67 PB8A 5 T - PB11A 5 T - 68 PB8B 5 C - PB11B 5 C - 69 GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - 70 PB9A 5 - - PB12A 5 - - 71 PB10B 5 - - PB13B 5 - - 72 PB11A 5 T DQS PB14A 5 T DQS 73 PB11B 5 C - PB14B 5 C - 74 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - 75 PB12A 5 T - PB15A 5 T - 76 PB12B 5 C - PB15B 5 C - 77 PB13A 5 T - PB16A 5 T - 78 PB13B 5 C - PB16B 5 C - 79 GND - - GND - VCC - - VCC - - 80 - - - 81 PB14A 4 T - PB17A 4 T - 82 GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - 83 PB14B 4 C - PB17B 4 C - 84 PB15A 4 T PCLKT4_0 PB18A 4 T PCLKT4_0 85 PB15B 4 C PCLKC4_0 PB18B 4 C PCLKC4_0 86 PB16A 4 T - PB19A 4 T - 87 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - 88 PB16B 4 C - PB19B 4 C - 89 PB17A 4 - - PB20A 4 - - 90 PB18B 4 - - PB21B 4 - - 91 PB19A 4 T DQS PB22A 4 T DQS 92 GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - 4-15 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 & LFXP6 Logic Signal Connections: 208 PQFP (Cont.) LFXP3 LFXP6 Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function 93 PB19B 4 C VREF1_4 PB22B 4 C VREF1_4 94 PB20A 4 T - PB23A 4 T - 95 PB20B 4 C - PB23B 4 C - 96 PB21A 4 T - PB24A 4 T - 97 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - 98 PB21B 4 C - PB24B 4 C - 99 PB22A 4 T - PB25A 4 T - 100 PB22B 4 C - PB25B 4 C - 101 PB23A 4 T - PB26A 4 T - 102 PB23B 4 C - PB26B 4 C - 103 PB24A 4 T VREF2_4 PB27A 4 - VREF2_4 104 PB24B 4 C - PB30A 4 T DQS 105 PB25A 4 - - PB30B 4 C - 106 GND - - GND - VCC - VCC - - 107 - 3 - 3 108 PR18B 3 C - PR26B 3 C - 109 GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - 110 PR18A 3 T3 - PR26A 3 T3 - 111 PR17B 3 C - PR25B 3 C - 112 PR17A 3 T - PR25A 3 T - 113 PR16B 3 C3 - PR24B 3 C3 - 114 PR16A 3 T3 DQS PR24A 3 T3 DQS 115 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - 116 PR15B 3 - VREF1_3 PR23B 3 - VREF1_3 117 PR14A 3 - VREF2_3 PR22A 3 - VREF2_3 118 GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - 119 PR13B 3 C - PR21B 3 C3 - 3 - 120 PR13A 3 T - PR21A 3 T 121 GND - - - GND - - - 122 PR12B 3 C - PR20B 3 C - 123 PR12A 3 T - PR20A 3 T - 3 - 124 PR11B 3 C - PR19B 3 C 125 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - 126 PR11A 3 T - PR19A 3 T3 - 127 GNDP1 - - - GNDP1 - - - 128 VCCP1 - - - VCCP1 - - - 129 NC - - - PR13A 2 - - 130 GND - - - GND - - - 131 PR9B 2 C PCLKC2_0 PR12B 2 C PCLKC2_0 132 PR9A 2 T PCLKT2_0 PR12A 2 T PCLKT2_0 133 NC - - - PR11B 2 C3 - 134 NC - - - PR11A 2 T3 - 135 GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - 136 PR8B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A PR8B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A 137 PR8A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A PR8A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A 138 PR7B 2 C3 - PR7B 2 C3 - 4-16 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 & LFXP6 Logic Signal Connections: 208 PQFP (Cont.) LFXP3 LFXP6 Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function 139 PR7A 2 T3 DQS PR7A 2 T3 DQS 140 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - 141 PR6B 2 - VREF1_2 PR6B 2 - VREF1_2 142 PR5A 2 - VREF2_2 PR5A 2 - VREF2_2 143 GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - 144 PR4B 2 C3 - PR4B 2 C3 - 145 PR4A 2 T3 - PR4A 2 T3 - 146 PR3B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A PR3B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A 147 PR3A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A PR3A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A 148 PR2B 2 C3 - PR2B 2 C3 - 149 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - 3 3 - PR2A 2 T - VCC - - - VCCAUX - - - - - TDO - - - - - VCCJ - - - - TDI - - - - TMS - - - - TCK - - 150 PR2A 2 T 151 VCC - 152 VCCAUX - 153 TDO - 154 VCCJ 155 TDI 156 TMS 157 TCK - 158 VCC - - - VCC - - - 159 PT25A 1 - VREF1_1 PT28A 1 - VREF1_1 160 PT24B 1 C - PT27B 1 C - 161 PT24A 1 T - PT27A 1 T - 162 PT23A 1 - D0 PT26A 1 - D0 163 GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - 164 PT22B 1 C D1 PT25B 1 C D1 165 PT22A 1 T VREF2_1 PT25A 1 T VREF2_1 166 PT21A 1 - D2 PT24A 1 - D2 167 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - 168 PT20B 1 C D3 PT23B 1 C D3 169 PT20A 1 T - PT23A 1 T - 170 PT19B 1 C - PT22B 1 C - 171 PT19A 1 T DQS PT22A 1 T DQS 172 GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - 173 PT18B 1 - - PT21B 1 - - 174 PT17A 1 - D4 PT20A 1 - D4 175 PT16B 1 C - PT19B 1 C - 176 PT16A 1 T D5 PT19A 1 T D5 177 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - 178 PT15B 1 C D6 PT18B 1 C D6 179 PT15A 1 T - PT18A 1 T - 180 PT14B 1 - D7 PT17B 1 - D7 181 GND - - GND - - 182 VCC - - - VCC - - - 183 PT13B 0 C BUSY PT16B 0 C BUSY 184 GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - 4-17 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP3 & LFXP6 Logic Signal Connections: 208 PQFP (Cont.) LFXP3 LFXP6 Pin Number Pin Function Bank Differential Dual Function Pin Function Bank Differential 185 PT13A 0 T CS1N PT16A 0 T CS1N 186 PT12B 0 C PCLKC0_0 PT15B 0 C PCLKC0_0 187 PT12A 0 T PCLKT0_0 PT15A 0 T PCLKT0_0 188 PT11B 0 C - PT14B 0 C - 189 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - Dual Function 190 PT11A 0 T DQS PT14A 0 T DQS 191 PT10B 0 - - PT13B 0 - DOUT 192 PT9A 0 - DOUT PT12A 0 - 193 PT8B 0 C - PT11B 0 C - 194 GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - 195 PT8A 0 T WRITEN PT11A 0 T WRITEN 196 PT7B 0 C - PT10B 0 C - 197 PT7A 0 T VREF1_0 PT10A 0 T VREF1_0 198 PT6B 0 C - PT9B 0 C - 199 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - DI 200 PT6A 0 T DI PT9A 0 T 201 PT5B 0 C - PT8B 0 C - 202 PT5A 0 T CSN PT8A 0 T CSN 203 PT4B 0 C - PT7B 0 C - 204 PT4A 0 T - PT7A 0 T - 205 PT3B 0 - VREF2_0 PT6B 0 - VREF2_0 206 PT2B 0 - - PT5B 0 - - 207 GND - - - GND - - - 208 CFG0 0 - - CFG0 0 - - 1. Applies to LFXP "C" only. 2. Applies to LFXP "E" only. 3. Supports dedicated LVDS outputs. 4-18 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP6 & LFXP10 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA LFXP6 Ball Number Ball Function C2 PROGRAMN Bank Differential 7 - LFXP10 Dual Function Ball Function - PROGRAMN Bank Differential 7 - Dual Function - C1 CCLK 7 - - CCLK 7 - - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - D2 PL3A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A PL3A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A D3 PL3B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A PL3B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A D1 PL2A 7 T3 - PL5A 7 - - E2 PL5A 7 - VREF1_7 PL6B 7 - VREF1_7 - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - E1 PL7A 7 T3 DQS PL7A 7 T3 DQS F1 PL7B 7 C3 - PL7B 7 C3 - E3 PL12A 7 T - PL8A 7 T - F4 PL12B 7 C - PL8B 7 C - 3 3 - F3 PL4A 7 T - PL9A 7 T F2 PL4B 7 C3 - PL9B 7 C3 - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - G1 PL2B 7 C3 - PL11B 7 - - G3 PL8A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A PL12A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A G2 PL8B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A PL12B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A 3 3 H1 PL9A 7 T - PL13A 7 T H2 PL9B 7 C3 - PL13B 7 C3 - G4 PL6B 7 - VREF2_7 PL14A 7 - VREF2_7 G5 PL14A 7 - - PL15B 7 - - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - J1 PL11A 7 T3 - PL16A 7 T3 3 3 - DQS J2 PL11B 7 C - PL16B 7 C - H3 PL13A 7 T3 - PL18A 7 T3 - J3 PL13B 7 C3 - PL18B 7 C3 - H4 VCCP0 - - - VCCP0 - - - H5 GNDP0 - - - GNDP0 - - - K1 PL17A 6 T PCLKT6_0 PL20A 6 T PCLKT6_0 K2 PL17B 6 C PCLKC6_0 PL20B 6 C PCLKC6_0 - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - J4 PL15B 6 - - PL22A 6 - - VREF1_6 PL23B 6 - VREF1_6 J5 PL22A 6 - L1 PL16A 6 T3 - PL24A 6 T DQS L2 PL16B 6 C3 - PL24B 6 C3 - 3 3 M1 PL18A 6 T - PL25A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_IN_A M2 PL18B 6 C3 - PL25B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_IN_A K3 PL19A 6 T3 - PL26A 6 T3 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - L3 PL19B 6 C3 - PL26B 6 C3 - 6 3 - PL28A 6 - - L4 PL21A T 4-19 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP6 & LFXP10 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP6 Ball Number Ball Function K4 PL20A 6 K5 PL20B - GNDIO6 N1 PL23B LFXP10 Dual Function Ball Function T - PL29A 6 C - 6 - - 6 - VREF2_6 - Bank Differential 3 Bank Differential Dual Function 6 T - PL29B 6 C - GNDIO6 6 - - PL31A 6 - VREF2_6 PL32B 6 - - N2 PL21B 6 C P1 PL24A 6 T3 DQS PL33A 6 T DQS P2 PL24B 6 C3 - PL33B 6 C3 - 3 L5 PL25A 6 T - PL34A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_FB_A M6 PL25B 6 C - PL34B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_FB_A M3 PL26A 6 T3 - PL35A 6 T3 - - GNDIO6 6 - - - GNDIO6 6 - N3 PL26B 6 C3 - PL35B 6 C - P4 SLEEPN1/TOE2 - - - SLEEPN1/TOE2 - - - 3 P3 INITN 5 - - INITN 5 - - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - R4 PB2A 5 T - PB6A 5 T - N5 PB2B 5 C - PB6B 5 C - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - P5 PB5B 5 - VREF1_5 PB7A 5 T VREF1_5 R1 PB3B 5 C - PB7B 5 C - N6 PB4A 5 - - PB8A 5 - - M7 PB3A 5 T - PB9B 5 - - R2 PB6A 5 T DQS PB10A 5 T DQS T2 PB6B 5 C - PB10B 5 C - R3 PB7A 5 T - PB11A 5 T - T3 PB7B 5 C - PB11B 5 C - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - T4 PB8A 5 T - PB12A 5 T - R5 PB8B 5 C VREF2_5 PB12B 5 C VREF2_5 N7 PB9A 5 T - PB13A 5 T - M8 PB9B 5 C - PB13B 5 C - T5 PB10A 5 T - PB14A 5 T P6 PB10B 5 C - PB14B 5 C - T6 PB11A 5 T - PB15A 5 T - R6 PB11B 5 C - PB15B 5 C - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - P7 PB12A 5 - - PB16A 5 - - N8 PB13B 5 - - PB17B 5 - - R7 PB14A 5 T DQS PB18A 5 T DQS T7 PB14B 5 C - PB18B 5 C - P8 PB15A 5 T - PB19A 5 T - T8 PB15B 5 C - PB19B 5 C - 4-20 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP6 & LFXP10 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP6 Ball Number Ball Function R8 PB16A 5 LFXP10 Dual Function Ball Function T - PB20A Bank Differential Bank Differential 5 T Dual Function - T9 PB16B 5 C - PB20B 5 C - R9 PB17A 4 T - PB21A 4 T - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - P9 PB17B 4 C - PB21B 4 C - T10 PB18A 4 T PCLKT4_0 PB22A 4 T PCLKT4_0 T11 PB18B 4 C PCLKC4_0 PB22B 4 C PCLKC4_0 R10 PB19A 4 T - PB23A 4 T - P10 PB19B 4 C - PB23B 4 C - N9 PB20A 4 - - PB24A 4 - - M9 PB21B 4 - - PB25B 4 - - R12 PB22A 4 T DQS PB26A 4 T DQS - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - T12 PB22B 4 C VREF1_4 PB26B 4 C VREF1_4 P13 PB23A 4 T - PB27A 4 T - R13 PB23B 4 C - PB27B 4 C - M11 PB24A 4 T - PB28A 4 T - N11 PB24B 4 C - PB28B 4 C - N10 PB25A 4 T - PB29A 4 T - M10 PB25B 4 C - PB29B 4 C - T13 PB26A 4 T - PB30A 4 T - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - P14 PB26B 4 C - PB30B 4 C - R11 PB27A 4 T VREF2_4 PB31A 4 T VREF2_4 P12 PB27B 4 C - PB31B 4 C - T14 PB28A 4 - - PB32A 4 - - R14 PB29B 4 - - PB33B 4 - - P11 PB30A 4 T DQS PB34A 4 T DQS N12 PB30B 4 C - PB34B 4 C - T15 PB31A 4 T - PB35A 4 T - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - R15 PB31B 4 C - PB35B 4 C - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - P15 PR26B 3 C3 - PR34B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_FB_A 3 - PR34A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_FB_A N15 PR26A 3 T P16 PR24B 3 C3 - PR33B 3 C - R16 PR24A 3 T3 DQS PR33A 3 T3 DQS M15 PR15B 3 - - PR32B 3 - - N14 PR23B 3 - VREF1_3 PR31A 3 - VREF1_3 - 3 - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - M14 PR25B 3 C - PR29B 3 C - L13 PR25A 3 T - PR29A 3 T - 4-21 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP6 & LFXP10 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP6 Ball Number Ball Function L15 PR21B Bank Differential 3 C3 3 LFXP10 Dual Function Ball Function - PR28B Bank Differential 3 C3 3 Dual Function - L14 PR21A 3 T - PR28A 3 T - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - L12 PR17B 3 C - PR26A 3 - - M16 PR20B 3 C - PR25B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_IN_A N16 PR20A 3 T - PR25A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_IN_A K14 PR19B 3 C 3 3 - PR24B 3 3 - 3 DQS C K15 PR19A 3 T - PR24A 3 T K12 PR17A 3 T - PR23B 3 - - K13 PR22A 3 - VREF2_3 PR22A 3 - VREF2_3 - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - L16 PR18B 3 C3 - PR21B K16 PR18A 3 T3 - PR21A 3 - 3 3 C - 3 T3 - 3 - J15 PR16B 3 C - PR19B 3 C J14 PR16A 3 T3 - PR19A 3 T3 - J13 GNDP1 - - - GNDP1 - - - J12 VCCP1 - - - VCCP1 - - - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - J16 PR12B 2 C PCLKC2_0 PR17B 2 C PCLKC2_0 H16 PR12A 2 T PCLKT2_0 PR17A 2 T PCLKT2_0 H13 PR13B 2 C3 - PR16B 2 C3 - H12 PR13A 2 T3 - PR16A 2 T3 DQS H15 PR2B 2 C3 - PR15B 2 - - H14 PR6B 2 - VREF1_2 PR14A 2 - VREF1_2 - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - 3 3 G15 PR11B 2 C - PR13B 2 C G14 PR11A 2 T3 - PR13A 2 T3 - G16 PR8B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A PR12B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A RUM0_PLLT_IN_A PR12A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A - F16 PR8A 2 T G13 PR2A 2 T3 - PR11B 2 - - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - G12 PR9B 2 C3 - PR8B 2 C - F13 PR9A 2 T3 - PR8A 2 T - B16 PR7B 2 C3 - PR7B 2 C3 - C16 PR7A 2 T3 DQS PR7A 2 T3 DQS F15 PR14A 2 - - PR6B 2 - - E15 PR5A 2 - VREF2_2 PR5A 2 - VREF2_2 - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - F14 PR4B 2 C3 - PR4B 2 C3 - 3 3 E14 PR4A 2 T - PR4A 2 T - D15 PR3B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A PR3B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A C15 PR3A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A PR3A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A 4-22 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP6 & LFXP10 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP6 Ball Number Ball Function E16 TDO - D16 VCCJ D14 TDI C14 TMS LFXP10 Dual Function Ball Function - - TDO - - - VCCJ - - - - - - TDI - - - - - - TMS - - - Bank Differential Bank Differential - - Dual Function - B14 TCK - - - TCK - - - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - A15 PT31B 1 C - PT35B 1 C - B15 PT31A 1 T - PT35A 1 T - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - D12 PT28A 1 - VREF1_1 PT34B 1 C VREF1_1 C11 PT30A 1 T DQS PT34A 1 T DQS A14 PT29B 1 - - PT33B 1 - - B13 PT30B 1 C - PT32A 1 - - F12 PT27B 1 C - PT31B 1 C E11 PT27A 1 T - PT31A 1 T - A13 PT26B 1 C - PT30B 1 C - C13 PT26A 1 T D0 PT30A 1 T D0 - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - C10 PT25B 1 C D1 PT29B 1 C D1 E10 PT25A 1 T VREF2_1 PT29A 1 T VREF2_1 A12 PT24B 1 C - PT28B 1 C - B12 PT24A 1 T D2 PT28A 1 T D2 C12 PT23B 1 C D3 PT27B 1 C D3 A11 PT23A 1 T - PT27A 1 T - B11 PT22B 1 C - PT26B 1 C - D11 PT22A 1 T DQS PT26A 1 T DQS - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - B9 PT21B 1 - - PT25B 1 - - D9 PT20A 1 - D4 PT24A 1 - D4 A10 PT19B 1 C - PT23B 1 C - B10 PT19A 1 T D5 PT23A 1 T D5 D6 D10 PT18B 1 C D6 PT22B 1 C A9 PT18A 1 T - PT22A 1 T - C9 PT17B 1 C D7 PT21B 1 C D7 C8 PT17A 1 T - PT21A 1 T - E9 PT16B 0 C BUSY PT20B 0 C BUSY - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - B8 PT16A 0 T CS1N PT20A 0 T CS1N A8 PT15B 0 C PCLKC0_0 PT19B 0 C PCLKC0_0 PCLKT0_0 A7 PT15A 0 T PCLKT0_0 PT19A 0 T B7 PT14B 0 C - PT18B 0 C - C7 PT14A 0 T DQS PT18A 0 T DQS 4-23 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP6 & LFXP10 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP6 Ball Number Ball Function E8 PT13B Dual Function Ball Function - - PT17B 0 Bank Differential 0 LFXP10 Bank Differential Dual Function - DOUT D8 PT12A 0 - DOUT PT16A 0 - A6 PT11B 0 C - PT15B 0 C - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - C6 PT11A 0 T WRITEN PT15A 0 T WRITEN E7 PT10B 0 C - PT14B 0 C - D7 PT10A 0 T VREF1_0 PT14A 0 T VREF1_0 A5 PT9B 0 C - PT13B 0 C - B5 PT9A 0 T DI PT13A 0 T DI A4 PT8B 0 C - PT12B 0 C - B6 PT8A 0 T CSN PT12A 0 T CSN E6 PT7B 0 C - PT11B 0 C - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - D6 PT7A 0 T - PT11A 0 T - D5 PT6B 0 C VREF2_0 PT10B 0 C VREF2_0 A3 PT6A 0 T DQS PT10A 0 T DQS B3 PT5B 0 - - PT9B 0 - - B2 PT4A 0 - - PT8A 0 - - A2 PT3B 0 C - PT7B 0 C - B1 PT3A 0 T - PT7A 0 T - F5 PT2B 0 C - PT6B 0 C - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - C5 PT2A 0 T - PT6A 0 T - C4 CFG0 0 - - CFG0 0 - - B4 CFG1 0 - - CFG1 0 - - C3 DONE 0 - - DONE 0 - - A1 GND - - - GND - - - A16 GND - - - GND - - - F11 GND - - - GND - - - F6 GND - - - GND - - - G10 GND - - - GND - - - G7 GND - - - GND - - - G8 GND - - - GND - - - G9 GND - - - GND - - - H10 GND - - - GND - - - H7 GND - - - GND - - - H8 GND - - - GND - - - H9 GND - - - GND - - - J10 GND - - - GND - - - J7 GND - - - GND - - - J8 GND - - - GND - - - J9 GND - - - GND - - - 4-24 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP6 & LFXP10 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP6 Ball Number Ball Function K10 GND - K7 GND K8 GND K9 GND LFXP10 Dual Function Ball Function - - GND - - - - - - GND - - - - - - GND - - - - - - GND - - - Bank Differential Bank Differential Dual Function L11 GND - - - GND - - - L6 GND - - - GND - - - T1 GND - - - GND - - - T16 GND - - - GND - - - D13 VCC - - - VCC - - - D4 VCC - - - VCC - - - E12 VCC - - - VCC - - - E5 VCC - - - VCC - - - M12 VCC - - - VCC - - - M5 VCC - - - VCC - - N13 VCC - - - VCC - - - N4 VCC - - - VCC - - - E13 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - E4 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - M13 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - M4 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - F7 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - F8 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - F10 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - F9 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - G11 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - H11 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - J11 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - K11 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - L10 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - L9 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - L7 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - L8 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - J6 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - K6 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - G6 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - H6 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - 1. Applies to LFXP "C" only. 2. Applies to LFXP "E" only. 3. Supports dedicated LVDS outputs. 4-25 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function C2 PROGRAMN Bank Differential 7 - LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - PROGRAMN Bank Differential 7 - Dual Function - C1 CCLK 7 - - CCLK 7 - - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - D2 PL7A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A PL7A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A D3 PL7B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A PL7B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A D1 PL9A 7 - - PL9A 7 - - E2 PL10B 7 - VREF1_7 PL10B 7 - VREF1_7 E1 PL11A 7 T3 DQS PL11A 7 T3 3 3 DQS F1 PL11B 7 C - PL11B 7 C - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - E3 PL12A 7 T - PL12A 7 T - F4 PL12B 7 C - PL12B 7 C - F3 PL13A 7 T3 - PL13A 7 T3 - F2 PL13B 7 C3 - PL13B 7 C3 - G1 PL15B 7 - - PL15B 7 - - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - G3 PL16A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A PL16A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A G2 PL16B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A PL16B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A H1 PL17A 7 T3 - PL17A 7 T3 - H2 PL17B 7 C3 - PL17B 7 C3 - G4 PL18A 7 - VREF2_7 PL18A 7 - VREF2_7 G5 PL19B 7 - - PL19B 7 - - J1 PL20A 7 T 3 DQS PL20A 7 3 T DQS - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - J2 PL20B 7 C3 - PL20B 7 C3 - H3 PL22A 7 T3 - PL22A 7 T3 - 3 3 J3 PL22B 7 C - PL22B 7 C - H4 VCCP0 - - - VCCP0 - - - H5 GNDP0 - - - GNDP0 - - PCLKT6_0 K1 PL24A 6 T PCLKT6_0 PL28A 6 T - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - K2 PL24B 6 C PCLKC6_0 PL28B 6 C PCLKC6_0 J4 PL26A 6 - - PL30A 6 - - J5 PL27B 6 - VREF1_6 PL31B 6 - VREF1_6 L1 PL28A 6 T3 DQS PL32A 6 T3 3 3 DQS L2 PL28B 6 C - PL32B 6 C - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - M1 PL29A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_IN_A PL33A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_IN_A M2 PL29B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_IN_A PL33B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_IN_A K3 PL30A 6 T3 - PL34A 6 T3 - 6 3 6 3 - L3 PL30B C - PL34B 4-26 C Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function L4 PL32A 6 LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - - PL36A 6 Bank Differential Bank Differential Dual Function - - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - K4 PL33A 6 T - PL37A 6 T - K5 PL33B 6 C - PL37B 6 C - N1 PL35A 6 - VREF2_6 PL39A 6 - VREF2_6 N2 PL36B 6 - - PL40B 6 - - P1 PL37A 6 T 3 3 DQS PL41A 6 3 T 3 DQS P2 PL37B 6 C - PL41B 6 C - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - L5 PL38A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_FB_A PL42A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_FB_A M6 PL38B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_FB_A PL42B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_FB_A M3 PL39A 6 T3 - PL43A 6 3 T - N3 PL39B 6 C3 - PL43B 6 C3 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - P4 SLEEPN1/TOE2 - - - SLEEPN1/TOE2 - - - P3 INITN 5 - - INITN 5 - - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - R4 PB11A 5 T - PB15A 5 T - N5 PB11B 5 C - PB15B 5 C - P5 PB12A 5 T VREF1_5 PB16A 5 T VREF1_5 - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - R1 PB12B 5 C - PB16B 5 C - N6 PB13A 5 - - PB17A 5 - - M7 PB14B 5 - - PB18B 5 - - R2 PB15A 5 T DQS PB19A 5 T DQS T2 PB15B 5 C - PB19B 5 C - R3 PB16A 5 T - PB20A 5 T - T3 PB16B 5 C - PB20B 5 C - T4 PB17A 5 T - PB21A 5 T - R5 PB17B 5 C VREF2_5 PB21B 5 C VREF2_5 N7 PB18A 5 T - PB22A 5 T - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - M8 PB18B 5 C - PB22B 5 C - T5 PB19A 5 T - PB23A 5 T - P6 PB19B 5 C - PB23B 5 C - T6 PB20A 5 T - PB24A 5 T - R6 PB20B 5 C - PB24B 5 C - P7 PB21A 5 - - PB25A 5 - - N8 PB22B 5 - - PB26B 5 - - R7 PB23A 5 T DQS PB27A 5 T DQS 4-27 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function T7 PB23B Bank Differential 5 C LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - PB27B 5 Bank Differential Dual Function C - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - P8 PB24A 5 T - PB28A 5 T - T8 PB24B 5 C - PB28B 5 C - R8 PB25A 5 T - PB29A 5 T - T9 PB25B 5 C - PB29B 5 C - R9 PB26A 4 T - PB30A 4 T - P9 PB26B 4 C - PB30B 4 C - T10 PB27A 4 T PCLKT4_0 PB31A 4 T PCLKT4_0 T11 PB27B 4 C PCLKC4_0 PB31B 4 C PCLKC4_0 - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - R10 PB28A 4 T - PB32A 4 T - P10 PB28B 4 C - PB32B 4 C - N9 PB29A 4 - - PB33A 4 - M9 PB30B 4 - - PB34B 4 - - R12 PB31A 4 T DQS PB35A 4 T DQS T12 PB31B 4 C VREF1_4 PB35B 4 C VREF1_4 P13 PB32A 4 T - PB36A 4 T - R13 PB32B 4 C - PB36B 4 C - M11 PB33A 4 T - PB37A 4 T - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - N11 PB33B 4 C - PB37B 4 C - N10 PB34A 4 T - PB38A 4 T - M10 PB34B 4 C - PB38B 4 C - T13 PB35A 4 T - PB39A 4 T - P14 PB35B 4 C - PB39B 4 C - R11 PB36A 4 T VREF2_4 PB40A 4 T VREF2_4 P12 PB36B 4 C - PB40B 4 C - T14 PB37A 4 - - PB41A 4 - - R14 PB38B 4 - - PB42B 4 - - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - DQS P11 PB39A 4 T DQS PB43A 4 T N12 PB39B 4 C - PB43B 4 C - T15 PB40A 4 T - PB44A 4 T - R15 PB40B 4 C - PB44B 4 C - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - P15 PR38B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_FB_A PR42B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_FB_A N15 PR38A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_FB_A PR42A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_FB_A 4-28 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function P16 PR37B Bank Differential 3 C3 3 LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - PR41B Bank Differential 3 C3 3 Dual Function - R16 PR37A 3 T DQS PR41A 3 T M15 PR36B 3 - - PR40B 3 - DQS - N14 PR35A 3 - VREF1_3 PR39A 3 - VREF1_3 - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - M14 PR33B 3 C - PR37B 3 C - L13 PR33A 3 T - PR37A 3 T - 3 3 L15 PR32B 3 C - PR36B 3 C - L14 PR32A 3 T3 - PR36A 3 T3 - L12 PR30A 3 - - PR34A 3 - - M16 PR29B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_IN_A PR33B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_IN_A N16 PR29A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_IN_A PR33A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_IN_A - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - 3 3 K14 PR28B 3 C - PR32B 3 C - K15 PR28A 3 T3 DQS PR32A 3 T3 DQS K12 PR27B 3 - - PR31B 3 - - K13 PR26A 3 - VREF2_3 PR30A 3 - L16 PR25B 3 C3 - PR29B K16 PR25A 3 T3 - PR29A VREF2_3 3 3 C - 3 T3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - J15 PR23B 3 C3 - PR27B 3 C3 - J14 PR23A 3 T3 - PR27A 3 T3 - J13 GNDP1 - - - GNDP1 - - - J12 VCCP1 - - - VCCP1 - - - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - J16 PR21B 2 C PCLKC2_0 PR21B 2 C PCLKC2_0 H16 PR21A 2 T PCLKT2_0 PR21A 2 T PCLKT2_0 H13 PR20B 2 C3 - PR20B 2 C3 - 3 3 H12 PR20A 2 T DQS PR20A 2 T DQS H15 PR19B 2 - - PR19B 2 - - H14 PR18A 2 - VREF1_2 PR18A 2 - VREF1_2 - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - G15 PR17B 2 C3 - PR17B 2 C3 - G14 PR17A 2 T3 - PR17A 2 T3 - G16 PR16B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A PR16B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A F16 PR16A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A PR16A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A G13 PR15B 2 - - PR15B 2 - - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - G12 PR12B 2 C - PR12B 2 C - F13 PR12A 2 T - PR12A 2 T - B16 PR11B 2 C3 - PR11B 2 C3 - C16 PR11A 2 T3 2 3 DQS PR11A 4-29 T DQS Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function - GNDIO2 2 - Bank Differential LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - GNDIO2 2 - Bank Differential Dual Function - F15 PR10B 2 - - PR10B 2 - - E15 PR9A 2 - VREF2_2 PR9A 2 - VREF2_2 F14 PR8B 2 C3 - PR8B 2 C3 - 3 3 E14 PR8A 2 T - PR8A 2 T - D15 PR7B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A PR7B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A C15 PR7A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A PR7A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - E16 TDO - - - TDO - - - D16 VCCJ - - - VCCJ - - - D14 TDI - - - TDI - - - C14 TMS - - - TMS - - - B14 TCK - - - TCK - - - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - A15 PT40B 1 C - PT44B 1 C - B15 PT40A 1 T - PT44A 1 T - D12 PT39B 1 C VREF1_1 PT43B 1 C VREF1_1 - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - C11 PT39A 1 T DQS PT43A 1 T DQS A14 PT38B 1 - - PT42B 1 - - B13 PT37A 1 - - PT41A 1 - - F12 PT36B 1 C - PT40B 1 C - E11 PT36A 1 T - PT40A 1 T - A13 PT35B 1 C - PT39B 1 C - C13 PT35A 1 T D0 PT39A 1 T D0 C10 PT34B 1 C D1 PT38B 1 C D1 E10 PT34A 1 T VREF2_1 PT38A 1 T VREF2_1 A12 PT33B 1 C - PT37B 1 C - B12 PT33A 1 T D2 PT37A 1 T D2 - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - C12 PT32B 1 C D3 PT36B 1 C D3 A11 PT32A 1 T - PT36A 1 T - B11 PT31B 1 C - PT35B 1 C - D11 PT31A 1 T DQS PT35A 1 T DQS B9 PT30B 1 - - PT34B 1 - - D9 PT29A 1 - D4 PT33A 1 - D4 A10 PT28B 1 C - PT32B 1 C D5 B10 PT28A 1 T D5 PT32A 1 T - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - D10 PT27B 1 C D6 PT31B 1 C D6 4-30 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function A9 PT27A 1 C9 PT26B C8 PT26A E9 PT25B LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function T - PT31A 1 T - 1 C D7 PT30B 1 C D7 1 T - PT30A 1 T - 0 C BUSY PT29B 0 C BUSY Bank Differential Bank Differential Dual Function - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - B8 PT25A 0 T CS1N PT29A 0 T CS1N A8 PT24B 0 C PCLKC0_0 PT28B 0 C PCLKC0_0 A7 PT24A 0 T PCLKT0_0 PT28A 0 T PCLKT0_0 B7 PT23B 0 C - PT27B 0 C - C7 PT23A 0 T DQS PT27A 0 T DQS E8 PT22B 0 - - PT26B 0 - - D8 PT21A 0 - DOUT PT25A 0 - DOUT A6 PT20B 0 C - PT24B 0 C - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - C6 PT20A 0 T WRITEN PT24A 0 T WRITEN E7 PT19B 0 C - PT23B 0 C - D7 PT19A 0 T VREF1_0 PT23A 0 T VREF1_0 A5 PT18B 0 C - PT22B 0 C - B5 PT18A 0 T DI PT22A 0 T DI A4 PT17B 0 C - PT21B 0 C - B6 PT17A 0 T CSN PT21A 0 T CSN E6 PT16B 0 C - PT20B 0 C - D6 PT16A 0 T - PT20A 0 T - D5 PT15B 0 C VREF2_0 PT19B 0 C VREF2_0 A3 PT15A 0 T DQS PT19A 0 T DQS B3 PT14B 0 - - PT18B 0 - - B2 PT13A 0 - - PT17A 0 - - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - A2 PT12B 0 C - PT16B 0 C - B1 PT12A 0 T - PT16A 0 T - F5 PT11B 0 C - PT15B 0 C - C5 PT11A 0 T - PT15A 0 T - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - C4 CFG0 0 - - CFG0 0 - - B4 CFG1 0 - - CFG1 0 - - C3 DONE 0 - - DONE 0 - - A1 GND - - - GND - - - A16 GND - - - GND - - - F11 GND - - - GND - - - F6 GND - - - GND - - - 4-31 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function G10 GND - G7 GND G8 GND G9 GND LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - - GND - - - - - - GND - - - - - - GND - - - - - - GND - - - Bank Differential Bank Differential Dual Function H10 GND - - - GND - - - H7 GND - - - GND - - - H8 GND - - - GND - - - H9 GND - - - GND - - - J10 GND - - - GND - - - J7 GND - - - GND - - - J8 GND - - - GND - - - J9 GND - - - GND - - - K10 GND - - - GND - - - K7 GND - - - GND - - - K8 GND - - - GND - - - K9 GND - - - GND - - - L11 GND - - - GND - - - L6 GND - - - GND - - - T1 GND - - - GND - - - T16 GND - - - GND - - D13 VCC - - - VCC - - - D4 VCC - - - VCC - - - E12 VCC - - - VCC - - - E5 VCC - - - VCC - - - M12 VCC - - - VCC - - - M5 VCC - - - VCC - - - N13 VCC - - - VCC - - - N4 VCC - - - VCC - - - E13 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - E4 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - M13 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - M4 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - F7 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - F8 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - F10 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - F9 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - G11 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - H11 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - J11 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - K11 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - L10 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - L9 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - 4-32 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 256 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function L7 VCCIO5 Bank Differential 5 - LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - VCCIO5 5 - - Bank Differential Dual Function L8 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - J6 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - K6 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - G6 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - H6 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - 1. Applies to LFXP "C" only. 2. Applies to LFXP "E" only. 3. Supports dedicated LVDS outputs. 4-33 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP10, LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 388 fpBGA LFXP10 LFXP15 LFXP20 Ball Number Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function F4 PROGRAMN 7 - - PROGRAMN 7 - - PROGRAMN 7 - - G4 CCLK 7 - - CCLK 7 - - CCLK 7 - - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - D2 PL2A 7 T3 - PL6A 7 T3 - PL6A 7 T3 - D1 PL2B 7 C3 - PL6B 7 C3 - PL6B 7 C3 - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - E2 PL3A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A PL7A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A PL7A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A E3 PL3B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A PL7B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A PL7B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A F3 PL4A 7 T3 - PL8A 7 T3 - PL8A 7 T3 - F2 PL4B 7 C3 - PL8B 7 C3 - PL8B 7 C3 - H4 PL5A 7 - - PL9A 7 - - PL9A 7 - - Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Dual Function H3 PL6B 7 - VREF1_7 PL10B 7 - VREF1_7 PL10B 7 - VREF1_7 G3 PL7A 7 T3 DQS PL11A 7 T3 DQS PL11A 7 T3 DQS G2 PL7B 7 C3 - PL11B 7 C3 - PL11B 7 C3 - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - F1 PL8A 7 T - PL12A 7 T - PL12A 7 T - E1 PL8B 7 C - PL12B 7 C - PL12B 7 C - J4 PL9A 7 T3 - PL13A 7 T3 - PL13A 7 T3 - K4 PL9B 7 C3 - PL13B 7 C3 - PL13B 7 C3 - G1 PL11A 7 T3 - PL15A 7 T3 - PL15A 7 T3 - H2 PL11B 7 C3 - PL15B 7 C3 - PL15B 7 C3 - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - J2 PL12A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A PL16A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A PL16A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A H1 PL12B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A PL16B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A PL16B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A J1 PL13A 7 T3 - PL17A 7 T3 - PL17A 7 T3 - K2 PL13B 7 C3 - PL17B 7 C3 - PL17B 7 C3 - K3 PL14A 7 - VREF2_7 PL18A 7 - VREF2_7 PL18A 7 - VREF2_7 J3 PL15B 7 - - PL19B 7 - - PL19B 7 - - K1 PL16A 7 T3 DQS PL20A 7 T3 DQS PL20A 7 T3 DQS - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - L2 PL16B 7 C3 - PL20B 7 C3 - PL20B 7 C3 - L3 PL17A 7 T - PL21A 7 T - PL21A 7 T - L4 PL17B 7 C - PL21B 7 C - PL21B 7 C - L1 PL18A 7 T3 - PL22A 7 T3 - PL22A 7 T3 - M1 PL18B 7 C3 - PL22B 7 C3 - PL22B 7 C3 - M2 VCCP0 - - - VCCP0 - - - VCCP0 - - - N1 GNDP0 - - - GNDP0 - - - GNDP0 - - - M3 PL19A 6 T3 - PL23A 6 T3 - PL27A 6 T3 - M4 PL19B 6 C3 - PL23B 6 C3 - PL27B 6 C3 - P1 PL20A 6 T PCLKT6_0 PL24A 6 T PCLKT6_0 PL28A 6 T PCLKT6_0 - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - N2 PL20B 6 C PCLKC6_0 PL24B 6 C PCLKC6_0 PL28B 6 C PCLKC6_0 R1 PL21A 6 T3 - PL25A 6 T3 - PL29A 6 T3 - P2 PL21B 6 C3 - PL25B 6 C3 - PL29B 6 C3 - N3 PL22A 6 - - PL26A 6 - - PL30A 6 - - N4 PL23B 6 - VREF1_6 PL27B 6 - VREF1_6 PL31B 6 - VREF1_6 T1 PL24A 6 T3 DQS PL28A 6 T3 DQS PL32A 6 T3 DQS R2 PL24B 6 C3 - PL28B 6 C3 - PL32B 6 C3 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - 4-34 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP10, LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 388 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP10 Ball Number Ball Function U1 PL25A Dual Function T LLM0_PLLT_IN_A PL29A 6 Bank Diff. 6 LFXP15 Ball Function LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function T LLM0_PLLT_IN_A PL33A 6 Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Dual Function T LLM0_PLLT_IN_A T2 PL25B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_IN_A PL29B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_IN_A PL33B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_IN_A V1 PL26A 6 T3 - PL30A 6 T3 - PL34A 6 T3 - U2 PL26B 6 C3 - PL30B 6 C3 - PL34B 6 C3 - W1 PL28A 6 T3 - PL32A 6 T3 - PL36A 6 T3 - V2 PL28B 6 C3 - PL32B 6 C3 - PL36B 6 C3 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 - - - GNDIO6 6 - - P3 PL29A 6 T - PL33A 6 T - PL37A 6 T - P4 PL29B 6 C - PL33B 6 C - PL37B 6 C - Y1 PL30A 6 T3 - PL34A 6 T3 - PL38A 6 T3 - W2 PL30B 6 C3 - PL34B 6 C3 - PL38B 6 C3 - R3 PL31A 6 - VREF2_6 PL35A 6 - VREF2_6 PL39A 6 - VREF2_6 R4 PL32B 6 - - PL36B 6 - - PL40B 6 - - T3 PL33A 6 T3 DQS PL37A 6 T3 DQS PL41A 6 T3 DQS T4 PL33B 6 C3 - PL37B 6 C3 - PL41B 6 C3 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - V4 PL34A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_FB_A PL38A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_FB_A PL42A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_FB_A V3 PL34B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_FB_A PL38B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_FB_A PL42B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_FB_A U4 PL35A 6 T3 - PL39A 6 T3 - PL43A 6 T3 - U3 PL35B 6 C3 - PL39B 6 C3 - PL43B 6 C3 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - W5 1 / SLEEPN 2 TOE - - - 1 / SLEEPN 2 TOE - - - 1 / SLEEPN 2 TOE - - - Y2 INITN 5 - - INITN 5 - - INITN 5 - - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - Y3 - - - - PB3B 5 - - PB7B 5 - - W3 - - - - PB4A 5 T - PB8A 5 T - W4 - - - - PB4B 5 C - PB8B 5 C - AA2 - - - - PB5A 5 - - PB9A 5 - - AA1 - - - - PB6B 5 - - PB10B 5 - - W6 PB2A 5 - - PB7A 5 T DQS PB11A 5 T DQS W7 - - - - PB7B 5 C - PB11B 5 C - Y4 PB3A 5 T - PB8A 5 T - PB12A 5 T - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - Y5 PB3B 5 C - PB8B 5 C - PB12B 5 C - AB2 PB4A 5 T - PB9A 5 T - PB13A 5 T - AA3 PB4B 5 C - PB9B 5 C - PB13B 5 C - AB3 PB5A 5 T - PB10A 5 T - PB14A 5 T - AA4 PB5B 5 C - PB10B 5 C - PB14B 5 C - W8 PB6A 5 T - PB11A 5 T - PB15A 5 T - W9 PB6B 5 C - PB11B 5 C - PB15B 5 C - AB4 PB7A 5 T VREF1_5 PB12A 5 T VREF1_5 PB16A 5 T VREF1_5 - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - AA5 PB7B 5 C - PB12B 5 C - PB16B 5 C - AB5 PB8A 5 - - PB13A 5 - - PB17A 5 - - Y6 PB9B 5 - - PB14B 5 - - PB18B 5 - - AA6 PB10A 5 T DQS PB15A 5 T DQS PB19A 5 T DQS AB6 PB10B 5 C - PB15B 5 C - PB19B 5 C - Y9 PB11A 5 T - PB16A 5 T - PB20A 5 T - 4-35 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP10, LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 388 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP10 LFXP15 LFXP20 Ball Number Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function Y10 PB11B 5 C - PB16B 5 C - PB20B 5 C AA7 PB12A 5 T - PB17A 5 T - PB21A 5 T - AB7 PB12B 5 C VREF2_5 PB17B 5 C VREF2_5 PB21B 5 C VREF2_5 Y7 PB13A 5 T - PB18A 5 T - PB22A 5 T - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - AA8 PB13B 5 C - PB18B 5 C - PB22B 5 C - AB8 PB14A 5 T - PB19A 5 T - PB23A 5 T - Y8 PB14B 5 C - PB19B 5 C - PB23B 5 C - AB9 PB15A 5 T - PB20A 5 T - PB24A 5 T - Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Dual Function - AA9 PB15B 5 C - PB20B 5 C - PB24B 5 C - W10 PB16A 5 - - PB21A 5 - - PB25A 5 - - W11 PB17B 5 - - PB22B 5 - - PB26B 5 - - AB10 PB18A 5 T DQS PB23A 5 T DQS PB27A 5 T DQS AA10 PB18B 5 C - PB23B 5 C - PB27B 5 C - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - AA11 PB19A 5 T - PB24A 5 T - PB28A 5 T - AB11 PB19B 5 C - PB24B 5 C - PB28B 5 C - Y11 PB20A 5 T - PB25A 5 T - PB29A 5 T - Y12 PB20B 5 C - PB25B 5 C - PB29B 5 C - AB12 PB21A 4 T - PB26A 4 T - PB30A 4 T - AA12 PB21B 4 C - PB26B 4 C - PB30B 4 C - AB13 PB22A 4 T PCLKT4_0 PB27A 4 T PCLKT4_0 PB31A 4 T PCLKT4_0 AA13 PB22B 4 C PCLKC4_0 PB27B 4 C PCLKC4_0 PB31B 4 C PCLKC4_0 - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - AA14 PB23A 4 T - PB28A 4 T - PB32A 4 T - AB14 PB23B 4 C - PB28B 4 C - PB32B 4 C - W12 PB24A 4 - - PB29A 4 - - PB33A 4 - - W13 PB25B 4 - - PB30B 4 - - PB34B 4 - - AA15 PB26A 4 T DQS PB31A 4 T DQS PB35A 4 T DQS AB15 PB26B 4 C VREF1_4 PB31B 4 C VREF1_4 PB35B 4 C VREF1_4 AA16 PB27A 4 T - PB32A 4 T - PB36A 4 T - AB16 PB27B 4 C - PB32B 4 C - PB36B 4 C - Y17 PB28A 4 T - PB33A 4 T - PB37A 4 T - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - AA17 PB28B 4 C - PB33B 4 C - PB37B 4 C - Y13 PB29A 4 T - PB34A 4 T - PB38A 4 T - Y14 PB29B 4 C - PB34B 4 C - PB38B 4 C - AB17 PB30A 4 T - PB35A 4 T - PB39A 4 T - Y18 PB30B 4 C - PB35B 4 C - PB39B 4 C - AA18 PB31A 4 T VREF2_4 PB36A 4 T VREF2_4 PB40A 4 T VREF2_4 AB18 PB31B 4 C - PB36B 4 C - PB40B 4 C - Y19 PB32A 4 - - PB37A 4 - - PB41A 4 - - AB19 PB33B 4 - - PB38B 4 - - PB42B 4 - - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - AA19 PB34A 4 T DQS PB39A 4 T DQS PB43A 4 T DQS Y20 PB34B 4 C - PB39B 4 C - PB43B 4 C - W14 PB35A 4 T - PB40A 4 T - PB44A 4 T - W15 PB35B 4 C - PB40B 4 C - PB44B 4 C - AB20 PB36A 4 T - PB41A 4 T - PB45A 4 T - 4-36 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP10, LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 388 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP10 LFXP15 LFXP20 Ball Number Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function AA20 PB36B 4 C - PB41B 4 C - PB45B 4 C - AB21 PB37A 4 T - PB42A 4 T - PB46A 4 T - AA21 PB37B 4 C - PB42B 4 C - PB46B 4 C - AA22 PB38A 4 T - PB43A 4 T - PB47A 4 T - Y21 PB38B 4 C - PB43B 4 C - PB47B 4 C - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - W16 PB39A 4 - - PB44A 4 T - PB48A 4 T - Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Dual Function W17 - - - - PB44B 4 C - PB48B 4 C - Y15 - - - - PB45A 4 - - PB49A 4 - - Y16 - - - - PB46B 4 - - PB50B 4 - - W19 - - - - PB47A 4 T DQS PB51A 4 T DQS W18 - - - - PB47B 4 C - PB51B 4 C - W20 - - - - PB48A 4 - - PB52A 4 - - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - T20 PR35B 3 C3 - PR39B 3 C3 - PR43B 3 C3 - T19 PR35A 3 T3 - PR39A 3 T3 - PR43A 3 T3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - U19 PR34B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_FB_A PR38B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_FB_A PR42B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_FB_A RLM0_PLLT_FB_A U20 PR34A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_FB_A PR38A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_FB_A PR42A 3 T V19 PR33B 3 C3 - PR37B 3 C3 - PR41B 3 C3 - V20 PR33A 3 T3 DQS PR37A 3 T3 DQS PR41A 3 T3 DQS R19 PR32B 3 - - PR36B 3 - - PR40B 3 - - R20 PR31A 3 - VREF1_3 PR35A 3 - VREF1_3 PR39A 3 - VREF1_3 W21 PR30B 3 C3 - PR34B 3 C3 - PR38B 3 C3 - 3 3 - PR38A 3 T3 - Y22 PR30A 3 T - GNDIO3 3 P19 PR29B 3 P20 PR29A V21 PR28B W22 PR28A - PR34A 3 T - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - C - PR33B 3 C - PR37B 3 C - 3 T - PR33A 3 T - PR37A 3 T - 3 C3 - PR32B 3 C3 - PR36B 3 C3 - 3 T3 - PR32A 3 T3 - PR36A 3 T3 - 3 - PR30B 3 C 3 - PR34B 3 C3 - U21 PR26B 3 C V22 PR26A 3 T3 - PR30A 3 T3 - PR34A 3 T3 - T21 PR25B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_IN_A PR29B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_IN_A PR33B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_IN_A U22 PR25A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_IN_A PR29A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_IN_A PR33A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_IN_A - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - R21 PR24B 3 C3 - PR28B 3 C3 - PR32B 3 C3 - T22 PR24A 3 T3 DQS PR28A 3 T3 DQS PR32A 3 T3 DQS N19 PR23B 3 - - PR27B 3 - - PR31B 3 - - N20 PR22A 3 - VREF2_3 PR26A 3 - VREF2_3 PR30A 3 - VREF2_3 R22 PR21B 3 C3 - PR25B 3 C3 - PR29B 3 C3 - 3 - PR25A 3 T 3 - PR29A 3 T3 - PR24B 3 C - PR28B 3 C - P22 PR21A 3 T P21 PR20B 3 C - N21 PR20A 3 T - PR24A 3 T - PR28A 3 T - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - M20 PR19B 3 C3 - PR23B 3 C3 - PR27B 3 C3 - M19 PR19A 3 T3 - PR23A 3 T3 - PR27A 3 T3 - N22 GNDP1 - - - GNDP1 - - - GNDP1 - - - 4-37 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP10, LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 388 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP10 LFXP15 LFXP20 Ball Number Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function M21 VCCP1 - - - VCCP1 - - - VCCP1 - - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - M22 PR18B 2 C3 - PR22B 2 C3 - PR22B 2 C3 - L22 PR18A 2 T3 - PR22A 2 T3 - PR22A 2 T3 - K22 PR17B 2 C PCLKC2_0 PR21B 2 C PCLKC2_0 PR21B 2 C PCLKC2_0 K21 PR17A 2 T PCLKT2_0 PR21A 2 T PCLKT2_0 PR21A 2 T PCLKT2_0 L19 PR16B 2 C3 - PR20B 2 C3 - PR20B 2 C3 - K20 PR16A 2 T3 DQS PR20A 2 T3 DQS PR20A 2 T3 DQS L20 PR15B 2 - - PR19B 2 - - PR19B 2 - - L21 PR14A 2 - VREF1_2 PR18A 2 - VREF1_2 PR18A 2 - VREF1_2 Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Dual Function - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - J22 PR13B 2 C3 - PR17B 2 C3 - PR17B 2 C3 - J21 PR13A 2 T3 - PR17A 2 T3 - PR17A 2 T3 - H22 PR12B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A PR16B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A PR16B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A H21 PR12A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A PR16A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A PR16A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A K19 PR11B 2 C3 - PR15B 2 C3 - PR15B 2 C3 - J19 PR11A 2 T3 - PR15A 2 T3 - PR15A 2 T3 - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - J20 PR9B 2 C3 - PR13B 2 C3 - PR13B 2 C3 - H20 PR9A 2 T3 - PR13A 2 T3 - PR13A 2 T3 - H19 PR8B 2 C - PR12B 2 C - PR12B 2 C - G19 PR8A 2 T - PR12A 2 T - PR12A 2 T - G22 PR7B 2 C3 - PR11B 2 C3 - PR11B 2 C3 - 2 3 2 3 DQS PR11A 2 T3 DQS G21 PR7A - GNDIO2 2 F20 PR6B 2 T DQS PR11A T - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - - - PR10B 2 - - PR10B 2 - - G20 PR5A 2 - VREF2_2 PR9A 2 - VREF2_2 PR9A 2 - VREF2_2 F22 PR4B 2 C3 - PR8B 2 C3 - PR8B 2 C3 - F21 PR4A 2 T3 - PR8A 2 T3 - PR8A 2 T3 - E22 PR3B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A PR7B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A PR7B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A E21 PR3A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A PR7A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A PR7A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A D22 PR2B 2 C3 - PR6B 2 C3 - PR6B 2 C3 - D21 PR2A 2 T3 - PR6A 2 T3 - PR6A 2 T3 - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - F19 TDO - - - TDO - - TDO - - VCCJ - - VCCJ - - - - TDI - - TDI - - - - TMS - - TMS - - - - TCK - - TCK - - - - - - E20 VCCJ D20 TDI D19 TMS D18 TCK - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - E19 - - - - PT48A 1 - - PT52A 1 - - D17 - - - - PT47B 1 C - PT51B 1 C - D16 - - - - PT47A 1 T DQS PT51A 1 T DQS C16 - - - - PT46B 1 - - PT50B 1 - - C15 - - - - PT45A 1 - - PT49A 1 - - C17 - - - - PT44B 1 C - PT48B 1 C - C18 PT39A 1 - - PT44A 1 T - PT48A 1 T - C19 PT38B 1 C - PT43B 1 C - PT47B 1 C - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - 4-38 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP10, LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 388 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP10 LFXP15 LFXP20 Ball Number Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function C20 PT38A 1 T - PT43A 1 T - PT47A 1 T - C21 PT37B 1 C - PT42B 1 C - PT46B 1 C - Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Dual Function C22 PT37A 1 T - PT42A 1 T - PT46A 1 T - B22 PT36B 1 C - PT41B 1 C - PT45B 1 C - A21 PT36A 1 T - PT41A 1 T - PT45A 1 T - D15 PT35B 1 C - PT40B 1 C - PT44B 1 C - D14 PT35A 1 T - PT40A 1 T - PT44A 1 T - B21 PT34B 1 C VREF1_1 PT39B 1 C VREF1_1 PT43B 1 C VREF1_1 - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - A20 PT34A 1 T DQS PT39A 1 T DQS PT43A 1 T DQS B20 PT33B 1 - - PT38B 1 - - PT42B 1 - - A19 PT32A 1 - - PT37A 1 - - PT41A 1 - - B19 PT31B 1 C - PT36B 1 C - PT40B 1 C - A18 PT31A 1 T - PT36A 1 T - PT40A 1 T - C14 PT30B 1 C - PT35B 1 C - PT39B 1 C - C13 PT30A 1 T D0 PT35A 1 T D0 PT39A 1 T D0 B18 PT29B 1 C D1 PT34B 1 C D1 PT38B 1 C D1 A17 PT29A 1 T VREF2_1 PT34A 1 T VREF2_1 PT38A 1 T VREF2_1 B17 PT28B 1 C - PT33B 1 C - PT37B 1 C - A16 PT28A 1 T D2 PT33A 1 T D2 PT37A 1 T D2 - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - B16 PT27B 1 C D3 PT32B 1 C D3 PT36B 1 C D3 A15 PT27A 1 T - PT32A 1 T - PT36A 1 T - B15 PT26B 1 C - PT31B 1 C - PT35B 1 C - A14 PT26A 1 T DQS PT31A 1 T DQS PT35A 1 T DQS D13 PT25B 1 - - PT30B 1 - - PT34B 1 - - D12 PT24A 1 - D4 PT29A 1 - D4 PT33A 1 - D4 B14 PT23B 1 C - PT28B 1 C - PT32B 1 C - A13 PT23A 1 T D5 PT28A 1 T D5 PT32A 1 T D5 - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - B13 PT22B 1 C D6 PT27B 1 C D6 PT31B 1 C D6 A12 PT22A 1 T - PT27A 1 T - PT31A 1 T - B12 PT21B 1 C D7 PT26B 1 C D7 PT30B 1 C D7 C12 PT21A 1 T - PT26A 1 T - PT30A 1 T - C11 PT20B 0 C BUSY PT25B 0 C BUSY PT29B 0 C BUSY - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - B11 PT20A 0 T CS1N PT25A 0 T CS1N PT29A 0 T CS1N A11 PT19B 0 C PCLKC0_0 PT24B 0 C PCLKC0_0 PT28B 0 C PCLKC0_0 A10 PT19A 0 T PCLKT0_0 PT24A 0 T PCLKT0_0 PT28A 0 T PCLKT0_0 B10 PT18B 0 C - PT23B 0 C - PT27B 0 C - B9 PT18A 0 T DQS PT23A 0 T DQS PT27A 0 T DQS D11 PT17B 0 - - PT22B 0 - - PT26B 0 - - D10 PT16A 0 - DOUT PT21A 0 - DOUT PT25A 0 - DOUT A9 PT15B 0 C - PT20B 0 C - PT24B 0 C - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - C8 PT15A 0 T WRITEN PT20A 0 T WRITEN PT24A 0 T WRITEN B8 PT14B 0 C - PT19B 0 C - PT23B 0 C - A8 PT14A 0 T VREF1_0 PT19A 0 T VREF1_0 PT23A 0 T VREF1_0 C7 PT13B 0 C - PT18B 0 C - PT22B 0 C - 4-39 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP10, LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 388 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP10 LFXP15 LFXP20 Ball Number Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function A7 PT13A 0 T DI PT18A 0 T DI PT22A 0 T B7 PT12B 0 C - PT17B 0 C - PT21B 0 C - C6 PT12A 0 T CSN PT17A 0 T CSN PT21A 0 T CSN C10 PT11B 0 C - PT16B 0 C - PT20B 0 C - C9 PT11A 0 T - PT16A 0 T - PT20A 0 T - A6 PT10B 0 C VREF2_0 PT15B 0 C VREF2_0 PT19B 0 C VREF2_0 B6 PT10A 0 T DQS PT15A 0 T DQS PT19A 0 T DQS A5 PT9B 0 - - PT14B 0 - - PT18B 0 - - B5 PT8A 0 - - PT13A 0 - - PT17A 0 - - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - C5 PT7B 0 C - PT12B 0 C - PT16B 0 C - Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Dual Function DI A4 PT7A 0 T - PT12A 0 T - PT16A 0 T D9 PT6B 0 C - PT11B 0 C - PT15B 0 C - D8 PT6A 0 T - PT11A 0 T - PT15A 0 T - B4 PT5B 0 C - PT10B 0 C - PT14B 0 C - A2 PT5A 0 T - PT10A 0 T - PT14A 0 T - A3 PT4B 0 C - PT9B 0 C - PT13B 0 C - B3 PT4A 0 T - PT9A 0 T - PT13A 0 T - C4 PT3B 0 C - PT8B 0 C - PT12B 0 C - C3 PT3A 0 T - PT8A 0 T - PT12A 0 T - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - C2 - - - - PT7B 0 C - PT11B 0 C - D3 PT2A 0 - - PT7A 0 T DQS PT11A 0 T DQS D7 - - - - PT6B 0 - - PT10B 0 - - D6 - - - - PT5A 0 - - PT9A 0 - - E4 - - - - PT4B 0 C - PT8B 0 C - D4 - - - - PT4A 0 T - PT8A 0 T - D5 - - - - PT3B 0 - - PT7B 0 - - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - C1 CFG0 0 - - CFG0 0 - - CFG0 0 - - B2 CFG1 0 - - CFG1 0 - - CFG1 0 - - B1 DONE 0 - - DONE 0 - - DONE 0 - - A1 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - A22 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - AB1 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - AB22 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - H10 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - H11 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - H12 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - H13 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - H14 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - J10 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - J11 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - J12 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - J13 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - J14 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - J9 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - K10 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - 4-40 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP10, LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 388 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP10 LFXP15 LFXP20 Ball Number Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function K11 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - K12 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - K13 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - K14 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - K9 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - L10 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - L11 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - L12 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - L13 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - L14 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - L9 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - M10 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - M11 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - M12 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - M13 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - M14 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - M9 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - N10 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - N11 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - N12 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - N13 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - N14 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - N9 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - P10 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - P11 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - P12 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - P13 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - P14 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - P9 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - R10 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - R11 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - R12 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - R13 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - R14 GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - H9 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - J15 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Dual Function J8 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - K15 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - K8 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - L15 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - L8 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - M15 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - M8 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - N15 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - N8 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - P15 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - P8 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - R9 VCC - - - VCC - - - VCC - - - G16 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - 4-41 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP10, LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 388 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP10 LFXP15 LFXP20 Ball Number Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function Dual Function Ball Function G7 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - T16 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - T7 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - G10 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Bank Diff. Dual Function G11 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - G8 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - G9 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - H8 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - G12 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - G13 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - G14 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - G15 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - H15 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - H16 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - J16 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - K16 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - L16 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - M16 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - N16 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - P16 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - R16 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - R15 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - T12 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - T13 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - T14 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - T15 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - R8 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - T10 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - T11 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - T8 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - T9 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - M7 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - N7 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - P7 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - R7 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - H7 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - J7 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - K7 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - L7 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - 1. Applies to LFXP "C" only. 2. Applies to LFXP "E" only. 3. Supports dedicated LVDS outputs. 4-42 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function F5 PROGRAMN Bank Differential 7 - LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - PROGRAMN Bank Differential 7 - Dual Function - E3 CCLK 7 - - CCLK 7 - - C1 PL2B 7 - - PL2B 7 - - - GNDIO7 7 - - - GNDIO7 7 - G5 PL3A 7 T3 - PL3A G6 PL3B 7 C3 - PL3B F4 PL4A 7 T - PL4A F3 PL4B 7 C - PL4B G4 PL5A 7 T3 - PL5A 3 - PL5B 7 T 3 - 7 C3 - 7 T - 7 C - 7 T3 - 7 3 - 3 - G3 PL5B 7 C D1 PL6A 7 T3 C - PL6A 7 T D2 PL6B 7 C3 - PL6B 7 C3 - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - E1 PL7A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A PL7A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_FB_A E2 PL7B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A PL7B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_FB_A 3 7 3 - 3 H5 PL8A 7 T H6 PL8B 7 C3 - PL8B 7 C - H4 PL9A 7 - - PL9A 7 - - H3 PL10B 7 - VREF1_7 PL10B 7 - VREF1_7 F1 PL11A 7 T3 DQS PL11A 7 T3 DQS F2 PL11B 7 C3 - PL11B 7 C3 - - PL8A T - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - J5 PL12A 7 T - PL12A 7 T - J6 PL12B 7 C - PL12B 7 C - 3 3 - G1 PL13A 7 T - PL13A 7 T G2 PL13B 7 C3 - PL13B 7 C3 - J4 PL15A 7 T3 - PL15A 7 T3 - 3 3 J3 PL15B 7 C - PL15B 7 C - - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - H1 PL16A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A PL16A 7 T LUM0_PLLT_IN_A H2 PL16B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A PL16B 7 C LUM0_PLLC_IN_A J1 PL17A 7 T3 - PL17A 7 T3 - J2 PL17B 7 C3 - PL17B 7 C3 - K3 PL18A 7 - VREF2_7 PL18A 7 - VREF2_7 K2 PL19B 7 - - PL19B 7 - - K4 PL20A 7 3 T DQS PL20A 7 T 3 DQS - GNDIO7 7 - - GNDIO7 7 - - K5 PL20B 7 C3 - PL20B 7 C3 - K1 PL21A 7 T - PL21A 7 T - L2 PL21B 7 C - PL21B 7 C - L4 PL22A 7 T3 - PL22A 7 T3 - 7 3 7 3 - L3 PL22B C - PL22B 4-43 C Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function L1 - Bank Differential - - LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - PL23A Bank Differential Dual Function 7 T3 - 3 - M1 - - - - PL23B 7 C M2 - - - - PL24A 7 - - L5 VCCP0 - - - VCCP0 - - - N2 GNDP0 - - - GNDP0 - - - N1 - - - - PL25B 6 - - P2 - - - - PL26A 6 T 3 - 3 P1 - - - - PL26B 6 C - M4 PL23A 6 T3 - PL27A 6 T3 - M3 PL23B 6 C3 - PL27B 6 C3 - R2 PL24A 6 T PCLKT6_0 PL28A 6 T PCLKT6_0 - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - R1 PL24B 6 C PCLKC6_0 PL28B 6 C PCLKC6_0 3 3 - N3 PL25A 6 T - PL29A 6 T N4 PL25B 6 C3 - PL29B 6 C3 - M5 PL26A 6 - - PL30A 6 - - N5 PL27B 6 - VREF1_6 PL31B 6 - VREF1_6 T2 PL28A 6 T3 DQS PL32A 6 T T1 PL28B 6 C3 - PL32B 6 C3 3 DQS - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - U2 PL29A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_IN_A PL33A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_IN_A U1 PL29B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_IN_A PL33B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_IN_A 3 6 3 - 3 P3 PL30A 6 T P4 PL30B 6 C3 - PL34B 6 C - P6 PL32A 6 T3 - PL36A 6 T3 - 3 3 - PL34A T P5 PL32B 6 C - PL36B 6 C - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - V2 PL33A 6 T - PL37A 6 T - - PL37B 6 C - 3 - V1 PL33B 6 C W2 PL34A 6 T3 - PL38A 6 T W1 PL34B 6 C3 - PL38B 6 C3 VREF2_6 R3 PL35A 6 - VREF2_6 PL39A 6 - R4 PL36B 6 - - PL40B 6 - - R6 PL37A 6 T3 DQS PL41A 6 T3 DQS R5 PL37B 6 C3 - PL41B 6 C3 - - GNDIO6 6 - - GNDIO6 6 - - Y2 PL38A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_FB_A PL42A 6 T LLM0_PLLT_FB_A Y1 PL38B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_FB_A PL42B 6 C LLM0_PLLC_FB_A T3 PL39A 6 T3 - PL43A 6 T3 - 3 3 T4 PL39B 6 C - PL43B 6 C - W3 PL40A 6 T3 - PL44A 6 T3 - V3 PL40B 6 C3 6 3 - - PL44B 4-44 C Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function T6 PL41A 6 T5 PL41B - GNDIO6 U3 PL42A LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function T - PL45A 6 C - 6 - - 6 T3 - PL46A 3 Bank Differential Bank Differential Dual Function 6 T - PL45B 6 C - GNDIO6 6 - - 6 T3 - 3 U4 PL42B 6 C - PL46B 6 C - V4 PL43A 6 - - PL47A 6 - - 1 1 W4 SLEEPN / TOE2 - - - SLEEPN / TOE2 - - - W5 INITN 5 - - INITN 5 - - Y3 - - - - PB3B 5 - - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - U5 - - - - PB4A 5 T - V5 - - - - PB4B 5 C - Y4 - - - - PB5A 5 T - Y5 - - - - PB5B 5 C - V6 - - - - PB6A 5 T - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - U6 - - - - PB6B 5 C - W6 PB3A 5 T - PB7A 5 T - Y6 PB3B 5 C - PB7B 5 C - AA2 PB4A 5 T - PB8A 5 T - AA3 PB4B 5 C - PB8B 5 C - V7 PB5A 5 - - PB9A 5 - - U7 PB6B 5 - - PB10B 5 - - Y7 PB7A 5 T DQS PB11A 5 T DQS W7 PB7B 5 C - PB11B 5 C - AA4 PB8A 5 T - PB12A 5 T - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - AA5 PB8B 5 C - PB12B 5 C - AB3 PB9A 5 T - PB13A 5 T - AB4 PB9B 5 C - PB13B 5 C - AA6 PB10A 5 T - PB14A 5 T - AA7 PB10B 5 C - PB14B 5 C - U8 PB11A 5 T - PB15A 5 T V8 PB11B 5 C - PB15B 5 C - Y8 PB12A 5 T VREF1_5 PB16A 5 T VREF1_5 - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - W8 PB12B 5 C - PB16B 5 C - V9 PB13A 5 - - PB17A 5 - - U9 PB14B 5 - - PB18B 5 - - Y9 PB15A 5 T DQS PB19A 5 T DQS W9 PB15B 5 C - PB19B 5 C - 4-45 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function AB5 PB16A 5 AB6 PB16B AA8 PB17A AA9 LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function T - PB20A 5 T - 5 C - PB20B 5 C - 5 T - PB21A 5 T - PB17B 5 C VREF2_5 PB21B 5 C VREF2_5 W10 PB18A 5 T - PB22A 5 T - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - V10 PB18B 5 C - PB22B 5 C - AB7 PB19A 5 T - PB23A 5 T - AB8 PB19B 5 C - PB23B 5 C - AB9 PB20A 5 T - PB24A 5 T - AB10 PB20B 5 C - PB24B 5 C - Y10 PB21A 5 - - PB25A 5 - - AA10 PB22B 5 - - PB26B 5 - DQS Bank Differential Bank Differential Dual Function W11 PB23A 5 T DQS PB27A 5 T V11 PB23B 5 C - PB27B 5 C - - GNDIO5 5 - - GNDIO5 5 - - Y11 PB24A 5 T - PB28A 5 T - AA11 PB24B 5 C - PB28B 5 C - AB11 PB25A 5 T - PB29A 5 T - AB12 PB25B 5 C - PB29B 5 C - Y12 PB26A 4 T - PB30A 4 T - AA12 PB26B 4 C - PB30B 4 C - W12 PB27A 4 T PCLKT4_0 PB31A 4 T PCLKT4_0 V12 PB27B 4 C PCLKC4_0 PB31B 4 C PCLKC4_0 - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - AB13 PB28A 4 T - PB32A 4 T - AB14 PB28B 4 C - PB32B 4 C - AA13 PB29A 4 - - PB33A 4 - - Y13 PB30B 4 - - PB34B 4 - - AB15 PB31A 4 T DQS PB35A 4 T DQS AB16 PB31B 4 C VREF1_4 PB35B 4 C VREF1_4 V13 PB32A 4 T - PB36A 4 T - W13 PB32B 4 C - PB36B 4 C - AA14 PB33A 4 T - PB37A 4 T - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - AA15 PB33B 4 C - PB37B 4 C - AB17 PB34A 4 T - PB38A 4 T - AB18 PB34B 4 C - PB38B 4 C - W14 PB35A 4 T - PB39A 4 T - Y14 PB35B 4 C - PB39B 4 C - U14 PB36A 4 T VREF2_4 PB40A 4 T VREF2_4 V14 PB36B 4 C - PB40B 4 C - 4-46 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function AB19 PB37A 4 AB20 PB38B - GNDIO4 V15 LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - - PB41A 4 - - PB42B 4 - - 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - PB39A 4 T DQS PB43A 4 T DQS U15 PB39B 4 C - PB43B 4 C - Y15 PB40A 4 T - PB44A 4 T - W15 PB40B 4 C - PB44B 4 C - AA16 PB41A 4 T - PB45A 4 T - AA17 PB41B 4 C - PB45B 4 C - AA18 PB42A 4 T - PB46A 4 T - AA19 PB42B 4 C - PB46B 4 C - Y16 PB43A 4 T - PB47A 4 T - W16 PB43B 4 C - PB47B 4 C - Bank Differential Bank Differential 4 - Dual Function - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - AA20 PB44A 4 T - PB48A 4 T - AA21 PB44B 4 C - PB48B 4 C - Y17 PB45A 4 - - PB49A 4 - - Y18 PB46B 4 - - PB50B 4 - - Y19 PB47A 4 T DQS PB51A 4 T DQS Y20 PB47B 4 C - PB51B 4 C - V16 PB48A 4 T - PB52A 4 T - U16 PB48B 4 C - PB52B 4 C - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - U18 - - - - PB53A 4 T - V18 - - - - PB53B 4 C - W19 - - - - PB54A 4 T - W18 - - - - PB54B 4 C - U17 - - - - PB55A 4 T - V17 - - - - PB55B 4 C - - GNDIO4 4 - - GNDIO4 4 - - W17 - - - - PB56A 4 - - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - V19 PR43A 3 - - PR47A 3 - - U20 PR42B 3 C3 - PR46B 3 C3 - 3 3 - U19 PR42A 3 T - PR46A 3 T V20 PR41B 3 C - PR45B 3 C - W20 PR41A 3 T - PR45A 3 T - 3 3 T17 PR40B 3 C - PR44B 3 C - T18 PR40A 3 T3 - PR44A 3 T3 - 3 3 - T19 PR39B 3 C - PR43B 3 C T20 PR39A 3 T3 - PR43A 3 T3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - 4-47 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function R18 PR38B R17 PR38A Y22 PR37B Y21 PR37A 3 LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function C RLM0_PLLC_FB_A PR42B 3 3 T RLM0_PLLT_FB_A PR42A 3 C3 - PR41B T3 DQS PR41A Bank Differential 3 Bank Differential Dual Function C RLM0_PLLC_FB_A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_FB_A 3 C3 - 3 T3 DQS W22 PR36B 3 - - PR40B 3 - - W21 PR35A 3 - VREF1_3 PR39A 3 - VREF1_3 P17 PR34B 3 C3 - PR38B 3 C3 - 3 3 P18 PR34A 3 T - PR38A 3 T - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - - R19 PR33B 3 C - PR37B 3 C - R20 PR33A 3 T - PR37A 3 T - V22 PR32B 3 C3 - PR36B V21 PR32A 3 T3 - PR36A 3 3 3 C - 3 T3 - 3 - U22 PR30B 3 C - PR34B 3 C U21 PR30A 3 T3 - PR34A 3 T3 - P19 PR29B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_IN_A PR33B 3 C RLM0_PLLC_IN_A P20 PR29A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_IN_A PR33A 3 T RLM0_PLLT_IN_A - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - T22 PR28B 3 3 C 3 - PR32B 3 3 - 3 DQS C T21 PR28A 3 T DQS PR32A 3 T R22 PR27B 3 - - PR31B 3 - - R21 PR26A 3 - VREF2_3 PR30A 3 - VREF2_3 N19 PR25B 3 C3 - PR29B 3 C3 - N20 PR25A 3 T3 - PR29A 3 T 3 - N18 PR24B 3 C - PR28B 3 C - M18 PR24A 3 T - PR28A 3 T - - GNDIO3 3 - - GNDIO3 3 - - P22 PR23B 3 C3 - PR27B 3 C3 - 3 3 - P21 PR23A 3 T - PR27A 3 T N22 - - - - PR26B 3 C3 - N21 - - - - PR26A 3 T3 - M19 - - - - PR25B 3 - M20 GNDP1 - - - GNDP1 - - - L18 VCCP1 - - - VCCP1 - - - - PR24A 2 - M21 - - - M22 PR22B 2 C3 - - PR23B L22 PR22A 2 T3 - PR23A - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 L19 - - - - PR22B 3 2 3 C - 2 T3 - 2 - - 2 C3 - L20 - - - - PR22A 2 T L21 PR21B 2 C PCLKC2_0 PR21B 2 C PCLKC2_0 K22 PR21A 2 T PCLKT2_0 PR21A 2 T PCLKT2_0 4-48 - Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function J21 PR20B Bank Differential 2 C3 3 LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - PR20B Bank Differential 2 C3 3 Dual Function - J22 PR20A 2 T DQS PR20A 2 T K18 PR19B 2 - - PR19B 2 - - K19 PR18A 2 - VREF1_2 PR18A 2 - VREF1_2 - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - K21 PR17B 2 C3 - PR17B K20 PR17A 2 T3 - PR17A DQS - 2 3 C - 2 T3 - H21 PR16B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A PR16B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_IN_A H22 PR16A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A PR16A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_IN_A J20 PR15B 2 C3 - PR15B 2 C3 - 3 3 J19 PR15A 2 T - PR15A 2 T - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - - J17 PR13B 2 C3 - PR13B 2 C3 - 3 3 - J18 PR13A 2 T - PR13A 2 T G21 PR12B 2 C - PR12B 2 C - G22 PR12A 2 T - PR12A 2 T - 3 3 - 3 DQS F21 PR11B 2 C F22 PR11A 2 T3 DQS PR11A 2 T - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - H20 PR10B 2 - - PR10B 2 - - H19 PR9A 2 - VREF2_2 PR9A 2 - VREF2_2 H17 PR8B 2 C3 - PR8B 2 C3 - 3 3 - PR11B 2 C - H18 PR8A 2 T - PR8A 2 T E21 PR7B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A PR7B 2 C RUM0_PLLC_FB_A E22 PR7A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A PR7A 2 T RUM0_PLLT_FB_A 3 3 - D21 PR6B 2 C - PR6B 2 C - D22 PR6A 2 T3 - PR6A 2 T3 - G20 PR5B 2 C3 - PR5B 2 C3 - 3 3 - G19 PR5A 2 T - PR5A 2 T G17 PR4B 2 C - PR4B 2 C - G18 PR4A 2 T - PR4A 2 T - - GNDIO2 2 - - GNDIO2 2 - - F18 PR3B 2 C3 - PR3B 2 C3 - F19 PR3A 2 T3 - PR3A 2 T3 - C22 PR2B 2 - - PR2B 2 - - F20 TDO - - - TDO - - - E20 VCCJ - - - VCCJ - - - D19 TDI - - - TDI - - - E19 TMS - - - TMS - - - D20 TCK - - - TCK - - - C20 - - - - PT56A 1 - - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - 4-49 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function D18 - Bank Differential - - LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - PT55B 1 Bank Differential Dual Function C - E18 - - - - PT55A 1 T C19 - - - - PT54B 1 C - C18 - - - - PT54A 1 T - C21 - - - - PT53B 1 C - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - B21 - - - - PT53A 1 T - E17 PT48B 1 C - PT52B 1 C - E16 PT48A 1 T - PT52A 1 T - C17 PT47B 1 C - PT51B 1 C - D17 PT47A 1 T DQS PT51A 1 T DQS F17 PT46B 1 - - PT50B 1 - - F16 PT45A 1 - - PT49A 1 - - C16 PT44B 1 C - PT48B 1 C - D16 PT44A 1 T - PT48A 1 T - A20 PT43B 1 C - PT47B 1 C - - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - B20 PT43A 1 T - PT47A 1 T - A19 PT42B 1 C - PT46B 1 C - B19 PT42A 1 T - PT46A 1 T - C15 PT41B 1 C - PT45B 1 C - D15 PT41A 1 T - PT45A 1 T - A18 PT40B 1 C - PT44B 1 C - B18 PT40A 1 T - PT44A 1 T - F15 PT39B 1 C VREF1_1 PT43B 1 C VREF1_1 - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - E15 PT39A 1 T DQS PT43A 1 T DQS A17 PT38B 1 - - PT42B 1 - - B17 PT37A 1 - - PT41A 1 - - E14 PT36B 1 C - PT40B 1 C - F14 PT36A 1 T - PT40A 1 T - D14 PT35B 1 C - PT39B 1 C - C14 PT35A 1 T D0 PT39A 1 T D0 A16 PT34B 1 C D1 PT38B 1 C D1 B16 PT34A 1 T VREF2_1 PT38A 1 T VREF2_1 A15 PT33B 1 C - PT37B 1 C - B15 PT33A 1 T D2 PT37A 1 T D2 - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - E13 PT32B 1 C D3 PT36B 1 C D3 D13 PT32A 1 T - PT36A 1 T - C13 PT31B 1 C - PT35B 1 C - B13 PT31A 1 T DQS PT35A 1 T DQS 4-50 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function A14 PT30B Dual Function Ball Function - - PT34B 1 Bank Differential 1 LFXP20 Bank Differential Dual Function - D4 B14 PT29A 1 - D4 PT33A 1 - C12 PT28B 1 C - PT32B 1 C - B12 PT28A 1 T D5 PT32A 1 T D5 - GNDIO1 1 - - GNDIO1 1 - - D12 PT27B 1 C D6 PT31B 1 C D6 E12 PT27A 1 T - PT31A 1 T D7 A13 PT26B 1 C D7 PT30B 1 C A12 PT26A 1 T - PT30A 1 T - A11 PT25B 0 C BUSY PT29B 0 C BUSY - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - A10 PT25A 0 T CS1N PT29A 0 T CS1N D11 PT24B 0 C PCLKC0_0 PT28B 0 C PCLKC0_0 E11 PT24A 0 T PCLKT0_0 PT28A 0 T PCLKT0_0 B11 PT23B 0 C - PT27B 0 C - C11 PT23A 0 T DQS PT27A 0 T DQS B9 PT22B 0 - - PT26B 0 - - A9 PT21A 0 - DOUT PT25A 0 - DOUT B8 PT20B 0 C - PT24B 0 C - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - A8 PT20A 0 T WRITEN PT24A 0 T WRITEN E10 PT19B 0 C - PT23B 0 C - D10 PT19A 0 T VREF1_0 PT23A 0 T VREF1_0 C10 PT18B 0 C - PT22B 0 C - B10 PT18A 0 T DI PT22A 0 T DI B7 PT17B 0 C - PT21B 0 C - A7 PT17A 0 T CSN PT21A 0 T CSN C9 PT16B 0 C - PT20B 0 C - D9 PT16A 0 T - PT20A 0 T - B6 PT15B 0 C VREF2_0 PT19B 0 C VREF2_0 A6 PT15A 0 T DQS PT19A 0 T DQS F9 PT14B 0 - - PT18B 0 - - E9 PT13A 0 - - PT17A 0 - - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - B5 PT12B 0 C - PT16B 0 C - A5 PT12A 0 T - PT16A 0 T - C8 PT11B 0 C - PT15B 0 C - D8 PT11A 0 T - PT15A 0 T - B4 PT10B 0 C - PT14B 0 C - A4 PT10A 0 T - PT14A 0 T - F8 PT9B 0 C - PT13B 0 C - E8 PT9A 0 T - PT13A 0 T - 4-51 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function B3 PT8B 0 A3 PT8A - GNDIO0 D7 LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function C - PT12B 0 T - 0 - - PT7B 0 C - C7 PT7A 0 T B2 PT6B 0 - C2 PT5A 0 C3 PT4B D3 PT4A F7 Bank Differential Bank Differential Dual Function 0 C - PT12A 0 T - GNDIO0 0 - - PT11B 0 C - DQS PT11A 0 T DQS - PT10B 0 - - - - PT9A 0 - - 0 C - PT8B 0 C - 0 T - PT8A 0 T - PT3B 0 C - PT7B 0 C - E7 PT3A 0 T - PT7A 0 T - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - C6 - - - - PT6B 0 C - D6 - - - - PT6A 0 T - C5 - - - - PT5B 0 C - C4 - - - - PT5A 0 T - F6 - - - - PT4B 0 C - E6 - - - - PT4A 0 T - - GNDIO0 0 - - GNDIO0 0 - - E4 - - - - PT3B 0 - E5 CFG0 0 - - CFG0 0 - - D4 CFG1 0 - - CFG1 0 - - D5 DONE 0 - - DONE 0 - - A1 GND - - - GND - - - A2 GND - - - GND - - - A21 GND - - - GND - - - A22 GND - - - GND - - - AA1 GND - - - GND - - - AA22 GND - - - GND - - - AB1 GND - - - GND - - - AB2 GND - - - GND - - - AB21 GND - - - GND - - - AB22 GND - - - GND - - - B1 GND - - - GND - - - B22 GND - - - GND - - - H14 GND - - - GND - - - H9 GND - - - GND - - - J10 GND - - - GND - - - J11 GND - - - GND - - - J12 GND - - - GND - - - J13 GND - - - GND - - - J14 GND - - - GND - - - 4-52 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function J15 GND - J8 GND J9 GND K10 LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - - GND - - - - - - GND - - - - - - GND - - - GND - - - GND - - - K11 GND - - - GND - - - K12 GND - - - GND - - - K13 GND - - - GND - - - Bank Differential Bank Differential Dual Function K14 GND - - - GND - - - K9 GND - - - GND - - - L10 GND - - - GND - - - L11 GND - - - GND - - - L12 GND - - - GND - - - L13 GND - - - GND - - - L14 GND - - - GND - - - L9 GND - - - GND - - - M10 GND - - - GND - - - M11 GND - - - GND - - - M12 GND - - - GND - - - M13 GND - - - GND - - - M14 GND - - - GND - - - M9 GND - - - GND - - - N10 GND - - - GND - - - N11 GND - - - GND - - - N12 GND - - - GND - - - N13 GND - - - GND - - - N14 GND - - - GND - - - N9 GND - - - GND - - - P10 GND - - - GND - - - P11 GND - - - GND - - - P12 GND - - - GND - - - P13 GND - - - GND - - - P14 GND - - - GND - - - P15 GND - - - GND - - - P8 GND - - - GND - - - P9 GND - - - GND - - - R14 GND - - - GND - - - R9 GND - - - GND - - - F10 VCC - - - VCC - - - F13 VCC - - - VCC - - - G10 VCC - - - VCC - - - G13 VCC - - - VCC - - - G14 VCC - - - VCC - - - 4-53 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function G9 VCC Bank Differential - - LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - VCC Bank Differential - - Dual Function - H15 VCC - - - VCC - - - H8 VCC - - - VCC - - - J16 VCC - - - VCC - - - J7 VCC - - - VCC - - - K16 VCC - - - VCC - - - K17 VCC - - - VCC - - - K6 VCC - - - VCC - - - K7 VCC - - - VCC - - - N16 VCC - - - VCC - - - N17 VCC - - - VCC - - - N6 VCC - - - VCC - - - N7 VCC - - - VCC - - - P16 VCC - - - VCC - - - P7 VCC - - - VCC - - - R15 VCC - - - VCC - - - R8 VCC - - - VCC - - - T10 VCC - - - VCC - - - T13 VCC - - - VCC - - - T14 VCC - - - VCC - - - T9 VCC - - - VCC - - - U10 VCC - - - VCC - - - U13 VCC - - - VCC - - - G15 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - G16 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - G7 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - G8 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - H16 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - H7 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - R16 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - R7 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - T15 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - T16 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - T7 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - T8 VCCAUX - - - VCCAUX - - - F11 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - G11 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - H10 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - H11 VCCIO0 0 - - VCCIO0 0 - - F12 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - G12 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - H12 VCCIO1 1 - - VCCIO1 1 - - 4-54 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor LFXP15 & LFXP20 Logic Signal Connections: 484 fpBGA (Cont.) LFXP15 Ball Number Ball Function H13 VCCIO1 Bank Differential 1 - LFXP20 Dual Function Ball Function - VCCIO1 1 - - Bank Differential Dual Function K15 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - L15 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - L16 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - L17 VCCIO2 2 - - VCCIO2 2 - - M15 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - M16 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - M17 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - N15 VCCIO3 3 - - VCCIO3 3 - - R12 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - R13 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - T12 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - U12 VCCIO4 4 - - VCCIO4 4 - - R10 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - R11 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - T11 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - U11 VCCIO5 5 - - VCCIO5 5 - - M6 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - M7 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - M8 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - N8 VCCIO6 6 - - VCCIO6 6 - - K8 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - L6 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - L7 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - L8 VCCIO7 7 - - VCCIO7 7 - - 1. Applies to LFXP "C" only. 2. Applies to LFXP "E" only. 3. Supports dedicated LVDS outputs. 4-55 Pinout Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Thermal Management Thermal management is recommended as part of any sound FPGA design methodology. To assess the thermal characteristics of a system, Lattice specifies a maximum allowable junction temperature in all device data sheets. Designers must complete a thermal analysis of their specific design to ensure that the device and package do not exceed the junction temperature limits. Refer to the Thermal Management document to find the device/package specific thermal values. For Further Information For further information regarding Thermal Management, refer to the following located on the Lattice website at * Thermal Management document * Technical Note TN1052 - Power Estimation and Management for LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP Devices * Power Calculator tool included with Lattice's ispLEVER design tool, or as a standalone download from 4-56 LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Ordering Information December 2005 Data Sheet DS1001 Part Number Description LFXP XX X - X XXXXXX X Device Family LatticeXP FPGA Grade C = Commercial I = Industrial Logic Capacity 3K LUTs = 3 6K LUTs = 6 10K LUTs = 10 15K LUTs = 15 20K LUTs = 20 Package T100 = 100-pin TQFP T144 = 144-pin TQFP Q208 = 208-pin PQFP F256 = 256-ball fpBGA F388 = 388-ball fpBGA F484 = 484-ball fpBGA Supply Voltage C = 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V E = 1.2V TN100 = 100-pin Lead-free TQFP TN144 = 144-pin Lead-free TQFP QN208 = 208-pin Lead-free PQFP FN256 = 256-ball Lead-free fpBGA FN388 = 388-ball Lead-free fpBGA FN484 = 484-ball Lead-free fpBGA Note: Parts dual marked per table below. Speed 3 = Slowest 4 5 = Fastest Ordering Information (Contact Factory for Specific Device Availability) Note:LatticeXP devices are dual marked. For example, the commercial speed grade LFXP10E-4F256C is also marked with industrial grade -3I (LFXP10E-3F256I). The commercial grade is one speed grade faster than the associated dual mark industrial grade. The slowest commercial speed grade does not have industrial markings. The markings appear as follows: LFXP10E4F256C-3I Datecode (c) 2005 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 5-1 DS1001 Ordering Information_03.0 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Conventional Packaging Commercial Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP3C-3Q208C 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-4Q208C 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-5Q208C 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-3T144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-4T144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-5T144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-3T100C 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-4T100C 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-5T100C 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP6C-3F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-4F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-5F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-3Q208C 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-4Q208C 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-5Q208C 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-3T144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-4T144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-5T144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP10C-3F388C 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-4F388C 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-5F388C 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-3F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-4F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-5F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K Part Number Part Number 5-2 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Commercial (Cont.) I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP15C-3F484C Part Number 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-4F484C 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-5F484C 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-3F388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-4F388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-5F388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-3F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-4F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-5F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP20C-3F484C Part Number 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-4F484C 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-5F484C 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-3F388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-4F388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-5F388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-3F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-4F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-5F256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP3E-3Q208C 136 1.2V -3 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-4Q208C 136 1.2V -4 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K Part Number LFXP3E-5Q208C 136 1.2V -5 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-3T144C 100 1.2V -3 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-4T144C 100 1.2V -4 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-5T144C 100 1.2V -5 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-3T100C 62 1.2V -3 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-4T100C 62 1.2V -4 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-5T100C 62 1.2V -5 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K 5-3 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Commercial (Cont.) I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP6E-3F256C Part Number 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-4F256C 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-5F256C 188 1.2V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-3Q208C 142 1.2V -3 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-4Q208C 142 1.2V -4 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-5Q208C 142 1.2V -5 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-3T144C 100 1.2V -3 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-4T144C 100 1.2V -4 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-5T144C 100 1.2V -5 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP10E-3F388C Part Number 244 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-4F388C 244 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-5F388C 244 1.2V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-3F256C 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-4F256C 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-5F256C 188 1.2V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP15E-3F484C 300 1.2V -3 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-4F484C 300 1.2V -4 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-5F484C 300 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-3F388C 268 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-4F388C 268 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-5F388C 268 1.2V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-3F256C 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-4F256C 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-5F256C 188 1.2V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K Part Number 5-4 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Commercial (Cont.) I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP20E-3F484C Part Number 340 1.2V -3 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-4F484C 340 1.2V -4 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-5F484C 340 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-3F388C 268 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-4F388C 268 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-5F388C 268 1.2V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-3F256C 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-4F256C 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-5F256C 188 1.2V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K Industrial Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP3C-3Q208I 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 PQFP 208 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-4Q208I 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 PQFP 208 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-3T144I 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 144 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-4T144I 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 144 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-3T100I 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 100 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-4T100I 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 100 IND 3.1K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP6C-3F256I Part Number 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-4F256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-3Q208I 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 PQFP 208 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-4Q208I 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 PQFP 208 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-3T144I 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 144 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-4T144I 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 144 IND 5.8K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP10C-3F388I 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 9.7K LFXP10C-4F388I 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 9.7K LFXP10C-3F256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 9.7K LFXP10C-4F256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 9.7K Part Number 5-5 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Industrial (Cont.) I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP15C-3F484I Part Number 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 484 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-4F484I 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 484 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-3F388I 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-4F388I 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-3F256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-4F256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 15.5K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP20C-3F484I 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 484 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-4F484I 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 484 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-3F388I 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-4F388I 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-3F256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-4F256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 19.7K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs 136 1.2V -3 PQFP 208 IND 3.1K Part Number Part Number LFXP3E-3Q208I LFXP3E-4Q208I 136 1.2V -4 PQFP 208 IND 3.1K LFXP3E-3T144I 100 1.2V -3 TQFP 144 IND 3.1K LFXP3E-4T144I 100 1.2V -4 TQFP 144 IND 3.1K LFXP3E-3T100I 62 1.2V -3 TQFP 100 IND 3.1K LFXP3E-4T100I 62 1.2V -4 TQFP 100 IND 3.1K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP6E-3F256I 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 5.8K LFXP6E-4F256I 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 5.8K LFXP6E-3Q208I 142 1.2V -3 PQFP 208 IND 5.8K LFXP6E-4Q208I 142 1.2V -4 PQFP 208 IND 5.8K LFXP6E-3T144I 100 1.2V -3 TQFP 144 IND 5.8K LFXP6E-4T144I 100 1.2V -4 TQFP 144 IND 5.8K Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP10E-3F388I Part Number 244 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 9.7K LFXP10E-4F388I 244 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 9.7K LFXP10E-3F256I 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 9.7K LFXP10E-4F256I 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 9.7K 5-6 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Industrial (Cont.) I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP15E-3F484I Part Number 300 1.2V -3 fpBGA 484 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-4F484I 300 1.2V -4 fpBGA 484 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-3F388I 268 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-4F388I 268 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-3F256I 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-4F256I 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 15.5K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP20E-3F484I 340 1.2V -3 fpBGA 484 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-4F484I 340 1.2V -4 fpBGA 484 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-3F388I 268 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-4F388I 268 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-3F256I 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-4F256I 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 19.7K Part Number 5-7 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Lead-free Packaging Commercial Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP3C-3QN208C 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-4QN208C 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-5QN208C 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-3TN144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-4TN144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-5TN144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-3TN100C 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-4TN100C 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K LFXP3C-5TN100C 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP6C-3FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-4FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-5FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-3QN208C 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-4QN208C 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-5QN208C 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-3TN144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-4TN144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K LFXP6C-5TN144C 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP10C-3FN388C 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-4FN388C 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-5FN388C 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-3FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-4FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K LFXP10C-5FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K Part Number Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP15C-3FN484C 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-4FN484C 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-5FN484C 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-3FN388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-4FN388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-5FN388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-3FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-4FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K LFXP15C-5FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K 5-8 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Commercial (Cont.) Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP20C-3FN484C 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-4FN484C 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-5FN484C 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-3FN388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-4FN388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-5FN388C 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-3FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-4FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K LFXP20C-5FN256C 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP3E-3QN208C 136 1.2V -3 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-4QN208C 136 1.2V -4 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-5QN208C 136 1.2V -5 PQFP 208 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-3TN144C 100 1.2V -3 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-4TN144C 100 1.2V -4 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-5TN144C 100 1.2V -5 TQFP 144 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-3TN100C 62 1.2V -3 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-4TN100C 62 1.2V -4 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K LFXP3E-5TN100C 62 1.2V -5 TQFP 100 COM 3.1K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP6E-3FN256C Part Number 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-4FN256C 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-5FN256C 188 1.2V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-3QN208C 142 1.2V -3 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-4QN208C 142 1.2V -4 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-5QN208C 142 1.2V -5 PQFP 208 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-3TN144C 100 1.2V -3 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-4TN144C 100 1.2V -4 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K LFXP6E-5TN144C 100 1.2V -5 TQFP 144 COM 5.8K Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP10E-3FN388C 244 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-4FN388C 244 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-5FN388C 244 1.2V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-3FN256C 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-4FN256C 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K LFXP10E-5FN256C 188 1.2V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 9.7K 5-9 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Commercial (Cont.) Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP15E-3FN484C 300 1.2V -3 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-4FN484C 300 1.2V -4 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-5FN484C 300 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-3FN388C 268 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-4FN388C 268 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-5FN388C 268 1.2V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-3FN256C 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-4FN256C 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K LFXP15E-5FN256C 188 1.2V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 15.5K Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP20E-3FN484C 340 1.2V -3 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-4FN484C 340 1.2V -4 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-5FN484C 340 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-3FN388C 268 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-4FN388C 268 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-5FN388C 268 1.2V -5 fpBGA 388 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-3FN256C 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-4FN256C 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K LFXP20E-5FN256C 188 1.2V -5 fpBGA 256 COM 19.7K Industrial Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP3C-3QN208I 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 PQFP 208 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-4QN208I 136 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 PQFP 208 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-3TN144I 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 144 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-4TN144I 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 144 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-3TN100I 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 100 IND 3.1K LFXP3C-4TN100I 62 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 100 IND 3.1K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP6C-3FN256I Part Number 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-4FN256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-3QN208I 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 PQFP 208 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-4QN208I 142 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 PQFP 208 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-3TN144I 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 TQFP 144 IND 5.8K LFXP6C-4TN144I 100 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 TQFP 144 IND 5.8K 5-10 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Industrial (Cont.) I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP10C-3FN388I Part Number 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 9.7K LFXP10C-4FN388I 244 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 9.7K LFXP10C-3FN256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 9.7K LFXP10C-4FN256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 9.7K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP15C-3FN484I 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 484 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-4FN484I 300 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 484 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-3FN388I 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-4FN388I 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-3FN256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 15.5K LFXP15C-4FN256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 15.5K Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP20C-3FN484I Part Number 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 484 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-4FN484I 340 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 484 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-3FN388I 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-4FN388I 268 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-3FN256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 19.7K LFXP20C-4FN256I 188 1.8/2.5/3.3V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 19.7K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP3E-3QN208I 136 1.2V -3 PQFP 208 IND 3.1K LFXP3E-4QN208I 136 1.2V -4 PQFP 208 IND 3.1K LFXP3E-3TN144I 100 1.2V -3 TQFP 144 IND 3.1K LFXP3E-4TN144I 100 1.2V -4 TQFP 144 IND 3.1K LFXP3E-3TN100I 62 1.2V -3 TQFP 100 IND 3.1K LFXP3E-4TN100I 62 1.2V -4 TQFP 100 IND 3.1K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 5.8K Part Number Part Number LFXP6E-3FN256I LFXP6E-4FN256I 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 5.8K LFXP6E-3QN208I 142 1.2V -3 PQFP 208 IND 5.8K LFXP6E-4QN208I 142 1.2V -4 PQFP 208 IND 5.8K LFXP6E-3TN144I 100 1.2V -3 TQFP 144 IND 5.8K LFXP6E-4TN144I 100 1.2V -4 TQFP 144 IND 5.8K 5-11 Ordering Information LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Industrial (Cont.) I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP10E-3FN388I Part Number 244 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 9.7K LFXP10E-4FN388I 244 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 9.7K LFXP10E-3FN256I 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 9.7K LFXP10E-4FN256I 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 9.7K I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP15E-3FN484I 300 1.2V -3 fpBGA 484 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-4FN484I 300 1.2V -4 fpBGA 484 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-3FN388I 268 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-4FN388I 268 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-3FN256I 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 15.5K LFXP15E-4FN256I 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 15.5K Part Number I/Os Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs LFXP20E-3FN484I Part Number 340 1.2V -3 fpBGA 484 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-4FN484I 340 1.2V -4 fpBGA 484 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-3FN388I 268 1.2V -3 fpBGA 388 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-4FN388I 268 1.2V -4 fpBGA 388 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-3FN256I 188 1.2V -3 fpBGA 256 IND 19.7K LFXP20E-4FN256I 188 1.2V -4 fpBGA 256 IND 19.7K 5-12 LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Supplemental Information November 2007 Data Sheet DS1001 For Further Information A variety of technical notes for the LatticeXP family are available on the Lattice website at * LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide (TN1056) * Lattice ispTRACY Usage Guide (TN1054) * LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysCLOCK PLL Design and Usage Guide (TN1049) * Memory Usage Guide for LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP Devices (TN1051) * LatticeECP/EC and XP DDR Usage Guide (TN1050) * Power Estimation and Management for LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP Devices (TN1052) * LatticeXP sysCONFIG Usage Guide (TN1082) For further information on interface standards refer to the following web sites: * JEDEC Standards (LVTTL, LVCMOS, SSTL, HSTL): * PCI: (c) 2007 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 6-1 DS1001 Further Information_01.3 LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Revision History November 2007 Data Sheet DS1001 Revision History Date Version Section February 2005 01.0 -- Change Summary April 2005 01.1 Architecture EBR memory support section updated with clarification. May 2005 01.2 Introduction Added TransFR Reconfiguration to Features section. Architecture Added TransFR section. June 2005 01.3 Pinout Information July 2005 02.0 Initial release. Added pinout information for LFXP3, LFXP6, LFXP15 and LFXP20. Introduction Updated XP6, XP15 and XP20 EBR SRAM Bits and Block numbers. Architecture Updated Per Quadrant Primary Clock Selection figure. Added Typical I/O Behavior During Power-up section. Updated Device Configuration section under Configuration and Testing. DC and Switching Characteristics Clarified Hot Socketing Specification Updated Supply Current (Standby) Table Updated Initialization Supply Current Table Added Programming and Erase Flash Supply Current table Added LVDS Emulation section. Updated LVDS25E Output Termination Example figure and LVDS25E DC Conditions table. Updated Differential LVPECL diagram and LVPECL DC Conditions table. Deleted 5V Tolerant Input Buffer section. Updated RSDS figure and RSDS DC Conditions table. Updated sysCONFIG Port Timing Specifications Updated JTAG Port Timing Specifications. Added Flash Download Time table. Pinout Information Updated Signal Descriptions table. Updated Logic Signal Connections Dual Function column. Ordering Information July 2005 02.1 August 2005 02.2 DC and Switching Characteristics Added lead-free ordering part numbers. Clarification of Flash Programming Junction Temperature Introduction Added Sleep Mode feature. Architecture Added Sleep Mode section. DC and Switching Characteristics Pinout Information Added Sleep Mode Supply Current Table Added Sleep Mode Timing section Added SLEEPN and TOE signal names, descriptions and footnotes. Added SLEEPN and TOE to pinout information and footnotes. Added footnote 3 to Logic Signal Connections tables for clarification on emulated LVDS output. September 2005 03.0 Architecture Added clarification of PCI clamp. Added clarification to SLEEPN Pin Characteristics section. DC and Switching Characteristics DC Characteristics, added footnote 4 for clarification. Updated Supply Current (Sleep Mode), Supply Current (Standby), Initialization Supply Current, and Programming and Erase Flash Supply Current typical numbers. (c) 2007 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 7-1 Revision History LatticeXP Family Data Sheet Lattice Semiconductor Date Version September 2005 (cont.) 03.0 (cont.) Section Change Summary DC and Switching Updated Typical Building Block Function Performance timing numbers. Characteristics (cont.) Updated External Switching Characteristics timing numbers. Updated Internal Timing Parameters. Updated LatticeXP Family timing adders. Updated LatticeXP "C" Sleep Mode timing numbers. Updated JTAG Port Timing numbers. Pinout Information Added clarification to SLEEPN and TOE description. Clarification of dedicated LVDS outputs. Supplemental Information September 2005 03.1 December 2005 04.0 Pinout Information Updated list of technical notes. Power Supply and NC Connections table corrected VCCP1 pin number for 208 PQFP. Introduction Moved data sheet from Advance to Final. Architecture Added clarification to Typical I/O Behavior During Power-up section. DC and Switching Characteristics Added clarification to Recommended Operating Conditions. Updated timing numbers. Pinout Information Updated Signal Descriptions table. Added clarification to Differential I/O Per Bank. Updated Differential dedicated LVDS output support. Ordering Information Added 208 PQFP lead-free package and ordering part numbers. February 2006 04.1 Pinout Information Corrected description of Signal Names VREF1(x) and VREF2(x). March 2006 04.2 DC and Switching Characteristics Corrected condition for IIL and IIH. March 2006 04.3 DC and Switching Characteristics Added clarification to Recommended Operating Conditions for VCCAUX. April 2006 04.4 Pinout Information Removed Bank designator "5" from SLEEPN/TOE ball function. May 2006 04.5 DC and Switching Characteristics Added footnote 2 regarding threshold level for PROGRAMN to sysCONFIG Port Timing Specifications table. June 2006 04.6 DC and Switching Characteristics Corrected LVDS25E Output Termination Example. August 2006 04.7 Architecture Added clarification to Typical I/O Behavior During Power-Up section. Added clarification to Left and Right sysIO Buffer Pair section. DC and Switching Characteristics December 2006 Changes to LVDS25E Output Termination Example diagram. 04.8 Architecture February 2007 04.9 Architecture Updated EBR Asynchronous Reset section. July 2007 05.0 Introduction Updated LatticeXP Family Selection Guide table. Architecture Updated Typical I/O Behavior During Power-up text section. November 2007 05.1 EBR Asynchronous Reset section added. DC and Switching Characteristics Updated sysIO Single-Ended DC Electrical Characteristics table. Split out LVCMOS 1.2 by supply voltage. DC and Switching Characteristics Added JTAG Port Timing Waveforms diagram. Pinout Information Supplemental Information Added Thermal Management text section. Updated title list. 7-2 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Lattice: LFXP10C-H-EV