Evaluates: MAX11300
MAX11300 Evaluation Kit
General Description
The MAX11300 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven
design to evaluate the MAX11300 20-port program-
mable mixed-signal I/O with 12-bit ADC, 12-bit DAC,
analog switches, and GPIO. The EV kit also includes
Windows XP®-, Windows Vista®-, Windows® 7-, and
Windows 8.0-/8.1-compatible software that provides a
simple graphical user interface (GUI) for exercising the
features of the IC.
The EV kit comes with a MAX11300GTL+ installed.
Features and Benets
●20 PIXITM Ports for Analog or Digital Control or
●Two External Temperature Sensors (2N3904)
●50-Pin Signal Header (20 Ports, Two Temperatures,
and Power Supplies)
●SPI Interface Terminals
●Optional 2.5V On-Board Reference (MAX6071)
●Windows XP-, Windows Vista-, Windows 7-, and
Windows 8.0-/8.1-Compatible Software
●USB-PC Connection (Cable Included)
●RoHS Compliant
●Proven Four-Layer PCB Layout
●Fully Assembled and Tested
19-7415; Rev 1; 1/15
Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.
Windows, Windows XP, and Windows Vista are registered
trademarks and registered service marks of Microsoft
PIXI is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
Note: Active-low pin names such as INT are shown in the
software and PCB layout with a B suffix (e.g., INTB).
Quick Start
Required Equipment
●EV kit (USB mini-B cable included)
●Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows
8.0, or Windows 8.1 PC, running .NET v4, with a
spare USB port
●±12.5V DC at 500mA dual-output DC power supply
●Digital voltmeter (DVM)
Note: In the following sections, software-related items are
identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly
from the EV kit software. Text in bold and underlined
refers to items from the Windows operating system.
The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps
below to verify board operation:
1) Visit www.maximintegrated.com/evkitsoftware to
download the latest version of the EV kit software,
MAX11300EVKitSetupV1.1.zip. Save the EV kit soft-
ware to a temporary folder and uncompress the ZIP
2) Install the EV kit software and USB driver on your com-
puter by running the MAX11300EVKitSetupV1.0.exe
program inside the temporary folder. The program
files are copied to your PC and icons are created in
the Windows Start | Programs menu. During soft-
ware installation, some versions of Windows may
show a warning message indicating that this software
is from an unknown publisher. This is not an error
condition and it is safe to proceed with installation.
Administrator privileges are required to install the
USB device driver on Windows. Note: The software
requires .NET Framework v4. If this framework is not
detected during installation, the installer launches
dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe to install it. Internet ac-
cess may be required to install the .NET Framework
v4 if it is not already installed.
3) Verify that all jumpers are in their default positions, as
shown in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4.
4) Configure the power supply for ±12.5V DC output
(typical load current is 50mA) (be sure to keep AVD-
DIO-AVSSIO within rated supply range).