A G lobal Laser Bran d Survelase Module Long Distant Targeting Laser The Survelase A 15mm diameter housing with a custom designed achromatic lens arrangement allows the Survelase to produce small spots over a wide range of working distance with the additional benefit of user adjustable focus. Combined with the internal APC control circuit which operates on a 5 volt DC power source and with the added feature of TTL modulation makes this laser a complete package, flexible for a wide range of applications. The Survelase is suitable for a wide range of applications where a small spot at a longer distance is required, e.g. positioning, targeting and alignment. It is available in 635nm and with powers of 1mW and 5mW. The focus mechanism allows the output beam to be adjusted to your requirements via a focus key. Features - Small well defined spots at longer working distances - 635nm with powers of 1mW and 5mW - Will operate on CW and TTL modulation - Excellent focus & spot quality - Rugged design - Low operating current - User adjustable focus Ideal for high quality spots at long working distances Specifications Product Specification Farnell Part Number Imatronic Part Number Model Output Power (mW) 1600-14 1600-15 Survelase 635nm 1mW Survelase 635nm 3mW 0.9 4.5 Wavelength (nm) 635 Laser Class 2 Operating Voltage (Vdc) Operating Current (mA) 3.5 to 5.0 30-50 Operating Case Temperature (C) 55-75 0 to +45 Storage Temperature (C) -40 to +85 Beam Size At Aperture (mm) 7.5 Beam Divergence (Full Angle) 0.25mrad (Typical) Boresight (mrad) 2.5 Focus Factory set at collimation Optimum Collimation Distance 140 meters (@ 635nm) Distance To Waist 70 meters (@635nm) Minimum Focus Distance (mm) 200 Smallest Spot Size <50 microns (Typical) MTTF @ 25C (hrs) >29,000 Power Stability (Typical) Mass (g) >49,000 3% (15 - 45) 22 Dimensions (mm) 15 by 58.5 Housing Anodized Aluminium Isolated Body Yes Connector Type Flying Leads Lead Length (mm) Input Leads 3R 100 Red Lead +Ve Black Lead 0V Blue Lead TTL Frequency Range Operating Humidity (%RH) Reverse Polarity Protection 1Khz 90 (non condensing) Yes NOTES All specifications are typical @ 25C Focusing Characteristics The Survelase laser module is factory set at collimation, but is supplied with a focus key. Spot size in mm Short Range Spot Size 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 Spot Size @ 650nm Spot Size @ 635nm Distance in Meters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Long Range Spot Size Distance in Meters Spot size in mm Long Range Spot Size 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Spot Size @ 650nm Spot Size @ 635nm 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Distance in Meters TTL Modulation A common requirement for applications which use photo detectors, cameras and other nonvisual sensing is the ability to rapidly switch the laser output ON and OFF. Simply applying and removing the supply voltage is rarely satisfactory and in certain cases can result in the destruction of the module. This is because laser diodes are very sensitive to spikes and surges, which are often the result of uncontrolled supply switching. To overcome this limitation the Survelase can be ordered with an additional input via a third input wire that controls the output of the laser module in a reliable and predictable way. A logic LOW level turns the output completely OFF. However, applying a logic HIGH turns the laser ON after a control input delay. This sets the maximum rate at which the module can switch fully ON and OFF. Bandwidth is typically 1Khz. Laser Safety IEC 60825-1:2007 Product Description & Name Product Code www.globallasertech.com <1mW CW 400-695nm Product Description & Name CLASS 2 LASER PRODUCT Product Code LASER RADIATION DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM Serial Number Product Description & Name Product Code Serial Number www.globallasertech.com Our lasers are compliant to IEC 60825-1 2007 standards. The lasers fall within one of the following classifications depending on power and wavelength. LASER RADIATION AVOID DIRECT EYE EXPOSURE CLASS 3R LASER PRODUCT <5mW CW 400-695nm IEC 60825-1:2007 Product Description & Name Product Code Serial Number Class 2 Label Serial Number Class 3R Label Quality & Warranty The Survelase range is supplied with a 12 month parts and labour warranty. Our manufacturing operations are certified to ISO9001. Mechanical Drawings 15mm Survelase Laser Module 58.5mm Drawings are not to scale. Please note: Imatronic reserve the right to change descriptions and specifications without notice. A Global L aser Bra n d ISO9001 Certified 9025-05-080 Rev 1 01/05/2013 T: +44 (0)1495 212213 F:+44 (0)1495 214004 E: sales@globallasertech.com www.globallasertech.com Global Laser Ltd, Unit 9-10 Roseheyworth Business Park Abertillery. Gwent NP13 1SP UK