© Finisar Corporation Jan 25, 2011 Rev. A.3 Page 1
Product Specification
8.5 Gb/s Short-Wavelength SFP+ Transceiver
Up to 8.5 Gb/s bi-directional
data links
Hot-pluggable SFP+ footprint
Built-in digital diagnostic functions
850nm Oxide VCSEL laser
Duplex LC connector
RoHS compliant and Lead Free
50m on 50/125μm MMF
150m on high-bandwidth
50/125um (OM3) MMF
Metal enclosure, for lower EMI
Single 3.3V power supply
< 0.5W power dissipation
Extended operating temperature
range: -5°C to 85°C
Tri-Rate 2.125/4.25/8.5 Gb/s Fibre
Wireless – CPRI
Wireless - OBSAI
Finisar’s FTLF8528P3BxV SFP+ transceivers are designed for use in Fibre Channel links
up to 8.5 Gb/s data rate over multimode fiber. They are compliant with FC-PI-4 Rev.
8.00a and SFF-8472 Rev 11.0c, and compatible with SFF-8432b and applicable portions
of SFF-8431 Rev. 4.1d. The product is RoHS compliant and lead-free per Directive
2002/95/ECe and Finisar Application Note AN-2038.
x N Extended Temperature, -5C to 85oC
C Commercial Temperature, -5 to 70oC
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4. Pin Descriptions
Pin Symbol Name/Description Ref.
1 VEET Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) 1
2 TFAULT Transmitter Fault. 2
3 TDIS Transmitt er Disabl e. Laser o u t put di sabl ed on high or open. 3
4 SDA 2-wire Serial Interface Data Line (MOD-DEF2) 4
5 SCA 2-wire Serial Interface Clock (MOD-DEF1) 4
6 MOD_ABS Module Absent, connected to VEET or VEER 4
7 RS0 Rx Rate Select:
Open or Low =
High =
2.125 or 4.25 Gb/s Fibre Channel (Low Ban dwidth)
8.5 Gb/s Fibre C han nel (Hi g h Ba nd wi dth)
8 LOS Loss of Signal indication. Logic 0 indicates normal operation. 6
9 RS1 Tx Rate Select:
Open or Low =
High =
2.125 or 4.25 Gb/s Fibre Channel (Low Ban dwidth)
8.5 Gb/s Fibre C han nel (Hi g h Ba nd wi dth)
10 VEER Receiver Ground (Common with Transmitter Ground) 1
11 VEER Receiver Ground (Common with Transmitter Ground) 1
12 RD- Receiver Inverted DATA out. AC Coupled
13 RD+ Receiver Non-inverted DATA out. AC Coupled
14 VEER Receiver Ground (Common with Transmitter Ground) 1
15 VCCR Receiver Power Supply
16 VCCT Transmitter Power Supply
17 VEET Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) 1
18 TD+ Transmitter Non-Inverted DATA in. AC Coupled.
19 TD- Transmitter Inverted DATA in. AC Coupled.
20 VEET Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) 1
1. Circuit ground is internally isolated from chassis ground.
2. TFAULT is an open collector/drain output, which should be pulled up with a 4.7k – 10k Ohms resistor on the host board if
intended for use. Pull up voltage should be between 2.0V to Vcc + 0.3V. A high output indicates a transmitter fault
caused by either the TX bias current or the TX output power exceeding the preset alarm thresholds. A low output
indicates normal operation. In the low state, the output is pulled to <0.8V.
3. Laser output disabled on TDIS >2.0V or open, enabled on TDIS <0.8V.
4. Should be pul led up with 4.7 k – 10 k ohms on host board to a volta ge between 2.0V and 3 .6 V.
MOD_ABS pulls line low to indicate module is plugged in.
5. Rate select can also be set through the 2-wire bus in accordance with SFF-8472 v. 11.0c. Rx Rate Select is set at Bit 3,
Byte 110, Address A2h. Tx Rate Select is set at Bit 3, Byte 118, Address A2h. Note: writing a “1” selects maximum
bandwidth operation. Rate select is the log ic OR of the input state of Rate Select Pin and 2-wir e bus.
6. LOS is open collector output. Should be pulled up with 4.7k – 10kohms on host board to a voltage between 2.0V and
3.6V. Logic 0 indicates normal operation; logic 1 indicates loss of signal.
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Diagram of Host Board Connector Block Pin Numbers and Names
4. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Ref.
Maximum Supply Voltage Vcc -0.5 4.0 V
Sto rage Temperature TS -40 85 °C
Case Operating Temperature TA °C
Commercial Temperature
Extended Temperature -5
-5 70
Relative Humidity (Non-condensing) RH 0 85 %
FTLF8528P3BxV Pluggable SFP+ Product Specification – January 2011
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III. Electrical Characteristics (TA, VCC = 3.15 to 3.46 Volts )
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Ref.
Supply Volt ag e Vcc 3.15 3.45 V
Supply Current Icc 180 mA
Input differential impedance Rin 100 Ω 1
Single ended data input swing Vin,pp 90 800 mV
Transmit Disable Voltage VD2 Vcc V 2
Transmit Enable Voltage VEN Vee Vee+ 0.8 V
Single ended data output swing RS=’1’ Vout,pp 185 425 mV 3
Single ended data output swing RS=’0’ Vout,pp 185 800 mV 3
Data Output Rise/Fall Time @ 2.125, 4.25 Gb/s t
/ tf 120 ps 4
Data Output Rise/Fall Time @ 8.5 Gb/s t
/ tf 60 ps 4
LOS Fault VLOS faul
2 VccHOST V 5
LOS Normal VLOS norm Vee Vee+0.8 V 5
Power Supply Rejection PSR 100 mVpp 6
Deterministic Jitter Contribution @ 2.125 Gb/s RX
DJ 47.1 ps
Total Jitter Contribution @ 2.125 Gb/s RX
TJ 123.5 ps 7
Deterministic Jitter Contribution @ 4.25 Gb/s RX
DJ 23.5 ps
Total Jitter Contribution @ 4.25 Gb/s RX
TJ 61.8 ps 8
Deterministic Jitter @ 8.5 Gb/s RX DJ 49.4 ps 8
Pulse Width Shrinkage @ 8.5 Gb/ s RX
DDPWS 42.4 ps 8
Total Jitter @ 8.5 Gb/s RX TJ 83.5 ps 8
1. Connected directly to TX data input pins. AC coupling from pins into laser driver IC.
2. Or open circuit.
3. Into 100 ohms differential termination.
4. Unfiltered, 20 – 80 %
5. LOS is an open collector output. Should be pulled up with 4.7k – 10kohms on the host board. Normal operation is logic
0; loss of signal is logic 1. Maximum pull-up voltage is 5.5V.
6. Receiver sensitivity is compliant with power supply sinusoidal modulation of 20 Hz to 1.5 MHz up to specified value
applied through the recommended power supp ly filtering network.
7. If measured with TJ-free data input signal. In actual application, outpu t TJ will be given by:
8. As defined in FC-PI - 41, Re v 8. 0, Tabl e 1 2, 80 0 -M x- SN -y .
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VI. Optical Characteristics (TA, VCC = 3.15 to 3.46 Volts)
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Ref.
Output Opt. Pwr: 50 or 62.5 MMF POUT -8.2 -2 dBm 1
Optical Wavelength λ
840 860 nm
Spectral Width σ
0.65 nm
Optical Modulation Amplitude @ 2.125 Gb/s OMA 196
Optical Modulation Amplitude @ 4.25 Gb/s OMA 247
Optical Modul at i on Amplitude @ 8.5 Gb/s OMA 302
Optical Rise/Fall Time @ 2.125, 4.25 Gb/s t
/ tf 90 ps 2
Transmitter Waveform and Dispersion Penalty
@ 8.5 Gb/s TWDP 4.2 dB 3
Relative Intensity Noise RIN -128 dB/Hz
Deterministic Jitter Contribution @ 2.125 Gb/s TX
DJ 56.5 ps
Total Jitter Contribution @ 2.125 Gb/s TX
TJ 119.6 ps 4
Deterministic Jitter Contribution @ 4.25 Gb/s TX
DJ 28.2 ps
Total Jitter Contribution @ 4.25 Gb/s TX
TJ 59.8 ps 4
Receiver OMA Sensitivity = 2.125 Gb/s RxSENS 49
Receiver OMA Sensitivity = 4.25 Gb/s RxSENS 61
Receiver OMA Sensitivity = 8.5 Gb/s RxSENS 76
Average Receiver Power RxMAX 0 dBm
Optical Center Wavelength
770 860 nm
Optical Return Loss 12 dB
LOS De-Assert LOSD -18 dBm
LOS Assert LOSA-30 dBm
LOS Hysteresis 0.5 dB
1. Class 1 Laser Safety per FDA/CDRH, and EN (IEC) 60825 laser safety standards.
2. Unfiltered, 20-80%. Complies with FC 1x and 2x eye mask when filtered.
3. TWDP is calculated with a 1,0 equalizer and a 6,860 MHz Gaussian filter for the fiber simulation. Jitter values at γT and
γR are controlled by TWDP and stress receiver sensitivity.
4. If measured with TJ-free data input signal. In actual application, outpu t TJ will be given by:
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VI. General Specifications
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Ref.
Data Rate BR 2.125
Gb/sec 1
Bit Error Rate BER 10-12 2
Fiber Length on 50/125
m MMF L 300
m 3
Fiber Length on 50/125
m high-
bandwidth (OM3) MMF L 500
m 3
1. 2x and 4x Fibre Channel compatible, per FC-PI-41.
2. PRBS 27-1.
3. At 2.125 Gb/s Fibre Channel data rate.
4. At 4.25 Gb/s Fibre Channel data rate.
5. At 8.5 Gb/s Fibre Channel data rate.
VI. Environmental Specifications
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Ref.
Case Operating Temperature Top °C
Commercial Temperature
Extended Temperature -5
-5 70
Sto rage Temperature Tsto -40 85 °C
VII. Regulatory Compliance
Finisar transceivers are Class 1 Laser Products and comply with US FDA regulations. These products
are certified by TüV and CSA to meet the Class 1 eye safety requirements of EN (IEC) 60825. Copy of
certificate is available at Finisar Corporation upon request.
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VIII. Digital Diagnostic Functions
Finisar FTLF8528P3BxV SFP+ transceivers support the 2-wire serial communication protocol as
defined in the SFP MSAf. It is very closely related to the E2PROM defined in the GBIC standard, with
the same electrical specifications.
The standard SFP serial ID provides access to identification information that describes the transceiver’s
capabilities, standard interfaces, manufacturer, and other information.
Additionally, Finisar SFP transceivers provide a enhanced digital diagnostic monitoring interface, which
allows real-time access to device operating parameters such as transceiver temperature, laser bias
current, transmitted optical power, received optical power and transceiver supply voltage. It also defines
a sophisticated system of alarm and warning flags, which alerts end-users when particular operating
parameters are outside of a factory set normal range.
The SFP MSA defines a 256-byte memory map in E2PROM that is accessible over a
2-wire serial interface at the 8 bit address 1010000X (A0h). The digital diagnostic monitoring interface
makes use of the 8 bit address 1010001X (A2h), so the originally defined serial ID memory map
remains unchanged. The interface is identical to, and is thus fully backward compatible with both the
GBIC Specification and the SFP Multi Source Agreement. The complete interface is described in Finisar
Application Note AN-2030: “Digital Diagnostics Monitoring Interface for SFP Optical Transceivers”.
The operating and diagnostics information is monitored and reported by a Digital Diagnostics
Transceiver Controller (DDTC) inside the transceiver, which is accessed through a 2-wire serial
interface. When the serial protocol is activated, the serial clock signal (SCL, Mod Def 1) is generated by
the host. The positive edge clocks data into the SFP transceiver into those segments of the E2PROM
that are not write-protected. The negative edge clocks data from the SFP transceiver. The serial data
signal (SDA, Mod Def 2) is bi-directional for serial data transfer. The host uses SDA in conjunction
with SCL to mark the start and end of serial protocol activation. The memories are organized as a series
of 8-bit data words that can be addressed individually or sequentially.
For more information, please see the SFP MSA documentationc,f and Finisar Application Note AN-
Please note that evaluation board FDB-1027 is available with Finisar ModDEMO software that allows
simple to use communication over the 2-wire serial interface.
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IX. Digital Diagnostic Specifications
FTLF8528P3BxV transceivers can be used in host systems that require either internally or externally
calibrated digital diagnostics.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Ref.
Internally measured transceiver
temperature DDTemperature 3 ºC
Internally measured transceiver
supply voltage DDVoltage 100 mV
Measured TX bias current DDBias 10 % 1
Measured TX output power DDTx-Power 2 dB
Measured RX received average
optical power DDRx-Power 2 dB
Dynamic Range for Rated Accuracy
Internally measured transceiver
temperature DDTemperature -5 85 ºC
Internally measured transceiver
supply voltage DDVoltage 3.0 3.6 V
Measured TX bias current DDBias 0 20 mA
Measured TX output power DDTx-Power -9 -2 dBm
Measured RX received average
optical power DDRx-Power -18 0 dBm
Max Reporti n g Ra nge
Internally measured transceiver
temperature DDTemperature -40 125 ºC
Internally measured transceiver
supply voltage DDVoltage 2.8 4.0 V
Measured TX bias current DDBias 0 20 mA
Measured TX output power DDTx-Power -10 -2 dBm
Measured RX received average
optical power DDRx-Power -20 0 dBm
1. Accuracy of Measured Tx Bias Current is 10% of the actual Bias Current from the laser driver to the laser.
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X. Mechanical Specifications
Finisar’s FTLF8528P3BxV SFP+ transceivers are compatible with the SFF-84322 specification for
improved pluggable form factor.
FTLF8528P3BxV Pluggable SFP+ Product Specification – January 2011
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XI. PCB Layout and Bezel Recommendations
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XII. References
a. “Fibre Channel Physical Interface-4 Specification (FC-PI-4 Rev. 8.00)”. American National
Standard for Information Systems, May 21, 2008.
b. “Improved Pluggable Form Factor”, SFF Document Number SFF-8432, Revision 5.0, July 16,
c. “Digital Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers”, SFF Document Number SFF-8472,
Revision 11.0.
d. “SFF-8431 Specifications for Enhanced Small Form Factor Pulggable Modules, SFP+”, SFF
Document Number SFF-8431, Revision 4.1, July 6, 2009.
e. Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Council Parliament and of the Council, “on the restriction
of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.” January 27,
f. Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) Transceiver Multi-source Agreement (MSA), September 14,
XIII. For More Information
Finisar Corporation
1389 Moffett Park Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1133
Tel. 1-408-548-1000
Fax 1-408-541-6138