Electrical Characteristics (1)(2)
The following specifications apply for V+= +28V, V−=−28V, IMUTE =−0.5 mA with RL= 4Ωunless otherwise specified. Limits
apply for TA= 25°C. LM3886 Units
Parameter Test Conditions (Limits)
Typical (3) Limit (4)
|V+| + |V−| Power Supply Voltage (5) Vpin7 −V−≥9V 20 V (min)
18 84 V (max)
AMMute Attenuation Pin 8 Open or at 0V, Mute: On
Current out of Pin 8 > 0.5 mA, 115 80 dB (min)
Mute: Off
PO(6) Output Power (Continuous Average) THD + N = 0.1% (max)
f = 1 kHz; f = 20 kHz
|V+| = |V−| = 28V, RL= 4Ω68 60 W (min)
|V+| = |V−| = 28V, RL= 8Ω38 30 W (min)
|V+| = |V−| = 35V, RL= 8Ω50 W
Peak POInstantaneous Peak Output Power 135 W
THD + N Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise 60W, RL= 4Ω, %
30W, RL= 8Ω, 0.03 %
20 Hz ≤f≤20 kHz 0.03
AV= 26 dB
SR (6) Slew Rate (7) VIN = 2.0Vp-p, tRISE = 2 ns 19 8 V/μs (min)
I+(6) Total Quiescent Power Supply Current VCM = 0V, Vo= 0V, Io= 0A 50 85 mA (max)
VOS(8) Input Offset Voltage VCM = 0V, Io= 0 mA 1 10 mV (max)
IBInput Bias Current VCM = 0V, Io= 0 mA 0.2 1 μA (max)
IOS Input Offset Current VCM = 0V, Io= 0 mA 0.01 0.2 μA (max)
IoOutput Current Limit |V+| = |V−| = 20V, tON = 10 ms, VO= 0V 11.5 7 A (min)
Vod(8) Output Dropout Voltage (9) |V+–VO|, V+= 28V, Io= +100 mA 1.6 2.0 V (max)
|VO–V−|, V−=−28V, Io=−100 mA 2.5 3.0 V (max)
PSRR (8) Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+= 40V to 20V, V−=−40V, 120 85 dB (min)
VCM = 0V, Io= 0 mA
V+= 40V, V−=−40V to −20V, 105 85 dB (min)
VCM = 0V, Io= 0 mA
CMRR (8) Common Mode Rejection Ratio V+= 60V to 20V, V−=−20V to −60V, 110 85 dB (min)
VCM = 20V to −20V, Io= 0 mA
AVOL(8) Open Loop Voltage Gain |V+| = |V−| = 28V, RL= 2 kΩ,ΔVO= 40V 115 90 dB (min)
GBWP Gain-Bandwidth Product |V+| = |V−| = 30V 8 2 MHz (min)
fO= 100 kHz, VIN = 50 mVrms
eIN(6) Input Noise IHF—A Weighting Filter 2.0 10 μV (max)
RIN = 600Ω(Input Referred)
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio PO= 1W, A-Weighted, 92.5 dB
Measured at 1 kHz, RS= 25Ω
PO= 60W, A-Weighted, 110 dB
Measured at 1 kHz, RS= 25Ω
IMD Intermodulation Distortion Test 60 Hz, 7 kHz, 4:1 (SMPTE) 0.004 %
60 Hz, 7 kHz, 1:1 (SMPTE) 0.009
(1) All voltages are measured with respect to the GND pin (pin 7), unless otherwise specified.
(2) Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for
which the device is functional. Electrical Characteristics state DC and AC electrical specifications under particular test conditions and
specific performance limits. This assumes that the device is within the Operating Ratings. The typical value is a good indication of
device performance.
(3) Typicals are measured at 25°C and represent the parametric norm.
(4) Limits are speficied to AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level).
(5) V−must have at least −9V at its pin with reference to ground in order for the under-voltage protection circuitry to be disabled.
(6) AC Electrical Test; refer to Test Circuit #2 -AC Electrical Test Circuit.
(7) The feedback compensation network limits the bandwidth of the closed-loop response and so the slew rate will be reduced due to the
high frequency roll-off. Without feedback compensation, the slew rate is typically larger.
(8) DC Electrical Test; refer to Test Circuit #1- DC Electrical Test Circuit.
(9) The output dropout voltage is the supply voltage minus the clipping voltage. Refer to Figure 14 in Typical Performance Characteristics.
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