Complementary Current Sinking (NPN) Complementary Current Sourcing (PNP)
4-Pin Euro 4-Pin Pico Key
1 = Brown
2 = White
3 = Blue
4 = Black
Supply Voltage
10 to 30 V dc for ambient temperature ≤ 55 °C
10 to 24 V dc for ambient temperature > 55 °C
Supply Current (Exclusive of Load Current)
Diffuse: 16 mA
Opposed Mode Emitters: 17 mA
Opposed Mode Receivers: 8 mA
Retroreflective and Polarized Retroreflective: 16 mA
Supply Protection Circuitry
Protected against reverse polarity and transient voltages
Output Rating
≤ 50 mA total current for ambient temperatures > 55 °C
≤ 100 mA total current through both outputs ≤ 55 °C
OFF-State Leakage Current: < 50 µA at 30 V dc
ON-State Saturation Voltage: < 1.5 V at 10 mA; < 3.0 V at 100
Output Configuration
Complementary PNP or NPN by model number
Environmental Rating
IEC 60529 IEC IP67
Vibration and Mechanical Shock
All models meet Mil. Std. 202F requirements. Method 201A
(Vibration; frequency 10 to 60 Hz, max., double amplitude 0.06
in acceleration 10G). Method 213B conditions H&I (Shock: 75G
with unit operating; 100G for non-operation)
Three LEDs (1 green, 2 amber)
Green solid: indicates power applied and sensor ready
Green flashing: indicates marginal sensing signal
Amber solid: indicates Pin 4 (black wire) output conducting
Diffuse (DL, DS), Emitter (ES), Receiver (RS), Polarized
Retroreflective (LPC), Retroreflective (LV) models: Single turn
sensitivity (gain) adjustment potentiometer
Emitter Beam Inhibit (EJ) models: Tie black wire to 10 to 30 V
dc for beam inhibit
Housing, connector, gain pot driver: ABS; Front Window:
PMMA; Indicator Windows: Clear ABS; Cable: PVC jacket;
Pigtail QD: Nickel-plated brass and PVC jacket; Mounting Nuts:
30% glass filled PBT
Output Protection Circuitry
Protected against false pulse on power-up and continuous short
circuit of outputs. Short circuit protection at elevated
temperature may require a power cycle to reset.
Emitter LED Wavelength
All models: 624 nm
Output Response Time
Response is independent of signal strength
Opposed mode: 1.5 milliseconds ON, 1.0 milliseconds OFF
Retro, Polarized Retro, and Diffuse: 1.5 milliseconds ON, 0.75
milliseconds OFF
Delay on Power-up: 100 milliseconds; outputs do not conduct
during this time
Repeatability is independent of signal strength
Opposed mode: 170 microseconds
Retro, Polarized Retro, and Diffuse modes: 100 microseconds
Operating Conditions
Temperature: −40 °C to +70 °C (−40 °F to +158 °F)
95% at +50 °C maximum relative humidity (non-condensing)
Ind. Cont. Eq.
S18-2 Sensors
P/N 170670 Rev. E www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: +1-763-544-3164 3