Functional Description
The ADC081000 is a versatile, high performance, easy to use
A/D Converter with an innovative architecture permitting very
high speed operation. The controls available ease the appli-
cation of the device to circuit solutions. The ADC081000 uses
a calibrated folding and interpolating architecture that
achieves over 7.5 effective bits. The use of folding amplifiers
greatly reduces the number of comparators and power con-
sumption, while Interpolation reduces the number of front-end
amplifiers required, minimizing the load on the input signal
and further reducing power requirements. In addition to other
things, on-chip calibration reduces the INL bow often seen
with folding architectures. The result is an extremely fast, high
performance, low power converter. Optimum performance re-
quires adherence to the provisions discussed here and in the
Applications Information Section.
The analog input signal that is within the converter's input
voltage range is digitized to eight bits at speeds of 200 MSPS
to 1.6 GSPS, typical. Differential input voltages below nega-
tive full-scale will cause the output word to consist of all
zeroes. Differential input voltages above positive full-scale
will cause the output word to consist of all ones. The OR (Out
of Range) output is activated whenever the correct output
code would be outside of the 00h to FFh range.
The converter has a 1:2 demultiplexer that feeds two LVDS
output buses. The data on these buses provide an output
word rate on each bus at half the ADC sampling rate and must
be interleaved by the user to provide output words at the full
conversion rate.
The output levels may be selected to be normal or reduced.
Using reduced levels saves power but could result in erro-
neous data capture of some or all of the bits, especially at
higher sample rates and in marginally designed systems.
The voltage reference for the ADC081000 is derived from a
1.254V bandgap reference which is made available to the us-
er at the VBG pin. This output is capable of sourcing or sinking
±100 μA.
The internal bandgap derived reference voltage has a nomi-
nal value of 600 mV or 800 mV, as determined by the FSR
pin and described in Section 1.3. There is no provision for the
use of an external reference voltage.
The fully differential comparator design and the innovative
design of the sample-and-hold amplifier, together with self
calibration, enables flat SINAD/ENOB response beyond 1.0
GHz. The ADC081000 output data signaling is LVDS and the
output format is offset binary.
1.1 Self-Calibration
A self-calibration is performed upon power-up and can also
be invoked by the user upon command. Calibration trims the
100Ω analog input differential termination resistor and mini-
mizes full-scale error, offset error, DNL and INL, resulting in
maximizing SNR, THD, SINAD (SNDR), SFDR and ENOB.
Internal bias currents are also set with the calibration process.
All of this is true whether the calibration is performed upon
power up or is performed upon command.
Running the self calibration is important for this chip's func-
tionality and is required in order to obtain adequate perfor-
mance. In addition to the requirement to be run at power-up,
self calibration must be re-run whenever the sense of the FSR
pin is changed.
For best performance, we recommend that self calibration be
run 20 seconds or more after application of power and when-
ever the operating ambient temperature changes more than
30°C since calibration was last performed. See Section 5.1.2
for more information.
During the calibration process, the input termination resistor
is trimmed to a value that is equal to REXT / 33. This external
resistor must be placed between pin 32 and ground and must
be 3300 Ω ±0.1%. With this value, the input termination re-
sistor is trimmed to be 100 Ω. Because REXT is also used to
set the proper bias current for the Track and Hold amplifier,
for the preamplifiers and for the comparators, other values of
REXT should not be used.
In normal operation, calibration is performed just after appli-
cation of power and whenever a valid calibration command is
given, which is holding the CAL pin low for at least 10 clock
cycles, then holding it high for at least another 10 clock cycles.
There is no need to bring the CAL pin low after the 10 clock
cycles of CAL high to begin the calibration routine. Holding
the CAL pin high upon power up, however, will prevent the
calibration process from running until the CAL pin experi-
ences the above-mentioned 10 clock cycles low followed by
10 cycles high.
The CalDly pin is used to select one of two delay times after
the application of power to the start of calibration. This cali-
bration delay is 224 clock cycles (about 16.8 ms at 1 GSPS)
with CalDly low, or 230 clock cycles (about 1.07 seconds at 1
GSPS) with CalDly high. These delay values allow the power
supply to come up and stabilize before calibration takes place.
If the PD pin is high upon power-up, the calibration delay
counter will be disabled until the PD pin is brought low. There-
fore, holding the PD pin high during power up will further delay
the start of the power-up calibration cycle. The best setting of
the CalDly pin depends upon the power-on settling time of the
power supply.
The CalRun output is high whenever the calibration proce-
dure is running. This is true whether the calibration is done at
power-up or on-command.
Calibration can not be initiated or run while the device is in the
power-down mode. See Section 1.7 for information on the in-
teraction between Power Down and Calibration.
1.2 Acquiring the Input
Data is acquired at the falling edge of CLK+ (pin 18) and the
digital equivalent of that data is available at the digital outputs
7 clock cycles later for the "D" output bus and 8 clock cycles
later for the "Dd" output bus. There is an additional internal
delay called tOD before the data is available at the outputs.
See the Timing Diagram. The ADC081000 will convert as long
as the clock signal is present and the PD pin is low.
1.3 The Analog Inputs
The ADC081000 must be driven with a differential input sig-
nal. It is important that the inputs either be a.c. coupled to the
inputs with the DC_Coup pin grounded or d.c. coupled with
the DC_Coup pin high and have an input common mode volt-
age that is equal to and tracks the VCMO output.
Two full-scale range settings are provided with the FSR pin.
A high on that pin causes an input differential full-scale range
setting of 800 mVP-P, while grounding that pin causes an input
differential full-scale range setting of 600 mVP-P.
1.4 Clocking
The ADC081000 must be driven with an a.c. coupled, differ-
ential clock signal. Section 4 describes the use of the clock
input pins. A differential LVDS output clock is available for use
in latching the ADC output data into whatever receives that
data. 22