My Links Home> Products > Product Page Order Product and Get Support SZX-SLF-08N U.S. Authorized Distributors SZR Socket: Track Mounting Socket for SZR-LY2-1, D1, N1, X1 Global Sales & Service N. American Sales Reps Technical Assistance White Papers Literature Request Customer Feedback My Links Login to iCOM Login as Rep/AD Login as Guest Login to Digital University Distributor Inventory RoHS Product List Login to iCOM Login as Rep/AD Login as Guest Login to Digital University Actual product appearance may vary. Keyw ord Search Search for product and support information. Supporting Docum entation None Available All Sensing and Control Product Specifications Product Type Sock e t Use d W ith Se rie s SZR -LY Ava ila bility Globa l C om m e nt Track Mounting Sock e t for SZR LY2-1, D1, N1, X1 Product Search Part number search: Use (*) to expand search Specification Search Terms & Conditions | Privacy Statement | Site Map