General Catalog Timers, Counters, Hour Meters Contents Table of Contents General Information Timers Timers Chart Overview 4 Timers Selector Chart 5 Timer-Related Terminology 8 On-Delay Timer Basic Circuit 10 General Application Guidelines 11 Digital Timers LT4H 14 LT4H-W 20 LT4H Series Cautions for use 25 QM4H 28 Analog Timers S1DXM-A/M 32 PM4H-A/S/M 38 PM4H-SD/SDM 44 PM4H-F 46 PM4H-W 50 PM5S - A/S/M 55 Installing DIN Size Timer 62 Options and Accessories Timers 63 General Information Counters and Hour Meters Counters Selector Chart 69 Counter-Related Terminology 70 Precautions in using the Counter 71 Counters LC2H DIN Half 73 LC2H Preset 81 Precautions in using the LC2H Series 87 LC4H 90 LC4H-S 97 LC4H-W 106 Precautions in using the LC4H Series 114 Installing DIN Size Counter (Common) 117 Hour Meters LCD Hour Meters Selector Chart 118 LH2H DIN Half Size HM 120 LH2H Preset Type 128 Precautions in using the LH2H Series 133 Hour Meters, electromechanical TH13/TH23 137 TH14/TH24 139 TH40 141 TH50 143 TH63/TH64 145 TH8 147 Precautions in using the Hour Meters 149 Options and Accessories for Counters and Hour Meters 150 Applications / Power Supplies / International Standards 153 ON-delay OFF-delay Twin Flicker One-shot LT4H (Signal) LT4H-W LT4H LT4H LT4H LT4H-W Integration Relay terminal socket PM4H-A PM5S-A PC board mount LT4H QM4H PM4H-W 4 Star delta LT4H Surface mount/Flush mount Digital quartz timers Multiple operation Multi-range analog timer (CR oscillation) General Information Timers TIMerS CHArT OvervIew S1DX PM4H-S PM4H-M PM5S-S S1DXM-A/M S1DXM-A/M S1DX PM4H-A (Signal) PM4H-F PM5S-A (Signal) PM5S-M (Signal) PM4H-SD/SDM PM4H-A PM5S-A PM5S-M S1DX S1DXM-M PM4H-A PM5S-A PM5S-M S1DX S1DXM-M S1DXM-M S1DXM-M 30m 10m 5m 2m 1m 30s 10s 5s 1s 0.1s 0.01s del has various ges. See the ists before 8 time ranges selectable 16 time ranges selectable MERS SELECTOR CHART 8 time ranges selectable 10min 8 time ranges selectable General Information Timers me range TIMerS SeLeCTOr CHArT 3s 0.1s 0.05s 0.05s 0.08s Power ON delay (1) Power ON delay (2) Signal ON delay Signal OFF delay Pulse One-shot Pulse ON-delay Signal Flicker Totalizing ON-delay Power ON delay (1) Power ON delay (2) Signal ON delay Signal OFF delay Pulse One-shot Pulse ON-delay Signal Flicker Totalizing ON-delay PM4H-W Analog multi-range Quartz oscillation counting timer MERS SELECTOR CHART S SELECTOR CHART Operation mode Model/Product Name Power OFF-start cyclic Model/Product Name PM4H-W Analog multi-range cyclic twin timer PM4H-W Analog multi-range CR oscillation counting timer cyclic twin timer LT4H Digital timer LT4H-L Digital timer cyclic twin timer 0.2s 0.01s ON-start flicker OFF-start flicker Delay one-shot Power ON-delay LT4H-W Digital timer timer QM4H LT4H-LTimer Digital QM4H Timer S1DXM-A/M LT4H-W Digital Timer timer 0.5s 0.05s Power ON-delay Power flicker Power One-shot Output with contact LT4H-L Digital LT4H-W Digitaltimer timer CR oscillation counting timer S1DXM-A/M Timer QM4H Timeraccurate For highly time For repetitive ON/OFF Suitable for super-high accurate, digital setting Possible to set and change the operation setting Power ON delay (1) Power ON delay (1) Power ON delayPower (1) ON delay (1) Power ON delay (1) With a large transparent dial. time with front digit switches Power ON delay (2) Power ON delay (2) ON delay (2) Power ON delayPower (2)display ON delay (2) Economically price. Bright Power and easy-to-read display 9999h 1000h 16 time ranges are selectable. Bright and easy-to-read999.9h 999.9h This timer can ON-delay be attached easily during the power 9990h off. ON-delay Power Power ON-delay Power Signal ON delay Signal ON delay Signal ON delay Signal ON delay Signal ON delay Features is Simple operation Display is a bright reflectiveSimple operation 500h 100h 1s to 500h (Max. range) ON-start flicker ON-start ON-start flicker ON-start flicker both on the DIN flicker rails and Furthermore single unit has a flicker Power Power flicker Power Signal OFFflicker delay delaybody delay Signal OFF delaySignal OFFtype Signal OFFrange delay controlled in one unit. Signal OFFShort LCD. setting Power ON-delay OFF-start cyclic OFF-start Wide flickertime Power ON-delay Power OFF-startPower cyclic30h cyclic OFF-start flicker Power ON-delay OFF-start flicker Power ON-delay 10h OFF-start flicker Power OFF-start cyclic Power OFF-start panel. time range of 0.01s to Power One-shot Power One-shot Power One-shot Pulse One-shot Pulse One-shot Pulse One-shot Pulse One-shot Pulse one-shot One-shot ode Operation mode Operation mode 10h Delay Delay one-shot Delay one-shot 9990hrs!!Delay one-shot Pulse ON-delay Pulse ON-delay Pulse ON-delay Pulse ON-delay Pulse ON-delay Major uses 1h 60min 30min (Relay outputSignal type) Flicker (Transistor output type)Flicker (Relay outputSignal type) Flicker (Transistor output type) (Relay outputSignal type) (Transistor Signal Flicker Signal Flicker output type) 30m 7A 10min 7A 8 time ON-delay 8 time 8 time Totalizing ON-delay Output with contact Totalizing Totalizing Output with contact 10m Totalizing ON-delay Totalizing ON-delay Output with contact 16 time ON-delay ranges ranges ranges 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A oldel has various 5m ranges 5A counting oscillation timer Quartz oscillation counting Current CR oscillation timer counting CR oscillation timerC counting timer oscillation counting timer counting CR2 oscillation CR oscillation timer Quartz selectable selectable selectable CR oscillation counting CR oscillation counting timer oscillationQuartz counting timer timer Quartz timer CR oscillation counting timer counting Form selectable ut 2m ges. See the 4 Form C type For repetitive ON/OFF For highly accurate time For highly accurate time For repetitive ON/OFF For repetitive ON/OFF For repetitive ON/OFF For highly accurate time 3A 1m 100mA ve) 100mA ists before Suitable for super-high accurate, digital setting Suitable for 100mA Major uses Suitablefor forsuper-high super-high accurate, digitalsetting setting Major uses type Suitable accurate, digital super-high accurate, digital setting setting operation 30s operation setting operation operation setting 10s 9999h 9999h 2509999h V AC 30 V9990h DC 250 V AC 1000h 250999.9h V AC 30 V9999h DC 250 V AC 9990h 250999.9h V AC 30 V999.9h DC 999.9h 999.9h 1000h Voltage 1000h 9990h250 V AC 9990h 5s 500h100h 500h 500h 500h 100h 100h 1s 30h 30h 30h 3s 10h 10h 10h 0.1s 0.1s 10h 10h 10h 0.2s 0.5s 0.05s 0.05s 0.08s 0.01s Mounting method 0.01s 1h 1h 1h 60min 60min 0.05s 30min 60min 30min 30min me range 30m 30m 30mTime range 10min 10min 8 time 10min 88time 8 time 8 time 8 time 8 time 8 time time 10m 10m 10m 16 time 16 time 16 time 16 time ranges ranges ranges ranges ranges ranges ranges ranges 5m del has various ranges5m Terminal block, cap, panel Each model has 5m ranges ranges ranges block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel block, cap, panel selectable Terminal block, cap, panel selectable Terminal block, cap block, selectable Terminal selectable Terminal selectable selectable selectable selectable selectable selectable selectable selectable 2m 2m ges. See the 2mparts various time ranges. Mounting cover, rubber gasket, mounting cover, rubber gasket, mounting cover, rubber gasket, mounting cover, rubber gasket, mounting cover, rubber gasket, mounting mounting frame, fitting 1m frame ists before 1m See1m the product frame sockets, protective cover frame lists frame frame 30sordering. 30s 30s Name before Model/Product 100 to 240 V AC 100 to 240 V AC, 10s 100 to 120 V AC, 100 to 240 V AC 100 to 240 V AC 10s 10s 100 to 240 V AC/DC 24 V AC 48 to 125V DC, 24 V AC/DC, 24 V AC 200 to 220 V AC, 24 V AC 5s 5s 5s voltage 5s Rated operating 12 to 48 V AC/DC 12 to 24 V DC 12 V DC 12 to 24 V DC 12 V DC, 24 V DC 12 to 24 V DC 1s 1s 1s 1s (other models) 3s 3s 3s (other models) models) (other models) (other models) (other models)0.1s 0.1s 0.1s 0.1s 0.1s 0.1s(other 0.1s0.1s PM4H-W 0.1s Analog multi-range 0.2s 0.5s 0.01s 0.2s 0.5s 0.2s 0.5s 0.01s 0.05s 0.05s 0.08s 0.05s 0.08s 0.05s 0.08s 0.01s 0.05s 0.05s 0.01s 0.01s T.D. mode: Time delay 0.08s 2C 0.01s 0.01s (Relay LT4H0.05s Digital LT4H-L Digital (Transistor timer0.08sout- (Relay LT4H-W Digital(Transistor timer0.01s Timer cyclic twin timer S1DXM-A/M Timer 0.01s (Transistor out- (Relay output out- QM4H output output timer 0.05s 0.05s 0.05s Timed-out Timed-out 2 Form C INST. mode: Time delay 1C S1DXM-A/M Timer Power ON-delay Power flicker Power One-shot me range put type) Timed- Possible Arrangement put type) Timed- type) Timedtype) Timedputchange type) Timedtype) TimedPossible to set set and and change the set and change to set and the Possible Possible to change andtoinstantaneous 1C the 2 Form C Timed-out 4 Form C the out 1with Form C digit out 1 Form A out 1 Form C out 1 Form A out 1 Form C out 1 Form A (Use MODE switch on front) time awith with front digit switches switches time with digit switches large transparent dial. time a large transparent dial. time front digit 16 ranges are selectable. Economically price.switches Bright andfront easy-to-read display With Bright and easy-to-read display Bright Economically price. Bright andfront easy-to-read display With 16 time ranges are selectable. 16 time ranges are selectable. Economically 16 time time ranges price. are selectable. and easy-to-read display Economically price. Bright and easy-to-read display easily during the power off. (0.005% + 50 ms) (0.005% + 80 ms) (0.005% + 50 ms) easily during the power off. This timer can be attached 1% Operation time fluctuation 0.3% easily during the power off. This timer can be attached easily during the power off. Features 1s range) is Display is aa bright bright Simple operation (0.01% + 0.05 s) Simple operation Displayoperation is a bright reflectiveSimple operation Features 1s to 500h (Max. range) is 1s to 500h (Max. range) is Features Display 1s to toin500h 500h is a (Max. (Max. bright range) is Simple Display is Simple operation Furthermore single unit has aa in case of power on start in case of power starta case of power on start Furthermore single unit has a both on the DIN railsunit andhas Furthermore single unitonhas both ontime thesetting DIN rails and Furthermore single 5% 2%unit. controlled unit. reflective-type LCD. Widein range case of power on start e controlledTemperature Short bodyin type LCD. Wide time setting range controlled in one in one unit. error reflective-type controlled in one one LCD. unit. Wide time setting range reflective-type LCD. Wide time setting time range range of of 0.01s 0.01s to to (0.005% + 20 ms) + 20toms) (0.005% + 20 ms) time range of 0.01srange to panel. time (0.005% range of 0.01s panel. time 0.005% 0.03 s cy Model/Product Name 1% Voltage error 0.5% Model/Product Name Name 9990hrs!! in case of reset or input in case of reset or input in case of reset or input 9990hrs!! 9990hrs!! 9990hrs!! (G type only) 10% Setting error 5% start (Transistor output type) (Relay start (Transistor start (Transistor output type) (Relaysignal (Relaysignal outputtype) type) (Transistoroutput outputtype) type) (Relay (Relay output output type) type) (Transistor (Transistor output output type) type) output (Relaysignal output type) output type) (Relay output type) (Transistor output type) 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 100 ms 100 ms 500 ms Min. power off time 300 ms 500 ms 500 ms 5A 5A 5A 5A 7 5A 5A PM4H-W Analog multi-range 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A Control 7 7 7 7 PM4H-W Analog multi-range PM4H-W Control Analog multi-range2Current olin. 5A 2 x 10 107 -- -- 2 x 10 -- 2 x 10 Mechanical x 10 2 x 10 5A 5A LT4H Current Current Digital timer LT4H-L5 Digital DigitalLT4H-W timer 7 Digital LT4H-W LT4H-W DigitalQM4H timerTimer QM4H Timer 2 Form C Timer S1DXM-A/M twin timer 2 Form C output cyclicLT4H S1DXM-A/M Timer LT4H Digital timer LT4H-L timer timer QM4H Timer cyclic S1DXM-A/M Timer Digital timer LT4H-L7Digital timer timer 5 Digital uton) output twin timer cyclic 5twin timer 5 5 7 4 Form C type type 10 10 2 x 1054 Form C 10 10 10 10 10 10 Electrical (resistive) 3A 100mA 100mA 3A 3A Possible tothe set and and change change the 100mA ve) 100mA 100mA 100mA 100mA (resistive) type type the Possible set Possible to set and changeto 11-Pin type 11-Pin type QM4H-S type Pin type time with front digit switches With a large transparent dial. With a large transparent with NC front digit switches With a large transparent dial.2 Form time withdisplay front digittime switches Timed-out C type dial. Bright and easy-to-read display Economically price. Bright and easy-to-read time are selectable. 16selectable. time ranges ranges are selectable. Bright and easy-to-read display Economically price. Bright and easy-to-read Voltage 250 V AC 250Reset VAC AC 30VV Vdisplay DC 250be VAC AC 250during V AC AC 30NCV Voff.DC DC 16 time ranges are16 Bright and easy-to-read display Economically price. Bright and easy-to-read display easily the power This timer can attached 250 V 30 DC 250 V AC 250 V Voltage 250 V AC Voltage 250 V AC 250 V AC 30 V DC 250 V AC 30 V DC 250 V AC 250 V AC 30 DC 250 V 250 V AC 30 250 V AC Reset timer can be attached easily off. during theThis power off.can be This timer attached easily during the power NO Simple operation Display is a bright reflectiveSimple operation Features 1s (Max. range) is NO Start Start Features 1s to 500h (Max. range) 1s to to 500h 500h (Max. range) is Simple operation Display is a bright reflectiveSimple operation is N.C. SimpleN.C.operation Display isN.C. a bright reflectiveSimple operation N.C. Furthermore single both 1on the DIN rails4and 4 5 unit has a bothand on the DIN rails and unit both onhas the aDIN rails Furthermore singleFurthermore unit has a single Stop Stop setting 6 7 Short body body type LCD. LCD. Wide time range controlled in unit. N.O. N.O. type 5 type 5 6range 7 controlled in one oneShort unit. body Short controlled in one unit. LCD. Wide time setting Wide rangetime 3 6 N.O. N.O. time to panel. Lock Lock setting 4 8 4 time range 8 4 5 panel. time range of of 0.01s 0.01s to MODE 5 8 panel. of 0.01s to range 6 3 3 9 3 9 9990hrs!! 2 7 Mounting method 9990hrs!! 9990hrs!! Mounting method Mounting method 2 10 2 10 9 12 7 1 8 2 1 11 1 11 NC type) (Relay output type) (Transistor (Relay output type) (Transistor output type) (Relay output type) (Transistor output output type) 8 output type) (Transistor 13 14 1 (Relay COM COM 7A (Relay output (Transistor output type)(Transistor (RelayStart output output type)(Transistor (Relay output (Transistor output type) outputtype) type)Operating (Relay output type) outputtype) type) (Transistor (Relay output type) outputtype) type)Operating 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A (-) Operating voltage (+) - 5A 5A ol 5A 5A 5A ol Terminal block, cap,diagrams panel 5A nal layouts and Wiring 5A Terminal block, cap, panel Current 5ACurrent rent ut Mounting parts Screw terminal typemounting ut cover, Mounting parts cover, rubber gasket, rubber gasket, Mounting parts 3A ve) 3A 3A ve)mounting frame frame + voltage NO 4 5 Reset 5A - 5A Operating voltage 5A + voltage Operating 5A 65A 5Acap, panel 5A 5A block, cap, panel 5A Terminal block, 5A 3 5A block, cap, panel 5A voltage 5A Terminal Terminal Terminal block, cap,block, panel Terminal block, Terminal cap, panel Terminal Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap 22 Form C Terminalblock, block,cap, cap,panel panel Terminal block,cap, cap,panel panel Terminalblock, block,cap cap,block, panel C Terminal block, cap, panel 7 Form C gasket, 2 Form 2 Screw terminal type Screw terminal QM4H-G type cover, rubber gasket, cover, rubber gasket,type mounting mounting cover, rubber gasket, mounting mounting cover, rubber mounting Form C type Timed-out 4 Form C44type cover, rubber gasket, fitting cover, cover,rubber rubbergasket, gasket, mounting cover, rubber gasket, mounting cover, cover, rubber rubber gasket, gasket, mounting mounting cover, rubber frame, gasket, fittingmounting mounting cover, rubber gasket, mounting Form C 8 1 100mA type 4 Form C frame, type 100mA 100mA STOP NC type Reset Reset mounting frame frame frame frame 100mA 100mA 100mA 100mA 100mA 100mA type frame sockets, type protective cover Start frame frame mounting frame frame frame sockets, frame frame Start Operating RESETprotective cover NO Stop Stop - voltage + 4 2 3 1 Lock 4 5 N.O. 100 to 240 V AC 100 to 240 V AC 100 to 240 V AC Lock N.C. N.O. 8 9AC toto7240 ACV DCN.O. 1006 250 to7 240 V10 AC,N.C. N.O. 100to to240 120 VAC/DC AC, 250 V100 AC 250 V100 AC 30 V DC V AC 250 V AC Voltage 250 AC 30 100 to 240 V AC 100 240 AC AC ACV 100 240V9V30 100 100 to to120 240 VVAC AC 100 V 7240 8 V 9V 10 3240 V AC/DC 250100 AC 3010AC V DC250 V AC 100 250 V V AC 250VV V100 ACto 240 V250 30 V DC DC 250 250 V 7V ACAC/DC Voltage 250to AC6totoDC, 30 DC to250 N.C. AC 30 VVDC 250 V AC 250 AC 30 DC 250 V AC 5 100 Voltage 250 V AC 30 VVDC to624 240V8VAC AC/DC to 240 48 125V 24 V VAC/DC 24 24 V AC 6 48 tooperating 125V DC,voltage 2411V AC/DC, 200 220 V AC,8 48 to 125V DC, 24 V AC/DC Rated 48 to 125V 24DC, V AC 24 V AC/DC 24 V AC 24VVAC AC N.C. 200toto 24 VV AC V AC 12 6toto48 V AC/DC 1 2 3 4 5 12 48220 AC/DC Rated operating voltage 7 Rated operating 1212 to 48 V AC/DC 12VtoDC, 48 V24AC/DC 122 V3 DC 12 to 24 V DC 12 2to 24 V DC 4 12 Vvoltage DC 12 V DC 12 10 11 9 12 V DC 12 1to 1224 VV DC DC5 12 to 24 V DC 121toto224 243 VV4DC DC 12 12 V DC, to 24 24 V V DC DC (other models) 5 8 (other (other (othermodels) models)14 (other models) (othermodels) models) (other1models) models) 13 Operating COM (other (other models) (other (other models) (other (other- models) models) (other models) (othermodels) models) (other (othermodels) models)COM Operating (+) voltage (-) Mounting method Operating + voltage + output T.D. mode: Time delay 2C Operating voltage - hodMounting method (Relay (Transistor output (Relay output (Transistor output T.D. mode:voltage Time(Transistor delay 2C output mode: Time(Transistor delay 2C outT.D.Operating mode: Time delay (Transistoroutput out- (Relay output (Relayoutput output (Transistoroutput out- (Relay (Relayoutput output (Transistor (Relay (Transistor (RelayT.D. output (Transistor output (Relay output Timed-out INST. mode: Time delay2C 1C voltage Timed-out Timed-out 2 Form C mode: Time delay Timed-out Timed-out Timed-out 2 type) Form C1C Arrangement type) Timed-out type) Timed-out Timed-out Timed-out INST. mode: Time delay 1CTimed-1 type)INST. INST. Time delay andmode: instantaneous 1C1C putCtype) Timed-1 type) Timedput type) put type) Timed- type) type)Timed-out TimedArrangement type)Timed-out Timed- type) Arrangement type) type) Timed-out Timed-out type) Timed-out type) Timed-out 1 type) Timed-out type) Timed-out 2 Form and instantaneous 1C 1CA andMODE instantaneous 2 Form Timed-out 4 Form C 2 Form C 2CForm C1 Form A Timed-out 4 1Form 1 Form Cand instantaneous Form 1 Form C UL/c-UL, Form CA (Use switch on1C front) CE CE UL/CSA, CE, C LLOYD CE Available standards outCE out 1 (Use Form C switch out Form 1panel Form 1 Form out 1 Form C cap, (UseCMODE switch on front) 1out Form C UL/c-UL, Form A 1Terminal Form C UL/c-UL, 1outForm A A 1 Form C UL/c-UL, Form A A 1 Form 1 CE Form A MODE on1panel front) (UseUL/c-UL, MODE switch on front) Terminal block, cap, Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel block, Terminal block, cap block, Terminal block, cap, panel p(0.005% +Terminal 50 panel ms) block, cap, p(0.005% +Terminal 80 ms) block, cap Operation time panel fluctuation p0.3% Terminal block,+34 cap, panelblock, cap, Terminal block,+41 Terminal block, cap block, Terminal block, 50 Terminal block, cap, Terminal block, cap, panelblock, cap, Terminal panel Terminal panel block, panel Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel P.gasket, P.gasket, 29 P. Pagep0.3% (0.005% +34 50 ms) (0.005% 50 ms) (0.005% 80 1% Operation time fluctuation p(0.01% +57 0.05 p(0.005% p(0.005% 80 p(0.005% +cap, 50ms) ms) p(0.005% +cap, 80 panel ms) time fluctuation rubberP.gasket, mounting cover, rubberP. gasket, mounting mounting rubberp0.3% mounting cover, rubberP.gasket, mounting cover, Mounting parts frame, fittings) cover,Operation rubber0.3% mounting cover, p1% (0.01% + 0.05 s) in case of power on start in case of power on start p(0.01% + 0.05 s)on p(0.01% + 0.05 cover, rubber gasket, cover, rubberofgasket, mounting mounting frame, fittings)on start cover, rubber gasket, mounting cover, rubber gasket, cover, rubber gasket, mounting rts Mounting partscover, rubber cover,on rubber mounting cover,mounting rubber gasket, mounting mounting frame, fitting cover, rubber mounting gasket, mounting cover,mounting rubber gasket, mounting Temperature error start Time in case of power power start gasket, case ofpower power on start gasket, caseofp5% ofpower power onstart start frameinincase frameinincase framein case ofp2% framein case of power on start sockets, protective cover 5% Temperature 2% p2% on e Time frame Temperature p(0.005% 20ms) ms) + 20 ms) case of power on start in case of power on start frame(0.005% frame framein protective cover framep(0.005% frame(0.005%p2% protectivesockets, cover frame error frame error (0.005% +++frame 20 accuracyframe 100 toVoltage p0.005% p0.03 s p(0.005% +frame 20V ms) p(0.005% + 20V ms) p(0.005% 20 ms) p(0.005%0.03 +sockets, 20 ms) error 100 toof240 V AC 100 top0.5% 240 AC 100 to 240 AC 240 V AC, 100 to1% 120 V AC, 0.005% sor input cy incase caseto reset orinput input in case of reset accuracy p0.005% p0.03 s p0.005% p0.03 s Voltage 0.5% Voltage error p0.5% error100 p0.5% p1% 100 to 240 V AC/DC 100 240 V AC 100 to 240 V AC 100 to 240 V AC, 100 to 120 V AC, 100 to 240 V AC in case of reset or input in case of reset or input in of reset or to 240 V48AC, 100 to 240 V AC typetoonly) in case24ofVreset or input in case of reset or 100 inputto 120 V AC,(G200 AC 24p5% V AC 100 to 240 V AC 24 V AC 100 to 240 V AC to 125V Setting DC, 24 error V AC/DC, 220 V AC, 100 to 240 V AC/DC (G type only) 100 to 240 V AC/DC signal start signal start typestart only) typeto10% only) 12 to start 48 V AC/DC200 to 220 V AC,(G200 Rated operating voltage Setting 5%24 error 24 V AC 24 V AC 125V Setting DC, V AC/DC, 220 V AC, 24p5% V AC signal 24 V AC (G 24 V AC signal 48error to 125V DC, 2448VtoAC/DC, 24 V AC signal p10% signal start signal 12 to 24 ms V DC 12 to 48 V AC/DC 12 start to300 24 ms V DC 12 start to 24 V DC DC 12 V DC, Rated operatingp5% voltage 12 to 48 Vms AC/DC voltage 500 500 power12 offV time 10024 msV DC (other models) 12 to 24ms V DC 24ms V DC 12 DC V DC, 24 12 to 24ms V DC 12 to 24 V DC 12 to 12 V DCMin. 12 to 24 V DC (other 500 100 ms Min. power300 off time 300 ms ms Min. power offVmodels) time 500 300 ms 500 100 500 ms 100 500 ms ms 12 V DC, 24 V DC12(other 100 ms7V DC models) models) (other models) 12 to 24 V DC (other (other models) models) (other models) (other 7 7 7 (other models) (other models) (other models) (other (other models) (other models)2 s 1077 (other models) (other models) (other models) -- --(other models) Mechanical 2 s 107 2 smodels) 7 7107 Life (Min. 7 7 7 77 2 s 107 77 7 T.D. mode: Time delay 2C 2 x 10 -- 2 x 10 2 x 10 2 x 10 10 Mechanical 2 x 10 Mechanical -- -- -- 10 -- 2 s 10 2 soutput 10 2 s 10(Transistor7 out2 s 10 2 s 10 in. (Transistor out- (Relays output (Transistor out- (Relay (Relays output2 s 10 Life (Min. 5 7 5 T.D. delay 2C T.D. 2C5mode: operation) Timed-out Timed-out10255 Form C INST. mode:Time Time delay 1C (Transistor out- (Transistor (RelayTimedoutput (Transistor out- Time delay (Transistor out- (Transistor (RelayTimedoutput (RelayTimedoutput 10 107mode: 10 10 Electrical out- 10(Relay (Relay output output (Relay output (Transistor 55 out5 5 5 5 out7 7 on) Arrangement type) put type) type) operation) Timed-out Timed-out Form C 105 107Timed- type) 10 107Timed- type) 10 10 105 C Electrical Timed-out Timed-out 2 FormTimed-out C 2 x1010 INST. Time INST. mode: Time delay 1C5mode: 105 Electrical 10put 10Timed105put type) 10Timed10 101C 2 s10 105 delay and instantaneous 1C 2 Form 42 Form C put Timedtype) Timedput 1type) TimedArrangement type) Timedtype) Timedput type) TimedTimedput put type) Timednt Timedtype) Timed11-Pin typeswitch onTimed-out QM4H-S type instantaneous 1C Pin and instantaneous 1Cand out type) 1 Form A outtype) 1 TimedForm C put out type) 1 Form A out Form A out 1 Form C type) out 1type Form C type) (Use MODE front) 2 Form C Timed-out 4 Form C 2 Form C 4 Form C 11-Pin 11-Pin QM4H-S type 11-Pin QM4H-S 11-Pin type QM4H-S Pin type Pin type Pin type out 1 Form out FormAtype Ctypeout (Use 1 Form A switch out 1 Form out FormAtype C out out FormAtype C out 11Form FormAC out 11Form 11Form FormAC out out 1 Form C out NC type NC (Use MODE switch on front) MODE on front) Timed-outNC 2 Form Timed-out 2 Form C typeNC Reset (0.005% + 50 ms) (0.005% + 80 ms) (0.005% + 50 ms) 1%C typeNCNO Operation time fluctuation 0.3% NC NC NC NO (0.01% + 0.05 s) NON.C. 1% Start Reset Reset Reset Reset (0.005% + 50 ms) (0.005% + 80 ms) (0.005% + 50 ms) (0.005% + 50 ms) (0.005% + 80 ms) 1% Operation time fluctuation 0.3% (0.005% + 50 ms) time fluctuation 0.3% 4 5 NO NO NO NO NO N.C. inStart case of power on start inStart case of power(0.01% on start in Start caseN.C. of power on start (0.01% 0.05 s) N.C. N.O. Stop Start N.C. + 0.05 s)1 N.C. N.C. 5% 5 4 6 Temperature error 2% of power on 1 5 6 5 47 on start 5 in case of+4power e N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. inStop case start inStop case on start in N.O. case of power start 3 4 inon case start of power inoncase of power on start of 4power startN.C. N.O. of power on Stop Lock 65 7ms) 6 7ms) 6 7ms) 5% 6 Temperature error (0.005% +5 20 2% (0.005% +5 20 (0.005% N.O. N.O. N.O. 8 N.O. 5% MODE error 2% 4+ 5 20 5 6 76on in Stop case power eerature start of40.03 6in case of power on 3 N.O. N.O. N.O. N.O. N.O. N.O. Lock Lock 3 4 + 20 ms) Lock Lock 3 4 0.005% s89 start cy 1% Voltage 0.5% 8 (0.005% (0.005% (0.005% 5 6ms) 8 4 + 20 ms) 8 34 4+ 20 (0.005% + 20 ms) (0.005% + 20 ms) 4 5 (0.005% + 20 ms) 4 5 error MODE MODE MODE 3 5 8 5 8 2 7 in case of3 reset or input 0.03 s0.005% 30.03 in case of3 reset or9 input in case of33 reset6or9 input s109 cy error 6 6error Voltage 0.5% 3 3 1% age 0.5% 9 2 7 2of reset or 70.005% 21% (G type2only) 1 8 7 ininput casestart of2reset 10 or ininput casestart input casestart of2 2reset 710 or in input case of reset orsignal in input case of reset orsignal input 1 11 NC 10% Setting 5% 7 in case of reset orin signal 2 10 9 7error 7 (G type only) 9 (G type only) COM COM 12 112 811 10 1 12 8 2 2 2 11 8 Start 11 NC start NC start NC 10% Setting 5% ting error 5% signal start 1 11 signal signal start1 1 811 COM signal start signal Operating 13 COM Operating 14 COM 13 COM 14 COM 10% 1 8 signal start 1 8 error 1 8voltage NO Start Start StartCOM Operating - + Reset 100 ms 100Operating ms Min. power off time 300 ms 500Operating ms ms (+) NO 500Operating (-) 500 voltage 4ms5 Operating Operating voltage Operating voltage - Operating Operating Operating voltage -3 4 - 4voltage - voltage + ms5 + NO 100 ms 100 ms7 Min. power 500 ms5voltage+(+) 500 ms Reset 7 500 ms5 6 + NO (-) 300 ms (+) (-) off time (+) 100 ms 100 ms time 300 ms 500 ms Reset (-)7 Operating 500 ms Reset 7 500 voltage 4voltage Operating Operating 7 7 voltage 10 2 voltage x 107 Mechanical Terminal 7layouts and2Wiring x 107 diagrams 2 x 107 3voltage 6-- 2 x 107 3 2 x 107 3 6-- 7 6-- 7 in. voltage 7-- 2 x 107Screwvoltage 2 2x 2x 2 x 10 107 x 10 2x terminal type 107 QM4H-G type --10 --10 2 x--10 --10 2 x--10 chanical 2 x 10 layouts and2Wiring 2diagrams x 107 in. layouts and Mechanical Screw type nal Wiring diagrams Terminal on) 7107 7 107 7107 1055 type 105 type 2 type x 1055 NC Electrical 10755terminal 10755 terminal 10755 terminal 2 2 2 1 8type Screw terminal type Screw QM4H-G type Screw type QM4H-G type Screw terminal QM4H-G Screw terminal Screw terminal type Screw type STOP 5 Timed-out 5 Timed-out 4 2Form Reset 4 Form5 C type on) 10 terminal 1057 10 1057 10STOP Operating 107 10 10 x 10C typeNC Electrical 105 10 10 10 105 10 2 x 10 ctrical 1 8 10 1 8 10 1 8 NC Start STOP NC STOP RESET NO Reset type Reset type Reset Reset 11-Pin 11-Pin QM4H-S type Pin type Stop - voltage + Start Start Start Start 4 C5type NO Operating Lock RESET RESET RESET 2 Form NO N.O. Timed-out N.C. Stop N.O. type 11-Pin 6 - 7 8 9 10 + N.C. N.O. 11-Pin type 11-Pin 11-Pin QM4H-S type QM4H-S Stop type Stop - Operating + type NC - Operating +NO Pin type Pin type 4 2 1 1 Stop NC 2 type 4 Lock voltage voltage 4 35 4voltage 5 4 3 5 N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 10 N.C. N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 11 1 2 3 4 (+) 8 9 2 3 N.O. 1 N.C. N.C. N.C. 3 2 (-) 4 5 1 8 10 11 N.C. 5 N.O. Operating voltage 7 4 5 4 5 34 5 6 6 7 2 1 8 7 1 8voltage (+) Operating (-) N.O. N.O. 6 7 N.C. N.O. Reset N.C. Start N.C. N.O. Stop N.O. Lock Operating 3 2 (-) (+) voltage N.C.Reset N.O. 6 7 8 9 Lock N.C. N.O. 10 11 Start 6 7 8 9 10 N.C. Reset N.C. 1 2 3 4 11 5 Stop Start 5 6 7 N.C. N.O. N.C. Lock 1 2 4 3 46 5 8 Stop 1 2 53 47 5 N.O. N.O. 5 6 7 Operating Lock 34 (-) 89 4 8 (+) voltage Operating Operating 2 109 3 3 (+) voltage + 9 voltage - (-) 1 11 2 10 2 10 1 11 1 11 Operating - + voltageStart Operating Operating - + - voltageReset voltage + 4 Available standards UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD Operating voltage Operating voltage (-) (+) (-) (+) UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD standards UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD Available standards UL/CSA, UL/c-UL, CE,CE LLOYD nal Available layouts and Wiring diagrams Page P. 29 type 3 Screw terminal Screw terminal type nal and Wiring diagrams ringlayouts diagrams P. 29Screw Page P. 29 Page P. P.34 29 type 2 Screw terminal terminal type Screw terminal Screw type terminal type Reset N.C. N.O. 6 N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 10 N.C.N.C. N.O.N.O. 6 Operating voltage (-) 8 9 10 7 8 9 11 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 11 5 1 2 3 4 5 (+) (+) 7 (+) Operating voltage (-) Operating voltage (-) Reset Start N.C. N.O. Stop Lock N.C. N.O. 6 1 Start Stop Reset Lock Start Stop 6 LockN.O. 7 2 8 3 9 10 4 5 + + Operating - voltage + UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD Available standards UL/CSA,P.CE, Available standards UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD ards 29 LLOYDUL/c-UL, CE Page P. 29 Page P. 34 P. 29 N.C. 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 Operating - voltage Operating - voltage 3 4 9 1 2 3 4 10 1 8 - Operating voltage + N.C. N.O. + - voltage Reset Start - Operating Stop voltage + Lock 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 Reset Stop Start Lock Stop 6 Lock N.O. 6 10 N.C. 1 5 + + P. 34 NC NONC 6 7 9 10 3 6 2 Form C type Timed-out 2N.O. Form CTimed-out type N.C. NC NO 8 3 2 6 7 47 8 6 4 2 1 8 7 11 8 8 12 10 COM COM 1 8 14 COM Operating COM 12 voltage Operating 1214 Operating voltage 14 voltage 4 5 Operating UL/c-UL, CE UL/c-UL, CE UL/c-UL, CE voltage 4 5 6 Operating UL/c-UL, UL/c-UL, CE6 UL/c-UL, UL/c-UL,CE CE UL/c-UL, UL/c-UL, CE CE voltage UL/c-UL,CE CE voltage voltage 3 voltage 7 P. 34 type P. 41 P. 50 2 Screw terminal QM4H-G type Timed-out 4 Form 34Screw 41 50 P. 8 7 terminalScrew P. P. 50 34 P. P. 57 41 P.57 50C type 2P.141 terminal type QM4H-G type type QM4H-G type STOP NC Reset 4 Form C type Timed-out 4 Form CTimed-out type 8 1 Start Operating RESET NO NC STOP NC STOP N.C. UL/c-UL, CE Lock N.O. NC 63 7 8 9 610 Start 6 3 7 8 9 610 N.C. Reset 4 7 5 N.C. 51 5 NONO 6 8 N.C. NO NO Stop Start N.C. N.O. 5 6 7 N.C. 15 4 1 12 3 24 3 54 76 4 5 7 Lock 2 4 Stop 8 6 MODE N.O. 9 5 96 10 13 21113 8 4 6512 5 6 7 1N.O. 2 1 53 84 7 5 3 Lock 34 MODE 2 7 89 4 8 MODE 8 5 5 COM 13 13 + Operating 14 COM COM COM voltage - 9 3 9 Operating 3 2 1 11 109 8 7 2 7 Operating2 1 NC + COM - 2 Operating - voltage 10 2 10+ voltage Operating 12 913 Operating 1 8 9 COM 1 8 1 11 1 11 NC NO voltage 13 COM voltage Operating 13 voltage 14 COM Operating COM COM - voltage + Operating NO Operating voltage Operating Operating - voltage + - voltage + Operating Reset N.C. Start Stop 5 Lock 5 UL/c-UL, CE UL/c-UL, P. 34 CE P. 34 8 + voltage - Start NC Start Reset NO Reset 3 6 7 N.O. 7 7 Operating 5 Lock Reset N.O. 6 UL/c-UL, CE UL/c-UL, P. 34 CE P. 34 Operating voltage - UL/c-UL, CE P. 41 + RESET 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 10 2 3 4 5 1 2 Operating voltage - Operating voltage - 3 4 5 UL/c-UL, CE UL/c-UL, P. 41 CE P. 41 RESET NO N.O. N.C. N.O. N.C. 4 5 3 3 6 3 2 2 7 2 1 8 COM Operating voltage UL/c-UL, CE P. 50 4 5 4 51 6 1 8 6 57 7 NO 3 6 7 COM COM 10 9 1 8 13 COM COM Operating COM voltage Operating voltage UL/c-UL, CE UL/c-UL, P. 50 CE P. 50 3 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 8 6 10 9 913 12 10 13 14 7 11 8 12 1214 11 1 5 Operating voltage UL/c-UL, CE P. 57 4 11 Operating voltage Operating voltage 10h 10min 0.05s 0.05s 60min 30min 0.2s 0.2s 3s 3s 0.5s 0.5s With aa large large transparent transparent dial. dial. With This timer timer can can be be attached attached This both on the DIN rails and both on the DIN rails and panel. panel. 7A 7A 5A 5A Form C C 22 Form type type Form C C 44 Form type type 250 V V AC AC 250 Terminal block, block, cap cap block, block, Terminal mounting frame, frame, fitting fitting mounting sockets, protective cover sockets, protective cover 100 to 120 V AC 100 to 120 V AC 200 to 220 V AC 200 to 220 V AC 12 V DC, 24 V DC 12 V DC, 24 V DC (other models) (other models) Timed-out 2 Form C Timed-out 2 Form C Timed-out 4 Form C Timed-out 4 Form C p1% p1% p5% p5% p1% p1% p10% p10% 100 ms 100 ms 107 107 2 s 1055 2 s 10 Timed-out 2 Form C type Timed-out 2 Form C type 1 1 5 5 9 913 13 Operating Operating voltage voltage 4 4 8 8 12 1214 14 Timed-out 4 Form C type Timed-out 4 Form C type 1 1 5 5 9 913 13 2 2 6 6 10 10 3 3 7 7 11 11 Operating voltage Operating voltage 4 4 8 8 12 1214 14 UL/c-UL, CE UL/c-UL, CE P. 57 P. 57 4 2 1 2 Output with contact CR oscillation counting timer For highly accurate time setting 14 UL/c-UL, CE UL/c-UL, P. 57 CE P. 57 5 me range General Information Timers odel has various ges. See the ists before . 30mTime range 10m 30m 10m 5m 2m 1m 4 time30s 10s ranges selectable 5s 1s 0.1s 0.01s Each5m model has various time2m ranges. See the 1m lists before product 30s ordering. 16 time ranges selectable 10min 16 time ranges selectable 3 time 100s ranges 4selectable time 10s ranges selectable 0.04min 3 time ranges selectable 0.2s 0.04s 100s TIMerS SeLeCTOr CHArT IMERS TIMERS SELECTOR SELECTOR CHART CHART 10s 5s 1s 0.1s 0.01s 4 time ranges selectable 4 time ranges selectable 0.1s Pulse ON-delay Pulse Flicker Pulse ON-Flicker Power ON-delay (1)(2) Differential ON/OFF-delay Signal OFF-delay Pulse One-shot Pulse One-cycle Pulse ON-delay Pulse Flicker Pulse ON-Flicker Power ON-delay (1)(2) Differential ON/OFF-delay Signal OFF-delay Pulse One-shot Pulse One-cycle 0.2s 0.1s Power ON-delay Power Flicker Power ON-flicker Power ON-delay Power One-shot Power One-cycle (with instantaneous contact) Power ON-delay Power Flicker Power ON-flicker Star-Delta Power One-shot Power One-cycle (with instantaneous contact) IMERS TIMERS SELECTOR SELECTOR CHART CHART Operation mode Model/Product Name Power ON-delay Operation mode Model/Product Name Major uses For time control for short Major uses or long time PM4S Multi-range analog timer 1000h An affordable new series 1000h Features 100h timersFeatures 100h Power ON-delay 30h 30h Operation mode Operation mode 10h 10h 1h 1h me range 30mTime range 30m 7A 7A 10m 10m 5A 5m 5m odel model has variousCurrent ol has variousCurrent Each Control 5A 5A 2m ges. See the timeoutput ranges. thecontrol for short 2m ut ForSee time Major uses Major uses 1m 1m 3A 3A ists before product listsorbefore ve) (resistive) long time 30s 4 time30s . ordering. 10s 10s ranges 250Voltage V AC 1000h Voltage 1000h selectable 5s 5s 100h 100h 1s 1s 30h 30h 0.1s 0.1s 10h 10h Mounting method Mounting method 0.01s 0.01s 1h 1h me range 30mTime range 30m 10m 10m 5m odel has various Each5m model has various Terminal block, cap 2m 2m ges. See the time ranges. See the Mounting parts Mounting parts 1m lists before 1m ists before product 30s 30s 4 time . Model/Product Name ordering. Model/Product Name 100 to 120 V AC, 10s 10s ranges selectable 5s 5s 200 to 240 V AC, Rated operating voltage voltage 1s Rated operating 1s 12 V DC 0.1s PM4S 0.1s 24 V DC 0.01s Multi-range analog timer 0.01s PM4H-A PM4S Multi-range analog timer For time control for short or long time Pulse ON-delay 16 time ranges are selectable. Pulse Flicker An to affordable newrange) seriesis 1s 500h (Max. Pulse ON-Flicker timers controlled. Power ON-delay (1)(2) Differential ON/OFF-delay 8 operation modes available. Signal OFF-delay Pulse One-shot Pulse One-cycle 3 4 time 250 V AC ranges selectable 6 MODEmethod Mounting 2 COM 7A COM POWER 8 11 11 COM 7A 5A ol Control 5A 5A Current nal layouts andCurrent wiring diagrams Terminal layoutsT.D.and wiring INST. block, capdiagrams ut output Terminal Mounting parts Mounting3 parts 3 3A 3A ve) (resistive) 4 4 (-) 34 3 2 2 MODE 7 8 1 (-) (+) 8 6 9 7 10 e acy 1% fluctuation (power offOperation time change attime the range of 0.1s to 1h) 2% NC NC Temperature errorTime (at 20C ambientTemperature error temp. NOat the range of -10 NOto +50C) 1%4 5 Voltage error accuracy(at the operating Voltage error 3 6 85 to 110%) voltage changes between MODE 2 7 5%1 error Setting error Setting 8 COM COM ms Min. power 100 off time POWER (+) (-) 107 diagrams Min. Life (Min. layoutsT.D.andMechanical nal layouts andMechanical wiring diagrams Terminal wiring INST. on) 105 4 Electrical operation) 4 3Electrical 3 Min. power off time Pin type 2% NC 2% Stop input (at 20C ambient temp. at the range of -10 to +50C) NO NON.C. N.C. N.O. 2 COM 8 2 5% 8 11 11 COM COM 100 ms (+) (+) (-) 7 7 2 x1010 T.D. INST. 5 Screw terminal type 3 10 3 4 4 (-) Operating voltage POWER COM 3 4 2 N.C. N.O. 10 1 4 5 2 input 2 COM 8 11 11 7 10 COM Operating voltage POWER (-) (-) UL/c-UL, CE (+)(+) UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD T.D. INST. 13type P. 17 Screw terminal 3 4 1 7 4 8 9 1 11 1 2 3 4 1 Operating voltage (-) 3 5 input UL/c-UL, CE UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD 13 P. 17 For time control for short For self holding circuit or long time 250 V AC 500h Timed-out 2 Form C 16 time ranges are selectable. 16 time ranges are selectable. 1s to 500h (Max. range) is 0.3% 1s to 500h (Max. range) is controlled. controlled in one 2%unit. 8 operation modes available. 0.5% Timed-out Timed-out 1 Form C 16 time ranges are selectable. Instantaneous 2 Form 1CForm C 1s to 500h (Max. range) is 16 time ranges are selectable. controlled in 0.3% one unit. 1s to 500h (Max. range) is 5 operation modes (with controlled in one 2%unit. instantaneous contact) available. 0.5% 5% 100 ms 5A 7 PM4H-M PM4H-S 10 timer Multi-range2 xanalog 5 10 16 time ranges are selectable. 16 time ranges are selectable. Pin type 1s totype 500h (Max. range) is Pin 16 time ranges are selectable. V AC 1s to 500h 250 (Max. range) is input (Max. range) is 1s toReset500h controlled. Start input N.C. controlled in one unit. N.C. N.C. Stop input N.C. N.O. N.O. 8 operation modes 5 6available. N.O. 7 N.O. 4 5 3 2 6 7 4 3 2 1 81 11 8 9 10 16 time ranges are selectable. 250 V unit. AC controlled in one 1s to 500h (Max. range) is 5 operationN.C. modes (with controlled in one unit. N.C. N.O. instantaneous contact) N.O. 4 5 6 available. 3 2 Operating Operatingvoltage voltage(+) (-) (+) 5A 7 1 8 4 time 5A (+) PM4H-F8/-F8R/-F11R PM4H-SD/SDM OFF-delay Star-Delta timer timer PM4H-W PM4H-W Analog Analog multi-range multi-range PM4H-F8/-F8R/-F11R cyclic twin timer timer twin timer OFF-delaycyclic timertwin For all usescyclic of power OFF-delay Multiple time ranges are selectable. Power-OFF delay of max. Power OFF-start cyclic10 Power OFF-delay Power OFF-start cyclic OFF-start cyclic min.Power is controlled. For all uses of power For SD motor start-up OFF-delay 4 time ranges are selectable. Multiple time ranges are 2s to 100s (Max. range) is selectable. controlled in one unit. Power-OFF delay of max. 10 Power Star-Delta OFF-delay 5 time ranges selectable for Operation mode min. is controlled. Operation mode theOperation - switching times. mode 10min 10min CR oscillation counting timer 3 time For allMajor uses uses of3A power 100s Major uses For SDuses motor start-up ranges Major OFF-delay Timed-out 1 Form C side:ranges Timed-out 1 Form A side: Timed-out 1 Form Timed-out 1 Form C A 16 time are selectable. Features Instantaneous 1 Form C 4 time ranges are selectable. 4 time ranges are selectable. Instantaneous: 1 Formis A Instantaneous: 1 Form [F8R type] 1s to 500h (Max. range) Multiple time ranges are A 2s to 100s (Max. range) is 2s to 100s (Max. range) is Features controlled in 0.3% one unit. selectable. 0.3% controlled in one unit. controlled in one unit. Features 5 operation modes (with Power-OFF delay of max. 10 5 time ranges2% selectable for 5 time ranges2% selectable for instantaneous contact) min. is controlled. the - switching times. the switching 0.5% times. 7A available. 0.5% Control 5A Current 5% 5% 7A output 7A 3A 500 100 ms 500--ms (resistive) Control 5A Current 5A PM4H-SD/SDM PM4H-M 5A 7 PM4H-F8/-F8R/-F11R PM4H-SD/SDM 7 7 Control output 5A x 10 timer 2Current x 1010 Star-Delta Multi-range2timer analog OFF-delay Star-Delta timer timer 3A Voltage output 3A5 (resistive) 5 10 3A 16 time ranges10are selectable. (resistive) 4 time ranges are selectable. 4 time ranges are selectable. 1s totype 500h (Max. range) is Multiple are Pin Pin typetime ranges Voltage 2s toinstantaneous 100s (Max. range) is 2s toinstantaneous 100s (Max. range) is No No contact 250 V unit. AC contact 250 V AC controlled in one selectable. Voltage Mounting method controlled in one unit. controlled in one unit. N.C. N.C. 5 operationN.C. modes (with Power-OFF delay of max. 10 N.C. 5 time ranges selectable for 5 time ranges selectable for N.O. N.O. N.O. instantaneous contact) min.N.O. is controlled. 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 Mounting method the - switching times. the - 3switching 6 times. 6 6 3 6 3 3 available. Mounting method 7 7 7 2 2 7 2 Mounting 1 8parts 8 Operating voltagevoltage Operating (-) 5A 1 8 Operating voltage Operating voltage (+) 5A (-) Reset input 2% N.C. N.C. N.O. 56 7 N.O. N.O. 4 5 0.5% 3 4 6 8 Start input N.C. Stop input N.C. N.O. 3 2% 4 5 0.5% 6 3 9 100 ms 2 x 107 Screw terminal 105 type (+) PinN.C.type N.O. 6 7 8 9 10 N.C. N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 11 10 N.C. N.O. 2 3 4 Start input N.C. 1 2 3 4 Stop input N.C. N.O. 5 11 N.O. 4 55 N.O. 3 2 100 ms (+) 2 x 107 Screw terminal 105 type (-) Operating Operating voltage voltage Pin type N.C. N.O. N.O. 66 N.C. 77 88 99 11 N.C. 22 33 44 N.O. N.C. N.O. N.C. 10 10 Operating Operatingvoltage voltage(+) (+) (-) UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD P. 17type Screw terminal N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 10 N.C. N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 11 10 N.C. N.O. 1 2 3 4 5 11 1 2 3 4 5 Stop input Reset input Start input N.O. (+) 4 5 Operating 3 voltage (-) (-) 2 (-) 1 8 55 (+) 6 7 77 88 99 11 22 33 44 10 10 N.O. N.C. N.O. N.C. (+) N.C. N.O. 3 2 With instantaneous contact Pin type N.C. N.O. No instantaneous N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 10 contact 4 5 11 6 3 4 5 7 2 4 15 48 5 Operating 6 3 6 3 Operating voltage voltage (-) 7 2 2 7 1 81 8 6 6 30.5% 7 7 2 5% 1 8 1 8 Operating voltagevoltage Operating (-) N.O. With instantaneous contact 3 2 55 1 (+) 7 8 9 10 3 6 4 7 11 2 4 5 1 8 selectable.250 V AC N.C. N.C. Power-OFF delay of max. 10 N.O. min.N.O. is controlled. 4 5 6 3 Terminal block, cap, panel 7 2 gasket, cover, rubber 1 8 mounting frame Operatingcap, voltage Terminal(-) block, panel (+) 100 to 240 AC Terminal block, cap,Vpanel cover, rubber gasket, 48 to 125V DC, 24 V AC/DC 3A type Screw terminal cover, rubber gasket, mounting mounting frame 12 V DC frame mounting frame 100 to 240 V AC (other models) to 120 V10VAC, 48N.C.toN.O.100 125V DC, 24 V 100 ACAC/DC N.C. N.O. 6 250 7to 8240 V9 AC to 240 V11 AC, 12DC, V DC 48 to 200 125VTimed-out 24 V AC/DC 1 2 2 Form 3 4 5C (other models) 12 V DC, 24 V DC, 24 12 DC V AC Reset input (otherp0.3% models) Operating (-) (+) voltage Timed-out Timed-out 2 Form C p2% 2 Form C Timed-out Timed-out 1 Form C p0.5%C 2 Form [F8R type] UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD p0.3% p5% Terminal block, cap, panel 0.3% P. 25 mounting p2% cover, rubberp0.3% gasket, 300 ms 2% p2% 7 p0.5% frame 2 s 10 p0.5% p5% 100 to0.5% 120 105 V AC, 200 to5% 240msV AC, 3 p5% Pin type 300 12 V DC, 24 -- V DC, 24 V AC 300 ms7 2 s 10 (other models) 7 N.C.10 5 7 2 s 10 N.C. N.O. N.O. Timed-out Form C 42 55 5 Pin type 6 3101 Form Timed-out C N.O. N.C. N.O. 5 Operating Operating voltage voltage (-) 7 8 9 2 3 4 4 5 1 8 6 7 10 N.C. N.O. 11 5 N.C. N.O. N.C. N.C. N.O. -- 10 Screw terminal 10 type Operating 5 voltage (-) N.C. N.O. 6 7 3 Reset input Operating voltage voltage (-) (+) Operating 8 9 10 N.C. N.O. 11 Pin type 1 77 2 88 3 99 4 10 5 N.O. N.C.N.O. N.C. N.C.N.O. N.O. 66 10 N.C. UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD 11 11 P. 29 N.C. N.O. With instantaneous contact 3 2 (+) 4 5 32% 6 N.C. N.O.N.O. Screw terminal 5 type N.O. 244 5 7 6 30.5% 3 1 86 Operating voltage 2 7 (+) 2 (-) 5% N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 7 1 1 8 898 10 N.C. (+) Operating voltage 1 0.3% 11 Operating voltage (+) 2 3 voltage 4 5 Operating voltage Page (-) standards (+) UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD Available P. 25 23type Page Screw Pin type terminal N.C. N.O. 6 7 2 Pin type [F8R1type] 8 1 (+) Operating 11 22 33 44 55 voltage (-) N.C. 4 5Reset input Operating Operating 6 3 (+) voltage voltage (-)(-) (+) 7 2 UL/CSA, 1CE,8 LLOYD N.O. N.O. Operating P.CE, 29voltage (-) (+) UL/CSA, LLOYD P. 25 29 Screw terminal type N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 10 N.C. N.O. 11 Operating (+) voltage 5 3 Reset input (-) UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD P. 17 P. 17 P. 23 17 P. 25 23 P. 25 3 6 Multiple ranges Pin typetime 250 V AC are (-) Operating 1 8 (+) UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD P. 23 17type Pin Screw type terminal N.C. N.O. 6 4 5 11 N.C. 6 4 5 7 2 4 154 8 5Reset input Operating 6 3 3 6 voltage voltage (-) (+) Operating 2 2 7 7 8 Available 1standards 5A 5% 5A -- PM4H-F8/-F8R/-F11R 5A 107 OFF-delay250 timer V5 AC 3A 10 Screw (-)terminal7 type(+) With instantaneous contact Pin type N.C. N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 standards 7 8 9 10 contact No instantaneous Available 3 Page 1 2 3 16 time ranges are selectable. 1 Form 1s toTimed-out 500h (Max. range)Cis 16 time ranges are selectable. [F8R type] Multiple time are controlled in ranges one unit. 16 time ranges arerange) selectable. 1s to 500h (Max. is selectable. 0.3% 1s to 500h (Max. range) controlled indelay one unit. Power-OFF of max.is10 2%unit. controlled in one min. is controlled. 0.5% N.C. N.C. N.O. OFF-delay timer Timed-out 2 Form C N.O. N.C. 54 5 4 16 time ranges 16 time 10min selectable 16 time ranges ranges Terminal block, cap, panel selectable 3 time selectable cover, rubber gasket, mounting ranges frame selectable 100 10sto 120 V AC, 0.04min 200 to 240 V AC, 0.1s 3 time ranges selectable 12 V DC, 24 V DC, 24 V AC 0.1s 0.04s (other models)0.1s PM4H-F8/-F8R/-F11R N.C. N.C. Operating voltage Operating voltage 500 100 ms (+) Terminal layouts 500 --ms and Wiring diagrams Operating voltage (-) (+) 7 7 2 x 107 x 1010 Terminal layouts and2Wiring diagrams 5 5 Pin Screw type terminal Screw Pin type terminal 10 type 10 type 11 11 Operating voltage (-) (-) 10s250 V AC 500h 500h 0.04min 500h 3 time ranges selectable 0.04s (-) (-) (+) (+) 0.3% Terminal layouts and2% Wiring diagrams N.O. N.O. N.C. 7 2 7 1 85% 1 8 1 N.C. 2 3 N.O. UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD P. 17type Screw terminal N.C. N.O. N.O. 66 N.C. 4 No instantaneous contact Operating voltagevoltage Operating N.C. Operating Operating voltage voltage 2% 54 5 0.5% 6 3 6 N.C. N.O. 11 11 N.C. 5 Stop input N.C. N.O. 6 Reset N.O. 7 input 8 Start input 9 Operating 3 4 6 (+) voltage (-) 3 Operating 2 2 7 10 (+) voltage (-) 1 81 11 Operating (+) voltage (-) Operating (+) voltage (-) N.C. 25% 7 1 8 Operating Operatingvoltage voltage(+) Reset input1 0.3% N.C. N.O. 7 10 25% 2 1 81 11 (-) (-) No instantaneous contact 0.3% CR oscillation oscillation counting counting timer timer CR For repetitive ON/OFF repetitive ON/OFF For all uses of3A power 3 time operation For repetitive ON/OFF ranges operation OFF-delay selectable operation selectable Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel Mounting parts 3Avoltage Screwrubber terminal typemounting cover, Screwrubber terminal typemounting cover, Pin Screw type terminal typemounting Rated Screw PinMounting type terminal typemounting cover, gasket, gasket, rubber gasket, cover, rubber gasket, operating parts With instantaneous contact frame With instantaneous contact frame frame frame N.C. N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 10 100 to7 240 V1110 AC,N.C. N.O. 100 to77 240 V1010 AC,N.C. 100 to 240 V AC, 100 to 120 V10 AC,N.C. N.O. N.O. N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 250 7 8 V9 AC N.C. N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 250 N.O. 66 250 8V 9AC N.C. N.O. 6 250 N.C. 8 V9AC 88 V99AC 100 to7 240 V10 AC,N.C. N.O. RatedN.C.operating 100 to 240 V11 AC, voltage 5 2411V AC/DC, 5 V 1 2 DC, 3 4 24 5 V AC/DC, 48 to 125V 48 to 125V DC, 241111V AC/DC, 48 to 125V4DC, 200 to4 240 AC, 11 Arrangement 6 6 3 24 V AC 3 2 3V Rated operating 1 24 4AC 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Stop 11 22 33 44 55 12 V DC input 12 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC, 24 Vvoltage DC, 24 V AC 7 7 2 2 (other models) (other models) Reset 8 8 Reset input 1 models) 1 models) (other models) (other models) (other (other input Operating Operating Operating Operating Operation time fluctuation Start (-) voltage voltage voltage (+) Operating voltage (+) voltage (-) (+) Operating (-) (-) (+) voltage (-) input Operating side: Timed-out 1 Form ATime Arrangement side: Timed-out 1 Form Timed-out 2 Form C A Temperature error (+) voltage (-) Timed-out Timed-out Timed-out 1 Form C Timed-out 1 Form C side: Timed-out 1 Form A side: Timed-out 1 Form Timed-out 1 Form C A Voltage error 2 Form C Instantaneous 2 Form 1CForm C Instantaneous 1 Form Caccuracy Arrangement Instantaneous: Form A Instantaneous: 1LLOYD Form A [F8RCE, type] UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD UL/CSA, CE, LLOYD UL/CSA, CE, 1LLOYD UL/CSA, Operation time fluctuation Setting Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, error panel 0.3% 0.3% 17 mounting cover, rubber0.3% P.gasket, 17 mounting cover, rubber0.3% P.gasket, 23 17 mounting P.gasket, 25 23 Operation time fluctuation Temperature error Time cover, cover, rubberP.gasket, Min. rubber power off time mounting 2% 2% 2% 2% error accuracy error Voltage frame frame frame frame Temperature Time Mechanical Life (Min. 0.5% error Setting 100 to0.5% 240 V AC, 100 to0.5% 240 V AC, 100 to0.5% 240 V AC, accuracy 100 toVoltage 120 Verror AC, operation) 100 to 240 V AC, 100 to Electrical 240 V AC, 48 to 125V DC, 48 to 125V DC, 48 to 125V DC, 24 V AC/DC, 200 toSetting 240 V AC, 5%24 V AC/DC, 5%24 V AC/DC, 5% Min. power off 3 245% V AC 24 Vtime ACerror 12 DC 12 DC 12 DC 12 V DC, 24 V ms DC, 24 V AC 100V ms 100V ms 500 100Vmodels) ms 500 -- Mechanical off time (other (other models) Life (Min. Min. power (other models) (other models) (other models) (other models) 7 7 operation) 2 x 107 2 x 107 2 x 107 2Mechanical x 1010 Electrical LifeA(Min. side: side: Timed-out 1 Form Timed-out 1 Form Timed-out 2 Form C A Timed-out Timed-out Timed-out Timed-out Coperation) 105 1015 Form C 1015 Form 1015 Form Electrical side: Timed-out 1 Form A side: Timed-out 1 Form Timed-out C A 2 Form C Instantaneous 2 Form 1CForm C Instantaneous 1 Form C 1 Form A 1 Form A Pin type Pin type PinInstantaneous: type PinInstantaneous: type [F8R type] 0.3% 0.04min 3 time ranges selectable 0.04s 250 V AC ranges 2 1 81 Operating Operating voltage voltage 10s Power OFF-delay 5A 100s For SD self motor holdingstart-up circuit 500h 5% 100 ms PM4H-S PM4H-A 5A 7 10 timer Multi-range2 xanalog 105 (-) N.C. N.O. 10 T.D: Timed-out 2 FormStop C input INST: Timed-out 1 Form C, instantaneous 1Reset Form C input Start * Selected by front switch (+) AvailableUL/c-UL, standardsCE Page P. 13 3 Operating (+) voltage (-) T.D: Timed-out 2 Form C INST: Timed-out 1 Form C, instantaneous 1 Form C * Selected by front switch Page 9 11 N.C. N.O. 6 Available standards 8 T.D: Timed-out C NC Start input NC 2 FormStop StopTimed-out input input N.C. INST: NO N.C. 1 Form C,NO 6 Reset 57 N.O. 54 1 N.O. instantaneous Form C input 34 8 6 Start MODE by front switch * Selected 3 9 POWER 3 7 Reset input1 (-) CE (+) Available standards AvailableUL/c-UL, standards nal layoutsPage and wiring diagrams Terminal layoutsT.D. and P. wiring INST. 13 diagrams Page 1 N.O. 9 7 10 1 7 1 1% 3 2 1 T.D: Timed-out NC 2 Form C NC INST: Timed-out NO 1 Form C,NO 5 4 instantaneous 1 Form C 3 6 MODE by front switch * Selected NC 54 6 57 0.5% 34 8 85 to 110%) 6 (at the operating voltage changes between MODE PinN.C.type N.O. 6 1 4 1% 0.3% (powerReset off time input change at the range of 0.1s to 1h) Start input Forranges SD self motor holding circuit 16 time arestart-up selectable. 4 time ranges are selectable. Power ON-delay 1s to 500h (Max. range) is 2s to 100s (Max. range) is controlledPower in oneFlicker unit. controlled in one unit. Power ON-flicker 5 operation modes (with Star-Delta 5 time ranges selectable for Power One-shot instantaneous contact) the - switching times. Power One-cycle available. (with instantaneous contact) 3 time ranges selectable Power Star-Delta OFF-delay Model/Product Model/ProductName Name 4selectable time 1000h 10s250 V AC ranges 1000h 100h 1000h selectable 100h 0.04min 30h 100h 30h 3 time ranges selectable 10h 0.2s 0.2s 30h 1h 10h 0.1s 0.1s 0.04s 10h Time range 30m 1h 1h 10m Time range 30m 30m 5m EachTime modelrange has 10m 10min 16 time 16 time 10m 2m various timehas ranges. 5m Each model ranges 5m Each model has 1m Terminal block, cap, panelranges Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap, panel See thetime product lists 2m selectable selectable various ranges. 3mounting time2m 30s various time ranges. cover, rubber gasket, mounting cover, rubber gasket, mounting cover, rubber gasket, 100s mounting cover, rubber gasket, 100s before ordering. 1m See the product lists ranges1m 10s See theordering. product frame frame frame framelists 30s before 4 time 4selectable time30s 5s before ordering. 100 10s 100 to 240 V AC, 100 to 240 V AC, 100 to 240 V AC, ranges 10sto 120 V AC, ranges10s 1s 100 to 240 V AC, 100 to 240 V AC, 5s selectable 0.04min 48 to 125V DC, 24 V AC/DC, 48 to 125V DC, 24 V AC/DC, 48 to 125V DC, 24 Vselectable AC/DC, 200 to 240 V AC, 0.1s 5s 24 V AC 24 V AC 1s 3 time ranges selectable 12 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC, 24 V DC, 24 V0.01s AC 1s (other models) (other models) 0.2s 0.2s 0.1s 0.04s (other models) 0.01s PM4H-S PM4H-A(other models) 0.1s PM4H-M PM4H-S(other models) 0.1s PM4H-SD/SDM PM4H-M(other models) PM4H-F8/-F8R/-F11R PM4H-SD/SDM 0.1s Multi-range analog timer Multi-range analog timer Star-Delta Multi-range timer analog1 Form timerA OFF-delay Star-Delta timer timer side: Timed-out side: Timed-out 1 Form A Timed-out 2 Form C0.01s 250 V AC (-) (-) (+) (+) Terminal block, cap, panel T.D.block, cap INST. Terminal Screw terminal typemounting cover, rubber gasket, 3 3 4 4 frame N.C. N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 10 100 to 120 V AC, 120 100 to 240 V AC, 11 1 1 1 250Voltage V AC 1 Voltage 250 V AC 1 to 2 DC, 3 4 24 200 to 240 V AC, 200 240 V5 VAC, 48 to 125V AC/DC, Timed-outvoltage 2 Form C T.D: Timed-out 2 FormStop C Rated operating voltage Rated T.D: operating 12 V 1DC 12 V 1DC input INST: Timed-out Form C, INST: Timed-out Form C, instantaneous instantaneous Form C 24 V DC1 Form C 24 Vmodels) DC1Reset (other input Start * Selectedmethod by front switch * Selected by front switch Mounting method Mounting Operating T.D: Timed-out 2 Form C Selected (+)T.D: Timed-out 2 Form Cinput Selected voltage (-)Timed-out INST:Arrangement Timed-out 1 Form C, by front INST: Timed-out 1 Form C, by front Arrangement 2 Form C instantaneous 1 FormCE C switch instantaneous 1CE, FormLLOYD C switch UL/c-UL, UL/c-UL, CE Available standards Available standards UL/CSA, Terminal block, cap, panel 1% 1% Terminal block, cap Terminal cap Operation time fluctuation (power time fluctuation 0.3% P. 13 Page Page offOperation time change at13 the range of 0.1s to 1h) (power off time block, change at17 the range of 0.1s to 1h) Mounting parts Mounting parts cover, rubberP.gasket, mounting 2% 2% Temperature errorTime (at 20C ambientTemperature temp. at the range oferror -10 to +50C) (at 20C ambient temp.2% at the range of -10 to +50C) e frame 1% 1% acy Voltage error accuracy(at the operating Voltage error changesVbetween changesVbetween 100voltage to 120 AC, 85 to 110%) (at the operating 120 100voltage to0.5% 240 AC, 85 to 110%) 200 toSetting 240 Verror AC, 200 toDC, 24024V VAC, 48 to 125V AC/DC, 5% Setting error 5% Rated operating voltage Rated operating voltage DC 12 DC 100 ms Min. power off time Min. power12 offVtime 100V ms 24 V 7DC 24 Vmodels) DC (other 7 7 10 Mechanical Life (Min. Mechanical 2 x1010 Min. T.D: Timed-out 2 Form C Selected T.D: Timed-out 2 Form C Selected 5 5 Timed-out on) Electrical operation)INST:Arrangement Timed-outElectrical 110Form C, by front INST: Timed-out 110Form C, by front Arrangement 2 Form C instantaneous 1 Form C switch instantaneous 1 Form C switch Pin type Pin type Operation time fluctuation For time control for short or long time COM Operating voltage POWER (-) 5A For time control for short Forranges self holding circuit 16 time or long time are selectable. Power ON-delay 1s to 500h (Max. range) is 16 time ranges are selectable. controlledPower in oneFlicker unit. 1s to 500h (Max. range) is500h Power ON-flicker 5 operation modes (with Power ON-delay controlled in one unit. Power One-shot instantaneous contact) Power One-cycle available. (with instantaneous contact) 16 time 16 time 5A CR oscillation ranges counting timer 5A CR oscillation ranges counting timer 5A selectable selectable 5A For time control for short or long time Terminal block, cap, panel Terminal block, cap cover, rubber gasket, mounting frame 4 time 120 V AC, 100 to 240 ranges selectable 200 toDC, 24024V VAC, 48 to 125V AC/DC, 12 V DC 24 Vmodels) DC PM4H-A PM4S (other T.D: Timed-out 2 Form C Selected Multi-range T.D: Timed-out 2analog Form C timer Selected Timed-out INST:Arrangement Timed-out 1 Form C, by front INST: Timed-out 1 Form C, by front Arrangement 2 Form C instantaneous 1 Form C switch C switch 16instantaneous time ranges1 Form are selectable. 1% 1% An affordable new series An to affordable new seriesis 1s 500h (Max. range) Operation fluctuation 0.3% time change attime the range of 0.1s to 1h) (power off time change at the range of 0.1s to 1h) Features time fluctuation (power offOperation Features timers timers controlled. 2% 2% Temperature errorTime (at 20C ambientTemperature temp. at the range oferror -10 to +50C) (at 20C ambient temp.2% at the range of -10 to +50C) e 8 operation modes available. 1% 1% Nameerror accuracyModel/Product Nameerror85 to 110%) (at the operating voltage0.5% acyModel/Product Voltage Voltage (at the operating voltage changes between changes between 85 to 110%) 5% error Setting error Setting 5% 7A Min. power 100 7A ms Min. power off time off time 100 ms 5A7 7 5A PM4S PM4H-A PM4S ol Control 5A Current Current 107 1010 Mechanical Life Mechanical Min. (Min. timer5A Multi-range2 xanalog timer ut output Multi-range analog 5 5 on) operation) 10 10 Electrical Electrical 3A 3A ve) (resistive) 16 time ranges are selectable. Pin type Pin type 250new V AC Voltage Voltage V AC An affordable series An to affordable new seriesis 1s 500h 250 (Max. range) Reset input Features Features timers timersStart input NC controlled. NC NC NC Stop input NO NO NO NON.C. N.C. 8 operation modes available. 5 4 N.O. 54 6 57 N.O. Mounting method PM4H-S PM4H-A PM4H-M PM4H-Stimer PM4H-SD/SDM PM4H-M CR oscillation counting CR oscillation counting timer Multi-range analog timer Multi-range analog timer Star-Delta Multi-rangetimer analog timer For time control for short or long time Pulse ON-delay 16 time ranges are selectable. Pulse Flicker 16 time ranges are selectable. 1s to 500h (Max. range) is Pulse ON-Flicker 1s to 500h (Max. range) is500h controlled. Power ON-delay Differential (1)(2) controlled inON/OFF-delay one unit. 8 operation modes available. Signal OFF-delay Pulse One-shot Pulse One-cycle 10min 3 General Information Timers TIMerS SeLeCTOr CHArT el/Product Name Model/Product Name PM5S-A Multi-range S1DX Timeranalog timer S1DX Timer For highly Major accurate uses time setting 1000h 1000h 100h 100h 30h 30h 10h 10h 60min 3h 1h 1h 30min Time range 30m 30m 10min 10m 10m 5mEach model has 3min 0.1h5m 2mvarious time ranges. 3min 2m 60s 1mSee the product lists 1m 1min 30s 30sbefore ordering. 30s 0.5min 10s 10s 10s 0.1min 5s 3s 5s 5s 1s 3s 1s 1s 0.5s 1s 0.5s 0.1s 0.1s 0.1s 0.1s 0.2s 0.05s 0.01s 0.01s ge s nges. t lists . With a large transparent dial. This timer canFeatures be attached both on the DIN rails and panel. Features 7A 7A Current Voltage operating voltage 60min 3h 30min 10min 3min 60s 30s 10s 0.5s 1s 3s 0.1s 0.1s 0.05s 5A Current 4 Form C type 5s 0.2s 0.5s 5A 3A Power ON-delay CR CRoscillation oscillationcounting countingtimer timer CR oscillation counting timer ForFor time selfranges holdingselection circuit For time ranges selection 500h 500h 10h 1h 16 time ranges selectable 16 time ranges selectable 1min 0.5min 0.1min 3min 1.0s 0.1s 0.1s 0.1s 16 time ranges are selectable. 16 16time timeranges rangesare areselectable. selectable. 1s 16totime 500h ranges (Max.are range) selectable. is controlled 1s 1stoto500h 500h(Max. (Max.range) range)isiscontrolled controlled. in1sone to 500h unit. (Max. range) is controlled in6 one operation unit. modes available. 6inoperation one unit. modes (with instantaneous contact) available. 3s 0.5s 0.05s 30s 30s 3s 2 Form C type 5A 5A 30min 30min 30h 10h 1h 1.5h 3min 1min 1.5min 10s 9s 1.0s 3s 4 time0.1s ranges selectable 30min 10min 10min 16 time ranges 3min 9min 3minselectable 9s 1.5s 0.15s 30h 3h 1min 1.5 min 30s 1min 10s 3s 30min 10min 10min 16 time ranges selectable 3s 0.5s 0.05s 30s 30s 3s 3h 3min 9min 1min 3min 1.5 1.5min min 30s 9s 1.5s 0.15s 1.5h 30min 30min 9s 3s 4 time ranges selectable 16 time ranges are selectable. A multitimer is provided with the front 1s to 500h (Max. range) is controlled operation slide switch by using the in one unit. special C-MOSIC inside pulse 6 operation modes (with oscillation counting method. instantaneous contact) available. A multitimer is provided with the front operation slide switch by using the special C-MOSIC inside pulse oscillation counting method. 7A 7A 7A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 250 250VVAC AC 250 250VVAC AC 250 250VVAC AC 250 V AC Terminal Terminalblock, block,socket, cap, panel cap,cover, mounting frame, rubberprotective gasket, mounting cover frame Terminal block, socket, cap, mounting frame, protective cover 4 Form C type 250 250VVAC AC Terminal block, cap block, mounting Mounting parts frame, fitting sockets, protective cover Terminal Terminal block, block, cap, cap block, panel cover, mounting Terminal Terminalblock, block,cap, cap,panel panelcover, cover, rubber frame, gasket, fitting sockets, mounting protective frame cover rubber rubbergasket, gasket,mounting mountingframe frame Terminal Terminalblock, block,cap, cap,panel panelcover, cover, rubber rubbergasket, gasket,mounting mountingframe frame 100 to 120 V AC, 200 to 220 V AC, 12 V DC, 24 V DC, Rated operating voltage 48 V DC, 100 to 110 V DC (other models) 100 to 120 V AC, 200 to 220 V AC, 12 V DC, 24 V DC, 24 to 240V AC/DC 48 V DC, 100 to 110 V DC (other models) 24 24toto240V 240VAC/DC AC/DC 24 24toto240V 240VAC/DC AC/DC 100 to 120 V AC, 200 to 240 V AC 12 V DC, 24 V DC, 24 to 240V AC/DC 48 V DC, 100 to 110 V DC (other models) 100 to 120 V AC, 200 to 240 V AC 12 V DC, 24 V DC, 48 V DC, 100 to 110 V DC (other models) Timed-out 2 Form C Arrangement Timed-out 4 Form C Timed-out Timed-out 2 Form C Timed-out 2 Form4 C Form C Timed-out Timed-out 22Form FormCC Timed-out Timed-out 1 Form C Instantaneous 2 Form1CForm C Timed-out 1 Form C Timed-out 2 Form C Instantaneous 1 Form C Timed-out 2 Form C p0.3% p1% p2% p5% p0.5% p1% p10% p10% 100 100ms ms 7 7 2 s1010 p0.3% p0.3% p2% p2% p0.5% p0.5% p10% p10% 100 100ms ms p0.3% p0.3% p2% p2% p0.5% p0.5% p10% p10% 100 100ms ms p0.5% p0.3% p5% p2% p0.5% p0.5% p10% p10% 100 100ms ms p0.5% p5% p0.5% p10% 100 ms 22ss10 1077 10 1055 22ss10 1077 10 1055 52ss10 1077 5 5 2 s1010 5 s 107 2 s 105 Operation time fluctuation Operation p1% time fluctuation Temperature error Temperature error p5% Time accuracy Voltage error Voltage error p1% Setting error Setting error p10% power off time Min. power 100 off mstime 7 Mechanical 10Mechanical Life (Min. Electrical (resistive) operation) 2Electrical s 105 (resistive) lable standards 0.1h 500h PMH Timer Pulse ON-delay Pulse Flicker Pulse ON-flicker Power Signal OFF-delay ON-delay Pulse One-shot Pulse One-cycle (with instantaneous contact) Mounting method Arrangement ring diagrams 1s 3min 16 With time a large ranges transparent are selectable. dial. 1s This to timer 500h can (Max. berange) attached is controlled. both on 6the operation DIN railsmodes and panel. available. 250 V AC Voltage unting method ounting parts 500h 7A 5A Control 2 Form C output 3A (resistive) type PM5S-M PMH Multi-range Timer analog timer Pulse Pulse ON-delay PowerON-delay ON-delay Pulse Pulse Flicker PowerFlicker flicker Pulse Pulse ON-Flicker PowerON-Flicker One-shot Power ON-delay Signal OFF-delay Signal OFF-delay Power One-cycle Pulse One-shot Pulse One-shot Pulse One-cycle Pulse One-cycle Output with contact CR oscillation counting CR timer oscillation counting timer CR oscillation counting CR oscillation timer counting timer For time control for short For Fortime timecontrol controlfor forshort short For time control for short For highly accurate time setting For self holding circuit or long time ororlong longtime time or long time Output with contact CR oscillation counting timer Major uses PM5S-M PM5S-S Multi-range Multi-rangeanalog analogtimer timer Pulse ON-delay Pulse Flicker Pulse ON-flicker Signal PowerOFF-delay ON-delay Pulse One-shot Pulse One-cycle (with instantaneous contact) Power ON-delay Power flicker Power One-shot Operation mode Power One-cycle peration mode PM5S-S PM5S-A Multi-range Multi-rangeanalog analogtimer timer Timed-out 2 Form C type 2 10 s 5105 Timed-out 2 Form C type 1 4 1 5 8 5 8 9 13 12 14 9 13 12 14 Operating voltage 4 NC Operating voltage Wiring diagrams Timed-out 4 Form C type NO Timed-out 4 Form C type 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 12 14 9 13 9 13 10 11 Operating voltage Available UL/CSA,standards CE, LLOYD 10 11 COM () NO NC 3 2 4 5 1 8 NO 6 7 COM Operating voltage NC COM () () NO NC 3 2 4 5 1 8 6 7 COM Operating voltage () 12 14 Operating voltage UL/CSA, UL/C-UL CE, LLOYD UL/C-UL UL/C-UL UL/C-UL UL/C-UL UL/CSA, UL/C-UL LLOYD UL/CSA, LLOYD 7 General Information Timers TIMer-reLATeD TerMInOLOGy * what is a timer? The timer is a relay having such an output (with or without contact) which electrically closes (turns ON) or opens (turns OFF) the circuit after a preset time elapses when electrical or mechanical input is given. * On-delay Operation (Time delay operation) The on-delay operation is an operation to give output when preset time expires after a predetermined input is given to the power supply circuit or input circuit. On-delay operation includes power supply on-delay operation and signal ondelay operation. Example of power supply on-delay operation OFF Output signal (Time delay contact) (In time delay ON operation) OFF Operating time * Off-delay Operation (Time delay resetting) The off-delay operation is an operation to turn OFF output when preset time expires after a predetermined input is given to the power supply circuit or input circuit, and at the same time output signal is given and predetermined input is turned OFF. Off-delay operation includes power supply off-delay operation and signal off-delay operation. Example of power supply off-delay operation ON OFF Power supply (In time delay operation) ON Operating time * Flicker Operation The flicker operation is an operation to repeat output ON/OFF action according to preset ON time and OFF time while a predetermined input is given to the power supply circuit or input circuit. Flicker operation includes OFF-start flicker operation and ON-start flicker operation. Example of OFF-start flicker operation t < t1 ON Power supply or signal OFF ON ON OFF Output signal (Time delay contact) t1 t2 t1 OFF t2 t t1 : Output OFF time t2 : Output ON time 8 OFF Power supply sible to expect the normal operation. Therefore, be sure to set the timer pause time longer than the specified reset time. Power application time (Input signal application time) Pause time Power supply (Input signal) Time delay contact ON OFF Star side contact Internal mechanism Internal circuit ON OFF Delta side contact t1 t1 : t2 : t3 : t2 t3 Star operation time - Star/Delta switching time Delta operation time * Operating Time The operating time means the time which elapses between the addition of predetermined input to the power supply circuit and input circuit and the completion of operation for preset time. * Hold Time It means the time which elapses between the completion of operation for preset time and the start of resetting. * Pause Time It means the time elapses between the start of operation for preset time and the addition of input required again for the power supply circuit or input circuit. Timer does not perform normal function unless this pause time is set longer than the timer reset time. * resetting It means that the operation returns to the state before starting while the timer is in operation for preset time or after it completes the operation for preset time. Resetting during the operation for preset time is referred to as halfway resetting. OFF Output signal (Time delay contact) ON * Preset Time The preset time is the control time set by setting time-variable timer. ON Power supply * Star ( )/Delta (g) Operation T h i s operation controls the time in the star connection used for star-delta starting which is conducted for starting a cage induction motor and the time for switching the star connection over to delta connection. * reset Time It means the time elapses between shutoff of input to the power supply circuit or input of reset signal and the completion of resetting. Timer resetting function shares the reset of contact, reset of mechanical parts such as pointer etc., reset of parts in internal circuit such as capacitor etc., and the value at which all of these parts complete their resetting operation is regarded as reset time. If timer is used for a pause time shorter than specified reset time, the operation time expires earlier than preset, unexpected instantaneous operation takes place or the operation is failed, thus making it impos- Operating time Reset time Hold time * Minimum Power Application Time It means the minimum time during which power must be supplied in order to operate timer normally, in the case of power supply off-delay timer. * Fluctuation of Operating Time It means the irregularity in operating time caused when timer is set at specified time and the operation is repeated under the same conditions. It is also referred to as repetitive error. * voltage error It means the difference between the operating time at the rated voltage and that within the allowable voltage range. * Temperature error It means the difference between the operating time at the temperature of 202C and that within the allowable temperature range. * Set error It means the difference between the set time and the time which actually elapses. It is also referred to as setting error. The set error of an analog timer is the rate to the full-scale value. If the set error is 5%, it becomes equivalent to an error of maximum 5 hours on the assumption that 100 hours is set in the range of 100 hours. The error produced when 10 hours is set is also equivalent to an error of maximum 5 hours. As far as the set error is concerned, digital timer is by far exact. Select a digital timer for the case when accuracy is required. When using an analog type multi-range timer for setting of long time, the setting procedure stated as follows minimizes the error. For example, if you want to set 8 hours in the range of 10 hours, first set the pointer to such a graduation where the actual operating time should become as close to 8 seconds as possible in the range of 10 seconds. Then, reset the range to 10 hours, leaving the pointer set at the graduation as it is. * Pause Time error It means the difference between the operating time to a fixed pause time and the operating time to a pause time that varies. The pause time characteristics are the main characteristics of CR timer (timer exploiting charge and discharge of capacitor C and resistance R). If the oscillation count timer (timer which comprises an oscillation circuit composed of CR and quartz and is operated by a counting circuit inside IC or micro-computer which counts the reference signal) is used, the pause time error becomes almost negligible owing to its principles of operation. Accordingly, the description about these characteristics may be omitted for the oscillation count timer. * equation for each error and Measurement Conditions The operation time shall be measured, in principle, for retention time of 0.5 second and halt time of 1 second. The measurement shall be repeated five times except for the initial test. The equation for each error and the measurement conditions are shown in the table below: Measurement conditions Supply voltage Item Equation (1) Fluctuation in operation time 1 Tmax. - Tmin. --x--------------x100 (%) 2 TMs Rated voltage (2) Voltage error TMx1 - TM ------------x100 (%) TMs Fluctuation range of allowable voltage of power supply (Note 3) (3) Temperature error TMx2 - TM ------------x100 (%) TMs (4) Set error TM - Ts ------------x100 (%) TMs 1/3 or more of full-scale value TMx3 - TM ------------x100 (%) TMs Full-scale value (5) Pause time error TM: Ts: TMs: Tmax: Tmin: TMx1: TMx2: TMx3: Set value Ts (Note 1) Full-scale value Ambient temperature 202C 6836F (Note 2) -10 to 50C +14 to 122F (Note 4) Rated voltage 202C 6836F (Note 2) Note 1: For digital timers, the set value Ts shall be optional. Note 2: If no question arises from evaluation results, 13-35C is acceptable. Note 3: The measurement may be performed in other specified voltage ranges. Note 4: The measurement may be performed in other specified temperature ranges. Average of measured values for operation time Set value Full-scale value. For digital timers, any arbitrary scale-value may be used. Maximum of measured values for operation time Minimum of measured values for operation time Average of operation time at such voltage as maximizes deviation from TM in allowable voltage range. Average of operation time at such temperature as maximizes deviation from TM in allowable temperature range. Average of operation time at such pause time (in the range from the specified reset time to 1 hour) as maximizes deviation from TM. * Functional vibration resistance Means such a vibration as occurs in the range where the contact closed with that vibration during the use of the timer remains closed for the specified time (3 or 1 msec.) minimum. * Destructive vibration resistance Means such a vibration as occurs in the range where no part is damage with that vibration during the transportation or use of the timer and the operation characteristics are maintained. * Functional Shock resistance Means such a shock as occurs in the range where the contact closed with that shock during the use of the timer remains closed for the specified time (1 ms) minimum. * Destructive Shock resistance Means such a shock as occurs in the range where no part is damaged with that shock during the transportation or use of the timer and the operation characteristics are maintained. * Mechanical life Means the durability that is achieved when the control output is performed in the no-load state. * electrical life Means the durability that is achieved when the specified voltage and current loads are individually applied to the control output while being turned ON and OFF. Generally, the life of the timer is represented by the number of times the control output is performed. When a load is connected to the control output, the term of electrical life" is used. When no load is connected to the control output, the term of mechanical life" is used. The electrical life is shorter than the mechanical life, and becomes longer as the load decreases. The life of the timer is made longer by connecting a relay or a similar part rather than directly switching a large load with the control output. * rated power consumption Means the power that is consumed when the rated operation voltage is applied to the power circuit. (Rated power consumption = rated voltagexcurrent consumption) * rated control capacity Means the reference value that is used to determine the performance of the switching part of the load. This value is represented by the combination of voltage and current. * Contact resistance Means the combined resistance that consists of the contact resistance between contacts, and the conductor resistance of pins and contact springs. * Insulation resistance Means the resistance between a contact or a conductive pin like the pin to which the operation voltage is applied, and a dead pin or a non-conductive metallic part like the time case, the base, or a retaining screw; or the resistance between contacts. * withstand voltage Means the limit value that does not cause breakdown when high voltage is applied for one minute to the same location as measured for insulation resistance. The detectable leak current is normally 10 mA. In special cases, however, it may be 1mA or 3 mA. * withstand surge voltage Means the limit value that shows the durability against momentary abnormal voltage resulting from lightning or switching a conductive load. The surge waveform is represented by the standard impulsive voltage waveform at (1.2x50) s or (1x40) s. 9 General Information Timers TIMer-reLATeD TerMInOLOGy General Information Timers On-DeLAy TIMer BASIC CIrCuIT (Symbols) Self-resetting switch Relay NO contact Holding switch Relay NC contact R Relay Timer delay NO contact T Timer Timer delay NC contact L Load Timer instantaneous NO contact Timer in work Timer instantaneous NC contact 4. Fixed Time Operation (Continuous input) When switch A is closed, load L is turned ON and after t-time elapses, the load is turned OFF. When switch A is opened, timer T is reset and load L is turned OFF. A 1. Delay Operation (Instantaneous input) When control switch A is pressed, timer T starts immediately and after t-time elapses, load L is turned ON. When B is pressed, timer T is reset and load L is turned OFF. R T R T B L B A T T T (In the case of timer w/instantaneous contact) ON OFF A ON OFF B ON t OFF T ON ON t ON A 5. Delay reset Operation When contact A is reversed, load L is immediately turned ON. When contact A is returned to normal state, load L is turned OFF after t-time elapses. This circuit is used when the power supply is kept ON at all times or used for offdelay-like application. However, it can not be used as off-delay timer at the time of power failure. R ON OFF T ON OFF L 3. Fixed Time Operation (Instantaneous input) When control switch A is pressed, load L is immediately turned ON, and after ttime elapses, load L is turned OFF. A A R T R T T L 10 OFF t OFF R2 T1 R2 T2 T1 T2 R2 ON ON OFF A R T1 T2 L R T1 T2 ON T1 T2 R1 t A A L OFF T1 T2 OFF t1 ON OFF T1 L OFF ON A 6. Fixed Time Operation after Delay Time is Set (Instantaneous input) When control switch A is pressed, load L is turned ON after t1-time elapses, and load L is turned OFF after t2-time elapses. This circuit is used for the case of instantaneous input (one pulse). T1 ON 8. repetitive Operation When switch A is pressed, load L is turned ON after t1-time elapses and load L is turned OFF after t2-time elapses, and thereafter the t1 and t2 operations are repeated. This repetitive operation stops when switch A is turned OFF. ON A (In the case of timer w/instantaneous contact) OFF R T ON A L ON L L T T T L T2 R1 L OFF ON t2 T L ON T1 A T t R ON t1 OFF L A A ON OFF T T L OFF A 2. Delay Operation (Continuous input) When switch A is pressed, after t-time elapsed, the timer contact closes and load L is turned ON. When switch A is opened, the timer is reset and the load is turned OFF. A T2 ON OFF L T2 T1 L T T L T1 A T A 7. Fixed Time Operation after Delay Time is Set (Continuous input) When switch A is pressed, load L is turned ON after t1-time elapses and load L is turned OFF after t2-time elapses. T2 L (In the case of timer w/instantaneous contact) t2 ON OFF T1 T2 L OFF t1 t1 t2 t2 ON ON OFF OFF General Information Timers GenerAL APPLICATIOn GuIDeLIneS Cautions for circuits 1. Protective circuit for timer contact In the circuit that switches an inductive load, a contact failure may occur at a contact point due to surge or inrush current resulting from that switching. Therefore, it is recommended that the following protective circuit be used to protect the contact point. Application AC DC (see note.) Available r c Diode Available Available If the load is a relay or solenoid, the release time lengthens. Effective when connected to both contacts if the power supply voltage is 24 or 48 V and the voltage across the load is 100 to 200 V. Features/Notes Device Selection If the load is a timer, leakage current flows through the CR circuit causing faulty operation. -- Note: If used with AC voltage, be sure the impedance of the load is sufficiently smaller than that of the c and r. As a guide in selecting r and c, c: 0.5 to 1 mF per 1 A contact current r: 0.5 to 1 W per 1 V contact voltage Values vary depending on the properties of the load and variations in timer characteristics. Capacitor c acts to suppress the discharge the moment the contacts open. Resistor r acts to limit the current when the power is turned on the next time. Test to confirm. Use a capacitor with a breakdown voltage of 200 to 300 V. Use AC type capacitors (non-polarized) for AC circuits. 2. Type of Load and Inrush Current The type of load and its inrush current characteristics, together with the switching frequency are important factors which cause contact welding. Particularly for loads with inrush currents, measure the steady state current and inrush current and use a relay or magnet switch which provides an ample margin of safety. The table below shows the relationship between typical loads and their inrush currents. Inrush current Resistive load Steady state current Solenoid load 10 to 20 times the steady state current Motor load 5 to 10 times the steady state current Incandescent lamp load 10 to 15 times the steady state current Mercury lamp load 1 to 3 times the steady state current Sodium vapor lamp load 1 to 3 times the steady state current Capacitive load 20 to 40 times the steady state current Transformer load 5 to 15 times the steady state current When you want large load and long life of the timer, do not control the load direct with a timer. When the timer is designed to use a relay or a magnet switch, you can acquire the longer life of the timer. 3. Connection of input The PM4H and LT4H series use power supply without a transformer (power and input terminals are not insulated). In connecting various kinds of input signals, therefore, use a power transformer in which the primary side is separated from the ungrounded secondary side as shown in Fig. A, for the power supply for a sensor and other input devices so that short-circuiting can be prevented. ZNR varistor Not available Available The diode connected in parallel causes the energy stored in the coil to flow to the coil in the form of current and dissipates it as joule heat at the resistance component of the inductive load. This circuit further delays the release time compared to the CR circuit. (2 to 5 times the release time listed in the catalog) Use a diode with a reverse breakdown voltage at least 10 times the circuit voltage and a forward current at least as large as the load current. In electronic circuits where the circuit voltages reverse breakdown voltage of about 2 to 3 times the power supply voltage. Available Available Using the rated voltage characteristics of the varistor, this circuit prevents excessively high voltages from being applied across the contacts. This circuit also slightly delays the release time. -- (1) When using contact output (Fig. A) Good example AC power supply Insulation transformer R (+) T R Input device (e.g., sensor) (-) R (-) T Timer (2) When using non-contact output (Fig. B) Bad example AC power supply R Insulation transformer (+) RT R Input device (e.g., sensor) (-) RT R (-) Type of load Inductive load c Varistor circuit Timer contact Inductive load r Diode circuit Timer contact Inductive load Circuit Inductive load CR circuit (r: resistor c: capacitor) Timer contact Timer contact T Timer AC power supply Single coil transformer (+) Input device (e.g., sensor) (-) (-) Timer Alternative current flow Do not use a single coil transformer (e.g., Sly-Duck). Otherwise, the internal circuit of the timer will be short-circuited as shown in Fig. B resulting in breakdown. 4. Long Continuous Current Flow Long continuous current flow through the timer (approx. one month or longer) cause generation of heat internally, which degrade the electronic parts. Use the timer in combination with a relay and avoid long continuous current flow through the timer. 5. Leakage current 1) For connecting and disconnecting operating voltage to the timer, a circuit should be used, which will prevent the flow of leakage current. For example, a circuit for contact protection as shown in Fig A. will permit leakage current flow through R and C, causing erroneous operation of the timer. Instead, the circuit shown in Fig. B should be used. (Fig. A) Leak current Operating voltage R C T Timer (Fig. B) R Operating voltage T C Timer 11 2) If the timer is directly switched with a non-contact element, leak current may flow into the timer and cause it to malfunction. 6. Power off time If the operation voltage for the timer is turned ON after the limit time operation is completed or before the limit time is reached, the Power off time longer than the timer restoration time must be secured. 7. Suicide circuit If the timer is restored immediately after the specified time is reached, the circuit must be configured so that the restoration time of the timer can be secured sufficiently. If the power circuit for the timer is turned OFF with the timer contact, a suicide circuit may be configured (Fig. A). In order to settle the problem with this potential suicide circuit, the circuit must be designed so that the timer is turned OFF after the self-retention circuit is completely released (Fig. B). Cautions for use (common for all models) 2) The following connection might result in short circuit between the heteropolar contacts in the timer. Rectification type Ripple percentage Single-phase, full-wave Approx. 48% Three-phase, full-wave Approx. 4% Three-phase, half-wave Approx. 17% Note: Refer to the ripple percentage of each timer. 3) Make sure that no induced voltage and residual voltage are applied between the power pins on the timer after the power switch is turned OFF. (If the power line is wired in parallel with the high-voltage and motor lines, induced voltage may be produced between the power pins.) 3. Control output 1) The load for the control output must be used within the load capacity specified in the rated control capacity. If it is used exceeding the rated value, the life is greatly shortened. 12 T R R A T T R (Fig. A) T (Fig. B) 8. electrical life The electrical life varies depending on the load type, the switching phase, and the ambient atmosphere. In particular, Bad example the following cases require careful attention: (1) If an AC load is switched in synchronized phases: Locking or welding is liable to occur due to contact transposition. Check this with the actual system. (2)If a load is switched very frequently: If a load which generates arcs when a contact is switched is turned ON and OFF very frequently, nitrogen and oxygen in air are combined due to arc energy and then HNO3 is produced. This may corrode metallic materials. The effective countermeasures include: 1. Using an arc-extinguishing circuit; 2. Decreasing the switching frequency; and 3. Decreasing the humidity in the ambient atmosphere. * Single-pole, full-wave voltage for surge waveform [(1x40) s] 100 90 Good example Crest value (%) 1. Pin connections Correctly connect the pins while seeing the terminal layout/wiring diagram. In particular, the DC type, which has polarities, does not operate with the polarities connected reverse. Any incorrect connection can cause abnormal heating or ignition. 2. Connection to operation power supply 1) Supply voltage must be applied at a time through a switch, a relay, and other parts. If the voltage is applied gradually, the specified time may be reached regardless of its value or the power supply may not be reset. 2) The operation voltage for the DC type must be at the specified ripple percentage or less. The average voltage must fall within the allowable operation voltage range. R A L2 L1 L1 Crest value 50 30 0 L2 0 1 40 Time (ms) 4. Installing the timer 1) To install the timer, use the dedicated pin bracket or socket (cap). Avoid connecting the pins on the timer by directly soldering them. 2) In order to maintain the characteristics, do not remove the timer cover (case). 5. Superimposed surge of power supply For the superimposed surge of power supply, the standard waveform (1.2x50s or 1x40s) is taken as the standard value for surge-proof voltage. (The positive and negative voltages are applied each three or five times between the power pins.) For the standard values for the PM4H, LT4H and S1DX type timers, see the respective items in Cautions for use." * Single-pole, full-wave voltage for surge waveform [(1.2x50) s] 100 90 Crest value (%) General Information Timers GenerAL APPLICATIOn GuIDeLIneS Crest value 50 30 0 0 1.2 50 Time (ms) * PMH [(1x40) s] Voltage type Surge voltage AC type (Except for 24V AC) 4,000V 12V DC, 24V DC, 24V AC 500V 48V DC 1,000V 100 to 110V DC 2,000V If external surge occurs exceeding the specified value, the internal circuit may break down. In this case, use a surge absorption element. The typical surge absorption elements include a varistor, a capacitor, and a diode. If a surge absorption element is used, use an oscilloscope to see whether or not the foreign surge exceeding the specified value appears. 6. Changing the set time Do not change the set time when the limit time operation is in progress. However, this is possible only with the motor-driven type timer if the set time is shorter than the remaining time. For changing the set time on the digital timer (LT4H series), see the relevant item in Cautions for use." 7. Operating environment 1) Use the timer within the ambient temperature range from -10C to +50C +14F to +122F (+55C +131F for the LT4H series) and at ambient humidity of 85% RH maximum. 2) Avoid using the timer in a location where inflammable or corrosive gas is generated, the timer is exposed to much dust and other foreign matter water or oil is splashed on the timer or vibrations or shocks are given to the timer. 3) The timer cover (case), the knobs, and the dials are made of polycarbonated resin. Therefore, prevent the timer from being exposed to organic solvents such as methyl alcohol, benzine, and thinner, strong acid substances such as caustic soda, and ammonia and avoid using the timer in atmosphere containing any of those substances. 4) If the timer is used where noises are emitted frequently, separate the input signal elements (such as a sensor), the wiring for the input signal line, and the timer as far as possible from the noise source and the high power line containing noises. 8. Checking the actual load In order to increase the reliability in the actual use, check the quality of the timer in the actual usage. 9. Others 1) If the timer is used exceeding the ratings (operation voltage and control capacity), the contact life, or any other specified limit, abnormal heat, smoke, or ignition may occur. 2) If any malfunction of the timer is likely to affect human life and properties, give allowance to the rated values and performance values. In addition, take appropriate safety measures such as a duplex circuit from the viewpoint of product liabilities. 13 General Information Timers GenerAL APPLICATIOn GuIDeLIneS LT4H DIn 48 SIze DIGITAL TIMer LT4H uL File no.: e122222 C-uL File no.: e122222 Features * Bright and easy-to-read Display A brand new bright 2-color back light LCD display. The easy-to-read screen in any location makes checking and setting procedures a cinch. * Simple Operation Seesaw buttons make operating the unit even easier than before. * Short Body of only 64.5 mm 2.539 inch (screw terminal type) or 70.1 mm 2.760 inch (pin type) With a short body, it is easy to install in even narrow control panels. * Conforms to IP66's weather resistant Standards The water-proof panel keeps out water and dirt for reliable operation even in poor environments. 48 1.890 64.5 2.539 48 1.890 mm inch Pin type Screw terminal type * Screw terminal (M3.5) and Pin Types are Both Standard Options The two terminal types are standard options to support either front panel installation or embedded installation. * Changeable Panel Cover Also offers a black panel cover to meet your design considerations. * Compliant with uL, c-uL and Ce. Product types Time range Operating mode Output Operating voltage Power down insurance Terminal type 100 to 240 V AC LT4H8-AC240V 11 pins LT4H-AC240V Screw terminal Relay (1 c) 9.999 s (0.001 s~) 99.99 s (0.01 s~) 999.9 s (0.1 s~) 9999 s (1 s~) 99 min 59 s (1 s~) 999.9 min (0.1 min~) 99 h 59 min (1 min~) 999.9 h (0.1 h~) 24 V AC Power ON delay (1) Power ON delay (2) Signal ON delay Signal OFF delay Pulse One-shot Pulse ON-delay Signal Flicker Totalizing ON-delay (8 modes) LT4H8-AC24V 11 pins LT4H-AC24V LT4H-AC24VS 8 pins LT4H8-DC24V 11 pins LT4H-DC24V Screw terminal 100 to 240 V AC 24 V AC LT4H-DC24VS 8 pins LT4HT8-AC240V 11 pins LT4HT-AC240V Screw terminal Transistor (1 a) LT4H-AC240VS 8 pins Screw terminal 12 to 24 V DC Available Part number 8 pins LT4HT-AC240VS 8 pins LT4HT8-AC24V 11 pins LT4HT-AC24V Screw terminal LT4HT-AC24VS 8 pins LT4HT8-DC24V 11 pins LT4HT-DC24V 12 to 24 V DC Screw terminal LT4HT-DC24VS * A rubber gasket (ATC18002) and a mounting frame (AT8-DA4) are included. Part names Time delay indicator TIMer (Countdown time display) DIP switches Elapsed time display Controlled output indicator Reset indicator RESET Lock switch 3 4 5 6 7 8 Set time display OP. RST LOCK Lock indicator Reset switch 2 ON 1 h m UP Time units display Up keys LOCK LT4H s DOWN Down keys (Same for screw terminal type and 8-pin type) 14 LT4H Type Relay output type Transistor output type AC type AC/DC type DC type AC type AC/DC type DC type 100 to 240 V AC, 24 V AC, 100 to 240 V AC, 24 V AC, 12 to 24 V DC 12 to 24 V DC 24 V AC/DC 24 V AC/DC 50/60 Hz common -- 50/60 Hz common -- Max. 10 V A Max. 3 W Max. 10 V A Max. 3 W 5 A, 250 V AC (resistive load) 100 mA, 30 V DC 9.999 s, 99.99 s, 999.9 s, 9999 s, 99 min 59 s, 999.9 min, 99 h 59 min, 999.9 h (selected by DIP switch) Addition (UP)/Subtraction (DOWN) (2 directions selectable by DIP switch) A (Power ON delay 1), A2 (Power ON delay 2), B (Signal ON delay), C (Signal OFF delay), D (Pulse one-shot), E (Pulse ON delay), F (Signal Flicker), G (Totalizing ON delay) (selectable by DIP switch) Min. input signal width: 1 ms, 20 ms (2 directions by selected by DIP switch) (The 8-pin type does not have a stop input.) Min. input signal width: 20 ms (The 8-pin type does not have a lock input.) Open collector input Input impedance: Max. 1 kW; Residual voltage: Max. 2 V Open impedance: 100kW or less, Max. energized voltage: 40V DC 7-segment LCD (LT4H, LT4H-L common), Elapsed value (backlight red LED), Setting value (backlight yellow LED) Item Rated operating voltage Rated frequency Rated power consumption Rated control capacity Time range Time counting direction Rating Operation mode Start/Reset/Stop input Lock input Input signal Time accuracy (max.) Contact Life Indication Power failure memory method Operating time fluctuation Temperature error Voltage error Setting error Contact arrangement Contact resistance (Initial value) Contact material 5 Timed-out 1 Form C 100 mW (at 1 A 6 V DC) Ag alloy/Au flash Insulation resistance (Initial value) Mechanical Operating conditions Functional Destructive Functional Shock resistance Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Air pressure Ripple rate Vibration resistance Connection Protective construction ] Timed-out 1 Form A (Open collector) -- -- -- 1.0x10 ope. (At rated control voltage) Min. 10 ope. (At rated control voltage) 7 5 7 85 to 110 % of rated operating voltage 2,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between live and dead metal parts (11-pin) 2,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between live and dead metal parts (Pin type) 2,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between input and output 2,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between input and output 1,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between contacts Min. 100 MW: Between live and dead metal parts Between live and dead metal parts Between input and output (At 500V DC) Min. 100 MW: Between input and output (At 500V DC) Between contacts Operating voltage reset time Temperature rise Operating voltage: 85 to 110% Temperature: -10 to +55C +14 to +131F Min. input signal width: 1ms Min. 2x10 ope. (Except for switch operation parts) Electrical (contact) Breakdown voltage (Initial value) [ (0.005 % + 50 ms) in case of power on start (0.005 % + 20 ms) in case of input signal start Mechanical (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Electrical EEP-ROM (Min. 10 overwriting) Max. 0.5 s Max. 65 C -- (under the flow of nominal operating current at nominal voltage) 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/min single amplitude of 0.35 mm .014 inch (10 min on 3 axes) 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/min single amplitude of 0.75 mm .030 inch (1 h on 3 axes) Min. 98 m 321.522 ft./s (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 294 m 964.567 ft./s (5 times on 3 axes) -10 C to 55 C +14 F to +131 F Max. 85 % RH (non-condensing) 860 to 1,060 h Pa -- 20 % or less -- 20 % or less 8-pin/11-pin/screw terminal IP66 (front panel with rubber gasket) 2 2 Applicable standard Safety standard EN61812-1 (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air EN61000-4-3 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (signal line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) 15 Digital Timers Specifications LT4H Dimensions (units: mm inch) Tolerance: 1.0 .039 * LT4H digital timer Digital Timers Screw terminal type (Flush mount) 5.5 .217 M48 M1.890 Pin type (Flush mount/Surface mount) 64.5 2.539 5.5 .217 55.6 2.189 14.5 .571 TIMER OP. RST LOCK h m M44.5 M1.752 s M44.5 M1.752 UP RESET LOCK LT4H DOWN 7.5 .295 7.5 .295 * Dimensions for embedded installation (with adapter installed) Screw terminal type Pin type Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) Panel Mounting frame for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) TIMER 48 1.890 OP. RST LOCK h m 66 2.598 M44.5 M1.752 48 1.890 OP. RST LOCK UP RESET DOWN LT4H RESET Mounting frame 8-pin type for flush mount (8p cap AD8-RC AT8-DA4 (supplied) sold separately) 11-pin type (11p cap AT8-DP11 sold separately) TIMER 50 1.969 s Panel Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) LOCK h m 50 1.969 s 66 2.598 UP LOCK LT4H 48 1.890 1 .039 63.5 2.500 * Dimensions for front panel installations 48 1.890 90 3.543 * For connected installations The standard panel cut-out dimensions are shown below. Use the mounting frame (AT8-DA4) and rubber gasket (ATC18002). 45+0.6 0 45+0.6 0 1.772+.024 0 80 min. 3.150 1.772+.024 0 A A = (48 x n - 2.5) 45 1.772 +0.6 0 +.024 0 Device installation rail AT8-DLA1 (sold separately) ( 1 .039 * Installation panel cut-out dimensions DIN rail terminal block (8-pin type AT8-DF8K sold separately) (11-pin type AT8-DF11K sold separately) 95.5 (90.0) 3.760 (3.543) DOWN +0.6 0 Note) 1: The installation panel thickness should be between 1 and 5 mm .039 and .197 inch. Note) 2: For connected installations, the waterproofing ability between the unit and installation panel is lost. 80 min. 3.150 ) dimension is for 8-pin type. Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams * 8-pin type Relay output type Transistor output type N.C. Start Reset 3 2 4 5 1 8 - Reset 3 2 6 7 Operating voltage * Screw terminal type Relay output type + 16 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Operating voltage - 1 8 6 7 + 4 3 2 - 5 6 7 1 11 8 9 10 Operating voltage + Transistor output type N.C. N.O. Reset Start Stop Lock 4 3 2 - 5 6 7 1 11 8 9 10 Operating voltage + Transistor output type Reset Start Stop Lock N.O. 6 4 5 Operating voltage - + Reset Start Stop Lock Reset Start Stop Lock Start N.O. * 11-pin type Relay output type N.C. + 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Operating voltage - Note) For connecting the output leads of the transistor output type, refer to 5) Transistor output on page 26. LT4H Setting the operation mode, time range and time Setting procedure 1) Setting the operation mode and time range Set the operation mode and time range with the DIP switches on the side of the LT4H timer. Item DIP switch OFF ON 1 2 3 Operation mode Refer to table 1 *4 Minimum input reset, start, and stop signal width 20 ms DIP switch No. 1 2 3 ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF ON ON 1 ms 5 Time delay direction Addition Subtraction 6 7 Time range Refer to table 2 8 * The 8-pin type does not have the stop input, so that the dip switch can be changed over between reset and start inputs. The signal range of the lock input is fixed (minimum 20 ms). 3 4 5 6 7 8 A: Power on delay 1 A2: Power on delay 2 B: Signal on delay C: Signal off delay D: Pulse One shot E: Pulse On delay F: Signal Flicker G: Totalizing On delay DIP switch No. Time range 6 7 8 ON ON ON 0.001 s to 9.999 s OFF OFF OFF 0.01 s to 99.99 s ON OFF OFF 0.1 s to 999.9 s OFF ON OFF 1 s to 9999 s ON ON OFF 0 min 01 s to 99 min 59 s OFF OFF ON 0.1 min to 999.9 min ON OFF ON 0 h 01 min to 99 h 59 min OFF ON ON 0.1 h to 999.9 h Notes: 1) Set the DIP switches before installing the timer. 2) When the DIP SW setting is changed, turn off the power once. 3) The DIP switches are set as ON before shipping. ON 2 Operation mode Table 2: Setting the time range DIP switches 1 Digital Timers Table 1: Setting the operation mode DIP switches (Same for screw terminal type) Setting procedure 2) Setting the time Set the set time with the keys (UP and DOWN keys) on the front of the LT4H timer. Front display section Q Elapsed time display W Set time display E Time delay indicator R Controlled output indicator T Reset indicator Y Lock indicator U Time units display 3 TIMer 4 5 2 OP. RST LOCK h 6 10 11 I UP keys 1 RESET m 7 8 LOCK LT4H O DOWN keys s UP Changes the corresponding digit of the set time in the addition direction (upwards) 9 DOWN Changes the corresponding digit of the set time in the subtraction direction (downwards) P RESET switch Resets the elapsed time and the output { LOCK switch Locks the operation of all keys on the unit * Changing the set time 1. It is possible to change the set time with the up and down keys even during time delay with the timer. However, be aware of the following points. 1) If the set time is changed to less than the elapsed time with the time delay set to the addition direction, time delay will continue until the elapsed time reaches full scale, returns to zero, and then reaches the new set time. If the set time is changed to a time above the elapsed time, the time delay will continue until the elapsed time reaches the new set time. 2) If the time delay is set to the subtraction direction, time delay will continue until "0" regardless of the new set time. 2. If the set time is changed to "0," the unit will operate differently depending on the operation mode. 1) If the operation mode is set to A (power on delay 1) or A2 (power on delay 2), the output will turn on when the power supply is turned on. However, the output will be off while reset is being input. 2) In the other modes, the output turns on when the start is input. When the operation mode is C (signal off delay), D (Pulse one shot), or F (Signal flicker), only when the start input is on does the output turn on. Also, when the reset is being input, the output is off. * Power failure memory The eePrOM is used for power failure memory. It has a life of Min. 105 over-writings. The eePrOM is overwriting with the following timing. Output mode Power ON delay (2) A2 Addition G Other modes Overwrite timing When power is OFF Change of preset value or start, reset input When power is OFF after being ON When power is OFF after changing preset value * Be aware that the contents of EEPROM for all modes will be overwritten when power is turned OFF during input to external lock terminals R to E and 7 to 6 . Such an action does not exist by doing lock operation from the front. 17 LT4H Operation mode Digital Timers Operation type Power on delay (1) A Power on delay (2) A2 Signal on delay B Signal off delay C Notes: 18 T: Set time t1, t2, t3, ta<T Explanation * Set the operation mode 1 2 3 section of the DIP switches ON ON ON (no.'s 1, 2, and 3) on the side of the timer as shown. * Clears elapsed time value and starts time delay at power ON. * After timer completion, stops at the display of the set value (addition), or stops at "0" (subtraction). * Ignores start input. * Stops delay time operation at stop ON. Restarts delay time operation at stop OFF. * Set the operation mode 1 2 3 section of the DIP switches OFF OFF OFF (no.'s 1, 2, and 3) on the side of the timer as shown. * Elapsed time value does not clear at power ON. (power outage countermeasure function) * The output remains ON even after the power is cut and restarted. * After timer completion, stops at the display of the set value (addition), or stops at "0" (subtraction). * Ignores start input. * Stops delay time operation at stop ON. Restarts delay time operation at stop OFF. * Set the operation mode 1 2 3 section of the DIP switches ON OFF OFF (no.'s 1, 2, and 3) on the side of the timer as shown. * Clears elapsed time value at power ON. * Time delay starts at start ON and elapsed time value or output resets at start OFF. * Instantaneous time delay start at reset OFF and power ON while start is ON. * Stops delay time operation at stop ON. Restarts delay time operation at stop OFF. * In order to have the time delay start at power ON or reset at power OFF, short out the start input beforehand. * Set the operation mode 1 2 3 section of the DIP switches OFF ON OFF (no.'s 1, 2, and 3) on the side of the timer as shown. * Clears elapsed time value at power ON. * Output control ON at start ON and time delay start at start OFF. * Elapsed time value clears when start goes ON again during time delay. * Stops delay time operation at stop ON. Restarts delay time operation at stop OFF. Time chart Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Stop ON OFF Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Stop ON OFF Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Stop ON OFF Start ON OFF Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Stop ON OFF Start ON OFF T t2 t1 T t1 T t1+t2=T t2 t1+t2=T t2 t1 T>ta+tb T t1+t2=T T>t ta tb t 1) Each signal input (start, reset, stop, and lock) is applied by shorting their input terminal to the common terminal (terminal Q for the 8-pin type, terminal E for the 11-pin type, and terminal for the screw terminal type). 2) The 8-pin type does not have a stop input or lock input. LT4H Pulse One-shot D Pulse On delay E Signal Flicker F Totalizing On delay G Notes: Explanation * Set the operation mode 1 2 3 section of the DIP switches ON ON OFF (no.'s 1, 2, and 3) on the side of the timer as shown. * Clears elapsed time value at power ON. * Time delay starts and output control ON at start ON. * Turns output control OFF and clears elapsed time value at time-up. * Ignores start input during time delay. * Stops delay time operation at stop ON. Restarts delay time operation at stop OFF. * In order to have the time delay start at power ON or reset at power OFF, short out the start input beforehand. * Set the operation mode 1 2 3 section of the DIP switches OFF OFF ON (no.'s 1, 2, and 3) on the side of the timer as shown. * Clears elapsed time value at power ON. * Time delay starts at start ON. * Ignores start input during time delay. * Stops delay time operation at stop ON. Restarts delay time operation at stop OFF. * In order to have the time delay start at power ON or reset at power OFF, short out the start input beforehand. * Set the operation mode 1 2 3 section of the DIP switches ON OFF ON (no.'s 1, 2, and 3) on the side of the timer as shown. * Clears elapsed time value at power ON. * Time delay starts at start ON. * Ignores start input during time delay. * Output control reverses, elapsed time value clears, and timer delay starts at timer completion. * Stops delay time operation at stop ON. Restarts delay time operation at stop OFF. * In order to have the time delay start at power ON or reset at power OFF, short out the start input beforehand. * Set the operation mode 1 2 3 section of the DIP switches OFF ON ON (no.'s 1, 2, and 3) on the side of the timer as shown. * Elapsed time value does not clear at power ON. (power outage countermeasure function) * The output remains ON even after the power is off and restarted. * Stops delay time operation at stop ON. Restarts delay time operation at stop OFF. Time chart Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Stop ON OFF Start ON OFF Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Stop ON OFF Start ON OFF Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Stop ON OFF Start ON OFF Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Stop ON OFF Start ON OFF T=t1+t2 T>ta T Digital Timers Operation type t1 T ta t2 t T=t1+t2 T t1 t2 T=t1+t2 T T t1 t2 ta t1 t2 T T=t1+t2 T>ta T T=t1+t2+t3 T T t1 t2 T>ta t3 ta 1) Each signal input (start, reset, stop, and lock) is applied by shorting their input terminal to the common terminal (terminal Q for the 8-pin type, terminal E for the 11-pin type, and ter- 6 minal 6 for the screw terminal type). 2) The 8-pin type does not have a stop input or lock input. 19 LT4H-w Digital Timers DIn 48 SIze DIGITAL TIMer LT4H-w uL File no.: e122222 C-uL File no.: e122222 Features 48 1.890 48 1.890 64.5 2.539 mm inch 8-pin type 11-pin type Screw terminal type * Conforms to IP66's weather resistant Standards The water-proof panel keeps out water and dirt for reliable operation even in poor environments. * Screw terminal (M3.5) and Pin Types are Both Standard Options The two terminal types are standard options to support either front panel installation or embedded installation. * Changeable Panel Cover Also offers a black panel cover to meet your design considerations. * Compliant with uL, c-uL and Ce. * wide time range The operation time range covers from 0.01 sec. to 9999 hours. The individual setting can be performed on each of 1 and 2 timers. 99.99s 99min59s 99h59min 999.9s 999.9min 999.9h 9999s 9999h * Bright and easy-to-read Display A brand new bright 2-color back light LCD display. The easy-to-read screen in any location makes checking and setting procedures a cinch. * Simple Operation Seesaw buttons make operating the unit even easier than before. * Short Body of only 64.5 mm 2.539 inch (screw terminal type) or 70.1 mm 2.760 inch (pin type) With a short body, it is easy to install in even narrow control panels. Product types Time range Operating mode Output Operating voltage Power down insurance 100 to 240 V AC Terminal type LT4HW8-AC240V 11 pins LT4HW-AC240V Screw terminal Relay (1 c) 99.99s 999.9s 9999s 99min59s 999.9min 99h59min 999.9h 9999h 24 V AC Pulse input: * Delayed one shot * OFF-start flicker * ON-start flicker 12 to 24 V DC 100 to 240 V AC LT4HW8-AC24V 11 pins LT4HW-AC24V Screw terminal LT4HW-AC24VS 8 pins LT4HW8-DC24V 11 pins LT4HW-DC24V 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC LT4HWT8-AC240V 11 pins LT4HWT-AC240V LT4HWT8-AC24V 11 pins LT4HWT-AC24V Screw terminal LT4HWT-AC24VS 8 pins LT4HWT8-DC24V 11 pins LT4HWT-DC24V * A rubber gasket (ATC18002) and a mounting frame (AT8-DA4) are included. Part names Controlled output indicator Lock indicator Reset switch Set/Lock switch Elapsed time display T1 T2 T1 OP. T2 LOCK 1 h m 4 5 6 7 8 Time units display Up keys Down keys DOWN Fourth digit 20 3 s SET/LOCK LT4H-w 2 Set time display UP RESET DIP switches (Subtraction elapsed time display) ON Display for change-over between T1/T2 settings TIMer First digit LT4HWT-AC240VS 8 pins Screw terminal T1/T2 Operation display LT4HW-DC24VS 8 pins Screw terminal Transistor (1 a) LT4HW-AC240VS 8 pins Screw terminal Available Integrating input: * Delayed one shot * OFF-start flicker * ON-start flicker Part number 8 pins (Same for 8-pin and screw terminal type) LT4HWT-DC24VS LT4H-w Type Relay output type Transistor output type AC type DC type AC type DC type 100 to 240 V AC, 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC 100 to 240V AC, 24V AC 12 to 24 V DC 50/60 Hz common -- 50/60 Hz common -- Max. 10 V A Max. 3 W Max. 10 V A Max. 3 W 5 A, 250 V AC 100 mA, 30 V DC 99.99s, 999.9s, 9999s, 99min59s, 999.9min, 99h59min, 999.9h, 9999h (selected by DIP switch) Addition (UP)/Subtraction (DOWN) (2 directions selectable by DIP switch) Pulse input: Delayed one shot, OFF-start flicker or ON-start flicker Integrating input: Delayed one shot, OFF-start flicker or ON-start flicker Min. input signal width: 1 ms, 20 ms (2 directions by selected by DIP switch) (The 8 pin type does not have a stop input.) Min. input signal width: 20 ms (The 8-pin type does not have a lock input.) Open collector input Input impedance: Max. 1 kW; Residual voltage: Max. 2V Open impedance: 100 kW or less, Max. energized voltage: 40 V DC 7-segment LCD, Elapsed value (backlight red LED), Setting value (backlight yellow LED) Item Rated operating voltage Rated frequency Rated power consumption Rated control capacity Time range Time counting direction Rating Operation mode Start/Reset/Stop input Lock input Input signal Time accuracy (max.) Contact Life Indication Power failure memory method Operating time fluctuation Temperature error Voltage error Setting error Contact arrangement Contact resistance (Initial value) Contact material EEP-ROM (Min. 10 overwriting) 5 Timed-out 1 Form C 100 mW (at 1 A 6 V DC) Ag alloy/Au flash Mechanical (contact) Min. 2x10 ope. (Except for switch operation parts) -- Min. 10 ope. (At rated control voltage) Min. 10 ope. (At rated control voltage) 5 Insulation resistance (Initial value) Operating voltage reset time Mechanical Operating conditions Functional Destructive Functional Shock resistance Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Air pressure Ripple rate Vibration resistance Connection Protective construction 7 85 to 110 % of rated operating voltage 2,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between live and dead metal parts (11-pin type only) 2,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between live and dead metal parts (Pin type only) 2,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between input and output 2,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between input and output 1,000 Vrms for 1 min: Between contacts Min. 100 MW: Between live and dead metal parts Between live and dead metal parts Between input and output (At 500V DC) Min. 100 MW: Between input and output (At 500V DC) Between contacts Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Temperature rise ] Timed-out 1 Form A (Open collector) -- -- 7 Electrical (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Electrical [ Operating voltage: 85% to 110% Temperature: -10C to +55C +14F to +131F Min. input signal width: 1ms (0.005% + 50 ms) in case of power on start (0.005% + 20 ms) in case of input signal start Max. 0.5 s Max 65 C -- (under the flow of nominal operating current at nominal voltage) 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/ min single amplitude of 0.35 mm .014 inch (10 min on 3 axes) 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/ min single amplitude of 0.75 mm .030 inch (1 h on 3 axes) Min. 98 m 321.522 ft./s (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 294 m 964.567 ft./s (5 times on 3 axes) -10 C to 55 C +14 F to +131 F Max. 85 % RH (non-condensing) 860 to 1,060 h Pa -- 20 % or less -- 20 % or less 8-pin/11-pin/screw terminal IP66 (front panel with rubber gasket) 2 2 Applicable standard Safety standard EN61812-1 (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (signal line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) EN61000-4-3 21 Digital Timers Specifications LT4H-w Dimensions (units: mm inch) Tolerance: 1.0 .039 * LT4H-w digital timer Digital Timers Screw terminal type (Flush mount) 5.5 .217 48 1.890 Pin type (Flush mount/Surface mount) 64.5 2.539 5.5 .217 55.6 2.189 14.5 .571 TIMER T1 T2 T1 OP. T2 LOCK h m 44.5 1.752 44.5 1.752 s UP RESET SET/LOCK LT4H-W DOWN 7.5 .295 7.5 .295 * Dimensions for flush mount (with adapter installed) Screw terminal type Panel Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) Pin type Mounting frame for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) Panel Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) TIMER Mounting frame for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) 8-pin type (8p cap AD8-RC sold separately) 11-pin type (11p cap AT8-DP11 sold separately) TIMER T1 T1 T2 T2 T1 48 1.890 (Same for 8-pin type) 50 1.969 OP. T2 LOCK h RESET m s 44.5 1.752 66 2.598 T1 48 1.890 T2 LOCK UP RESET DOWN LT4H-W SET/LOCK 50 1.969 OP. h m s 66 2.598 UP SET/LOCK LT4H-W 1 48 1.890 63.5 2.500 1 48 1.890 * Dimensions for front panel installations * Installation panel cut-out dimensions 45 +0.6 0 1.772 Device installation rail AT8-DLA1 (sold separately) * For connected installations +0.6 45 0 +.024 1.772 0 80min. 3.150min. +.024 0 A When n timers are continuously installed, the dimension (A) is calculated according to the following formula (n: the number of the timers to be installed): +0.6 +.024 A=(48 x n - 2.5) 0 A=(1.890 x n - .098) 0 +0.6 0 +.024 0 45 1.772 80min. 3.150min. ( 90 3.543 The standard panel cut-out dimensions are shown below. Use the mounting frame (AT8-DA4) and rubber gasket (ATC18002). DIN rail terminal block (8-pin type AT8-DF8K sold separately) (11-pin type AT8-DF11K sold separately) 95.5 (90.0) 3.760 (3.543) DOWN Note) 1: The installation panel thickness should be between 1 and 5 mm .039 and .197 inch. Note) 2: For connected installations, the waterproofing ability between the unit and installation panel is lost. ) dimension is for 8-pin type. Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams * 8-Pin type Relay output type Transistor output type N.C. Start Reset 3 2 (-) 1 8 3 2 6 7 Operating voltage (-) (+) * Screw terminal type Relay output type Reset Start Stop Lock + 22 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Operating voltage - 4 5 1 8 6 7 Operating voltage (+) 4 3 2 - 5 6 7 1 11 8 9 10 Operating voltage + N.C. N.O. Transistor output type Reset Start Stop Lock 4 3 2 - 5 6 7 1 11 8 9 10 Operating voltage + Transistor output type Reset Start Stop Lock N.O. 6 Reset Start Stop Lock Start Reset N.O. 4 5 * 11-Pin type Relay output type N.C. + 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Operating voltage - Note) For connecting the output leads of the transistor output type, refer to 5) Transistor output on page 26. LT4H-w Setting the operation mode and time range Setting procedure 1) Setting the time range (Timer T1/Timer T2) Set the time range with the DIP switches on the side of the LT4H-W timer. DIP switch OFF ON 1 2 3 Time range (Timer T1) Refer to table 1 *4 Minimum input reset, start, and stop signal width 20 ms Table 1: Setting the time range (Timer T1) DIP switch No. 1 2 3 ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF ON ON 1 ms 5 Time delay direction Addition Subtraction 6 Time range 7 Refer to table 2 (Timer T2) 8 * The 8-pin type does not have the stop input, so that the dip switch can be changed over between reset and start inputs. The signal range of the lock input is fixed (minimum 20 ms). 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON 2 (same for screw terminal type and 8-pin type.) Setting procedure 2) Setting the operation mode Set the operation mode with the keys on the front of the LT4H-W timer. Q Elapsed time display W Set time display E T1/T2 operation indicator R T1/T2 setting value selectable indicator T Controlled output indicator Y Lock indicator U Time units display 3 TIMer T1 T2 4 2 T1 OP. T2 LOCK 5 6 10 11 1 h m s 7 UP RESET 8 SET/LOCK 9 LT4H-w DOWN Fourth digit First digit Time range 0.01 s to 99.99 s 0.1 s to 999.9 s 1 s to 9999 s 0 min 01 s to 99 min 59 s 0.1 min to 999.9 min 0 h 01 min to 99 h 59 min 0.1 h to 999.9 h 1 h to 9999 h Table 2: Setting the time range (Timer T2) DIP switches 1 Digital Timers Item DIP switch No. Time range 6 7 8 ON ON ON 0.01 s to 99.99 s OFF OFF OFF 0.1 s to 999.9 s ON OFF OFF 1 s to 9999 s OFF ON OFF 0 min 01 s to 99 min 59 s ON ON OFF 0.1 min to 999.9 min OFF OFF ON 0 h 01 min to 99 h 59 min ON OFF ON 0.1 h to 999.9 h OFF ON ON 1 h to 9999 h Notes: 1) Set the DIP switches before installing the timer. 2) When the DIP SW setting is changed, turn off the power once. 3) The DIP switches are set as ON before shipping. I UP keys Changes the corresponding digit of the set time in the addition direction (upwards) O DOWN keys Changes the corresponding digit of the set time in the subtraction direction (downwards) P RESET switch Resets the elapsed time and the output { SET/LOCK switch Changes over the display between T1/T2 settings, sets the operation mode, checks the operation mode and locks the operation of each key (such as up, down or reset key). 1) Setting or changing the operation mode Ex: Setting operation mode display (1) When the UP or DOWN key at the first digit is pressed with the SET/LOCK (PULSE-A example) switch pressed, the mode is changed over to the setting mode. (2) Now release the SET/LOCK switch. (3) The operation mode in the setting mode is changed over sequentially in the left or right direction by pressing the UP or DOWN key at the first digit, respectively. Pulse input OFF-start One operation Pulse input Pulse input OFF-start ON-start Repeating operation Repeating operation Integrating input OFF-start One operation Integrating input Integrating input OFF-start ON-start Repeating operation Repeating operation (4) The operational mode displayed at present is set by pressing the RESET switch, and the display returns to the normal condition. 2) Setting (changing) the time (1) Pressing the SET/LOCK key switches the set value display between T1 and T2. Display the timer (T1 or T2) which is to be set (or changed). (2) After displaying the timer (T1 or T2) which is to be set, press the UP or DOWN key to change the time. * Checking the operation mode When the UP or DOWN key at the second digit is pressed with the SET/LOCK switch pressed, the operational mode can be checked. The display returns to the normal condition after indicating the operational mode for about two seconds. (While the display indicates the operational mode for about two seconds, the other indicators continue to operate normally.) * Setting the lock When the UP or DOWN key at the fourth digit is pressed with the SET/LOCK switch pressed, all keys on the unit are locked. The timer does not accept any of UP, DOWN and RESET keys. To release the lock setting, press the UP or DOWN key at the fourth digit again with the set/lock switch pressed. * Operational mode, adding and subtracting and minimum input signal range cannot be set at T1 and T2, respectively. * Changing over the T1/T2 setting display The T1/T2 setting display is changed over by pressing the SET/LOCK switch. (This operation gives no effect on the other operations. The set time and elapsed time (residual time) at T1 are linked with those at T2.) * Changing the set time 1) It is possible to change the set time with the UP and DOWN keys even during time delay with the timer. However, be aware of the following points. (1) If the set time is changed to less than the elapsed time with the time delay set to the addition direction, time delay will continue until the elapsed time reaches full scale, returns to zero, and then reaches the new set time. If the set time is changed to a time above the elapsed time, the time delay will continue until the elapsed time reaches the new set time. (2) If the time delay is set to the subtraction direction, time delay will continue until "0" regardless of the new set time. 2) When the set times at T1 and T2 are set to 0, the output becomes ON only while the start input is carried out. However, while the reset input is carried out, the output becomes OFF. 23 LT4H-w Operation Mode Digital Timers PULSE : Pulse input PULSE Delayed one shot A PULSE A INTEGRATION : Integrating input OFF-start/1 operation t1<T1, t2<T2 ta+tb=T1 Power supply Output T1 T2 ta tb tc td t1 tc+td=T2 T1 t2 Reset Reset PULSE B OFF-start/repeating operation t1<T1, t2<T2 ta+tb=T1 Power supply Output tc+td=T2 td te tf tg th t1 te+tf=T1 tg+th=T2 T1 t2 T2 T1 T2 ta tb tc td t1 OFF-start/repeating operation t1<T1, t2<T2 ta+tb=T1 Power supply Output T1 T1 t2 Reset Reset ta tb tc td te tf tg th T1 tc+td=T2 T2 t1 te+tf=T1 tg+th=T2 T1 t2 Start Start * Elapsed value cleared when power is turned on. * Time limit start initiated when start input goes on; start input ignored if time limit interval is in progress. * Elapsed value not cleared when power is turned on (power failure backup function). * When power is turned back on, same status is maintained for output as that previous to power going off. ON-start/repeating operation t1<T1, t2<T2 ta+tb=T1 Power supply T1 T2 T1 T2 ta tb tc td t1 tc+td=T2 T1 t2 ON-start/repeating operation t1<T1, t2<T2 Output Stop Reset Reset * Elapsed value cleared when power is turned on. * Time limit start initiated when start input goes on; start input ignored if time limit interval is in progress. * The pulse input mode starts the operation by starting the start input. * When using the unit by starting it with the power on, shortcircuit the start terminal (8-pin: Q to R, 11-pin: E to Y and screw terminal: 6 t o 9 ). ta+tb=T1 Power supply Stop Start Remarks and notes tb tc INTEGRATION B Stop Output ta tc+td=T2 * Elapsed value not cleared when power is turned on (power failure backup function). * When power is turned back on, same status is maintained for output as that previous to power going off. * Elapsed value cleared when one operation has been completed. Stop ON-start flicker ta+tb=T1 Start * Elapsed value cleared when power is turned on. * Time limit start initiated when start input goes on; start input ignored if time limit interval is in progress. * Elapsed value cleared when one operation has been completed. C Output Stop OFF-start flicker OFF-start/1 operation t1<T1, t2<T2 Power supply Stop Start B INTEGRATION A ta tb tc td te tf tg th T1 tc+td=T2 T2 t1 te+tf=T1 tg+th=T2 T1 t2 Start * Elapsed value not cleared when power is turned on (power failure backup function). * When power is turned back on, same status is maintained for output as that previous to power going off. * The integrating input mode is operated by the integrated time of the start input. In other word, the timer operates only when the start input is performed. * When the elapsed value is cleared by the reset input, the output is reset. * When using the unit by starting it with the power on, shortcircuit the start terminal (8-pin: Q to R, 11-pin: E to Y and screw terminal: 6 to 9 ). * Each signal input such as start, reset, stop and lock inputs is applied by short-circuiting its input terminal and common terminal (8-pin type: terminal Q, 11-pin type: terminal E and screw terminal: terminal 6 ) respectively. * The 8-pin type does not have a stop input or lock input. 24 LT4H SerIeS CAuTIOnS FOr uSe (Fig. A) Input contact point or transistor Input terminal 3 2 10 Input terminal 3 2 10 Power supply If independent power circuitry must be used, keep the input contacts or transistors separate from each other, as shown in Fig. B. (Fig. B) Input contact point or transistor Input terminal 3 10 2 Power supply Input contact point or transistor Input terminal 3 10 2 When power circuitry is not independent, one input signal can be fed to two or more counters at once, as shown in Fig. C. (Fig. C) Input contact point or transistor Input terminal 3 10 2 Power supply Input terminal 3 2 10 3. Input and output 1) Signal input type (1) Contact point input Use highly reliable metal plated contacts. Since the contact point's bounce time leads directly to error in the timer operations, use contacts with as short a bounce time as possible. Also, select a minimum input signal width of 20 ms. Reset input Start input Stop input Lock input 8-pin type 1 -- -- 4 11-pin type 3 4 5 6 7 Screw terminal type 6 7 8 9 10 3 (2) Non-contact point input Connect with an open collector. Use transistors whose characteristics satisfy the criteria given below. VCEO = 20 V min. IC = 20 mA min. ICBO = 6A max. Also, use transistors with a residual voltage of less than 2 V when the transistor is on. Reset input Start input Stop input Lock input 8-pin type 1 -- -- 4 11-pin type 3 4 5 6 7 Screw terminal type 6 7 8 9 10 3 * The short-circuit impedance should be less than 1 kW. [When the impedance is 0 W, the current coming from the start input and stop input terminals is approximately 12 mA, and from the reset input and lock input terminals is approximately 1.5 mA.] Also, the open-circuit impedance should be more than 100 kW. * As shown in the diagram below, from a non-contact point circuit (proximity switches, photoelectric switches, etc.) with a power supply voltage of between 12 and 40 V, the signal can be input without using an open collector transistor. In the case of the diagram below, when the non-contact point transistor Q switches from off to on (when the signal voltage goes from high to low), the signal is input. 12 to 40V DC Reset input Q 8-pin type 1 -- -- 4 11-pin type 3 4 5 6 7 Screw terminal type 6 7 8 9 10 3 (The above example is for reset input) 2) The input mode and output mode change depending on the DIP switch settings. Therefore, before making any connections, be sure to confirm the operation mode and operation conditions currently set. 3) The LT4H series use power supply without a transformer (power and input terminals are not insulated). In connecting various kinds of input signals, therefore, use a power transformer in which the primary side is separated from the ungrounded secondary side as shown in Fig. A, for the power supply for a sensor and other input devices so that shortcircuiting can be prevented. 25 Digital Timers 1. Terminal wiring 1) When wiring the terminals, refer to the terminal layout and wiring diagrams and be sure to perform the wiring properly without errors. 2) When using the instrument with an flush mounting, the screw-down terminal type is recommended. For the pin type, use either the rear terminal block (AT78041) or the 8P cap (AD8-RC) for the 8-pin type, and the rear terminal block (AT78051) or the 11P cap (AT8DP11) for the 11-pin type. Avoid soldering directly to the round pins on the unit. When using the instrument with a front panel installation, use the DIN rail terminal block (AT8-DF8K) for the 8-pin type and the DIN rail terminal block (AT8DF11K) for the 11-pin type. 3) After turning the unit off, make sure that any resulting induced voltage or residual voltage is not applied to power supply terminals W through U (8-pin type) W through P (11-pin type) or 1 and 2 (screw terminal type). (If the power supply wire is wired parallel to the high voltage wire or power wire, an induced voltage may be generated between the power supply terminals.) 4) Have the power supply voltage pass through a switch or relay so that it is applied at one time. If the power supply is applied gradually, the counting may malfunction regardless of the settings, the power supply reset may not function, or other such unpredictable occurrence may result. 2. Input connections The power circuit has no transformer (power and input terminals are not insulated). When an input signal is fed to two or more timers at once, do not arrange the power circuit in an independent way. If the timer is powered on and off independently as shown in Fig. A, the timer`s internal circuitry may get damaged.Be careful never to allow such circuitry. (Figs. A, B and C show the circuitry for the 11-pin type.) Once the wiring to be used is completely installed and prior to installing this timer, confirm that there is complete insulation between the wires connected to the power terminals (2 each) and the wires connected to each input terminal. If the power and input lines are not insulated, a short-circuit may occur inside the timer and result in internal damage. In addition, when moving your equipment to a new installation location, confirm that there is no difference in environmental conditions as compared to the previous location. (Fig. A) Good example AC power supply Insulation transformer (+) Input device (e.g., sensor) (-) (-) Timer (Fig. B) Bad example AC power supply Insulation transformer (+) Input device (e.g., sensor) (-) (-) Timer AC power supply Single coil transformer (+) Input device (e.g., sensor) (-) (-) Alternative current flow Timer 4) The input signal is applied by the shorting of each input terminal with the common terminal (terminal Q for 8-pin types, terminal E for 11-pin types and terminal 6 for screw terminal types). N e v e r connect other terminals or voltages higher than 40V DC, because it may destroy the internal circuitry. 5) Transistor output (1) Since the transistor output is insulated from the internal circuitry by a photocoupler, it can be used as an NPN LT4H timer As NPN output { O I Load Load's power supply LT4H timer As PNP output { O I Load Load's power supply Note: With the 8-pin type, there is no diode between points I and O. 26 output or PNP (equal value) output. (The above example is 11-pin type) LT4H timer Inductive load Diode rating: 100 90 Peak 50 30 0 IF (forward current): 1 A VR (reverse voltage): 600 V * Surge wave form [ (1.2x50) s uni-polar full wave voltage] Surge voltage (%) Digital Timers LT4H SerIeS CAuTIOnS FOr uSe Load's power supply (2) Use the diode connected to the output transistor's collector for absorbing the reverse voltage from induced loads. 6) When wiring, use shielded wires or metallic wire tubes, and keep the wire lengths as short as possible. 7) For the load of the controlled output, make sure that it is lower than the rated control capacity. 4. Operation of LT4H digital timer 1) Turning on and off the power supply while operating in A2* (Power on delay 2) or G (Totalizing On delay) will result in a timer error to be generated due to the characteristics of the internal circuitry. Therefore, use the start input or stop input. * Not related to the start input. 2) When controlling the timer by turning on the power supply, use only A (Power on delay 1) or A2 (Power on delay 2). Use of other modes in this situation will result in timer errors. When using the other modes, control the timer with the start input or stop input. 5. Operation mode and time range setting The operation mode and time range can be set with the DIP switches on the side of the timer. Make the DIP switch settings before installing the timer on the panel. The operation mode of LT4H-W series can be set with the keys and switches on the front of the timer. 6. Conditions of usage 1) Avoid locations subject to flammable or corrosive gases, excessive dust, oil, vibrations, or excessive shocks. 2) Since the cover of the timer is made of polycarbonate resin, avoid contact with or use in environments containing methyl alcohol, benzene, thinners, and other organic solvents; and ammonia, caustic sodas, and other alkaline substances. 3) If power supply surges exceed the values given below, the internal circuits may Operating voltage Surge voltage (peak value) AC type 6,000V DC type 1,000V 24V AC type 0 1.2 50 Time (ms) become damaged. Be sure to use surge absorbing element to prevent this from happening. 4) Regarding external noise, the values below are considered the noise-resistant voltages. If voltages rise above these Power supply terminals Input DC type terminals AC type 24V AC type Noise voltage 1,500V 1,000V 600V values, malfunctions or damage to the internal circuitry may result, so take the necessary precautions. Noise wave form (noise simulator) Rise time: 1 ns Pulse width: 1 s, 50 ns Polarity: Cycle: 100 cycles/second 5) When connecting the operating power supply, make sure that no leakage current enters the timer. For example, when performing contact protection, if set up like that of fig. A, leaking current will Leakage current Operating power supply R T C (Fig. A) R Operating power supply T C (Fig. B) R R T R Relay T Timer R Receive output from contact at relay R the unit for such continuous operation, use in conjunction with a relay as shown in the circuit in the diagram below. 7. Acquisition of Ce marking Please abide by the conditions below when using in applications that comply with EN61812-1. 1) Overvoltage category III, pollution level 2 2) This timer employs a power supply without a transformer, so the power and input signal terminals are not insulated. (1) When a sensor is connected to the input circuit, install double insulation on the sensor side. (2) In the case of contact input, use dualinsulated relays, etc. 3) The load connected to the output contact should have basic insulation. This timer is protected with basic insulation and can be double-insulated to meet EN/IEC requirements by using basic insulation on the load. 4) Please use a power supply that is protected by an overcurrent protection device which complies with the EN/IEC standard (example: 250 V 1 A fuse, etc.). 5) You must use a terminal socket or socket for the installation. Do not touch the terminals or other parts of the timer when it is powered. When installing or un-installing, make sure that no voltage is being applied to any of the terminals. 6) Do not use this timer as a safety circuit. For example when using a timer in a heater circuit, etc., provide a protection circuit on the machine side. 7. Self-diagnosis function If a malfunction occurs, one of the following displays will appear. Display Contents Output condition Restoration procedure OFF Enter reset input, RESET key, or restart unit. Malfunctioning CPU. Malfunctioning memory. See note. Preset values after restoration The values at start-up before the CPU malfunction occurred. 0 Note: Includes the possibility that the EEPROM's life has expired. 27 Digital Timers pass through C and R, enter the unit, and cause incorrect operation. The fig. B shows the correct setup. 6) Long periods of continuous operation in the time-up completed condition (one month or more) will result in the weakening of the internal electrical components from the generated heat and, therefore, should be avoided. If you do plan to use QM4H QM4H QM4H QM4H Digital Timers DIn 48 SIze DIN SIZE DIN 48 48 TIMer SIZE DIGITAL DIGITAL DIN 48 TIMER SIZE DIGITAL TIMER DIGITAL TIMER QM4H QM4H QM4H Timers Timers Possible to to set set and and change change the the time time with with front front digit digit switches switches easily easily Possible Possible to set and change the time with front digit switches easily during the power off. during the power off. during the power off. Furthermore single unit Furthermore single unit has has a a time time range range of of 0.01s 0.01s to to 9990hrs!! 9990hrs!! Furthermore single unit has a time range of 0.01s to 9990hrs!! Features Features ** Possible Features Possible to to set set and and change change the the time time and and the the time time range range even even S S Type Type (with MODE switch) (with MODE S Typeswitch) (with MODE switch) when is * Possible set and change the time and the time range even when the thetopower power is off. off. 8 time ranges front ** Selectable Furthermore single unit has a timewith range of digit 0.01 switches. s to 9990hrs. when the power is off. Selectable 8 different different time ranges with front digit switches. Low price. ** Selectable 8 different time ranges with front digit switches. Low price. [QM4H-S Type] price. ** Low [QM4H-S Type] It the * [QM4H-S Type] It can can select select the mode mode with with MODE MODE switch. switch. T.D. MODE: Time delay 2C (2 Form C) It can select the mode with T.D. MODE: Time delay 2C (2MODE Form switch. C) INST. MODE: Time delay Form T.D. MODE: Time delay 2C1C (2(1 Form C)C) INST. MODE: Time delay 1C (1 Form C) Instantaneous 1C (1 Form INST. MODE: Time delay 1C (1 C) C) Instantaneous 1CForm (1 Form C) [QM4H-G Type] Instantaneous 1C (1 Form C) [QM4H-G Type] Reset and stop [QM4H-G Reset andType] stop signal signal input input enable enable to to external external control. control. ** Compliant and Reset andwith stopUL/c-UL signal input enable to external control. Compliant with UL/c-UL and CE. CE. * Compliant with UL/c-UL and CE. G G Type Type G Type RoHS RoHS Directive Directive compatibility compatibility information information RoHS Directive compatibility information Product types types Product Product types Time delay Product name Time delay Product name Product name S S Type Type QM4H QM4H digital timer timer Sdigital Type QM4H digital timer Time Time range range Time range direction direction Time delay direction Operating Operating mode mode Operating mode 0.01s/0.1s/1s/0.1min/ 0.01s/0.1s/1s/0.1min/ 1min/0.1h/1h/10h 1min/0.1h/1h/10h 0.01s/0.1s/1s/0.1min/ (8 (8 time time ranges) ranges) 1min/0.1h/1h/10h (8 time ranges) Addition Addition Addition Power Power ON ON delay delay Power ON delay Power Power ON ON delay delay G Type Type QM4H QM4H G (with reset and (with reset and Power ON delay digital timer timer Gdigital Type QM4H stop terminals) stop (with terminals) reset and digital timer stop terminals) Note: Note: Time Time delay delay directional directional subtraction subtraction types types are are also also available available by by order order Note: Time delay directional subtraction types are also available by order Part Part names names Part names TIMER TIMER TIMER MODE switch MODE switch (QM4H-S type only) (QM4H-S only) MODE type switch (QM4H-S type only) Set time display Set time display Set time display Time setting switch Time setting switch (3 digits) (3 digits) switch Time setting MODE T.D.MODEINST. T.D. INST. MODE T.D. INST. -8 -+ 8 -8 -+ 8 + + + 8+ Time Time delay delay 1C 1C Time delay 1C Elapsed time display Elapsed time display Elapsed time display Time delay indicator Time delay indicator (OP.LED) (OP.LED) Time delay indicator (OP.LED) -8 -+ 8 8+ Contact Contact arrangement arrangement Contact arrangement T.D. mode: Time T.D. mode: Time delay delay 2C 2C INST. mode: Time delay 1C INST. mode: Timedelay delay2C 1C T.D. mode: Time and Instantaneous 1C and 1C 1C INST.Instantaneous mode: Time delay (Use MODE MODE switch switch on on front) (Use and Instantaneous 1C front) (Use MODE switch on front) -S -+ S + 8+ S (3 digits) QM4H-S + QM4H-S QM4H-S Time range switch Time range switch Time range switch Time Time range range settings settings Time range settings Time Time range range switch switch Time range switch Operating Operating time time range range Operating time range .01 .01 S S .01 S 0.1 0.1 S S 0.1 S S S S 0.1 0.1 M M 0.1 M M M M 0.1 0.1 H H 0.1 H H H H 10 10 H H 10 H 0.01s 0.01s to to 0.01s 9.99s 9.99s to 9.99s 0.1s 0.1s to to 0.1s 99.9s 99.9s to 99.9s 1s 1s to to 1s 999s 999s to 999s 0.1min. 0.1min. to to 0.1min. 99.9min 99.9min to 99.9min 1min. 1min. to to 1min. 999min 999min to 999min 0.1h 0.1h to to 0.1h 99.9h 99.9h to 99.9h 1h 1h to to 1h 999h 999h to 999h 10h 10h to to 10h 9990h 9990h to 9990h .01 0.1 .01 0.1 0.1 .01 0.1 .01 0.1 0.1 S S S S M S S S S S M S .01 0.1 .01 0.1 0.1 S S S S M S Note that there are two settings with the same range. Note that there are two settings with the same range. Note that there are two settings with the same range. 50 50 50 28 M M M 0.1 0.1 H H 0.1 H H H H 10 10 H H 10 H Operating Operating voltage voltage Operating voltage 12 12 to to 48 48 V V AC/DC AC/DC 12 to 48 V AC/DC 100 100 to to 240 240 V V AC/DC AC/DC 100 to 240 V AC/DC 12 to 48 V AC/DC 12 to 48 V AC/DC 12 to 48 V AC/DC 100 100 to to 240 240 V V AC/DC AC/DC 100 to 240 V AC/DC Part Part number number Part number QM4HS-U2C-48V QM4HS-U2C-48V QM4HS-U2C-48V QM4HS-U2C-240V QM4HS-U2C-240V QM4HS-U2C-240V QM4HG-U1C-48V QM4HG-U1C-48V QM4HG-U1C-48V QM4HG-U1C-240V QM4HG-U1C-240V QM4HG-U1C-240V QM4H QM4H * It is possible to use the up and down keys to change the time setting even during timer delay. However, attention should be paid to the following. 1) When the time setting is shorter than the elapsed time, and timer delay is set in the plus direction, the time setting will return to "0" after the timer delay reaches full-scale, timer delay will be performed up to the changed time setting, and time up will be reached. 2) When timer delay is set in the minus direction, timer delay will be performed up to "0" regardless of the time, even if the time setting is shorter than the elapsed time, and time up will be reached. Specifications Type Item QM4H-S Rated operating voltage 12 to 48 V AC/DC During time delay After time delay 100 to 240 V AC/DC During time delay After time delay Rated power consumption Rating Rated frequency Rated control capacity Time range Operation mode Min. input signal width Operating time fluctuation Time accuracy*1 Contact Life*3 Temperature error Setting error Voltage error Contact arrangement Electrical (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Electrical Insulation resistance (Initial value) Reset time Operating conditions Others 12 to 48 V AC/DC and 100 to 240 V AC/DC 12 V DC, 48 V DC: Max. 1.5W During time 12 V DC, 48 V DC: Max. 1.0W 12 V AC, 48 V AC: Max. 3.0 VA delay 12 V AC, 48 V AC: Max. 2.0 VA 12 V DC, 48 V DC: Max. 2.5W After time 12 V DC, 48 V DC: Max. 1.5W 12 V AC, 48 V AC: Max. 5.0 VA delay 12 V AC, 48 V AC: Max. 3.5 VA 100 V DC, 240 V DC: Max. 1.5W During time 100 V DC, 240 V DC: Max. 1.0W 100 V AC, 240 V AC: Max. 3.0 VA delay 100 V AC, 240 V AC: Max. 2.5 VA 100 V DC, 240 V DC: Max. 2.0W After time 100 V DC, 240 V DC: Max. 1.8W 100 V AC, 240 V AC: Max. 4.0 VA delay 100 V AC, 240 V AC: Max. 3.2 VA 50/60 Hz common (at AC) 5 A, 250V AC (resistive load) 0.01s to 9990h, Selection of 8 range: 0.01s/0.1s/1s/0.1min/1min/0.1h/1h/10h Power ON delay Power ON delay (with reset and stop terminals) -- 20ms (Reset and Stop inputs)*4 (0.01%+0.05s) in case of power on start (0.005%+0.03s) in case of input reset start*2 Operating voltage: 85 to 110% V Temperature: -10 to +55C +14 to 131F (20C 68F) Stopped time: 0.1 sec to 1 hour T.D. mode: Time delay 2C INST. mode: Time delay 1C and Instantaneous 1C (Use MODE switch on front) Contact material Mechanical (contact) Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Mechanical QM4H-G Vibration resistance Shock resistance Functional Destructive Functional Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Air pressure Mass (Weight) Available standards Operating display Time delay 1C Silver alloy Min. 107 Min. 105 (at rated control vltage) 85 to 110% of rated operating voltage Between live and dead metal parts, between input and output, between contact sets, between contacts Min. 100 M (at 500 V DC megger) Between live and dead metal parts: 2, 000 Vrms for 1 min Between input and output: 2, 000 Vrms for 1 min Between contact sets: 2, 000 Vrms for 1 min Between contacts: 1, 000 Vrms for 1 min Max. 0.1s 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/min. single amplitude of 0.25 mm .010 inch (10 min on 3 axes) 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/min. single amplitude of 0.375 mm .015 inch (1h on 3 axes) 98 m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) 980 m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) -10C to 55C +14F to +131F Min. 35 to 85% RH (non-condensing) 860 to 1060 hPa Approx. 130 g 4.59 oz Approx. 120 g 4.23 oz UL, c-UL, CE LED (red), During time delay: blinking, After time delay: OFF Notes: 1. Unspecified measuring conditions are rated operating voltage (in case of DC type, ripple rate of 5% or less), ambient temp. 20C 68F, and stop time 1 second. 2. Reset start applies to QM4H-G type. 3. Excluding switches 4. Note that if the QM4H-G type is set to zero "0" and a STOP signal is input, output will begin when the power is turned on. 5. The protective structure on the AQM4801 is IP50, and IP64 for the AQM4803. 51 29 Digital Timers Changing the time setting QM4H QM4H Applicable standard Safety standard EN61010-1 Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II Digital Timers (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EMC EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 RF electromagnetic field immunity EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity EN61000-4-4 Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity EN61000-4-5 EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-8 EN61000-4-11 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (power line) 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) 30 A/m (50 Hz) 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) Dimensions * S Type (units: mm inch) Tolerance: 1.0 .039 * G Type 6 .236 48 1.890 72.5 2.854 Terminal layouts and Wiring diagrams * QM4H-S Type 12.9 .508 NC TIMER NC NO TIMER 4 MODE T.D. INST. 8 - 8 - 8 S - - - - - 8 8 8 S + + + + + QM4H-S + + 3 MODE 44.5 1.752 (85.4) (3.362) TD mode: Time delay 2C INST mode: Time delay 1C and Instantaneous 1C *Use MODE switch on front MODE INST. Panel Mounting Diagram Mounting frame (AQM4812: supplied) (AT8-DA4 can also be used for mounting frame. Sold separately) Mounting screw (supplied with mounting frame) Notes: 1. Operating voltage signs in parentheses ( ) indicate the polarity of the DC type. 2. 45+0.6 0 1.772+.024 0 COM Operating voltage T.D. 45 1.772 8 COM 9.5 .374 +0.6 0 +.024 0 7 1 + 45+0.6 0 1.772+.024 0 6 2 QM4H-G Panel cut-out dimensions NO 5 is a time delay contact. is an instantaneous contact. A Dimensions A when n products are installed continuously: +.024 A = (48n-2.5 +0.6 0 ) A = (1.890n-.098 0 ) * QM4H-G Type Panel (Thickness: 1 to 5 mm .039 to .197 inch) NC STOP RESET NO 4 5 3 6 2 7 1 8 COM COM Operating voltage 52 30 QM4H Operation mode * QM4H-S Type 1) T.D. mode * QM4H-G Type ON ON T ON ON Time delay contact (N.O. contact) 1-3 or 6-8 OFF ON Reset 1-3 ON Stop 1-4 ta OP.LED Time delay contact (N.O. contact) 6-8 2) INST. mode ON T: Setting time OFF Power supply T t1 t2 ON OP.LED ON Time delay contact (N.O. contact) 6-8 Power supply Digital Timers OFF Power supply T Lit ON OFF ON Instantaneous contact (N.O. contact) 1-3 OFF Blinking t1+t2 = T ta<T Blinking slowly * Set the reset inputs 1 to 3 and stop inputs 1 to 4 to 20 ms or higher. * When shorting a signal, please set the inter-terminal resistance to 1 k or less, and the inter-terminal residual voltage to 2 V or less. When releasing, please set the inter-terminal resistance to 100 k or greater. OP.LED Precautions in using the QM4H 1. Avoid locations subject to flammable or corrosive gases, excessive dust, oil, vibrations, or excessive shocks. 2. Since the main-unit is made of polycarbonate resin, avoid contact with or use in environments containing methyl alcohol, benzene, thinners, and other organic solvents; and ammonia, caustic sodas, and other alkaline substances. 3. Power supply superimposed surge protector Although a surge protector will withstand standard-waveform voltage with the values in the next table, anything above this will destroy the internal circuit. You should therefore use a surge absorber. 12 to 48 V AC/DC 1,000 V 4. In order to maintain the characteristics, do not remove the timer case. 5. When installing the panel, use the supplied AQM4812 main-unit mounting frame. Note that the ATA4811 is also available for sale separately. 6. If you change the operating voltage, be sure not to allow leak current into the timer. 7. Avoid leaving the unit powered continuously. Leaving the unit powered up with output set to ON continuously for a long period of time (about 1 month or more) will wear out the electronic components. If you will be keeping it powered continuously, combine with a relay to create the circuit shown below: R R T R T 100 to 240 V AC/DC 6,000 V * Surge waveform [(1.2x50) s uni-polar full wave voltage] Compliance with the CE marking * When using in applications to which EN61010-1/IEC61010-1 applies, abide by the following conditions. 1) Ambient conditions * Overvoltage category II, pollution level 2 * Indoor use * Acceptable temperature and humidity range: -10 to +55C, 30 to 85%RH (with no condensation at 20C) * Under 2000 m elevation 2) Use the unit in a location that matches the following conditions. * There is minimal dust and no corrosive gas. * There is no combustible or explosive gas. * There is no mechanical vibration or impacts. * There is no exposure to direct sunlight. * Located away from large-volume electromagnetic switches and power lines with large electrical currents. 3) Connect a breaker that conforms to EN60947-1 or EN60947-3 to the voltage input section. 4) Applied voltage should be protected with an overcurrent protection device (example: T 1A, 250 V AC time lag fuse) that conforms to the EN/IEC standards. 53 31 S1DXM-A/M MuLTI-rAnGe MULTI-RANGE AnALOG TIMer ANALOG TIMER S1DXM-A/M S1DXM-A/M S1DXM-A/M Timers UL File No.: E122222 C-UL File No.: E122222 FEATURES RoHS Directive compatibility information * Multiple functions built in The operation mode and time range can be switched by using the MODE and RANGE switches on the front panel. * Part number consolidation 1) The lineup consists of 64 easy-tochoose models. 2) An operation mode fixed type (S1DXM-A) and 4-operation mode switching type (S1DXM-M) are available. * Cadmium-free contacts used To eliminate environmentally harmful chemical substances, relays with cadmium-free contacts are used. * Economically priced 1) Prices set to lower costs. 2) Further cost reduction when used with HJ Relay terminal socket. * CE marking supported UL and C-UL approved. Product types 1. S1DXM-A multi-range timer No MODE switch, Operation mode (fixed): Power ON-delay Operating voltage 12V DC 24V DC 24V AC 100 to 120V AC 200 to 220V AC 220 to 240V AC Time range Timed-out 2 Form C Part number Timed-out 4 Form C Part number 0.05 s to 10 min 0.2 s to 30 min 0.5 s to 60 min S1DXM-A2C10M-DC12V S1DXM-A2C30M-DC12V S1DXM-A2C60M-DC12V S1DXM-A4C10M-DC12V S1DXM-A4C30M-DC12V S1DXM-A4C60M-DC12V 0.05 min to 10 hr 0.05 s to 10 min S1DXM-A2C10H-DC12V S1DXM-A2C10M-DC24V S1DXM-A4C10H-DC12V S1DXM-A4C10M-DC24V 0.2 s to 30 min 0.5 s to 60 min S1DXM-A2C30M-DC24V S1DXM-A2C60M-DC24V S1DXM-A4C30M-DC24V S1DXM-A4C60M-DC24V 0.05 min to 10 hr S1DXM-A2C10H-DC24V S1DXM-A4C10H-DC24V 0.05 s to 10 min 0.2 s to 30 min S1DXM-A2C10M-AC24V S1DXM-A2C30M-AC24V S1DXM-A4C10M-AC24V S1DXM-A4C30M-AC24V 0.5 s to 60 min 0.05 min to 10 hr 0.05 s to 10 min S1DXM-A2C60M-AC24V S1DXM-A2C10H-AC24V S1DXM-A2C10M-AC120V S1DXM-A4C60M-AC24V S1DXM-A4C10H-AC24V S1DXM-A4C10M-AC120V 0.2 s to 30 min 0.5 s to 60 min 0.05 min to 10 hr 0.05 s to 10 min S1DXM-A2C30M-AC120V S1DXM-A2C60M-AC120V S1DXM-A2C10H-AC120V S1DXM-A2C10M-AC220V S1DXM-A4C30M-AC120V S1DXM-A4C60M-AC120V S1DXM-A4C10H-AC120V S1DXM-A4C10M-AC220V 0.2 s to 30 min 0.5 s to 60 min 0.05 min to 10 hr 0.05 s to 10 min 0.2 s to 30 min 0.5 s to 60 min 0.05 min to 10 hr S1DXM-A2C30M-AC220V S1DXM-A2C60M-AC220V S1DXM-A2C10H-AC220V S1DXM-A2C10M-AC240V S1DXM-A2C30M-AC240V S1DXM-A2C60M-AC240V S1DXM-A2C10H-AC240V S1DXM-A4C30M-AC220V S1DXM-A4C60M-AC220V S1DXM-A4C10H-AC220V S1DXM-A4C10M-AC240V S1DXM-A4C30M-AC240V S1DXM-A4C60M-AC240V S1DXM-A4C10H-AC240V 57 32 S1DXM-A/M 3$8- !/PERATING VOLTAGE 6 $# 6 $# 6 !# TO 6 !# TO 6 !# TO 6 !# 4IME RANGE 4IMED OUT &ORM # 0ART NUMBER 4IMED OUT &ORM # 0ART NUMBER S TO MIN S TO MIN S TO MIN 3$8- -#- $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 MIN TO HR S TO MIN 3$8- -#( $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 3$8- -#( $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 S TO MIN S TO MIN 3$8- -#- $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 3$8- -#- $#6 MIN TO HR S TO MIN 3$8- -#( $#6 3$8- -#- !#6 3$8- -#( $#6 3$8- -#- !#6 S TO MIN S TO MIN 3$8- -#- !#6 3$8- -#- !#6 3$8- -#- !#6 3$8- -#- !#6 MIN TO HR S TO MIN 3$8- -#( !#6 3$8- -#- !#6 3$8- -#( !#6 3$8- -#- !#6 S TO MIN S TO MIN MIN TO HR S TO MIN S TO MIN S TO MIN 3$83$83$83$83$83$8- 3$83$83$83$83$83$8- MIN TO HR S TO MIN 3$8- -#( !#6 3$8- -#- !#6 3$8- -#( !#6 3$8- -#- !#6 S TO MIN 3$8- -#- !#6 3$8- -#- !#6 S TO MIN MIN TO HR 3$8- -#- !#6 3$8- -#( !#6 3$8- -#- !#6 3$8- -#( !#6 -#- !#6 -#- !#6 -#( !#6 -#- !#6 -#- !#6 -#- !#6 Analog Timers 3$8- - MULTI RANGE TIMER 7ITH -/$% SWITCH /PERATION MODE SWITCHABLE 0OWER /. DELAY 0OWER &LICKER /. START 0OWER &LICKER /&& START 0OWER /NE SHOT -#- !#6 -#- !#6 -#( !#6 -#- !#6 -#- !#6 -#- !#6 0ART NAMES 3$8- ! 3$8- /PERATION MODE SWITCH 4IME RANGE SWITCH 0OWER ,%$ GREEN 4IME RANGE SWITCH /PERATION ,%$ ORANGE 3ETTING HAND 3ETTING DIAL s ;2!.'%= 4IME RANGE SWITCH DIFFERENT TIME RANGES CAN BE SWITCHED - TYPE S S MIN MIN - TYPE S S MIN MIN - TYPE S S MIN MIN ( TYPE MIN MIN HR HR s ;-/$%= /PERATION MODE SWITCH DIFFERENT OPERATION MODES CAN BE SWITCHED #ONTROL TIME SCALE 0OWER /. DELAY 0OWER &LICKER /&& START 0OWER &LICKER /. START 0OWER /NE SHOT /PERATION MODE AND TIME RANGE SETTING /PERATION MODE /PERATION MODE SWITCH 4IME RANGE SWITCH /. 0OWER /. DELAY S M M H 8 8 /. 4HE TIME SETTING CAN BE SWITCHED AMONG RANGES EACH FOR TYPES FOR AN INTERVAL BETWEEN SECONDS AND HOURS 0OWER &LICKER /&& START /. 0OWER &LICKER /. START /. .OTES 4HE PRODUCT IS FACTORY SHIPPED WITH ALL SETTINGS ON THE /&& SIDE LEFT $O NOT OPERATE THE SWITCHES WITH A SHARP EDGED OBJECT SUCH AS A KNIFE BLADE 4HE POWER MUST BE TURNED OFF WHEN SETTING THE TIME RANGE OR OPERATION MODE /PERATING THE SWITCHES WITH THE POWER ON IS A CAUSE OF BREAKDOWN AND MALFUNCTION 5SE A FORCE OF UNDER . TO OPERATE THE $)0 SWITCHES WHEN SETTING THE TIME RANGE AND OPERATION MODE 0OWER /NE SHOT 33 S1DXM-A/M S1DXM-A/M Operation mode 1. S1DXM-A multi-range timer Power ON-delay operation * When power is turned on, the output contact operates after the set time. The output contact remains on until the power is turned off. Time chart ON Power supply Timed-out contact (NO) OFF ON T OFF T: Setting time UP (operation) LED (orange) Analog Timers ON (power) LED (green) 2. S1DXM-M multi-range timer Power ON-delay operation Power Flicker OFF start operation [MODE] switch 1: OFF, switch 2: OFF * When power is turned on, the output contact operates after the set time. The output contact remains on until the power is turned off. [MODE] switch 1: OFF, switch 2: ON * When the power is turned on, the output contacts repeatedly operate at the set time. The output contact begins from the off state. Time chart Time chart ON Power supply Timed-out contact (NO) Power supply OFF ON T Timed-out contact (NO) OFF T: Setting time UP (operation) LED OFF ON T T T T T t t<T T: Setting time (orange) ON (power) LED (green) T OFF UP (operation) LED (orange) ON (power) LED ON (green) Power Flicker ON start operation Power One-shot operation [MODE] switch 1: ON, switch 2: OFF * When power is turned on, the output contact operates repeatedly at the set time. The output contact outputs at the same time power turns on. [MODE] switch 1: ON, switch 2: ON When power is turned on, the output contact performs the on operation at the same time power turns on, only for the set time. Time chart Time chart ON Power supply Timed-out contact (NO) OFF ON Power supply T T T T T t Timed-out contact (NO) OFF UP (operation) LED T t<T T: Setting time OFF ON T OFF T: Setting time UP (operation) LED (orange) ON (power) LED ON (orange) ON (power) LED (green) (green) Time range setting Type S1DXM-A Min. scale Max. scale 10M type Time scale s m 0.05 1 0.05 to 1s 0.5 to 10s 0.05 to 1m 0.5 to 10m 30M type s m 0.2 3 0.2 to 3s 2 to 30s 0.2 to 3m 2 to 30m s m 0.5 6 0.5 to 6s 5 to 60s 0.5 to 6m 5 to 60m 10H type m h 0.05 1 0.05 to 1m 0.5 to 10m 0.05 to 1h 0.5 to 10h 10M type s m 0.05 1 0.05 to 1s 0.5 to 10s 0.05 to 1m 0.5 to 10m 30M type s m 0.2 3 0.2 to 3s 2 to 30s 0.2 to 3m 2 to 30m s m 0.5 6 0.5 to 6s 5 to 60s 0.5 to 6m 5 to 60m m h 0.05 1 0.05 to 1m 0.5 to 10m 0.05 to 1h 0.5 to 10h 60M type S1DXM-M 60M type X1 X10 X1 X10 10H type Time unit Setting range Note: The time setting range is the combination of the time scale (X1 or X10) on the dial and the time unit (s, m, or h). Example: When dial reads 1, time scale is X1 and time units is seconds, then it is 1 second. Ordering information Ex. S1DXM- A Operation mode Control output arrangement A M 2C: Timed-out 2 Form C 4C: Timed-out 4 Form C 2C 30M DC24V Time range Operating voltage* 10M: 0.05 s to 10 min 30M: 0.2 s to 30 min 60M: 0.5 s to 60 min 10H: 0.05 min to 10 hr DC12V: 12 V DC DC24V: 24 V DC AC24V: 24 V AC AC120V: 100 to 120 V AC AC220V: 200 to 220 V AC AC240V: 220 to 240 V AC * For other operating voltage types, please consult us. 59 34 S1DXM-A/M S1DXM-A/M Specifications Item Specifications 24VAC Rated frequency Rated power consumption Rating Max. 3 VA (at 200 VAC) Max. 3 VA (at 220 VAC) Max. 2 W (at 12 VDC) Max. 2 W (at 24 VDC) Approx. 3mA Approx. 3mA Approx. 3mA Approx. 3mA Approx. 5mA Approx. 3mA Approx. 20mA Approx. 13mA Approx. 13mA Approx. 70mA Approx. 40mA Rated control capacity Voltage error Timed -out 2 Form C: 7A 250V AC (resistive load) Timed -out 4 Form C: 5A 250V AC (resistive load) S1DXM-A Power on delay operation fixed (Power display: ON/green; Operation display (when output is on): UP/orange) S1DXM-M 4 switchable operations: Power ON-delay/Power Flicker OFF start/Power Flicker ON start/Power One-shot (Power display: ON/green; Operation display (when output is on): UP/orange) Max. 1 %, (power off time change at the range of 0.1 s to 1 h), 1 s range: Max. 1 % and 10 ms*2 Max. 1 % (at the operating voltage changes between -20 to +10%), 1 s range: Max. 1 % and 10 ms*2 Max. 5% (at 20C ambient temp. at the range of -10 to +50C +14 to +122F) Max. 10%, 1 s range: Max. 10% and 20 ms Contact arrangement Contact resistance (Initial value) Contact material Mechanical (constant) Electrical (constant) Timed-out 2 Form C, Timed-out 4 Form C Max. 100m (at 1A, 6V DC) Timed-out 2 Form C type: Silver alloy, Au plating Timed-out 4 Form C type: Silver alloy, Au plating Min. 107 2x105 (at rated control capacity) Vibration resistance Functional 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.25mm (10min on 3 axes) Destructive 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.375mm (1h on 3 axes) Shock resistance Functional Min. 98m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Destructive Min. 980m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) Allowable operating voltage range Reset time Insulation resistance (Initial value) Electrical Breakdown voltage (Initial value) 80 to 110% of rated operating voltage Max. 0.1s Between live and dead metal parts, between input and output, between contact sets, between contacts Min. 100 M (at 500 V DC megger) Between live and dead metal parts: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min Between input and output: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min Between contact sets: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min Between contacts: 1,000 Vrms for 1 min Max. temperature rise 70C 158F Ambient temperature -10 to 50C +14 to 122F Ambient humidity Operating conditions Max. 3 VA (at 100 VAC) 24VDC -- Approx. 80mA Setting error Mechanical 12VDC After time delay Temperature error Life 220 to 240VAC During time delay Operating time fluctuation & Power off time change error Contact 200 to 220VAC 50/60Hz common Max. 3 VA (at 24 VAC) Operation mode Time accuracy*1 100 to 120VAC 35 to 85% RH (non-condensing) Air pressure 860 to 1060 hPa Ripple rate DC type only, transmission wave rectification (ripple rate: approx. 48%)*3 Mass (Weight) Protective construction Approx. 45 g IEC standard: IP40 (IP50 when using ADX18008 protective cover) Notes: *1. Unspecified measuring conditions are rated operating voltage (in case of DC type, ripple rate of 5% or less), ambient temp. 20C 68F, and power off time 1 second. *2. Power one-shot 1 s range: +2% and 10 ms *3. When using with a transmission wave rectification, vibration resistance and shock resistance properties worsen compared to when using a stabilized power supply. 60 35 Analog Timers Rated operating voltage S1DXM-A/M S1DXM-A/M Dimensions mm inch 1. S1DXM-A Terminal layouts and Wiring diagram Control time scale Timed-out 2 Form C type S1DXM 0 Time range switch RANGE s m X1 X10 UP UP LED (orange) 13.35 .526 1 4 5 8 9 12 14 13 ON ON LED (green) 22.1 .870 28.5 1.122 Operating voltage 16.6 .654 Timed-out 4 Form C type Analog Timers 4.45 .175 Nameplate 13.35 .526 57.9 52.7 2.280 2.075 For 4 Form C type 5.1 .201 6.4 .252 6.4 4.1 .252 .161 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Operating voltage 6.4 .252 * For the DC operating type, terminal 14 is "+" and terminal 13 is "-". Tolerance: 0.5 .020 2. S1DXM-M Terminal layouts and wiring diagram Control time scale Timed-out 2 Form C type ON LED (green) S1DXM 13.35 .526 22.1 .870 1 4 5 8 9 12 0 Time range switch Operation mode switch MODE ON RANGE s m 1 X1 2 X10 ON UP UP LED (orange) 14 13 28.5 1.122 Operating voltage 16.6 .654 Timed-out 4 Form C type 4.45 .175 Nameplate 57.9 52.7 2.280 2.075 13.35 .526 For 4 Form C type 5.1 .201 6.4 .252 6.4 4.1 .252 .161 6.4 .252 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Operating voltage * For the DC operating type, terminal 14 is "+" and terminal 13 is "-". Tolerance: 0.5 .020 Applicable standard Safety standard EN61812-1 (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II (2 Form C type); Pollution Degree 1/Overvoltage Category II (4 Form C type) EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air EN61000-4-3 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (signal line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) 61 36 S1DXM-A/M S1DXM-A/M 1. Reset periods After unscheduled operations have been completed, or if the timer operation power supply has been turned off at any time during operation, a reset period of at least 0.1 seconds should be allowed before resuming operation. 2. External surge protection External surge protection may be required if the following values are exceeded. Otherwise, the internal circuit will be damaged. The typical surge absorption elements include a varistor, a capacitor, and a diode. If a surge absorption element is used, use an oscilloscope to see whether or not the foreign surge exceeding the specified value appears. * Single-pole, full-wave voltage for surge waveform [(1.2 x 50) s] 3) If terminals are to be soldered directly, please hand solder with a 30 to 60 W solder iron with a tip temperature of 300C for no more than 3 seconds. Automatic soldering should be avoided. 4) A flux-tight construction is not used with this timer, so be careful that flux or cleaning fluid does not get inside the case. 5) To assure that characteristics are maintained, do not remove the case. 5. Long Continuous Current Flow Long continuous current flow through the timer cause generation of heat internally, which degrade the electronic parts. Use the timer in combination with a relay and avoid long continuous current flow through the timer. (Refer to the circuit diagram below when using a safety circuit for continuous operation.) Crest value (%) 100 90 R R Crest value 50 30 0 T R 0 1.2 T 50 Time (s) Operation voltage 5) Do not use this timer as a safety circuit. For example when using a timer in a heater circuit, etc., provide a protection circuit on the machine side. 8. Others 1) When setting the time, the dial should be kept within the range indicated on the dial face. The "0" marking on the dial indicates the minimum time during which the control time can be varied (it does not indicate 0 seconds). 2) Do not rotate the knob past the stopper. 3) Turn off the power before changing the DIP switch settings. Changing the DIP switch with the power on can cause breakdown. 4) When connecting the operating power supply, make sure that no leakage current enters the timer. For example, when performing contact protection, if set up like that of fig. A, leaking current will pass through C and R, enter the timer, and cause incorrect operation. The fig. B shows the correct setup. Surge voltage 100 to 120V AC, 200 to 220V AC 4,000V 12V DC, 24V DC 1,000V Since the main body cover and knob are made of polycarbonate resin, prevent contact with organic solvents such as methyl alcohol, benzine and thinner, or strong alkali materials such as ammonia and caustic soda. 3. Terminal wiring Make sure that terminals are wired carefully and correctly, referring to the terminal layout and wiring diagrams. Particularly, since the DC type has polarity, do not operate it with reverse polarity. 4. Assembly 1) When installing, use a terminal socket or socket intended for the HC/HJ relay. For adjacent installations, be sure to first verify the installation conditions of the terminal sockets or sockets you will be using. 2) Use the separately-sold dedicated socket leaf holding clip to secure terminal sockets and sockets to the timer unit. The conditions of use for dedicated socket leaf holding clip will differ depending on the terminal socket or socket you will be using. Therefore, please test under actual conditions before putting into operation. 6. Phase synchronization using AC load If the turning on of the timer output relay is synchronized to the AC power supply phase, there may be times when the service life is shortened because of electrical factors, or when a locking phenomenon (defective relay return) occurs because of contact point welding or a shift in the contact relay. Check the operation using the actual timer. 7. Acquisition of CE marking Please abide by the conditions below when using in applications that comply with EN61812-1. 1) Overvoltage category II, pollution level 2 (2 Form C type) Overvoltage category II, pollution level 1 (4 Form C type) 2) The load connected to the output contact should have basic insulation. This timer is protected with basic insulation and can be double-insulated to meet EN/IEC requirements by using basic insulation on the load. 3) Please use a power supply that is protected by an overcurrent protection device which complies with the EN/IEC standard (example: 250 V 1 A fuse, etc.). 4) You must use a terminal socket or socket for the installation. Do not touch the terminals or other parts of the timer when it is powered. When installing or uninstalling, make sure that no voltage is being applied to any of the terminals. Leakage current Operating power supply R T C WRONG (Fig. A) R Operating power supply T C (Fig. B) CORRECT When a contact switch having an operation indicating lamp (lamp equipped limit switch, etc.) is used to apply power to the timer, a resistor having a value equal to or greater than the value below shall be connected in series with the lamp. 100 to 120V AC operating type: Min. 33k 200 to 220V AC operating type: Min. 82k Limit switch Resistor Neon lamp T Example of limit switches with lamp. VL with lamp, Vertical type with lamp, ML with lamp. 62 37 Analog Timers Precautions during usage PM4H-A/S/M PM4H-A PM4H-S PM4H-M DIn48 SIze MuLTI-rAnGe AnALOG TIMer Analog Timers uL File no.: e122222 CSA File no.: Lr39291 Features 48 1.890 62.5 2.461 48 1.890 Pin type mm inch Screw terminal type * 100-240v AC free-voltage input, 48-125v DC type available * Short body -- 62.5mm 2.461 inch (screw terminal type) * Front panel of IP65 type is protected against water-splash and dust * Built-in Screw terminals Screw terminal type is used for easy wiring and reducing additional cost for accessories. * 0 setting instantaneous output operation * Multiple time ranges -- 1 s to 500 h (Max.) * 8 different operation modes: (PM4H-A) * Compliant with uL/CSA, Ce and LLOyD Product types Type Operation mode Contact arrangement Time range Protective construction rated operating voltage 100 to 240V AC 48 to 125V DC IP65 PM4H-A 8 operation modes * Pulse ON-delay * Pulse Flicker * Pulse ON-flicker * Differential ON/OFF-delay (1) (2) * Signal OFF-delay * Pulse One-shot * Pulse One-cycle 24V AC/DC 12V DC Relay Timed-out 2 Form C 100 to 240V AC 48 to 125V DC IP50 24V AC/DC 12V DC 100 to 240V AC 48 to 125V DC IP65 24V AC/DC PM4H-S Power ON-delay Relay Timed-out 2 Form C 12V DC 16 selectable ranges 1s to 500h 100 to 240V AC 48 to 125V DC IP50 24V AC/DC 12V DC 100 to 240V AC 48 to 125V DC IP65 PM4H-M 5 operation modes (With instantaneous contact) * Power ON-delay * Power Flicker * Power ON-flicker * Power One-shot * Power One-cycle 24V AC/DC Relay Timed-out 1 Form C Instantaneous 1 Form C 12V DC 100 to 240V AC 48 to 125V DC IP50 24V AC/DC 12V DC Terminal type Part number 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal PM4HA-H-AC240VW PM4HA-H-AC240VSW PM4HA-H-DC125VW PM4HA-H-DC125VSW PM4HA-H-24VW PM4HA-H-24VSW PM4HA-H-DC12VW PM4HA-H-DC12VSW PM4HA-H-AC240V PM4HA-H-AC240VS PM4HA-H-DC125V PM4HA-H-DC125VS PM4HA-H-24V PM4HA-H-24VS PM4HA-H-DC12V PM4HA-H-DC12VS PM4HS-H-AC240VW PM4HS-H-AC240VSW PM4HS-H-DC125VW PM4HS-H-DC125VSW PM4HS-H-24VW PM4HS-H-24VSW PM4HS-H-DC12VW PM4HS-H-DC12VSW PM4HS-H-AC240V PM4HS-H-AC240VS PM4HS-H-DC125V PM4HS-H-DC125VS PM4HS-H-24V PM4HS-H-24VS PM4HS-H-DC12V PM4HS-H-DC12VS PM4HM-H-AC240VW PM4HM-H-AC240VSW PM4HM-H-DC125VW PM4HM-H-DC125VSW PM4HM-H-24VW PM4HM-H-24VSW PM4HM-H-DC12VW PM4HM-H-DC12VSW PM4HM-H-AC240V PM4HM-H-AC240VS PM4HM-H-DC125V PM4HM-H-DC125VS PM4HM-H-24V PM4HM-H-24VS PM4HM-H-DC12V PM4HM-H-DC12VS If you use this timer under harsh environment, please order above sealed type (IP65 type). IP65 type -- Protection dust and water jet splay on the front face. 38 PM4H-A/S/M PM4H-A/S/M Time range Time unit sec min hrs 10h 0.1s to 1s 0.1 min to 1 min 0.1h to 1h 1.0h to 10h 0.5s to 5s 0.5 min to 5 min 0.5h to 5h 5h to 50h 1.0s to 10s 1.0 min to 10 min 1.0h to 10h 10h to 100h 5s to 50s 5 min to 50 min 5h to 50h 50h to 500h Scale 1 5 10 Control time range 50 PM4H-A/PM4H-S/PM4H-M All types of PM4H timer have multi-time range. 16 time ranges are selectable. 1s to 500h (Max. range) is controlled. Note: 0 setting is for instantaneous output operation. Specifications Rated operating voltage Rated frequency Rated power consumption Rated control capacity Rating Operating mode Time range Operating time fluctuation Time Setting error accuracy Note:1) Voltage error Temperature error Contact arrangement Contact Life Contact resistance (Initial value) Contact material Mechanical (contact) Electrical (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Insulation resistance (Initial value) Electrical function Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Min. power off time Max. temperature rise Mechanical function Operating condition Others Vibration resistance Shock resistance Functional Destructive Functional Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Atmospheric pressure Ripple factor (DC type) Protective construction Weight PM4H-A PM4H-S 100 to 240V AC, 48 to 125V DC, 12V DC, 24V AC/DC 50/60Hz common (AC operating type) Approx. 10VA (100 to 240V AC) Approx. 2.5VA (24V AC) Approx. 1.5W (12V DC, 24V DC, 48 to 125V DC) 5A 250V AC (resistive load) PM4H-M Analog Timers Type Item Pulse ON-delay Power ON-delay Pulse Flicker Power Flicker Pulse ON-Flicker Power ON-flicker Power ON-delay Differential ON/OFF-delay (1) (2) Power One-shot Signal OFF-delay Power One-cycle Pulse One-shot (with instantaneous contact) Pulse One-cycle 1s to 500h (Max.) 16 time ranges switchable 0.3% (power off time change at the range of 0.1s to 1h) 5% (Full-scale value) 0.5% (at the operating voltage changes between 85 to 110%) 2% (at 20C ambient temp. at the range of -10 to +50C +14 to +122F) Timed-out 1 Form C Timed-out 2 Form C Instantaneous 1 Form C Max. 100m (at 1A 6V DC) Silver alloy Au flash on Silver alloy 2x107 105 (at rated control capacity) 85 to 110% of rated operating voltage (at 20C coil temp.) Between live and dead metal parts Between input and output Min. 100M (At 500V DC) Between contacts of different poles Between contacts of same pole 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between live and dead metal parts 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between input and output 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of different poles 1,000Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of same pole 100ms 55C 131F 65C 149F 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.25mm (10min on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.375mm (1h on 3 axes) Min. 98m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 980m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +50C +14 to +122F 30 to 85%RH (at 20C 68F, non-condensing) 860 to 1,060hPa 20% IP65 on front panel (using rubber gasket ATC18002) <only for IP65 type> 100g 3.527 oz (Pin type) 110g 3.880 oz (Screw terminal type) Note: 1) Unless otherwise specified, the measurement conditions at the maximum scale time standard are specified to be the rated operating voltage (within 5% ripple factor for DC), 20C 68F ambient temperature, and 1s power off time. 2) For the 1s range, the tolerance for each specification becomes 10ms. 18 39 PM4H-A/S/M Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams PM4H-A Pin type * Timed-out 2 Form C PM4H-S Pin type * Timed-out 2 Form C Screw terminal type * Timed-out 2 Form C Screw terminal type * Timed-out 2 Form C Reset input Start input Stop input N.O. (-) N.C. 4 3 2 1 11 N.C. N.O. 6 N.C. 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 Operating voltage 7 8 9 2 3 4 N.O. 3 2 5 Stop input (+) (+) Reset input Start input Operating voltage (-) N.C. N.C. N.C. N.O. 10 11 N.O. (-) 4 5 1 8 N.C. N.O. 6 N.O. 7 8 9 10 N.C. N.O. 11 6 7 1 Operating voltage 2 3 4 5 Operating (+) voltage (-) (+) Analog Timers 1) DC Type PM4H-M Pin type * Timed-out 1 Form C * Instantaneous 1 Form C 3 2 (-) Pin Screw terminal Connect the terminal b to negative PM4H-A (-), and the terminal j to positive (+). Connect the terminal x to negative (-), and the terminal PM4H-S Connect the terminal b to negative z to positive (+). PM4H-M (-), and the terminal g to positive (+). N.C. N.C. N.O. Type Screw terminal type * Timed-out 1 Form C * Instantaneous 1 Form C 4 5 1 8 N.O. N.C. N.O. 6 Operating voltage 7 8 9 10 N.C. N.O. 2) Contact 11 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Timed-out contact (+) (+) Operating voltage (-) Instantaneous contact 3) Voltage should not be applied to the various inputs (reset, start, and stop) of the PM4H-A multi-range timer. These inputs should be input without voltage. Part names PM4H-S PM4H-A Power indicator LED PM4H-M Output indicator LED Hand Time indicator window Time unit indicator Time range selector 16 time settings selectable (1 s to 500 h) 1s 5s 10s 50s 1min 5min 10min 50min 1h 5h 10h 50h 10h 50h 100h 500h 40 Set dial Operation mode indicator Operation mode selector Instantaneous output area When the hand is in this area, instantaneous operation starts. Selectable from 8 operation modes ON : Pulse ON-delay FL : Pulse Flicker FO : Pulse ON-flicker OF1 : Differential ON/OFF-delay (1) SF : Signal OFF-delay OS : Pulse One-shot OF2 : Differential ON/OFF-delay (2) OC : Pulse One-cycle Operation mode selector Selectable from 5 operation modes ON : Power ON-delay FL : Power flicker FO : Power ON-flicker OS : Power One-shot OC : Power One-cycle PM4H-A/S/M Dimensions mm inch Tolerance: 0.5 .020 * PM4H-M Screw terminal type (Flush mount) Pin type (Flush mount/Surface mount) M44.5 M1.752 66.5 2.618 14.5 48 1.890 M44.5 M1.752 Analog Timers 48 1.890 6.0 12.0 .236 .472 48 1.890 41 dia. 1.614 dia. 62.5 2.461 41 dia. 1.614 dia. 6.0 12.0 .236 .472 48 1.890 * Panel mount dimensions (with mounting frame) Screw terminal type Rubber gasket ATC 18002 (attached) Pin type Rubber gasket ATC18002 Panel Panel Mounting frame AT8-DA4 (Sold separately) 48 1.890 48 1.890 66 2.598 1 .039 M44.5 M1.752 50 1.969 50 1.969 Mounting frame AT8-DA4 (attached) 48 1.890 61.5 2.421 66 2.598 72.5 2.854 (8-pin) 78 3.071 (11-pin) 48 1.890 Rear terminal socket AT78041 (8-pin: sold separately) AT78051 (11-pin: sold separately) * Surface mount dimensions Pin type Din rail socket AT8-DF8K (8-pin: sold separately) AT8-DF11K (11-pin: sold separately) Mounting rail AT8-DLA1 97.3 (8-pin) 3.831 104.0 (11-pin) 4.094 * Panel cut out dimensions Standard cut out dimensions are shown below. Use mounting frame (AT8-DA4) and rubber gasket (ATC18002). 45+0.6 0 1.772+.024 0 * Adjacent mounting 45+0.6 0 1.772+.024 0 Min. 80 3.150 A A = (48xn-2.5)+0.6 0 A = (1.890xn-.098)+.024 0 45+0.6 0 1.772+.024 0 Min. 80 3.150 Note) 1. The proper thickness of mounting panel is between 1 to 5mm. 2. Adjacent mount is less water-resistant. 41 PM4H-A/S/M Operation mode LED lighting LED flickering T: Setting time t1, t2, ta, tb<T t1+t2=T PM4H-A Operation type Pulse On-delay Analog Timers ON explanation * If using a time-limit start when the power is turned on, and a reset when the power is turned off, pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) should be shorted ahead of time. * Turn the operation mode selector switch to the ON position. If pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) are shorted (the start input is turned on) with the power supply on, the output will go on after the set time has elapsed. If the power supply is turned off, or pins 2 to 7 (screw-tightening pins x to v) are shorted (the reset input is turned on), a reset is carried out. Note) During time-limited operation, the time-limited operation is stopped while the pins 2 to 5 (screw-tightening pins x to b) are being shorted (the stop input is on). When the pins are released, time-limited operation resumes. Time chart ON OFF Power supply ON Pulse Flicker FL Pulse On-flicker FO * If using a time-limit start when the power is turned on, and a reset when the power is turned off, pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) should be shorted ahead of time. * Turn the operation mode selector switch to the FO position. When pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) are shorted (the start input is turned on) with the power supply on, the output goes on, and after the set time has elapsed, it goes off. This process is subsequently repeated. If the power supply is turned off, or pins 2 to 7 (screw-tightening pins x to v) are shorted (the reset input is turned on), a reset is carried out. Note) During time-limited operation, the time-limited operation is stopped while the pins 2 to 5 (screw-tightening pins x to b) are being shorted (the stop input is on). When the pins are released, time-limited operation resumes. Differential On/OFF-delay (1) OF1 Signal OFF-delay SF * Turn the operation mode selector switch to the SF position. When pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) are shorted (the start input is turned on) with the power supply on, the output goes on, and when pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) are released (the start input is turned off), the time limit interval begins. After the set time has elapsed, the output goes off. If start input is entered at any point during the time limit interval, the time limit interval is reset. Note) During time-limited operation, the time-limited operation is stopped while the pins 2 to 5 (screw-tightening pins x to b) are being shorted (the stop input is on). When the pins are released, time-limited operation resumes. OFF ON OFF Reset b-g ON OFF Stop b-e T t1 t2 ON ON OFF Time out (N.O. contact) OFF OP. LED POWER LED LED lighting or No LED lighting ON OFF Power supply ON ON OFF Start b-f ON OFF OFF ON OFF Reset b-g ON OFF Stop b-e T T ta t1 t2 tb ON ON OFF Time out (N.O. contact) OFF OP. LED POWER LED Note: LED lighting or No LED lighting ON OFF Power supply ON ON ON OFF Start b-f OFF OFF ON OFF Reset b-g ON Stop OFF b-e T T ta t1 t2 T tb ON OFF Time out (N.O. contact) OFF OP. LED POWER LED *Note: * Turn the operation mode selector switch to the OF1 position. When pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) are shorted (the start input is turned on) with the power supply on, the output goes on, and after the set time has elapsed, it goes off. Also, when pins 2 to 6 are released (the start input goes off), the output goes on, and after the set time has elapsed, it goes off. If the status of pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) changes during the time-limit interval (the start input goes from on to off, or from off to on), the time-limit interval is restarted from the point at which the change took place. If the power supply is turned off, or pins 2 to 7 (screw-tightening pins x to v) are shorted (the reset input is turned on), a reset is carried out. Note) During time-limited operation, the time-limited operation is stopped while the pins 2 to 5 (screw-tightening pins x to b) are being shorted (the stop input is on). When the pins are released, time-limited operation resumes. ON OFF Start b-f Note: * If using a time-limit start when the power is turned on, and a reset when the power is turned off, pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) should be shorted ahead of time. * Turn the operation mode selector switch to the FL position. When pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) are shorted (the start input is turned on) with the power supply on, the limited time interval begins, and the output goes on after the set time has elapsed. After the output has gone on, it goes off when the set time has elapsed, and this process is subsequently repeated. If the power supply is turned off, or pins 2 to 7 (screw-tightening pins x to v) are shorted (the reset input is turned on), a reset is carried out. Note) During time-limited operation, the time-limited operation is stopped while the pins 2 to 5 (screw-tightening pins x to b) are being shorted (the stop input is on). When the pins are released, time-limited operation resumes. ON LED lighting or No LED lighting ON OFF Power supply ON ON OFF Start b-f OFF ON OFF Reset b-g ON Stop OFF b-e T t1 ON t2 ta ON OFF Time out (N.O. contact) tb ON OFF OFF OP. LED Restart POWER LED Note: LED lighting or No LED lighting ON OFF Power supply ON ON OFF Start b-f OFF ON OFF Reset b-g ON Stop OFF b-e T ta tb ON Time out (N.O. contact) OFF OP. LED POWER LED Note: Note: 42 Keep 0.1s or more for power off time. Keep 0.05s or more for start, stop, reset input time. LED lighting or No LED lighting PM4H-A/S/M Pulse One-shot OS explanation * If using a time-limit start when the power is turned on, and a reset when the power is turned off, pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) should be shorted ahead of time. * Turn the operation mode selector switch to the OS position. When pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) are shorted (the start input is turned on) with the power supply on, the output goes on for the set time limit interval. If the power supply is turned off, or pins 2 to 7 (screw-tightening pins x to v) are shorted (the reset input is turned on), a reset is carried out. Note) During time-limited operation, the time-limited operation is stopped while the pins 2 to 5 (screw-tightening pins x to b) are being shorted (the stop input is on). When the pins are released, time-limited operation resumes. Time chart ON OFF Power supply ON Start OFF b-f Differential On/OFF-delay (2) OF2 Pulse One-cycle OC Note: * If using a time-limit start when the power is turned on, and a reset when the power is turned off, pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) should be shorted ahead of time. * Turn the operation mode selector switch to the OC position. When pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) are shorted (the start input is turned on) with the power supply on, the output goes on after the set time limit interval has elapsed. After it has gone on, it goes off after one pulse (approximately 0.8 seconds). If the power supply is turned off, or pins 2 to 7 (screw-tightening pins x to v) are shorted (the reset input is turned on), a reset is carried out. Note) During time-limited operation, the time-limited operation is stopped while the pins 2 to 5 (screw-tightening pins x to b) are being shorted (the stop input is on). When the pins are released, time-limited operation resumes. OFF ON OFF Reset b-g ON Stop OFF b-e T T t1 t2 ta ON OFF Time out (N.O. contact) OP. LED POWER LED Note: * Turn the operation mode selector switch to the OF2 position. When pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) are shorted (the start input is turned on) with the power supply on, the time limit interval begins, and after the set time interval has elapsed, the output goes on. Also, when pins 2 to 6 are released (the start input goes off), the time limit interval begins, and after it has elapsed, the output goes off. If the status of pins 2 to 6 (screw-tightening pins x and c) changes during the time-limit interval (the start input goes from on to off, or from off to on), the time limit interval is restarted from the point at which the change took place. If the power supply is turned off, or pins 2 to 7 (screw-tightening pins x to v) are shorted (the reset input is turned on), a reset is carried out. Note) During time-limited operation, the time-limited operation is stopped while the pins 2 to 5 (screw-tightening pins x to b) are being shorted (the stop input is on). When the pins are released, time-limited operation resumes. ON LED lighting or No LED lighting ON OFF Power supply ON ON OFF Start b-f OFF ON OFF Reset b-g ON Stop OFF b-e T t1 t2 ta ON tb ON OFF Time out (N.O. contact) OFF OP. LED Restart POWER LED Note: Power supply LED lighting or No LED lighting ON OFF ON ON ON OFF Start b-f OFF OFF ON ON OFF Reset b-g OFF ON Stop OFF b-e T t ta t1 ON t2 t OFF Time out (N.O. contact) tb ON OFF OP. LED POWER LED One pulse time (t): Approx. 0.8s Note: LED lighting or No LED lighting Keep 0.1s or more for power off time. Keep 0.05s or more for start, stop, reset input time. LED lighting T: Setting time PM4H-S Operation type Power On-delay explanation Time limit contact relay When the power supply is turned on, the output goes on after the set time interval has elapsed. When the power supply is turned off, a reset is carried out. LED flickering Time chart ON OFF Power supply T Time out (N.O. contact) ON OFF OP. LED POWER LED *Note: Keep 0.1s or more for power off time. PM4H-M Operation type explanation Power On-delay Turn the operation mode selector switch to display the various operations. When the power supply is turned on, the time limit interval begins, and operation is carried out. When the power supply is turned off, a reset is carried out. ON Power Flicker FL Power On-flicker FO Power One-shot OS Power One-cycle Time chart Power ON-delay ON ON OFF Time out (N.O. contact) T ON Instantaneous contact (N.O. contact) OFF OP. LED POWER LED OC Note: OFF Power supply *Note: Keep 0.1s or more for power off time. Keep 0.1s or more for power off time. PM4H-M timers do not have each input which is start, reset and stop. 43 Analog Timers Operation type PM4H-SD/SDM DIn48 SIze AnALOG STAr ( )-DeLTA ( ) TIMerS PM4H -SD/SDM uL File no.: e122222 CSA File no.: Lr39291 Analog Timers Features * Select four types of time ranges between 0.2 s and 100 s on a single unit. * Select between five types of time ranges between 0.04 s and 0.7 s for the -g switching times. * There is a -g switching indicator so you can check the operation at a glance. * The AC free power supply and shorter body make it easier to use. * Compliant with uL, CSA, Ce and LLOyD. 48 1.890 48 1.890 66.5 2.618 mm inch Specifications Type Item Rated operating voltage Rated frequency Rated power consumption Rating Rated control capacity Operation mode operation control time range - switching time Operation time fluctuation Time Setting error accuracy Note:1) Voltage error Temperature error Contact arrangement Contact Contact resistance (Initial value) Contact material Mechanical (contact) Electrical (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Life Insulation resistance (Initial value) Electrical function Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Min. power off time Max. temperature rise Mechanical function Operating condition Others Notes: 44 Vibration resistance Shock resistance Functional Destructive Functional Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Atmospheric pressure Protective construction Weight PM4H-SD/SDM 100 to 240V AC, 24V AC 50/60Hz common Approx. 6VA (100 to 240V AC), Approx. 1.4VA (24V AC) 5A 250V AC (resistive load) - star-delta switching (Power ON-delay) 2s to 100s, 4 time ranges switchable 0.04, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7s (5 time range selectable) 0.3% (power off time change at the range of 0.5s to 1h) 5% (Full-scale value) 0.5% (at the operating voltage changes between 85 to 110%) 2% (at 20C ambient temp. at the range of -10 to +50C +14 to +122F) Star ( ) side: Timed-out 1 Form A, Delta () side: Timed-out 1 Form A Instantaneous: 1 Form A (Instantaneous for PM4H-SDM type only) Max. 100m (at 1A 6V DC) Au flash on Silver alloy 2x107 105 (at rated control capacity) 85 to 110% of rated operating voltage (at 20C coil temp.) Between live and dead metal parts Between input and output Min. 100M (At 500V DC) Between contacts of different poles (*3) Between contacts of same pole 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between live and dead metal parts 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between input and output 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of different poles (*3) 1,000Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of same pole 500ms 65C 131F 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.25mm (10min on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.375mm (1h on 3 axes) Min. 294m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 980m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +50C +14 to +122F Max. 85%RH (non-condensing) 860 to 1,060hPa IP65 on front panel (using rubber gasket ATC18002) <only for IP65 type> 100g 3.527 oz (Pin type), 110g 3.880 oz (Screw terminal type) 1) Unless otherwise specified, the measurement conditions at the maximum scale time standard are specified to be the rated operating voltage, 20C 68F ambient temperature, and 1s power off time. 2) For the 2s range, the tolerance for each specification becomes 10ms. 3) Between contacts of different poles for PM4H-SDM type only. PM4H-SD/SDM Time range Time range unit Operating (s) Time range 2 10 20 100 -g switching time (s) 0.04 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.2 to 2 1 to 10 2 to 20 10 to 100 Product types PM4H-SD Star ( )-Delta (g) switching PM4H-SDM Star ( )-Delta (g) switching (Instantaneous contact) PM4H-SD Star ( )-Delta (g) switching Contact arrangement Time range Protective rated operating construction voltage 100 to 240V AC Relay Timed-out side: 1 Form A g side: 1 Form A 24V AC IP65 Star ( )Delta (g) switching Relay Timed-out side: 1 Form A g side: 1 Form A Instantaneous: 1 Form A Relay Timed-out side: 1 Form A g side: 1 Form A 100 to 240V AC 4 selectable ranges over 2s to 100s ( -g switching time: 0.04, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7s) 24V AC 100 to 240V AC 24V AC IP50 PM4H-SDM Star ( )-Delta (g) switching (Instantaneous contact) Relay Timed-out side: 1 Form A g side: 1 Form A Instantaneous: 1 Form A 100 to 240V AC 24V AC Terminal type 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal Part number PM4HSD-S-AC240VW PM4HSD-S-AC240VSW PM4HSD-S-AC24VW PM4HSD-S-AC24VSW PM4HSDM-S-AC240VW PM4HSDM-S-AC240VSW PM4HSDM-S-AC24VW PM4HSDM-S-AC24VSW PM4HSD-S-AC240V PM4HSD-S-AC240VS PM4HSD-S-AC24V PM4HSD-S-AC24VS PM4HSDM-S-AC240V PM4HSDM-S-AC240VS PM4HSDM-S-AC24V PM4HSDM-S-AC24VS Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams Pin type Screw terminal type * No instantaneous contact 3 2 4 5 1 8 * With instantaneous contact 6 7 3 2 Operating voltage 4 5 1 8 * No instantaneous contact 6 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 11 1 Operating voltage 2 Operating voltage side time-delay contact side time-delay contact Instantaneous contact (PM4H-SDM type) Dimensions 3 4 5 10 11 5 Operating voltage side time-delay contact side time-delay contact Instantaneous contact (PM4H-SDM type) mm inch 48 1.890 6.0 .236 12.0 .472 48 1.890 7 * With instantaneous contact 66.5 2.618 41 dia. 1.614 dia. 14.5 .571 M44.5 M1.752 Operation Power supply Instantaneous contact side Contact t1: side Contact t2: t3: t1 t2 t3 ( ( operation time indicator LED lights) - switching time operation time indicator LED lights) 45 Analog Timers Operation mode Type PM4H-F DIn48 SIze AnALOG MuLTI-rAnGe POwer OFF-DeLAy TIMerS PM4H-F uL File no.: e122222 CSA File no.: Lr39291 Analog Timers Features * Switch operation times between three types of time ranges of 1 s to 10 s and 1 min to 10 min. * Instantaneous reset available. * The shorter body makes it easier to use. * Compliant with uL, CSA, Ce and LLOyD. 48 1.890 48 1.890 62.5 2.461 mm inch Specifications Type Item rated operating voltage rated frequency rated power consumption rating Time accuracy *1 Contact Life rated control capacity Operation mode Time range Operation time fluctuation Setting error voltage error Temperature error Contact arrangement Contact resistance (Initial value) Contact material Mechanical (contact) electrical (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Insulation resistance (Initial value) electrical function Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Min. power supply width Min. reset time Max. temperature rise Mechanical function Operating condition Others *Notes: 46 vibration resistance Shock resistance Functional Destructive Functional Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Atmospheric pressure ripple factor (DC type) Protective construction weight PM4H-F8 PM4H-F8r PM4H-F11r 100 to 120V AC, 200 to 240V AC, 24V AC, 12V DC, 24V DC 50/60Hz common (AC operating type) Approx. 1.6VA (100 to 120V AC, 200 to 240V AC), Approx. 2.3VA (24V AC) Approx. 1.1W (12V DC, 24V DC) 3A 250V AC (resistive load) Power OFF-delay Power OFF-delay (with reset) 1s to 10s: 3 range switchable 1 min to 10 min: 3 range selectable 0.3% 5% (Full-scale value) 0.5% (at the operating voltage changes between 85 to 110%) 2% (at 20C ambient temp. at the range of -10 to +50C +14 to +122F) Timed-out 2 Form C Timed-out 1 Form C Timed-out 2 Form C Max. 100mW (at 1A 6V DC) Au flash on Silver alloy 107 105 (at rated control capacity) 85 to 110% of rated operating voltage (at 20C coil temp.), 90 to 110% (DC Type) Between live and dead metal parts Between input and output Min. 100MW (At 500V DC) Between contacts of different poles (*3) Between contacts of same pole 1,500Vrms for 1 min Between live and dead metal parts 1,500Vrms for 1 min Between input and output 1,000Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of different poles (*3) 750Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of same pole s range type: 100ms min range type: 2s 50ms 55C 131F 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.25mm (10min on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.375mm (1hr on 3 axes) Min. 98m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 980m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +50C +14 to +122F 30 to 85%RH (non-condensing) 860 to 1,060hPa 20% IP65 on front panel (using rubber gasket ATC18002) <only for IP65 type> 100g 3.527 oz (Pin type), 110g 3.880 oz (Screw terminal type) 1) Unless otherwise specified, the measurement conditions at the maximum scale time standard are specified to be the rated operating voltage (within 5% ripple factor for DC), 20C 68F ambient temperature. 2) For the 1s range, the tolerance for each specification becomes 10ms. When the power goes on, in rush current (0.3A) flows. Cautions should be taken. The minimum power supplying time after forced reset input is 2s or more. 3) Between contacts of different pools for PM4H-F8, PM4H-F11R types only. PM4H-F Time range Time range unit Time range 1 5 10 s range type min range type 0.04s to 1s 0.2s to 5s 0.4s to 10s 0.04 min to 1 min 0.2 min to 5 min 0.4 min to 10 min Product types Operation mode Contact arrangement Time range 3 selectable time ranges over 1s to 10s 3 selectable time ranges over 1 min to 10 min PM4H-F8 Power OFF-delay (without reset) Relay Timed-out 2 Form C 3 selectable time ranges over 1s to 10s 3 selectable time ranges over 1 min to 10 min 3 selectable time ranges over 1s to 10s PM4H-F8r Power OFF-delay (with instantaneous reset) 3 selectable time ranges over 1 min to 10 min Relay Timed-out 1 Form C 3 selectable time ranges over 1s to 10s 3 selectable time ranges over 1 min to 10 min Protective rated operating construction voltage 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC 12V DC 24V DC IP65 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC 12V DC 24V DC 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC 12V DC 24V DC IP50 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC 12V DC 24V DC 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC 12V DC 24V DC IP65 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC 12V DC 24V DC 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC 12V DC 24V DC IP50 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC 12V DC 24V DC Terminal type 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins 8 pins Part number PM4HF8-S-AC120VW PM4HF8-S-AC240VW PM4HF8-S-AC24VW PM4HF8-S-DC12VW PM4HF8-S-DC24VW PM4HF8-M-AC120VW PM4HF8-M-AC240VW PM4HF8-M-AC24VW PM4HF8-M-DC12VW PM4HF8-M-DC24VW PM4HF8-S-AC120V PM4HF8-S-AC240V PM4HF8-S-AC24V PM4HF8-S-DC12V PM4HF8-S-DC24V PM4HF8-M-AC120V PM4HF8-M-AC240V PM4HF8-M-AC24V PM4HF8-M-DC12V PM4HF8-M-DC24V PM4HF8R-S-AC120VW PM4HF8R-S-AC240VW PM4HF8R-S-AC24VW PM4HF8R-S-DC12VW PM4HF8R-S-DC24VW PM4HF8R-M-AC120VW PM4HF8R-M-AC240VW PM4HF8R-M-AC24VW PM4HF8R-M-DC12VW PM4HF8R-M-DC24VW PM4HF8R-S-AC120V PM4HF8R-S-AC240V PM4HF8R-S-AC24V PM4HF8R-S-DC12V PM4HF8R-S-DC24V PM4HF8R-M-AC120V PM4HF8R-M-AC240V PM4HF8R-M-AC24V PM4HF8R-M-DC12V PM4HF8R-M-DC24V 47 Analog Timers Type PM4H-F Type Operation mode Contact arrangement Protective rated operating construction voltage Time range 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC IP65 12V DC 24V DC 3 selectable time ranges over 1s to 10s Analog Timers 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC IP50 12V DC PM4H-F11r Power OFF-delay (with instantaneous reset) 24V DC Relay Timed-out 2 Form C 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC IP65 12V DC 24V DC 3 selectable time ranges over 1 min to 10 min 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 24V AC IP50 12V DC 24V DC Terminal type 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal 11 pins Screw terminal Dimensions 48 1.890 48 12.0 .472 41 dia. 1.614 dia. 48 1.890 6.0 .236 62.5 2.461 48 1.890 M44.5 M1.752 48 1.890 12.0 .472 6.0 .236 66.5 2.618 PM4HF11R-S-AC120VW PM4HF11R-S-AC120VSW PM4HF11R-S-AC240VW PM4HF11R-S-AC240VSW PM4HF11R-S-AC24VW PM4HF11R-S-AC24VSW PM4HF11R-S-DC12VW PM4HF11R-S-DC12VSW PM4HF11R-S-DC24VW PM4HF11R-S-DC24VSW PM4HF11R-S-AC120V PM4HF11R-S-AC120VS PM4HF11R-S-AC240V PM4HF11R-S-AC240VS PM4HF11R-S-AC24V PM4HF11R-S-AC24VS PM4HF11R-S-DC12V PM4HF11R-S-DC12VS PM4HF11R-S-DC24V PM4HF11R-S-DC24VS PM4HF11R-M-AC120VW PM4HF11R-M-AC120VSW PM4HF11R-M-AC240VW PM4HF11R-M-AC240VSW PM4HF11R-M-AC24VW PM4HF11R-M-AC24VSW PM4HF11R-M-DC12VW PM4HF11R-M-DC12VSW PM4HF11R-M-DC24VW PM4HF11R-M-DC24VSW PM4HF11R-M-AC120V PM4HF11R-M-AC120VS PM4HF11R-M-AC240V PM4HF11R-M-AC240VS PM4HF11R-M-AC24V PM4HF11R-M-AC24VS PM4HF11R-M-DC12V PM4HF11R-M-DC12VS PM4HF11R-M-DC24V PM4HF11R-M-DC24VS mm inch Toletance: 0.5 .020 * Pin type (Flush mount/surface mount) 41 dia. 1.614 dia. * Screw terminal type (Flush mount) Part number 14.5 .571 M44.5 M1.752 PM4H-F Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams 3 2 4 5 1 8 N.C. N.O. 6 7 Operating voltage * PM4H-F11r (with reset input) Pin type Time-out 2 Form C, with reset input PM4H-F8r (with reset input) Pin type Time-out 1 Form C, with reset input N.C. N.C. N.O. (-) * 3 2 Reset input (+) (-) Screw-tightening pin type The PM4H-F11R should be used for the timelimit 2C. 4 5 1 8 Reset input N.O. N.C. 6 7 Operating voltage N.O. 4 3 2 5 6 7 1 11 N.C. N.O. 8 9 10 Operating voltage (-) (+) Screw-tightening pin type The PM4H-F11R should be used for the timelimit 1C and to connect reset input. (+) Screw terminal type Time-out 2 Form C, with reset input N.C. N.O. 6 7 8 9 10 N.C. N.O. 11 1 (+) 2 3 4 Operating voltage (-) 5 Reset input PM4H-F (with reset) input conditions 1. Contact input (pin type example) PM4H-F8r 2. non-contact input (pin type example) PM4H-F11r Reset input Reset input PM4H-F8r Use a contact with good contact reliability for the input. Contact bounce can lead to erroneous operation of the timer, so use a contact with short bounce time. Make the resistance between terminals for a short circuit less than 1k-ohms. Make the resistance between terminals for an open circuit greater than 100k-ohms. Reset input PM4H-F11r Photo-coupler Reset input Be sure to use a photocoupler for non-contact input. Check that Vce = 0.6V Max. when ON. Photo-coupler Operation * PM4H-F8 (without reset input) * PM4H-F8r/F11r (with reset input) Tr Tr Note: Ts Note: Tr Ts Power supply Power supply T Time-delay contact N.O. Reset input Time-delay contact N.C. Time-delay contact N.O. T t Time-delay contact N.C. Note: t<T: Tr: Ts: Time setting Minimum power supply application time Min. 2s (Time to restart operation after reset input is set to OFF: both second type and minute type) 49 Analog Timers * PM4H-F8 (without reset input) Pin type Time-out 2 Form C PM4H-w DIn48 SIze AnALOG MuLTI-rAnGe CyCLIC TwIn TIMerS PM4H-w uL File no.: e122222 CSA File no.: Lr39291 Analog Timers Features 48 1.890 48 1.890 62.5 2.461 mm inch * A single twin timer unit that repeats (variable) On/OFF. * Multiple ranges with a 0.1 s to 500 h time specification on a single unit. * The output On/OFF operation is indicated by red and green LeD's. It's easy to check the operation at a glance. * The AC free power supply and shorter body make it easier to use. * A new screw terminal type has been added to the conventional pin type. wiring can be done easily with a screwdriver. * Compliant with uL, CSA, Ce and LLOyD. Specifications Type Item Rated operating voltage Rated frequency Rated power consumption Rating Rated control capacity Operation mode Time range Operation time fluctuation Time Setting error accuracy Note:1) Voltage error Temperature error Contact arrangement Contact resistance (Initial value) Contact Contact material Mechanical (contact) Life Electrical (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Insulation resistance (Initial value) Electrical function Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Min. power off time Max. temperature rise Mechanical function Operating condition Others Notes: 50 Vibration resistance Shock resistance Functional Destructive Functional Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Atmospheric pressure Ripple factor (DC type) Protective construction Weight PM4H-W 100 to 240V AC, 48 to 125V DC, 12V DC, 24V AC/DC 50/60Hz common (AC operating type) Approx. 10VA (100 to 240V AC) Approx. 2.5VA (24V AC) Approx. 1.5W (12V DC, 24V DC, 48 to 125V DC) 5A 250V AC (resistive load) Cyclic (OFF-start/Twin operation) 1s to 500h 16 time ranges switchable (T1, T2 time setting individually) 0.3% (power off time change at the range of 0.3s to 1h) 5% (Full-scale value) 0.5% (at the operating voltage changes between 85 to 110%) 2% (at 20C ambient temp. at the range of -10 to +50C +14 to 122F) Timed-out 2 Form C Max. 100m (at 1A 6V DC) Silver alloy 2x107 5 10 (at rated control capacity) 85 to 110% of rated operating voltage (at 20C coil temp.) Between live and dead metal parts Between input and output Min. 100M (At 500V DC) Between contacts of different poles Between contacts of same pole 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between live and metal parts 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between input and output 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of different poles 1,000Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of same pole 300ms 55C 131F 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.25mm (10min on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.375mm (1h on 3 axes) Min. 98m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 980m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +50C +14 to +122F 30 to 85%RH (non-condensing) 860 to 1,060hPa 20% IP65 on front panel (using rubber gasket ATC18002) <only for IP65 type> 120g 4.233 oz (Pin type), 130g 4.586 oz (Screw terminal type) 1) Unless otherwise specified, the measurement conditions at the maximum scale time standard are specified to be the rated operating voltage (within 5% ripple factor for DC), 20C 68F ambient temperature, and 1s power off time. 2) For the 1s range, the tolerance for each specification becomes 10ms. 3) As internal components may become worn when using continuous conduction, the product should be replaced periodically. PM4H-w Time range All types of PM4H-W timer have multi-time range. 16 time ranges are selectable. 1s to 500h (Max. range) is controlled. Time unit sec min hrs 10h 0.1s to 1s 0.1 min to 1 min 0.1h to 1h 1.0h to 10h Scale 1 5 Control time range 10 50 0.5s to 5s 0.5 min to 5 min 0.5h to 5h 5h to 50h 1.0s to 10s 1.0 min to 10 min 1.0h to 10h 10h to 100h 5s to 50s 5 min to 50 min 5h to 50h 50h to 500h Operating mode Type Contact arrangement Time range Protective structure rated Operating voltage 100 to 240V AC 48 to 125V DC IP65 24V AC/DC Cyclic (OFF-start, Twin) PM4H-w Twin timer Relay Timed-out 2 Form C 12V DC 16 selectable ranges (1s to 500h) 100 to 240V AC 48 to 125V DC IP50 24V AC/DC 12V DC Terminal type 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal 8 pins Screw terminal Analog Timers Product types Part number PM4HW-H-AC240VW PM4HW-H-AC240VSW PM4HW-H-DC125VW PM4HW-H-DC125VSW PM4HW-H-24VW PM4HW-H-24VSW PM4HW-H-DC12VW PM4HW-H-DC12VSW PM4HW-H-AC240V PM4HW-H-AC240VS PM4HW-H-DC125V PM4HW-H-DC125VS PM4HW-H-24V PM4HW-H-24VS PM4HW-H-DC12V PM4HW-H-DC12VS Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams Pin Type Screw terminal type Cyclic timed-out relay contact: 2C N.O. 3 2 (-) Cyclic timed-out relay contact: 2C N.C. N.C. 4 5 1 8 N.C. N.O. 6 N.O. 6 7 Operating voltage 7 8 9 10 N.C. N.O. 11 1 (+) (+) 2 3 Operating voltage 4 5 (-) Dimensions * Screw terminal type: M3.5 * Pin type 6.0 17.0 .236 .670 48 1.890 41 1.614 62.5 2.461 44.5 1.752 48 1.890 41 1.614 6.0 17.0 .236 .670 48 1.890 48 1.890 mm inch Toletance: 0.5 .020 66.5 2.618 14.5 .571 44.5 1.752 Operation Power supply T1 T2 T1 Time-delay contact (N.O. contact) Time-delay contact (N.C. contact) Output ON-OFF indicator : : T1: T2: Output OFF indicator (green) Output ON indicator (orange) OFF set time ON set time 51 Analog Timers PM4H SerIeS MODeS AnD TIMe SeTTInG 1. Operation method 1) Operation mode setting [PM4H-A type] 8 operation modes are selectable with operation mode selector. Turn the operation mode selector with screw driver. Operation mode is shown up through the window above the mode selector. The marks are ON , FL , FO , OF1 , SF , OS , OF2 , OC . Turn the mode selector to the mark until you can check by clicking sound. Confirm the mode selector position if it is correct. If the position is not stable, the timer might mis-operate. 2) Time range setting [PM4H series common] 16 time ranges are selectable between 1s to 500h. Turn the time range selector with the screw driver. Clockwise turning increases the time range, and Counter-clockwise turning decrease the time range. Confirm the range selector position if it is correct. If the position is not stable, the timer might mis-operate. 2. How to use "Set ring" [PM4H series common] 1) Fixed time setting 2) Time range setting Set the desired time and put 2 set rings Example: Time range 20s to 30s. together. a Shorter time value setting Insert the rings into stopper to fix the Set the dial to 20s. time. Place the stop ring at the right side of Stopper boss stopper. Stopper 3) Time setting [common] To set the time, turn the set dial to a desired time within the range. Instantaneous output will be on when the dial is set to "0". When the instantaneous output is used, the dial should be set under "0" range. (Instantaneous output area) When power supply is on, the time range, setting time and operation mode cannot be changed. Turn off the power supply or a reset signal is applied to set the new operation mode. If the position is not stable, the timer might mis-operate. b Longer time value setting Set the dial to 30s. Place the stop ring at the left side of stopper. Set range Shorter time value Longer time value Stopper boss Set ring (2 pcs) ATC18001 (sold separately) Stop ring 20 Set dial 0 30 0 SEC SEC Note) The stoppers for the lower limit setting set ring and the upper limit setting set ring face the opposite directions. Applicable standard (PM4H series common) Safety standard EN61812-1 (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity 52 Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category III EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air EN61000-4-3 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (signal line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe PM4H SerIeS Contact input (or non-contact input) no good 7 10 2 Operating voltage Fig. B 6 5 Good Contact input (or non-contact input) 7 10 2 Operating voltage If the circuits is connected as in Fig. C, the internal circuits must be broken. Be sure to connect the circuit as in Fig. D. Fig. C 2. Input signal conditions (PM4H-A type) 1) Connection of contact input (Pin type example 10 6 T no good Reset input 2 Fig. D Stop input 6 5 Start input Fig. A 3) Terminal b-f (screw terminal x-c) should be connected as the start input. Connect terminals b-g (screw terminal x-v) for reset signal input. Connect terminals b-e (screw terminal x-b) for stop signal input. Be sure not to connect with other terminals and apply excessive voltage. The internal circuit will be damaged. 4) The input wiring other than the power supply circuit should avoid these conditions, high-voltage wiring and parallel wiring with power wire. Wire in short with using the shielding wire or metal wiring tube. 5) For start, reset and stop input, use gold-plated contact with high reliability. Since contact bouncing causes errors in the start, use an input contact less bounce time. 6) Keep the minimum signal input time over 0.05 s. 5 6 7 2 10 6 T Good 2 2) When one input signal is simultaneously applied to more than one timer, be sure to avoid the wiring shown in Fig. E. Otherwise, the short-circuit current will flow and cause damage. Be sure to align the polarity of the power supply as shown in Fig. F. Fig. E Use gold-plated contacts with high-reliability. The bounce time at the contacts causes errors in the timer operation time. Accordingly, use start input contact whose bounce time is short. The resistance when shorted should be less than 1kW, and when open resistance should be more than 100kW. For the screw terminal type, connect the terminal x to the each input signal. 2) Connection of non-contact input (Pin type example) (open-collector) Input terminal 2 10 Fig. F Contact or non-contact input Input terminal 2 10 Good Input terminal 2 10 Power supply Stop input Power supply Start input no good 10 Reset input Input terminal 2 5 6 7 2 Apply the open-collector connection. The characteristics of the transistor used must be VCEO=10V or more, IC=10mA or more, and ICBO=6A or less. Additionally, the input impedance must be 1kW or less, and the residual voltage must be 0.6V or less. For the screw terminal type, connect the terminal x to the each input signal. 3) Connection of non-contact input (Pin type example) (voltage input) Internal circuit with photoelectric sensor, etc. Q (The start input is turned on.) 1mA 5 6 7 2 [Example of start input] Even if the open collector is not used, input is also possible from the non-contact circuit of 6 to 30V DC. In this case, the start input is turned on when the signal is turned from H to L. The residual voltage must be 0.6V or less when Q is on. On the AC type, an insulated transformer is required as the power supply for the photoelectric sensor, etc. (power supply for the input devices). Note: Keep the minimum input signal time of each signal to 0.05s or more. 3. Checking the contacts before use (PM4H-F only) When the power ON time is less than the minimum power application time, the contacts may remain in an ON state, so the state of the contacts should be checked before use. When the contacts are in an ON state, activating them once will return them to their normal state (the OFF state after time-out). (Be aware that relay characteristics may result in the contacts being in that same ON state if exposed to excessive vibration and impact during transport.) 4. Time setting To set the time, turn the set dial to a desired time within the range. Instantaneous output will be on when the dial is set to "0". When the instantaneous output is used, the dial should be set under "0" range. (Instantaneous output area) Note) When power supply is on, the time range, setting time and operation mode cannot be changed. Turn off the power supply or a reset signal is applied to set the new operation mode. If the position is not stable, the timer might mis-operate. 53 Analog Timers 1. Input connections (PM4H-A type) 1) Be sure not to use terminal j as the common terminal of the input signal as shown in Fig. A. Otherwise, the internal circuit of the timer may be damaged. Use terminal b as the common terminal as shown in Fig. B. PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe PM4H SerIeS Analog Timers 5. Superimposed surge of power supply (PM4H series common) For the superimposed surge of power supply, the standard waveform is taken as the standard value for surge-proof voltage. If external surge occurs exceeding the specified value, the internal circuit may break down. In this case, use a surge Operation voltage 100 to 240V AC 100 to 120V AC 200 to 240V AC 48 to 125V DC 12V DC, 24V DC 24V AC/DC Surge voltage 4,000V 500V absorption element. The positive and negative voltages are applied each five times between the power pins. The typical surge absorption elements include a varistor, a capacitor, and a diode. If a surge absorption element is used, use an oscilloscope to see whether or not the foreign surge exceeding the specified value appears. 54 6. Acquisition of Ce marking Please abide by the conditions below when using in applications that comply with EN61812-1. 1) Overvoltage category III, pollution level 2 2) This timer employs a power supply without a transformer, so the power and input signal terminals are not insulated. (PM4H-A only) (1) When a sensor is connected to the input circuit, install double insulation on the sensor side. (2) In the case of contact input, use dualinsulated relays, etc. 3) The load connected to the output contact should have basic insulation. This timer is protected with basic insulation and can be double-insulated to meet EN/IEC requirements by using basic insulation on the load. 4) Please use a power supply that is protected by an overcurrent protection device which complies with the EN/IEC standard (example: 250 V 1 A fuse, etc.). 5) You must use a terminal socket or socket for the installation. Do not touch the terminals or other parts of the timer when it is powered. When installing or un-installing, make sure that no voltage is being applied to any of the terminals. 6) Do not use this timer as a safety circuit. For example when using a timer in a heater circuit, etc., provide a protection circuit on the machine side. PM5S-A/S/M PM5S-A PM5S-S PM5S-M DIn 24 SIze MuLTI-rAnGe AnALOG TIMer C-uL File no.: e59504 (vol. 3) Analog Timers Features * 24-240v AC/DC free-voltage input * Built-in Screw terminals * 6 different operation modes: (PM5S-A) * Multiple time ranges -- 1 s to 500 h (Max.) * Slim body -- DIn 22.5 mm .886 inch * 0 setting instantaneous output operation. * uL/C-uL/Ce approval. 75.0 2.953 98.5 3.878 22.5 .886 mm inch Product types Type Contact arrangement Operation mode PM5S-A 6 operation modes * Pulse ON-delay * Pulse Flicker * Pulse ON-flicker * Signal OFF-delay * Pulse One-shot * Pulse One-cycle Relay Timed-out 2 Form C PM5S-S Power ON-delay Relay Timed-out 2 Form C PM5S-M 6 operation modes (With instantaneous contact) * Pulse ON-delay * Pulse Flicker * Pulse ON-flicker * Signal OFF-delay * Pulse One-shot * Pulse One-cycle Relay Timed-out 1 Form C Instantaneous 1 Form C Time range Protective construction rated operating voltage Part number PM5S-A-24-240V 16 selectable ranges 1s to 500h IP40 24 to 240V AC/DC PM5S-S-24-240V PM5S-M-24-240V Note: PM5S-M timer will be released soon. Time range Time unit Scale 1 5 10 50 Control time range sec min hrs 10h 0.1s to 1s 0.1 min to 1 min 0.1h to 1h 1.0h to 10h 0.5s to 5s 0.5 min to 5 min 0.5h to 5h 5h to 50h 1.0s to 10s 1.0 min to 10 min 1.0h to 10h 10h to 100h 5s to 50s 5 min to 50 min 5h to 50h 50h to 500h PM5S-A/PM5S-S/PM5S-M All types of PM5S timer have multi-time range. 16 time ranges are selectable. 1s to 500h (Max. range) is controlled. Note: 0 setting is for instantaneous output operation. 55 PM5S-A/S/M Specifications Type Item PM5S-A PM5S-S 24 to 240V AC/DC 50/60Hz common 2.6 VA (AC), 1.4 W (DC) 5A 250V AC (resistive load) Rated operating voltage Rated frequency Rated power consumption Rated control capacity Rating Pulse ON-delay Pulse Flicker Pulse ON-Flicker Signal OFF-delay Pulse One-shot Pulse One-cycle Analog Timers Operating mode Time range Operating time fluctuation Time Setting error accuracy Note:1) Voltage error Temperature error Contact arrangement Contact Contact resistance (Initial value) Contact material Mechanical (contact) Electrical (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Life Insulation resistance (Initial value) Electrical function Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Min. power off time Max. temperature rise Mechanical function Operating condition Others Note: Shock resistance Vibration resistance Functional Destructive Functional Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Atmospheric pressure Ripple factor (DC) Protective construction Weight Power ON-delay PM5S-M Pulse ON-delay Pulse Flicker Pulse ON-flicker Signal OFF-delay Pulse One-shot Pulse One-cycle (with instantaneous contact) 1s to 500h (Max.) 16 time ranges switchable 0.3% (power off time change at the range of 0.1s to 1h) 10% (Full-scale value) 0.5% (at the operating voltage changes between 85 to 110%) 2% (at 20C ambient temp. at the range of -10 to +55C +14 to +131F) Timed-out 1 Form C Timed-out 2 Form C Instantaneous 1 Form C Max. 100m (at 1A 6V DC) Silver alloy Au flash on Silver alloy 2x107 1x107 105 (at rated control capacity) 85 to 110% of rated operating voltage (at 20C coil temp.) Between live and dead metal parts Between input and output Min. 100M (At 500V DC) Between contacts of different poles Between contacts of same pole 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between live and dead metal parts 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between input and output 2,000Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of different poles 1,000Vrms for 1 min Between contacts of same pole 100ms 55C 131F 65C 149F Min. 98m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 980m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min Single amplitude of 0.35mm (10min on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz: 1 cycle/min Single amplitude of 0.75mm (1h on 3 axes) -10 to +55C +14 to +131F Max. 85%RH (non-condensing) 860 to 1,060hPa 20% IP40 120g 4.233 oz 1) Unless otherwise specified, the measurement conditions at the maximum scale time standard are specified to be the rated operating voltage (within 5% ripple factor for DC), 20C 68F ambient temperature, and 1s power off time. 2) For the 1s range, the tolerance for each specification becomes 10ms. Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams PM5S-A * Timed-out 2 Form C PM5S-S * Timed-out 2 Form C PM5S-M * Timed-out 1 Form C * Instantaneous 1 Form C Contact Timed-out contact 56 Instantaneous contact PM5S-A/S/M Mode selection 15 A1 PWR 25 ON Operation mode indicator Selectable from 8 operation modes ON: ON-delay FL: Flicker FO: ON-flicker SF: Signal OFF-delay OS: Pulse One-shot OC: Pulse One-cycle OUT 6 4 8 2 10 0 L S The 6 operation modes of PM5S-A and PM5S-M can be selected by the operation mode selector switch. In the next pages the different modes will be explained. Sec PM5S 28 26 B1 18 16 A2 Dimensions Analog Timers PM5S-A/M type mm inch PM5S-M 16 18 A2 26 28 B1 PM5S Sec 10 8 6 22.5 .886 S 0 L 4 2 OUT A1 PWR 15 ON 25 75.0 2.953 9.0 .354 75.0 2.953 48.0 1.890 9.0 .354 5.0 .197 14.2 .559 ATD1217 PM5S MULTIRANGE TIMER PM5S-A-24-240V 41.3 1.626 98.5 3.878 3.5 .138 20 .787 37.5 1.476 57 PM5S-A/S/M Operation mode LED lighting LED flickering T: Setting time t1, t2<T PM5S-A/M Operation type Operation Turn the operation selector to ON . Timing operation starts when terminals A1 - B1 are connected while power is on. Control output is turned on after the set time regardless of duration of operation signal On-delay Time chart Power supply ON Signal A1-B1 ON Relay output (NO contact) OUT. LED Analog Timers ON T ON T POWER LED Turn the operation selector to FL . Timing operation starts when terminals A1 - B1 are connected while power is on. Control output repeatedly turn OFF and ON regardless of operation signal input time. Flicker Power supply ON Signal A1-B1 ON Relay output (NO contact) OUT. LED FL T ON T t1 T t1 T t2 POWER LED Turn the operation selector to FO . Timing operation starts when terminals A1 - B1 are connected while power is on. Control output repeatedly turns ON and OFF regardless of operation signal input time. On-flicker Power supply ON Signal A1-B1 ON Relay output (NO contact) OUT. LED FO ON T T T POWER LED Signal OFF-delay Turn the operation selector to SF . Timing operation starts when terminals A1 - B1 are opened while power is on. Control output is turned off after the set time. If the signal input turns OFF during timing operation, the timing operation starts at that point again. Power supply ON Signal A1-B1 ON Relay output (NO contact) OUT. LED SF ON T t1 t2 POWER LED Turn the operation selector to OS . Timing operation starts when terminals A1 - B1 are connected while power is ON. Control output continues ON state while timing operation. One-shot OS Power supply Signal A1-B1 Relay output (NO contact) OUT. LED POWER LED Note: 58 Keep 0.1s or more for power off time. Keep 0.05s or more for signal, input time. ON ON ON T T T t1 PM5S-A/S/M Operation type Operation Time chart Turn the operation selector to OC . Timing operation starts when terminals A1 - B1 are connected while power is ON. Control output is turned on after the set time, the pulse is 0.5 to 1.0 s. One-cycle Power supply Signal A1-B1 ON ON Relay output (NO contact) OUT. LED OC 0.5-1.0S T T t1 Note: Analog Timers POWER LED Keep 0.1s or more for power off time. Keep 0.05s or more for signal, input time. LED lighting T: Setting time PM5S-S Operation type Operation LED flickering Time chart When power is applied continuously, the time cycle begins. The output contacts change state after the time delay is completed. Power On-delay Power supply Time-out relay output (NO contact) ON T ON OUT. LED POWER LED Modes and time setting 1) Operation mode setting [PM5S-A] 6 operation modes are selectable with operation mode selector. Turn the operation mode selector with screw driver. Operation mode is shown up through the window above the mode selector. The marks are ON , FL , FO , SF , OS , OC . Turn the mode selector to the mark until you can check by clicking sound. Confirm the mode selector position if it is correct. If the position is not stable, the timer might mis-operate. PM5S 2) Time setting [common] 16 time ranges are selectable between 1s to 500h. Turn the time range selector with the screw driver. Clockwise turning increases the time range, and Counter-clockwise turning decrease the time range. Confirm the range selector position if it is correct. PM5S 3) Time setting [common] To set the time, turn the set dial to a desired time within the range. Instantaneous output will be on when the dial is set to "0". When the instantaneous output is used, the dial should be set under "0" range. (Instantaneous output area) When power supply is on, the time range, setting time and operation mode cannot be changed. Turn off the power supply is applied to set the new operation mode. To set the time in the range, turn the dial to a desired time scale. Do not turn the dial beyond the stopper. * Cautions for Time setting/Operating mode setting 1) Time chart * T shots setting time, t1 and t2 means the time in setting time. (t1, t2<T) * When the output relay is turned on, No contact is closed and NC contact is opened. * LED indication shows "Turn ON" 2) Timing opera- tion starts when power is applied to terminals A1 - B1 Input signal time should be taken over 0.05 sec. Short-circuited condition: Max. 1kW Open-circuited condition: Min. 100kW 59 PM5S-A/S/M Input connections Mounting and dismounting The inputs of the PM5S-A/M are voltage (voltage imposition or open) inputs. The PM5S should be mounted as horizontally as possible. When mounting the PM5S on a socket mounting track, hook portion (A) of the Timer to an edge of the track first, and then depress the Timer in the direction of (B). No-contact input (Connection to PNP output sensor.) Contact input Sensor Timer B1 Start Timer A1 B1 Start A2 Operates with transistor ON A1 A2 (B) (B) Operates with relay ON When dismounting the PM5S pull out portion (C) with a flatblade screwdriver and remove the Timer from the mounting track. voltage Input Signal Levels No-contact input Contact input 1. Transistor ON Residual voltage: 1 V max. (Voltage between terminals B1 and A2 must be more than the rated "H-level" voltage (20.4 V DC min.).) 2. Transistor OFF Leakage current: 0.01 mA max. (Voltage between terminals B1 and A2 must be less than the rated "L-level" voltage (2.5 V DC max.).) Use contacts that can adequately switch 0.1 mA at each voltage to be imposed. (When the contacts are ON or OFF, voltage between terminals B1 and A2 must be within the following ranges: When contacts are ON: 20.4 to 264 V AC/DC When contacts are OFF: 0 to 2.5 V AC/DC (C) (C) Rail stopper Rail stopper Cautions for use Cautions 1) Prevent using the timer in such places where flammable or corrosive gas is generated, a lot of dust exisits, oil is splashed or considerable shock and vibration occur. 2) Since the body cover is consisted of polycarbonate resin, prevent from contact with organic solvents such as methyl alcohol, benzine and thinner, or strong alkali materials such as ammonia and caustic soda. Power supplies The PM5S Series is provided with a transformerless power supply system. An electric shock may be received if the input terminal or the output type selector switch is touched while power is being supplied. Use the bar terminal for wiring the PM5S. Using a stranded-wire terminal may cause a short-circuit due to a stray wire entering into the Timer. For the power supply of the input device, use a single-phase or double-phase insulated power transformer. The second-phase side must not be grounded. B1 Start input PM5S B1 Input circuit A1 Power supply circuit Power supply A2 A2 Circuit Isolation tranformer is required. 60 * Input and Power supply circuit (PM5S-A/M) Power supply AC/DC A1 Rectifier circuit Analog Timers 24 V DC (A) (A) * Since input circuit and power supply circuit is independent, it is possible to switch ON and OFF for input circuit regardless power ON and OFF. Note that the contact of input circuit is given same voltage as power voltage. PM5S-A/S/M Contact or transistor for external input signal A1 Incorrect B1 PM5S Power supply A1 B1 PM5S A2 Operating voltage 24 to 240 V AC Surge voltage 4,000 V Surge wave form [(1.250)s single polarity full wave voltage] Fig. A Contact or transistor for external input signal 3. For connecting and disconnecting operating voltage to the timer, a circuit should be used to prevent the flow of leakage current. For example, a circuit for contact protection as shown in Fig. C will permit leakage current to flow through R and C, causing erroneous operation of the timer. Instead, the circuit shown in Fig. D should be used. no good 100 90 Power supply 50 30 0 Good Leak current Crest value R C R Power supply T T C (Fig. C) 0 1.2 50 Time (ms) A2 Short-circuit current 2. External surge protection may be required if the following values are exceeded. Otherwise, the internal circuit will be damaged. (Fig. D) 4. In order to maintain the characteristics of the timer, long continuous current flow through the timer, causing generation of heat internally should be avoided because of the degradation it can cause. For such long continuous operation, the circuit shown below should be used. A1 Correct B1 PM5S Power supply A2 Short-circuit current R R: contacts of relay R T R Relay R T Time A1 B1 PM5S A2 Fig. B The PM5S series is provided with a transformer less power supply system. 61 Analog Timers * Refer to the terminal layout and wiring diagram and securely connect the terminals accordingly. * Do not allow control output to exceed rated control capacity. 1. When one input signal is simultaneously applied to more than one timer, be sure to avoid the wiring shown in Fig. A. Otherwise, the short-circuit current will flow and cause damage. Be sure to align the polarity of the power supply as shown in Fig. B. Crest value (%) Terminal connections InSTALLInG DIn SIze TIMer INSTALLING DIN SIZE TIMER Installations 1. Surface mount 1) For the timers of PM4H and LT4H series, use the pin type timer. With the PM4S and QM4H series, only pin-type timers are available. 2) How to mount the timer From the panel front, pass the timer through the square hole. Fit the mounting frame from the rear, and then push it in so that the clearance between the mounting frame and the panel surface is minimized. In addition, lock the mounting frame with a screw. * Screw terminal type Analog Timers Panel cover 2) Put the terminal socket on the board directly or put it on the DIN rail (Fig. 1). 3) Insert the timer into the terminal socket and fix it with clip (Fig. 2) 4) On DIN rail mounting, mount the timer on the DIN rail tightly to get the proper dimension (Fig. 3). (Fig. 1) (Fig. 2) Mounting frame Push in 5) Correctly connect the pins while seeing the pin connection diagram. Tighten the terminal screws with a torque of 0.8 N*cm or less. The screws are M3.5. (screw-tightened terminal type) 6) If the pin type is used, the rear terminal block (ATC78041) or the 8P cap (AD8-RC) is necessary to connect the pins. For the 11-pin type, use the rear terminal block (ATC78051) or the 11P cap (AT8-DP11) and avoid directly soldering the round pins on the timer. 7) Panel cutout dimensions The standard panel cutout dimensions are 45 1.772 shown in the left figure. (Panel thickness: 1 to 5 45 mm .039 to .197 inch) 1.772 + 0.6 0 + .024 0 Rubber gasket Screw + 0.6 0 + .024 0 * Pin type Push in Panel 8) Although the 80 mm 45 3.150 inch timers can be 1.772 or more mounted adjacent 45 to each other in 1.772 this case, it is rec80 mm ommended to 3.150 inch or more arrange the mounting holes as shown in the right figure to facilitate attaching and detaching the mounting frame. 9) Adjacent 45 mounting 1.772 Although the A timers can be mounted adjacent to each other, remember that the panel surface of PM4H or LT4H series timer will lose its waterresistant effect. (Panel thickness: 1 to 5 mm .039 to .197 inch) A = (48 x n - 2.5) +0.6 (mm) +0 When lining up the timers horizontally, set the frames in such a position so the formed spring Formed spring areas are at the top and bottom. When lining up the timers vertically, set the frames in such a position as the formed spring Formed spring areas are at the right and left. + 0.6 0 + .024 0 + 0.6 0 + .024 0 Terminal socket Screw (Fig. 3) DIN rail 5) 8-pin type should be connected with terminal socket (AT8-DF8K). 11-pin type should be connected with terminal socket (AT8-DF11K). 6) DIN rail (AT8-DLA1) is also available (1 m). 2. Flush mount 1) For the timers of PM4H and LT4H series, it is recommended to use the built-in screw terminal type for flush mount. (Mounting frame and rubber gasket are provided when timer is shipped.) If the pin type is used, the mounting frame (AT8-DA4) and rubber gasket (ATC18002 for surface waterproofing) that are available at extra costs are necessary. If the pin connection socket is the 8-pin type, use the 8P cap (AD8RC); or if it is the 11-pin type, use the 11P cap (AT8-DP11). 3) Caution in mounting the timer * PM4H, and LT4H series a If the PM4H and the LT4H series are used as the waterproof types, tighten the reinforcing screws on the mounting frames so that the timers, the rubber gaskets, and the panel surfaces are tightly contacted with each other. (Tighten the two screws with uniform force and make sure that there is no rattling. If the screws are tightened too excessively, the mounting frame may come off.) b If the timer is installed with the panel cover and the rubber gasket removed, the waterproofing characteristic is lost. 4) Installation Loosen the screws on the mounting frame, spread the edge of frame and remove it. Pull the mounting frame backward while spreading out its hooks with your thumbs and index fingers. 1 + 0.6 0 + .024 0 2 1 56 62 62 DIn SIze TIMerS COMMOn OPTIOnS Terminal sockets (Unit: mm inch, Tolerance: 1 .039) Type Appearance * DIN rail socket (8-pin) 40 1.575 6 24 .945 5 4 5 4 50 1.969 3 2- 4.5 2- .177 3 70 2.756 70 2.756 70 2.756 50 1.969 6 Mounting hole dimensions 24 .945 19 .748 M3.5 M.138 50 1.969 PM4H-S PM4H-M PM4H-SD PM4H-F8 PM4H-F8R PM4H-W LT4H LT4H-W QM4H (8-pin type) Terminal wiring (Top view) Dimensions 35.5 70 1.390 2.756 7 8 1 40 1.575.008 13 .512 0.2 7 8 1 Note: Terminal No. on the main body are identifical to those on the terminal socket. 2 4 .157 ATC180031 2-M4 2-M.157 screw holes (or 4.2 0.1 .1650.1 dia. holes) 2 The minimum distance between the holes which areparallel drilled. 50 1.969 30.5 1.201 29.5 1.161 M3.5 M.138 40 1.575 50 1.969 8 7 6 5 4 8 PM4H-A PM4H-F11R LT4H LT4H-W (11-pin type) 7 6 5 30.5 1.201 2- 4.5 2- .177 70 2.756 4 70 2.756 70 2.756 50 1.969 70 2.756 9 10 9 3 3 11 1 Note: Terminal No. on the main body are identifical to those on the terminal socket. 2 * 4 .157 ATC180041 2-M4 2-M.157 screw holes (or 4.2 0.1 .1650.1 dia. holes) 10 11 1 2 400.2 1.575.008 13 .512 The minimum distance between the holes which areparallel drilled. Note: The socket's numbering system matches that of the timer terminals. Sockets (Unit: mm inch, Tolerance: 1 .039) Appearance M3.5 .138 21 .827 5 6 2 1 8 7 M3.5 .138 4 AT8-DP11 6 7 21 .827 16 .630 4 6 -- 7 1 8 5 6 7 8 8 11 9 3 2 1 -- 11 3 34.6 1.362 2 1 10 14 30 .551 1.181 31.4 1.236 30 1.181 32.5 1.280 8.6 .339 8 .315 26 1.024 (34.6) (1.362) 4 3 2 31.4 1.236 5 43.4 1.709 8 .315 26 1.024 (34.6) (1.362) 7 10 9 8 43.4 1.709 5 .197 45 1.772 21 .827 45 1.772 8 2 8.6 .339 32.5 1.280 AD8-RC PM4H-A PM4H-F11R AT78051 LT4H * 11P cap LT4H-W (11-pin type) 14 30 .551 1.181 31.4 1.236 30 1.181 * Rear terminal socket 1 3 31.4 1.236 6 -- 2 34.6 1.362 5 9 -- 10 * 8P cap 4 4 6 5 38 1.496 AT78041 3 3 Mounting hole dimensions 7 41 1.614 41 1.614 21 .827 16 .630 38 1.496 4 * Rear terminal socket PM4H-S PM4H-M PM4H-SD PM4H-F8 PM4H-F8R PM4H-W LT4H LT4H-W (8-pin type) QM4H Terminal wiring (Top view) Dimensions 5 Type 1 11 Note: The terminal socket's numbering system matches that of the timer terminals. 63 Options and Accessories Timers * DIN rail socket (11-pin) DIn SIze TIMerS COMMOn OPTIOnS * Mounting frame * rubber gasket Applicable for PM4H series and LT4H series 50.0 1.969 ATC18002 Applicable for PM4H series LT4H series and QM4H series 48 1.890 1.0 .039 50.0 1.969 48 1.890 68 2.677 AT8-DA4 4 .157 The rubber gasket is enclosed in the PM4H (screw terminal type) and the LT4H series. 1,000 1 * Mounting rails (Applicable for DIn and IeC standards) 39.37 .039 5.5 .217 26 1.024 * Fastening plate 12 .472 2.75R .108R 5 15 10 15 50 1.969 M4 M.157 15 10 15 5 .197 .591 .394 .591 10 .394 .591 .394 .591 .197 27 1.063 35 24 1.378 .945 1.5 .059 AT8-DLA1 Length: 1 m aluminum ATA4806 ATA4806 10 .394 For holding DIN rails 7.5 .295 * Protective cover for DIn 48 size: LT4H, QM4H series Flexible type 11 .433 UP Options and Accessories Timers Oval hole, 40-5.5x15 40-.217x.591 * Protective cover for DIn 48 size: QM4H series Hard type 17.2 .677 50 1.969 50.6 1.992 50.6 1.992 50 1.969 AQM4803 AQM4801 Accessories PM4H series * Panel cover (Black) PM4H-A * Set ring PM4H-S PM4H-A POWER PM4H-S POWER OP OP S N RAN GE S N RAN GE MODE ATC18011 N RAN GE ATC18012 PM4H-W MODE ATC18013 PM4H-SD PM4H-F PM4H-SD PM4H-W OFF PM4H-M POWER OP S PM4H-F POWER ON S S L RANGE L OFF RANGE ATC18014 ATC18015 S RANGE RANGE L S L RANGE ATC18016 LT4H series * Panel cover (Black) LT4H LT4H-W TIMer TIMer RESET LOCK RESET UP SET/LOC ATL58011 UP K LT4H-w LT4H DOW DOW N N ATL68011 The black panel cover is also available so that you can change the appearance of the panel by changing the panel cover. The color of the standard panel cover is ash gray. 64 When you control the fixed time range, the setting rings (a set of 2 pcs.) make it easy to do the time setting and keep the time range all the time. (Excluding PM4H-W) PM4H-M ATC18001 S1DXM-A/M/S1DX COMMOn OPTIOnS S1DXM-A/M/S1DX COMMON OPTIONS Accessories Note: Accessories are the same as those for the S1DX timer. * Mounting frame Appearance Panel cutout dimensions 25.1 .988 30 1.181 + 0.2 25.2+0.008 .992 0 31.5 1.240 3 .118 5 .197 + 0.2 31.6+0.008 1.244 0 3 .118 *Note 33.5 1.319 * Protective cover 10.5 .413 Board thickness 1 to 3 mm Note: Make sure the holes area stays as right angles. 27.1 1.067 * Cap block * Cap 28.2 1.110 * Socket 29.4 1.157 36 1.417 Options and Accessories Timers ADX18002 (Titanium-gray) ADX18006 (Gray) ADX18007 (Black) 2 .079 18.85 .742 30.0 1.181 34.6 1.362 7.65 .301 21.2 .835 21.2 .835 ADX18008 ADX18011 ADX18004 ADX18003 Terminal socket * HC2 slim DIN terminal socket * HC2 DIN high terminal socket 82.5 3.248 86.5 3.406 * HC4 DIN high terminal socket 82.5 3.248 86.5 3.406 HC2-SFD-S * HC4 socket 58.1 2.287 82.5 3.248 86.5 3.406 HC2-SFD-K 10 .394 HC4-SFD-K HC4-SS-K 18012 AD68002 Figure Dimensions 86.0 3.386 88.0 3.465 * HJ4 terminal socket 86.0 3.386 88.0 3.465 HJ2-SFD/HJ2-SFD-S HJ4-SFD/HJ4-SFD-S Socket line holding clip for S1DXM-A/M Socket leaf holding clip Figure * HJ2 terminal socket Figure Dimensions 4.5 .177 Dimensions ADX28005 Dimensions 4.5 .177 7.5 .295 63.1 2.484 (2 pieces per set) Terminal socket For HC relay For HJ relay 63.8 2.512 61.6 2.425 (2 pieces per set) (2 pieces per set) 52.6 2.071 4.5 .177 Application Type ADX18001 ADX18012 AD68002 ADX28005 HC2-SFD-S -- -- HC2-SFD-K -- HC4-SFD-K -- HJ2-SFD -- -- -- HJ2-SFD-S -- -- -- HJ4-SFD -- -- -- HJ4-SFD-S -- -- -- Note: The triangles indicate that removal will be slightly difficult when installed laterally in succession. 69 65 S1DX TIMer OPTIOnS HC relay terminal sockets Name/Part No. * Terminal socket, HC 2-pin Dimensions Oval hole: 2-4.2x5 .165x.197 12 .472 Terminal layout Mounting hole dimensions Screw hole: 2-M3.5 (or 4.20.1 hole) (or .165.004 hole) Terminal screw M3 6.2 .244 1 17.5 .689 5 9 13 12 20 12 .472 .787 .472 40 1.575 40 1.575 30 1.181 30 1.181 HC2-SF-K 4 8 12 14 * High terminal socket, HC 1-, 2- and 4-pin Oval hole: 2-4.2x9 .165x.354 Terminal screw M3 22.5 28.6 .886 1.126 1 Available Not available 30 1.181 2 .079 Drilling size of panel holes for installing the terminal sockets parallel Note) Only wire springs can be used. (Plate springs cannot be used.) Options and Accessories Timers For general rails 5 .197 15 .591 Applicable timers S1DX(2c) S1DX(4c) S1DXM(2c) S1DXM(4c) 2 6 10 5 9 13 9.5 .374 22.5 .886 22.5 .886 67 53.5 2.106 2.638 53.5 2.106 67 2.638 6.2 .244 30 1.181 HC4-HSF-K 15 0.6 .591 .024 4 8 12 3 7 11 4 Terminal screw M3 13.5 0.2 .531 .008 30 30 1.181 1.181 2 .079 Screw hole: 2-M3.5 (or 4.20.1 hole) (or .165.004 hole) 8 .315 16 .630 27.8 1.094 9 .354 Note) Only wire springs can be used. (Plate springs cannot be used.) * Slim DIN terminal socket, HC2 Available Available Screw hole size 20 0.6 .787 .024 Drilling size of panel holes for installing the terminal sockets parallel 14 1 8 9 .354 15 0.2 15 0.2 .591 .008 .591 .008 5 4.1 0.2 .161 .008 57 1 2.244 .039 67 1 2.638 .039 6.3 0.2 .248 .008 6.4 0.2 .252 .008 2 0.15 .079 .006 HC2-SFD-S 4.2 0.3 .165 .012 22 0.6 .866 .024 * DIN high terminal socket, HC2 260.6 1.024 .024 12 6.2 0.3 .244 .012 28.5 0.6 1.122 .024 4.10.2 .161 .008 6.30.2 .248 .008 6.40.2 .252.008 20.15 .079 .006 HC2-SFD-K 14 Available Not available 22 .866 1 .827 8 5 10 .394 671 2.638.039 26 1.024 4.20.3 .012 .165 300.6 1.181.024 260.6 1.024 .024 13.350.2 .526 .008 4.450.2 .175.008 Not available 13 4 210.6 .024 6 .236 * DIN high terminal socket, HC4 22 .866 2 .079 9 6 0.3 .236 .012 Available Terminal screw M3 13.350.2 .526 .008 For DIN rails 67 Screw hole: 2-M3.5 2.638 (or 4.20.1 hole) 57 0.5 2.244 .020 (or .165.004 hole) 35.4 0.5 1.394 .020 8 0.2 .315 .008 Terminal screw M3 210.6 .024 12 9 14 13 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 .827 26 1.024 67 2.638 33.5 1.319 30 1.181 4 .157 30 1.181 Screw hole: 2-M3.5 (or 4.20.1 hole) (or .165.004 hole) 4.10.2 .161.008 6.30.2 .248 .008 6.40.2 .252.008 20.15 .079.006 HC4-SFD-K 4.20.3 .165 .012 6 .236 300.6 1.181.024 66 Drilling size of panel holes for installing the terminal sockets parallel 671 2.638.039 12 14 11 10 9 13 Available Available S1DXM-A/M/S1DX COMMOn OPTIOnS HJ relay terminal sockets Name/Part No. Dimensions * HJ2 terminal socket Terminal layout 30 1.181 16.5 .650 M3 .118 terminal screw 2-M4.2x5 .165x5 mounting holes 4 1 8 8 5 Available Not available Available Not available 9 4 .157 30 1.181 16.5 .650 M3 .118 terminal screw 2-M4.2x5 .165x5 mounting holes 4 1 8 12 9 14 13 60.3 .236.012 22 .866 HJ2-SFD 150.2 .591.008 35.4 1.394 14 13 590.3 2.323.012 4 3.40.3 .134.012 8 1 5 5 721 2.835.039 59 2.323.039 12 2-M3 .118 or M4 .157 or 4.5 .177 dia. hole 35.4 1.394 1 9 4 .157 14 13 * HJ4 terminal socket 30 1.181 16.5 .650 M3 .118 terminal screw 2-M4.2x5 .165x5 mounting holes 3 2 1 7 6 5 12 3.40.3 .134.012 8 721 2.835.039 591 2.323.039 9 14 13 60.3 .236.012 22 .866 8 1 3 2 1 7 6 5 220.2 .866.008 35.40.5 1.394.020 Available Available 12 11 10 9 12 11 10 9 4 14 13 HJ4-SFD * HJ4 terminal socket (Finger protect type) Lot No. 30 1.181 18 .709 M3 .118 terminal screw 2-M4.2x5 .165x5 mounting holes 8 4 14 13 60.3 .236.012 29 1.142 3 2 1 7 6 5 590.3 2.323.012 3.40.3 .134.012 8 721 2.835.039 3 2 1 7 6 5 2-M3 .118 or M4 .157 or 4.5 .177 dia. hole 35.4 1.394 59 2.323.039 1 Available Available 12 11 10 9 4 .157 4 14 13 HJ4-SFD-S 29 1.142 Lot No. 60.3 .236.012 12 11 10 9 4 14 13 67 Options and Accessories Timers 12 HJ2-SFD-S Applicable timers S1DX(2c) S1DX(4c) S1DXM(2c) S1DXM(4c) 5 721 2.835.039 591 2.323.039 * HJ2 terminal socket (Finger protect type) 4 3.40.3 .134.012 Mounting hole dimensions S1DXM-A/M/S1DX COMMOn OPTIOnS Sockets Name/Order No. * Socket, HC 2-pin Dimensions Mounting hole dimensions * The difference between the HC2 and HC4 sockets is only the number of the pins. Their appearances and sizes are the same. 4.45 4.45 .175 .175 4.06 .160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 29.4 1.157 25.2 .992 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 1.27 .050 2.3 .091 HC2-SS-K 4.45 .175 Applicable timers S1DX(2c) S1DX(4c) S1DXM(2c) S1DXM(4c) * The thickness of applicable chassis plates ranges from 1.0 to 2.0 mm. * To install the socket easily, insert the socket top surface into the drilled holes and press the two points on the fastening plate indicated by arrows as shown in the fig. below. 7.06 .278 Available Not available 25.5 1.004 16.55 .652 7.65 .301 Options and Accessories Timers 21.2 .835 * Socket, HC 4-pin General tolerance: 0.5 4.45 4.45 .175 .175 4.06 .160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 29.4 1.157 25.2 .992 HC4-SS-K 4.45 .175 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 1.27 .050 2.3 .091 7.06 .278 25.5 1.004 68 Available Available 21.6 .850 5.9 .232 The interval size between the sockets which are parallel installed. 16.55 .652 7.65 .301 21.2 .835 * Sockets for PC board HC2 - Socket for PC board: AP3825K HC4 - Socket for PC board: AP3845K 25.8 1.016 Dimensional tolerance of machining: 0.1 .004 COunTerS SeLeCTOr CHArT #LASSIFICATION .AME OF PRODUCT 4YPE #LASSIFICATION ,#( #OUNTER .AME OF PRODUCT 4OTAL COUNTER 4YPE %LECTRONIC COUNTERS ,#( #OUNTER ,#( #OUNTER 0RESET COUNTER 0RESET COUNTER ,#( #OUNTER ,#( #OUNTER 0RESET COUNTER 4OTAL COUNTER 50 TYPE )NPUT MODE)NPUT METHOD )NPUT MODE)NPUT METHOD %LECTRONIC COUNTERS ,#(#OUNTER 3 #OUNTER ,#( 0RESET COUNTER 0RESET COUNTER 50 $/7. AND $)2 50$/7. $/7.AND AND $)2 50 $)2 50 $/7. TYPE Electronic MULTI MODE $)0 SWITCH counters MULTIMODE MODE$)0 $)0 SWITCH MULTI SWITCH 5050 $/7. TYPE TYPE &LUSH MOUNTING TYPE Flush mounting type &LUSH MOUNTING TYPE 0# BOARD MOUNTING TYPE PC board mounting type 0# BOARD MOUNTING TYPE AEL3 !%, ,#(37 #OUNTER ,#( #OUNTER 0RESET COUNTER 0RESET COUNTER 50 $/7. AND $)2 50 $/7. $)2 MULTI MODEAND MODES MULTI MODE $)0 SWITCH SELECTABLE$)0 SWITCH ,#( 7 #OUNTER 0RESET COUNTER 50 $/7. AND $)2 MULTI MODE MODES SELECTABLE$)0 SWITCH !PPEARANCE Appearance !PPEARANCE 4-digit 6-digit 6-digit DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT 4-digit DIGIT DIGIT display display display display DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY AEL3 !%, !%, !%, LC4H-W Counter "RIGHT AND EASYTOTOREAD READ "RIGHT Name of product LC2H Counter LC2H Counter LC4H LC4H-S MM TALL DIGIT DISPLAY MM DIGIT DISPLAY "RIGHT ANDEASY READ Counter "RIGHT AND EASYTOTOREAD READ Counter AND EASY TO READ MM TALLTALL DIGIT DISPLAY MM TALL DIGIT TO DISPLAY "RIGHT AND EASY "RIGHT AND EASY DISPLAY "RIGHT COLOR BACK LIGHT 0RESET FUNCTION EQUIPPED DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY "RIGHT COLOR BACK LIGHT 0RESET FUNCTION EQUIPPED DISPLAY DISPLAY Preset counter Total counter Preset counter Preset counter Preset counter Type 3IMPLE OPERATION IN HALF SIZE OPERATION 3IMPLE OPERATION 3IMPLE OPERATION IN 3IMPLE HALF SIZE 3IMPLE OPERATION 3IMPLE OPERATION DOWN, and DIR 5PPER AND LOWERUP, LIMIT $ISPLAY HAS BACKLIGHT FOR $ISPLAY 3HORT BODY 0RE SCALE IN 0RE HAS BACKLIGHT 3HORT SCALE FUNCTION "UILT IN 5PPER AND LOWER LIMIT UP, FOR DOWN, and BODY DIR FUNCTION UP,"UILT DOWN, and DIR Input mode/Input (multi-mode) 2 modes UP type UP, DOWN type SETTINGS ARE FOR AVAILABLE #ONFORMS TO )0S INSTANT RECOGNITION POWER SUPPLY FOR SETTINGS ARE AVAILABLE #ONFORMS TO )0S INSTANT RECOGNITION POWER SUPPLY (multi-mode)/DIP switch (multi-mode)/DIP switch method &EATURES selectable/DIP switch &EATURES #ONFORMS )0S WEATHER RESISTANT HIGH CAPACITY SENSOR HIGH WEATHER RESISTANT CAPACITYTOSENSOR #ONFORMS TO )0S RESISTANT STANDARDS TO 6 !# TYPE WEATHER RESISTANT STANDARDS TOWEATHER 6 !# TYPE Bright and easy-to-read 8.7 mm tall 8-digit display 8.7 mm tall 8-digit display Bright and easy-to-read Bright and easy-to-read STANDARDS #ONFORMS TO )0S STANDARDS #ONFORMS TO )0S display Bright 2-color back light Preset function equipped display display WEATHER RESISTANT WEATHER RESISTANT Simple operation in half size Simple operation Simple operation STANDARDS Pre-scale function STANDARDS Display has backlight for Short body Built-in Upper and lower limit !# settings are available. &LUSH MOUNTING TYPE 6MOUNTING $# TO 6 Conforms !# !# supply TO 6 !# instant to IP66's power for &LUSH TYPE recognition 6 $# TOTO 66 !# TOTO 66 !# Features 6 !# 5NNECESSARY "UILT IN 6 !# TO 6 $# 6 !# weather resistant sensor (100 Conforms to IP66's 5NNECESSARY "UILT IN 6 !# TO high-capacity 6 $# TO 6 $#weather resistant BATTERY TO 6 $# standards to 240 V AC type) BATTERY 2ATED OPERATING VOLTAGE 2ATED OPERATING VOLTAGE standards 0# BOARD MOUNTING TYPE 0# BOARD MOUNTING TYPE Conforms to IP66's 6 $# "ATTERY IN weather resistant 6 $# "ATTERY IN EXTERNALLY INSTALLED standards EXTERNALLY INSTALLED DIGIT 24 V DC type: DIGIT Flush mounting Unnecessary (Built-in .UMBER OF DIGITS .UMBER OF DIGITS battery) Rated operating voltage COUNTER CAPACITY COUNTER CAPACITY PC board mounting type: 3 V DC (Battery in externally installed) :ERO SUPPRESS8-digit FUNCTION ,#$ #OUNTER)NDICATION #OUNTER)NDICATION Number of digits (counter capacity) 9 9TYPE 9 9 &LUSH MOUNTING K(Z(Z 8-digit :ERO SUPPRESS FUNCTION :ERO SUPPRESS FUNCTION ,#$ ,#$ 0 DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT 100 DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT 100 to 240 V AC DIGIT to 240 V AC 100 to 240 V AC 24 V AC, 12 to 24 V DC 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC 4-digit 6-digit 4-digit 6-digit SEGMENT ,#$6-digit SEGMENT ,#$ SEGMENT ,#$ :ERO SUPPRESS FUNCTION SEGMENT ,#$ SEGMENT ,#$ #OUNTER VALUE ,#$ 0 RED ,%$ 0 BACKLIGHT 3ETTING VALUE BACKLIGHT YELLOW ,%$ 9 &LUSH 9 9MOUNTING 9 9 TYPE 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9999 #OUNTER VALUE #OUNTER VALUE 0RED ,%$ 0 BACKLIGHT BACKLIGHT RED ,%$ 3ETTING VALUE 3ETTING VALUE BACKLIGHT YELLOW ,%$ BACKLIGHT YELLOW ,%$ 999999 9999 #OUNTER VALUE #OUNTER VALUE BACKLIGHT RED ,%$ BACKLIGHT RED ,%$ 3ETTING VALUE 3ETTING VALUE BACKLIGHT YELLOW ,%$ BACKLIGHT YELLOW ,%$ 99999 General Information Counters, Hour Meters DIGIT SEGMENT ,#$ #OUNTER VALUE 0 BACKLIGHT RED ,%$ 3ETTING VALUE BACKLIGHT YELLOW ,%$ 9 9 9 9 9 9 K(Z(Z 7-segment LCD (ZK(Z #HANGEABLEZero-suppress BY A SWITCH function function 7-segment LCD 7-segment LCD (ZK(Z #HANGEABLE BYZero-suppress A SWITCH #OUNTING SPEED #OUNTING SPEED (ZK(Z (ZK(Z (ZK(Z (ZK(Z (ZK(Z (ZK(Z Counter value 0# BOARD MOUNTING (LCD) TYPE 0# BOARD (LCD)TYPE Counter value Counter value MOUNTING SWITCHABLE SWITCHABLE (backlight red LED) (backlight red LED) (backlight red LED) Counter/Indication K(Z(Z K(Z(Z Setting value $IFFERENT TYPE Setting value Setting value $IFFERENT TYPE (backlight yellow LED) (backlight yellow LED) (backlight yellow LED) INPUT MULTIMODE MODEAND AND #OUNTING SIGNAL INPUT AND#OUNTING #OUNTING SIGNALINPUT INPUT AND#OUNTING INPUT MULTI MODE INPUT MULTIMODE MODEAND AND INPUT MULTI MODE AND SIGNAL AND SIGNAL INPUT AND AND INPUT MULTI INPUT MULTI RESET INPUT RESET INPUT RESET INPUT RESET INPUT RESET INPUT RESET INPUT RESET INPUT RESET INPUT RESET INPUT RESET INPUT Flush mounting type: s )NPUT SHORTCIRCUITING CIRCUITING s )NPUT BY SHORT CIRCUITING s )NPUT BY SHORT CIRCUITING s )NPUT SHORT CIRCUITING s )NPUT s )NPUT SHORT CIRCUITING s )NPUT s )NPUT SHORTCIRCUITING CIRCUITING s )NPUT s )NPUT BYBY SHORT CIRCUITING BYBY SHORT CIRCUITING BYBY SHORT BYBY SHORT 2kHz/30Hz )NPUT )NPUT OPENING CONTACTS OR OPENING CONTACTS OPENING CONTACTS OPENING CONTACTS OPENING CONTACTS OR OPENING CONTACTS ORaOR OPENING CONTACTS OROR OPENING CONTACTS OROR OPENING CONTACTS OROR OPENING CONTACTS 30Hz/5kHz (Changeable by switch) Counting speed 30Hz/5kHz 30Hz/5kHz 30Hz/5kHz s /PEN COLLECTOR INPUT s /PEN COLLECTOR s /PEN COLLECTOR INPUT s /PEN COLLECTOR INPUT s /PEN COLLECTOR INPUT s /PEN COLLECTOR INPUT s /PEN COLLECTOR INPUT s /PEN COLLECTOR INPUT s /PEN COLLECTOR INPUT s /PEN COLLECTOR INPUT PCINPUT board mounting type: switchable s 6OLTAGE INPUT s 6OLTAGE INPUT 2kHz/30Hz s -ANUAL RESET WITH AND s -ANUAL RESET WITH AND s &RONT RESET BUTTON (Different AND s &RONT stype) -ANUAL WITH AND s -ANUAL s -ANUAL RESET WITH AND s -ANUAL s -ANUAL RESET WITH AND s -ANUAL RESETRESET BUTTON AND RESET WITH AND RESET WITH AND RESET WITH AND EXTERNAL TERMINAL AND 2ESET EXTERNAL RESET INPUT (signal) EXTERNAL TERMINAL EXTERNAL TERMINAL AND EXTERNAL TERMINAL AND EXTERNAL 2-input (multi-mode) andTERMINAL AND 2ESET EXTERNAL RESET INPUT AND (signal) EXTERNAL TERMINAL AND EXTERNAL AND EXTERNAL AND Counting input and Counting input and 2-input (multi-mode) andTERMINAL 2-input (multi-mode) andTERMINAL FRONT RESET KEY 2ESET INPUT TERMINAL FRONT RESET KEY FRONT RESET KEY FRONT RESET KEY FRONT RESET KEY reset input 2ESET INPUT reset input TERMINAL FRONT RESET KEY FRONT RESET KEY FRONT RESET KEY reset input reset input reset input s -ANUAL RESET TYPESby short-circuiting SPECIFICATIONS CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS s %XTERNAL RESET DIP by s -ANUALRESET RESET TYPESby short-circuiting s -ANUAL RESET TYPESby short-circuiting s -ANUAL RESET TYPESby short-circuiting s -ANUAL RESET TYPES *TYPES Input s %XTERNAL s -ANUAL RESET s -ANUAL RESET s -ANUAL RESET CONFORM TO short-circuiting * Input * DIP Input *TYPES Input *TYPES Input InputINPUT INSIDE ONESHORT SHORT OUTPUT contacts. THOSE OF COUNTING TERMINAL INSIDE ONE SHORT OUTPUT contacts INSIDE ONE SHORT OUTPUT contacts. INSIDE ONESHORT SHORT OUTPUT contacts. INSIDE ONE SHORT OUTPUT orOUTPUT opening THOSE OF COUNTINGorINPUT TERMINAL INSIDE ONE SHORT INSIDE ONE INSIDE ONE opening contacts or opening orOUTPUT opening orOUTPUT opening MODELS MODELS MODELS MODELS MODELS * Open collector input MODELS MODELS MODELS * Open collector input * Open collector input * Open collector input * Open collector input * Voltage input s #OUNTER NUMBER SETTING s #OUNTER s /UTPUT MODE s /PERATION MODE SETTING s /PERATION s /PERATION MODE SETTING s /PERATION NUMBER SETTING MODE SETTING MODESETTING SETTING s /UTPUT MODE SETTING WITH DIP SWITCHES WITHand KEY SWITCHES WITH DIPSWITCHES SWITCHES WITH DIP SWITCHES * Manual reset WITH with DIP andSWITCHES KEY DIP SWITCHES DIP SWITCHES * Front reset button * Manual reset WITH with and * Manual reset WITH with and * Manual reset WITH with and 0RESET 0RESET s #OUNTER NUMBER SETTING s #OUNTER SETTING s #OUNTER NUMBER SETTING s #OUNTER external terminal and NUMBER SETTING s #OUNTER SETTING s #OUNTER SETTING external reset input external terminal and NUMBER external terminal and NUMBER external terminal and NUMBER Reset (Reset input WITH KEY SWITCHES WITH KEY SWITCHES front reset keyWITH KEY SWITCHES KEY SWITCHES KEY SWITCHES terminal front reset key WITH KEY SWITCHES front reset keyWITH front reset keyWITH specifications conform * Manual reset types * External reset dip * Manual reset types * Manual reset types * Manual reset types to those of counting inside one-short output inside one-short output inside one-short output #ONTROL OUTPUTinput) #ONTROL OUTPUT terminal inside one-short output OR OR OROR ORORmodels models models models * Output mode setting * Counter number setting * Operation mode setting * Operation %XTERNAL POWER SUPPLY 6 $# mode %XTERNALsetting POWER SUPPLY 6 $# 0OWER SUPPLY OUTPUT 0OWER SUPPLY OUTPUT with key switches with dip switches ONLY with dip switches M! MAX !# TYPE M! MAX !# TYPE ONLYwith dip switches -- Preset * Counter number setting * Counter number setting * Counter number setting PLUGIN IN /PTIONS &LUSH MOUNTING TYPE .O &LUSH -OUNTING FRAME RUBBER 0 PLUG IN RUBBER PLUGININ 0 PLUG IN /PTIONS MOUNTING TYPE .O -OUNTING FRAME 00 PLUG 00 PLUG with key switches with key switches with key switches TERMINAL BLOCKSOCKET SOCKET NEED FOR EASY INSTALLATION NEED GASKET TERMINAL BLOCK SOCKET TERMINAL BLOCKSOCKET SOCKET TERMINAL BLOCK SOCKET FOR EASY INSTALLATION GASKET TERMINAL BLOCK TERMINAL BLOCK 0 PLUG IN TYPE 0 PLUG IN TYPE Control output-OUNTING FRAME RUBBER ---OUNTING FRAME RUBBER TERMINAL BLOCK SOCKET TERMINAL BLOCK SOCKET or or or GASKET GASKET External power supply 12 V DC 100 -- -- -- -- Power supply output mA5, max. (AC type only) 5,#5,5, !VAILABLE STANDARDS 5,# 5, 5,# 5,# 5,#5, 5,# 5, !VAILABLE STANDARDS 5,# 5,5, 5,# 5,5, 5,# 5,# 11 P plug-in Flush mounting type (No0 0 Mounting frame, rubber 0 0 11 P plug-in 11 P plug-in Options 0AGE 0 0 00 0AGE 00 (terminal block, socket) need for easy installation gasket (terminal block, socket) (terminal block, socket) type) 8 P plug-in Mounting frame, rubber (terminal block, socket) gasket Available standards Contact output (1 Form C) UL/C-UL Contact output (1 Form A) UL/C-UL UL/C-UL UL/C-UL UL/C-UL Open collector output 69 COunTer-reLATeD TerMInOLOGy 1. electro Preset Counter The counter is equipped with semiconductor counting circuitry. When the counter counts up to a preset number, its output circuit sends a signal. 2. electro Magnetic Counter A magnet is magnetized and demagnetized to drive the dial and count up numbers. rating 1. rated Operating voltage The voltage is applied to start the counter. Countings 1. Pulse This is a voltage or current signal sent at intermittent time intervals. General Information Counters, Hour Meters 2. Count Pulses are used to count up and down. 3. Miss-count This happens if the number of pulses does not correspond to the number of counts. 4. Hertz This unit of counting speed is used to give the number of counts per one second. 5. Make ratio This is the ratio of ON time (Ta) to OFF time (Tb). Ta Tb Time 6. Maximum Counting Speed Suppose that the counter is operated with an input pulse of a make ratio of 1. The highest counting speed is the peak of a range in which the output circuit can send signals without mis-counting. The speed is expressed in units of Hz (cps: counts per a second). 7. Over Count Counting continues beyond a preset number. 70 8. recount When counting is up, the counter display resets to zero and counting restarts. 9. Down Count Numbers are counted down one by one from a preset number. 10. up Count Numbers are counted up one by one from zero. 11. up/Down Count Numbers are counted up or down depending on input conditions. 12. rejection (gate) Input This signal is used to keep the counter from counting. Outputs 1. Count up When a preset number is reached, the output circuit sends a signal. 2. retained Output The output is held until a reset signal is sent. 3. One Shot Output This output has a specified width of time. resettings 1. reset The counting process, display and output sections are all brought back to the initial status. 2. Power off reset The operating voltage is turned off to reset the counter. 3. Manual reset The counter is manually reset. 4. remote reset A signal is sent from a remote point to the reset terminal so as to reset the counter. 5. Automatic reset When counting is up, internal circuitry is activated to automatically reset the counter. 6. reset Signal width This is the time during which the power is off so as to reset the counter or during which an external (manual) reset signal is sent. 7. reset time This is the time from the moment a reset signal is sent to the instant the counter is ready to start counting again. OTHerS 1. Function of Memorizing Condition Counting data up until the operating voltage is turned off can be stored in memory. When the power is reactivated, the data can be reproduced. 2. Anti-surge The strength against power voltage surge is determined by applying a single-pole full-wave voltage (several hundred to several thousand volt wave for (1.2x50) s) acrosss the control power terminals. Surge waveform [Single-pole full-wave voltage for (1.2x50) s] Surge voltage (%) Types of Counters 100 90 Peak value 50 30 0 0 1.2 50 Time (ms) 3. noise Immunity This is the strength against external noise. Relay noise tests, noise simulator tests, etc. are conducted. PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe COunTer Cautions for circuits 1. Protective circuit for counter contact In the circuit that switches an inductive load, a contact failure may occur at a contact point due to surge or inrush current resulting from that switching. Therefore, it is recommended that the following protective circuit be used to protect the contact point. AC DC (see note.) Available Diode Available Available Not available Available The diode connected in parallel causes the energy stored in the coil to flow to the coil in the form of current and dissipates it as joule heat at the resistance component of the inductive load. This circuit further delays the release time compared to the CR circuit. (2 to 5 times the release time listed in the catalog) Use a diode with a reverse breakdown voltage at least 10 times the circuit voltage and a forward current at least as large as the load current. In electronic circuits where the circuit voltages reverse breakdown voltage of about 2 to 3 times the power supply voltage. If the load is a relay or solenoid, the release time lengthens. Effective when connected to both contacts if the power supply voltage is 24 or 48 V and the voltage across the load is 100 to 200 V. Features/Others Device Selection If the load is a timer, leakage current flows through the CR circuit causing faulty operation. -- Note: If used with AC voltage, be sure the impedance of the load is sufficiently smaller than that of the CR circuit. As a guide in selecting r and c, c: 0.5 to 1 F per 1 A contact current r: 0.5 to 1 W per 1 V contact voltage Values vary depending on the properties of the load and variations in counter characteristics. Capacitor c acts to suppress the discharge the moment the contacts open. Resistor r acts to limit the current when the power is turned on the next time. Test to confirm. Use a capacitor with a breakdown voltage of 200 to 300 V. Use AC type capacitors (non-polarized) for AC circuits. 2. Type of Load and Inrush Current The type of load and its inrush current characteristics, together with the switching frequency, are important factors which cause contact welding. Particularly for loads with inrush currents, measure the steady state current and inrush current and use a relay or magnet switch which provides an ample margin of safety. The table below shows the relationship between typical loads and their inrush currents. (Fig. A) Good Insurating transformer (+) Input equipment (sensor, etc.) (-) ZNRvaristor (-) Counter Inductive load r c Available Available Using the rated voltage characteristics of the varistor, this circuit prevents excessively high voltages from being applied across the contacts. This circuit also slightly delays the release time. -- General Information Counters, Hour Meters Application c Varistor circuit Countercontacts contact Counter Inductive load r Diode circuit Counter contact Counter contacts Inductive load Circuit Inductive load CR circuit (r: resistor c: capacitor) Counter contacts contact Countercontacts contact Counter 5. Leakage current 1) For connecting operating voltage to the counter, a circuit should be used, which will prevent the flow of leakage current. For example, a circuit for contact protection as shown in Fig A. will permit leakage current flow through R and C, causing erroneous operation of the counter. Instead, the circuit shown in Fig. B should be used. (Fig. B) No good AC power supply (Fig. A) (Fig. B) Insurating transformer Type of load Resistive load Solenoid load Motor load Incandescent lamp load Mercury lamp load Sodium vapor lamp load Capacitive load Transformer load Inrush current Steady state current 10 to 20 times the steady state current 5 to 10 times the steady state current 10 to 15 times the steady state current 1 to 3 times the steady state current 1 to 3 times the steady state current 20 to 40 times the steady state current 5 to 15 times the steady state current (+) R Operating voltage R C Operating voltage C Counter C C (-) Counter AC power supply Single coil transformer (+) When you want large load and long life of the counter, do not control the load direct with a counter. When the counter is designed to use a relay or a magnet switch, you can acquire the longer life of the counter. 3. Connection of input (except for LC4H-S/AC type) The LC4H series use power supply without a transformer (power and input terminals are not insulated). In connecting various kinds of input signals, therefore, use a power transformer in which the primary side is separated from the ungrounded secondary side as shown in Fig. A, for the power supply for a sensor and other input devices so that shortcircuiting can be prevented. Do not use a single coil transformer (e.g., Sly-Duck). Otherwise, the internal circuit of the counter will be short-circuited as shown in Fig. B resulting in breakdown. Input equipment (sensor, etc.) (-) Leakage current Input equipment (sensor, etc.) (-) 2) If the counter is directly switched with a non-contact element, leak current may flow into the counter and cause it to malfunction. (-) Counter AC power routing 4. Long Continuous Current Flow Avoid keeping the counter on for a long period of time (over one month). Otherwise heat is generated and accumulated inside the counter, which may deteriorate its electronic parts. If the counter must be kept on for a long period of time, a relay is added. See the circuit diagram below. R C R Relay R C Counter R Receive output from contact at relay R 71 Counter PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe COunTer 1. Terminal connections Correctly connect the pins while seeing the terminal layout/wiring diagram. In particular, the DC type, which has polarities, does not operate with the polarities connected reverse. Any incorrect connection can cause abnormal heating or ignition. 2. Connection to operating voltage 1)Apply the entire supply voltage through a switch, relay or other contact. 2) The operating voltage for the DC type must be at the specified ripple percentage or less. The average voltage must fall within the allowable operating voltage range. Rectification type Single-phase, full-wave Three-phase, full-wave Three-phase, half-wave Ripple percentage Approx. 48% Approx. 4% Approx. 17% 3) Make sure that no induced voltage and residual voltage are applied between the power terminals on the counter after the power switch is turned OFF. (If the power line is wired in parallel with the high-voltage and motor lines, induced voltage may be produced between the power pins.) 3. Control output 1) Keep the load capacity below the counter`s rated control capacity. If used above the rating, the counter`s service life may shorten. With the transistor output type counters, transistors may be damaged. 4. Installing the counter 1) To install the counter, use the dedicated pin bracket or socket (cap). Avoid connecting the pins on the counter by directly soldering them. 2) In order to maintain the characteristics, do not remove the counter cover (case). 72 5. Superimposed surge of power supply For the superimposed surge of power supply, the standard waveform (1.2x50s or 1x40s) is taken as the standard value for surge-proof voltage. (The positive and negative voltages are applied each three or five times between the power pins.) For the standard values for the LC4H type counters, see the respective items in Cautions for use." * Single-pole, full-wave voltage for surge waveform [(1.2x50) s] Surge voltage (%) Cautions for use (common for all models) 100 90 3) The counter cover (case), the knobs, and the dials are made of polycarbonated resin. Therefore, prevent the counter from being exposed to organic solvents such as methyl alcohol, benzine, and thinner, strong acid substances such as caustic soda, and ammonia and avoid using the counter in atmosphere containing any of those substances. 4) If the counter is used where noises are emitted frequently, separate the input signal elements (such as a sensor), the wiring for the input signal line, and the counter as far as possible from the noise source and the high power line containing noises. Input line Peak value Sensor, etc. 50 30 Counter 0 0 1.2 As remote as possible 50 Time (ms) If external surge occurs exceeding the specified value, the internal circuit may break down. In this case, use a surge absorption element. The typical surge absorption elements include a varistor, a capacitor, and a diode. If a surge absorption element is used, use an oscilloscope to see whether or not the foreign surge exceeding the specified value appears. 6. Signal input The counter`s signal input comes in two ways. One is by opening and closing the input terminal. The other is by applying a specified H-level or L-level voltage to the input terminal. For an input sensor`s residual voltage, input impedance, input voltage level and other signal input conditions, see the ratings for each type of product. 7. Operating environment 1) For the ambient operating temperature and humidity, see the ratings for each type of product. 2) Avoid using the counter in a location where inflammable or corrosive gas is generated, the counter is exposed to much dust and other foreign matter; water or oil is splashed on the counter; or vibrations or shocks are given to the counter. Power line, etc. 8. Checking the actual load In order to increase the reliability in the actual use, check the quality of the counter in the actual usage. 9. Others 1) If the counter is used exceeding the ratings (operating voltage and control capacity), the contact life, or any other specified limit, abnormal heat, smoke, or ignition may occur. 2) The LC2H series counter, incorporates a lithium battery. Never disassemble the lithium battery or throw it into fire because this may affect humans and facilities. The lithium battery must be disposed of as an incombustible like other used batteries. 3) If any malfunction of the counter is likely to affect human life and properties, give allowance to the rated values and performance values. In addition, take appropriate safety measures such as a duplex circuit from the viewpoint of product liabilities. LC2H LC2H DIn HALF SIze DIN HALF SIZE LCD LCDCOunTer COUNTER LC2H LC2H Counters Features * Screw Terminals Designed for 6. Safety Built in finger protection. * Panel Covers Replacable 7. (Standard color is ash gray.) Change the panel design by replacing with a black panel cover. * Conforms to IP66 Protective 8. Construction (Only installation frame type.) (Front panel surface) * Input Methods 9. 1) Non-voltage input method 2) Voltage input method 3) Free voltage input method * Backlight Type Added to Series 10. and Now 2-color Switchable (green/ red) Easy viewing even in dark places and switchable between green and red (Voltage input type). * Compliant with UL, c-UL and CE. 11. *1. 8.7 mm .343 inch Character Height (previously 7 mm) Easy-to-read character height increased from 7 mm to 8.7 mm .276 inch to .343 inch. Panel mounting type One-touch installation type 8.7mm .343inch *2. Plenty of Digits 8 digits Panel mounting type Installation frame type *3. Counting Speed Switchable between 2 kHz and 30 Hz *4. Panel Mounting Type Features *2 Installation Methods PC board mounting type RoHS Directive compatibility information Counters Comes with very easy one-touch installation type and also installation frame type that uses the bracket on the timer/counter. Choose a method that suits the application. *5. Battery Replacement Easy on Environment To replace battery simply remove body for the one-touch installation type, and remove battery lid for the installation frame type. Product chart Standard type Type Non-voltage input type Free voltage input type (24 to 240 V AC/DC) Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) One-touch installation type Installation frame type -- -- -- Installation type Panel mounting type Backlight type Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) PC board mounting type Product types 1. Panel mounting type 1) One-touch installation type 1 Standard type No. digits 8 digits Counting speed 2 kHz/30 Hz switchable Front reset Yes 30 Hz Input method Part No. Non-voltage input type Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) Free voltage input type (24 to 240 V AC/DC) LC2H-FE-2KK LC2H-FE-DL-2KK LC2H-FE-FV-30 Input method Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) Part No. LC2H-FE-DL-2KK-B Note) Please ask us about types without front resetting. 2 Backlight type No. digits 8 digits Counting speed 2 kHz/30 Hz switchable Front reset Yes 98 73 LC2H LC2H 2) Installation frame type 1 Standard type No. digits 8 digits Counting speed Front reset 2 kHz/30 Hz switchable Yes 30 Hz Input method Non-voltage input type Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) Free voltage input type (24 to 240 V AC/DC) Part No. LC2H-F-2KK LC2H-F-DL-2KK LC2H-F-FV-30 Input method Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) Part No. LC2H-F-DL-2KK-B Note) Please ask us about types without front resetting. 2 Backlight type No. digits 8 digits Counting speed 2 kHz/30 Hz switchable Front reset Yes 2. PC board mounting type No. digits 8 digits Counting speed 2 kHz 30 Hz Front reset No Input method Non-voltage input type Part No. LC2H-C-2K-N LC2H-C-30-N Specifications 1. Panel mounting type Type Item Standard type Non-voltage input No. digits External power supply Count input Counters Input impedance Residual voltage Min. input signal width Standard type Free voltage type 8 digits Not required (built-in battery) Max. counting speed Min. input signal width (ON: OFF = 1:1) Input method (signal) Backlight type Voltage input 2 kHz/30 Hz (Switchable by switch) 30 Hz (Note 2) 0.25 ms/16.7 ms (Switchable by switch) 16.7 ms High level: 24 to 240 V AC/DC Low level: 0 to 2.4 V AC/DC Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection High level: 4.5 to 30 V DC Low level: 0 to 2 V DC When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Approx. 4.7 k -- -- 200 ms -- Max. 0.5 V Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection High level: 4.5 to 30 V DC Low level: 0 to 2 V DC Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection Input impedance When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Appox. 4.7 k When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Residual voltage Max 0.5 V -- Max. 0.5 V Input method (signal) Reset input Display method 7-segment LCD 7-segment LCD With green/red backlight 7-segment LCD Between charged and uncharged parts: 2,000 V AC for 1 minute. Breakdown voltage (initial) Between charged and uncharged parts: 1,000 V AC for 1 minute. Insulation resistance (initial) Backlight power Min. 100 M (measured at 500 V DC) Measurement location same as for break down voltage. -- 24 V DC (10%) -- Protective construction (Note 3) Accessories (Note 3) Battery life IEC Standard IP66 (only panel front: when using rubber gasket) Rubber gasket, mounting bracket 7 years (at 25C 77F) Note 1 6 years (at 25C 77F) Notes) 1. The value given for battery life is calculated based on continuous operation (count input signal ON/OFF = 1:1), therefore, this value is not guaranteed. Also, battery life is decreased 30% when operation is continuous with 2 kHz count inputting in 2 kHz mode. 2. Operation is at 25 Hz when using 24 V AC. 3. Only for installation frame type. 99 74 LC2H LC2H 2. PC board mounting type Type Item Input method PC board mounting type Non DC voltage input No. digits 8 digits Rated operation voltage Allowable operation voltage range Current consumption Max. counting speed 3 V DC 2.7 to 3.3 V DC Max. 30 A (max. 250 A during reset input) Min. input signal width (ON: OFF = 1:1) Count input Input method 30 Hz 0.25 ms 16.7 ms Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Input impedance Residual voltage Min. input signal width Reset input 2 kHz Max. 0.5 V 10 ms Input method Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Max. 0.5 V Input impedance Residual power Break down voltage (initial) Insulation resistance (initial) Between charged and uncharged parts: 1,000 V AC for 1 minute. Min. 100 M (measured at 500 V DC) Measurement location same as for break down voltage. 3. Common Type Item Vibration resistance Shock resistance Functional Destructive Functional Destructive Operation temperature Storage temperature Ambient humidity Panel mounting/PC board mounting types 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min.), single amplitude: 0.15 mm .006 inch (10 min. on 3 axes) 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min.), single amplitude: 0.375 mm .015 inch (1 hr. on 3 axes) Min. 98 m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 294 m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +55C +14 to +131F (without frost or dew) -25 to +65C -13 to +149F (without frost or dew) 35 to 85% RH (non-condensing) Applicable standard EN61010-1 (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EMC Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category III Counters Safety standard EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 RF electromagnetic field immunity EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity EN61000-4-4 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) 2 kV (power supply line) Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-8 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) 30 A/m (50 Hz) 100 75 LC2H LC2H Part names 1. Front reset button This button resets the count value. It does not work when the lock switch is ON. Be aware that battery life will decrease if this switch is used frequently. 2. Lock switch (Refer to chart on right.) Disable the front reset button. COUNTER Count speed switch RESET LC2H Front reset button Lock switch Note) Turn ON at the LCD side (reset disabled) and OFF at the terminal block side (reset enabled). 3. Count speed switch (Refer to chart on right.) Use this switch to switch the count speed between 30 Hz and 2 kHz. (On the nonvoltage and voltage input types, 30 Hz is on the LCD side and 2 kHz is on the terminal block side. Fixed at 30 Hz for free voltage input type.) Non-voltage input/voltage input Free voltage input (Terminal block side) OFF (LCD side) ON Lock switch (Unit display 1) Note) You must press the front reset button when you change the count speed switch setting. Confirm, however, that the Lock Switch is OFF (front switches operable). (Terminal block side) 2k Hz Count speed switch (Unit display 2) -- (LCD side) 30Hz (Fixed at 30 Hz) Notes) 1. Default setting when shipped. 2. Make the switch setting before installing to panel. Dimensions mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 1. Panel mounting type * External dimensions 1) One-touch installation type * Panel installation diagram Counters 44.8 1.764 Panel (1 to 4.5mm .039 to .177inch thickness) 54.4 2.142 Rubber spacer Note) When installing to a 4.5 mm .177 inch thick panel, remove the rubber spacer first. 10.4 .409 (44) (1.732) 48 1.890 5 .197 COUNTER 22 .866 24 .945 RESET LC2H 7 .276 Reset button When installing the one-touch installation type model, make sure that the installation spring does not pinch the rubber gasket. To prevent the installation spring from pinching the rubber gasket: 1. Set the rubber gasket on both ends of the installation spring (left and right). 2. Confirm that the installation spring is not pinching the rubber gasket, and then insert and fix the installation spring in place from the rear of the timer unit. 101 76 LC2H LC2H * Panel mounting diagram 2) Installation frame type 44.8 1.764 Mounting frame ATH3803 (included) Mounting screws (found on mounting frame) 54.4 2.142 37 1.457 Rubber gasket ATH3804 (included) Panel (1 to 4.5mm .039 to .177inch thickness) 10.4 .409 44 1.732 5 .197 48 1.890 COUNTER 22 .866 24 .945 RESET LC2H 7 .276 Reset button * Panel cut-out dimensions * For connected installation (sealed installation) (Only installation frame type.) The standard panel cut-out is shown below. Use the mounting frame (ATH3803) and the rubber packing (ATH3804). (Only installation frame type.) 22.2+0.5 0 .874+.020 0 A A=(48xn-2.5)+1.0 0 A=(1.890xn-.098)+.039 0 60 min. 2.362 min. 45+0.5 0 1.772+.020 0 Notes) 1. Suitable installation panel thickness is 1 to 4.5 mm .039 to .177 inch. 2. Waterproofing will be lost when installing repeatedly (sealed installation). +0.5 0 +.020 0 Counters 22.2 .874 * Terminal layout and wiring diagrams 1) Standard type Non voltage input type Count input Voltage input type Count input +V Reset input 1 2 3 1 4 Free voltage input type Reset input +V 2 3 4 Count input or 0V Reset input 1 2 3 4 0V W-R are connected internally. 2) Backlight type Voltage input type Count input +V 1 0V Reset input +V 2 5 6 3 4 <When green> 0V +V 1 2 5 6 3 4 Backlight <When red> 1 2 5 6 3 4 0V 0V +V 102 77 LC2H LC2H General tolerance: 1.0 .039 mm inch 2. PC board mounting type * External dimensions 33.020.3 1.300.012 5.080.3 .200.012 0.60.1 .024.004 PC board pattern (BOTTOM VIEW) 5.080.3 .200.012 Mounting area 2.54 .100 DIP switch x 8 1.9 .075 2.54 .100 3.30.3 .130.012 15.24 Connection sockets .600 28 pin DIP terminal 8-0.8 dia. 8-.031 dia. 43.4 1.709 17.3 .681 0.50.3 .020.012 19 .748 5.19 .204 15.240.3 .600.012 1.9 5.19 .075 .204 5.08 .200 5.08 .200 33.02 1.300 COUNTER LC2H General tolerance: 0.1 .004 0.30.1 .012.004 Note: The AXS212811K is recommended as a compatible connection socket. * Terminal layout and wiring diagrams Count input 15 17 26 28 14 12 3 Reset input 1 Q-E, }-w, e-t and S-F are connected internally. An external power supply is required. Input method 1. Standard type Non-voltage input type Panel mounting type Contact input 1 2 3 4 Reset input Count input 1 2 3 Reset input 4 0V (W and R are connected internally.) Transistor input NPN transistor Contact input Count input 15 17 26 28 14 12 3 1 Reset input Count input 15 17 26 28 14 12 3 1 Reset input 0V (W and R are connected internally.) 3V DC 3V DC Notes) 1. When using contact input, since current flow is small from terminals 1 and 3 on the panel mounting type and terminals e to t and S to F on the PC board mounting type, please use relays and switches with high contact reliability. 2. When using transistor input, use the following as a guide for which transistors (Tr) to use for inputting. (Collector withstand voltage Q 50 V, leakage current < 1 A) Voltage input type Transistor input NPN transistor +V Count input Reset input 1 2 3 4 +V Count input 1 2 3 4 Free voltage input type PNP transistor +V +V Reset input Count input 1 2 3 4 Reset input 1 or or 2 3 4 or Reset input Contact input Count input Counters Count input PC board mounting type Transistor input NPN transistor Notes) 1. 2 and 4. (The input and reset circuits are functionally insulated.) 2. When using transistor (Tr) input, use the right as a guide. (Collector withstand voltage Q 50 V, leakage current < 1 A) 3. Be aware that the application of voltage that exceeds the voltage range of the H level to the count input terminal, and the application of voltage to the reset input terminal, can cause damage to the internal elements. 103 78 LC2H LC2H 2. Backlight type Voltage input type Transistor input Contact input +V Count input Backlight connection NPN transistor PNP transistor +V +V Green +V 1 2 5 6 3 4 Red 24V DC Reset input Count input 0V 1 2 5 6 3 4 Count input Reset input 1 2 5 6 3 4 Reset input 1 2 5 6 3 4 1 2 0V 5 6 3 4 24V DC Notes) 1. Do not reverse the polarities when connecting the DC voltage for the backlight. 2. 2 and 4. (The input and reset circuits are functionally insulated.) 3. When using transistor (Tr) input, use the right as a guide. (Collector withstand voltage Q 50 V, leakage current < 1 A) 4. Be aware that the application of voltage that exceeds the voltage range of the H level to the count input terminal, and the application of voltage to the reset input terminal, can cause damage to the internal elements. Explanation of operation 1. Counting takes place when the count input signal is ON. 2. Counting resumes again when the count value reaches 99999999 (full scale value) and then returns to "0" with a new count input. 3. No measurement takes place when a reset is input. 1) When reset is ON, resetting takes place and the count becomes "0". 2) Press the front reset button when you want to reset manually (only panel installation type). Count input Reset input Count value 0 1 99999999 0 1 0 1 Note) Count becomes "1" when the reset input is turned OFF while the count signal is being input. Counters Note) Be aware that battery life will decrease if the count input or reset input are left ON. 104 79 LC2H LC2H Counters Cautions for use 1. Non-voltage input type For both panel mounting and PC board mounting types 1) Never apply voltage to the non-voltage input type. This will damage the internal elements. Also, since there is a possibility of erroneous operation, do not connect in parallel the inputs of a non-voltage input type and another counter from a single input signal. 2) Since the current flow is very small from the count input and reset input terminals (1 and 3 on the panel mounting type and terminals e to t and S to F on the PC board mounting type) please use relays and switches with high contact reliability. 3) When inputting with an open collector of a transistor, use a transistor for small signals in which ICBO is 1 A or less and always input with no voltage. 4) When wiring, try to keep all the input lines to the count and reset inputs as short as possible and avoid running them together with high voltage and power transmission lines or in a power conduit. Also, malfunctions might occur if the floating capacitance of these wires exceeds 500 pF (10 m 32.808 ft. for parallel wires of 2 mm2). When using 2 kHz mode, use with a wiring floating capacitance of 120 pF (3 m 9.843 ft. for parallel wires of 2 mm2). In particular, when using shielded wiring, be careful of the capacitance between wires. PC board mounting type 1) For external power supply use manganese dioxide or lithium batteries (CR type: 3V). 2) Always reset after external power is applied and confirm that the display reads "0". 3) Make the wiring from the battery to the counter unit as short as absolutely possible. Also, be careful of polarity. 4) Calculate battery life with the following formula. t = A/I t: battery life [h] I: LC2H current consumption [mA] A: battery capacity until minimum operation voltage is reached [mAh] 5) Hand solder to the lead terminal. Do not dip solder. With the tip of the soldering iron at 300C 572F perform soldering within 3 seconds (for 30 to 60 W soldering iron). 2. Voltage input type 1) Be aware that applying more than 30 V DC to count input terminals 1 and 2, and reset input terminals 3 and 4 will cause damage to the internal elements. 2) For external resetting use H level (application of 4.5 to 30 V DC) between reset terminals 3 and 4 of the rear terminals. In this case, connect + to terminal 3 and - to terminal 4. This is the valid polarity; therefore, the counter will not work if reversed. 3) When wiring, try to keep all the input lines to the count and reset inputs as short as possible and avoid running them together with high voltage and power transmission lines or in a power conduit. Also, malfunctions might occur if the floating capacitance of these wires exceeds 500 pF (10 m 32.808 ft. for parallel wires of 2 mm2). 3. Free voltage input type 1) Use count input terminals 1 and 2 for free voltage input and reset terminals 3 and 4 for non-voltage input. 2) Be aware that the application of voltage that exceeds the voltage range of the H level to the count input terminal, and the application of voltage to the reset input terminal, can cause damage to the internal elements. 3) Since the current flow is very small from reset input terminal 3, please use relays and switches with high contact reliability. 4) When inputting a reset with an open collector of a transistor, use a transistor for small signals in which ICBO is 1 A or less and always input with no voltage. 5) To reset externally, short reset input terminals 3 and 4 on the rear. 6) Input uses a high impedance circuit; therefore, erroneous operation may occur if the influence of induction voltage is present. If you plan to use wiring for the input signal that is 10 m or longer (wire capacitance 120 pF/m at normal temperature), we recommend the use of a CR filter or the connection of a bleeder resistor. 4. How to reset multiple panel mounting type counters all at once (input is the same for count) Non-voltage input type D D 3 4 D 3 4 Voltage input type 3 4 3 4 R Tr 3 4 +V +V or 3 4 Note) Make sure that H (reset ON) level is at least 4.5 V. 5. Backlight luminance To prevent varying luminance among backlights when using multiple Backlight types, please use the same backlight power supply. 24V DC 2 5 2 Green 5 2 2 6 6 24V DC Red 6. Environment for use 1) Ambient conditions * Overvoltage category II, pollution level 2 * Indoor use * Acceptable temperature and humidity range: -10 to +55C, 35 to 85%RH (with no condensation at 20C) * Under 2000 m elevation 2) Use the main unit in a location that matches the following conditions. * There is minimal dust and no corrosive gas. * There is no combustible or explosive gas. * There is no mechanical vibration or impacts. * There is no exposure to direct sunlight. * Located away from large-volume electromagnetic switches and power lines with large electrical currents. 3) Connect a breaker that conforms to EN60947-1 or EN60947-3 to the voltage input section. 4) Applied voltage should be protected with an overcurrent protection device (example: T 1A, 250 V AC time lag fuse) that conforms to the EN/IEC standards. (Free voltage input type) Tr 3 4 or Notes) 1. Use the following as a guide for choosing transistors used for input (Tr). Leakage current < 1 A 2. Use as small a diode (D) as possible in the forward voltage so that the voltage between terminals 3 and 4 during reset input meets the standard value (0.5 V). ( At IF = 20 A, forward voltage 0.1 and higher.) 105 80 LC2H PRESET COUNTER LC2H PreSeT COunTerS PRESET COUNTER LC2H LC2H Counter Features 3. 8.7 mm 1. Preset function equipped in half Featuressize (24 x 48 mm 0.945 x 1.890 inch). (previousl * Preset function equipped in half * 8.7 mm 0.343 inch Character Height 3. 1. Easy-to re has backlight for 7instant (previously mm 0.276 inch) size (24 x 482. mmDisplay 0.945 x 1.890 inch). * Display has backlight for instant Easy-to read character height increased 2. from 7 mm recognition. from 7 mm to 8.7 mm 0.276 inch to 0.343 recognition. inch. inch. Counting up Counting Counting Red or (Green) (backlight) (backlight) Green or Red can be selected at setup. (Lit or Flashing) Lit or Flashing can be selected at setup. Red can RoHS Directive compatibility information Product types 8 digits 30 Hz/5 kHz switchable Mounting frame RoHS DirectiveOptions compatibility information Rubber gasket Note: gasketare arenot notincluded. included. Note: Mounting Mounting frame frame and and rubber rubber gasket 8 digits (Lit or Flashing) 4. Plenty o * Counting Speed Switchable 5. between 30 Hz and 5 kHz * Conforms to IP66 Protective 6. Red or (Green) Construction (Front panel surface) (backlight) Weatherproofing supported by using optional mounting frame and rubber 5. Countin gasket between 3 * Includes reassuring lock mode and 7. lock switch to prevent erroneous 6. Conform operation. (Lit or Flashing) * Screw terminals are constructedConstruct 8. to protectLitfingers to ensure or Flashing cansafety. Weatherpr * Compliant be selected setup. 9. withat UL, c-UL and CE. Counters Green or be selected at setup. Output mode * Maintain output/hold count * Maintain output/over count * One shot/over count * One shot/recount 8.7mm .343inch (Lit or Flashing) Green or (Red) Red or (Green) (backlight) Counting speed Red or (Green) (backlight) * Plenty of Digits 4. Green or (Red) (backlight) No. digits Counting up Output Transistor (1a) optional m gasket 7. Include Operating voltage Part No. lock switc 24 V DC LC2HP-FEW-B-DC24V operation 8. Screw t ATH3803 Use for waterproofing (front panel surface) protect fin ATH3804 9. Complia Product types No. digits Counting speed 8 digits 30 Hz/5 kHz switchable Options Output mode Output * Maintain output/hold count * Maintain output/over count Transistor (1a) * One shot/over count * One shot/recount Mounting frame Rubber gasket Operating voltage 24 V DC Use for waterproofing (fro Note: Mounting frame and rubber gasket are not included. 106 81 LC2H LC2H Specifications Item Rated operating voltage Rated power consumption Rated control capacity Input mode Max. counting speed Counting input Reset input Rating Input signal Output mode Display method Digit Memory Contact arrangement Electrical life (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Electrical Break down voltage (Initial value) Insulation resistance (Initial value) Mechanical Operating conditions 24 V DC Max. 1.5 W 100 mA 30 V DC Addition/Subtraction (selectable by front switch) 30 Hz/5 kHz (selectable by slide switch on side) Min. input signal width: 16.7 ms at 30 Hz/0.1 ms at 5 kHz, ON time : OFF time = 1 : 1 Min. input signal width: Min. 30 ms * Non-voltage input using contacts or open-collector connection * Input impedance; when shorted: Max. 1 k, when open: Min. 100 k * Residual voltage: Max. 2 V * Maintain output/hold count * Maintain output/over count * One shot/over count * One shot/recount (Selectable by front switch) 7-segment LCD (Switch between red and green for backlight, and between lit and flashing for count up.) -9999999 to 99999999 (-7 digits to +8 digits) (0 to 99999999 for preset value) EEP-ROM (Overwriting times: 105 operations or more) 1 Form A (Open collector) 107 operations (at rated control voltage) 85 to 110% of rated operating voltage Between input and output: 1,500 V AC, for 1 min. Between input and output: 100 M (at 500 V DC) Functional vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), Single amplitude: 0.15 mm (10 min. on 3 axes) Destructive vibration resistance Functional shock resistance Destructive shock resistance 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), Single amplitude: 0.375 mm (1 hr. on 3 axes) Min. 98 m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 294 m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) Operation temperature Storage temperature Ambient humidity Protective construction Counters Descriptions -10 to 55C +14 to +131F (without frost or dew) -25 to +65C -13 to +149F (without frost or dew) 30 to 85% RH (at 25C 77F, non-condensing) IP66 (front panel with mounting bracket and rubber gasket) * The factory default preset value is set to 1000000. Applicable standard (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EMC EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 RF electromagnetic field immunity EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity EN61000-4-4 Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-8 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (signal line) 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) 30 A/m (50 Hz) 107 82 LC2H LC2H Part names 1. Front reset key This key resets the count value. It does not work when the lock switch is ON. 2. Mode key Use to switch between each mode. 3. Setting key Used to set digits of preset values or set each mode. 4. Set key Use to set preset values or to switch between modes. 5. Lock switch Disable the operation of the front panel reset key and the mode key. With the lock switch on, is displayed for about two seconds when the reset key or mode switch is operated. 6. Count speed switch Use this switch to switch the count speed between 30 Hz and 5 kHz. 5 COUNTER RESET MODE SET LC2H 1 2 3 4 6 : Default setting when shipped. (Terminal block side) OFF (LCD side) ON (Terminal block side) 5kHz (LCD side) 30Hz Lock switch (unit display 1) 5 Count speed switch (unit display 2) 6 Notes: 1. Make the switch setting before installing to panel. 2. Please turn the power off if you change the setting of the count speed switch when the power is on. The setting will become valid when the power is turned back on. Dimensions * External dimensions 44.8 1.764 54.4 2.142 10.4 .409 44 1.732 5 .197 48 1.890 COUNTER 22 .866 RESET MODE 24 .945 SET When installing the one-touch installation type model, make sure that the installation spring does not pinch the rubber gasket. To prevent the installation spring from pinching the rubber gasket: 1. Set the rubber gasket on both ends of the installation spring (left and right). 2. Confirm that the installation spring is not pinching the rubber gasket, and then insert and fix the installation spring in place from the rear of the timer unit. LC2H 7 .276 * Panel cut out dimensions The standard panel cut out is shown below. Use the mounting bracket (ATH3803) and the rubber gasket (ATH3804). (Only installation frame type) * When installing repeatedly (sealed installation) (Only installation frame type) 22.2+0.5 0 .874+.020 0 60 min. 2.362 min. A A=(48xn-2.5)+1.0 0 A=(1.890xn-.098)+.039 0 45+0.5 0 1.772+.020 0 22.2+0.5 0 .874+.020 0 Notes: 1. Suitable installation panel thickness is 1 to 4.5 mm 0.39 to 0.177 inch. 2. Waterproofing will be lost when installing repeatedly (sealed installation). 108 83 Counters mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 LC2H LC2H How to set 1. Preset value setting mode This is the mode for setting preset values. Press the MODE key. Set the digit. 2) The display reads "Un-Lock" after entering the lock mode (initial setting). Display after entering lock mode (Example showing "Un-Lock".) Set the value. 1) Pressing the MODE key takes you to the preset value setting mode. 3) Pressing the setting key changes the display between " Lock" and "Unlock". Sample display in preset value setting mode (when preset value is 1000) 2) Pressing the setting key moves the flashing digit left by one. Following the highest digit it returns to the lowest digit and each time the digit setting key is pressed it moves one to the left. 3) Pressing the set key increases the value by one. (After 9 it returns to 0 and then changes to 1, 2, 3, etc.) 4) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the displayed preset value and returns you to the regular operation mode. 5) In the preset value setting mode if you do not operate the digit setting key or the set key for ten seconds or more you will be returned to regular operation. In this case the preset value will not change. 2. Lock mode This mode prohibits everything except the preset value setting mode. + Counters Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Un-Lock Lock 1) Pressing the set key while holding down the mode key takes you to the lock mode. (Example showing " Lock".) 4) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the content displayed and returns you to regular operation mode. Note: You will not be returned to regular operation mode if you do not press the front panel reset key. 5) When the lock mode display reads " Lock", you will not be able to move to the backlight setting mode, the input setting mode, or the output setting mode. 3. Backlight setting mode This is the mode for setting the backlight during count up. + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Lit red Lit green Flashes green Flashes red 1) Pressing the SET key two times while holding down the MODE key takes you to the backlight setting mode. 2) The display in the backlight setting mode reads " LEd" Display after entering the backlight setting mode. 3) The LED backlight will be red (initial setting). 4) The backlight changes from flashing green to flashing red to lit green and to lit red with each press of the setting key. 5) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the current backlight color and returns you to regular operation mode. Note: You will not be returned to regular operation mode if you do not press the front panel reset key. 4. Input setting mode This is the mode for setting addition or subtraction. + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Addition Subtraction 1) Pressing the SET key three times while holding down the MODE key takes you to the input setting mode. 2) The display after entering the input setting mode reads " UP" (initial setting). Display after entering input setting mode (Example showing "UP") 3) Pressing the setting key changes the display to "dn" (subtraction) and pressing it again changes it to "UP" (addition). The display alternates between "dn" and "UP". (Example showing "dn") 4) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the content displayed and returns you to regular operation mode. Note: You will not be returned to regular operation mode if you do not press the front panel reset key. 109 84 LC2H LC2H 5. Output setting mode This sets the operation mode. 2) Lock mode + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. HOLD-A SHOT-B HOLD-B SHOT-A 1) Pressing the SET key four times while holding down the MODE key takes you to the output setting mode. 2) The display reads "HoLd-A" (initial setting) after entering the output setting mode. + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Un-Lock Lock When the lock is set, you cannot enter modes other than backlight setting mode. 3) Backlight setting mode + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Lit red Lit green Flashes green Flashes red Front panel reset key 4) Input setting mode + 3) Pressing the setting key causes the display to change as follows: HOLD-B (Output maintain/over count I) Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Addition Subtraction HOLD-A SHOT-B HOLD-B SHOT-A Regular operation mode 5) Output setting mode + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. SHOT-A (One shot/over count) Mode changes as follows by pressing the SET key while holding down the MODE key. Lock mode Output setting mode SHOT-B (One shot/recount I) HOLD-A (Output maintain/hold count) 4) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the display content and returns you to regular operation mode. Backlight setting mode Input setting mode Please be aware that after doing a front panel reset key and returning to regular operation mode, the preset values, count value and output will be as shown in this table. Note: You will not be returned to regular operation mode if you do not press the front panel reset key. Lock mode Backlight setting mode Input setting mode Output setting mode Preset value Count value Output change x x x x x x x x Addition: "0" Subtraction: "Preset value" Addition: "0" Subtraction: "Preset value" ONOFF ONOFF Changing the preset value 1. It is possible to change the preset value even during counting. However, be aware of the following points. 1) If the preset value is changed to less than the count value with counting set to the addition direction, counting will continue until it reaches full scale, returns to zero, and then reaches the new preset value. If the preset value is changed to a value above the count value, counting will continue until the count value reaches the new preset value. 2) Suppose that the counter is preset to count down. Whether a preset count down value is smaller or larger than the count value, the counter counts down to "0 (zero)". 2. If the preset value is changed to "0", the counter will not complete countup. It starts counting up when the counting value comes to "0 (zero)" again. 1) Addition (up-count) input when counting is set to the addition direction, counting will continue until full scale is reached, return to zero, and then complete count-up. 2) Subtraction (down-count) input when counting is set to the subtraction direction, counting will continue until full scale "-9999999" is reached, and then the display will change to " ". Compliance with the CE marking * EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) The LC2H Preset Counter conforms to the EMC Directive as a simple counter. Applicable standards: EN61000-6-4, EN61000-6-2 110 85 Counters Note: "x" sign: No change LC2H LC2H Operation mode Output mode Output maintain/ hold count HOLD-A Operation Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until resetting. During that time, the count display does not change from that at count-up completion. Example when input mode is either addition or Subject:ubtraction Output OFF ON Counting able/unable Able Unable Addition 0 1 2 3 4 n-1 n Subtraction n n-1 n-2 n-3 n-4 1 0 n: Preset value Output maintain/ over count I HOLD-B Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until resetting. However, counting is possible despite completion of count-up. Output OFF ON Able Counting able/unable Addition 0 1 2 3 n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 n+3 Subtraction n n-1 n-2 n-3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 n: Preset value One shot/ over count SHOT-A Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec.). Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. One shot pulse width: approx. 1 sec. Output OFF ON Able Counting able/unable Addition 0 1 2 3 n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 n+3 Subtraction n n-1 n-2 n-3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 n: Preset value One shot/ recount I SHOT-B Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec.). Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. However, reset occurs simultaneous with completion of count-up. While output is being maintained, restarting of the count is not possible. One shot pulse width: approx. 1 sec. Output OFF ON Able Counting able/unable Addition 0 1 2 3 n-1 0 1 2 3 4 Subtraction n n-1 n-2 n-3 1 n n-1 n-2 n-3 n-4 Counters n: Preset value 111 86 PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LC2H SerIeS LC2H Cautions for use 1. Input and output connection 1) Input connection (1) Contact input Use highly reliable metal plated contacts. Since the contact's bounce time leads directly to error in the count value, use contacts with as short a bounce time as possible. In general, select input to have a maximum counting speed of 30 Hz. Count input 1 2 5 6 3 4 Reset input (2) Non-contact input (Transistor input) Connect with an open collector. Use transistors whose characteristics satisfy the criteria given below. VCEO = Min. 20 V IC = Min. 20 mA ICBO = Max. 6 A Also, use transistors with a residual voltage of less than 2 V when the transistor is on. * The short-circuit impedance should be less than 1 k. (When the impedance is 0 , the current coming from the count input terminal is approximately 5 mA and from the reset input terminal is approximately 1.5 mA.) Also, the open-circuit impedance should be more than 100 k. (3) Input wiring When wiring, use shielded wires or metallic wire tubes, and keep the wire lengths as short as possible. 2) Output connection Since the transistor output of counter is insulated from the internal circuitry by a photo-coupler, it can be used as an NPN output or PNP (equal value) output. As NPN output Load 1 2 5 6 3 Load's power supply 4 As PNP output Count input 1 2 5 6 3 4 Reset input 1 2 5 6 3 Load's power supply 4 Load Display Err-00 Err-01 Output Restoration Preset values after condition procedure restoration The preset value at Malfunctioning Enter front start-up before the CPU reset key or CPU malfunction OFF occurred. restart counter Malfunctioning 0 memory* Contents * Includes the possibility that the EEP-ROM's life has expired. 3. Terminal connection 1) When wiring the terminals, refer to the terminal layout and wiring diagrams and be sure to perform the wiring properly without errors. An external power supply is required in order to run the main unit. Power should be applied between 5 terminals (1) and (2). Terminal (1) acts 1 2 3 4 6 as the positive connection and terminal (2) as the negative. Operating voltage 2) After turning the counter off, make sure that any resulting induced voltage or residual voltage is not applied to power supply terminals (1) through (2). (If the power supply wire is wired parallel to the high voltage wire or power wire, an induced voltage may be generated at the power supply terminal.) 3) Have the power supply voltage pass through a switch or relay so that it is applied at one time. 112 87 Counters 2. Self-diagnosis function If a malfunction occurs, one of the following displays will appear. LC2H PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LC2H PRECAUTIONS IN USING THESerIeS LC2H SERIES Cautions for use 1. Insulation sheet Before using a panel mounting type, please pull and remove the insulation sheet from the side of the product in the direction of the arrow. In consideration that the product might be stored for long periods without being used, an insulation sheet is inserted before shipping. Remove the insulation sheet and press the front reset button. * LC2H total counter (one-touch installation type) * LC2H preset counter 1) The front plate will not be waterproof when this product is installed on a panel. To make the front plate waterproof, please install the following. When using the waterproof type (IP66: panel front only), install the counter to the front plate with mounting frame ATH3803 (sold separately) and rubber gasket ATH3804 (sold separately). Be sure to tighten using mounting screws. Mounting frame (ATH3803) Rubber gasket (ATH3804) Insulation sheet Reset button * LC2H total counter (installation frame type) Counters Insulation sheet Reset button 2. Waterproof construction * LC2H total counter (installation frame type) The operation part of the panel installation type (installation frame type) is constructed to prevent water from entering the unit and a rubber gasket is provided to prevent water from entering the gap between the unit and the panel cutout. There must be sufficient pressure applied to the rubber gasket to prevent water from entering. Be sure to use the mounting reinforcement screws when installing the mounting frame (ATH3803). Note: The one-touch installation type is not waterproof. Mounting frame (ATH3803) When installing the mounting frame and rubber gasket please remove the pre-attached o-ring. 2) Panel installation order (1) Remove o-ring. (2) Place rubber gasket. (3) Insert counter into panel. (4) Insert mounting frame from the rear. (5) Secure with mounting screws (two locations) 3. Do not use in the following environments 1) In places where the temperature changes drastically. 2) In places where humidity is high and there is the possibility of dew. (When dew forms the display may vanish and other display errors may occur.) 4. Conditions of use 1) Do not use on places where there is flammable or corrosive gas, lots of dust, presence of oil, or where the unit might be subject to strong vibrations or shocks. 2) Since the cover is made of polycarbonate resin, do not use in places where the unit might come into contact with or be exposed to environments that contain organic solvents such as methyl alcohol, benzene and thinner, or strong alkali substances such as ammonia and caustic soda. 5. Cautions regarding battery replacement 1) Remove wiring before replacing the battery. You may be electrocuted if you come into contact to a part where high voltage is applied. 2) Make sure you are not carrying a static electric charge when replacing the battery. 3) Battery replacement procedure For LC2H total counter (one-touch installation type) (1) Remove the up/down hook of the case using a tool. (2) Pull the unit away from the case. (3) Remove the battery from the side of the unit. Do not touch the display or other parts. (4) Before inserting wipe clean the surface of the new battery. (5) Insert the new battery with the "+" and "-" sides in the proper position. (6) After replacing the battery, return the unit to the case. Verify that the hook of the case has properly engaged. (7) Before using, press the reset button on the front. Tool 1 2 1 3 6 7 113 88 PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LC2H SerIeS LC2H For LC2H total counter (installation frame type) (1) Remove the battery cover from the case. (2) Remove the battery from the side of the case. The battery will come loose if you put the battery side face down and lightly shake the unit. (3) Before inserting wipe clean the surface of the new battery. (4) Insert the new battery with the "+" and "-" sides in the proper position. (5) After replacing the battery, return the battery cover to the case. Verify that the hook of the battery cover is properly engaged. (6) Before using press the reset button on the front. 6. Terminal connection Tighten the terminal screws with a torque of 0.8 N*cm or less. 1 2 "+" side 5 "-" side 6 Options 1. Accessories (for LC2H total counter) Panel cover (black) 2. Lithium battery (3 V) Pa CR2n4asonic 77 3V JAPA N 3. Installation parts Mounting frame (Suitable for installation frame type LC2H total counter and LC2H preset counter) COUNTER LC2H Part No.: AEL3801 You can change the design of the front panel by replacing it with this black panel cover. The counter comes with an ash gray panel cover as standard. Note: No panel cover accessory (black) is available for the LC2H preset counter. Part No.: ATH3802 Packaged with the LC2H (excluding the PC board mounting type). Counters RESET Warning * Make sure the "+" and "-" polarities are positioned correctly. * Do not throw the old battery into a fire, short circuit it, take it apart, or allow it to come into contact with heat. * The battery is not rechargeable. Part No.: ATH3803 Packaged with the mounting bracket type LC2H total counter Rubber gasket (Suitable for installation bracket type LC2H total counter and LC2H preset counter) Part No.: ATH3804 Packaged with the mounting bracket type LC2H total counter 114 89 LC4H DIn 48 SIze LCD eLeCTrOnIC COunTer LC4H uL File no.: e122222 C-uL File no.: e122222 Features 48 1.890 4-digit display 48 1.890 64.5 2.539 mm inch 6-digit display * Screw terminal and Pin Type are Both Standard Options The two terminal types are standard options to support either front panel installation or embedded installation. * Changeable Panel Cover Also offers a black panel cover to meet your design considerations. * 4-digit or 6-digit display Two sizes of displays are offered for you to choose the one that suits your needs. * Compliant with uL, c-uL and Ce. Screw terminal type Counters Pin type * Bright and easy-to-read Display A brand new bright 2-color backlight LCD display. The easy-to-read screen in any location makes checking and setting procedures a cinch. * Simple Operation Seesaw buttons make operating the unit even easier than before. * Short Body of only 64.5 mm 2.539 inch (screw type) or 70.1 mm 2.760 inch (pin type) With a short body, it easily installs in even narrow control panels. * Conforms to IP66's weather resistant Standards The water-proof panel keeps out water and dirt for reliable operation even in poor environments. Product types Digit Count speed Output mode Output Operating voltage Power down insurance Terminal type Part number Available 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal 8 pins 11 pins Screw terminal LC4H8-R4-AC240V LC4H-R4-AC240V LC4H-R4-AC240VS LC4H8-R4-AC24V LC4H-R4-AC24V LC4H-R4-AC24VS LC4H8-R4-DC24V LC4H-R4-DC24V LC4H-R4-DC24VS LC4H8-T4-AC240V LC4H-T4-AC240V LC4H-T4-AC240VS LC4H8-T4-AC24V LC4H-T4-AC24V LC4H-T4-AC24VS LC4H8-T4-DC24V LC4H-T4-DC24V LC4H-T4-DC24VS LC4H8-R6-AC240V LC4H-R6-AC240V LC4H-R6-AC240VS LC4H8-R6-AC24V LC4H-R6-AC24V LC4H-R6-AC24VS LC4H8-R6-DC24V LC4H-R6-DC24V LC4H-R6-DC24VS LC4H8-T6-AC240V LC4H-T6-AC240V LC4H-T6-AC240VS LC4H8-T6-AC24V LC4H-T6-AC24V LC4H-T6-AC24VS LC4H8-T6-DC24V LC4H-T6-DC24V LC4H-T6-DC24VS 100 to 240 V AC Relay (1c) 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC 4 100 to 240 V AC 30 Hz (cps)/ 5 KHz (Kcps) switchable * Maintain output/ hold count * Maintain output/ over count I * Maintain output/ over count II * One shot/over count * One shot/recount I * One shot/recount II * One shot/hold count (7 modes) Transistor (1a) 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC 100 to 240 V AC Relay (1c) 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC 6 100 to 240 V AC Transistor (1a) 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC * A rubber gasket (ATC18002) and a mounting frame (AT8-DA4) are included. 90 LC4H Part names DIP switches * 4-digit display type COunTer Counter display 3 4 5 6 7 8 Set value display OP. RST LOCK Reset indicator Lock indicator RESET Reset switch 2 ON 1 Controlled output indicator UP Up keys LOCK LC4H Lock switch Down keys DOWN (Same for screw terminal type) DIP switches * 6-digit display type COunTer Counter display Reset indicator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON 1 Controlled output indicator Set value display OP. RST LOCK Lock indicator RESET Reset switch Up keys LOCK LC4H Lock switch (Same for screw terminal type) Specifications Relay output type Transistor output type AC type DC type AC type DC type Rated operating voltage 100 to 240 V AC, 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC 100 to 240 V AC, 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC Rated frequency 50/60 Hz common -- 50/60 Hz common -- Rated power consumption Max. 10 V A Max. 3 W Max. 10 V A Max. 3 W Rated control capacity 5 A 250 V AC (resistive load) 100 mA 30 V DC Addition (UP)/Subtraction (DOWN)/Direction (DIR)/Individuality (IND)/Phase (PHASE) Input mode 5 modes selectable by DIP switch Max. counting speed 30 Hz/5 kHz (selectable by DIP switch) Counting input (Input 1, 2) Min. input signal width: 16.7 ms at 30 Hz/0.1 ms at 5 kHz, ON time: OFF time = 1:1 Reset input Min. input signal width: 1 ms, 20 ms (selected by DIP switch) Rating Lock input Min. input signal width: 20 ms Contact or Open collector input/Input impedance: 1 kW or less, Input residual voltage: 2 V or less, Input signal Open impedance: 100 kW or more, Max. energized voltage: 40 V DC Output mode HOLD-A/HOLD-B/HOLD-C/SHOT-A/SHOT-B/SHOT-C/SHOT-D (7 modes selectable by DIP switch) One shot output time Approx. 1 s Indication 7-segment LCD, Counter value (backlight red LED), Setting value (backlight yellow LED) 4-digit display type -999 to 9999 (-3 digits to +4 digits) (0 to 9999 for setting) Digit 6-digit display type -99999 to 999999 (-5 digits to 6 digits) (0 to 999999 for setting) Memory EEP-ROM (Overwriting times: 10 ope. or more) Contact arrangement 1 Form C 1 Form A (Open collector) Contact Initial contact resistance -- 100 mW (at 1 A 6 V DC) Contact material Ag alloy/Au flush -- Mechanical (contact) 2x10 ope. (Except for switch operation parts) -- Life Electrical (contact) 10 ope. (At rated control voltage) 10 ope. (At rated control voltage) Allowable operating voltage range 85 to 110 % of rated operating voltage Between live and dead metal parts: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min (11-pin type) Between live and dead metal parts: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min (11-pin type) Break down voltage Between input and output: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min (Initial value) Between input and output: 2,000 V AC for 1 min Between open contacts: 1,000 Vrms for 1 min Electrical Between live and dead metal parts: Min. 100 MW (11-pin type) Between live and dead metal parts: Min. 100 MW (11-pin type) Insulation resistance Between input and output: Min. 100 MW (At 500 V DC) (Initial value) Between input and output: Min. 100 MW Between open contact: Min. 100 MW Max. 65 C (under the flow of nominal operating current at nominal voltage) Temperature rise 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), single amplitude: 0.35 mm (10 min on 3 axes) Functional Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), single amplitude: 0.75 mm (1 h on 3 axes) Destructive Mechanical Min. 98 m 321.522 ft./s (4 times on 3 axes) Functional Shock resistance Min. 294 m 964.567 ft./s (5 times on 3 axes) Destructive -10 C to 55 C +14 F to +131 F Ambient temperature Max. 85 % RH (non-condensing) Ambient humidity Operating conditions 860 to 1,060 h Pa Air pressure -- 20 % or less -- 20 % or less Ripple rate 8-pin/11-pin/screw terminal Connection IP66 (front panel with a rubber gasket) Protective construction 5 7 5 7 2 2 91 Counters Item LC4H Applicable standard Safety standard EN61812-1 Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (signal line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Dimensions mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 * 4-digit display type Screw terminal type: M3.5 (Flush mount) 5.5 .217 48 1.890 Pin type (Flush mount/Surface mount) 5.5 .217 64.5 2.539 70.1 2.760 55.6 2.189 COUNTER 48 1.890 OP. RST LOCK RESET (44.5 (1.752 (44.5 (1.752 UP LOCK LC4H 7.5 .295 DOWN 7.5 .295 * 6-digit display type Counters Screw terminal type: M3.5 (Flush mount) 5.5 .216 48 1.890 Pin type (Flush mount/Surface mount) 5.5 .217 64.5 2.539 70.1 2.760 55.6 2.189 COUNTER 48 1.890 OP. RST LOCK (44.5 (1.752 (44.5 (1.752 RESET LOCK LC4H 92 7.5 .295 7.5 .295 LC4H * Dimensions for flush mounting (with adapter installed) Screw terminal type: M3.5 Panel Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) Pin type COUNTER COUNTER 50 1.969 (44.5 (1.752 66 2.598 UP RESET Mounting frame for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) 48 1.890 OP. RST LOCK 50 1.969 8-pin type (8p cap AD8-RC sold separately) 11-pin type (11p cap AT8-DP11 sold separately) 66 OP. RST LOCK 48 1.890 Panel Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) Mounting frame for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) RESET LOCK LOCK LC4H LC4H DOWN 1 .039 48 1.890 63.5 2.500 * Dimensions for front panel installations DIN rail terminal block 8-pin type: AT8-DF8K (sold separately) 11-pin type: AT8-DF11K (sold separately) 1 .039 48 1.890 * Installation panel cut-out dimensions 90 3.543 * For connected installations The standard panel cut-out dimensions are shown below. Use the mounting frame (AT8-DA4) and rubber gasket (ATC18002). 45-0.6 0 Device installation rail AT8-DLA1 (sold separately) 45-0.6 0 1.772-.024 0 80 min. 3.150 1.772-.024 0 A 45 1.772 -0.6 0 -.024 0 A = (48 x n - 2.5) 80 min. 3.150 95.5 (90.0) 3.760 (3.543) ( ) Dimensions for 8-pin type. -0.6 0 Note 1: The installation panel thickness should be between 1 and 5 mm .039 and .197 inch. Note 2: For connected installations, the waterproofing ability between the unit and installation panel is lost. Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams * 8-pin type * 11-pin type Relay output type Input 2 Input 1 Reset - ~ 3 2 4 5 Input 2 Input 1 Reset 6 7 1 8 Operating voltage Transistor output type 3 2 + ~ - ~ 4 5 NO 6 7 1 8 Operating voltage + ~ * Screw terminal type Relay output type Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock 4 3 2 5 6 7 1 11 NC 8 9 10 - Operating + voltage ~ ~ NO Transistor output type Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock 4 3 2 5 6 7 1 11 8 9 10 - Operating + voltage ~ ~ Relay output type Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock Transistor output type NO 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 + Operating - ~ voltage ~ NC Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 + Operating - ~ voltage ~ Counters Note) For connecting the output leads of the transistor output type, refer to 5) Transistor output on page 115. 93 LC4H Setting the operation mode and set value Setting procedure 1) Setting the operation mode (input mode and output mode) Set the input and output modes with the DIP switches on the side of the counter. DIP switches Table 1: Setting the output mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Item DIP switch OFF ON Output mode Refer to table 1 Minimum reset input signal width Maximum counter speed Input mode 20 ms 30 Hz 1 ms 5 kHz Refer to table 2 DIP switch No. 1 2 3 ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF ON ON Output mode SHOT-A SHOT-B SHOT-C SHOT-D HOLD-A HOLD-B HOLD-C -- (See note 1) Table 2: Setting the input mode DIP switch No. Input mode 6 7 8 ON ON ON Addition input OFF OFF OFF Subtraction input ON OFF OFF Directive input OFF ON OFF Independent input ON ON OFF Phase input OFF OFF ON -- (See note 1) ON OFF ON -- (See note 1) OFF ON ON -- (See note 1) Notes:1) The counter and set value displays will display DIP Err. Notes:2) Set the DIP switches before installing the counter on the panel. Notes:3) When the DIP SW setting is changed, turn off the power once. Notes:4) The DIP switches are set as ON before shipping. DIP switches (See note 2) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON 1 Counters (Same for 6-digit and screw terminal types) Setting procedure 2) Setting the set value Set the set value with the UP and DOWN keys on the front of the counter. Front display section * 4-digit display type COunTer Q Counter display 1 W Set value display 3 2 E Controlled output indicator OP. 4 RST R Reset indicator LOCK T Lock indicator 5 6 UP RESET Y UP keys 8 7 LOCK Changes the corresponding 9 DOWN LC4H digit of the set value in the addition direction (upwards). * 6-digit display type Q Counter display W Set value display E Controlled output indicator R Reset indicator T Lock indicator COunTer 3 4 2 OP. RST LOCK 5 7 8 6 RESET LOCK LC4H * Changing the set value 1. It is possible to change the set value with the up and down keys (4digit type only) even during counting. However, be aware of the following points. 1) If the set value is changed to less than the count value with counting set to the addition direction, counting will continue until it reaches full scale (9999 with the 4-digit type and 999999 with the 6-digit type), returns to zero, and then reaches the new set value. If the set value is changed to a value above the count value, counting will continue until the count value reaches the new set value. 94 1 2) Suppose that the counter is preset to count down. Whether a preset countdown value is smaller or larger than the count value, the counter counts down to "0(Zero)". 2. If the set value is changed to "0," the unit will not complete count-up. It starts counting up when the counting value comes to "0 (zero)" again. 1) Up-count (addition) input when counting is set to the addition direction, counting will continue until full scale is reached (9999 with the 4-digit type and 999999 with the 6-digit type), return to zero, and then complete count-up. U DOWN keys Changes the corresponding digit of the set value in the subtraction direction (downwards). I RESET switch Resets the counting value and the output. O LOCK switch Locks the operation of all keys on the counter. Y UP keys Changes the corresponding digit of the set value in the addition direction (upwards). U RESET switch Resets the counting value and the output. I LOCK switch Locks the operation of all keys on the counter. 2) Down-count (subtraction) input when counting is set to the subtraction direction, counting will continue until full scale is reached (-999 with the 4-digit type and -99999 with the 6-digit type), and then the display will change to with the 4-digit type and with the 6-digit type. The counting value does not become "0" and so the counter does not count up. 3) For directive, independent, and phase input, when the counting value increases or decreases from the value 0" and then returns back to the value 0," count-up is completed. LC4H Operation modes 1. Input mode For the input mode, you can choose one of the following five modes * Addition * Subtraction UP DOWN * Directive DIR * Independent IND * Phase Input mode PHASE Operation IN1 or IN2 works as an input block (gate) for the other input. *Minimum input signal width 30 Hz: 16.7 ms; 5 kHz: 0.1 ms * Example where IN1 is the count counting and IN2 is the input block (gate). IN1 H L A A A A Blocked Addition UP IN2 H L Counting (addition) 0 1 2 3 n-3 n-2 n-1 Counting (subtraction) n n-1 n-2 n-3 3 2 1 n 0 Reset Count-up completed * Example where IN2 is the counting input and IN1 is the input block (gate). IN1 IN2 Subtraction DOWN H L Blocked Blocked A A A A H L Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) 0 1 2 3 4 n-1 n n-1 n-2 n-3 n-4 1 n 0 Count-up completed Reset IN1 is the counting input and IN2 is the addition or subtraction directive input. IN2 adds at L level and subtracts at H level. Directive DIR IN1 H L IN2 H L A A Addition 0 Counting 1 2 3 A A Subtraction 4 3 2 1 0 Counters * "A" must be more than the minimum input signal width. Addition 1 2 3 4 Reset * "A" must be more than the minimum input signal width. IN1 is addition input and IN2 is subtraction input. Independent IND IN1 H L IN2 H L 0 Counting 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 Reset * IN1 and IN2 are completely independent, so there is no restriction on signal timing. Addition when the IN1 phase advances beyond IN2, and subtraction when the IN2 phase advances beyond IN1. Phase PHASE IN1 H L IN2 H L B B Phase advance Counting 0 1 Phase retard 2 3 2 1 0 Reset * "B" must be more than the minimum input signal width. 95 LC4H 2. Output mode For the output mode, you can choose one of the following seven modes * Maintain output/hold count HOLD-A * Maintain output/over count I HOLD-B * Maintain output/over count II HOLD-C * One shot/over count SHOT-A * One shot/recount I SHOT-B * One shot/recount II SHOT-C * One shot/hold count SHOT-D Output mode Maintain output Hold count HOLD-A Operation Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until resetting. During that time, the count display does not change from that at count-up completion. (Example when input mode is either addition or subtraction) n-3 n-2 n-1 n Counting (subtraction) 3 2 1 0 Counting able/unable Able Counting (addition) Output control Unable ON OFF * n: Set value Maintain output Over count I HOLD-B Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until resetting. However, counting is possible despite completion of count-up. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 2 1 n+1 n+2 0 -1 -2 n n+1 n+2 0 -1 -2 Able Counting able/unable Output control n ON OFF * n: Set value Maintain output Over count II HOLD-C Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until the next signal enters. However, counting is possible despite completion of countup. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 2 1 Able Counting able/unable Output control ON OFF OFF Counters * n: Set value One shot Over count SHOT-A Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec). Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 2 1 Counting able/unable Output control One shot Recount I SHOT-B One shot Recount II SHOT-C Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec). Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. However, reset occurs simultaneous with output OFF. Counting (subtraction) -1 -2 OFF n-2 n-1 2 1 0 1 2 n n-1 n-2 Reset (automatic) Able Counting able/unable Output control ON OFF OFF Approx. 1s * n: Set value Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-1 n n+1 1 0 -1 0 1 n n-1 Reset (automatic) Able Counting able/unable ON OFF OFF Approx. 1s Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-1 n 1 0 0 1 n n-1 Reset (automatic) Able Counting able/unable Output control * n: Set value 96 0 Approx. 1s Counting (addition) Output control One shot Hold count SHOT-D n+2 ON OFF * n: Set value Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec). During that time, the count display does not change from that at count-up completion. Reset occurs simultaneous with output OFF. n+1 Able * n: Set value Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec). Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. However, reset occurs simultaneous with completion of count-up. While output is being maintained, restarting of the count is not possible n OFF Unable ON Able OFF Approx. 1s LC4H-S DIN 48 SIZE LCD ELECTRONIC COUNTER LC4H-S Features 4-digit type 6-digit type 11 pin type Screw terminal type * Bright and Easy-to-Read Display A brand new bright 2-color backlight LCD display. The easy-to-read screen in any location makes checking and setting procedures a cinch. * Easy to use, simple operation, simple settings * Operation modes (input/output modes) can be set easily, using DIP switches on the side panel. * Values can be set easily, using key switches on the front panel. * Pre-scaling function provided A pre-scaling function enables conversion of lengths and volumes to any desired values, and displays the results. * Built-in power supply for highcapacitance sensor An internal power supply drives a 12 VDC, 100 mA high-capacitance sensor. (AC power supply types only) Photoelectric switches, proximity switches and encoders can be directly connected. * Dual-path AC sensor can be connected. * Basic insulation between the power supply and the input terminal (only for the sensor type model with power supply) There is no need for caution when connecting between terminals. * Conforms to IP66's Weather Resistant Standards The water-proof panel keeps out water and dirt for reliable operation even in poor environments. * 4-digit or 6-digit display Two sizes of displays are offered for you to choose the one that suits your needs. * Screw terminal and Pin Type are Both Standard Options The two terminal types are standard options to support either front panel installation or embedded installation. * Compliant with UL, c-UL and CE. Product types PRODUCT TYPES Digit Count speed Output Operation voltage Power down insurane 100-240 V AC with 12V DC power supply Relay 4 12-24 V DC / 24 V AC Transistor 30 Hz (cps) 5 kHz (kcps) Available switchable 100-240 V AC with 12V DC power supply Relay 6 12-24 V DC / 24 V AC Transistor Additional function Terminal P/N Scale Factor 11 Pin LC4H-PS-R4-AC240V Scale Factor Screw LC4H-PS-R4-AC240VS Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input 11 Pin LC4H-PSV-R4-AC240V Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input Screw LC4H-PSV-R4-AC240VS Scale Factor 11 Pin LC4H-S-R4-24V Scale Factor Screw LC4H-S-R4-24VS Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input 11 Pin LC4H-SV-R4-24V Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input Screw LC4H-SV-R4-24VS Scale Factor 11 Pin LC4H-S-T4-24V Scale Factor Screw LC4H-S-T4-24VS Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input 11 Pin LC4H-SV-T4-24V Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input Screw LC4H-SV-T4-24VS Scale Factor 11 Pin LC4H-PS-R6-AC240V Scale Factor Screw LC4H-PS-R6-AC240VS Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input 11 Pin LC4H-PSV-R6-AC240V Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input Screw LC4H-PSV-R6-AC240VS Scale Factor 11 Pin LC4H-S-R6-24V Scale Factor Screw LC4H-S-R6-24VS Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input 11 Pin LC4H-SV-R6-24V Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input Screw LC4H-SV-R6-24VS Scale Factor 11 Pin LC4H-S-T6-24V Scale Factor Screw LC4H-S-T6-24VS Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input 11 Pin LC4H-SV-T6-24V Scale Factor / Voltage Signal Input Screw LC4H-SV-T6-24VS 97 Counters UL File No.: E122222 C-UL File No.: E122222 LC4H-S Part names * 4-digit display type DIP switches COunTer Counter display Reset indicator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON 1 Controlled output indicator Set value display OP. RST LOCK Lock indicator RESET Reset switch SET/ LOCK Set/lock switch LC4H UP Up keys Down keys DOWN (Same for screw terminal type) * 6-digit display type DIP switches COunTer Counter display Reset indicator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON 1 Controlled output indicator Set value display OP. RST LOCK Lock indicator RESET Reset switch Set/lock switch Up keys SET/ LOCK LC4H (Same for screw terminal type) Specifications Item Rated operating voltage Rated frequency Rated power consumption Rated control capacity Counters Input mode Max. counting speed Counting input (input 1, input 2) Reset input Lock input Rating Input signal Output mode One shot output time Indication Digit Contact Life Decimal point Pre-scaling Memory Power for senser Contact arrangement Initial contact resistance Contact material Mechanical (contact) Electrical (contact) Operating voltage range Initial withstand voltage Electrical Mechanical Operating conditions Initial insulation resistance (At 500 V DC) Temperature rise Functional Vibration resistance Destructive Functional Shock resistance Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Air pressure Connection Protective construction 98 Relay output type AC type 100 to 240 V Transistor output type DC/AC type 12 to 24 V DC/24 V AC DC/AC type 12 to 24 V DC/24 V AC 50/60 Hz common Max. 10 V A Max. 3 W 5 A 250 V AC (resistive load) 100 mA, 30 V DC Addition (UP)/Subtraction (DOWN)/Direction (DIR)/Individuality (IND)/Phase (PHASE) 5 modes selectable by DIP switches 30 Hz, 5 kHz (selectable by DIP switches) 16.7 ms at 30 Hz/0.1 ms at 5 kHz ON time: OFF time = 1:1 Min. input signal width: 1 ms, 20 ms (selected by DIP switches) Min. input signal width: 20 ms Contact, Open collector input/DC two-wire system sensor Input impedance: 1 kW or less, Input residual voltage: 2 V or less, Open impedance: 100 kW or less, Max. energized voltage: 40 V DC HOLD-A, HOLD-B, HOLD-C, SHOT-A, SHOT-B, SHOT-C, SHOT-D, 7 modes selectable by DIP switches 1 s, 0.5s, 0.2s, 0.1s, 0.05, 0.01s 7-segment LCD, Counter value (backlight red LED), Setting value (backlight yellow LED) 4-digit display type -999 to 9999 (0 to 9999 for setting) 6-digit display type -99999 to 999999 (0 to 999999 for setting) Can be set to three digits 0.001 to 9.999 (4-digit type), 0.001 to 99.999 (6-digit type) EEP-ROM (Overwriting times: 10 ope. or more) 12 V DC (10%) 100 mA Max. -- 1 Form C 1 Form A (Open collector) -- 100 mW (at 1 A 6 V DC) Ag alloy/Au flush -- 2x10 ope. (Except for switch operation parts) -- 10 ope. (At rated control voltage) 10 ope. (At rated control voltage) 85 to 264 V AC 10.8 to 26.4 V DC, 20.4 to 26.4 V AC Between live and dead metal parts: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min (pin type) Between input and output: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min Between live and dead metal parts: Min. 100 MW (pin type) Between input and output: Min. 100 MW Max. 65 C (under the flow of nominal operating current at nominal voltage) 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), single amplitude: 0.35 mm (10 min on 3 axes) 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), single amplitude: 0.75 mm (1 h on 3 axes) Min. 98 m/s (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 294 m/s (5 times on 3 axes) -10 C to 55 C +14 F to +131 F Max. 85 % RH (non-condensing) 860 to 1,060 h Pa 11-pin/screw terminal IP66 (front panel with a rubber gasket) 5 7 5 7 2 2 LC4H-S Applicable standard Safety standard EN61812-1 Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (signal line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) RF electromagnetic field immunity EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity EMC Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Dimensions mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 Screw terminal type: M3.5 (Flush mount) Pin type (Flush mount/Surface mount) 5.5 .217 (48 (1.890 55.6 2.189 70.1 2.760 14.5 .571 5.5 .217 64.5 2.539 COunTer ((44.5) ((1.752) OP. (48 (1.890 ((44.5) ((1.752) s RESET UP SET/LOCK L C 4H DOWN 7.5 .295 73* 2.874* 87.5* 2.445* 81.9* 3.224* * With power supply for sensor * With power supply for sensor (* 6-digit display type has the same dimensions.) * Dimensions for flush mounting (with adapter installed) Screw terminal type Pin type Mounting frame for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) Panel Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) UP 66 2.598 RESET SET/LOCK SET/LOCK LC4H 1 .039 63.5 2.500 * Dimensions for front panel installations DIN rail terminal block 11-pin type: AT8-DF11K (sold separately) Device installation rail ATA48011 (sold separately) 95.5 (112.9) 3.760 (4.445) 48 1.890 80.9 3.185 * With power supply for sensor * With power supply for sensor * Installation panel cut-out dimensions The standard panel cut-out dimensions are shown below. Use the mounting frame (AT8-DA4) and rubber gasket (ATC18002). 45-0.6 0 1.772-.024 0 45-0.6 0 1.772-.024 0 48 1.890 Min. 80 3.150 90 3.543 1 104.5 4.114 * With power supply for sensor * For connected installations 45-0.6 0 1.772-.024 0 DOWN Min. 80 3.150 LC4H OP. RST LOCK 50 1.969 48 1.890 (44.5 (1.752 66 2.598 50 1.969 48 1.890 RESET 11 pin type 11 pins cap: ATA4861 (sold separately) COUNTER COUNTER OP. RST LOCK Mounting frame for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) Panel A When n units are attached in a continuous series, the dimension of (A) is: -0.6 A = (48 x n - 2.5) 0 Note 1: The installation panel thickness should be between 1 and 5 mm .039 and .197 inch. Note 2: For connected installations, the waterproofing ability between the unit and installation panel is lost. 99 Counters Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) LC4H-S Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams * Pin type Relay output type Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock - ~ 4 3 2 Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock NC 5 6 7 1 11 Transistor output type NO 8 9 10 Operating voltage + - ~ ~ 4 3 2 Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock 5 6 7 1 11 8 9 10 Operating voltage + ~ * Screw terminal type Relay output type Transistor output type Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock NO 6 7 8 9 10 6 NC * With power supply for sensor Relay output type Transistor output type 7 8 9 0V DC 12V 100mA Max. + ~ Operating voltage 2 3 - ~ 4 1 5 + ~ Operating voltage 2 3 - ~ 4 voltage NO 6 DC 12V 100mA Max. 7 Counters 8 9 10 11 4 3 2 5 6 7 1 11 8 9 10 ~Operating~ voltage 1 Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock 6 NC 0V 2 ~Operating~ voltage Note) For connecting the output leads of the transistor output type, refer to 5) Transistor output on page 115. 100 0V DC 12V 100mA Max. ~Operating~ Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock 10 5 1 11 NO 8 9 10 * With power supply for sensor Relay output type Transistor output type 0V 1 4 3 2 Reset Input 1 Input 2 Lock NC 5 6 7 3 4 5 DC 12V 100mA Max. 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 11 1 ~Operating ~ voltage LC4H-S Setting the operation mode and counter Setting procedure 1) Setting the operation mode (input mode and output mode) Set the input and output modes with the DIP switches on the side of the counter. DIP switches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Table 1: Setting the output mode Item DIP switch OFF ON Output mode Refer to table 1 Minimum reset input signal width Maximum counter setting Input mode 20 ms 30 Hz DIP switch No. 1 2 3 ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF ON ON 1 ms 5 kHz Refer to table 2 Output mode SHOT-A SHOT-B SHOT-C SHOT-D HOLD-A HOLD-B HOLD-C -- (See note 1) Table 2: Setting the input mode DIP switch No. Input mode 6 7 8 ON ON ON Addition input OFF OFF OFF Subtraction input ON OFF OFF Directive input OFF ON OFF Independent input ON ON OFF Phase input OFF OFF ON -- (See note 1) ON OFF ON -- (See note 1) OFF ON ON -- (See note 1) Notes:1) The counter and set value displays will display DIP Err. Notes:2) Set the DIP switches before installing the counter on the panel. Notes:3) When the DIP SW setting is changed, turn off the power once. Notes:4) The DIP switches are set as ON before shipping. DIP switches (See note 2) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON 1 (Same for 6-digit, screw-down terminal type) Setting procedure 2) Setting the set value Set the set value with the UP and DOWN keys on the front of the counter. * 4-digit display type Q Counter display W Set value display E Controlled output indicator R Reset indicator T Lock indicator Y UP keys Changes the corresponding digit of the set value in the addition direction (upwards) * 6-digit display type Q Counter display W Set value display E Controlled output indicator R Reset indicator T Lock indicator COUNTER 3 4 2 OP. RST LOCK 5 8 9 RESET 6 UP 7 SET/LOCK LC4H DOWN COUNTER 3 4 8 1 2 OP. RST LOCK 5 7 1 6 RESET SET/LOCK LC4H U DOWN keys Changes the corresponding digit of the set value in the subtraction direction (downwards) I RESET switch Resets the counting value and the output O SET/LOCK switch This is used to handle pre-scaling values, one-shot times, decimal point position settings, and key lock operations (to disable Up key, Down key, and Reset key operations). Y UP keys Changes the corresponding digit of the set value in the addition direction (upwards) U RESET switch Resets the counting value and the output I SET/LOCK switch This is used to handle pre-scaling values, one-shot times, decimal point position settings, and key lock operations (to disable Up key, Down key, and Reset key operations). Setting procedure 3) Setting the input mode The input mode is set using the key switch in the [Display] section on the front of the counter. * Decimal point position setting mode Q Holding down the [SET/LOCK] key, press the key for the second digit to access the decimal point position setting mode. Example) 6-digit type Decimal point position setting mode display (Example shows default value displayed) W When the setting mode has been accessed, release the [SET/LOCK] key. 101 Counters Front display section LC4H-S LC4H-S E The decimal point is set using the [UP] and [DOWN] keys to specify the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th digits (this applies only to 4-digit models).(The 1st digit is set using the [UP] key or [DOWN] key in settings where there is no decimal point (this applies only to 4-digit models).) Example) 6-digit type Example shows 2nd digit displayed using [UP] key R Press the [RESET] key to set the displayed decimal point position and return to normal operation. * Setting the pre-scaling value Q Holding down the [SET/LOCK] key, press the key for the first digit to access the pre-scaling value setting mode. Example) 4-digit type Example) 6-digit type Pre-scaling value setting mode displayed (Example shows default values displayed) W When the setting mode has been accessed, release the [SET/LOCK] key. E Use the [UP] or [DOWN] key to set the pre-scaling value (this applies only to 4-digit models). Select either: 0.001 to 9.999 (4-digit) or 0.001 to 99.999 (6-digit) R Press the [RESET] key to set the displayed pre-scaling value and return to normal operation. * Setting the one-shot output time Q Holding down the [SET/LOCK] key, press the key for the third digit to access the one-shot output time setting mode. Example) 6-digit type One-shot output time setting mode displayed (Example shows default value displayed) W When the setting mode has been accessed, release the [SET/LOCK] key. E Each time the 1st-digit [UP] key is pressed, the one-shot output time changes in the following sequence, moving to the right: 0.5 ss 0.2 0.2 ss 0.1 0.1 ss 0.05 0.05 ss 0.01 0.01 ss 1 1 ss 0.5 Counters (With a 4-digit type, the [DOWN] key can also be used to move to the left.) R Press the [RESET] key to set the displayed one-shot output time and return to normal operation. Changing the set value 1. It is possible to change the set value with the up and down keys (4digit type only) even during counting. However, be aware of the following points. 1) If the set value is changed to less than the count value with counting set to the addition direction, counting will continue until it reaches full scale (9999 with the 4-digit type and 999999 with the 6-digit type), returns to zero, and then reaches the new set value. If the set value is changed to a value above the count value, counting will continue until the count value reaches the new set value. Cautions forFOR useUSE CAUTIONS 2) Suppose that thew counter is preset to count down. Whether a preset countdown value is smaller or larger than the count value, the counter counts down to "0 (zero)". 2. If the set value is changed to "0," the unit will not complete count-up. It starts counting up when the counting value comes to "0 (zero)" again. 1) Up-count (addition) input When counting is set to the addition direction, counting will continue until full scale is reached (9999 with the 4-digit type and 999999 with the 6-digit type), return to zero, and then complete countup. 2) Down-count (subtraction) input When counting is set to the subtraction direction, counting will continue until full scale is reached (-999 with the 4-digit type and -99999 with the 6-digit type), and then the display will change to with the 4-digit type and with the 6-digit type. The counting value does not become "0 (zero)" and so the counter does not count up. 3) Directive, independent, and phase inputs The counting value is counted up or down to any number other than "0" once. When it comes to "0 (zero)" again, the counter starts counting up. For more information regarding the cautions for use of LC4H series counter, refer to page 140 114 "PRECAUTIONS IN USING THE LC4H SERIES". 128 102 LC4H-S Operation mode 1. Input mode For the input mode, you can choose one of the following five modes * Addition * Subtraction * Directive * Independent * Phase Input mode UP DOWN DIR IND PHASE Operation IN1 or IN2 works as an input block (gate) for the other input. *Minimum input signal width 30 Hz: 16.7 ms; 5 kHz: 0.1 ms * Example where IN1 is the counting input and IN2 is the input block (gate). IN1 H L A A A A Blocked Addition UP IN2 H L Counting (addition) 0 1 2 3 n-3 n-2 n-1 Counting (subtraction) n n-1 n-2 n-3 3 2 1 n 0 Reset Count-up completed * Example where IN2 is the counting input and IN1 is the input block (gate). IN1 IN2 Subtraction DOWN H L Blocked Blocked A A A A H L Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) 0 1 2 3 4 n-1 n n-1 n-2 n-3 n-4 1 n 0 Count-up completed Reset IN1 is the counting input and IN2 is the addition or subtraction directive input. IN2 adds at L level and subtracts at H level. Directive DIR IN1 H L A A Addition IN2 A A Subtraction Counters * "A" must be more than the minimum input signal width. Addition H L 0 Counting 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 Reset * "A" must be more than the minimum input signal width. IN1 is addition input and IN2 is subtraction input. Independent IND IN1 H L IN2 H L 0 Counting 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 Reset * IN1 and IN2 are completely independent, so there is no restriction on signal timing. Addition when the IN1 phase advances beyond IN2, and subtraction when the IN2 phase advances beyond IN1. Phase PHASE IN1 H L IN2 H L B B Phase advance Counting 0 1 Phase retard 2 3 2 1 0 Reset * "B" must be more than the minimum input signal width. 103 LC4H-S 2. Output mode For the output mode, you can choose one of the following seven modes * Maintain output/hold count HOLD-A * Maintain output/over count I HOLD-B * Maintain output/over count II HOLD-C * One shot/over count SHOT-A * One shot/recount I SHOT-B * One shot/recount II SHOT-C * One shot/hold count SHOT-D Output mode Maintain output Hold count HOLD-A Operation Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until resetting. During that time, the count display does not change from that at count-up completion. (Example when input mode is either addition or subtraction) n-3 n-2 n-1 n Counting (subtraction) 3 2 1 0 Counting able/unable Able Counting (addition) Output control Unable ON OFF * n: Set value Maintain output Over count I HOLD-B Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until resetting. However, counting is possible despite completion of count-up. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 2 1 0 -1 -2 n n+1 n+2 0 -1 -2 Able Counting able/unable Output control ON OFF * n: Set value Maintain output Over count II HOLD-C Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until the next signal enters. However, counting is possible despite completion of countup. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 2 1 Able Counting able/unable Output control ON OFF OFF Counters * n: Set value One shot Over count SHOT-A Output control is maintained after count-up completion for one shot output time. Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 2 1 0 -1 -2 Counting able/unable Output control Able ON OFF * n: Set value One shot Recount I SHOT-B One shot Recount II SHOT-C Output control is maintained after count-up completion for one shot output time. Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. However, reset occurs simultaneous with completion of count-up. While output is being maintained, restarting of the count is not possible Output control is maintained after count-up completion for one shot output time. Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. However, reset occurs simultaneous with output OFF. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 2 1 Output control 2 n n-1 n-2 ON OFF OFF Approx. 1s * n: Set value Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-1 n n+1 1 0 -1 0 1 n n-1 Reset (automatic) Able Counting able/unable ON OFF OFF Approx. 1s Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-1 n 1 0 0 1 n n-1 Reset (automatic) Able Counting able/unable Output control * n: Set value 104 1 Able Counting able/unable Output control One shot Hold count SHOT-D 0 Reset (automatic) * n: Set value Output control is maintained after count-up completion for one shot output time. During that time, the count display does not change from that at count-up completion. Reset occurs simultaneous with output OFF. OFF Approx. 1s OFF Unable ON Able OFF Approx. 1s LC4H-S Input connections * Signal input type 1) Open collector 2) For voltage output (PC, sensor etc.) + 12 V DC (Photoelectric sensor, proximity sensor, etc.) Output + 12 V DC Output 0V 0V - - 3 11-pin type Screw-down terminal type 4 6 0V 5 7 6 8 9 7 1 11-pin type Screw-down terminal type 10 11 Lock Input Input Reset 12 V DC input 2 1 input output 3) Contact input 3 6 4 5 6 7 1 7 8 9 10 11 Lock Input Input Reset 12 V DC input 2 1 input output 0V 4) For a rotary encoder Relay, switches etc. 12 V DC A phase 0V 3 4 5 6 7 Screw-down terminal type 6 7 8 9 10 0V Lock Input Input Reset input 2 1 input 11-pin type 3 5 6 1 Screw-down terminal type 6 8 9 11 0V Input Input 12 V DC 2 1 output Input 1, input 2, and reset input specifications Lock input specifications * Impedance during short-circuit: 1 kW max. (At 0 W, the outflow current is approximately 12 mA.) * Residual voltage during short-circuit: 2 V max. * Impedance when released: 100 kW min. * Max. applied voltage: 40 VDC max. * Impedance during short-circuit: 1 kW max. (At 0 W, the outflow current is approximately 1.5 mA.) * Residual voltage during short-circuit: 2 V max. * Impedance when released: 100 kW min. * Max. applied voltage: 40 DVC max. * The contact relay should be one which can open/close 5 V, 1.5 mA. * There is no 12 V DC with 12 - 24 V DC/24 V AC types. what is the prescale function? 5) For a dual-line sensor + 0V - 11-pin type Screw-down terminal type 3 6 0V 5 6 7 8 9 10 The prescale function converts the count into an actual value (amount) and displays it. Example For a device that outputs 500 pulses when 1 m has been fed: 1. Set decimal position to the last 3rd place. 2. Set the prescale value to 0.002 (1/500). 1m 3.281ft Input Input Reset 2 1 input COunTer Dual-line sensor specifications 1 pulse * Leakage current: 1.5 mA max. * Breaker capacitance: 5 mA min. * Residual voltage: 3.0 V max. * Usable voltage: Runs on 10 VDC * If a dual-line sensor is connected to a 12 - 24 VDC/24 VAC type, 24 VDC (21.6 to 26.4 VDC) and 24 VAC (21.6 to 26.4 VAC) should be applied to the power supply voltage of the counter. RESET UP SET/LOCK LC4H DOWN Can be set to easy-to-understand unit. Prescale value: 0.002 Encoder COunTer 500 pulses RESET UP SET/LOCK LC4H DOWN 105 Counters 11-pin type B phase LC4H-w DIn 48 SIze LCD eLeCTrOnIC COunTer LC4H-w uL File no.: e122222 C-uL File no.: e122222 Features * Conforms to IP66's weather resistant Standards The water-proof panel keeps out water and dirt for reliable operation even in poor environments. * Screw terminal and Pin Type are Both Standard Options The two terminal types are standard options to support either front panel installation or embedded installation. * Changeable Panel Cover Also offers a black panel cover to meet your design considerations. * Compliant with uL, c-uL and Ce. * Two-stage presetting (upper and lower limits) Count SET2 48 1.890 SET1 Output 1 Output 2 64.5 2.539 48 1.890 mm inch Counters 11-pin type Screw terminal type * Bright and easy-to-read Display A brand new bright 2-color backlight LCD display. The easy-to-read screen in any location makes checking and setting procedures a cinch. * Simple Operation Seesaw buttons make operating the unit even easier than before. * Short Body of only 64.5 mm 2.539 inch (screw type) or 70.1 mm 2.760 inch (pin type) With a short body, it easily installs in even narrow control panels. Product types Digit Output mode Count speed Output 1 Output 2 Output Operating voltage Power down insurance 11 pins 100 to 240 V AC 6 30 Hz (cps)/ 5 KHz (Kcps) switchable * Maintain output/over count I * Maintain output/over count II * Maintain output/over count III * One shot/over count (4 modes) * Maintain output/hold count * Maintain output/over count I * Maintain output/over count II * Maintain output/over count III * One shot/over count * One shot/recount I * One shot/recount II * One shot/hold count (8 modes) Relay (1a+1a) Part number LC4H-W-R6-AC240V Screw terminal LC4H-W-R6-AC240VS 11 pins 24V AC LC4H-W-R6-AC24V Screw terminal LC4H-W-R6-AC24VS 11 pins 12 to 24 V DC Available 100 to 240 V AC Transistor (1a+1a) Terminal type 11 pins LC4H-W-T6-AC240V Screw terminal LC4H-W-T6-AC240VS 11 pins 24V AC LC4H-W-R6-DC24V Screw terminal LC4H-W-R6-DC24VS LC4H-W-T6-AC24V Screw terminal LC4H-W-T6-AC24VS 12 to 24 V DC 11 pins LC4H-W-T6-DC24V Screw terminal LC4H-W-T6-DC24VS * A rubber gasket (ATC18002) and a mounting frame (AT8-DA4) are included. Part names Setting value 1/2 selector COunTer Controlled output indicator Lock indicator Reset switch Set/lock switch 106 OP 1 : Used to set the corresponding digits for the count-up mode. Set value display : Used to reset counting and its output. Up keys 1 2 2 LOCK RESET SET/LOCK LC4H-w Sixth digit Counter display First digit SET/LOCK key : Used to select between the Setting 1 display and Setting 2 display and to lock the keys (UP and RESET keys not responsive to touch). Used also to set and confirm the input mode. LC4H-w Specifications Relay output type Item Rated operating voltage Rated frequency Rated power consumption DC type AC type DC type 100 to 240 V AC 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC 100 to 240 V AC 24 V AC 12 to 24 V DC 50/60 Hz common -- 50/60 Hz common -- Max. 10 V A Max. 3 W Max. 10 V A Max. 3 W Rated control capacity 3 A, 250 V AC (resistive load) Input mode 100 mA, 30 V DC Addition (UP)/Subtraction (DOWN)/Direction (DIR)/Individuality (IND)/Phase (PHASE) (5 modes selectable by DIP switch) Counting speed 30 Hz(cps)/5 KHz(cps) (selectable by DIP switch) Counting input (Input 1, 2) Min. input signal width: 16.7 ms at 30 Hz(cps)/0.1 ms at 5 KHz(cps) ON time: OFF time = 1:1 Reset input Min. input signal width: 1 ms, 20 ms (selected by DIP switch) Input signal Contact or Open collector input/Input impedance: 1 kW or less, Input residual voltage: 2 V or less, Open impedance: 100 kW or more, Max. energized voltage: 40 V DC Output 1. HOLD-B, C, D SHOT-A (4 modes) Output 2. HOLD-A, B, C SHOT-A, B, C, D (8 modes) (selectable by DIP switch) Output mode One shot output time Approx. 1 s Indication 7-segment LCD, Counter value (backlight red LED), Setting value (backlight yellow LED) Digit -99999 to 999999 (-5 digits to 6 digits) (0 to 999999 for setting) Memory EEP-ROM (Overwriting times: 10 ope. or more) 5 Contact arrangement Contact Contact resistance (Intial value) 1 Form A + 1 Form A 1 Form A + 1 Form A (Open collector) 100 mW (at 1 A 6 V DC) -- Ag alloy/Au flush -- Contact material Life Mechanical (contact) Min. 2x10 ope. -- Min. 10 ope. (At rated control voltage) Min. 10 ope. (At rated control voltage) 7 Electrical (contact) 5 Allowable operating voltage range Break down voltage (Initial value) Electrical 85 to 110 % of rated operating voltage Between live and dead metal parts: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min (pin type) Between input and output: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min Between open contacts: 1,000 Vrms for 1 min Between live and dead metal parts: 2,000 Vrms for 1 min Between input and output: 2,000 V AC for 1 min Between live and dead metal parts: Min. 100 MW (pin type) Between input and output: Min. 100 MW Between open contact: Min. 100 MW Between live and dead metal parts: Min. 100 MW (pin type) Between input and output: Min. 100 MW Max. 65C (under the flow of nominal operating current at nominal voltage) -- Insulation resistance (At 500 V DC) (Initial value) Temperature rise Mechanical Operating conditions 7 Vibration resistance Functional 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), single amplitude: 0.35 mm (10 min on 3 axes) Destructive 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), single amplitude: 0.75 mm (1 h on 3 axes) Shock resistance Functional Min. 98 m/s (4 times on 3 axes) Destructive Min. 294 m/s (5 times on 3 axes) Counters Rating Transistor output type AC type 2 2 Ambient temperature -10C to 55C +14F to +131F Ambient humidity Max. 85 % RH (non-condensing) Air pressure 860 to 1,060 h Pa Ripple rate -- Connection 20 % or less -- 20 % or less 11-pin/screw terminal Protective construction IP66 (front panel with a rubber gasket) Applicable standard Safety standard EN61812-1 (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air EN61000-4-3 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (signal line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) 107 OP. 1 1 2 2 LOCK LC4H-w M44.5 M1.752 RESET SET/LOCK LC4H-W 7.5 .295 Dimensions * LC4H-w electrical counter Screw terminal type Screw-down terminal type (Flush M3.5 (embeddedmount): installation) Screw-down terminal type 5.5 .217 48 1.890 mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 Pin type (embedded panel Pin typeinstallation/ front panel installation) mount) (Flush mount/Surface Panel 5.5 Rubber gasket .217 ATC18002 (supplied) 64.5 2.539 55.6 2.180 70.1 2.760 Mounting frame for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) COUNTER COUNTER OP. 1 1 2 2 LOCK OP. 1 48 1.890 1 2 2 LOCK 50 1.969 M44.5 M1.752 66 2.598 M44.5 M44.5 M1.752 M1.752 RESET RESET SET/LOCK SET/LOCK LC4H-W LC4H-W 7.5 .295 7.5 .295 48 1.890 1 .039 63.5 2.500 * Dimensions for flush mounting (with adapter installed) Pin type Screw-down terminal Pin Screw terminal type type Pin type type (embedded panel installation/ for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) 5.5 .217 COUNTER OP. 1 48 1.890 front panel Mounting frame installation) Panel Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) 50 1.969 1 2 2 LOCK 55.6 2.180 66 2.598 M44.5 M1.752 OP. 1 48 1.890 SET/LOCK LC4H-W 1 .039 48 1.890 63.5 2.500 * Dimensions for front panel installations * Installation panel cut-out dimensions The standard panel cut-out dimensions are shown below. Use the mounting frame (AT8-DA4) and Mounting frame for flush mount rubber gasket (ATC18002). 80 min. DIN rail terminal Panel block Rubber gasket AT8-DF11K (sold separately) ATC18002 (supplied) AT8-DA4 (supplied) 11P cap AT8-DP11 sold separately COUNTER 50 1.969 1 2 2 LOCK 3.150 +0.6 66 2.598 A = (48 x n - 2.5) 1 .039 Terminal layouts and wiring diagrams 90 3.543 Transistor output type 5 6 7 4 8 3 9 2 10 1 11 NO - NO + Operating voltage ~ Reset Input 1 Input 2 + Operating voltage ~ * Screw terminal type Relay output type ~ Transistor output type Reset Input 1 Input 2 ~ 5 6 7 4 8 3 9 2 10 1 11 - ~ Reset Input 1 Input 2 NO 6 7 1 2 Operating voltage - ~ 8 9 10 3 4 5 + ~ 6 7 1 2 Operating voltage 8 9 10 3 4 5 - ~ Note) For connecting the output leads of the transistor output type, refer to 5) Transistor output on page 115. 108 +0.6 0 Note 1): The installation panel thickness should be between 1 and 5 mm .039 and .197 inch. Note 2): For connected installations, the waterproofing ability between the unit and installation panel is lost. LC4H-W Reset Input 1 Input 2 +0.6 45 0 +.024 1.772 0 When n units are attached in a continuous series, the dimension of (A) is: SET/LOCK * Pin type Relay output type * For connected installations +0.6 80 min. 3.150 48 1.890 90 3.543 45 0 +.024 1.772 0 45 0 +.024 1.772 0 RESET 95.5 3.760 1 .039 A Device installation rail AT8-DLA1 (sold separately) OP. 1 + 66 2.598 M44.5 M1.752 LC4H-W 48 1.890 7.5 .295 Pin type Counters 50 1.969 1 2 2 LOCK RESET SET/LOCK NO Mounting frame for flush mount AT8-DA4 (supplied) 11P cap AT8-DP11 sold separately COUNTER RESET 48 1.890 Panel Rubber gasket ATC18002 (supplied) 70.1 2.760 LC4H-w LC4H-W Setting the operation mode and counter Setting procedure procedure 1) Setting the output mode (output 1, 2) Setting Set the output 1 and output 2 with the DIP switches on the side of the counter. Set The minimum input signal width and maximum counting speed for the reset are set at the same time. The 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 Item Item OFF OFF Output Output mode mode Output Output 11 Minimum Minimum reset reset input input signal signal width width Maximum Maximum counter counter setting setting Output Output mode mode Output Output 22 ON ON Refer Refer to to table table 11 20ms 20ms 30Hz 30Hz 1ms 1ms 5kHz 5kHz Refer Refer to to table table 22 DIP DIP switches switches (see (see note note 2) 2) 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 ON ON 1 8 (Same (Samefor forscrew screwterminal terminal type) type) Setting Setting procedure procedure 2) Setting the set value Set Set the set value with the UP keys on the front of the counter. Front display section Q Counter display W Set value display E Controlled output indicator R Setting 1/2 selection display (*Note) T Lock indicator *Note: *Note: Pressing Pressing the the [SET/LOCK] [SET/LOCK] key key switches switches the the display display between between the the set set value value 11 and and 22 displays. displays. Display Display either either set set value value [1] [1] or or [2], [2], and and set set the the value. value. Table Table 11 DIP Output DIP swith swith No. No. Output mode mode (Output 11 22 33 (Output 1) 1) ON ON ON (See ON (See note note 1) 1) ON ON OFF OFF OFF HOLD-B OFF HOLD-B OFF OFF ON OFF OFF HOLD-C OFF HOLD-C ON OFF OFF ON OFF HOLD-D HOLD-D OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF SHOT-A OFF SHOT-A ON ON OFF OFF ON (See (See note note 1) 1) ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON (See (See note note 1) 1) ON OFF ON OFF ON ON (See (See note note 1) 1) OFF ON ON Table Table 22 DIP Output DIP swith swith No. No. Output mode mode (Output 66 77 88 (Output 2) 2) ON ON ON HOLD-A HOLD-A ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF HOLD-B HOLD-B OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF HOLD-C HOLD-C OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF HOLD-D HOLD-D OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF SHOT-A ON ON OFF SHOT-A OFF OFF ON SHOT-B OFF OFF ON SHOT-B ON OFF ON SHOT-C ON OFF ON SHOT-C OFF ON ON SHOT-D ON ON OFF SHOT-D Notes:1) The counter and set value displays will display DIP Err. Notes:2) Set the DIP switches before installing the counter on the panel. Notes:3) When the DIP SW setting is changed, turn off the power once. Notes:4) The DIP switches are set as ON before shipping. COUNTER COUNTER 44 11 22 OP. OP. 11 33 55 77 88 11 22 2 2 LOCK LOCK 66 RESET RESET SET/LOCK SET/LOCK LC4H-W Sixth digit digit Sixth First First digit digit Y UP keys [Changes the corresponding digit of the set value in the addition direction (upwards)] U RESET switch Resets the counting value and the output I SET/LOCK switch Used to select between the Setting 1 display and Setting 2 display, to set and confirm the input mode, and to lock the keys (UP and RESET keys not responsive to touch). Procedure Procedure 3) 3) Setting Setting the input mode Set Set the input mode using the key and switch in the front display section on the counter front. (1) (1) Hold Hold down down the the SET/LOCK SET/LOCK key key and and press press the the UP UP key key for the first digit. The setting mode is accessed. (2) (2) Now Now release release the the SET/LOCK SET/LOCK key. key. (3) (3) Press Press the the UP UP key key for for the the first first digit digit and and the the input input position position changes counterclockwise. Addition Addition subtraction subtraction Directive Directive Independent Independent Example) Input mode displayed (UP: addition mode) Phase Phase difference difference (4) (4) Press Press the the RESET RESET key key and and the the input input mode mode being being displayed displayed is set. The display then goes back to normal. * Checking the input mode * Changing the setting Hold down the SET/LOCK key and press the UP key for the second digit. The input mode is displayed for about 2 seconds and then the display goes back to normal. (During these 2 seconds, all operations other than the display are being performed.) 1. While the counter is working, the UP key can be used to change the setting. Keep the following points in mind, however. 1) Suppose that a preset count-up value is smaller than the displayed count value. The counter counts up to the full scale mark (999999), goes back to "0", and counts up again to the preset number. When the preset count-up value is larger than the displayed count value, the counter counts up to the preset value. 2) Suppose that the counter is preset to count down. Whether a preset count-down value is smaller or larger than the count value, the counter counts down to "0". * Locking the keys Hold down the SET/LOCK key and press the UP key for the sixth digit. The keys will lock. This means that the UP and RESET keys do not respond to touch. To unlock the keys,hold down the SET/LOCK key and press the UP key for the sixth digit again. * The input mode, maximum counting speed and minimum reset signal width cannot be preset independently for Setting 1 and Setting 2. * Selecting the Setting 1 or Setting 2 display 2. When the preset value is "0", the counter does not start in the count-up mode. It starts counting up when the count value comes to "0" again. 1) Up-count input The counter counts up to the full scale mark (999999), goes back to "0" and starts counting up again. 2) Down-count input The counter counts down to the full scale mark (-99999) and the display reads . The count value does not become "0" and so the counter does not count up. 3) Direction input, individual input, and phase input The preset value is counted up or down to any number other than "0" once. When it comes to "0" again, the counter starts counting up. Press the SET/LOCK key and the display changes between Setting 1 and Setting 2. (This operation does not affect overall operation.) 135 109 Counters DIP switches DIP LC4H-w Operation modes 1. Input mode Q For the input mode, you can choose one of the following five modes. * Addition * Subtraction UP DOWN * Directive DIR * Independent IND * Phase PHASE W After the counter has been reset, setting 2 is displayed in the count-down mode. 0" appears instead in all other modes. Input mode Operation IN1 or IN2 works as an input block (gate) for the other input. *Minimum input signal width 30 Hz: 16.7 ms; 5 kHz: 0.1 ms * Example where IN1 is the counting input and IN2 is the input block (gate). I N 1 H L A A A A Blocked Addition UP I N 2 H L Counting (addition) 0 1 2 3 n-3 n-2 n-1 Counting (subtraction) n n-1 n-2 n-3 3 2 1 n 0 Reset Count UP * Example where IN2 is the counting input and IN1 is the input block (gate). I N 1 I N 2 Subtraction DOWN H L Blocked Blocked A A A A H L Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) 0 1 2 3 4 n-1 n n-1 n-2 n-3 n-4 1 n 0 Reset Count UP Counters * "A" must be more than the minimum input signal width. IN1 is the counting input and IN2 is the addition or subtraction directive input. IN2 adds at L level and subtracts at H level. Directive DIR I N 1 H L A Addition I N 2 A *n: Set value 2 A Subtraction A Addition H L 0 Counting 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 Reset * "A" must be more than the minimum input signal width. IN1 is addition input and IN2 is subtraction input. Independent IND I N 1 H L I N 2 H L 0 Counting 1 2 3 4 3 2 *n: Set value 2 1 2 1 2 3 Reset * IN1 and IN2 are completely independent, so there is no restriction on signal timing. Addition when the IN1 phase advances beyond IN2, and subtraction when the IN2 phase advances beyond IN1. Phase PHASE I N 1 H L I N 2 H L Phase advance Counting 0 1 B B Phase retard 2 3 2 Reset * "B" must be more than the minimum input signal width. 110 1 0 LC4H-w 2. Output mode For the set value 1, you can choose one of the following four modes. * Maintain output/over count I * Maintain output/over count II For the set value 2, you can choose one of the following eight modes. HOLD-B * Maintain output/hold count HOLD-A HOLD-C * Maintain output/over count I HOLD-B * Maintain output/over count III HOLD-D * One shot/over count SHOT-A * Maintain output/over count II HOLD-C * Maintain output/over count III HOLD-D * One shot/over count SHOT-A * One shot/recount I SHOT-B * One shot/recount II SHOT-C * One shot/hold count SHOT-D * Output mode for set value 1 Output mode Maintain output Over count I HOLD-B Operation Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until resetting. However, counting is possible despite completion of count-up. (Example when input mode is either addition or subtraction) Counting (addition) n-2 n-1 Counting (subtraction) n+2 n+1 n+1 n+2 n n-1 n-2 Able Counting able/unable Output control 1 n ON OFF * n: Set value 1 Counting (addition) n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 Counting (subtraction) n+2 n+1 n n-1 n-2 Able Counting able/unable Output control 1 ON OFF OFF Counters Maintain output Over count II HOLD-C Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until the next signal enters. However, counting is possible despite completion of countup. * n: Set value 1 Maintain output Over count III HOLD-D If the count value is greater than or equal to the preset value when counting up, the control output is held. The count operation is possible anyway. Counting (addition) n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 Counting (subtraction) n+2 n+1 n n-1 n-2 Able Counting able/unable Output control 1 (addition) ON OFF ON Output control 2 (subtraction) OFF * n: Set value 1 One shot Over count SHOT-A Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec). Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. Counting (addition) n-2 n-1 Counting (subtraction) n+2 n+1 n+1 n+2 n n-1 n-2 Able Counting able/unable Output control 1 n OFF ON OFF Approx. 1s * n: Set value 1 111 LC4H-w * Output mode for set value 2 Output mode Maintain output Hold count HOLD-A Operation Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until resetting. During that time, the count display does not change from that at count-up completion. (Example when input mode is either addition or subtraction) Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 n 3 2 1 0 Able Counting able/unable Output control 2 n-3 Unable ON OFF * n: Set value 2 Maintain output Over count I HOLD-B Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until resetting. However, counting is possible despite completion of count-up. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 2 1 n+1 n+2 0 -1 -2 n n+1 n+2 0 -1 -2 Able Counting able/unable Output control 2 n ON OFF * n: Set value 2 Maintain output Over count II HOLD-C Output control is maintained after count-up completion and until the next signal enters. However, counting is possible despite completion of countup. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 2 1 Able Counting able/unable Output control 2 ON OFF OFF Counters * n: Set value 2 Maintain output Over count III HOLD-D If the count value is greater than or equal to the preset value when counting up, the counter starts counting up again. The count operation is possible anyway. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 2 1 0 -1 -2 Able Counting able/unable Output control 2 (addition) OFF Output control 2 (subtraction) OFF ON ON * n: Set value 2 One shot Over count SHOT-A Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec). Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 2 1 n+1 n+2 0 -1 -2 Able Counting able/unable Output control 2 n ON OFF OFF Approx. 1s * n: Set value 2 One shot Recount I SHOT-B Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec). Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. However, reset occurs simultaneous with completion of count-up. While output is being maintained, restarting of the count is not possible. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-2 n-1 2 1 0 1 2 n n-1 n-2 Reset (automatic) Able Counting able/unable Output control 2 OFF ON OFF Approx. 1s * n: Set value 2 112 LC4H-w Output mode One shot Recount II SHOT-C Operation (Example when input mode is either addition or subtraction) Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec). Counting is possible despite completion of count-up. However, reset occurs simultaneous with output OFF. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-1 n n+1 1 0 -1 0 1 n n-1 Reset (automatic) Able Counting able/unable ON OFF Output control 2 OFF Approx. 1s * n: Set value 2 One shot Hold count SHOT-D Output control is maintained after count-up completion for a fixed time (approx. 1 sec). During that time, the count display does not change from that at count-up completion. Reset occurs simultaneous with output OFF. Counting (addition) Counting (subtraction) n-1 n 1 0 0 1 n n-1 Reset (automatic) Able Counting able/unable Output control 2 Unable ON OFF Able OFF Approx. 1s * n: Set value 2 Output mode for set value 1 HOLD-C SHOT-A HOLD-D As usual (this combination unchanged) HOLD-B As usual (this combination unchanged) Approx. 1s Output 1 Output mode for set value 2 SHOT-B Output 1 Output 2 Output 1 Output 2 Approx. 1s Output 2 Counters Approx. 1s SHOT-A SHOT-C SHOT-D Note) When control output 1 is on, the output mode of setting 2 (SHOT-A, B, C, D) is also on and output 1 changes as shown in the above table. 3. Count-up (1) In control output 1, when the count value is equal to the preset value 1, it is counted. (However, if the output mode of the preset value 1 is HOLD-D, it is counted when the count value is greater than or equal to the preset value 1, regardless of the input mode.) (2) In control output 2, when the count value is equal to 0 in the count-down input mode, it is counted. In the other modes, when the count value is equal to the preset value 2, it is counted. (However, if the output mode of the preset value 2 is HOLD-D, it is counted when the count value is greater than or equal to the preset value 2, regardless of the input mode.) (3) It is not counted even when the counting conditions are satisfied right after resetting. It can be counted from when the count value changes. 113 PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LC4H SerIeS Counters Precautions during usage 1. Terminal wiring 1) When wiring the terminals, refer to the terminal layout and wiring diagrams and be sure to perform the wiring properly without errors. 2) When using the instrument with an flush mounting, the screw-down terminal type is recommended. For the pin type, use either the rear terminal block (AT78041) or the 8P cap (AD8-RC) for the 8-pin type, and the rear terminal block (AT78051) or the 11P cap (AT8DP11) for the 11-pin type. Avoid soldering directly to the round pins on the unit. When using the instrument with a front panel installation, use the DIN rail terminal block (AT8-DF8K) for the 8-pin type and the DIN rail terminal block (AT8DF11K) for the 11-pin type. 3) After turning the counter off, make sure that any resulting induced voltage or residual voltage is not applied to power supply terminals W through U (8pin type), W through P (11-pin type) 1 or 2 and (screw terminal type). (If the power supply wire is wired parallel to the high voltage wire or power wire, an induced voltage may be generated between the power supply terminals.) 4) Have the power supply voltage pass through a switch or relay so that it is applied at one time. If the power supply is applied gradually, the counting may malfunction regardless of the settings, the power supply reset may not function, or other such unpredictable occurrence may result. 2. Input connections (except LC4HS/AC type) The power circuit has no transformer without a transformer (power and input terminals are not insulated). When an input signal is fed to two or more counters at once, do not arrange the power circuit in an independent way. If the counter is powered on and off independently as shown in Fig. A, the counter`s internal circuitry may get damaged. Be careful never to allow such circuitry. (Figs. A, B and C show the circuitry for the 11-pin type.) (Fig. A) Input contact or transistor 2 Input terminal 3 2 114 10 10 Power supply Also, use transistors with a residual voltage of less than 2 V when the transistor is on. Reset input (Fig. B) Input 1 Input contact or transistor Input 2 Lock input Input terminal 3 10 2 Power supply Input contact or transistor Input terminal 3 When power circuitry is not independent, one input signal can be fed to two or more counters at once, as shown in Fig. C. (Fig. C) Input contact or transistor Input terminal 3 10 2 Power supply Input terminal 3 10 2 8-pin type 1 -- 5 4 11-pin type 3 4 5 6 7 Screw terminal type 6 7 8 9 10 3 Note: The LC4H-W does not have the lock input 7 R, . 10 2 3. Input and output 1) Signal input type (1) Contact point input Use highly reliable metal plated contacts. Since the contact point's bounce time leads directly to error in the count value, use contacts with as short a bounce time as possible. In general, select Input 1 and Input 2 to have a maximum counting speed of 30 Hz and to be reset with a minimum input signal width of 20 ms. * The short-circuit impedance should be less than 1 kW. [When the impedance is 0 W, the current coming from the input 1 and input 2 terminals is approximately 12 mA, and from the reset input and lock input terminals is approximately 1.5 mA.] Also, the open-circuit impedance should be more than 100 kW. * As shown in the diagram below, from a non-contact point circuit (proximity switches, photoelectric switches, etc.) with a power supply voltage of between 12 and 40 V, the signal can be input without using an open collector transistor. In the case of the diagram below, when the non-contact point transistor Q switches from off to on (when the signal voltage goes from high to low), the signal is input. 12 to 40V DC Reset input Q Reset input Input 1 Input 2 Lock input 8-pin type 1 -- 5 4 11-pin type 3 4 5 6 7 Screw terminal type 6 7 8 9 10 3 (The above example is for reset input) 8-pin type 1 -- 5 4 11-pin type 3 4 5 6 7 Screw terminal type 6 7 8 9 10 3 Note: The LC4H-W does not have the lock input 7 R, . Input terminal 3 If independent power circuitry must be used, keep the input contacts or transistors separate from each other, as shown in Fig. B. (2) Non-contact point input Connect with an open collector. Use transistors whose characteristics satisfy the criteria given below. VCEO = 20 V min. IC = 20 mA min. ICBO = 6A max. 2) The input mode and output mode change depending on the DIP switch settings. Therefore, before making any connections, be sure to confirm the operation mode and operation conditions currently set. PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LC4H SerIeS PRECAUTIONS IN USING THE LC4H SERIES As NPN output { O Load Load's power supply { O Input device (e.g., sensor) (-) Load's power supply Note: With the LC4H 8-pin type and the LC4H-W, there is no diode between points I and O. (2) Use the diode connected to the output transistor's collector for absorbing the reverse voltage from induced loads. (LC4H only) LC4H counter Inductive load (Fig. B) Bad example AC power supply Insulation transformer (+) Input device (e.g., sensor) (-) (-) Counter AC power supply Single coil transformer (+) Input device (e.g., sensor) (-) (-) Counter Load's power supply 6) When wiring, use shielded wires or metallic wire tubes, and keep the wire lengths as short as possible. (-) Counter Alternative current flow 4) The input signal is applied by the shorting of each input terminal with the common terminal (terminal Q for 8-pin type, terminal E for 11-pin type and terminal 6 for screw terminal types). Never connect other terminals or voltages higher than 40 V DC , because it may destroy the internal circuitry. 5) Transistor output (1) Since the transistor output is insulated from the internal circuitry by a photocoupler, it can be used as an NPN output or PNP (equal value) output. (The above example is 11-pin type) 0 1.2 4. Output mode setting The output mode can be set with the DIP switches on the side of the counter. Make the DIP switch settings before installing the counter on the panel. 5. Conditions of usage 1) Avoid locations subject to flammable or corrosive gases, excessive dust, oil, vibrations, or excessive shocks. 2) Since the cover of the unit is made of polycarbonate resin, avoid contact with or use in environments containing methyl alcohol, benzene, thinners, and other organic solvents; and ammonia, caustic sodas, and other alkaline substances. 3) If power supply surges exceed the values given below, the internal circuits may become damaged. Be sure to use surge absorbing element to prevent this from happening. 4) Regarding external noise, the values Operating voltage Surge voltage (peak value) AC type 6,000V DC type 1,000V 24V AC type 50 Time (s) I Load VR (reverse voltage): 600 V (+) 30 0 IF (forward current): 1 A Insulation transformer Peak value 50 LC4H counter As PNP output Diode rating: AC power supply 100 90 I below are considered the noise-resistant voltages. If voltages rise above these values, malfunctions or damage to the internal circuitry may result, so take the necessary precautions. Noise wave form (noise simulator) Power supply terminals Input DC type terminals AC type 24V AC type Noise voltage 1,500V 1,000V 600V Rise time: 1 ns Pulse width: 1 s, 50 ns Polarity: Cycle: 100 cycles/second 5) When connecting the operation power supply, make sure that no leakage current enters the counter. For example, when performing contact protection, if set up like that of diagram A, leaking current will pass through C and R, enter the unit, and cause incorrect operation. Diagram B shows the correct setup. Leakage current Operation power supply R C C (Fig. A) R Operation power supply C C (Fig. B) 6) Long periods of continuous operation in the count-up completed condition (one month or more) will result in the weakening of the internal electrical components from the generated heat and, therefore, should be avoided. If you do plan to use the unit for such continuous operation, use in conjunction with a relay as shown in the circuit in the diagram below. R R C R Relay C Counter R Receive output from contact at relay R 141 115 Counters (Fig. A) Good example * Surge wave form [ (1.2 x 50) ms uni-polar full wave voltage] LC4H counter Surge voltage (%) 3) The LC4H series use power supply without a transformer (power and input terminals are not insulated). In connecting various kinds of input signals, therefore, use a power transformer in which the primary side is separated from the ungrounded secondary side as shown in Fig. A, for the power supply for a sensor and other input devices so that short-circuiting can be prevented. Once the wiring to be used is completely installed and prior to installing this counter, confirm that there is complete insulation between the wires connected to the power terminals (2 each) and the wires connected to each input terminal. If the power and input lines are not insulated, a short-circuit may occur inside the counter and result in internal damage. In addition, when moving your equipment to a new installation location, confirm that there is no difference in environmental conditions as compared to the previous location. (except LC4H-S/AC type) PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LC4H SerIeS 6. Self-diagnosis function If a malfunction occurs, one of the following displays will appear. Display or Contents Minimum value went below -999 or -99999. See note 1. Output condition No change Incorrect DIP switch setting. Malfunctioning CPU. Malfunctioning memory. See note 2. OFF Restoration procedure Enter reset or RESET key. Restart unit (correct DIP switch settings) Enter reset, RESET key, or restart unit. Preset values after restoration No change The values at start-up before the CPU malfunction occurred. 0 Note 1: When the counter value goes below the minimum value during any of the subtraction, directive, independent, or phase input modes. Note 2: Includes the possibility that the EEPROM's life has expired. Counters 7. Compliance with the Ce marking When using in applications to which EN61812-1 applies, abide by the following conditions. * Overvoltage category II, pollution level 2 (for sensor type model with power supply) 1. Connections between the power supply and input/output have basic insulation. Use a device with basic insulation to connect to the I/O terminals. (for sensor type model without power supply) 1) This counter employs a power supply without a transformer, so the power and input signal terminals are not insulated. 116 (1) When a sensor is connected to the input circuit, install double insulation on the sensor side. (2) In the case of contact input, use dualinsulated relays, etc. * The load connected to the output contact should have basic insulation. This counter is protected with basic insulation and can be double-insulated to meet EN/IEC requirements by using basic insulation on the load. * Applied voltage should be protected with an overcurrent protection device (example: 250 V 1A fuse, etc.) that conforms to the EN/IEC standards. 2) You must use a terminal block or socket for installing the pin-type counter. Do not touch the terminal section or other parts of the timer unit while an electric current is applied. Before installation or removal, confirm that there is no voltage being applied to any of the terminals. 3) Do not use this timer with a safety circuit. For example, when using a timer in a heater circuit, etc., provide a protection circuit on the machine side. InSTALLInG DIn SIze COunTer (COMMOn) Installation methods 1. Surface mount 1) For the counters of LC4H series, use the pin type counter. 2) How to mount the counter From the panel front, pass the counter through the square hole. Fit the mounting frame from the rear, and then push it in so that the clearance between the mounting frame and the panel surface is minimized. In addition, lock the mounting frame with a screw. 2) Put the terminal socket on the board directly or put it on the DIN rail (Fig. 1). 3) Insert the counter into the terminal socket and fix it with clip (Fig. 2) 4) On DIN rail mounting, mount the counter on the DIN rail tightly to get the proper dimension (Fig. 3). * LC4H series Mounting flame +0.6 0 +.024 0 PUSH +0.6 0 +.024 0 (Fig. 2) Min. 80 3.150 Screw +0.6 0 +.024 0 Rubber gasket Terminal socket (Fig. 3) DIN rail 5) 8-pin type should be connected with terminal socket AT8-DF8K. 11-pin type should be connected with terminal socket AT8-DF11K. 6) DIN rail (AT8-DLA1) is also available (1 m). 2. Flush mount 1) For the counters of LC4H series, it is recommended to use the built-in screw terminal type for flush mount. (Mounting frame and rubber gasket are provided when counter is shipped.) 3) Caution in mounting the counter * LC4H series j a If the LC4H series are used as the waterproof types (IEC IP66), tighten the reinforcing screws on the mounting frames so that the counters, the rubber gaskets, and the panel surfaces are tightly contacted with each other. (Tighten the two screws with uniform force and make sure that there is no rattling. If the screws are tightened too excessively, the mounting frame may come off.) j b If the counter is installed with the panel cover and the rubber gasket removed, the waterproofing characteristic is lost. 4) Removal Loosen the screws on the mounting frame, spread the edge of frame and remove it. Pull the mounting frame backward while spreading out its hooks with your thumbs and index fingers. 45 8) Although the 1.772 counters can 45 be mounted 1.772 adjacent to Min. 80 each other in 3.150 this case, it is recommended to arrange the mounting holes as shown in the figure to facili45 1.772 tate attaching and detaching A the mounting frame. 9) Adjacent mounting Although the counters can be mounted adjacent to each other, remember that the panel surface of LC4H series counter will lose its water-resistant effect. (Panel thickness: 1 to 5 mm .039 to .197 inch) A = (48xn - 2.5) +0.6 +0 When lining up the counters horizontally, set the frames in such a position so the formed spring areas are at the top and bottom. When lining up the counters Formed spring vertically, set the frames in such a position as the formed spring areas are at the right Formed spring and left. 1 2 +0.6 0 +.024 0 +0.6 0 +.024 0 1 117 Hour Meters LCD (Fig. 1) Panel cover 5) Correctly connect the terminals while seeing the terminal layout and wiring diagram. 6) If the pin type is used, the rear pinbracket (AT8-RR) or the 8P cap (AD8RC) is necessary to connect the pins. For the 11-pin type, use the 11P cap (AT8-DP11) and avoid directly soldering the round pins on the counter. 7) Panel cutout dimensions The standard panel cutout dimensions are 45 shown in the left fig1.772 ure. (Panel thickness: 45 1 to 5 mm .039 to .197 1.772 inch) HOur MeTerS SeLeCTOr CHArT HOUR METERS SELECTOR Types Name of product TH14 Hour Meters TH24 Hour Meters TH14 series TH24 series 0 to 99999.9 hours 0 to 9999.9 hours DIN 48 x 48 size Hour Meters TH40 Hour Meters CHART TH50 Hour Meters TH70 Hour Meters TH50 series TH70 series 0 to 9999.9 min 0 to 99999.9 hours Appearance Counting range For controlling total integrated hours Features Driving method Counting direction Power Voltage Frequency Counting integral/ Counting max. speed Min. counting unit Reset input Max. power consumption Weight Remarks Page Types Name of product With zero reset function For controlling measured integrated hours AC motor Addition (UP) AC motor Addition (UP) TH40 series Reset side 0 to 9999.9 hours Without reset side 0 to 99999.9 hours Composite function for total accumulated hours monitoring and measuring each zero reset AC motor Addition (UP) Zero reset for minute unit time monitoring AC motor Addition (UP) DC quartz motor Addition (UP) 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 50/60Hz (common) Synchronizing with power supply frequency 0.1 h -- Approx. 1.5 W 145 g 5.115 oz 50/60Hz (common) Synchronizing with power supply frequency 0.1 h Manual reset Approx. 1.5 W 150 g 5.291 oz 50/60Hz (common) Synchronizing with power supply frequency 0.1 h Manual reset Approx. 1.5 W 160 g 5.644 oz For monitoring accumulated hours on DC line 12 V DC, 24 V DC -- According to quartz oscillation frequency 0.1 h -- Approx. 1.5 W 170 g 5.997 oz The unit with a reset function is also available. The TH50 series displays -- -- -- (Manufacturing after time in minute. receiving an order) The TH14, 24, 40, 50, 63, and 64 series have numbers at the end of the part number that indicate the voltage required as follows: 1:100 V, 2:200 V, 3:12 V, 4:24 V, 5:48 V, 6:110 V, 7:115 to 120 V, 8:220 V, 9:240 V, Ex.) The part number of the TH24 series with 220 V is TH248. When "S" is specified at the end of the part number, a silver panel is equipped at the front. P. 168 P. 168 P. 170 P. 172 P. 176 DIN 24 x 48 size Hour Meters TH63 Hour Meters TH64 Hour Meters 50/60Hz (common) Synchronizing with power supply frequency 0.1 min Manual reset Approx. 1.5 W 150 g 5.291 oz DIN 24 x 48 size Hour Meters LH2H Hour Meters LH2H Preset Hour Meters Appearance Hour Meters LCD Front section of part number Counting range Driving method Counting direction Voltage Frequency Counting integral/ Counting max. speed Min. counting unit Reset input Max. power consumption Weight Remarks Page 146 118 0 to 99999.9 hours For controlling total integrated hours Features Power TH63 series TH64 series 0 to 9999.9 hours With zero reset function For controlling measured integrated hours AC motor Addition (UP) AC motor Addition (UP) 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 50/60Hz (common) Synchronizing with power supply frequency 0.1 h -- Approx. 1.5 W 80 g 2.822 oz 50/60Hz (common) Synchronizing with power supply frequency 0.1 h Manual reset Approx. 1.5 W 90 g 3.174 oz The numbers at the end of the part number indicate voltage. (See the remarks above.) P. 174 P. 174 Panel mounting type PC board mounting type Flush mounting type: 0 to 999999.9 hours/0 to 3999 days 23.9 hours (selectable) 0 to 999 hours 59 min 59 sec/0 to 9999 hours 59.9 min (selectable) PC board mounting type: 0 to 999999.9 hours/9999 hours 59.9 min (different type) ATH3 0 to 999999.9 hours/ 0 to 3999 days 23.9 hours (selectable) 0 to 999 hours 59 min 59 sec/ 0 to 9999 hours 59.9 min (selectable) Big 7-digit display, 8.7 mm tall display Preset function equipped in half Bright, 2-color back light (voltage input type) size Plenty of input methods * Non-voltage input, Voltage input, free voltage input Quartz oscillation type Quartz oscillation type Addition (UP) Addition or subtraction Flush mounting type: Unnecessary (Built-in battery) PC board mounting type: 3 V DC (Battery is externally installed.) -- 100 ppm (25C) 0.1 h, 0.1 min, 1 s Push button and external reset input terminal -- Flush mounting type: 55 g 1.940 oz PC board mounting type: 15 g .529 oz 24 V DC -- 0.01% 50 ms in case of power on start 0.01% 30 ms in case of input signal start 0.1 h, 0.1 min, 1 s Push button and external reset input terminal Max. 1.5 W 50 g 1.764 oz -- -- P. 148 P. 156 HOur MeTerS SeLeCTOr CHArT HOUR METERS SELECTOR CHART Types Name of product DIN 52 x 52 size Hour Meters TH13 Hour Meter TH23 Hour Meter TH13 series 0 to 99999.9 hours AC motor Addition (UP) 100 V AC, 200 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 50 Hz or 60 Hz TH23 series 0 to 9999.9 hours With zero reset function For controlling measured integrated hours AC motor Addition (UP) 100 V AC, 200 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 50 Hz or 60 Hz Synchronizing with power supply frequency Synchronizing with power supply frequency TH Hour Meter: Round type DC Hour Meter Appearance Features For controlling total integrated hours Driving method Counting direction Voltage Power Frequency Counting integral/ Counting max. speed Min. counting unit Reset input Max. power consumption Weight Remarks Page 0.1 h 0.1 h -- Manual reset Approx. 1.5 W Approx. 1.5 W 130 g 4.586 oz 135 g 4.762 oz Both the TH13 and 23 series have numbers at the end of the part number that indicate the voltage and frequency required. The third number from the front of the part number indicates the required voltage as follows: 4:100 V, 5:200 V, 6:110 V, 7:115 V (for 50 Hz only) or 115 V to 120 V (for 60 Hz only), 8:220 V, 9:240 V The fourth number from the front of the part number indicates the required frequency as follows: 5:50 Hz, 6:60 Hz Ex.) The part number for the TH13 series of 220 V & 50 Hz specification is TH1385. P. 166 P. 166 TH8 series 0 to 9999.9 hours Driven on DC power Ceramic oscillation + AC motor Addition (UP) 12 V DC, 24 V DC -- 0.2% (25C) 0.1 h -- Approx. 1.5 W 170 g 5.997 oz -- P. 178 Hour Meters LCD Counting range 147 119 LH2H LH2H DIn HALF SIze DIN HALF SIZE HOURMeTer METER HOur LH2H LH2H Hour Meters Features * 8.7 mm Character Height 1. (previously 7 mm .343 inch) Easy-to-read character height increased from 7 mm to 8.7 mm .276 inch to .343 inch. Panel mounting type One-touch installation type 8.7mm .343inch * Plenty of Digits 2. 7 digits Panel mounting type Installation frame type * Select by switch between two time 3. ranges in a single meter. 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable * Panel Mounting Type Features 2 4. Installation Methods Comes with very easy one-touch installation type and also installation frame type that uses the frame on the timer/counter. Choose a method that suits the application. PC board mounting type Hour Meters LCD RoHS Directive compatibility information * Battery Replacement Easy on 5. Environment To replace battery simply remove body for the one-touch installation type, and remove battery lid for the installation frame type. * Screw Terminals Designed for 6. Safety Built in finger protection. * Panel Covers Replacable 7. (Standard color is ash gray.) Change the panel design by replacing with a black panel cover. * Conforms to IP66 Protective 8. Construction (Only installation frame type.) (Front panel surface) * Input Methods 9. 1) Non-voltage input method 2) Voltage input method 3) Free voltage input method * Backlight Type Added to Series 10. and Now 2-color Switchable (green/ red) Easy viewing even in dark places and switchable between green and red (Voltage input type). * Compliant with UL, c-UL and CE 11. marking. Product chart Standard type Type Non-voltage input type Free voltage input type (24 to 240 V AC/DC) Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) One-touch installation type Installation frame type -- -- -- Installation type Panel mounting type Backlight type Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) PC board mounting type Product types 1. Panel mounting type 1) One-touch installation type 1 Standard type No. digits No. digits 7 digits 7 digits 148 120 Measurement time range Front reset Input method Part No. Measurement time range Front reset Input method Part No. 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable LH2H-FE-DHK 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable LH2H-FE-DHK Non-voltage input type Non-voltage input type 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable LH2H-FE-HMK 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable LH2H-FE-HMK 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable LH2H-FE-DHK-DL Yes Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable LH2H-FE-DHK-DL 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable LH2H-FE-HMK-DL Yes Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable LH2H-FE-HMK-DL 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable LH2H-FE-DHK-FV Free voltage input type (24 to 240 V AC/DC) 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable LH2H-FE-DHK-FV 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable LH2H-FE-HMK-FV Free voltage input type (24 to 240 V AC/DC) 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable LH2H-FE-HMK-FV LH2H LH2H 2 Backlight type No. digits 7 digits Measurement time range 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable Front reset Yes Input method Part No. LH2H-FE-DHK-DL-B LH2H-FE-HMK-DL-B Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) 2) Installation frame type 1 Standard type No. digits 7 digits Measurement time range Front reset 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable Input method Part No. Non-voltage input type Yes Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) Free voltage input type (24 to 240 V AC/DC) 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable LH2H-F-DHK LH2H-F-HMK LH2H-F-DHK-DL LH2H-F-HMK-DL LH2H-F-DHK-FV LH2H-F-HMK-FV 2 Backlight type No. digits 7 digits Measurement time range 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h switchable 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m switchable Front reset Yes Input method Voltage input type (4.5 to 30 V DC) Part No. LH2H-F-DHK-DL-B LH2H-F-HMK-DL-B 2. PC board mounting type No. digits 7 digits Measurement time range 0 to 999999.9h 0 to 9999h59.9m Front reset No Input method Non-voltage input type Part No. LH2H-C-H-N LH2H-C-HM-N Specifications 1. Panel mounting type Standard type Type Non-voltage input No. digits External power supply Measurement time range Start input Input impedance Residual voltage Min. input signal width Input method (signal) Reset input Input impedance Residual voltage Display method Breakdown voltage (initial) Insulation resistance (initial) Backlight power Protective construction (Note) Accessories (Note) Battery life Standard type Free voltage type 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h (Switchable by switch) 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m (Switchable by switch) Separate product type Min. input signal width Input method (signal) Backlight type Voltage input 7 digits Not required (built-in battery) 200 ms High level: 24 to 240 V AC/DC Low level: 0 to 2.4 V AC/DC Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection High level: 4.5 to 30 V DC Low level: 0 to 2 V DC When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Approx. 4.7 k -- -- 100 ms -- Max. 0.5 V Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Max 0.5 V 7-segment LCD High level: 4.5 to 30 V DC Low level: 0 to 2 V DC Appox. 4.7 k -- 7-segment LCD With green/red backlight Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Max. 0.5 V 7-segment LCD Between charged and uncharged parts: 2,000 V AC for 1 minute. Min. 100 M (measured at 500 V DC) Measurement location same as for break down voltage. -- 24 V DC (10%) -- IEC Standard IP66 (only panel front: when using rubber gasket) Rubber gasket, mounting bracket 10 years (at 25C 77F) Between charged and uncharged parts: 1,000 V AC for 1 minute. Note) Only for installation frame type. 149 121 Hour Meters LCD Item LH2H LH2H 2. PC board mounting type Type Item Input method PC board mounting type Non DC voltage input No. digits 7 digits Rated operation voltage Allowable operation voltage range Current consumption 3 V DC 2.7 to 3.3 V DC Max. 20 A (max. 200 A during reset input) Measurement time range Min. input signal width Input method Start input Input impedance Reset input Residual voltage Min. input signal width Input method Input impedance Residual power Break down voltage (initial) Insulation resistance (initial) 0 to 999999.9h 0 to 9999h59.9m 200 ms Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Max. 0.5 V 10 ms Non-voltage input using contacts or open collector connection When shorted: Max. 10 k When open: Max. 750 k Max. 0.5 V Between charged and uncharged parts: 1,000 V AC for 1 minute. Min. 100 M (measured at 500 V DC) Measurement location same as for break down voltage. 3. Common Type Item Panel mounting/PC board mounting types Time accuracy Vibration resistance Functional Destructive 100 ppm (25C 77F) 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min.), single amplitude: 0.15 mm (10 min. on 3 axes) 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min.), single amplitude: 0.375 mm (1 hr. on 3 axes) Shock resistance Functional Destructive Min. 98 m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 294 m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) Operation temperature Storage temperature -10 to +55C +14 to +131F (without frost or dew) -25 to +65C -13 to +149F (without frost or dew) Ambient humidity 35 to 85% RH (non-condensing) Applicable standard Safety standard Hour Meters LCD EMC 150 122 EN61010-1 (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category III EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 RF electromagnetic field immunity EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-8 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (90 MHz) 2 kV (power supply line) 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) 30 A/m (50 Hz) LH2H LH2H Part names 1. Front reset button Reset the elapsed time. It does not work when the lock switch is ON. Be aware that battery life will decrease if this switch is used frequently. 2. Lock switch (Refer to chart on right.) Disable the front reset button. HOUR METER h RESET m Time range switch s LH2H Front reset button Time unit seal Lock switch Note) Turn ON at the LCD side (reset disabled) and OFF at the terminal block side (reset enabled). 3. Time range switch (See chart on right). Switch the time range. 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h Note) Always press the front reset button when operating the time range switch. 4. Time unit sticker Unit seals are included in the package. Affix them in accordance with the time range. 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m (Terminal block side) OFF (LCD side) ON Lock switch (Unit display 1) Count speed switch (Unit display 2) (Terminal block side) (LCD side) 0 to 999999.9h (Terminal block side) 0 to 9999h59.9m 0 to 3999d23.9h 0 to 999h59m59s (LCD side) Notes) 1. Default setting when shipped. 2. Make the switch setting before installing to panel. Dimensions mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 1. Panel mounting type * External dimensions 1) One-touch installation type * Panel installation diagram 44.8 1.764 M3.5 M.138 Panel (1 to 4.5mm .039 to .177inch thickness) 54.4 2.142 Rubber spacer 10.4 .409 (44) (1.732) 5 .197 48 1.890 HOUR METER 22 .866 24 .945 RESET LH2H 7 .276 Reset button When installing the one-touch installation type model, make sure that the installation spring does not pinch the rubber gasket. To prevent the installation spring from pinching the rubber gasket: 1. Set the rubber gasket on both ends of the installation spring (left and right). 2. Confirm that the installation spring is not pinching the rubber gasket, and then insert and fix the installation spring in place from the rear of the timer unit. 151 123 Hour Meters LCD Note) When installing to a 4.5 mm .177 inch thick panel, remove the rubber spacer first. LH2H LH2H * Panel mounting diagram 2) Installation frame type 44.8 1.764 Mounting frame ATH3803 (included) Mounting screws (found on mounting bracket) M3.5 M.138 54.4 2.142 37 1.457 Rubber gasket ATH3804 (included) Panel (1 to 4.5mm .039 to .177inch thickness) 10.4 .409 44 1.732 48 1.890 5 .197 HOUR METER 22 .866 24 .945 RESET LH2H 7 .276 Reset button * Panel cut-out dimensions * For connected installation (sealed installation) (Only installation frame type.) The standard panel cut-out is shown below. Use the mounting frame (ATH3803) and the rubber packing (ATH3804). (Only installation frame type.) 22.2+0.5 0 .874+.020 0 A A=(48xn-2.5)+1.0 0 A=(1.890xn-.098)+.039 0 60 min. 2.362 min. 45+0.5 0 1.772+.020 0 Notes) 1. Suitable installation panel thickness is 1 to 4.5 mm .039 to .177 inch. 2. Waterproofing will be lost when installing repeatedly (sealed installation). +0.5 0 +.020 0 22.2 .874 * Terminal layout and wiring diagrams 1) Standard type Non voltage input type Hour Meters LCD Start input Voltage input type Start input +V Reset input 1 2 3 1 4 Free voltage input type Reset input +V 2 3 4 or 0V 0V W-R are connected internally. 2) Backlight type Voltage input type Start input +V 1 0V Reset input +V 2 5 6 3 4 <When green> 0V +V 1 2 5 6 3 4 Backlight <When red> 1 124 5 6 3 0V 0V 152 2 Start input +V 4 Reset input 1 2 3 4 LH2H LH2H General tolerance: 1.0 .039 mm inch 2. PC board mounting type * External dimensions 33.020.3 1.300.012 5.08 .200.012 0.60.1 .024.004 0.3 PC board pattern (BOTTOM VIEW) 5.08 .200.012 0.3 Mounting area 2.54 .100 DIP switch x 8 1.9 .075 2.54 .100 3.30.3 .130.012 15.24 Connection sockets .600 28 pin DIP terminal 8-0.8 dia. 8-.031 dia. 43.4 1.709 17.3 .681 0.50.3 .020.012 19 .748 5.19 .204 15.240.3 .600.012 1.9 5.19 .075 .204 5.08 .200 5.08 .200 33.02 1.300 HOUR METER LH2H General tolerance: 0.1 .004 0.30.1 .012.004 Note: The AXS212811K is recommended as a compatible connection socket. * Terminal layout and wiring diagrams Start input 15 17 26 28 14 12 3 Reset input 1 Q-E, }-w, e-t and S-F are connected internally. An external power supply is required. Input method 1. Standard type Non-voltage input type Panel mounting type Contact input Start input 1 2 3 4 PC board mounting type Transistor input NPN transistor Reset input Start input 1 2 3 Reset input 4 0V (W and R are connected internally.) Transistor input NPN transistor Contact input Start input 15 17 26 28 14 12 3 1 Reset input Start input 15 17 26 28 14 12 3 1 Reset input 0V (W and R are connected internally.) 3V DC 3V DC Notes) 1. When using contact input, since current flow is small from terminals 1 and 3 on the panel mounting type and terminals e to t and S to F on the PC board mounting type, please use relays and switches with high contact reliability. 2. When using transistor input, use the following as a guide for which transistors (Tr) to use for inputting. (Collector withstand voltage Q 50 V, leakage current < 1 A) Transistor input +V Start input Reset input 1 2 3 4 +V Start input 1 2 3 4 Free voltage input type PNP transistor +V +V Reset input Start input 1 2 3 4 Reset input 1 or or 2 3 4 or Reset input NPN transistor Start input Contact input Notes) 1. 2 and 4. (The input and reset circuits are functionally insulated.) 2. When using transistor (Tr) input, use the right as a guide. (Collector withstand voltage Q 50 V, leakage current < 1 A) 3. Be aware that the application of voltage that exceeds the voltage range of the H level to the count input terminal, and the application of voltage to the reset input terminal, can cause damage to the internal elements. 153 125 Hour Meters LCD Voltage input type LH2H LH2H 2. Backlight type Voltage input type Transistor input Contact input NPN transistor +V Start input Reset input 1 2 5 6 3 +V +V Start input 1 2 3 Green +V Red 24V DC Reset input 4 Backlight connection PNP transistor Start input 4 1 2 5 6 3 4 Reset input 1 2 5 6 3 4 1 2 5 6 3 4 24V DC Notes) 1. Do not reverse the polarities when connecting the DC voltage for the backlight. 2. 2 and 4. (The input and reset circuits are functionally insulated.) 3. When using transistor (Tr) input, use the right as a guide. (Collector withstand voltage Q 50 V, leakage current < 1 A) 4. Be aware that the application of voltage that exceeds the voltage range of the H level to the count input terminal, and the application of voltage to the reset input terminal, can cause damage to the internal elements. Explanation of operation Hour Meters LCD 1. Time measuring takes place when the start input is ON. 2. When the elapsed (measured) time reaches full scale it returns to "0", and then measuring starts again from "0". 3. When reset input is ON, the display becomes "0". You cannot measure during reset input. For PC board mounting type the display disappears while the reset input is ON; however, the display reads "0" when the reset input turns OFF. 4. Press the front reset button if you want to perform a manual reset (for panel installation type) 154 126 ON Start input ON OFF ON Reset input OFF Full scale PC board type Elapsed time 0 LH2H LH2H Cautions for use 3) When wiring, try to keep all the input lines to the start and reset inputs as short as possible and avoid running them together with high voltage and power transmission lines or in a power conduit. Also, malfunctions might occur if the floating capacitance of these wires exceeds 500 pF (10 m 32.808 ft. for parallel wires of 2 mm2). 3. Free voltage input type 1) Use start input terminals 1 and 2 for free voltage input and reset terminals 3 and 4 for non-voltage input. 2) Be aware that the application of voltage that exceeds the voltage range of the H level to the start input terminal, and the application of voltage to the reset input terminal, can cause damage to the internal elements. 3) Since the current flow is very small from reset input terminal 3, please use relays and switches with high contact reliability. 4) When inputting a reset with an open collector of a transistor, use a transistor for small signals in which ICBO is 1 A or less and always input with no voltage. 5) To reset externally, short reset input terminals 3 and 4 on the rear. 6) Input uses a high impedance circuit; therefore, erroneous operation may occur if the influence of induction voltage is present. If you plan to use wiring for the input signal that is 10 m or longer (wire capacitance 120 pF/m at normal temperature), we recommend the use of a CR filter or the connection of a bleeder resistor. 4. How to reset multiple panel mounting type counters all at once (input is the same for count) Non-voltage input type D D 3 4 D 3 4 Tr 5. Backlight luminance To prevent varying luminance among backlights when using multiple Backlight types, please use the same backlight power supply. 24V DC 2 5 2 Green 5 2 2 6 6 24V DC Red 6. Acquisition of CE marking Please abide by the conditions below when using in applications that comply with EN 61010-1/IEC 61010-1 1) Ambient conditions * Overvoltage category II, pollution level 2 * Indoor use * Acceptable temperature and humidity range: -10 to +55C, 35 to 85%RH (with no condensation at 20C) * Under 2000 m elevation 2) Use the main unit in a location that matches the following conditions. * There is minimal dust and no corrosive gas. * There is no combustible or explosive gas. * There is no mechanical vibration or impacts. * There is no exposure to direct sunlight. * Located away from large-volume electromagnetic switches and power lines with large electrical currents. 3) Connect a breaker that conforms to EN60947-1 or EN60947-3 to the voltage input section. 4) Applied voltage should be protected with an overcurrent protection device (example: T 1A, 250 V AC time lag fuse) that conforms to the EN/IEC standards. (Free voltage input type) 7. Terminal connection Tighten the terminal screws with a torque of 0.8 N*cm or less. or 3 4 Notes) 1. Use the following as a guide for choosing transistors used for input (Tr). Leakage current < 1 A 2. Use as small a diode (D) as possible in the forward voltage so that the voltage between terminals 3 and 4 during reset input meets the standard value (0.5 V). ( At IF = 20 A, forward voltage 0.1 and higher.) Voltage input type 3 4 3 4 3 4 R Tr +V +V or 3 4 Note) Make sure that H (reset ON) level is at least 4.5 V. 155 127 Hour Meters LCD 1. Non-voltage input type For both panel mounting and PC board mounting types 1) Never apply voltage to the non-voltage input type. This will damage the internal elements. 2) Since the current flow is very small from the start input and reset input terminals (1 and 3 on the panel mounting type and terminals e to t and S to F on the PC board mounting type) please use relays and switches with high contact reliability. When inputting with an open collector of a transistor, use a transistor for small signals in which ICBO is 1 A or less and always input with no voltage. 3) When wiring, try to keep all the input lines to the start and reset inputs as short as possible and avoid running them together with high voltage and power transmission lines or in a power conduit. Also, malfunctions might occur if the floating capacitance of these wires exceeds 500 pF (10 m 32.808 ft. for parallel wires of 2 mm2). In particular, when using shielded wiring, be careful of the capacitance between wires. PC board mounting type 1) For external power supply use manganese dioxide or lithium batteries (CR type: 3V). 2) Always reset after external power is applied and confirm that the display reads "0". 3) Make the wiring from the battery to the hour meter unit as short as absolutely possible. Also, be careful of polarity. 4) Calculate battery life with the following formula. t = A/I t: battery life [h] I: LH2H current consumption [mA] A: battery capacity until minimum operation voltage is reached [mAh] 5) Hand solder to the lead terminal. Do not dip solder. With the tip of the soldering iron at 300C 572F perform soldering within 3 seconds (for 30 to 60 W soldering iron). 2. Voltage input type 1) Be aware that applying more than 30 V DC to start input terminals 1 and 2, and reset input terminals 3 and 4 will cause damage to the internal elements. 2) For external resetting use H level (application of 4.5 to 30 V DC) between reset terminals 3 and 4 of the rear terminals. In this case, connect + to terminal 3 and - to terminal 4. This is the valid polarity; therefore, the hour meter will not work if reversed. LH2H PRESET HOUR METER Ho LH2H PreSeT PRESET METER HOur HOUR MeTer LH2H LH2H Hour Meter Features * 8.7 mm 0. * Preset function equipped in half Features (previously size equipped (24 x 48 mm 0.945 1.890 * 8.7xmm 0.343 inch). inch Character Height * Preset function in half (previously 7 mm 0.276 inch) size (24 x 48 mm 0.945 x 1.890 inch). Easy-to rea * Display has backlight for instant Easy-to read character height increased * Display has backlight for instant recognition. from 7 mm to 8.7 mm 0.276 inch to from 0.343 7 mm t recognition. inch. inch. Time counting Timing up Time counting Red or (Green) Timing up (backlight) (Lit or Flashing) Green orRed (Red) or (Green) (backlight) (backlight) (Lit or Flashing) Lit or Flashing can be selected at setup. Hour Meters LCD Green or Red can be selected at setup. RoHS Directive compatibility information Product types No. digits 7 digits Measurement time range 0 to 999999.9h/ 0 to 3999d23.9h selectable 0 to 999h59m59s/ 0 to 9999h59.9m selectable 8.7mm .343inch * Plenty of Digits Green or (Red) (backlight) Green or Red can be selected at setup. Red or (Green) (backlight) Operation mode Output G (Totalizing ON delay) B (Signal ON delay) F (Signal flicker) E (Pulse ON delay) Transistor (1a) Mounting frame RoHS DirectiveOptions compatibility information Rubber gasket Note: Note: Mounting Mounting frame frame and and rubber rubbergasket gasketare arenot notincluded. included. 7 digits * Plenty of (Lit or Flashing) * Select by switch between two time ranges in a single meter. 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h Selectable Red or (Green) 0 to 999h59m59s/0 (backlight)to 9999h59.9m Selectable * Select by * Conforms to IP66 Protective Construction (Front panel surface) ranges in a Weatherproofing supported by using 0 to 999999 optional mounting bracket and rubber gasket(Lit or Flashing) Selectable * Includes lock mode and Lit or reassuring Flashing can 0 to 999h59 lockbe switch to prevent selected at setup.erroneous operation. Selectable * Screw terminals are constructed to protect fingers to ensure safety. * Conforms * Compliant with UL, c-UL and CEConstructio marking. Weatherpro optional mo gasket Operating voltage Part No. * Includes r lock switch LH2HP-FEW-DHK-B-DC24V 24 V DC operation. LH2HP-FEW-HMK-B-DC24V * Screw ter protect fing ATH3803 Use for waterproofing (front panel surface) ATH3804 * Complian marking. Product types No. digits 156 7 digits 128 Measurement time range 0 to 999999.9h/ 0 to 3999d23.9h selectable 0 to 999h59m59s/ Operation mode G (Totalizing ON delay) B (Signal ON delay) F (Signal flicker) Output Operating voltage L Transistor (1a) 24 V DC LH2H LH2H Specifications Item Rated operating voltage Rated power consumption Rated control output Time counting direction Measurement time range Rating Start input Reset input Input signal Operation mode Display method Time accuracy Power failure emory Operating time fluctuation Voltage error Temperature error Setting error Contact arrangement Electrical life (contact) Allowable operating voltage range Electrical Break down voltage (Initial value) Mechanical Operating conditions Insulation resistance (Initial value) Functional vibration resistance Destructive vibration resistance Functional shock resistance Destructive shock resistance Operation temperature Storage temperature Ambient humidity Protective construction Descriptions 24 V DC Max. 1.5 W 100 mA 30 V DC Addition or Subtraction (selectable by front switch) 0 to 999999.9h/0 to 3999d23.9h (selectable by slide switch on side) 0 to 999h59m59s/0 to 9999h59.9m (selectable by slide switch on side) Min. input signal width: Min. 30 ms Min. input signal width: Min. 30 ms * Non-voltage input using contacts or open-collector connection * Input impedance; when shorted: Max. 1 k, when open: Min. 100 k * Residual voltage: Max. 2 V Totalizing ON delay, Signal ON delay, Signal flicker, Pulse ON delay (selectable by front switch) 7-segment LCD (Switch between red and green for backlight, and between lit and flashing for time up.) EEP-ROM (Overwriting times: 105 operations or more) 0.01% 50 ms in case of power on start 0.01% 30 ms in case of input signal start Rated operating voltage: 85 to 110% Ambient temperature: -10 to +55C +14 to +131F 1 Form A (Open collector) 107 operations (at rated control voltage) 85 to 110% of rated operating voltage Between input and output: 1,500 V AC, for 1 min. Between input and output: 100 M (at 500 V DC) 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), Single amplitude: 0.15 mm (10 min. on 3 axes) 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min), Single amplitude: 0.375 mm (1 hr. on 3 axes) Min. 98 m/s2 (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 294 m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to 55C +14 to +131F (without frost or dew) -25 to +65C -13 to +149F (without frost or dew) 35 to 85% RH (non-condensing) IP66 (front panel with mounting bracket and rubber gasket) * The factory default preset value is set to 0.1. Applicable standard EMC EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 RF electromagnetic field immunity EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity EN61000-4-4 Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-8 Hour Meters LCD (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) 2 kV (power supply line) 1 kV (signal line) 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) 30 A/m (50 Hz) 157 129 LH2H LH2H Part names 1. Front reset key This key resets the elapsed value. It does not work when the lock switch is ON. 2. Mode key Use to set preset values or to switch between each mode. 3. Setting key Used to set digits of preset values or set each mode. 4. Set key Use to set preset values or to switch between modes. 5. Time unit seal Unit seals are included in the package. Affix them in accordance with the time range. 6. Lock switch Disable the operation of the front panel reset key and the mode key. With the lock switch on, is displayed for about two seconds when the reset key or mode switch is operated. 7. Time range switch Switch the time range. 7 6 HOUR METER RESET MODE 1 SET LH2H 2 3 4 5 : Default setting when shipped. LH2HP-FEW-DHK-B-DC24V Lock switch 6 (unit display 1) Time range 7 switch (unit display 2) LH2HP-FEW-HMK-B-DC24V (Terminal block side) OFF (LCD side) ON (Terminal block side) 0 to 999999.9h (Terminal block side) 0 to 9999h59.9m (LCD side) 0 to 3999d23.9h (LCD side) 0 to 999h59m59s Notes: 1. Make the switch setting before installing to panel. 2. Please turn the power off if you change the setting of the time range switch when the power is on. The setting will become valid when the power is turned back on. Dimensions mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 * External dimensions 44.8 1.764 M3.5 M.138 54.4 2.142 10.4 .409 44 1.732 5 .197 48 1.890 Hour Meters LCD HOUR METER 22 .866 24 .945 RESET MODE SET 7 .276 When installing the one-touch installation type model, make sure that the installation spring does not pinch the rubber gasket. To prevent the installation spring from pinching the rubber gasket: 1. Set the rubber gasket on both ends of the installation spring (left and right). 2. Confirm that the installation spring is not pinching the rubber gasket, and then insert and fix the installation spring in place from the rear of the timer unit. LH2H * Panel cut out dimensions The standard panel cut out is shown below. Use the mounting frame (ATH3803) and the rubber gasket (ATH3804). (Only installation frame type) * For connected installation (sealed installation) (Only installation frame type) 22.2+0.5 0 .874+.020 0 60 min. 2.362 min. A A=(48xn-2.5)+1.0 0 A=(1.890xn-.098)+.039 0 45+0.5 0 1.772+.020 0 +0.5 0 +.020 0 22.2 .874 158 130 Notes: 1. Suitable installation panel thickness is 1 to 4.5 mm 0.39 to 0.177 inch. 2. Waterproofing will be lost when installing repeatedly (sealed installation). LH2H LH2H How to set Press the MODE key. Set the digit. 2) The display reads "Un-Lock" after entering the lock mode (initial setting). Display after entering lock mode (Example showing "Un-Lock".) Set the value. 1) Pressing the MODE key takes you to the preset value setting mode. 3) Pressing the setting key changes the display between " Lock" and "Unlock". Sample display in preset value setting mode (when preset value is 100.0h) * The factory default preset value is set to 1.0. 2) Pressing the setting key moves the flashing digit left by one. Following the highest digit it returns to the lowest digit and each time the digit setting key is pressed it moves one to the left. 3) Pressing the set key increases the value by one. (After 9 it returns to 0 and then changes to 1, 2, 3, etc.) 4) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the displayed preset value and returns you to the regular operation mode. 5) In the preset value setting mode if you do not operate the digit setting key or the set key for ten seconds or more you will be returned to regular operation. In this case the preset value will not change. 2. Lock mode This mode prohibits everything except the preset value setting mode. + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Un-Lock Lock 1) Pressing the set key while holding down the mode key takes you to the lock mode. (Example showing " Lock".) 4) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the content displayed and returns you to regular operation mode. Note: You will not be returned to regular operation mode if you do not press the front panel reset key. 5) When the lock mode display reads " Lock", you will not be able to move to the backlight setting mode, the time counting direction setting mode, or the operation setting mode. 3. Backlight setting mode This is the mode for setting the backlight during time up. + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Lit red Lit green Flashes green Flashes red 1) Pressing the SET key two times while holding down the MODE key takes you to the backlight setting mode. 2) The display in the backlight setting mode reads " LEd" Display after entering the backlight setting mode. 3) The LED backlight will be red (initial setting). 4) The backlight changes from flashing green to flashing red to lit green and to lit red with each press of the setting key. 5) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the current backlight color and returns you to regular operation mode. Note: You will not be returned to regular operation mode if you do not press the front panel reset key. 4. Time counting direction setting mode This is the mode for setting addition or subtraction. + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Addition Subtraction 1) Pressing the SET key three times while holding down the MODE key takes you to the time counting direction setting mode. 2) The display after entering the time counting direction setting mode reads " UP" (initial setting). Display after entering time counting direction setting mode (Example showing "UP") 3) Pressing the setting key changes the display to "dn" (subtraction) and pressing it again changes it to "UP" (addition). The display alternates between "dn" and "UP". (Example showing "dn") 4) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the content displayed and returns you to regular operation mode. Note: You will not be returned to regular operation mode if you do not press the front panel reset key. Hour Meters LCD 1. Preset value setting mode This is the mode for setting preset values. 159 131 LH2H LH2H 5. Operation mode This sets the operation mode. 2) Lock mode + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. OP-G OP-E OP-B OP-F 1) Pressing the SET key four times while holding down the MODE key takes you to the operation setting mode. 2) The display reads "OP-G" (Totalizing ON delay) after entering the operation setting mode. + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Un-Lock Lock When the lock is set, you cannot enter modes other than backlight setting mode. 3) Backlight setting mode + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Lit red Lit green Flashes green Flashes red Front panel reset key 4) Time counting direction setting mode + 3) Pressing the setting key causes the display to change as follows: OP-B (Signal ON delay) Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. Addition Regular operation mode Subtraction 5) Operation setting mode + Press the SET key while pressing the MODE key. OP-G OP-E OP-B OP-F OP-F (Signal flicker) Mode changes as follows by pressing the SET key while holding down the MODE key. Lock mode Operation setting mode OP-E (Pulse ON delay) OP-G (Totalizing ON delay) 4) Pressing the front panel reset key sets the display content and returns you to regular operation mode. Backlight setting mode Time counting direction setting mode Please be aware that after doing a front panel reset key and returning to regular operation mode, the preset values, elapsed value and output will be as shown in this table. Note: You will not be returned to regular operation mode if you do not press the front panel reset key. Lock mode Backlight setting mode Time counting direction setting mode Operation setting mode Preset value Elapsed value Output change x x x x x x x Addition: "0" Subtraction: "Preset value" ONOFF x Addition: "0" Subtraction: "Preset value" ONOFF Note: "x" sign: No change Hour Meters LCD Changing the set time (preset value) 1. It is possible to change the set time even during time delay with the timer. However, be aware of the following points. 1) If the set time is changed to less than the elapsed time (elapsed value) with the time delay set to the addition direction, time delay will continue until the elapsed time reaches full scale, returns to "0 (zero)", and then reaches the new set time. If the set time is changed to a time above the elapsed time, the time delay will continue until the elapsed time reaches the new set time. 160 132 2) If the time delay is set to the subtraction direction, time delay will continue until "0 (zero)" regardless of the new set time. 2. If the set time is changed to "0 (zero)", the hour meter will operate differently depending on the operation mode. In the G (Totalizing ON delay), B (Signal ON delay), and E (Pulse ON delay) modes, the output turns ON when the start input is ON. However, the output will be OFF while reset is being input. In the F (Signal flicker) mode, the flicker operation will not work even if start input is turned ON. PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LH2H SerIeS LH2H Operation mode Totalizing ON delay G Signal ON delay B Signal Flicker F Pulse ON delay E Explanation * Elapsed value does not clear at power ON. (Power outage countermeasure function) * The output remains ON even after the power is OFF and restarted. * Clears elapsed value at power ON. * Time delay starts at start ON and output resets at start OFF. * Time delay starts at reset OFF and power ON while start is ON. * Clears elapsed value at power ON. * Time delay starts at start ON. * After timer completion, control output reverses, elapsed value clears, and time delay starts. * Ignores start input during time delay. * Clears elapsed value at power ON. * Time delay starts at start ON. * After timer completion, control output is ON. * Ignores start input during time delay. Time chart Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Start ON OFF Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Start ON OFF Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Start ON OFF Power supply ON OFF Output ON OFF Reset ON OFF Start ON OFF T>ta T=t1+t2 T t1 T t2 ta T T>ta T T T ta T T T Hour Meters LCD Operation mode 161 133 PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LH2H SerIeS LH2H Cautions for use 1. Input and output connection 1) Input connection (1) Contact input Use highly reliable metal plated contacts. Since the contact's bounce time leads directly to error in the timer operating time, use contacts with as short a bounce time as possible. Start input 1 2 5 6 3 4 Reset input (2) Non-contact input (Transistor input) Connect with an open collector. Use transistors whose characteristics satisfy the criteria given below. VCEO = Min. 20 V IC = Min. 20 mA ICBO = Max. 6 A Also, use transistors with a residual voltage of less than 2 V when the transistor is on. * The short-circuit impedance should be less than 1 k. (When the impedance is 0 , the current coming from the start input terminal is approximately 5 mA and from the reset input terminal is approximately 1.5 mA.) Also, the open-circuit impedance should be more than 100 k. Start input 1 2 Err-00 Err-01 Output Restoration Preset values after condition procedure restoration Preset value at Malfunctioning Enter front start-up before the CPU reset key or CPU malfunction OFF restart hour occurred meter Malfunctioning 0 memory* * Includes the possibility that the EEP-ROM's life has expired. 3. Power failure memory The EEP-ROM is overwriting with the following timing. Hour Meters LCD Other modes Overwrite timing Change of preset value or when power is OFF after start and reset input turns ON When power is OFF after changing preset value Compliance with the CE marking * EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) The LH2H Preset Hour Meter conforms to the EMC Directive as a simple hour meter. Applicable standards: EN61000-6-4, EN61000-6-2 162 134 3 4 Reset input 1 2 6 3 Load's power supply 4 As PNP output 1 2 5 6 3 Load's power supply 4 (3) Input wiring When wiring, use shielded wires or metallic wire tubes, and keep the wire lengths as short as possible. Contents Operation mode G (Totalizing ON delay) mode 6 Load 5 Load 2. Self-diagnosis function If a malfunction occurs, one of the following displays will appear. Display 5 2) Output connection Since the transistor output of hour meter is insulated from the internal circuitry by a photo-coupler, it can be used as an NPN output or PNP (equal value) output. As NPN output 4. Terminal connection 1) When wiring the terminals, refer to the terminal layout and wiring diagrams and be sure to perform the wiring properly without errors. Tighten the terminal screws with a torque of 0.8 N*cm or less. The screws are M3.5. An external power supply is required in order to run the main unit. Power should be applied between 5 terminals (1) and (2). Terminal (1) acts 1 2 3 4 6 as the positive connection and terminal (2) as the negative. Operating voltage 2) After turning the hour meter off, make sure that any resulting induced voltage or residual voltage is not applied to power supply terminals (1) through (2). (If the power supply wire is wired parallel to the high voltage wire or power wire, an induced voltage may be generated at the power supply terminal.) 3) Have the power supply voltage pass through a switch or relay so that it is applied at one time. LH2H PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LH2H PRECAUTIONS IN USING THESerIeS LH2H SERIES Cautions for use * LH2H preset hour meter 1) When using the waterproof type (IP66: panel front only), install the hour meter to the front plate with mounting frame ATH3803 (sold separately) and rubber gasket ATH3804 (sold separately). Be sure to tighten using mounting screws. Mounting frame (ATH3803) Rubber gasket (ATH3804) When installing the mounting frame and rubber gasket please remove the pre-attached o-ring. Insulation sheet Reset button * LH2H hour meter (installation frame type) Insulation sheet Reset button 2. Waterproof construction * LH2H hour meter (installation frame type) The operation part of the panel installation type (installation frame type) is constructed to prevent water from entering the unit and a rubber gasket is provided to prevent water from entering the gap between the unit and the panel cutout. There must be sufficient pressure applied to the rubber gasket to prevent water from entering. Be sure to use the mounting screws when installing the mounting frame (ATH3803). Note: The one-touch installation type is not waterproof. 2) Panel installation order (1) Remove o-ring. (2) Place rubber gasket. (3) Insert hour meter into panel. (4) Insert mounting frame from the rear. (5) Secure with mounting screws (two locations) 3. Do not use in the following environments 1) In places where the temperature changes drastically. 2) In places where humidity is high and there is the possibility of dew. (When dew forms the display may vanish and other display errors may occur.) 4. Conditions of use 1) Do not use on places where there is flammable or corrosive gas, lots of dust, presence of oil, or where the unit might be subject to strong vibrations or shocks. 2) Since the cover is made of polycarbonate resin, do not use in places where the unit might come into contact with or be exposed to environments that contain organic solvents such as methyl alcohol, benzene and thinner, or strong alkali substances such as ammonia and caustic soda. 5. Cautions regarding battery replacement 1) Remove wiring before replacing the battery. You may be electrocuted if you come into contact to a part where high voltage is applied. 2) Make sure you are not carrying a static electric charge when replacing the battery. 3) Battery replacement procedure For LH2H hour meter (one-touch installation type) (1) Remove the up/down hook of the case using a tool. (2) Pull the unit away from the case. (3) Remove the battery from the side of the unit. Do not touch the display or other parts. (4) Before inserting wipe clean the surface of the new battery. (5) Insert the new battery with the "+" and "-" sides in the proper position. (6) After replacing the battery, return the unit to the case. Verify that the hook of the case has properly engaged. (7) Before using, press the reset button on the front. Tool 1 2 1 Hour Meters LCD 1. Insulation sheet Before using a panel mounting type, please pull and remove the insulation sheet in the direction of the arrow. In consideration that the product might be stored for long periods without being used, an insulation sheet is inserted before shipping. Remove the insulation sheet and press the front reset button. * LH2H hour meter (one-touch installation type) 3 6 Mounting frame (ATH3803) 7 163 135 PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe LH2H SerIeS LH2H For LH2H hour meter (installation frame type) (1) Remove the battery cover from the case. (2) Remove the battery from the side of the case. The battery will come loose if you put the battery side face down and lightly shake the unit. (3) Before inserting wipe clean the surface of the new battery. (4) Insert the new battery with the "+" and "-" sides in the proper position. (5) After replacing the battery, return the battery cover to the case. Verify that the hook of the battery cover is properly engaged. (6) Before using press the reset button on the front. 1 2 "+" side 5 "-" side 6 Options 1. Accessories (for LH2H hour meter) Panel cover (black) HOUR METER RESET LH2H Hour Meters LCD Part No.: ATH3801 You can change the design of the front panel by replacing it with this black panel cover. The counter comes with an ash gray panel cover as standard. Note: No panel cover option (black) is available for the LH2H preset hour meter. 2. Lithium battery (3 V) Pa CR2n4asonic 77 3V JAPA N 3. Installation parts Mounting frame Suitable for installation frame type LH2H hour meter and LH2H preset hour meter Part No.: ATH3802 Packaged with the LH2H (excluding the PC board mounting type). Warning * Make sure the "+" and "-" polarities are positioned correctly. * Do not throw the old battery into a fire, short circuit it, take it apart, or allow it to come into contact with heat. * The battery is not rechargeable. Part No.: ATH3803 Packaged with the mounting bracket type LH2H hour meter Rubber gasket Suitable for installation frame type LH2H hour meter and LH2H preset hour meter Part No.: ATH3804 Packaged with the mounting bracket type LH2H hour meter 164 136 TH13 / TH23 HOur MeTer TH13 / TH23 uL File no.: e42876 CSA File no.: Lr39291 52 2.047 Features 52 2.047 54 2.126 mm inch TH23 series (with reset function) * High-performance compact synchronous motor The accurately turning motor is employed to provide for longer period of measurement. * Compact and stylish * easier wiring The flat terminals (#187) are quick and easy to connect. * rotary indicator The rotary indicator makes one turn every 2 minutes for monitoring. * Compliant with uL, CSA and Ce. Typical applications Maintenance management of machine tools, automated machines, control panels, forming machines, medical equipment, generators, compressors, water treatment facilities, presses, motors, etc. TH13 series (without reset function) Specifications Counting range Minimum time display Rated power consumption Insulation resistance (Initial value) Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Max. temperature rise Vibration resistance Functional Functional Shock resistance Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Weight 100V AC, 200V AC, 110V AC, 115 to 120V AC, 220V AC, 240V AC 85 to 115% of rated operating voltage 50 Hz, 60 Hz (other model) 0 to 99999.9 hours (TH13 series) 0 to 9999.9 hours (TH23 series) 0.1 hours (6 min) Approx. 1.5 W Min. 100 MW, Between live and dead metal parts (At 500V DC) 2,000 Vrms, Between live and dead metal parts 55C 131F 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.5 mm (10 min on 3 axes) Min. 98 m/s {10 G} (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 980 m/s {100 G} (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +50C +14 to 122F Max. 85% RH (non-condensing) 135 g 4.76 oz 130 g 4.59 oz Hour Meters, electromechanical Rated operating voltage Allowable operating voltage range Rated frequency 2 2 Product types Part number Part number Operating voltage 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 100V AC TH1345 TH1346 115V AC (115 to 120V AC) TH1375 TH1376 TH13 types 200V AC TH1355 TH1356 220V AC TH1385 TH1386 (without reset button) 110V AC TH1365 TH1366 240V AC TH1395 TH1396 100V AC TH2345 TH2346 115V AC (115 to 120V AC) TH2375 TH2376 TH23 types 200V AC TH2355 TH2356 220V AC TH2385 TH2386 (with reset button) 110V AC TH2365 TH2366 240V AC TH2395 TH2396 Note) The 115 to 120V AC, 220V AC and 240V AC types are UL-recognized and CSA-certified. For those products, specify "U" at the end of the part number when ordering. Type Operating voltage 137 TH13 / TH23 Applicable standard Safety standard EN61010-1 Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Dimensions mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 Mounting bracket (supplied) Case * TH13 series * TH23 series Decorative nut Reset button 46.8 1.843 6 .236 reSeT M52 M2.047 M52 M2.047 4.75 .187 5 .197 Rotary indicator 54 2.126 No.187 quick connect terminal (4.75 x 6.0 x 0.5) (.187 x .236 x .020) 72 2.835 Rotary indicator (TH13 and TH23 series common) wiring diagram Panel mounting * Panel cutout dimensions Panel Case Mounting bracket (supplied) +0.5 Decorative nut M Operating power supply 5 .197 67 2.638 replacing the TH13/23 series with the TH14/24 series The TH13/TH23 series hour meter are interchangeable with the TH14/24 series hour meter. Use the specified mounting frame because of a different setup method. It is advisable to introduce the TH14/24 series hour meters for the first time. DIn48 size and mounting frame setup Mounting flame 138 M 45 M 47 M 48 M 52 Panel Mounting frame (sold separately): TH1400020 47 -0.1 +.020 1.850 -.004 TH14 / TH24 DIn 48 SIze HOur MeTer TH14 / TH24 uL File no.: e42876 CSA File no.: Lr39291 80.5 3.169 Features ** High-performance compact syncronous motor 48 1.890 48 1.890 mm inch Silver panel Black panel TH24 series (with reset button) The accurately turning motor is employed to provide for longer period of measurement. *2. Common for 50/60 Hz power frequency A lever is used to select 50 Hz or 60 Hz. There is no need to rearrange the control panel and other signal destinations. *3. Dimensions as per DIn 43700 standard The units are in the 48x48 DIN standard size. They can be fitted in panels and give refined metallic appearance. *4. easier wiring The flat terminals (#187) are quick and easy to connect. *5. rotary indicator The rotary indicator makes one turn every 2 minutes for monitoring. *6. Compliant with uL, CSA and Ce. Typical applications Silver panel Black panel TH14 series (without reset button) Maintenance management of machine tools, automated machines, control panels, forming machines, medical equipment, generators, compressors, water treatment facilities, presses, motors, etc. Rated operating voltage Allowable operating voltage range Rated frequency Counting range Minimum time display Rated power consumption Insulation resistance (Initial value) Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Max. temperature rise Vibration resistance Functional Functional Shock resistance Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Weight 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 85 to 115% of rated operating voltage 50/60 Hz (selectable by switch) 0 to 99999.9 hours (TH14 series) 0 to 9999.9 hours (TH24 series) 0.1 hours (6 min) Approx. 1.5 W Min. 100 MW; Between live and dead metal parts (At 500V DC) 2,000 Vrms Between live and dead metal parts 55C 131F 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.5 mm (10 min on 3 axes) Min 98 m/s {10 G} (4 times on 3 axes) Min 980 m/s {100 G} (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +50C +14 to +122F Max. 85% RH (non-condensing) 145 g 5.11 oz (TH14 series) 150 g 5.29 oz (TH24 series) 2 2 Product types Part number Part number Part number Operating Operating voltage voltage Silver panel Black panel Silver panel Black panel Silver panel Black panel 100V AC TH141S TH141 24V AC TH144S TH144 115 to 120V AC TH147S TH147 TH14 series (without reset 200V AC TH142S TH142 48V AC TH145S TH145 220V AC TH148S TH148 button) 12V AC TH143S TH143 110V AC TH146S TH146 240V AC TH149S TH149 100V AC TH241S TH241 24V AC TH244S TH244 115 to 120V AC TH247S TH247 TH24 series (with reset 200V AC TH242S TH242 48V AC TH245S TH245 220V AC TH248S TH248 button) 12V AC TH243S TH243 110V AC TH246S TH246 240V AC TH249S TH249 Note) Only the black-panel type is UL-recognized and CSA-certified. For this type, specify "U" at the end of the part number when ordering. Type Operating voltage 139 Hour Meters, electromechanical Specifications TH14 / TH24 Applicable standard Safety standard EN61010-1 Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Dimensions (TH14 and TH24 series common) Case Mounting bracket (supplied) mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 No.187 quick connect terminal (4.7 x 6.0 x 0.5) Decorative (.185 x .236 x .020) nut 50 1.969 M48 M1.890 44.8 1.764 60Hz 50Hz Rotary indicator 5.5 .217 wiring diagram 75 2.953 94 3.701 Frequency setting switch Panel mounting mm inch * Panel cutout dimensions Panel Case Mounting bracket (supplied) Decorative nut M +0.6 45 0 +.024 1.772 0 50 1.969 Hour Meters, electromechanical Operating power supply 140 5.5 .217 88.5 3.484 TH40 DIn 48 DuAL InDICATOr HOur MeTer TH40 80.5 3.169 Features * upgraded composite function Specified-period measurement and total-time measurement can be monitored on a single hour meter. * High-performance compact syncronous motor The accurately turning motor is employed to provide for longer period of measurement. * Common for 50/60 Hz power frequency A lever is used to select 50 Hz or 60 Hz. There is no need to rearrange the control panel and other signal destinations. * Dimensions as per DIn 43700 standard The units are in the 48x48 DIN standard size. They can be fitted in panels and give refined metallic appearance. * easier wiring The flat terminals (#187) are quick and easy to connect. * rotary indicator The rotary indicator makes one turn every 2 minutes for monitoring. * Compliant with Ce. 48 1.890 48 1.890 mm inch Silver panel Black panel Specifications Counting range Minimum time display Rated power consumption Insulation resistance (Initial value) Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Max. temperature rise Vibration resistance Functional Functional Shock resistance Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Weight 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 85 to 115% of rated operating voltage 50/60 Hz (selectable by switch) 0 to 9999.9 hours (upper side) ... with reset indicator 0 to 99999.9 hours (lower side) ... without reset indicator 0.1 hours (6 min) Approx. 1.5 W Min. 100 MW; Between live and dead metal parts (At 500V DC) 2,000 Vrms Between live and dead metal parts 55C 131F 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.5 mm (10 min on 3 axes) Min 98 m/s {10 G} (4 times on 3 axes) Min 980 m/s {100 G} (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +50C +14 to +122F Max. 85% RH (non-condensing) 160 g 5.64 oz 2 2 Product types Type Operating voltage TH40 series 100V AC 200V AC 12V AC Part number Silver panel Black panel TH401S TH401 TH402S TH402 TH403S TH403 Operating voltage 24V AC 48V AC 110V AC Part number Part number Operating voltage Silver panel Black panel Silver panel Black panel TH404S TH404 115 to 120V AC TH407S TH407 TH405S TH405 220V AC TH408S TH408 TH406S TH406 240V AC TH409S TH409 141 Hour Meters, electromechanical Rated operating voltage Allowable operating voltage range Rated frequency TH40 Applicable standard Safety standard EN61010-1 Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Dimensions mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 Accumulated hours indicator (with reset indicator) Reset button Case Mounting bracket (supplied) Total accmulated hours indicator (without reset indicator) M48 M1.890 No.187 quick connect terminal (4.7 x 6.0 x 0.5) Decorative (.185 x .236 x .020) nut 50 1.969 M44.8 M1.764 60Hz 50Hz Rotary indicator wiring diagram 5.5 .217 75 2.953 94 3.701 Frequency setting switch Panel mounting mm inch * Panel cutout dimensions Panel Case Mounting bracket (supplied) Decorative nut +0.6 45 0 +.024 1.772 0 M 50 1.969 Hour Meters, electromechanical Operating power supply 142 5.5 .217 88.5 3.484 TH50 DIn 48 MInuTeS InDICATOr HOur MeTer 80.5 3.169 TH50 Features * Measurement and management in units of minutes Unlike conventional hour meters, the time can be measured and managed in minutes. * reset button The hour meters can be reset to zero for repeated measurement. * High-performance compact syncronous motor The accurately turning motor is employed to provide for longer period of measurement. * Common for 50/60 Hz power frequency A lever is used to select 50 Hz or 60 Hz. There is no need to rearrange the control panel and other signal destinations. * Dimensions as per DIn 43700 standard The units are in the 48x48 DIN standard size. They can be fitted in panels and give refined metallic appearance. * easier wiring The flat terminals (#187) are quick and easy to connect. * rotary indicator The rotary indicator makes one turn every 2 seconds for monitoring. * Compliant with Ce. 48 1.890 48 1.890 mm inch Silver panel Black panel Specifications 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 85 to 115% of rated operating voltage 50/60 Hz (selectable by switch) 0 to 9999.9 min 0.1 min (6 sec) Approx. 1.5 W Min. 100 MW, Between live and dead metal parts (At 500 V DC) 2,000 Vrms, Between live and dead metal parts 55C 131F 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.5 mm (10 min on 3 axes) Min. 98 m/s {10 G} (4 times on 3 axes) Min. 980 m/s {100 G} (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +50C +14 to +122F Max. 85% RH (non-condensing) 150 g 5.29 oz 2 2 Product types Type Operating voltage TH50 series 100V AC 200V AC 12V AC Part number Silver panel Black panel TH501S TH501 TH502S TH502 TH503S TH503 Operating voltage 24V AC 48V AC 110V AC Part number Part number Operating voltage Silver panel Black panel Silver panel Black panel TH504S TH504 115 to 120V AC TH507S TH507 TH505S TH505 220V AC TH508S TH508 TH506S TH506 240V AC TH509S TH509 143 Hour Meters, electromechanical Rated operating voltage Allowable operating voltage range Rated frequency Counting range Minimum time display Rated power consumption Insulation resistance (Initial value) Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Max. temperature rise Vibration resistance Functional Functional Shock resistance Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Weight TH50 Applicable standard Safety standard EN61010-1 Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Dimensions mm inch General tolerance: 1.0 .039 Reset button Case Mounting bracket (supplied) No.187 quick connect terminal (4.7 x 6.0 x 0.5) Decorative (.185 x .236 x .020) nut 50 1.969 M48 M1.890 M44.8 M1.764 60Hz 50Hz Rotary indicator wiring diagram 5.5 .217 75 2.953 94 3.701 Frequency setting switch Panel mounting mm inch * Panel cutout dimensions Panel Case Mounting bracket (supplied) Decorative nut +0.6 45 0 +.024 1.772 0 M 50 1.969 Hour Meters, electromechanical Operating power supply 144 5.5 .217 88.5 3.484 TH63/64 DIn HALF SIze HOur MeTer TH63 / TH64 uL File no.: e42876 CSA File no.: Lr39291 57.5 2.264 Features mm inch 24 .945 48 1.890 TH64 series (with reset button) TH63 series (without reset button) Typical applications Management of small generators and food processing machines; hour counting for leased equipment; maintenance management of various equipment, etc. * Compact to save panel space The 24x48 mm hour meters are just half the DIN 48x48 standard size. They help save the panel space. * reset button The hour meters can be reset to zero (TH64 series). * wide-ranging measurement display The measurement can be displayed from 0.1 hour up to 99999.9 hours (TH63 series). The dial size is the same as that of 48x48 DIN size hour meters (TH14 and TH24 series). * easy to install The flat terminals (#187) are used for easier wiring. There is no need to undo the lock spring. * High-performance sync motor with 50/60 Hz selector The noise-resistant, accurately turning motor is employed to provide for longer period of measurement. The power frequency can be selected for 50 or 60 Hz. * rotary indicator The rotary indicator makes one turn every 72 seconds for monitoring. * Compliant with uL, CSA and Ce. Specifications Counting range Minimum time display Rated power consumption Insulation resistance (Initial value) Breakdown voltage (Initial value) Max. temperature rise Vibration resistance Functional Functional Shock resistance Destructive Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Weight 12 V AC, 24 V AC, 48 V AC, 100 V AC, 110 V AC, 115 to 120 V AC, 200 V AC, 220 V AC, 240 V AC 85 to 115% of rated operating voltage 50/60 Hz (selectable by switch) 0 to 99999.9 hours (TH63 series) 0 to 9999.9 hours (TH64 series) 0.1 hours (6 min) Approx. 1.5 W Min. 100 MW, Between live and dead metal parts (At 500 V DC) 2,000 Vrms, Between live and dead metal parts 55C 131F 10 to 55 Hz: 1 cycle/min double amplitude of 0.5 mm (10 min on 3 axes) Min 98 m/s {10 G} (4 times on 3 axes) Min 980 m/s {100 G} (5 times on 3 axes) -10 to +50C +14 to +122F Max. 85% RH (non-condensing) Approx. 80 g 2.82 oz 2 2 Product types Type Operating voltage Part number Operating voltage Part number Operating voltage Part number 100V AC TH631 24V AC TH634 115 to 120V AC TH637 TH63 series 200V AC TH632 48V AC TH635 220V AC TH638 (without reset button) 12V AC TH633 110V AC TH636 240V AC TH639 100V AC TH641 24V AC TH644 115 to 120V AC TH647 TH64 series 200V AC TH642 48V AC TH645 220V AC TH648 (with reset button) 12V AC TH643 110V AC TH646 240V AC TH649 Notes) 1. Only the metallic-looking (silver) panel mounting type is available. 2. Standard products are UL-recognized as well as CSA-certified. There is no need to add "U" at the end of the part number. Just specify the standard part number when ordering. 145 Hour Meters, electromechanical Rated operating voltage Allowable operating voltage range Rated frequency TH63/64 TH63*TH64 Applicable standard Safety standard EN61010-1 Pollution Degree 2/Overvoltage Category II (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 10 V/m pulse modulation (895 MHz to 905 MHz) EN61000-4-4 2 kV (power supply line) EN61000-4-5 1 kV (power line) EN61000-4-6 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) EN61000-4-8 30 A/m (50 Hz) EN61000-4-11 10 ms, 30% (rated voltage) 100 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 1,000 ms, 60% (rated voltage) 5,000 ms, 95% (rated voltage) RF electromagnetic field immunity EMC EN61000-4-3 EFT/B immunity Surge immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity Voltage dip/Instantaneous stop/Voltage fluctuation immunity Dimensions Reset button (only for TH64 type) mm inch General tolerance: 0.5 .020 Rotary indicator Frequency selector lever No.187 quick connect terminal HOUR METER 24 .945 48 1.890 4.5 .177 53 2.087 66 2.598 Wiring diagram mm inch * Panel cutout dimensions Panel (thickness: 1 to 9 mm .039 to .354 inch) +0.6 45 0 +.024 1.772 0 M +0.3 22.2 0 +.012 .874 0 For panel thickness of 5 to 9 mm .197 to .354 inch) R0.5 or less Mounting spring (included) Operating power supply Hour Meters, electromechanical Mounting 1. Cut a 22.2 +0.3 x 45 +0.6 mm (.874 +.012 x 0 0 0 +.024 1.772 0 inch) opening in the panel. 2. Swing the mounting spring to the rear of the hour meter and fit the hour meter into the panel opening. (There is no need to detach the mounting spring from the hour meter.) If the panel is 5 to 9 mm .197 to .354 inch thick, move the mounting spring to the other hole toward the rear of the hour meter. 3. Swing the mounting spring to the front of the hour meter to secure the hour meter to the panel. 4. Wire the supplied quick connectors and connect to the hour meter. Be sure to use the supplied insulating sleeves to cover the connectors. Unfasten Fasten 175 146 TH8 TH8 DIn HALF SIze HOur MeTer DC HOUR METER TH8 TH8 Hour Meter Features * IP66 waterproof construction 1. The front panel surface keeps water and dust out. Perfect for use in rough conditions. * Includes operation light (LED) 2. The operation LED illuminates so you can quickly verify operation status. * Compliant with UL, c-UL and CE. 3. RoHS Directive compatibility information Product type Installation Measurement time Operation light Panel installation 0 to 9999.9 hours LED illuminates while operating. Rated voltage 12 V DC Part No. TH833C 24 V DC TH834C Note: Products are UL and c-UL certified as standard. (Suffix "U" is not required ON part numbers when ordering.) Specifications Rated voltage Usage voltage range Rating Measurement time Min. measurement time Power consumption Insulation resistance (initial) Breakdown voltage (initial) Electrical characteristics Temperature rise Functional vibration resistance Mechanical characteristics Functional shock resistance Destructive vibration resistance Operation temperature Ambient humidity Power supply ripple Protective construction Usage conditions TH833C TH834C 12 V DC 10.2 to 15.6 V DC 24 V DC 20.4 to 31.2 V DC 0 to 9999.9 hours 0.1 hour (6 min.) Approx. 1.5 W (With rated voltage applied at 25C 77F) Min. 100 M between charged and uncharged parts (measured at 500 V DC) Between charged and uncharged parts: 2,000 V AC for 1 minute. Max. 55C 131F (measured at rated voltage and resistance law) 10 to 55 Hz (1 cycle/min.) Single amplitude: 0.35 mm (10 min. ON 3 axes) Min. 98 m/s2 (4 times ON 3 axes) Min. 980 m/s2 (5 times ON 3 axes) -20C to +60C -4F to +140F (Without due and frost) 35 to 85% RH (relative humidity) (non-condensing) Approx. 48% or less (single phase, all-wave rectification) IP66 (front panel with a rubber gasket) Hour Meters, electromechanical Type Item Applicable standard EMC (EMI)EN61000-6-4 Radiation interference electric field strength Noise terminal voltage (EMS)EN61000-6-2 Static discharge immunity RF electromagnetic field immunity EFT/B immunity Conductivity noise immunity Power frequency magnetic field immunity EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN55011 Group1 ClassA EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-3 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-8 4 kV contact 8 kV air 10 V/m AM modulation (80 MHz to 1 GHz) 2 kV (power supply line) 10 V/m AM modulation (0.15 MHz to 80 MHz) 30 A/m (50 Hz) 178 147 TH8 TH8 Dimensions and part names (unit: mm inch) Wiring diagram Tolerance: 1.0 .039 88.5 3.484 75 2.953 68.5 2.697 Mounting bracket Red HOUR METER 0 0 0 0 .0 M 31 1.181 R R. 5.5 21 7 10.5 .413 35.4 1.394 h Black Operation voltage Installation screw Power supply LED display When the power is turned ON the green lamp illuminates Unit Spring washer Panel installation diagram 44 1.732 Panel cutout dimensions Lead wire 0.1N*m to 0.2N*m screw torque 62 2.441 53 0.5 2.087 .020 Rubber gasket Installation panel Hour Meters, electromechanical (Unit: mm inch) 179 148 PreCAuTIOnS In uSInG THe HOur MeTerS PRECAUTIONS IN USING THE HOUR METERS * TH13,23,14,24,40,50,63,64 For measuring energized time of load Single phase Hour meter Three phases Hour meter For measuring operation time of load Hour meter Switch (Linked with clutch) Load Load Hour meter Load Switch (Linked with clutch) Load Note) Make the connection with the accompanying flat connector first and then with the hour meter's terminal (#187). In such case, be sure to cover the connection with the accompanying insulating sleeve. * TH70, TH8 Lead wire DC power source DC motor type hour meter Load Note) Solder the lead wires in position. 3. Safety precautions Do not use the hour meters in the following places. * Where ambient temperature is below -10 or above +50C * In wet, dusty or gaseous environments * Where exposed to vibrations and shocks * Outdoors, or where exposed to rain or direct sunlight 4. Compliant with CE. * LH2H Ambient conditions: Overvoltage category III, contamination factor 2, indoor use. Ambient temperature and humidity -10 and +55C and 35% to 85%RH respectively. * TH13, 23, 14, 24, 40, 50, 63, 64 Ambient conditions: Overvoltage category II, contamination factor 2, indoor use. Ambient temperature and humidity -10 and +50C and below 85%RH respectively. 5. Reset-type hour meter * Precautions for use If the number indications are off before use, press the reset button and confirm that all zeroes ("0") are displayed. * Resetting caution Exercise due caution as an insufficient amount of pressure on the reset button may result in abnormal readings. 6. Acquisition of CE marking Please abide by the conditions below when using in applications that comply with EN 61010-1/IEC 61010-1 1) Ambient conditions * Overvoltage category II, pollution level 2 * Indoor use * Acceptable temperature and humidity range: -10 to +55C, 35 to 85%RH (with no condensation at 20C) * Under 2000 m elevation 2) Use the main unit in a location that matches the following conditions. * There is minimal dust and no corrosive gas. * There is no combustible or explosive gas. * There is no mechanical vibration or impacts. * There is no exposure to direct sunlight. * Located away from large-volume electromagnetic switches and power lines with large electrical currents. 3) Connect a breaker that conforms to EN60947-1 or EN609473 to the voltage input section. 4) Applied voltage should be protected with an overcurrent protection device (example: T 1A, 250 V AC time lag fuse) that conforms to the EN/IEC standards. (Free voltage input type) Hour Meters, electromechanical 1. Frequency setting Frequency is specified for AC motor-driven hour meters. Before installing, be sure to check your local power frequency. 2. Connections 165 149 OPTIOnS AnD ACCeSSOrIeS 6 Options 1. Accessories (for LC2H total counter) Panel cover (black) COUNTER 2. Lithium battery (3 V) Pa CR2n4asonic 77 3V JAPA N LC2H For LH2H hour meter (installation frame type) (1) Remove the battery cover from the case. Part No.: AEL3801 (2) Remove thethe battery from the front side of You can change design of the the case. The battery will come panel by replacing it with this black panel if you put the battery side face cover.loose The counter comes with an ash down and lightly shake the unit. gray panel cover as standard. (3)No Before inserting wipe clean the for Note: panel cover accessory (black) is available the LC2H preset counter. surface of the new battery. (4) Insert the new battery with the "+" and "-" sides in the proper position. (5) After replacing the battery, return the battery cover to the case. Verify that the hook of the battery cover is properly engaged. (6) Before using press the reset button on the front. RESET 3. Installation parts Mounting frame (Suitable for installation frame type LC2H LH2H total counter and LC2H preset counter) Part No.: ATH3802 1 Packaged with the LC2H (excluding the PC board mounting type). Warning * Make sure the "+" and "-" polarities are positioned correctly. * Do not throw the old battery into a fire, short circuit it, take it apart, or allow it to come into contact with heat. * The battery is not rechargeable. 2 "+" side Part No.: ATH3803 Packaged with the mounting bracket type LC2H total counter Rubber gasket (Suitable for installation bracket type LC2H total counter and LC2H preset counter) 5 "-" side Part No.: ATH3804 Packaged with the mounting bracket type LC2H total counter 6 Options 1. Accessories (for LH2H hour meter) Panel cover (black) HOUR METER LH2H RESET Part No.: ATH3801 You can change the design of the front panel by replacing it with this black panel cover. The counter comes with an ash gray panel cover as standard. Note: No panel cover option (black) is available for the LH2H preset hour meter. 2. Lithium battery (3 V) Pa CR2n4asonic 77 3V JAPA N 3. Installation parts 85 Mounting frame Suitable for installation frame type LH2H hour meter and LH2H preset hour meter Part No.: ATH3802 Packaged with the LH2H (excluding the PC board mounting type). Warning * Make sure the "+" and "-" polarities are positioned correctly. * Do not throw the old battery into a fire, short circuit it, take it apart, or allow it to come into contact with heat. * The battery is not rechargeable. Part No.: ATH3803 Packaged with the mounting bracket type LH2H hour meter Rubber gasket Suitable for installation frame type LH2H hour meter and LH2H preset hour meter Part No.: ATH3804 Packaged with the mounting bracket type LH2H hour meter 150 129 DIn SIze COunTerS COMMOn OPTIOnS Terminal sockets (Unit: mm inch, Tolerance: 1 .039) Type Appearance Terminal wiring (Top view) Dimensions * DIN rail socket (8-pin) Mounting hole dimensions 24 .945 19 .748 50 1.969 40 1.575 6 6 24 .945 LC4H (8-pin type) 4 4 51 2.008 3 2- 4.5 2- .177 3 70 2.756 35.3 1.390 70 2.756 70 2.756 50 1.969 5 5 71 2.795 7 8 1 40 1.575.008 13 .512 0.2 7 8 1 Note: Terminal No. on the main body are identifical to those on the terminal socket. 2 4 .157 ATC180031 * DIN rail socket (11-pin) 40 1.575 51 2.008 8 7 6 5 4 8 7 6 50 1.969 2- 4.5 2- .177 5 30.5 1.201 70 2.756 35.7 1.406 4 70 2.756 70 2.756 9 10 The minimum distance between the holes which areparallel drilled. 30.5 1.201 29.5 1.161 50 1.969 LC4H LC4H-S LC4H-W (11-pin type) 2-M4 2-M.157 screw holes (or 4.2 0.1 .1650.1 dia. holes) 2 71 2.795 9 3 1 11 Note: Terminal No. on the main body are identifical to those on the terminal socket. 2 4 .157 ATC180041 2-M4 2-M.157 screw holes (or 4.2 0.1 .1650.1 dia. holes) 3 10 11 1 2 400.2 1.575.008 13 .512 The minimum distance between the holes which areparallel drilled. Note: The terminal numbers on the counter are identifical to those on the terminal socket. Sockets (Unit: mm inch, Tolerance: 1 .039) * Rear terminal socket 6 2 1 8 7 34.6 1.362 -- 2 31.4 1.236 14 30 .551 1.181 30 1.181 5 .197 * Rear terminal socket 45 1.772 21 .827 4 LC4H AT78051 LC4H-S LC4H-W * 11P cap (11-pin type) AT8-DP11 6 6 7 5 6 7 8 -- 11 8 2 1 10 3 2 1 10 9 9 31.4 1.236 30 1.181 32.5 1.280 -- 8 11 3 34.6 1.362 7 4 8.6 .339 14 30 .551 1.181 8 .315 26 1.024 (34.6) (1.362) 4 3 2 31.4 1.236 5 43.4 1.772 1 21 .827 16 .630 7 9 8 43.4 1.709 45 1.772 8 2 8 .315 26 1.024 (34.6) (1.362) 8.6 .339 32.5 1.280 AD8-RC 1 3 31.4 1.236 6 Options and Accessories for Counters, Hour Meters 41 1.614 5 5 -- 10 * 8P cap 4 4 6 5 LC4H (8-pin type) AT78041 3 3 Mounting hole dimensions 7 41 1.614 21 .827 16 .630 38 1.496 21 .827 38 1.496 Terminal wiring (Top view) Dimensions 4 Appearance 5 Type 1 11 Note: The terminal numbers on the counter are identifical to those on the socket. 151 DIN SIZE COUNTERS DIN SIZE COMMON COUNTERS OPTIONS COMMON OPTIONS Mounting parts Mounting parts DIn SIze COunTerS COMMOn OPTIOnS * Rubber gasket * Rubber gasket * Mounting frame * Mounting frame Applicable for LC4H series 50.0 Applicable for LC4H 1.969 series * rubber gasket 50.0 1.969 50.0 1.969 50.0 1.969 ATC18002 ATC18002 48 for LC4H Applicable Applicable 1.890 for LC4H series series 48 48 1.8901.890 1.0 .039 50.0 1.969 1.0 .039 50.0 1.969 ATC18002 1.0 .039 Applicable forframe LC4H * Mounting series 48 1.890 48 1.890 AT8-DA4 68 2.677 68 2.677 AT8-DA4 AT8-DA4 Applicab series 48 1.890 68 2.677 The rubber rubber gasket gasket is is enclosed enclosed in inThe the LC4H rubber LC4H gasket is enclosed in the LC4H 4.157 The the series. series. series. 26 1.024 1 39.37 .039 1 39.37 .039 1,000 1,000 Mounting rails rails (Applicable (Applicable for for* Mounting rails (Applicable for ** Mounting 5.5 5.5 .217 IEC standards) DIN and and IeC IEC standards) standards) DIN .217 and 2.75R 2.75R .108R.108R DIn 12 12 .472 .472 M41.969 M4 M.157 M.157 15 10 15 5 .197 .591 .394 .591 50 1.969 M4 M.157 12 .472 10 10 .394 .394 .591 .394 .591 .197 Oval hole, 40-5.5x15 40-.217x.591 27 27 3535 24 24 1.51.5 1.063 1.378 .945 1.063 1.378 .945 .059 .059 27 1.063 35 24 1.378 .945 1.5 .059 ATA4806 ATA4806 7.57.5 .295 .295 ATA4806 ATA4806 10 10 .394 .394 UP UP AT8-DLA1 Length: 1 m aluminum 50 * Fastening plate 50 1.969 2.75R .108R 5 15 10 15 .591 .394.394 .591.591 .197.197 .591 Oval hole, 40-5.5x15 40-.217x.591 Oval hole, 40-5.5x15 40-.217x.591 AT8-DLA1 AT8-DLA1 Length: 11 m m Length: aluminum aluminum 39.37 .039 * Fastening Fastening plate plate 5.5* .217 15 1510 1015 15 5 5 5 51515 10 101515 .197 .591 .197.591 .591.394 .394 .591 1,000 1 ATA4806 ATA4806 For holding holding DIN DIN rails rails For 7.5 .295 For holdi Protective cover cover for for DIn DIN 48 48 size size * Protective cover for DIN 48 size ** Protective Flexible Flexible type type Hard type type Flexible 50 1.969 11 50.6 .433 1.992 17.2 .677 11 11 .433 .433 50 1.969 50.6 1.992 50 50 1.969 1.969 50 50 1.969 1.969 AQM4803 AQM4801 AQM4803 AQM4803 Accessories * Panel cover (Black) Accessories * Panel cover (Black) LC4H Panel cover (4 digits) LC4H LC4H Panel Panel cover cover (6 digits) (4 digits)LC4H-S LC4HPanel Panelcover cover(4(6digits) digits)LC4H-S LC4H-S Panel Panel cover cover (6 digits) (4 digits) LC4H-W LC4H-SPanel Panelcover cover (6 digits) LC4H-W P COUN T RESE T LOCK LC4H AEL58011 COUN COUN TER TER COUNCOU TER NTER ER T RESE T LOCK LOCK RESE UP LC4H DOWN RESE T UP LC4H AEL58012 AEL58011 T RESE RESE T T SET/L SET/L OCK OCK UP OCK LOCK LC4H DOWN RESE SET/L DOWN AEL58013 AEL58012 COUNCOUNT TER ER LC4H LC4H UP COUNCOUN TER TER RESE T RESE RESE T SET/L SE OCK T/LOC DOWN LC4H LC4H AEL58014 AEL58013 AEL68011 AEL58014 152 Options and Accessories for Counters, Hour Meters 144 K -WLC4H AEL68011 The black panel cover is also available The black so that panel you cover can is change also available the appearance so that you of the canpanel change by changing the appearance the panel of the cover. panel by changing the panel cover. The color of the standard panel cover The color is ash of gray. the standard panel cover is ash gray. 144 T SET/L OC K APPLICATIOnS The highly accurate, reliable counters can be controlled from the front panel and are suitable for a wide range of applications. Typical Counter Applications DOWN and HOLD-A modes for shipment quantity counting IND and HOLD-C modes for parking lots PHASE and HOLD-A modes for valve control Rotary encoder To valve FULL VACANT Photoelectric switch IN1 (up count) Motor IN2 (down count) (stop/start) Entrance Photoelectric switch Shipment quantities are counted to control the conveyor line flow. UP and SHOT-A modes for packing a specified number of copies Exit Incoming and outgoing cars are counted to switch the FULL and VACANT signs. UP and SHOT-B modes for packing medicine tablets Rotary encoder signals are counted to control a valve aperture. UP and SHOT-C modes for counting acceptables Electric counter Motor IN1 (up count) Marking Photoelectric switch Film Cutter Labeling machine Sorting machine Printing machine Acceptables Mark sensor Mark sensor Rejectables IN2 (down count) Printed matter is counted to package a specified number of copies. UP and SHOT-D modes for winding leader sheet Medicine tablets are packed in specified quantities. DIR input mode for controlling part stocks Labeled cans alone are counted up. Rejected cans are not counted. PHASE input mode for sizing Mark sensor Electric counter Cutter Leader sheet IN2 (down count) Rotary encoder IN1 (counting) IN1 (up count) Extra leader sheet that is now wound is counted by a rotary encoder and a color detecting sensor. IN2 (up/down count selection) Incoming and outgoing parts are counted to keep parts feeders well-stocked. Pipe Teamed up with a rotary encoder, the counter is used to control the cutting length of pipes. Options and Accessories for Counters, Hour Meters Rotary encoder (single-phase) 153 POwer SuPPLIeS POwer SuPPLIeS FP 24vDC Features O Incredibly small size: - FP0 power supply: 90 x 60 x 30.4mm - FP power supply: 115 x 75 x 42mm O Optimal protection: overvoltage, overcurrent, overheating, etc. O Maximum output current: - FP0 power supply: 0.7A (24VDC) - FP power supply: 2.1A (24VDC) O Global approvals (UL/cUL, EN, CE-marking) O DIn-rail mounting (FP0 power supply also side mounting) O Multiple voltage input: 85 to 265VAC 30.4 mm Performance Specifications Order No: FP-PS24-050E FP0-PSA2 Primary side: Rated operating voltage 115 / 230VAC Operating voltage range 85 to 265VAC Rated operating frequency 50 / 60Hz Operating frequency range 40 to 70Hz Inrush current 90 mm Current consumption < 50A at 55C < 50A at 25C / < 70A at 55C 145mA (at 230VAC and 0.7A output current) 400mA (at 230VAC and 2.1A output current) Over voltage protection PROTECTED Secondary side: Rated output voltage 24VDC Output voltage range 23.5V to 24.5VDC Nominal output current 0.7A Output current range FP0 Power supply FP0-PSA2 42 mm Output ripple Short circuit protected 2.1A 0 to 0.7A 0 to 2.1A < 60mVpp Electronic, automatic restart mode < 240mVpp Over voltage protected Over load protected Holding time Continuous Yes Yes (switch off at approx. 0.8A and more) Yes (switch off at approx. 3.5A and more) Min. 20ms at 230VAC Min. 110ms at 230VAC - Yes Power OK signal General Specifications 115 mm Ambient temperature 0C to +55C Storage temperature -20 C to +70 C Ambient humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing Storage humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing Vibration resistance 10 to 55Hz, 1 cycle/min.: double amplitude of 0.75mm, 10 min. on 3 axes Shock resistance Life time min. Mounting FP Power supply FP-PS24-050 e NOTE: 1) Mounting distance between the FP0 power supply and the FP0 CPU is needed to permit heat radiation for the FP0-CPU 2) For side mounting, 2 additional blue clips are needed: order part-no. 677-021-17101 (1pce.) for FP0-PSA2 3) Mounting distance between the power supply FP-PS24-050E and other devices is needed for cooling / heat radiation. 154 Size Input connection AC side Output connection DC side Status display 10g min., 4 times on 3 axes 7 years at nom. load, 25C ambient temperature, 20000 h at 55C with full load/continuous operation DIN rail or FP0 flat attachement plate DIN rail 90 x 60 x 30.4mm 115 x 75 x 42mm MC connector, 2 pin 2 pin MC connector, 6 pin, 3 pin for +" and 3 pin for -" 5 pin, 2 pin for +" and 2 pin for -"; 1 pin Power OK LED (green) at the front side for the secondary voltage indication Standards EMC LVD Others Protection EN 50082-2, EN50082-1, EN 55011/B, EN 55022/B, EN 50081-2, EN 50081-1 EN 61000-4-2, -4-3, -4-4, -4-5, -4-6, -4-11 EN 60950, EN 50178 EN 60950, EN 50178 (overvoltage category 3) (overvoltage category 2) UL Recognized according to UL 508, UL 1950, cUL Recognized according to CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 950.95 IP30 IP20 outside / IP67 inside InTernATIOnAL STAnDArDS FOREIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1. International Standards 3. Europe IEC standard EN standard International Electrotechnical Commission By promoting international cooperation toward all problems and related issues regarding standardization in the electrical and electronic technology fields, the IEC, a non-governmental organization, was started in October, 1908, for the purpose of realizing mutual understanding on an international level. To this end, the IEC standard was enacted for the purpose of promoting international standardization. 2. North America LISTING MARK Fig. 1 RECOGNITION MARK Fig. 2 Certification Fig. 3 Component Acceptance Fig. 4 Fig. 5 UL (Underwiters Laboratories Inc.) This is a non-profit testing organization formed in 1894 by a coalition of U.S. fire insurance firms, which tests and approves industrial products (finished products). When electrical products are marketed in the U.S., UL approval is mandated in many states, by state law and city ordinances. In order to obtain UL approval, the principal parts contained in industrial products must also be ULapproved parts. UL approval is divided into two general types. One is called "listing" (Fig. 1), and applies to industrial products (finished products). Under this type of approval, products must be approved unconditionally. The other type is called "recognition" (Fig. 2), and is a conditional approval which applies to parts and materials. CSA (Canadian Standards Association) This was established in 1919 as a non-profit, nongovernmental organization aimed at promoting standards. It sets standards for industrial products, parts, and materials, and has the authority to judge electrical products to determine whether they conform to those standards. The CSA is the ultimate authority in the eyes of both the government and the people in terms of credibility and respect. Almost all states and provinces in Canada require CSA approval by law, in order to sell electrical products. As a result, electrical products exported from Japan to Canada are not approved under Canadian laws unless they have received CSA approval and display the CSA mark. Approval is called "certification", and products and parts which have been approved are called "certified equipment", and display the mark shown in Fig. 3. The mark shown in Fig. 4 is called the "Component Acceptance" mark, and indicates conditional approval which is applicable to parts. The C-UL mark shown in Fig. 5 (finished products) and Fig. 6 (parts) indicates that the product has been tested and approved in UL laboratories, based on UL and CSA standards, through mutual approval activities. OVERVIEW European Standards/Norme Europeennee (France)/Europaishe Norm (Germany) Abbreviation for European Standards. A unified standard enacted by CEN/CENELEC (European Standards Committee/European Electrical Standards Committee). EU and EFTA member nations employ the content of the EN standards into their own national standards and are obligated to abolish those national standards that do not agree with the EN standards. (1) Germany VDE TUV Rheinland VDE (Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker) The VDE laboratory was established mainly by the German Electric Technology Alliance, which was formed in 1893. It carries out safety experiments and passes approval for electrical devices and parts. Although VDE certification is not enforced under German law, punishment is severe should electrical shock or fire occur; therefore, it is, in fact, like an enforcement. TUV (Technischer Uberwachungs-Verein) TUV is a civilian, non-profit, independent organization that has its roots in the German Boiler Surveillance Association, which was started in 1875 for the purpose of preventing boiler accidents. A major characteristic of TUV is that it exists as a combination of 14 independent organizations (TUV Rheinland, TUV Bayern, etc.) throughout Germany. TUV carries out inspection on a wide variety of industrial devices and equipment, and has been entrusted to handle electrical products, as well, by the government. TUV inspection and certification is based mainly on the VDE standard. TUV certification can be obtained from any of the 14 TUVs throughout Germany and has the same effectiveness as obtaining VDE certification. 4. Shipping Standards (1) Lloyd's Register of Shipping Standards from the Lloyd's Register shipping association based in England. These standards are safety standards for environmental testing of the temperature and vibration tolerances of electrical components used for UMS (unmanned machine rooms in marine vessels) applications. These standards have become international standards for control equipment in all marine vessel applications. No particular action is taken to display the conformation to these standards on the products. Fig. 6 155 Applications Power Supplies International Standards 183 InTernATIOnAL STAnDArDS 5. Pilot Duty One of the specifications in the "UL508 Industrial Control Equipment" regulations at UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.), has to do with the grade of contact control capacity by NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) standards. By obtaining both UL and CSA approval for this grade, the product becomes authorized publicly. Pilot Duty A300 AC applied Electrification voltage current [V] [A] 120 10 240 Input power [A] 60 30 Breaker power [A] 6 3 Input power [A] Breaker power [A] 30 15 3 1.5 Input power [A] Breaker power [A] 15 7.5 1.5 0.7 [VA] During input 7,200 7,200 During breaker 720 720 Pilot Duty B300 AC applied Electrification voltage current [V] [A] 120 240 5 [VA] During input 3,600 3,600 During breaker 360 360 Pilot Duty C300 AC applied Electrification voltage current [V] [A] Applications Power Supplies International Standards 120 240 184 156 2.5 [VA] During input 1,800 1,800 During breaker 180 180 FOREIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOREIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOREIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOREIGN SPECIFICATIONS InTernATIOnAL STAnDArDS Timers FOREIGN SPECIFICATIONS Timers Timers Timers PM4H-A PM4H-S PM4H-M PM4H-SD PM4H-W Product PM4H-F Product Name Product Product Name Name Product Name PM4S Name PM4S LT4H PM4S PM4S Product PM4H-A LT4H-L PM4S PM4H-A Name PM4H-S PM4H-A LT4H-W PM4H-A PM4H-S PM4H-M PM4H-S PM4H-A PM4H-S PM4H-M PM4H-SD PM4S PM4H-M PM4H-S PM4H-M PM4H-SD PM4H-W PM4H-SD PM4H-M PM4H-SD QM4H PM4H-A PM4H-W PM4H-W PM4H-SD PM4H-W PM4H-F PM4H-S PM4H-W PM4H-F PM4H-M PM4H-F PM4H-F PM4H-SD PM4H-F PM4H-W LT4H PMH LT4H LT4H-L LT4H PM4H-F LT4H LT4H-L LT4H-W LT4H-L LT4H LT4H-L LT4H-W LT4H-W LT4H-L LT4H-W LT4H-W MHP LT4H QM4H MHP-M LT4H-L QM4H QM4H LT4H-W QM4H QM4H Timers PMH QM4H PMH 2C PMH S1DXMPMH A/M PMH (Relay output) MHP PMH 4C MHP MHP-M MHP MHP MHP-M MHP-M MHP MHP-M MHP-M 2C MHP S1DX MHP-M (Relay S1DXM- 2C output) 2C S1DXM2C A/M S1DXM- 4C 2C S1DXMA/M (Relay A/M 2C S1DXMA/M (Relay output) (Relay A/M PM5S-A (Relay output) 4C output) (Relay 4C PM5S-S output) 4C S1DXM- 2C 4C output) PM5S-M A/M 4C (Relay 2C output) S1DX 4C 2C 2C S1DX (Relay 2C S1DX S1DX (Relay output) 2C (Relay S1DX (Relay output) 4C output) (Relay output) 4C 4C output) 2C S1DX 4C PM5S-A 4C (Relay Products Name PM5S-A PM5S-S PM5S-A output) PM5S-A PM5S-S PM5S-M PM5S-S 4C PM5S-A PM5S-S PM5S-M PM5S-M PM5S-S PM5S-M PM5S-M PM5S-A E122222 PILOT DUTY C300 (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 Recognized by UL Standards E122222 3A250VAC Recognized by Recognized by UL UL Standards Standards C300 File No. PILOT Recognized rating Recognized by DUTY UL Standards File No. Recognized rating File No. Recognized rating Recognized by UL Standards E43149 5A250VAC E122222 File No. 5A250VAC Recognized rating E43149 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E43149 5A250VAC File No. PILOT Recognized rating DUTY C300 E43149 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 Recognized by UL Standards PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 5A250VAC E43149 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 File No. PILOT Recognized rating E122222 5A250VAC DUTY C300 E122222 100mA30VDC 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 C300 PILOT E43149 E122222 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 PILOT DUTY C300 E43149 5A250VAC E122222 5A250VAC DUTY C300 E122222 PILOT 3A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 3A250VAC 3A250VAC E59504 E122222 7A1/6HP125VAC 3A250VAC PILOT PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 C300 7A1/6HP250VAC E122222 E122222 3A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 5A250VAC 3A30VDC E122222 PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 5A250VAC 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 PILOT DUTY C300 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 C300 E122222 PILOT E122222 3A250VAC 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 PILOT DUTY C300 PILOT DUTY C300 100mA30VDC E122222 5A250VAC 100mA30VDC 100mA30VDC 100mA30VDC E59504 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E43149 100mA30VDC 5A250VAC E43149 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E43149 5A250VAC E43149 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 C300 PILOT E59504 5A250VAC 7A1/6HP125VAC 100mA30VDC E43149 PILOT DUTY C300 E59504 7A1/6HP125VAC 7A1/6HP250VAC E59504 PILOT 7A1/6HP125VAC DUTY C300 E59504 7A1/6HP125VAC 7A1/6HP250VAC 3A30VDC 7A1/6HP250VAC E43149 5A250VAC E59504 7A1/6HP125VAC E122222 7A125VAC 7A1/6HP250VAC 3A30VDC PILOT DUTY C300 3A30VDC PILOT DUTY C300 7A1/6HP250VAC 6A250VAC 3A30VDC PILOT C300 PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 3A30VDC 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E59504 7A1/6HP125VAC PILOT DUTY C300 7A1/6HP250VAC 3A30VDC E122222 5A250VAC E59504 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY250VAC C300 E59504 1/10HP125, 5A250VAC E59504 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E59504 5A250VAC E59504 5A250VAC E122222 7A125VAC Certified by CSA Standards LR39291 3A250VAC Certified by Standards Certified by CSA CSA Standards DUTY C300 FileCertified No. PILOT Certified rating by CSA Standards File No. Certified rating File No. Certified rating Certified by CSA Standards E43149 5A250VAC E122222 File No. 5A250VAC Certified rating E43149 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 (C-UL) E43149 5A250VAC File No. PILOT Certified rating DUTY C300 E43149 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 Certified5A250VAC by CSA Standards (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 5A250VAC E43149 (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 File No. PILOT Certified rating LR39291 5A250VAC (C-UL) DUTY C300 LR39291 100mA30VDC 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 C300 PILOT E43149 LR39291 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 E43149 5A250VAC LR39291 5A250VAC (C-UL) DUTY C300 LR39291 PILOT 3A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 3A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 7A1/6HP125VAC 3A250VAC LR39291 LR39291 3A250VAC PILOT DUTY PILOT DUTY C300 C300 7A1/6HP250VAC LR39291 E122222 3A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 5A250VAC 3A30VDC E122222 PILOT DUTY C300 (C-UL) E122222 5A250VAC 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 PILOT DUTY C300 (C-UL) 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 C300 LR39291 3A250VAC PILOT E122222 (C-UL) 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 PILOT DUTY C300 (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 100mA30VDC E122222 5A250VAC 100mA30VDC 100mA30VDC (C-UL) 100mA30VDC LR39291 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E43149 100mA30VDC 5A250VAC E43149 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 E43149 5A250VAC E43149 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 C300 (C-UL) PILOT LR39291 5A250VAC 7A1/6HP125VAC 100mA30VDC E43149 (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 7A1/6HP125VAC 7A1/6HP250VAC LR39291 PILOT 7A1/6HP125VAC (C-UL) DUTY C300 LR39291 7A1/6HP125VAC 7A1/6HP250VAC 3A30VDC 7A1/6HP250VAC E43149 5A250VAC 7A1/6HP125VAC LR39291 7A125VAC 7A1/6HP250VAC 3A30VDC PILOT DUTY C300 3A30VDC (C-UL) PILOT DUTY C300 7A1/6HP250VAC 6A250VAC 3A30VDC PILOT C300 PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 3A30VDC 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 7A1/6HP125VAC PILOT DUTY C300 7A1/6HP250VAC LR39291 3A30VDC 5A250VAC LR39291 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY250VAC C300 LR39291 1/10HP125, 5A250VAC LR39291 5A250VAC DUTY C300 LR39291 PILOT 5A250VAC LR39291 LR39291 5A250VAC 7A125VAC E59504 E122222 E122222 E122222 E122222 E122222 E122222 LR39291 LR39291 LR39291 LR39291 LR39291 LR39291 LR39291 6A250VAC 5A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC 7A125VAC PILOT DUTY C300 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 7A125VAC 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 5A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC 6A250VAC 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 1/6HP125, 250VAC 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOTDUTY DUTY C300 PILOT C300 PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 1/6HP125, 5A250VAC 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 7A125VAC E122222 5A250VAC E59504 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, E122222 6A250VAC 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY 250VAC C300 E122222 PILOT 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, (C-UL) DUTY C300 PILOT DUTY250VAC C300 1/10HP125, 250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC E122222 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 PILOTDUTY DUTY C300 E122222 PILOT 7A125VAC C300 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 PILOT 7A125VAC 6A250VAC E122222 7A125VAC DUTY C300 E122222 E122222 5A250VAC 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC 6A250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC E122222 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOT C300 PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 E122222 1/6HP125, 5A250VAC 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 7A125VAC E122222 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC E122222 6A250VAC 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 E122222 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY250VAC C300 1/10HP125, 1/6HP125, 250VAC E122222 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 PILOT C300 E59504 5A250VAC PILOT C300 1/10HP125, 250VAC Recognized byDUTY UL Standards PILOT DUTY C300 E59504 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOTDUTY DUTYC300 C300 E59504 5A250VAC PILOT E122222 File No. 5A250VAC Recognized rating E59504 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOT (C-UL) PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 C300 1/10HP125, E59504 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOT DUTY250VAC C300 E59504 10A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 (C-UL) AT8-RFD (AT78039) Accessories PM5S-S PM5S-M Common mounting tracks for timers E59504 (C-UL) 5A250VAC E59504 7A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 (C-UL) AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) 8P cap was an approved as an option. AD8-RC (AD8013) Accessories Accessories E148103 AT8-DF8K Accessories Recognized by UL(ATC180031) Standards Products Name Accessories Recognized by Standards AT8-DF11K Recognized by UL UL (ATC180041) Standards FileRecognized No. Recognized rating Products Name Name by UL Standards Products AT8-R8K (AT78041) File No. Recognized rating Products Name FileRecognized No. AT8Recognized rating by UL Standards E59504 10A250VAC R11K (AT78051) File No. Recognized rating Accessories Products Name E59504 10A250VAC AT8-RFD (AT78039) E59504 10A250VAC File No. Recognized rating Products Name Common Common mounting tracks Common Common mounting tracks for timers tracks mounting Common mounting for timers timerstracks for mounting for timers tracks for timers Common mounting tracks for timers 6A250VAC 5A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC 7A125VAC PILOT DUTY C300 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 7A125VAC 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 5A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC 6A250VAC 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 1/6HP125, 250VAC 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOTDUTY DUTY C300 PILOT C300 PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 1/6HP125, 5A250VAC 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 7A125VAC LR39291 5A250VAC E59504 1/10HP125, LR39291 5A250VAC 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY 250VAC C300 6A250VAC LR39291 PILOT 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, (C-UL) DUTY C300 PILOT DUTY250VAC C300 1/10HP125, 250VAC 250VAC LR39291 1/6HP125, 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 PILOT 7A125VAC DUTY C300 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 PILOT 7A125VAC 6A250VAC LR39291 7A125VAC DUTY C300 LR39291 LR39291 5A250VAC 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC 6A250VAC 250VAC LR39291 1/10HP125, 7A125VAC 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 6A250VAC 1/6HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 1/6HP125, 5A250VAC 250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 7A125VAC LR39291 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC LR39291 6A250VAC 5A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 LR39291 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY250VAC C300 1/10HP125, 250VAC LR39291 1/6HP125, 5A250VAC 1/10HP125, 250VAC PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 PILOT C300 E59504 5A250VAC PILOT C300 1/10HP125, Certified by DUTY CSA 250VAC Standards PILOT DUTY C300 E59504 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOTDUTY DUTYC300 C300 E59504 5A250VAC PILOT LR39291 File No. 5A250VAC Certified rating E59504 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOT (C-UL) PILOT DUTY DUTY C300 C300 E59504 5A250VAC (C-UL) PILOT DUTY250VAC C300 LR39291 1/10HP125, 10A250VAC PILOT DUTY C300 (C-UL) AT8-RFD (AT78039) E59504 10A250VAC AT8-RFD (AT78039) 7A250VAC Recognized by UL(AT78039) Standards AT8-RFD E59504 10A250VAC AT8-RFD 7A250VAC AT8-DF8L(AT78039) (ATA48211) 7A250VAC File No. AT8-RFD Recognized rating (AT78039) 7A250VAC AT8-DF8L 8P cap was(ATA48211) an approved AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) 7A250VAC AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) E59504 10A250VAC 8P cap was an approved as an option. 8P cap was an approved AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) 8P cap was an approved AT8-RFD (AT78039) as an AD8-RC (AD8013) as cap an option. option. 8P was an approved as an option. 7A250VAC AD8-RC (AD8013) AD8-RC (AD8013) E148103 as AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) an option. AD8-RC (AD8013) (ATA48211) E148103 AT8-DF8L AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) E148103 AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) AD8-RC (AD8013) cap was an approved E148103 8P AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) as an option. E148103 AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K (AT78051) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AD8-RC (AD8013) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K R11K (AT78051) AT8(AT78051) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K (AT78051) E148103 AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) AT8- R11K (AT78051) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K (AT78051) -- -- 98/10004 5A 250V AC (resistive) Lloyd's Register Standards 3A 250V AC 98/10004 Lloyd's Register Standards Lloyd's Register Standards (resistive) FileLloyd's No. Register Certified rating Standards FileLloyd's No. Register Certified rating File No. Certified rating Standards File-- No. Certified --rating File-- No. Certified rating -- -- -- Lloyd's Register Standards -- -- -- -- -- -- File No. Certified rating 5A 250V AC 98/10004 5A 250V AC AC (resistive) 5A 250V 98/10004 -- -- 98/10004 5A(resistive) 250V AC (resistive) 98/10004 5A 250V AC (resistive) 98/10004 -- -- (resistive) 3A 250V AC 98/10004 3A 250V AC (resistive) 5A 250V AC 3A 250V AC 88/10123 125V3.5A (COS ]0.4) 98/10004 98/10004 98/10004 3A 250V AC (resistive) (resistive) (resistive) 98/10004 250V2A (COS ]0.4) 3A 250V AC (resistive) 98/10004 250V7A(COS ]1.0) (resistive) 3A 250V -- AC (resistive) -- -- -- -- 250V5A (COS ]1.0) -- -- -- -- -- 125V3.5A (COS ]0.4) -- 125V3.5A (COS ]0.4) 250V2A (COS ]0.4) 125V3.5A (COS ]0.4) 125V3.5A (COS]1.0) ]0.4) 250V2A (COS ]0.4) 250V7A(COS 250V2A (COS ]0.4) 125V3.5A (COS ]0.4) 250V2A (COS ]0.4) 250V7A(COS ]1.0) -- 250V7A(COS ]1.0) 7A(COS 250V]1.0) AC 250V2A ]0.4) 250V7A(COS (resistive) 250V7A(COS ]1.0) 125V3.5A (COS ]0.4) 250V2A (COS ]0.4) 250V7A(COS ]1.0) 88/10123 250V5A ]1.0) 5A (COS 250V AC 98/10004 88/10123 250V5A 250V5A (COS ]1.0) ]1.0) (resistive) 88/10123 (COS 88/10123 250V5A (COS ]1.0) 88/10123 250V5A (COS ]1.0) -- 98/10004 -- -- -- -- 88/10123 -- -- -- -- -- 88/10123 -- 88/10123 88/10123 88/10123 88/10123 -- 98/10004 88/10123 7A 250V AC 98/10004 88/10123 250V5A(resistive) (COS ]1.0) 7A 250V AC 7A 250V AC AC (resistive) 7A 250V 5A 250V 7A(resistive) 250V AC AC (resistive) (resistive) 7A 250V AC (resistive) (resistive) 5A 250V AC 98/10004 5A 250V AC (resistive) 7A 250V 5A 250V AC 98/10004 -- -- AC 98/10004 98/10004 5A 250V AC (resistive) (resistive) (resistive) 98/10004 5A 250V AC (resistive) 98/10004 (resistive) 7A 250V AC 98/10004 7A 250VAC AC (resistive) 5A 250V 7A 250V AC 98/10004 98/10004 98/10004 7A 250V AC (resistive) (resistive) (resistive) 98/10004 7A 250V AC (resistive) 98/10004 (resistive) 5A 250V AC 98/10004 5A 250VAC AC (resistive) 7A 250V 5A 250V AC 98/10004 98/10004 98/10004 5A 250V AC (resistive) (resistive) (resistive) 98/10004 5A 250V AC (resistive) 98/10004 Lloyd's Register Standards (resistive) -- -- File No. Certified rating -- -- 5A 250V -- -- AC 98/10004 -- -- (resistive) -- -- 98/10004 98/10004 98/10004 98/10004 98/10004 98/10004 5A250VAC 7A250VAC PILOT DUTY(ATA48211) C300 AT8-DF8L 8P cap was an approved as an option. AD8-RC (AD8013) E148103 AT8-DF8K Certified by CSA (ATC180031) Standards by Standards (C-UL)Certified AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) Certified by CSA CSA Standards FileCertified No. Certified rating by CSA Standards AT8-R8K (AT78041) File No. Certified rating FileCertified No. AT8Certified rating by R11K CSA Standards LR39291 10A250VAC (AT78051) File No. Certified rating LR39291 10A250VAC AT8-RFD (AT78039) LR39291 10A250VAC File No. Certified rating LR39291 10A250VAC AT8-RFD (AT78039) 7A250VAC Certified by CSA Standards AT8-RFD (AT78039) LR39291 10A250VAC AT8-RFD 7A250VAC AT8-DF8L(AT78039) (ATA48211) 7A250VAC File No. AT8-RFD Certified rating (AT78039) 7A250VAC AT8-DF8L 8P cap was(ATA48211) an approved AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) LR39291 7A250VAC 10A250VAC 8P cap was an approved as an option. 8P cap was an approved AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) 8P cap was an approved AT8-RFD (AT78039) as an option. AD8-RC (AD8013) as an option. 8P capoption. was an approved as an 7A250VAC AD8-RC (AD8013) AD8-RC (AD8013) E148103 as AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) an option. AD8-RC (AD8013) AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) E148103 AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) (C-UL) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) E148103 AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) AD8-RC (AD8013) 8P cap was an approved E148103 AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) (C-UL) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) AT8-R8K (AT78041) (C-UL) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) as an option. E148103 AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) (C-UL) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K (AT78051) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AD8-RC (AD8013) (C-UL) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K R11K (AT78051) AT8(AT78051) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K (AT78051) E148103 AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) AT8- R11K (AT78051) (C-UL) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K (AT78051) -- -- Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks "The standard models conform to the UL/CSA standard. (To place an order, you do not need to specify the tailing character 9 of each item number.)" The standard models conform to the LLOYD standard. "The standard models conform to the UL/CSA standard. (To place an order, you do not "The to standard conform to need specify models the tailing charac"The standard models conform the "The standard models conform to to ter 9UL/CSA of eachstandard. item number.)" "The standard models conform to the UL/CSA standard. (To UL/CSA place anstandard. order, you do not the "The standard models conform to the UL/CSA standard. (To place an order, you do not need to specify the tailing charac(ToUL/CSA place anstandard. order, you do not the (To place an order, you do characnot need the tailing ter 9 to ofspecify each item number.)" need to specify theyou tailing charac(To place an order, docharacnot to need to specify the tailing "The standard conform ter 9 of each item number.)" The ter 9toofspecify each models item number.)" need the tailing charac ter 9LLOYD of each item number.)" the standard. The standard models conform to to theUL/CSA The standard models conform ter 9place of each item number.)" The standard models conform (To an standard. order, you do not to the LLOYD standard. the LLOYD "The standard modelsconform conformtoto The standard models the LLOYD standard. need to specify models the tailing charac"The standard conform theLLOYD UL/CSA standard. "The standard models conform to to the standard. ter 9 standard of each item number.)" "The models conform the (To UL/CSA place anstandard. order, you do not to the UL/CSA standard. The standard models conform to "The standard models conform to the UL/CSA standard. (To place an order, you do not need to specify the tailing charac(ToUL/CSA place an order, you do not LLOYD the standard. (To place anstandard. order, you do characnot need the tailing ter 9 to ofspecify each item number.)" need to specify theyou tailing charac(To place an order, docharacnot to need to specify the tailing "The standard conform ter 9 of each item number.)" ter 9toofspecify each models item number.)" need the tailing character 9 of each item number.)" the UL/CSA standard. ter 9place of each item number.)" (To an order, you do not need to specify the tailing character 9 of each item number.)" Remarks -- -- Lloyd's Register Standards Lloyd's Register Standards Lloyd's Register Standards File No. Register Certified -- -- rating Lloyd's Standards File No. Certified rating FileLloyd's No. Register Certified rating Standards File No. Certified rating File No. Certified rating Lloyd's Register Standards -- -- File-- No. Certified rating -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 157 Applications Power Supplies International Standards PM4S InTernATIOnAL STAnDArDS Counters Product name LC4H LC4H-S UL recognized File No. E122222 Approved ratings 5A250V AC PILOT DUTY C300 CSA certified File No. E122222 (C-UL) 100mA 30V DC E122222 LC4H-W 3A250V AC PILOT DUTY C300 5A250V AC PILOT DUTY C300 100mA 30V DC E122222 (C-UL) 100mA 30V DC Remarks Approved ratings "The standard models conform to the UL/C-UL standard. (To place an order, you do not need to specify the tailing character h9 of each item number.)" 3A250V AC PILOT DUTY C300 100mA 30V DC E122222 24-240 V AC/DC E122222 24-240 V AC/DC LC2H 4.5-30 V DC (C-UL) 4.5-30 V DC 3 V DC 3 V DC Notes) For UL-listed products, specify 9" at the end of the part No. when ordering. Standard products of LC4H series are UL-recognized as well as CSA-certified. There is no need to add 9" at the end of the part No. Hour Meters Product name TH13 * TH23 series UL recognized File No. LH2H CSA certified File No. Remarks Approved ratings E42876 115-120, 220, 240V AC LR39291 115-120, 220, 240V AC * For UL-recognized and CSA-certified products, specify "U" at the end of the part No. E42876 12, 24, 48, 100, 110, 115-120, 200, 220, 240V AC LR39291 12, 24, 48, 100, 110, 115-120, 200, 220, 240V AC * Only black panel-mounting type UL-recognized and CSA-certified. * For UL-recognized and CSA-certified products, specify "U" at the end of the product code. * Panel-mounting silver type not UL-recognized nor CSA-certified. E42876 12, 24, 48, 100, 110, 115-120, 200, 220, 240V AC LR39291 12, 24, 48, 100, 110, 115-120, 200, 220, 240V AC * Standard products are UL-recognized and CSA-certified. E122222 24-240 V AC/DC 4.5-30 V DC 3 V DC E122222 (C-UL) 24-240 V AC/DC 4.5-30 V DC 3 V DC Standard products are UL and C-UL-recognized. To place an order, you do not need to specify the tailly character h9 of each item number. E42876 12 V DC 24 V DC E42876 (C-UL) 12 V DC 24 V DC TH14 * TH24 series TH63 * 64 series Approved ratings Standard products are UL and C-UL-recognized. To place an order, you do not need to specify the tailly character "U" of each item number. Notes) For UL-recognized and CSA-certified products, specify "U" at the end of the part No. when ordering. Q UL-recognized as well as CSA-certified TH13 and TH23 series products have operating voltages of 115-120V, 220V and 240V AC. W Standard products of TH63 and 64 series are UL-recognized as well as CSA-certified. There is no need to add "U" at the end of the part No. E Standard products of LH2H and TH8 series are UL/C-UL recognized. There is no need to add h9 or "U" at the end of the part No. TH8 series Accessories Product name UL-recognized File No. Applications Power Supplies International Standards CSA certified File No. Rating LR26550 LR39291 10A250V AC AT8-RFV (AT78029) AT8-RFD (AT78039) 7A250V AC AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) AT8-RR (AT78049) 8P cap UL-listed as option. AD8-RC(AD8013) E59504 10A250V AC AT8-RFV (AT78029) AT8-RFD (AT78039) 7A250V AC AT8-DF8L (ATA48211) AT8-RR (AT78049) 8P cap CSA-certified as option. AD8-RC (AD8013) E148103 AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) E148103 AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) (C-UL) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K (AT78051) Relay Socket Common counter fixtures 158 Rating AT8-DF8K (ATC180031) AT8-DF11K (ATC180041) AT8-R8K (AT78041) AT8- R11K (AT78051) Remarks CE markings ovErviEw CE MARKINGS OVERVIEW Counter, Hour Meter conforming to EN/IEC standards The Timer, Counter, Hour Meter shown below conform to both EN and IEC standards, and may display the CE markings. Product classification Timers Time Switch Counters Hour Meters Product name EMC directives Low-voltage directives LT4H LT4H-L LT4H-W PM4H S1DX S1DXM-A/M PM4S PM5S QM4H A-TB72 A-TB72Q LC4H LC4H-L LC4H-S LC4H-W LC2H LC2H preset TH13 TH23 TH14 TH24 TH40 TH50 TH63 TH64 LH2H LH2H preset TH8 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61010-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1 EN 61010-1 -- EN 61010-1 EN 61010-1 EN 61010-1 EN 61010-1 EN 61010-1 EN 61010-1 EN 61010-1 EN 61010-1 EN 61010-1 -- -- What are EN standards? An abbreviation of Norme Europeenne (in French), and called European Standards in English. Approval is by vote among the CEN/CENELEC member countries, and is a unified standards limited to EU member countries, but the contents conform to the international ISO/IEC standards. If the relevant EN standard does not exist, it is necessary to obtain approval based on the relevant IEC standard or, if the relevant IEC standard does not exist, the relevant standard from each country, such as VDE, BS, SEMKO, and so forth. CE markings and EC directives The world's largest single market, the European Community (EC) was born on 1 January 1993 (changing its name to EU in November 1993. It is now always expressed as EU, apart from EC directives.) EU member country products have always had their quality and safety guaranteed according to the individual standards of each member country. However, the standards of each country being different prevented the free flow of goods within the EU. For this reason, in order to eliminate non-tariff barriers due to these standards, and to maximize the merits of EU unification, the EC directives were issued concomitant to the birth of the EU. The EN standards were established as universal EU standards in order to facilitate EU directives. These standards were merged with the international IEC standards and henceforth reflect the standards in all countries. Also, the CE markings show that products conform to EC directives, and guarantee the free flow of products within the EC. Appropriate EC directives for control equipment products The main EC directives that are to do with machinery and electrical equipment are the machinery directive, the EMC directive, the low voltage directive, and the telecom directive. Although these directives have already been issued, the date of their enactment is different for each one. The machinery directive was 1 January 1995. The EMC directive was 1 January 1996, and the low voltage directive was enacted from 1 January 1997. The telecom directive was established by the separate CTR (Common Technology References.) 187 Global Network North America Europe Asia Pacific China Japan Panasonic Electric Works Please contact our Global Sales Companies in: Europe Headquarters Austria Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG Panasonic Electric Works Austria GmbH PEW Electronic Materials Europe GmbH Benelux Germany Hungary Panasonic Electric Works Sales Western Europe B.V. Panasonic Electric Works Czech s.r.o. Panasonic Electric Works Sales Western Europe B.V. Panasonic Electric Works Deutschland GmbH Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG Ireland Italy Panasonic Electric Works UK Ltd. Panasonic Electric Works Italia srl Czech Republic France Nordic Countries Panasonic Electric Works Nordic AB PEW Fire & Security Technology Europe AB Poland Panasonic Electric Works Polska sp. z o.o Portugal Panasonic Electric Works Espana S.A. 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Krakowska 4/6, 02-284 Warszawa, Tel. +48 (0) 22 338-11-33, Fax +48 (0) 22 338-12-00, Portuguese Branch Office, Avda Adelino Amaro da Costa 728 R/C J, 2750-277 Cascais, Tel. +351 214812520, Fax +351 214812529 Barajas Park, San Severo 20, 28042 Madrid, Tel. +34 913293875, Fax +34 913292976, Grundstrasse 8, 6343 Rotkreuz, Tel. +41 (0) 41 7997050, Fax +41 (0) 41 7997055, Sunrise Parkway, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, MK14 6 LF, Tel. +44 (0) 1908 231555, Fax +44 (0) 1908 231599, North & South America USA PEW Corporation of America 629 Central Avenue, New Providence, N.J. 07974, Tel. 1-908-464-3550, Fax 1-908-464-8513, Asia Pacific / China / Japan China Panasonic Electric Works (China) Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Panasonic Electric Works (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. 1048 Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8686, Japan, Tel. (06) 6908-1050, Fax (06) 6908-5781, Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. Panasonic Electric Works Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 101 Thomson Road, #25-03/05, United Square, Singapore 307591, Tel. (06255) 5473, Fax (06253) 5689 Japan Singapore Level 2, Tower W3, The Towers Oriental Plaza, No. 2, East Chang An Ave., Dong Cheng District, Beijing 100738, Tel. (010) 8518-5988, Fax (010) 8518-1297 RM1205-9, 12/F, Tower 2, The Gateway, 25 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Tel. (0852) 2956-3118, Fax (0852) 2956-0398 Copyright (c) 2008 * Printed in Germany 6208 euen 12/08