15KP17 thru 15KP280A
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These Microsemi 15 kW Transient Voltage Suppressors (TVSs) are
designed for applications requiring protection of voltage-sensitive electronic
devices that may be damaged by harsh or severe voltage transients
including lightning per IEC61000-4-5 and class levels with various source
impedances described herein. This series is available in 17 to 280 volt
standoff voltages (VWM) in both unidirectional and bi-directional offered in
two different package designs for axial and radial configurations.
Microsemi also offers numerous other TVS products to meet higher or
lower power demands and special applications
IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI’s website: http://www.microsemi.com
• Available in both Unidirectional and Bidirectional
construction (Bidirectional with C or CA suffix)
• Available in both axial-leaded and radial packages
(include R prefix in part number for radial package
option shown in figure as “case 5R,” ie . R15KP17A,
R15KP90CA, R15KP280, etc.)
• Selections for 17 to 280 volt standoff voltages (VWM)
• Suppresses transients up to 15 kW @ 10/1000 µs and
100 kW @ 8/20 µs (see Figure 1)
• Fast response
• Options for screening in accordance with MIL-PRF-
19500 for JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, and JANS are
available by adding MQ, MX, MV, or MSP prefixes
respectively to part numbers.
• Moisture classification is Level 1 with no dry pack
required per IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020B
• Protection from switching transients and induced RF
• Protection from ESD, and EFT per IEC 61000-4-2 and
IEC 61000-4-4
• Secondary lightning protection per IEC61000-4-5 with
42 Ohms source impedance:
Class 1,2,3,4: 15KP17A - 15KP280A or CA
Class 5: 15KP17A - 15KP280A or CA (short distance)
Class 5: 15KP17A - 15KP110A or CA (long distance)
• Secondary lightning protection per IEC61000-4-5 with
12 Ohms source impedance:
Class 1 & 2: 15KP17A to 15KP280A or CA
Class 3: 15KP17A to 15KP240A or CA
Class 4: 15KP17A to 15KP120A or CA
• Secondary lightning protection per IEC61000-4-5 with
2 Ohms source impedance:
Class 2: 15KP17A to 15KP220A or CA
Class 3: 15KP17A to 15KP110A or CA
Class 4: 15KP17A to 15KP54A or CA
• Peak Pulse Power dissipation at 25ºC: 15,000 watts
at 10/1000 µs (also see Figures 1 and 2)
• Impulse repetition rate (duty factor): 0.05%
• tclamping (0 volts to V(BR) min.): < 100 ps theoretical for
unidirectional and < 5 ns for bidirectional
• Operating and Storage temperature: -65ºC to +150ºC
• Thermal resistance: 20ºC/W junction to lead, or
80ºC/W junction to ambient when mounted on FR4 PC
board with 4 mm2 copper pads (1oz) and track width 1
mm, length 25 mm
• Steady-State Power dissipation: 6 watts at TL = 30oC,
or 1.56 watts at TA = 25ºC when mounted on FR4 PC
board described for thermal resistance
• Forward Surge: 200 Amps 8.3 ms half-sine wave
• Solder temperatures: 260 ºC for 10 s (maximum)
• CASE: Void-free transfer molded thermosetting
epoxy body meeting UL94V-0
• FINISH: Tin-Lead plated readily solderable per MIL-
STD-750, method 2026
• MARKING: Body marked with part number
• POLARITY: Band denotes cathode. Bidirectional
not marked for polarity
• WEIGHT: 1.7 grams.
• TAPE & REEL option: Standard per EIA-296 for
axial package (add “TR” suffix to part number)
• See package dimension on last page
Scottsdale Division
8700 E. Thomas Rd. PO Box 1390, Scottsdale, AZ 85252 USA, (480) 941-6300, Fax: (480) 947-1503
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Copyright 2002
6-24-2003 REV A