Mechanical Dimensions and Pin Description
Ordering Information
Part Number Order Number Description
OS128048PN11MY0B10 Q65110A3442 PictivaTM 1.1 inch 128x48 OLED Display, Elegance Yellow
OS128048PN11MG1B10 Q65110A3443 PictivaTM 1.1 inch 128x48 OLED Display, Lime Green
OS128048PN11MO1B10 Q65110A3444 PictivaTM 1.1 inch 128x48 OLED Display, Tiger Orange
OS128048PN11MW1B10 Q65110A4458 PictivaTM 1.1 inch 128x48 OLED Display, Galaxy White
OS128048PN11MB2B10 Q65110A4459 PictivaTM 1.1 inch 128x48 OLED Display, Ocean Blue
©2005 OSRAM Opto Semiconductors. OSRAM, the OSRAM logo and Pictiva are trademarks and/or service marks of OSRAM Opto Semiconductros, Inc. Other brands or products are trade-
marks of their respective holders. OSRAM holds a license from Cambridge Display Technology to manufacture and sell polymer light emitting displays. The specifications contained in
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Contact Information
OSRAM Opto Semiconductors
Asia: +60(4) 631-8100 prasia@osram-os.com
Europe: +49 (0)941-850-3535 pr@osram-os.com
North America: +1-888-446-7726 ext.4310 info@osram-os.com
Web: www.pictiva.com
Lit# 518DS-1 updated on 12/19/05