........................Document #: 38-07331 Rev . *C Page 3 of 19
Two-Wire SMBus Control Interface
The two-wire control interface implements a Read/Write slave
only interface according to SMBus specification.
The device will accept data written to the D2 address and data
may read back from address D3. It will not respond to any
other addresses, and previously set control registers are
retained as long as power in maintained on the device.
Serial Control Registers
Following the acknowledge of the Address Byte, two additional
bytes must be sent:
1. “Command code” byte
2. “Byte count” byte.
Although the da ta (bits) in the command is considered “don’t
care,” it must be sent and will be acknowledged. After the
Command Code and the Byte Count have been acknowl-
edged, the sequence (Byte 0, Byte 1 , and Byte 2) described
below will be valid and acknowle dged.
Byte 0: CPU Clock Register[2,3]
Bit @Pup Pin# Description
7 0 Spread Spectrum Enable. 0 = Spread Off, 1 = Spread On
This is a Read and Write control bit.
6 0 CPU Clock Power-down Mode Select. 0 = Drive CPUT(0:2) to 4 or 6 IREF and drive
CPUC(0:2) LOW when PD# is asserted LOW. 1 = Tri-state all CPU outputs. This is only
applicable when PD# is LOW. It is not applicable to CPU_STP#.
5 0 35 3V66_1/VCH Frequency Select, 0 = 66M selected, 1 = 48M selected
This is a Read and Write control bit.
4 Pin 53 44,45,48,49,5
1,52 CPU_STP#. Reflects the current value of the external CPU_STP# (pin 53) This bit is
3 Pin 34 10,11,12,13,16
,17,18 Reflects the current value of the internal PCI_STP# function when read. Internally PCI_STP#
is a logical AND function of the internal SMBus register bit and the external PCI_STP# pin.
2 Pin 40 Frequency Select Bit 2. Reflects the value of SEL2 (pin 40). This bit is Read-only.
1 Pin 55 Frequency Select Bit 1. Reflects the value of SEL1 (pin 55). This bit is Read-only.
0 Pin 54 Frequency Select Bit 0. Reflects the value of SEL0 (pin 54). This bit is Read-only.
Byte 1: CPU Clock Register
Bit @Pup Pin# Description
7 Pin 43 43 MULT0 (Pin 43) Value. This bit is Read-only.
6 0 53 CPUT/C(0:2) Output Functionality Control When CPU_STP# is Asserted. 0 = Drive
CPUT(0:2) to 4 or 6 IREF and drive CPUC(0:2) LOW when CPU_STP# asserted LOW.
1 = three-state all CPU outputs. This bit will override Byte0,Bit6 such that even if it is 0,
when PD# goes LOW the CPU outputs will be three-stated.
5 0 44,45 CPU2 Functionality Control When CPU_STP# is Asserted LOW. 1 = Free Running, 0 =
Stopped LOW with CPU_STP# asserted LOW. This is a Read and Write control bit.
4 0 48,49 CPU1 Functionality Control When CPU_STP# is Asserted LOW. 1 = Free Running, 0 =
Stopped LOW with CPU_STP# asserted LOW. This is a Read and Write control bit.
3 0 51,52 CPUT0 Functionality Control When CPU_STP# is Asserted LOW . 1 = Free Running, 0 =
Stopped LOW with CPU_STP# asserted LOW. This is a Read and Write control bit.
2 1 44,45 CPUT/C2 Output Control. 1 = enabled, 0 = disable HIGH and CPUC2 disables LOW . This
is a Read and Write control bit.
1 1 48,49 CPUT/C1 Output Control. 1 = enabled, 0 = disable HIGH and CPUC1 disables LOW . This
is a Read and Write control bit.
0 1 51,52 CPUT/C0 Output Control. 1 = enabled, 0 = disable HIGH and CPUC0 disables LOW . This
is a Read and Write control bit.
2. PU = internal pull-up. PD = internal pull-down. T = tri-level logic input with valid logic voltages of LOW = < 0.8V, T = 1.0 – 1.8V and HIGH = > 2.0V.
3. The “ Pin#” column lists the relevant pi n number where applicable. The “@Pup” column gives the default state at power-up.