Automation Command Reference M anual for WaveSurfer Oscilloscopes LeCroy Corporation 700 Chestnut Ridge Road Chestnut Ridge, NY, 10977-6499 Tel: (845) 578-6020, Fax: (845) 578 5985 Internet: (c) 2010 by LeCroy Corporation. All rights reserved. LeCroy and other product or brand names are trademarks or requested trademarks of their respective holders. Information in this publication supersedes all earlier versions. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 918499 RevA AUTOMATION COMMAND REFERENCE MANUAL - INTRODUCTION Introduction This manual provides a comprehensive reference of all the commands available to a controlling application when using WaveSurfer oscilloscopes. Automation enables the controlling application to run on the instrument itself. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: Available commands include ones for purchased options you may or may not have on your oscilloscope. For more information, contact your local LeCroy sales office for more information about options available for your instrument. While we encourage the use of our code examples provided in our manuals, cutting and pasting code samples directly from this .pdf manual into scripts cause syntax errors (typically illegal ASCII quotation characters). Carefully review code sample formatting during reuse. The information in this manual is split into Control and Processor sections, each with their own table of contents. 918499 Rev A iii Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Table of Contents app........................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 app.Acquisition........................................................................................................................................................ 1-7 app.Acquisition.AuxOutput...................................................................................................................................... 1-9 app.Acquisition.Channels........................................................................................................................................ 1-11 app.Acquisition.Cx................................................................................................................................................... 1-11 app.Acquisition.Cx.Out.Result................................................................................................................................. 1-20 app.Acquisition.Horizontal....................................................................................................................................... 1-20 app.Acquisition.Trigger............................................................................................................................................ 1-26 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Cx...................................................................................................................................... 1-28 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Ext..................................................................................................................................... 1-30 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial................................................................................................................................. 1-32 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.I2C........................................................................................................................... 1-34 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "CAN")................................................................................... 1-36 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "I2C")..................................................................................... 1-39 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "I2S")..................................................................................... 1-42 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "LIN")..................................................................................... 1-45 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "MIL1553")............................................................................. 1-47 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "RS232")................................................................................ 1-59 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "SPI")..................................................................................... 1-62 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "UART")................................................................................. 1-64 app.Cursors............................................................................................................................................................. 1-67 app.Display.............................................................................................................................................................. 1-69 app.ElectricalTelecom............................................................................................................................................. 1-76 app.ElectricalTelecom.ET....................................................................................................................................... 1-80 app.ElectricalTelecom.ET.Out.Result..................................................................................................................... 1-82 app.HardCopy......................................................................................................................................................... 1-82 app.LabNotebook.................................................................................................................................................... 1-85 app.LogicAnalyzer................................................................................................................................................... 1-90 app.LogicAnalyzer.Digitalx...................................................................................................................................... 1-91 app.LogicAnalyzer.Digitalx.Out.Result.................................................................................................................... 1-93 app.LogicAnalyzer.Trigger....................................................................................................................................... 1-93 app.Math.................................................................................................................................................................. 1-107 app.Math.Functions................................................................................................................................................. 1-107 app.Math.Fx............................................................................................................................................................ 1-107 app.Math.Fx.Operator1Setup.................................................................................................................................. 1-114 app.Math.Fx.Out.Result.......................................................................................................................................... 1-114 app.Math.Fx.Zoom.................................................................................................................................................. 1-115 918499 RevA iv Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Table of Contents app.Math.XY............................................................................................................................................................ 1-116 app.Math.XY.Out.Result.......................................................................................................................................... 1-119 app.Measure........................................................................................................................................................... 1-119 app.Measure.Measure............................................................................................................................................ 1-121 app.Measure.PRemote........................................................................................................................................... 1-121 app.Measure.PRemote.histo.Result........................................................................................................................ 1-123 app.Measure.PRemote.last.Result.......................................................................................................................... 1-123 app.Measure.PRemote.max.Result........................................................................................................................ 1-123 app.Measure.PRemote.mean.Result...................................................................................................................... 1-123 app.Measure.PRemote.min.Result......................................................................................................................... 1-123 app.Measure.PRemote.num.Result........................................................................................................................ 1-123 app.Measure.PRemote.sdev.Result........................................................................................................................ 1-123 app.Measure.PRemote.Statistics............................................................................................................................ 1-123 app.Measure.Px...................................................................................................................................................... 1-123 app.Measure.Px.histo.Result.................................................................................................................................. 1-127 app.Measure.Px.last.Result.................................................................................................................................... 1-127 app.Measure.Px.max.Result................................................................................................................................... 1-127 app.Measure.Px.mean.Result................................................................................................................................. 1-127 app.Measure.Px.min.Result.................................................................................................................................... 1-127 app.Measure.Px.num.Result................................................................................................................................... 1-127 app.Measure.Px.Operator....................................................................................................................................... 1-127 app.Measure.Px.Out.Result.................................................................................................................................... 1-127 app.Measure.Px.sdev.Result.................................................................................................................................. 1-128 app.Measure.Px.Statistics....................................................................................................................................... 1-128 app.Memory............................................................................................................................................................. 1-128 app.Memory.Memories............................................................................................................................................ 1-128 app.Memory.Mx....................................................................................................................................................... 1-128 app.Memory.Mx.Out.Result..................................................................................................................................... 1-131 app.Memory.Mx.Zoom............................................................................................................................................ 1-131 app.PassFail............................................................................................................................................................ 1-132 app.PassFail.LastPass.Result................................................................................................................................. 1-133 app.PassFail.NumPassed.Result............................................................................................................................ 1-134 app.PassFail.Qx...................................................................................................................................................... 1-134 app.PassFail.Qx.Out.Result.................................................................................................................................... 1-135 app.PassFail.Rate.Result........................................................................................................................................ 1-135 app.PassFail.Tests.Result....................................................................................................................................... 1-135 app.Preferences...................................................................................................................................................... 1-135 918499 RevA v Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Table of Contents app.Preferences.EMail............................................................................................................................................ 1-137 app.RecallSetupLock.............................................................................................................................................. 1-138 app.SaveRecall....................................................................................................................................................... 1-138 app.SaveRecall.Setup............................................................................................................................................. 1-138 app.SaveRecall.Table............................................................................................................................................. 1-142 app.SaveRecall.Utilities........................................................................................................................................... 1-143 app.SaveRecall.Waveform...................................................................................................................................... 1-144 app.SerialDecode.................................................................................................................................................... 1-148 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "AudioI2S").............................................................................. 1-149 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "AudioLJ")................................................................................ 1-152 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "AudioRJ")............................................................................... 1-154 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "AudioTDM")............................................................................ 1-157 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "CAN")..................................................................................... 1-160 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "CANHL")................................................................................. 1-161 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "GMCANHL")........................................................................... 1-162 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "GMCANLAN")........................................................................ 1-163 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "I2C")....................................................................................... 1-164 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "LIN")....................................................................................... 1-165 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "MIL1553")............................................................................... 1-166 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "RS232").................................................................................. 1-167 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SIOP").................................................................................... 1-169 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SPI")....................................................................................... 1-172 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SPICustom")........................................................................... 1-175 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SPIDDR")............................................................................... 1-178 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SSPI")..................................................................................... 1-181 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "UART")................................................................................... 1-184 app.SerialDecode.Decodex..................................................................................................................................... 1-185 app.SerialDecode.Decodex.Decode....................................................................................................................... 1-188 app.SerialDecode.Decodex.Out.Result................................................................................................................... 1-189 app.SystemControl.................................................................................................................................................. 1-190 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup....................................................................................................................................... 1-190 app.Utility.Options................................................................................................................................................... 1-193 app.Utility.Remote................................................................................................................................................... 1-194 app.Utility.Remote.IOManager.CIOPortU3GPIB..................................................................................................... 1-195 app.Utility.Remote.IOManager.CLSIBPort.............................................................................................................. 1-195 app.WaveScan........................................................................................................................................................ 1-195 app.WaveScan.ScanDecode.................................................................................................................................. 1-196 918499 RevA vi Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Table of Contents app.WaveScan.ScanDecode.Out.Result................................................................................................................ 1-197 app.Zoom................................................................................................................................................................ 1-197 app.Zoom.Zx........................................................................................................................................................... 1-197 app.Zoom.Zx.Out.Result......................................................................................................................................... 1-200 app.Zoom.Zx.Zoom................................................................................................................................................. 1-200 918499 RevA vii Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference app LECROY.XSTREAMDSO This is the root of the automation hierarchy, all other nodes are accessed from this point. AutoSetup Action ClearSweeps Action Exit Action FirmwareVersion String Height Property HideClock Bool InstrumentID String InstrumentModel String Left Property Maximize Action Minimize Action Quit() Method ResetPreferences Action Restore Action SetToDefaultSetup Action Shutdown Action Sleep([in] double timeoutMilliseconds) Method Top Property TouchScreenEnable Bool WaitUntilIdle([in] double timeoutSeconds) Method Width Property Windowed Action WindowState Property Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Popup a dialog containing the instrument model MsgBox "Model is: " & app.InstrumentModel Action AutoSetup Description Starts an AutoSetup operation. When input channels are visible, AutoSetup operates only on those visible channels. If no channels are visible, all channels are affected by AutoSetup. With more than one channel visible, the first visible channel in numerical order, that has a detectable signal applied to it, is automatically set up for edge triggering. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Start an Auto-Setup process. app.AutoSetup 918499 RevA 1-1 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action ClearSweeps Description Clears all accumulated sweeps for all subsystems. These include Channel Pre-Processing, Math, Measure, and Display Persistence. Note that subsystem-specific clear sweeps controls are also available. For the details please refer to the ClearSweeps control for each subsystem. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Clear all accumulated sweeps for all subsystems. app.ClearSweeps Action Exit Description Equivalent to app.Quit() method. String FirmwareVersion Range Any number of characters Description Queries the firmware version of the instrument in the form - "1.0.0 (build 12345)" Example ' Microsoft Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Query the firmware version number of the instrument. MsgBox "Firmware Version is: " + app.FirmwareVersion Property Height Description Sets/Queries the height in pixels of the instrument display on the PC screen. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the height of the instrument window to 400 pixels. app.Height = 400 Bool HideClock Description Hides/Shows the clock that resides in the lower-right corner of the display of the instrument. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Hide the clock for 3 seconds. app.HideClock = True app.Sleep(3000) app.HideClock = False 918499 RevA 1-2 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String InstrumentID Range Any number of characters Description Reads the complete ID of the instrument in the format: "LECROY,WM8500,WM000001,0.0.0", which includes the maker, the instrument model number, the serial number, and the version number. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Present the ID of the instrument. MsgBox app.InstrumentID String InstrumentModel Range Any number of characters Description Queries the model number of the instrument. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Present the model number of the instrument. MsgBox app.InstrumentModel Property Left Description Sets/Queries the position in pixels of the left edge of the instrument display on the PC screen. The position is measured from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the instrument window. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the position of the left edge of the instrument window to 100 pixels. app.Left = 100 Action Maximize Description Maximize the instrument window to fill the underlying desktop. Equivalent to app.WindowState = 1 918499 RevA 1-3 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action Minimize Description Minimizes the instrument window to reveal the underlying desktop. It will display a small window in the bottom right corner of the display, which when clicked will restore the window to full-screen mode. To programmatically restore the window refer to the app.WindowState control. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Minimize the instrument display. app.Minimize Method Quit() Description Closes the instrument application. The instrument will prompt the user with an 'Are you sure?' dialog before closing down. Note that until the user responds to the dialog, control via Automation will be blocked. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Quit the instrument application with a confirmation prompt. app.Quit Action ResetPreferences Description Resets all scope preferences to their default states. The set includes the current remote communications port, the color palette settings, etc. but does not include the main DSO controls such as V/Div, T/Div, etc. These main instrument controls can be reset using the SetToDefaultSetup control. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Reset all instrument preferences. app.ResetPreferences Action Restore Description Restore the instrument display to its position and size before the last minimize request. 918499 RevA 1-4 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action SetToDefaultSetup Description Restores the instrument setup to its default state. Note that certain settings will not be restored to the default state. These are the user preferences, such as the current remote communications port, and the color settings, which may be reset, if required, using the ResetPreferences action. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Restore the instrument to its default state. app.SetToDefaultSetup Action Shutdown Description Shuts down the instrument. It will prompt the user with an 'Are you sure?' dialog before shutting down. Note that until the user responds to the dialog, control via Automation will be blocked. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Shut down the instrument with a confirmation prompt. app.Shutdown Method Sleep([in] double timeoutMilliseconds) Description Causes the main execution thread of the instrument application to sleep for the specified time period, defined in milliseconds. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") MsgBox "Sleeping for 10 seconds..." app.Sleep(10000) MsgBox "Sleep finished" Property Top Description Sets/Queries the position in pixels of the top edge of the instrument display on the PC screen. The position is measured downwards from the top of the screen to the top of the instrument window. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the position of the top edge of the instrument window to 100 pixels. app.Top = 100 918499 RevA 1-5 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool TouchScreenEnable Description Sets/Queries the state of the touch-screen enable control. This is equivalent to the front-panel Touch Screen button. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Disable touch-screen if it is enabled. if app.TouchScreenEnable = True then app.TouchScreenEnable = False End if Method WaitUntilIdle([in] double timeoutSeconds) Description Waits until either the application is idle or the specified timeout expires, specified in seconds. This evaluates to True if the application completes before the timeout expires, and to False if a timeout occurs. When Trigger mode is Auto or Run, the application is never Idle. In this case the call to WaitUntilIdle returns after the next acquisition and any configured processing. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Wait with a timeout of five seconds. app.WaitUntilIdle(5) Property Width Description Sets/Queries the width in pixels of the instrument display on the PC screen. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the width of the instrument window to 800 pixels. app.Width = 800 Action Windowed Description Places the instrument application in windowed mode (as opposed to full-screen mode). Places the application in the upper-part of the display screen with a sizable border. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the instrument display into the windowed mode. app.Windowed 918499 RevA 1-6 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Property WindowState Description Sets/Queries the state of the PC window used by the instrument display. 0 windowed 1 full screen 2 minimized Trying to set values greater than 2 or less than 0 will result in the value 0 (windowed) being set. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the instrument window state to windowed. app.WindowState = 0 app.Acquisition ACQUISITION This group of variables controls the input channels C1, C2, C3 and C4, the timebase, the trigger, and the Aux Output. Names of the form app.Acquisition.Channels.xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in this section of the manual. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx") is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx app.Acquisition.Channels(1) is equivalent to app.Acquisition.C1 app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx.Out.Result Acquire([in] double timeoutSeconds, [in] long bForceTriggerOnTimeout) Calibrate Method Action CalNeeded Integer ClearSweeps Action HorOffset Double TriggerMode Enum Acquire([in] double timeoutSeconds, [in] long bForceTriggerOnTimeout) Description Action/Query. Takes a single acquisition. The first of the two arguments specifies a timeout; the second, which is optional, specifies whether or not to force a trigger when the timeout occurs. Evaluates to True if a trigger occurred, or False if a timeout occurred. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Start an acquisition, wait for up to 5 seconds for a trigger ' event, force a software trigger if a hardware trigger is not ' detected before the 5 second timeout expires. triggerDetected = app.Acquisition.Acquire(5, true) 918499 RevA 1-7 Method Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action Calibrate Description Initiates a full calibration of the acquisition system of the instrument. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Start a calibration. app.Acquisition.Calibrate Integer CalNeeded Range From -2147483648 to 2147483647 step 1 Description Query: Indicates whether calibration is required or not. Based on hexadecimal bit value, it provides following information: 0x00000001: Front end calibration is required 0x00000002: Digitizers delay matching is required 0x00000004: Digitizers gain matching is required 0x00000008: Trigger level calibration is required 0xFFFFFFFF(-1): All of above calibrations are required Action ClearSweeps Description Resets any accumulated average data or persistence data for channel waveforms (C1..C4). Valid only when one or more channels have waveform averaging or persistence enabled in their pre-processing settings. Note that an average may be reset on an individual basis using app.Acquisition.Cx.ClearSweeps control. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Clear accumulated sweeps for channels C1...C4 app.Acquisition.ClearSweeps ' Clear accumulated sweeps for only C1 app.Acquisition.C1.ClearSweeps Double HorOffset Range From -1e-006 to 1e-006 step 4e-009 Description same as "app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorOffset.cvar" 918499 RevA 1-8 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum TriggerMode Description Sets/Queries the trigger mode, using values from the following list Auto, Norm, Normal, Single, Stopped. Auto: After a timeout, if a real hardware trigger is not received, then force a trigger so there are automatically lots of updates. Normal: Accepts triggers as rapidly as the system permits, but likewise will wait "forever" for a trigger, without updating anything. Single: Arm the acquisition system to acquire once, and do not rearm automatically after. Once a trigger is received and the data processed, the instrument finishes in the "Stopped" state. Stop: Finishes the current acquisition and does not re-arm. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Place the instrument in stopped mode and take one acquisition. app.Acquisition.TriggerMode = "Stopped" app.Acquisition.Acquire(5) Values Auto Auto-trigger Normal Normal Trigger Single Single Trigger Stopped No trigger possible, Stopped app.Acquisition.AuxOutput AUXOUTPUT Controls for the Auxilliary output BNC, which can be programmed as a simple square-wave signal source, or as a pulse which is asserted when various events occur, including Trigger Enabled, Trigger Out, and Pass/Fail. AuxInCoupling Enum AuxMode Enum CalMode Enum Mode Enum Example ' Microsoft Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Setup the Auxiliary output to be a squarewave with an amplitude ' of 500mV a frequency of 5kHz app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.Mode = "Square" app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.Amplitu Enum AuxInCoupling Description Sets the input coupling for the Auxiliary input path. 918499 RevA 1-9 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the coupling of the Auxiliary socket, when used as an input, to ground. ' In this condition, no input signal reaches the instrument. app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.AuxInCoupling = "GND" Values DC50 DC, 50ohms coupling GND Grounded Enum AuxMode Description Configures AUX Output type in WR and WS series of scopes. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the Auxiliary output to trigger output signal. app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.AuxMode = "TriggerOut" Values Off No output PassFail Pulse on Pass fail condition TriggerEnabled TriggerOut Trigger enabled signal from trigger circuitry. Internal trigger output signal from trigger circuitry Enum CalMode Description Configures Cal Output type in WR and WS series of scopes. Example ' Follwoing example will set CAL output to 1 KHz, 0.5V square wave. ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set cal output to Square wave app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.CalMode = "Square" ' Set cal output amplitude to 0.5 V with 1 MOhm impedence app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.Amplitude = "0.5" ' Set cal output frequency to 1 KHz app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.Frequency = "1000" Values Square Square wave 918499 RevA 1-10 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Mode Description Sets/Queries the output mode of the AUX OUT connector. (Applicable to WM, SDA, DDA, WP series of scopes) Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the output of the AUX OUT connector to output ' a pulse on a pre-determined Pass-Fail decision. app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.Mode = "PassFail" Values DCLevel Emit a DC level Off Output Disabled PassFail Pulse-out controlled by Pass/Fail system Square Square-wave signal generator TriggerEnabled Pulse-out when trigger is enabled TriggerOut Pulse-out when trigger occurs app.Acquisition.Channels CHANNELS This group of variables controls the acquisition channels C1, C2, C3 and C4. Names of the form app.Acquisition.Channels.xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in the section of the manual which is devoted to app.Acquisition. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx") is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx app.Acquisition.Channels(1) is equivalent to app.Acquisition.C1 app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx.Out.Result Example Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") For X = 1 To 4 app.Acquisition.Channels(X).VerScale = 0.2 Next app.Acquisition.Cx CX This group of variables controls the input channels C1, C2, C3 and C4. Names of the form app.Acquisition.Channels.xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in the section of the manual which is devoted to app.Acquisition. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx") is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx.Out.Result AverageSweeps Integer BandwidthLimit Enum ClearSweeps Action Coupling Enum Deskew Double 918499 RevA 1-11 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference EnhanceResType Enum FindScale Action InterpolateType Enum Invert Bool LabelsPosition String LabelsText String Persisted Bool PersistenceSaturation Integer PersistenceTime Enum ProbeAttenuation Double ProbeName String ShowLastTrace Bool UseGrid String VerOffset Double VerScale DoubleLockstep VerScaleVariable Bool View Bool ViewDecode Bool ViewLabels Bool Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Setup Channel C1 app.Acquisition.C1.VerScale = 0.5 app.Acquisition.C1.VerOffset = 0.0 app.Acquisition.C1.Coupling = "DC50" ' Setup Channel C2 app.Acquisition.C2.VerScale = 0.1 Integer AverageSweeps Range From 1 to 1000000 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the number of averaging sweeps for input channel Cx. This is distinct from the math function app.Math.Fx. If the number of sweeps is 1 (the default value), the data will not be averaged. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the number of sweeps for channel C1 to 25. app.Acquisition.C1.AverageSweeps = 25 918499 RevA 1-12 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum BandwidthLimit Description Sets/Queries the bandwidth limit for input channel Cx, in Hz. Note that this control is an enum, and therefore requires a string value, and not a scalar value. Note that bandwidth limit choices vary between DSO models. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the bandwidth limit for C2 to 20 MHz. app.Acquisition.C2.BandwidthLimit = "20MHz" Values 200MHz 20MHz Full Action ClearSweeps Description Clears all accumulated average data and persistence data for this channel. See app.Acquisition.ClearSweeps for a control that clears accumulated data for channels 1..4, or app.ClearSweeps for a control that clears accumulated data for all subsystems (including Math/Measure/Display, etc.) Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Reset channel C1 app.Acquisition.C1.ClearSweeps ' Reset channels C1..C4 app.Acquisition.ClearSweeps 918499 RevA 1-13 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Coupling Description Sets/Queries the input coupling of input channel Cx. Note that coupling choices vary between instrument models. WavePro 7000 instruments for example support AC1M and DC1M modes in addition to DC50 and GND choices. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Inspect the input coupling for channel C2 CoupleC2 = app.Acquisition.C2.Coupling ' Set the coupling to DC, 50 ohms app.Acquisition.C2.Coupling = "DC50" Values AC1M DC1M DC50 Gnd Double Deskew Range From -1.8e-006 to 1.8e-006 step 1e-012 Description Sets/Queries the deskew of input channel Cx to produce a required alignment with another trace. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") Enum EnhanceResType Description Enhance resolution setting (Noise Filter). Set to 'None' to turn off the filter. Values 0.5bits 1.5bits 1bits 2.5bits 2bits 3bits None 918499 RevA 1-14 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action FindScale Description Starts FindScale operation for this chanel. This operation will adjust channel's v/div and offset control such that the signal is visible on the screen with in +/- 3 div. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") 'Find vertical scale of channel 1 app.Acquisition.C1.FindScale Enum InterpolateType Description Sets/Queries the type of interpolation used for input channel Cx. Note that Sinx/x interpolation increases the size of the trace by a factor of 10, beware when using this option with long records. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the interpolation for channel C3 to (sin x)/x app.Acquisition.C3.InterpolateType = "Sinxx" Values Linear Linear interpolation Sinxx Sinx/x interpolation Bool Invert Description Sets/Queries whether input channel Cx is inverted. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set channel C2 to be inverted. app.Acquisition.C2.Invert = True 918499 RevA 1-15 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String LabelsPosition Range Any number of characters Description Sets / Queries the horizontal position of the label attached to the acquisition trace Cx. The unit of measurement is the unit of the horizontal scale. The measurement is made from the trigger point. Note that this control is a string, not a numeric value. This allows multiple labels to be positioned, as shown in the example below. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Add a couple of labels to trace C1, one at 0ns, and one at 55ns app.SetToDefaultSetup app.Acquisition.C1.ViewLabels = True app.Acquisition.C1.LabelsPosition = "0.0,55e-9" app.Acquisition.C1.LabelsText = "Hello,World" String LabelsText Range Any number of characters Bool Persisted Description Sets/Queries the persisted state of the waveform. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'AllLocked' then the persisted state of all displayed waveforms will be the same. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'PerTrace' then the persisted state of each waveform may be independently controlled. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set persistence on for trace C1 app.Display.LockPersistence = "PerTrace" app.Acquisition.C1.Persisted = True Integer PersistenceSaturation Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the saturation threshold for persisted waveforms. All information at this level or above will be recorded with the same color or intensity. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the persistence saturation level for trace C1. app.Acquisition.C1.PersistenceSaturation = 60 918499 RevA 1-16 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum PersistenceTime Description Sets/Queries the state of the Persistence Time control. Controls the persistence decay time for this trace. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the persistence time for the persistence trace of channel C1 to 10 seconds. app.Acquisition.C1.PersistenceTime = "10s" Values 0.5s 10s 1s 20s 2s 5s Infinite Double ProbeAttenuation Range From 1e-006 to 10000 step 1e-006 Description Sets/Queries the probe attenuation. The probe attenuation is the factor by which the signal is made smaller, for example, 10 means that the probe divides by 10, and is referred to as a /10 probe. Note that certain passive probes may be marked as 'x10', even though they actually divide the input signal by a factor of 10. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the probe attenuation for channel C1 to 100 app.Acquisition.C1.ProbeAttenuation = 100 String ProbeName Range Any number of characters Description Queries the name of connected probe. 918499 RevA 1-17 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool ShowLastTrace Description Sets/Queries the state of the Show Last Trace control. If True then when this trace is displayed in persistence mode the last acquired waveform will be superimposed on the accumulating persistence map. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Makes the last acquired trace invisible for the ' persistence trace of channel C1. app.Acquisition.C1.ShowLastTrace = False String UseGrid Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the graticule on which the trace is displayed. Typical values include: YT1..YT8: one of the YT graticules used in Single, Dual, Quad, and Octal display modes. NotOnGrid: not displayed on any graticule. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Switch to dual grid mode, place C1 on the lower graticule ' and C2 on the upper graticule. app.Display.GridMode = "Dual" app.Acquisition.C1.UseGrid = "YT2" app.Acquisition.C2.UseGrid = "YT1" Double VerOffset Range From -1 to 1 step 0.0005 Description Sets/Queries the vertical offset of input channel Cx. The setting resolution in volts lies in the range 0.25% to 0.5%, depending on the numerical value. Note that the available offset range is dependent upon the current V/Div setting, and also the instrument model. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the vertical offset for C1 to 10 mV. app.Acquisition.C1.VerOffset = 0.01 918499 RevA 1-18 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference DoubleLockstep VerScale Range From 0.002 to 10 step 0.0005, locked to 1 2 5, fine grain allowed=true, on=false Description Sets/Queries the vertical scale (in Volts/Division) of an input channel. When variable gain (VerScaleVariable control) is disabled, the control will clip values to a 1..2..5 sequence. When variable gain is enabled, the setting resolution lies in the range 1% to 2%, depending upon the numerical value. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set C1 to a scale of 250mV/Div in Variable Scale mode app.Acquisition.C1.VerScaleVariable = True app.Acquisition.C1.VerScale = 0.25 Bool VerScaleVariable Description Sets/Queries the state of the variable vertical scale control for channel Cx. When the variable scale is enabled, the setting resolution lies in the range 1% to 2%, depending on the numerical value. If a knowledge of the exact value is important, the value should be read back after a setting has been made. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the variable vertical scale for C1 to On. app.Acquisition.C1.VerScaleVariable = True Bool View Description Sets/Queries the channel's 'Viewed' state. When True the channel waveform is displayed on one of the display graticules. Note that even when a channel is not visible it may be used as a source for Math, Measure, etc. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Make channel C3 visible. app.Acquisition.C3.View = True Bool ViewDecode 918499 RevA 1-19 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool ViewLabels Description Sets/Queries whether the user-defined labels for the trace are visible. See Also: LabelsPosition and LabelsText controls. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Show the user-defined label for trace C2. app.Acquisition.C2.ViewLabels = True app.Acquisition.Cx.Out.Result RESULT Properties of the type xxxx.Out.Result.yyyy are those of the last completed acquisition. They are not affected if other controls are changed after that acquisition was completed. This distinction between "Out.Result" properties and other controls is most important when the trigger mode is Single or Stopped. You should treat "Out.Result" properties as read-only. Several of these properties mention the 'frame', this is the term used to describe the visible portion of the trace, which is generally smaller than the acquired waveform. The frame could be used for example to display a 500pt. window onto a 1Mpt. Trace, or vertically it could be used to show the 'center' 10mV of a 100mV pk trace. For a full overview of the properties of waveform (or other ) results, please see Chapter 1. app.Acquisition.Horizontal HORIZONTAL This group of variables controls the timebase, the sampling, and the trigger delay. AcquiredSegments Integer AcquisitionDuration Double ExtClockFrequency Double ExtCoupling Enum HorOffset Double HorOffsetOrigin Double HorScale DoubleLockstep HorUnits String MaxSamples DoubleLockstep NumPoints Integer NumSegments Integer ReferenceClock Enum SampleClock Enum SampleMode Enum SamplingRate Double SequenceTimeout Double SequenceTimeoutEnable Bool SetExtClockFrequency Bool Source Enum 918499 RevA 1-20 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference TimePerPoint Double UseLegacyDefault Enum Integer AcquiredSegments Range From 0 to 100000 step 1 Double AcquisitionDuration Range From 1e-012 to 1e+012 step 1e-015 Description Queries the duration of the last completed acquisition. The result may depend on the spacing of the triggers in sequence mode, and it may depend on the number of averages when a channel is in averaging mode. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Obtain the duration of the last completed acquistion. AcqDuration = app.Acquisition.Horizontal.AcquisitionDuration MsgBox AcqDuration Double ExtClockFrequency Range From 0.001 to 100000 step 0.001 Enum ExtCoupling Description Specific to WR and WS series of the scope. Sets/Queries coupling of external trigger/clock input. Values DC1M DC50 Double HorOffset Range From -1e-006 to 2e-006 step 4e-009 Description Sets/Queries the horizontal position of the trigger time, relative to the origin set by HorOffsetOrigin, in seconds. Positive to the right, negative to the left. The setting resolution is about 1% to 2&. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the horizontal trigger offset to 200 ns. app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorOffset = 2.0e-7 918499 RevA 1-21 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double HorOffsetOrigin Range From 0 to 10 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the origin, in graticule divisions, of the time scale in which HorOffset is measured. The value 0 corresponds to the left edge of the graticule. The value 10 corresponds to the right edge of the graticule. Requesting a value outside the range will select the nearest allowed value. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the origin of the horizontal trigger offset to 4.0 divisions. app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorOffsetOrigin = 4.0 DoubleLockstep HorScale Range From 2e-010 to 1000 step 2e-009, locked to 1 2 5, fine grain allowed=false, on=false Description Sets/Queries the horizontal scale in time per division. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the horizontal acquisition scale to 200 ns/div. app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorScale = 2.0e-7 String HorUnits Range Any number of characters Description Queries the units in which the horizontal scale is measured. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Obtain the units of the horizontal scale. HorizUnit = app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorUnits DoubleLockstep MaxSamples Range From 500 to 1e+007 step 25000, locked to 1 2.5 5, fine grain allowed=false, on=false Description Sets/Queries the maximum permissible number of samples to be used in the acquisition memories. At the faster sample rates, the actual number used may be less than this maximum. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the available memory length per channel to 500 app.Acquisition.Horizontal.MaxSamples = 500 918499 RevA 1-22 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Integer NumPoints Range From 2 to 100000000 step 1 Description Queries the number of samples in the current setting of the acquisition memory. For sequence mode, this refers to the number if samples per segment, not to the number in the complete set. Use MaxSamples to limit the number of samples acquired. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Obtain the number of points being used in the acquisition memory. NumberOfPoints = app.Acquisition.Horizontal.NumPoints MsgBox NumberOfPoints Integer NumSegments Range From 2 to 500 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the number of segments in the sequence mode of acquisition. Only valid when SampleMode = "Sequence' Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Enable sequence mode and capture 500 segments app.Acquisition.Horizontal.SampleMode = "Sequence" app.Acquisition.Horizontal.NumSegments = 500 Enum ReferenceClock Description Sets/Queries the source of the acquisition reference clock. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the source of the reference clock to External. app.Acquisition.Horizontal.ReferenceClock = "EXT" Values EXT External reference (use rear-panel BNC) INT Internal reference clock 918499 RevA 1-23 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum SampleClock Description Sets/Queries the source for the sample clock. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the sample clock to expect an external source. app.Acquisition.Horizontal.SampleClock = "External" Values INT Enum SampleMode Description Sets/Queries the mode of acquisition as real-time or sequence or random interleaved sampling. Note that RIS mode and sequence mode are not available over the entire range of time-bases, and are not available simultaneously. WaveExpert differences: CIS and SEQ are the only timebase modes. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the mode of acquisition to random interleaved sampling. app.Acquisition.Horizontal.SampleMode = "RIS" ' WaveExpert example app.Acquisition.Horizontal.SampleMode = "CIS" Values RealTime WStream Double SamplingRate Range From 500 to 5e+009 step (2 digits) Description Queries the sampling rate. This is the effective sampling rate of the traces, rather than the sample rate of the ADCs. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Inspect the effective sampling rate of the signal. SamplingRate = app.Acquisition.Horizontal.SamplingRate 918499 RevA 1-24 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double SequenceTimeout Range From 0.01 to 100 step 0.01 Description Sets/Queries the timeout in segment mode of acquisition if insufficient triggers are received. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the sequence mode timeout to 10 seconds app.Acquisition.Horizontal.SequenceTimeout = 10.0 Bool SequenceTimeoutEnable Description Sets/Queries the enabling of the sequence mode timeout. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Enable the sequence mode timeout. app.Acquisition.Horizontal.SequenceTimeoutEnable = True Bool SetExtClockFrequency Enum Source Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Ext ExtDivide10 Line Double TimePerPoint Range From 1e-012 to 1e+012 step 1e-012 Description Queries the time interval between successive samples in the acquisition. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Obtain the time per point of the acquisition. timePerPt = app.Acquisition.Horizontal.TimePerPoint MsgBox timePerPt 918499 RevA 1-25 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum UseLegacyDefault Values Never No Yes app.Acquisition.Trigger TRIGGER This group of cvars controls all aspects of the trigger, except for trigger delay, which is in Acquisition.Horizontal. Names of the form app.Acquisition.Trigger.Sources.xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in this section of the manual. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Acquisition.Trigger.Sources("Cx") is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Trigger.Cx app.Acquisition.Trigger.Sources("Ext") is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Trigger.Ext app.Acquisition.Trigger.Sources("Line") is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Trigger.Line Please see under Acquisition.Channels("Cx") for a programming example. HoldoffType Enum PatternType Enum ProbeName String Source Enum Type Enum ZeroLevel Action Enum HoldoffType Description Sets/Queries type of hold-off trigger. Values Events Holdoff by events, specified in HoldoffEvents Off No Trigger Holdoff Time Holdoff by time, specified in HoldoffTime 918499 RevA 1-26 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum PatternType Description Sets/Queries the pattern (Logic) trigger type. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the pattern trigger type to Nand. app.Acquisition.Trigger.Type = "Logic" app.Acquisition.Trigger.PatternType = "Nand" Values And Nand Nor Or String ProbeName Range Any number of characters Description The name of the probe connected to the Ext trigger input ("None" if no probe is present) Enum Source Description Sets/Queries the trigger source. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the trigger source to external. app.Acquisition.Trigger.Source = "Ext" Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Ext ExtDivide10 Line 918499 RevA 1-27 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Type Description Sets/Queries the trigger type (mode). Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the trigger type to glitch. app.Acquisition.Trigger.Type = "Glitch" Values Dropout Edge Glitch Interval Logic Qualify Runt Serial SlewRate State TV Width Action ZeroLevel Description Sets the trigger level to zero volts. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the trigger level to zero volts. app.Acquisition.Trigger.ZeroLevel app.Acquisition.Trigger.Cx CX This group of varables controls triggering from the input channels C1, C2, C3 and C4. InputImpedance Enum Level Double Level2 Double PatternState Enum Slope Enum WindowSize Double Enum InputImpedance 918499 RevA 1-28 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Description Reads the input impedance of channel C1, in Ohms Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the input impedance of C1 trigger. ZinC1 = app.Acquisition.Trigger.C1.InputImpedance MsgBox ZinC1 Values 50 Double Level Range From -0.205 to 0.205 step 0.0005 Description Sets/Queries the trigger level for the internal trigger from channel Cx. The setting resolution ranges from about 1.5% to about 2.5%, depending on the numerical value. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the trigger level to 55 mV for triggering on channel C1. app.Acquisition.Trigger.C1.Level = 0.055 Double Level2 Range From -0.205 to 0.205 step 0.0005 Enum PatternState Description Sets/Queries the pattern state for the input channel Cx. Only valid when the trigger mode is set to 'Logic'. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the pattern state for channel C1 to low. app.Acquisition.Trigger.C1.PatternState = "Low" Values DontCare High Low 918499 RevA 1-29 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Slope Description Sets/Queries the direction of the transition to be used for internal triggering from channel Cx. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the direction of the transition as negative ' for triggering on channel C1. app.Acquisition.Trigger.C1.Slope = "Negative" Values Either Negative Positive Window Double WindowSize Range From 0.02 to 0.205 step 0.0005 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Ext EXT This group of variables controls the external trigger. Coupling Enum InputImpedance Enum Level Double Level2 Double PatternState Enum Slope Enum WindowSize Double Enum Coupling Description Sets/Reads the input coupling of the external trigger input. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the input coupling of the external trigger input. ZinCoupling = app.Acquisition.Trigger.Ext.Coupling MsgBox ZinCoupling Values AC DC HFREJ 918499 RevA 1-30 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference LFREJ Enum InputImpedance Description Reads the input impedance of the external trigger. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the input impedance of external trigger input. ZinExt = app.Acquisition.Trigger.Ext.InputImpedance MsgBox ZinExt Values 50 Double Level Range From -0.41 to 0.41 step 0.001 Description Sets/Queries the trigger level for the external trigger. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the trigger level to 55 mV for triggering from ' the external trigger socket. app.Acquisition.Trigger.Ext.Level = 0.055 Double Level2 Range From -0.41 to 0.41 step 0.001 Enum PatternState Description Sets/Queries the pattern state for the external trigger input. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the pattern state to low for triggering from ' the external trigger socket. app.Acquisition.Trigger.Ext.PatternState = "Low" Values DontCare High Low 918499 RevA 1-31 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Slope Description Sets/Queries the direction of the transition used for the external trigger. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the direction of the transition as positive for triggering ' from the external trigger socket. app.Acquisition.Trigger.Ext.Slope = "Positive" Values Either Negative Positive Window Double WindowSize Range From 0.04 to 0.41 step 0.001 app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial SERIAL ClockSource Enum CSSource Enum DataSource Enum LevelAbsolute Double LevelHighAbsolute Double Protocol Enum Enum ClockSource Description Defines channel with the clock signal (if applies to protocol) to trigger on serial data Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Ext ExtDivide10 918499 RevA 1-32 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum CSSource Description Defines channel with the chip select signal (if applies to protocol) to trigger on serial data Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Ext ExtDivide10 Enum DataSource Description Defines channel with the Data signal (mandatory) to trigger on serial data Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Ext ExtDivide10 Double LevelAbsolute Range From 0 to 5 step 0.1 Description Defines the threshold level applied to Serial data inputs (Data, Clock, CS) Double LevelHighAbsolute Range From 0 to 5 step 0.1 Description Defines the upper threshold level applied to tri-modal Serial Data protocol inputs (FlexRay) 918499 RevA 1-33 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Protocol Description Defines the actual active trigger Serial standard (Protocol) Values CAN I2C I2S LIN MIL1553 RS232 SPI UART app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.I2C I2C AckCondition Enum AddressLength Enum AddressValue BitPattern AddressWithRW Bool AtPosition Enum ByteBitOrder Enum DefaultLevel Double Direction Enum FrameCondition Enum NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum PatternLength Integer PatternOperator Enum PatternValue BitPattern PatternValue2 BitPattern SupportsDigital Bool ViewingMode Enum Enum AckCondition Values Ack DontCare NoAck 918499 RevA 1-34 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum AddressLength Values 10Bits 7Bits BitPattern AddressValue Range MaxBits=10 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex Bool AddressWithRW Enum AtPosition Values DontCare Value Enum ByteBitOrder Values LSB MSB Double DefaultLevel Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0.001 Enum Direction Values DontCare Read Write Enum FrameCondition Values Addr AddrData EEPROM FrameLength NoAck Restart Start Stop Bool NeedDualLevels 918499 RevA 1-35 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum NeededSources Values ClockSource DataSource Integer PatternLength Range From 0 to 12 step 1 Enum PatternOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern PatternValue Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex BitPattern PatternValue2 Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex Bool SupportsDigital Enum ViewingMode Values Binary Hex app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = " CAN" ) CAN AdaptedSamplingPoint Double AddressFormat Enum AddressOperator Enum AddressValue BitPattern AddressValue2 BitPattern BitRate Double ByteOrder Enum 918499 RevA 1-36 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference DefaultLevel Double NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum NumSamplingPoints Enum PatternBitLength Integer PatternBitPos Integer PatternOperator Enum PatternValue BitPattern PatternValue2 BitPattern RequestedSamplingPoint Double SignType Enum SupportsDigital Bool SynchJumpWidth Integer TriggerCondition Enum Tseg1 Integer Tseg2 Integer ViewingMode Enum Double AdaptedSamplingPoint Range From 20 to 90 step 0.01 Enum AddressFormat Values ALL EXT STD Enum AddressOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern AddressValue Range MaxBits=29 NumBits=11 NumBytes=2 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex 918499 RevA 1-37 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference BitPattern AddressValue2 Range MaxBits=29 NumBits=11 NumBytes=2 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=1 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex Double BitRate Range From 10000 to 1e+006 step 1 Enum ByteOrder Values Intel Motorola Double DefaultLevel Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0.001 NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum Values DataSource Enum NumSamplingPoints Values 1 3 Integer PatternBitLength Range From 0 to 64 step 1 Integer PatternBitPos Range From 0 to 63 step 1 Enum PatternOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual 918499 RevA 1-38 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference BitPattern PatternValue Range MaxBits=64 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex BitPattern PatternValue2 Range MaxBits=64 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex Double RequestedSamplingPoint Range From 20 to 90 step 0.01 Enum SignType Values SignedInt UnsignedInt Bool SupportsDigital Integer SynchJumpWidth Range From 1 to 4 step 1 Enum TriggerCondition Values All Error ID IdData Remote Integer Tseg1 Range From 3 to 16 step 1 Integer Tseg2 Range From 2 to 8 step 1 Enum ViewingMode Values Binary Hex app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = " I2C" ) I2C AckCondition Enum 918499 RevA 1-39 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference AddressLength Enum AddressValue BitPattern AddressWithRW Bool AtPosition Enum ByteBitOrder Enum DefaultLevel Double Direction Enum FrameCondition Enum NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum PatternLength Integer PatternOperator Enum PatternValue BitPattern PatternValue2 BitPattern SupportsDigital Bool ViewingMode Enum Enum AckCondition Values Ack NoAck Enum AddressLength Values 10Bits 7Bits BitPattern AddressValue Range MaxBits=10 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex Bool AddressWithRW Enum AtPosition Values Value Enum ByteBitOrder Values LSB MSB 918499 RevA 1-40 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double DefaultLevel Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0.001 Enum Direction Values Read Write Enum FrameCondition Values Addr AddrData EEPROM FrameLength NoAck Restart Start Stop NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum Values ClockSource DataSource Integer PatternLength Range From 0 to 12 step 1 Enum PatternOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual 918499 RevA 1-41 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference BitPattern PatternValue Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex BitPattern PatternValue2 Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex Bool SupportsDigital Enum ViewingMode Values Binary Hex app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = " I2S" ) I2S AudioChannel Enum BitsInChannel Integer ByteBitOrder Enum ChipSelCondition Enum ClockPol Enum DefaultLevel Double EnableInterFrame Bool I2SCondition Enum I2SVariant Enum NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum PatternBitsLen Integer PatternLength Integer PatternOperator Enum PatternValue BitPattern PatternValue2 BitPattern StartBitInChannel Integer SupportsDigital Bool TimeOutLenInNanoSec Double ViewingMode Enum WSFrameStart Enum Enum AudioChannel Values Left Right 918499 RevA 1-42 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Integer BitsInChannel Range From 1 to 32 step 1 Enum ByteBitOrder Values LSB MSB Enum ChipSelCondition Values Auto Manual None Enum ClockPol Values Negative Positive Double DefaultLevel Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0.001 Bool EnableInterFrame Enum I2SCondition Values Clip Data FallingEdge Glitch Mute RisingEdge Enum I2SVariant Values I2S LJ RJ Bool NeedDualLevels 918499 RevA 1-43 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum NeededSources Values ClockSource CSSource DataSource Integer PatternBitsLen Range From 1 to 32 step 1 Integer PatternLength Range From 0 to 8 step 1 Enum PatternOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern PatternValue Range MaxBits=32 NumBits=32 NumBytes=4 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Right SizeAlign=BitVar Format=Ehex BitPattern PatternValue2 Range MaxBits=32 NumBits=32 NumBytes=4 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Right SizeAlign=BitVar Format=Ehex Integer StartBitInChannel Range From 0 to 31 step 1 Bool SupportsDigital Double TimeOutLenInNanoSec Range From 4e-008 to 0.0026214 step 4e-008 Enum ViewingMode Values Binary Hex 918499 RevA 1-44 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum WSFrameStart Values Falling Rising app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = " LIN" ) LIN AddressOperator Enum AddressValue BitPattern AddressValue2 BitPattern BitRate Double DefaultLevel Double NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum PatternLength Integer PatternOperator Enum PatternValue BitPattern PatternValue2 BitPattern SupportsDigital Bool TriggerCondition Enum ViewingMode Enum Enum AddressOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern AddressValue Range MaxBits=6 NumBits=6 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex BitPattern AddressValue2 Range MaxBits=6 NumBits=6 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex 918499 RevA 1-45 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double BitRate Range From 300 to 20000 step 1 Double DefaultLevel Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0.001 NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum Values DataSource Integer PatternLength Range From 0 to 8 step 1 Enum PatternOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern PatternValue Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex BitPattern PatternValue2 Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex Bool SupportsDigital Enum TriggerCondition Values Break Error FrameID IDData 918499 RevA 1-46 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ViewingMode Values Binary Hex app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = " MIL1553" ) MIL1553 BitRate Double C1_ModeCode Enum C1_ModeCodeOP Enum C1_RTAddress BitPattern C1_RTAddress2 BitPattern C1_RTAddressOP Enum C1_RTSubAddress BitPattern C1_RTSubAddress2 BitPattern C1_RTSubAddressOP Enum C1_WordCount Integer C1_XmitRcv Enum C2_ModeCode Enum C2_ModeCodeOP Enum C2_RTAddress BitPattern C2_RTAddress2 BitPattern C2_RTAddressOP Enum C2_RTSubAddress BitPattern C2_RTSubAddress2 BitPattern C2_RTSubAddressOP Enum C2_WordCount Integer C2_XmitRcv Enum D_PatternBitLength Integer D_PatternBitPos Integer D_PatternOperator Enum D_PatternValue BitPattern D_PatternValue2 BitPattern DefaultLevel Double IMGTimeFrom Double IMGTimeOperator Enum IMGTimeTo Double NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum RespTimeFrom Double RespTimeOperator Enum RespTimeTo Double RHSRatio Integer S1_BcastRcvdBit Enum 918499 RevA 1-47 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference S1_BusyBit Enum S1_DynBusCtrlBit Enum S1_InstrBit Enum S1_MsgErrorBit Enum S1_RTAddress BitPattern S1_RTAddress2 BitPattern S1_RTAddressOP Enum S1_SRQBit Enum S1_SubSystFlagBit Enum S1_TermFlagBit Enum S2_BcastRcvdBit Enum S2_BusyBit Enum S2_DynBusCtrlBit Enum S2_InstrBit Enum S2_MsgErrorBit Enum S2_RTAddress BitPattern S2_RTAddress2 BitPattern S2_RTAddressOP Enum S2_SRQBit Enum S2_SubSystFlagBit Enum S2_TermFlagBit Enum SupportsDigital Bool TrigOnBadManchesterEncoding Bool TrigOnBadWordCount Bool TrigOnIdleError Bool TrigOnInvalidSync Bool TrigOnNonContiguousData Bool TrigOnParityError Bool TrigOnStatusAddressMismatch Bool TrigOnSyncError Bool Type Enum TypeTransfer Enum Double BitRate Range From 500000 to 4e+007 step 1000 918499 RevA 1-48 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum C1_ModeCode Values 0DynamicBusControl 10Reserved 11Reserved 12Reserved 13Reserved 14Reserved 15Reserved 16TransmitVectorWord 17Synchronize 18TransmitLastComman 19TransmitBITWord 1Synchronize 20SelectedTransmitterSh 21OverrideSelectedTran 22Reserved 23Reserved 24Reserved 25Reserved 26Reserved 27Reserved 28Reserved 29Reserved 2TransmitStatusWord 30Reserved 31Reserved 3InitiateSelfTest 4TransmitterShutdown 5OverrideTransmitterShu 6InhibitTerminalFlag 7OverrideInhibitTerminal 8ResetRemoteTerminal 9Reserved Enum C1_ModeCodeOP Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual NotEqual Smaller SmallerOrEqual 918499 RevA 1-49 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference BitPattern C1_RTAddress Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex BitPattern C1_RTAddress2 Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex Enum C1_RTAddressOP Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern C1_RTSubAddress Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex BitPattern C1_RTSubAddress2 Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex Enum C1_RTSubAddressOP Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual Integer C1_WordCount Range From 0 to 31 step 1 918499 RevA 1-50 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum C1_XmitRcv Values 0 1 X Enum C2_ModeCode Values 0DynamicBusControl 10Reserved 11Reserved 12Reserved 13Reserved 14Reserved 15Reserved 16TransmitVectorWord 17Synchronize 18TransmitLastComman 19TransmitBITWord 1Synchronize 20SelectedTransmitterSh 21OverrideSelectedTran 22Reserved 23Reserved 24Reserved 25Reserved 26Reserved 27Reserved 28Reserved 29Reserved 2TransmitStatusWord 30Reserved 31Reserved 3InitiateSelfTest 4TransmitterShutdown 5OverrideTransmitterShu 6InhibitTerminalFlag 7OverrideInhibitTerminal 8ResetRemoteTerminal 9Reserved 918499 RevA 1-51 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum C2_ModeCodeOP Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual NotEqual Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern C2_RTAddress Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex BitPattern C2_RTAddress2 Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex Enum C2_RTAddressOP Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern C2_RTSubAddress Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex BitPattern C2_RTSubAddress2 Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex 918499 RevA 1-52 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum C2_RTSubAddressOP Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual Integer C2_WordCount Range From 0 to 31 step 1 Enum C2_XmitRcv Values 0 1 X Integer D_PatternBitLength Range From 0 to 16 step 1 Integer D_PatternBitPos Range From 0 to 511 step 1 Enum D_PatternOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern D_PatternValue Range MaxBits=16 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex 918499 RevA 1-53 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference BitPattern D_PatternValue2 Range MaxBits=16 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex Double DefaultLevel Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0.001 Double IMGTimeFrom Range From 0 to 3.2752e-005 step 8e-009 Enum IMGTimeOperator Values Greater InRange OutRange Smaller Double IMGTimeTo Range From 0 to 3.2752e-005 step 8e-009 NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum Values DataSource Double RespTimeFrom Range From 0 to 3.2752e-005 step 8e-009 Enum RespTimeOperator Values Greater InRange OutRange Smaller Double RespTimeTo Range From 0 to 3.2752e-005 step 8e-009 Integer RHSRatio Range From 0 to 100 step 1 918499 RevA 1-54 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum S1_BcastRcvdBit Values 0 1 X Enum S1_BusyBit Values 0 1 X Enum S1_DynBusCtrlBit Values 0 1 X Enum S1_InstrBit Values 0 1 X Enum S1_MsgErrorBit Values 0 1 X BitPattern S1_RTAddress Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex BitPattern S1_RTAddress2 Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex 918499 RevA 1-55 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum S1_RTAddressOP Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual Enum S1_SRQBit Values 0 1 X Enum S1_SubSystFlagBit Values 0 1 X Enum S1_TermFlagBit Values 0 1 X Enum S2_BcastRcvdBit Values 0 1 X Enum S2_BusyBit Values 0 1 X 918499 RevA 1-56 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum S2_DynBusCtrlBit Values 0 1 X Enum S2_InstrBit Values 0 1 X Enum S2_MsgErrorBit Values 0 1 X BitPattern S2_RTAddress Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex BitPattern S2_RTAddress2 Range MaxBits=5 NumBits=5 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitFix Format=Ehex Enum S2_RTAddressOP Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual Enum S2_SRQBit Values 0 1 X 918499 RevA 1-57 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum S2_SubSystFlagBit Values 0 1 X Enum S2_TermFlagBit Values 0 1 X SupportsDigital Bool TrigOnBadManchesterEncoding Bool TrigOnBadWordCount Bool TrigOnIdleError Bool TrigOnInvalidSync Bool TrigOnNonContiguousData Bool TrigOnParityError Bool TrigOnStatusAddressMismatch Bool TrigOnSyncError Bool Enum Type Values Error Timing Transfer Word 918499 RevA 1-58 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum TypeTransfer Values All BCRTRcv Modecommand ModecommandDataRcv ModecommandDataXmit RTBCXmit RTRT app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = " RS232" ) RS232 AtPosition Enum BitRate Double ByteBitOrder Enum DefaultLevel Double FrameDelimiter Enum InterFrameMinBits Integer NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum NumDataBits Integer ParityType Enum PatternLength Integer PatternOperator Enum PatternPosition Integer PatternValue BitPattern PatternValue2 BitPattern Polarity Enum RS232Mode Bool StopBitLength Enum SupportsDigital Bool TrigOnBadParity Bool UARTCondition Enum ViewingMode Enum Enum AtPosition Values Value Double BitRate Range From 300 to 1e+007 step 1 918499 RevA 1-59 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ByteBitOrder Values LSB Double DefaultLevel Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0.001 Enum FrameDelimiter Values Manual None Integer InterFrameMinBits Range From 1 to 65535 step 1 NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum Values DataSource Integer NumDataBits Range From 5 to 8 step 1 Enum ParityType Values Even None Odd Integer PatternLength Range From 0 to 12 step 1 918499 RevA 1-60 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum PatternOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual Integer PatternPosition Range From -1 to 2047 step 1 BitPattern PatternValue Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex BitPattern PatternValue2 Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex Enum Polarity Values IdleLow Bool RS232Mode Enum StopBitLength Values 1.5bit 1bit 2bits SupportsDigital Bool TrigOnBadParity Bool UARTCondition Enum Values Data 918499 RevA 1-61 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ViewingMode Values Binary Hex app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = " SPI" ) SPI ByteBitOrder Enum ChipSelCondition Enum ClockPhase Enum ClockPolarity Enum CSPolarity Enum DefaultLevel Double EnableInterFrame Bool NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum PatternBitLength Integer PatternBitPos Integer PatternOperator Enum PatternValue BitPattern PatternValue2 BitPattern SignType Enum SPIVariant Enum SupportsDigital Bool TimeOutLen Double ViewingMode Enum Enum ByteBitOrder Values LSB MSB Enum ChipSelCondition Values Auto Manual 918499 RevA 1-62 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ClockPhase Values 0 1 Enum ClockPolarity Values 0 1 Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DefaultLevel Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0.001 EnableInterFrame Bool NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum Values ClockSource CSSource DataSource Integer PatternBitLength Range From 0 to 96 step 1 Integer PatternBitPos Range From 0 to 95 step 1 918499 RevA 1-63 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum PatternOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual BitPattern PatternValue Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitVar Format=Ehex BitPattern PatternValue2 Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=BitVar Format=Ehex Enum SignType Values SignedInt UnsignedInt Enum SPIVariant Values DDR SIOP SPI SSPI Bool SupportsDigital Double TimeOutLen Range From 4e-008 to 0.0026214 step 4e-008 Enum ViewingMode Values Binary Hex app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = " UART" ) UART AtPosition 918499 RevA 1-64 Enum Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference AtPosition Enum Bit9State Enum BitRate Double ByteBitOrder Enum DefaultLevel Double FrameDelimiter Enum InterFrameMinBits Integer NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum NumDataBits Integer ParityType Enum PatternLength Integer PatternOperator Enum PatternPosition Integer PatternValue BitPattern PatternValue2 BitPattern Polarity Enum StopBitLength Enum SupportsDigital Bool TrigOnBadParity Bool UARTCondition Enum ViewingMode Enum Enum AtPosition Values Value Enum Bit9State Values 0 1 X Double BitRate Range From 300 to 1e+007 step 1 Enum ByteBitOrder Values LSB MSB 918499 RevA 1-65 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double DefaultLevel Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0.001 Enum FrameDelimiter Values Manual None Integer InterFrameMinBits Range From 1 to 65535 step 1 NeedDualLevels Bool NeededSources Enum Values DataSource Integer NumDataBits Range From 5 to 9 step 1 Enum ParityType Values Even None Odd Integer PatternLength Range From 0 to 12 step 1 Enum PatternOperator Values Equal Greater GreaterOrEqual InRange NotEqual OutRange Smaller SmallerOrEqual Integer PatternPosition Range From -1 to 2047 step 1 918499 RevA 1-66 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference BitPattern PatternValue Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01X PaddingChar=X PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex BitPattern PatternValue2 Range MaxBits=96 NumBits=8 NumBytes=1 AllowedBitValues=01 PaddingChar=0 PadAlign=Left SizeAlign=ByteVar Format=Ehex Enum Polarity Values IdleHigh IdleLow Enum StopBitLength Values 1.5bit 1bit 2bits SupportsDigital Bool TrigOnBadParity Bool UARTCondition Enum Values Data Enum ViewingMode Values Binary Hex app.Cursors CURSORS This set of variables controls the cursor system. Track Bool XPos1 Double XPos2 Double YPos1 Double YPos2 Double Bool Track 918499 RevA 1-67 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Description Sets/Queries the state of tracking of a pair of cursors. If tracking is enabled then when the first cursor is moved, the second will track at a constant distance from it. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set cursors tracking on. app.Cursors.Track = True Double XPos1 Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0 Description Sets/Queries the horizontal position of the first cursor, in the units of the horizontal variable. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the horizontal position of the first cursor to 50 ns. app.Cursors.XPos1 = 50e-9 Double XPos2 Range From -1.79769e+308 to 1.79769e+308 step 0 Description Sets/Queries the horizontal position of the second cursor, in the units of the horizontal variable. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the horizontal position of the second cursor to 4.5 ms. app.Cursors.XPos2 = 4.5e-3 Double YPos1 Range From -3.99 to 3.99 step 0.01 Description Sets/Queries the vertical position of the first cursor, in graticule divisions. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the vertical position of the first cursor. app.Cursors.YPos1 = 3.4 918499 RevA 1-68 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double YPos2 Range From -3.99 to 3.99 step 0.01 Description Sets/Queries the vertical position of the second cursor, in graticule divisions. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the vertical position of the second cursor. app.Cursors.YPos2 = 2.1 app.Display DISPLAY This set of variables controls the properties of the screen display of the instrument. AxisLabels Bool C1Color Color C1PrintColor Color C2Color Color C2PrintColor Color C3Color Color C3PrintColor Color C4Color Color C4PrintColor Color ClearSweeps Action DisplayMode Enum F1Color Color F1PrintColor Color FactoryDefault Action GridIntensity Integer GridMode Enum M1Color Color M1PrintColor Color M2Color Color M2PrintColor Color M3Color Color M3PrintColor Color M4Color Color M4PrintColor Color Persisted Bool PersistenceLastTrace Bool PersistenceSaturation Integer PersistenceStyle Enum PersistenceTime Enum PreviewPrintColors Action TraceStyle Enum 918499 RevA 1-69 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool AxisLabels Description Sets/Queries the visibility of the labels that show the horizontal and vertical limits of each grid. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Show the axis labels. app.Display.AxisLabels = True Color C1Color Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Sets/Queries the color of trace C1, using a number in the range 0 to FFFFFF in hexadecimal. The possible colors are made from any combination of the primary colors, which are set in hexadecimal as Blue = &HFF0000, Green = &HFF00, Red = &HFF. The value may be entered in decimal or in hexadecimal, though hexadecimal is usually more convenient. Note that if the intensity of a color is to be reduced or increased by a numerical factor, an AND operation must be used afterwards, to prevent corruption of other primary colors. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") Red = &Hff: Green = &H80: Blue = &H00 ' Set the color of channel C1 trace to orange app.Display.C1Color = (Blue * &H10000) + (Green * &H100) + Red Color C1PrintColor Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Sets/Queries the color, in the printing palette, of trace C1, using a number in the range 0 to FFFFFF in hexadecimal. The primary colors are Blue = &HFF0000, Green = &HFF00, Red = &HFF in hexadecimal. The value may be entered in decimal or in hexadecimal. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") Red = &Hff: Green = &H80: Blue = &H00 ' Set the color of channel C1 trace to orange for printing. app.Display.C1PrintColor = (Blue * &H10000) + (Green * &H100) + Red Color C2Color Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Color. 918499 RevA 1-70 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Color C2PrintColor Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Printcolor. Color C3Color Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Color. Color C3PrintColor Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Printcolor. Color C4Color Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Color. Color C4PrintColor Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Printcolor. Action ClearSweeps Description Initiates the Clear Sweeps operation. Clears history only for persistence traces, see the main Clear Sweeps control 'app.ClearSweeps', or the ClearSweeps control in other subsystems for other options. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Initiate a clear sweeps action for persistence traces. app.Display.ClearSweeps 918499 RevA 1-71 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DisplayMode Description Sets/Queries the display mode as either "Scope", showing the normal instrument screen, or "WebEdit", showing the web processor editing panel. Note that WebEdit mode is available only with certain software options, including XMATH and XMAP. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Switch to WebEdit mode app.Display.DisplayMode = "WebEdit" Values Scope Color F1Color Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Color. Color F1PrintColor Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Printcolor. Action FactoryDefault Description Restores the display of the instrument to the factory default settings Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Restore the display to the factory pre-set state. app.Display.FactoryDefault Integer GridIntensity Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the grid intensity as a percentage of the maximum value, with a resolution of 1%. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the grid intensity to 60% of the maximum. app.Display.GridIntensity = 60 918499 RevA 1-72 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum GridMode Description Sets/Queries the grid mode. The commands "Single" and "Dual", for example, set the grid mode until countermanded. "Auto" allows the instrument to set the grid mode most suitable for the current number of visible traces. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Enter Octal grid mode app.Display.GridMode = "Octal" Values Single Single grid mode XY XY grid mode XYSingle XY + Single grid mode Color M1Color Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Color. Color M1PrintColor Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Printcolor. Color M2Color Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Color. Color M2PrintColor Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Printcolor. Color M3Color Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Color. 918499 RevA 1-73 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Color M3PrintColor Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Printcolor. Color M4Color Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Color. Color M4PrintColor Range From 0 to 16777215 Description Please see C1Printcolor. Bool Persisted Description Sets/Queries whether persistence mode is in use. If the previously set persistence mode is per trace, the persisted cvar will be set as true by this command, even if none of the traces has been set to persistence mode. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the state of persistence mode. Persist = app.Display.Persisted Bool PersistenceLastTrace Description Sets/Queries whether the last created trace is shown over the persistence trace. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the persistence display to show the last trace ' on top of the persistence trace. app.Display.PersistenceLastTrace = True 918499 RevA 1-74 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Integer PersistenceSaturation Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the population level, relative to the maximum possible level, at which the persistence traces reach maximum intensity, and above which there are no further changes in color or intensity. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the persistence saturation level to 60%. app.Display.PersistenceSaturation = 60 Enum PersistenceStyle Description Sets/Queries the type of persistence trace displayed. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the persistence style to color graded. app.Display.PersistenceStyle = "ColorGraded" Values Analog ColorGraded Enum PersistenceTime Description Sets/Queries decay time for trace persistence, expressed as a number of seconds, or as "infinity". Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the persistence time to 10 seconds. app.Display.PersistenceTime = "10s" Values 0.5s 10s 1s 20s 2s 5s Infinite 918499 RevA 1-75 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action PreviewPrintColors Description Show the instrument display in the current color scheme selected for printing. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Show the current color scheme selected for printing. app.Display.PreviewPrintColors Enum TraceStyle Description Sets/Queries the style in which traces are drawn. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the state of the persistence mode. TraceStyle = app.Display.TraceStyle Values Line Connect adjacent samples with straight lines Points Show only the sample points app.ElectricalTelecom ELECTRICALTELECOM Root Automation node to control Electrical Telecom (ET-PMT) package. This package is performing Pulse Mask Test on diferent SONET/SDH standards. ClearSweeps Action Polarity Enum Run Action Setup Action Source Enum Standard Enum Stop Action VerticalAlign Action Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.WaveMasterApplication.1") 'Select an stadard, run the test and get results after a while app.ElectricalTelecom.Standard = "E1Tp" app.ElectricalTelecom.Source = "C2" app.ElectricalTelecom.Setup app.ElectricalTelecom.Run app.Sleep 10000 app.ElectricalTelecom.Pause passed = CStr(app.ElectricalTelecom.NumPass) tested = CStr(app.ElectricalTelecom.NumTested) MsgBox passed + " passed of " + tested + " tests" 918499 RevA 1-76 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action ClearSweeps Description The ClearSweeps allows you to reset the sweep count and start testing over again. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.WaveMasterApplication.1") 'Select an stadard, run the test and clear the counter after a while app.ElectricalTelecom.Standard = "E1Coax" app.ElectricalTelecom.Setup app.ElectricalTelecom.Run app.Sleep 5000 app.ElectricalTelecom.Pause app.Sleep 5000 app.ElectricalTelecom.ClearSweeps Enum Polarity Description In many electrical standards, such as DS-1, alternate "ones" are inverted. Each time a one is transmitted it is either a positive or negative going pulse depending upon the polarity of the previous one. This type of coding is referred to as AMI (alternate mark inversion). The Polarity control allows you to select which polarity (positive or negative) pulse to test. The STS-3E and STM-1E standards use CMI (code mark inversion) pulse coding. In CMI coding, a one remains high for the full bit period while a zero has a transition to the low state in the middle of the bit period. The Polarity control allows you to select whether a 1 or 0 is to be tested. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.WaveMasterApplication.1") 'Select a stadard and set polarity to 'neg' app.ElectricalTelecom.Standard = "E1Coax" app.ElectricalTelecom.Polarity = "neg" app.ElectricalTelecom.Setup Values neg Negative pulse pos Positive pulse 918499 RevA 1-77 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action Run Description The Setup button applies the appropriate settings to the oscilloscope for testing the selected standard. Different standards require a particular termination, and an error message will appear at the bottom of the oscilloscope screen if the wrong (or no) adapter is present. However, this error will not prevent the instrument from making the measurement; that is, measurements can be made without the specific adapters. But if the signal is out of range for the standard, the setup operation will generate an error message and the Run button will be grayed out. The signal will appear on the screen, but no testing will be possible. Before the Setup button is pressed, the Run and Clear Sweeps buttons appear grayed out. These buttons become available (not grayed out) upon successful completion of a setup. At that time, a Re-Align button will replace the Setup button. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.WaveMasterApplication.1") 'Select an stadard and run the test app.ElectricalTelecom.Standard = "E1Coax" app.ElectricalTelecom.Setup app.ElectricalTelecom.Run app.Sleep 5000 app.ElectricalTelecom.Pause 'pause the test after 5 seconds app.Sleep 5000 app.ElectricalTelecom.Run 'and continue after 5 other seconds Action Setup Description After the Telecom Standard has been choosed, the Source set, the 'Setup' command will perform all acquisition setup, make the appropriate alignments and make test ready to run. This is one of the action to control the state machine of Mask Testing : Setup, ReAlign, Stop, Pause, Run and VerticalAlign. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.WaveMasterApplication.1") 'Select an stadard and run the test app.ElectricalTelecom.Standard = "E1Coax" app.ElectricalTelecom.Setup app.ElectricalTelecom.Run app.Sleep 5000 app.ElectricalTelecom.Pause 'pause the test after 5 seconds 918499 RevA 1-78 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Source Description Specify on which channel (C1 to C4) the electrical signal to be tested is connected. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.WaveMasterApplication.1") 'Select an stadard and the source app.ElectricalTelecom.Standard = "E1Coax" app.ElectricalTelecom.Source = "C4" app.ElectricalTelecom.Setup Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Enum Standard Description Select the Telecom Standards that will be used to make alignments and mask test. Available standards are listed in the 'Standard' field of this database : D:\Masks\PulseMasksProp.mdb. (whithout spaces and special characters). Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.WaveMasterApplication.1") 'Select an stadard and the source app.ElectricalTelecom.Standard = "E1Coax" app.ElectricalTelecom.Source = "C4" app.ElectricalTelecom.Setup Values DS1 ANSI T1 DS1 standard on 100 ohm line (using AP100) DS3 ANSI T1 DS3 standard on 75 ohm coax (using PP090 probe) E1coax E1TP ITU-T E1 on 75 ohm coax (using PP090 probe) ITU-T E1 on 120 ohm twisted pairs (using AP120 probe) E2 ITU-T E2 on 75 ohm coax (using PP090 probe) E3 ITU-T E3 on 75 ohm coax (using PP090 probe) E4 ITU-T E4 on 75 ohm coax (using PP090 probe) Off STM1E STS1 STS3E ITU-T STM-1E on 75 ohm coax (using PP090 probe) ANSI T1 STS-1 on 75 ohm coax (using PP090 probe) ANSI T1 STS-3E on 75 ohm coax (using PP090 probe) 918499 RevA 1-79 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action Stop Description Stop the test and reset counters. After this command, a new 'Setup' must be made. This is one of the action to control the state machine of Mask Testing : Setup, ReAlign, Stop, Pause, Run and VerticalAlign. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.WaveMasterApplication.1") 'Select an stadard and run the test app.ElectricalTelecom.Standard = "E1Coax" app.ElectricalTelecom.Setup app.ElectricalTelecom.Run app.Sleep 5000 app.ElectricalTelecom.Pause 'pause the test after 5 seconds app.Sleep 5000 app.ElectricalTelecom.Stop 'Stop the test Action VerticalAlign Description For test that allow that, it's possible to perform a Vertical re-alignment . app.ElectricalTelecom.ET ET Aligned waveform output of Electrical Telecom package. From there, all it's diplay settings can be changed. See "executive setup" chapter for more details. BipolarLevel Double ClearSweeps Action LabelsPosition String LabelsText String LFCutoff Double Persisted Bool PersistenceSaturation Integer PersistenceTime Enum ShowLastTrace Bool Source Enum UseGrid String View Bool ViewLabels Bool Double BipolarLevel Range From -100 to 100 step 1e-005 Action ClearSweeps Description Clear any accumulated result data. Useful for example to restart an average, or parameter statistics. 918499 RevA 1-80 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String LabelsPosition Range Any number of characters Description Sets / Queries the horizontal position of the label attached to the acquisition trace Cx. The unit of measurement is the unit of the horizontal scale. The measurement is made from the trigger point. Note that this control is a string, not a numeric value. This allows multiple labels to be positioned, as shown in the example below. String LabelsText Range Any number of characters Double LFCutoff Range From 1 to 5e+010 step 4 Bool Persisted Description Sets/Queries the persisted state of the waveform. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'AllLocked' then the persisted state of all displayed waveforms will be the same. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'PerTrace' then the persisted state of each waveform may be independently controlled. Integer PersistenceSaturation Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the saturation threshold for persisted waveforms. All information at this level or above will be recorded with the same color or intensity. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Enum PersistenceTime Description Sets/Queries the state of the Persistence Time control. Controls the persistence decay time for this trace. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Values 0.5s 10s 1s 20s 2s 5s Infinite 918499 RevA 1-81 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool ShowLastTrace Description Sets/Queries the state of the Show Last Trace control. If True then when this trace is displayed in persistence mode the last acquired waveform will be superimposed on the accumulating persistence map. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Enum Source Values C1 C2 C3 C4 String UseGrid Range Any number of characters Bool View Description Sets/Queries the trace's 'Viewed' state. When true, the trace is displayed on one of the display graticules. Note that even when a trace is not visible, it may be used as a source for Math, Measure, etc. Bool ViewLabels Description Sets/Queries whether the user-defined labels for the trace are visible. See Also: LabelsPosition and LabelsText controls. app.ElectricalTelecom.ET.Out.Result RESULT app.HardCopy HARDCOPY This set of variables controls the transfer of information about the screen display to destinations such as such as disc files, internal memories, printers and remote computers. Destination Enum Directory FileName EMailMessage String GridAreaOnly Bool HardcopyArea Enum ImageFileFormat Enum PreferredFilename String Print Action PrintLogo Bool 918499 RevA 1-82 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference UseColor Enum Enum Destination Description Sets/Queries the destination for hard copy. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the destination for hard copy to e-mail. app.Hardcopy.Destination = "EMail" Values Clipboard Send to clipboard for pasting into other applications EMail Send image in an E-Mail File Store image in a file Printer Remote Print to a local, or networked printer Special case used for remote printing, not usually used FileName Directory Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the directory for hard copy to a file. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the directory for hard copy to files as "D:\HC" app.Hardcopy.Directory = "D:\HC" String EMailMessage Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the e-mail message. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Create the e-mail message - "Results for run 89". app.Hardcopy.EMailMessage = "Results for run 89" 918499 RevA 1-83 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool GridAreaOnly Description Sets/Queries whether hard copy is of grid area only. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the status of Grid Area Only. GridArea = app.Hardcopy.GridAreaOnly Enum HardcopyArea Description Sets/Queries the area of the screen to be included in a hard copy. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Select the DSO screen area for hard copy. app.Hardcopy.HardCopyArea = "DSOWindow" Values DSOWindow Include only the DSO window FullScreen GridAreaOnly Include the full display screen Include the grid area only (doesn't include menus) Enum ImageFileFormat Description Sets/Queries the file format for hard copy data. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Select the format PNG for a file of hard copy data. app.Hardcopy.Destination = "File" app.Hardcopy.ImageFileFormat = "PNG" Values BMP Windows Bitmap BMPCOMP 8-bit Windows Bitmap JPEG JPEG - JFIF Compliant PNG Portable Network Graphics PSD Adobe Photoshop 3.0 TIFF Tagged Image File Format 918499 RevA 1-84 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String PreferredFilename Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the preferred file name to use for hard copy. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the preferred filename to PrintFile. app.Hardcopy.PreferredFilename = "PrintFile" Action Print Description Initiates a hard copy. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Initiate a hard copy. app.Hardcopy.Print Bool PrintLogo Description Control whether the LeCroy logo will be superimposed on hardcopies. Enum UseColor Description Defines the color scheme to be used when printing. Values BW Optimized for black and white printers Print Use print colors (white background) Std As presented on DSO display app.LabNotebook LABNOTEBOOK Provides access to the 'LabNotebook' feature. This allows the entire scope state (Waveforms, Setups, Display Images) to be stored, annotated, recalled, emailed, etc. AttachFilesToEMail Bool BackupDatabase Action BackupFilename String BackupFolder FileName BackupToFolder Action BackupToMemoryStick Action ClearFilter Action CompactDatabase Action ConnectToFPHardCopy Bool 918499 RevA 1-85 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference CreateReport Action DeleteAll Action DeleteRecord Action EMailRecord Action FilterRecords Action FlashBackToRecord Action Format Enum HardcopyArea Enum InternalView Action MyLabNotebookMD FileName NextRecord Action PreviousRecord Action PrintRecord Action PromptBeforeSaving Bool RecordList Enum ReportLogo FileName ReportsDirectory FileName Save Action ScribbleBeforeSaving Bool StartNew Action UseDefaultLogo Bool UseDefaultTemplate Bool UsePrintColor Bool ViewRecord Action XSLTemplate FileName Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Save the current state of the DSO into the Notebook app.LabNotebook.ScribbleBeforeSaving = False app.LabNotebook.PromptBeforeSaving = False app.LabNotebook.Save ' Create a PDF report, and store it in the root of drive C:app.LabNotebook.ReportsDirectory = "C:\" app.LabNotebook.Format = "PDF" app.LabNotebook.CreateReport ' Send the report in an email app.Preferences.Email.Mode = "SMTP" app.Preferences.Email.DefaultRecipient = "" app.LabNotebook.EMailRecord Bool AttachFilesToEMail Description If true, the DSO Setup, and all enabled waveforms will be attached to any emailed report. 918499 RevA 1-86 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action BackupDatabase Description Backup the current LabNotebook database. Note that this control will present a modal dialog, prompting for the backup filename and folder. Use the BackupToFolder control to skip the dialog. String BackupFilename Range Any number of characters Description Contains the filename into which the LabNotebook is stored, when the BackupDatabase request is made. FileName BackupFolder Range Any number of characters Description Contains the folder into which the LabNotebook is stored, when the BackupDatabase request is made. Action BackupToFolder Description Create a backup of the current LabNotebook database into the file specified by the BackupFolder/BackupFilename controls. Action BackupToMemoryStick Description Create a backup of the current LabNotebook database into a file on an attached memory stick. Action ClearFilter Description Clear the NoteBook entry filter. Action CompactDatabase Description Compact the LabNotebook database. Useful if entries have been deleted from the database, to reclaim disk space. Bool ConnectToFPHardCopy Description If True, the front-panel 'Print Screen' button is overridden to create a LabNotebook entry instead of its normal function. Action CreateReport Description Create a report (PDF/RTF/HTML) of the currently selected notebook entry. 918499 RevA 1-87 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action DeleteAll Description Delete all LabNotebook entries. Note that this action will popup a modal dialog, requesting confirmation. Action DeleteRecord Description Delete the currently selected LabNotebook record. Note that this will popup a modal dialog requesting confirmation. Action EMailRecord Description Email the currently selected record, in the selected format (PDF/RTF/HTML), to the recipient specified in the email setup (app.Preferences.Email). Action FilterRecords Description Popup a dialog proposing various filtering methods, including date, and/or keword based filters. Action FlashBackToRecord Description Restore (FlashBack) the scope to the state that it was in when the current lab notebook entry was saved. This may include the setup, and active waveforms. Enum Format Description File Format in which exported reports are saved. Values HTML PDF Adobe Acrobat file RTF Rich-text file (MS Wordpad, Word, etc.) Enum HardcopyArea Description Defines the region of the display that is stored when creating a new entry in the notebook. Values DSOWindow Contents of DSO window, incl. dialog + menu bar FullScreen Entire windows display area GridAreaOnly Grid area only 918499 RevA 1-88 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action InternalView Description View the selected Lab Notebook entry within the DSO's graticule area. Contrast with the 'ViewRecord' control, which presents the selected Lab Notebook entry in an external HTML browser. FileName MyLabNotebookMD Range Any number of characters Description Filename of the currently active Lab Notebook database. Action NextRecord Description Move to (select) the next entry in the notebook. Action PreviousRecord Description Move to (select) the previous entry in the notebook. Action PrintRecord Description Print the selected Lab Notebook entry. This action will present a popup allowing the target printer to be selected . Bool PromptBeforeSaving Description If true, the DSO will prompt the interactive user for a summary, and description, before the notebook entry is created. Enum RecordList Description The list of entries in the Lab Notebook, named using a GUID. Values FileName ReportLogo Range Any number of characters Description Contains the full pathname of the logo which will appear on Lab Notebook pages. FileName ReportsDirectory Range Any number of characters Description The directory in which Lab Notebook reports are created. 918499 RevA 1-89 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action Save Description Initiate the creation of a new Lab Notebook entry. Bool ScribbleBeforeSaving Description If True, the DSO will allow the interactive user to 'scribble' (annotate) the report page before it is saved. Action StartNew Description Start a new Lab Notebook. This action will prompt the interactive user for the filename of the new Lab Notebook database file. Bool UseDefaultLogo Description If True, the default logo is used on Lab Notebook pages. If False, the logo specifeid by the ReportLogo control is used instead. Bool UseDefaultTemplate Description If True, the default xsl template is used when creating reports from LabNotebook pages. If False, the template file specified by the XSLTemplate control is used instead. Bool UsePrintColor Description If True, 'print colors' are used when storing an image of the display. These use a white background, as opposed to black, to save toner/ink. Action ViewRecord Description View the selected Lab Notebook entry in an external HTML browser. Contrast with the 'ViewInternal' control, which presents the selected Lab Notebook entry within the DSO's graticule area. FileName XSLTemplate Range Any number of characters Description Filename of the XSL template used in creating reports from Lab Notebook pages. app.LogicAnalyzer LOGICANALYZER LALogicFamilyA Enum LALogicFamilyB Enum LAThresholdA Double LAThresholdB Double LineNames String 918499 RevA 1-90 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference SkewAnalogTrigger Double Enum LALogicFamilyA Values CMOS2.5V CMOS3.3V CMOS5V ECL PECL TTL UserDefined Enum LALogicFamilyB Values CMOS2.5V CMOS3.3V CMOS5V ECL PECL TTL UserDefined Double LAThresholdA Range From -4.9 to 5.27 step 0.01 Double LAThresholdB Range From -4.9 to 5.27 step 0.01 String LineNames Range Any number of characters Description List of Digital Line Names Double SkewAnalogTrigger Range From -1e-006 to 1e-006 step 1e-009 app.LogicAnalyzer.Digitalx DIGITALX BusName String Digital0 Bool Digital1 Bool Digital2 Bool 918499 RevA 1-91 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Digital3 Bool Digital4 Bool Digital5 Bool Digital6 Bool Digital7 Bool DisplayMode Enum LineHeight Double LineNames String UseGrid String VerPosition Double View Bool String BusName Range Any number of characters Digital0 Bool Digital1 Bool Digital2 Bool Digital3 Bool Digital4 Bool Digital5 Bool Digital6 Bool Digital7 Bool Enum DisplayMode Values Collapse Expand Double LineHeight Range From 0.2 to 10 step 0.02 String LineNames Range Any number of characters String UseGrid Range Any number of characters 918499 RevA 1-92 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double VerPosition Range From -3.8 to 10 step 0.05 Bool View Description Sets/Queries the trace's 'Viewed' state. When true, the trace is displayed on one of the display graticules. Note that even when a trace is not visible, it may be used as a source for Math, Measure, etc. app.LogicAnalyzer.Digitalx.Out.Result RESULT app.LogicAnalyzer.Trigger TRIGGER DigitalPatternArrayLogic0 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic1 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic10 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic11 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic12 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic13 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic14 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic15 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic16 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic17 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic18 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic19 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic2 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic20 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic21 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic22 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic23 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic24 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic25 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic26 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic27 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic28 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic29 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic3 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic30 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic31 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic4 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic5 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic6 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic7 Enum 918499 RevA 1-93 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference DigitalPatternArrayLogic8 Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic9 Enum DigitalTriggerByteHex0 String DigitalTriggerByteHexA0 String DigitalTriggerSet Enum DigitalTriggerType Enum I2CAccessType Enum I2CAddressCompare Enum I2CAddressValue String I2CAddressValueLast String I2CDataCompare Enum I2CDataValue String I2CDataValueLast String I2CTriggerType Enum Interval Enum IntervalHigh Double LAConnectWarn String LATriggerWarn String LogicBusSource Enum Source Enum SPIBitsPerPacket Integer SPIInactivePeriodBetweenPacketEnabled Bool SPIInactivePeriodBetweenPacketValue Double SPITriggerFormat Enum SPITriggerMode Enum SPITriggerSource Enum SPITriggerValue String SPITriggerValueLast String SPIWhichBitArrivesFirst Enum TrigSlope Enum Type Enum Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic0 Description Allows to select a value for digital line 0 of Logic Pattern Trigger. Value can be Zero, One, Don't Care, Rising Edge, Falling Edge or Either Edge. Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero 918499 RevA 1-94 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic1 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic10 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic11 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic12 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero 918499 RevA 1-95 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic13 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic14 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic15 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic16 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero 918499 RevA 1-96 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic17 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic18 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic19 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic2 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero 918499 RevA 1-97 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic20 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic21 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic22 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic23 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero 918499 RevA 1-98 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic24 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic25 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic26 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic27 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero 918499 RevA 1-99 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic28 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic29 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic3 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic30 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero 918499 RevA 1-100 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic31 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic4 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic5 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic6 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero 918499 RevA 1-101 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic7 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic8 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero Enum DigitalPatternArrayLogic9 Values DontCare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero String DigitalTriggerByteHex0 Range Any number of characters String DigitalTriggerByteHexA0 Range Any number of characters Enum DigitalTriggerSet Values Dontcare EitherEdge FallingEdge One RisingEdge Zero 918499 RevA 1-102 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DigitalTriggerType Values Interval Logic LogicBus Enum I2CAccessType Values AcknowledgedRead AcknowledgedReadWrite AcknowledgedWrite NotAcknowledgedRead NotAcknowledgedRead NotAcknowledgedWrite Read ReadWrite Write Enum I2CAddressCompare Values Matching NotMatching String I2CAddressValue Range Any number of characters String I2CAddressValueLast Range Any number of characters Enum I2CDataCompare Values Matching NotMatching String I2CDataValue Range Any number of characters String I2CDataValueLast Range Any number of characters 918499 RevA 1-103 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum I2CTriggerType Values Address AnyCycle DataAndAddress Enum Interval Values GreaterThan InRange LessThan OutOfRange Double IntervalHigh Range From 8e-009 to 0.00837 step 8e-009 String LAConnectWarn Range Any number of characters String LATriggerWarn Range Any number of characters Enum LogicBusSource Description Allows to select the Digital Source of Logic Bus trigger. Only those bits that are defined to be part of selected Digital Group are allowed to be defined in the Logic Bus trigger value. Values Digital1 Digital2 Digital3 Digital4 918499 RevA 1-104 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Source Values A0 A1 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B0 B1 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 Integer SPIBitsPerPacket Range From 2 to 32 step 1 Bool SPIInactivePeriodBetweenPacketEnabled Double SPIInactivePeriodBetweenPacketValue Range From 8e-009 to 0.00837 step 8e-009 918499 RevA 1-105 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum SPITriggerFormat Values ASCII Binary Hexadecimal Enum SPITriggerMode Values CPHAS0CPOL0 CPHAS0CPOL1 CPHAS1CPOL0 CPHAS1CPOL1 Enum SPITriggerSource Values MISO MOSI String SPITriggerValue Range Any number of characters String SPITriggerValueLast Range Any number of characters Enum SPIWhichBitArrivesFirst Values LSB MSB Enum TrigSlope Values Negative Positive Enum Type Values I2C Interval Logic 918499 RevA 1-106 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference app.Math MATH Variables of the form app.Math.xxxx control the mathematical functions F1 through F8. Names of the form app.Math.Functions("Fx").xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in this section of the manual. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Math.Functions("Fx") is equivalent to app.Math.Fx app.Math.Functions("Fx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Math.Fx.Out.Result app.Math.Functions("Fx").Zoom is equivalent to app.Math.Zoom.Fx Please see under Acquisition.Channels for a programming example. ClearSweeps Action ResetAll Action Action ClearSweeps Description Clear sweeps for history functions such as average, histogram and trend. See also the general 'app.ClearSweeps' control which clears accumulated data for all subsystems, including persistence, measurement statistics, etc. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Clear sweeps for all history functions. app.Math.ClearSweeps Action ResetAll Description Reset the math subsystem to its default state. All currently selected math operators, and other settings will be lost. app.Math.Functions FUNCTIONS Names of the form app.Math.Functions("Fx").xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in the section of the manual which is devoted to app.Math. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Math.Functions("Fx") is equivalent to app.Math.Fx app.Math.Functions("Fx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Math.Fx.Out.Result app.Math.Functions("Fx").Zoom is equivalent to app.Math.Zoom.Fx Please see under Acquisition.Channels for a programming example. app.Math.Fx FX This set of variables controls the math functions F1 through F8. ClearSweeps Action DoResetZoom Action DoStoreToMemoryTrace Action Equation String 918499 RevA 1-107 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference LabelsPosition String LabelsText String MathMode Enum Operator1 Enum Persisted Bool PersistenceSaturation Integer PersistenceTime Enum ShowLastTrace Bool Source1 Enum UseGrid String View Bool ViewLabels Bool Action ClearSweeps Description Clears accumulated data for a single function trace. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Reset accumulation for trace F1 app.Math.F1.ClearSweeps Action DoResetZoom Description Resets the zoom state of math trace Fx. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Reset zoom of math function F3. app.Math.F3.DoResetZoom Action DoStoreToMemoryTrace Description Store data from math function Fx to a memory trace. Destination for F1 will be M1, F2 will be M2, etc. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Store math function F2 to a memory trace. app.Math.F2.DoStoreToMemoryTrace 918499 RevA 1-108 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String Equation Range Any number of characters Description Queries the equation which defines the math function Fx. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the definition of math function F3. EquationF3 = app.Math.F3.Equation MsgBox EquationF3 String LabelsPosition Range Any number of characters Description Sets / Queries the horizontal position of the label attached to the trace Fx. The unit of measurement is the unit of the horizontal scale. The measurement is made from the trigger point. Note that this control is a string, not a numeric value. This allows multiple labels to be positioned, as shown in the example below. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Add a couple of labels to trace F1, one at 0ns, and one at 55ns app.SetToDefaultSetup app.Math.F1.View = True app.Math.F1.ViewLabels = True app.Math.F1.LabelsPosition = "0.0, 55e-9" app.Math.F1.LabelsText = "Hello,World" String LabelsText Range Any number of characters Description Sets / Queries the text that appears in labels attached to acquisition trace Cx. Multiple labels may be specified by using comma as a delimiter. See the documentation on LabelsPosition for an example of use. 918499 RevA 1-109 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum MathMode Description Sets/Queries the math mode. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the mode of the math function F1 app.Math.F1.MathMode = "TwoOperators" Values OneOperator Single math operator TwoOperators Chain two math operators 918499 RevA 1-110 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Operator1 Description Sets/Queries the first operator of math function Fx. When MathMode = "OneOperator, this is the only math operator, when MathMode = "TwoOperator", this is the first of two operators. Note that when MathMode = "Graph", this control has no effect. Note also that the list of available math operators varies depending upon the instrument model number, and the list of installed software options. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Define the first operator of math function F1 as an Average app.Math.F1.View = True app.Math.F1.MathMode = "OneOperator" app.Math.F1.Operator1 = "Average" Values AbsoluteValue Average Derivative Difference EnhancedResolution Envelope FFT Floor Integral Invert Null Product Ratio Reciprocal Rescale Roof Square SquareRoot Sum Zoom 918499 RevA 1-111 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool Persisted Description Sets/Queries the persisted state of the function waveform. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'AllLocked' then the persisted state of all displayed waveforms will be the same. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'PerTrace' then the persisted state of each waveform may be independently controlled. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set persistence on for trace F3. app.Math.F3.Persisted = True Integer PersistenceSaturation Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the saturation threshold for persisted waveforms. All information at this level or above will be recorded with the same color or intensity. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the persistence saturation level for trace F1. app.Math.F1.PersistenceSaturation = 40 Enum PersistenceTime Description Sets/Queries the state of the Persistence Time control. Controls the persistence decay time for this trace. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the persistence time for the trace F1 to 10 seconds. app.Math.F1.PersistenceTime = "10s" Values 0.5s 10s 1s 20s 2s 5s Infinite 918499 RevA 1-112 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool ShowLastTrace Description Sets/Queries the state of the Show Last Trace control. If True then when this trace is displayed in persistence mode the last acquired waveform will be superimposed on the accumulating persistence map. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Do not show the last trace for the persistence trace of trace F1. app.Math.F1.ShowLastTrace = False Enum Source1 Description Sets/Queries the first source of the first operator in Fx. Note that the two possible sources of Operator1 are Source1 and Source2, Source3 is the second source to Operator2, with the first source of Operator2 being the ouput of Operator1. Note that the list of available sources is dependent upon the instrument model, and it's installed software options. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Define the first source of math function F1 as C3. app.Math.F1.Source1 = "C3" Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Digital1 Digital2 Digital3 Digital4 ET M1 M2 M3 M4 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 918499 RevA 1-113 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String UseGrid Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the grid in use for the math trace Fx. See also app.Acquisition.Cx.UseGrid. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Place math trace F3 on grid YT4. app.Math.F3.UseGrid = "YT4" Bool View Description Sets/Queries whether the trace of math function Fx is visible. Note that even when math traces are not visible, but are being used as inputs to other math functions and/or measurements, they are computed. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Show math trace F3. app.Math.F3.View = True Bool ViewLabels Description Sets/Queries whether trace labels, defined with LabelsText and LabelsPosition controls, are shown. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Show the user-defined trace label for trace F1 app.Math.F1.ViewLabels = True app.Math.Fx.Operator1Setup OPERATOR1SETUP This node is dynamically created, and will contain the controls for the operator currently selected into Operator1. See the Math/Measure Control reference at the end of this manual for a lost of these controls. app.Math.Fx.Out.Result RESULT Properties of the type xxxx.Out.Result.yyyy are those of the last completed acquisition. They are not affected if other cvars are changed after that acquisition was completed. This distinction between "Out.Result" properties and other cvars is most important when the trigger mode is Single or Stopped. You should treat "Out.Result" properties as readonly. For a detailed description of all properties available for the output of a Math Function, please see Chapter 1. 918499 RevA 1-114 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference app.Math.Fx.Zoom ZOOM This set of variables controls the zoom functions for math trace Fx. HorPos Double HorZoom Double ResetZoom Action VariableHorZoom Bool VariableVerZoom Bool VerPos Double VerZoom Double Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Turn on trace F1, will default to Zoom-Only app.Math.F1.View = True app.Math.F1.Source1 = "C1" ' Zoom trace F1 by a factor of 2 horizontally and vertically app.Math.F1.Zoom.Rese Double HorPos Range From -0.5 to 0.5 step (8 digits) Description Sets/Queries the horizontal position of center of the grid on the zoomed trace Fx. The unit of measurement is the screen width, that is, 0.3 means a shift of three of the ten divisions. A positive value moves the trace to the left. Double HorZoom Range From 0.1 to 1e+006 step (8 digits) Description Sets/Queries the horizontal magnification of the trace Fx. The magnification will be in a 1 2 5 10 sequence unless variable horizontal magnification has been set. Action ResetZoom Description Reset the trace Fx to x1 zoom and zero offset in both axes, so that it is identical to its input trace. Bool VariableHorZoom Description Sets/Queries the ability to zoom horizontally by a continuously variable factor. Note that if a horizontal zoom of 0.9 is set, while variable zoom is off, the horizontal zoom will be set to 1.0. If the variable zoom is then enabled, the factor of 0.9 will have been remembered, and it will be used. Note that the previous value will not be remembered during a power-cycle. 918499 RevA 1-115 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool VariableVerZoom Description Sets/Queries the ability to zoom vertically by a continuously variable factor. Note that if a vertical zoom of 0.9 is set, while variable zoom is off, the vertical zoom will be set to 1.0. If the variable zoom is then enabled, the factor of 0.9 will have been remembered, and it will be used. Note that the previous value will not be remembered during a power-cycle. Double VerPos Range From -1.5 to 1.5 step (8 digits) Description Sets/Queries the vertical position of center of the grid on the zoomed trace Fx. The unit of measurement is the screen height, that is, 0.375 means a shift of three of the eight divisions. A positive value moves the trace downwards. Double VerZoom Range From 0.1 to 100 step (8 digits) Description Sets/Queries the vertical magnification of the trace Fx. The magnification will be in a 1 2 5 10 sequence unless VariableVerZoom has been set to True, in which case it will be continuously variable. app.Math.XY XY This set of variables controls the display of data in X vs. Y mode. Only Valid when the instrument is in XY, XYSingle, or XYDual display modes. ClearSweeps Action InputX Enum InputY Enum Persisted Bool PersistenceSaturation Integer PersistenceTime Enum ShowLastTrace Bool Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Switch to XY+Dual Grid Mode app.Display.GridMode = "XYDual" ' Configure XY to show C1 vs. C2 in 3D Persistence mode app.Math.XY.InputX = "C1" app.Math.XY.InputY = "C2" app.Math Action ClearSweeps Description Clears persistence X-Y plot. 918499 RevA 1-116 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum InputX Description Sets/Queries the name of the input channel for the X axis of the X-Y plot. Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Digital1 Digital2 Digital3 Digital4 ET F1 M1 M2 M3 M4 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 918499 RevA 1-117 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum InputY Description Sets/Queries the name of the input channel for the Y axis of the X-Y plot. Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Digital1 Digital2 Digital3 Digital4 ET F1 M1 M2 M3 M4 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Bool Persisted Description Sets/Queries the persisted state of the X-Y plot. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'AllLocked' then the persisted state of all displayed waveforms will be the same. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'PerTrace' then the persisted state of each waveform may be independently controlled. Integer PersistenceSaturation Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the saturation threshold for persisted X-Y plot. All information at this level or above will be recorded with the same color or intensity. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. 918499 RevA 1-118 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum PersistenceTime Description Sets/Queries the state of the Persistence Time control. Controls the persistence decay time for the Xy persistence. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Values 0.5s 10s 1s 20s 2s 5s Infinite Bool ShowLastTrace Description Sets/Queries the state of the Show Last Trace control. If True then when this trace is displayed in persistence mode the last acquired waveform will be superimposed on the accumulating persistence map. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. app.Math.XY.Out.Result RESULT Properties of the type xxxx.Out.Result.yyyy are those of the last completed acquisition. They are not affected if other cvars are changed after that acquisition was completed. This distinction between "Out.Result" properties and other cvars is most important when the trigger mode is Single or Stopped. You should treat "Out.Result" properties as readonly. Note that this XY result object is very similar, but not identical to the result object exposed by the channel and math traces. The differences are due to the fact that the XY trace returns pairs of data values, one for X, one for Y. For a detailed description of all properties available for the output of an XY trace, please see Chapter 1. app.Measure MEASURE Variables of the form app.Measure control the parameters P1 through P8, and their associated statistical results and histicons. Names of the forms app.Measure.Measure("Premote").xxxx and app.Measure.Measure("Px").xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in this section of the manual. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Measure.Measure("Premote").OutResult is equivalent to app.Measure."Premote".OutResult app.Measure.Measure("Px").Statistics is equivalent to app.Measure.Px.Statistics Please see under Acquisition.Channels for a programming example. ClearAll Action ClearSweeps Action SetGateToDefault Action ShowMeasure Bool 918499 RevA 1-119 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference StatsOn Bool StdGateStart Double StdGateStop Double Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' get into the custom parameter mode app.Measure.MeasureMode = "MyMeasure" app.Measure.ClearAll app.Measure.StatsOn = True app.Measure.HistoOn = False ' Configure P1 to measure a Action ClearAll Description Resets all parameter setups, turning each of the parameters view to "off", the MeasurementType to "measure"and the selected paramEngine to "Null". Action ClearSweeps Description Clears the accumulated statistics for parametersP1 to P8 as well as the acumulated statistics for their associated histicons. Action SetGateToDefault Description Sets the measure gate to its default state. Valid only when in either Std. Vertical or Std. Horizontal measurement modes. For MyMeasure see the equivalent controls under Px. Bool ShowMeasure Description Defines whether the measure results table is displayed or not. Bool StatsOn Description Sets/Queries the visibility of parameter statistics. Note: the statistics are accumulated whether the view of them is on or not, so you needn't have StatsOn = "On" to collect statistics. Double StdGateStart Range From 0 to 10 step 0.01 Description Sets/Queries the position of the left hand limit of the measure gate (n divisions). Valid only when in either Std. Vertical or Std. Horizontal measurement modes. For MyMeasure see the equivalent controls under Px. 918499 RevA 1-120 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double StdGateStop Range From 0 to 10 step 0.01 Description Sets/Queries the position of the right hand limit of the measure gate (in divisions). Valid only when in either Std. Vertical or Std. Horizontal measurement modes. For MyMeasure see the equivalent controls under Px. app.Measure.Measure MEASURE Names of the forms app.Measure.Measure("Premote").xxxx and app.Measure.Measure("Px").xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in the section of the manual which is devoted to app.Measure. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Measure.Measure("Premote").OutResult is equivalent to app.Measure."Premote".OutResult app.Measure.Measure("Px").Statistics is equivalent to app.Measure.Px.Statistics Please see under app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx") for a programming example. app.Measure.PRemote PREMOTE GateByRange Bool GateByWform Bool WformSource Enum GateByRange Bool GateByWform Bool 918499 RevA 1-121 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum WformSource Values C1 C2 C3 C4 DigitalA0 DigitalA1 DigitalA10 DigitalA11 DigitalA12 DigitalA13 DigitalA14 DigitalA15 DigitalA2 DigitalA3 DigitalA4 DigitalA5 DigitalA6 DigitalA7 DigitalA8 DigitalA9 DigitalB0 DigitalB1 DigitalB10 DigitalB11 DigitalB12 DigitalB13 DigitalB14 DigitalB15 DigitalB2 DigitalB3 DigitalB4 DigitalB5 DigitalB6 DigitalB7 DigitalB8 DigitalB9 ET F1 M1 M2 M3 M4 Z1 918499 RevA 1-122 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Z2 Z3 Z4 RESULT app.Measure.PRemote.histo.Result RESULT app.Measure.PRemote.last.Result RESULT app.Measure.PRemote.max.Result RESULT app.Measure.PRemote.mean.Result RESULT app.Measure.PRemote.min.Result RESULT app.Measure.PRemote.num.Result RESULT app.Measure.PRemote.sdev.Result app.Measure.PRemote.Statistics STATISTICS app.Measure.Px PX This set of variables controls the parameters P1 through P8, (when the MeasureMode is "MyMeasure", otherwise these are predefined) and the statistical results and histicons which depend on them. GateByRange Bool 918499 RevA 1-123 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference GateByRange Bool GateByWform Bool GateStart Double GateStop Double MeasurementType Enum ParamEngine Enum Source1 Enum Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") app.Measure.MeasureMode = "MyMeasure" ' Set parameter P1 to math on parameters. App.Measure.P1.MeasurementType = "math" Bool GateByRange Description If True, only measurements who's value(s) fall between the limits defined by the LowerLimit and UpperLimit controls, are accepted. Bool GateByWform Description If True, measurements are gated by the state of the waveform defined by the WformSource control. Double GateStart Range From 0 to 10 step 0.01 Description Sets/Reads the position of the left hand edge of the measure gate for parameter Px. Double GateStop Range From 0 to 10 step 0.01 Description Sets/Reads the position of the right hand edge of the measure gate for parameter Px. Enum MeasurementType Description Sets/Queries the measurement type of the parameter Px. Values measure Standard measurement mode (parametric of a trace waveform) 918499 RevA 1-124 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ParamEngine Description Sets/Queries the parameter (measurement on a trace) for Px. This setting applies only if the MeasurementType control is set to "measure". Values Amplitude Area Base Delay DutyCycle Fall Fall8020 Frequency I2StoValue Maximum Mean Minimum Null OvershootNegative OvershootPositive PeakToPeak Period Phase Rise Rise2080 RootMeanSquare Skew StandardDeviation Top Width WidthNegative 918499 RevA 1-125 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Source1 Description Sets/Queries the first trace source of the parameter Px. Used only when MeasurementType = "measure", for MeasurementType = "math", refer to PSource1. Values C1 C2 C3 C4 DigitalA0 DigitalA1 DigitalA10 DigitalA11 DigitalA12 DigitalA13 DigitalA14 DigitalA15 DigitalA2 DigitalA3 DigitalA4 DigitalA5 DigitalA6 DigitalA7 DigitalA8 DigitalA9 DigitalB0 DigitalB1 DigitalB10 DigitalB11 DigitalB12 DigitalB13 DigitalB14 DigitalB15 DigitalB2 DigitalB3 DigitalB4 DigitalB5 DigitalB6 DigitalB7 DigitalB8 DigitalB9 ET F1 M1 M2 918499 RevA 1-126 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference M3 M4 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 RESULT app.Measure.Px.histo.Result RESULT app.Measure.Px.last.Result RESULT app.Measure.Px.max.Result RESULT app.Measure.Px.mean.Result RESULT app.Measure.Px.min.Result RESULT app.Measure.Px.num.Result app.Measure.Px.Operator OPERATOR This path specifies that the selected ParamEngine or ArithEngine control variables are "here" app.Measure.Px.Out.Result RESULT Properties of the type xxxx.Out.Result.yyyy are those of the last completed acquisition. They are not affected if other cvars are changed after that acquisition was completed. This distinction between "Out.Result" properties and other cvars is most important when the trigger mode is Single or Stopped. You should treat "Out.Result" properties as readonly. 918499 RevA 1-127 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference app.Measure.Px.sdev.Result RESULT app.Measure.Px.Statistics STATISTICS This set of variables controls the statistical summaries that are provided for all the parameters. app.Memory MEMORY Variables of the form app.Memory.xxxx control the memories M1 through M4. Names of the form app.Memory.Memories("Mx").xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in this section of the manual. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Memory.Memories("Mx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Memory.Mx.Out.Result app.Memory.Memories("Mx").Zoom is equivalent to app.Memory.Mx.Zoom Please see under app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx") for a programming example. ClearAllMem Action Action ClearAllMem Description Clears the contents of all trace memories. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Clear the contents of all trace memories. app.Memory.ClearAllMem app.Memory.Memories MEMORIES Names of the form app.Memory.Memories("Mx").xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in the section of the manual which is devoted to app.Memory. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Memory.Memories("Mx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Memory.Mx.Out.Result app.Memory.Memories("Mx").Zoom is equivalent to app.Memory.Mx.Zoom Please see under Acquisition.Channels for a programming example. app.Memory.Mx MX This set of variables controls the memories M1 through M4. ClearMem Action 918499 RevA 1-128 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action Copy Action LabelsPosition String LabelsText String Source1 Enum UseGrid String UserText String View Bool ViewLabels Bool Action ClearMem Description Initiates a clear memory operation for memory Mx. Action Copy Description Copy the trace specified by the Source1 control into this memory. String LabelsPosition Range Any number of characters Description Sets / Queries the horizontal position of the label attached to the acquisition trace Cx. The unit of measurement is the unit of the horizontal scale. The measurement is made from the trigger point. Note that this control is a string, not a numeric value. This allows multiple labels to be positioned, as shown in the example below. String LabelsText Range Any number of characters 918499 RevA 1-129 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Source1 Description Source trace for Copy operations (see 'Copy' control) Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Digital1 Digital2 Digital3 Digital4 ET F1 M2 M3 M4 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 String UseGrid Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the grid used for memory trace Mx. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set memory trace M2 to use grid YT3. app.Memory.M2.UseGrid = "YT3" String UserText Range Any number of characters Description Text field, used to attach arbitrary comments to a memory waveform. Bool View Description Sets/Queries whether memory trace Mx is visible. 918499 RevA 1-130 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool ViewLabels Description Sets/Queries whether labels are visible for trace Mx. app.Memory.Mx.Out.Result RESULT See app.Acquisition.Cx.Out.Result for a definition of methods and properties used to access the Mx waveform result. app.Memory.Mx.Zoom ZOOM This set of variables controls zooming of the memory traces M1 through M4. HorPos Double HorZoom Double ResetZoom Action VariableHorZoom Bool VariableVerZoom Bool VerPos Double VerZoom Double Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Save C1 into M1 app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveTo = "Memory" app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveSource = "C1" app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveDestination = "M1" app.SaveRecall.Waveform.DoSave Double HorPos Range From -0.5 to 0.5 step (8 digits) Description Sets/Queries the horizontal position of center of the grid on the zoomed trace Mx. The unit of measurement is the screen width, that is, 0.3 means a shift of three of the ten divisions. A positive value moves the trace to the left. Double HorZoom Range From 0.1 to 1e+006 step (8 digits) Description Sets/Queries the horizontal magnification of the trace Mx. The magnification will be in a 1 2 5 10 sequence unless variable horizontal magnification has been set. Action ResetZoom Description Resets the zoom for trace Mx. 918499 RevA 1-131 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool VariableHorZoom Description Sets/Queries the ability to zoom horizontally by a continuously variable factor as opposed to a factor that follows a 1, 2, 5 sequence. Bool VariableVerZoom Description Sets/Queries the ability to zoom vertically by a continuously variable factor as opposed to a factor that follows a 1, 2, 5 sequence. Double VerPos Range From -1.5 to 1.5 step (8 digits) Description Sets/Queries the vertical position of center of the grid on the zoomed trace Mx. The unit of measurement is the screen height, that is, 0.375 means a shift of three of the eight divisions. A positive value moves the trace downwards. Double VerZoom Range From 0.1 to 100 step (8 digits) Description Sets/Queries the vertical magnification of the trace Mx. The magnification will be in a 1 2 5 10 sequence unless variable vertical magnification has been set. app.PassFail PASSFAIL Names of the forms app.PassFail("Qremote").xxxx and app.PassFail("Qx").xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in this section of the manual. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.PassFail.PassFail("Qremote").Operator is equivalent to app.PassFail.Qremote.Operator app.PassFail.PassFail("Qx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.PassFail.Qx.Out.Result Please see under app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx") for a programming example. ActionOn Enum Alarm Bool PredefinedConditions Enum PrintScreen Bool Pulse Bool Save Bool Stop Bool Testing Bool Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Setup Parameter P1 to be the amplitude of C1 app.Measure.MeasureMode = "MyMeasure" app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Ampl" app.Measure.P1.Source1 = "C1" app.Measure.P1.View = True 918499 RevA 1-132 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ActionOn Description Sets/Queries whether a Pass condition or a Fail condition will initiate the pre-selected actions. Values Fail Pass Bool Alarm Description Sets/Queries whether Alarm is included in the PassFail actions. Enum PredefinedConditions Description Sets/Queries the logical criteria that must be met in a pass-fail test. For example, the condition AnyTrue means that the pass-fail criterion is met if at least one of the test conditions results in a True result. Values AllTrue Bool PrintScreen Description Sets/Queries whether Print Screen is included in the PassFail actions. Bool Pulse Description Sets/Queries whether Pulse is included in the PassFail actions. This action emits a pulse from the Aux output socket. Bool Save Description Sets/Queries whether Save is included in the PassFail actions. Bool Stop Description Sets/Queries whether Stop is included in the PassFail actions. Bool Testing Description Sets/Queries whether PassFail testing is on. app.PassFail.LastPass.Result RESULT 918499 RevA 1-133 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference app.PassFail.NumPassed.Result RESULT app.PassFail.Qx QX This set of variables controls the tests Q1 through Q8 in the pass fail system. ClearSweeps Action ConditionEngine Enum Equation String ShortDescription String View Bool WSource1 Enum Action ClearSweeps Description ClearSweeps Enum ConditionEngine Description Sets/Queries whether pass-fail test Qx uses mask testing or parameter comparison. Values MaskTestCondition String Equation Range Any number of characters Description Inspects the equation for pass-fail test Qx. A typical equation would be "All P3 < 0.7071". String ShortDescription Range Any number of characters Description ShortDescription Bool View Description Sets/Queries whether pass-fail test Qx is visible. 918499 RevA 1-134 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum WSource1 Description WSource1 Values C1 C2 C3 C4 ET F1 M1 M2 M3 M4 XY Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 app.PassFail.Qx.Out.Result RESULT Properties of the type xxxx.Out.Result.yyyy are those of the last completed acquisition. They are not affected if other cvars are changed after that acquisition was completed. This distinction between "Out.Result" properties and other cvars is most important when the trigger mode is Single or Stopped. You should treat "Out.Result" properties as readonly. RESULT app.PassFail.Rate.Result RESULT app.PassFail.Tests.Result app.Preferences PREFERENCES This set of variables controls user preferences for the instrument setup and operation. AudibleFeedback Bool EnhancedPrecisionMode Bool HorOffsetControl Enum Language Enum 918499 RevA 1-135 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference OffsetControl Enum Bool AudibleFeedback Description Sets/Queries whether audible feedback is enabled, to sound when a control is touched. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Turn on the audible feedback function. app.Preferences.AudibleFeedback = True Bool EnhancedPrecisionMode Description EnhancedPrecisionMode Enum HorOffsetControl Description HorOffsetControl. Values Div Time Enum Language Description Language Values ChineseSimplified English French German Italian Japanese Korean Enum OffsetControl Description Sets/Queries whether Vertical Offset constant in Volts or Divisions when the vertical scale control is changed. Values Div Volts 918499 RevA 1-136 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference app.Preferences.EMail EMAIL This set of variables controls user preferences for the instrument e-mail system. E-Mail may be sent when the hardcopy button is pressed when the hardcopy system is appropriately configured. Two standards are supported, SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol), and MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface). DefaultRecipient String Mode Enum OriginatorAddress String SendTestMail Action SMTPServer String Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Configure the originator and recipient addresses, replace these with ' appropriate values for your corporate network. app.Preferences.Email.DefaultRecipient = "recipientAddress@do String DefaultRecipient Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the default recipient of e-mail transmissions. Enum Mode Description Sets/Queries the transmission mode for e-mail. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set e-Mail mode to MAPI. app.Preferences.EMail.Mode = "MAPI" Values MAPI Messaging Application Programming Interface (Uses Outlook Express by default) SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, requires an SMTP server String OriginatorAddress Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the originator address for e-mail. This may be any address, and will be used when the recipient replies to a mail, note that the instrument doesn't necessarily have to have it's own E-Mail account in order to use this. 918499 RevA 1-137 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action SendTestMail Description Sends a message by e-mail to test the system. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Send an e-Mail message to test the system. app.Preferences.EMail.SendTestMail String SMTPServer Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the name of the SMTP Server for e-mail. Ask your system administrator if you are unsure of what value to set this to. app.RecallSetupLock RECALLSETUPLOCK app.SaveRecall SAVERECALL Controls for the Save/Recall subsystem. Includes nodes for saving and recalling both Waveforms and Panels (Setups). ShowLSIBExport Action ShowSaveTable Action ShowLSIBExport Action ShowSaveTable Action app.SaveRecall.Setup SETUP Controls for Saving and Recalling instrument setups. DoRecallDefaultNvlPanel Action DoRecallDefaultPanel Action DoRecallPanel Action DoSavePanel Action InternalName1 String InternalName2 String InternalName3 String InternalName4 String InternalName5 String InternalName6 String 918499 RevA 1-138 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference PanelDir FileName PanelFilename FileName RecallInternal1 Action RecallInternal2 Action RecallInternal3 Action RecallInternal4 Action RecallInternal5 Action RecallInternal6 Action SaveInternal1 Action SaveInternal2 Action SaveInternal3 Action SaveInternal4 Action SaveInternal5 Action SaveInternal6 Action Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Reset to default setup app.SaveRecall.Setup.DoRecallDefaultPanel ' Store the current setup into the first of the 6 setup stores. app.SaveRecall.Setup.InternalName1 = "My Setup1" Action DoRecallDefaultNvlPanel Description Recalls the factory set NVL (preference) panel settings. These are controls which are not affected when the default panel is recalled, and includes items such as the color preferences, remote control preferences, etc. Use with care!, especially when invoking via the VBS? Remote command via GPIB or TCP/IP, which could result in the controller being disconnected when the default port is selected. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Recall the factory default nvl panel settings. app.SaveRecall.Setup.DoRecallDefaultNvlPanel Action DoRecallDefaultPanel Description Recalls the factory set panel settings. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Recall the factory default panel settings. app.SaveRecall.Setup.DoRecallDefaultPanel 918499 RevA 1-139 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action DoRecallPanel Description Recall the panel file named in the PanelFilename control. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Create the filename for the next panel setup to be recalled. app.SaveRecall.Setup.PanelFilename = "Setup89" ' Recall the panel setup from the named file. app.SaveRecall.Setup.DoRecallPanel Action DoSavePanel Description Saves the current panel settings to the previously specified file. If the filename already exists, the file will be over-written without a prompt. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Create the filename for the next panel setup save. app.SaveRecall.Setup.PanelFilename = "TestSave" ' Save the panel setup to the named file. app.SaveRecall.Setup.DoSavePanel String InternalName1 Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the name of internal panel setup memory 1. String InternalName2 Range Any number of characters Description Please see InternalName1. String InternalName3 Range Any number of characters Description Please see InternalName1. String InternalName4 Range Any number of characters Description Please see InternalName1. 918499 RevA 1-140 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String InternalName5 Range Any number of characters Description Please see InternalName1. String InternalName6 Range Any number of characters Description Please see InternalName1. FileName PanelDir Range Any number of characters Description Directory in which setups are stored/recalled. FileName PanelFilename Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the current filename for saving a panel setup. Note that a '.lss' extension is automatically appended if not supplied. Action RecallInternal1 Description Recall the settings which are stored in internal panel memory 1. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Recall the settings from internal panel memory 1. app.SaveRecall.Setup.RecallInternal1 Action RecallInternal2 Description Please see RecallInternal1. Action RecallInternal3 Description Please see RecallInternal1. Action RecallInternal4 Description Please see RecallInternal1. 918499 RevA 1-141 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action RecallInternal5 Description Please see RecallInternal1. Action RecallInternal6 Description Please see RecallInternal1. Action SaveInternal1 Description Saves the current instrument settings into internal panel memory 1. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Save the current settings into internal panel memory 1. app.SaveRecall.Setup.SaveInternal1 Action SaveInternal2 Description Please see SaveInternal1. Action SaveInternal3 Description Please see SaveInternal1. Action SaveInternal4 Description Please see SaveInternal1. Action SaveInternal5 Description Please see SaveInternal1. Action SaveInternal6 Description Please see SaveInternal1. app.SaveRecall.Table TABLE Delimiter Enum DoSave Action SaveSource Enum TableDir FileName TableFormat Enum TableTitle String 918499 RevA 1-142 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Delimiter Values Comma Semicolon Space Tab DoSave Action SaveSource Enum Values AllDisplayed FileName TableDir Range Any number of characters Enum TableFormat Values ASCII Excel String TableTitle Range Any number of characters app.SaveRecall.Utilities UTILITIES Controls used to manage files and folders, including the ability to create and delete folders, and the ability to delete files. CreateDir Action DeleteAll Action DeleteFile Action Directory FileName Action CreateDir Description Creates the directory specified in the Directory control. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Create a named directory app.SaveRecall.Utilities.Directory = "C:\MyDir" 918499 RevA 1-143 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference app.SaveRecall.Utilities.CreateDir Action DeleteAll Description Deletes all files in the directory specified by the Directory control without a cautionary prompt. Use with care! Files cannot be recovered if deleted accidentally. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Delete all files without showing a yes/no prompt. app.SaveRecall.Utilities.Directory = "C:\MyDir" app.SaveRecall.Utilities.DeleteAll Action DeleteFile Description Deletes the file named by the Filename control Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Delete the named file app.SaveRecall.Utilities.Filename = "C:\MyDir\MyFile.txt" app.SaveRecall.Utilities.DeleteFile FileName Directory Range Any number of characters Description Defines the directory which will be used for the operations in this automation node. app.SaveRecall.Waveform WAVEFORM Contains controls used for saving and recalling waveforms. Delimiter Enum DoRecall Action DoSave Action RecallDestination Enum RecallFrom Enum RecallSource Enum SaveDestination Enum SaveSource Enum SaveTo Enum TraceTitle String WaveFormat Enum WaveformDir FileName Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") 918499 RevA 1-144 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference ' Save C1 into M1 app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveTo = "Memory" app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveSource = "C1" app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveDestination = "M1" app.SaveRecall.Waveform.DoSave Enum Delimiter Description Sets/Queries the delimiter to use when saving data in ASCII text mode. Values Comma Semicolon Space Tab Action DoRecall Description Recall waveform data into a trace memory. Source may be either an internal memory (M1..M4), or a file on a mass-storage device, depending on the state of the 'RecallFrom' control. Action DoSave Description Save waveform data into an internal memory, or file on a mass-storage device, using the pre-specified source and destination. Enum RecallDestination Description Sets/Queries the destination for waveform recall. When the DoRecall action is executed the waveform will be transferred into this destination trace. Values M1 M2 M3 M4 Enum RecallFrom Description Sets/Queries the type of source for waveform recall. Values File Memory Recall from file on a mass-storage device Recall from one of the internal memories (M1..M4) 918499 RevA 1-145 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum RecallSource Description Sets/Queries the source for recalling waveform data. Used only when recalling from an internal memory with RecallSource = "Memory". Values M1 M2 M3 M4 Enum SaveDestination Description Sets/Queries the destination to which waveform data will be saved. Used only when the SaveTo = "Memory". Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Setup to store trace C2 into M4 and perform the save operation app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveTo = "Memory" app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveSource = "C2" app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveDestination = "M4" app.SaveRecall.Waveform.DoSave Values M1 M2 M3 M4 918499 RevA 1-146 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum SaveSource Description Sets/Queries the source from which waveform data will be saved. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the destination to memory for waveform save. app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveTo = "Memory" ' Set the source to C2, for saving a waveform. app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveSource = "C2" ' Set the destination to memory M4, for saving a waveform. app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveDestination = "M4" ' Save waveform data as previously specified. app.SaveRecall.Waveform.DoSave Values AllDisplayed C1 C2 C3 C4 Digital1 Digital2 Digital3 Digital4 ET F1 M1 M2 M3 M4 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 918499 RevA 1-147 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum SaveTo Description Sets/Queries type of destination for waveform save. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the destination to Memory for waveform save. app.SaveRecall.Waveform.SaveTo = "Memory" Values File Save into file on a mass-storage device Memory Save into an internal memory (M1..M4) String TraceTitle Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the title (prefix) to use when naming saved traces. This prefix will have the family (sequence) number appended to it when forming the filename. Enum WaveFormat Description Sets/Queries the format to use when saving waveform data into a file. 'Binary' is the most efficient, storing one or two bytes per data sample, depending upon the number of significant bits. When in ASCII mode, the Subformat and Delimiter controls define the data format. Values ASCII Plain ASCII files with choice of various delimiters Binary LeCroy's standard binary waveform format Excel MathCad MATLAB FileName WaveformDir Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the directory for storing waveform files. app.SerialDecode SERIALDECODE AnnotationPositionPreference Enum LinkedToTrigger1 Bool LinkedToTrigger2 Bool LinkedToTrigger3 Bool LinkedToTrigger4 Bool SelectDecoder Enum 918499 RevA 1-148 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum AnnotationPositionPreference Values OnNoisyTrace OnTrace LinkedToTrigger1 Bool LinkedToTrigger2 Bool LinkedToTrigger3 Bool LinkedToTrigger4 Bool Enum SelectDecoder Values Decode1 Decode2 Decode3 Decode4 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " AudioI2S" ) AUDIOI2S Annotate Enum BitOrder Enum BitsInChannel Integer BitsPerByte Integer ByteSlicer Enum ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum ClockPhase Enum ColumnState String Conversion Enum CSLevelPercent Double CSLevelType Enum CSLockMode Enum CSOffset Integer CSPolarity Enum DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum IgnoreCS Bool MinSamplesPerBit Integer ViewingMode Enum 918499 RevA 1-149 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Annotate Values All Left Right Enum BitOrder Values LSB MSB Integer BitsInChannel Range From 1 to 32 step 1 Integer BitsPerByte Range From 2 to 32 step 1 Enum ByteSlicer Values CSbased CSbasedMulti HolebasedMulti NoHole Std UserCol Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum ClockPhase Values Negative Positive String ColumnState Range Any number of characters 918499 RevA 1-150 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Conversion Values Binary Binary2Cpl Double CSLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum CSLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum CSLockMode Values Falling Rising Integer CSOffset Range From 0 to 31 step 1 Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent Bool IgnoreCS Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 918499 RevA 1-151 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ViewingMode Values Binary dB Dec Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " AudioLJ" ) AUDIOLJ Annotate Enum BitOrder Enum BitsInChannel Integer BitsPerByte Integer ByteSlicer Enum ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum ClockPhase Enum ColumnState String Conversion Enum CSLevelPercent Double CSLevelType Enum CSLockMode Enum CSOffset Integer CSPolarity Enum DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum IgnoreCS Bool MinSamplesPerBit Integer ViewingMode Enum Enum Annotate Values All Left Right Enum BitOrder Values LSB MSB 918499 RevA 1-152 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Integer BitsInChannel Range From 1 to 32 step 1 Integer BitsPerByte Range From 2 to 32 step 1 Enum ByteSlicer Values CSbased CSbasedMulti HolebasedMulti NoHole Std UserCol Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum ClockPhase Values Negative Positive String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Enum Conversion Values Binary Binary2Cpl Double CSLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 918499 RevA 1-153 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum CSLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum CSLockMode Values Falling Rising Integer CSOffset Range From 0 to 31 step 1 Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent Bool IgnoreCS Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 Enum ViewingMode Values Binary dB Dec Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " AudioRJ" ) AUDIORJ Annotate Enum 918499 RevA 1-154 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference BitOrder Enum BitsInChannel Integer BitsPerByte Integer ByteSlicer Enum ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum ClockPhase Enum ColumnState String Conversion Enum CSLevelPercent Double CSLevelType Enum CSLockMode Enum CSOffset Integer CSPolarity Enum DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum IgnoreCS Bool MinSamplesPerBit Integer ViewingMode Enum Enum Annotate Values All Left Right Enum BitOrder Values LSB MSB Integer BitsInChannel Range From 1 to 32 step 1 Integer BitsPerByte Range From 2 to 32 step 1 918499 RevA 1-155 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ByteSlicer Values CSbased CSbasedMulti HolebasedMulti NoHole Std UserCol Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum ClockPhase Values Negative Positive String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Enum Conversion Values Binary Binary2Cpl Double CSLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum CSLevelType Values Absolute Percent 918499 RevA 1-156 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum CSLockMode Values Falling Rising Integer CSOffset Range From 0 to 31 step 1 Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent Bool IgnoreCS Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 Enum ViewingMode Values Binary dB Dec Hex AUDIOTDM app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " AudioTDM" ) Annotate Enum BitOrder Enum BitsInChannel Integer BitsPerByte Integer ByteSlicer Enum ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum 918499 RevA 1-157 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference ClockPhase Enum ColumnState String Conversion Enum CSLevelPercent Double CSLevelType Enum CSLockMode Enum CSOffset Integer CSPolarity Enum DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum IgnoreCS Bool MinSamplesPerBit Integer ViewingMode Enum Enum Annotate Values All Audio1 Audio2 Audio3 Audio4 Audio5 Audio6 Audio7 Audio8 Enum BitOrder Values LSB MSB Integer BitsInChannel Range From 1 to 32 step 1 Integer BitsPerByte Range From 2 to 32 step 1 918499 RevA 1-158 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ByteSlicer Values CSbased CSbasedMulti HolebasedMulti NoHole Std UserCol Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum ClockPhase Values Negative Positive String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Enum Conversion Values Binary Binary2Cpl Double CSLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum CSLevelType Values Absolute Percent 918499 RevA 1-159 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum CSLockMode Values Falling Rising Integer CSOffset Range From 0 to 31 step 1 Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent Bool IgnoreCS Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 Enum ViewingMode Values Binary dB Dec Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " CAN" ) CAN BitRate Double ColumnState String GMLAN Bool LevelPercent Double LevelType Enum ShowStuffBits Bool Tolerance Double 918499 RevA 1-160 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference ViewingMode Enum Double BitRate Range From 10 to 2e+007 step 1 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Bool GMLAN Double LevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum LevelType Values Absolute Percent Bool ShowStuffBits Double Tolerance Range From 0.01 to 10 step 0.01 Enum ViewingMode Values Hexadecimal app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " CANHL" ) CANHL BitRate Double ColumnState String GMLAN Bool LevelPercent Double LevelType Enum ShowStuffBits Bool Tolerance Double ViewingMode Enum Double BitRate Range From 10 to 2e+007 step 1 918499 RevA 1-161 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Bool GMLAN Double LevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum LevelType Values Absolute Percent Bool ShowStuffBits Double Tolerance Range From 0.01 to 10 step 0.01 Enum ViewingMode Values Hexadecimal GMCANHL app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " GMCANHL" ) BitRate Double ColumnState String GMLAN Bool LevelPercent Double LevelType Enum ShowStuffBits Bool Tolerance Double ViewingMode Enum Double BitRate Range From 10 to 2e+007 step 1 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Bool GMLAN 918499 RevA 1-162 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double LevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum LevelType Values Absolute Percent Bool ShowStuffBits Double Tolerance Range From 0.01 to 10 step 0.01 Enum ViewingMode Values Hexadecimal GMCANLAN app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " GMCANLAN" ) BitRate Double ColumnState String GMLAN Bool LevelPercent Double LevelType Enum ShowStuffBits Bool Tolerance Double ViewingMode Enum Double BitRate Range From 10 to 2e+007 step 1 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Bool GMLAN Double LevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 918499 RevA 1-163 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum LevelType Values Absolute Percent Bool ShowStuffBits Double Tolerance Range From 0.01 to 10 step 0.01 Enum ViewingMode Values Hexadecimal app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " I2C" ) I2C AddressWithRW Bool BitRate Double ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum ColumnState String DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum Tolerance Double ViewingMode Enum Bool AddressWithRW Double BitRate Range From 10 to 2e+006 step 1 Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent String ColumnState Range Any number of characters 918499 RevA 1-164 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent Double Tolerance Range From 0.01 to 10 step 0.01 Enum ViewingMode Values ASCII Binary Dec Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " LIN" ) LIN BitRate Double ColumnState String LevelPercent Double LevelType Enum LINVersion Enum Tolerance Double Double BitRate Range From 1000 to 20000 step 1 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Double LevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum LevelType Values Absolute Percent 918499 RevA 1-165 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum LINVersion Values ALL J2602 Rev1.3 Rev2.x Double Tolerance Range From 0.01 to 10 step 0.01 app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " MIL1553" ) MIL1553 BitRate Double ColumnState String FBO Double HalfSyncWidth Double LevelHAbsolute Double LevelHType Enum LevelLAbsolute Double LevelLType Enum MinSamplesPerBit Integer NPproximity Double TableMode Enum ViewingMode Enum Double BitRate Range From 1000 to 2e+007 step 50 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Double FBO Range From 0 to 50 step 0.1 Double HalfSyncWidth Range From 4e-008 to 0.025 step 1e-008 Double LevelHAbsolute Range From -10 to 10 step 0.05 918499 RevA 1-166 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum LevelHType Values Absolute Percent Double LevelLAbsolute Range From -10 to 10 step 0.05 Enum LevelLType Values Absolute Percent Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 Double NPproximity Range From 1e-009 to 0.005 step 1e-009 Enum TableMode Values Transfer Word Enum ViewingMode Values Binary Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " RS232" ) RS232 BitRate Double ByteOrderUI Enum ColumnState String DataBitsUI Integer LevelPercent Double LevelType Enum Parity Enum ParityUI Enum PolarityUI Enum StopBitsUI Enum Tolerance Double 918499 RevA 1-167 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference ViewingMode Enum Double BitRate Range From 30 to 5e+008 step 1 Enum ByteOrderUI Values LSB MSB String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Integer DataBitsUI Range From 5 to 16 step 1 Double LevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum LevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum Parity Values Even Mark None Odd Space Enum ParityUI Values Even None Odd 918499 RevA 1-168 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum PolarityUI Values IdleHigh IdleLow Enum StopBitsUI Values 1 2 Double Tolerance Range From 0.01 to 10 step 0.01 Enum ViewingMode Values ASCII Binary Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " SIOP" ) SIOP BitOrder Enum BitsPerByte Integer ByteSlicer Enum ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum ClockPhase Enum ClockPolarity Enum ColumnState String Conversion Enum CSLevelPercent Double CSLevelType Enum CSLockMode Enum CSPolarity Enum DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool InterFrameSetup Enum InterFrameTime Double MinSamplesPerBit Integer TDMChannel Integer ViewingMode Enum 918499 RevA 1-169 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum BitOrder Values LSB MSB Integer BitsPerByte Range From 2 to 32 step 1 Enum ByteSlicer Values CSbased CSbasedMulti HolebasedMulti NoHole Std UserCol Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum ClockPhase Values 0 1 Enum ClockPolarity Values 0 1 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters 918499 RevA 1-170 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Conversion Values Binary Binary2Cpl Double CSLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum CSLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum CSLockMode Values Both Falling Rising Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool Enum InterFrameSetup Values Auto Manual 918499 RevA 1-171 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double InterFrameTime Range From 1e-009 to 10 step 1e-009 Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 Integer TDMChannel Range From 1 to 8 step 1 Enum ViewingMode Values ASCII Binary Dec Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " SPI" ) SPI BitOrder Enum BitsPerByte Integer ByteSlicer Enum ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum ClockPhase Enum ClockPolarity Enum ColumnState String Conversion Enum CSLevelPercent Double CSLevelType Enum CSLockMode Enum CSPolarity Enum DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool InterFrameSetup Enum InterFrameTime Double MinSamplesPerBit Integer TDMChannel Integer ViewingMode Enum Enum BitOrder 918499 RevA 1-172 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Values LSB MSB Integer BitsPerByte Range From 2 to 32 step 1 Enum ByteSlicer Values CSbased CSbasedMulti HolebasedMulti NoHole Std UserCol Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum ClockPhase Values 0 1 Enum ClockPolarity Values 0 1 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Enum Conversion Values Binary Binary2Cpl 918499 RevA 1-173 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Double CSLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum CSLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum CSLockMode Values Both Falling Rising Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool Enum InterFrameSetup Values Auto Manual Double InterFrameTime Range From 1e-009 to 10 step 1e-009 Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 918499 RevA 1-174 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Integer TDMChannel Range From 1 to 8 step 1 Enum ViewingMode Values ASCII Binary Dec Hex SPICUSTOM app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " SPICustom" ) BitOrder Enum BitsPerByte Integer ByteSlicer Enum ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum ClockPhase Enum ClockPolarity Enum ColumnState String Conversion Enum CSLevelPercent Double CSLevelType Enum CSLockMode Enum CSPolarity Enum DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool InterFrameSetup Enum InterFrameTime Double MinSamplesPerBit Integer TDMChannel Integer ViewingMode Enum Enum BitOrder Values LSB MSB 918499 RevA 1-175 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Integer BitsPerByte Range From 2 to 32 step 1 Enum ByteSlicer Values CSbased CSbasedMulti HolebasedMulti NoHole Std UserCol Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum ClockPhase Values 0 1 Enum ClockPolarity Values 0 1 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Enum Conversion Values Binary Binary2Cpl Double CSLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 918499 RevA 1-176 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum CSLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum CSLockMode Values Both Falling Rising Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool Enum InterFrameSetup Values Auto Manual Double InterFrameTime Range From 1e-009 to 10 step 1e-009 Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 Integer TDMChannel Range From 1 to 8 step 1 918499 RevA 1-177 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ViewingMode Values ASCII Binary Dec Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " SPIDDR" ) SPIDDR BitOrder Enum BitsPerByte Integer ByteSlicer Enum ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum ClockPhase Enum ClockPolarity Enum ColumnState String Conversion Enum CSLevelPercent Double CSLevelType Enum CSLockMode Enum CSPolarity Enum DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool InterFrameSetup Enum InterFrameTime Double MinSamplesPerBit Integer TDMChannel Integer ViewingMode Enum Enum BitOrder Values LSB MSB Integer BitsPerByte Range From 2 to 32 step 1 918499 RevA 1-178 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ByteSlicer Values CSbased CSbasedMulti HolebasedMulti NoHole Std UserCol Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum ClockPhase Values 0 1 Enum ClockPolarity Values 0 1 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Enum Conversion Values Binary Binary2Cpl Double CSLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 918499 RevA 1-179 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum CSLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum CSLockMode Values Both Falling Rising Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool Enum InterFrameSetup Values Auto Manual Double InterFrameTime Range From 1e-009 to 10 step 1e-009 Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 Integer TDMChannel Range From 1 to 8 step 1 918499 RevA 1-180 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ViewingMode Values ASCII Binary Dec Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " SSPI" ) SSPI BitOrder Enum BitsPerByte Integer ByteSlicer Enum ClockLevelPercent Double ClockLevelType Enum ClockPhase Enum ClockPolarity Enum ColumnState String Conversion Enum CSLevelPercent Double CSLevelType Enum CSLockMode Enum CSPolarity Enum DataLevelPercent Double DataLevelType Enum DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool InterFrameSetup Enum InterFrameTime Double MinSamplesPerBit Integer TDMChannel Integer ViewingMode Enum Enum BitOrder Values LSB MSB Integer BitsPerByte Range From 2 to 32 step 1 918499 RevA 1-181 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ByteSlicer Values CSbased CSbasedMulti HolebasedMulti NoHole Std UserCol Double ClockLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum ClockLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum ClockPhase Values 0 1 Enum ClockPolarity Values 0 1 String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Enum Conversion Values Binary Binary2Cpl Double CSLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 918499 RevA 1-182 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum CSLevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum CSLockMode Values Both Falling Rising Enum CSPolarity Values ActiveHigh ActiveLow Double DataLevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Enum DataLevelType Values Absolute Percent DDR Bool IgnoreCS Bool Enum InterFrameSetup Values Auto Manual Double InterFrameTime Range From 1e-009 to 10 step 1e-009 Integer MinSamplesPerBit Range From 4 to 100 step 1 Integer TDMChannel Range From 1 to 8 step 1 918499 RevA 1-183 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum ViewingMode Values ASCII Binary Dec Hex app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = " UART" ) UART BitRate Double ByteOrderUI Enum ColumnState String DataBitsUI Integer LevelPercent Double LevelType Enum Parity Enum ParityUI Enum PolarityUI Enum StopBitsUI Enum Tolerance Double ViewingMode Enum Double BitRate Range From 30 to 5e+008 step 1 Enum ByteOrderUI Values LSB MSB String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Integer DataBitsUI Range From 5 to 16 step 1 Double LevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 918499 RevA 1-184 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum LevelType Values Absolute Percent Enum Parity Values Even Mark None Odd Space Enum ParityUI Values Even None Odd Enum PolarityUI Values IdleHigh IdleLow Enum StopBitsUI Values 1 2 Double Tolerance Range From 0.01 to 10 step 0.01 Enum ViewingMode Values ASCII Binary Hex app.SerialDecode.Decodex DECODEX AnnotationPosition Enum 918499 RevA 1-185 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference DataSource Enum OutputFile FileName Protocol Enum View Bool ViewDecode Bool Enum AnnotationPosition Values Bottom Centered OnNoisyTrace OnTrace Top 918499 RevA 1-186 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum DataSource Description The Data Source has to be entered here. The source can be any channel, function or memory. The Data Source is required for every protocol supported whereas Clock and Chip Select might not be Values C1 C2 C3 C4 DigitalA0 DigitalA1 DigitalA10 DigitalA11 DigitalA12 DigitalA13 DigitalA14 DigitalA15 DigitalA2 DigitalA3 DigitalA4 DigitalA5 DigitalA6 DigitalA7 DigitalA8 DigitalA9 DigitalB0 DigitalB1 DigitalB10 DigitalB11 DigitalB12 DigitalB13 DigitalB14 DigitalB15 DigitalB2 DigitalB3 DigitalB4 DigitalB5 DigitalB6 DigitalB7 DigitalB8 DigitalB9 ET F1 M1 M2 918499 RevA 1-187 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference M3 M4 Z2 Z3 Z4 FileName OutputFile Range Any number of characters Description The name and path of the File used to export the Decoded Table Enum Protocol Description The protocol currently decoded by this Decoder. At the time of this writing (July of 2007) we support 7 protocols:8b10, CAN, FlexRay, I2C, LIN, UART, SPI. The options purchased govern the list of visible protocol in this field. Values AudioI2S AudioLJ AudioRJ AudioTDM CAN CANHL GMCANHL GMCANLAN I2C LIN MIL1553 RS232 SIOP SPI SPICustom SPIDDR SSPI UART Bool View Description Turns the Table View on and off. Bool ViewDecode Description Turns the Annotation View on and off. app.SerialDecode.Decodex.Decode DECODE 918499 RevA 1-188 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference BitRate Double ColumnState String LevelPercent Double LevelType Enum ViewingMode Enum Double BitRate Range From 10 to 2e+007 step 1 Description The Bitrate of the data stream to be decoded String ColumnState Range Any number of characters Description This variable lists the visibility state of the columns in the decoded table Each column is named, followed by an equal sign and the state on or off. On turns on the column, off turns it off. Example The following command would show 3 columns Time=on|Data=on|DataLength=on whereas this comand would only show Time and DataLength Time=on|Data=on|DataLength=off Double LevelPercent Range From 0 to 100 step 0.1 Description The threshold between zeros and ones expressed in Percent of the distance between top and base. Enum LevelType Description The selection between absolute and relative threshold mode Values Absolute Percent Enum ViewingMode Description Selects viewing mode, usually between Binary,Hexadecimal, ASCII Values Hexadecimal app.SerialDecode.Decodex.Out.Result RESULT 918499 RevA 1-189 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference app.SystemControl SYSTEMCONTROL FrontPanelEventTimestamp String ModalDialogTimeout Integer PersistentMessage String String FrontPanelEventTimestamp Range Any number of characters Integer ModalDialogTimeout Range From 0 to 120 step 1 Description Set a timeout, in units of seconds, used to auto-dismiss modal dialogs, with their default responses. String PersistentMessage Range Any number of characters app.Utility.DateTimeSetup DATETIMESETUP This set of variables controls user the date and time setup. In addition to manual controls for hh/mm/ss, dd/mm/yy, there is the ability to set the time and date from an Internet clock using the SNTP protocol. CurrentDateAndTime String Day Integer Hour Integer Minute Integer Month Integer Second Integer SetFromSNTP Action Validate Action Year Integer Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set time/date from the NIST Internet clock app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.SetFromSNTP String CurrentDateAndTime Range Any number of characters Description Reads the current date and time from the real-time calendar and clock. 918499 RevA 1-190 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the current date and time from the real-time calendar and clock. app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.CurrentDateAndTime Integer Day Range From 1 to 31 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the day of the month setting of the real-time clock as a number. The value will not be accepted by the clock until app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate is sent. All time/date controls are validated at the same time. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the day of the month as 21. app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Day = 21 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate Integer Hour Range From 0 to 23 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the hours setting of the real-time clock as a number. The value will not be accepted by the clock until app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate is sent. All time/date controls are validated at the same time. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the hour as 13. app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Hour = 13 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate Integer Minute Range From 0 to 59 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the minutes setting of the real-time clock as a number. The value will not be accepted by the clock until app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate is sent. All time/date controls are validated at the same time. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the minute as 34. app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Minute = 34 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate 918499 RevA 1-191 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Integer Month Range From 1 to 12 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the month setting of the real-time clock as a number. The value will not be accepted by the clock until app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate is sent. All time/date controls are validated at the same time. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the month as August. app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Month = 8 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate Integer Second Range From 0 to 59 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the seconds setting of the real-time clock as a number. The value will not be accepted by the clock until app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate is sent. All time/date controls are validated at the same time. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the seconds as 55. app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Second = 55 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate Action SetFromSNTP Description Sets the real time clock from the simple network time protocol. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the real time clock from the simple network time protocol. app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.SetFromSNTP 918499 RevA 1-192 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action Validate Description Validates any new settings. This action is equivalent to clicking 'Validate Changes' on the Date/Time page. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the day, hour, and minute, and validate. app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Day = 3 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Hour = 5 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Minute = 8 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate Integer Year Range From 2000 to 2037 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the year setting of the real-time clock as a number. The value will not be accepted by the clock until app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate is sent. All time/date controls are validated at the same time. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set the year as 2003. app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Year = 2003 app.Utility.DateTimeSetup.Validate app.Utility.Options OPTIONS Options subsystem, contains controls to query the list of installed software and hardware options. InstalledHWOptions String InstalledSWOptions String ScopeID String String InstalledHWOptions Range Any number of characters Description Shows a list of the installed hardware options. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the list of installed hardware options and present ' in a popup dialog MsgBox app.Utility.Options.InstalledHWOPtions 918499 RevA 1-193 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String InstalledSWOptions Range Any number of characters Description Shows list of installed software options. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the list of installed software options and display ' in a popup dialog MsgBox app.Utility.Options.InstalledSWOPtions String ScopeID Range Any number of characters Description Queries the ID of the instrument. This ID should be specified when purchasing software options for your instrument. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Read the ID of the instrument. MsgBox app.Utility.Options.ScopeID app.Utility.Remote REMOTE Controls related to the remote control section of the instrument. Note that in this context Automation is not considered part of 'Remote'. Remote control currently includes control using ASCII remote commands from GPIB or TCP/IP. Assistant Enum Interface Enum RestrictControl Enum SetToErrorsOnlyAndClearAtStartup Bool Enum Assistant Description Sets/Queries the setting of the remote assistant. Values EO Log errors only FD Log all remote commands/queries OFF Turn the assistant off 918499 RevA 1-194 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum Interface Description Sets/Queries the currently selected type of currently selected remote control interface. Values LXI Off TCPIP Enum RestrictControl Description Sets/Queries whether remote control is restricted to certain hosts, where the host name is defined either by IP address, or dns name. Values No Yes Bool SetToErrorsOnlyAndClearAtStartup Description Enable the resetting of the remote assistant to 'Errors Only' mode when the instrument is reset. Also ensure s that the remote assistant log is cleared upon startup. This control is set by default to lower the risk that the remote assistant will be set to 'Full Dialog' mode and be forgotten, causing a decrease in remote control performance. CIOPORTU3GPIB app.Utility.Remote.IOManager.CIOPortU3GPIB GpibAddress Integer Integer GpibAddress Range From 1 to 30 step 1 CLSIBPORT app.Utility.Remote.IOManager.CLSIBPort WAVESCAN app.WaveScan This is the root of the WaveScan automation hierarchy. WaveScan enables you to search for unusual events in a single capture, or to scan for an event in many acquisitions over a long period of time. It may be considered a kind of software trigger. Enable Bool 918499 RevA 1-195 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference FindRare1Sigma Action FindRare3Sigma Action FindRare5Sigma Action FindUseMean Action ShowTimes Bool Bool Enable Description Sets/Queries the WaveScan enabled state. Action FindRare1Sigma Description Preset the filter limit and delta to find rare events. Uses the history of measurements since the last Clear Sweeps, or control change, to set the limit and delta to capture +/- 1 sigma events. Action FindRare3Sigma Description Preset the filter limit and delta to find rare events. Uses the history of measurements since the last Clear Sweeps, or control change, to set the limit and delta to capture +/- 3 sigma events. Action FindRare5Sigma Description Preset the filter limit and delta to find rare events. Uses the history of measurements since the last Clear Sweeps, or control change, to set the limit and delta to capture +/- 5 sigma events. Action FindUseMean Description Setup the filter to find measurements with values > the current statistical mean. Bool ShowTimes app.WaveScan.ScanDecode SCANDECODE ClearSweeps Action TableLocation String View Bool Action ClearSweeps Description Clear any accumulated result data. Useful for example to restart an average, or parameter statistics. String TableLocation Range Any number of characters 918499 RevA 1-196 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Bool View Description Sets/Queries the trace's 'Viewed' state. When true, the trace is displayed on one of the display graticules. Note that even when a trace is not visible, it may be used as a source for Math, Measure, etc. app.WaveScan.ScanDecode.Out.Result RESULT app.Zoom ZOOM QuickZoom Action ResetAll Action Action QuickZoom Description Zoom all Cx that are on at an horizontal factor of 10. Action ResetAll Description Reset all Zx to their default settings. app.Zoom.Zx ZX ClearSweeps Action DoStoreToMemoryTrace Action Equation String LabelsPosition String LabelsText String Persisted Bool PersistenceSaturation Integer PersistenceTime Enum ShowLastTrace Bool Source Enum UseGrid String View Bool ViewLabels Bool Action ClearSweeps Description Clear any accumulated result data. Useful for example to restart an average, or parameter statistics. 918499 RevA 1-197 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action DoStoreToMemoryTrace Description Store the content of Zx into the corresponding Memory Slot (Mx). String Equation Range Any number of characters Description Same as app.Math.Fx.Equation. String LabelsPosition Range Any number of characters Description Sets / Queries the horizontal position of the label attached to the acquisition trace Cx. The unit of measurement is the unit of the horizontal scale. The measurement is made from the trigger point. Note that this control is a string, not a numeric value. This allows multiple labels to be positioned, as shown in the example below. String LabelsText Range Any number of characters Bool Persisted Description Sets/Queries the persisted state of the waveform. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'AllLocked' then the persisted state of all displayed waveforms will be the same. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'PerTrace' then the persisted state of each waveform may be independently controlled. Integer PersistenceSaturation Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the saturation threshold for persisted waveforms. All information at this level or above will be recorded with the same color or intensity. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. 918499 RevA 1-198 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Enum PersistenceTime Description Sets/Queries the state of the Persistence Time control. Controls the persistence decay time for this trace. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Values 0.5s 10s 1s 20s 2s 5s Infinite Bool ShowLastTrace Description Sets/Queries the state of the Show Last Trace control. If True then when this trace is displayed in persistence mode the last acquired waveform will be superimposed on the accumulating persistence map. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes. Enum Source Description Zoom source trace. Values C1 C2 C3 C4 Digital1 Digital2 Digital3 Digital4 ET F1 M1 M2 M3 M4 Z2 Z3 Z4 918499 RevA 1-199 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference String UseGrid Range Any number of characters Description Sets/Queries the grid in use for the zoom trace Zx. See also app.Acquisition.Cx.UseGrid. Bool View Description Sets/Queries the trace's 'Viewed' state. When true, the trace is displayed on one of the display graticules. Note that even when a trace is not visible, it may be used as a source for Math, Measure, etc. Bool ViewLabels Description Sets/Queries whether the user-defined labels for the trace are visible. See Also: LabelsPosition and LabelsText controls. app.Zoom.Zx.Out.Result RESULT app.Zoom.Zx.Zoom ZOOM HorPos Double HorZoom Double ResetZoom Action VariableHorZoom Bool VariableVerZoom Bool VerPos Double VerZoom Double Double HorPos Range From -0.5 to 0.5 step (8 digits) Description Horizontal Position of the trace, normalized to a value between -0.5 and 0.5. A value of zero is the default, and indicates no position change relative to the source trace. Double HorZoom Range From 0.1 to 1e+006 step (8 digits) Description Horizontal Zoom setting. Locked to a 1, 2, 5 sequence unless VariableHorZoom is set to True . 918499 RevA 1-200 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Action ResetZoom Description Resets the zoom settings to their default values. Bool VariableHorZoom Description Enable/Disable the variable Horizontal Zoom control. If enabled, the HorZoom control may be set to a value other than the standard 1, 2, 5 sequence. Bool VariableVerZoom Description Enable/Disable the variable Vertical Zoom control. If enabled, the VerZoom control may be set to a value other than the standard 1, 2, 5 sequence. Double VerPos Range From -1.5 to 1.5 step (8 digits) Description Vertical Position of the trace, normalized to a value between -1.5 and 1.5. A value of zero is the default, and indicates no position change relative to the source trace. Double VerZoom Range From 0.1 to 100 step (8 digits) Description Vertical Zoom setting. Locked to a 1, 2, 5 sequence unless VariableVerZoom is set to True . 918499 RevA 1-201 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Table of Contents Average....................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 Derivative.................................................................................................................................................................... 2-2 EnhancedResolution................................................................................................................................................... 2-3 Envelope..................................................................................................................................................................... 2-3 FFT.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2-4 Floor............................................................................................................................................................................ 2-5 Integral........................................................................................................................................................................ 2-5 Rescale....................................................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Roof............................................................................................................................................................................. 2-7 Amplitude.................................................................................................................................................................... 2-8 Area............................................................................................................................................................................. 2-8 Base............................................................................................................................................................................ 2-9 Maximum..................................................................................................................................................................... 2-9 Mean........................................................................................................................................................................... 2-9 Minimum...................................................................................................................................................................... 2-9 OvershootNegative...................................................................................................................................................... 2-10 OvershootPositive....................................................................................................................................................... 2-10 PeakToPeak................................................................................................................................................................ 2-10 Phase.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-10 RootMeanSquare........................................................................................................................................................ 2-13 Skew............................................................................................................................................................................ 2-14 StandardDeviation....................................................................................................................................................... 2-16 Top.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2-16 918499 RevA i Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference AVERAGE app.Math.Fx.OperatorYSetup (Operator = "Average") Waveform Averaging. AverageType Enum ClearSweeps Action InvalidInputPolicy Bool Sweeps Integer Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Turn trace F1 on and setup to average the data from C1 ' Average mode is set to Continuous app.Math.F1.View = True app.Math.F1.Operator1 = "Average" app.Math.F1.MathMode = "OneOpe Enum AverageType Description Sets / Queries the averaging mode. Continuous and Summation modes are supported. Values Continuous Summed Action ClearSweeps Description Clears all averaged sweeps. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Clear sweeps for average in trace F1. app.Math.F1.Operator1Setup.ClearSweeps Bool InvalidInputPolicy 918499 RevA 2-1 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Integer Sweeps Range From 1 to 1000000 step 1 Description Sets / Queries the number of sweeps to be averaged when trace Fx is set to averaging - continuous or summed. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set number of sweeps to be averaged in trace F1 as 20. app.Math.F1.Operator1Setup.Sweeps = 20 DERIVATIVE app.Math.Fx.OperatorYSetup (Operator = "Derivative") Computes the derivative of the waveform (next_sample_value - this_sample_value) / horizontal_sample_interval. EnableAutoScale Bool FindScale Action VerOffset Double VerScale DoubleLockstep Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Start a find scale operation for derivative function trace F1 app.Math.F1.View = True app.Math.F1.MathMode = "OneOperator" app.Math.F1.Operator1 = "Derivative" app.Math.F1.Operato Bool EnableAutoScale Description Sets/Queries whether the autoscale function is enabled for the derivative function trace Fx. If enabled, an auto-scale operation is performed whenever the setup changes. Action FindScale Description Initiates a Find Scale action, to set a suitable vertical scale for the derivative function trace Fx. Double VerOffset Range From -1e+006 to 1e+006 step 1e-009 Description Sets/Queries the vertical offset of the derivative function trace Fx. 918499 RevA 2-2 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference DoubleLockstep VerScale Range From 1e-012 to 1e+013 step 10000, locked to 1 2 5, fine grain allowed=false, on=false Description Sets/Queries the vertical scale of the derivative function Fx. ENHANCEDRESOLUTION app.Math.Fx.OperatorYSetup (Operator = "EnhancedResolution") Bits Enum Enum Bits Description Number of bits of enhanced resolution. ERES is a FIR filter with a gaussian frequency response. Values 0.5 Enhance by 0.5 bits 1 Enhance by 1 bits 1.5 Enhance by 1.5 bits 2 Enhance by 2 bits 2.5 Enhance by 2.5 bits 3 Enhance by 3 bits ENVELOPE app.Math.Fx.OperatorYSetup (Operator = "Envelope") Envelope of minimum and maximum values for an ensemble of sweeps, or 'Extrema' ClearSweeps Action LimitNumSweeps Bool Sweeps Integer Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Configure F3 to be an envelope of C1 app.Math.F3.View = True app.Math.F3.Source1 = "C1" app.Math.F3.MathMode = "OneOperator" app.Math.F3.Operator1 = "Envelope" app.Math.F3.Operat Action ClearSweeps Description Initiates a Clear Sweeps operation for envelope function trace Fx. 918499 RevA 2-3 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Bool LimitNumSweeps Integer Sweeps Range From 1 to 1000000 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the maximum number of sweeps to be used by the envelope function trace Fx. FFT app.Math.Fx.OperatorYSetup (Operator = "FFT") Fast Fourier Transform of waveform data. SuppressDC Bool Type Enum Window Enum Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Configure F3 to perform an FFT of C1 app.Math.F3.View = True app.Math.F3.Source1 = "C1" app.Math.F3.MathMode = "OneOperator" app.Math.F3.Operator1 = "FFT" app.Math.F3.Operator1Se Bool SuppressDC Description Enables/Disables suppression of the value at zero frequency in the FFT spectrum. Enum Type Description Sets/Queries the type of FFT spectrum for function trace Fx. Values Magnitude Magnitude with linear vertical scale PowerSpectrum Power Spectrum 918499 RevA 2-4 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Enum Window Description Sets/Queries the type of window for the FFT function trace Fx. Values BlackmanHarris FlatTop Hamming Rectangular VonHann FLOOR app.Math.Fx.OperatorYSetup (Operator = "Floor") Most negative or minimum values for an ensemble of sweeps, or "Floor" ClearSweeps Action LimitNumSweeps Bool Sweeps Integer Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Configure F1 to measure the Floor of the first 1000 ' sweeps of C1 app.Math.F1.View = True app.Math.F1.Source1 = "C1" app.Math.F1.MathMode = "OneOperator" app.Math.F1.Operator1 Action ClearSweeps Description Initiates a clear sweeps action for the Floor function trace Fx. Bool LimitNumSweeps Integer Sweeps Range From 1 to 1000000 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the maximum number of sweeps for the Floor function trace Fx. INTEGRAL app.Math.Fx.OperatorYSetup (Operator = "Integral") Integral of the linearly rescaled (multiplier and adder) input. Adder Double AutoFindScale Bool 918499 RevA 2-5 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference FindScale Action Multiplier Double VerOffset Double VerScale DoubleLockstep Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Configure F1 to integrate C1 app.Math.F1.View = True app.Math.F1.Source1 = "C1" app.Math.F1.MathMode = "OneOperator" app.Math.F1.Operator1 = "Integral" app.Math.F1.Operator1Setup Double Adder Range From -1e-009 to 1e-009 step 1e-012 Description Sets/Queries the additive A for the integral function Fx, where Fx = M . Input + A. Bool AutoFindScale Description Set/Query the state of the 'AutoFindScale' cvar, which enables the automatic scaling of the Integral when the acquisition setup changes. Action FindScale Description Initiates an action to find suitable vertical offset and scale for the integral function trace Fx. Double Multiplier Range From -1e+006 to 1e+006 step 1e-006 Description Sets/Queries the multiplying constant M for the integral function Fx, where Fx = M . Input + A Double VerOffset Range From -1e+006 to 1e+006 step 1e-015 Description Sets/Queries the vertical offset for the integral function trace Fx. DoubleLockstep VerScale Range From 1e-012 to 1e+007 step 0.01, locked to 1 2 5, fine grain allowed=false, on=false Description Sets/Queries the vertical scale for the integral function trace Fx. RESCALE app.Math.Fx.OperatorYSetup (Operator = "Rescale") 918499 RevA 2-6 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Linearly transform the vertical values of a waveform. Adder Double CustomUnit Bool Multiplier Double Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Configure F1 app.Math.F1.View = True app.Math.F1.Source1 = "C1" app.Math.F1.MathMode = "OneOperator" app.Math.F1.Operator1 = "Rescale" app.Math.F1.Operator1Setup.Adder = 2.0 app Double Adder Range From -1e+018 to 1e+018 step (9 digits) Description Sets/Queries the additive constant A in the rescale function Fx = M.Input + A Bool CustomUnit Description Enables/Disables the application of a custom unit of measurement to the rescale function trace Fx. Double Multiplier Range From -1e+018 to 1e+018 step (9 digits) Description Sets/Queries the multiplicative constant M in the rescale function Fx = M.Input + A ROOF app.Math.Fx.OperatorYSetup (Operator = "Roof") Most positive or maximum values for an ensemble of sweeps, or "Roof" ClearSweeps Action LimitNumSweeps Bool Sweeps Integer Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Configure F1 to measure the Roof of the first 1000 ' sweeps of C1 app.Math.F1.View = True app.Math.F1.Source1 = "C1" app.Math.F1.MathMode = "OneOperator" app.Math.F1.Operator1 = ClearSweeps 918499 RevA 2-7 Action Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Description Initiates a clear sweeps action for the roof function trace Fx. Bool LimitNumSweeps Integer Sweeps Range From 1 to 1000000 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the maximum number of sweeps for the Roof function trace Fx. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set function trace F2 to roof. app.Math.F2.Operator1 = "Roof" ' Set the maximum number of sweeps to 150. app.Math.F2.Operator1Setup.Sweeps = 150 AMPLITUDE app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "Amplitude") AREA app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "Area") Calculates the area of the input waveform relative to zero. Cyclic Bool Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P1 to area. app.Measure.P1.View = True app.Measure.P1.MeasurementType = "measure" app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Area" app.Measure.P1.Source1 = "C1" ' Enable cycli Bool Cyclic Description Enables/Disables cyclic calculation of area parameter Px, that is calculated using a whole number of cycles of the signal. Note: the HelpMarkers aid in observing over which region of the waveform the measurement is made. 918499 RevA 2-8 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference BASE app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "Base") MAXIMUM app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "Maximum") Calculates the maximum vertical value of the waveform Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Maximum" MEAN app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "Mean") Calculates the mean value of the input waveform's vertical values. When Cyclic = true, the range of values used is limited to a whole number of cycles. Cyclic Bool Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P1 to mean. app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Mean" ' Set the mean parameter for cyclic measurements. app.Measure.P1.Operator.Cyclic = true Bool Cyclic Description Sets/Queries whether the mean parameter Px is to be measured over a number of complete cycles. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P2 to mean. app.Measure.P2.ParamEngine = "Mean" ' Set the mean parameter for cyclic measurements. app.Measure.P2.ParamEngine.Cyclic = True MINIMUM app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "Minimum") Calculates the minimum value of a waveform Example 918499 RevA 2-9 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Minimum" OVERSHOOTNEGATIVE app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "OvershootNegative") OVERSHOOTPOSITIVE app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "OvershootPositive") PEAKTOPEAK app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "PeakToPeak") PHASE app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "Phase") OutputType Enum RefFindLevel Action RefHysteresis Double RefLevelType Enum RefPercentLevel Double RefSlope Enum SigFindLevel Action SigHysteresis Double SigLevelType Enum SigPercentLevel Double SigSlope Enum Enum OutputType Description Sets/Queries the output type for Phase Px. 918499 RevA 2-10 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P1 to phase difference. app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Phase" ' Set the output unit as radians. app.Measure.P1.Operator.OutputType = "Radians" Values Degrees DEGREES360 Percent Radians RADIANSTWOPI Action RefFindLevel Description Find the test level for the reference trace. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P3 to phase difference. app.Measure.P3.ParamEngine = "Phase" ' Find the test level for the reference trace. app.Measure.P3.Operator.RefFindLevel Double RefHysteresis Range From 0 to 10 step 0.1 Description Sets/Queries the hysteresis range for the reference trace. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P1 to phase difference. app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Phase" ' Set the reference hysteresis in graticule divisions. app.Measure.P1.Operator.RefHysteresis = 0.7 918499 RevA 2-11 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Enum RefLevelType Description Sets/Queries the unit of measurement for the test level of the reference trace. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P1 to phase difference. app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Phase" ' Set the reference level to be measured in absolute units. app.Measure.P1.Operator.RefLevelType = "Absolute" Values Absolute Percent Double RefPercentLevel Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the test level for the reference trace in percent. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P3 to phase difference. app.Measure.P3.ParamEngine = "Phase" ' Set the reference test level in percent. app.Measure.P3.Operator.RefPercentLevel = 55 Enum RefSlope Description Sets/Queries the polarity of the measured reference transitions. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P1 to phase difference. app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Phase" ' Set the reference slope to negative. app.Measure.P1.Operator.RefSlope = "Neg" Values Both Neg Pos 918499 RevA 2-12 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Action SigFindLevel Description Causes the engine to find a suitable level for either SigLevelType ("Absolute"or "Percent") Double SigHysteresis Range From 0 to 10 step 0.1 Description Sets/Queries the hysteresis range for the signal. Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") ' Set parameter P3 to phase difference. app.Measure.P3.ParamEngine = "Phase" ' Set the signal hysteresis in graticule divisions. app.Measure.P3.Operator.SigHysteresis = 0.7 Enum SigLevelType Description Sets/Queries which level to use "Percent" or "Absolute" for transitions on the signal Values Absolute Percent Double SigPercentLevel Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the test level for the signal in percent. Enum SigSlope Description Sets/Queries the polarity of the measured signal transitions. Values Both Neg Pos ROOTMEANSQUARE app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "RootMeanSquare") Cyclic Cyclic Bool 918499 RevA 2-13 Bool Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Description If true, the calculation is limited to a whole number of cycles detected in the input. SKEW app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "Skew") Calculates the skew between two clock signal waveforms Clock1FindLevel Action Clock1Hysteresis Double Clock1LevelIs Enum Clock1PctLevel Double Clock1Slope Enum Clock2FindLevel Action Clock2Hysteresis Double Clock2LevelIs Enum Clock2PctLevel Double Clock2Slope Enum Deskew Double UpSamplingFactor Integer Example ' Visual Basic Script Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") app.Measure.MeasureMode = "MyMeasure" app.Measure.P1.ParamEngine = "Skew" Action Clock1FindLevel Description Automatically find a suitable level for Clock1, for either "Percent" or "Absolute" levels Double Clock1Hysteresis Range From 0 to 10 step 0.1 Description Sets/Queries hysteresis for transition detection used for Clock1 Enum Clock1LevelIs Description Sets/Queries whether to use Percent or Absolute levels for Clock1 Values Absolute Percent 918499 RevA 2-14 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Double Clock1PctLevel Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the "Percent" of the amplitude of Clock1 to use for a transition level, if Clock1LevelIs = "Percent" Enum Clock1Slope Description Sets/Queries the polarity of transitions detected on Clock1 Values Both Neg Pos Action Clock2FindLevel Description Using ParamEngine = "Skew", please refer to the corresponding variable for the Hold Time parameter. Double Clock2Hysteresis Range From 0 to 10 step 0.1 Description Sets/Queries hysteresis for transition detection used for Clock1 Enum Clock2LevelIs Description Sets/Queries whether to use Percent or Absolute levels for Clock2 Values Absolute Percent Double Clock2PctLevel Range From 0 to 100 step 1 Description Sets/Queries the "Percent" of the amplitude of Clock2 to use for a transition level, if Clock2LevelIs = "Percent" 918499 RevA 2-15 Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Processor Reference Enum Clock2Slope Description Sets/Queries the polarity of transitions detected on Clock2 Values Both Neg Pos Double Deskew Range From -1e-008 to 1e-008 step 1e-012 Integer UpSamplingFactor Range From 1 to 20 step 1 STANDARDDEVIATION app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "StandardDeviation") Cyclic Bool Bool Cyclic Description If true, the calculation is limited to a whole number of cycles detected in the input. TOP app.Measure.Px.Operator (ParamEngine = "Top") 918499 RevA 2-16 Thank you for using Remote Control and Automation on your WaveSurfer Oscilloscope.