MTC-20285 240300 [1] MTC-20285 ISDN / IDSL Terminal Controller with USB Data Sheet Rev. 0.1 - March 2000 1. ISDN / IDSL Terminal Controller with USB Key Features Key Applications * Integrated 32 MHz ARM7TDMI RISC processor core * Integrated USB controller * 16 or 8-bit memory bus * 4 kByte, 32-bit zero wait-state RAM on board * 5 full-duplex HDLC formatters with deep FIFO's (transparent mode via FIFO's) * 3-way GCI interface and router * 239.4 kBaud UART with fullduplex 16-byte FIFO's * 24-bit user parallel I/O ports * ISDN and application software available * 144 pin PQFP package style * ISDN NT + with high speed USB data features * USB based ISDN TAs * ISDN / IDSL routers / multiplexers * ISDN PABX ISDN Line Connection U Power Supply mains DIAGNOSTIC PORT USB PORT S GCI V.24 PHY MTC-20285 RS-232 PORT S - bus MTC-20276/7 INT V.24 PHY USB PHY Controller for ISDN Terminal Adapters with USB GCI MTC20232 CODSP MTC-30132 SH-LIC MTC-30132 SH-LIC MTK-40131 SH-POTS chipset 'NT1+' Box Fig.1: ISDN/IDSL Terminal Controller - Typical Application POTS 1 POTS 2 The MTC-20285 is a fully integrated controller for ISDN/IDSL terminal equipment applications with advanced data communications features, offering integrated USB interfaces. It has been specifically designed for control and interface functions between ISDN access devices, such as the MTC20276/77 Integrated NT and other terminal functions, such as analog interfaces, for example by means of the MTK-40130 Short-Haul POTS chipset. It incorporates an ARM7TDMI RISC core, which can perform all of the terminal control and data flow management functions required in software. It can thus form the core of an Intelligent NT, or `NTplus' unit, as well as being the core of router / multiplexer equipment for data applications. In addition, the GCI port for analog peripherals supports the x8 multiplex mode, allowing up to 16 analog ports to be accessed. It can also form the core of a small ISDN based PABX. The register map is a functional superset of the MTC20280 ISDN terminal controller, so is upward software compatible. The on-board USB controller offers data connectivity to PCs for high-speed data applications, or for specialist products for CTI, dealer-desk or callcenter applications. MTC-20285 240300 [2] MTC-20285 USB Protocol Engine Serial Data Port UART+BRG 1kB RAM Power / Ground HDLC1 GCI and HDLC router HDLC2 HDLC3 External memory bus HDLC4 External Memory Interface xtal USB xtal APB bridge 1024 x 32 fast RAM Clock Generator CKOUT ARM7 TDMI core UART + BRG HDLC5 Watchdog GCI U Timer1 GCI S Timer2 GCI A Parallel I/O Parallel I/O, diagnostic UART and Timer interfaces IT JTAG debug & test port Fig.2: MTC-20285 - IDSN/IDSL with USB Controller - Block Diagram 2 Telecom device interfaces USB status LEDS USB transceiver MTC-20285 240300 [3] MTC-20285 General Description Clock Generation and Control 3-way GCI Interface A master clock oscillator is provided, based on an external crystal of 15.36 Mhz. This provides an output at the crystal frequency for the ISDN chip (INTT or INTQ). It therefore offers accuracy of better than 100ppm. The CPU clock frequency is software selectable, allowing the power consumption to be reduced at times when full processing speed is not required. An on-board DPLL doubles clock frequency to allow the CPU and all peripherals to operate at higher clock speeds. (The default condition emulates the timing of the MTC20280 for software compatibility). The terminology `Downstream' refers to the transfer of data coming from the U interface towards the S or analog interfaces. `Upstream' is the direction from the S or analog interfaces towards the U. Memory Bus The external memory bus supports either 8-bit (for low cost) or 16-bit (high-speed) memory systems. It allows read / write access to off-chip memory and I/O resources, and includes a simple to use on-chip memory decoding scheme to minimize external logic. In most cases, the external memory interfaces requires no glue-logic whatsoever. A maximum of 12 MBytes external memory can be accessed in automatically decoded pages of 2 MBytes. It is designed to interface to standard FLASH EEPROM and (pseudo) static RAMs. The bus interface logic includes a programmable WAIT STATE generator, to allow access to slow external devices. 4 kBytes of fast (zero wait-state with 32-bit access) on-chip static RAM is included. A programmable Chip-Select (CS) decoder defines the external memory map. The default map ensures that the CPU can start up from reset by enabling ROM at address 0. It allows 6 external memory ranges to be individually decoded. With regard to EMC requirements, the slope of the memory bus transitions is controlled in a manner consistent with achieving the required bus transfer speed. Each CS memory range has programmable wait-states. The device provides 3 fully independent CGI interfaces normally allocated as follows: * U interface of MTC-20276 / 20277 INT, GCI-U. * S interface of MTC-20276 / 20277 INT, GCI-S. * Interface to analog devices such as MTK-40130 short-haul POTS chipset, GCI-A. In reality, all three GCI ports are identical - the allocation to U, S and A (analog) is arbitrary and shown for clarity only. The U interface section of the INT will always provide the GCI clocks (master) when active. (This can be achieved by issuing the AWAKE command on the GCI C/I bits to the U interface, which activates the timing generator of the U interface without actually initiating transmission). All other GCI buses will generally be slaved to this one. In applications where the use of the U interface is not mandatory (e.g. in a micro-PABX system which allows internal calling without U activation), an internal GCI clock source can be selected. An integrated PLL system may be enabled to allow the internally generated GCI clocks to track and lock to the U GCI clock, should this become active in the course of operation. All bytes of the GCI frames of all three GCI interfaces are accessible to the processor read and write. A sophisticated router allows for any of the GCI fields (B channel, D channel, C/I bits, Monitor channel) to be routed to the corresponding field of any destination channel (bytes can also be `disabled', in which case they remain at the idle logic `1' state). Particularly powerful 3 is the ability to set fixed routes of the B channels from a source to any destination without the need for further intervention by the CPU, thus relieving the CPU of much of the real-time processing. Up to 8 GCI time slots are supported on each GCI port independently, where external GCI clocks are available. The internal GCI clock supports 1 time slot or 8 time slots. The clock source which determines the number of time slots supported by the channel is independently selectable for each GCI port. Using an external clock therefore allows the GCI ports to interface to all commonly used ISDN devices. With regard to EMC requirements, the slope of the GCI data output pins are controlled in a manner consistent with achieving the required bus transfer speed. HDLC Controllers The 5 integrated HDLC controllers can be routed to/from any B or D channel of any port. In addition, they each have full-duplex 64 byte FIFO's, which allow a large timing latency and thus easy software timing constraints. The HDLC controller protocol may be disabled under software control, thus allowing the FIFO's to be used to buffer real-time data. For example, for the processing of voice-band signals on B-channels (DTMF decoding, modem emulation and pre-recorded voice announcements etc). In this mode, the data order (MSB first or LSB first) may be user selected for compatibility with various applications (for example, when using the FIFO's to buffer PCM data from an analog GCI terminal requires bit-reversal). Generally, HDLC1 will be used to manage the ISDN D-channel. D-channel conflicts between the S bus and the HDLC1 controller of the device are handled by forcing a D-channel busy condition on the S-bus by means of the appropriate command to the S interface of the INT, via the appropriate MTC-20285 240300 [4] MTC-20285 M-channel commands. This is done only after the microprocessor has verified that the BUSY bit in the `S'-bus interface circuit (SIC) control registers is clear (i.e. D-channel not in use). HDLC controllers 2 and 3 are generally used to handle packetized data transport over the B channels (including balanced applications such as LAPB). However, in specific applications such as internal call transfer support or PABX, the D-channel to/ from the S-bus requires independent management (while still monitoring the D channel to/from the U interface). HDLC 2 to 5 can be used for this purpose. Additional HDLC controllers can be used to buffer speech information, as required. DTMF Decoding Low-cost, external analog DTMF decoder circuits can be used to perform this function. These can be connected to the CPU via an on-chip 8-bit parallel I/O port (programmable bit directions). Alternatively, software algorithms on the ARM7TDMI processor may be used. The zero wait-state, on-chip RAM facilitates this. Serial I/O A UART with selectable Baud rate and full duplex 64-byte buffering is provided. The Baud rate is programmable to standard rates up to 230.4 kbps. The external UART interface pins are 5V compatible. A second, simplified UART without buffering is also provided, intended for product configuration or diagnostics. Parallel I/O Ports A number of parallel I/O ports are provided, totaling 24-bits when in 16bit memory bus mode (an additional 8 I/O pins are available when the 8-bit bus mode is used). These ports are primarily to allow an interface to external DTMF decoder chips and other application dependent hardware. The ports are addressable by the CPU as a latched output, an unlatched input, and a data direction register, which is used to select the direction (input at reset) of each bit. External port pins may also request an interrupt to the CPU (maskable) when selected as an input. Interrupt Control The device contains several interrupt sources, which can be masked by setting a bit in a control register. Priority is resolved in software and all `interrupt request' bits from the various sources are readable in a register. This register can be written to such that writing a 1 clears the corresponding request bit, but writing a 0 has no effect. Individual interrupt control registers also exist within each of the functional blocks (HDLC controller, UART etc). The registers described here provide a centralized and thus fast means of handling priorities. The various interrupt sources are permanently routed to the nIRQ (normal interrupts) and to the FIRQ (fast response) of the AMR7TDMI CPU. An external interrupt request pin allows external peripheral devices to communicate asynchronously with the CPU. In addition, most of the available parallel I/O pins can function as interrupt sources when programmed as inputs. Timers / Watchdog Two 16-bit timer / counters and a (7 second maximum) Watchdog timer are included. The timers support auto pre-load timer interrupt generation, thus allowing interrupts to be generated at regular, programmable intervals. Timer 2 also supports timer capture functions (the source of which is selectable), to allow the timing of external events to be simplified. The watchdog output can be connected, 4 to provide either system reset (normal use) or routed to an interrupt pin for system debug. CPU The ARM7TDMI CPU is integrated and will generally use the 16-bit data bus mode `Thumb'. The external bus interface supports 16 or 32-bit transfers multiplexed to 16 or 8-bits, while access to the on-chip SRAM can take place as 8, 16 or 32-bit transfers (it thus supports the full performance of the ARM7TDMI CPU). The CPU will generally run at the clock frequency set by the crystal oscillator (15.36 MHz) multiplied by 2 to give 31 MHz. However, a programmable divider is provided to allow software control of the processor speed, and therefore the power consumption. USB Controller The on-board Revision 1.1 compliant USB controller, supports up to 12 endpoints (6 bi-directional endpoints). In addition to memory mapped control registers, a dual-port RAM implementation of user definable FIFO's for each endpoint ensures that USB data transfers do not interfere with CPU activity, with resulting loss of CPU throughput. Full support of USB Plug&Play features is offered, and the execution of all standard USB commands is automatic (that is not require CPU intervention). The USB controller block remains in a reset state until the user software has properly initialized the block. The USB controller communicates to an off-chip physical USB driver / receiver device via an interface as defined by the USB Implementers Forum, and is thus compatible with industry standard devices. The use of an off-chip physical device facilitates system design for EMC and the stringent isolation requirements of the telecommunications industry. 7 status indication outputs are provided, which can be used to drive indicator LEDs showing USB status and activity on each endpoint pair. MTC-20285 240300 [5] MTC-20285 MECHANICAL DATA, PIN FUNCTIONS AND EXTERNAL COMPONENTS Package and Pin-out 3 4 USB_SUSPND USB_VMO USB_OEN 111 110 VSS USB_VPO 113 112 VDD USB_RCV 115 114 USB_VP USB_VM 117 116 VDD USB_VBUS 119 118 USB_XTAL1 USB_XTAL2 121 120 VSS PE0 123 122 PE1 PE2 125 124 PB0 PE3 126 PB2 PB1 PA0 PB3 PA2 PA1 T1I 134 T1O 133 T2I 132 T2O 131 DTR 130 DSR 129 RI/OUT1 128 DCD/OUT2 127 VDD PA3 XTAL1 136 135 XTAL2 VSS 138 137 NRST TDO 140 139 TDI NTRST TCK 142 141 143 2 The next sections describe in detail the pin functions and I/O type, in normal and test modes. The following figures show the pin-out names and package orientations in top view. 108 107 106 105 5 104 6 103 7 102 8 101 9 100 10 99 11 PG0 12 PG1 98 13 PG2 14 PG3 96 15 PH0 16 PH1 94 17 PH2 18 PH3 92 97 95 93 91 MTC-20285 19 20 90 89 (144 PQFP) 21 22 88 87 23 86 24 85 25 84 26 83 27 82 28 81 29 80 30 33 RTS2 79 CTS2 78 TXD2 77 RXD2 76 34 75 31 72 70 71 68 69 74 67 64 65 62 63 60 61 58 59 56 57 54 55 52 53 50 51 49 47 48 45 46 43 44 41 42 39 40 36 38 35 66 (T1I) 32 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 VDD MM1 MM0 VSS A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 VDD VSS MC5 MC4 MC3 MC2 MC1 MC0 VSS BASECLK NOE NWR RXD TXD PF3 PF2 PF1 PF0 VDD DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 VDD VSS DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ12 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15 VDD VSS PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 MC6 MC7 VDD VSS A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 TMS The device is delivered in a 144 pin PQFP package. For detailed mechanical data, please refer to the Alcatel Microelectronics Packaging Handbook, specification number 16505 for production packages. Fig.3: MTC-20285 pin-out names (Top View) 5 USB_PULL VSS USB_CFG USB1_RXTX USB2_RXTX USB3_RXTX USB4_RXTX USB5_RXTX USB6_RXTX VDD WDALARM IT CKOUT DIU DOU DCLU FSCU VSS VDD DIS DOS DCLS FSCS VSS VDD DIA DOA DCLA FSCA PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 RTS CTS VSS MTC-20285 240300 [6] MTC-20285 Marking on the Package Package Orientation DQ0 144 PQFP The marking described below is used on production devices, according to the `Standard Marking Specification for Alcatel Microelectronics', specification number 16020. Topside Marking (PQFP) Standard Marking Layout Fig.4: Package Orientation (top view) 2840 YYWW MTC-20285 PQ-C C285 - MMM ZZZZZZZZZ ARM LOGO ARM Fig.5: Topside Marking LOGO (Alcatel Microelectronics LOGO) CUST. BRAND (Customer LOGO) YYWW (Assembly year and week code) GGGG (Product name) CUST_PART_NR (Product code) MMMM_MMM (Product name) ZZZZZZ (Wafer Lot Number) SS (Assembly source) Special Feature Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N ALCATEL 2840 ARM Logo (1) Standard ARM MTC-20285PQ-C C285-xxx (2) Standard Standard NOTE: (1) The ARM logo is optional (not needed because the name `ARM' is on the package) (2) xxx corresponds to the mask / process code used for the device Reverse Side Marking Standard, i.e. no marking 6 MTC-20285 240300 [7] MTC-20285 Delivery Pin Description and Assignment Devices can be delivered in tubes as defined in specification 15830 and 9200, or trays for QFP as defined in specification 9200 with optional dry packing as defined in specification 16650. Tape on Reel as defined in specification 16665 is available on request. Table 1 Pin Assignment, enumerates the pins and their type, as well as which pins are used in which mode of operation (either normal or test mode). The type of pin is encoded with a letter code, such as `DId' for a Digital Input with internal pull down. The first letter differentiates between: D = Digital A = Analog P = Power The second letter differentiates between: I = Input O = Output B = Bi-directional The next letter differentiates between: d = pin with internal pull-down u = pin with internal pull-up The next letter indicates whether the I/O is: s = pin with Schmitt trigger input The next letter indicates whether the I/O is: 5 = 5 Volt tolerant input/output The next letter indicates whether the I/O is: z = pin with tri-state output If some pins are not used in certain modes, then they are shown either connected to power (VDD) or ground (GND), or must remain unconnected (DNC). 7 Important Notes on 5 V Tolerant Pins NOTE 1: This means that these cells accept 5V INPUT signals, but they do not generate 5V OUTPUT signals. That is for outputs, only tri-state cells can be used, for example tri-state (cells of type `*5z'): * required for driving bus structures in open drain configuration (e.g. GCI data out) * requires an external pull-up resistor to either 3.3V or 5V depending on which high output level is requested by the application and system. NOTE 2: Also when using a 5V interface, the system should be designed such that no 5V inputs are applied when the 3.3V power supply is not present as this limits the lifetime of the device (see section 5.2). MTC-20285 240300 [8] MTC-20285 Table 1: Pin Assignment Nmb 95 94 93 92 89 88 87 86 83 82 81 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Name DIU DOU DCLU FSCU DIS DOS DCLS FSCS DIA DOA DCLA FSCA DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ11 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15 MC7 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 Type DIs5 DO5z DBs5 DBs5 DIs5 DO5z DBs5 DBs5 DIs5 DO5z DBs5 DBs5 DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DBs DOz DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO Function TTL 6mA GCI INTERFACE CMOS 4mA RAM INTERFACE CMOS 4mA 8 MTC-20285 240300 [9] MTC-20285 Nmb 61 60 59 58 57 56 25 65 64 44 45 66 67 74 75 144 143 142 141 140 136 137 120 121 96 139 97 98 63 108 109 110 111 112 115 116 117 118 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 131 132 133 134 Name MC0 MC1 MC2 MC3 MC4 MC5 MC6 NWR NOE MM1 MM0 RXD TXD CTS RTS NTRST TMS TCK TDI TDO XTAL1 XTAL2 USB_XTAL1 USB_XTAL2 CKOUT NRST IT WDALARM BASECLK USB_PULL USB_SUSPND USB_OEN USB_VMO USB_VPO USB_RCV USB_VP USB_VM USB_VBUS USB_CFG USB1_RXTX USB2_RXTX USB3_RXTX USB4_RXTX USB5_RXTX USB6_RXTX PA0 PA1 PA2 PA3 Type DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DI DI DIs5 DO5 DIs5 DO5 Did Diu Diu Diu DO Dis Dis Dis Dis DO Dis5 Dis5 DO5z DI DO DO DO DO DO DI DI DI Dis5 DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 Function CMOS 4mA CMOS 4mA TTL 6mA UART1 CMOS 4mA JTAG CMOS 4mA Oscillator Inputs CMOS, 4 mA clock reset Irq watchdog Clock select CMOS 4mA USB Interface TTL 6mA Parallel I/O TTL 6mA 9 MTC-20285 240300 [10] MTC-20285 Nmb 127 128 129 130 76 77 78 79 21 22 23 24 123 124 125 126 71 70 69 68 9 19 27 43 54 72 84 90 99 114 119 135 10 20 28 46 55 62 73 85 91 107 113 122 138 Name PB0 PB1 PB2 PB3 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PE0 PE1 PE2 PE3 PF0 PF1 PF2 PF3 VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS Type DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 DBs5 PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI Function TTL 6mA TTL 6mA TTL 6mA Parallel I/O TTL 6mA TTL 6mA Power Ground 10 MTC-20285 240300 [11] MTC-20285 Pin Function in Normal (Non-test) Mode Table 2 gives a summary of all MTC20285 pins and their functions in normal (i.e. non-test) mode. Note that the allocation of GCI ports to U,S,A (shown with an *) is for convenience only. All 3 GCI ports are functionally identical and can be interchanged. Note also that depending on the configuration in which the MTC20285 is used, then: the MSB byte of the data bus can be re-used as parallel I/O. This is the case when the WordAccess Mode is disabled for the memory interface (see section 3.12 - case a, and Fig.3, the multiple functions of several device pins are listed, along with PG[3..0] and PH[3..0]). the parallel I/O port PA[3..0] can be used to access one input and/or one output control signal for each Timer module. The input allows a count based on externally applied positive edge events. The output shows a toggling signal, based on the timer interrupt events, which can be used as a clock. The connection to either the general purpose Parallel I/O function or a Timer function, is programmed on a bitbasis by setting the corresponding CHIP_CFG[i] bit (see section 3.13 and Fig.3, the functions T1I, T1O, T2I, T2O). RXD can also be connected to a timer, instead of PA[3]. the parallel I/O port PB[3..0] can be used to access input/output control signals of the UART1 module for implementing a modem communication protocol. This happens as soon as the Pb2Uart mode is selected (see section 3.11 and Fig.3, functions DTR, DSR, RI/OUT1, DCD/OUT2). the parallel I/O port PC[3..0] can be used to access the RTS, CTS, TXD, RXD signals of the UART2 (see section 3.12). 11 MTC-20285 240300 [12] MTC-20285 Table 2: Pin Function and Description Pin Fnc DCLU FSCU DIU DOU DCLS FSCS DIS DOS DCLA FSCA DIA DOA DQ15..0 A21..1 GCI-U* INT. GCI-S* INT. GCI-A* INT. RAM INT. MC7..0 MM1..0 NWR NOE RXD TXD CTS RTS NTRST TMS TCK TDI TDO XTAL1 XTAL2 USB_XTAL1 USB_XTAL2 CKOUT NRST WDALARM BASECLK IT UART1 JTAG Clocks Description of Pin Function GCI Data clock associated with the U-GCI interface GCI Frame clock associated with the U-GCI interface GCI Data from the U-GCI interface GCI Data to the U-GCI interface GCI Data clock associated with the S-GCI interface GCI Frame clock associated with the S-GCI interface GCI Data from the S-GCI interface GCI Data to the S-GCI interface GCI Data clock associated with the A-GCI interface GCI Frame clock associated with the A-GCI interface GCI Data from the A-GCI interface GCI Data to the A-GCI interface Bi-directional data bus. DQ0:Isb, DQ15:MSB. MSB byte used as P i/O ports PG, PH if singleByte access mode is chosen Address bus: A1:LSB, A21:MSB (note: LSB = MC7 depending on interface mode) Memory control outputs (meaning dependent on interface mode), e.g. chip select signals (active low), LSB/MSB byte selection, address LSB See section 3.8 for functionality, depending on MM1..0 MemoryAccess mode selection (see section 3.8) Write enable signal, active low Output enable signal, active low Serial data input Serial data output Modem control signal: Clear to Send input Modem control signal: Request to Send output JTAG reset signal, active low JTAG mode select signal JTAG clock (max 10 MHz) JTAG data input JTAG data output Pins to connect an external parallel mode crystal for the on-chip oscillator. Nominal frequency: 15.36 MHz 50ppm Note: XTAL1 may be used as an input for an external master clock source. In which case XTAL2 must be connected to GND Pins to connect an external parallel mode crystal for the on-chip oscillator for the USB core. Nominal frequency: 48 MHz 2500ppm Note: USB_XTAL1 may be used as an input for an external master clock source. In which case USB_XTAL2 must be connected to GND Programmable output clock (typically 15.36 MHz for U-interface clock) Hardware reset, active low. Schmitt-trigger input with threshold at 1.65 V (CMOS LEVEL). Connect an external (RC) circuit with timing > 1 ms Watchdog alarm output signal Enable/disable PLL (30.72 MHz or 15.36 MHz) External interrupt source (pos/neg-edge or level triggered) 12 MTC-20285 240300 [13] MTC-20285 Pin Fnc PA3..0 Parallel I/O PB3..0 PC3..0 PD3..0 PE3..0 PF3..0 USB_VBUS USB_VP USB_VM USB_RCV USB_VPO USB_VMO USB_NOE USB_SUSPND USB_PULL USB_CFG USB1..6_RXTX VDD VSS USB Power Ground Description of Pin Function Bitwise controlled Input or Output, or potential connection to Timer modules T1 or T2, (PA3/RXD = T1I, PA2 = T1O, PA1 = T2I, PA0 = T2O) depending on CHIP_CFG[6..3] and CHIP_CFG2[2] Bitwise controlled Input or Output, or potential extra connection to UART1 for modem communication with: PB3 = = DTR output PB2 = = DSR input PB1 = = RI input / OUT1 output PB0 = = DCD input / OUT2 output Depending on CHIP_CFG[0] and CHIP_CFG2[0] Bitwise controlled Input or Output, or potential connection to UART2 with: PC3 = = RTS output PC2 = = CTS input PC1 = = TXD output PC0 = = RXD input Depending on CHIP_CFG2[1] Bitwise controlled Input or Output USB bus power (serves as USB cable attachment detection) D+ signal from USB, passed through Physical Transceiver buffer D- signal from USB, passed through Physical Transceiver buffer Differential USB input, coming from the Physical Transceiver NRZI formatted D+ data going to the Physical Transceiver NRZI formatted D- data going to the Physical Transceiver Active Low Output enable for the Physical Transceiver USB Suspend indication going to the Physical Transceiver Used to selectively connect the device termination pull-up resistor Output is high when USB device is configured by the USB host Output pulses high during USB traffic through endpoint 1..6 3.3 V power supply 0 V ground 13 MTC-20285 240300 [14] MTC-20285 Pin Functions in Test Mode The device can be placed in test mode by means of the JTAG interface, as described in section 4.2. When in test mode the functions of the pins can be redefined. Application Schematic and External Components Figure 6 shows the connections of the external components. RgciDOA RgciDOU RgciDOS VDD VDD VDD MTC-20285 Rr Cd(a...x) VSS USB_XTAL CX1,2 XTAL Cr CXU1,2 Fig.6: External Component 14 MTC-20285 240300 [15] MTC-20285 The following external components may be needed depending on the application environment. Table 3: GCI Related Components Name RGCIDOU RGCIDOS RGCIDOA Description Pull-up for GCI data-up output towards U interface (either to 5V or 3.3V, depending on application) Pull-up for GCI data-down output towards S interface (either to 5V or 3.3V, depending on application) Pull-up for GCI data-down output towards A interface (either to 5V or 3.3V, depending on application) Value 1 kOhm Tolerance 10% 1 kOhm 10% 1 kOhm 10% Value 15.36 MHz Tolerance 50 ppm 30 pF 10% Value 48 MHz Tolerance 2500 ppm 30 pF 10% Value 100 nF Tolerance 10% 10 F 10% Value > = 1ms Tolerance 10% Table 4: XTAL Input Related Components Name XTAL CX1, CX2 Description An external crystal is used to control the on-chip oscillator via the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins (The alternative is to control the XTAL1 pin by an external master clock source and connect XTAL2 to GND) Capacitors for external crystal Table 5: USB XTAL Input Related Components Name USB_XTAL CXU1, CXU2 Description External xtal to control on-chip oscillator via the USB_XTAL1 and USB_XTAL2 pins (The alternative is to control the USB_XTAL1 pin by an external master clock source and connect USB_XTAL2 to GND) Capacitors for external crystal Table 6: Power Supply Decoupling Related Components Name Cd[a..l] (12 X) Cd[m..x] (12 X) Description Decoupling capacitance to be placed in between each VDD-VSS pair of MTC-20285 Decoupling capacitance to be placed in between each VDD-VSS pair of MTC-20285 Table 7: Hardware Reset Related Components Name Rr.Cr Description Power Reset circuitry 15 MTC-20285 240300 [16] MTC-20285 GENERAL ASPECTS Convention Upstream / Downstream According to Alcatel Microelectronics convention, upstream is from the subscriber to the exchange and downstream is from the exchange to the subscriber. See Fig.7, the corresponding input and output pin names of the MTC-20285 are also shown. U Interface To Exchange Down stream S Interface Up stream Up stream DIU DOU DIS To User (S) Down stream DOS To User (Z) downstream RS232 upstream USB MTC-20285 DOA DIA Fig.7: Upstream and Downstream Convention 16 downstream upstream A Interface MTC-20285 240300 [17] MTC-20285 GCI Frame Formats 1. The contents of one GCI frame is different depending on whether it is an ISDN interface (U or S) or an analog interface (SHPOTS). ISDN connections use 2 D-channel bits, which are used as normal signaling / control bits for SHPOTS. The MTC20285 however will always handle the U,S,A interfaces in the same way. They are functionally identical and can be interchanged, the names U,S,A being used for convenience only. Therefore the 2 D and 4 C/I bits are always considered separately as for an ISDN connection. The software is responsible for making the right interpretation of the 2 formats, i.e. consider the 2 D bits as 2 more CI bits. Table 8: GCI Frame Formats GCI VERSION ISDN ANALOG B1 channel (1 byte) B1 (8) B1 (8) 2. The serial communication is MSB first, therefore the MSB of the data in the parallel registers of the MTC20285 that are related to GCI, will be sent / received as the first bit. In order to cope with the difference in convention between GCI and HDLC (LSB first) formats, the HDLC modules are capable of bit-reversal on the parallel data, (in case the data is non-hdlc formatted GCI data). B2 channel (1 byte) B2 (8) B2 (8) Monitor channel (1 byte) M (8) M (8) C/I channel (1 byte) Signaling and control bits D (2) C/I (4) C/I (6) 3. The MTC-20285 also supports multiplexed GCI channels. For example, an 8-channel multiplexed mode, in which the frame contents as described above, are sent 8 times faster over the bit-serial I/O. According to the GCI specification, the first transmitted channel is called Channel0, the last one Channel7. In this sequence, such channels are referred to as Burst0 up to Burst7. GCI frames of up to 3088 kbps (8 bursts x 32bit + 130 spare bits, all at 8kHz) are accepted if generated by an external GCI master. An external GCI master may also apply less than 8 bursts, e.g. a 768 kbps GCI frame of 3 bursts of 32-bits. 17 Monitor handshake bits A/E (2) A/E (2) MTC-20285 240300 [18] MTC-20285 Parameter Updating, Timing and Initial Values The following sections describe the functional building blocks and their parameters, stored in registers. The registers can be addressed by the ARM to modify the parameter values. The default rule is that all parameters can be read or written at any time, and the new value that is written is immediately used. However, some exceptions are made to this default rule. They relate to USB and GCI as follows: 1. USB RAM Related Exception to Default Rule Changed USB core configuration values (residing in the USB internal RAM) are only taken into account after a reset of the USB interface, by RAM access Frame I-1 either doing a write `1' access to the USB_START bit (USB_DCMD register, bit[0]), or by plugging the USB cable in the device. 2. GCI Registers Related Exception to Default Rule * Source, CPU and Swap registers of the GCI router (i.e. all registers named `_SRC', `_CPU' and `_SWP' in section 3.2) can be written to at any time, but will only be updated / used based on the rate at which the RAM open / closed space will be switched (see section 3.2.1 GCI Router - Architecture). The rate is equivalent to the GCI frame rate, but the moment of switching coincides with the last byte of the last * HDxTX registers (see section 3.4.3) are read only and show the value, which is being transferred in the current GCI frame (see Fig.8). * RX registers (i.e. all registers named `_RX' in section 3.2) are read only and show the value, which was received during the previous GCI frame (see Fig.8). RAM access Frame I+1 RAM access Frame I Gci Frame I Gci Frame I-1 burst in the GCI frame (see Fig.8). The value that is read is the value that is used in the current GCI frame I, therefore the read value can be different from the last written value (i.e. if no update was done since it was last written). Gci Frame I+1 Gci FSC Gci Bursts (2 Mbps) ... Gci B1,B2,M,CI bytes ... Gci bits (256 kbps) ca (GCI period)/32 RXlast reg (read only), = last byte of last burst of U,S,A ... ... ... ... Read - RXlast reg - received in GCI Frame i-1 Well-defined read value Well-defined read value Read - RX reg - received in GCI Frame i-1 Read - HDxTX reg - transmitted in GCI Frame i RX registers (read only), except RXlast HDxTX registers (read only) SRC, CPU and SWP registers (read mode) (writing a new value can be done at any moment) Read - SRC,CPU,SWP reg = value written in RAM Frame i-1, used in GCI Frame i Update of read value (swap RAM access space: open/closed) Update of read value (swap RAM access space: open/closed) Fig.8: Timing of Register Updating 18 MTC-20285 240300 [19] MTC-20285 * For the RX register corresponding to the last byte of the last burst in the GCI frame, an exception must be made, as shown in Fig.8. The value should not be read during the time window, starting the moment the RAM space is swapped until the start of a new GCI frame. Notice that after power reset, no write operations will be issued before the first GCI frame FSC is generated. This is to allow a correct initialization of the MTC-20285. Notice also that after power reset, the default GCI clocks selected for U,S,A is the `power down' mode (see section 3.3). This means the FSC/DCL remains inactive low (`0'), but also the output GCI data stream remains inactive high (`1': idle). So none of the uninitialized register values will be put on the output stream, unless under software control. The software has to do the appropriate initialization before selecting it as source register. When the GCI clocks are switched from one to another source (e.g. between Umaster and crystal based clocks on A interface), the data will be unpredictable during the switching because a re-synchronization must take place. This will take at most 2 GCI frames. 4. Reset Behaviour The MTC-20285 has two reset pins, NRST (Functional reset) and NTRST (JTAG reset). Both active low reset inputs are independent and do not interact: * NRST: Resets the integrated ARM processor (i.e. disables the ARM clock) and the functional MTC20285 blocks, without affecting the JTAG related memories. For example the test configuration register, down loaded via the JTAG interface is not reset if set in a specific test mode, this mode will remain selected while resetting the ARM and functional blocks. * NTRST: Resets the JTAG interface logic, including the test configuration register. This puts the MTC-20285 in non-test functional mode. Note that the NTRST input cell has an integrated pull-down, such that the JTAG logic is reset by default without any required connection at PCB level. The watchdog alarm output pin WDALARM will typically be externally connected to the NRST input, and possibly used to reset inputs of other chips on the board. In order to limit the side effects, the user may specify to use temporarily the IDLE source or CPU (with for example, `zero' a-law code) source during the switching period. 3. Handling D Channel Collisions The GCI router and MTC-20285 architecture / parameters control whether the D-channel from S to U upstream is busy or not. It uses the output of an HDLC block as D-channel U-up when S is inactive. 19 MTC-20285 240300 [20] MTC-20285 GCI Router Architecture Multiplexer The core of GCI Router is made of a dual port ram. One port is dedicated to the GCI interfaces, the other one to the processor access. The ram is split into 2 spaces: * Open: space where the data can be modified, used to store the incoming GCI frames * Closed: space where the data is held for 1 GCI frame, used to store the GCI frames to be sent This architecture accepts receive and send up to 8 bursts per GCI interface (max 8x3x4 bytes). In case any GCI interface works faster than 2048 kbps (e.g. 3088 kbps, the highest GCI rate accepted by MTC20285), the extra spare bits received by the MTC-20285 will not be stored in the RAM. The corresponding output stream generated by the MTC-20285 will contain idle spare bits (i.e. value = `1' according to GCI). RAM diU Open diS Direct access from diU/diS/diA when compatible doU diA Closed Shift register doS doA Update at byte frequency RAM access control Address coder/decoder Shift register updated at byte frequency ARM Fig.9: GCI Router Architecture 20 The CPU can program an automatic routing of any channel from any burst through the GCI buses, from the CPU addressable registers or from one of the 5 HDLC formatters. The source of each channel output is controlled via the value stored in the source control registers, as shown in Table 9. The ARM can write the SRC registers. If a new value is written to the register, it will only be used from the next GCI frame onwards (see section 3). The ARM can read the SRC registers. The burst to which the data corresponds must be set by first writing the required burst number into the GCI_BUR_SRC register. This is because up to 8 sources can be stored in a SRC register, one for each possible burst (see section 3.2.3). Swapping can also be programmed between the channels B1 and B2 via the SWP registers. MTC-20285 240300 [21] MTC-20285 Table 9: SCR Register Table Name GCI_SRC_BUR Address (byte) 7F (1FC) U_B1_SRC 80 (200) U_B2_SRC 81 (204) U_D_SRC 82 (208) U_CI_SRC (*) 83 (20C) U_M_SRC (*) 84 (210) U_AE_SRC(*) 85 (214) S_B1_SRC 86 (218) S_B2_SRC 87 (21C) S_D_SRC 88 (220) S_CI_SRC (*) 89 (224) S_M_SRC (*) 8A (228) S_AE_SRC(*) 8B (22C) A_B1_SRC 8C (230) A_B2_SRC 8D (234) A_D_SRC 8E (238) A_CI_SRC (*) 8F (23C) Function Burst selection for reading Source control registers: [2:0] = target burst (0 to 7) Source control of B1 U-up channels routing: [2:0] = target burst (0 to 7) [4:3] = source line 0 = U-down channel 1 = S-up channel 2 = A-up channel 3 = Extension [7:5] = if source line = U or S or A: source burst (0 to 7) if source line = Extension, then one of following possible sources is: 0 = IDLE 1 = CPU register 2 = HDLC1 3 = HDLC2 4 = HDLC3 5 = HDLC4 6 = HDLC5 Source control of B2 U-up channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up Source control of D U-up channels routing description: idem Source control of C/I U-up channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up, except for HDLC source (*) Source control of M U-up channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up, except for HDLC source (*) Source control of A/E U-up channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up, except for HDLC source (*) Source control of B1 S-down channels routing description: idem Source control of B2 S-down channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up Source control of D S-down channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up Source control of C/I S-down channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up, except for HDLC source (*) Source control of M S-down channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up, except for HDLC source (*) Source control of A/E S-down channels routing description: idem, except for HDLC source (*) Source control of B1 A-down channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up Source control of B2 A-down channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up Source control of D A-down channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up Source control of C/I A-down channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up, except for HDLC source (*) 21 MTC-20285 Name A_M_SRC (*) Address (byte) B0 (2C0) A_AE_SRC(*) B1 (2C4) U_B1_SWP B2 (2C8) U_B2_SWP B3 (2CC) S_B1_SWP B4 (2D0) S_B2_SWP B5 (2D4) A_B1_SWP B6 (2D8) A_B2_SWP B7 (2DC) Function Source control of M A-down channels routingdescription: the same as for B1 U-up, except for HDLC source (*) Source control of A/E A-down channels routing description: the same as for B1 U-up, except for HDLC source (*) bit[ i ] = 0: no swap B1-burst i U-up channel will be routed with the B1 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 1: swap B1-burst i U-up channel will be routed with the B2 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 0: no swap B2-burst i U-up channel will be routed with the B2 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 1: swap B2-burst i U-up channel will be routed with the B1 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 0: no swap B1-burst i S-down channel will be routed with the B1 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 1: swap B1-burst i S-down channel will be routed with the B2 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 0: no swap B2-burst i S-down channel will be routed with the B2 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 1: swap B2-burst i S-down channel will be routed with the B1 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 0: no swap B1-burst i A-down channel will be routed with the B1 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 1: swap B1-burst i A-down channel will be routed with the B2 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 0: no swap B2-burst i A-down channel will be routed with the B2 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) bit[ i ] = 1: swap B2-burst i A-down channel will be routed with the B1 channel of the selected source (U,S,A only) NOTES: * All the above registers are undefined after reset, which means that the multiplexer is undefined after reset. The software must initialize the register values before using them. Note however that the default clock configuration of all GCI channels is the IDLE state (see section 3.3), such that the output stream will be continuously `1' (idle). * All SRC and SWP registers can be read and written to but `what you read is not what you write': - write operation: new value that will be effective from the next GCI frame - read operation: value used for the current GCI frame * The HDLC source selections are not applicable for the CI, M and AE channels (see registers marked (*)). The bits are unspecified if the HDLC is selected as source, therefore it is not recommended. * For an analog GCI frame, the D and CI channels form one entity but the MTC-20285 handles them separately. Therefore, the software must use the same selection for both D and CI channels. * Whenever data is routed from one GCI interface to another one, a single GCI frame delay is always inserted. Whenever a register access is involved, a double GCI frame delay is involved (e.g. from the ARM or the HDLC module). No direct connection without delay is possible. * If the target burst number is set higher than the number of bursts to be transmitted on a GCI output stream, this will be neglected. However for a source burst number higher than the number of bursts in the GCI input stream, the byte will be unspecified. * In case of a non-multiplexed GCI stream, target and source burst numbers must be set to `0'. 22 MTC-20285 Examples: If you need to connect the destination U / burst3 / B1 with the source S / burst7 / B1, then make: * U_B1_SRC[7..0] = `111 01 011' (source burst = 7; source = S; target burst = 3), and * U_B1_SWP[7..0] = `xxxx 0xxx' (bit3 set to `0' in order not to swap the source of U/B1: B1) If you need to connect the destination U / burst3 / B1 with the source S / burst7 / B2, then make: * U_B1_SRC[7..0] = `111 01 011' (source burst = 7; source = S; target burst = 3), and * U_B1_SWP[7..0] = `xxxx 1xxx' (bit3 set to `1' in order to swap the source of U/B1: B2) Note that the SWP register values are only used, if the corresponding source is either U, S or A. Reading the SRC value shows the connection that is selected for the current GCI Frame (see section 3). Because 8 values can be specified at the same time for each SRC register (e.g. U_B1_SRC, one value per target burst), reading U_B1_SRC necessitates first writing to register GCI_SRC_BUR to choose one target burst: Write U_B1_SRC[7..0] = `110 01 011' (source burst = 6; source = S; target burst = 3) Write U_B1_SRC[7..0] = `111 00 010' (source burst = 7; source = U; target burst = 2) Write U_B1_SRC[7..0] = `101 10 001' (source burst = 5; source = A; target burst = 1) Write GCI_SRC_BUR[2..0] = `010' (specify target burst = 2 for reading) Read U_B1_SRC[7..0] returns `111 00 010' (source burst = 7; source = U; target burst = 2) Write GCI_SRC_BUR[2..0] = `011' (specify target burst = 3 for reading) Read U_B1_SRC[7..0] returns `110 01 011' (source burst = 6; source = S; target burst = 3) 23 MTC-20285 240300 [24] MTC-20285 CPU Registers (ARM > GCI) Through the CPU registers, the ARM can directly send data to any GCI channel. Table 10: CPU Register Table Name Ui_B1_CPU Address (byte) 60 (180) Ui_B2_CPU 61 (184) Ui_M_CPU 62 (188) Ui_E_CPU 63 (18C) Si_B1_CPU 64 (190) Si_B2_CPU 65 (194) Si_M_CPU 66 (198) Si_E_CPU 67 (19C) Ai_B1_CPU 68 (1A0) Ai_B2_CPU 69 (1A4) Ai_M_CPU 6A (1A8) Ai_E_CPU 6B (1AC) GCI_CPU_RX 78 (1E0) Function CPU source value register for U-up / B1, burst i, where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for U-up / B2, burst i where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for U-up / M, burst i where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for [7:6] = U-up / D, burst i [5:2] = U-up / CI, burst i [1:0] = U-up / AE, burst I where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for S-down / B1, burst i where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for S-down / B2, burst i where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for S-down / M, burst i where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for [7:6] = S-down / D, burst i [5:2] = S-down / CI, burst i [1:0] = S-down / AE, burst I where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for A-down / B1, burst i where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for A-down / B2, burst i where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for A-down / M, burst i where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX CPU source value register for [7:6] = A-down / D, burst i [5:2] = A-down / CI, burst i [1:0] = A-down / AE, burst i where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX Specifies the target burst for line U, S or A used when accessing the CPU and RX registers: [1:0] = target line; 0 = U 1=S 2=A [4:2] = CPU target burst (0 to 7) [7:5] = RX target burst (0 to 7) where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX 24 MTC-20285 240300 [25] MTC-20285 NOTES: * All CPU registers are undefined after reset (the same as for GCI multiplexing registers) * The register GCI_CPU_RX can define and store 3 commands in parallel, one for each interface (U,S,A). The latest stored command for each interface will be used to select the corresponding CPU and RX register of that source. (For RX registers detail, see section 3.2.5) Example: - initialisation: select for S and U: GCI_CPU_RX = ` 000 010 01 `; S: cpu-burst = 2, rx-burst = 0 GCI_CPU_RX = ` 011 110 00 `; U: cpu-burst = 6, rx-burst = 3 - use CPU and RX registers: Si_B2_CPU = Ui_B1_RX; means CPU/S_B2/burst2 gets data from RX/U_B1/burst3 - re-select for S: GCI_CPU_RX = ` 000 101 01 `; S: cpu-burst = 5, rx-burst = 0 - use CPU and RX registers: Si_B2_CPU = Ui_B1_RX; means CPU/S_B2/burst5 gets data from RX/U_B1/burst3 * All CPU registers can be read and written to but `what you read is not what you write': - write operation: new value that will be effective from the next GCI frame - read operation: value used for the current GCI frame * When a constant value needs to be used from a CPU register, the value should be written during two consecutive GCI frames into the CPU register. This is due to the architecture with 2 parallel RAM spaces. 25 MTC-20285 240300 [26] MTC-20285 RX Registers (GCI > ARM) The ARM can read at any time the GCI content on each interface (U, S, A) with a delay of one frame (see section 3). Table 11: RX Register Table Name Ui_B1_RX Ui_B2_RX Ui_M_RX Ui_E_RX Si_B1_RX Si_B2_RX Si_M_RX Si_E_RX Ai_B1_RX Ai_B2_RX Ai_M_RX Ai_E_RX GCI_CPU_RX Address (byte) 6C (1B0) 6D (1B4) 6E (1B8) 6F (1BC) 70 (1C0) 71 (1C4) 72 (1C8) 73 (1CC) 74 (1D0) 75 (1D4) 76 (1D8) 77 (1DC) 78 (1E0) Function First byte of the U downstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Second byte of the U downstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Third byte of the U downstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Fourth byte of the U downstream GCI frame, burst i (1) First byte of the S upstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Second byte of the S upstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Third byte of the S upstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Fourth byte of the S upstream GCI frame, burst i (1) First byte of the A upstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Second byte of the A upstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Third byte of the A upstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Fourth byte of the A upstream GCI frame, burst i (1) Specify the burst targeted by the ARM when writing to the CPU and RX registers: [1:0] = target line; 0 = U 1=S 2=A [4:2] = CPU target burst (0 to 7) [7:5] = RX target burst (0 to 7) (1) Where i is defined by the register GCI_CPU_RX NOTES: * All RX registers can only be read (see section 3). - read operation: value received during the previous GCI frame is read 26 MTC-20285 240300 [27] MTC-20285 D/CI Activity Detection Mask Activity U-D/CI, frame i U-D/CI, frame i -1 U1_DCI itCl Fig.10: D/CI Activity Detection The value of each bit of the 6 D/CI bits of one GCI burst, is compared to its value during the previously received GCI frame (6 exors per burst). If at least one of the 6-bits of burst k changed, the corresponding burst bit k = 0..7 is set in the CI-activitydetection register, unless it is masked (by setting the corresponding `mask bit' to 1). There are 3 D/CI-activity detection registers, one for each interface (U,S,A), each 8-bits wide (for the 8 possible bursts per interface). There is one mask register per D/CI-activity detection register. After reset, the mask registers are set to 0xFF, all activity detection being masked. Note that no debouncing is done on the activity detection. If necessary, this must be done in software. An additional mask is foreseen to suppress the activity detection for the GCI_MSKU[i] and GCI_GCI_MSKUD([i] 101 00 If less than 8 bursts are present on a certain GCI interface, the activity bits corresponding to the non-existing bursts will remain inactive `0', so no masking is required to prevent an incorrect activity detection. From the moment that one of the 3x8 CI-activity bits is active an interrupt is generated. The interrupts stay active until they are explicitly cleared by writing to the GCI_ITx registers. The interrupt source itCI goes as well to the interrupt handler (i.e. the raw, unmasked interrupt bit, see section 3.9). For the capture signal of Timer1 (see section 3.13.1). 27 D bits. A control byte is provided for each GCI interface. Every bit in these control bytes corresponds to one burst. When a bit is set to `1', it will block the D bits activity detection for a particular burst / GCI interface. D activity detection on U, burst i: masked CI activity detection on U, burst i: masked D activity detection on U, burst i: masked CI activity detection on U, burst i: enabled D activity detection on U, burst i: enabled CI activity detection on U, burst i: enabled MTC-20285 240300 [28] MTC-20285 Table 12: GCI Register Table Name GCI_ITU Address (byte) 79 (1E4) GCI_ITS 7A (1E8) GCI_ITA 7B (1EC) GCI_MSKU GCI_MSKS GCI_MSKA GCI_MSKUD GCI_MSKSD GCI_MSKAD 7C (1F0) 7D (1F4) 7E (1F8) B8 (2E0) B9 (2E4) BA (2E8) Function READ access: bit[i] = 1: D-CI activity detected on U-downstream, burst i WRITE access: bit[i] = 1: reset the interrupt detection on U-downstream, burst i READ access: bit[i] = 1: D-CI activity detected on S-upstream, burst i WRITE access: bit[i] = 1: reset the interrupt detection on S-upstream, burst i READ access: bit[i] = 1: D-CI activity detected on A-upstream, burst i WRITE access: bit[i] = 1: reset the interrupt detection on A-upstream, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask D-CI activity detection on U, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask D-CI activity detection on S, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask D-CI activity detection on A, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask D bits activity detection on U, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask D bits activity detection on S, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask D bits activity detection on A, burst i Asynchronous Pull-up/Pull-down In order to force the GCI data output line to zero when no clock is present at the corresponding GCI interface, an asynchronous pull-up/pull-down is provided. APPLICATION: When the U line is defined as master and the U device is in power down (i.e no GCI clock present), the ARM must be able to pull the GCI line down toward the U device to wake it up. Table 13: GCI_PULL Register Table Name GCI_PULL Address (byte) BB (2EC) Function bit[1:0]: for line U bit[3:2]: for line S bit[5:4]: for line A 0: inactive 1: pull GCI data line up 2: pull GCI data line down 3: / 28 MTC-20285 240300 [29] MTC-20285 GCI Clocks Generation b) master: (dclMstr/fscMstr): the dcl/fsc clocks of that interface will follow the dclMstr/fscMstr of the interface which is selected as master interface. dcl4096 fcs4096 dcl512 dclMstr fcs512 fcsMstr XTAL 15.36MHz dcl512 / fcs512 fcsMstr DCLU FCSU Clock Gen PLL DIU DOU U pdown DCLS FCSS DIS DOS S pdown DCLA FCSA DIA DOA A pdown d) 4096k: (dcl4096 / fsc4096). The dcl/fsc clocks are derived from the crystal, but synchronized(1) with the master frame clock (fscMstr). Dcl = 4096 kHz, 8 bursts per frame. NOTE: (1) In case the crystal is selected as master, fsc is synchronized with a free-running, internally generated, crystal based 8kHz FSC signal. Two (positive-edge triggered) interrupts are generated on: * the Master Frame Clock, fscMstr * the internal frame clock, always running. See section 3.9 on Interrupts. Fig.11: GCI Clock Generation Each GCI interface can work at a different speed (= clock domain fsc/dcl), however each U,S,A is synchronized (via its FSC signal) on one and only one GCI Master FSC (fscMstr). The selection of fscMstr as well as the clock domain to be used for U,S,A is under software control. 1. 2. 3. 4. As each interface can be selected as GCI master, and at most one interface can work as master and the others as slave, all FSC/DCL pins are bi-directional. After reset, all 3 pairs of pins are in input mode such that no conflict occurs on any of the interfaces with a possible external master device. For each clock domain fsc/dcl of U,S,A, you can choose between 4 possible sources: The Master FSC (fscMstr) can be selected from 4 different sources, and the corresponding DCL clock will also be used as an input to the MTC-20285: c) 512k: (dcl512/fsc512). The dcl/fsc clocks are derived from the crystal, but synchronized(1) with the master frame clock (fscMstr). Dcl = 512 kHz, 1 burst per frame. Crystal clocks = dcl512/fsc512 U GCI interface = DCLU/FSCU S GCI interface = DCLS/FSCS A GCI interface = DCLA/FSCA The default source after reset is the crystal, because this source will always be present. a) non-active: this is the default after reset, and means dcl/fsc of that interface remains inactive low and the GCI data output stream remains inactive high (idle code). Selection of the non-active source for the interface, will overrule any other source selected for the data stream (e.g U_B1_SRC = HDLC1 will be overruled). 29 When the Master domain is chosen from one of the three external GCI interfaces, the source clock selection must be made appropriately to avoid clock conflicts as shown below: * if GCI-U must be master, you have to write CLK_GCI = 01 xx xx 01 * if GCI-S must be master, you have to write CLK_GCI = 10 xx 01 xx * if GCI-A must be master, you have to write CLK_GCI = 11 01 xx xx With a crystal based master (the MTC-20285 being GCI master), the MTC-20285 can only generate either non-multiplexed or 8-burst multiplexed GCI frame formats. However, when an external master is specified, the MTC-20285 will follow the format of the external master. For example, a 5-burst mode or an 8-burst mode with extra spare bits. Therefore the MTC20285 is fully GCI compatible when used in slave mode bit-rates of up to MTC-20285 240300 [30] MTC-20285 3088 kbps may be applied as master; this corresponds to a maximum of 8 bursts of 32-bits, followed by 130 spare bits (see GCI specification). Notice that in case spare bits occur in the input data stream, these spare bits will not be stored for possible processing, nor be routed through to another GCI output data stream (e.g. from DIU to DOS). Incoming spare bits are neglected, and outgoing spare bits are always set idle `1'. In case the Master is chosen from one of the 3 GCI interfaces, the dcl/fsc clocks derived from the crystal will be synchronized on the Master frame. A Digital PLL is used to track the frame with a maximum correction of 2 ms per frame. Therefore: * the amount of dcl transitions per frame is not affected. * the bit 0 of the CLK_3 register reports if the PLL is locked. If the master clock stops, then bit 0 of CLK_3 goes immediately to 0. APPLICATION EXAMPLE: for the S channel, use the internal clocks (dfr512/dcl512) and, as dfr master, the frame clock coming from the U channel. As soon as no activity is seen on the U frame clock (e.g. U interface deactivated), the S frame is a free-running clock based on the crystal frequency. As soon as the U activates, the dpll begins to track, to recover any frame phase delay between the U and S GCI channels. Hardware Implementation of the Multiplexing dfr 512 (Xtal) powerDown dfr FromU dfr FromS dfr U dfr FromA dfr 512 dfr 4096 dcl 512 (Xtal) * the generated dfr signals (dfr512 and dfr4096) are slaved to the dfr signal chosen as master. * the dpll can make a correction of maximum +/- 1.7% per frame; so a maximum of 30 frames (= 50%/1.7%) may be needed when changing dfr master. * the frequencies of the data clocks (dlc512 and dcl4096) are adapted in the same way * the dpll adds or subtracts a maximum of 32 pulses of the 15.36 MHz clock per frame (32/1920 = 1.7%) (15.36 MHz = 65 ns). * the dpll works with an hysteresis of 65 ns; a phase shift of +/-65 ns or more will cause a correction. * if no frame clock is present on the selected dfr master, no tracking will be applied and the generated dfr clocks will be free running. powerDown dcl FromU dcl FromS dcl U dcl 512 dcl FromA dcl 4096 CLK_GCI [7:6] CLK_GCI [1:0] Fig.12: Multiplexing for the U-GCI Clocks * the control of the multiplexers comes directly (asynchronously) from the CPU register CLK_GCI. It is the application software that has to take care when it modifies the multiplexing, but typically, the control will be set once (forever) because it is mainly dependent on the devices connected to the GCI lines. * the dcl and dfr signals have the same source 30 MTC-20285 240300 [31] MTC-20285 Table 14: CLK_GCI Register Table Name CLK_GCI Address (byte) 90 (240) CLK_3 93 (24C) CHIP_GCI_L CHIP_GCI_M 02 (008) 03 (00C) Function bit[5:0]: GCI DCL clock selection per interface U,S,A: bit[1:0] = for the U GCI router bit[3:2 ] = for the S GCI router bit[5:4] = for the A GCI router 0 = non-active (default at reset) 1 = master: dclMstr / fscMstr 2 = 512k: dcl512 / fsc512 3 = 4096k: dcl4096 / fsc4096 bit[7:6]: GCI Master FSC selection (fscMstr) 0 = Xtal (default at reset) 1=U 2=S 3=A bit[0]: DPLL status (read only) 0 = internal GCI clocks not synchronized with the external reference or the external reference is not active, DPLL is tracking 1 = internal GCI clocks synchronized Bits per GCI Frame on GCI master interface (Read only): result of auto-detection of the mode of the GCI master interface this 16-bit word stored in upper (_M) and lower byte (_L) value corresponds to the number of bits detected in one GCI frame: e.g. 8-burst 2048 kbps: CHIP_GCI_[M/L] = 256 = ox 01 00 = [1/0] 3-burst mode: CHIP_GCI_[M/L] = 96 = ox 00 60 = [0/96] 8-burst 3088 kbps: CHIP_GCI_[M/L] = 386 = ox 01 82 = [0/130] NOTE: The 4096 kHz clock generated from the crystal, does not produce a perfect 50% duty cycle. 31 MTC-20285 240300 [32] MTC-20285 HDLC Formatter Description HDLC Protocol 5 identical HDLC formatters are provided. They can be routed to any B1, B2 or D channels for any burst of any U, S or A interface. HDLC (High Level Data Link Control) is a bit-oriented, synchronous serial protocol used in data communication systems. Both LAPD (Link Access Protocol on D-channel) and LAPB (Link Access Protocol Balanced) are descended from HDLC, but differ slightly in frame format. Each HDLC formatter works as a single channel HDLC controller with send and receive FIFO pools. It is designed to work in OSI Layer2 (Data Link layer) applications, such as a LAP-D or LAP-B processor. FEATURES INCLUDE: * HDLC processor + flag generation and detection + abort generation and checking + CRC generation and checking + zero insertion and deletion * Receive address comparison + 1 broadcast TEI register + 2 programmable address matching registers + 2 programmable `wildcard' registers * Transmit address of packets can be set from register or data stream * 64 byte FIFO's in both directions * Transparent mode at which the FIFO's (Rx and Tx) can be used to buffer data transfers without HDLC formatting. * Data bit-reversal possible (LSB <-> MSB) in order to cope with the different formatting between HDLC formatted (LSB first) and non-HDLC, GCI formatted data (MSB first). * Interrupt generation The HDLC block transmits and receives data in frames. The start and end of frames are marked by a unique bit pattern called a flag. The data between the start and end flags consists of an address field, control field, information field and a Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field. Fig.13 shows the HDLC frame format Flag Flag 01111110 Address Control Information FCS in LAPD Nmax=260 1 - 2 Octets 1 - 2 Octets Passed between Receive/Transmit FIFO's Fig.13: HDLC Frame Format 32 0 -N Octets (optional) 2/4 Octets 01111110 MTC-20285 240300 [33] MTC-20285 1. Framing A flag is the unique bit-pattern `01111110' (7E hex), and marks both the start and the end of the frame. Flags are generated internally, and the HDLC block automatically appends start and end flags on frame transmission. Flags are searched for on a bit-by-bit basis, and can be recognised at any point in the receive bit stream. Flags are not transferred to or from the HDLC block. 2. Addressing The frame address is contained in the first field following the start flag. This can be either 1 or 2 octets long, and is used to distinguish the various network devices from one another. Together with optional address matching circuitry, the HDLC block can search the complete address field of incoming frames, selecting only those frames addressed to it. The address field is transferred to and from the HDLC block. 3. Control A control field follows the address field. This can be either 1 or 2 octets long, and is used to transfer commands and responses between Layer 2 entities and the network. The HDLC block does not operate on this field, transferring it transparently. 4. Information The information field contains the data to be transmitted, and may be null. This field may not be an integer number of octets. If the last few bits of the information field do not completely fill the last octet, then that octet is padded with zeros before being transferred to the Receive FIFO as a complete byte. The device will only transmit frames with an integer number of octets (before zero insertion). 5. Error Checking The Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field is contained in the last two octets before the end flag in a frame. The field is computed using a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) polynomial. This is used to perform error detection on the address, control and information fields. The standard CRC-CCITT polynomial is used in both the receive and transmit directions: X16 + X12 + X5 + 1 binary 1's in the LAPD protocol. The number of 1's can be less than a full octet. The LAPB protocol, on the other hand, specifies flag characters to be inserted between frames. The HDLC block also provides support for a non-standard 32-bit CRC (CRC32), which may be used instead of the standard CCITT-CRC. The polynomial for this is: X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + X8+ X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X + 1 8. Frame Abort Transmission of data frames can be prematurely cancelled by use of an abort character. The transmitter aborts a frame by sending the abort character `11111110' (FE hex). The receiver interprets this character as an abort, and begins the search for a new frame. CRC generation and checking is performed automatically by the HDLC block. On transmit, the CRC generator is initialized with FFFF hex. The CRC is computed serially on the address, control and information fields, and is then complemented before being transmitted MSB first. In the receive direction the CRC checker is initialized with FFFF hex on receipt of a valid start flag. A CRC is performed on all bits between the start and end flags, including the transmitted CRC field, and the end result is compared to 1D0F hex (or C704DD7B hex for CRC-32), hex numbers written MSB first. The frame is transferred to the receive FIFO, regardless of whether the CRC checker detected an error or not. The CRC field can also be transferred to the receive FIFO if required. 6. Zero Insertion/Deletion Zero insertion and deletion is performed by the HDLC block to prevent the start and end flags from being imitated by the data. The transmit section inserts a zero after any succession of five 1's within a frame (between start and end flags). The receive section deletes all 0's inserted by the transmitter. 7. Inter-frame Time Fill An inter-frame time fill condition occurs when the HDLC block has no frames to transmit. The device can be configured to transmit either an idle stream or flag characters during this period. The idle stream consists of 33 How to generate a Tx Frame Abort. This can be done in one of the following 3 ways: * disable the TX before the `end-offrame' (indicated by writing the `last-byte-indication' to the TX-FIFO) * clear the TX-FIFO before the `end-offrame' * let the TX-FIFO run empty before the `end-of-frame' MTC-20285 240300 [34] MTC-20285 Control Registers This section details the programmable registers accessible to the CPU. These registers either control the operation of the HDLC formatter, or report its status. HDx parameters in Table 15 refer to 5 parameters, x referring to any of the 5 HDLC formatters. Table 15: Control Registers Name HDx-SRC x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 Address (byte) HD_BREV 43 (10C) 40 (100) 41 (104) 42 (108) 47 (11C) 48 (120) Function Source data for the receive path: [1:0]: line selection 0=U 1=S 2=A 3 = / (unspecified; not to be used) [4:2]: burst selection (0 to 7) [6:5]: channel selection 0 = B1 1 = B2 2=D 3 = / (unspecified; not to be used) Bit-reverse data byte (LSB <-> MSB) read/written from/to the HDLC FIFO's bit[0] = 1: bit-reverse data for HDLC1 formatter bit[1] = 1: bit-reverse data for HDLC2 formatter bit[2] = 1: bit-reverse data for HDLC3 formatter bit[3] = 1: bit reverse data for HDLC4 formatter bit[4] = 1: bit reversed per block of 2 for HDLC1 in transparent mode bit[5] = 1: bit reversed per block of 2 for HDLC2 in transparent mode bit[6] = 1: bit reversed per block of 2 for HDLC3 in transparent mode bit[7] = 1: bit reversed per block of 2 for HDLC4 in transparent mode HDx-TX x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 HDx-MODE x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 44 (110) 45 (114) 46 (118) 49 (124) 4A (128) 10 (040) 20 (080) 30 (0C0) D0 (340) D channel transmission through D channel transmission through D channel transmission through D channel transmission through Note: No bit-reverse support is foreseen for HDLC5. HDLC packet ready to be transmitted in the current frame (read only register - the register is updated by and when the HDLC TX-FIFO is active, transmitting data) HDLC Mode Register (MODE) This register controls the formatter configuration = [0, HEN, TXE, RXE, CR32, ITF, FLS, TIC] HEN: HDLC Protocol Enable - 1: HDLC protocol enabled (data sent LSB first) 34 MTC-20285 240300 [35] MTC-20285 x=5 E0 (380) HDx-EMODE x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 11 (044) 21 (084) 31 (0C4) D1 (344) E1 (384) HDx-CMD x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 12 (048) 22 (088)) 32 (OC8) D2 (348) - 0: HDLC protocol disabled (data sent LSB first) TXE: Transmitter Enable - 1: Transmitter activated - 0: Transmitter deactivated RXE: Receiver Enable - 1: Receiver activated - 0: Receiver deactivated CR32: 32-bit CRC Enable - 1: Enable 32-bit CRC (non-standard) - 0: Disable 32-bit CRC ITF: Inter-frame Time Fill - 1: Continuous 1's between frames - 0: Flag characters between frames FLS: Flag sharing - 1: Transmit one flag between frames - 0: Transmit two flags between frames TIC: Transmit Incorrect CRC - 1: Transmit an incorrect CRC field value - 0: Transmit correct CRC field value HDLC Extended Mode Register (EMODE) This register controls the configuration of the extended HDLC modes. = [LPB, CPT, TAIE, RAF1, RAF0, MFLE, MFL1, MFL0] LPB: Loop-back (at parallel ARM-I/O side, NOT at bit-serial GCI side) - 1: Transmit - receive looped back - 0: Transmit - receive not looped back CPT: CRC Pass Through - 1: Pass CRC bytes into the data stream - 0: Do not pass CRC bytes into data stream TAIE: Transmit Address Insertion Enable - 1: Transmit address octets sourced from TA1/2 - 0: Transmit address octets sourced from data RAF[1:0]: Receive Address Filter - 00: No filter on receive addresses - 01: Frame accepted if first address octet corresponds to either RA1/RAW1 or RA2/RAW2 - 10: Frame accepted if second address octet corresponds to either RA1/RAW1 or RA2/RAW2 - 11: Frame accepted if: first address octet corresponds to RA1/RAW1 and second address octet corresponds to RA2/RAW2 MFLE: Minimum Frame Length Check Enable - 1: Minimum frame length check enabled - 0: Minimum frame length check disabled MFL[1:0]: Minimum Frame Length Check - 00: Only receive frames of 3 bytes or more - 01: Only receive frames of 4 bytes or more - 10: Only receive frames of 5 bytes or more - 11: Only receive frames of 6 bytes or more HDLC Command Register (CMD) Commands for the formatter are written to this register. Writing a `1' to any of the bit locations will cause the appropriate action to take place. = [0, 0, 0, 0, TFT, TFC, RFC, RFB] TFT: Transmit Frame Terminator 35 MTC-20285 240300 [36] MTC-20285 x=5 E2 (388) HDx-SSTAT x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 13 (O4C) 23 (08C) 33 (0CC) D3 (34C) E3 (38C) HDx-FSTAT x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 14 (050) 24 (090) 34 (0D0) D4 (350) E4 (390) - 1: The next byte to be written to the Transmit FIFO is the last of the frame TFC: Transmit FIFO Clear - 1: Transmit FIFO is cleared RFC: Receive FIFO Clear - 1: Receive FIFO is cleared RFB: Receive Frame Abort - 1: Abort the receive frame HDLC Serial Status Register (SSTAT) This register contains the current status of the Formatter receive and transmit serial functions. = [0, 0, 0, 0, SPG, RID, RFL, TIF] SPG: Serial Port Grant: this bit will have no influence when reset, because it is always granted by hardware construction: - 1: Serial port granted - 0: Serial port has not been granted RID: Receive Line Idle - 1: Receiving idle characters - 0: Frames or starting flags are being received RFL: Receiving Flag Characters - 1: Receiving flag characters - 0: Idle/frame data being received TIF: Transmit in Frame - 1: Transmitting frame data characters - 0: Transmitting idle/flag characters HDLC FIFO Status Register (FSTAT) This register contains the current status of the Formatter. = [0, RSB, TLL, TFE, TOU, RLH, RFE, ROU] reset value = 32 hex RSB: Receive Status Byte - 1: Next byte on receive FIFO is a status byte - 0: Next byte on receive FIFO is a data byte TLL: Transmit FIFO Level is Low - 1: Transmit FIFO level is less than its threshold level - 0: Transmit FIFO level is greater than or equal to its threshold level TFE: Transmit FIFO is Full/Empty - 1: Transmit FIFO full if TLL = 0, empty if TLL = 1 - 0: Transmit FIFO is neither full nor empty TOU: Transmit FIFO has Overrun/Underrun - 1: Transmit FIFO overrun if TLL = 0, underrun if TLL = 1 - 0: Transmit FIFO has neither overrun nor underrun RLH: Receive FIFO Level is High - 1: Receive FIFO level is greater than or equal to its threshold level - 0: Receive FIFO level is less than its threshold level RFE: Receive FIFO is Full/Empty - 1: Receive FIFO full if RLH = 1, empty if RLH = 0 - 0: The receive FIFO is neither full nor empty ROU: Receive FIFO has Overrun/Underrun - 1: Receive FIFO overrun if RLH = 1, underrun if RLH = 0 - 0: Receive FIFO has neither overrun nor underrun Threshold level = 25% / 75% of the FIFO depth 36 MTC-20285 240300 [37] MTC-20285 HDx-ISTAT x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 HDx-ISRV x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 HDx-IMASK x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 15 (054) 25 (094) 35 (0D4) D5 (354) E5 (594) 16 (058) 26 (098) 36 (0D8) D6 (358) E6 (398) 17 (05C) 27 (09C) 37 (0DC) D7 (35C) E7 (39C) HDx-FIFO x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 18 (060) 28 (0A0) 38 (0E0) D8 (360) E8 (3A0) HDx-RFBC x=1 x=2 19 (064) 29 (0A4) HDLC Interrupt Status Register (ISTAT) = [TXOK, TXERR, RXOK, RXERR, TXFL, TXFU, RXFH, RXFO] (see HDLC Interrupt Mask Register (HDx_IMASK)) Holds the current interrupt status, reading this register returns the same value that was read during the last read of HDx_ISERV. HDLC Interrupt Service Register (ISRV) = [TXOK, TXERR, RXOK, RXERR, TXFL, TXFU, RXFH, RXFO] (see HDLC Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK)) Reading this register: - 1. stores the value indicating all pending interrupts in HDx_ISTAT - 2. clears the interrupts (ISRV reset to 00hex); Note: the read value can not be used, read ISTAT HDLC Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK) = [TXOK, TXERR, RXOK, RXERR, TXFL, TXFU, RXFH, RXFO] TXOK: Transmit Frame OK - 1: Frame transmitted OK - 0: No interrupt TXERR: Transmit Frame Aborted - 1: Transmit frame aborted - 0: No interrupt RXOK: Receive Frame OK - 1: Frame received OK - 0: No interrupt RXERR: Receive Frame Error - 1: Frame aborted/received with CRC error - 0: No interrupt TXFL: Transmit FIFO low - 1: Transmit FIFO level has fallen below threshold - 0: No interrupt TXFU: Transmit FIFO Underrun - 1: Transmit FIFO has underrun - 0: No interrupt RXFH: Receive FIFO High - 1: Receive FIFO level has risen above threshold - 0: No interrupt RXFO: Receive FIFO Overrun - 1: Receive FIFO has overrun - 0: No interrupt Threshold level = 25% / 75% of the FIFO depth TX / RX Data Reading this register pops data off the Receive FIFO, from the current read address, and writing this register pushes data onto the Transmit FIFO. Note that writing a `1' to the TFT bit in the HDx_CMD register before writing the last byte to this register will terminate the last byte in the HDLC frame. Note that when changing to transparent mode either from reset, or during normal operation, the first received byte in the RX FIFO should be ignored. = [D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1, D0] Receive Frame Byte Count (RFBC) The contents of this register are valid after an RXOK/RXERR interrupt. The value in this register corresponds to the number of receive frame bytes 37 MTC-20285 240300 [38] MTC-20285 x=3 x=4 x=5 HDx-TA1 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 HDx-TA2 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 HDx-RAW1 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 HDx-RAW2 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 HDx-RA1 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 HDx-RA2 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 39 (0E4) D9 (364) E9 (3A4) 1A (068) 2A (0A8) 3A (0E8) DA (368) EA (3A8) 1B (06C) 2B (0AC) 3B (0EC) DB (36C) EB (3AC) 1C (070) 2C (0B0) 3C (0F0) DC (370) DE (378) 1D (074) 2D (0B4) 3D (0F4) DD (374) DE (378) 1E (078) 2E (0B8) 3E (0F8) DE (378) EE (3B8) 1F (07C) 2F (0BC) 3F (0FC) DF (37C) EF (3BC) placed into the Receive FIFO. This value includes CRC bytes if CPT = 1, but does not include the Receive Status Byte placed into the Receive FIFO immediately following the frame data. = [C7, C6, C5, C4, C3, C2, C1, C0] (modulo 256) Transmit Address 1 (TA1) This register contains the first address octet for outgoing HDLC frames. This register value will only be used as the first address octet if the TAIE bit in the HDx_EMODE register is set to `1'. = [T17, T16, T15, T14, T13, T12, T11, T10] Transmit Address 2 (TA2) This register contains the second address octet for outgoing HDLC frames. This register value will only be used as the second address octet if the TAIE bit in the HDx_EMODE register is set to `1'. = [T27, T26, T25, T24, T23, T22, T21, T20] Receive Address Wildcard 1 (RAW1) This register contains a `wildcard' pattern for use by receive address register RA1. Any bits set to `1' in this register will not be used in the comparison with an address octet. = [RW17, RW16, RW15, RW14, RW13, RW12, RW11, RW10] Receive Address Wildcard 2 (RAW2) This register contains a `wildcard' pattern for use by receive address register RA2. Any bits set to `1' in this register will not be used in the comparison with an address octet. = [RW27, RW26, RW25, RW24, RW23, RW22, RW21, RW20] Receive Address 1 (RA1) This register contains a value to be used in the address matching circuitry for received HDLC frames. The RAF bits in the HDx_EMODE register control the operation of the address matching circuitry. = [RA17, RA16, RA15, RA14, RA13, RA12, RA11, RA10] Receive Address 2 (RA2) This register contains a value to be used in the address matching circuitry for received HDLC frames. The RAF bits in the HDx_EMODE register control the operation of the address matching circuitry. = [RA27, RA26, RA25, RA24, RA23, RA22, RA21, RA20] 38 MTC-20285 240300 [39] MTC-20285 NOTES: On receiving a frame, a receive status byte is appended to the frame data in the FIFO. This status byte indicates how successfully the frame was received. The status byte can be identified in the receive data stream either by examining the RSB status bit of the HDx_FSTAT register, or by examining the RFBC register value after an RXOK/RXERR interrupt has occurred. Receive Status Byte = [0, 0, 0, RAB, CRC/ERR, PAD2, PAD1, PAD0] RAB: Receive Abort - 1: Receive frame aborted - 0: Receive frame not aborted CRC/ERR: Receive CRC Error - 1: Receive CRC Error - 0: No receive CRC Error PAD[2:0]: 3-bit number indicating the number of padding bits added to the final receive character in the case of non octet aligned data. 39 MTC-20285 240300 [40] MTC-20285 USB Interface USB Disabled FEATURES INCLUDE: If the USB function is not used in the application, the following device pins must be connected to VSS, and all other USB related pins left open. * Full-speed USB device * Interface to external USB driver, according to the USB Implementers Forum recommendations. * Device powered (does not receive power via USB cable) * Soft-configurable (see above) * A 48 MHz (2,500ppm) clock for USB bus clock recovery * Most of the interface is clocked at 12 MHz (obtained by dividing the 48 MHz clock) * The entire Standard USB command handling (e.g. GET_STATUS, Name USB_XTAL2 USB_RCV USB_VP USB_VM USB_VBUS Pin Nr. 121 115 116 117 118 GET_DESCRIPTOR, etc) is an exclusive hardware responsibility. No overhead in the ARM software * USB FIFO. Their handling is an ARM Software responsibility for example, Reset USB, Get info on ISDN handling parameters, etc. * Indication signals are provided to monitor the traffic over Channels 1..6 (typically D, B1 and B2 channels of 2 ISDN streams) and USB connectivity (device configured by USB host). They can optionally be used to drive 7 LEDs USB1_RXTX to USB6_RXTX and USB_CFG pins. Description An integrated USB Device Controller revision 1.1 compliant, is provided for interfacing with a personal computer. Apart from the mandatory bidirectional USB control pipe (Control Endpoint 0), it can handle a maximum of 6 bi-directional data streams using 6 shared (bi-directional) endpoints 1..6. These streams are buffered in configurable size FIFO's and use either USB Isochronous, Bulk or Interrupt Endpoints. They can for example, be used to send/receive the B1, B2 and D channels of any burst to/from two GCI interfaces (U, S, A). The USB interface consists of hardware and some ARM software. It is fully software configurable as follows: * The ISDN USB logical architecture (type of endpoints, USB descriptors, USB FIFO sizes etc) is selectable through configuration data in the USB RAM (mapped in the APB space). * Reading/writing USB FIFO's is done in ARM software, for example, using interrupt routines. USB Logical Architecture The device supports: 1 USB Configuration 4 USB Interfaces: * Interface 0: Control Endpoint 0 (always enabled) * Interface 1: - Alternate Setting 0: Endpoints 1 and 4 disabled (default reset value) - Alternate Setting 1: Bi-directional Endpoint 1 enabled - Alternate Setting 2: Bi-directional Endpoint 4 enabled - Alternate Setting 3: Bi-directional Endpoints 1 and 4 enabled * Interface 2: - Alternate Setting 0: Endpoints 2 and 5 disabled (default reset value) - Alternate Setting 1: Bi-directional Endpoint 2 enabled - Alternate Setting 2: Bi-directional Endpoint 5 enabled - Alternate Setting 3: Bi-directional Endpoints 2 and 5 enabled * Interface 3: - Alternate Setting 0: Endpoints 3 and 6 disabled (default reset value) - Alternate Setting 1: Bi-directional Endpoint 3 enabled - Alternate Setting 2: Bi-directional Endpoint 6 enabled - Alternate Setting 3: Bi-directional Endpoints 3 and 6 enabled 4 USB Strings: * String 0: Language ID (support for 1 language) * String 1: Manufacturer * String 2: Product * String 3: Serial Number * ISDN layer 2 and 3 processing can optionally be provided in ARM software, reducing the CPU load of the USB host (PC). 40 MTC-20285 240300 [41] MTC-20285 The number of logical endpoints (visible to the USB host) equals 7. Endpoint 0: Control endpoint. Endpoint 1..6: shared (bi-directional) endpoints. The total number of physical endpoints equals 25, taking into account all endpoints in all configurations and for all alternate settings. Typically, this logical architecture will be used to implement the ISDN Multi-Channel model. * USB Control Endpoint 0 is located in Interface 0, the communication class interface. * Interfaces 1,2 and 3 are data class interfaces for transferring D, B1 and B2 basic rate ISDN channel data. * Endpoints 1,2 and 3 are used for 1 basic rate ISDN line, while endpoints 4,5 and 6 can optionally be used for a second line, or for some other application specific information exchange. * Endpoints 1..6 can be configured as Bulk-, Isochronous or Interrupt endpoints. Architecture The interface is built around a Phoenix (Sand) USB Device Controller (UDC) synthesizable core. It also contains an APB - mapped 1 kByte RAM, that holds USB FIFO data for all channels, and configuration data (USB descriptors and UDC buffer values). USB RAM Memory A bi-directional multi-channel FIFO serves as buffer space between the Sand Application Bus and the ARMAPB bus. Buffering is needed because the UDC initiates all data transfers on the Sand Application Bus, and the application has to accept / provide data within 4 cycles after the UDC request. In each direction (USB towards ARM, and ARM towards USB), 7 separate bi-directional FIFO blocks are provided, corresponding to Channels 0 to 6. Channel 0 is always used for the mandatory bi-directional USB control pipe (Endpoint 0). Channels 1...6 correspond to the shared (bi-directional) endpoints 1...6. The 7 FIFO blocks in the USB towards the ARM direction are called USB RX FIFO, the 7 blocks in the opposite direction are called USB TX FIFO. Each Channel corresponds to a USB RX FIFO block and a USB TX FIFO block. The size of the channel 0 FIFO block is fixed to 8 bytes in each direction. The size of each FIFO block for channel 1..6 is soft-configurable. (The base address of each block is contained in the UDC buffer values, and RX/TX blocks for the same endpoint are adjacent (no gap). This information is extracted during the configuration phase of the Sand core (UDC buffer values download). Note that 7 bi-directional channels is an upper bound. Certain configurations could use less, e.g. ISDN/CAPI or a `download' mode where the personal computer can download USB configuration information + descriptors and ARM software into the device. The FIFO is built around one dualport RAM. Using one single RAM is possible because each side (USB, ARM) will only access one channel at once, for either reading or writing. Synchronization mechanisms are provided between the Sand USB Core (Sand Application Bus), that runs on a 12MHz clock, and the rest of the USB interface (APB access mechanism including accessible registers). This USB RAM not only serves as FIFO, but also holds UDC buffer values and all USB descriptors. They have to be loaded, by the ARM software, from external memory into the USB RAM at device power-up. The 41 UDC buffer values configure the UDC (ISDN USB logical architecture) and select the sizes of all channel 1..6 FIFO blocks. The USB descriptors contain information that has to be sent to the USB host, on its request. This part of the RAM is called USB CONFIG. The size of the RAM is 1024 Bytes. MTC-20285 240300 [42] MTC-20285 USB RX FIFO USB Side (Sand Application Bus) ISDN Side (AMBA APB Bus) Base Address Acked Write Pointer Write Pointer Read Pointer USBx-FIFO Read Access Fig.14: USB RX FIFO Block Organisation Each channel 1..6 RX FIFO block has a configurable base address, that is contained in the UDC buffer values. The RAM address range of each block extends from its base address to the base address of the next block minus one. Although the USB RX FIFO is entirely memory mapped, the software will only directly access these addresses for test purposes. Software reads data from a RX FIFO block, by doing read accesses to its corresponding Channel register address, USBxFIFO (x = 0..6). The hardware maintains a circular read pointer to physically access the RAM. While doing a write transfer to a USB RX FIFO block, the least significant 10-bits of the UDC address bus contain the base address of that particular block. A hardware circular Write Pointer is maintained to generate the RAM write address. Upon completion of a (multi-Byte) write transaction, the UDC indicates whether or not the transaction was successful, using Acknowledge / Not-Acknowledge signals. In case the transaction was unsuccessful, the received data is ignored. Unsuccessful transactions are caused by data errors on the USB (e.g. bitstuff error, CRC error, host sends more bytes than the Endpoints MaxPktSize). A second circular Write Pointer, the ACKed Write Pointer, is used for this accept/ignore mechanism. When data is received, it is written in the RAM, and the Write pointer is updated. When the transfer has successfully completed, the ACKed Write pointer gets the value of the Write pointer. 42 For unsuccessful transfers, the ACKed Write pointer is not updated, causing the received data to be ignored. Each time the software accesses a RX FIFO block, a circular Read Pointer is updated in hardware. This pointer is used together with the ACKed Write Pointer to determine the RX FIFO High/Low level, Full/ Empty and Overrun/Underrun indications for that particular RX FIFO block. If an RX FIFO block is Full, and UDC issues a Write request, the data is ignored and a NAK handshake is sent towards the host. MTC-20285 240300 [43] MTC-20285 USB TX FIFO USB Side (Sand Application Bus) ISDN Side (AMBA APB Bus) Base Address Acked Read Pointer Read Pointer Write Pointer USBx-FIFO Write Access Fig.15: USB TX FIFO Block Organisation Each TX FIFO block has a configurable base address, which is contained in the UDC buffer values. The RAM address range of each block extends from its base address to the base address of the next block minus one. Although the USB TX FIFO is entirely memory mapped, the software will only directly access these addresses for test purposes. Software writes data to a RX FIFO block, by doing write accesses to its corresponding Channel register address, USBxFIFO (x = 0..6). The hardware maintains a circular write pointer to physically access the RAM. While doing a read transfer from a USB TX FIFO block, the UDC address bus contains the base address of that particular block. A hardware circular Read Pointer is maintained to generate the RAM read address. Upon completion of a (multi-Byte) read transaction, the UDC indicates whether or not the transaction was successful, using the Acknowledge / Not-Acknowledge signals. In case the transaction was unsuccessful, the transmitted data must be retained in the TX FIFO block. Unsuccessful transactions are caused by data errors on USB (e.g. no ACK received from Host). A second circular Read Pointer, the ACKed Read Pointer, is used for this accept/ignore mechanism. Each time a data Byte is read from the RAM and put on the Application Bus, the Read Pointer is updated. When the transfer has successfully completed, the ACKed Read Pointer gets the value of the Read Pointer. For unsuccessful transfers, the 43 ACKed Read Pointer is not updated, causing the transmitted data to be available for retransmission. Each time the software accesses a TX FIFO block, a Write Pointer is updated in hardware. This pointer is used together with the ACKed Read Pointer to determine the TX FIFO High/Low level, Full/Empty and Overrun/Underrun indications for that particular TX FIFO block. If a TX FIFO block is Full, and UDC issues a Read request, the reaction depends on the Endpoint type. For a Bulk or Interrupt Endpoint, either a NAK handshake or a Short Packet and an ACK handshake is sent to the host. For an Isochronous Endpoint, a Zero Byte Data Packet is sent to the host. MTC-20285 240300 [44] MTC-20285 USB CONFIG The UDC can address each location of the USB CONFIG block. It contains static data (UDC buffer values and USB descriptors) that are loaded during device start-up. On the USB side, the UDC generates addresses for this part of the RAM. On the ARM side, the software can access all locations over the APB-bus. ISDN <-> USB Data Flow Mechanism USB (Sand Application Bus) ISDN (GCI) ARM (AMBA-APB Bus) 1 2 3 USB RX FIFO 5 6 7 USB TX FIFO USB Error Indication When any problem is encountered sending/receiving a USB packet (due to USB error conditions `cf. Supra' or FIFO overrun/underrun conditions)*, this is indicated by setting the NACK (Not Acknowledged Packet) bit of that particular USB channel (= bidirectional endpoint). This bit is located in USBx-FSTAT[6], x = 0..6. This bit is only cleared when the ARM reads the USBx-FSTAT register. * A Standard USB command (always handled by the UDC) will also make the Channel 0 NACK bit = `1'. 4 HDLC TX FIFO 8 HDLC RX FIFO Fig.16: ISDN <->USB Data Flow Mechanism Figure 12 shows an example of the data flow mechanism between ISDN and USB. A single FIFO channel is shown for each data direction. Underrun / Overrun behaviour is discussed for each numbered item in the figure. Note that interrupts can of course be masked. 1. A Write request to a USB RX FIFO, which has less space free than its threshold, produces a USB RX FIFO Overrun interrupt, the data written is ignored, and a NAK is sent to the host, which will either re-transmit bulk data or discard isochronous data. 2. Read from an empty USB RX FIFO, USB RX FIFO Underrun interrupt (use USB TX FIFO Low / High interrupt driven actions to avoid this). 3. Write to a full HDLC TX FIFO, HDLC TX FIFO Overrun (use HDLC TX FIFO Low driven actions to avoid this). 4. Read from an empty HDLC TX FIFO, Inter-frame Time Fill (D-channel: '1' bits, B-channels: 0x7E Flag characters) are inserted on GCI interface. 5. Read request to a USB TX FIFO, which contains less bytes than its threshold (and not flushing), USB TX FIFO Underrun interrupt. In case of a Bulk (or Interrupt) Endpoint, a NAK 44 handshake is sent to the host. (When flushing / no threshold, a Short Packet and an ACK handshake is sent to the host). In case of an Isochronous Endpoint, a Zero Byte Data Packet is sent to the host. 6. Write to a full USB TX FIFO, USB TX FIFO Overrun interrupt (use USB RX FIFO Low / High interrupt driven actions to avoid this). 7. Read from an empty HDLC RX FIFO, HDLC RX FIFO Underrun (use HDLC RX FIFO High driven actions to avoid this). 8. Write to a full HDLC RX FIFO, HDLC RX FIFO Overrun interrupt. USB FIFO Overrun / Underrun interrupts can be avoided by writing / reading FIFO data in chunks that are smaller than half the FIFO channel size, triggered by the USB FIFO Low / High Level interrupts. When the HDLC RX FIFO level is getting too high, software can use external or internal RAM memory storage (Back Pressure). MTC-20285 240300 [45] MTC-20285 USB Control/Status Registers Registers related to the USB device as a whole reside in APB page 0x17. Registers related to a particular channel (0..6) reside in APB pages 0x10..0x16. USB_DIMASK is an interrupt mask register, that can mask event (edge Name USB_DCMD Address (byte) 170 (5C0) triggered) interrupt generation. It has no shadowed status register, status can be found in USB_DSTAT and USB_ALTSET registers. The channel interrupts are level triggered (USBx-ISTAT, -ISRV, -IMASK mechanism) and can be cleared locally, by reading USBx-ISRV. Function USB Device Command: bit[0]: USB_START: USB Start-up Doing a write `1' access to this bit generates a reset pulse for the USB interface (reset and restart). It also triggers the hardware to load the UDC buffer values from the USB RAM, into the Sand USB Core. After this, the USB interface will become activated (UDC_CFG becomes '1'). bit[1]: USB_PULL: enable pull-up resistor on D+ - 1 = enable pull-up resistor on D+, provided that UDC_CFG = `1' - 0 = disable pull-up resistor on D+, regardless the value of UDC_CFG bit[2]: UDC_FORCECLK: Force UDC clocking (all 48 MHz and 12 MHz clocks) during USB suspend - 1 = UDC is clocked, even if USB_SUSPEND = `1' - 0 = UDC is not clocked, provided that USB_SUSPND ='1' bit[3]: UDC_DISABLECLK: Disable UDC clocking (all 48 MHz and 12 MHz clocks) at all times - 1 = all UDC clocking is disabled (USB power-down mode) - 0 = all UDC clocking is enabled To bring the USB interface into power-down mode, it is recommended to first make USB_PULL = `1', and only thereafter UDC_DISABLECLK = `1'. After resuming the USB interface from power-down (UDC_DISABLECLK = `0'), a new USB_START is required. USB_DSTAT 171 (5C4) When a USB Suspend has happened while UDC_DISABLECLK was `1' (effectively disabling the USB clocks), the software needs to clear all USB FIFO's when Suspend is resumed. USB Device Status: bit[0]: USB_PHCON: Device Physically Connected - 1 = Device is physically connected to the USB - 0 = Device is not physically connected to the USB bit[2:1]: UDC_CFG: Sand Core Configured - 00 = Sand Core unconfigured - 01 = Configuring Sand core (loading UDC buffer values) - 10 = Sand core configured (successfully received its UDC buffer values) bit[3]: USB_CFG: Device configured by Host - 0 = USB device not configured by USB Host - 1 = USB device configured by USB Host bit[4]: USB_SUSPND: USB Suspend State - 0 = USB is not Suspended - 1 = USB is Suspended 45 MTC-20285 240300 [46] MTC-20285 USB_ALTSET 172 (5C8) USB_DIMASK 174 (5D0) USBx-FIFO x=0 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 x=6 USBx-SET x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 x=6 105 (414) 115 (454) 125 (494) 135 (4D4) 145 (514) 155 (554) 165 (594) 116 (458) 126 (498) 136 (4D8) 146 (518) 156 (558) 166 (598) USB Alternate Setting (per Interface, as set by the USB Host): bit[1:0]: Alternate Setting of USB Interface 1 bit[3:2]: Alternate Setting of USB Interface 2 bit[5:4]: Alternate Setting of USB Interface 3 USB Device Interrupt Mask Register bit[0] = USB_PHCON Event (USB cable connect/disconnect) bit[1] = USB_CFG Event (USB SET_CONFIGURATION) bit[2] = USB_INTF Event (USB SET_INTERFACE: Alt. Settings/Interfaces) bit[3] = USB_SUSPND Event (USB into suspend or resume from suspend) TX / RX Data for USB channel x Reading this register pops data off the USB RX FIFO, from the current read address, and writing this register pushes data onto the USB TX FIFO. USB FIFO Settings bit[2:0] = USB_THR: USB FIFO Threshold level towards USB bus 000 = No Threshold 001 = 8 Bytes Threshold (default) 010 = 16 Bytes Threshold 011 = 32 Bytes Threshold 100 = 64 Bytes Threshold 101 = 128 Bytes Threshold 110 = 256 Bytes Threshold 111 = 512 Bytes Threshold Typically, the threshold of an endpoint will be chosen to be equal to the USB Packet size for that particular endpoint, to avoid abundant short packet generation. These threshold values can be written at device start-up, and should not be modified during USB operation. USBx-CMD x=0 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 x=6 100 (400) 110 (440) 120 (480) 130 (4C0) 140 (5000 150 (540) 160 (580) The threshold of RX0 / TX0 FIFO is fixed to 8 Bytes. Endpoint 0 Packet size should be configured to be 8 Bytes. All data phases of control 0 Vendor/Class specific commands should be integer multiples of 8 Bytes. USB Command Register (CMD) Commands for the formatter are written to this register. Writing a `1' to any of the bit locations StatusOK, TFFL, TFC, RFC will cause the appropriate action to take place. The bits TFEN, RFEN, TSTL, RSTL can hold either a `1' or a `0' value, enabling or disabling the corresponding feature. = [StatusOK, TFFL, TFEN, RFEN, TFC, RFC, TSTL, RSTL] SatusOK: Endpoint 0 Class/Vendor Command handled OK - 1: Endpoint 0 command status is OK TFFL: Transmit FIFO Flush - 1: Transmit FIFO is flushed TFEN: Transmit FIFO Enable - 1: Transmit FIFO is enabled - 0: Transmit FIFO is disabled (mimics an empty FIFO towards USB) 46 MTC-20285 240300 [47] MTC-20285 RFEN: Receive FIFO Enable - 1: Receive FIFO is enabled - 0: Receive FIFO is disabled (mimics an empty FIFO towards USB) TFC: Transmit FIFO Clear - 1: Transmit FIFO is cleared RFC: Receive FIFO Clear - 1: Receive FIFO is cleared TSTL: Transmit Endpoint Stall - 1: Transmit Endpoint is stalled - 0: Transmit Endpoint is unstalled RSTL: Receive Endpoint Stall - 1: Receive Endpoint is stalled - 0: Receive Endpoint is unstalled Transmit FIFO Flush can for example, be used to force a short packet at the end of a data stream. USBx-FSTAT x=0 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 x=6 101 (404) 111 (444) 121 (484) 131 (4C4) 141 (504) 151 (544) 161 (584) StatusOK bit exists for Endpoint 0 only. TFFL, TFEN, RFEN bits exist for Endpoints 1...6 only. TFC, RFC, TSTL, RSTL bits exist for all Endpoints (0 ...6). USB FIFO Status Register (FSTAT) This register contains the current status of the USB FIFO. - Bit[7..0] = [SETUP, NACK, TLL, TFE, TO, RLH, RFE, RU] - Reset value = 32 hex NACK: Not Acknowledged Packet - 1: USB transmission error occurred - 0: no USB transmission error occurred since last read of USBx-FSTAT (this bit is cleared on Read) TLL: Transmit FIFO Level is Low - 1: Transmit FIFO level is less than its threshold level - 0: Transmit FIFO level is greater than or equal to its threshold level TFE: Transmit FIFO is Full/Empty - 1: Transmit FIFO full if TLL = 0, empty if TLL = 1 - 0: Transmit FIFO is neither full nor empty TO: Transmit FIFO has Overrun - 1: Transmit FIFO overrun - 0: Transmit FIFO has no overrun RLH: Receive FIFO Level is High - 1: Receive FIFO level is greater than or equal to its threshold level - 0: Receive FIFO level is less than its threshold level RFE: Receive FIFO is Full/Empty - 1: Receive FIFO full if RLH = 1, empty if RLH = 0 - 0: The receive FIFO is neither full nor empty RU: Receive FIFO has Underrun - 1: Receive FIFO has underrun - 0: Receive FIFO has no underrun Threshold level (towards APB bus) = half of the FIFO depth For x = 0, an extra bit is defined in USB0-FSTAT: USB0-FSTAT[7] = SETUP: SETUP Packet - 1: Receiving / Received 8 byte SETUP Packet in RX0 FIFO 47 MTC-20285 240300 [48] MTC-20285 USBx-ISTAT x=0 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 x=6 USBx-ISRV x=0 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 x=6 USBx-IMASK x=0 x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 x=5 x=6 102 (408) 112 (448) 122 (488) 132 (4C8) 142 (508) 152 (548) 162 (588) 103 (40C) 113 (44C) 123 (48C) 133 (4CC) 143 (50C) 153 (54C) 163 (58C) 104 (410) 114 (450) 124 (490) 134 (4D0) 144 (510) 154 (550) 164 (590) (When a SETUP packet arrives, both RX0 and TX0 FIFO's are unconditionally cleared*, before the receiving of data will start) - 0: Received non SETUP Packet in RX0 FIFO USB Interrupt Status Register Bit[7..0] = [TXFH, TXFO, RXFL, RXFU, TXFL, TXFU, RXFH, RXFO] (see USB Interrupt Mask Register (USBx-IMASK)) Holds the current interrupt status, reading this register returns the same value that was read during the last read of USBx-ISERV. USB Interrupt Service Register Bit[7..0] = [TXFH, TXFO, RXFL, RXFU, TXFL, TXFU, RXFH, RXFO] (see USB Interrupt Mask Register (USBx-IMASK)) Reading this register: 1. returns a value indicating all pending interrupts, and 2. clears the interrupts (ISRV reset to 00hex). The returned value is stored in USBx-ISTAT for further reading USB Interrupt Mask Register Bit[7..0] = [TXFH, TXFO, RXFL, RXFU, TXFL, TXFU, RXFH, RXFO] TXFH: Transmit FIFO High - 1: Transmit FIFO level has risen above threshold - 0: No interrupt TXFO: Transmit FIFO Overrun - 1: Transmit FIFO has overrun - 0: No interrupt RXFL: Receive FIFO Low - 1: Receive FIFO level has fallen below threshold - 0: No interrupt RXFU: Receive FIFO Underrun - 1: Receive FIFO has underrun - 0: No interrupt TXFL: Transmit FIFO low - 1: Transmit FIFO level has fallen below threshold - 0: No interrupt TXFU: Transmit FIFO Underrun - 1: Transmit FIFO has underrun - 0: No interrupt RXFH: Receive FIFO High - 1: Receive FIFO level has risen above threshold - 0: No interrupt RXFO: Receive FIFO Overrun - 1: Receive FIFO has overrun - 0: No interrupt Threshold level (towards APB bus) = half of the FIFO depth * Reception of any SETUP packet will clear the RX0 / TX0 FIFO's: both those corresponding to Class/Vendor Specific USB commands (which are handled by the Software, and will make it into the RX FIFO) and Standard USB commands (which are handled by the UDC, will not make it into the RX0 FIFO and will be NACKed). 48 MTC-20285 240300 [49] MTC-20285 Start-up Sequence Device Configuration 1. After a system reset, the USB core is in reset as long as the USB cable is not connected to the device. 1. USB Descriptors (C[i] = number of characters in String i) 2. ARM Software (start-up code) reads UDC buffer values and USB descriptors from the external memory, and writes them into the internal USB RAM. 3. When these values are in the RAM, software will test the USB_PHCON bit / interrupt. If an active USB cable is connected, ARM Software will do a write `1' access to the USB_START register. 4. Triggered by the write `1' access to the USB_START register, MTC-20285 Hardware resets USB core and loads UDC buffer values from the internal USB RAM into the UDC. 5. When UDC_CFG becomes `1', ARM Software will write a `1' in the USB_PULL bit. This will make the device visible to the host, as a valid full speed USB device. 6. Normal operation is now entered. The USB host will configure the device (SET_CONFIGURATION), causing USB_CFG to become `1', and will issue a SET_INTERFACE, after which USB data transfers can take place. USB RAM Accesses The entire APB-memory mapped USB internal RAM contains: * all bi-directional USB FIFO channel data * USB_CONFIG, UDC buffer values and USB descriptors All FIFO channel data is accessed using Control/Status Registers (1 single register per channel, for both Rx and Tx, USBx-FIFO). Since the entire USB RAM is memory mapped, the FIFO channel data can also be directly accessed for test purposes (non 'FIFO'-access will not update Read/Write pointers). During normal operation, the software does not perform such accesses. 1 Device descriptor: 1 Configuration descriptor: 13 Interface descriptors: 24 Endpoint descriptors: String descriptors: String 0: String 1: String 2: String 3: TOTAL: C[1] + C[2] + C[3] + 322 Bytes 13 * 24 * C[1] + C[2] + C[3] + 18 Bytes 9 Bytes 9 Bytes 7 Bytes 4 Bytes 2 Bytes 2 Bytes 2 Bytes 2. UDC Buffer Values EndPtBufn[15:12], for each logical endpoint should contain the FIFO index. FIFO Index = (2 * EndPoint number), for an RX FIFO (OUT Endpoint) FIFO Index = (2 * EndPoint number) + 1, for a TX FIFO (IN Endpoint) EndPtBufn[9:0], for each logical endpoint should contain the FIFO base address. FIFO's are ordered as follows: EP0 RX, EP0 TX, EP1 RX, EP2 RX, etc (no gaps in between) The descriptor space starts right after the last position of EP 6 TX. 1 ConfigBuf: 4 StringBufs: 4* 25 EndPtBufs: 25 * TOTAL: 141 Bytes to be loaded into Sand core Flip-flops 4 Bytes 3 Bytes 5 Bytes NOTE: The USB descriptors and the UDC buffer values combined consume about half of the USB RAM space. 49 MTC-20285 240300 [50] MTC-20285 Clock Generation A master clock oscillator is included, based on an external crystal of 15.36 MHz. This can provide an output at the crystal frequency for the ISDN chip (INTT or INTQ). It therefore offers better than 100 ppm accuracy, the external crystal is specified to 50 ppm accuracy. NOTE: The oscillator pins may also be controlled from an external master clock. In which case the external master clock is connected to the pin XTAL1, whereas pin XTAL2 is connected to GND. An internal PLL is provided to multiply the crystal frequency by two. The BASECLK input pin is used to enable/disable this internal PLL: * when BASECLK is tied `0', the internal PLL is disabled, so internal clock = 15.36 MHz. * when BASECLK is tied `1', the internal PLL is enabled, so internal clock = 30.72 MHz. This internal clock is used as the input clock to generate the ASB clock (used for ARM), APB clock and CKOUT. Note that the UART and GCI clock frequencies are independent of BASECLK. When the BASECLK is `0', the ASB-, APB- and CKOUT clocks have the same frequency as in the MTC-20280 device, for equal values of the clock division registers CLK_3[3:2], CLK_2[3:0] and CLK_1[3..0]. When the BASECLK is `1', these clocks have a frequency that is twice that in the MTC-20280 device, for equal clock division register values. clock. In which case the external master clock is connected to the pin USB_XTAL1, whereas pin USB_XTAL2 is connected to GND. One clock output (CKOUT) with a programmable division ratio from the internal clock, is provided for use by any external peripheral function. It is user-programmable via the control register CLK_1. The clock output can also be disabled. When the clock is disabled, it remains constant high. Typically CKOUT can be used to drive the 15.36MHz input clock of the INTT/INTQ. The duty cycle is 50%. Table 16: CKOUT Frequency CLK_1[3..0] CLK_1[3..0] CLK_1[3..0] CLK_1[3..0] CLK_1[3..0] = = = = = 0 1 2 3 x BASECLK = '0' 15.36 MHz 15.36 MHz / 2 15.36 MHz / 4 15.36 MHz / 6 15.36 MHz / (2*x) BASECLK = '1' 30.72 MHz 30.72 MHz / 2 30.72 MHz / 4 30.72 MHz / 6 30.72 MHz / (2*x) The ASB clock (ARM clock) is also a programmable clock derived from the internal clock. It is user-programmable via the control register CLK_2. The duty cycle is 50%. Table 17: ASB Clock Frequency CLK_2[3..0] CLK_2[3..0] CLK_2[3..0] CLK_2[3..0] CLK_2[3..0] = = = = = 0 1 2 3 x A second clock oscillator, based on an external crystal of 48 MHz is provided. It needs to be 2,500 ppm (0.25%) accuracy. It is used for clock recovery in the USB interface and to derive a 12 MHz clock that clocks all other parts of the USB interface. NOTE: The oscillator pins may also be controlled from an external master 50 BASECLK = '0' 15.36 MHz 15.36 MHz / 2 15.36 MHz / 4 15.36 MHz / 6 15.36 MHz / (2*x) BASECLK = '1' 30.72 MHz 30.72 MHz / 2 30.72 MHz / 4 30.72 MHz / 6 30.72 MHz / (2*x) MTC-20285 240300 [51] MTC-20285 Also the ASB clock can be completely disabled, bringing the ARM into power-down mode. NOTE: * the modification of the ASB clock (write to APB address 0x92) can not be done with the multiple-store instruction but only with a simple store instruction * the ASB clock can not be disabled and its frequency modified simultaneously. Two separate instructions have to be used In order to avoid accidental disabling of the clocks, a 4-bit word must be written in specific register fields (CLK_1[7..4] and CLK_2[7..4]). a) CKOUT must be enabled by the software by writing any value different from `1001' to CLK_1[7..4], at the same time the value written in CLK_1[3..0] defines the start-up frequency. b) For the ASB clock, this is slightly different. It is disabled under software control by writing the appropriate value to register CLK_2. This also defines the start-up frequency. However, enabling must be done by a hardware activity detection circuit, triggering the ARM interrupt (FIQ or IRQ). Therefore before going into power-down, the software must take care that the appropriate interrupt input source is enabled (not masked), otherwise only a power reset will allow start-up of the ARM again. The bits CLK_2[7..4] will be reset automatically by the hardware activity detection. After reset, the clock CKOUT and the ASB clock are not disabled and set to: BASECLK = '0' BASECLK = '1' CKOUT 15.36 MHz ASB clock 15.36 MHz The peripheral clock, the APB clock, is derived from the ASB clock by a programmable division factor. NOTE: In the MTC-20280, the APB clock does not depend of the ASB clock. Table 18: APB Clock Frequency CLK_3[3..2] CLK_3[3..2] CLK_3[3..2] CLK_3[3..2] = = = = 0 1 2 3 ASB ASB ASB ASB clock clock / 4 clock / 8 clock / 32 The clock generator also generates clocks for the 2 integrated UART blocks. The frequency is fixed to 3.6864 MHz. For power reduction, the clocks can be disabled separately (see Table 18, register CLK_3). Notice that during ARM power-down, all other hardware units (HDLCs, UARTs, etc) and the GCI interfaces will keep running. 51 30.72 MHz 30.72 MHz CLK_1 = 0 CLK_2 = 0 MTC-20285 240300 [52] MTC-20285 Table 19: Clock Register Table Name CLK_1 [3..0] CLK_1 [7..4] Address (byte) 91(244) CLK_2 [3..0] CLK_2 [7..4] 92(248) CLK_3 93(24C) Function Integer representing the CKOUT output clock frequency Notes: a) the maximum division factor is CLK_1[3..1] = 15 b) CKOUT can be disabled by setting bits CLK_1[7..4] = = `1001' c) bit[7..4]: write only Integer representing the ASB clock frequency Notes: a) the max division factor is CLK_2[3..0] = 15 b) ASB clock can be disabled by setting bits CLK_2[7..4] = = `1001' c) bit[7..4]: write only bit[0]: DPLL status (read only) - 0 = internal GCI clocks not synchronized with the external reference or the external reference is not active, DPLL is tracking - 1 = internal GCI clocks synchronized bit[1]: UART1 clock disable (default = 0 = enable) bit[3:2]: APB clock division factor bit[4]: UART2 clock disable (default = 1 = disable) 52 MTC-20285 240300 [53] MTC-20285 The ARM7TDMI DQ15..8 DQ7..0 Data7..0 A21..1 Add21..1 Add0 MC7(a0) MC6 MC0..5 (ncs_i) CS NOE OE NWR WE MTC-20285 PIN (function) EXT MEM PIN Fig.17: ARM7TDMI and Interfaces * ASB: Advanced System Bus ASB clock: i.e. ARM clock, frequency user-programmable * APB: Advanced Peripheral Bus APB clock: frequency userprogrammable The ARM processor will operate in `Little Endian' mode when treating the bytes in memory. It is the ARM that decides whether an 8-bit (byte b_0), 16-bit (bytes = b_1, b_0 with b_0 = LSB byte) or 32-bit word (bytes b_3, b_2, b_1, b_0 with b_0 = LSB byte) is accessed. * Dedicated Logic registers are 8-bit wide, so the ARM will only request for an 8-bit access and the APB bridge will only support SingleByte access (see section 3.7.1) * The External Memory interface can be set to operate in one of four possible modes (see section 3.8); depending on the mode, 16-bit and 32-bit accesses will be automatically transformed into one, 2 consecutive TwoByte accesses, or two, 4 consecutive SingleByte accesses respectively. * The internal memory allows direct access to a 1-, 2- or 4-byte word (see section 3.7.2) APB Bridge The APB clock is derived from the ASB clock by a programmable division factor (see CLK_3 register). However, depending on the ASB clock (= processor clock), the APB clock will be modulated in order to minimize the cycles needed for the read and write operations. Processor wait cycles will be introduced by the hardware only when needed. The 53 bridge is optimized to reduce as much as possible the wait cycles. On-chip Memory RAM of 4 kByte is on-chip. Read access is performed in one single cycle, for 8-bit, 16-bit as 32-bit word accesses. Writing 32-bit wide words is always done in 1 cycle. Write accesses of 8bit and 16-bit words require 2 RAM cycles. In order to reduce the processor wait cycles, an internal FSM will only introduce a wait cycle if the previous internal memory access operation is not fully completed (this is identical to the APB bridge case). This can only occur when an 8- or 16-bit write access is scheduled just after another 8- or 16-bit write access to the same on-chip memory. Generally, the ARM will not execute 2 write operations successively, but will fetch a new instruction between write operations. MTC-20285 240300 [54] MTC-20285 External Memory Interface The external memory interface consists of: * A[21:1] and MC7: 22-bits address bus * DQ[15:0]: 16-bits data bus allowing SingleByte or TwoByte transfers; the MSB of the data bus DQ[15] may have a special function depending on the selected MemoryAccess configuration * NWR,NOE: 2 control signals with fixed function Memory Access Modes Depending on the MemoryAccess mode, up to 6 blocks of 4 Mbytes can be accessed (24 Mbytes). The selection of the appropriate block will be done with the control signals MC7..0, performing the function of `chip select' signals (see Table 20). The MemoryAccess input pins must be strapped to VDD/VSS in order to select one of 4 possible access modes. The different modes allow interfacing with simple and ordinary byteoriented external memories, or more advanced 2 byte oriented memories. * MC7..0: 8 Memory control output signals, of which the function depends on the selected MemoryAccess mode (e.g. MC7 might be the LSB of the address bits) Note that the selected MemoryAccess mode is valid for each block and all external memories. Each block in the MTC-20285 address space is handled in the same way. * MM1, MM0: 2 MemoryAccess configuration bits Basically the following 4 modes are supported by the MTC-20285: Table 20: Memory Access Modes Case a b c d MM1 and MM0 00 11 10 01 Description WordAccess Disabled (only single-byte access possible) WordAccess Enabled with ChipSelect/Low/Up control outputs WordAccess Enabled with ChipSelect/Nbyte/Addr0 control outputs WordAccess Enabled with ChipSelectUp/ChipSelectLow control outputs 54 MTC-20285 240300 [55] MTC-20285 When the WordAccess Mode is disabled, the MTC-20285 Memory interface will always convert the 8-, 16- or 32-bit access of the ARM into one, two or four consecutive SingleByte external accesses. When the WordAccess Mode is enabled, the MTC-20285 Memory interface will decide whether an access is performed in TwoByte (using the full 16-bit data bus DQ[15:0]) or SingleByte mode (using only 8-bits of the 16-bit data bus). One SingleByte access for an 8-bit ARM access, and one. TwoByte accesses for a 16-bit and 32-bit ARM access respectively. The alignment of the bytes onto the data bus depends on the selected mode, as shown in the Table 20. The 3 versions of WordAccess Mode Enabled allow controlling of different types of external memory by the MTC20285, each interconnected and controlled in a different way. Therefore the meaning of the control signals MC7..0 that are sent to the external memory will depend on the selected version. CASE A: (see Fig.18) CASE C: (see Fig.20) * normal byte-oriented external memory (controlled by CS,OE,WE) * one memory allocated to store both LSB and MSBytes * addressed in SingleByte access mode only by MTC-20285 (WordAccess Disabled) * external memory with integrated single/double byte access mode (controlled by CS,OE,WE,BYTE,A0) (e.g. AMD or INTEL memories) * addressed in SingleByte or TwoByte access by MTC-20285 (WordAccess Enabled) CASE B: (see Fig.19) CASE D: (see Fig.21) * normal byte-oriented external memory (controlled by CS,OE,WE) * two memories allocated (one for LSByte, one for MSByte) * addressed in SingleByte or TwoByte access by MTC-20285 (WordAccess Enabled) * glue logic needed for chip-select signal generation in between MTC20285 and the memory. Note this Configuration is not recommended because the delay through the glue logic must be compensated on the address bus and control signals * normal byte-oriented external memory (controlled by CS,OE,WE) * two memories allocated (one for LSByte, one for MSByte) * addressed in SingleByte or TwoByte access by MTC-20285 (WordAccess Enabled) * without glue logic for chip-select signal generation in between MTC20285 and the memory The following memory types and configurations are supported: DQ15..8 DQ7..0 Data7..0 A21..1 Add21..1 MC7(a0) Add0 MC6 MC0..5 (ncs_i) CS NOE OE NWR WE MTC-20285 PIN (function) EXT MEM PIN Fig.18: MTC-20285 - External Memory Connections for `Case a' 55 MTC-20285 240300 [56] MTC-20285 Add20..0 Data7..0 CS OE DQ15..8 WE MC6 (nup) A21..1 EXT MEM (MSB) DQ7..0 MC7 (nlow) MC0..5 (ncs_i) Add20..0 NOE NWR Data7..0 CS MTC-20285 PIN (function) OE WE EXT MEM (LSB) Fig.19: MTC-20285 - External Memory Connections for `Case b' A21..1 MC7 (a0) DQ15 DQ14..0 MC6v (nByte) MC0..5 (ncs_i) NOE NWR A20..0 A21..1 MC7 (a0) DQ15 DQ14..0 MC6 (nByte) MC0..5 (ncs_i) NOE NWR DQ15/A_1 DQ14..0 BYTE CE OE WE EXT MEM (AMD type) PIN MTC-20285 PIN (function) A21..1 A0 DQ15 DQ14..0 BYTE CE1, CE0 OE WE MTC-20285 PIN (function) Case c (AMD) EXT MEM (INTEL type) PIN Case c (INTEL) Fig.20: MTC-20285 - External Memory Connections for `Case c' 56 MTC-20285 240300 [57] MTC-20285 Add20..0 Data7..0 CS OE DQ15..8 WE MC1,3,7,5 (nCsUp) A21..1 EXT MEM (MSB) DQ7..0 NOE NWR Add20..0 MC0,2,6,4 (nCsLow) Data7..0 CS MTC-20285 PIN (function) OE WE EXT MEM (LSB) Fig.21: MTC-20285 - External Memory Connections for `Case d' 57 MTC-20285 240300 [58] MTC-20285 The output pins have the following logical meaning depending on the mode: SingleByte MM 1:0 NWR NOE MC0 MC1 MC2 MC3 MC4 MC5 MC6 MC7 a 0 0 nwr noe ncs0 ncs1 ncs2 ncs3 ncs4 ncs5 x a0 b 1 1 nwr noe ncs0 ncs1 ncs2 ncs3 ncs4 ncs5 nup nlow c 1 0 nwr noe ncs0 ncs1 ncs2 ncs3 ncs4 ncs5 nbyte a0* d 0 1 nwr noe ncl0 ncu0 ncl1 ncu1 ncl3 ncu3 ncl2 ncu2 A 21:1 addr 21:1 addr 21:1 addr 21:1 addr 21:1 TwoByte DQ 15:8 pio DQ 7:0 b_i DQ 15:8 -- DQ 7:0 -- b_1 b_3 z b_0 b_2 b_i b_1 b_3 b_0 b_2 b_1 b_3 b_1 b_3 b_1 b_3 b_0 b_2 b_0 b_2 b_0 b_2 Meaning of the codes: * SingleByte: selected by memory interface hardware controller: alignment of any byte_i to be transferred to/from external memory at certain times * TwoByte: selected by memory interface hardware controller: alignment of any byte_i to be transferred to/from external memory at certain times * - -: not occurring situation * x: the output is not used in this mode; it will not be floating but fixed to a certain value (preferably VDD) * z: the bi-directional I/O is not used in this mode; it will be set into tri-state (input) * pio: pins used as parallel I/O: ports DQ15..12 = PE3..0 and DQ11..8 = PF3..0 * a0: LSB of address * a0*: the LSB of the address will not be used and be put in tri-state, if and only if a TwoByte access is selected; this is done to be compatible with AMD memories, for which DQ15 and a0 must be connected to the same pin * ncs: active low chip select for block in the memory map (both LSByte and MSByte) * ncl: active low chip select for block in the memory map (only LSByte) * ncu: active low chip select for block in the memory map (only MSByte) * nlow: active low indication that lower byte is transferred * nup: active low indication that upper byte is transferred * nwr: active low indication for write enable * noe: active low indication for read enable * nbyte: active low indication for SingleByte transfer selection, TwoByte (nbyte = 1) or SingleByte (nbyte = 0) The following logical relationship must hold between the signals: * * * * nlow = (nbyte + a0)*not(nbyte) nup = (nbyte + not(a0))*not(nbyte) ncl = (ncs + nlow) ncu = (ncs + nup) NOTE: (In case d) * Each chip select output is split into 2 signals, one for the lower byte and one for the upper byte memory selection. Only the lower 4 blocks of the memory map are addressable, blocks 5 and 6 are not. Instead, you have the advantage that no glue logic is needed to control the chip select pins of the external memories. * Take care that memory block 2 is controlled by MC6 and MC7. 58 MTC-20285 240300 [59] MTC-20285 Wait Cycle(s) per Block Timing For each of the 6 external blocks, wait cycles can be specified in order to optimize the external components configuration. Via the registers CHIP_WTC1, 2 and 3, up to 15 wait cycles can be inserted per block. The default value after reset is 15 wait cycles for each block. Fig.22 shows the timing relationship of the memory interface for a 2 byte access making use of the nbyte control signal. Memory access cycle 1 wait cycle ARM clock A NWR NBYTE/NUP/NLOW READ NCS0,1,2,3 NOE DQ A NWR NBYTE/NUP/NLOW WRITE NCS0,1,2,3 NOE DQ Fig.22: Memory interface NOTES: * Timing is compatible with standard SRAM and Flash, when NCS controlled * When no wait state is specified, the NCS strobe corresponds to the low level of the internal ASB clock. The width of the low and the high level of NCS is symmetric and corresponds to the selected ASB clock speed * When wait states are specified, an equivalent number of ASB cycles is added to the external access timing, so ONLY the low level of NCS is extended (as required for slower SRAMs). It is always possible to keep the levels symmetric by decreasing the ASB clock speed, instead of placing wait states 59 MTC-20285 240300 [60] MTC-20285 Memory Space Organisation The MSB bits of the 32-bit internal ARM address word, are decoded to split the memory space into 8 blocks assigned as follows: A NBYTE / NUP / NLOW tah tas NCS0,1,2,3 READ tcw tes teh 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: NOE toh tco DQ data valid A / NWR NBYTE / NUP / NLOW tah tas NCS0,1,2,3 WRITE tcw tos DQ toh data valid Fig.23 Timings of the Memory Interface READ WRITE tas tah tcw tes teh tco toh tas tah tcw tos toh min. TBD min. TBD (0.5 + TBD) * ASB period min TBD x = wait cycles min. TBD min. TBD max. (tcw - TBD) min. TBD min. TBD min. TBD (0.5 + TBD) * ASB period min TBD x = wait cycles max. TBD min. TBD ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns external block 0 external block 1 external block 2 external block 3 external block 4 external block 5 internal fast memory APB bus When the ARM accesses one of the external blocks , the MTC-20285 will bring the corresponding chip select control signal nCS active low. Note that there are no gaps between addresses of successive external memory blocks. For both the `internal fast memory' and the `APB memory' a full length page of 0x1000 0000 bytes is allocated. Although the current MTC-20285 design uses only 0x1000 and 0x800 bytes respectively for these memories. Data in the ` 4 kByte internal RAM' can be either a byte, half-word or word. Their addresses are LSB aligned, making use of the 12 LSB of the ARM address bus (from 0xC000 0000 up to 0xC000 0FFF). All data of the `APB memory' are bytes. Their addresses are `wordaligned' (LSB+2bits) such that the data byte is always LSB aligned onto the data bus. The ARM address bits [12..2] are used to address the full memory map, the 2 LSB of the address being zero (from 0xE000 0000 up to 0xE0000 1FFC). At reset the ARM will start-up at the fixed boot address 0x0000 0000, accessing the external block 0. In order to re-define the code in external block 0, the addresses of block 0 can be swapped with block 3 NOTE: The timings are valid in all the operating range conditions 60 MTC-20285 240300 [61] MTC-20285 under software control as soon as the bit CHIP_CFG[7] = 1 is set. At reset the blocks are not swapped. NOTE: To avoid disruption of the program execution while swapping the memories location (write to APB address 0x01), the program counter (PC) has to be located outside the blocks involved (0 and 3). For instance, a small loop can be defined in the data ram space while swapping. swapped configuration CHIP_CFG[7]=1 default unswapped configuration CHIP_CFG[7]=0 7 : APB bus 7 : APB bus 6 : internal fast memory 6 : internal fast memory 5 : external block 5 5 : external block 5 4 : external block 4 4 : external block 4 0 : external block 0 3 : external block 3 2 : external block 2 2 : external block 2 1 : external block 1 1 : external block 1 3 : external block 3 0 : external block 0 EFFF E000 FFFF 0000 Hex Hex CFFF FFFF Hex C000 017F 0140 0000 FFFF 0000 Hex Hex Hex 013F FFFF Hex 0100 00FF 00C0 0000 FFFF 0000 Hex Hex Hex 00BF FFFF Hex 0080 007F 0000 FFFF Hex Hex 0040 003F 0000 0000 FFFF 0000 Hex Hex Hex = boot address ARM addr. Fig.24 ARM Address Space Organisation Table 21: Memory Register Table Name CHIP_CFG[7] Address (byte) 01 (004) CHIP_WTC1 04 (010) CHIP_WTC2 05 (014) CHIP_WTC3 06 (018) Function Swap addresses for external memory block 0 and 3 (1-bit): 0 = unswapped (default at reset, address 00 in block 0), 1 = swapped (address 00 in block 3) Wait cycles for external memory blocks (default 15: slow at reset) bit[3:0]: for memory block 0 bit[7:4]: for memory block 1 Wait cycles for external memory blocks (default 15: slow at reset) bit[3:0]: for memory block 2 bit[7:4]: for memory block 3 Wait cycles for external memory blocks (default 15: slow at reset) bit[3:0]: for memory block 4 bit[7:4]: for memory block 5 61 MTC-20285 240300 [62] MTC-20285 Interrupts The chip contains several interrupt sources. These sources are split into two types of interrupts, a fast (NFIQ) and normal (NIRQ) interrupt. Priority within one class is resolved in software. Interrupts are controlled by writing to / reading from a set of control/status registers: * IRQ1_* and IRQ3_* for NFIQ * IRQ2_* and IRQ4_* for NIRQ. Each source can be masked by clearing a bit in a control register (ENCLR) or unmasked by setting a bit (ENSET). At reset, by default all sources are masked. All `interrupt request' bits from the various sources are readable in a register and can be cleared. Both the masked (ST) and the unmasked `raw' (STR) interrupt status can be checked. As soon as a nonmasked interrupt occurs, the NFIQ/NIRQ pin of the ARM goes active low. The interrupt can be cleared by writing to the acknowledge control register (ACK). If all interrupts in IRQx_ST are cleared, the NFIQ/NIRQ pin goes inactive high again. See Table 22 and Table 23. Table 22: Interrupt Register Table Name IRQx_ST x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 IRQx_STR x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 IRQx_EN x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 IRQx_ENSET x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 IRQx_ENCLR x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 IRQx_ACK x=1 x=2 x=3 x=4 Address (byte) R only 94 (250) 9A (268) 194 (650) 19A (668) R only 95 (254) 9B (26C) 195 (654) 19B (66C) R only 96 (258) 9C (270) 196 (658) 19C (670) W only 97 (25C) 9D (274) 197 (65C) 19D (674) W only 98 (260) 9E (278) 198 (660) 19E (678) W only 99 (264) 9F (27C) 199 (664) 19F (67C) Function Interrupt status after masking with IRQx_EN IRQx_ST(i) = 1 if interrupt(i) is active after masking Interrupt status without masking IRQx_STR(i) = 1 if interrupt(i) is active Interrupt mask register used to generate IRQx_ST IRQx_EN(i) = 1 if interrupt(i) must not be masked Control register to unmask an interrupt IRQx_ENSET(i) = 1 results in IRQx_EN(i) = 1, i.e. unmask interrupt(i) Control register to mask an interrupt IRQx_ENCLR(i) = 1 results in IRQx_EN(i) = 0, i.e. mask interrupt(i) Control register to clear an interrupt IRQx_ACK(i) = 1 resets the interrupt(i) detection in IRQx_ST(R) (i) 62 MTC-20285 240300 [63] MTC-20285 Table 23: Interrupt Mapping FIQ reg. IRQ1 IRQ3 IRQ IRQ2 IRQ4 bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 trigger edge level level level edge edge edge level level level level level level level level level level edge edge level edge edge edge edge level edge edge Assignment Internal GCI frame (always running) HDLC1 HDLC2 HDLC3 Timer1 PA PF HDLC4 USB channel 0 USB channel 1 USB channel 2 USB channel 3 USB channel 4 USB channel 5 USB channel 6 HDLC5 UART1 PB External interrupt D-CI activity detection Timer2 PC PD PE UART2 master GCI frame (see section 3.3) USB device inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive NOTES: * Edge trigger: the interrupt will be activated when a rising edge appears on the specific control signal. In general, that detection is used when the interrupt comes directly from the source and not from a second level of interruption (as for HLDC, UART, etc) * Level trigger: the interrupt stays active when the control signal is high. In general, that detection is used when the interrupt comes from a second level of interruption. Therefore, the second level must be first acknowledged/cleared before acknowledging the FIQ/IRQ registers. 63 MTC-20285 240300 [64] MTC-20285 External Interrupt The external interrupt can be made edge or level sensitive by writing the appropriate value to the control register CHIP_CFG[2..1]. * In case of pin IT edge detection, a rising transition is generated towards the IRQ register (see section 3.9). * In case of pin IT level detection, continuous rising transitions are generated towards the IRQ register in order to keep the IRQ interrupt active. Table 24: External Interrupt Register Table Name CHIP_CFG[2..1] Address (byte) 01 (040) Function Type of external interrupt to detect (2bit): - 00 = negative-edge - 01 = positive-edge - 10 = low-level - 11 = high-level (default) 64 MTC-20285 240300 [65] MTC-20285 UART Interfaces The chip contains 2 UARTs (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) of the 16550 family which are fully programmable by the microprocessor. * UART1: directly mapped on MTC20285 pins * UART2: mapped on the configurable PC pins Common Features (UART1 and UART2) * Word lengths from 5 to 8-bits * Optimal parity bit, even, odd or forced to a defined state * 1 or 2 stop bits * Baud rate generator * Interrupt generated from any one of 10 sources of the UART module itself Baud Rate Generators The Baud rates are separately configurable for UART1 and UART2. They are specified by the divisor registers DL (DLM = MSB; DLL = LSB) (see Register table), in the following way: baudrate = 230400 bps ------------ DL Table 25: Baud Rate Examples Baud Rate (bps) 2400 4800 9600 19200 57600 115200 230400 Division Factor (DL) 96 48 24 12 4 2 1 UART1 Features * Two 64 byte FIFO's, one for transmit and one for receive * RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS on permanent external pins * Extended modem control signals DCD / OUT2, RI / OUT1, DSR and DTR multiplexed on external pins PB0..PB3 (see section 3.12) * FIFO trigger level software configurable * RXD can be connected with a timer for software Baud rate detection DTE / DCE Mode Details only the UART1 module. The extended modem control signals multiplexed on PB pins can be configured in DTE or DCE mode as follows: Mode DTE DCE UART2 Features * Two 16 byte FIFO's, one for transmit and one for receive * RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS multiplexed on external pins PC0..PC3 (see section 3.12) * Extended modem control signals not available * Fixed FIFO trigger level Pin PB0 PB1 PB0 PB1 Pin I/O input output input output Function DCD: data carrier detect OUT2: signal controlled via software RI: ring indicator OUT1: signal controlled via software The register configuration required is: CHIP_CFG[0] 0 CHIP_CFG2[0] - 1 1 0 1 65 not applicable because extended modem control signals not accessible DTE DCE MTC-20285 240300 [66] MTC-20285 Software Baud Rate Detection For software Baud rate detection, the UART1 RXD pin can replace the functionality of the pin PA port. PA[3:0] (RXD,0,0,0) 0 PIO module 1 irqPA activity detector latching Timer Capture module Irq Controller CHIP_CFG2[2] Fig.25: Baud Rate Detection Block Diagram * RXD pin level can be measured by reading PAB_IN register * RXD transitions can be evaluate via the PA interrupt bit * RXD timing can be measured by mean of the capture logic in the Timer1 module Table 26: Default Register Set Name UARTx_RBR x=1 x=2 UARTx_THR x=1 x=2 UARTx_IER x=1 x=2 Address (byte) R only 50 (140) F0 (3C0) W only 50 (140) F0 (3C0) 51 (144) F1 (3C4) Function Receiver Buffer Register This register is updated from the receive shift register at the end of a receive sequence. Transmitter Holding Register Data is held in this register until transferred to the transmitter shift register Interrupt Enable Register = [x, x, x, x, EDSSI, ELSI, ETBEI, ERBFI] - EDSSI: Enable Modem Status Interrupt When set (`1'), an UART interrupt is generated if D0, D1, D2 or D3 of the Modem Status Register become set. - ELSI: Enable Rx Status Interrupt When set (`1'), an interrupt is generated if D1, D2, D3 or D4 of the Line Status Register become set. - ETBEI: Enable Tx Holding Register Empty Interrupt When set (`1'), an interrupt is generated if THRE = 1 or the Transmitting Holding Register is empty. - ERBFI: Enable Receiver Buffer Register When set (`1'), an interrupt is generated if the Receive Buffer contains data. 66 MTC-20285 240300 [67] MTC-20285 UARTx_IIR x=1 x=2 UARTx_FCR x=1 x=2 R only 52 (148) F2 (3C8) W only 52 (148) F2 (3C8) Interrupt Identification Register = [FIFOE, FIFOE, x, x, ID2, ID1, ID0, NINT] FIFOE Returns 1 if FIFO's enabled, otherwise 0 ID[4:0]: Interrupt ID - 0.: Modem status change (interrupt cleared when reading the modem status register) - 1.: Transmitter holding register empty or Tx FIFO trigger (interrupt cleared when reading this register or when writing to the transmitter holding register) - 2.: Receive Data available or Rx FIFO trigger (interrupt cleared when reading receive buffer register) - 3.: Receiver line status change (interrupt cleared when reading the line status register) - 4.: Character timeout indication (interrupt cleared when reading receive buffer register) NINT Interrupt pending, active low Notes: 1. Receive timeout interrupt occurs if all the following apply: - there is at least one character in the FIFO - the most recent character was received longer than 4 character periods ago (inclusive of all start, parity, and stop bits) - the most recent CPU read of the FIFO was longer than 4 character periods ago The timeout timer is restarted on receipt of a new byte from the input shift register, or on a CPU read from the Rx FIFO. 2. Tx FIFO interrupt occurs when Tx FIFO is under its threshold level. This interrupt will be delayed one character period minus the last stop bit period whenever; THRE = 1 and there has not been at least 2 bytes in the Tx FIFO simultaneously since the last time THRE = 1. If the Tx interrupt is enabled, setting bit 0 of the FCR will generate an immediate interrupt. 3. If the FIFO's are enabled and at least one of the active bits in IER is disabled, then the UART will operate in the FIFO polled mode. Since the Tx and Rx paths are controlled separately, either one or both can be in the polled mode. The application software should check Tx and Rx status using the LSR. FIFO Control Register = [RFTL1, RFTL0, TFTL1, TFTL0, DMA1, CLRT, CLRR, FIFOE] RFTL[1:0]: RX FIFO trigger level Defines RX FIFO trigger level in number of bytes UART1: - 00: 01 bytes - 01: 16 bytes - 10: 32 bytes - 11: 62 bytes UART2: - 00: 01 bytes - 01: 04 bytes - 10: 08 bytes - 11: 14 bytes 67 MTC-20285 240300 [68] MTC-20285 UARTx_LCR x=1 x=2 53 (14C) F3 (3CC) TFTL[1:0]: TX FIFO trigger level Defines TX FIFO trigger level in number of bytes UART1: if Extended functions are enabled: - 00: 01 bytes - 01: 16 bytes - 10: 32 bytes - 11: 62 bytes if Extended functions are not enabled: - 1 byte UART2: - 1 byte DMA1 Set DMA mode 1. In the MTC-20285 configuration, no DMA support is provided. CLRT Clear TX FIFO CLRR Clear RX FIFO FIFOE Enable FIFO when the FIFO is either enabled or disabled, both Rx and Tx FIFO's are reset. This bit must be a 1 for any of the other bits in the register to have any effect. Line Control Register = [DLAB, SB, SP, EPS, PEN, STB, WLS1, WLS0] DLAB: Divisor Latch Access bit When clear `0', Receive and Transmitter Registers are read/written address 50 (F0) and IER register at address 51 (F1). When set `1', Divisor Latch LS is read/written at address 50 (F0) and Divisor Latch MS read/written at address 51 (F1). SB: Set Break When set `1', TXD signal is forced into the `0' state SP: Stick Parity When set `1', parity bit is forced into a defined state, dependent upon state of EPS, PEN: If EPS = '1' and PEN = '1' parity bit is set and checked = `0' If EPS = '0' and PEN = '1' parity bit is set and checked = `1' EPS: Even Parity Select When set `1' and PEN = `1' an even number of ones is sent and checked. When clear `0' and PEN = `1' an odd number of ones is sent and checked. PEN: Parity Enable When set `1' parity is transmitted and checked. Parity bit is added after the data field and before the STOP bits. When clear `0' parity is neither transmitted or checked. STB: Number of STOP bits When set `1' two STOP bits are added after each character is sent, except if character length is 5, then 1_ STOP bits are added. When clear `0' one STOP bit is always added. Only the transmit STOP bits are programmable, only the receive stage expects one STOP bit irrespective of the state of STB. WLS[1:0]: Word Length Select Transmitted and received character size defined as follows: 68 MTC-20285 240300 [69] MTC-20285 UARTx_MCR x=1 x=2 54 (150) F4 (3D0) UARTx_LSR x=1 x=2 55 (154) F5 (3D4) - 00 = 5-bit - 01 = 6-bit - 10 = 7-bit - 11 = 8 -bit Modem Control Register = [x, x, x, LOOP, OUT2, OUT1, RTS, DTR] LOOP: Loop back mode When set `1' the following conditions are implemented: - TXD is forced to `1' - RXD is disconnected from the Rx input shift register - The Rx input shift register is connected to the Tx output shift register - The modem status signals are disconnected - The modem control signals are connected to modem status inputs OUT1,OUT2 - UART1: Control the state of the corresponding outputs (used in DCE mode), even in loop mode. - UART2: Not used RTS Control the state of the corresponding output, even in loop mode. DTR - UART1: Control the state of the corresponding output, even in loop mode. - UART2: Not used Line Status Register = [FIFOERR, TEMT, THRE, BI, FE, PE, OE, DR] FIFOERR: RX Data Error in FIFO This bit is set to `1' when there is at least one PE, FE, or BI in the RX FIFO. It is cleared by a read from the LSR register, if there are no subsequent errors in the FIFO. TEMT: Transmitter Empty or below the threshold If the FIFO is disabled, this bit is set to `1' whenever the transmitter holding register and the transmitter shift register are empty. If the FIFO is enabled, this bit is set whenever the Tx FIFO is below the threshold and the transmitter shift register is empty. THRE: Transmitter Holding Register Empty If the FIFO is disabled, this bit is set to `1' whenever the transmitter holding register is empty and ready to accept new data, this bit is cleared when the data is transferred to the transmitter shift register. If the FIFO is enabled, this bit is set to `1' whenever the Tx FIFO is below the threshold. It is cleared when it goes again above the threshold. BI: Break Interrupt If the FIFO is disabled, this bit is set whenever the RXD is held in the zero state for more than a transmission time (START bit + DATA bits + PARITY + STOP bits). BI is reset by the CPU reading this register. If the FIFO is enabled, this error is associated with the corresponding character in the FIFO. The error is flagged when this byte is at the top of the FIFO. When a break occurs only one zero character is loaded into the FIFO, the next character transfer is enabled when RXD goes into the marking state and receives the next valid start bit. FE: Framing Error If the FIFO is disabled, this bit is set if the received data did not have a valid STOP bit, FE is reset by the CPU reading this register. If the FIFO is enabled, the state of this bit is revealed when the byte it refers to is at 69 MTC-20285 240300 [70] MTC-20285 UARTx_MSR x=1 x=2 56 (158) F6 (3D8) UARTx_SCR x=1 x=2 57 (15C) F7 (3DC) the top of the FIFO. PE: Parity Error If the FIFO is disabled, this bit is set if the received data does not have a valid parity bit, PE is reset by the CPU reading this register. If the FIFO is enabled, the state of this bit is revealed when the byte it refers to is at the top of the FIFO OE: Overrun Error If the FIFO is disabled, this bit is set if the receive buffer was not read by the CPU before new data from the receive shift register over wrote previous contents. OE is cleared when the CPU reads this register. If the FIFO is enabled, an overrun error occurs when the Rx FIFO is full and the Rx shift register becomes full. OE is set as soon as this happens. The character in the shift register is then overwritten, but is not transferred to the FIFO. DR: Data Ready This bit is set whenever the receive buffer is full, or by a byte being transferred into the FIFO. DR is cleared by the CPU reading the receive buffer or by reading all of the FIFO bytes. This bit is also cleared whenever the FIFO enable bit is changed. Modem Status Register = [DCD, RI, DSR, CTS, DDCD, TERI, DDSR, DCTS] DCD: Data Carry Detect - When Loop = `0' this is the input signal DCD - When Loop = `1' this is equal to OUT2 RI: Ring Indicator - When Loop = `0' this is the input signal RI - When Loop = `1' this is equal to OUT1 DSR: Data Set Ready - When Loop = `0' this is the input signal DSR - When Loop = `1' this is equal to DTR CTS: Clear To Send - When Loop = `0' this is the input signal CTS - When Loop = `1' this is equal to RTS DDCD: Delta Data Carry Detect This bit is set (`1') if the state of DSR has changed since this register was last read. TERI: Trailing Edge Ring Indicator This bit is set if the RI input changes from `1' to `0' since this register was last read. DDSR: Delta Data Set Ready This bit is set (`1') if the state of DSR has changed since this register was last read. DCTS: Delta Clear to Send This bit is set (`1') if the state of CTS has changed since this register was last read. Scratch Register General purpose read/write register, undefined after reset. 70 MTC-20285 240300 [71] MTC-20285 Table 27: Baud Rate Generator Divisor Register Set (selected when LCR[7] = 1) Name UARTx_DLL x=1 x=2 UARTx_DLM x=1 x=2 Address (byte) 50 (140) F0 (3C0) Function Divisor Latch, MSB and LSB for Baud rate control (see Table 25) After reset DLM, DLL are undefined. 51 (144) F1 (3C4) Table 28: Enhanced Register Set (selected when LCR = 0xBF) Name UART1_EFR Address (byte) 52 (148) Function Extended Function Register = [x, x, 0, EME, x, x, x, x] EME: Enhancement Mode Enable When set to `1' enable the extended functions. This is to ensure the backward compatibility for software written for the 16550A device family. 71 MTC-20285 240300 [72] MTC-20285 Parallel I/O Ports Eight 4-bit bi-directional I/O ports are provided (PA[3..0], PB[3..0], PC[3..0], PD[3..0], PE[3..0], PF[3..0], PG[3..0], PH[3..0]) to allow extra user-defined functionality. The application software can define the access direction of any of the 4 pins and have a total visibility of the pin activity (read and write access). One interrupt signal is generated per parallel I/O source with two exceptions, the ports PG[3:0] and PH[3:0]. These 2 ports are available on the MSByte of the external databus (see Fig.1) only when the WordAccess mode of the external memory interface is disabled (see case a, section 3.8.1). Each port can generate an interrupt based on activity detection only, for the bits that are set in input mode. However, depending of the device configuration registers (CHIP_CFGx registers), some ports can have others functions as follows: Table 29: Port PA: Timer Extended Functions Pin PA0 PA1 PA2 PA3 Direction output input output input Configuration CHIP_CFG[3] CHIP_CFG[4] CHIP_CFG[5] CHIP_CFG[6] = = = = 1 1 1 1 Timer function T2O: Timer2 output toggling when time-out T2i: Timer2 trigger input T1O: Timer1 output toggling when time-out T1i: Timer1 trigger input Table 30: Port PB: UART1 Extended Functions (see section 3.11) Pin PB0 PB1 PB2 PB3 Direction input output Configuration CHIP_CFG[0] CHIP_CFG[0] CHIP_CFG[0] CHIP_CFG[0] = = = = 1 1 1 1 UART1 function DCD / OUT2 RI / OUT1 DSR DTR Table 31: Port PC: UART2 Access Pin PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 Direction input output input output Configuration CHIP_CFG2[1] CHIP_CFG2[1] CHIP_CFG2[1] CHIP_CFG2[1] = = = = 1 1 1 1 UART2 access RXD2 TXD2 CTS2 RTS2 NOTES: * The special port configurations overrule the port direction setting registers. * The special port configurations do not overrule the port interruption systems. 72 MTC-20285 240300 [73] MTC-20285 Table 32: Port Register Table Name PAB_OUT Address (byte) A0 (280) PAB_IN A1 (284) PAB_DIR A2 (288) PCD_OUT A3 (28C) PCD_IN A4 (290) PCD_DIR A5 (294) PEF_OUT A6 (298) PEF_IN A7 (29C) PEF_DIR A8 (2A0) PGH_OUT A9 (2A4) PGH_IN AA (2A8) PGH_DIR AB (2AC) Function Data register used to drive: - bit[3:0]: PB[3..0] - bit[7:4]: PA[3..0] if set in output direction Data register to store value of: - bit[3:0]: PB[3..0] - bit[7:4]: PA[3..0] Selection of the direction of each bit: - bit[3:0]: PB[3..0] Biti = 0: set to input node - bit[7:4]: PA[3..0] 1: set to output node reset value = 0 hex: all bits set in INPUT mode Data register used to drive: - bit[3:0]: PD[3..0] - bit[7:4]: PC[3..0] if set in output direction Data register to store value of: - bit[3:0]: PD[3..0] - bit[7:4]: PC[3..0] Selection of the direction of each bit: - bit[3:0]: PD[3..0] Biti = 0: set to input node - bit[7:4]: PC[3..0] 1: set to output node reset value = 0 hex: all bits set in INPUT mode Data register used to drive: - bit[3:0]: PF[3..0] - bit[7:4]: PE[3..0] if set in output direction Data register to store value of: - bit[3:0]: PF[3..0] - bit[7:4]: PE[3..0] Selection of the direction of each bit: - bit[3:0]: PF[3..0] Biti = 0: set to input node - bit[7:4]: PE[3..0] 1: set to output node reset value = 0 hex: all bits set in INPUT mode Data register used to drive: - bit[3:0]: PH[3..0] - bit[7:4]: PG[3..0] if set in output direction Data register to store value of: - bit[3:0]: PH[3..0] - bit[7:4]: PG[3..0] Selection of the direction of each bit: - bit[3:0]: PH[3..0] Biti = 0: set to input node - bit[7:4]: PG[3..0] 1: set to output node reset value = 0 hex: all bits set in INPUT mode 73 MTC-20285 240300 [74] MTC-20285 Timers Count Down Timers with Interrupt Generation Two timers are provided (Timer1 and Timer2) with the following functions: * 16-bit loadable down counters * counts down as long as counter is enabled (count = 1). Restarts automatically at the initial value when timer value = 0 is reached * generates an interrupt on timeout (whenever timer value = 0), as well as a `toggling' output signal (T1O, T2O), toggling at each timeout occurrence. The toggling signal can be brought outside via the Parallel I/O port A (see section 3.12) * can be read on-the-fly (no need to put count = 0 to read) * by default, the counters operate on `internal count mode', counting based on one of two possible fixed counting frequencies. See Table 33. * can be made to count external positive-edge events of an input signal (T1I, T2I) applied on the parallel I/O port A (see section 3.12). The `external count mode' is used as soon as the CHIP_CFG bit corresponding to T1I or T2I is set. Two variants exist: - slow external mode (fast = 0): the counter is decreased every fourth time a pos-edge is detected - fast external mode (fast = 1): the counter is decreased every single time a pos-edge is detected * can be reset on-the-fly * can be stopped on-the-fly Table 33: Count Down Timer Modes Mode slow internal fast internal BASECLK = 0 15.36 MHz / 16 = 960 kHz max period: 216 / 960 kHz = 68 ms 15.36 MHz / 4 = 3840 kHz max period: 216 / 3840 kHz = 17 ms Furthermore, Timer1 has an extra capture register to store the actual value of the timer register whenever capturing is enabled (capEn = 1) and the capture control signal (capSig) generated by a hardware event becomes true. The following sources can be used to generate the capSig signal: * the D-CI activity detection signal (detection of change in CI bit values) * the port PA activity detection signal (detection of change on bits, set in input mode) * the External interrupt input signal (either pos/neg edge or high/low level detection) * the port PB activity detection signal (detection of change on bits, set in input mode) These four signals correspond to the unmasked interrupt status bit as described in sections 3.9 and 3.2.6. BASECLK = 1 30.72 MHz / 16 = 1920 kHz max period: 216 / 1920 kHz = 34 ms 30.72 MHz / 4 = 7680 kHz max period: 216 / 960 kHz = 8.5 ms The capturing is done only once, for the first event occurring since the capEn bit was set by software. When captured the bit is reset by the hardware. This prevents the hardware from capturing twice before reading / re-enabling the capturing registers. In addition, the bit gets an acknowledgement function, reading the bit value checks whether a capture event occurred or not. Timer Values and Pre-scaler Function A pre-scaler function is added in MTC-20285 due to the hardware implementation, some care has to be taken in order to avoid dependency of timer's value with the clock ASB. If you follow the pre-scaler constraints defined in Table 34, then the timer values will be independent of the ASB clock. The timer value stays dependent of the APB clock (as in the MTC-20280). 74 MTC-20285 240300 [75] MTC-20285 Table 34: Clock Timer Restraints Pre-scaler reg. TI_PRE 00 01 10 11 clock ASB constraint CLK_2[3:0] CLK_2[3:0] CLK_2[3:0] CLK_2[3:0] BASECLK = 0 slow < < < = 16 8 4 0 granularity: granularity: granularity: granularity: Clock APB Full Speed (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) BASECLK = 1 fast slow 2083 ns 1041 ns 521 ns 260 ns granularity: 2083 ns granularity: 1041 ns granularity: 1041 ns granularity: 521 ns granularity: 521 ns granularity: 260 ns granularity: 260 ns granularity: 130 ns Clock APB (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) count rate: 960 kHz count rate: 3840 kHz count rate: 1920 kHz max period: 68 ms max period: 17 ms max period: 34 ms Clock APB / 4 (CLK_3[3:2] = 1) count rate: 240 kHz count rate: 960 kHz count rate: 480 kHz max period: 273 ms max period: 68 ms max period: 136 ms Clock APB / 8 (CLK_3[3:2] = 2) count rate: 120 kHz count rate: 480 kHz count rate: 240 kHz max period: 546 ms max period: 136 ms max period: 273 ms Clock APB / 32 (CLK_3[3:2] = 3) count rate: 30 kHz count rate: 120 kHz count rate: 60 kHz max period: 2.2 s max period: 546 ms max period: 1.1 ms After reset, the counters are initialized as follows: * Timer CMD register (TI_CMD) = 0x00 (no-count, not-init, capturing disabled, slow internal mode) * (Internal mode selected because at reset CHIP_CFG[6,4] = 0) * Timer registers (TI_1L, TI_1M, TI_2L, TI_2M) = 0xFF * Timer1 capture registers (TI_C1L, TI_C1M) = 0xFF * Pre-scaler (TI_PRE) = 0x0 75 fast granularity: granularity: granularity: granularity: 1041 ns 521 ns 260 ns 130 ns count rate: 7680 kHz max period: 8.5 ms count rate: 1920 kHz max period: 34 ms count rate: 960 kHz max period: 68 ms count rate: 240 kHz max period: 273 ms MTC-20285 240300 [76] MTC-20285 Table 35: Timer Register Table Name TI_1L TI_1M Address (byte) C0 (300) C1 (304) TI_2L TI_2M C2 (308) C3 (30C) TI_CMD C4 (310) TI_C1L TI_C1M TI_CSEL C5 (314) C6 (318) C7 (31C) TI_PRE CA (328) Function Timer 1 counter 16-bits (TI_1: LSB and MSB) Read: counter value Write: initial value Timer 2 counter 16-bits (TI_2: LSB and MSB) Read: counter value Write: initial value Timers command register: Timer 1: - bit[0]: count (= 1:counting; = 0:not counting) - bit[1]: init (set to 1 to re-initialize; self-clearing bit) - bit[2]: fast (= 1: fast clock = Xtal/4; = 0: slow clock = Xtal/16) - bit[3]: capEn (= 1:capture enabled; = 0:disabled) (cleared by HW when captured) Timer 2: - bit[4]: count (= 1:counting; = 0:not counting) - bit[5]: init (set to 1 to re-initialize; self-clearing bit) - bit[6]: fast (= 1: fast clock = Xtal/4; = 0: slow clock = Xtal/16) - bit[7]: / (not used) Timer 1 capture registers: 16 bits (LSB and MSB) Read only capture source selection register: - 00: CI change (default) - 01: external interrupt IT - 10: PB input port change - 11: PA input port change bit[1:0]: Timer pre-scaler 76 MTC-20285 240300 [77] MTC-20285 Watchdog Timer A watchdog timer, working on the APB clock is provided. APB clock frequency is selectable using CLK_3[3:2]. It is a countdown timer, which is by default disabled after power-up reset of the MTC-20285. It can be disabled, enabled and kicked under software control by writing a specific `magic' word value to the WD_MAGIC register. This changes the state of the watchdog FSM, of which the state can be monitored by reading the state bit values in the WD_SC status/control register. Watchdog reset length: 216 * APB_period clock clock clock clock APB APB APB APB / / / / 1 (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) 4 (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) 8 (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) 32 (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) Init Writing a single sequence of 3 words to the WD_MAGIC register `magic1word', `magic2-word' and `magic3word' causes disabling. This can avoid accidental unwanted disabling of the timer. If the sequence is interrupted by writing any other value to the WD_MAGIC register, the sequence must be restarted from the beginning in order to disable the watchdog. However, the sequence may be interleaved without harm by write commands to other registers or read commands to any register, including WD_MAGIC. A single write of any value to the WD_MAGIC register causes enabling. Once enabled, the watchdog can be kicked by writing the specific kickvalue to WD_MAGIC. Kicking the watchdog performs a re-initialization at one of 4 possible values. This prevents the timer to reach the zero value and generate a reset for the ARM. The initialization value is selected by the 2 control bits in the WD_SC register. BASECLK = 0 4.2 ms 17 ms 34 ms 136 ms Write(Kick) BASECLK = 1 2.1 ms 8.5 ms 17 ms 68 ms Write(not-Magic1, not-kick) Count Write(not Magic2) Write(Magic1) Unlock1 Write(not Magic3) Write(Magic2) Unlock2 Write(Magic3) Write(X) Disable reset Fig.26 Watchdog State Machine The output of the watchdog timer controls the active-low open-drain WDALARM output of the chip. This signal is made externally available for system reset. It can be externally connected to the NRST input of the ARM processor that resets all functional MTC-20285 blocks. It goes active low, as soon as the timer reaches the zero value, and stays low for a certain period after which it becomes inactive high again. 77 MTC-20285 240300 [78] MTC-20285 Watchdog Time out Counting Mechanism The Watchdog time-out value selection is done using WD_SC[7..4,1..0]. A 26-bit counter, clocked on the APB clock is counting from its initial value down to 0. The initial value of this counter is composed as follows: * Initial Counter[25:22] = WD_SC[7:4] * Initial Counter[17:0] = all `0's (always) * Initial Counter[21:18] = `0111' if WD_SC[1:0] = `1001' if WD_SC[1:0] = `1101' if WD_SC[1:0] = `1111' if WD_SC[1:0] = = = = `00' `01' `10' `11' As the watchdog timer is clocked on the APB clock, its time-out value is dependent on the APB clock frequency. Table 36: Watchdog Count Down Frequency Clock Clock Clock Clock APB APB APB APB / / / / 1 (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) 4 (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) 8 (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) 32 (CLK_3[3:2] = 0) BASECLK = 0 3840 kHz 960 kHz 480 kHz 120 kHz BASECLK = 1 7680 kHz 1920 kHz 960 kHz 240 kHz Example of time-out value calculation BASECLK = 1 CLK_3[3:2] = `01' WD_SC[1:0] = `11' WD_SC[7:4] = `0011' Clock frequency = 1920 kHz Initial Counter value [25:0] = `0011_1111_000000000000000000' = 0x0FC0000 = 16515072 initialValue 16515072 timeOut = ---------------------- = ---------- = 8.6 sec downCountingFrequency 1920e3 Table 37: Watchdog Register Table Name WD_SC [7..0] WD_MAGIC Address (byte) C8 (320) C9 (324) Function Watchdog Status and Control register (8-bit) bit[7..4,1..0]: Initial value selection bit[3..2]: State of watchdog FSM (R only) - 00: init and count - 01: unlock1 - 10: unlock2 - 11: disable (default) Watchdog Magic word register (8-bit), gives a command to the watchdog by writing a specific value: - value = DC: Kick command - value = A5: Magic1-word command - value = 5A: Magic2-word command - value = AF: Magic3-word command 78 MTC-20285 240300 [79] MTC-20285 Hardware Identification Code The MTC-20285 contains a read-only register with a hardware identification code. Writing to this register will cause no harm. The ID code corresponds to the next 8bits: FFF RR SSS with: FFF = product family code (010 for MTC-20285 = `20285') RR = revision code SSS = mask set version (000:first, 001:second, etc) The following ID codes are for MTC20285 variants: MTC-20285 version HW identification code = 0x MTC-20285.NAA 0x 010 00 000 = 0x40 Table 38: Chip Register Table Name CHIP_ID Address (byte) 00 (000) Function Returns the chip identification code 0x (Hardware version dependent) 79 MTC-20285 240300 [80] MTC-20285 Chip_CFG Registers Many of the on-chip functions use device pins, which can be made available as general-purpose parallel I/O if the particular feature is not used. The CHIP_CFG registers allow software configuration of these various hardware features, as indicated in the table. Table 39: CHIP_CFG Registers Name * CHIP_CFG CHIP_CFG2 Address (byte) 01(004) 07(01C) Access RW RW Width (bits) 8 3 Reset (hex) 06 00 80 Function bit[0] = 1: Configures PB[3..0] in PB2Uart mode bit[2,1] = external interrupt (IT) type - 00: neg-edge 01:pos-edge - 10: low-level 11:high-level (default) bit[3] = 1: use PA0 as Timer output T2O bit[4] = 1: use PA1 as Timer input T2I bit[5] = 1: use PA2 as Timer output T1O bit[6] = 1: use PA3 as Timer input T1I (see also CHIP_CFG2[2]) bit[7] = 1: swap addresses for external memory block 0 and 3 bit[0] = Main UART DTE/DCE Mode - 0 = DTE - 1 = DCE bit[1] = Pio / UART2 Mode - 0 = Pio on ports PC - 1 = UART2 on ports PC bit[2] = PA/RXD multiplexing - 0 = PA - 1 = RXD MTC-20285 240300 [81] MTC-20285 Register Table Next follows a summary of the complete memory map of the parameters discussed in the previous sections. All parameters related to the same hardware unit, are put together in registers on the same `page'. NOTES: * Addresses, which are not listed in section 3.17.1 must not be used, because they are allocated for possible further (compatible) upgrades/extension of the memory map for products to be derived from the MTC-20285. * the first column indicates the compatibility with the MTC-20280 chip (MTC-20280) ( ): fully compatible (*): new register (): register with extended function (): software compatibility must be verified * The APB address space is limited to 11-bits, corresponding to the ARM address bits 12 down to 2 (word aligned addresses), located in the 7th block of the ARM address space (see this section). The data is of type `byte' and is LSB aligned onto the data bus. APB Address bit[10..4]: page selection 0x00: chip configuration 0x01: HDLC1 0x02: HDLC2 0x03: HDLC3 0x04: HDLC ext 0x05: UART1 0x06: GCI router 0x07: GCI router 0x08: GCI router 0x09: clock, Interrupt 0x0A: parallel I/O's 0x0B: GCI router (ext') 0x0C: Timers and Watchdog 0x0D: HDLC4 0x0E: HDLC5 0x0F: UART2 0x10: USB channel 0 0x11: USB channel 1 0x12: USB channel 2 0x13: USB channel 3 0x14: USB channel 4 0x15: USB channel 5 0x16: USB channel 6 0x17: USB device 0x18: / 0x19: Interrupt (ext') 0x20 to 0x3F: / 0x40 to 0x4F: USB memory (1K bytes) * The following table lists the address of each register as a word address (4 bytes per word) and for clarity, as a byte-address. 81 MTC-20285 240300 [82] MTC-20285 Table 40: Address Table * Name Address (byte) Access CHIP_ID 00 (000) R CHIP_CFG CHIP_CFG2 CHIP_GCI_L 01 (004) 07 (01C) 02 (080) Width Reset Function (bits) (hex) MTC-20285 Configuration 8 Returns the chip identification code = RW RW R 8 3 8 06 0x (HW version dependent) bit[0 ]= 1: Configures PB[3..0] in PB2Uart 00 mode bit[2,1] = external interrupt (IT) type - 00: neg-edge 01:pos-edge - 10: low-level 11:high-level (default) bit[3] = 1: use PA0 as Timer output T2O bit[4] = 1: use PA1 as Timer input T2I bit[5] = 1: use PA2 as Timer output T1O bit[6] = 1: use PA3 as Timer input T1I (see also CHIP_CFG2[2]) bit[7] = 1: swap addresses for external memory block 0 and 3 bit[0] = Main UART DTE/DCE Mode 00 - 0 = DTE - 1 = DCE bit[1] = Pio / UART2 Mode - 0 = Pio on ports PC - 1 = UART2 on ports PC bit[2] = PA/RXD multiplexing - 0 = PA - 1 = RXD Data rate detected on the master GCI interface (data bits per frame). LSB bits of data rate MSB bits of data rate CHIP_GCI_M 03 (0C0) R 8 00 CHIP_WTC1 04 (100) RW 8 FF CHIP_WTC2 05 (140) RW 8 FF CHIP_WTC3 06 (180) RW 8 FF HD1_MODE HD1_EMODE HD1_CMD HD1_SSTAT HD1_FSTAT HD1_ISTAT HD1_ISRV HD1_IMASK HD1_FIFO 10 (040) 11 (044) 12 (048) 13 (04C) 14 (050) 15 (054) 16 (058) 17 (05C) 18 (060) RW RW W R R R R RW RW HDLC Formatters 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 32 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 82 Wait cycles for external memory blocks bit[3:0]: bit[7:4]: bit[3:0]: bit[7:4]: bit[3:0]: bit[7:4]: memory memory memory memory memory memory block block block block block block 0 1 2 3 4 5 HDLC mode register HDLC Extended mode register HDLC Command register HDLC Serial Status register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register MTC-20285 240300 [83] MTC-20285 * * * * * * * * HD1_RFBC HD1_TA1 HD1_TA2 HD1_RAW1 HD1_RAW2 HD1_RA1 HD1_RA2 19 (064) 1A (068) 1B (06C) 1C (070) 1D (074) 1E (078) 1F (07C) R RW RW RW RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Receive Frame Byte Count Transmit Address 1 Transmit Address 2 Receive Address Wildcard 1 Receive Address Wildcard 2 Receive Address Register 1 Receive Address Register 2 HD2_MODE HD2_EMODE HD2_CMD HD2_SSTAT HD2_FSTAT HD2_ISTAT HD2_ISRV HD2_IMASK HD2_FIFO HD2_RFBC HD2_TA1 HD2_TA2 HD2_RAW1 HD2_RAW2 HD2_RA1 HD2_RA2 20 (080) 21 (084) 22 (088) 23 (08C) 24 (090) 25 (094) 26 (098) 27 (09C) 28 (0A0) 29 (0A4) 2A (0A8) 2B (0AC) 2C (0B0) 2D (0B4) 2E (0B8) 2F (0BC) RW RW W R R R R RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 HDLC mode register HDLC Extended mode register HDLC Command register HDLC Serial Status register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register Receive Frame Byte Count Transmit Address 1 Transmit Address 2 Receive Address Wildcard 1 Receive Address Wildcard 2 Receive Address Register 1 Receive Address Register 2 HD3_MODE HD3_EMODE HD3_CMD HD3_SSTAT HD3_FSTAT HD3_ISTAT HD3_ISRV HD3_IMASK HD3_FIFO HD3_RFBC HD3_TA1 HD3_TA2 HD3_RAW1 HD3_RAW2 HD3_RA1 HD3_RA2 30 (0C0) 31 (0C4) 32 (0C8) 33 (0CC) 34 (0D0) 35 (0D4) 36 (0D8) 37 (0DC) 38 (0E0) 39 (0E4) 3A (0E8) 3B (0EC) 3C (0F0) 3D (0F4) 3E (0F8) 3F (0FC) RW RW W R R R R RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 HDLC mode register HDLC Extended mode register HDLC Command register HDLC Serial Status register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register Receive Frame Byte Count Transmit Address 1 Transmit Address 2 Receive Address Wildcard 1 Receive Address Wildcard 2 Receive Address Register 1 Receive Address Register 2 HD4_MODE HD4_EMODE HD4_CMD HD4_SSTAT HD4_FSTAT HD4_ISTAT HD4_ISRV HD4_IMASK D0 (340) D1 (344) D2 (348) D3 (34C) D4 (350) D5 (354) D6 (358) D7 (35C) RW RW W R R R R RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 HDLC mode register HDLC Extended mode register HDLC Command register HDLC Serial Status register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register 83 MTC-20285 240300 [84] MTC-20285 * * * * * * * * HD4_FIFO HD4_RFBC HD4_TA1 HD4_TA2 HD4_RAW1 HD4_RAW2 HD4_RA1 HD4_RA2 D8 (360) D9 (364) DA (368) DB (36C) DC (370) DD (374) DE (378) DF (37C) RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Rx/Tx FIFO data register Receive Frame Byte Count Transmit Address 1 Transmit Address 2 Receive Address Wildcard 1 Receive Address Wildcard 2 Receive Address Register 1 Receive Address Register 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HD5_MODE HD5_EMODE HD5_CMD HD5_SSTAT HD5_FSTAT HD5_ISTAT HD5_ISRV HD5_IMASK HD5_FIFO HD5_RFBC HD5_TA1 HD5_TA2 HD5_RAW1 HD5_RAW2 HD5_RA1 HD5_RA2 E0 (380) E1 (384) E2 (388) E3 (38C) E4 (390) E5 (394) E6 (398) E7 (39C) E8 (3A0) E9 (3A4) EA (3A8) EB (3AC) EC (3B0) ED (3B4) EE (3B8) EF (3BC) RW RW W R R R R RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 HDLC mode register HDLC Extended mode register HDLC Command register HDLC Serial Status register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register Receive Frame Byte Count Transmit Address 1 Transmit Address 2 Receive Address Wildcard 1 Receive Address Wildcard 2 Receive Address Register 1 Receive Address Register 2 HD1_SRC 40 (100) RW 8 00 HD2_SRC 41 (104) RW 8 00 HD3_SRC 42 (108) RW 8 00 * HD4_SRC 47 (10C) RW 8 00 * HD5_SRC 48 (110) RW 8 00 HD_BREV 43 (114) RW 8 0 Source data: [1:0]: line selection (0..2: U,S,A) [4:2]: burst selection (0 ... 7) [6:5]: channel selection (0..2: B1-B2-D) Source data: [1:0]: line selection (0..2: U,S,A) [4:2]: burst selection (0...7) [6:5]: channel selection (0..2: B1-B2-D) Source data: [1:0]: line selection (0..2: U,S,A) [4:2]: burst selection (0...7) [6:5]: channel selection (0..2: B1-B2-D) Source data: [1:0]: line selection (0..2: U,S,A) [4:2]: burst selection (0...7) [6:5]: channel selection (0..2: B1-B2-D) Source data: [1:0]: line selection (0..2: U,S,A) [4:2]: burst selection (0...7) [6:5]: channel selection (0..2: B1-B2-D) Bit-reverse data byte (LSB <-> MSB) read/written from/to the HDLC FIFO's bit[0] = 1: bit-reverse data for HDLC 1 formatter 84 MTC-20285 240300 [85] MTC-20285 bit[1] = 1: bit-reverse data for HDLC 2 formatter bit[2] = 1: bit-reverse data for HDLC 3 formatter bit[3] = 1: bit-reverse data for HDLC 4 formatter bit[4] = 1: bit reversed per block of 2 for D channel transmission through HDLC1 in transparent mode bit[5] = 1: bit reversed per block of 2 for D channel transmission through HDLC2 in transparent mode bit[6] = 1: bit reversed per block of 2 for D channel transmission through HDLC3 in transparent mode bit[7] = 1: bit reversed per block of 2 for D channel transmission through HDLC4 in transparent mode HDLC packet ready to be transmitted in the current frame HDLC packet ready to be transmitted in the current frame HDLC packet ready to be transmitted in the current frame HDLC packet ready to be transmitted in the current frame HDLC packet ready to be transmitted in the current frame HD1_TX 44 (118) R 8 X HD2_TX 45 (11C) R 8 X HD3_TX 46 (120) R 8 X * HD4_TX 49 (124) R 8 X * HD5_TX 4A (128) R 8 X * * * * USB_DCMD USB_DSTAT USB_ALTSET USB_DIMASK 170 (1C0) 171 (1C4) 172 (1C8) 174 (1D0) RW R R RW USB Interface 4 04 4 00 6 00 4 00 USB USB USB USB Device Command register Device Status register Alternate Settings for Inferface1,2,3 Device Interrupt Mask register * * * * * * USB0_CMD USB0_FSTAT USB0_ISTAT USB0_ISRV USB0_IMASK USB0_FIFO 100 (400) 101 (404) 102 (408) 103 (40C) 104 (410) 105 (414) RW R R R RW RW 5 8 8 8 8 8 00 32 00 00 00 XX USB USB USB USB USB USB Command register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register * * * * * * * USB1_CMD USB1_FSTAT USB1_ISTAT USB1_ISRV USB1_IMASK USB1_FIFO USB1_SET 110 (440) 111 (444) 112 (448) 113 (44C) 114 (450) 115 (454) 116 (458) RW R R R RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 00 32 00 00 00 XX 01 USB USB USB USB USB USB USB Command register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register FIFO Settings Register * * USB2_CMD USB2_FSTAT 120 (480) 121 (484) RW R 8 8 00 32 USB Command register USB FIFO Status register 85 MTC-20285 240300 [86] MTC-20285 * * * * * USB2_ISTAT USB2_ISRV USB2_IMASK USB2_FIFO USB_SET 122 (488) 123 (48C) 124 (490) 125 (494) 126 (498) R R RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 3 00 00 00 XX 01 USB USB USB USB USB Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register FIFO Settings Register * * * * * * * USB3_CMD USB3_FSTAT USB3_ISTAT USB3_ISRV USB3_IMASK USB3_FIFO USB3_SET 130 (4C0) 131 (4C4) 132 (4C8) 133 (4CC) 134 (4D0) 135 (4D4) 136 (4D8) RW R R R RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 00 32 00 00 00 XX 01 USB USB USB USB USB USB USB Command register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register FIFO Settings Register * * * * * * * USB4_CMD USB4_FSTAT USB4_ISTAT USB4_ISRV USB4_IMASK USB4_FIFO USB4_SET 140 (500) 141 (504) 142 (508) 143 (50C) 144 (510) 145 (514) 146 (518) RW R R R RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 00 32 00 00 00 XX 01 USB USB USB USB USB USB USB Command register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register FIFO Settings Register * * * * * * * USB5_CMD USB5_FSTAT USB5_ISTAT USB5_ISRV USB5_IMASK USB5_FIFO USB5_SET 150 (540) 151 (544) 152 (548) 153 (54C) 154 (550) 155 (554) 156 (558) RW R R R RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 00 32 00 00 00 XX 01 USB USB USB USB USB USB USB Command register FIFO Status register Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register Rx/Tx FIFO data register FIFO Settings Register * * * * * * * USB6_CMD USB6_FSTAT USB6_ISTAT USB6_ISRV USB6_IMASK USB6_FIFO USB6_SET 160 (580) 161 (584) 162 (588) 163 (58C) 164 (590) 165 (594) 166 (598) RW R R R RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 00 32 00 00 00 XX 01 UART1 (140) (140) (144) (148) (148) R W RW R W 8 8 8 8 8 00 00 00 00 00 Receiver Buffer Register Transmitter Holding Register Interrupt Enable Register Interrupt Identification Register FIFO Control Register 53 (14C) 54 (150) 55 (154) 56 (158) 57 (15C) 50 (140) 51 (144) 52 (148) RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 Line Control Register Modem Control Register Line Status Register Modem Status Register Scratch Register Divisor Latch Register (LSB) Divisor Latch Register (MSB) Enhancement Enable register Default register set UART1_RBR UART1_THR UART1_IER UART1_IIR UART1_FCR UART1_LCR UART1_MCR UART1_LSR UART1_MSR UART1_SCR UART1_DLL UART1_DLM UART1_EFR 50 50 51 52 52 86 USB Command register USB FIFO Status register USB Interrupt Status Register USB Interrupt Service Request Register Interrupt Mask Register USB Rx/Tx FIFO data register USB FIFO Settings Register MTC-20285 240300 [87] MTC-20285 Baud rate generator divisor register set Selected when LCR[7] = 0x1 UART1_DLL 50 (140) UART1_DLM 51 (144) Enhanced register set Selected when LCR = 0xBF * UART1_EFR 52 (148) Default register set * UART2_RBR F0 (3C0) * UART2_THR F0 (3C0) * UART2_IER F1 (3C4) * UART2_IIR F2 (3C8) * UART2_FCR F2 (3C8) * UART2_LCR F3 (3CC) * UART2_MCR F4 (3D0) * UART2_LSR F5 (3D4) * UART2_MSR F6 (3D8) * UART2_SCR F7 (3DC) Baud rate generator divisor register set Selected when LCR[7] = 0x1 * UART2_DLL 50 (140) * UART2_DLM 51 (144) RW RW 8 8 00 00 RW 8 00 UART2 R W RW R W RW RW R RW RW 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 RW RW 8 8 Ui_B1_CPU Ui_B2_CPU Ui_M_CPU Ui_E_CPU 60 (180) 61 (184) 62 (188) 63 (18C) RW RW RW RW 00 00 GCI Router 8 X 8 X 8 X 8 X Si_B1_CPU Si_B2_CPU Si_M_CPU Si_E_CPU 64 (190) 65 (194) 66 (198) 67 (19C) RW RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 X X X X Ai_B1_CPU Ai_B2_CPU Ai_M_CPU Ai_E_CPU 68 (1A0) 69 (1A4) 6A (1A8) 6B (1AC) RW RW RW RW 8 8 8 8 X X X X Ui_B1_RX 6C (1B0) R 8 X Ui_B2_RX 6D (1B4) R 8 X 87 Divisor Latch Register (LSB) Divisor Latch Register (MSB) Extended Function Register Receiver Buffer Register Transmitter Holding Register Interrupt Enable Register Interrupt Identification Register FIFO Control Register Line Control Register Modem Control Register Line Status Register Modem Status Register Scratch Register Divisor Latch Register (LSB) Divisor Latch Register (MSB) CPU value for the B1 upstream Ui channel CPU value for the B2 upstream Ui channel CPU value for the M upstream Ui channel CPU value for the C/I byte upstream Ui channel bit[7:6] = D bits bit[5:2] = CI bits bit[1:0] = AE bits CPU value for the B1 downstream Si channel CPU value for the B2 downstream Si channel CPU value for the M downstream Si channel CPU value for the C/I byte downstream Si channel bit[7:6] = D bits bit[5:2] = CI bits bit[1:0] = AE bits CPU value for the B1 downstream Ai channel CPU value for the B2 downstream Ai channel CPU value for the M downstream Ai channel CPU value for the C/I byte downstream Ai channel bit[7:6] = D bits bit[5:2] = CI bits bit[1:0] = AE bits B1 channel read from the Ui downstream GCI frame B2 channel read from the Ui downstream GCI frame MTC-20285 240300 [88] MTC-20285 Ui_M_RX 6E (1B8) R 8 X Ui_E_RX 6F (1BC) R 8 X Si_B1_RX 70 (1C0) R 8 X Si_B2_RX 71 (1C4) R 8 X Si_M_RX 72 (1C8) R 8 X Si_E_RX 73 (1CC) R 8 X Ai_B1_RX 74 (1D0) R 8 X Ai_B2_RX 75 (1D4) R 8 X Ai_M_RX 76 (1D8) R 8 X Ai_E_RX 77 (1DC) R 8 X GCI_CPU_RX 78 (1E0) W 8 0 GCI_ITU 79 (1E4) RW 8 00 GCI_ITS GCI_ITA GCI_MSKU 7A (1E8) 7B (1EC) 7C (1F0) RW RW RW 8 8 8 00 00 FF GCI_MSKS 7D (1F4) RW 8 FF GCI_MSKA 7E (1F8) RW 8 FF * GCI_MSKUD B8 (2E0) RW 8 00 * GCI_MSKSD B9 (2E4) RW 8 00 * GCI_MSKAD BA (2E8) RW 8 00 * GCI_PULL BB (2EC) RW 6 00 GCI_SRC_BUR 7F (1FC) RW 3 X U_B1_SRC 80 (200) RW 8 X M channel read from the Ui downstream GCI frame [D,CI,AE] channel read from the Ui down GCI frame B1 channel read from the Si upstream GCI frame B2 channel read from the Si upstream GCI frame M channel read from the Si upstream GCI frame [D,CI,AE] channel read from the S up GCI frame B1 channel read from the Ai upstream GCI frame B2 channel read from the Ai upstream GCI frame M channel read from the Ai upstream GCI frame [D,CI,AE] channel read from the Ai upstream GCI frame Specify the burst targeted by the microprocessor CPU registers access Rx registers access bit[1:0] = target line U-S-A bit[4:2] = CPU target burst bit[7:5] = Rx target burst bit[i]: CI activity detected on U, burst i - Read bit[I] = 1: activity detection; - Write bit[I] = 1: interrupt cleared bit[i]: CI activity detected on S, burst i bit[i]: CI activity detected on A, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask CI activity detected on U, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask CI activity detected on S, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask CI activity detected on A, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask D bits activity detected on U, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask D bits activity detected on S, burst i bit[i] = 1: mask D bits activity detected on A, burst i GCI asynchronous pull-up / pull-down Target burst selection for reading _SRC registers Source control register for target U_B1 upstream: 88 MTC-20285 240300 [89] MTC-20285 U_B2_SRC 81 (204) RW 8 X [7:5] source burst [4:3] source line [2:0] target burst Source control register for target U_D_SRC 82 (208) RW 8 X U_B2 upstream Source control register for target U_CI_SRC 83 (20C) RW 8 X U_D upstream Source control register for target U_M_SRC 84 (210) RW 8 X U_CI upstream Source control register for target U_AE_SRC 85 (214) RW 8 X U_M upstream Source control register for target S_B1_SRC 86 (218) RW 8 X U_AE upstream Source control register for target S_B2_SRC 87 (21C) RW 8 X S_B1 downstream Source control register for target S_D_SRC 88 (220) RW 8 X S_B2 downstream Source control register for target S_CI_SRC 89 (224) RW 8 X S_D downstream Source control register for target S_M_SRC 8A (228) RW 8 X S_CI downstream Source control register for target S_AE_SRC 8B (22C) RW 8 X S_M downstream Source control register for target A_B1_SRC 8C (230) RW 8 X S_AE downstream Source control register for target A_B2_SRC 8D (234) RW 8 X A_B1 downstream Source control register for target A_D_SRC 8E (238) RW 8 X A_B2 downstream Source control register for target A_CI_SRC 8F (23C) RW 8 X A_D downstream Source control register for target A_M_SRC B0 (2C0) RW 8 X A_CI downstream Source control register for target A_AE_SRC B1 (2C4) RW 8 X A_M downstream Source control register for target A_AE U_B1_SWP B2 (2C8) RW 8 X U_B2_SWP B3 (2CC) RW 8 X S_B1_SWP B4 (2D0) RW 8 X S_B2_SWP B5 (2D4) RW 8 X A_B1_SWP B6 (2D8) RW 8 X A_B2_SWP B7 (2DC) RW 8 X 89 downstream bit[i] = swap on U burst i bit[i] = swap on U burst i bit[i] = swap on S burst i bit[i] = swap on S burst i bit[i] = swap on A burst i bit[i] = swap on A burst i / no swap for B1 channel / no swap for B2 channel / no swap for B1 channel / no swap for B2 channel / no swap for B1 channel / no swap for B2 channel MTC-20285 240300 [90] MTC-20285 Clock Generation CLK_GCI 90 (240) RW 8 00 CLK_1 91 (244) RW W 4 LSB 4 MSB 00 CLK_2 92 (248) RW 8 00 CLK_3 93 (24C) RW 5 10 IRQ1_ST IRQ1_STR IRQ1_EN IRQ1_ENSET IRQ1_ENCLR IRQ1_ACK IRQ2_ST IRQ2_STR IRQ2_EN IRQ2_ENSET IRQ2_ENCLR IRQ2_ACK 94 (250) 95 (254) 96 (258) 97 (25C) 98 (260) 99 (264) 9A (268) 9B (26C) 9C (270) 9D (274) 9E (278) 9F (27C) R R R W W W R R R W W W 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Interrupt 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IRQ3_ST IRQ3_STR IRQ3_EN IRQ3_ENSET 194 (650) 195 (654) 196 (658) 197 (65C) R R R W 8 8 8 8 00 00 00 00 * * * * 90 bit[5:0]: GCI DCL clock selection per interface U,S,A: bit[1:0] = for the U GCI router bit[3:2] = for the S GCI router bit[5:4] = for the A GCI router - 0 = non-active (default at reset) - 1 = master: dclMstr / fscMstr - 2 = 512k: dcl512 / fsc512 - 3 = 4096k: dcl4096 / fsc4096 bit[7:6]: GCI Master FSC selection (fscMstr) - 0 = Xtal (default at reset) - 1=U - 2=S - 3=A Parameters for CKOUT: bits [7..4]: Disabled if equal to `1001' bits [3..0]: Freq. Division par. CLK_1 for CKOUT Parameters for ARM Clock: bits [7..4]: Disabled if equal to `1001' bits [3..0]: Freq. Division par. CLK_2 for ARM clock bit[0]: DPLL status (read only) 0 = internal GCI clocks not synchronized with the external reference; DPLL is tracking 1 = internal GCI clocks synchronized bit[1]: Main UART clock disable (default = 0 = enabled) bit[3:2]: APB clock division factor - 0 = Xtal / 4 (max. speed) - 1 = Xtal / 8 - 2 = Xtal / 16 - 3 = Xtal / 32 bit[4]: AUX UART clock disable (default = 1= disabled) 1st NFIQ Interrupt status after mask 1st NFIQ Interrupt status without mask 1st NFIQ Interrupt mask to be used 1st NFIQ Set maskbit control input register 1st NFIQ Clear maskbit control input register 1st NFIQ Clear interrupt status register 1st NIRQ Interrupt status after mask 1st NIRQ Interrupt status without mask 1st NIRQ Interrupt mask to be used 1st NIRQ Set maskbit control input register 1st NIRQ Clear maskbit control input register 1st NIRQ Clear interrupt status register 2nd NFIQ Interrupt status after mask 2nd NFIQ Interrupt status without mask 2nd NFIQ Interrupt mask to be used 2nd NFIQ Set maskbit control input register MTC-20285 240300 [91] MTC-20285 * * * * * * * * IRQ3_ENCLR IRQ3_ACK IRQ4_ST IRQ4_STR IRQ4_EN IRQ4_ENSET IRQ4_ENCLR IRQ4_ACK 198 (660) 199 (664) 19A (668) 19B (66C) 19C (670) 19D (674) 19E (678) 19F (67C) W W R R R W W W PAB_OUT A0 (280) RW 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 Parallel I/O 8 00 PAB_IN A1 (284) R 8 00 PAB_DIR A2 (288) RW 8 00 PCD_OUT A3 (28C) RW 8 00 PCD_IN A4 (290) R 8 00 PCD_DIR A5 (294) RW 8 00 PEF_OUT A6 (298) RW 8 00 PEF_IN A7 (29C) R 8 00 PEF_DIR A8 (2A0) RW 8 00 * PGH_OUT A9 (2A4) RW 8 00 * PGH_IN AA (2A8) R 8 00 * PGH_DIR AB (2AC) RW 8 00 See GCI Router B0-BA (2C0-2E8) TI_1L C0 (300) TI_1M C1 (304) TI_2L C2 (308) 2nd NFIQ Clear maskbit control input register 2nd NFIQ Clear interrupt status register 2nd NIRQ Interrupt status after mask 2nd NIRQ Interrupt status without mask 2nd NIRQ Interrupt mask to be used 2nd NIRQ Set maskbit control input register 2nd NIRQ Clear maskbit control input register 2nd NIRQ Clear interrupt status register bit[7..4]: PA output data register bit[3:0]: PB output data register bit[7..4]: PA input data register bit[3:0]: PB input data register bit[7..4]: PA direction control register (0 = input) bit[3:0]: PB direction control register (0 = input) bit[7..4]: PC output data register bit[3:0]: PD output data register bit[7..4]: PC input data register bit[3:0]: PD input data register bit[7..4]: PC direction control register (0 = input) bit[3:0]: PD direction control register (0 = input) bit[7..4]: PE output data register bit[3:0]: PF output data register bit[7..4]: PE input data register bit[3:0]: PF input data register bit[7..4]: PE direction control register (0 = input) bit[3:0]: PF direction control register (0 = input) bit[7..4]: PG output data register bit[3:0]: PH output data register bit[7..4]: PG input data register bit[3:0]: PH input data register bit[7..4]: PG direction control register (0 = input) bit[3:0]: PH direction control register (0 = input) GCI Router ext. See GCI Router section Timers and Watchdog 8 FF timer 1 LSB R: counter value W: initial value RW 8 FF timer 1 MSB R: counter value W: initial value RW 8 FF timer 2 LSB R: counter value W: initial value RW 91 MTC-20285 240300 [92] MTC-20285 TI_2M C3 (30C) RW 8 FF TI_CMD C4 (310) RW 8 00 TI_C1L TI_C1M TI_CSEL C5 (314) C6 (318) C7 (31C) R R RW 8 8 2 FF FF 0 WD_SC C8 (320) 8 F 8 00 RW R WD_MAGIC C9 (324) RW 92 timer 2 MSB R: counter value W: initial value Timer command register: Timer 1: bit[0]: count (= 1:counting; = 0:not counting) bit[1]: init (set to 1 to re-initialize; self-clearing bit) bit[2]: fast (= 1: fast clock = Xtal/4; = 0: slow clock = Xtal/16) bit[3]: capEn (= 1:capture enabled; = 0:disabled) (cleared by HW when captured) Timer 2: bit[4]: count (= 1:counting; = 0:not counting) bit[5]: init (set to 1 to re-initialize; self-clearing bit) bit[6]: fast (= 1: fast clock = Xtal/4; = 0: slow clock = Xtal/16) bit[7]: / (not used) timer 1 capture register: LSB timer 1 capture register: MSB capture source selection register: - 00: CI change (default) - 01: external interrupt IT - 10: PB input port change - 11: PA input port change Watchdog status and control register bit[7..4, 1..0]: Init_value selection (See Watchdog pages) bit[3..2]: State of watchdog FSM (Read only) - 00: init and count - 01: unlock1 - 10: unlock2 - 11: disable (default) Watchdog magic word register: - value written: command issued - value = DC: Kick command - value = A5: Magic1-word command - value = 5A: Magic2-word command - value = AF: Magic3-word command MTC-20285 240300 [93] MTC-20285 4. POWER MANAGEMENT To measure power dissipation, we consider next equation: P = P Base + a f ASB + P ClkOut + P Apb + P Hdlc + P Uart 1 /2 + P Usb (1) Each of the components of this equation will now be explained and measured in the next chapters. PBase Configuration settings: * We work with maximal power supply: 3.45V. * All Gci lines work at 512kHz. * There is a path from the CPU register to U/B1/burst0/upstream, via U/B1/burst0/downstream to S/B1/burst0/downstream and S/B1/burst0/upstream. The rest of the lines are idle. * Apb clock is divided maximally. * All clocks are stopped, USB clock included. * The ARM is suspended. * !!! The ARM clock is first divided maximally before the ARM is suspended. This is due to the fact that disabling the ARM doesn't stop the Asb clock. As a consequence, memory access is not disabled when the ARM is suspended. To measure the current, we disconnected all the chip VccIO pins and connected them, via an Ampere meter, with an external power supply. Afterwards we executed the program "CurrentMeasLowActivity512". This program initialises ITCC with the settings that are mentioned above. The configuration results in a power dissipation of (6.4mA) * (3.45V) = 22mW Obsevation: To have a view of the influence of the Gci clock on the global power dissipation, the same experiment was done for a Gci clock frequency of 4.096MHz: To measure the current, we disconnected all the chip VccIO pins and connected them, via an Ampere meter, with an external power supply. Afterwards we executed the program "CurrentMeasLowActivity4096". This configuration results in a power dissipation of (7.7mA) * (3.45V) = 26.6mW In the rest of the power measurement we will proceed with a 512kHz Gci clock. 93 MTC-20285 240300 [94] MTC-20285 The term a.fApb One waitcycle, 16 bit memory access To measure the influence of the ASB clockfrequency on power dissipation, we repeat the experiment of 1.1.1 for different ASB clock frequencies. After initialisation, the ARM performs a while loop. Configuration settings: * We work with maximal power supply: 3.45V. * All Gci lines work at 512kHz. * There is a path from the CPU register to U/B1/burst0/upstream, CLK_2 Value Disabled 15 14 12 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 * * * * * via U/B1/burst0/downstream to S/B1/burst0/downstream and S/B1/burst0/upstream. The rest of the lines are idle. Apb clock is divided maximally. All clocks are stopped, USB clock included. The ARM frequency is manipulated and the code is compiled in thumb mode. 16 bit access for the memory. One waitcycle for memory access. Execute the program "PowerFormula" and vary the ASB clock frequency. Measure the current: ARM clock (MHz) APB clock (kHz) 0 0 1.024 32 1.097142857 34.28571429 1.28 40 1.536 48 1.92 60 2.56 80 3.072 96 3.84 120 5.12 160 7.68 240 15.36 480 30.72 960 Slope Interception 2.571056 20.72169 94 Current (mA) 6.13 6.6 6.7 6.85 7.07 7.31 7.88 8.29 8.94 9.97 12.08 18.06 28.64 P2 (mW) Linear regression2 21.0872 20.72168526 22.704 23.35444624 23.048 23.5425006 23.564 24.01263649 24.3208 24.67082674 25.1464 25.65811211 27.1072 27.30358772 28.5176 28.61996821 30.7536 30.59453895 34.2968 33.88549018 41.5552 40.46739265 62.1264 60.21310004 98.5216 99.70451481 MTC-20285 240300 [95] MTC-20285 Zero waitcycles, 16 bit memory access The same test is repeated with 0 waitcycles. The maximum ARM clock frequency in this configuration in 15MHz. * * * Configuration settings: * We work with maximal power supply: 3.45V. * All Gci lines work at 512kHz. * There is a path from the CPU register to U/B1/burst0/upstream, CLK_2 Value Disabled 1 * * Measurements: ARM clock (MHz) APB clock (kHz) 0 0 15.36 480 Slope Interception The same test is repeated with 0 waitcycles and 8 bit memory access. The maximum ARM clock frequency in this configuration in 15MHz. Configuration settings: * We work with maximal power supply: 3.45V. * All Gci lines work at 512kHz. * There is a path from the CPU P2 (mW) 21.0872 93.396 * * * * * register to U/B1/burst0/upstream, via U/B1/burst0/downstream to S/B1/burst0/downstream and S/B1/burst0/upstream. The rest of the lines are idle. Apb clock is divided maximally. All clocks are stopped, USB clock included. The ARM frequency is manipulated and the code is compiled in thumb mode. 8 bit access for the memory. Zero waitcycles for memory access. ARM clock (MHz) APB clock (kHz) 0 0 1.024 32 1.396363636 43.63636364 1.92 60 3.072 96 5.12 160 7.68 240 15.36 480 Slope Interception Current (mA) 6.13 27.15 4.7076 20.72169 Zero waitcycles, 8 bit memory access CLK_2 Value Disabled 15 11 8 5 3 2 1 via U/B1/burst0/downstream to S/B1/burst0/downstream and S/B1/burst0/upstream. The rest of the lines are idle. Apb clock is divided maximally. All clocks are stopped, USB clock included. The ARM frequency is manipulated and the code is compiled in thumb mode. 16 bit access for the memory. Zero waitcycles for memory access. 2.700254 22.0406 95 Current (mA) 6.49 7.12 7.43 7.96 8.79 10.44 12.52 18.43 P3 (mW) Linear regression3 22.3256 22.04059963 24.4928 24.80565931 25.5592 25.81113556 27.3824 27.22508654 30.2376 30.33577869 35.9136 35.86589806 43.0688 42.77854728 63.3992 63.51649493 MTC-20285 240300 [96] MTC-20285 One waitcycle, 8 bit memory access The same test is repeated with 1 waitcycle and 8 bit memory access. * * Configuration settings: * We work with maximal power supply: 3.45V. * All Gci lines work at 512kHz. * There is a path from the CPU register to U/B1/burst0/upstream, via U/B1/burst0/downstream to * CLK_2 Value Disabled 0 * * S/B1/burst0/downstream and S/B1/burst0/upstream. The rest of the lines are idle. Apb clock is divided maximally. All clocks are stopped, USB clock included. The ARM frequency is manipulated and the code is compiled in thumb mode. 8 bit access for the memory. One waitcycle for memory access. Measurements: ARM clock (MHz) APB clock (kHz) 0 0 30.72 960 Slope Interception Current (mA) 6.49 20.28 P3 (mW) 22.3256 69.7632 1.5442 22.0406 Chart The following chart summarises the performed measurements: Power (mW) Power management 110 100 90 MP 16bit/1WTC 80 LR 16bit/1WTC 70 MP 8bit/0WTC LR 8bit/0WTC 60 MP 16bit/0WTC 50 MP 8bit/1WTC 40 MP= measurement points 30 LR= linear regression on the MP's 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 ARM frequency (MHz) Power Management 96 30 35 MTC-20285 240300 [97] MTC-20285 PClkOut PHdlc To measure the influence of CkOut on power dissipation, we start from the experiment in and a ASB clock frequency of 30MHz (for this experiment we measured 98.5mW). After enabling CkOut with a minimal division factor, we measure a power dissipation of 99.76mW. This is a difference of 99.76mW - 98.5mW = 1.24mW. To measure the influence of the HDLC cells on power dissipation, we start from the experiment in 1.1.4 (for this experiment we measured 156.6mW). Additionally, we will simulate normal operation on the HDLC cells by using the same mechanism as in Error! Reference source not found. After building the program which you can find in "CurrentMeasHighActivity", we measure a power dissipation of 168.2mW. This is a difference of 168.2mW - 156.6mW = 11.59mW. PApb To measure the influence of the APB clock on power dissipation, we start from the experiment in 1.1.3 (for this experiment we measured 99.76mW). After minimizing the division factor of the APB clock, we measure a power dissipation of 156.6mW. This is a difference of 156.6mW - 99.76mW = 56.86mW. PUart1/2 To measure the influence of the Uart interfaces on power dissipation, we start from the experiment in 1.1.5 (for this experiment we measured 168.2mW). Additionally, we will simulate normal operation on the Conclusion P = P Base + a f ASB + P ClkOut + P Apb + P Hdlc + P Uart or P = P PS ( f ASB ) + P ClkOut + P Apb + P Hdlc + P Uart 1 /2 1 /2 + P Usb + P Usb and P PS ( f ASB ) = P Base + a f ASB (2) 97 UART interfaces by using the same mechanism as in Error! Reference source not found. After building the program which you can find in "CurrentMeasHighActivity", we measure a power dissipation of 171.0mW. This is a difference of 171.0mW - 168.2mW = 2.8mW. PUsb To measure the influence of USB on power dissipation, we start from the experiment in 1.1.6 (for this experiment we measured 171mW). Additionally, we will simulate normal operation on the USB interfaces, performing a configuration of the device by the host. Run the program "CurrentMeasHighActivity" and program the host to configure the device. We measure a power dissipation of 191.6mW. This is a difference of 191.6mW - 171.0mW = 20.6mW. MTC-20285 240300 [98] MTC-20285 values: PBase = 21.5mW (mW/MHz) 16-bit access 8-bit access 0 waitcycles 1 waitcycle 4.71 2.57 2.7 1.54 MW PClkOut PApb PHdlc 0 ~0 ~0 PUart 0 PUsb ~0 Power save CLK_2 = 0x90 CLK_3[3:2] = 3 No hdlc interrupts; almost no Gci activity Uarts disabled: CLK_3(bit1 = 1, bit4 = 1) Usb disabled: USB_DCMD(bit3 = 1) 1.24 56.86 11.59 Activity CLK_2 = 0x00 CLK_3[3:2] = 0 Hdlc1/2/3/4/5 full activity 2.8 Uart1 and Uart2 full activity 20.6 Pmin = PBase = 21.5mW Pmax = 100mW -> 16bit/Thumb mode 98 USB activity MTC-20285 240300 [99] MTC-20285 First approximation equation If we consider: MIPS = 1 # bits ? ? f ASB ( WTC + 1) 16 bits then (2) becomes: P = P Base + ? 1 # bits ? ? f ASB + P ClkOut + P Apb + P Hdlc + P Uart ( WTC + 1) 16 bits or P = P Base + ? MIPS + P ClkOut + P Apb + P Hdlc + P Uart 1 /2 1 /2 + P Usb 1 /2 + P Usb + P Usb and a (# bits , WTC ) = ? 1 # bits ? ( WTC + 1) 16 bits (3) We become a value that is independent of the number of access bits and the waitcycles. A value for is estimated out of the 4 different values of . P = P Base + ? 1 # bits ? ? f ASB + P ClkOut + P Apb + P Hdlc + P Uart ( WTC + 1) 16 bits = 5.6 mW/MIPS 99 MTC-20285 240300 [100] MTC-20285 Sequence of instructions to limit power consumption ITCC[CHIP_WTC1] = 0x11; ITCC[CHIP_WTC2] = 0x11; ITCC[CHIP_WTC3] = 0x11; ITCC[CLK_GCI] = 0x2a; ITCC[USB_DCMD] = 0x08; ITCC[CLK_1] = 0x9f; ITCC[CLK_3] = 0x1e; ITCC[CLK_2] = 0x9f; -> 1 wait-cycle for memory access. -> -> -> -> -> All Gci clocks working on 512kHz USB clocking disabled CKOUT disabled UART clocks disabled and APB clock lowest speed ARM clock disabled and maximally divided 100 MTC-20285 240300 [101] MTC-20285 5. DEBUG INTERFACE AND ATE TEST The JTAG interface isolates and/or accesses the ARM7TDMI core and special purpose test registers. This interface has multiple functions as follows: 1. ATE test mode, puts the MTC20285 in a specific test mode. The JTAG interface is compatible with the 1149.1 IEEE standard, as described in the ARM7TDMI data sheet. The TAP controller writes a 4-bit instruction in the instruction register. For more information on the instruction dictionary that is implemented, refer to the ARM7TDMI data sheet. 2. External Boundary Scan. 3. Software debug monitoring, for use during normal and functional operation. Scan chain Chain 0: Chain 1: Chain 2: Chain 3: Chain 4: Chain 8: Chain 15: 4-bit code 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 1000 1111 The MTC-20285 has boundary scan cells added next to the I/O cells in order to support external boundary scan (chain 3) of the MTC-20285 on PCB level. Note that the MTC-20280 did not have this support. The IEEE 1149.1 standard requires pull-up resistors on the JTAG `TDI' and `TMS' input ports. The ARM7TDMI core does not implement any pull-up The SCAN_N instruction selects a scan chain by writing one of the following 4-bit codes into the Scan Chain Select Register: Function ARM Macrocell scan test Debug ICEbreaker programming External boundary scan Reserved Reserved MTC-20285 Test configuration register resistors. Therefore the JTAG I/O pins of the MTC-20285 are provided with pull-ups (TDI, TMS, TCK) and a pulldown for the active low reset input (NTRST), such that no external pull-ups / pull-downs are required for this interface. Also the pins may be left unconnected (DNC) when the interface is not used in normal operation. 101 Usage ATE (ARM test) Demon Demon Ext. boundary scan ATE MTC-20285 240300 [102] MTC-20285 Debug Monitoring ATE Test A Debug Host computer with appropriate protocol converter can be connected to the JTAG interface to control the MTC-20285 in normal operation mode. The MTC-20285 is a full digital chip, and requires the following tests: The JTAG interface of the MTC-20285 gives access to the ARM7TDMI core with hardware support for debugging, TAP controller and integrated Icebreaker. See ARM7TDMI documentation for more information. Test ATPG ARM BIST NandTree OutLevel IddQ Esd/Latchup Description Glue logic testing ARM Core testing Integrated RAM test Input level testing Output level testing In order to perform these tests, a special purpose test configuration register (TestConf) is needed, which must be downloaded via the JTAG interface with the value shown in the previous table. When in a specific test-mode, the I/O pin functions are redefined. IR register DR register IR register DR register = = = = 0010 1111 0000 00000abc 102 Test Mode 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 Note that after JTAG reset, the TestConf register is reset to value 000, corresponding to the MTC-20285 functional mode. The following instructions need to be sent via the JTAG to modify the test mode: : SCAN_N JTAG instruction : select the scan chain 15 : EXTEST JTAG instruction : testConfig register content [a]: by-pass of the Reset synchronization [b,c]: 2-bit value representing the test mode MTC-20285 240300 [103] MTC-20285 External Boundary Scan Test Mode 1: Test Macro's Output levels TestConfig register = 0000101 All the output and bi-directional pins can be forced to GND and VDD levels, so their output levels can be checked. ARM Test vectors applied and checked exclusively via the JTAG interface. BIST The 6 internal RAMS are checked via dedicated logic. Level GND: DIA = `0' DIU = `1' DIS = `0' Level VDD: DIA = `0' DIU = `0' DIS = `1' The external boundary scan chain is enabled by selecting chain 3 using the SCAN_N instruction. It contains 1 boundary scan cell per I/O pin, except for the JTAG pins (TDI, TDO, TMS, TCK, NTRST) and the XTAL pins (XTAL1, XTAL2, USB_XTAL1, USB_XTAL2). The chain contains 110 boundary scan cells, starting at pin 1 (DQ0) and ending at pin 134 (PA3). NOTES: ESD and Latchup * Restriction: No boundary scan cells are inserted on any of the tri-state enable signals of bi-directional and tri-state output pins. Oscillators and PLL block * The 30.72 MHz oscillator / PLL output is seen on pin CKOUT. * The 48 MHz oscillator output is seen on pin USB_CFG. For ESD and Latchup testing, the bidirectional and tri-state pins are put in tri-state. DIA = `1' DIU = don't care DIS = don't care Test mode 2: Electrical Tests TestConfig register = 00000111 This mode permits: * control of the direction of the bidirectional I/O's * level measurement of the output pins - pin DIA: forceZ (force all bidirectional I/O's in input mode) - pin DIU: force0 (force all output level at GND, bi-direction also if forceZ is not active) - pin DIS: force1 (force all output level at VDD, bi-direction also if forceZ is not active) Nand-tree All the input pins, except DIA, and all the bi-directional I/O's are in the nandtree. So the input levels of all inputs and bi-directional pins can be checked. A1 = nand-tree output DIA = `1' DIU = don't care DIS = don't care 103 * `HIGHZ' instruction support: Only bi-direction pins and output pins that are tri-state in normal mode are driven in tri-state during HIGHZ. That is, output pins that are not tristate in normal mode, are not driven in tri-state during HIGHZ. MTC-20285 240300 [104] MTC-20285 Electrical Characteristics and Ratings This section describes the characteristics of the TTL and CMOS I/O cells, as described in the standard cell library. Which I/O cells are CMOS or TTL compatible as well as the rated buffer current, is found in section 2.4. Note also that some inputs are Schmitt Trigger inputs. Table 41: TTL DC Electrical Characteristics* Symbol VIH VIL VOH VOL Vt+ VtCIN COUT Parameter High Level Input Voltage Low Level Input Voltage High Level Output Voltage Low Level Output Voltage Schmitt trigger rising threshold Schmitt trigger falling threshold Input Capacitance, all inputs Load Capacitance, all outputs Conditions Min 2.0 Ioh = rated buffer current Iol = rated buffer current 2.4 Max 0.8 1.3 0.8 0.4 1.9 1.3 1 100 Unit V V V V V V pF pF * Rated for Vdd = 2.7V to 3.6V and Ambient Temp from -55 to +125 deg Table 42: CMOS DC Electrical Characteristics* Symbol VIH VIL VOH VOL Vt+ VtCIN COUT Parameter High Level Input Voltage Low Level Input Voltage High Level Output Voltage Low Level Output Voltage Schmitt trigger rising threshold Schmitt trigger falling threshold Input Capacitance, all inputs Load Capacitance, all outputs Conditions Min 80% of VDD Ioh = rated buffer current Iol = rated buffer current 85% of VDD Max 20% of VDD 1.8 0.8 * Rated for Vdd = 2.7V to 3.6V and Ambient Temp from -55 to +125 deg C 104 0.4 2.5 1.3 1 100 Unit V V V V V V pF pF MTC-20285 240300 [105] MTC-20285 6. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS, OPERATING RANGES & STORAGE CONDITIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses above those listed in this section can cause permanent device failure. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can affect device reliability. Symbol VDD VIN VIN5 Conditions power supply voltage input voltage on any pin input voltage on any 5V tolerant pin Min VSS - 0.3 VSS - 0.3 VSS - 0.3 Max 3.63 VDD + 0.3 AND < 3.63 5.5 Unit V V V Max 3.45 200 25 85 Unit V mW mW deg C Operating Ranges Operating ranges define the limits for functional operation and schematic characteristics of the device as described above, and for the reliability specifications as listed in section 7. Functionality outside these limits is not implied. Total cumulative dwell time outside the normal power supply voltage range or the ambient temperature under bias must be less than 0.1% of the useful life as defined in section 7.3. Furthermore, for the 5V tolerant I/O cells and in case a 5V interface is Symbol VDD PTOT (1) PPD (2) Tamb used, the system should be designed such that no 5V inputs are applied when the 3.3V power supply is not present as this limits the lifetime of the device. However, if the cumulated time when this situation occurs does not exceed 5 hours (18000 s) over the total life of the device, the impact on the total lifetime will remain negligible. Therefore the 5V and 3.3V power supplies must always be present together, except during the short power on/off transient states which rarely occur. Conditions Power supply Full operation power consumption Stand-by power consumption Ambient temperature Min 3.0 -40 NOTES: 1. Power with all blocks of the MTC-20285 operational and maximum clock frequencies used at nominal power supply voltage (3.3V) + 5%. 2. Power with all blocks of the MTC-20285 operational, except the ARM which is in power down at nominal power supply voltage (3.3V) + 5%. 105 MTC-20285 240300 [106] MTC-20285 Operating Environment The components are designed for applications in equipment for indoor operation with convection air flow and not forced cooling. Storage and Transportation Conditions The rated storage and transportation temperature range prior to printed board assembly is as follows: -55 deg C to +110 deg C In case of IC deliveries in dry bag, the conditions of time and humidity during storage are specified in Alcatel Microelectronics specification 16650. In case of IC deliveries not in dry bag, the conditions for a maximum storage period of 2 years are as follows: Ambient Temperature (deg C) 20 30 40 50 Relative Humidity (%) 80 70 60 50 106 MTC-20285 240300 [107] MTC-20285 7. QUALITY Product Acceptance Tests All products are tested 100%, at ambient temperature with full temperature range guard band, by means of production test programs that guarantees optimal coverage of the product specification. Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Tests Lot conformance to specification of products delivered in volume production is guaranteed by means of following tests: Test Electrical, functional and parametric External visual External visual Conditions To product specification at Tamb = 25 deg C with full temperature range performance guard band. Physical damage to body or leads. Dimensions affecting PCB manufacturability such as bent leads, coplanarity, etc Correctness of marking Delivery Lot Certification Each delivery lot is accompanied by a Certificate of Conformance. Quality System A quality system with certification against ISO9001 is maintained. 107 AQL Level 0.04 Inspection Level II 0.04 II 0.65 II MTC-20285 240300 [108] MTC-20285 8. RELIABILITY SPECIFICATION In order to guarantee the specified reliability, Alcatel Microelectronics performs a product qualification for each product. This qualification is described in the Alcatel Microelectronics specification document 15503. In order to minimize reliability testing, structural similarity is applied. Methods and criteria are defined in the Alcatel Microelectronics specification documents 15501 (assembly) and 15502 (wafer fabrication). Monitoring of assembly and wafer fabrication is performed according to the Alcatel Microelectronics specifications 15910 and 15205. These monitoring tests include the solderability tests. The Intrinsic Failure Rate When operating the component under benign conditions, the intrinsic failure rate will not exceed: * 5000 ppm during the early failure period defined below * the long term failure rate as specified in the table below after the early failure period Tjunction (deg C) 55 65 75 85 90 Early Failure Period (Hrs) 8760 4000 2000 1000 800 Failures due to external over stresses such as ESD, voltage and current over stress (e.g. due to EMI), excessive mechanical and thermal shocks, are not included in these figures (see section 7.2). 108 Long Term Failure Rate (FIT) 100 200 400 800 1000 MTC-20285 240300 [109] MTC-20285 External Stress Immunity Electrostatic Discharge The device withstands 1000 Volts Standardized Human Body Model ESD pulses when tested according to MIL883C method 3015. Latch-up Static latch-up protection level is 100 mA at 25 deg C when tested according to JEDEC no. 17. The Useful Life The useful life, when used under moderate conditions, is at least 10 years. The term useful life is specified as the point in the lifetime where the intrinsic failure rate exceeds the longterm failure rate specified above. 109 MTC-20285 240300 [110] MTC-20285 9. ABBREVIATIONS AND CONVENTIONS ASB: Advanced System Bus APB: Advanced Peripheral Bus FIFO: First In First Out FSM: Finite State Machine LSB: Least Significant bit LT: Line Termination MSB: Most Significant bit NC: Not connected NT: Network Termination PABX: Private Automatic Branch Exchange PLL: Phase Locked Loop SIC: S-Bus Interface Circuit TE: Terminal Equipment USB: Universal Serial Bus * Upstream: direction from subscriber to exchange * Downstream: direction from exchange to subscriber * TX: Transmit direction of a module corresponds to an output stream of the module * RX: Receive direction of a module corresponds to an input stream of the module Signals and their numerical types are described with the following symbols: * us: unsigned (i.e. positive) fixed point signal with length = `wl' bits and `bp' number of fractional bits (for example: us<4,1> (value = 4,5) = `100.1') * tc: two's complement representation of fixed point signal with length = `wl' bits and `bp' number of fractional bits (for example: tc<4,1> (value = -3,5) = `100.1') * SIGNAME[wl-1,0]: signal represented as a bit vector of `wl' bits with the MSB being bit SIGNAME[wl-1] and the LSB being bit SIGNAME[0] 110 MTC-20285 240300 [111] MTC-20285 Table of Contents 1. ISDN/IDSL + USB TERMINAL CONTROLLER ....................................................................................................1 * General Description ......................................................................................................................................3 - Clock Generation and Control......................................................................................................................3 - Memory Bus ..............................................................................................................................................3 - 3-way GCI Interface....................................................................................................................................3 - HDLC Controllers ........................................................................................................................................3 - DTMF Decoding ........................................................................................................................................4 - Serial I/O..................................................................................................................................................4 - Parallel I/O Ports........................................................................................................................................4 - Interrupt Control ........................................................................................................................................4 - Timers / Watchdog ....................................................................................................................................4 - CPU ..........................................................................................................................................................4 - USB Controller ..........................................................................................................................................4 2. MECHANICAL DATA, PIN FUNCTIONS AND EXTERNAL COMPONENTS..........................................................5 * Package and PIn-out ......................................................................................................................................5 - Package Orientation ..................................................................................................................................6 * Marking on the Package ................................................................................................................................6 - Topside Marking (PQFP) ..............................................................................................................................6 - Reverse Side Marking ................................................................................................................................6 * Delivery ........................................................................................................................................................7 * Pin Description and Assignment ......................................................................................................................7 - Important Notes on 5 V Tolerant Pins ............................................................................................................7 * Pin Function in Normal (Non-test) Mode ........................................................................................................11 * Pin Functions in Test Mode ............................................................................................................................14 * Application Schematic and External Components ............................................................................................14 3. GENERAL ASPECTS ....................................................................................................................................16 * Convention Upstream / Downstream..............................................................................................................16 - GCI Frame Formats ..................................................................................................................................17 - Parameter Updating, Timing and Initial Values ............................................................................................18 * GCI Router..................................................................................................................................................20 - Architecture ............................................................................................................................................20 - Multiplexer ..............................................................................................................................................20 - Examples ................................................................................................................................................23 - CPU Registers (ARM ! GCI) ........................................................................................................................24 - RX Registers (GCI ! ARM) ..........................................................................................................................26 - D/CI Activity Detection..............................................................................................................................27 - Asynchronous Pull-up / Pull-down ..............................................................................................................28 * GCI Clocks Generation ................................................................................................................................29 - Hardware Implementation of the Multiplexing ..............................................................................................30 * HDLC Formatter ..........................................................................................................................................32 - Description ..............................................................................................................................................32 - HDLC Protocol ..........................................................................................................................................32 - Control Registers ......................................................................................................................................32 * USB Interface USB Disabled ..........................................................................................................................40 - USB Disabled ..........................................................................................................................................40 - Description ..............................................................................................................................................40 - USB Logical Architecture............................................................................................................................40 - Architecture ............................................................................................................................................41 - USB Ram Memory ....................................................................................................................................41 111 MTC-20285 240300 [112] MTC-20285 * * * * * * * * * * * * - USB RX FIFO ............................................................................................................................................42 - USB TX FIFO ............................................................................................................................................43 - USB CONFIG ..........................................................................................................................................44 - USB Error Indication..................................................................................................................................44 - ISDN <-> USB Data Flow Mechanism..........................................................................................................44 - USB Control/Status Registers......................................................................................................................45 - Start-up Sequence ....................................................................................................................................49 - USB Ram Accesses....................................................................................................................................49 - Device Configuration ................................................................................................................................49 Clock Generation ........................................................................................................................................50 The ARM7TDMI ..........................................................................................................................................53 - APB Bridge ..............................................................................................................................................53 - On-chip Memory ......................................................................................................................................53 External Memory Interface ............................................................................................................................54 - Memory Access Modes ............................................................................................................................54 - Wait Cycle(s) per Block ............................................................................................................................59 - Timing ....................................................................................................................................................59 - Memory Space Organisation ....................................................................................................................60 Interrupts ....................................................................................................................................................62 External Interrupt..........................................................................................................................................64 UART Interfaces ..........................................................................................................................................65 Parallel I/O Ports ........................................................................................................................................72 Timers ........................................................................................................................................................74 - Count Down Timers with Interrupt Generation ..............................................................................................74 Watchdog Timer..........................................................................................................................................77 Hardware Identification Code ......................................................................................................................79 CHIP_CFG Registers ....................................................................................................................................80 Register Table..............................................................................................................................................81 - APB Address ............................................................................................................................................81 4. POWER MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................93 5. DEBUG INTERFACE AND ATE TEST ............................................................................................................101 * * * * Debug Monitoring ....................................................................................................................................102 ATE Test ..................................................................................................................................................102 External Boundary Scan..............................................................................................................................103 Electrical Characteristics and Ratings ..........................................................................................................104 6. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS, OPERATING RANGES AND STORAGE CONDITIONS ................................105 * * * * Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................................................................................................105 Operating Ranges ....................................................................................................................................105 Operating Environment ..............................................................................................................................106 Storage and Transportation Conditions ........................................................................................................106 7. QUALITY..................................................................................................................................................107 * Product Acceptance Tests............................................................................................................................107 * Lot-by-lot Acceptance Tests ..........................................................................................................................107 112 MTC-20285 240300 [113] MTC-20285 * Delivery Lot Certification ............................................................................................................................107 * Quality System ..........................................................................................................................................107 8. RELIABILITY SPECIFICATION ......................................................................................................................108 * The Intrinsic Failure Rate ............................................................................................................................108 * External Stress Immunity..............................................................................................................................109 * The Useful Life ..........................................................................................................................................109 9. ABBREVIATIONS AND CONVENTIONS ....................................................................................................110 113 MTC-20285 240300 [114] MTC-20285 List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1: ISDN/IDSL Terminal Controller - Typical Application................................................................................1 2: MTC-20285 - IDSN/IDSL with USB Controller - Block Diagram ................................................................2 3: MTC-20285 pin-out names (Top View) ..................................................................................................5 4: Package Orientation (top view) ............................................................................................................6 5: Topside Marking ................................................................................................................................6 6: External Components ........................................................................................................................12 7: Upstream and Downstream Convention ..............................................................................................14 8: Timing of Register Updating ..............................................................................................................16 9: GCI Router Architecture ....................................................................................................................17 10: D/CI Activity Detection ....................................................................................................................22 11: GCI Clock Generation ....................................................................................................................24 12: Multiplexing for the U-GCI Clocks ....................................................................................................26 13: HDLC Frame Format ........................................................................................................................28 14: USB RX FIFO Block Organisation ......................................................................................................37 15: USB TX FIFO Block Organisation ......................................................................................................38 16: ISDN <->USB Data Flow Mechanism ................................................................................................39 17: ARM7TDMI and Interfaces ..............................................................................................................49 18: MTC-20285 - External Memory Connections for `Case a'.....................................................................51 19: MTC-20285 - External Memory Connections for `Case b'.....................................................................51 20: MTC-20285 - External Memory Connections for `Case c'. ....................................................................52 21: MTC-20285 - External Memory Connections for `Case d'.....................................................................52 22: Memory interface ............................................................................................................................54 23: Timings of the Memory Interface ......................................................................................................55 24: ARM Address Space Organisation ....................................................................................................56 25: Baud Rate Detection Block Diagram ..................................................................................................60 26: Watchdog State Machine ................................................................................................................71 114 MTC-20285 240300 [115] MTC-20285 List of Tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 1: Pin Assignment ..................................................................................................................................10 2: Pin Function and Description................................................................................................................12 3: GCI Related Components ....................................................................................................................13 4: XTAL Input Related Components ..........................................................................................................13 5: USB XTAL Input Related Components ....................................................................................................13 6: Power Supply Decoupling Related Components ....................................................................................13 7: Hardware Reset Related Components ..................................................................................................13 8: GCI Frame Formats ............................................................................................................................14 9: SCR Register Table ............................................................................................................................19 10: CPU Register Table ..........................................................................................................................20 11: RX Register Table ............................................................................................................................21 12: GCI Register Table ..........................................................................................................................23 13: GCI_PULL Register Table ..................................................................................................................23 14: CLK_GCI Register Table ....................................................................................................................27 15: Control Registers ..............................................................................................................................34 16: CKOUT Frequency ..........................................................................................................................46 17: ASB Clock Frequency ......................................................................................................................47 18: APB Clock Frequency ......................................................................................................................47 19: Clock Register Table ........................................................................................................................48 20: Memory Access Modes ....................................................................................................................50 21: Memory Register Table ....................................................................................................................57 22: Interrupt Register Table ....................................................................................................................58 23: Interrupt Mapping ............................................................................................................................58 24: External Interrupt Register Table ........................................................................................................59 25: Baud Rate Examples ........................................................................................................................60 26: Default Register Set ..........................................................................................................................66 27: Baud Rate Generator Divisor Register Set (selected when LCR[7] 1) ......................................................66 28: Enhanced Register Set (selected when LCR = 0xBF) ..............................................................................66 29: Port PA: Timer Extended Functions ......................................................................................................67 30: Port PB: UART1 Extended Functions (see section 3.11) ..........................................................................67 31: Port PC: UART2 Access ....................................................................................................................67 32: Port Register Table............................................................................................................................68 33: Count Down Timer Modes ................................................................................................................69 34: Clock Timer Restraints ......................................................................................................................70 35: Timer Register Table ........................................................................................................................70 36: Watchdog Count Down Frequency ....................................................................................................72 37: Watchdog Register Table ..................................................................................................................72 38: Chip Register Table ..........................................................................................................................73 39: CHIP_CFG Registers ........................................................................................................................73 40: Address Table..................................................................................................................................83 41: TTL DC Electrical Characteristics (1)....................................................................................................86 42: CMOS DC Electrical Characteristics (1) ..............................................................................................87 115 MTC-20285 240300 [116] MTC-20285 Alcatel Microelectronics acknowledges the trademarks of all companies referred to in this document. This document contains information on a new product. Alcatel Microelectronics reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by Alcatel Microelectronics in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Alcatel Microelectronics for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No licence is granted under any patents or patent rights of Alcatel Microelectronics. SALES OFFICES Westerring 15 9700 Oudenaarde Belgium MARKETING & DESIGN CENTRE & WESTERN EUROPE (SALES) Excelsiorlaan 44-46 1930 Zaventem Belgium Central Europe Arabellastrae 4 81925 Munich Germany Stuttgart Office Schwieberdingertrae 9 70435 Stuttgart Germany W. 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