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Unless otherwise specified, tests shall be performed on specimens which have been fully recovered by
conditioning in accordance with 4.3.1 Prior to all testing, the test specimen (and measurement gauges, when
applicable) shall be conditioned for 3 hours at 23 ± 3°C (73 ± 5°F) and 50 ± 5 percent relative humidity. All
ovens shall be of the mechanical convection type in which air passes the specimens at a velocity of 30 - 60 m
(100 to 200 feet) per minute.
4.3.1 Dimensions and Longitudinal Change
Three 150-mm (6-inch) specimens of tubing, as supplied, shall be measured for length, to an accuracy of ± 1
mm (±1/32 inch), and inside diameter in accordance with ASTM D 2671. The specimens then shall be
conditioned for 3 minutes in a 200 ± 3°C (392 ± 5°F) oven, removed from the oven, cooled to 23 ± 3°C (73 ±
5°F), re-measured for length, inside diameter, and wall thickness in accordance with ASTM D 2671. The
longitudinal change shall be calculated as follows:
C = L1 - L0
L0 x 100
Where: C = Longitudinal Change (percent)
0 = Length Before Conditioning [mm (inches)]
1 = Length After Conditioning [mm (inches)]
4.3.2 Tensile Strength and Ultimate Elongation
The tensile strength and ultimate elongation of the tubing shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D
2671 using 25-mm (1-inch) benchmarks and a 25-mm (1-inch) initial jaw separation. The speed of jaw
separation shall be 500 ± 50 mm (20 ± 2 inches) per minute.
4.3.3 Secant Modulus
The secant modulus of the tubing shall be tested using tubing as supplied in accordance with ASTM D 2671.
4.3.4 Copper Stability
Three 150-mm (6-inch) specimens of tubing shall be slipped over a snug filling, straight, clean, bare copper
conductor. For tubing sizes 1/4 and smaller a solid conductor shall be used; for tubing sizes 3/8 and larger a
solid or tubular conductor shall be used. The specimens on the conductors shall be conditioned for 24 hours
in a desiccator or similar humidity chamber at 90 to 95 percent relative humidity and 23 ± 3°C (73 ± 5°F).
Three specimens shall be conditioned for 7 days in 158.0 ± 1.0°C (316.4± 1.8°F) oven. After conditioning,
the specimens shall be removed from the oven and cooled to 23 ± 3°C (73 ± 5°F). The copper conductor
than shall be removed from the tubing, and the tubing and conductor shall then be examined. Darkening of
the copper due to normal air oxidation shall not be cause for rejection. The tubing then shall be conditioned
at room temperature for 16 to 96 hours and tested for ultimate elongation in accordance with 4.3.2.