Type Here to Search F ARK M enu ... Intel(R)Server Chassis P4304XXMUXX Specif icat io ns I ~sse nt 1als Launch Dat e Q4'1 4 St atus Launched El(pe.c t.e.d ..()isco.n.t.i.n.u.a.n .c.e. Q4'19 Chassis Form Factor * * Chassis Dimensions 17.24" x 24.9" x 6.81" Dat asheet Link Limit ed 3-y ear Vlfarranty Extended Vl/arranty Available for Purchase (Sel ect Countries) 4U Rack or Pedest al Addit ional Informat ion > Support Over viev1 > Search Dist ributors > Descript ion 4U pedest al chassis designed specifically for t he Int el ' Ser ver Board S2600C\Jl/ 'Nit h dei aul t oi four 3.5" fixed drives support, and opt ional 3.5" or 2.5" Hot S>Nap drives support. PO'Ner supply opt ions sol d separat el y and include redundant 7501/1/ and 1 6001/1/. Target Market Embedded Redundant PO'Ner Supported * Backplanes Sol d Separat el y Included It ems (1 ) st andard control panel (FXXFPANEL); (5) Redundant and hot -S'Nap 80mm sy st em i ans (FUPMLHSFAN); (4) fixed 3.5 inch drive sl eds (FUP4X35NHDK); (4) fixed po'Ner connectors; (1 ) 4-port i an-out SATA cable; (1 ) po'Ner supply cage (FUPCRPSCAGE); (1 ) PO'Ner supply cage (FUPCRPSCAGE); (1 ) po'Ner dist ribution board (FUPPDBHC2); (1 ) processor/memor y airduct (A4UC\Jl/OUCT ); (1 ) hot -S'Nap bezel 'Nit h l ock (FUPBEZELHS0 2); (1 ) MiniSAS HD t o 4 ports SATA 7 pins cable (AXXCBL450HD7S) '1 of Front Drives Supported 4 Front Drive Form Factor Fixed 2.5" or 3.5" Addit ional Informat ion URL Link Recommended Cust omer Price N/ A Redundant Fans PCN/MODS Information 937011 : PCN I MODS Supported, requires addit ional po'Ner supply 0 oac kage Spec 1f 1cat 1o ns Max CPU Coniigurat ion 2 All in form ation pro vided t: : ub;e::tto c hang:eata ny time, \Vithout notice. Intel m ay m akechang:e: to m anufact uring life cycl e, : pecrfication: ,and product d escription: at a ny time, \Vithout notice. The information herein t: pro vided ~a: - i: ~ and Intel doe: not m ake any representation: -or \\*arran t1e: \\*hat: oev er re_~.ar-d injac-curacy -of the information, nor -on the product f