SIPB 72155
Never stop thinking.
SIPB 72155
Reference Board Package V1.1
This Reference Board Package is dedi-
cated to the Single Chip ISDN USB Con-
troller (SIUC-X) PSB 2154. The com-
plete functionality of a USB/ISDN adapt-
er is integrated in the SIUC-X chip.
The software included in the package
consists of an ISDN demo application
(RVS COM lite), a CAPI 2.0 and all nec-
essary USB drivers, as well as the down-
loadable firmware for SIUC-X.
The SIUC-X Reference Board can work
in single chip mode as USB/ISDN adapt-
er or with memory extension e.g. ’Intelli-
gent WakeUp’ or applications that need
more than 16kByte RAM. It can be used
in USB bus-powered mode and in self-
powered mode.
PC-based graphical user interface is
used to execute the first steps with the
SIUC-internal ISDN unit.
The SIUC-X Reference Board Package includes a
ready to use USB/ISDN adapter. The SIUC-X firmware
source code, communications system demo software,
and all necessary drivers enable quick software devel-
Because of the complete ISDN software stack, the user
is able to perform various functions such as send faxes,
do euro-file transfer or surf the Internet.
The SIUC-X Reference Board is also prepared for
extended software stacks, e.g. ’Intelligent WakeUp’
Hardware Features
Stand alone Reference Board with
USB interface and S0-bus inter-
Layout is already prepared for 64
kByte SRAM on-board for shared
memory extension.
Serial EEPROM can store cus-
tomer specific information, such as
USB configuration, VendorID, Pro-
ductID, etc. (not mounted)
Bootstrap loader firmware on
SIUC-X chip (ROM) conforms to
the USB Device Class Specification
for Device Firmware Upgrade V1.0.
USB bus-powered mode and self-
powered mode are supported.
Detach detect circuitry is included.
Inrush current limiting is supported.
LEDs are provided to indicate S0-
bus activation and for general pur-
Software Features
RVS-COM lite demonstration appli-
cation provided.
CAPI 2.0 compliant communication
system software provided for CDC
(Communication Device Class)
based USB devices running on
Downloadable firmware using USB
device driver for SIUC bootloader
included (incl. source code).
USB-ISDN demonstation tool.
Easy ISDN register access enabled
by WinEASY PC software. Log-
files, single step files and graphical
user interface are provided.
Published by Infineon Technologies AG
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Published by
Infineon Technologies AG,
Bereich Kommunikation,
St.-Martin-Strasse 53,
D-81541 München
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intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support
and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they
fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or
other persons may be endangered.
Hardware Description
The SIUC-X Reference Board includes the SIUC-X PSB 2154,
complete S0-Interface circuitry for TE mode and an SRAM.
Due to the optional SRAM (not mounted, but layout is prepared
for) the reference board is well-pepared for applications with
extended software stack, eg. ’Intelligent WakeUp’. An external
serial EEPROM allows customer-specific USB configuration to
be stored, such as VendorID and ProductID (not mounted).
The USB interface circuitry consists of USB bus detach detec-
tion circuitry and an inrush current limiting circuitry to meet the
USB specification 1.1 requirements. The board can be bus-
powered or self-powered using the on-chip voltage regulator
together with an external Field Effect Transistor (FET). LEDs
indicate interrupts, activated state of S0-bus or user defined
The SIUC-X firmware is downloaded automatically by the on-
chip ROM bootloader to the chip-internal 16 kByte RAM and to
the external SRAM. The SIUC-X firmware is started automati-
cally with an USB enumeration process.
Software Description
The SIUC-X Reference Board Package includes three different
types of software. It includes a complete ISDN software stack
with an RVS-COM lite demo application, the CAPI 2.0 (Com-
mon Application Protocol Interface) and all drivers necessary
for USB bus requirements. Because of the complete ISDN soft-
ware stack, the user is able to perform various functions such
as send faxes, do euro-file transfer or surf the Internet.
SIUC-X firmware and USB drivers are provided as source
Additionally, HEX2IMG file conversion software is provided to
convert customer-specific software into an image file format
that can be handled by the USB bootloader located in the on-
chip ROM. This software tool also allows a complete USB con-
figuration to be saved/loaded to/from a file and to be download-
ed to the SIUC RAM or to the serial EEPROM.
The WinEASYPC-based software which is included in the
SIUC-X Reference Board Package facilitates the first steps of
the ISDN part of the SIUC-X. WinEASY allows easy and fully
transparent register access to the ISDN unit without writing and
downloading test programs. Fully transparent controller data
access (CDA) for looping, shifting, switching or monitoring the
data on the IOM-2 bus is possible with a graphical user inter-
USB cable
RVS COM lite, CAPI 2.0 and USB drivers
Documentation folder and CD
Purchase Information
SIPB 72155: Q67230-H1137
USB - Core
S - TransceiverIOM - Interface
64 kB
S - Interface
S - Interface and
Protection circuitry
*) PCB is already
prepared for, but
the components are
not mounted.
(Intelligent WakeUp
Reference Board V1.2
Ordering No. B000-H0000-X-X-7600
Printed in Germany
PS 02003. NB