Zero/Offset Adjust Procedure
1. Apply a train of pulses to the START CONVERT input
(pin 16) so that the converter is continuously converting.
2. For bipolar zero/offset adjust, apply –19µV to the ANALOG
INPUT (pin 4).
3. Adjust the offset potentiometer until the output code fl ickers
equally between 01 1111 1111 1111 1111 and 10 0000
0000 0000 0000.
Gain Adjust Procedure
1. Apply –4.999943V to the ANALOG INPUT (pin 4).
2. Adjust the gain potentiometer until all output bits are 1's
and the LSB fl ickers between 1 and 0.
3. To confi rm proper operation of the device, vary the applied
input voltage to obtain the output coding listed in Table 2.
+FS –1 LSB +4.999962 00 0000 0000 0000 0000
+3/4 FS +3.750000 00 0111 1111 1111 1111
+1/2 FS +2.500000 00 1111 1111 1111 1111
0 +0.000000 01 1111 1111 1111 1111
–1/2 FS –2.500000 10 1111 1111 1111 1111
–3/4 FS –3.750000 11 0111 1111 1111 1111
–FS +1 LSB –4.999962 11 1111 1111 1111 1110
–FS –5.000000 11 1111 1111 1111 1111
Table 2. Output Coding
Connect the converter per Table 1 for the appropriate input volt-
age range. Any offset/gain calibration procedures should not
be implemented until the device is fully warmed up. To avoid
interaction, adjust offset before gain. The ranges of adjustment
for the circuits in Figure 2 are guaranteed to compensate for
the ADS-953's initial accuracy errors and may not be able to
compensate for additional system errors.
A/D converters are calibrated by positioning their digital outputs
exactly on the transition point between two adjacent digital
output codes. This is accomplished by connecting LED's to
the digital outputs and performing adjustments until certain
LED's "fl icker" equally between on and off. Other approaches
employ digital comparators or microcontrollers to detect when
the outputs change from one code to the next.
For the ADS-953, offset adjusting is normally accomplished
when the analog input is 0 minus ½LSB (–19µV). See Table 2
for the proper bipolar output coding.
Gain adjusting is accomplished when the analog input is at
nominal full scale minus 1½LSB's (–4.999943V).
RANGE (–½ LSB) (–FS +1½ LSB)
±5V –19µV –4.999943
Table 1. Input Connections
All DATEL sampling A/D converters are fully characterized and
specifi ed over operating temperature (case) ranges of 0 to
+70°C and –40 to +110°C. All room-temperature (TA = +25°C)
production testing is performed without the use of heat sinks or
forced-air cooling. Thermal impedance fi gures for each device
are listed in their respective specifi cation tables.
These devices do not normally require heat sinks, however,
standard precautionary design and layout procedures should
be used to ensure devices do not overheat. The ground and
power planes beneath the package, as well as all pcb signal
runs to and from the device, should be as heavy as possible
to help conduct heat away from the package. Electrically-
insulating, thermally-conductive "pads" may be installed under-
neath the package. Devices should be soldered to boards
rather than "socketed", and of course, minimal air fl ow over the
surface can greatly help reduce the package temperature.