LUPA 4000: 4 MegaPixel
CMOS Image Sensor
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 198 Champion Court San Jose
CA 95134-1709 408-943-2600
Document Number: 38-05712 Rev. *C Revised July 16, 2009
2048 x 2048 active pixels
12 µm x 12 µm square pixels
Optical format: 24.6 mm x 24.6 mm
Monochrome or Color digital output
15 fps frame rate at full resolution
2 on-chip 10-bit ADCs
Random programmable windowing and sub-sampling modes
Full snapshot shutter
Binning (voltage averaging in X-direction)
Limited supplies: Nominal 2.5V (some supplies require 3.3V)
Serial to Parallel Interface (SPI)
0°C to 60°C operational temperature range
127-pin PGA package
Power dissipation: < 200 mW
Intelligent traffic system
High speed machine vision
This document describes the interfacing and driving of the LUP A
4000 image sensor. This 4 mega-pixel CMOS active pixel sensor
features synchronous shutter and a maximal frame rate of 15 fps
in full resolution. The readout speed can be boosted by
sub-sampling and windowed Region of Interest (ROI) readout.
High dynamic range scenes can be captured using the double
and multiple slope functionality.
The sensor is used with one or two ou tputs. Two on-chip 10-bit
ADCs are used to convert the analog data to a 10-bit digital word
stream. The sensor uses a 3-wire SPI. It is house d in a 127 -pin
ceramic PGA package.
This data sheet allows the user to develop a camera system
based on the described timing and interfacing .
The LUPA 4000 is available in color and monochrome without
the cover glass.
For engineering samples, contact
Figure 1. LUPA 4000 Photo
Part Number and Ordering Information
Ordering Part Number Monochrome/Color Package
CYIL1SM4000AA-GDC Monochrome with glass
127-Pin PGA
CYIL1SM4000AA-GWCES Monochrome windowless (Contact your local
Cypress office)
CYIL1SC4000AA-GDC Color with glass
CYIL1SM4000AA-GDCN Nitrogen filled, monochrome with glass
CYIL1SM4000-EVAL LUPA 4000 demonstration kit Demo Kit
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Document Number: 38-0571 2 Rev. *C Page 2 of 31
General Specifications
Electro-Optical Specifications
Table 1. General Specifications
Parameter Specification
Active Pixels 2048 (H) x 2048 (V)
Pixel Size 12 μm x 12 μm
Pixel Type 6 Transistor Pixel
Pixel Rate 66 MHz using a 33 Mhz system clock and one or two parallel outputs
Shutter Type Full Snapshot Shutter (integration during readout is possible)
Frame Rate 15 fps at 4.0 Mp ixel (can be boosted by sub sampling and windowing)
Master Clock 33 MHz
Windowing (ROI) Randomly programmable ROI read out
Read Out Windowed, flipped, mirror ed, and sub-sampled read out possible; voltage
averaging in the x-direction
ADC Resolution 2 on-chip, 10 bit
Sensitivity 11.61 V/lux.s in the visible band only (180 lux=1 W/m
Extended Dynamic Range 66 dB (2000:1) in single slope operation and up to 90 dB in multiple slope operation
Table 2. Electro-Optical Specifications
Parameter Value
Conversion Gain 13.5 uV/e
Full Well Charge 27000e
Sensitivity 2090 V.m
/W.s Average white light
Fill Factor 37.5%
Parasitic Light Sensitivity <1/5000
Dark Noise 21e
QE x FF 37% at 680 nm
FPN <1.25% rms of output signal amplitude of 1V
PRNU <2.5% rms at 25% and 75% of output signal
Dark Signal <140 mV/s at 21°C
Noise Electrons < 40e
S/N Ratio 2000:1 at 66 dB (single slope operation)
MTF 64%
Power Dissipation <200 mW (typical without ADCs)
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Figure 2. Spectral Response Curve for Mono
Figure 3. Spectral Response Curve for Color
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the spectral response characteristi c. The curve is measured directly on the pixels. It includes effects of
non sensitive areas in the pixel such as interconnection lines. The sensor is light sensitive between 400 nm and 1000 nm. The peak
QE * FF is 37.5% approximately between 500 nm and 700 nm. In view of a fill-factor of 60%, the QE is thus larger than 60% between
500 nm and 700 nm.
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Wavelength [nm]
Spectral respo nse [A/W]
QE 10%
QE 20%
QE 25%
QE 30%
QE 40%
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Figure 4. Photo-Voltaic Response Curve
Figure 4 shows the pixel response curve in linear response mod e. This curve is the relation between the electrons detected in the
pixel and the output signal. The resulting voltage-electron curve is independent of any parameters. The voltage to electrons conversion
gain is 13.5 µV/e
Note that the upper part of the curve (near satu ration) is actually a logarithmic response.
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000
Output swing [V]
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Electrical Specifications
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Exceeding the maxi mum ratings may impair the useful life of th e device.
Recommended Operating Conditions
The following specifications apply for V
= +2.5V. Boldface limits apply for T
to T
, all other limits T
Table 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Description Min Max Units
Vdd Core digital supply voltage -0.5 2.9 V
Voo Output stage power supply -0.5 2.9 V
Vaa Analog supply voltage -0.5 2.9 V
Va3 Column read out module -0.5 4.0 V
Vpix Pixel supply voltage -0.5 2.9 V
Vmem_l Power supply memory element (low level) -0.5 2.9 V
Vmem_h Power supply memory element (high level) -0.5 4.0 V
Vres Power supply to the reset drivers -0.5 4.0 V
Vres_ds Power supply to the multiple slope reset drivers -0.5 2.9 V
Vddd Digital supply ADC circuitry -0.5 2.9 V
Vdda Analog supply ADC circuitry -0.5 2.9 V
DC supply current drain per pin, any single input or output -50 50 mA
Lead temperature (5 sec soldering) 350 °C
Ambient temperature range 0 60 °C
ESD: Human Body Model and Charged Device Model See Note [2]
Table 4. Recommended Opera ting Conditions
Symbol Power Supply Min Supply
Supply Volt ag e
for Optimal
Max Supply
Vdd Core digital supply voltage -10% 2.5 +10%
Voo Output stage power supply -10% 2.5 +10%
Vaa Analog supply voltage -10% 2.5 +10%
Va3 Column readout module -1% 3.3 +1%
Vpix Pixel supply voltage -5% 2.6 +5%
Vmem_l Power supply memory element (low level) -5% 2.6 +5%
Vmem_h Power supply memory element (high level) -5% 3.3 +5%
Vres Power supply to the reset drivers -5% 3.5 +5%
Vres_ds Power supply to the multiple slope reset drivers -5% 2.5 +5%
Vddd Digital supply ADC circuitry -10% 2.5 +10%
Vdda Analog supply ADC circuitry -5% 2.5 +5%
Vpre_l Power supply for precharge off-state - 0.4V 0 0V
1. Absolute ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.
2. The LUPA 4000 complies with JESD22-A114 HBM Class 0 and JESD22-C101 Class I. It is recommended that extreme care be taken while handling these
devices to avoid damages due to ESD event.
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Sensor Architecture
A schematic dr awing of the architec ture is given in Figure 5. The
image core consists of a pixel array, one X-ad dressing and two
Y-addressing registers (only one drawn), pixel array d r ivers and
column amplifiers. The image sensor of 2048 x 2048 pixels is
read out in progressive scan. One or two output amplifiers read
out the image sensor. The output amplifiers are working at 66
MHz pixel rate nominal speed or each at 33 MHz pixel rate in
case the two output amplifiers are used to read out the ima ger.
The complete imag e sensor is designed for operation up to 66
The structure al lows having a programmable addressing in the
x-direction in steps of two and in the y-direction in steps of two
(only even start addresses in X-direction and Y-direction are
possible). The starting point of the address is uploadable by
means of the SPI
Figure 5. Block Diagram of Image Sensor
The 6T Pixel
To obtain the glo bal shutter feature combined with a high sensitiv ity and good Parasitic Light Sens itivity (PLS), the pixel architecture
given in Figure 6 is implemented.
Figure 6. 6T Pixel Architecture
This pixel architecture is designed in a 12 μm x 12 μm pixel pitch. The pixel is designed to meet the specifications described in Table 1
and Table 2.
Column ampliers
On chip drivers
shift register
select drivers
2 differential
Reset, mem_hl,
precharge, sample
pixel array
2048 * 2048
Logic blocks DAC
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Frame Rate and Windowing
Frame Rate
To acquire a frame rate of 15 frames/sec, the output amplifier
should run at 66 MHz pixel rate or two outpu t amplifiers should
run at 33 MHz each, assuming a Row Overhead Time (RO T) of
200 ns.
The frame period of the LUPA 4000 sensor is calculated as
Frame period = FOT + (Nr. Lines * (ROT + pixel period * Nr.
Pixels) with: FOT: Frame Overhead Time = 5 μs.
Nr. Lines: Number of Lines read out each frame (Y).
Nr. Pixels: Number of pixels re ad out each line (X).
ROT: ROT = 200 ns (nominal; can be further reduced).
Pixel period: 1/66 MHz = 15.15 ns.
Example read out of the full resolution at nominal speed (66 MHz
pixel rate):
Frame period = 5 µs + (2048 x (200 ns + 15.15 ns x 2048)
= 64 ms 15 fps.
ROI Readout (Windowing)
Windowing is achieved by a SPI in which the starting point of the
x-address and y-address is uploaded. This downloaded starting
point initiates the shift register in the x-directi on and y-direction
triggered by the Sync_x and Sync_y pulse. The minimum step
size for the x-address and the y-address is 2 (only even start
addresses can be chosen). The size of both address registers is
10-bits. For instance, when the addresses 0000000001 and
0000000001 are uploaded, the readout starts at line 2 and
column 2.
Output Amplifier
The sensor has two output amplifi ers. A single amplifier can be
operated at 66 Mpixels/sec to bring the whole pixel array of 2048
by 2048 pixels at the required frame rate to the outside world.
The second output amplifier can be enabled in parallel if the
clock frequency is decreased to 33 Msamples/sec. Using only
one output-stage, the output signal is the result of multiplexing
between the two internal buses. When using two output-stages,
both outputs are in phase.
Each output-stage has two outputs. One output is the pixel
signal; the second output is a DC signal which offset can be
programmed using a 7-bit word. The DC signal is used for
common mode rejection between the two signals. The
disadvantage is an increase in power dissipation. However, this
can be reduced by setting the highest DAC voltage by means of
the SPI
Figure 7. Output Sta ge Arc hitectu re.
The output voltage of Out1 is between 1.3V (dark level) and 0.3V
(white level) and depends on process variations and voltage supply settings. The output voltage of Out2 is determined by the
Table 5. Frame Rate as Function of ROI Read Out and Sub Sampling
Image Resolution (X*Y) Frame Rate [frames f/S] Frame Readout Time [mS] Comment
2048 x 2048 15 67 Full resolution.
1024 x 2048 31 32 Subsample in X-direction.
1024 x 1024 62 16 ROI read out.
640 x 480 210 4.7 ROI read out.
Out1: Pixel signal
Out2: dc signal
Image sensor
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Pixel Array Drivers
We have foreseen on this image sensor on-chip drivers for the
pixel array signals. Not only the drivin g on system level is easy
and flexible, also the maximum currents applied to the sensor are
controlled on chip. This means that the charging on sensor level
is fixed and that the sensor cannot be overdriven from externally .
The operation of the on-chip drivers is explained in detail in
Timi ng and Readout of Image Sensor on page 13.
Column Amplifiers
The column amplifiers are designed for minimum power
dissipation and minimum loss of signal; for this re ason, mul tiple
biasing signals are required.
The column amplifiers also have the "voltage-averaging" feature
integrated. In case of voltage averaging mode, the voltage
average between two columns is taken and read out. In this
mode only 2:1 pixels must be read out.
To achieve the voltage-averaging mode, an additional external
digital signal called "voltage-averaging" is required in
combination with a bit from the SPI.
Analog to Digital Converter
The LUP A 4000 has two 10-bit Flash analog to digital converters
running nominally at 10 Msamples/s. The ADC block is
electrically separated from the image sensor. The inputs of the
ADC must be tied externally to the outputs of the output
amplifiers. If the internal ADC is not used, then the power supply
pins to the ADC and the I/Os must be grounded.
Even in this configuration, the internal ADCs are not able to
sustain the 66 Mpixel/sec provided by the output amplifier when
run at full speed.
One ADC samples the even columns and the other samples the
odd columns. Although the input range of the ADC is between
1V and 2V and the output range of the analog signal is only
between 0.3V and 1.3V, the analog output and digital input may
be tied to each other dire ctly. This is possible because there is
an on-chip level-shifter located in front of the ADC to lift up the
analog signal to the ADC range.
ADC Timing
The ADC converts the pixel data on the falling edge of the
ADC_CLOCK but it takes 2 clock cycles before this pixel data is
at the output of the ADC. This pipeline delay is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. ADC Timing
Table 6. ADC Specifications
Parameter Specification
Input range 1V - 2V
Quantization 10 Bits
Nominal data rate 10 Msamples/s
DNL (linear conversion mode) Typ < 0.4 LSB RMS
INL (linear conversion mode) Typ < 3.5 LSB
Input capacitance < 2 pF
Power dissipation at 33 MHz 50 mW
Conversion law Linear/Gamma-corrected
200 ns
100 ns
3. The internal ADC range is typ. 50 mV lower then the externa l applied ADC_VHIGH and ADC_VLOW voltages due to voltage drops over parasitic internal resistors
in the ADC.
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Setting the ADC Reference Voltages
Figure 9. Internal and External ADC Connections
The internal resistor R
has a value of approximately 300Ω. This value of this resistor is not tested at sort or at final test. T weaking
may be required as the recommended resistors in Figure 9 are determined by trade-off between speed and power consumption.
Synchronous Shutter
In a synchronous (snapshot) shutter, light integration takes place on all pixels in parallel although subsequent readout is seq uential.
Figure 10. Synchronous Shutter Op eration
Figure 10 shows the integration and read o ut sequence for the
synchronous shutter. All pixels are light sensitive at the same
period of time. The whole pixel core is reset simultaneously and
after the integration time all pixel values are sampled together on
the storage node inside each pixel. The pixel core is read out line
by line after integration. Note that the integration and read out
cycle can occur in parallel or in sequential mode (see Timing and
Readout of Image Sensor on page 13).
Resistor Typical Value (Ω)
Time axis
Line number
Integration time Burst Readout time
Flash could occur here
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Non Destructive Readout (NDR)
The sensor can also be read out in a no n destructive way. After
a pixel is initially reset, it can be read multiple times, without
resetting. The initial reset leve l and all intermediate signals can
be recorded. High light levels satura tes the pixels quickly, but a
useful signal is obtained from the early samples. For low light
levels, use the latest samples.
Figure 11. Principle of NDR
Essentially an active pixel array is read multiple times and reset
only once. The external system intelligence takes care of the
interpretation of the data. Table 7 summarizes the advantages
and disadvantages of non-destructive readout.
Operation and Signalling
The different signals are classified into the following groups:
Power supplies and grounds
Biasing and analog signals
Pixel array signals
Digital signals
Test signals
Power Supplies and Ground
Every module on chip including column amplifiers, output stages,
digital modules, and drivers has its own power supply and
ground. Off chip, the grounds can be combined, but not all power
supplies may be combined. This results in several different
power supplies, but this is required to reduce electrical cross-talk
and to improve shielding, dynamic range , and output swing.
On chip, the ground lines of every module are kept separately to
improve shielding and el ectrical cross talk between them.
An overview of the supplies is given in Table 8 and Table 9.
Table 9 summarizes the supplies related to the pixel array
signals and Table 8 summarizes the supplies related to all other
Table 7. Advantages and Disadvantages of NDR
Advantages Disadvantages
Low noise, because it is true
CDS. System memory required to
record the reset level and the
intermediate samples.
High sensitivity, because the
conversion capacitance is kept
rather low.
Requires multiples readings
of each pixel, thus higher data
High dynamic range, beca use
the results includes signal for
short and long integrations
Requires system level digital
Table 8. Power Supp lies
Name DC Current Max Current Typ Description
Vaa 7 mA 50 mA 2.5V Power supply column readout module.
Va3 10 mA 50 mA 3.3V Power supply column readout module.
Should be tuneable to 3.3V max.
Vdd 1 mA 200 mA 2.5V Power supply digital modules
Voo 20 mA 20 mA 2.5V Power supply output stages
Vdda 1 mA 200 mA 2.5V Analog supply of ADC circuitry
Vddd 1 mA 200 mA 2.5V Digital supply of ADC circuitry
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The maximum currents mentioned in Table 8 and Table 9 are
peak currents which occur once per frame (except for Vres_ds
in multiple slope mode). All power supplies should be able to
deliver these currents except for Vmem_l and Vpre_l, which
must be able to sink this current.
The maximum peak current for Vpix should not be higher than
500 mA. It is important to notice that no power supply filtering on
chip is implemented and that noise on these power supplies can
contribute immediately to the noise on the signal. The voltage
supplies Vpix and Vaa must be noise free.
Startup Sequence
The LUPA 4000 goes in latch up (draw high current) as soon as
all power supplies are turned on at the same time. The senso r
comes out of latch up and starts w orking normally as soon as it
is clocked. A power supply with a 400 mA limit is recommended
to avoid damage to the senso r. It is recommended to avoid the
time that the device is in the latch up state, so clocking of the
sensor should start as soon as the system is turned on.
To completely avoid latch up of the image sensor, the following
sequence should be taken into account:
1. Apply Vdd
2. Apply clocks and digital pulses to the sensor to count 1024
clock_x and 2048 clock_y pulses to empty the shift registers
3. Apply other supplies
Biasing and Analog Signals
The analog output levels that may be expected are between 0.3V
for a white, saturated, pixel and 1.3V for a black pixel.
Two output stages are foreseen, each consisting of two output
amplifiers, resulting in four outputs. One output amplifier is used
for the analog signal resulting from the pixels. The second
amplifier is used for a DC reference signal. The DC level from
the buffer is defined by a DAC, which is controlled by a 7-bit word
downloaded in the SPI. Additionally, an extra bit in the SPI
defines if one or two output stages are used.
Table 10 summarizes the biasing signals required to drive this
image sensor . To optimize biasing of column amplifiers to power
dissipation, several biasing resistors are required. This
optimisation results in an increase of si gnal swing and dyna mic
Table 9. Power Supplies Related to Pixel Signals
Name DC Current Max Current Typ Description
Vres 1 mA 200 mA 3.5V Power supply reset drivers.
Vres_ds 1 mA 200 mA 2.5V Power supply dual slope reset drivers.
Vmem_h 1 mA 200 mA 3.3V Power supply memory elements in pixel for high voltage
Vmem_l 1 mA 200 mA 2.6V Power supply memory elements in pixel for low voltage
level. Should be tuneable
Vdd 1 mA 200 mA 2.5V Core digital supply voltag e
Vpix 12 mA 500 mA 2.5V Power supply pixel array
Vpre_l 1 mA 200 mA 0V Power supply for Precharge in off-state. This pin may be
connected to ground.
Table 10. Overview of Bias Signals
Signal Comment Related Module DC Level
Out_load Connect with 60 KΩ to Voo and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd Output stage 0.7 V
dec_x_load Connect with 2 MΩ to Vdd and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd X-addressing 0.4 V
muxbus_load Connect with 25 KΩ to Vaa and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd Multiplex bus 0.8 V
nsf_load Connect with 5 KΩ to Vaa and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd Column amplifiers 1.2 V
uni_load_fast Connect with 10 KΩ to Vaa and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd Column amplifiers 1.2 V
uni_load Connect with 1 MΩ to Vaa and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd Column amplifiers 0.5 V
pre_load Connect with 3 KΩ to Vaa and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd Column amp lifiers 1.4 V
col_load Connect with 1 MΩ to Vaa and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd Column amplifiers 0.5 V
dec_y_load Connect with 2 MΩ to Vdd and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd Y-addressing 0.4 V
psf_load Connect with 1 MΩ to Vaa and capacitor of 100 nF to Gnd Column amplifiers 0.5 V
precharge_bias Connect with 1kΩ to Vdd and capacitor of at least 200 nF to Gnd Pixel drivers 1.4V
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Each biasing signal determines the operation of a corresponding
module in the sense that it controls speed and dissipation. Some
modules have two biasing resistors: one to achieve the high
speed and another to minimize power dissipation.
Pixel Array Signals
The pixel array of the image sensor requires digital control
signals and several different power supplies. This section
explains the relation between the control signals and the applied
supplies and the internal generated pixel ar ray signals.
Figure 12 illustrates that the internal generated pixel array
signals are Reset, Sample, Precharge, Vmem, and Row_select.
These are internal gen erated si gnals derived by on-chi p driver s
from external applied signals. Row_select is g enerated by the y
addressing and is not be discussed in this section.
The function of each of the signals is:
Reset: Resets the pixel and initiates the integration time. If reset
is high, the n the photodiode is forced to a certain voltage. This
depends on Vpix (pixel supply) and the high level of reset signal.
The higher these signals or supplies, the higher the
voltage-swing. The limitation on the high level of Reset and Vpix
is 3.3V. Nevertheless, there is no use increasing Vpix without
increasing the reset level. Th e opposite is true. Additionally, it is
this reset pulse that also controls the dual or multiple slope
feature inside the pixel. By giving a reset pulse during
integration, but not at full reset level, the photodiode is reset to a
new value, only if this valu e is sufficie nt decreased due to light
The low level of reset is 0V, but the h igh level is 2.5V or higher
(3.3V) for the normal reset and a lower (<2.5V) level for the
multiple slope reset.
Precharge: Precharge serves as a load for the first source
follower in the pixel and is activated to overwrite the current
information on the storage node by the new information on the
photodiode. Precharge is controlled by an external digital signal
between 0 and 2.5V.
Sample: Samples the photodiode information onto the memory
element. This signal is also a standard digital level between 0
and 2.5V.
Vmem: This signal increases the information on the memory
element with a certain offset. This incre ases the output voltage
variation. Vmem changes between Vmem_l (2.5V) and Vmem_h
Figure 12. Internal Timing of Pixel
(Levels are defined by the pixel array voltage supplies; for correct polarities of the signals refer to Table 11)
The signals in Figure 12 are generated from the on-chip drivers.
These on-chip drivers need two types of signals to generate the
exact type of signal. It needs digital control signals between 0
and 3.3V (internally converted to 2.5V) with normal driving
capability and power supplies. The control signals are required
to indicate the moment they need to occur and the power
supplies indicate the level.
Vmem is made of a control signal Mem_hl and 2 supplies
Vmem_h and Vmem_l. If the signal Mem_hl is the logic ‘0’ than
the internal signal Vmem is low , if Mem_hl is logic ‘1’ the internal
signal Vmem is high.
Reset is made by means of two control signals: Reset and
Reset_ds and two supplies: Vres and Vres_ds. Depending on
the signal that becomes active, the corresponding supply level is
applied to the pixel.
Table 11 summarizes the relation between the internal and
external pixel array signals.
Table 11. Overview of Internal and External Pixe l Array Signals
Internal Signal Vlow Vhigh Externa l Co ntro l Signal Low DC Level High DC Level
Precharge 0 0.45V Precharge (AL) Vpre_l Controlled by bias-resistor
Sample 0 2.5 V Sample (AL) Gnd Vdd
Reset 0 2.5 to 3.3V Reset (AH) and Reset_ds
(AH) Gnd Vres an d Vres_ds
Vmem 2.0 to 2.5V 2.5 to 3.3V Mem_hl (AL) Vmem_l Vmem_h
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In case the dual slope operation is desired, you nee d to give a
second reset pulse to a lower reset level during integration. This
is done by the control signal Reset_ds and by the power supply
V res_ds that defines the level to which the pixel has to be reset.
Note that Reset is dominant over Reset_ds, which means that
the high voltage level is applied for reset, if both pulses occur at
the same time.
Note that multiple slopes are possible having multiple Reset_ds
pulses with a lower V res_ds level for each pulse given within the
same integration time
The rise and fall times of the internal generate d signals are not
very fast (200 ns). In fact they are made rather slow to limit the
maximum current through the power supply lines (Vmem_h,
Vmem_l, Vres, Vres_ds, Vdd). Current limitation of those power
supplies is not required. Nevertheless, it is advisable to limit the
currents not higher than 400 mA.
The power supply Vmem_l must be able to sink this current
because it must be able to discharge the internal capacitance
from the level Vmem_h to the level Vmem_l. The external control
signals should be capable of driving input capacitance of about
10 pF.
Digital Signals
The digital signals control the readout of the image sensor.
These signals are:
Sync_y (AH
): Starts the readout of the frame. This pulse
synchronises the y-address register: active high. This signal is
at the same time the end of the frame or window and determines
the window width.
Clock_y (AH
): Clock of the y-register. On the rising edge of
this clock, the next line is selected.
Sync_x (AH
): Starts the readout of the selected line at the
address defined by the x-address register. This pulse
synchronises the x-address register: active high. This signal is
at the same time the end of the line and determines the window
Clock_x (AH
): Determines the pixel rate. A clock of 33 MHz
is required to achieve a pixel rate of 66MHz.
Spi_data (AH
): the data for the SPI.
Spi_clock (AH
): clock of the SPI. This clock downloads the
data into the SPI register.
Spi_load (AH
): when the SPI register is uploaded, then the
data is internally available on the rising edge of SPI_load.
Sh_kol (AL
): control signal of the column readout. Is used in
sample and hold mode and in bi nning mode.
Norowsel (AH
): Control signal of the column readout. (see
Timing and Readout of Image Sensor).
Pre_col (AL
): Control signal of the column readout to reduce
row blanking time.
Voltage averaging (AH
): Signal required obtaining voltage
averaging of 2 pixels.
Test Signals
The test structures implemented in this image sensor are:
Array of pixels (6*12) which outputs are tied together: used for
spectral response measurement.
Temperature diode (2): Apply a forward current of 10 μA to 100
μA and measure the voltage V
of the diode. V
varies linear
with the temperature (V
decreases with approximately 1.6
End of scan pulses (do not use to trigger other signals):
Eos_x: end of scan signal: is an output signal, indicating when
the end of the line is reached . Is not generated when doing
Eos_y: end of scan signal: is an output signal, indicating when
the end of the frame is reached. Is not generated when doing
Eos_spi: output signal of the SPI to check if the data is
transferred correctly through the SPI.
Timing and Readout of Image Sensor
The timing of the LUPA 4000 sensor consists of two parts. The
first part is related to the control of the pixels, the integration time,
and the signal level. The second part is related to the readout of
the image sensor. As full synchronous shutter is possible with
this image sensor , integration time and readout can be in parallel
or sequential.
In the parallel mode the integration time of the frame I is ongoing
during readout of frame I-1. Figure 13 shows this parallel timing
Figure 13. Integration and Readout in Parallel
4. AH: Active High
5. AL: Active Low
ntegration I + 2
ead frame I + 1
ntegration I + 1
ead frame I
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The control of the frame’s readout and integration time are
independent of each other with the only exception that the end
of the integration time from frame I+1 is the beginning of the
readout of frame I+1.
The LUPA 4000 sensor is also used in sequential mode
(triggered snapshot mode) where readout and integration is
sequential. Figure 14 shows this sequential timing.
Figure 14. Integration and Readout in Sequence
Timing of Pixel Array
The first part of the timing is related to the timing of the pixel
array. This implies control of integration time, synchronous
shutter operation, and sampling of the pixel information onto the
memory element inside each pixel. The signals requ ired for this
control are described in Pixel Array Signals and in Figure 12.
Figure 15 shows the external applied signals required to control
the pixel array. At the end of the integration time from frame I+1,
the signals Mem_hl, Precharge, and Sample must be given. The
reset signal controls the integration time, which is defined as the
time between the falling edge of reset and the rising edge of
Figure 15. Pixel Array Timing
(The integration time is determined by the falling edge of the reset puls e. The long er the pulse is high, the shorter the
integration time. At the end of the integration time, the information has to be stored onto the memory element for readout.)
Timi ng Specifications for each signal are shown in Table 12.
Falling edge of Precharge is equal or later than falling edge of
Sample is overlapping with precharge.
Rising edge of Vmem is more than 200 ns after rising edge of
Rising edge of reset is equal or later than rising edge of Vmem.
ntegration I + 1
ead frame I + 1
ntegration I
ead frame I
Table 12. Timing specifications
Symbol Name Value
a Mem_HL 5 - 8.2 μs
b Precharge 3 - 6 μs
c Sample 5 - 8 μs
d Prechar g e-Sample > 2 μs
e Integration time > 1 μs
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The timing of the pixel array is straightforward. Before the frame
is read, the information on th e photodiode must be stored onto
the memory element inside the pixels. This is done with the
signals Mem_hl, Precharge, and Sample. When Precharge is
activated, it serves as a load for the first source follower in the
pixel. Sample stores the photodiode information onto the
memory element. Mem_hl pumps up this value to reduce the loss
of signal in the pixel and this signal must be the envelop of
Precharge and Sample. After Mem_hl is high again, the readout
of the pixel array starts. The frame blanking time or frame
overhead time is thus the time that Mem_hl is low , which is about
5 μs. After the readout starts, the photodiodes can all be
initialised by reset for the next integration time. The minimal
integration time is the mi nimal time between the falling edge of
reset and the rising edge o f sample. Keeping the slow fall times
of the corresponding internal generated signals in mind, the
minimal integration time is about 2 μs.
An additional rese t pulse of minimum 2 μs can be given during
integration by asserting Reset_ds to implement the double slope
integration mode.
Readout of Image Sensor
As soon as the information of the pixels is stored in to the
memory element of each pixel, it can be readout sequentially.
Integration and readout can al so be done in parallel.
The readout timing is straightforward and is b asically controlled
by sync and clock pulses.
Figure 16 shows the top level concept of this timing. The readout
of a frame consists of the frame overhead time, the sele ction of
the lines sequentially, and the readout of the pixels of the
selected line.
Figure 16. Readout of Image Sensor
(F.O.T: Frame Overhead Time. R.O.T: Row Overhead Time. L: Selecti on of Line, C: Selection of Column)
The readout of an image consists of the FOT (Frame overh ead
time) and the sequential selection of all pixels. The FOT is the
overhead time between two frames to transfer the information on
the photodiode to the memory elements. Figure 15 shows that at
this time Mem_hl is low (typically 5 μs). After the FOT, the
information is stored into the memory elements and a sequential
selection of rows and columns makes sure the frame is read.
X and Y Addressing
To readout a frame the lines are selected sequentially. Figure 17
gives the timing to select the lines sequentially. This is done with
a Clock_y and Sync_y signal. The Sync_y signals synchronises
the y-addressing and initialises the y-address selection registers.
The start address is the address downloaded in the SPI
multiplied by two.
On the rising edge of Clock_y the next line is selected. The
Sync_y signal is dominant and from the moment it occurs the
y-address registers are initialised. If a Sync_y pulse is given
before the end of the frame is reac hed, only a part of the frame
is read. To obtain a correct initialisation, Sync_y must contain at
least one rising edge of Clock_y when it is active.
eadout pixels
eadout Lines
ntegration I + 2
ead frame I
C1 C2
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Figure 17. X and Y Addressing
As soon as a new line is selected, it must be read out by the
output amplifiers. Before the pixels of the selected line can be
multiplexed onto the output amplifiers, wait for a certain time,
indicated as the ROT or Row overhead time shown in Figure 17.
This is the time to get the data stable from the pixels to the output
bus before the output stages. This ROT is in fact lost ti me and
rather critical in a high speed sensor. Different timings to reduce
this ROT are explained later in this section.
During the selection of one line, 2048 pixels are selected. These
2048 pixels must be read out by one (or two) output ampl ifier.
Note that the pixel rate is the double frequency of the Clock_x
frequency. To obtain a pixel rate of 66 MHz, apply a pi xel clock
Clock_x of 33MHz. When only one analog output is used, two
pixels are output every Clock_x period. When Clock_x is high,
the first pixel is selected; w hen Clock_x is low, the next pixel is
selected. Consequently, during one complete period o f Clock_ x
two pixels are read out by the output amplifi er.
If two analog outputs are used each Clock-X period one pixel is
presented at each output.
Table 13. Readout Timing Specifications
Symbol Name Value
a Sync_Y >20 ns
b Sync_Y-Clock_Y >0 ns
c Clock_Y-Sync_Y >0 ns
d NoRowSel >50 ns
e Pre_col >50 ns
f Sh_col 200 ns
g Voltage averaging >20 ns
h Sync_X-Clock_X >0 ns
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Figure 18. X-Addressing
Clock_x, Sync_x, internal selection pixel 1 and 2, internal selection pixel 3 and 4, internal selection pixel 5 and 6
The first pixel sel ected is the x-add ress downloade d in th e SPI.
The starting address is the number downloaded into the SPI,
multiplied with 2.
Windowing is achieved by a starting address downloaded in the
SPI and the size of the window. In the x-direction, the size is
determined by the moment a new Clock_y is given. In the
y-direction, the sync_y pulse determines the size. The best way
to obtain a certain window is by using an intern al counter i n the
Figure 18 is the simulation result after extraction of the layout
module from a different sensor to show the principle. In this figure
the pixel clock has a frequency of 50 MHz, which results in a pixel
rate of 100 Msamples/sec.
Figure 19 shows the relation between the applied Clock_x and
the output signal.
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Figure 19. Output Signal Relate d to Clock_x Signal
From bottom to top: Clock_x, Sync_x and output. Output level before the first pixel is the level of the last pixel on previous line
As soon as Sync_x is high and one rising edge of Clock_x
occurs, the pixels are brought to the analog outputs. This is again
the simulation result of a comparable sensor to show the
Note the time difference between the clock edge and the moment
the data is seen at the output. As this time difference is very
difficult to predict in advance, it is advisable to have the ADC
sampling clock flexible to set an optimal Add sampling point. The
time differences can easily vary between 5 ns and 15 ns and
must be tested on the real devices.
Reduced ROT Timing
The row overhead time is the time between the selection of lines
that you must wait to get the data stable at the column amplifiers.
It is a loss in time, which should be reduced as much as possible.
Output 1
ixel 1 Pixel2….: Pixel period : 20nsec
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Standard Timing (200 ns)
Figure 20. Standard Timing for the ROT
Only pre_col and Nor owsel control signals are requir ed
In this case, the control signals Norowsel and pre_col are made
active for about 20 ns from the moment the next line is selected.
The time these pulses must be active is related to the biasing
resistance Pre_load. The lower this resistance, the shorter the
pulse duration of Norowsel and pre_col may be. After these
pulses are given, wait for at least 180 ns before the first pixel is
sampled. For this mode Sh_col must be made active (low) all the
Backup Timing (ROT =100-200 ns)
A straightforward way of reducing the ROT is by using a sample
and hold functi on.
By means of Sh_col the analog data is tracked during the first
100 ns during th e selection of a new set of lines. After 100 ns,
the analog data is stored. The ROT is in this case reduced to 100
ns, but as the internal data is not stable yet, dynamic range is lost
because not the complete analog levels are reached yet after
100 ns.
Figure 21 shows this principle. Sh_col is now a pulse of 100
ns-200 ns starting at the same moment as pre_col and Norowsel.
The duration of Sh_col is equal to the ROT. The shorter this time
the shorter the ROT; however, this also lowers the dynamic
In case "voltage averaging" is required, the sensor must work in
this mode with Sh_col signal and a "voltage averaging" signal
must be generated after Sh_col drops and before the readout
starts (see Figure 17)
Figure 21. Reduced Standard ROT with Sh_col Signal
pre_col (short pulse), Norowsel (short pulse) and Sh_col (large pulse)
Precharging the Buses
This timing mode is exactly the same as the mode without
sample and hold, except that the prebus1 and prebus2 signals
are activated. Note that precharging of the buses can be
combined with all of the timing modes discussed earlier. The idea
is to have a short pulse of about 5 ns to precharge the output
buses to a well known level. This mode makes the ghosting of
bad columns impossible.
In this mode, Nsf_load must be made much larger (at least 1
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Figure 22. X and Y Addressing wi th Precharging of the Buses
Table 14. Readout Timing Specifications with Precharching of the Buses
Symbol Name Value
a Sync_Y >20 ns
b Sync_Y-Clo c k_Y >0 ns
c Clock_Y-Sync_Y >0 ns
d NoRowSel >50 ns
e P re_col >50 ns
f Sh_col 200 ns (or cst low, depending on timing mode)
g V oltage averaging >20 ns
h Sync_X-Clock_X >0 ns
i Prebus pulse As short as possible
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Serial-Parallel-Interface (SPI)
The SPI is required to upload the different modes. Table 15 shows the parameters and their bit position
When all zeros are loaded into the SPI, the sensor starts at pixel
0,0. The scanning is from left to right and from top to bottom.
There is no sub sampling or voltage averaging and only one
output is used. The DAC has the lowest level at its output.
When using sub sampling, only even X-addresses may be
Figure 23. SPI Block Diagram and Timing
Table 15. SPI parameters
Parameter Bit # Remarks
Y-direction 0 1: From bottom to top
Y-address 1-10 Bit 1 is LSB
X-voltage averaging enable 11 1: Enabled
X-subsampling 12 1: Subsampling
X-direction 13 0: From left to right
X-address 14-23 Bit 14 is LSB
Nr output amplifiers 24 0: 1 Output
DAC 25-31 Bit 25 is LSB
To sensor
32 outputs to sensor
Unity Ce ll
ntire uploadable block
B1 B2 B31
applied to
Bit 0Bit 31
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Pin List
Table 16 is a list of all the pins and their functionalities.
Table 16. Pin List
[6, 7, 8]
Pad Pin Pin Name Pin Type Description
1 E1 sync_x Input Digital input. Synchronises the X-address register.
2 F1 eos_x Testpin Indicates when the end of the line is reached.
3 D2 vdd Supply Power supply digital modules.
4 G2 clock_x Input Digital input. Determines the pixel rate.
5 G1 eos_spi Testpin Checks if the data is tra nsferred correctly through the SPI.
6 F2 spi_data Input Digital input. Data for the SPI.
7 H1 spi_load Input Digital input. Loads data into the SPI.
8 H2 spi_clock Input Digital input. Clock for the SPI.
9 J2 gndo Ground Ground output stages
10 J1 out2 Output Analog output 2.
11 K1 out2DC Output Reference output 2.
12 M2 voo Supply Power supply output stages
13 L1 out1DC Output Reference output 1.
14 M1 out1 Output Analo g output 1.
15 N2 gndo Ground Ground output stages.
16 P1 va a Supply Power supply analog modules.
17 P2 gnda G round Ground analog modules.
18 N1 va3 Supply Power supply column modules.
19 P3 vp ix Supply Power supply pixel array.
20 Q1 psf_load Input Analog reference input. Biasing for column modules. Connect with R=1 MΩ
to Vaa and decouple with C=100 nF to gnda.
21 Q2 nsf_load Input Analog reference input. Biasing for column modules. Connect with R=5 kΩ
to Vaa and decouple with C=100 nF to gnda.
22 R1 muxbus_load Input Analog reference input. Biasing for multiplex bus. Connect with R=25 kΩ to
Vaa and decouple with C=100 nF to gnda.
23 R2 uni_load_fast Input Analog reference input. Biasing for column modules. Connect with R=10
kΩ to Vaa and decouple with C=100 nF to gnda.
24 Q3 pre_load Input Analog reference input. Biasing for column modules. Connect with R=3 kΩ
to Vaa and decouple with C=100 nF to gnda.
25 Q4 out_load Input Analog reference input. Biasing for output stage. Connect with R=60 kΩ to
Vaa and decouple with C=100 nF to gnda.
26 N3 dec_x_load Input Analog reference input. Biasing for X-addressing. Connect with R=2 MΩ to
Vdd and decouple with C=100 nF to gndd.
27 Q5 uni_load Input Analog reference input. Biasing for column modules. Connect with R=1 MΩ
to Vaa and decouple with C=100 nF to gnda.
28 Q6 col_load Input Analog reference input. Biasing for column modules. Connect with R=1 MΩ
to Vaa and decouple with C=100 nF to gnda.
29 Q7 dec_y_load Input Analog reference input. Biasing for Y-addressing. Connect with R=2 MΩ to
Vdd and decouple with C=100 nF to gndd.
30 R3 vdd Supply Power supply digital modules.
31 M3 gndd Ground Ground digital modules.
32 L2 prebus1 Input Digital input. Control signal to reduce readout time.
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33 L3 prebus2 Input Digital input. Control signal to reduce readout time.
34 Q8 sh_col Input Digital input. Control signal of the column reado ut.
35 R4 pre_col Input Digital input. Control signal of the column re adout to reduce row-blanking
36 R5 norowsel Input Digital input. Control signal of the column readout.
37 R6 clock_y Input Digital input. Clock of the Y-addressing.
38 R7 sync_y Input Digital input. Synchronises the Y-address register.
39 K2 eos_y_r Testpin Indicates when the end of frame is reached when scanning in the 'right'
40 Q9 temp_diode_p Testpin Anode of temperature diode.
41 Q10 temp_diode_n Testpin Cathode of temperature diode.
42 R8 vpix Supply Power supply pixel array.
43 R9 vmem_l Supply Power supply Vmem drivers.
44 R10 vmem_h Supply Power supply Vmem drivers.
45 R11 vres Supply Power supply reset drivers.
46 Q11 vres_ds Supply Power supply reset drivers.
47 R12 adc1_ref_low Input Analog reference input. Lo w reference voltage of ADC (see Figure 9 for
exact resistor value).
48 Q12 adc1_ linear_conv Input Digital input. 0= linear conversion; 1= gamma correction.
49 P15 adc1_bit_9 Output Digital output 1 <9> (MSB).
50 Q14 adc1_bit_8 Output Digital output 1 <8>.
51 Q15 adc1_bit_7 Output Digital output 1 <7>.
52 R13 adc1_bit_6 Output Digital output 1 <6>.
53 R14 adc1_bit_5 Output Digital output 1 <5>.
54 R15 adc1_bit_4 Output Digital output 1 <4>.
55 P14 adc1_bit_3 Output Digital output 1 <3>.
56 Q13 adc1_bit_2 Output Digital output 1 <2>.
57 R16 adc1_bit_1 Output Digital output 1 <1>.
58 Q16 adc1_bit_0 Output Digital output 1 <0> (LSB).
59 P16 adc1_clock Input ADC clock input.
60 N14 adc1_gndd Supply Digital GND of ADC circuitry.
61 N15 adc1_vddd Supply Digital supply of ADC circuitry (nominal 2.5V).
62 L16 adc1_gnda Supply Analog GND of ADC circuitry.
63 L15 adc1_vdda Supply Analog supply of ADC circuitry (nominal 2.5V).
64 N16 adc1_bit_inv Input Digital input. 0=no inversion of output bits; 1 = inversion of output bits.
65 M16 adc1_CMD_SS Input Analog reference input. Biasing of second stage of ADC. Connect to V
with R=50 kΩ and decouple with C=100 nF to GNDa.
66 L14 adc1_nalog_in Input Analog input of first
67 M15 adc1_CMD_FS Input Analog reference input. Biasing of first stage of ADC. Connect to V
R=50 kΩand decouple with C=100 nF to GNDa.
68 M14 adc1_ref_ high Input Analog reference input. High reference voltage of ADC.
(see Figure 9 for exact resistor value)
69 K14 vres_ds Sup ply Power supply reset drivers.
70 J14 vres Supply Power supply reset drivers.
Table 16. Pin List
[6, 7, 8]
Pad Pin Pin Name Pin Type Description
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71 J15 vpre_l Supply Power supply precharge drivers. Must be able to sink current. Can also be
connected to ground.
72 J16 vdd Supply Power supply digital modules.
73 K15 vmem_h Supply Power supply Vmem drivers.
74 K16 vmem_l Supply Power supply Vmem drivers.
75 H15 adc2_re f_low Input Analog reference input. Low referen ce voltage of ADC.
(see Figure 9 for exact resistor value)
76 H16 adc2_linear_conv Input Digital input. 0= linear conversion; 1= gamma correction.
77 G16 adc2_bit_9 Output Digital output 2 <9> (MSB).
78 F16 adc2_bit_8 Output Digital output 2 <8 >.
79 E16 adc2_bit_7 Output Digital output 2 <7>.
80 G15 adc2_bit_6 Output Digital outpu t 2 <6 >.
81 G14 adc2_bit_5 Output Digital outpu t 2 <5 >.
82 F14 adc2_ bit_4 Output Digital output 2 <4>.
83 E14 adc2_bit_3 Output Digital output 2 <3>.
84 D16 adc2_bit_2 Outp ut Digital output 2 <2>.
85 E15 adc2_bit_1 Output Digital output 2 <1>.
86 F15 adc2_ bit_0 Output Digital output 2 <0> (LSB).
87 D15 adc2_clock Input ADC clock input.
88 C15 adc2_gndd Supply Digital GND of ADC circuitry.
89 D14 adc2_vddd Supp ly Digital supply of ADC circuitry (nominal 2.5V).
90 B16 adc2_gnda Supply Analog GND of ADC circuitry.
91 B14 adc2_vdda Supply Analog supply of ADC circuitry (nominal 2.5V).
92 C16 adc2_bit_inv Input Digital input. 0=no inversion of output bits; 1 = inversion of output bits.
93 A16 adc2_CMD_SS Input Biasing of second stage of ADC. Connect to V
with R=50 kΩ and
decouple with C=100 nF to GNDa.
94 B15 adc2_analog_in Input Analog input 2
95 A15 adc2_adc2_CMD_FS Input Analog reference input. Biasing of first stage of ADC. Connect to V
R=50 kΩ and decouple with C=100 nF to GNDa.
96 A14 adc2_ref_high Input Analog referenc e input. High reference voltage of ADC.
(see Figure 9 for exact resistor value)
97 C14 vre s_ds Supply Power supply reset drivers.
98 B13 vres Supply Power supply reset drivers.
99 A13 vmem_h Supply Power supply Vmem drivers.
100 A9 vmem_l Supply Power supply Vmem drivers.
101 A10 vpix Supply Power supply pixel array.
102 A11 reset Input Digital input. Control of reset signal in the pixel.
103 A12 reset_ds Input Digital input. Control of double slope reset in the pixel.
104 B7 mem_hl Input Digital input. Control of Vmem signal in pixel.
105 B8 precharge Input Digital input. Control of Vprecharge signal in pixel.
106 B9 sample Input Digital input. Control of Vsample signal in pixel.
107 B10 temp_diode_n Testpin Cathode of temperature diode.
108 B11 temp_diode_p Testpin Anode of temperature di ode.
Table 16. Pin List
[6, 7, 8]
Pad Pin Pin Name Pin Type Description
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109 B6 precharge_bias Input Analog reference input. Biasing for pixel array. (see Table 10 for exact
resistor and capacitor value).
110 A8 photodiode Testpin Output photodiode.
111 A7 gndd Ground Ground digital modules.
112 B12 vdd Supply Power supply digital modules.
113 A6 eos_y_l Testpin Indicates when the end of frame is reached when scanning in the 'left'
114 A1 sync_y Input Digital input. Synchronises the Y-address register.
115 A5 clock_y Input Digital input. Clock of the Y-addressing.
116 A2 norowsel Input Digital input. Control signal of the column readout.
117 A3 volt. averaging Input Digital input. Control signal of the voltage averaging in the column readout.
118 B5 pre_col Input Digital input. Control signal of the column readout to reduce row- blanking
119 A4 sh _col Input Digital input. Control signal of the column readout.
120 B1 prebus2 Input Digital input. Control signal to reduce readout time.
121 B2 prebus1 Input Digital input. Control signal to reduce readout time.
122 C1 dec_y_l oad Input Analog reference input. Biasing for Y-addressing.
123 D1 vpix Supply Power supply pixel array.
124 B4 va3 Supply Power supply column modules.
125 B3 gnda Ground Ground analog modules.
126 C2 vaa Supply Power supply analo g modules.
127 E2 gndd Ground Ground digital modules.
Table 16. Pin List
[6, 7, 8]
Pad Pin Pin Name Pin Type Description
6. All pins with the same name can be connected together.
7. All digital input are active high (unless mentioned otherwise).
8. All unused inputs should be tied to a non active level (For example, V
or GND).
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Package Drawing
Figure 24. LUPA 4000: 127 Pin PGA Package Drawing
001-07580 *A
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Bonding Diagram
The die is bonded to the bonding pads of the package as shown in Figure 25.
Additional Package Information
Die size: 25610 um X 27200 um
Cavity pad: 27000 um X 29007 um
Pixel 0,0 is located at 478 um from the left hand side of the die and 1366 um from the bottom side of the die.
Figure 25. Bonding Pads Diagram of the LUPA 4000 Pac kag e
001-48359 **
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Document Number: 38-0571 2 Rev. *C Page 28 of 31
Glass Transmittance
A D263 glass is used as protection glass lid on top of the LUPA 4000 monochrome sensors. Figure 26 shows the transmission
characteristics of the D263 glass.
Figure 26. Transmission Characteristics of the D263 Glass used for LUPA 4000 Sensors
Handling Precautions and Recommended Storage
For proper handling and storage conditions, refer to the Cypress
application no te, AN52561 on
Limited Warranty
Cypress Image Sensor Business Unit warrants that the image
sensor products mentioned here, if p roperly used an d serviced,
conform to the seller's published specifications. They are free
from defects in material and workmanship for one (1) year
following the date of shipment. If a defect is identifie d within the
one (1) year period, Cypress will either replace the product or
give credit for the product.
400 500 600 700 800 900
Wavelength [nm]
Transmission [%]
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Document Number: 38-0571 2 Rev. *C Page 29 of 31
Appendix A: LUPA 4000 Evaluation System
An LUPA 4000 evaluation kit is available for evaluation
purposes. This kit consists of a multifunctional digital board
(memory , sequencer , and Ethernet) and an analog image sensor
Bench Tools software (under Win 2000 or XP) allows the
grabbing and display of images and movies from the sensor. All
acquired images and movies can be stored in different file
formats (8 or 16 bit). All setting can be adjusted on the fly to
evaluate the sen sors specifications. D efault register value s can
be loaded to start the software in a desired state.
Figure 27. Contents of LUPA 4000 Evaluation Kit
For more information on Image Sensors, contact
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Document Number: 38-0571 2 Rev. *C Page 30 of 31
Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does the dual (multiple) slop e extended dynamic range mode works?
A: The green lines in Figure 28 are the analog signal on the photodiode, which decrease as a result of exposure. The slope is
determined by the amount of light at each pixel (the more light the steeper the slope). When the pixels reach the saturation level the
analog signal does not change despite further exposure. Without any double slope, pulse pixels p3 and p4 reaches saturation before
the sample moment of the anal og values, no signal i s acqui red w ithout do ubl e slope. When doub le slope i s ena ble d a second reset
pulse is given (blue line) at a certain time before the end of the integration time. This double slope reset pulse resets the analog signal
of the pixels BELOW this level to the reset leve l. After the reset the analog signal starts to decrease with the same slope as before
the double slope reset pulse. If the double slope reset pulse is placed at the end of the integration time (90% for instance) the analog
signal that reaches the saturation levels are not saturate d anymore (this incre ases the optica l dynamic range) at read out. Note that
pixel signals above the double slope reset level are not influenced by this double slope reset pulse (p1 and p2).
Figure 28. Dual Slope Diagram
Reset level 1
Reset level 2
Saturation level
Total integration time
Reset pulse
Double slope reset pulse
Read out
Double slope reset time (usually 5-
10% of the total integrati on ti me)
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Document Number: 38-05712 Rev. *C Revised July 16, 2009 Page 31 of 31
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OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNE SS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not
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Cypress offers standard and customized CMOS image sensors for consumer as well as industrial and professional applications.
Consumer applications include solutions for fast growing high speed machine vision, motion monitoring, medical imaging, intelli gent
traffic systems, security, and barcode applications. Cypress's customized CMOS image sensors are characterized by very high pixel
counts, large area, very high frame rates, large dynamic range, and high sensitivity.
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information on Image sensors, please contact
Document Title: CYIL1SM4000AA LUPA 4000: 4 Mega Pixel CMOS Image Sensor
Document Number: 38-05712
Rev. ECN No. Orig. of
Change Submission
Date Description of Change
** 310396 FPW See ECN Initial Cypress Release
*A 497132 QGS See ECN Converted to Frame file
*B 649219 FPW See ECN Ordering information update+ title update + package spec label
*C 2738057 NVEA/PYRS 07/16/09 Updated template, extensive content edits
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