High Brightness LED Current Regulator
Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.
115 Northeast Cutoff
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A.
1.508.853.5000; www.allegromicro.com
the short circuit is removed the short circuit source current, ISCU ,
pulls the voltage at the LC pin above VSCCR, and the switch and
regulator are re-enabled.
LC Short to Supply (figure 1c) In this condition, the current
into the LC pin remains regulated but the power dissipated in
the A6260 increases. This higher dissipation causes the thermal
monitor to reduce the current to protect the regulator. In extreme
cases, or in cases where the thermal monitor is disabled, the
increased dissipation may cause temperature to reach the thermal
shutdown level, at which point the regulator will be disabled.
LC Short to Ground (figure 1d) This condition is detected when
the high-side switch current exceeds the trip value, ILAOC
, for
longer than the overcurrent detection time, tOCD (3 μs typical).
When a short is detected, the switch and the regulator are both
disabled. When the voltage at LC drops below the short release
voltage, VSCCR, a low value current, ISCU (1.1 mA typical), is
then sourced from LA to provide a short circuit monitor. When
the short circuit is removed, ISCU pulls the voltage at the LC pin
above VSCCR, and the switch and regulator are re-enabled.
LA Short to LC (figure 1e) This condition is effectively the same
as the LC Short-to-Supply condition. In this condition, the cur-
rent into the LC pin remains regulated but the power dissipated in
the A6260 increases. This higher dissipation causes the thermal
monitor to reduce the current to protect the regulator. In extreme
cases, or in cases where the thermal monitor is disabled, the
increased dissipation may cause temperature to reach the thermal
shutdown level, at which point the regulator will be disabled.
Temperature Monitor
The primary function of the temperature monitor included in the
A6260 is to limit the power dissipation of the A6260 and maintain
the junction temperature below the maximum. However, it can
also be used to reduce LED current as LED temperature increases.
This can be achieved by mounting the A6260 on the same thermal
substrate as the LEDs, so that temperature rise in the LEDs would
also affect the A6260. As the junction temperature of the A6260
increases, the integrated temperature monitor lowers the regulated
current level, reducing the dissipated power in the A6260 and in the
LEDs. As shown in figure 2, from the full 100% current level (see
the LED Current Level section), current is reduced at a rate of 4%
per degree Celsius typically, until the point at which the current drops
to 25% of the full level. The junction temperature at the 25% current
level is defined as TJL. If the temperature continues to rise above
TJL, the temperature monitor would continue to reduce current, but
at a slower rate, until the temperature reaches the overtemperature
shutdown temperature, TJF.
The temperature at which the current reduction begins can be
adjusted by changing the voltage on the THTH pin. When THTH
is left open, the temperature at which the current reduction begins
is typically 98°C. The thermal monitor activation temperature,
TJM, is defined in the Electrical Characteristics table at the 90%
current level.
TJM can be increased by reducing the voltage at the THTH pin,
VTHTH, and is defined as approximately:
where TJM is in °C.
The equivalent circuit of the THTH pin is a 1.124 V source with
a series 5 kΩ resistor. A resistor connected between THTH and
GND will reduce VTHTH and increase TJM , according to the fol-
lowing formula:
where RTH, in kΩ, is the resistor between THTH and GND.
A resistor connected between THTH and a reference supply
greater than 2 V will increase VTHTH and reduce TJM. For
Junction Temperature, TJ (°C)
Relat ive LED Current, ILC (%)
Figure 2. Temperature monitor current reduction