IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board INTRODUCTION High-reliability DC power distribution system normally consists of several DC power supplies with each output connected in parallel to the system load bus. These power converters may come with current sharing and/or hot-swapping circuit but each of them will have a common basic feature that is output fault isolation. Passive solution using Schottky diodes becomes a popular choice before, but due to ever increasing load current demand, the power loss due to its forward voltage drop becomes significantly high which requires separate thermal management and additional cost. With the introduction of the active OR-ing as a more efficient scheme for fault isolation, the use of low Rds-on mosfet(s) and discrete solution for gate drives has become a more attractive solution. GENERAL DESCRIPTION This Active OR-ing demo board is an evaluation kit which aims to demonstrate the functionality of the IR5001 OR-ing controller IC by driving 4 low-Rds-on 20V N-channel mosfets ( IRF6609 DirectFETs as OR-FETs) connected in parallel. Its basic circuit is intended for use as a simple and efficient means of providing the OR-ing function by actively linking the positive side of individual 12-Volt power converter to the system bus and output fault isolation during short circuit condition of any of the power source. The board is tested for 65 - 100 Amp max and requires a floating 12Volt dc supply to power up the IR5001 IC. It is equipped with normally-open microswitch for FETCHK function. This switch is intended to check manually the output status of the IC controller as well as giving the user a quick way of knowing if there is an abnormality on the board itself, such as bad mosfets (please refer to Table1 ). SPECIFICATION 1. 2. 3. 4. Fast Reverse polarity sensing of IR5001 OR-ing Controller IC IC's gate drive capability of 3Apk Low dissipation of IRF6609 Low-Rds-on (2mOhm) DirectFET (OR-FETs) Highside implementation (positive rail) of OR-ing function capable of handling continuous 65-100Amp max in a 12Volt system 5. Less than 10Apk reverse current during short circuit. 6. With FETCHK feature ( for quick checking of IC output and OR-FETs functionality ) MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 1 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board Figure1A. Front side of the IRAC5001-HS100A Demo Board IRAC5001-HS100A ORING DEMO BOARD REV1.0 Figure1B. Back side of the IRAC5001-HS100A Demo Board MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 2 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board CIRCUIT OPERATION : The diagram in Figure 2 shows the test setup to evaluate the functionality of this demo board in each of 12Volt power supply output connected to the system bus load. The power load can be a single high power E-load (~1kW) or composed of several medium power E-loads ( 3 x 300W ) connected in parallel. At least 2 units of high power converter - each capable of sourcing 100Amp is required to check the OR-ing functionality. Each power supply should have an output voltage setting of about 12V ( +/- 0.01 V ) to simulate a near balanced current sharing condition, and each output is link to the bus by one demo boardindividually powered by a floating 12Volt DC supply ( bias voltage) through connector CON5. This connector route the positive bias voltage to the IC's pin 7 (Vcc : < 13.9Vmax) and the negative bias to the output rail connector (Con1) of the power converter. This is necessary to drive the gates of 4 IRF6609 OR-FETs in parallel linking the highside (or positive output rail) to the positive of the bus. The negative rails of all power converters are all connected together to the negative rail of the bus. Since this is a high current test setup, extra care should be observed in proper connections on the board to avoid unnecessary contact resistance which may further add heat to the board itself. As a general design practice in choosing the appropriate mosfets, they must have low Rdson and the Vsd generated should be at least ~50mV when the ORFET is "ON". FETCHK FEATURE Ensure the test setup is correct and both power converters and OR-ing boards are in good condition before starting-up. For safe initial test, it is recommended to power up the OR-ing boards first with system load preset to less than 10Amps as startup load before doing the full load test. The thermal performance should be acceptable at room temperature testing even if the OR-ing board has no heatsink but do not press one or both FETSW for too long . This test will force the circuit to conduct the total load current through the body diodes of the ORFET which will increase the heat dissipation at a very fast rate; thus extra precaution must be observed during this FETCHK test. MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 3 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board The board takes advantage of a unique feature that comes with the IR5001 IC to assess the redundancy status of the system as well as the functionality of the OR-ing mosfets as a group (OR-FET1 or OR-FET2). Referring to Figure 6, the FETCHK feature enables the system designer to manually switch OFF the IC's Vout pin ( gate drive) by pressing a normally-open microswitch "FETCHK SW1/ 2". This switch link the +12V_aux thru R7 to the clamping zener Z1 (5.1V) in order to provide a logic voltage of ~5V (with reference to the IC's GND ( pin (7)) to FETCHK/OFF pin 3. The desired outcome if FETCHK is initiated (while the ORFET is ON) is to toggle OFF the output of the IC, which will turn-off the OR-FET. This will result in an increase of Vsd of more than 0.3V and a comparator inside will compare it to a 0.3V reference voltage. The internal comparator will turn-ON an open-drain mosfet to pull down pin 4 (FETSHORT pin), providing a ground path for the LED to light up. SHORT CIRCUIT TEST During a fault condition such as short circuit of one of the converter, a finite amount of reverse current in the form of short duration negative current spike will occur just before the OR-FET completely turn-off. The peak of this reverse current is dependent on how fast the controller circuit switches off the OR-FETs during this fault condition. The IR5001 IC is capable of sourcing and sinking 3Apk to fast turn - ON or OFF of the OR-FETs. If short circuit occur at the secondary side of any power converter unit before the Active OR-ing circuit, this faulty unit will be isolated by turning-off the ORFET(s) as quickly as possible, preventing the faulty unit from further drawing any current from the other remaining good power converter(s) connected in the system bus. It is recommended to set the E-load to 65Amp and set the current limit of the converters to ~120Amp before the evaluation of the reverse current during short circuit test. Caution : Use appropriate size of shorting wire ( larger than #10 AWG with thick insulation) when performing short circuit test. Shorting V1 or V2 should be done very quickly. It is recommended to use a DC high current probe with amplifier initially set to >50A/V to avoid overloading the probe or the amplifier on the first test trial. MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 4 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board INPUT / OUTPUT CONNECTION : FIGURE 2. TEST APPLICATION SETUP OF IR5001_HS100A OR-ING DEMOBOARD Digital Oscilloscope SYSTEM LOAD 150AMP DC CURRENT PROBE 125 Amp Current - limited Power Supply 1 Gate drive (G1) I1 (V1) CON 1 CON 2 12V aux 125 Amp Current - limited Power Supply 2 IRAC5001 -HS100A OR-ing Demoboard 1 CON 5 I2 12V aux 12V aux Cbus CON 4 FetchkSW1 IRAC5001 -HS100A OR-ing Demoboard 2 CON 1 CON 2 (Vn) CON 3 Gate drive (G2) (V2) 125 Amp Current - limited Power Supply N 12Volt Vbus CON 5 CON 3 CON 4 FetchkSW2 Gate drive (Gn) In CON 1 CON 3 IR5001 OR-ing Demoboard N CON 5 CON 3 CON 4 FetchkSWn MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 5 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board Rev 1.3 Title 5V1 R6 of 1 Sheet Tue 03Aug 2003 Vline Vcc FEToff FETshort 3R3 R4 MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center 12Vin- CON2 Q4 3R3 R3 Q3 3R3 3R3 8 7 6 5 OUT GND INN INP U1 IR5001 R5 R2 Q2 3R3 CON1 12Vin+ CON5- + Q1 R1 OR-FETs Q1-Q4 : DIRECTFET IRF6609 1 2 3 4 680 LED1 Date: SW1 2 Z1 1 Size C1 22uF/16V 3 R7 470 4 Document Number : 1950-0803 Checked by : ISRAEL SERRANO, Singapore Design Ctr. IRSEA 1 CON4 IRAC5001_HS100A OR-ing Demo Board Schematic Diagram +12Vaux R8 2k2 12Vout- CON3 12Vout+ FIGURE 3. Schematic Diagram of IRAC5001-HS100A Highside Active OR-ING Demo board DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 6 of 12 - + MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center - + 8 7 6 5 OUT GND INN INP Vline Vcc FEToff FETshort U1 IR5001 1 2 3 4 R6 680 3R3 3R3 R16 8 7 6 5 OUT GND INN INP Vline Vcc FEToff FETshort U2 IR5001 1 2 3 4 680 R10 LED2 5V1 Z2 5V1 Z1 1 R12 3R3 R13 3R3 R14 3R3 R15 OR-ING DEMO BOARD 2 LED1 2 Q6 Q5 Q8 Q7 3R3 R5 OR-FET1 (Q1-Q4) AND OR-FET2 (Q5-Q8) : DIRECTFET IRF6609 3R3 R4 3R3 R3 3R3 R2 SW2 R9 470 +12Vaux SW1 R7 470 +12Vaux 4 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. 12Vin- CON2 CON1 12Vin+ + CON5- 12Vin- CON2 R1 3R3 1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 OR-ING DEMO BOARD 1 3 V2 POWER SUPPLY 12Vin+ CON1 + CON5- 4 12V AUX + DC SUPPLY - V1 POWER SUPPLY 12V AUX + DC SUPPLY - Date: Size Title CON3 CON3 CON4 12Vout- 12Vout+ CON4 12Vout- 12Vout+ Cbus - Tuesday, August 03, 2004 Sheet 1 of 1950-0803 Document Number Checked by : ISRAEL SERRANO, Singapore Design Ctr. IRSEA 1 Rev 1.3 IRAC5001-HS100A OR-ing Demo Board Schematic Diagram 22uF/16V C2 R11 2k2 22uF/16V C1 R8 2k2 SYSTEM LOAD + IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board Figure 4. DETAILED DIAGRAM FOR TEST SETUP CONNECTION 3 2 Note : Observe the correct polarity and connection of 12Volt auxiliary supply before power up the whole test setup. DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 Page 7 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board Figure 5. SHORT CIRCUIT TEST AND PATH OF THE REVERSE CURRENT DC High Current Probe Normal Load Current direction Short circuit test on V1 SYSTEM LOAD OR-FET1 V1 Reverse Current IRAC5001_ HS100A Demoboard Cbus OR-FET2 V2 IRAC5001_ HS100A Demoboard MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 8 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board TEST WAVEFORMS 358mV dip ~100A ~50A Figure 6A. FETCHK test shows the minimum bus voltage disturbance. Voltage dip during short circuit test Figure 6B. Reverse current measurement during short circuit test of V1. ( With initial system load of ~65Amp ) MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 9 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board Figure 6C. Reverse current measurement during short circuit test of V2 ( With initial system load of ~65Amp ) Ch1 (AC coupled ) : Minimum Vbus disturbance Gate1 recovers after V2 short circuit test Gate2 remained low after V2 short circuit test Figure 6D. Minimum reverse current during short circuit test of V2 at no load condition. MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 10 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board Figure 6E. Reverse current during short circuit test of V1 at no load condition. Ch1 (AC coupled ) : Minimum Vbus disturbance Table 1. Truth table for IR5001 "FET Check Feature" Case 1 2 3 LED Initial During the CHK A B A B off off off off on off on on A off off B off off Vsd of FET 1 > 300mV Vsd of FET 2 < 300mV Vsd of FET 1 > 300mV Vsd of FET 2 > 300mV Vsd of FET 1 < 300mV Vsd of FET 2 < 300mV OR-FET 1 OR-FET 2 Comment Good N/A V1 > V2 + 0.4V Good Good |V1 - V2| < 0.4V Short N/A At least one is short N/A Short V1 > V2 + 0.3V MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center |V1 - V2| < 0.3V V2 > V1 + 0.3V DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 11 of 12 IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board Figure 7. PCB Layout MODEL : IRAC5001-HS100A ORing DEMO BOARD DOCUMENT Name : IRAC5001-HS100A_USERGUIDE_Rev1.3 Documented by : Israel Serrano, IR Singapore Design Center DATE : 8/3/2004 PN : 1950-1003_Rev_1.3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. Page 12 of 12