April 2014 Altera Corporation
C51014-5.1 Datasheet
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Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices
This datasheet describes serial configuration (EPCS) devices.
Supported Devices
Ta ble 1 lists the supported Altera EPCS devices.
Table 1. Altera EPCS Devices
Device Memory Size
ISP Support Cascading
Support Reprogrammable
Voltage (V)
EPCS1 1,048,576 No Yes No Yes 3.3
EPCS4 4,194,304 No Yes No Yes 3.3
EPCS16 16,777,216 No Yes No Yes 3.3
EPCS64 67,108,864 No Yes No Yes 3.3
EPCS128 134,217,728 No Yes No Yes 3.3
fFor more information about programming EPCS devices using the Altera
Programming Unit (APU) or Master Programming Unit (MPU), refer to the Altera
Programming Hardware Datasheet.
fThe EPCS device can be re-programmed in system with ByteBlaster II download
cable or an external microprocessor using SRunner. For more information, refer to
AN418: SRunner: An Embedded Solution for Serial Configuration Device Programming.
EPCS devices offer the following features:
■Supports active serial (AS) x1 configuration scheme
■Easy-to-use four-pin interface
■Low cost, low pin count, and non-volatile memory
■Low current during configuration and near-zero standby mode current
■2.7-V to 3.6-V operation
■EPCS1, EPCS4, and EPCS16 devices available in 8-pin small-outline integrated
circuit (SOIC) package
■EPCS64 and EPCS128 devices available in 16-pin SOIC package