* * * * * * * Features Switching Regulator Efficiency up to 95%, no need for heatsinks High reflow temperature SMD package Adjustable output voltage Wide input range (4.74V - 32V) Short circuit protection, thermal shutdown Remote on/off control very low shutdown current Description The R-78AAxx-0.5SMD series are manufactured without lead and meet the requirements for RoHS 10/10 as well as the increased reflow soldering temperatures associated with vapor phase soldering, making these high efficiency switching regulators ideally suited to modern pick-and-place mass production. The efficiency of up to 97% means that very little energy is wasted as heat. The additional features of remote on/off control and adjustable output voltages will find many uses in the battery-powered, industrial, medical and automotive markets. DC/DC Converter R-78AA-0.5 0.5 Amp SMD Single Output Selection Guide Part Number R-78AA1.5-0.5SMD R-78AA1.8-0.5SMD R-78AA2.5-0.5SMD R-78AA3.3-0.5SMD R-78AA5.0-0.5SMD R-78AA6.5-0.5SMD R-78AA9.0-0.5SMD R-78AA12-0.5SMD R-78AA15-0.5SMD Input Voltage Range [VDC] 4.75 - 30 4.75 - 32 4.75 - 32 4.75 - 32 6.5 - 32 8.0 - 32 11 - 32 15 - 32 18 - 32 Output Voltage [VDC] 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 5.0 6.5 9.0 12 15 Vout Adjust Range [VDC] fixed 1.5 - 3.0 1.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 5.5 3.0 - 8.0 3.3 - 11.0 4.5 - 12.6 4.5 - 12.6 fixed Output Efficiency Current @ min Vin@ max. Vin [mA] [%] [%] 0.5 73 63 0.5 82 71 0.5 87 77 0.5 91 81 0.5 94 86 0.5 95 88 0.5 96 92 0.5 97 94 0.5 97 95 Notes: Note1: 1.5VDC Output can be unstable with Vin>30VDC EN60950-1 certified IEC60950-1 certified Model Numbering R-78AA__-0.5 SMD-_ nom. Output Voltage Output Current Packaging (2) Package Notes: Note2: add suffix -R for tape & reel packaging Ordering Examples: R-78AA5.0-0.5SMD-R = 5.0VDC Output Volage, 0.5A, SMD, tape and reel packaging R-78AA2.5-0.5SMD = 2.5VDC Output Volage, 0.5A, SMD, tube www.recom-power.com REV.: 4/2018 I-1 R-78AA-0.5 DC/DC Converter Series Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25C, 10% minimum load, unless otherwise stated) BASIC CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Absolut Maximum Input Voltage 34VDC Quiescent Current 5mA Vin= min. to max. 7mA 0.4W Internal Power Dissipation see calculation Trimming Minimum Load Max. 0% (3) Start-up time ON/OFF CTRL ON/OFF CTRL DC-DC ON DC-DC OFF Input Current of CTRL Pin DC-DC OFF 50ms Open or 2.8VDC<Vr<5VDC GND or 0VDC<Vr<0.8VDC 1.8A 20A 30A 2.4VDC 2.6VDC 2.8VDC 280kHz 330kHz 380kHz 20mVp-p 30mVp-p 30mVp-p 40mVp-p Standby Current CTRL thereshold voltage 250mV CTRL voltage hysterese Internal Operating Frequency Output Ripple and Noise 1.5VDC tp 6.5VDC 9VDC to 15VDC 20MHz BW Maximum Capacitive Load with normal start-up time, no external components 470F with <1 second start-up time + diode protection circuit 6800F Notes: Note3: Operation under no load will not harm the converter, but specifications may not be met. A minimum load of 6mA is recommended Trimming Adjustment Resistor Values V0 1.8V 2.5V 3.3V 5.0V 6.5V 9V 12V R1 10k 22k 16.9k 30.9k 43k 63.4k 88.7k R2 21k 21k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k R3 5.6k 5.6k 5.6k 10k 10k 22.1k 22.1k Vref(V) 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 Rdown = Rup = +Vin R2(R1 + R3) x (Vref - Vo) + Vref x R1R3 R2Vo - Vref (R1 + R2) R2R3 (Vref - Vo) + Vref R1 (R2 + R3) R2 (Vo - Vref) - Vref R1 +Vout Rdown R1 Controlled IC R2 R3 GND Vadj Rup GND Vref continued on next page www.recom-power.com REV.: 4/2018 I-2 R-78AA-0.5 DC/DC Converter Series Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25C, 10% minimum load, unless otherwise stated) Ripple vs. Vin (full load) 100 50 90 55 80 40 Efficiency [%] Efficiency [%] Efficiency vs. Vin (full load) 70 60 50 40 20 10 0 4.75 10 45 30 25 20 15, 12Vout 9Vout 5Vout 3.3Vout 1.8Vout 1.5Vout 30 15Vout 12Vout 9Vout 5Vout 3.3Vout 1.8Vout 1.5Vout 15 10 5 20 15 25 0 4.75 30 34 10 Input Voltage [VDC] 90 45 80 40 70 35 Ripple [mV] Efficiency [%] 50 60 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 15Vout 12Vout 9Vout 5Vout 3.3Vout 1.8Vout 1.5Vout 30 25 20 15Vout 12Vout 5Vout 3.3Vout 1.8Vout 1.5Vout 10 15 10 5 0 100 0 10 20 30 Efficiency vs. Load (min. Vin) 25 20 70 Ripple [mV] Efficiency [%] 80 60 50 40 15,12Vout 5Vout 3.3Vout 1.8Vout 1.5Vout 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Output Load [%] www.recom-power.com 60 70 80 90 100 80 90 100 15Vout 12Vout 5Vout 3.3, 9Vout 1.8Vout 1.5Vout 90 10 50 Ripple vs. Load (min. Vin) 100 0 40 Output Load [%] Output Load [%] 0 30 34 Ripple vs. Load (max. Vin) 100 0 25 Input Voltage [VDC] Efficiency vs. Load (max. Vin) 0 20 15 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Output Load [%] REV.: 4/2018 I-3 R-78AA-0.5 DC/DC Converter Series Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25C, 10% minimum load, unless otherwise stated) REGULATIONS Parameter Condition Output Accuracy Value full load 2.0% typ. / 3.0% max. Line Regulation low line to high line at full load 1.5 VDC tp 6.5VDC 9VDC to 15VDC 0.2% typ. / 0.4% max. 0.1% typ. / 0.2% max. Load Regulation 10% to 100% load 1.5 VDC tp 6.5VDC 9VDC to 15VDC 0.7% typ. / 1.0% max. 0.25% typ. / 0.4% max. Transient Response with a 100F output capacitor 100% <-> 50% load 100% <-> 10% load 85mV typ. / 100mV max. 100mV typ. PROTECTIONS Parameter +Vin Condition +Vin Short Circuit Protection (SCP) CTRL Short Circuit Input Current Optional Diode Protection Circuit Add a blocking diode to Vout if current can flow backwards into the output, as this can damage the converter when it is powered down. The diode can either be fitted across the device if the source is low impedance or fitted in series with the output (recommended). ENVIRONMENTAL nom. Vin= 24VDC +Vin CTRL GND Thermal Impedance +Vout GND +Vin R-78AAxx +V -0.5SMD CTRL GND Condition V out CTRL GND GND R-78AAxx -0.5SMD +Vout +Vout Vadj Trim output voltage up 1 diode drop GND Value -40C to +85C Trim output voltage up 1 diode drop 0.1m/s, horizontal +Vin +Vout with derating (see graph) CTRL GND Value 60mA typ. / 100mA max. CTRL GND adj Operating Temperature Range Temperature Coefficient R-78AAxx -0.5SMD +Vout CTRL GND +Vin +Vout Optional Protection 2: +Vin +Vin +Vout GNDcontinuous, automatic recovery CTRL GND Optional Protection 1: Parameter Maximum Case Temperature R-78AAxx -0.5SMD +100C GND Operating Altitude 0.015%/C 70C/W 2000m Operating Humidity non-condensing 5% - 95% RH max. Pollution Degree PD2 MTBF according to MIL-HDBK-217F, G.B. Derating Graph +25C + 71C 21098 - 29253 x 103 hours 4214 - 7365 x 103 hours 100 90 Output Load [%] 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 71 85 Ambient Temperature [C] www.recom-power.com REV.: 4/2018 I-4 R-78AA-0.5 DC/DC Converter Series Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25C, 10% minimum load, unless otherwise stated) SAFETY AND CERTIFICATIONS Certificate Type (Safety) Report / File Number Information Technology Equipment, General Requirements for Safety Standard IEC60950-1:2005, 2nd Edition + AM 2:2013 EN60950-1:2006 + AM 2:2013 1603123 EAC RU-AT.49.09571 TP TC 004/2011 RoHS 2+ RoHS 2011/65/EU + AM2015/863 EMC Compliance Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment Emission requirements ESD Electrostatic discharge immunity test Condition Standard / Criterion with external filter EN55032, Class A and B Air 8kV; Contact 4kV EN61000-4-2 3V/m EN61000-4-3 Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test EMC Filtering Suggestions according to EN55032 L1 +Vin +Vin C1 R-78AA-0.5SMD +Vout +Vout GND C2 -Vin -Vin Component List Class A MODEL R78AA5.0-0.5SMD C1 C2 L1 10F MLCC 100V - 3.9H C1 C2 L1 10F MLCC 100V 10F MLCC 100V 5.6H Component List Class B MODEL R78AA5.0-0.5SMD DIMENSION AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Type Value Material case PCB non-conductive black plastic, (UL94 V-2) FR4, (UL94 V-1) Dimension (LxWxH) 15.3 x 9.6 x 8.8mm Weight 2.7g typ. continued on next page www.recom-power.com REV.: 4/2018 I-5 R-78AA-0.5 DC/DC Converter Series Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25C, 10% minimum load, unless otherwise stated) Dimension Drawing (mm) 9.6 15.3 Pinning information Pin # 1,2 3,7,8,9 4,5 6 10 9.4 8.8 9.24 15.0 0.500.05 2.54 x 4 Tolerance: xx.x= 0.5mm xx.xx= 0.25mm Recommended Footprint Details 12.35 Bottom View 10 9 8 7 6 13.00 10 9 8 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 Top View 1 2 3 4 5 1.30 1.20 1.80 2.54 Single +Vin GND +Vout Vadj CTRL INSTALLATION AND APPLICATION Standard Application Circuit +Vin +Vin +Vout +Vout R-78AAxx-0.5SMD C1 10F (optional) CTRL CTRL GND Vadj Rdown 15.3 C2 100F (optional) Rup GND 9.6 GND To protect the converter from high inrush currents, use soft start Vin and C1 = 10F Output capacitor C2 recommended if load is very dynamic 15.0 9.4 C1 and C2 are required and should 0.500.05 be fitted close to the converter pins. CTRL -Vout -Vadj Rdown 4 Maximum capacitiv2.54 loadxincluding C2 is 220F C2 On/Off (reference to -Vout) Rup 1 2 3 4 5 -Vout Bottom View 10 9 8 7 6 2.54 1.30 Positive +Vin GND +Vout +Vadj CTRL 10 9 8 7 6 Top View 13.00 C1 1 2 3 4 5 1.80 GND R-78AAxx-0.5SMD 12.35 +Vin +Vin 8.8 GND GND Pin Connections Pin # Negative 1,2 +Vin 3,7,8,9 -Vout 4,5 GND 6 -Vadj 10 CTRL 9.24 Positive to Negative Converter 1.20 continued on next page www.recom-power.com REV.: 4/2018 I-6 R-78AA-0.5 DC/DC Converter Series Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25C, 10% minimum load, unless otherwise stated) Selection Guide - Negative Output Part Number R-78AA1.5-0.5SMD R-78AA1.8-0.5SMD R-78AA2.5-0.5SMD R-78AA3.3-0.5SMD R-78AA5.0-0.5SMD R-78AA6.5-0.5SMD R-78AA9.0-0.5SMD R-78AA12-0.5SMD R-78AA15-0.5SMD Input Voltage Range [VDC] 4.75 - 28 4.75 - 28 4.75 - 28 4.75 - 28 4.75 - 28 5.0 - 26 8.0 - 18 8.0 - 18 8.0 - 18 Output Voltage [VDC] -1.5 -1.8 -2.5 -3.3 -5.0 -6.5 -9.0 -12 -15 OutputEfficiency External Capacitor Current @ min Vin @ max. Vin C1 C2 (6) [A] [%][%] -0.4 68 67 10F/35V 22F/6.3V -0.4 71 70 10F/50V 22F/6.3V -0.4 75 76 10F/50V 22F/6.3V -0.4 77 80 10F/50V22F/6.3V -0.4 79 84 10F/50V 22F/10V -0.3 81 86 10F/50V 10F/10V -0.2 87 89 10F/50V 10F/16V -0.2 87 90 10F/50V10F/25V -0.2 87 91 10F/50V10F/25V Notes: Note6: Maximum Capacitive Load including C2 is 220F Dual Output (two Converters) with Negative Output +Vin +Vin +Vout +Vout R-78AAxx-0.5SMD CTRL On/Off GND Vadj Maximum capacitive load 220F Rdown Rup GND GND Octocoupler +Vin GND R-78AAxx-0.5SMD C1 -Vout CTRL -Vadj Rdown C2 Rup Octocoupler -Vout Dual Rail Selectable Output Voltage Power Supply +Vin + R-78AA12-0.5SMD CTRL GND +Vout +Vout 26k Vadj 100k 200k +5V +7.5V +9V +12V GND +Vin 10F R-78AAxx-0.5SMD CTRL -Vout GND -Vadj 22F 26k 100k 200k -5V -7.5V -9V -12V -Vout www.recom-power.com REV.: 4/2018 I-7 R-78AA-0.5 DC/DC Converter Series Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25C, 10% minimum load, unless otherwise stated) Application Examples 3.3V/5V Selectable 1A Power Supply +Vin +Vin R-78AAxx -0.5SMD +Vout +Vout 6800F GND GND GND Flash Memory Program Voltage Switcher +Vin +Vin +Vout PGM R-78AA-0.5SMD Vadj GND 220k C1 0V Reprogrammable Flash Memory 0V Program 24k Program" = 0V, PGM Pin = +5V Program" = high, PGM Pin = +12.6V DC/DC Converter (1:1) +Vin +Vin R-78AA-0.5SMD CTRL +Vout +Vout GND C1 C2 GND CTRL - High Isolation Voltage - Improved Loading / Line Regulation - Wide Input Voltage - Point-of-Load Architecture - CTRL On/Off Control GND C1, C2: optional PACKAGING INFORMATION Parameter Packaging Dimension (LxWxH) Packaging Quantity Type tube tape and reel (carton) tube tape and reel Tape Width Value 530.0 x 17.0 x 13.0mm 355.0 x 342.0 x 36.0mm 33pcs 250pcs 24mm Storage Temperature Range -55C to +125C Storage Humidity 95% RH max. The product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM's explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause loss of life, inflict bodily harm or damage property. The applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless RECOM, its affiliated companies and its representatives against any damage claims in connection with the unauthorized use of RECOM products in such safety-critical applications. www.recom-power.com REV.: 4/2018 I-8