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AV02-1664EN - March 25, 2011
Avago’s products and software are not specically designed, manufactured or authorized for sale as
parts, components or assemblies for the planning, construction, maintenenace or direct operation of a
nuclear facility or for use in medical devices or applications. Customer is solely responsible, and waives all rights
to make claims against avago or its suppliers, fo all loss, damage, expense or liability in connection with such use.
Figure 7. Recommended wave soldering prole.
Precautions: (cont.)
Soldering Conditions:
x Care must be taken during PCB assembly and soldering
process to prevent damage to LED component.
x The closest LED is allowed to solder on board is 1.59
mm below the body (encapsulant epoxy) for those
parts without stando.
x Recommended soldering conditions:
Wave Soldering
Manual Solder
Pre-heat Temperature 105°C Max. –
Pre-heat Time 60 sec Max. –
Peak Temperature 250°C Max. 260°C Max.
Dwell Time 3 sec Max. 5 sec Max.
x Wave soldering parameter must be set and maintained
according to recommended temperature and dwell
time in the solder wave. Customer is advised to
periodically check on the soldering prole to ensure
the soldering prole used is always conforming to
recommended soldering condition.
x If necessary, use xture to hold the LED component
in proper orientation with respect to the PCB during
soldering process.
x Proper handling is imperative to avoid excessive
thermal stresses to LED components when heated.
x Therefore, the soldered PCB must be allowed to cool to
room temperature, 25°C, before handling.
x Special attention must be given to board fabrication,
solder masking, surface plating and lead holes size and
component orientation to assure solderability.
x Recommended PC board plated through hole sizes for
LED component leads:
LED Component
Lead Size Diagonal
Plated Through
Hole Diameter
0.457 x 0.457 mm
(0.018 x 0.018 inch)
0.646 mm
(0.025 inch)
0.976 to 1.078 mm
(0.038 to 0.042 inch)
0.508 x 0.508 mm
(0.020 x 0.020 inch)
0.718 mm
(0.028 inch)
1.049 to 1.150 mm
(0.041 to 0.045 inch)
Note: Refer to application note AN1027 for more information on
soldering LED components.
030 40 90 100
Recommended solder:
Sn63 (Leaded solder alloy)
SAC305 (Lead free solder alloy)
Flux: Rosin fl-ux
Solder bath temperature:
245°C± 5°C (maximum peak
temperature = 250°C)
Dwell time: 1.5 sec - 3.0 sec
(maximum = 3sec)
Note: Allow for board to be
sufficiently cooled to room
temperature before exerting
1020 70
50 80
mechanical force.