Sensor Keys:
Up to 11 QTouch channels
Data Acquistion:
Measurement of keys triggered either by a signal applied to the SYNC pin or at
regular intervals timed by the AT42QT1110's internal clock
Keys measured sequentially for better performance, or in parallel groups for faster
Raw data for key touches can be read as a report over the SPI interface
Discrete Outputs:
Configurable “Detect” outputs indicating individual key touch (7-key mode)
Device Setup:
Device configuration can be stored in EEPROM
Patented spread-spectrum charge-transfer (direct mode)
Key Outline Sizes:
6 mm x 6 mm or larger (panel thickness dependent); widely different sizes and
shapes possible, including solid or ring shapes
Key Spacings:
7 mm center to center or more (panel thickness dependent)
Layers Required:
Electrode Materials:
Etched copper, silver, carbon, Indium Tin Oxide (ITO)
Electrode Substrates:
PCB, FPCB, plastic films, glass
Panel Materials:
Plastic, glass, composites, painted surfaces (low particle density metallic paints
Panel Thickness:
Up to 10 mm glass, 5 mm plastic (electrode size dependent)
Key Sensitivity:
Individually settable via simple commands over serial interface
Adjacent Key Suppression® (AKS)
Patented AKS technology to enable accurate key detection
Full-duplex SPI slave mode (1.5 MHz), “change” pin, discrete detection outputs
Moisture Tolerance Good
3V ~ 5.5V
32-pin 5 x 5 mm MLF RoHS compliant
32-pin 7 x 7 mm TQFP RoHS compliant
Signal Processing:
Self-calibration, auto drift compensation, noise filtering, AKS technology
Consumer and industrial applications, such as TV, media player, etc
QTouch 11-key
Sensor IC
1. Pinout and Schematic
1.1 Pinout Configuration
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
910 11 16
1.2 Pin Descriptions
I Input only I/O Input and output
O Output only, push-pull OD Open drain output P Ground or power
Table 1-1. Pin Listing
Pin Name Type Comments If Unused, Connect To...
1 SNS0K I/O Sense Pin Leave open
2 SNS1 I/O Sense Pin Leave open
3 SNS1K I/O Sense Pin Leave open
4 Vdd P Power
5 Vss P Supply Ground
6 SNS2K I/O Sense Pin Leave open
7 SNS2 I/O Sense Pin Leave open
8 SNS3 I/O Sense Pin Leave open
9 SNS3K I/O Sense Pin Leave open
10 SNS4 I/O Sense Pin Leave open
11 SNS4K I/O Sense Pin Leave open
12 SNS5 I/O Sense Pin Leave open
13 SNS5K I/O Sense Pin Leave open
14 SS I Enable SPI Vss via 100 k resistor to enable SPI
Vdd via 100 k resistor to disable SPI
15 MOSI I SPI Data In Leave open
16 MISO O SPI Data Out Leave open
17 SCK I SPI Clock Leave open
18 Vdd P Power
19 SNS6K I/O Sense Pin Leave open
20 SNS6 I/O Sense Pin Leave open
21 Vss P Supply Ground
22 SNS7K/DETECT0 I/O Sense Pin/Key Status Indicator Leave open
23 SNS7/DETECT1 I/O Sense Pin/Key Status Indicator Leave open
24 SNS8/DETECT2 I/O Sense Pin / Key Status Indicator Leave open
25 SNS8K/DETECT3 I/O Sense Pin / Key Status Indicator Leave open
26 SNS9/DETECT4 I/O Sense Pin / Key Status Indicator Leave open
27 SNS9K/DETECT5 I/O Sense Pin / Key Status Indicator Leave open
28 CHANGE OD Touch Event Indicator Leave open
29 RESET I Reset Vdd
30 SNS10/DETECT6 I/O Sense Pin / Key Status Indicator Leave open
31 SNS10K/SYNC I/O Sense Pin / Synchronization Input Vdd or Vss via 100 k resistor
32 SNS0 I/O Sense Pin Leave open
1.3 Schematics
Figure 1-1. Typical Circuit: 7 keys With Detect Outputs and No External Trigger
Figure 1-2. Typical Circuit: 11 Keys With No External Trigger
Vunreg VREG
Figure 1-3. Typical Circuit: 10 Keys With External Trigger (SYNC Mode)
Suggested voltage regulator manufacturers:
Torex (XC6215 series)
Seiko (S817 series)
BCDSemi (AP2121 series)
Re Figure 1-1, Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-3 check the following sections for component values:
Section3.1 on page8: Cs capacitors (Cs0 – Cs10)
Section3.2 on page8: Sample resistors (Rs0 Rs10)
Section3.5 on page9: Voltage levels
Section3.3 on page8: LED traces
2. Overview of the AT42QT1110
2.1 Introduction
The AT42QT1110 (QT1110) is a digital burst mode charge-transfer (QT) capacitive sensor
driver designed for any touch-key applications.
The keys can be constructed in different shapes and sizes. Refer to the Touch Sensors Design
Guide and Application Note QTAN0002, Secrets of a Successful QTouch™ Design, for more
information on construction and design methods (both downloadable from the Atmel® website).
The device includes all signal processing functions necessary to provide stable sensing under a
wide variety of changing conditions, and the outputs are fully debounced. Only a few external
parts are required for operation.
The QT1110 modulates its bursts in a spread-spectrum fashion in order to suppress heavily the
effects of external noise, and to suppress RF emissions.
2.2 Configurations
The QT1110 is designed as a versatile device, capable of various configurations. There are two
basic configurations for the QT1110:
11-key QTouch. The device can sense up to 11 keys.
7-key QTouch with individual outputs for each key. The device can sense up to 7 keys and
drive the matching Detect outputs to a user-configurable PWM.
Both configurations allow for a choice of acquisition modes, thus providing a variety of
possibilities that will satisfy most applications (see the following sections for more information).
Additionally, the SYNC line can be used as an external trigger input. Note that in 11-key mode
the SYNC line replaces one key, thus allowing only 10 keys.
See Section 4.7 on page 18 for more information.
2.3 Guard Channel
The device has a guard channel option (available in all key modes), which allows one key to be
configured as a guard channel to help prevent false detection. See Section 4.9 on page 19 for
more information.
2.4 Self-test Functions
The QT1110 has two types of self-test functions:
Internal Hardware tests – check for hardware failures in the device’s internal memory.
Functional checks – confirm that the device is operating within expected parameters.
See Section 4.10 on page 20 for more information.
3. Wiring and Parts
3.1 Cs Sample Capacitors
Cs0 Cs10 are the charge sensing sample capacitors. Normally they are identical in nominal
value. The optimal Cs values depend on the thickness of the panel and its dielectric constant.
Thicker panels require larger values of Cs. Values can be in the range 2.2 nF (for faster
operation) to 33 nF (for best sensitivity); typical values are 4.7 nF to 10 nF.
The value of Cs should be chosen so that a light touch on a key produces a reduction of
~20 to 30 in the key signal value (see Section 6.8 on page 26). The chosen Cs value should
never be so large that the key signals exceed ~1000, as reported by the chip in the debug data.
The Cs capacitors must be X7R or PPS film type, for stability. For consistent sensitivity, they
should have a 10 percent tolerance. Twenty percent tolerance may cause small differences in
sensitivity from key to key and unit to unit. If a key is not used, the Cs capacitor may be omitted.
3.2 Rs Resistors
The series resistors Rs0 Rs10 are inline with the electrode connections and should be used to
limit electrostatic discharge (ESD) currents and to suppress radio frequency (RF) interference.
Values should be approximately 2 kto 20 k each; a typical value is 4.7 k.
Although these resistors may be omitted, the device may become susceptible to external noise
or radio frequency interference (RFI). For details of how to select these resistors see the
Application Note QTAN0002, Secrets of a Successful QTouch Design, downloadable from the
Touch Technology area of Atmel’s website, www.atmel.com.
3.3 LED Traces and Other Switching Signals
Digital switching signals near the sense lines can induce transients into the acquired signals,
deteriorating the SNR performance of the device. Such signals should be routed away from the
sensing traces and electrodes, or the design should be such that these lines are not switched
during the course of signal acquisition (bursts).
LED terminals which are multiplexed or switched into a floating state, and which are within, or
physically very near, a key (even if on another nearby PCB) should be bypassed to either Vss or
Vdd with at least a 1 nF capacitor. This is to suppress capacitive coupling effects which can
induce false signal shifts. The bypass capacitor does not need to be next to the LED, in fact it
can be quite distant. The bypass capacitor is noncritical and can be of any type.
LED terminals which are constantly connected to Vss or Vdd do not need further bypassing.
3.4 PCB Cleanliness
Modern no-clean flux is generally compatible with capacitive sensing circuits.
CAUTION: If a PCB is reworked to correct soldering faults relating to the QT1110, or
to any associated traces or components, be sure that you fully understand the nature
of the flux used during the rework process. Leakage currents from hygroscopic ionic
residues can stop capacitive sensors from functioning. If you have any doubts, a
thorough cleaning after rework may be the only safe option.
3.5 Power Supply
3.5.1 General Considerations
See Section8.2 on page38 for the power supply range. If the power supply fluctuates slowly
with temperature, the device tracks and compensates for these changes automatically with only
minor changes in sensitivity. If the supply voltage drifts or shifts quickly, the drift compensation
mechanism is not able to keep up, causing sensitivity anomalies or false detections.
The usual power supply considerations with QT parts apply to the device. The power should be
clean and come from a separate regulator if possible. However, this device is designed to
minimize the effects of unstable power, and, except in extreme conditions, should not require a
separate Low Dropout (LDO) regulator.
See underneath Figure 1.3 on page 4 for suggested regulator manufacturers.
It is assumed that a larger bypass capacitor (like1 µF) is somewhere else in the power circuit; for
example, near the regulator.
3.5.2 Brownout Detection
The QT1110 includes a power supply monitoring circuit that detects if Vdd drops below a safe
operating voltage. When this occurs, the device goes into a “Reset” state, where no acquisition
or processing is carried out. The device remains in this state until Vdd returns to the specified
voltage range.
Once a safe operating voltage is detected, the QT1110 behaves as per normal power-on/reset
conditions; that is, any saved settings are restored from EEPROM, the internal self-tests are run
and all channels are calibrated.
The Brown-out detector threshold is 2.7V ±10 percent.
3.6 MLF Package Restrictions
The central pad on the underside of the MLF chip should be connected to ground. Do not run
any tracks underneath the body of the chip, only ground. Figure 3-1 shows an example of
good/bad tracking.
Figure 3-1. Examples of Good and Bad Tracking
Caution: A regulator IC shared with other logic can result in erratic operation and is
not advised.
A single ceramic 0.1 µF bypass capacitor, with short traces, should be placed very
close to the power pins of the IC. Failure to do so can result in device oscillation,
high current consumption, erratic operation etc.
4. Detailed Operations
4.1 Communications
4.1.1 Introduction
All communication with the device is carried out over the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). This is
a synchronous serial data link that operates in full-duplex mode. The host communicates with
the QT controller over the SPI using a master-slave relationship, with the QT1110 acting in slave
4.1.2 SPI Operation
The SPI uses four logic signals:
Serial Clock (SCK) – output from the host.
Master Output, Slave Input (MOSI) – output from the host, input to the QT controller. Used by
the host to send data to the QT controller.
Master Input, Slave Output (MISO) – input to the host, output from the QT controller. Used by
the QT device to send data to the host.
Slave Select (SS) – active low output from the host.
At each byte, the master pulls SS low and generates 8 clock pulses on SCK. With these 8 clock
pulses, a byte of data is transmitted from the master to the slave over MOSI, most significant bit
(msb) first.
Simultaneously a byte of data is transmitted from the slave to the master over MISO, also most
significant bit first.
The slave reads the status of MOSI at the leading edge of each clock pulse, and the master
reads the slave’s data from MISO at the trailing edge.
The QT1110 requires that the clock idles “high”, meaning that the data on MOSI and MISO pins
are set at the falling edges and sampled at the rising edges.
That is:
Clock polarity CPOL = 1
Clock phase CPHA = 1
The QT1110 SPI interface can operate at any SCK frequency up to 1.5 MHz.
In multibyte communications, the master must pause for a minimum delay of 150 µs between
the completion of one byte exchange and the beginning of the next.
Note that the number of bytes to be transmitted depends on the initial command sent by the
host. This sets the mode on the QT1110 so that the QT1110 knows how to respond to, or how to
interpret, the following bytes. If there is a delay of >100 ms between bytes while the QT1110 is
waiting for data, or waiting to send data, then the incomplete transmission is discarded and the
device resets its SPI state machine. It will then interpret the next byte it receives as a fresh
When the QT1110 SPI interface is receiving a new command, it returns the “Idle” status code
(0x55) on MISO during the first byte exchange to indicate to the master that it is in the correct
state for receiving instructions.
4.1.3 CRC Bytes
If enabled, a CRC checking procedure is implemented on all communications between the SPI
master and the QT1110. In this case, each command or report request sent by the master must
have a byte appended containing the CRC checksum of the data sent. The QT1110 will not
respond to commands until the CRC byte has been received and verified.
Sample C code showing the algorithm for calculating the CRC of the data can be found in
Appendix A.
When the QT1110 is expecting a CRC byte, it returns (on MISO) the calculated CRC byte which
it expects to receive. This is sent simultaneously with the QT1110 receiving the CRC byte from
the master (that is, during the same byte exchange). This allows both devices to confirm that the
data was sent correctly.
All data returned by the QT1110 is also be followed by a CRC byte, allowing the master to
confirm the integrity of the data transmission.
4.1.4 SPI Commands
There are three types of communication between the SPI master and the QT1110:
Control commands (see Section 5 on page 22)
To send control instructions to the QT1110
Report requests (see Section 6 on page 24)
To reading status information from the QT1110
Setup commands (see Section 7 on page 28)
To set configuration options (“Set” instructions)
To read configuration options (“Get” instructions)
Additionally the “Null” command (0x00) is transmitted by the host device as it is receiving data
from the QT1110. Control Commands
A control command is an instruction sent to the QT1110 that controls operations of the device,
and for which no response is required. Examples of control commands are: “Reset”, “Calibrate”,
“Send Setups”.
With the exception of “Send Setups”, control commands normally require a single byte
exchange, unless CRC checking is enabled, in which case a second byte must be transmitted
by the host with the calculated CRC of the command byte.
Figure 4-1. Sleep Command – CRC Disabled
Host (Sends on MOSI) Device (Responds on MISO)
Command: 0x05
Response: 0x55 ( Idle” Fresh Command)
Figure 4-2. Sleep Command – CRC Enabled
When the “Send Setups” command is received, the QT1110 stops measurement of QTouch
sensors and waits for 42 bytes of data to be sent. Only when all 42 bytes have been received
(and the CRC byte, if CRC is enabled), the QT1110 applies all the settings to RAM and resumes
measurement. In this case, if CRC is enabled, the CRC byte is calculated for all the data sent by
the host, including the command byte 0x01.
Control Commands are specified in detail in Section5 on page22.
4.1.5 Report Requests
Report Requests are sent by the Host to instruct the QT1110 to return status information. The
host sends the appropiate “Report Request” command, then transmits Null bytes on MOSI while
the QT1110 returns the report data on MISO.
Figure 4-3. All Keys Report – CRC Disabled
Host (Sends on MOSI)
Command: 0x05
Command CRC: 0x3F
Response: 0x3F (Expected Command CRC)
Response: 0x55 ( Idle” Fresh Command)
Device (Responds on MISO)
Host (Sends on MOSI)
Command: 0xC1
Device (Responds on MISO)
Null: 0x00
Key Status Report Byte 0
Null: 0x00
Key Status Report Byte 1
Response: 0x55 ( Idle” Fresh Command)
For example, Figure 4-3 on page 12 shows the exchange that takes place to read the 2-byte “All
Keys” report. In this exchange, the host sends:
0xC1 — 0x00 — 0x00
and the QT1110 returns (simultaneously):
0x55 — Report Byte 0 — Report Byte 1
If CRC is enabled, this exchange is extended to 5 bytes, as shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4. All Keys Report – CRC Enabled Set Instructions
Set Instructions are 2-byte transmissions by the host that are used to send settings to individual
locations in the device memory map.
At the first byte, the QT1110 returns 0x55 (“Idle”) to confirm that it will interpret the byte as a new
command. At the second byte, the QT1110 returns the “Set” command it has just received.
For example, to set the “Positive Recalibration Delay” to 1920 ms, address 5 in the memory map
is set to 12 (0x0C). This is done with the “Set” command for address 5 (command code 0x95),
as shown in Figure 4-5 on page 14.
Host (Sends on MOSI)
Command: 0xC1
Null: 0x00
Key Status Report Byte 0
Null: 0x00
Key Status Report Byte 1
Null: 0x00
Report CRC: 0x??
Command CRC: 0x94
Response: 0x94 (Expected Command CRC)
Response: 0x55 ( Idle” Fresh Command)
Device (Responds on MISO)
Figure 4-5. Positive Recalibration Delay Set Instruction – CRC Disabled
With CRC Enabled, a CRC byte is also required (Figure 4-6). This is calculated for the two
transmitted bytes (that is, the “Set” command and the data byte).
For example, for the sequence shown in Figure 4-5 (0x95 — 0x0C), the CRC Byte is 0x9F. As is
the case with the other command types, when the QT1110 is expecting a CRC byte from the
host, it calculates that byte in advance and returns the expected value to the host in the same
transmission as the host sends the CRC byte.
The sent data is not applied to the memory location until the CRC byte has been received and
Figure 4-6. Positive Recalibration Delay Set Instruction – CRC Enabled
Host (Sends on MOSI)
Command: 0x95
“Set” Data: 0x0C
Response: 0x95 (Command Just Received)
Response: 0x55 ( Idle” Fresh Command)
Device (Responds on MISO)
Host (Sends on MOSI)
Command: 0x95
“Set” Data: 0x0C
Response: 0x95 (Command Just Received)
Command CRC: 0x9F
Response: 0x9F (Expected CRC)
Response: 0x55 ( Idle” Fresh Command)
Device (Responds on MISO)
AT42QT1110-MU/AT42QT1110-AU Get Instructions
Get instructions are instructions that read the data from a location in the QT1110 memory map.
Figure 4-7. Positive Recalibration Delay Get Instruction – CRC Disabled
The host sends the appropriate “Get” command, followed by a “Null” byte. The QT1110 returns
the contents of the addressed memory location.
Figure 4-7 on page 15 shows the exchange for a report on the positive recalibration delay
(assuming that the data byte is 0x0C).
With CRC Enabled, this exchange takes 4 bytes, with a command CRC transmitted by the host
and a report CRC returned by the QT1110 (see Figure 4-8).
Figure 4-8. Positive Recalibration Delay Get Instruction – CRC Enabled
Host (Sends on MOSI)
Command: 0xD5
Null: 0x00
“Get” Data: 0x0C (Positive Recalibration Delay)
Response: 0x55 ( Idle” Fresh Command)
Device (Responds on MISO)
Host (Sends on MOSI)
Command: 0xD5
Null: 0x00
Null: 0x00
“Get” CRC: 0xA3
Command CRC: 0x68
Response: 0x68 (Expected Command CRC)
“Get” Data: 0x0C (Positive Recalibration Delay)
Response: 0x55 ( Idle” Fresh Command)
Device (Responds on MISO)
4.1.6 Quick SPI Mode Introduction
In Quick SPI Mode, the QT1110 sends a 7-byte key report at each exchange. No host
commands are required over SPI in this mode; the host clocks the data bytes out in sequence. Quick SPI Report
The 7 report bytes are in the format given in Table 4-1.
Byte 0 is a counter that increments from 0 to 254 on successive exchanges to confirm that
firmware is operating correctly.
Bytes 1 – 3 indicate the detect status of channels 0 3, 4 7 and 8 10 respectively (two
bits per channel), as follows:
00 = Channel not in detect
01 = Channel in detect
10 = Not Allowed
11 = Invalid Signal (Channel disabled)
Bytes 4 – 6 indicate the error status of channels 0 3, 4 7 and 8 10 respectively (two bits
per channel), as follows:
–00 = No error
01 = Not allowed
10 = Error on channel
11 = Invalid signal (channel disabled) Commands in Quick SPI Mode
Only two host commands are recognized under Quick SPI mode. These are shown in Table 4-2.
CRC checking is not implemented in Quick SPI mode for host commands or return data.
Table 4-1. Device Status Report Format
Byte Description Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0Counter Counter – increments from 0 to 255
1Detect status, channels 0 – 3 Channel 3 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 0
2Detect status, channels 4 – 7 Channel 7 Channel 6 Channel 5 Channel 4
3Detect status, channels 8 – 10 Reserved Channel 10 Channel 9 Channel 8
4Error status, channels 0 – 3 Channel 3 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 0
5Error status, channels 4 – 7 Channel 7 Channel 6 Channel 5 Channel 4
6Error status, channels 8 – 10 Reserved Channel 10 Channel 9 Channel 8
Table 4-2. Host Commands in Quick SPI Mode
Command Code Purpose
Store to EEPROM 0x0A Allows for “Quick SPI mode” to be stored as the
default start-up mode
Enable Full SPI 0x36 Enables full SPI mode
AT42QT1110-MU/AT42QT1110-AU Quick SPI Mode timing
In Quick SPI mode, the minimum time between byte exchanges is reduced to 50 µS.
If a pause in communications of 100 ms is detected during reading of the 7-byte report, the
QT1110 resets the exchange, and on the next byte read it returns byte 0 of the report.
4.2 Reset
The QT1110 can be reset using one of two methods:
Hardware reset: An external reset logic line can be used if desired, fed into the RESET pin.
However, under most conditions it is acceptable to tie RESET to Vdd.
Software reset: A software reset can be forced using the “Reset” control command.
For both methods, the device will follow the same initialization sequence. If there any saved
settings in the EEPROM, these are loaded into RAM. Otherwise the default settings are applied.
Note: The SPI interface becomes active after the QT1110 has completed its startup sequence,
taking approximately 160 ms after power on/reset.
4.3 Sleep Mode
The QT1110 can be put into a very low power sleep mode (typically < 2 µA). During sleep mode,
no keys are measured and the DETECT outputs are all put into high impedience mode to
minimize current consumption. The device remains in sleep mode until a falling edge is detected
on either the SS pin or the CHANGE pin. When the QT1110 wakes from sleep mode, it
continues to operate as it was before it was put into sleep mode. The QT1110 requires
approximately 100 µs to wake from sleep mode and will not respond correctly to SPI
communications until the wake-up procedure is complete. The low level on the SS or CHANGE
pin that is used to wake the device must be maintained for 100 µs to ensure correct operation.
Note: If the device is set to sleep mode for an extended period, the host should initiate a
recalibration immediately after waking the QT1110.
4.4 Calibration
The device can be forced to recalibrate the sensor keys at any time. This can be useful where,
for example, a portable device is plugged into mains power, or during product development
when settings are being tuned.
The QT1110 can also be configured to automatically recalibrate if it remains in detection for too
long. This avoids keys becoming “stuck” after a prolonged period of uninterrupted detection. See
Section 7.18 on page 37 for details.
4.5 CHANGE Pin
The CHANGE pin can be configured using the Comms Options setup byte (see Section 7.5 on
page 30) to act in one of two modes:
Data mode
pin is asserted (pulled low) when the detection status of a key
changes from that last sent to the host; that is when a key-touch or key-release event
pin is pulled low when a key’s status changes and is only released
when the “Send All keys” report is requested (0xC1), or the key status information
bytes are read in Quick SPI mode (see Section 7.5 on page 30).
Touch mode
The CHANGE pin is pulled low when one or more keys are in detect. The CHANGE
pin remains low as long as there is a key in detect, regardless of communications.
pin is released when there are no keys in detect. No host
communications are required to release the CHANGE pin.
4.6 Stand-alone Mode
The QT1110 can operate in a stand-alone mode without the use of the SPI interface. The
settings are loaded from EEPROM and the device operates in 7-key mode using the Detect
4.7 Key Modes
4.7.1 11-key Mode
In 11-key mode, the device can sense up to 11 keys. Alternatively, one key can be replaced by
the SYNC line as an external trigger input (see Section 4.8.2 on page 19).
11-key mode is configured by setting the “MODE” bit in the Device Mode setup byte (see
Section 7.4 on page 29).
Key acquisition can be triggered in one of two ways: using the internal clock to trigger acquisition
either at a fixed repetition period or in a continuous “free run” mode (see Section 4.8.1), or using
the SYNC pin to provide an external trigger (see Section 4.8.2 on page 19),
4.7.2 7-key Mode
In 7-key mode, the detect outputs DETECT0 to DETECT6 become active on pins 22–27 and 30.
These outputs provide configurable PWM signals that indicate when each of the keys is
7-key mode is configured by clearing the “MODE” bit in the Device Mode setup byte (see
Section 7.4 on page 29).
Each DETECT output can be individually configured to output a PWM signal while the matching
key is in detect or out of detect. This signal can be one of nine levels, ranging from low
(PWM = 0 percent) to high (PWM = 100 percent). This allows for the use of an indicating LED.
This is achieved by enabling the appropriate bit in the Key to LED setup byte (see Section 7.14
on page 35), and setting the desired outputs levels or PWMs in setup addresses 9 to 15 (see
Section 7.12 on page 33).
4.8 Trigger Modes
4.8.1 Timed Trigger
In 11-key mode, The QT1110 can be configured to use the internal clock as a timed trigger. In
this case, the QT1110 is configured with a cycle period, such that each acquisition cycle starts a
specified length of time after the start of the previous cycle. If the cycle period is set to “0”, each
acquisition cycle starts as soon as the previous one has finished, resulting in the acquisition
cycles running back-to-back in a “free run” mode.
The use of a timed trigger, and the cycle period to be used, is set in the Device Mode setup byte
(see Section 7.4 on page 29).
4.8.2 Synchronized Trigger
In 11-key mode, if a time trigger is not enabled, the QT1110 operates in “synchronized” mode. In
this mode, SNS10K is used as a SYNC pin to trigger key acquisition, rather than using the
device’s internal clock. In this case the maximum number of keys is reduced to 10.
The SYNC pin can use one of two methods to trigger key measurements, selectable via bit 4 of
the Device Mode setup byte (see Section 7.4 on page 29): Low Level and Rising Edge.
With the Low Level method the QT1110 operates in “free run” mode for as long as the SYNC pin
is read as a logical “0”. When the SYNC pin goes high, the current measurement cycle will be
finished and no more key measurements will be taken until the SYNC pin goes low again.
The low level trigger should be a minimum of 1 ms so that there is sufficient time for the device
to detect the low level.
With the Rising Edge method all enabled keys are measured once when a rising edge is
detected on the SYNC pin. This allows key measurements to be synchronized to an external
event or condition.
For example, the SYNC pin can be used by the host to synchronize several devices to each
other. This would ensure that only one of the devices outputs pulses at any given time and
signals from one QT1110 do not interfere with the measurements from another.
Another use for synchronizing to the rising edge is to steady the signals when the device is
running off a mains transformer with insufficient mains frequency filtering that is causing a 50Hz
or 60Hz ripple on Vdd. If the mains voltage is scaled down with a simple voltage divider and
connected to the SYNC pin, then the key measurement can be triggered by the rising edge
detected at a positive going zero-crossing. Note that in this case, each key signal will be taken at
the same point in the cycle, so Vdd will be the same at each measurement for a given key and
the signals will be steadier.
4.9 Guard Channel Option
The device has a guard channel option (available in all key modes), which allows one key to be
configured as a guard channel to help prevent false detection (see Figure 4-9 on page 20).
Guard channel keys should be more sensitive than the other keys (physically bigger or larger
Cs), subject to burst length limitations (see Section 4.11.2 on page 21).
With guard channel enabled, the designated key is connected to a sensor pad which detects the
presence of touch and overrides any output from the other keys using the chip’s AKS feature.
The guard channel option is enabled by the Guard Key setup byte (see Section 7.5 on page 30).
With the guard channel not enabled, all the keys work normally.
Note: If a key is already “in detect” when the guard channel becomes active, that key will
remain in detect and the guard key will not activate until the active key goes out of
Figure 4-9. Guard Channel Example
4.10 Self-test Functions
4.10.1 Internal Hardware Tests
Internal hardware tests check for hardware failure in the device’s internal memory areas and
data paths. Any failure detected in the function or contents of application ROM, RAM or registers
causes the device to reset itself.
The application code is scanned with a CRC check routine to confirm that the application data is
all correct.
The RAM and registers are checked periodically (every 10 seconds) for dynamic and static
4.10.2 Functional Checks
Functional checks confirm that the device is operating within expected parameters; any failure
detected in these tests is notified to the system host. The device will continue to operate in the
event that such functional failures are detected.
The functional tests are:
Check that the channel-measurement signals are within the defined range.
Confirm that data stored in the EEPROM is valid.
These tests are carried out as the particular functions are used. For example, the EEPROM is
checked when the device attempts to load data from EEPROM, and the channel signals are
checked when a measurement is carried out.
Note: If a particular channel is unused, the threshold of that channel should be set to 0 to
prevent the incorrect reporting of the unused channel as being in an error state.
4.11 Signal Processing
4.11.1 Detection Integrator
The device features a detection integration mechanism, which acts to confirm a detection in a
robust fashion. A per-key counter is incremented each time the key has exceeded its threshold.
When this counter reaches a preset limit the key is finally declared to be touched. For example,
if the DI limit is set to 10, then a key’s signal must fall by more than the key threshold, and
remain below that level for 10 acquisitions, before the key is declared to be touched.
Similarly, the DI is applied to a key that is going out of detect: it must take 10 acquisitions where
the signal has not exceeded its detect threshold before it is declared to leave touch.
Guard Channel
Formed of One Key
Key Pad Formed
of Six Keys
4.11.2 Burst Length Limitations
The maximum burst length is 2048 pulses. The recommended design is to use a capacitor that
gives a signal of <1000 pulses.
The number of pulses in the burst can be obtained by reading the key signal (that is, the number
of pulses to complete measurement of the key’s signal) over the SPI interface (see Section 6.8
on page 26). Alternatively, a scope can be used to measure the entire burst, and then the burst
length divided by the time for a single pulse.
Note that the keys are independent of each other. It is therefore possible, for example, to have a
signal of 100 on one key and a signal of 1000 on another.
4.11.3 Adjacent Key Suppression Technology
The device includes Atmel’s patented Adjacent Key Suppression (AKS) technology to allow the
use of tightly spaced keys on a keypad with no loss of selectability by the user.
AKS is enabled or disabled for each key individually; only one key out of those enabled for AKS
may be reported as touched at any one time. The first key touched dominates and stays in
detect until it is released, even if another stronger key is reported. Once it is released, the next
strongest key is reported. If two keys are simultaneously detected, the strongest key is reported,
allowing a user to slide a finger across multiple keys with only the dominant key reporting touch.
Each key can be enabled for AKS processing via the AKS mask (see Section 7.11 on page 33).
Keys outside the group of enabled keys may be in detect simultaneously.
5. Control Commands
5.1 Introduction
The QT1110 control commands are those commands that affect the device operation.
The control commands are listed in Table 5-1 and are described individually in the following
Note: Commands are implemented immediately upon reception, so a suitable delay is
required for the operation to be completed before communications can be
5.2 Send Setups (0x01)
This command initiates the upload of the full settings table to the QT1110 (see Section 7 on
page 28).
When this command is received, the QT1110 stops key measurement and waits until 42 bytes of
setup data have been received. Key acquisition will restart after all the setup data has been
If enabled, a CRC check byte is transmitted (both ways) after the 42 bytes to confirm that they
have been received correctly.
If CRC checking is not enabled, it is recommended that the host request a dump of setup data
from the QT1110, and confirms that the data correctly matches the data sent.
The host must wait for at least 150 µs for the operation to be completed before communications
can be re-established.
5.3 Calibrate All (0x03)
This command initiates the recalibration of all sensor keys.
The host must wait for at least 150 µs for the operation to be completed before communications
can be re-established.
Table 5-1. Control Commands
Command Code Note
Send Setups 0x01 Configures the device to receive setup data
Calibrate All 0x03 Calibrates all keys
Reset 0x04 Resets the device
Sleep 0x05 Sleep (dead) mode
Store to EEPROM 0x0A Stores RAM setups to EEPROM
Restore from EEPROM 0x0B Copies EEPROM setups to RAM (automatically done at
Erase EEPROM 0x0C Erases EEPROM setups
Recover EEPROM 0x0D Restores last EEPROM settings (after erase)
Calibrate Key 'k' 0x1k Calibrates one key (key k)
5.4 Reset (0x04)
The Reset command forces the QT1110 to reset. If the setups data is present in the EEPROM,
the setups are loaded into the device. Otherwise default settings are applied.
The host must wait for at least 160 ms for the operation to be completed before communications
can be re-established.
5.5 Sleep (0x05)
The Sleep command puts the device into sleep mode (see Section 4.3 on page 17).
The host must wait for at least 150 µs after a low signal is applied to the SS or CHANGE pin to
wake the device before communications can be re-established.
5.6 Store to EEPROM (0x0A)
Stores the current RAM contents to the QT1110’s internal EEPROM. When the device is reset, it
will automatically reload these settings.
The host must wait for at least 200 ms for the operation to be completed before communications
can be re-established.
5.7 Restore from EEPROM (0x0B)
Settings stored in EEPROM are automatically loaded into RAM when the device is reset. If
desired, these settings can be re-loaded into RAM using the ‘Restore from EEPROM’ command.
The host must wait for at least 150 ms for the operation to be completed before communications
can be re-established.
5.8 Erase EEPROM (0x0C)
This command erases the settings stored in EEPROM and then resets the QT1110. This causes
the QT1110 to revert to its default settings.
The host must wait for at least 50 ms for the operation to be completed before communications
can be re-established.
5.9 Recover EEPROM (0x0D)
This command “undeletes” the setup data that was previously stored in the device’s EEPROM
and has been erased using the “Erase EEPROM” command.
Note: If valid settings have not previously been stored in the device EEPROM, the QT1110
continues to operate under the default settings.
The host must wait for at least 50 ms for the operation to be completed before communications
can be re-established.
5.10 Calibrate Key (0x1k)
This command recalibrates the key specified by “k”. For example, to calibrate key 4, the host
sends “0x14”; to calibrate key 10, the host sends “0x1A”.
The host must wait for at least 150 µs for the operation to be completed before communications
can be re-established.
6. Report Requests
6.1 Introduction
The host can request reports from the QT1110, as summarized in Table 6-1.
Note that SPI communications are full-duplex, so the host must transmit on the MOSI pin to
keep the communications active, while reading data from the QT1110 on the MOSI pin. Failure
to do this within 100 ms will cause the device to assume that the exchange has been abandoned
and reset the SPI interface. The host should therefore send one or two “NULL” bytes, as
appropriate, on the MOSI line as it receives the 1- or 2-byte report data from the device.
6.2 First Key (0xC0)
This command returns 1-byte report in the format shown in Table 6-2.
DETECT: 0 = no key in detect; 1 = there is a key in detect.
NUMKEY: indicates the number of keys in detect:
0 = only one key is in detect (specified by “KEY_NUM”)
1 = more than one key in detect.
ERROR: 0 = there are no keys in an error state; 1 = at least one key is in error state.
KEY_NUM: the key number (0 to 10) of the key in detect (if there is only one), or the number of
the first key to go into detection when there are more than one.
Table 6-1. Report Requests
Command Code Note Data Returned
Send First Key 0xC0 Returns the first detected key 1 byte
Send All keys 0xC1 Returns all keys 2-byte bitfield
Device Status 0xC2 Returns the device status 1-byte bitfield
EEPROM CRC 0xC3 Returns the EEPROM CRC 1 byte
RAM CRC 0xC4 Returns the RAM CRC 1 byte
Error Keys 0xC5 Returns the error keys 2-byte bitfield
Signal for Key “k”' 0x2k Returns the signal for key “k” 2-byte number
Reference for Key “k” 0x4k Returns the reference for key “k” 2-byte number
Status for Key “k” 0x8k Returns error conditions/touch indication 1 byte
Detect Output States 0xC6 Returns the detect output states 1 byte
Last Command 0xC7 Returns the last command sent to QT1110 1 byte
Setups 0xC8 Returns the setup data 42 bytes
Device ID 0xC9 Returns the device ID 1 byte
Firmware Version 0xCA Returns the firmware version 1 byte
Table 6-2. Send First Key Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
6.3 All Keys (0xC1)
Returns a 2-byte bit-field report indicating the detection status of all 11 keys.
KEY_n: 0 = key n out of detect, 1 = key n in detect (where n is 010).
6.4 Device Status (0xC2)
This command returns a 1-byte bit-field report indicating the overall status of the QT1110.
Bits 7 is always 1; the other bits are as follows:
DETECT: 0 = no key in detect, 1 = at least 1 key in detect.
CYCLE: 0 = cycle time is good, 1 = cycle time over-run. A cycle time over-run occurs when it
takes longer to measure and process all the keys than the assigned cycle time.
ERROR: 0 = no key in error state, 1 = at least 1 key in error.
CHANGE: 0 = CHANGE pin is asserted, 1 = CHANGE pin is floating.
EEPROM: 0 = EEPROM is good, 1 = EEPROM has an error. If there are no settings stored in
EEPROM, the EEPROM error bit is set and a zero EEPROM CRC is returned.
RESET: set to 1 after power-on or reset, cleared when “Device Status” is read.
GUARD: 0 = guard channel is not in detect, 1 = guard channel is active or in detect. This bit will
be zero if the guard channel is not enabled.
6.5 EEPROM CRC (0xC3)
This command returns a 1-byte CRC checksum for the setup data in EEPROM.
6.6 RAM CRC (0xC4)
This command returns a 1-byte CRC checksum for the setup data in RAM.
Table 6-3. Send All Keys Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0 KEY_10 KEY_9 KEY_8
Byte 1 KEY_7 KEY_6 KEY_5 KEY_4 KEY_3 KEY_2 KEY_1 KEY_0
Table 6-4. Device Status Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
6.7 Error Keys (0xC5)
This command returns a 2-byte bit-field report indicating the error status of all 11 keys. Note that
disabled keys do not report errors.
KEY_n: 0 = key n status good, 1 = key n in error (where n is 010).
6.8 Signal for Key “k” (0x2k)
This command returns a 2-byte report containing the most recent measured signal for key “k”.
The signal is returned as a 16-bit number, MSB first.
6.9 Reference for Key “k” (0x4k)
This command returns a 2-byte report containing the reference signal for key “k”. The reference
is returned as a 16-bit number, MSB first.
6.10 Status for Key “k” (0x8k)
This command returns a 1-byte report containing the status for key “k”.
DETECT: 0ut of detect, 1 = in detect.
LBL: 0 = lower burst limit is good, 1 = lower burst limit has error.
MBL: 0 = maximum burst limit is good, 1 = maximum burst limit has error. The maximum burst
limit is fixed at 2048 pulses.
AKS_EN: 0 = AKS is disabled, 1 = AKS is enabled.
CAL: 0 = normal, 1 = calibrating.
KEY_EN: 0 = key is disabled, 1 = key is enabled.
Table 6-5. Send All Keys Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0 KEY_10 KEY_9 KEY_8
Byte 1 KEY_7 KEY_6 KEY_5 KEY_4 KEY_3 KEY_2 KEY_1 KEY_0
Table 6-6. Signal for Key “k” Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0 Signal MSB
Byte 1 Signal LSB
Table 6-7. Reference for Key “k” Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0 Reference MSB
Byte 1 Reference LSB
Table 6-8. Reference for Key “k” Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
6.11 Detect Output States (0xC6)
This command returns a byte that indicates which PWM signal is applied to each DETECT pin.
DET_n: 0 = “Out of Detect” PWM is output, 1 = the “In Detect” PWM is output.
Note: Note: During “LED Detect Hold Time” or “LED Fade”, the report indicates the new state
of the DETECT pin. For example, if the DETECT output is in “LED Detect Hold Time”
before switching to “Out of Detect” PWM, the reported state is “0”.
6.12 Last Command (0xC7)
This command returns the previous 1-byte command that was received from the host. Note that
this command does not return itself.
6.13 Setups (0xC8)
This command returns the 42 bytes of the setups table, starting with address 0, with the most
significant bit first.
6.14 Device ID (0xC9)
This command returns 1 byte containing the device ID (0x57).
6.15 Firmware Version (0xCA)
Returns 1 byte containing the firmware version.
Table 6-9. Reference for Key “k” Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0 DET_6 DET_5 DET_4 DET_3 DET_2 DET_1 DET_0
Table 6-10. Reference for Key “k” Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0 Last Command
Table 6-11. Device ID Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0 Device ID = 0x57
Table 6-12. Firmware Version Report Format
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0 Major Version Minor Version
7. Setups and Status Information
7.1 Introduction
The bytes of the setup table can be written to or read from individually. The setup table and the
corresponding “Set” and “Get” commands are listed in Table 7-1. Note that there is a
discontinuity in the “Set” and “Get” commands; 0xAF and 0xEF are not implemented.
Table 7-1. Memory Map
Address Function Set Command Get Command
0 Device Mode 0x90 0xD0
1 Guard Key/Comms Options 0x91 0xD1
2 Detect Integrator (DI)/Drift Hold Time (DHT) 0x92 0xD2
3 Positive Threshold (PTHR)/Positive Hysterisis (PHYST) 0x93 0xD3
4 Positive Drift Compensation (PDRIFT) 0x94 0xD4
5 Positive Recalibration Delay (PRD) 0x95 0xD5
6 Lower Burst Limit (LBL) 0x96 0xD6
7 AKS Mask: Keys 8–10 0x97 0xD7
8 AKS Mask: Keys 0–7 0x98 0xD8
9 Detect0 PWM “Detect”/PWM “No Detect” 0x99 0xD9
10 Detect1 PWM “Detect”/PWM “No Detect” 0x9A 0xDA
11 Detect2 PWM “Detect”/PWM “No Detect” 0x9B 0xDB
12 Detect3 PWM “Detect”/PWM “No Detect” 0x9C 0xDC
13 Detect4 PWM “Detect”/PWM “No Detect” 0x9D 0xDD
14 Detect5 PWM “Detect”/PWM “No Detect” 0x9E 0xDE
15 Detect6 PWM “Detect”/PWM “No Detect” 0x9F 0xDF
16 LED Detect Hold Time 0xA0 0xE0
17 LED Fade/Key to LED 0xA1 0xE1
18 LED Latch 0xA2 0xE2
19 Key0 Negative Threshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xA3 0xE3
20 Key1 Negative Threshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xA4 0xE4
21 Key2 Negative Threshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xA5 0xE5
22 Key3 Negative Threshold (NTHR /Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xA6 0xE6
23 Key4 Negative Threshold (NTHR /Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xA7 0xE7
24 Key5 Negative Threshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xA8 0xE8
25 Key6 Negative Threshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xA9 0xE9
26 Key7 Negative Threshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xAA 0xEA
27 Key8 Negative Threshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xAB 0xEB
28 Key9 Negative Threshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xAC 0xEC
29 Key10 NegativeThreshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysterisis (NHYST) 0xAD 0xED
30 Extend Pulse Time 0xAE 0xEE
31 Key0 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB0 0xF0
7.2 Setting Individual Settings
To set up an individual setup value, the host sends the command listed under the “Set
Command” column in Table 7-1, followed by a byte of data.
For details of the communication flow, see Section4.1 on page10.
7.3 Setting All the Setups
The host can send all 42 bytes of setup data to the QT1110 as a block using the Send Setups
command. See Section 5.2 on page 22 for details.
7.4 Address 0: Device Mode
The Device Mode controls the overall operation of the device: number of keys, acquisition
method, timing and trigger mechanism.
KEY_AC: selects the trigger source to start key acquisition; 0 = SYNC pin, 1 = timed.
MODE: selects 7-key or 11-key mode; 0 = default 7-key mode, 1 = 11-key mode.
SIGNAL: selects serial or parallel acquisition of keys signals; 0 = serial, 1 = parallel.
SYNC: selects the trigger type when SYNC Pin is selected as the trigger to start key acquisition.
0 = Level Acquisition starts when a “0” is read at the SYNC pin. If the pin is held
low, the QT1110 operates in “Free run” mode (that is, it will not sleep in
between acquisitions, but start again immediately).
1 = Edge Acquisition starts when a rising edge is detected at the SYNC pin.
When acquisition and post-processing are completed, the device
sleeps until another rising edge is detected at the SYNC pin.
32 Key1 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB1 0xF1
33 Key2 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB2 0xF2
34 Key3 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB3 0xF3
35 Key4 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB4 0xF4
36 Key5 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB5 0xF5
37 Key6 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB6 0xF6
38 Key7 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB7 0xF7
39 Key8 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB8 0xF8
40 Key9 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xB9 0xF9
41 Key10 Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD) 0xBA 0xFA
Table 7-1. Memory Map (Continued)
Address Function Set Command Get Command
Table 7-2. Device Mode
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
REPEAT_TIME: selects the “repeat” time when “Timed” is selected as the trigger to start key
acquisition. The number entered is a multiple of 16 ms. If “0” is entered, the device will operate
in a continuous “free run” mode; that is, the QT1110 will not sleep after its cycle is completed but
will begin the next key acquisition cycle immediately.
Default KEY_AC value: 1 (timed)
Default MODE value: 0 (7-key mode)
Default SIGNAL value: 1 (parallel)
Default SYNC value: 1 (edge)
Default REPEAT_TIME value: 2 (32 ms cycle)
7.5 Address 1: Guard Key/Comms Options
GUARD_KEY: specifies the key (0 to 10) to be used as a guard channel (see Section 2.3 on
page 7) .
GD_EN: enables the use of a guard key; 0 = disable, 1 = enable.
SPI_EN: enables the Quick SPI interface; 0 = disable, 1 = enable (see Table 7-4).
See Section 4.1.6 on page 16 for details of the Quick SPI Mode report.
To exit this mode (and clear the “SPI_EN” bit), the command “0x36” should be sent. To save the
settings to EEPROM and make Quick SPI mode active on startup, send the “Store to EEPROM”
command (0x0A). Any other data sent is ignored in Quick SPI mode.
CHG: the CHANGE pin mode (see Section 4.5 on page 17):
0 = “Data” mode. In this mode the “Change” pin is asserted to indicate unread data.
1 = “Touch” mode. In this mode the “Change” pin is asserted when a key is being touched
or is in detect.
CRC: enables or disables CRC; 0 = disable, 1 = enable. When this option is enabled, each data
exchange must have a CRC byte appended.
When report or setup data is being returned by the QT1110, a 1-byte checksum is returned. The
host should confirm that this checksum is correct and, if not, should request the report again.
Table 7-3. Guard Key/Comms Options
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Table 7-4. Status Information Bytes
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Counter
1 Key 3 status Key 2 status Key 1 status Key 0 status
2 Key 7 status Key 6 status Key 5 status Key 4 status
3Reserved Key 10 status Key 9 status Key 8 status
4 Key 3 error Key 2 error Key 1 error Key 0 error
5 Key 7 error Key 6 error Key 5 error Key 4 error
6Reserved Key 10 error Key 9 error Key 8 error
Where data is being sent by the host, a 1-byte CRC should be sent. The QT1110 returns the
expected CRC byte in the same transaction the CRC byte is sent. In this way, the host can
immediately determine whether the setup data bytes were received correctly.
Default GUARD_KEY value: 0 (Key 0)
Default GD_EN value: 0 (disabled)
Default CHG value: 0 (data mode)
Default CRC value: 0 (disabled)
7.6 Address 2: Detect Integrator Limit (DIL)/Drift Hold Time (DHT)
DIL: the detection integrator (DI) limit. To suppress false detections caused by spurious events
like electrical noise, the device incorporates a DI counter mechanism. A per-key counter is
incremented each time the channel has exceeded its threshold and stayed there for a number of
acquisitions in succession, without going below the threshold level. When this counter reaches a
preset limit the channel is finally declared to be touched. If on any acquisition the delta is not
seen to exceed the threshold level, the counter is cleared and the process has to start from the
Note: A setting of 0 for DI is invalid; the valid range is 1 to 15.
DHT: the drift hold time. After a key-touch has been removed, the QT1110 pauses in the
implementation of its “Drift” compensation for a time. After this time has expired, drift
compensation continues as normal. The “Drift Hold Time” is a multiple of 160 ms, providing
options from 0 to 2400 ms.
Default DIL value: 3
Default DHT value: 8 (1280 ms)
7.7 Address 3: Positive Threshold (PTHR)/Positive Hysteresis (PHYST)
PTHR: the positive threshold for the signal. If a key signal is significantly higher than the
reference signal, this typically indicates that the calibration data is no longer valid. In other
words, some factor has changed since the calibration was carried out, thus rendering it invalid.
Generally this is compensated for by the drift, but the greater the difference the longer this will
take. In order to speed up this correction, the positive threshold is used: if the positive threshold
is exceeded, the QT1110 (that is, all keys) is recalibrated.
Table 7-5. Detect Integrator/Drift Hold Time
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Table 7-6. Positive Threshold (THR)/Positive Hystereis (HYST)
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
PHYST: positive hysteresis. This setting provides a greater degree of control over the
implementation of the positive threshold recalibration. The positive hysteresis operates as a
“modifier” for the positive threshold. When a key signal is detected as being over the positive
threshold, the positive threshold is reduced by a factor corresponding to the positive hysteresis
so that the key will not go in and out of positive detection when the signal is on the borderline
between drift-compensation of a positive error or recalibration.
The settings for positive hysteresis are:
00 = No change to positive threshold
01 = 12.5 percent reduction in positive-detect threshold
10 = 25% reduction in positive-detect threshold
11 = 37.5% reduction in positive-detect threshold
Default PTHR value: 4 (4 counts above reference)
Default PHYST value: 2 (25% positive hysteresis)
7.8 Address 4: Positive Drift Compensation (PDRIFT)
When changing ambient conditions cause a change in the key signal, the QT1110 will
compensate through its drift functions. “Positive Drift” refers to the case where the signal for a
key is greater than the reference.
Drift compensation occurs at a rate of 1 count per drift compensation period.
PDRIFT: the drift compensation period, in multiples of 160 ms. The valid range is 0 to 127,
where 0 disables positive drift compensation.
Note: Drift compensation timing is paused while Drift Hold is activated, and continued when
Drift Hold has timed out.
Default value: 6 (960 ms)
7.9 Address 5: Positive Recalibration Delay (PRD)
If a key signal is determined to be above the positive threshold, the QT1110 will wait for this
delay and confirm that the error condition is still present before initiating a recalibration.
PRD: the positive recalibration delay, in multiples of 160 ms.
Note: All keys are recalibrated in the case of a positive recalibration.
Default value: 6 (960 ms)
Table 7-7. Positive Drift Compensation
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Table 7-8. Positive Recalibration Delay
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
7.10 Address 6: Lower Burst Limit (LBL)
Normal QTouch signals are in the range of 100 to 1000 counts for each key. The lower burst
limit determines the minimum signal that is considered as a valid acquisition. If the count is lower
than the lower burst limit, it is considered not to be valid and the key is set to an Error state.
Note: Where a key has a signal of less than the LBL, a detection is not reported on that key.
Default value: 18
7.11 Addresses 7–8: AKS Mask
AKS_n (AKS Mask): 0 = key n AKS disabled, 1 = key n AKS enabled (where n is 010).
These bits control which keys have AKS enabled (see Section 3 on page 8). A “1” means the
corresponding key has AKS enabled; a “0” means that the corresponding key has AKS disabled.
Default AKS mask: 0x07 and 0xFF (all keys have AKS enabled)
7.12 Addresses 9–15: Detect0 – Detect6 PWM
Each of the 7 detect pins can be configured to output a PWM signal to indicate whether the key
is touched (in detect) or not touched (out of detect).
The Detect outputs must be enabled by selecting 7-key mode in the “Device Mode” setting (see
Section 7.4 on page 29), and the corresponding “Key to LED” bits must be set to enable the
individual “Detect” outputs for each key (see Section 7.14 on page 35).
IN_DETECTn: PWM to output when key n is “In Detect” (where n is 0–7).
Table 7-9. Lower Burst Limit
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Table 7-10. AKS Mask
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
7AKS_10 AKS_9 AKS_8
8 AKS_7 AKS_6 AKS_5 AKS_4 AKS_3 AKS_2 AKS_1 AKS_0
Table 7-11. Detect0 – Detect6 PWM
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
OUT_DETECTn: PWM to output when key n is “Out of Detect” (where n is 0–7). This PWM is
also output if the DETECT output is “disconnected” from the key (that is, “LED_n” in address 17
is set to 0), allowing the host to directly control the PWM output.
The values for the “IN_DETECTn” and “OUT_DETECTn” nibbles are listed in Table 7-12.
Default IN_DETECTn value: 8 (100% PWM – on)
Default OUT_DETECTn value: 0 (0% PWM – off)
7.13 Address 16: LED Detect Hold Time
When a key is touched, if the “Detect” outputs and “Key to LED” options are enabled (see
Section 7.12 and Section 7.14), the corresponding “Detect” pin will output its “In-Detect” PWM
After the key touch is removed, the “Detect” output can be held at the “In-Detect” PWM signal for
a time before returning to the “Out of Detect” PWM signal. This allows a reasonable length of
time for an LED to be illuminated. The length of this time is controlled by the LED Detect Hold
Time. Valid values are in multiples of 16 ms.
Default value: 0 (0 ms)
Table 7-12. PWM Values
Value Meaning
1 12.5%
3 37.5%
5 62.5%
7 87.5%
8 100%
Table 7-13. LED Detect Hold Time
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
7.14 Address 17: LED Fade/Key to LED
FADE: enables/disables fading for all LEDs. This is a global setting; either all LEDs fade, or
none of them.
0 = disable (no fade).
1 = enable fading on and off.
LED_n: activates the LED output for the corresponding key output DETECTn (where n is 06).
1 = enables the “Detect” output to follow the status of the corresponding key.
0 = disable this function, in which case the “Detect” pin will always output its “Out of Detect”
PWM (see Section 7.12 on page 33).
Default FADE value: 0 (disabled)
Default LED_n value: 1 (enabled)
7.15 Address 18: LED Latch
LATCH_n: enables/disables latching of the LED for the corresponding key output DETECTn
(where n is 06).
1 = enables latching. When latching is enabled for a given LED, the LED toggles its state each
time the key is touched.
0 = disables latching.
Note that bit 7 is reserved and should be set to zero.
Default LATCH_n value: 0x00 (latch disabled)
7.16 Addresses 19–29: Negative Threshold (NTHR)/Negative Hysteresis (NHYST)
Table 7-14. LED Fade/Key to LED
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Table 7-15. LED Latch
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Table 7-16. Negative Threshold/Negative Hysteresis
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
KEY_n_NTHR: the negative threshold for key n (where n is 010).
The negative threshold determines how much the signal must fall (compared to the reference)
before a key is considered to be “In Detect”. This level will generally need to be tuned
individually for each key. To disable an individual key, set the threshold for that key to 0.
KEY_n_NHYST: the negative hysteresis applied to key n detection threshold (where n is
Negative Hysteresis operates as a “modifier” for the negative threshold in order to provide a
greater degree of control over the detection of a “Touch”. When a key signal is first detected as
being under the negative threshold, the threshold is reduced by a factor corresponding to the
selected negative hysteresis. This means that the key will not go in and out of detection when
the signal is on the borderline between drift-compensation or touch detection.
The settings for negative hysteresis are:
00 No change to negative threshold
01 12.5% reduction in negative threshold
10 25% reduction in negative threshold
11 37.5% reduction in negative threshold
Default KEY_n_NTHR value: 10 counts
Default KEY_n_NHYST value: 2 (25 percent)
7.17 Address 30: Extend Pulse Time
HIGH_TIME: Number of µs to extend the high pulse time.
LOW_TIME: Number of µs to extend the low pulse time.
Table 7-16. Negative Threshold/Negative Hysteresis (Continued)
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Table 7-17. Extend Pulse Time
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
7.18 Addresses 31–41: Negative Drift Compensation (NDRIFT)/Negative Recalibration Delay (NRD)
KEY_n_NDRIFT: the negative drift compensation for key n (where n is 010).
When changing ambient conditions cause a change in the key signal, the QT1110 will
compensate through its drift functions. “Negative Drift” refers to the case where the signal for a
key is lower than the reference. Drift compensation occurs at a rate of 1 count per drift
compensation period. The entered number is a multiple of 320 ms.
Note that as a key touch, or an approaching touch, naturally causes a negative change in the
signal, negative drift should be carried out at a much slower rate than positive drift. Otherwise, a
slowly approaching finger will not cause a touch detection, as the falling signal could be
compensated through the negative drift mechanism.
Note: Drift compensation timing is paused while Drift Hold is activated, and continues when
Drift Hold has timed out.
KEY_n_NRD: the negative recalibration delay for key n (where n is 010).
In order to avoid a situation where a key remains “stuck” in detect due to, for example, changing
environmental conditions, the “Negative Recalibration Delay” sets an upper limit on how long a
key can remain “touched”. When this time is exceeded, the QT1110 (that is, all keys) is
recalibrated, taking this key (and any others which are in detect) out of detection. This delay is
set in a multiple of 2560 ms.
Note: A setting of “0” disables the NRD Timeout.
Default KEY_n_NDRIFT value: 7 (2240 ms)
Default KEY_n_NRD value: 10 (25.6 seconds)
Table 7-18. Negative Drift Compensation/Negative Recalibration Delay
Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
8. Specifications
8.1 Absolute Maximum Specifications
8.2 Recommended Operating Conditions
8.3 DC Specifications
8.4 Timing Specifications
Vdd -0.5 to +6V
Max continuous pin current, any control or drive pin ±10 mA
Voltage forced onto any pin -1.0V to (Vdd + 0.5) Volts
EEPROM setups maximum writes 100,000 write cycles
CAUTION: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Specifications may cause permanent damage to the
device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or other conditions beyond those indicated
in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum specification conditions for
extended periods may affect device reliability
Operating temperature -40°C to +85°C
Storage temperature -65°C to +150°C
Vdd 3V to 5.5V
Supply ripple + noise ±20 mV
Cx transverse load capacitance per key 2 to 20 pF
Vdd = 5.0V, Cs = 4.7 nF, Rs = 1 M, Ta = recommended range, unless otherwise noted
Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
Iddr Average supply current, running 12 at 5V
8 at 3V mA For typical values see
Section 8.8
Vil Low input logic level -0.5V 0.3 Vdd V
Vih High input logic level 0.6 Vdd Vdd Vdd + 0.5V V
Vol Low output voltage 0 0.7 V 10 mA sink current
Voh High output voltage 0.8 Vdd Vdd V 10 mA source current
Iil Input leakage current <0.05 1 µA
Rrst Internal RST pull-up resistor 30 60 k
Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
TBS Burst duration 5 ms 4.7 nF Cs
Fc Burst center frequency 53 kHz
Fm Burst modulation, percentage 18 %
TPW Pulse width 6000 ns
8.5 SPI Bus Specifications
8.5.1 General Specifications
8.5.2 Full SPI Mode
8.5.3 Quick SPI Mode
Parameter Specification
Address space 8-bit
Maximum clock rate 1.5 MHz
Minimum low clock period 333 ns
Minimum high clock period 333 ns
Clock idle High
Setup on Leading (falling) edge
Clock out on Trailing (rising) edge
SPI Enable delay (SS low to SCK low) 1 µs
Parameter Specification
Time between bytes 150 µs
Time between communications
Generally 150 µs; longer delays required to implement some commands, as follows:
Send Setups: 150 µs after all setup bytes are returned
Calibrate All: 150 µs
Calibrate Key: 150 µs
Reset: 160 ms
Sleep: 150 µs after a low signal is applied to SS or CHANGE to wake the device
Store to EEPROM: 200 ms
Restore from EEPROM: 150 ms
Erase EEPROM: 50 ms
Recover EEPROM: 50 ms
Parameter Specification
Time between bytes 50 µs
Time between communications
Generally 50 µs, except for the following:
Store to EEPROM: 200 ms
Switch to Full SPI: 150 µs
Figure 8-1. Signals on SPI Pins During the Exchange of a Data Byte
8.6 External Reset
8.7 Internal Resonator
MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3Bit 2 Bit 1 LSB
Parameter Description Operation
Threshold voltage low (Activate)
Threshold voltage high (Release)
Reset Minimum length of Reset low 600 ns at 5V
1100 ns at 3V
Parameter Operation
Internal RC oscillator 8 MHz with spread-spectrum modifier during measurement bursts
8.8 Power Consumption
4.7 nF Cs Capacitors
7-key Parallel 7-key Serial 11-key Parallel 11-key Serial
11-key Serial, 1 key enabled
Vdd (V) Cycle Time
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
0 (Free Run) 13.2 ms 2470 26.6 ms 2350 15.3 ms 2385 37.4 ms 2420 2.15 ms 2107
1 (16 ms Nominal) 17.2 ms 2180 26.6 ms 2350 17.3 ms 2182 37.4 ms 2420 16.5 ms 950
2 (32 ms Nominal) 33.6 ms 1470 34.4 ms 1950 33.8 ms 1435 37.4 ms 2420 33 ms 739
4 (64 ms Nominal) 66.4 ms 1010 67.2 ms 1325 66.4 ms 1045 68.4 ms 1587 66 ms 691
8 (128 ms Nominal) 132 ms 840 133 ms 1025 132 ms 840 134 ms 1120 132 ms 668
15 (240 ms Nominal) 248 ms 815 250 ms 850 250 ms 810 250 ms 1008 248 ms 656
0 (Free Run) 15.1 ms 5530 30.2 ms 5405 17.3 ms 5674 43.6 ms 5425 2.15 ms 4860
1 (16 ms Nominal) 17.2 ms 5290 30.2 ms 5405 17.3 ms 5674 43.6 ms 5425 16.3 ms 2965
2 (32 ms Nominal) 33.4 ms 4210 34.4 ms 5350 33.6 ms 4013 43.6 ms 5425 32.6 ms 2400
4 (64 ms Nominal) 65.6 ms 3120 66.8 ms 4015 65.6 ms 3240 67.6 ms 4130 64.8 ms 2248
8 (128 ms Nominal) 130 ms 2705 132 ms 3225 130 ms 2840 132 ms 3530 129 ms 2206
15 (240 ms Nominal) 244 ms 2440 244 ms 3035 246 ms 2465 245 ms 3015 244 ms 2163
Note: These values are for reference only; values are untested.
10 nF Cs Capacitors
7-key Parallel 7-key Serial 11-key Parallel 11-key Serial
11-key Serial, 1 key enabled
Vdd (V) Cycle Time
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
Actual Cycle Time
Idd (µA)
0 (Free Run) 24.2 ms 2375 48.4 ms 2430 24.2 ms 2434 63.6 ms 2416 8.6 ms 2130
1 (16 ms Nominal) 24.2 ms 2375 48.4 ms 2430 24.2 ms 2434 63.6 ms 2416 16.7 ms 1422
2 (32 ms Nominal) 34.4 ms 1860 48.4 ms 2430 34 ms 1945 63.6 ms 2416 33 ms 1065
4 (64 ms Nominal) 66.8 ms 1285 68.4 ms 1910 66.4 ms 1290 69.6 ms 2260 65 ms 848
8 (128 ms Nominal) 131 ms 995 133 ms 1320 132 ms 980 134 ms 1485 130 ms 766
15 (240 ms Nominal) 246 ms 845 248 ms 1030 246 ms 824 248 ms 1080 243 ms 708
0 (Free Run) 26 ms 5810 56.4 ms 5510 28 ms 5675 73.6 ms 5596 8.6 ms 5145
1 (16 ms Nominal) 26 ms 5810 56.4 ms 5510 28 ms 5675 73.6 ms 5596 16.6 ms 3990
2 (32 ms Nominal) 34 ms 5170 56.4 ms 5510 34 ms 5196 73.6 ms 5596 32.6 ms 3160
4 (64 ms Nominal) 66 ms 3990 67.6 ms 5120 66.4 ms 3780 73.6 ms 5596 64.8 ms 2690
8 (128 ms Nominal) 131 ms 3290 132 ms 3850 130 ms 2910 133 ms 4055 129 ms 2310
15 (240 ms Nominal) 244 ms 2950 244 ms 3310 242 ms 2675 246 ms 3170 241 ms 2270
Note: These values are for reference only; values are untested.
8.9 Mechanical Dimensions
8.9.1 AT42QT1110-MU 32-pin 5 x 5 mm MLF
2325 Orchard Parkway
San Jose, CA 95131
32M1-A, 32-pad, 5 x 5 x 1.0 mm Body, Lead Pitch 0.50 mm, E
3.10 mm Exposed Pad, Micro Lead Frame Package (MLF)
(Unit of Measure = mm)
E1 E
A 0.80 0.90 1.00
A1 0.02 0.05
A2 0.65 1.00
A3 0.20 REF
D2 2.95 3.10 3.25
4.90 5.00 5.10
4.70 4.75 4.80
4.70 4.75 4.80
4.90 5.00 5.10
E2 2.95 3.10 3.25
e 0.50 BSC
L 0.30 0.40 0.50
P 0.60
Note: JEDEC Standard MO-220, Fig. 2 (Anvil Singulation), VHHD-2.
Pin 1 ID
Pin #1 Notch
(0.20 R)
K 0.20
8.9.2 AT42QT1110-AU 32-pin 7 x 7 mm TQFP
2325 Orchard Parkway
San Jose, CA 95131
32A, 32-lead, 7 x 7 mm Body Size, 1.0 mm Body Thickness,
0.8 mm Lead Pitch, Thin Profile Plastic Quad Flat Package (TQFP) B
A1 A2 A
eE1 E
Notes: 1. This package conforms to JEDEC reference MS-026, Variation ABA.
2. Dimensions D1 and E1 do not include mold protrusion. Allowable
protrusion is 0.25 mm per side. Dimensions D1 and E1 are maximum
plastic body size dimensions including mold mismatch.
3. Lead coplanarity is 0.10 mm maximum.
A 1.20
A1 0.05 0.15
A2 0.95 1.00 1.05
D 8.75 9.00 9.25
D1 6.90 7.00 7.10 Note 2
E 8.75 9.00 9.25
E1 6.90 7.00 7.10 Note 2
B 0.30 0.45
C 0.09 0.20
L 0.45 0.75
e 0.80 TYP
(Unit of Measure = mm)
8.10 Marking
8.10.1 AT42QT1110-MU 32-pin 5 x 5 mm MLF
Either of the following markings may be used.
Pin 1 ID
Progr am week code num ber 1-52
A = 1, B = 2...Z = 26
then using t he unders cor e
A = 27...Z = 52
Code revision:
4.5 Released
Abbreviation of
Part Num ber :
Pin 1 ID
Abbrev iat ion of
Par t Num b er:
Code Revision:
4. 5, Rel eased
Lot Number
MU 4 R 5
Lot num ber
Dat e c ode C ount ry C ode
8.10.2 AT42QT1110-AU 32-pin 7 x 7 mm TQFP
Either of the following markings may be used.
8.11 Part Number
8.12 Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL)
AU 4 R5
Abbrev iat ion of
Par t Num b er:
Pin 1 ID
Program week code number 1
A = 1, B = 2...Z = 26
t hen using t he un der sc or e
A = 2 7 ...Z = 52
Cod e Re vis io n:
4. 5, Rel eased
Abbrev iat ion of
Par t Num b er:
Pin 1 ID
Code Revision:
4.5, Released
AU 4 R5
Lot Numb er
Part Number Description
AT42QT1110-MU 32-pin 5 x 5 mm MLF RoHS compliant (-40°C to +85°C)
AT42QT1110-AU 32-pin 7 x 7 mm TQFP RoHS compliant (-40°C to +85°C)
MSL Rating Peak Body Temperature Specifications
Appendix A. CRC Calculation
If the use of a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) during data transmission is enabled, the host
must generate a valid CRC so that this can be correctly compared to the corresponding CRC
generated by the QT1110. This appendix gives example C code to show how the CRC can be
generated by the host.
unsigned char calc_crc(unsigned char crc, unsigned char data)
Purpose: Calculate CRC for data packets
Input : CRC, Data
Output : Updated CRC
Notes : -
unsigned char calc_crc(unsigned char crc, unsigned char data)
unsigned char index;
unsigned char fb;
index = 8;
fb = (crc ^ data) & 0x01u;
data >>= 1u;
crc >>= 1u;
crc ^= 0x8c;
} while(--index);
return crc;
/* Example Calling Routine */
unsigned char calculate_config_checksum(void)
int i;
unsigned char CRC_val = 0;
unsigned char setup_data[42] =
0xB2, 0x00, 0x38, 0x12, 0x06, 0x06, 0x12, 0x07, 0xFF, 0x80,
0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x32, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x29,
0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
0X00, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A,
0x7A, 0x7A
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(setup_data); i++)
CRC_val = calc_crc(CRC_val, setup_data[i]);
Revision History
Revision No. History
Revision A – November 2008 Initial Release
Revision B – December 2008 Updated for chip revision 2.1
Revision C – December 2008 Updated SPI specifications
Revision D – February 2009 Updated for chip revision 3.1
Revision E – April 2009 Updated for chip revision 3.2:
added self-test function
Revision F – July 2009 Updated for chip revision 4.3:
added Quick SPI mode
Revision G – October 2009 Updated for chip revision 4.4
Updated specifications
Revision H – February 2010 Description of Quick SPI mode timing
Revision I – March 2010 Updated for chip revision 4.5
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