DB3-DB3TG 150mW Bi-directional Trigger Diode Small Signal Diode DO-35 Axial Lead HERMETICALLY SEALED GLASS D Features Designed for through-Hole Device Type Mounting. C A Hermetically Sealed Glass. All external surface are corrosion resistant and terminals are readily solderable. B High reliability glass passivation insuring parameter stability and protection against junction contamination. Pb free version and RoHS compliant Dimensions Mechanical Data Unit (mm) Unit (inch) Min Max Min Max Case :DO-35 Solder Hot Dip Tin (Sn) lead finish A 0.45 0.55 0.018 0.022 Terminal: Pure tin plated, lead free., solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 guaranteed B 3.05 4.00 0.120 0.157 C 25.4 38.1 1.000 1.500 High temperature soldering guaranteed: 260C/10s D 1.53 2.28 0.060 0.090 Marking : DB3/DB3TG Weight : 0.1255 gram (approximately) Ordering Information Part No. Package Packing Marking DO-35 DB3 RI 5K / 10" Reel DB3 DO-35 DB3TG RI 5K / 10" Reel DB3TG Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics Rating at 25C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Maximum Ratings Type Number Power Dissipation Repetitive Peak Forward Current Pulse Width= 20sec Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) (Note 1) Junction and Storage Temperature Range Symbol Value Units PD 150 mW IFRM 2 A RJA 400 C/W TJ, TSTG -40 to + 125 C Notes:1. Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature Version : D10 DB3-DB3TG 150mW Bi-directional Trigger Diode Small Signal Diode Electrical Characteristics Type Number Symbol Break-over Voltage C= Break-over Voltage Symmetry Break-over Current Dynamic Breakover Voltage Leakage Current C= 22nF 22nF C= 22nF IBO to IF=10mA DB3 DB3TG 30 Units Min. 28 Typ. 32 32 Max. 36 34 + / -VBO IBO Max. +/-3 +/-2 V Max. 100 15 A 5 9 V VBO V V Min. VB= 0.5VBO (MAX) IB Max. 10 A *see diagram 1 VO Min. 5 V Output Voltage Tape & Reel specification Item Overall width Tape spacing Component Pitch Untaped lead Bent Tape Mismatch Glass offset Taped lead lead beyond tape Reel outside diameter Reel inner diameter Feed hole width Reel width Symbol A B C L1-L2 K E F G H D D1 D2 W1 Dimension(mm) 64+1.69/-0.69 52.0+/-0.69 5.08+/-0.40 +/-0.69 1.2 Max 0.55(MAX) 0.69(MAX) 3.2Min 0 260+/-3 48+/-1 20+/-0.5 72+3/-1 H G W1 L1 F D D2 B D1 A L2 E C K Version : D10 DB3-DB3TG 150mW Bi-directional Trigger Diode Small Signal Diode Rating and Characteristic Curves I IF=10m IBO V IB VB=0.5*VBO VF V VBO VBO :Break-Over Voltage IBO : Break-Over Current V : Dynamic Breakover Voltage IB : Leakage Current at V B=0.5*VBO VF : Voltage at Current I F=10mA Diagram 1: Test Circuit FIG 1 Admissible Power Dissipation Curve Power Dissipation (mW) 160 120 80 40 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Ambient Tempeatature ( oC) FIG 3 Repetitive peak pulse current versus pulse duration (maximum values) FIG 2 Relative variation of VBO versus junction temperature (typical values) Repetitive peak pulse current (A) VBO [Tj] / VBO [Tj=25C] 1.08 1.07 1.06 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 25 50 75 Tj(C) 100 125 100 10 1 0.1 1 10 100 tp (s) Version : D10