R88M-G@ G-Series servo motors AC Servo systems A wide range of compact servomotors to meet all application needs * Peak torque 300% of continuous torque during 3 seconds or more depending on model * Servomotors supported by SmartStep2, G-Series and Accurax G5 servo drives * Cylindrical and Flat servomotors types are available * Encoder accuracy of 10,000 step/rev as standard and 17-bit INC/ABS encoder as optional * IP65 as standard and shaft oil seal available * Motors with brake as option Ratings * 230 VAC Single-phase 50 W to 1.5 kW (rated torque from 0.16 to 8.62 Nm) System configuration G-Series Cylindrical type Servo motor G-Series Servo drive AC SE RVO DRIVER 9 01 23 23 78 ADR 5 6 X10 4 01 X1 COM SP IM G 3000 rpm (50-750W) Power cable 3000 rpm (1000-1500 W) 2000 rpm (1000-1500 W) 1000 rpm (900 W) G-Series Flat type Servo motor SmartStep 2 Servo drive Servo drive controlled by pulses Encoder cable 3000 rpm (100-400 W) G-Series servo motors 115 Servo motor / servo drive combination Servo motor Family Cylindric 50-750 W Speed Rated torque Capacity Model SmartStep2*3 G-Series 230 V 3000 min-1 0.16 Nm 50 W R88M-G05030@-@S2 R7D-BP01H R88D-GN01H-ML2 R88D-GN01H-ML2 900-1500 W 2000 min-1 1000 min-1 Flat 100-400 W Servo drive Voltage 3000 min-1 0.32 Nm 100 W R88M-G10030@-@S2 R7D-BP01H 0.64 Nm 200 W R88M-G20030@-@S2 R7D-BP02HH R88D-GN02H-ML2 1.3 Nm 400 W R88M-G40030@-@S2 R7D-BP04H R88D-GN04H-ML2 2.4 Nm 750 W R88M-G75030@-@S2 R88D-GP08H R88D-GN08H-ML2 3.18 Nm 1000 W R88M-G1K030T-@S2 - R88D-GN15H-ML2 4.77 Nm 1500 W R88M-G1K530T-@S2 - R88D-GN15H-ML2 4.8 Nm 1000 W R88M-G1K020T-@S2 - R88D-GN10H-ML2 7.15 Nm 1500 W R88M-G1K520T-@S2 - R88D-GN15H-ML2 8.62 Nm 900 W R88M-G90010T-@S2 - R88D-GN15H-ML2 R88D-GN01H-ML2 0.32 Nm 100 W R88M-GP10030@-@S2 R7D-BP01H 0.64 Nm 200 W R88M-GP20030@-@S2 R7D-BP02HH R88D-GN02H-ML2 1.3 Nm 400 W R88M-GP40030@-@S2 R7D-BP04H R88D-GN04H-ML2 Note: 1. For servo motor and cables part numbers refer to ordering information at the end of this chapter 2. Refer to the servo drive chapter for drive options selection and detailed specifications 3. SmartStep2 only supports incremental encoder Type designation Servo motor R88M-GP10030H-BOS2 G-Series Servo motor Motor type Blank: Cylinder type P: Flat type Capacity 050 100 200 400 750 900 1K0 1K5 50 W 100 W 200 W 400 W 750 W 900 W 1 kW 1.5 kW Shaft end specifications Blank Straigth shaft, no key Straigth, key, tapped S2 Oil seal specifications Blank No oil seal Oil seal O Brake specifications Blank No brake Brake B Voltage and encoder specifications H: 230 V with incremental encoder T: 230 V with absolute encoder Rated speed (r/min) 10 20 30 116 1000 2000 3000 AC servo systems Servo motor specifications Cylindrical servo motors 3000/2000/1000 r/min Applied voltage Servo motor model R88M-@ Rated output W Rated torque N*m Instantaneous peak torque N*m Rated current A (rms) Instantaneous max. current A (rms) Rated speed min-1 Max. speed min-1 Torque constant N*m/A (rms) Rotor moment of inertia (JM) kg*m2x10-4 Allowable load moment of inertia Multiple of (JM) (JL) Rated power rate kW/s Applicable Encoder Basic specifications Brake specifications Allowable radial load Allowable thrust load Approx. mass 230 V G05030@ G10030@ G20030@ G40030@ G75030@ G1K030T G1K530T G1K020T G1K520T G90010T 50 100 200 400 750 1000 1500 1000 1500 900 0.16 0.32 0.64 1.3 2.4 3.18 4.77 4.8 7.15 8.62 0.45 0.90 1.78 3.67 7.05 9.1 12.8 13.5 19.6 18.4 1.1 1.6 2.6 4 7.2 9.4 5.6 9.4 7.6 3.4 4.9 7.9 12.1 21.4 28.5 17.1 28.5 17.1 3000 2000 1000 5000 4500 5000 3000 2000 0.14 0.19 0.41 0.51 0.64 0.44 0.51 0.88 0.76 1.13 0.025 0.051 0.14 0.26 0.87 1.69 2.59 6.17 11.2 30 20 15 10 10.4 20.1 30.3 62.5 66 60 88 37.3 45.8 66.3 Incremental encoder (10000 pulses) Incremental /Absolute encoder(17 bits) 68 245 392 490 686 58 98 147 196 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.2 2.3 4.5 5.1 6.8 8.5 0.5 0.7 1.3 1.7 3.1 5.1 6.5 8.7 10.1 10 24 VDC +/-5% 24 VDC +/-10% 0.002 0.018 0.075 0.25 0.33 1.35 N N kg (without brake) kg (with brake) Rated voltage Holding brake moment of inertia kg*m2x10-4 J Power consumption (at 20C) W Current consumption (at 20C) A Static friction torque N.m (minimum) Rise time for holding torque ms (max.) Release time ms (max) Rating Insulation grade Ambient operating/ storage temperature Ambient operating/ storage humidity Vibration class Insulation resistance Enclosure Vibration resistance Mounting 7 9 10 18 19 14 0.3 0.36 0.42 0.74 0.81 0.59 0.29 1.27 2.45 4.9 7.8 4.9 35 50 70 50 80 20 15 20 15 70 Continuous Type B Type F 0 to +40C/ -20 to 65C 0 to +40C/ -20 to 80C 85% RH max. (non-condensing) V-15 20 M min. at 500 VDC between the power terminals and FG terminal Totally-enclosed, self-cooling, IP65 (excluding shaft opening and lead wire ends) Vibration acceleration 49 m/s Vibration acceleration 24.5 m/s Flange-mounted 19 0.79 13.7 100 50 Torque-speed characteristics R88M-G10030H/T (100 W) R88M-G05030H/T (50 W) (N*m) 0.5 (N*m) 0.45 0.45 1.0 0.93 0.25 0.16 0.5 0.32 0.16 0.1 Continuous usage 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) R88M-G75030H/T (750 W) 8.0 7.05 2.0 1.78 1.0 0.32 0.28 Continuous usage 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) 0 Repetitive usage 4.0 2.4 2.4 Continuous usage 4.0 Repetitive usage 5 3.18 3.18 1.0 Continuous usage R88M-G1K520T (1.5 kW) 0 0.64 0.64 Continuous usage 0 1.5 0.38 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) 15 12.9 4.8 0 1.7 0.78 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) 13.5 (2200) 15 13.5 10 Repetitive usage 7.5 4.77 4.77 0 3.6 (3800) Repetitive usage 2.0 1.3 1.3 Continuous usage R88M-G1K020T (1 kW) 12.9 (3500) Continuous usage 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) 4.0 3.6 (N*m) (N*m) 9.1 (3600) 10 9.1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) 1.78 (4500) R88M-G1K530T (1.5 kW) R88M-G1K030T (1 kW) 7.05 (3600) (N*m) Repetitive usage (N*m) (N*m) 0 0.93 Repetitive usage Repetitive usage R88M-G40030H/T (400 W) R88M-G20030H/T (200 W) (N*m) 3.6 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) 5 4.8 0 Repetitive usage 4.8 Continuous usage 1000 2000 5.5 3.2 3000 (r/min) R88M-G90010T (900 W) (N*m) 19.6 (2200) 20 19.6 Repetitive usage 10 7.15 7.15 Continuous usage 0 1000 2000 (N*m) 20 18.4 18.4 (1600) Repetitive usage 14.3 10 8.62 4.7 3000 (r/min) G-Series servo motors 0 8.62 10.0 Continuous usage 4.31 1000 2000 (r/min) 117 AC Servo systems Ratings and specifications Flat servo motors 3000 r/min Ratings and specifications Applied voltage 230 V Servo motor model R88M-@ GP10030@ GP20030@ GP40030@ 400 Rated output W 100 200 Rated torque N*m 0.32 0.64 1.3 Instantaneous peak torque N*m 0.86 1.8 3.65 Rated current A (rms) 1 1.6 2.5 Instantaneous max. current A (rms) 3.1 4.9 7.5 Rated speed min-1 Max. speed min-1 Torque constant N*m/A (rms) 0.34 0.42 0.54 Rotor moment of inertia (JM) kg*m2x10-4 0.1 0.35 0.64 Allowable load moment of inertia (JL) Multiple of (JM) Rated power rate kW/s 3000 5000 20 10.2 11.5 Applicable encoder 25.5 Incremental (10000 pulses) Incremental /Absolute encoder(17 bits) N 68 Allowable thrust load N 58 Approx. mass kg (without brake) 0.7 1.3 1.8 kg (with brake) 0.9 2 2.5 Holding brake moment of inertia J kg*m2x10-4 0.03 Power consumption (at 20C) W 7 10 Current consumption (at 20C) A 0.29 0.41 Static friction torque N.m (minimum) 0.29 1.27 Rise time for holding torque ms (max.) Release time ms (max) Brake specifications Allowable radial load 98 Rated voltage 24VDC +/-10% Rating Basic specifications 245 0.09 50 60 15 Continuous Insulation grade Type B Ambient operating/ storage temperature 0 to +40 C/ -20 to 80C Ambient operating/ storage humidity 85% RH max. (non-condensing) Vibration class V-15 Insulation resistance 20 M min. at 500 VDC between the power terminals and FG terminal Enclosure Totally-enclosed, self-cooling, IP65 (excluding shaft opening and lead wire ends) Vibration resistance Vibration acceleration 49 m/s2 Mounting Flange-mounted Torque-speed characteristics R88M-GP20030H/T (200 W) R88M-GP10030H/T (100 W) (N*m) 0.86 Repetitive usage 0.5 0.32 0.32 Continuous usage 118 (N*m) (N*m) 1.0 0.86 0 R88M-GP40030H/T (400 W) 1.8 (4500) 2.0 1.8 Repetitive usage 1.0 0.64 0.64 0.19 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) Continuous usage 0 4.0 3.65 3.65 (3600) Repetitive usage 2.0 1.3 1.3 Continuous usage 0.38 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) 0 2.0 0.78 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 (r/min) AC servo systems Dimensions Servo motors Cylindrical type 3000 r/min (230 V, 50-100 W) Without brake With brake Model LL LL R88M-G05030@-@S2 72 102 26.5 R88M-G10030@-@S2 92 122 46.5 Encoder connector LL LN Flange surface Shaft end Aprox. mass (kg) D S B Without brake 30h7 8h6 3h9 0.3 With brake 0.5 0.5 0.7 AC Servo systems Dimensions (mm) Brake connector Servomotor connector 25 3 (Dimensions of shaft end with key and tap) 230 6 B 40 x 40 32 3 Two, 4.3 dia. 1.8 200 14 12.5 46 dia. M3 x 6L (Tap x Depth) D S LN Cylindrical type 3000 r/min (230 V, 200-750 W) Dimensions (mm) Without brake Model With brake LL LL R88M-G20030@-@S2 79.5 116 R88M-G40030@-@S2 99 135.5 R88M-G75030@-@S2 112.2 149.2 LR KL1 30 43 35 53 Flange surface Shaft end Aprox. mass (kg) D1 D2 C G Z S QK B H T1 70 50h7 60 6.5 4.5 11h6 18 4h9 4 2.5 M4x8L 0.8 14h6 22.5 5h9 5 3 M5x10L 1.2 1.7 19h6 22 6h9 6 3.5 2.3 3.1 90 70h7 80 8 6 Tap x depth Without brake With brake 1.3 Brake connector Servomotor connector Encoder connector LL G LR 3 200 QK CxC B T1 Four, Z dia. D1 dia. D2 S KL1 H 220 (Dimensions of shaft end with key and tap) G-Series servo motors Tap x Depth 119 Cylindrical type 3000, 2000 and 1000 r/min (230 V, 900 kW - 1.5 kW) Dimensions (mm) Without brake With brake LR KL1 Flange surface Model LL LL D1 R88M-G1K030T-@S2 175 200 R88M-G1K530T-@S2 180 205 103 115 R88M-G1K020T-@S2 150 175 118 145 110h7 165 130 12 R88M-G1K520T-@S2 175 200 R88M-G90010T-@S2 175 200 55 98 D2 100 Shaft end D3 C G F Z 80h7 120 90 7 3 6.6 19h6 95h7 135 100 10 S Aprox. mass (kg) QK B H T1 Tap x depth Without brake 42 6h9 6 3.5 M5x12L 4.5 5.1 5.1 6.5 9 22h6 6 8h9 41 7 4 With brake 6.8 8.7 8.5 10.1 70 10 (Dimensions of shaft end with key and tap) Servomotor/brake connector LL CxC LR Encoder F QK Four, Z dia. B H S 84 KL1 G T1 connector D2 D3 D1 dia. dia . Tap x Depth Flat type 3000 r/min (230 V, 100 W - 400 W) Dimensions (mm) Without brake Model With brake LL LL R88M-GP10030H-@S2 60.5 84.5 R88M-GP10030T-@S2 87.5 111.5 R88M-GP20030H-@S2 67.5 100 R88M-GP20030T-@S2 94.5 127 R88M-GP40030H-@S2 82.5 115 R88M-GP40030T-@S2 109.5 142 LR KL1 Flange surface Shaft end C F G Z S QK B H T1 25 43 70 50h7 60 3 7 4.5 8h6 12.5 3h9 3 1.8 M3x6L 0.7 0.9 30 53 90 70h7 80 5 8 5.5 11h6 18 4h9 4 2.5 M4x8L 1.3 2 5h9 5 3.0 M5x10L 1.8 2.5 D1 D2 14h6 22.5 Encoder connector Aprox. mass (kg) Tap x depth Without brake With brake Motor connector LL LR Brake connector CxC G F (7) QK B Four, Z dia. D2 S KL1 H T1 (7) 200 220 (Dimensions of shaft end with key and tap) 120 D1 dia . Tap x Depth AC servo systems Ordering information A G-Series Cylindrical type Servo motor B G-Series Servo drive AC SE RVO DRIVER 9 01 23 23 78 ADR 5 6 X10 4 01 X1 COM SP IM AC Servo systems G 3000 rpm (50-750W) C Encoder cable D Absolute Encoder Battery cable B SmartStep 2 Servo drive 3000 rpm (1000-1500 W) 2000 rpm (1000-1500 W) 1000 rpm (900 W) A G-Series Flat type Servo motor Servo Drive controlled by pulses E Power cable F Brake cable 3000 rpm (100-400 W) Note: The symbols ABCDEF.... show the recommended sequence to select the servo motor and cables Servo motor A Select motor from Cylindrical and Flat types using motor tables in next pages. Servo drive B Refer to G-Series and SmartStep2 servo drive chapters for detailed drive specifications and selection of drive accessories. Cylindrical servo motors 3000/2000/1000 r/min (50 - 1.5 kW) Symbol A (50-750 W) (900-1500 W) Specifications Voltage Encoder and design Speed Design Rated torque 230 V Incremental encoder 3000 min-1 Without brake 0.16 Nm (10000 pulses) 0.32 Nm 0.64 Nm Straight shaft with key 1.3 Nm & tap 2.4 Nm With brake 0.16 Nm 0.32 Nm 0.64 Nm 1.3 Nm 2.4 Nm Without brake 0.16 Nm Absolute/ incremental encoder (17 bits) 0.32 Nm 0.64 Nm Straight shaft with key 1.3 Nm & tap 2.4 Nm 3.18 Nm 4.77 Nm 0.16 Nm With brake 0.32 Nm 0.64 Nm 1.3 Nm 2.4 Nm 3.18 Nm 4.77 Nm 2000 min-1 Without brake 4.8 Nm 7.15 Nm With brake 4.8 N m 7.15 Nm 1000 min-1 Without brake 8.62 Nm With brake G-Series servo motors Servo motor model Capacity 50 W 100 W 200 W 400 W 750 W 50 W 100 W 200 W 400 W 750 W 50 W 100 W 200 W 400 W 750 W 1 kW 1.5 kW 50 W 100 W 200 W 400 W 750 W 1 kW 1.5 kW 1 kW 1.5 kW 1 kW 1.5 kW 900 W R88M-G05030H-S2 R88M-G10030H-S2 R88M-G20030H-S2 R88M-G40030H-S2 R88M-G75030H-S2 R88M-G05030H-BS2 R88M-G10030H-BS2 R88M-G20030H-BS2 R88M-G40030H-BS2 R88M-G75030H-BS2 R88M-G05030T-S2 R88M-G10030T-S2 R88M-G20030T-S2 R88M-G40030T-S2 R88M-G75030T-S2 R88M-G1K030T-S2 R88M-G1K530T-S2 R88M-G05030T-BS2 R88M-G10030T-BS2 R88M-G20030T-BS2 R88M-G40030T-BS2 R88M-G75030T-BS2 R88M-G1K030T-BS2 R88M-G1K530T-BS2 R88M-G1K020T-S2 R88M-G1K520T-S2 R88M-G1K020T-BS2 R88M-G1K520T-BS2 R88M-G90010T-S2 R88M-G90010T-BS2 Compatible servo drives B SmartStep2 G-Series R7D-BP01H R88D-GN01H-ML2 R7D-BP01H R88D-GN01H-ML2 R7D-BP02HH R88D-GN02H-ML2 R7D-BP04H R88D-GN04H-ML2 R88D-GP08H R88D-GN08H-ML2 R7D-BP01H R88D-GN01H-ML2 R7D-BP01H R88D-GN01H-ML2 R7D-BP02HH R88D-GN02H-ML2 R7D-BP04H R88D-GN04H-ML2 R88D-GP08H R88D-GN08H-ML2 R88D-GN01H-ML2 R88D-GN01H-ML2 R88D-GN02H-ML2 R88D-GN04H-ML2 R88D-GN08H-ML2 R88D-GN15H-ML2 R88D-GN15H-ML2 R88D-GN01H-ML2 R88D-GN01H-ML2 R88D-GN02H-ML2 R88D-GN04H-ML2 R88D-GN08H-ML2 R88D-GN15H-ML2 R88D-GN15H-ML2 R88D-GN10H-ML2 R88D-GN15H-ML2 R88D-GN10H-ML2 R88D-GN15H-ML2 R88D-GN15H-ML2 R88D-GN15H-ML2 121 Flat type servo motors 3000 r/min (100 - 400 W) Symbol Specifications Voltage Encoder and design 230 V Incremental encoder (10000 pulses) Servo motor model Rated torque Without brake 0.32 Nm 0.64 Nm 1.3 Nm Straight shaft with key With brake 0.32 Nm & tap 0.64 Nm 1.3 Nm Absolute/ incremental Without brake 0.32 Nm encoder (17 bits) 0.64 Nm 1.3 Nm Straight shaft with key With brake 0.32 Nm & tap 0.64 Nm 1.3 Nm A Capacity 100 W 200 W 400 W 100 W 200 W 400 W 100 W 200 W 400 W 100 W 200 W 400 W R88M-GP10030H-S2 R88M-GP20030H-S2 R88M-GP40030H-S2 R88M-GP10030H-BS2 R88M-GP20030H-BS2 R88M-GP40030H-BS2 R88M-GP10030T-S2 R88M-GP20030T-S2 R88M-GP40030T-S2 R88M-GP10030T-BS2 R88M-GP20030T-BS2 R88M-GP40030T-BS2 Compatible servo drives B SmartStep2 G-Series R7D-BP01H R88D-GN01H-ML2 R7D-BP02HH R88D-GN02H-ML2 R7D-BP04H R88D-GN04H-ML2 R7D-BP01H R88D-GN01H-ML2 R7D-BP02HH R88D-GN02H-ML2 R7D-BP04H R88D-GN04H-ML2 R88D-GN01H-ML2 R88D-GN02H-ML2 R88D-GN04H-ML2 R88D-GN01H-ML2 R88D-GN02H-ML2 R88D-GN04H-ML2 Encoder cables Symbol C Specifications Encoder cable for absolute encoder (50-750 W) R88M-G(50/100/200/400/750)30T-@ R88M-GP(100/200/400)30T-@ 1.5 m 3m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 1.5 m 3m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 1.5 m 3m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m Encoder cable for Incremental encoder (50-750 W) R88M-G(50/100/200/400/750)30H-@ R88M-GP(100/200/400)30H-@ Encoder cable for Absolute encoder (900-1500 W) R88M-G(1K0/1K5)30T-@ R88M-G(1K0/1K5)20T-@ R88M-G90010T-@ Model R88A-CRGA001-5CR-E R88A-CRGA003CR-E R88A-CRGA005CR-E R88A-CRGA010CR-E R88A-CRGA015CR-E R88A-CRGA020CR-E R88A-CRGB001-5CR-E R88A-CRGB003CR-E R88A-CRGB005CR-E R88A-CRGB010CR-E R88A-CRGB015CR-E R88A-CRGB020CR-E R88A-CRGC001-5NR-E R88A-CRGC003NR-E R88A-CRGC005NR-E R88A-CRGC010NR-E R88A-CRGC015NR-E R88A-CRGC020NR-E Appearance Absolute encoder battery cable Symbol Specifications D Absolute Encoder battery cable Model Appearance Battery not included 0.3 m R88A-CRGD0R3C One R88A-BAT01G 0.3 m R88A-CRGD0R3C-BS Battery included Absolute Encoder backup battery 2,000 mA.h 3.6V - Battery holder R88A-BAT01G Note: The absolute encoder battery cable is only an extension and must be used with an absolute encoder cable. 122 AC servo systems Power cables for SmartStep2 servo drive Symbol Specifications E For servomotors from 50 to 400 W R88M-G(50/100/200/400)30@ R88M-GP(100/200/400)30@ 1.5 m R7A-CAB001-5SR-E Model 5m R7A-CAB005SR-E For servomotors with brake, a separate cable (R88A-CAGA@BR-E) is needed 10 m R7A-CAB010SR-E 15 m R7A-CAB015SR-E 20 m R7A-CAB020SR-E R7A-CAB003SR-E AC Servo systems For servomotors 750W R88M-G75030@ 3m Appearance 1.5 m R88A-CAGA001-5SR-E 3m For servomotors with brake, a separate cable (R88A-CAGA@BR-E) is needed R88A-CAGA003SR-E 5m R88A-CAGA005SR-E 10 m R88A-CAGA010SR-E 15 m R88A-CAGA015SR-E 20 m R88A-CAGA020SR-E for G-Series servo drive Symbol Specifications E For servomotors from 50 to 750W R88M-G(50/100/200/400/750)30@ R88M-GP(100/200/400)30@ 1.5 m R88A-CAGA001-5SR-E Model 5m R88A-CAGA005SR-E For servomotors with brake, a separate cable (R88A-CAGA@BR-E) is needed 10 m R88A-CAGA010SR-E 15 m R88A-CAGA015SR-E 20 m R88A-CAGA020SR-E 3m R88A-CAGA003SR-E For servomotors from 900 to 1.5 kW without brake 1.5 m R88M-G(1K0/1K5)30T-S2 3m R88M-G(1K0/1K5)20T-S2 5m R88M-G90010T-S2 10 m R88A-CAGB010SR-E 15 m R88A-CAGB015SR-E 20 m R88A-CAGB020SR-E For servomotors from 900 to 1.5 kW with brake R88M-G(1K0/1K5)30T-BS2 R88M-G(1K0/1K5)20T-BS2 R88M-G90010T-BS2 Appearance R88A-CAGB001-5SR-E R88A-CAGB003SR-E R88A-CAGB005SR-E 1.5 m R88A-CAGB001-5BR-E 3m R88A-CAGB003BR-E 5m R88A-CAGB005BR-E 10 m R88A-CAGB010BR-E 15 m R88A-CAGB015BR-E 20 m R88A-CAGB020BR-E Brake cable (for 50-750W servomotors) Symbol Specifications F Brake cable only. For servomotors from 50 to 750W with brake Model R88M-G(050/100/200/400/750)30@-BS2, R88M-GP(100/200/400)30@-BS2 Appearance 1.5 m R88A-CAGA001-5BR-E 3m R88A-CAGA003BR-E 5m R88A-CAGA005BR-E 10 m R88A-CAGA010BR-E 15 m R88A-CAGA015BR-E 20 m R88A-CAGA020BR-E Connectors for power, encoder and brake cables Specifications Connectors for power cables Connectors for encoder cables Applicable Servomotor Model Drive side (CNB) R88M-G(050/100/200/400)30H@, R88M-GP(100/200/400)30H@ (SmartStep2 Servo drives only) R7A-CNB01A Motor side R88A-CNG01A R88M-G(050/100/200/400/750)30@, R88M-GP(100/200/400)30@ Motor side R88M-G(1K0/1K5)30@-S2, R88M-G(1K0/1K5)20@-S2, R88M-G90010@-S2 (without brake) MS3108E20-4S Motor side R88M-G(1K0/1K5)30@-BS2, R88M-G(1K0/1K5)20@-BS2, R88M-G90010@-BS2 (with brake) MS3108E20-18S Drive side (CN2) - R88A-CNW01R Motor side R88M-G(050/100/200/400/750)30T-@, R88M-GP(100/200/400)30T-@ (Absolute encoder) R88A-CNG01R Motor side R88M-G(050/100/200/400/750)30H-@, R88M-GP(100/200/400)30H-@ (Incremental encoder) R88A-CNG02R Motor side R88M-G(1K0/1K5)30T-@, R88M-G(1K0/1K5)20T-@, R88M-G90010T-@ MS3108E20-29S R88M-G(050/100/200/400/750)30@-BS2, R88M-GP(100/200/400)30@-BS2 R88A-CNG01B Connector for brake cable Motor side Note: 1. All cables listed are flexible and shielded (except the R88A-CAGA@@@BR-E which is only a flexible cable) 2. The R88A-CRGC@@@NR-E, R88A-CAGB@@@SR-E and R88A-CAGB@@@BR-E cables have IP67 class (including connector) ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS. To convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. To convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527. Cat. No. I107E-EN-02A G-Series servo motors In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. 123