DS206 July 15, 2004 www.xilinx.com 1
Product Specification v3.0.129
© 2004 Xilinx, Inc. A ll righ ts reserved. All Xilinx trademarks, r eg ister ed trademark s, patents, and further disclaimers are as listed at http://www.xilinx.com/legal.htm. All other trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All specificati ons a re subject to cha ng e wi thout notice.
NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER: Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information "as is." By providing the design, code, or information as one possible implementation of this feature, application,
or standard, Xilinx makes no representation that this implementation is free from any claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining any rights you may require for your implemen-
tation. Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including but not limited to any warranties or representations that this imple-
mentation is free from claims of infringement and any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Fully PC I 2.3 -co mpliant core, 32-bit, 66/33 MHz
Customiz able, programmable, single-chip solution
Predefined implementation for predictable timing
Incorporates X ilinx Smart-IP™ tech nology
3.3V operation at 0-66 MHz
5.0V operation at 0-33 MHz
Fully verified design tested with Xilin x proprietary
test bench and hardware
Available on the web:
- Configuration and downlo ad tool
- User constraints file ge ne rator tool
CardBus compliant
Supported initi ato r fu nctions:
- Configuration read, configuration write
- Memory read, memory write, MRM, MRL
- Interrupt acknowledge, special cycles
- I/O read, I/O write
Supported target functions:
- Type 0 configuration space header
- Up to three base address registers (MEM or I/O
with adjustable block size from 16 bytes to 2 GB)
- Medium decode speed
- Parity generation, parity error detection
- Configuration read, configuration write
- Memory read, memory write, MRM, MRL
- Interrupt acknowledge
- I/O read, I/O write
- Target abort, target retry, target disconnect
LogiCORE PCI32 Interface
DS206 July 15, 2004 00 Product Specification v3.0.129
LogiCORE Facts
PCI32 Resource Utilization (1)
Slice Four Input LUTs 553
Slice Flip-Flops 566
IOB Flip-Flops 97
IOBs 50
TBUFs 288 (10)
GCLKs 1 (2)
Provided with Core
PCI Design Guide
PCI Implementation Guide
Design File Formats Verilog/VHDL Simulation Model
NGO Netlist
Constraints Files User Constraints File (UCF)
Guide File (NCD)
Example Design Verilog/VHDL Example Design
Design Tool Requirements
Xilinx Tools v6.2i SP3
Tested Entry and
Verification Tools (3)
Synplicity Synplify
Xilinx XST (4)
Model Technology ModelSim
Xilinx provides technical support for this LogiCORE
product when used as described in the Design Guide and
the Implementation Guide. Xilinx cannot guarantee timing,
functionality, or support of product if implemented in
devices not listed, or if customized beyond that allowed in
the product documentation.
LogiCORE PCI32 Interface v3.0
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Product Specification v3.0.129
1. The resource utilization depends on configuration of the interface and the user design. Unused resources are
trimmed by the Xilinx technology mapper. The utilization figures reported in this table are representative of a
maximum configuration.
2. Designs running at 66 MHz in devices other than Virtex-II require one GCLKIOB and two GCLKs.
3. See the implementation guide or product release notes for current supported versions.
4. XST is command line option only. See Implementation Guide for details.
5. Universal card implementations require two bitstreams.
6. Virtex-E and Spartan-IIE recommended for CardBus.
7. Commercial devices; 0oC < Tj < 85oC.
8. For additional Part/Package combinations, see the UCF Generator in the PCI Lounge.
9. XC2V1000 is supported over Military Temp. range
10. The Spart an-3 device does not conta in TBUFs. The Xilinx tools aut omatically tra nslate TBUF s to LUTs, and they
are included in the worst case LUT count listed.
11. Virtex-II Pro devices are supported over commercial and industrial temperature ranges.
1. Spartan-3 PCI Solution pending production speed files.
Table 1:
Core Implementation
Supported Device Power Supply
Virtex™ XCV200FG256-6C 3.3V only
Virtex-E XCV200EFG256-6C 3.3V only
Virtex-E XCV400EFG676-6C 3.3V only
Virtex XCV300BG432-5C 3.3V, 5.0V only
Virtex XCV1000FG680-5C 3.3V, 5.0V only
Virtex-E XCV100EBG352-6C 3.3V only
Virtex-E XCV300EBG432-6C 3.3V only
Virtex-E XCV1000EFG680-6C 3.3V only
Virtex-II™ XC2V1000FG456-4C/I/M 3.3V only
Virtex-II Pro™ XC2VP7FF672-5C/I 3.3V only
Spartan-II XC2S30PQ208-5C 3.3V, 5.0V only
Spartan-II XC2S50PQ208-5C 3.3V, 5.0V only
Spartan-II XC2S100PQ208-5C 3.3V, 5.0V only
Spartan-II XC2S150PQ208-5C 3.3V, 5.0V only
Spartan-II XC2S200PQ208-5C 3.3V, 5.0V only
Spartan-IIE 2S50EPQ208-6C 3.3V only
Spartan-IIE XC2S100EPQ208-6C 3.3V only
Spartan-IIE XC2S150EPQ208-6C 3.3V only
Spartan-IIE XC2S200EPQ208-6C 3.3V only
Spartan-IIE XC2S300EPQ208-6C 3.3V only
Spartan-3™ XC3S1000FG456-4C/I (1) 3.3V only
LogiCORE PCI32 Interface v3.0
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Product Specification v3.0.129
Embedded applications in networking, industrial,
and telecommunication systems
PCI add-in boards such as frame buffers, network adapters, and data acquisition boards
Hot swap CompactPCI boards
CardBus compliant
Any applications that need a PCI interface
General Description
The Xilinx LogiCORE PCI Interface is a pre-implemented and fully tested module for Xilinx FPGAs.
The pinout for each device and the relative placement of the internal logic ar e predefined. Critical paths
are controlled by constraints and guide files to ensure predictable timing. This significantly reduces
engineering time required to implement the PCI portion of your design. Resources can instead be
focused on your unique user application logic in the FPGA and on the system-level design. As a result,
Xilinx PCI products minimize your product development tim e .
The core meets the setup, hold, and clock-to-timing requirements as specified in the PCI-X specifica-
tion. The interface is verified through extensive simulation.
Other features that enable efficient implementation of a PCI system include:
Block SelectRAM™ memory. Blocks of on-chip ultra-fast RAM with synchronous write and
dual-port RA M capabilities. Used in PCI de signs to implement FIFOs.
SelectRAM memory. Distributed on-chip ultra-fast RAM with syn chronous wr ite option and
dual-port RA M capabilities. Used in PCI de signs to implement FIFOs.
Internal three-state bus capability for data m ultiplexing.
The interface is carefully optimized for best possible performance and utilization in Xilinx FPGA
Smart-IP Technology
Drawing on the architectural advantages of Xilinx FPGAs, Xilinx Smart-IP technology ensures the
highest perfor mance, predictability, repeatability, and flexibility in P CI de signs. Th e Smart- IP techno l-
ogy is incorpo r ated in every LogiCORE PCI interface.
Xilinx Smart-IP technology leverages the Xilinx architectural advantages, such as look-up tables and
segmented routing, as well as floorplanning information, such as logic mapping and location con-
straints. This technology provides the best physical layout, predictability, and performance. In addi-
tion, these features allow for significantly reduced compile time s over competing architectures.
To guarantee the critical setup, hold, minimum clock-to-out, and maximum clock-to-out timing, the
PCI interface is delivered with Smart-IP constraint files that are unique for a device an d package com-
bination. These constraint files guide the implementation tools so that the critical paths always are
within specification.
Xilinx provides Sm art-IP constraint files for m any device and packa ge combinations. Constraint files
for unsupported device and package combin ations may be generated using the web-based constraint
file generator.
LogiCORE PCI32 Interface v3.0
4www.xilinx.com DS206 July 15, 2004
Product Specification v3.0.129
Functional Description
The LogiCORE PCI In terface is pa rtitioned into five major blocks a nd a us er application as shown in
Figure 1.
PCI I/O Interface Block
The I/O interface blo ck handles the physi cal connection to the PCI bus incl uding all signalin g, input
and output synchronization, output three-state controls, and all request-grant handshaking for bus
User Application
The LogiCORE PCI Interface provides a simple, general-purpose interface for a wide range of applica-
PCI Configuration Space
This block provides the first 64 bytes of Type 0, version 2.3 Configuration Space Header, as shown in
Table 2, to support software-driven “Plug-and-Play” initialization and configuration. This includes
information for Comm and, Status, a nd three Base Address Registe rs (BARs).
The capability for extending configuration space has been built into the user application interface. This
capability, including the abil ity to implement a capabilities pointer in configura tion space, allows the
user to implement functions such as power management and m essage signaled interrupts in the user
Parity Generator/Checker
This block generates and checks even parity across the AD bus, the CBE# li nes, and the parity signals.
It also reports data parity errors via PERR# and address parity errors via SERR#.
Figure Top x-ref 1
Figure 1:
LogiCORE PCI Interface Block Diagram
PCI Configuration Space
Pin and
Vendor ID,
Rev ID,
Other User
Ta r g e t
LogiCORE PCI32 Interface v3.0
DS206 July 15, 2004 www.xilinx.com 5
Product Specification v3.0.129
Initiator State Machine
This block controls the PCI interface initiator functions. The states implemented are a subset of those
defined in Appendix B of the PCI Local Bus Specification. The initiator control logic uses one-hot encod-
ing for maximum perf ormance.
Target State Machine
This block controls the PCI interface target functions. The states implemented are a subset of those
defined in Appendi x B o f the P CI Local Bus Specification. The targ et contr o l logic uses one-hot encoding
for maximum perfor mance.
Table 2:
PCI Configuration Space Header
31 16 15 0
Device ID Vendor ID 00h
Status Command 04h
Class Code Rev ID 08h
Cache Line
Base Address Register 0 (BAR0) 10h
Base Address Register 1 (BAR1) 14h
Base Address Register 2 (BAR2) 18h
Base Address Register 3 (BAR3)
Base Address Register 4 (BAR4)
Base Address Register 5 (BAR5)
Cardbus CIS Pointer 28h
Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID 2Ch
Expansion ROM Base Address
Reserved CapPtr 34h
Reserved 38h
Max Lat Min Gnt Int Pin Int Line 3Ch
Reserved 40h-FFh
1. Shaded areas are not implemented and return zero.
LogiCORE PCI32 Interface v3.0
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Product Specification v3.0.129
Interface Configuration
The LogiCORE PCI Interface can be easily configured to fit unique system requirements by using the
Xilinx Configuration and Download tool or by changing the HDL configuration file. The following cus-
tomization options, among many others, are supported by the interface and are described in the prod-
uct design guide.
Base Add ress R eg iste r s (number, siz e , and type)
Configuration Space Header ROM
Burst Transfer
The PCI bus derives its performance from its ability to support burst transfers. The performance of any
PCI application depends largely on the size of the burst transfer. Buffers to su pport P CI burs t transfer
can efficiently be implemented using on-chip RAM resources.
Supported PCI Commands
Table 3 illustrates the PCI bus commands supported by the PCI Interface.
The PCI Interface supports fully compliant zero wait-state burst operations for both sourcing and
receiving data. This interface supports a sustained bandwidth of up to 264 MBytes/sec. The design can
be configured to take advantage of the ability of the PCI Interface to do very long bursts.
The flexible user applica tion interface, combined with support for many different PCI features, gives
users a solu tio n that lend s itsel f t o use in many hig h-performan ce appl ication s. The user is no t locked
into one DMA engine; hence, an optimized design that fits a specific applicatio n can be designed.
Recommended Design Experience
The LogiCORE PCI Interface is pre implemented, allowing engineering focus on the unique user appli-
cation functions of a PCI design. Regardless, PCI is a high-performance design that is challenging to
implement in any technology. Therefore, previous experience with building high-performance, pipe-
lined FPGA designs using Xilinx implementation software, constraint files, and guide files is recom-
mended. The challenge to implement a complete PCI design including user application functions
varies depending on configuration and functionality of your application. Contact your local Xilinx r ep-
resentative for a closer review and estimation for your specific requirements.
Timing Specifications
The maximum speed at which your user design is capable of running can be affected by the size and
quality of the design. The following tables show the key timing parameters for the PCI Interface.
Table 4 lists the T iming Parameters in the 66 MHz Implementations and Table 5 li sts T i ming Para meters
in the 33 MHz Implementations.
LogiCORE PCI32 Interface v3.0
DS206 July 15, 2004 www.xilinx.com 7
Product Specification v3.0.129
Table 3:
PCI Bus Commands
CBE [3:0] Command PCI
0000 Interrupt Acknowledge Yes Yes
0001 Special Cycle Yes Ignore
0010 I/O Read Yes Yes
0011 I/O Write Yes Yes
0100 Reserved Ignore Ignore
0101 Reserved Ignore Ignore
0110 Memory Read Yes Yes
0111 Memory Write Yes Yes
1000 Reserved Ignore Ignore
1001 Reserved Ignore Ignore
1010 Configuration Read Yes Yes
1011 Configuration Write Yes Yes
1100 Memory Read Multiple Yes Yes
1101 Dual Address Cycle No Ignore
1110 Memory Read Line Yes Yes
1111 Memory Write Invalidate No Yes
Table 4:
Timing Parameters, 66 MHz Implementations
Symbol Parameter Min Max
Tcyc CLK Cycle Time 15130
Thigh CLK High Time 6 -
Tlow CLK Low Time 6 -
CLK to Signal Valid Delay
(bussed signals) 2262
CLK to Signal Valid Delay
(point to point signals) 2262
Ton Float to Active Delay 22-
Toff Active to Float Delay - 141
Input Setup Time to CLK
(bussed signals) 32,3 -
Input Setup Time to CLK
(point to point signals) 52,3 -
ThInput Hold Time from CLK 02,3 -
Trstoff Reset Active to Output Float - 40
1. Controlled by timespec co nstraints, included in product.
2. Controlled by SelectIO configured for PCI66_3.
3. Controlled by guid e fi le, included in p rodu ct .
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Product Specification v3.0.129
Ordering Information
This core may be downloaded from the Xilinx IP Center ; or a license may be downloaded from the Xil-
inx IP Center for use with the Xilinx CORE Generator™ system v6.2i and later. The Xilinx CORE Gen-
erator system is bundl ed wit h all Allia nce and Foundatio n Series Sof tware packages, at no a dditional
To order the Xilinx PCI core, please contact your local Xilinx sales representative.
Part Numbers
- Access to the v3.0 PCI32 33 MHz Spartan and 66 MHz Virtex Families
- Upgrade from PCI32 33 MHz Spartan only to v3.0 PCI32 33 MHz Spartan and 66 MHz Vi rtex
- Access to the v3.0 PCI32 S p artan family project license
Table 5:
Timing Parameters, 33 MHz Implementations
Symbol Parameter Min Max
Tcyc CLK Cycle Time 301-
Thigh CLK High Time 11 -
Tlow CLK Low Time 11 -
CLK to Signal Valid Delay
(bussed signals) 22112
CLK to Signal Valid Delay
(point to point signals) 22112
Ton Float to Active Delay 22-
Toff Active to Float Delay - 281
Input Setup Time to CLK
(bussed signals) 72-
Input Setup Time to CLK
(point to point signals) 102-
ThInput Hold Time from CLK 02-
Trstoff Reset Active to Output Float - 40
1. Controlled by timespec co nstraints, included in product.
2. Controlled b y Sel ect IO configured for PCI 33_3 or PCI33_5.
LogiCORE PCI32 Interface v3.0
DS206 July 15, 2004 www.xilinx.com 9
Product Specification v3.0.129
Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Date Version Revision
07/30/02 1.2 Style updates
12/18/02 1.3 Updated to build v3.0.103; v5.Ii, 1st feature: 32-bit was 64/32-bit
3/7/03 1.4 Updated to build v3.0.105; v5.2i
4/14/03 1.5 Updated to build v3.0.106; in LogiCORE Facts table, updated PC32/33 product
listings to include Spartan-3 device support.
5/8/03 1.6 Updated Xilinx tools to 5.2i SP2; added Note 10.
9/17/03 1.7 Updated to build v3.0.113; in LogiCORE Facts table, Xilinx Tools v6.1i SP1 was v5.2i
SP2; date was May 8, 2003.
10/28/03 1.8 Updated to build v3.0.116, in Supported Devices table, added XC prefix to device
1/30/04 1.9 Updated to build v3.0.122, updated copyright information to 2004.
4/9/04 1.10 Updated to build v3.0.126; updated Xilinx tools to 6.2i SP1; in supported devices
table, added notes 11 and 12; added suffix /I to all Virtex-II Pro devices.
4/26/04 1.11 Updated to build v3.0.128, updated Xilinx tools to 6.2i SP2, changed date to April 26,
7/15/04 1.12 Updated to build v3.0.129 and to support Xilinx tools v6.2i SP3. The data sheet is
updated to the new template.