Evaluate: MAX1284
MAX1284 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation System
2) Carefully connect the boards by aligning the 40-pin
header of the MAX1284 EV kit with the 40-pin con-
nector of the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module, both
boards component side up. Gently press them
together. The two boards should be flush against
one another.
3) Ensure that jumper JU1 is open and jumper JU2 is
in the 1-2 position.
4) Connect a +7VDC to +20VDC power source to the
µC module at the terminal block located next to the
on/off switch, along the top-edge of the µC module.
Observe the polarity marked on the board.
5) Connect the USBTO232 board to the
68HC16MODULE-DIP module if you have not done
so already.
6) The MAX1284 EV kit software should have already
been downloaded and installed in the USBTO232
Quick Start.
7) Start the MAX1284 program by opening its icon in
the Start | Programs menu.
8) Turn on the power supply and slide SW1 to the ON
position on the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module.
Press the OK button to automatically connect and
download the file KIT1284.C16 to the module.
9) Apply an input signal between AIN and GND.
Observe the readout on the screen.
Recommended Equipment
(RS-232-to-COM Port/PC Connection Option)
Before beginning, the following equipment is needed:
• MAX1284 EV system:
MAX1284 EV kit
• A small DC power supply, such as a 12VDC, 0.25A
plug-in transformer or a 9V battery
• A user-supplied Windows 98/2000/XP computer
with an available serial communications port,
preferably a 9-pin plug
• A serial cable to connect the computer’s serial port
to the 68HC16MODULE-DIP
Connections and Setup
The MAX1284 EV kit is fully assembled and tested.
Follow the steps below to verify board operation.
Caution: Do not turn on the power until all connec-
tions are completed.
1) Visit the Maxim website (www.maxim-ic.com/evkit-
software) to download the latest version of the EV
kit software. Save the EV kit software to a temporary
folder and uncompress the file (if it is a .zip file).
2) Install the MAX1284 EV kit software on your com-
puter by running the INSTALL.EXE program. The
program files are copied and icons are created for
them in the Windows Start | Programs menu.
3) Carefully connect the boards by aligning the 40-pin
header of the MAX1284 EV kit with the 40-pin con-
nector of the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module, both
boards component side up. Gently press them
together. The two boards should be flush against
one another.
4) Ensure that jumper JU1 is open and jumper JU2 is
in the 1-2 position.
5) Connect a +7VDC to +20VDC power source to the
µC module at the terminal block located next to the
on/off switch, along the top-edge of the µC module.
Observe the polarity marked on the board.
6) Connect a cable from the computer’s serial port to
the µC module. If using a 9-pin serial port, use a
straight-through, 9-pin female-to-male cable. If the
only available serial port uses a 25-pin connector, a
standard 25-pin-to-9-pin adapter will be required.
The EV kit software checks the modem status lines
(CTS, DSR, and DCD) to confirm that the correct
port has been selected.
7) Start the MAX1284 program by opening its icon in
the Start | Programs menu.
8) Turn on the power supply and slide SW1 to the ON
position. Select the correct serial port and press
OK. The program will automatically download
KIT1284.C16 to the module.
9) Apply an input signal between AIN and GND.
Observe the readout on the screen.