PCI-to-VMEbus Bridge
Universe II™
The Tundra Universe II is the industry's leading high performance PCI-to-
VMEbus interconnect. Universe IIis fully compliant with the VME64 bus
standard, and is tailored to support the next-generation of advanced PCI
processors and peripherals. With a zero wait state implementation for write
transactions, and the capability to support prefetch reads and multi-beat
transactions, the Universe II provides high performance on the PCI bus.
The Universe II eases development of VMEbus systems by providing direct
connection to a local PCI bus. The device is ideally suited for CPU or
peripheral boards functioning as both master and slave in the VMEbus
system. Bridging is accomplished through a decoupled architecture with
independent FIFOs for inbound, outbound, and DMA traffic. With this
architecture, throughput is maximized without sacrificing bandwidth on
either bus.
Block Diagram
With the Universe II, you know that as your system becomes more complex,
you have proven silicon that continues to provide everything you need in a
PCI-to-VME bridge.
32-bit Address / 64-bit Data
33 MHz PCI Bus
32-bit Address / 64-bit Data
33 MHz PCI Bus
Four Location Montiors
To Support VMEbus
Broadcast Capability
Fixed Priority,
Round Robin,
Single Level Modes
IEEE1149.1 Boundary Scan
VMEbus Slave Channel
Posted Writes, Prefetched Reads,
Coupled Reads
PCI Target Channel
Posted Writes, Coupled Read
Interrupt Channel
Interrupt Handler,
DMA Channel
Bidirectional FIFO,
Direct/Linked List Mode
VMEbus Interface
PCI Interface
• Industry-proven, high performance 64-
bit VMEbus interconnect
• Fully compliant, 32-bit or 64-bit,
33 MHz PCI bus interconnect
• Integral FIFOs for write posting to
maximize bandwidth utilization
• Programmable DMA controller with
Linked-List mode
• Flexible interrupt logic
• Sustained transfer rates up to
60-70 Mbytes/s
The Universe II is the industry standard PCI
bus-to-VMEbus bridge.
• Extensive suite of VMEbus address and
data transfer modes
• Automatic initialization for slave-only
• Flexible register set, programmable
from both the PCI bus and VMEbus
• Full VMEbus system controller
• Support for RMWs, ADOH, PCI LOCK
cycles, and semaphores
• Commercial, industrial, and extended
temperature variants
• IEEE 1149.1 JTAG
• Available packages:
– 25mm x 25mm, 361-contact dimpled
ceramic BGA (DBGA)
– 35mm x 35mm, 313-contact plastic